
***HR. Oa, Central Meeting Hall. Guardians of the Universe***

Oa, was a strange world. It had a desert biome with towering rock features. Dusty sand dunes, and sporadic oasis where the natural flora, and fauna would congregate. However, above the desert planet's surface were the Guardians home. These structures floated above the world in floating cities, towers, and citadels for the Green Lanter Corp. Only a single city is actually built on the surface of the planet. While the rest of the world has a few homes, and villages from the native populace. The Oan architecture are tall towers reaching towards the heavens above. With round edges, and artistic designs carved into every surface. Oa was beautiful.

But right now? Not so much! The Guardians of the Universe were in deliberation about what to do with Earth. What to do about the Agent of Calamity, known has Wraith. What he has done to ruin all their hard work? 30% of their registered Green Lanterns have left the Corp! Many of them taking their rings with them. Others dropping them on the ground and leaving them behind. Another 20% remain with the Crop but refuse to obey orders. They have begun to dispense their own measure of justice. The only highlight to this entire situation? Was they did check the green battery core. They did repair the damage that Parallax had caused to his prison cell. The Green Lantern battery core itself.

Parallax was once again imprisoned, and trapped! But not before it sent its energy out. The yellow spectrum, the power of FEAR! Things were changing! Some of them couldn't help but feel that they played right into the Cosmic entities hands. Was this what he wanted? An explosion rocked the whole meeting hall taking the Guardians out of their discussion. They rose from their seats and flew out only to stare in shock as yellow energy trails rocketed from space above. Leading them was a Korugar, it was Sinestro!

Thaal Sinestro, was a Korugar much like Katma Tui-Stewart. He had red to pink skin, short black hair that was slicked back. A trimmed mustache, and clean shaven face. His eyes were bright yellow feeding on the power of his ring, a yellow ring of fear. Sinestro standing at 6'7”, with longer than average limbs, and physical features. He was a born athlete and carried himself like a warrior. He shot down with hundreds of soldiers under his command. He had come for the power of Parallax.

“Sinestro! What are you doing!? You were one of our best, why would you do this!” A Guardian called to him. Sinestro glared down at the Guardians, disgust written on his face.

“Why?...You ask me WHY!? You let my world die! You let my family die! You could have stopped it, but no! You let billions die across the universe all on hypothetical possibilities! It ends today!” Sinestro roared and started his destruction of Oa.

Having received their answer the Guardians took to the skies and attacked the yellow lantern corp. Sinestro had completely under estimated the Guardians abilities. With the power of Will, and the green spectrum. The Guardians made short work of the yellow lanterns. But it mattered little in the end. Sinestro left with what remained of his troops a smile on his face. The Guardians rushed to the Green battery core to find it oddly intact. Parallax remained within his prison. But as they began to leave the creature laughed. A long, and hollow sound. Something was wrong. But what?


***HR. Sol System, Watch Tower Station***

“What is that up in the air? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, its a raging idiot!” Rauta said loudly as she watched her team mate fall from the skies straight into the warehouse across the street.

“Rauta, can't you take this more seriously! I want a good score!” A young woman called out to her. The woman jumped down from their observation point and floated to the ground.

“I'd be delighted to take this more seriously! I said we should have done recon! But no! Hammer wanted to do a superhero landing! Now are they not only aware of us! They are making plans to escape!” Rauta shouted, as she activated her powers and manipulated the pieces of metal in her uniform to fly.

Rauta aka Melanie from Detroit was a legacy (Chap. 73). She was born and raised in Detroit with her Father, Iron Hammer aka Bryson. Along with her mother Night Cat aka Melinda. She had been brought into the superhero life only a few weeks before the invasions started. But those few weeks had been important. Wraith had hand crafted her uniform, established a bunker under her parents home, and restaurant. Rauta was a meta-human with metal manipulation.

