
***HR. Earth, New York***

“Is that it? Are we on?” A woman asked, looking towards a camera.

“Hello everyone! This is the World Wide News! Broad casting from our studio in New York! That is right everyone, we are back!” The woman said into the camera.

The woman in question looked to be in her mid thirties, and was about 5'5” with shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin. She looked a little gaunt, like she needed a few extra meals. She wore a tight blue shirt, with a black jacket. She was sitting by a chipped and worn laminated wooden desk. Next to her was a man in his early forties with short black hair, amber eyes, and chocolate skin. He had a black suit jacket on, and a white buttoned shirt. They were staring at the camera with soft smiles on their faces.

“I am your news anchor, Sara Bradley.” Sara said as she turned to her partner.

“And I'm Luke Brendon, co-anchor.” Luke said towards the camera, and smiled towards Sara.

The studio crew did the best they could to make up for their clear lack of equipment. Only one camera was working, a sound buffer above them. A few lights, and few techs worked side by side to ensure the signal got out. They worked out of a newly restored studio. The signal was being bounced from one of the few remaining towers in the city up to a JLI satellite above the city that would attempt to reach out to any one who could receive.

“It has been a tough few months! The whole world experienced an attack of epic proportions the likes the world had never seen. Yes, we had been through a lot. Only a few short years ago the Earth came under attack by the alien menace that called themselves the Cult of Ares. Then we had the Atlantean civil war that struck nearly every coastal area in the world.” Sara said with a grimace as she remembered the past two years.

“But this time, this was far above and beyond what Earth had ever seen. We were invaded by not a country, or an alien menace from another world. But from an alternate reality. I'll say that again, because it needs to be said. An alternate reality attacked our world.” Luke continued for Sara. Sara squared her shoulders and continue along that segment.

“In the month of February a well organized and planned attack went across the globe. Electromagnetic pulse bombs went off across every major nation, country, city, and piece of land that held importance. Nuclear power plants were shut down, and sabotaged. Satellites above our planet were destroyed, cell phone towers, and land lines were destroyed.” Sara continued, as she read off from a piece of paper in front of her.

“Nearly three and half months we were with out power! With out food, water, and even basic medicine. As the world itself tore itself apart. I do mean the world, this was not an isolated incident. Every nation across the globe came under attack.” Luke continued, while they both turned to look at a screen that appeared behind their desk on a flat screen tv.

“We do know that certain third world countries that were not considered threats did not receive an EMP. While some cities in certain parts of the world were able to recover faster than others. While we do know that the newly appointed nation of Atlantis was not effected. But that could be explained by the miles of ocean separating them from the surface.” Sara continued as the tv screen went through several clips of Atlantis guard coming out of the water to help provide aid to civilians.

“We also know that a majority of the first world counties leadership was assassinated by what was known as the Zeta teams. These Zeta teams were kill squads sent across the globe by the invading army to kill as many of our leadership as they could.” Luke continued, as a list of confirmed dead of leadership showed up on the tv screen.

“They also didn't just target the leaders of nations. They attacked chairmen, and chairwomen of companies. Anyone with substantial power, influence, or the ability to lead the public had been targeted. Thankfully not everyone was killed. Several designated survivors were established, and secured before things got to out of hand. If we can call it that.” Sara said that last part with a bit of bitterness.

“But not all was lost in the dark. An organization that had been recently established stepped up in a big way. The Justice League: International showed up in mass across nations, cities, and even small towns.” Luke said with a smile that Sara mirrored. As the tv in the background showed several clips of JLI logistical teams, and heroes showed up to fight the good fight.

“We also know that the United Nations still seemed to be in some sort of control as Agent Wraith the alien working for citizenship was seen in key cities building what could only be called a solar power plant. But not only did this solar plant help restore power to cities. It's energy was able to repair, and renew any piece of tech it was linked to.” Sara said with a brilliant smile, as the tv screen showed the energy rebuilding a generator it was linked to. Then the scene switched to a dormant city at night slowly turning back on.

“But it seemed that the invading force couldn't allow that to happen for long. As strike forces attacked the nations across the world in such force that one could call it a world war, because that is what it was.” Luke continued, as the tv screen showed scene's from Addis Ababa, Ethopia's capital. Then Starling City, California, Gotham City, New Jersey. Adelaide, in Australia. Massive tanks driving down the city streets. Drop ships deploying troops in mass. Battles being fought in open streets.

“We have been informed by the remnants of the United Nations World Security, and Justice League: International. That Agent Wraith led a counter incursion into the alternate reality. There he linked up with resistance forces in the alternate Earth. Then was able to stop the 'Emperor” of the reality. Permanently!” Sara said with a brilliant smile, a glint of savagery in her eyes that was shared by Luke.

The World Wide News aka WWN continued to cover other events that were happening across the globe with their basic information they had on hand. Naming cities in nations that were being provided with care from Atlantis, the JLI, and a few nations that were sharing what they had. They would continue to report every day until things started to stabilize again. But a few things had been confirmed. The invasion was over. It was time to rebuild, there was a lot of work to do.


***HR. San Antonio, Texas***

San Antonio was city that had a long proud tradition of the U.S. Military. Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, even the Coast Guard had training facilities in the city. Since the military facilities had been attached to the city the invaders did not attack this city, well in force anyways. Plenty of Zeta teams showed up to preform suicide attacks. Now, military personal walked down the side walks and assisted the populace get their lives back in order.

Assisting them were the JLI logistical staff, and hero units assigned to the city. Working side by side even though the JLI was technically not a legitimate government sanctioned organization no one called them on it. Though that didn't stop people form being upset. Not all of the JLI logistical staff was human. No matter the situation, even if the world is at war hate mongers will do what they do best. A group of JLI engineers were repairing a fuse box with someone from the crowd threw a brick at them.

“Get out of here you fucking freaks! No one asked for your help!” A man shouted from the crowd. Then a few others answered in chorus. The logistical staff member that had the brick thrown at them was perfectly fine though a bit confused.

