
***HR. Mars, 24 hours before the Time Fragment appeared ***

J'onn J'onzz had not seen his home land in a few years. But it was always a heart warming, and a heart rending experience. The barren red landscape of his home could be seen from orbit. But that was not his home. He flew his bio-ship through a gaping canyon that could be seen from space. Then flew through a optical illusion cave entrance watched over by the planetary guard. A guard made up of Green, White, and Red Ma'aleca'andrans. A join operation between the three remaining races of their planet.

J'onn landed his ship on the designated landing pad. His bio-ship reshaped itself into what many Earthlings could call a giant egg. About the size of a car. The ship would take this shape to sleep and recharge. As bio electric lights poured energy across the ship to help it. J'onn gently patted his life long companion that he'd had since he was a child. It send a partial-telepathic response back like a dog, or a cat nuzzling against them.

“Welcome home my son...” A soothing all be it older voice came across the landing bay. J'onn both felt, and heard the voice. A smile stretched across his face.

There standing waiting by the atmospheric lock between the loading dock and the rest of the city underground was J'onn's father. M'yrnn J'onzz, M'yrnn was one of the oldest living green martians on the planet. He had elongated features a gradual point to his head, longer limbs, and green skin that was wrinkled, and in desperate need of some moisturizer. M'yrnn stood at approximately 7 feet tall, at least for today. (Shape Shifters)

J'onn pulled off his Earth-like disguise and took on a shape much like his father. Though a bit younger. His cape pulled into his back, his clothing melted into his skin, and he stood up taller. He smiled at his father and walked over and gave him a large hug. Which his father returned. Then they gently placed each others foreheads against one another in a physic hand shake. They swapped thousands of words, emotions, and memories in mere moments. His father opened his eyes wide at the information.

“Wonderful! The council will be delighted to hear the news!” M'rynn said, a smile of his own stretching across his face.

“Unfortunately he couldn't come back with me. Earth is in troubled times. But he promised he would come and help.” J'onn replied to his fathers thoughts. They started to walk side by side towards the city.

“You went to Earth looking for one alien, and found another. All it took was an invasion from another reality. With the additional chance that the planet would come to ruin. Hopefully the council will understand the issues.” M'rynn replied, his face taking on a bit of concentration.

The two passed through a corridor where several scans went over them both for security, and possible pathogens. Disease had been a weapon of choice by puritans of their different enemies. J'onn wished he could say that everyone on Mars had put aside their differences and joined together to keep their planet alive. But so many Green, Whites, and even Reds still continued to fight in secret. There had even been a vote to conquer Earth. Thankfully cooler heads won the day. J'onn shivered at the idea that he would have to fight Superman. That he would have to fight Wraith.

At the last security check J'onn was welcomed to the underground city of his home. Capital was named after their planet. Though Earth called their planet Mars, it was in fact named Barsoom by its people. But what did J'onn expect from a race of people that decided to call their home Dirt. It always made J'onn smile when he thought about it.

The people of Barsoom long ago learned the art of using every possible space available while still maintaining artistic designs. Every surface of the underground caverns was in use. If someone of Earth had seen the city they may be reminded of the Native American culture known as the Anasazi. Though the Barsoom structures had soft edges, and elongated structures. That came in a variety of earth tone colors. Rich browns, yellows, reds, oranges, and many more.

Just like their bio-ships the city would change, and grow to adapt to the that lived in them. This allowed a single room to be used for multiple purposes. Which meant that many people simply lived in single room homes that could expand into one single room, or several smaller. Thanks to Martian physiology, and their natural telepathy walls were uncommon for their people. They shared everything with a thought. What were walls to people like that?

J'onn shared the home of his Fathers M'yrnn. He once had a home, but he gave it over to the city to be used for another family. His wife....His children... Were gone, he didn't want to be in that place again. Which is why he volunteered to travel to Earth to look for answers. His Father made a simple meal, and they played a telekinetic game of weaving marbles of stone rolling through a bowl. It was an intricate game of strategy, tactics, and deception. Could you keep your mind closed off while keeping your balls moving in sync. While still messing up your opponents? Ching... Ching... A sound came from the door and J'onn lost his concentration and his marbles went flying out of the bowl. His Father chuckled at him, and J'onn rubbed his face in dismay.

“That doesn't count.” J'onn said, as his Father stood up to get the door.

“Of course!” His Father started to say...”Of course it does, son!” His Father finished with a grin, and marked a tally next to the table. When the door opened a green Martian woman was at the other end. Z'tok Z'nuk smiled at M'rynn, and at J'onn. J'onn stood up, and his back went stiff as a board. His eyes bright, and an almost palpable tension filled the air. His Father had a knowing grin on his face.

“Z'tok, welcome! Would you like to come in?” M'rynn asked the woman who only had eyes for J'onn. She blinked after a moment to realize that M'rynn was speaking to her.

“Oh...No! I just came by to say hello and wanted to say hello to J'onn. I heard he was back...Hello J'onn.” Z'tok said to him, and J'onn well known for having complete control over his body at all times flushed a bit in his cheeks.

“Hello! Are you sure you can't stay. Father and I were just playing a bit of biyolon. We could use another player.” J'onn suggested not realizing that it was a two player game. M'rynn rolled his eyes and just stood off to the side memorizing every word to tease his son later about it.

“I'm afraid I can't. I have practice with our band later. But...I.... I just wanted to see you! Welcome home.... But...I I should go. I'll talk to you later, alright?” Z'tok said with a smile then left in a hurry.

“O...of course.. Right...right...” J'onn said as he took his seat and grumbled into his hands. His Father closed the door and came over to his son with a grin on his face.

“Play a game of biyolon with us? You do know my son its a two player game.” M'rynn said to his son who looked up at him in surprise. Realization dawned on his face and his cheeks flushed.

“I...I...I don't know what is wrong with me. When ever I see her I get so flustered.” J'onn admitted to him.

“Hhmmm, mmmm.” M'rynn said with a knowing look.

Secretly M'rynn was delighted for another reason. J'onn had been alone for many years. Alone in his heart, he had never fallen in love since he lost his wife, and his children. He had hoped that maybe J'onn would find some sense of peace. Maybe M'rynn would see some more grand children in the future....

Later that day J'onn reported to the Barsoom council about his discovery. He also uploaded the schematics for the atmospheric tower. It was a wonder of technology that could help rebuild their worlds atmosphere. A vote was called to start the design, and building the structure of it. It was passed unanimously. News was sent all across the planet Barsoom, and also the news about Watch Tower Station. One needed a pass to visit the station. Even with the high light of possibly rebuilding their world. The puritans would use this chance to spread more war, and conflict. One of the first people allowed to leave was Z'tok's music band. They wanted to spread their culture to their neighbors.