She was currently aboard the Watch Tower station in the simulation hall! A technological wonder that could perfectly simulate nearly any environment. Sights, smells, taste, touch, and sounds. Her team was suppose to discover where a group of criminals were housing their stolen loot, verify if they had any prisoners. Then move in an arrest them. But her team decided to throw all that to the wind and go in blazing. The layout of the environment was an abandoned warehouse district.

“Ummmmm! People! I think we made a mistake!” The raging idiot called Hammer said from the crater he had made.

“There is no one inside.” Spoke a ghostly voice next to Rauta. She jumped in surprise as she glared at her last team mate who appeared like a ghost next to her. A supernatural member of the JLI. His name was Nightleaf, a Winter Court Fae...What ever that meant! He also incredibly gorgeous, and Rauta hated that he was pretty than her.

Then the entire simulation ended as above them in big bold red letters stated! Simulation failed! The entire team groaned, except for Nightleaf who disappeared from view with out a word. As did the rest of her team. Rauta groaned in despair, as her specific simulation room reset. Everything melted away, imagine the entire world was made up of tiny, minuscule cubes. Like those old video game graphics...Pixels! The entire world burst into pixels then the room went black.

See, each room is linked together for training. But everyone you train with is not actually in the same room with you. The rooms are linked so they can actively portray that person in real time. This prevents accidents from occurring when you are doing fight training. Like say bashing a persons brain in for being an idiot! Rauta stomped out of the room. She knew she was being childish, she didn't care!

She met up with the rest of her team in instructors room. Then Rauta had to try not to stare at one of the most handsome, and charming men she had ever met. Green Arrow! The man was wearing a tight green leather combat uniform. Custom made, and he was so sexy wearing it! Oh, and Black Canary was standing next to him. But who cared about her!

“So, do you know what you did wrong?” Black Canary asked, looking them all over.

“We didn't do recon on the structure. This allowed us to make the mistake of miss information. We were given an address of the specific warehouse. But it seemed we were off by a few hundred feet. The warehouse we struck was empty, while the warehouse next to it was the actual target...” Nightleaf said as he appeared from nothing again. Making everyone jump, but the instructors Green Arrow, and Black Canary.

“Wait!” Hammer shouted. “Are you saying we missed by a few hundred feet?” He finished, a look of astonishment on his face.

“Yes! Which is why I said we needed to do recon! What if they had prisoners in the section you destroyed, Hammer?” Rauta yelled at her team mate who winced at her screeching voice.

“Rauta! Calm down, it wasn't like you really tried to stop us!” Red Heart the other woman in the group said, as she stuck up for Hammer who sent her a thank you.

“Excuse me!” Rauta turned to look at Red Heart. The younger woman shrunk under her gaze.

“ENOUGH!” Green Arrow shouted, and they all stopped. Rauta could feel her cheeks flaming red. Thankfully her uniform came with a full mask.

“You all screwed up. Blame can be placed on everyone, but at the end of the day you are all a team! You all work in Detroit! You all have abilities that help work well with the others in your group. That is why you are placed together! But, if you can't get past your dislike for each other. Then you will be separated, and you'll be rotated to auxiliary tasks only! Do you want to do that?” Green Arrow asked, his voice was smooth as honey on Rauta's ears. Even when he was angry he was hot.

“...No....” They all said eventually. Auxiliary tasks were for low grade JLI. Like Like helping clean up an apartment complex. Wash the floors, paint over graffiti, etc. It was things that needed to be done. But they gave it to the new, and untrained.

One by one Green Arrow, and Black Canary went over what they should have done as a team. Then they went over what each one of them should have done as an individual. They started with what you did wrong, what you didn't do, then finished with what you did right. Unfortunately for them all, the 'what you did right' category was pretty small. By the time they finished it was time for lunch. Everyone was dismissed, but Rauta was asked to stay back.