The JLI staff member looked like a praying mantis. They had olive green skin, scythe like arms, with smaller set of arms beneath the blades. These hand four clawed fingers. They were a standard set of JLI polymer suit with metal plates. Their head had giant multifaceted bug eyes, and mandible jaws. The brick had bounced off their head with little to no effect. They were actually service droids from the Watch Tower Station designed after one of the many species in the universe as a whole.

“Good sir, I beg pardon. But the Mayor of your city asked for our help in restoring power to your city grid. Something that none of you are capable of doing on your own. So, you are wrong. We were asked to be here.” Said the insect, he said in perfect english.

“If you have a problem with us being here than take it up with your government. Let us get back to work so the people living in this building can actually have power tonight!” Another JLI member said, they looked like a human man with bright red skin.

The crowd murmured in disagreement then the original man threw another brick that stopped in mid air. It dropped with a resounding crack on the street between everyone as a JLI hero division floated down from the sky. She wore the polymer suit with armor plates. She had dazzling blue eyes that danced with energy. Short blond hair, and a killer figure that was highlighted by the suit. The color scheme was blue, red, and white. With a star in the middle. She landed softly between the groups and smiled at the JLI logistical staff. Then glared at the man who threw the brick.

“Is there a problem here?” Savior the woman said, she was a meta with Telekinesis, and Partial-Healing. The crowd all grew restless, and the man who threw the brick suddenly found himself alone. Savior had been around since before the invasion. She had joined up with the JLI during the invasion.

“I don't understand why these freaks are in our town!” The man asked. The man in question was 5' 8” wearing average workman's clothing, receding hair line. Leathery tanned skin, and a bit of gut surprisingly enough.

“They are here to restore utilities to the local grid. Because the city is stretched thin. This unit here has been here since the invasion started. They have personally saved hundreds of lives. You are literally the one and only person to throw anything at them. What gives?” Savior asked, as she took several steps towards the man who suddenly paled in fright.

“We don't need no freaks in our city! The Earth is for humanity! Humans First!” Another man said as he came out of an alleyway holding a pistol that was pointed at Savior. Some one in the crowd screamed then every one took off in random directions.

POP! A gun shot rang out, soon followed by a few more. Savior raised up her arms and created a telekinetic shield. While the praying mantis droid sprinted around her towards the man shooting. With graceful movement fitting a dancer their natural blades sliced the gun in half. But that unfortunately wasn't the end of it. A shooter from a buildings window shot an rocket propelled grenade (RPG) at the mantis alien.

BOOM! The explosion rocked the whole area. People screamed and Savior got on her comms to request back up. Several spring jump ribbons appeared nearby. When the smoke cleared the mantis droid was still standing though its armor had been shaved off, and its inner synthetic parts were showing. It let out an inhuman screech and sprinted towards the shooters window. From there the battle only escalated!

Humans First enthusiasts came out of the wood work. Some with small arms, others with major weaponry. Where was the HF when the invasion was happening? Now that they didn't have a common enemy they started to focus on the 'freaks' inside their city. The military police showed up in force, as did the JLI teams in the city. A street fight broke out into several city blocks. It took six hours for the fighting to die down. At the end of it thirty five HF terrorists were confirmed killed. The military, and the JLI had no fatalities, but dozens had been injured.

Just another problem...


***HR. Watch Tower Station***

“So while you were gone.” Vigil said to Lash. She was sitting in the main briefing room discussing a few things with some of the senior members of the Justice League.

“Three other Rifts opened up, you were preoccupied. So we sent several volunteers into the Rifts. We assumed that the Rift Compass you installed into Vici came from you. But now we assume it came from your Cosmic Patron? Because it was feeding us information about the Rifts. Two of the Rifts were scenarios. While the last Rift was a story? The story Rift was E+, the Rift teams who went through that one reported they had to help an alternate reality cat woman rob a mobster.” Vigil said, as she sighed and massaged the bridge of her nose.

“Why did they do that?” Arsenal asked, Arsenal aka Roy Harper was 5' 11” with short dirty red hair, and bright green eyes. He wore a combination of red leathers, and JLI uniform. He had several utility belts on him. Along with a quiver that was full of tech arrows of assorted abilities. Arsenal had really come into his element during the invasion and was considered a senior member of the JLI. He was reviewing the information in careful detail.

“The Rift teams reported that they instinctively understood what they needed to do to close the Rift. Like it was poured into their minds. When they helped that realities cat woman steal from the mobster contained with in the vault was the Rift Key. As odd as it sounds, it was a literal key. Once they picked it up they suddenly found themselves back at the Rift location and the Rift closed behind them.” Vigil continued as she stared over at Lash who was seated at the table still wearing his Kryptonian War-Priest outfit.

“They also reported that the entire process of planning, doing recon, and the heist itself took two weeks. But our report shows they were only gone fourteen hours. We don't know why it worked this way, but it did.” Vigil said, as she combed her silver hair back.

“The Rift 'key' as it is called.” Dr Silas Stone continued, “Is giving low levels of radiation. Nothing harmful! But, it is also made out of a type of metallic alloy I've never seen before. We are analyzing it now in the labs.” Dr Stone continued and smiled at Lash when he waved at him. Stone had patched things up with Victor. Father, and Son were both equally talented in the science field. Though Cyborg could cheat thanks to his father box.

“The other teams didn't receive a key. They completed their mission that the Rift gave them. Then it spat them back out. The Rift closed behind them. The two 'scenarios' were interesting. One of them had them track down a missing person in a small town. The other had them escort an heiress back to her family home. Each time the teams lost all their equipment, and they for what ever reason had a 'background' selected for them that fit the Rift they traveled in.” Vigil continued, passing an annoyed glance at Lash. A worked droid came in and dispensed the black ichor that so many had taken a liking to.

“Saund's lik' yaur patron is having his fun?” John Constantine said with his thick british accent from his side of the table. He was flicking his lighter and kept wanting to lite up his cigarette but Vigil glared him down each time he tried. When she reached for her side arm at the last attempt her sighed loudly and put his cigarette away.