***Time Fragment. The citadel of the house of El***

Jor-El was working on his sons ship. Checking, and double checking all the pieces of the ship. He had disassembled it and reassembled it over a dozen times. Jor had never been one to be unsure of himself. But this was his son's...No, his peoples future. Or was it? It kept playing in his mind. What if he used this time to help Lash-Rao fix their world. It seemed impossible before. But so had time travel. Maybe his son didn't have to leave? Maybe he did, from the stories that Lash talked about. It seemed that the future of his son was important not only to the people of Earth. But also to the universe it self?

“I'm sure he'll be delighted to see you. Though we were expecting you in a few weeks.” Lara said just outside the work shop. Who was she talking to.

“Yes, Kal. No, Kal. I have no idea what a blue cold ice bar is Kal.” Another man's voice spoke, a man's voice that Jor recognized.

“Wait, can you understand him?” Lara asked, her voice astonished.

“I have basic telepathy, I'm just translating my thoughts for him.” Lash said, as they opened the door to Jor's workshop.

Jor turned around looking at the time traveler. He was wearing a War Priest ceremonial garb that was torn, and covered in mud. Sitting in his hands was the phantom frequency key. A small metal cube about the size of a dinner plate. Lash-Rao had his hood pulled back, and his mask removed as he smiled at him. Then Jor's son Kal looked over at him, and pointed. Lash smile grew wider.

“Yes, that is your Father, Jor. I don't know if he has a blue ice bar either.” Lash said, and Lara laughed lightly, a clear look of happiness on her face as she held their son.

“Your early...Did something happen?” Jor asked, always one to jump straight to the point.

“The Science Council is dead, civil war as started on Krypton.” Lash replied, and the good mood in the room melted away. Until Kal continued to ask for a cold blue bar...


Turns out they have juice pops on Krypton! Lash was ecstatic! He, and Kal who was in his arms now were both sucking on the cold blue bar. As Jor, and Lara were looking through the Kryptonian net, and having a conference call with Zor-El, Alura Zor-El (Kara's mother), and Kara herself who didn't really understand what was going on. But was making faces at Kal who was delighted to meet the strange girl who lived inside the big blue screen. Did the screen taste like the blue bar? Do other things that look blue taste like this?

“Ah...Kal even as a child you are a delight to be around.” Lash said with a grin, and his parents looked at their child lovingly.

“Do we know each other in your future?” Kara asked, as her parents were talking on a separate screen. Kara, a young girl with golden blond hair and a exuberance that she never truly lost even when she got older.

“Yes, yes we are.” Lash smiled, and tried not to think about this Kara being older.

“But in your time Kal, and me don't arrive on Earth at the same time? That's fixed now! So we'll be there together?” Kara asked, her face becoming serious. It looked so out of sort on her face it made Lash laugh. Which made her pout, which made him laugh louder.

“Are you making fun of me!?” Kara asked, tears in her eyes.

“I am not! I am just looking forward to teasing your older self when I head back home. I will take great delight in teasing you when you get older.” Lash said, a bright and malicious grin on his face.

“No, Kal. Kara does not taste like the color blue.” Lash said to the child who was looking at the blue screen.

“How do you know what I taste like?” Kara asked, crossing her arms over her chest. Lash paused mid thought, then aggressively shook his head back and forth. Nope! Not going down that thought process.

“It's not just happening in Kryptonopolis!” Lara called out, thank Rao above a distraction! “Every major city except temple prime is under martial law. The Military Guild is securing the streets, and placing certain houses under arrest. There are also teams of high guard searching in the city sewers looking for cyber slaves.” Lara finished, shuffling the data to everyone else.

“I need to head back...The cyber slaves in Kryptonopolis took the codex.” Lash said, as he continued to bounce Kal on his knee. Kal was looking at everyone with that natural curiosity that a baby of his age would have. Or he was wondering what the different colors tasted like.

“I don't think I need it anymore.” Jor-El said, as he looked back at Lash. Who was surprised that the man admitted that.

“I did it originally to help ensure that the genetic memory of our people could live on. But, if we don't go extinct from this event then...Then maybe we don't need it?” Jor said as his wife Lara came to his side and hugged him. A sad smile on her face.

“I would personally feel better if the cyber slaves didn't have the codex.” Alura said over the line. She was a judicator for the Krypton government. A judge for their crime, and punishment system. She was also the main judge in charge of Fort Rozz. While Kara was suppose to be a justicar.

“Why do you think they took it? Are there any records of it in your future history, Lash?” Zor asked, a look of concentration on his face.

“There was not...That doesn't mean it didn't happen. Just that the world didn't live long enough to worry about it.” Lash stopped in thought as he remembered the story of Clark. His Clark didn't have the codex written into him. Natural birth was something still practiced on Krypton. They did send their children through a gene therapy to remove unwanted traits.

“Time travel makes my head hurt.” Lash said with a groan, and Kal reached up and squeezed his nose. Lash looked at the baby cross eyed and Kal giggled at him delighted by his face.

“Wait!...Brainiac does attack Earth in the future. Superman, and Supergirl are one of the main reasons we succeed in fighting him off. We do know that cyber slaves can communicate across the vast distance of the universe. It's possible that they'll transmit the DNA of Kry....Nope never mind! He still has Kandor in a bottle he wouldn't need the codex for that. I...I don't know why the cyber slaves would take the codex.” Lash admitted to them all.

“Either way I still need to go back. You have the phantom key. You don't need the codex. So, spend time with your families and stick to the plan.” Lash said at last and the group agreed.

Lash ended up staying the night at the citadel in the mountains of Krypton. He talked shop with Jor, and Lara about the ship. Little things, like copying a digital consciousness of Jor, and Lara. Sending the same plans to Zor, and Alura for Kara. Lash was tempted to make a micro droid service module in each ship and have it make synthetic copies of the parents. But that may be going to far. Lash did send the chemical formula of gold to Zor-El so he could make some gold coins. Same for Jor-El. This way the Kent's wouldn't have to worry so much about money. Or...Would the Kent's even be the parents? Now that Kara wouldn't get stuck in transit would the ships land in the same place? Crap!? Lash didn't know!

Attention User! You've purchased the evolution of a spell with your Dream Point Credit Card.

Digital Stride has evolved into Minor Digital Stride.

Purchased for 2 Dream Points.

Effects: Increase in power, decrease in energy consumption, decrease in disorientation.

Effect: Must be items the User is familiar with and/or has been with in sight.