Rauta stood in the instructors room with Green Arrow, and Black Canary. They were looking over pieces of information. Rauta continued to look up at Green Arrow, and tried to not glare at Black Canary. Everyone in the League knew that these two were together. Rauta knew that! She didn't like it, but she understood. Black Canary looked really good in the black leather, and fishnet. Maybe Rauta could get a different uniform? But Wraith had made her uniform...

“Rauta...Rauta? You there?” Arrow asked, and her head snapped up to look at him.

“Yes, sorry... I Sorry...” Rauta asked, and Arrow frowned at her.

“Rauta, you asked to be a part of a team. You said you could do more with a group. It was very mature of you. But, now that you are part of a team it is almost like you are trying to sabotage the attempt...” Black Canary asked her.

“I...I thought I would be in charge of the team. I have more experience than they do...” Rauta said, admitting the truth of the matter. Arrow, and Canary both looked at each other in surprise.

“Rauta, I'm sorry but a few weeks difference is not enough to prove your a leader. Also, if you want to the truth? Nightleaf is far older, and far more experienced than you are.” Canary told her the truth that she didn't want to hear. Her face looked up in shock, then she turned to Arrow. Surely he would support her, but his face told it all.

“Nightleaf!?” Rauta squeaked a surprise.

“Rauta, Nightleaf is seventy five years old. He's participated in at least three different invasions. All be it they were all magical, and didn't plunge the world into darkness. But yes. If any one on the team is to be the leader it would be him.” Arrow said, laying it out for her. A few weeks may have been a lot for Rauta. But not for the JLI.

The two of them continued to talk to Rauta. Or rather they tried. But it went in one ear, and out the other. She was struck blind, deaf, and dumb to the world around her. She was eventually dismissed and she left in a daze. She had been really good in her old neighborhood. Stopped thugs, gangsters, helped with the rebuilding. Because of her machine affinity she was able to help repair, and fix the machines effected by the bombs. She had grown use to being relied on.

Rauta dragged herself to the dinning hall aboard the station. She wanted some chocolate, and she wanted it now! The Watch Tower station was larger now. The upgrade had been complete, and it couldn't have come sooner. Yes, the station was still packed. But at least she didn't have to shove through everyone to get to her destination. The dinning hall had grown larger, like any other module. She was guided to a small table by a worker droid. Rauta requested her food, and it arrived with in a few minutes.

A blur of purple, and pink energy raced by the buffet line. Then energy trail stopped in front of Rauta's table and set the food down. Rauta blinked and looked up to see Rush aka Monika Celeritas. Wearing her purple, and pink speedster uniform. Light weight polymer thread, with minimal armor, utility belt, and retractable helmet. Rush sat down with a grin and started to devour a stack of waffles. Rush's antics always brought a smile to Rauta's face.

“I wish I could eat like you. Wouldn't have to worry about my waist size.” Rauta grumbled, as she took a slice of chocolate cake.

“Yep! Looks like you are totally worrying about your waist size.” Rush said with a grin, and gobbled down her plate. Then moved to a pile of sausage. They sat together in companionship silence for a few minutes.

“Training not go well?” Rush asked, after she went back for more from the buffet.

“No... I. I thought I was going to be the team leader. Turns out that Nightleaf is more or less shoe in for it.” Rauta said, and grumbled as she took another big bite of her second slice of cake.

“The UnSeelie guy? Well ya that makes sense. He's like in his eighties or something.” Rush replied between bites. Rauta looked up in shock.

“Did everyone know but me?” Rauta asked, then looked contrite.

“Rauta...Did you not read his JLI information? Did you read any of your team mates info? No wonder they don't think your ready to be a leader. You've hardly taken the time to even learn about your team mates!” Rush asked askance at her friends clear lack of trying.

“I...Just wish things were back....to....” Rauta started to say, then grew quiet when she realized what she was saying.

“Back during the invasion? When people were dying on the streets?” Rush asked, she had stopped eating and was looking at her friend in surprise, and with pity.

“It was easier then....I knew where I stood.” Rauta said at last, confessing her feelings to Rush who sighed loudly at her.