How was Lash suppose to explain a game mechanic? He had looked through the files of the Rift Walkers and found only half of them were VI Avatars. That means denizens of the Dream could interact with the Rifts too. It also seemed that his Rift time dilation tool he got from his quest had the same effect on every Rift in his Dream. Which was nice! Lash rubbed his neck as he thought about his answer. Then a divine glow surrounded his body but Cosmic Awareness didn't activate. Odd.

“My Cosmic Patron is not the only extra dimensional being in the universe. Not even the multi-verse. I can tell you that not every Rift will be like the ones the Rift Walkers encountered. Some will lead to other realities just like our new allies. But others will be full of... Incredibly dangerous games. I'm sorry, that is all I have.” Lash said with a sigh of regret. That was paper thin and he knew it.

Vigil drained the rest of her ichor and stood up. She wore a set of military battle uniform with camouflage patterns. She walked across the briefing room with the grace of a warrior. Her rectangular figure made her look the part of a shield maiden. Or maybe a valkyrie? She picked up a hard copy of his report then set it down on the table. A holo emitter scanned the report and tossed it up into the air for everyone to see.

“The moment you reported traveling through time the report was flagged and erased from the standard information network. That is the only hard copy. The moment any one finds out that the Rifts could lead to the past, or the future people will be rushing into them. Hell, they may even start rushing now. We are getting reports of Rifts opening across the globe. We catch some of them, others not so much.” Vigil reported, as everyone but Lash went through the after action report.

“I think they will be disappointed. The tim' fragments are not' linked to aur own tim' lin'. Plus tim' travel doesn't' work that' way. Back to the futchur' had it all wrong!” Constantine added into the conversation as he rolled through the file then pushed it aside. He grinned at Lash who chuckled a bit at his remark.

“Either way, we'll need to get a Rift 'Walker' team set up. Or get as many people as we can registered who are willing to step into them.” Arsenal responded, he was looking through the report. Lash had done a detailed job. No, he didn't write up any steamy sex scenes in his report. But he understood that sometimes even benign information could lead to a solution.

“So, what's next?” Lash asked, and Vigil grinned at him. Constantine laughed, and Arsenal joined in. Lash looked around confused. There was a joke he was not seeing here.

“Agent Wraith, as you know everyone in the JLI is required to take days off so we don't burn out. We understand that you are not technically under our supervision. We have spoken to the UNWS council and they agree that you've had enough over time. You are hear by ordered to take a break! We have three days until the Summer Solstice Ball. You will not take on any assignments, or any tasks during these three days. Pending any catastrophic event.” Vigil said with a smirk and sent a information prompt towards him on his terminal. Lash read through it, and also noticed there were over a hundred signatures of people wanting him to take a break. At the top of the list was a familiar name, Koriand'r.

“Tak' a break mat', yau've earned it!” Constantine said with a smirk as he stood and clapped Lash on the back. Arsenal laughed at Lash bewildered expression.

“Woah...Hold on....We have way to much to do! I have a list of projects as long as my tail!” Lash shouted, and Vigil took on a stern expression.

“Yes, and you also are the one that wrote that everyone is required to take a break! Its three days, Wraith! Go home, see your pack. That's and order!” Vigil said, then smiled at him. Once Arsenal, Stone, and Constantine had left the briefing room she came over to him and gave him a hug.

“I am happy your safe. But remember you have people back in Gotham that would love to see you.” Vigil said, and kissed his cheek. Then she straightened her clothes and left the briefing room. Leaving a very confused Lash in her wake.


Three days? Three days of ordered time off. Lash had relaxed a bit while he was in the time fragment. But he was always doing something. Once he left the briefing room Vyllith was waiting for him. She was in full battle kit and came to his side. Lash rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at her. Not sure what to do next. Vyllith had been by his side when he wrote his after action report. She understood the situation.

Superman, and Supergirl were walking around the station with Jor, and Lara. Lash pulled up his holographic interface and went to go look for them. Vyllith following in his wake. A long the way he talked to her about his forced vacation time and she smiled wide at his dismay. But when he talked about going back home and taking her with him she seem to pause. Some part of Vyllith expected Lash to live in a castle. She was eager to see what his 'home' was like. Though she understood that technically the Watch Tower was Lash's real home. His place in Gotham was more like a get away more than anything.....

Lash eventually found the group at shuttle bay D. Jor was walking around a shuttle and admiring the design. Kara was talking to Lara about how Argo city was on the way and would be here in little over a year. Clark was smiling so wide it looked like his cheeks would burst. He was holding his mother's hand and refused to let go. For a small moment Lash saw a tiny Kal asking Lash for a cold blue bar. Lash knew that the Kal he had met was not this Kal. But it was still a good memory. Lara turned from Kara and smiled at Lash as he walked up.

“Lash-Rao! Have you finished your business?” Lara asked, her expression was warm and friendly. Lash had given her a gift she could never repay. Lash was golden in her book. Kara bounced across the deck and gave Lash a big hug which he returned.

“I've also been forced to take three days off.” Lash said, his expression was uncertain and Clark laughed loudly at his expression.

“They actually went through with it? When I saw the petition I thought it was a joke. But I have to admit you work more than Batman does.” Clark said with a grin, and laughed when Lash grumbled. Jor came out of the shuttle to join the conversation.

“Lash, is this shuttle your design?” Jor asked, clearly not connected to the conversation. He was in science mode right now.

“Kinda, it is a mix of Thanagar, Martian, Kryptonian, and Earth. (Mostly Atlantis) With magitek rolled into it. If you and Lara are looking for a job then you are of course welcome to join our science teams. The house of El was legendary on Krypton.” Lash said with a smile as he let go of Kara who smiled back at her uncle Jor.

“That is a good question? Where are we going to live?” Lara asked, as she looked at her son who to his credit was thinking the same thing.

“Just stay on the Watch Tower for now. We have living quarters that can adjust for you. Plus it would be safer for you to be here then down on Earth. Since you are both in range of the yellow sun energy you'll begin to change.” Lash reminded them of a simple, yet complicated fact. Kara's eyes went wide as she smiled at them both.

“Oh that's right! I completely forgot about that!” Clark said with a huge smile on his face as he looked at his parents.