A burst of green, and bluish light exploded from the holographic terminal in Lash's temple home. The light became hundreds, and thousands of lines of code and slowly came together to form the shape of a person. Lash looked around with bleary eyes and dropped to his knees. He had a pounding head ache, but he didn't need to throw up. Progress! Beep...Beep

“Creator, my scans of the temple say that you are in your home? When did you get there?” Epsilon's voice called over the communication line.

“About twenty seconds ago, Epsilon. Why? Is something happening?” Lash asked, as he slowly got to his feet.

“...Yes...If your available there are many people with questions about what is going on in the city. Along with several hundred people looking for shelter.” Epsilon replied back, his southern drawl that Lash programmed into him was a little annoyed.

“On my way!” Lash said, he had cleaned himself up at the El citadel. So his armor, and clothing were in perfect condition. He stepped outside his door and walked through his temple. He replaced his mask, and pulled his hood over his head....

The temple was filled to the brim with people. Many of its new residents were seeking sanctuary from the battles outside. Martial Law was not being well received by the populace. It didn't take long for the Science Guild to realize that their council had was missing. (Cough! Assassinated! Cough!) Lash had actually been worried that Dru would have sacrificed him and threw him into the fire as a fall back plan. But the Military Guild was standing firm that they didn't have the council.

Lash walked past dozens of people and their families that looked especially pleased to see him moving through the temple. They had heard he was missing, they feared he had been caught up in the fighting. He made his way to the main chambers of the temple and spoke to a few people offering comforting words. Then once he reached the main foyer he saw Or-Jar in shouting match with Kela Bez-Ol.

“You can not use the temple as safe house for Black Zero! This is neutral ground! I will not see our people slaughtered because Zero want's to use them as shields!” Or-Jar shouted at Kela, who looked furious that he would even suggest it.

“We will of course provide protection for them! The Military Guild wont care who you are, to them we are nothing but slaves! We can protect our people, and make a difference at the same time!” Kela shouted back, several people behind her were staring daggers at the people behind Or-Jar.

“No...” Lash said softly, and made everyone jump in surprise.

“Where have you been!?” Or-Jar shouted at Lash, but a grin was on his face. Kela looked...Disappointed, she knew what his answer was going to be.

“Black Zero can not use the temple has a front to hide here. If they have families, people who are innocent of the conflict want to stay, then they may stay here. But I will not shelter warmongers that intend to use the temple as a base of operations.” Lash said, and held up a metal gauntlet preventing Kela and her troop from speaking.

“It has nothing to do with the innocent civilians. Black Zero wants to trade on my name! They know that the justicars have standing orders not to take make trouble in my temple or the area around it. Zero wants to use the temples immunity to filter their troops through the sewer entrance we have. My answer is...No!” Lash said, and used Commanding Presence to empower his words. Kela looked like she wanted to shout but Lash's power had sealed her mouth shut.

“But if we have families that we just want to keep safe. They can come?” A an older man asked from behind Kela.

“Yes, they will have to be disarmed. I will not allow people to carry bombs, or weapons in with them.” Lash said to the man who nodded in understanding.

“My wife, and child are here. I didn't want to have to make them leave.” The man said in submission.

“Then they are welcome here, they will be safe as long as I'm alive. But once again I will not allow Zero to use people as Kryptonian shields!” Lash said, and growled at Kela, and the others before they could speak.

“You are making a mistake, Lash-Rao. We are all you have in this conflict!” Kela said at last, glaring at Lash who laughed at her. A bold, loud, boisterous laugh!

“You stupid bitch!” Lash said to her. Hoping! Hoping there was a Kryptonian translation for the word. Apparently there was, because her eyes grew wide as a saucer. Several people gasped in surprise.

“Brainiac's cyber slaves are under the city. That is not propaganda. I personally fought against them only a few days ago. Some of their pieces are stored in this temple. I don't give a fuck about the civil war! I just want all of them to die!” Lash shouted at Kela by the end and her face was pale with fright.

“W...W... The mechanical alien's forces are under the city!?” Kela shouted, and Black Zero's members. Bylock Syndicate, and the civilians listening were horrified.

That was why the Military Guild were flooding the sewers with troops. Not to weed out Black Zero, or the Black Guard. But to fight the cyber slaves. No one knew the truth but a select few. Lash had Praetor bring a small box of parts. Specifically a cyber slave head with the skin still attached to it. Kela threw up and dropped to her knees to drive heave a few times. Or-Jar swore to the heavens above not caring if it offended Lash or not.

Black Zero's combatants left the temple. But true to Lash's word their families that wanted them to be safe could stay. Lash spent a few hours with Epsilon, and Praetor helping everyone find a place to sleep, and a place to eat. The morning and grown into the afternoon by the time Lash left the temple to walk into temple square. The city streets were deserted. A few people ran from cover to cover eyes on the sky. A justicar troop transport flew by stopped for a brief moment to scan Lash. He pulled his mask off so they could see his face. The red scanning light turned green and the transport flew off.

The sounds of explosions were in the distance. Thick billowing smoke reached into the upper layers. Lash couldn't see it, but he was sure the upper pedestrian walk ways were empty as well. Then a five man unit of justicars sprinted towards his location. Well four were running, while they carried their fifth between them. What was left of him, the man had no legs!

“Bring him inside!” Lash called out to the justicars who put what ever they had left into their sprint. They raced into the main temple foyer where everyone looked at them.

“Neutral ground people! That applies to the justicars just as much as it does to you! To the clinic!” Lash called out and pulled off his trench coat and tossed it over a chair.

Thankfully the clinic was more or less empty. One of the Epsilon's was looking over a child who was asking him questions about this and that. Then the kid got quiet as the injured justicar was placed onto the medical bed. The six mechanical arms started to scan, and begin a rapid healing of the man. The other justicars were put at ease by their aspirant. Epsilon handed them all a nutrient water pack and a place to sit. While Lash looked over the injuries with a careful eye.

“These are plasma burns... Are the cybers on the streets now?” Lash asked the justicars. The aspirant looked over at the kid. Having grown up on the street the kid understood, and shuffled out of the room. Though Lash gave him a tootsie pop for being a good kid. Cherry! The child was delighted, though he had no idea what a tootsie pop was it tasted great!

“Yes War Priest. Though only a few at a time. Our campaign underground was... It was a disaster. The justicar followed the incursion forces that stole the codex back underground and straight into an ambush. We lost track of the codex. Since then one to six at a time cybers have been seen wondering the city streets.” The aspirant reported, as he watched the medical bed regrow his soldiers legs.

“On top of that the Science Guild is attacking us, as is Black Zero. All the while our forces are fighting a three way war for Krypton's future.” One of the other justicars spoke up, they were shaking in anger, and fear.

“May I give you all a blessing, it may not be much but I think it will help?” Lash asked, one of them laughed but was nudged by the aspirant.