“Yes, it was easier for you. You had a bunker, you had a portal to the station. You had food, water, and medicine. Your family was safe, and you were vitally important to the resistance, and to the people around you. Easier for you!” Rush said, a bit of anger leaking into her voice.

“Maybe you should ask to be switched to Guard. Maybe you should ask for some time off. Figure out where you belong. Because if you really think that life was better when people were dying everyday. Then maybe you really should stop and ask yourself. What kind of hero do you want to be?” Rush finished and picked up her plates to sit somewhere else. Rauta slumped in her seat, tears welling up in her eyes.

She just wanted to matter. She didn't want to be another face in a sea of faces. She wanted to be important. She wanted.... Validation.


***Time Fragment. Sector 68, Temple home of the Priest***

Clean hot water was a blessing from above, and below Lash thought. He was standing in the temple home in his refresher room. A high pressure nozzle of water was shooting over him as he scrubbed his body down. Yes he had cast Immaculate on himself. But as he had learned when he arrived in the time fragment. He really missed taking showers. Beep...Beep...

“Creator, Kemuna Ke-Zod is outside your door. Shall I let her in? She is alone.” Epsilon said over a communication line that Lash had installed for his two? Eight? Robotic people.

“Yes please. Thank you.” Lash said back across the line.

Two minutes later the door to the refresher room opened up and Kemuna walked in, wearing her full uniform except for her helmet. Lash was sure it would be placed at the door. He stood in the shower, the steam on the glass doing nothing to hide his naked form from her. Kemuna Ke-Zod with her light chocolate skin was beautiful to behold. She had golden eyes, with plump full lips that she was currently biting as she looked Lash up and down. She had a rectangular figure, but Lash knew from personal experience that with out the uniform she had bouncing breasts, and a plump ass.

“Care to join? I can wash your back.” Lash offered, opening the glass door. This let all the steam out and she got a full frontal view of him. Her eyes danced up and down his body. A blush crawled up her face. But she took a deep breath, and calmed her mind.

“I'll wait outside for you.” She said, then walked away with a particular sway to her hips. The beads in her multi braided hair clicking together....


Lash finished up and came out wearing baggy pants, and a shirt that was comfortable to sleep in, or move around in his home. Kemuna had taken off her justicar upper armor, coat, pants, and boots. Leaving a black tank top on, and a pair of under guard shorts. She had tucked herself up on the couch. Letting Lash know that she intended to stay, hopefully for the night. This was the same night that Lash had returned from the subterranean lands of Kryptonopolis, as well as the night he and Ursa fought the cyber slaves of Brainiac.

“Are you hungry?” Lash asked, as he walked past her on the couch. He trailed his fingers along her exposed neck and she smiled lightly at him.

“I would say no, but your cooking is amazing. So, yes please.” She said with a bright smile. She stayed on the couch though, she had a holographic pad in her hands. She was looking over the after action report the high guard, Ursa, and Lash had given.

Ursa admittedly had been irritated when she checked her video records and found no evidence of any conflict on it. From the first confrontation before the high guards left. All the way to the nest. Her suits video recorder was not operational. As far as Lash knew she never suspected him. Information was key to winning any battle. That was something that Brainiac and his forces knew all to well. They had repeatedly sabotaged, and erased vital pieces of information just so that the Kryptonian forces would be at a disadvantage.

But! That also meant she had no proof other than her word when Lash had done things beyond reason. Her word would be enough for Dru. But the science council? They would assume she was talking none sense. Unfortunately for everyone involved they were commanded to report to the Science Council in the morning to give a full report about the Brainiac cyber slaves. The box of parts that Lash had brought back had been confiscated by the Military Guild. Which Lash was sure the Science Guild was not happy about.

“Are you really OK?” Kemuna asked from the couch. She had been watching him as he worked in the kitchen.