The group of them discussed a few logistical questions. Lara did notice Vyllith and that started another slew of questions about what a Hell Knight was. Jor, and Lara continued to believe that there was more to Lash than he let on. They also noticed how Kara kept stealing glances at Lash when she thought he wasn't looking. Something to talk about later. Eventually they went to the dinning hall for breakfast. It was considered morning aboard the station.

Food and Drink collection: This collection of food and drink caters to all origin aspects in DC comic universe. Mundane, Alien, Magical, and Meta. Granting the Watch Tower Station everything it needs to feed the dietary needs of its visitors. This has no grade, 20 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased this collection for 20 DP.

Lash made a quick purchase from the Dream Store catalog, and acquired a sundae of yulonz cream for Kara who was over the top ecstatic. The collection would be useful for their alien visitors as well. Many of their alien visitors they've had visit the station so far could consume Earth's food. But now they could actually make anything. From the reviews on the store page apparently they even had food for gods, and goddesses on the menu. Cool!

Speaking of the divine. Gozith and his family that came through with him were treated as foreign dignitaries. Being not only from another pantheon, but also another reality they fell into a gray area. Lash offered to house them on the Watch Tower until the Warden's and the Supernatural council could figure out what to do with them. They agreed, Gozith was even interested in serving in the JLI.

Despite the fact that Lash was technically not allowed to work. He still had work to do before he could go back to the Gotham and visit family. Specifically he needed to speak to the Galactic Sheriff representative, Bhol'uns. The man had been waiting to speak to him. Vici had informed Lash that they were not interested in the Green Lantern warrant on him. In fact the corporation they worked for wanted to thank him. Thanks to him showing the galactic community the dirty truth about the Guardians. Hundreds of star systems signed up for Sheriff protection.

Lash, and Vyllith excused themselves after breakfast. The Kryptonians bid them goodbye and continued to eat up the Kryptonian menu. Lash put up a baffle field with his glamour and activated Transformation, and his Wraith disguise. The hybrid version of Lash/Saurian had changed slightly. They had now had mandibles on either side of their mouth. They were flat pieces of scaled flesh an bone that fit next along his elongated snout. When ever he opened his jaw the mandibles would become serrated along the edges, and fangs would extend from the tip. Lash understood that he could unhinge his jaw to swallow larger prey and the mandibles would help pull food down.

Next was his tail, it was not a muscular bladed tail like it had been since he got his xenomorph blessing. Now his tail was longer, with a four clawed grip. Emulating his tentacles on his back. When closed it looked like he had a serrated tail point. But the four claw grips would expand. Nimble, dexterous, and he could cast from it now. Little by little Lash was leaving his lizard folk look behind and stepping into a creature from the void.

“Interesting...” Vyllith said as she ran her gloved fingers along his new tail. Lash wrapped it around her waist and pulled her toward him. She didn't fight it and the long line of her body pressed against his chest. He opened his mouth and his mandible teeth extended. Vyllith ran her fingers along the new additions.

“You are a demigod of Monsters, Lord Count. It makes perfect sense that you would be a monster yourself.” Vyllith said with a smile, and kissed his snout. Lash nuzzled her affectionately. They stayed that way for a bit before Lash broke away and headed towards the Trade Hub.

Lash and Vyllith walked side by side passing by several JLI who made way for them. Wraith was an unknown to a lot of the JLI. Enigmatic individual that was publicly not a member of the JLI. (But was secretly a founding member) But anyone who had been there long enough knew that the JLI may work out of the Watch Tower. But Wraith was the one who owned it. Not only that, Wraith was also the one that paid them all. But only a few people knew that truth.

Passing a security check point guarded by war droids from both security, and the armory. Lash and Vyllith stepped into the trade hub of the station. Vici had isolated the section of the Watch Tower to prioritize the trade hub. Considering the rest of the station it was a larger section. But Lash was sure it could be bigger. Though once they obtained C grade which was over a thousand DP the trade hub could accommodate larger ships. The security doors came apart with that stereotypical swoosh sound that so many movies prioritize.

The hub was a collection of boxes set on top of one another just like the station. However, the main difference was the docking bay shield. A thin blue membrane glowed on one side of the whole hub that allowed fighter drones, star fighters, and small cargo ships to pass through with ease. Lash grimaced at the structural weakness. He saw that the whole section could be closed off quickly to reinforced plates standing ready on the top, bottom, and even sides. There were currently three ships connected via umbilical cords, and vac tubes. A transport ship, corvette, and a frigate.

While the Sheriff star fighters, and Sheriff drones were docked inside the station. The drones looked like egg shaped metallic ships with wings attached to them. Since they were automated they didn't need a cockpit. Just an engine, sensors, and a main data core for the advanced automated program in them. The wings could rotate around the 'egg' at any angle. This allowed the ship to pull some insane maneuvers ignoring several gravitational issues that would wreck organics.

The rotating sheriff star fighter looked like a bird of prey made out metal. The metallic wings were currently closed up, but could furl out. It looked like the wings could even split off into four wings like an X most likely used to cool off its weapons array faster. Docking, and landing struts looked like bird claws poised to jump into the air. The primary weapons were housed along the wing, and the body of the ship. The cockpit was where the head would be, and the body contained a small space, a simple cabin? Or a holding cell? The color scheme was a cool midnight black, with green highlights, and a golden symbol that was the sheriff logo. A jagged dagger sitting in front of a shield.

Lash looked towards the corvette, and frigate and realized that each ship had the Sheriff shield, but the logo in front was different for each ship. Coat of arms maybe? Tucked away off to the side was the Martian ship Lash had seen before. Z'tok's ship? Apparently they were a band and had played on the station while he was away. Pity, Lash would have liked to hear them. Lash and Vyllith walked across the trade hub looking around. They passed the pleasure palace, though palace was not the word to describe several boxes stacked on top of each other. It was apparently a hit! Any palace that used UE energy was sure to be promising. The financial report stated that they had earned 500 solar coin just from the palace alone.