“We would be delighted to.” The aspirant said, each of them took a knee and bowed their heads. Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. On them all, though he did not give a kiss to the injured man. Wouldn't help their confusion if his legs suddenly regrew. They all took a deep calming breath and stood up wonder in their eyes.

“Better?” Lash asked, a smile on his face.

“Much....Thank you.” The aspirant said, and the others nodded in agreement.

Lash couldn't stay in the clinic for long. To much to do, he made sure that the justicars knew that the clinic was open to everyone. He introduce who Epsilon was, and made sure they were comfortable. Then he went back outside to check on his park! Remarkably it was more or less intact. Even a few people were hiding in it. Lash informed them that the temple was safer, it also had food!

They needed to fortify the area. The tunnel entrance under the temple had a plethora of magical traps. None of them had gone off, and thanks to the new Damage Resistance Epsilon, and Praetor could fight off the machine control. Hopefully! Lash went back to the temple square, and maintaining appearances he started to inscribe Vohc symbolism into the ground. Once he inscribed enough space he would cast his magic.

Fabrication, Alteration, Compression Transformation, and Deflection. A perimeter wall grew up from the ground made of reinforced concrete, and metal alloy. The wall was approximately thirty feet high, and had a gate way every hundred feet. Deflection was inscribed into the walls, and gates. Making enemy fire rebound, or shoot into the ground, or the open air. Wasn't perfect, but it would help. In the middle of temple square Lash smoothed out an area for a landing pad. He was sure that would receive some attention in the future.

“War Priest!?” The aspirant in charge of the unit came looking for him. Lash was carving the next scripture into the ground when he found him.

“How is your soldier?” Lash asked, between scriptures on the ground.

“He's almost done. We've been ordered to stay at the temple and help fortify it. But looks like you've already done that.” The aspirant said as he looked at the high walls, and the landing pad already made.

“I need you to understand that in this conflict. As long as they mean to bring no harm to those inside the temple. Everyone is welcome! I don't care what guild they are from. If they are armed then they must help defend the temple while their families are welcome inside the temple. Do you have any issues with this order?” Lash asked the aspirant who shook his head.

“No War Priest. We were informed by our primus to follow your orders.” The aspirant replied, and saluted. Lash returned the salute. The aspirant went back inside and soon the rest of his unit started to take up positions on the wall.

Lash made sure to reinforce the ground as much as the walls. In his background the cyber slaves had dug tunnels underground to ambush people. The temple had been reinforced long ago. Eventually sector 68's temple turned into a medical triage location. Justicars came from all over the sector seeking medical attention, food, and ammunition. Then Bylock Syndicate showed up in force. There was a mild disagreement with the justicars until Lash told them all to shut the hell up and get inside. Well, not in so many words.

Then night fell across the sector. That was when all the fun really started. They came one at a time at first. The wailing sounds of the faces stitched to their faces pleading for help. The purple glow that came off their bodies. Then they started to fire at the wall which would reflect, or deflect the energy shots back at them or into the ground. Eventually they figured out to stop shooting at the walls, or the gates. Hand to hand it was....


CLANG! A cyber slaves claws rebounded off of Lash's forearms. Lash focused his energy into his Strength-Rune. Then brought his hands together and pounded the slave into the ground like an empty soda can! He picked up a metal spear that he had made just recently and using expert precision threw it across the field and impaled another cyber into the ground where the child like face wailed for its mother. Always its mother!

“We need reinforcements on the south wall!” Or-Jar shouted out from his position on said south wall. Dozens of cybers were climbing up, and over the wall like a swarm of purple ants.

An electric hum rang out above Lash as a turret that had recently been built started to spray across the line just outside the wall to stem the tide. Lash ran across the square towards the south wall. The temple was to the west, while the north, south, and east had company. Several automated turrets were doing their best to spray and pray against the hundreds of cybers climbing over each other to get to them.

Lash called on Partial-Transformation and jumped up onto the ramparts and ripped a cyber in half with his claws. Pulling another one off of Or-Jar and tossed it over the wall. He pulled the professional gangster up off the catwalk. Stuck a omni sub-machine gun into his hands and told him to fire it. Or-Jar looked really confused at the small device but soon fell in love with it as it literally shredded the cybers.

“I love this gun! It will bear my children!” Or-Jar shouted in maniacal glee as Lash ran down the catwalk and started to hand off more weapons to the Bylock, Justicar, and Zero soldiers on the catwalks.

Eventually everyone on the walls had a brand new gun that tore up the cybers as they swarmed their location. Lash jumped down into the temple square to help fight off the few of the cybers who had made it through the blender. Justicars were fighting hand to hand and losing, badly. Lash tore his claws through one particular cyber then handed the justicar a metallic spear with a vibrating tip. The justicar looked confused but ran into the conflict only to be delighted as the spear tip went straight the cybers metal frame like jello.

At last, Lash had a moment. He raced towards a black obelisk he had been building before he was pulled away. He had finished the inner workings of the machine and set up the complex mirror collection that would focus the lens. Then he hooked it up to its own power source, which was substantial. The entire obelisk was nearly a hundred feet tall, and twenty feet around. The tip of the obelisk a red prism. But Lash had always just called it an obelisk of light! The red crystal focus glowed like a malevolent god then a beam of pure red energy danced across the theater of battle. It was short, sweet, and gone before anyone could really see it. But a swath of destruction followed in its wake. Five hundred cybers cut in half at the speed of light!

When the light of the red sun of Rao washed over sector 68. It revealed a battle field of hundreds of thousands of cybers who had tried to rush an insignificant temple in the sector. But they failed, as the perimeter wall never fell. No cheers, or shouts of joy were being heard. Just a lot of worn out soldiers, gangsters, and terrorists who had come together to save themselves and their families. Lash-Rao the war priest sat on a stool fiddling with a omni sub-machine gun with a nervous Or-Jar by his side.

“It just over heated. I'll have to swap out the barrel but it will be fine.” Lash said with a smile as he pulled out the part in question. Or-Jar sighed in relief, he had really taken a liking to the gun. Lash was teaching him how to do maintenance, and repair on it.

“Everyone of those use to be a person, right?” Or-Jar said after a bit, he had lit up a cellite stick and blew a smoke ring.

“That is correct, more than likely they are all the missing people that have been reported from across the city. The forgotten, unwanted, and the people that went looking for them.” Lash said, as he finished cleaning the gun and handing it back to Or-Jar who clipped it to his shoulder strap with loving care.

“Why do you think they took the codex?” Or-Jar asked, blowing another smoke ring.