“I'm angry! I'm itching to keep fighting, but I am not injured.” Lash said back to her. He took out a few things and started to slice them up. Beep....Beep

“Creator, there is a Kursta Soll-Vo here to see you. Shall I say you are busy?” Epsilon asked over the intercom. Kemuna's eyes looked up, then back at Lash. A question on her face, then a smile bloomed.

“No, please show her up.” Lash asked his servant...A few minutes later the door opened up and Kursta wearing her full uniform walked in. A few extra rank bars for being declared third in charge of the justicar barracks.

“Are you alright?” Kursta asked, pulling her helmet off and placing it next to Kemuna's helmet.

“I am not injured. Please take your work clothes off. Relax, I'm making dinner.” Lash said with a smile.

Kursta breathed a sigh of relief and soon joined her primus on the couch. Kursta peeled off her uniform and wore a tight black tank top, and black shorts. She came around and sat on the couch behind Kemuna. Who adjusted herself so she could lay against her. They looked comfortable with each other, more than likely this was not the first time they've done this. They eventually joined Lash at the table for dinner. He made plenty for all three of them.

Then Lash used his new found Subliminal Seduction on top of his Charming Presence abilities. All three of them where in bed and enjoying each others company for little over an hour. Why an hour? Well Subliminal Seduction was a little to effective. Lash was able to play both women like musician. He knew every button, every spot, even erotic zone on their bodies. Combined with Apostle of Qetesh they were both exhausted by the end they curled up with each other next to him.

Attention User! You have used Apostle of Qetesh with two targets.

For the next four days, all of your stats have increased by 30%.

Comment: Now, remember to treat your other women when you get home!

Lash smiled at Dawn's comment. His bedroom was cast in low light from an underside lamp beneath his bed. Letting out enough light to see, but not enough to blind or bother you while you slept. Of course to Lash he could see perfectly even if it was pitch black. The relaxed breathing of two beautiful women next to him brought a smile to his face. Kemuna was behind Kursta chest pressed into her back, while Kursta had pressed her chest against Lash who was on his back.

Lash cast Immaculate on all three of them. Then slowly pulled the bed sheets to cover them. Though he doubted they would get cold. The smell of sex was intoxicating. Which is why Lash had to remove it when he cleaned up. He slowly drifted off to sleep, exhausted himself. But only a few short hours passed before his Clock sent him a silent alarm. 4:30 am, time to get up.

Lash rubbed his face and slowly sat up, and swung his legs off the bed. But before he moved he felt Kursta's hands on his back. She was mumbling in her sleep, but clearly didn't want him to move. He carefully tucked her in and kissed her on the lips softly. Then did the same for Kemuna who hummed at him, but didn't wake her self. Lash stood up and looked down at the two beautiful naked women and stopped to wonder when he became so different? As weird as it sounded, Lash was treating this time fragment as a sort of vacation. This place had no real consequence on his home reality. Was that why he was different?

Morning soon arrived, and Lash as always made breakfast for his house guests. They both left early as they had a lot of work to do. But they promised they would visit again. Each one leaving with a spring in their step, and the after glow one acquires after a wonderful night of sex. Lash went to his closet and pulled out his official Priest garb. Though it was designed for him, he decided it would be better to make his own.

When he left his temple home he wore black military boots, black armored pants, black armored top. Very normal up to this point. Then he had on a long black trench coat on with an attached hood. Then a golden mask inscribed with intricate detailed. The mask revealed his eyes but the rest of his face, and head were covered. The hood was put up to hide the rest of him. This was a representation of the garb of Raoism. They were meant to be in a sense disguised. A representation that Rao was in all of us. Anyone could be Rao. Though the gaudy gold, combined midnight black clothing was little over the top for Lash. He made sure to inscribe his proper rank, insignia, and decoration. He had to look the part.