They stepped into the palace's front lobby area and found a room that could only be described as a strip club? Half naked men, and women walked around and were entertaining the guests aboard the station. Lash looked at the entertainers and realized they were all magical Phantasms created, designed, and filled with False Life. He also understood that several of the 'love rooms' were in use right now. Lash rolled his eyes, and pondered who controlled the Phantasms? Vici? Or did the palace of an android?

“Grand Father?” A feminine voice called out, that answered that question.

The host in question swayed her hips back and forth and caressed an alien man with her fingers before she excused herself. The man looked disappointed but when he saw who she was addressing his scowl evaporated and he stumbled to his feet and walked across the club towards someone. Lash watched the man go, and quickly used Connectivity to look up some information.

“Shylisa, sorry didn't mean to interrupt your fun.” Lash said, and bowed from his waist towards the woman who smiled in delight at his manners.

“Not at all!” Shylisa replied and came over to them.

Shylisa was 5'9” but while she wore her heels she was about 6'1”. Her heels helped emphasize her voluptuous hourglass figure. Her proportions were not natural. She wore a tight mini skirt that would do nothing to conceal anything if she bent over, or sat down. With a crop black cloth top that barely restrained her bouncing breasts. She had jade white skin, red ruby lips, pink eyes, long raven hair. She also had a pair of midnight black demonic wings coming out of her back. Shylisa was the android in charge of the pleasure palace. So of course she chose the succubus form.

Shylisa oozed sex appeal! Lash even heard Vyllith swallow audibly by his side. Her eyes were tracing the contours of Shylisa's body, and her itty bitty skirt. Shylisa had a perceptive glamour on that changed the minor aspects of her body to fit perceived viewers tastes. So, what Lash saw may not entirely be what Vyllith saw. Or anyone in the whole room for that matter. Shylisa being a succubus type came right up to Lash and pushed her self up against him. She leaned up and ran her tongue along his neck. Then waited for him, exposing her own neck. Lash leaned down and ran his forked tongue along her neck. She shivered in delight! Then turned and did the same thing for Vyllith who clearly wanted to explore more of Shylisa.

“I am looking for the commander of the sheriffs, Bhol'uns. Is he here?” Lash asked Shylisa once she was done saying hello to Vyllith. The android ran her tongue over her ruby lips and gave it a bit of thought. Then she smiled at him.

“Of course Grand Father. It seems he has found you already!” Shylisa said, as she pointed her finger towards a tall four armed predatory cat man who was walking across the club floor towards him. The man walked over and gave a bow from his waist. Lash bowed deeply and performed his Warden etiquette for those that native to the system. Again it was meant for Supernaturals, but the complex gesture was appraised with a smile.

“Hello Client, Wraith! I am Bhol'uns of the galactic sheriff team. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I understand that your busy so I'll try not to take up to much of your time. Shall we go somewhere to talk?” Bhol'uns said, the man kept glancing at Shylisa in fact the entire room kept looking at her. Though there was plenty of entertainment, she was the life of the room.

“I'll have a room arranged, please come this way!” Shylisa with with a smile and turned on her heel and walked away. The seductive sway of her hips was hypnotic for everyone. Except for Lash who was oddly immune, don't get him wrong. The sight was enjoyable. But he could feel the magic oozing off of her and it just brushed past him.

Shylisa led them to a private room for guests looking for private entertainment. Like the rest of the station a table rose out of the ground, along with chairs that would fit the physiology of who ever sat in them. Phantasms walked in, all wearing seductive clothing. They set down a host of drinks and stood off to the side waiting to assist with anything....Anything. Lash was starting to understand why 500 solar coins had been spent here. It had barely been 48 hours since the sheriffs had shown up. Shylisa excused herself to continue to entertain the palace's guests. Bhol'uns watched her go with a sad expression on his face. Then the magical effect slowly receded and he was able to focus.

“That woman is practically a drug! Oh, sorry I didn't mean any offense!” Bhol'uns held up his four hands in surrender. Lash tilted his head at him, though his Wraith disguise masked his face his body language was clear. Why would he be offended?

“My Lord is not that easily offended. Though the thought is appreciated.” Vyllith said, offering a chance of explanation. Bhol'uns nodded looking at Vyllith for a moment, he noticed that she had familiar characteristics to Shylisa. They were both demonesses after all. Though Vyllith had gone through a lineage change when she became Lash's hell knight.

“I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. If you do say something offensive I'll give you a warning and not hold it against you. But if you do it again, then we'll have issues. How about that?” Lash supplied an alternative to the discussion.

This was relatively normal, it happened on Earth all the time. People had different cultures, like placing chop sticks up in a bowl of rice. This is considered bad luck in Asia. While in America it would just mean you are about to eat it, but not yet. Now apply that on a galactic situation. Speaking like that about Lash's grandchildren could be taken has a grave insult that was why Bhol'uns had apologized, now that Lash thought about it. That did make sense. The Sol System, and its neighbors were considered backwater, rural systems. Not a lot was known about them, and vice versa.

“So, I'll ask a few questions to break the ice. What are the chances that our station will see any real form of commerce? I understand that we are a little out of the way. We have a recycling, and reprocessing module on board do you know any systems that would like to dispose of trash and get something in return?” Lash asked, and Bhol'uns looked relieved. He leaned back and gave it some thought, he key up his own holographic computer on his wrist.

“One of the advantages of being tied to our galactic sheriff network is we can spread the word across to the systems in our operational control. What level of trash, and waste can your module hold?” Bhol'uns asked, pulling up several star systems that could eventually show up.

“We can accept 4 star or D grade trash, and waste materials. Anything taken into the recycle, and reprocessing center will come back out as 3 star or lower. Though in smaller quantity.” Lash provided his own holographic image to the sheriff who looked over the information. His eyes went a little wide, but it was with in expectation.

“That could work! There is a trash planet ten systems over. We'll send word to them, they'll send a single cargo ship to test the waters. But if you can handle the volume then you'll get a lot more. Especially if you can pull out valuable elements out. Coming out wont be an issue, no raiders or pirates will rob trash. The garbage haulers are mostly automated. But if they leave with precious cargo aboard. Well then that changes things.” Bhol'uns said as he combed through a star chart. Anything outside of the Sol System was foreign to Lash, he wondered if he could buy a galactic map?