“I don't know. Brainiac is smart enough to make his own clones. The codex only contains the genetic memory of our people. But Brainiac knows that each Kryptonian technically contains the memory with in them. So, the only thing that makes me think the codex is important is that it was used as a tool to lure everyone in.” Lash said, as he continued to do some basic maintenance on another rifle.

The cybers would know that the Kryptonian people will stop at nothing to retrieve that piece. Which makes them desperate, which makes them stupid.” Lash continued, cleaning a barrel for another justicar who sat next to them in silence.

“So, for all we know. They could have just crushed it and thrown it away?” Or-Jar asked with a smirk. That made the justicar next them grow pale.

“It's possible, I can't think of a reason why its useful to them. Useful to us, sure! To them?” Lash said at last, finishing the rifle and handing it back.

Lash didn't understand it! The codex held no strategic value! Other than to lure them all into a trap. Lash could understand that. From the communication lines that had broken before night fell. Lash heard that any and all available forces across the city were being funneled underground to retrieve the codex. It would be a festival of blood! Tight, enclosed spaces. Kill rooms, hallways full of traps, and a maze of tunnels that only the cybers knew.

The genesis chamber will continue to work with out the codex. Technically every city state in the world of Krypton had its own chamber. The codex just sat here in the capital as a sort of significance. Life would go on. But the symbol, the hope that the relic represented. Even the Military Guild was chomping at the bone for it. What was he missing?

A military transport flew over head and scanned the area. If barely fit on the landing pad that Lash had made yesterday but it touched down anyways. Pouring out high guard troops who started to secure the area, and scrap the cybers. Walking up to Lash was Wym-Zod in full military kit, and a hallow look in his eyes. Uh oh.

“There gone...Kemuna, and Kursta both went underground to retrieve the codex.” Wym said to Lash who all but deflated like a balloon. Of course they were! Cause if Lash didn't have an interest in the codex. Then his patron would find something else he would have an interest in.

“.....Fuck!” Lash shouted after a moment of thought. He stood up and turned on his heel and headed back into the temple to get ready for the day.

Lash was in and out of his home in under twenty minutes. He came back out in full armor, not that ceremonial gear he had worn. But a full exoskeleton suit designed to rip, and tear. Wym, and he took another transport back to the main military compound who was in charge of retrieving the codex. Lash left clear instructions back at the temple, along with orders for Epsilon, and Praetor who were more or less in charge while he was away. They were up to six copies of them selves now. For a total of twelve. Cool!

Kryptonopolis was on fire! Massive air ships flew through the air stopping all forms of traffic that didn't have a military guild license. There was still fighting taking place, but it was not with the cyber slaves. But the science guild. Lash groaned audibly, and Wym looked out the window and frowned. Lash knew they were in a civil war, but could it wait till after the cyber slaves were dealt with? The transport took them to the grand science council tower. The tower that recently had its top portion blown off. They never found the culprit.

As soon as they landed high guard wearing Mordo regalia showed up to escort Lash. (Ancient God of Strength) Lash blessed each of them, and was taken into the center complex of the Military Guild tower. He only had to wait a few minutes before he, and Wym were allowed to enter. The guild's briefing room was a combination of science fiction computer data banks, holographic projections, and red crystals. Standing in the middle of the room were several leaders, sub-leaders, and officers standing at attention as one specific man spoke. An older, wiser, Dru-Zod. With his younger self by his side. Older Dru-Zod stopped when Lash walked in a smile grew on his face.

“War Priest, under different circumstances we would have met at a party celebrating our victory. But now...Now we need your help.” Older Dru said to Lash. Lash tried to not roll his eyes at the man. He needed to be careful. It was entirely possible that older Dru had met Lash or a copy of Lash from his future.

“Just to make this perfectly clear. I am not here for the codex. I am here to get my people out if they are alive. And to kill all of those mechanical monstrosities.” Lash said simply, a few people flinched, and many more glared. But older, and younger Dru's both nodded.

“Straight to the point then...” Younger Dru said, as he pulled up a holographic map of the city. Then a subterranean map. A poorly made subterranean map.

“That is awful! Who made this map?” Lash said loudly, younger Dru narrowed his eyes at him. But older Dru chuckled a bit.

“It is the only one we have on record.” An officer suggested, Lash quickly uploaded a more accurate map. Filled with intimate details, and information. Along with hundreds of thousands of tiny tunnels that were not on the map. Younger Dru slammed his fist into the table in frustration.

“That is how they ambushed us. None of these tunnels were on our maps. Where did you get this?” Younger Dru asked.

“I hacked the Science Guild data base.” Lash admitted openly to the room. Many of them bit back insults not towards him, but to the Science Guild.

“They told us the other map was the most detailed one they had. Moving on! We know that cybers can only convert living people into more of them. While the dead are converted into a type of fuel. We had a basic guess of where their main hive was located. But with this map we are reasonably sure it is located right here.” Dru pointed at a artificially created center for tunnels, and maintenance shafts.

“We want you to lead a strike team to it. Find the codex, and our people. Set explosives, and get out! While we send a frontal assault to buy you time.” The older Dru said, the whole room watched Lash waiting for an answer.

“No.... I'll do it on my own. Just have your soldiers stationed at these spots and wait for them to flee.” Lash said, as he pointed out the choke points. The room went quiet as they didn't understand his thinking.

“Do you have a Religious Guild unit we don't know about?” Younger Dru asked, confused about Lash's confidence.

“We need to talk...In private please.” Lash said, as he gestured towards to the two Zods. They both nodded, but older Dru started to delegate. For now they would follow Lash's plan.

Wym stayed behind since he was not high enough on the security clearance to here this next part. Lash noticed an obvious absence from Dru's shadow. It didn't take long for Lash to realize that Ursa was one of the ones that was captured. Lash walked into a simple accommodating office and closed the door behind him.

“How far into the future are you from?” Lash asked the older Dru-Zod who looked at him with an appraising eye.

“I came from a time where Krypton was destroyed. All traces of our people removed from the Universe. Except for a few dozen spread through out the stars. I came back to change that. Though I haven't changed everything. It took many years for me to accept that somethings need to happen.” Older Dru admitted.

“Like not preventing Kal-El from leaving?” Lash asked, and older Dru's body language went from tense to full blown aggressive.

“He needs to leave, you know that? As much as you hate to admit it, one of your greatest enemies has to follow his destiny.” Lash said to him, and Dru looked at Lash like he had grown a second head. While his younger self looked at Lash with renewed interest.

Older Dru worked the problem. Lash hadn't threatened him, if anything he had been a boon to his mission here to save Krypton. Older Dru relaxed a bit and thought it over. He mumbled about this and that and the different ways to travel through time. He gave a brief description about the different ways. One of them was the one he chose, to jump back with his physical body. But there was another method. A way to transfer your consciousnesses into your younger body. Wake up one day with all your memories of the future.