Lash also inscribed several spells into the thread, using Orichalcum, and Nth metal. He wore black metal gauntlets, with gold highlights. Then he had shin, and knee guards in place that looked similar to his gauntlets. All in all he looked like a War Priest. Good, because that was exactly what he was suppose to look like. He walked down to the main foyer of the temple and checked on the different rooms.

The clinic, and the education center was seeing a lot of use. As was the gym, and Praetor. The young woman that Lash had met kept coming back, and was half way through her combat fitness. Most excellent! Lash took sometime to replace the medicine used in the clinic. Having learned, and copied the chemical formula for it. Something he would be more than happy to give to Ghost Industries, and the JLI when he went back home.

Then an alarm went off. Lash couldn't put it off any longer. It was time to head towards the Science Council. He wasn't sure how this was going to go. Would they refuse to believe Brainiac's forces were still around? Would he shoot his mouth off at their idiotic actions about the cataclysmic event that would destroy Krypton? Well in part what they claimed came to pass. Krypton would live to see another day, but no thanks to any of them. Maybe Lash could steel the phantom key while he was in the building?

Leaving the temple Lash was met with rain! Well not rain, being at the bottom floor of the sector the rain had turned into a chemical bath of grime, and gunk. He watched in frustration as the gunk destroyed his temple square, and his park. The weather in Kryptonopolis was controlled by weather towers. So this rain was by design. However, each layer of traffic had water filters in them. They were suppose to be cleaned every month, and replaced once a year. Why did Lash feel like the ones on the bottom floor had never been replaced?

His brand new War Priest garb was completely covered in crap half way to his destination. Lash decided he could spare a few minutes to head to the weather tower. He located the bottom floor access door and walked straight up. The security door opened up after scanning his ID tags. He was welcomed into the a grimy, poorly maintained security desk. Just like everything on the bottom floor it was disgusting.

“He....h...h...heello... How..How...How may I...Help you....cczzzttt!” A broken servant droid said from behind the desk. As it tried to stand on its broken legs.

“Where is the main elevator to the top floor?” Lash asked, having his ID scanned again. The droid pointed towards a metal alloy door. That had been welded shut?

Lash sighed in frustration and walked over to the door. He used Material Shaping and gradually pulled the door down. It came apart like one would with wet cardboard. The inside of the elevator shaft was...Clean! It was properly maintained, and kept in constant repair. The shaft went straight down several hundred feet to who knew where. Just another place for the cyber slaves to infiltrate. The shaft also went up hundreds of feet as well. He pressed the call button for the elevator but got an error message.

The call button wasn't broken! It just wasn't programmed to come down here with out proper security clearance. Lash ripped the panel off the wall at the protest from the security droid who couldn't even leave their desk because they had no legs! Lash bypassed the security, and called the elevator. When the metal box arrived it opened its doors to reveal two security personnel fully armed expecting a fight. Instead they found a irritated War Priest covered in gunk.

“I am War Priest Lash-Rao, I am in charge of the temple in sector 68. Why in the name of Rao! Was this elevator door welded shut!?” Lash roared at the two security guards who paled in fright at his outrage.

“We..We....We were told that...Back Zero may try and sabotage the weather tower. We were ordered to...” The guard tried to say, as his partner nodded in confirmation.

“Droid! How long has the elevator been welded shut. Command over ride, Vohc-zero-one-twilight.” Lash shouted at the security droid. It responded in a disconnected voice.

“t...t...two.....y...y...years...” The droid said. Lash turned to look at the security guards who sweating terribly. They didn't know why!? They just worked here, they didn't make decisions.

“Then I guess we are going up!” Lash shoved them back into the elevator and pressed the keypad to take him to the top floor of the weather tower.

The ride up was eerily silent. The two security guards tried not to breath two hard, afraid they would make Lash even angrier than he was. Rage was slowly building up in Lash. He knew 68 was a shitty sector. But more, and more of it just added to the funeral pyre. No wonder Black Zero wanted change. This was fucking terrible! He also knew not everyone in the Labor Guild had it this bad. Some where very lucky, they worked in nice buildings, and lived in nice homes. But Krypton was suppose to be an advanced society. What was this crap!