Lash gave himself a mental face palm! He had the Oan galactic encyclopedia. That had the entire known universe mapped out. That it would no longer auto update given he didn't have the ring any more. Lash still made a copy of it. Lash pulled up his own map that looked remarkably like Bhol'uns, the cat man didn't seem surprised that his client had his own galactic map. The attendants refilled their glasses, and Vyllith stayed quiet as she watched them both.

“Bhol'uns what do you know about Kryptonians? More specifically a prison known has Fort Rozz?” Lash asked, changing the subject. But Bhol'uns jumped onto the subject readily. He brought up some information from his sheriff corporation window.

“It was rumored to had been lost when the Kryptonian home world went up in flames. To bad too, a lot of people aboard that are missed back on their home planets. Of course there was also a lot of horrible people aboard too. Why?” Bhol'uns asked, as he pulled up the relevant window.

“Because it was not destroyed. Fort Rozz landed on our planet a few months ago. Unfortunately the prisoners aboard escaped the prison via escape pods. They are now running around our planet.” Lash said, and brought up several windows of the few prisoners they had recaptured and were holding aboard the station. Bhol'un's eyes went wide at that! He scrolled through the windows and stopped on a beetle man that John Stewart had captured.

“This man is a drug lord in his home system. There is an open bounty on his head back in his world, 200,000 solar coins. You have him aboard your station?” Bhol'uns said as he licked his fangs in glee.

With that excuse they all stood up and left the palace. They went to the loading dock area and Bhol'uns called several crew from the frigate. Lash had the beetle man teleported from the holding cells to the trading hub. With an audible pop the giant man looked around confused then a look of pure horror was on his face when he saw the sheriff logo. He whipped around and saw them staring at him, he roared a challenge that was met with a fierce roar from Bhol'uns who jumped on top of the man. Bhol'uns was a trained fighter that pummeled the beetle man into the ground with ease. The whole trade hub vibrated from the short but sweet battle.

“You just made 40,000 solar coins from that bounty alone, Client Wraith!” Bhol'uns said with a grin as they packed the beetle man up. “I'll see about getting a prisoner list on Fort Rozz from HQ. Not everyone aboard were bad people. But most of them were. Speaking on that, we noticed you had a Rift invasion not to long ago. We have a planetary security branch if your interested?” Bhol'uns said to Lash and provided Lash with the information.

“I'll think about it. Do you need anything more from me?” Lash asked, as he tucked the file information away for Vici and the station to look over.

“Nope! It is a pleasure to do business with you, Client Wraith! Thank you for your time!” Bhol'uns said with a grin. They both bowed to one another and Lash turned around. Followed closely by Vyllith.


Gotham City had several city parks that ranged from large, to small. Though most of those parks had become a sea of tents, and sheds. People were still living in the parks. Despite the fact that Gotham had obtained their utilities again. A lot of the city was in ruins...Again! Yes, they had put aside their differences when the invaders showed up. But once it was clear they were gone, especially after the JLI broad casted it everyone went back to killing each other.

In a pack of trees off the beaten jogging path two spell ribbons sprung up. With two audible pops bordering on the sound of a balloon being popped! Two people appeared, Lash and Vyllith. Lash wore black boots, black cargo pants, black shirt, with a long leather trench coat. He was technically still in armor, but his glamour showed that. No tribal tattoos were visible. His skin tone was golden brown, with amber eyes, and a bald head.

Vyllith still wore her armor. But thanks to illusions, and glamour she wore much the same as Lash. Black boots, pants, shirt, and leather coat. Though her clothes were snug, and showed off her figure a bit more. She took on a light mocha skin town with brown eyes, and raven black hair. No horns, no tail, no claws. She had a radio wire looped around her ear. Lash had much the same, they both looked like security personal.

Lash took a moment and knelt down, he ran his hands along the dirt and reached out with his Nature Domain. The essence of Gotham reached out and replied with a warm welcome! A warm breeze went through the trees. Lash, and Vyllith both felt a presence surround them for a moment. The spirit of the city hugged them both then went on its way. Lash smiled, and stood up. He was home!

As per tradition of stepping foot in Gotham! They were mugged while they left the park. With pheromone control from his Nature Domain passives the muggers went to sleep before they got half way through their intimidation. Lash decided to add a few things to his illusion, as well as Vyllith's. Combat knife on the belt, and a poorly concealed sub-machine gun. For both of them, he also made sure to create permits for them. Though the sub-machine gun you need a special private security license to use inside the city. After that they didn't get mugged anymore. Plenty of people glared at them, but no one stopped them anymore.

They had been dropped off several miles from his home. He had done that on purpose so they he could look through Gotham has they traveled. The city looked torn to pieces! Jokers carnival, the tsunami from the Atlantean civil war, then add the invasion. With just a pinch of gang wars, and meta-powered individuals. The city had become a war zone. You could taste despair on the air. Vyllith said it reminded her of hell. Great.

Lash noticed that a majority of the buildings first, and second floor windows had been removed from nearly every building they passed. Though the windows above that were fine, they had been transmuted into the photokinetic glass that collected and stored solar power. Lash could only assume that people were stealing the windows. That had not been on his mind when he designed the solar plant. Oh crap! Lash forgot to talk to the frozen body they had up at the Watch Tower. He made a note to remind himself for later.

The roads were cracked, and torn apart. Open water, and sewer pipes spilled out across the city streets. Broken, or knocked over street lamps and lights. Broken buildings much like Metropolis had vacant rooms exposed to the elements. Some of them even had people living in them. Groups of people patrolled their neighborhoods, and homes. Weapons out, some of them with firearms. Others with bats, wooden spears, and even bows with arrows. This wasn't even really gang territory it was just people protecting their homes.

“Welcome home, Warden.” An old man said from a stair case to a supernatural building. The old man was a demon-kin with red skin, and a diamond tipped tail. Lash remembered him from the time he restored a city park back during his simple days. Lash stopped, and bowed deeply to the man who smiled at him. Vyllith nodded, but kept watch.