“Are you here to stop me?” Older Dru asked, coming to a conclusion.

“No, Dru. If I was going to stop you I wouldn't have helped you. I wouldn't have made the machine to help save the planet. I wouldn't be in this room telling you that I don't need help killing cybers. I come from an alternate time line. I haven't even met you yet. Though you are on the way in a ship to the Sol System.” Lash said, and for a second time since he arrived in the time fragment he admitted to where he was from. Older, and younger Dru's eyes went wide.

“Are you part of the Justice League?” Older Dru asked, and went back to being aggressive.

“Before I answer let me ask you this to have some context. Did the Justice League in your time line kill people?” Lash asked, this was a make it or break it point. Dru's lips twisted up a bit.

“No... Though I always thought they were hypocrites about it. They would crush entire armies of aliens. Killing them, and destroying their families all because they didn't look human. But the moment one of their precious humans got in the way they would cry, and beg about some none sense about we are not the law. We are not judge, jury, and executioner. I watched Kal-El incinerate an army of parademons. Not once ever trying to save them! But the moment I kill a rapist, I'm a bad man.” Older Dru said, by end of it he was shaking in rage at the thought of it.

“Then I can safely say that I am NOT part of the Justice League you know.” Lash said to him, and Older Dru smiled a little.

“Show me...Show us why we should trust you. If you can prove it we will back your plan.” Dru said, and waited for Lash to do his thing.

“Oh I can't do it in here. I need more room. Let's go outside, can you tell your soldiers not to fire at me?” Lash said with a grin that sent a shiver down both Dru's spines.

Needless to say ten minutes later Saurian at 60 feet high, and 120 feet long was galloping across Kryptonopolis towards the entrance of the sewers. A fleet of transport vehicles flying behind him. He ran along the walls with Gravity Stride and made it to the entrance in great time. Thousands of troops were spreading out to take up positions in the choke points when the cybers were run and hide. The justicars never questioned the possibility that the machines could feel fear when they saw the giant monster running through their streets.

Congratulations User! You've completed an optional quest.

Optional Objective: Discover why (older) Dru-Zod has returned to the past. Despite the obvious destruction prevention of his world.

Comment: Dru came back to fix the mistakes of his past. But also to ensure that their future was set in stone. Yes, older Dru may have plans with in plans. But he understands that Kal, and Kara are important in the long run.

Optional Objective: Help the Military Guild in the civil war, and aid them in the hostile take over.

Comment: You assassinated the Science Council! You sparked the civil war weeks ahead of time! Just when the cybers decided to steal the codex! Bad timing!

Rewards for completing question objectives will be calculated at the end of the time fragment.

The main entrance was a water canal, one of the main channels under Kryptonopolis. Scattered around the channel was evidence of a recent attack. Armored vehicles were slag, like pieces of candles melted at the wrong angle. Air ships floated above aiming at the tunnel, and aiming at the giant reptile looking down at the tunnel with an appraising eye. Saurian breathed slowly, and deeply taking in every scent possible. Blood, bone, muscles, metal, despair, fear.... Hope? Hope he could work with.

“Roooooooaaaaaar!” Saurian yelled into the tunnel and broke off into a sprint. The top of the canal broke apart as Saurian didn't properly bend over. He dropped to all fours and started to run deeper into the canal.

It didn't take long for the cyber slaves to realize something was wrong. Like a bee hive reacting to an outside threat they appeared in mass and started to shoot at him. Energy trails leaving scorched air behind as super heated plasma blasted against his metallic scales. Damage Resistance spike hundreds of times, as did True Body, Natural Energy Absorption, Adaptation, and Superhuman Durability. But Saurian had started to move, and nothing was stopping him now.

A thundering crash ripped through the tunnels as Saurian poured through the concrete. He used Size Alteration, and Enlarge/Reduce to bring his size down to 30 by 60. He could barely fit through the tunnels now. As he moved he deployed his Manifestations hundreds of Saurus Warriors rained down on the cybers with brutal efficiency. At the end of this Lash, and Saurian would have to leave. But hopefully they will leave the world of Krypton better than how they had found it.

A towering mechanical scorpion creature made up of dozens of cybers linked together. Came crawling out of a tunnel. Saurian used Blink an appeared behind it. His two tentacles grabbed either end and pulled. Saurian raked his claws through the middle and tore it half. The ululating chorus from the cybers was deafening! He threw it across the way into another waiting scorpion. His tail whipped out like a force of nature and smashed them into pieces!

He roared again, and his warriors howled in response. Saurian sprinted through the tunnels towards the central room that he hoped his people were located in. He busted through another entrance that couldn't accommodate his size. Then he found it! A nexus of metallic flesh. A cancer like tumor grew from the bottom, to the top. Boils pumped a puss like material through the veins like blood. Hundreds of mechanical caterpillars were in the process of wrapping the captured.

While thousands of recharge stations were ejecting their cybers to rush to his position. The room was huge! So large that Saurian reverted back to his 60 by 120 feet long form. Then he noticed a change in the middle of the growth. He saw the codex fragment in the center, but he also saw yellow sun energy being pumped through the veins into the hatchery locations. The cybers figured out how to make super Kryptonian slaves. How they figured this out would wait for later.

Thousands of prisoners stood stock still in shock as a titan straight out of Raoism scriptures stood by. Wearing full armor, and weapons? Hundreds of smaller versions of the titan came rushing out and waged war against the cyber slaves. Saurian used Rallying Call, and sent a pulse of Recycle through the whole complex. Blisters, boils, and tumors exploded into goop.

“Rise up sons and daughters of Krypton! Take back your lives, and the future of our people!” Saurian's voice was primal, animalistic, and poured the energy into the soldiers waiting for a chance to fight.

“Mordo!” A Kryptonian soldier called out and rushed their guards who had kept an eye on them. The cybers turned their weapons on the prisoners but could only handle so many. Thousands of soldiers rushed the battle line.

The Saurus Warrior battle line rushed towards the cybers red Psionic Blades glowing from their hands. With a thundering crash of metal, against metal they collided. As Saurian jumped over the line and rolled end over end over the thousands of Cybers. Saurian swung his tail across the ground flattening dozens, and tossing dozens more into the air. Dozens of Saurus Veterans appeared from nothingness and armed the Kryptonian soldiers with weapons to fight back.

“Cover the left flank!” A familiar woman's voice called out. Ursa stood on top of a energy collection tower shooting a omni sub-machine gun at the cybers.

“Commander Ursa! Dru said it will be just like the battle of clip rock!” Saurian called out, and Ursa stared at him for a moment then a vicious grin spread across her face.