Ding! The elevator door opened on the main control floor. Wasn't the top, but the rest of the tower was a complex machine that helped generate the weather. Lash stepped off the elevator with the two security guards in tow. The Labor Guild, and the few scientist assigned to watch over them looked towards Lash. Confused as to why a priest of Raoism was here, and why was he so dirty?

“Where is the head scientist for this tower?” Lash asked no one in particular, but the security guard to his right spoke up.

“He's in the main office overlooking the sector. Come this way!” The man said, happy his voice didn't crack. Lash left a trail of smeared gunk in his wake. The smell was over powering, so much so that one of the supervisors asked it to be cleaned up.

Lash was brought to a very nice office! It had blue crystal glass floors, metal alloy walls, and a rare wood that Lash couldn't place for a door. Before the security guard could knock, Lash opened it up himself and walked straight in. The office continued to follow the theme from outside. Except for the bay windows that showed off the impressive sight of sector 68's top floor. Only its top floor! The leading scientist in charge of the weather tower was sitting at a dark wood desk, another rare tree. A very beautiful and seductive Labor Guild secretary taking notes in a chair next to him. They both turned to look at him.

“Excuse me! I'm in the middle of some important work!” The scientist shouted at Lash. Then screamed in panic as he was pulled off the ground by nothing then came rushing towards Lash. Who had his hand outstretched to catch the man by his throat.

“I am War Priest Lash-Rao. The owner of the temple with in sector 68. The temple resides at the bottom floor. The rain on the bottom floor is full of chemicals, and sludge. Tell me, head scientist of the weather tower. When was the last time the bottom floor water filters were swapped out?” Lash asked, and the man tried to answer but only came out in choking gasps.

“You! You are his personal assistant. When was the last time the water filters were swapped out on the bottom floor?” Lash asked the young woman who jumped from her seat and ran to her bosses computer.

“I..It says....Last week!” She said, her smile bright and incredibly naive. Sherogoth's Blessing worked on Kryptonian's as much as it did humans. The young woman was innocent, as were the two security guards. But this bag of shit was not!

“Sounds like we need to take an inspection of the grounds! Come!” Lash said and turned around and pulled the man along with him. Adjusting his grip so the man was held by his neck, but could still breath and kinda talk.

“Wait!...I...I assure you! Everything is up to code! If there is a problem we can fix it!” The man shouted, and kicked his legs in vain. The security guards not knowing what to do follow behind.

They reached the elevator under the terrified stares of the people on the operations floor. A call for the justicars went out. A man claiming to be a war priest has taken their supervisor hostage! But with the average response time of the justicars in 68. Lash wasn't worried. The elevator opened up to bottom floor sector 68, or rather the layer between bottom, and middle. Where the filters were placed.

Much like the bottom floor the catwalks, and machines here were in disrepair, covered in gunk, slime, and in desperate need of help. Lash continued to drag his...guest with him towards the nearest water filter. The contraption was a giant box that was suppose to filter in the water from the weather tower. Then redistribute it across the sector, this one, and many others like it were even spread out across the sector. Each layer had their own water filters. In between each layer was also an energy net that should catch falling debris!

“Tell me, supervisor! Does that look like its been swapped out?” Lash asked, as he pulled the man up effortlessly. Lash had the back of his neck now, holding him up like a mangy mutt. The man twisted in his grip and stared at the filter.

“It's a mistake! A mistake! The system said it was replaced! I swea-Gaaaah!” The man screamed at the end when Lash crushed his left hand in his metal gauntlets.

“I'm going to give you a piece of advice you piece of shit! Lying to me, will result in more broken bones!” Lash shouted at the man.