“Did your family survive?” Lash asked, genuine concern written on his face. The old man smiled at him.

“Yes they did. Though that park needs to be redone again. Take your time! I'm sure you got a lot on your plate. I would bow to a Noble Count of hell. But these knees don't work as well as they use to.” The man said, grimacing a bit as he shifted on his seat. Lash reached out and cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, Renew, Immaculate, Panacea, and Restore Youth on the old demon-kin.

“Well look at you! Not that long ago you were but a basic mage! Now your wiggling your fingers about, getting a noble rank, and saving worlds! But you still make time for the little guy. Thank you Warden!” The old demon-kin said with a smile.

“Take care of yourself!” Lash said, and turned to leave. The old man smiled and waved at them both.

“So, this is where you grew up? Such a place is hard on the soul.” Vyllith remarked, but Lash understood her meaning. Gotham had a taint to it, always had. It something to do with its heritage. Some dark shaman or some such being killed on the grounds centuries ago. Feeding, and creating corruption. Lash didn't know the whole story.

The Wardens, and Supernatural council had been on the look out for the shamans burial grounds for centuries. If they could find it, and cleanse it the corrupting taint would be gradually removed. But the damn thing would move, and settle of its own accord. Like magic! One of these days Lash would have to see if he could track it down with Saurian's help. His hunting partner growled in agreement. Such a challenge would be welcome.

The duo eventually came up to Lash's old building. Sitting along the roof top edges of the neighboring buildings, and on the roof of his home were gargoyles. Lots of gargoyles. Unlike the buildings a few blocks down the road. These buildings were mostly intact. While his home looked like it had been through a war, that was an Phantasm spell inscribed on the building. They didn't want the mundanes thinking it was all safe and secure. Lash walked up to the front reinforced glass doors and the automated machine chirped at him in greetings and opened up for them both. Sitting behind the security desk was a familiar face.

“Hello Thomas...” Lash said to the cheshire fae cat man. Thomas looked up from his desk and smiled wide. His smile reached from ear, to ear literally! He looked like the alice in wonderland cat. If the cat wore a security desk suit.

“Welcome home Warden Lash, and guest?” Thomas said, his cat eyes growing into crescents. He performed a deep bow in respectful greeting.

“This is Vyllith, she is my Hell Knight and should be registered as part of my direct family.” Lash said, and the family part made Vyllith whip her head around to look at Lash in confusion. Vyllith was his knight. But claiming her as family was... Well she liked it.

“Wonderful! Lady Knight can you temporarily drop your glamour we need to take a picture!” Thomas asked, as his huge cat paws reached for a camera with a spell glyph etched onto the lens. Vyllith did as instructed, she looked straight at the camera. Then turned to her left, then her right. Once finished she put her glamour back up.

“Wonderful! Thank you for your time. Warden your sister Lizzy, and her wife Isabella are in your home currently. They have been staying for a few weeks presently. They are in the process of moving into the building itself. One floor beneath your home.” Thomas said politely, Lash smiled in delight and brought Vyllith along. Thomas bid them good bye and returned to his seat to make a call.

A few minutes later Lash opened the door to his home and his security system chimed at him. His whole house soon vibrated in excitement at his return. Then the soft pitter patter of feet with socks on stepped towards the front hallway quickly followed by an audible squeal of delight as Isabella saw Lash and Vyllith in the hallway! She bounced across the wooden floors and jumped into Lash's waiting arms! She kicked her legs up in the air and buried her face into his neck inhaling his scent.

Isabella from house Kuldr was a Blood-Kindred, new born. Still in transition, she was only a few decades along. But already her aging had slowed to a crawl. She was 5'3” with long auburn hair, chocolate caramel skin, and a voluptuous figure. She wore a pair of pink cotton pants, ankle socks, and a small t-shirt. She eventually let go of him and greeted Vyllith with courtesy. Having heard of her through the grapevine.

Lash stepped into his home to find his sister Lizzy in the kitchen stirring a pot of stew. She turned to look at him and a smile bloomed across her face. Lizzy was 5'10” with short fiery red hair. A healthy tan, and a partial amazon figure. She had gone through the Amazon ceremonial training and tradition and had been adopted by the amazons. Their magic ran through her. Not as strong as a pure blood, but stronger than an average man any day. She bounced across the kitchen and jumped into his arms. She wore a pair of sleeping shorts, and a tank top. She wrapped her strong legs around his waist and kissed his cheeks in glee.

“About time you came home! Vici told me you had the next three days off! So come sit down and relax!” Lizzy said with a vicious smile. She climbed off of Lash, and came to greet Vyllith who bowed in respect to her Lords sister.

“Lash, you keep collecting beautiful women. What is your sexy sister suppose to think about all this?” Lizzy asked, looking at him with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

“I suppose you'll have to have sex with her like you do with all of them I suppose. I do it for you Lizzy! You, and Isabella of course!” Lash said with a grin, planting a hand over his heart. Isabella laughed in delight.

Lash having far more experience cooking than Lizzy took over in the kitchen. Lash's home had gone through a make over while he was gone. He still had his master bedroom, art studio, balcony, and sitting area. But several new guest bedrooms had been added to accommodate his visiting guests. Lizzy, Isabella, and Vyllith took seats at the kitchen island to talk with Lash while he cooked. Lizzy smiled sweetly as she began to play with Vyllith's tail. Now that they were home they dropped their glamour.

“How many Domains do you have now, Lash?” Isabella asked, she was standing behind Lizzy and was teasing her lightly as Lizzy smoothed her fingers up and down Vyllith's tail. Vyllith for her part attempted to be indifferent but kept twitching in mild pleasure from Lizzy's touch.

“Approximately 16, I've been told that if I reach 20 I obtain the partial domain of True magic? Though I'm not sure.” Lash said as he started to slice up some vegetables for the stew.

“That's right! Domain users rarely get to 20, but with your abilities I think you'll be one of the few. Any thoughts to a Domain you don't have?” Isabella asked, as she eventually freed Vyllith from the teasing of Lizzy who grinned at her.