Saurian didn't have time to wait for a reply as spell circles started to glow at the tips of his tentacles. Call Lightning shot from three clawed tips of the tentacles. Bursts of electric energy shot out with devastating effect! Saurian raced towards the center metallic growth in the giant assembly room. He jumped! Then bounced off a shield and rebounded across the room. Thankfully he landed on cybers. Unfortunately they started to swarm him like an army of ants do a spider.

They poured their plasma rifles onto his armor, and his scaled hide. Their claws cutting through metal, and flesh alike. Saurian did a barrel roll, over, and over again. Then an eagle cry screeched across the whole room. Darkness swallowed everything for a brief moment. Then a giant creature made of pure darkness flew into the room. Every eye was on the creature for a moment. Gozith had shown up from no where.

The Eagles are coming! The Eagles! -Erik said across the link with a snicker.

Black obsidian feathers fell from Gozith and zeroed in on the cybers. They acted like homing bullets and sliced through them with ease. The battle started renewed once again! A battle of titans and these soldiers got to see it all! The creature of darkness flew over towards Saurian and landed by his side. Blades made of shadows hundreds of them sliced the mechanical creatures to pieces.

“Greetings unto you traveler from another world! I've come with an answer, but it seems we must discuss at another time!” Gozith said, he took to the air and started to attack the cybers once more.

Saurian raced towards the center mass this time he did not jump. But bashed straight into with his skull crest. The rebounding energy rippled across the shield then pushed back like a sledge hammer against his skull. Saurian kept at it and continued to bash against it with his claws, and tentacles! True Damage continued to send him experience.

Congratulations User! Minor True Damage has evolved into Basic True Damage.

Effects: You now passively do 20% of True Damage with all of your attacks.

The rebounding shield started to buckle as it was torn apart again, and again until WHAM! A cyber slave burst from its egg sack and slammed into Saurian. Sending him flying across the room into a reinforced concrete wall. He left an imprint and slowly slipped out of the wall falling to his hands and knees. He looked up with bleary eyes and saw a half finished super-cyber its synthetic organs pumping silver blood beneath a metallic rib cage.

Gozith flew down and sent hundreds of his obsidian feathers at the super-cyber who dodged, and moved out of the way with dizzying complexity. If they followed the same ability set yellow sun infused Kryptonians were weak to magical energy. Saurian got to his feet with a grin on his face as he cast a wide area effect of Daylight but this time with red sun energy!

The red sun of Rao formed above Saurian. Filling the whole room in a red glow. Gozith stopped to stare at the red sun! The Kryptonians stopped for a moment, as did the cybers. But more importantly the super-cyber? Lost all that yellow sun energy from its body. It seem to realize the truth because all of the cybers in the whole room started to shoot at the red sun. But the beams of energy passed straight through it. So they switched to Saurian.

Saurian used Intimidating Shout and they all froze for half a second. Just long enough for Saurian to cast Acceleration and sprint across the room to smash the super-cyber under foot and stampede over any cyber who didn't get out of the way. Then he bashed against the shield once again! More and more super-cybers broke their gestation before they were done. But each of them fell to the red glow of the Daylight spell.

The shield shattered! Breaking apart like a fragile vase that fell from its shelf. Saurian roared in triumph and ripped the metallic tumor to pieces! Just like the mainframe of the nest was shattered. The cybers received a fall back signal and they all took off in separate directions. Directly into the kill boxes prepared for them! Saurian roared in cheer! Rallying Call was used once again as the cybers fled into the tunnels leaving the Kryptonians in victory. All be it in confusion as two titans from myth and legend stood with them in the complex.

With Darkness Manipulation Saurian swapped out with Lash. A billowing cloud of darkness wrapped around the towering reptile. When the cloud faded from sight stood War Priest Lash-Rao. Holding in his hands was the shattered remains of the codex. Nothing but dust now. What a pity... Lash carefully placed the pieces of dust into a vial. Maybe they would want it?

“Lash!” Kemuna Ke-Zod came running across the complex, followed by Kursta Soll-Vol. Both looked a little worse for wear in their justicar uniforms. But they were alive, and not enslaved to a machine. Kemuna raced toward him and jumped into his waiting arms. Soon joined by Kursta, that was all it took for the whole room to burst into cheer!


The clean up was messy, but eventful. It had worked out as they planned. The remnant forces of the cybers fled into the designated tunnels and were made short work of. Though the justicar planned to comb through the tunnels for the next foreseeable future. A few more cybers had been located in cities that had been close to Kandor. So this campaign was far from over.

But unfortunately another issue arose. How would Krypton deal with the fact that their myths and legends were based on actual creatures? Yes, there was no titan with the description of Lash anywhere in the book of Raoism. But Gozith was clearly a child of Nightwing. More than five thousand Kryptons had seen the titan turn back into the War Priest Lash-Rao. Oddly enough the Religious Guild didn't seem that surprised.

The Voice of Rao, the religious leader for all of Kryptonopolis simply said that Lash was a servant of Rao and had come to their world from another. Temple prime confirmed his words. At that point Lash's temple in sector 68 became a Kryptonian mecca! But another issue also came up. Though this one was a bit minor and not entirely up to public debate!

“So...We slept with a god?” Kursta asked with a grin over a bowl of yulonz cream. Kemuna laughed into her glass of java juice, and Lash rolled his eyes.

“I'm not a god, Kursta.” Lash said carefully because of their company.

“Are you sure? I think you would have given my Father, Nightwing a lot of trouble.” Said Gozith who had taken the shape of a man. He was 6 foot even with midnight black skin, silver hair, and red jeweled eyes. He wore the traditional Rao Priest garb. He was also enjoying a cup of yulonz cream.

“Yep! We slept with a god!” Kemuna said with a smile as she looked to Kursta who smiled back. Lash rolled his eyes at them.

It had been three days since the battle under Kryptonopolis. Lash had returned his temple to its working state. Then made a few changes to help Krypton when the inevitable earthquake would arrive. His quest updated again. Letting him know that all of Krypton would go through a cataclysmic event that would hurt billions of people. But some could survive, they also still had approximately a month left before the planet was meant to explode. So he was reasonably sure that the planet would go through something. But it would survive, at least for another thousand years.

Also in his temple was a host of demigod creatures, titans, and supernatural creatures that intended to come back with Lash to his world. He already asked Dawn about it, and she said what comes through the Rift back with him was his business. Hinting that if the two women in his life wanted to come they could. But, Lash made no plans to ask them. They were friends, they were lovers. But in the end their lives were here. Families, responsibilities, etc. All to come to another time line, another reality where their Krypton exploded decades or even centuries ago? No, he wouldn't ask them to do that.

Kara Zor-El, and Kal-El were sent to their new home before the battle of Kryptonopolis. Their families had seen how bad the battle was in the city and they didn't want to take any chances. Since they've seen visual reports of cybers sprinting across the fields escaping the city. They couldn't, wouldn't take the gamble. Even if the worm machine worked, Krypton would still suffer a catastrophic event. So, another check on the box. When they had left Lash received a notice that they had left the system his mission was done! He could leave here at any time. Call up the Rift when ever he chose to.

Lash had a very tense conversation with both Dru's and Ursa about the future of the planet. They knew the planet wouldn't last. They had to eventually leave. Lash helped with a few designs, but nothing so much that they would be a huge technological advantage over their neighbors. But Lash knew that older Dru would prioritize a yellow sun if he could. But before they did all that! Lash made them dinner! Keeping a promise to Ursa. As Ursa said, it was the best dinner she ever had.

Lash spent one more night with his two lovely ladies. Then the next morning Gozith, and many of his siblings came to stand in front of the temple steps. Many of the residence of sector 68 came to see them off not entirely sure what to expect. Lash took one last look at his temple, at Epsilon, and Praetor who would be staying of course. Then he looked at Kursta, Kemuna, Wym, and Or-Ja. Lash said fuck it and stomped across the square and kissed both his women in front of everyone. Then stomped away trying to look like the cool guy he knew he was not. With a snap of his fingers a Rift tore open in front of everyone!

“Or-Ja! Remember! Neutral ground!” Lash pointed at his temple.

“I don't think that is going to be a problem!” Or-Jar said with a grin!

“May the light of Rao guide you on your path!” Lash called out to his people who replied. Then he did the same to the crow around the temple who said it back to him. Then his large group of demigods walked through the Rift. Lash was last, he looked at the temple then walked through the Rift.

A kaleidoscope of colors, pictures, and information flooded his senses then for a brief moment he was floating in absolute darkness. A prompt appeared in front of him and he read.

Kal-El, and Kara Zor-El arrived on Earth at the same time. They landed in Kansas and were both adopted by the Kent's. The digital copies of their parents help to guide them when they were lost, and help them to understand their place in the universe. (The gold coins helped make the Kent's lives easier) Clark Kent, and Kara Kent continued to live up to their full potential and saved not only Earth. But other worlds, other dimensions, and other realities. Clark, and Kara both were always on the look out for their future friend, Lash. Maybe they'll see him one day in the future.

Krypton did face its cataclysmic destruction. Earthquakes ripped the whole planet apart. But thanks to the preparation of house El, and house Zod. Less than half their population was saved. Krypton had been brought to ruin, but plans had already been made to leave Krypton for another planet not that far away. The temple in sector 68 continued to stand even when the city around it crumbled. Epsilon, and Praetor were declared holy machines designed and made by the saint, and titan known as Lash-Rao and lived for many years to help guide the people of Krypton.

Kumuna Ke-Zod eventually found an intended, and became bonded. They named their first child Lash. She and her family lived long enough to see what Krypton looks like from space, and reached the outer edge of their solar system before she died.

Kursta Soll-Vol eventually bonded with Or-Jar. They however did not live to see their planet from space. They had been killed in a Black Zero raid trying to sabotage a genesis ship. Epsilon, and Praetor did not take kindly to this and hunted down Black Zero eliminating the entire threat.

Zor-El, and Alura Zor-El died in the earthquakes that struck Krypton. Argo city imploded under the energy provided by the shield that Zor-El had crafted. They had a one and a million chance to survive before with the shield. The odds were not in their favor.

Rewards are being calculated.

1,000 Dream points

50 ability evolution points.

Racial Trait, Demigod Physiology. The User was granted this blessing by the pantheon of Krypton who thanked him for saving their people, and their children.

Demigod Physiology: Grants the User supernatural and/or divine energy that has been infused in their body, mind, and soul. Naturally going up a single grade. Grows with time.

Congratulations User! You've increased your grade, you are now. (A-)

Congratulations User! You've earned the achievement: 'Gods and Monsters'

You've obtained the title: Demigod!

Active Effect: Invoke the power of your Divine Domain. (Monsters). Shaping a living creature that is completely under your control, once a month.

Passive Effect: Creatures crafted, made, or twisted by energy, magic, and the divine like you 10% more.

Title Consolidation detected.

Lash stepped through the Rift has it closed behind him with an audible pop! He was back, he was home! Well he was in Metropolis, but Gotham wasn't that far. He also came into a situation with lots of screaming, yelling, and the JLI aiming weapons and powers at the demigods who came through with him. Lash calmed everyone done and told the JLI they were visiting supernatural demigods looking for a home. Call the local Wardens, and Supernatural Council. Vyllith came from the crowd and tackled Lash in a hug. He laughed in delight and hugged his hell knight. He had a fully Kryptonian War Priest kit on so his face was covered thankfully.

“Did you miss me!” Lash said as he squeezed her tightly. Just a few minutes over a single day had passed since he left.

“You know I did! You smell different.” Vyllith said as she let go of him and looked him over.

“A lot happened! But I need to get some people back to the tower. We can do an after action report after. Then I'll tell you the details after alright?” Lash replied to Vyllith who nodded in confirmation.


***HR, Watch Tower Station***

Superman aka Clark Kent aka Kal-El teleported onto portal hub C-3. Superman was worn out and in desperate need of a shower and a good meal. Despite his exhaustion he kept a smile on his face and walked through the station. People made way for him, and he was stopped several times by his fellow Justice League members. But at last he reached the observation deck of the station. It was on the outer edge of the Watch Tower with a long strip that looped the entire station. Lash would never allow windows, they were structural weaknesses. But the holographic view screen did a very nice job of simulating it.

“I can't believe you did this!” Superman heard his cousin Kara shout at someone.

“I thought about bringing your parents. But it would have screwed up the time line. They are headed towards us on Argo after all.” Lash replied, and Superman smiled at the sound of his voice. Kara, and Lash were good friends. Clark was happy for them. Then he stopped, he froze at the sight of something unbelievable.

“Hello Kal....I would like to reintroduce you to. Jor-El, and Lara Lor-Van. Jor, Lara, this is your son. Kal-El...” Lash said with a smirk.

Clark looked across the observation deck at his living, breathing parents. Who looked back at him. Lara had tears streaming down her cheeks. She bounced across the deck and hugged Clark who was frozen stiff. He looked at Kara who nodded with a big smile on her face. He slowly hugged Lara back. Then his father Jor came to his side and took him in his arms looking him over.

“Happy Birthday!” Lash said with a grin.


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