“Sex magic!” Lizzy said with a delightful grin that made Lash roll his eyes at her. Lizzy stuck her tongue out at him.

“I believe being an Apostle of Qetesh counts towards that?” Vyllith provided a bit to the conversation having saved her tail from Lizzy. Lizzy turned to look at Lash, a question clear on her face. So Lash told Lizzy, and Isabella about reviving the gods, and goddesses in the alternate reality. Lizzy busted up laughing, while Isabella had a thoughtful expression.

Lash smiled at the three of them. Lash was happy to home with his family. Lizzy, and Isabella seemed different but Lash couldn't put his claw on how they were different. Though it had been some time since had sat down with them. Maybe time would close the gap between them. He went back to cooking as Lizzy tried to pry more out of Vyllith about the city wide orgy! Isabella was surprised to know that Lash was able to not succumb to temptation a goddess of sex.

“How about the Domain of Enchantment?” Isabella said to Lash, though she was still listening to Lizzy talk to Vyllith. Lash stopped and thought about that.

“I can already Enchant items? Or is this different?” Lash asked Isabella who's face lite up with glee and being able to talk to Lash about magic.

“The Domain of Enchantment does allow you to enchant things. In fact it would only help your Enchanting ability. One of my house members said in order to master Enchanting you'll need this Domain. Aspects of Illusions, Fae Glamour, Transmutation all have branches in this Domain. So by learning it you'll enhance those Domains as well!” Isabella jumped from her seat and ran off to her bedroom. She came back a moment later with a Enchantment spell book!

“I've been trying to learn the Domain myself but I've been told I don't have any talent for spell craft...” Isabella said that last part in a soft whisper. Lizzy turned mid sentence and hugged her wife and smoothed her hair back.

“Don't listen to those assholes! If you work hard enough you can accomplish what ever you want!” Lizzy said, taking on a tone of a big sister. Lash grinned at her and took the book up. He flipped through the front few pages and Observant Learner activated.

Observant Learner, Enchantment Domain.....10%.....50%.....80%.....100%

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Domain of Enchantment!

Enchantment Domain: The Caster has the ability to put something/someone under a spell. They have the power to manipulate certain means of magic to accomplish their goals. Casters are endowed with the ability to charm objects through the use of spoken words or other occult items such as wands or certain talismans.

This Domain works in tandem with several other Domains, skills, powers, and abilities. (See Tool Tip)

You've obtained a Skill/Spell Power.

Enchanting Word: The Caster can now enchant people and objects with their words. A spell spoken while using this power can inscribe the spell directly onto the person, or object. (No tools required!)

Congratulations User! Advanced Enchanting has evolved into Master Enchanting.

Effect: Allows the caster to imbue 100% intended spell effect.

Effect: Decrease in necessary components and materials. In example complicated spells require less special materials.

Effect: Multi layered Enchantment. In example inscribe several spells that overlap with out interfering with each other. (Saves Space!)

Sub-Skill/Power, Quality Enhancement: The User can increase the quality of target, whether organic or inorganic, including themselves. Some examples include; increasing the sharpness and/or the durability of a sword, giving living beings a enhanced and/or peak condition, etc.

Dozens of spell script ribbons wrapped around Lash as he learned another Domain. All three of the women in his home looked at him with gaping mouths. Well not Vyllith she had seen it before, she had a smirk on her face. Once it was over Lash had a wealth of information poured into his mind. He gently reached out for Isabella and used Skill/Power/Spell Trainer and poured the Domain of Enchantment into her. With in a few minutes several spell ribbons swallowed her up. Isabella gasped in surprise then snapped her figures! Little changes went across her whole body. Perception Glamour was poured onto her.

Lash could see the original Isabella underneath, but he also see the little changes the spell had on her. Isabella had always been beautiful, but now she was gushing in beauty, sex, and love. Lizzy's eyes went bright and she jumped off her stool to steal a kiss from her wife that soon evolved into a full blown make out session. Lash snapped his figures and sent out a pulse of energy that seem crack the enchantment just a bit. Lizzy, and Isabella came up for air and blinked at each other.

“Careful you don't fall into your own trap.” Lash advised his new student who blushed in embarrassment.

“What? Who? What happened?” Lizzy asked, though she clearly had enjoyed herself it was almost as if she was drunk on the spell effect. Which was a little worrying, though Lash did remember that Lizzy 'failed' her Fae court envoy interviews. She ended up having sex with both people from the Seelie, and UnSeelie courts.

Eventually dinner was ready so they sat down and had a delightful meal. But something was different. Lash couldn't figure it out, he switched through his Magical Perceptions fear the worst. But he found no trace of any spell craft on either of them. But even Saurian remarked that their personalities were a bit off. Had something happened? Were they hiding a secret and trying to keep it from him? Or was Lash just being paranoid?

Lizzy seemed a bit more mellow. Normally she would be loud, up front, and in his face about things. But now she was subdued, she was still very animated and was still a tease. She had been open about her feelings for Isabella for long time. Never afraid to show public displays of affection, at least in front of Lash. There had even been times when Isabella hinted that Lizzy wouldn't mind if he joined them in bed. But it was a line that Lash wasn't comfortable crossing. They never pushed him for more, and neither would he. But he knew the option was there. That hadn't changed.

Isabella was ecstatic about obtaining the Enchantment Domain. She was playing with her cantrips making the dinning utensils into works of art. Some of them were illusions, some of them were real! This would greatly increase her standing in her house. She could simply make things better now. But Lash noticed that her smile did wilt from time to time when she thought he wasn't looking. Something had happened! But what was it? Lash reached out with Connectivity and deployed his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits to look around the net. Lash stood up from his chair in shock.

“Mom and Dad died!?” Lash shouted loudly, and Lizzy curled up into ball and started to cry. Lizzy's parents had died during the invasion. They had all but adopted Lash into their family when Lizzy had brought him over to help her tell her parents that she was bi-sexual. They had been family to him. Lash came around the dinning room table and hugged Lizzy as she cried into his chest.

What a great way to start a vacation...


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