Lash walked across the rickety catwalk that groaned under his weight. The security guards that followed them looked wearily at the metal. Lash pulled the front cover off the filter. It was a mess inside! Covered in gunk, slime, and fungus! Lots, and lots of fungus! Mushroom types that Lash had never seen! His Nature Domain passive informed him that the mushroom could spread spores to anyone who ingested them. Which would poison, and or kill a person. Fuck! No wonder people got sick so much! The sewers bad, and the weather is bad. So Lash pushed the supervisors head into the sludge.

“DOES THAT LOOK CLEAN TO YOU!?” Lash shouted in anger at the man who flailed his arms and tried to push out. Lash turned to look at the security guards. His golden mask marred by black sludge. They both shook their heads in pure denial! No, no that did not look clean!

When the supervisor started to struggle to breath. His limbs slowly twitched slower, and slower. Then right before he gave out Lash pulled him free and the man coughed, and choked on the sludge. He vomited up what had got into him and he cried! He begged for Lash to let him go. But the please fell on deaf ears. Lash walked down the catwalk to the next filter. It was the same! They checked the serial code on the filters. They hadn't been replaced in five fucking years!

Five years! Five years was the exact amount of time that this piece of shit had taken over as supervisor! Lash received a message on his communicator. They wanted to know where he was. He replied that he was cleaning out some trash that had fallen from the sky. The energy net was down, and things were crushing the populace. He'd be over as soon as he could. One would think that would warrant a response. All he got was, please hurry. Don't make the science council wait. Would Dru care if Lash killed the science council? Or would he be happy?

“Priest! Stop this! We can figure out what went wrong. Just set him down!” A voice called out, Lash turned to see the justicars on the catwalk with him. Oh, they showed up! Only took them a fucking hour!

“Set him down? You want me to set him down!?” Lash screamed at them, they all flinched and stepped back. Many of the justicars knew who Lash was. A calm, collected man that you should never make angry.

“What do you think? Should I set you down?” Lash asked the supervisor as he lifted him up and held him over the edge of the catwalk. His legs dangling beneath him. The man struggled, and screamed please no!

“What do you have to worry about!? You are in charge of the weather tower! That means you also have innate knowledge about the energy net! You of all people should know that the sensors prioritize living organisms! If I drop you, you'll barely fall more than ten feet! Unless the energy nets aren't working! Are they working!?” Lash shouted at the man.

“NO! NO! NONE OF IT IS WORKING!” The supervisor shouted in horror.

“Oh...That is to bad! Because the justicars say I have to set you down. It would be bad for me to not follow orders!” Lash said, and let him go!

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” SPLAT! Went the supervisor. He crashed into the street below thankfully he didn't crush anyone. A few people looked up and even waved at Lash. He waved back, and then those people started to rifle through the pockets of the man. Then the body was left there.

“Justicars, please excuse me. I am expected at the Science Council tower. You all have a wonderful day!” Lash said, and brushed past the justicars who made no move to stop him.

Lash used Virtual Intelligence to create a rogue program that caused a forced shut down of the weather tower. Rain was not on the menu until the water filters were replaced. Something that the tech-spirit could actually check. Oh, they also needed a new supervisor. But that could come later. Lash cast Immaculate on himself. Now that he was fresh and clean he went to the transport station and used his Business transport pass. He notified the tower that he was on his way.

Unlike the luxury transport that he had shared with Kursta. There were a few people aboard the Business version. Though they each had their own seats, and at least one Labor Guild attendant asked if they wanted something to drink. Lash was granted a larger than normal seat, and private box because of his station as a priest. Lash politely declined any refreshment, and watched the city fly by his window. The longer he stayed on this planet the more he missed home. Sector 68 reminded him of Gotham. After the Summer Court Ball. He may take some time to just visit Gotham. Spend time with his pack. Or he hoped he could. Nightmare mode was something he could do with out.

“Dawn, is there anyway to change my difficulty?” Lash asked, alone in his private box.

“Nothing you would want to do, User. If you choose to restart your Dream you can of course adjust your difficulty. But you'll lose everything you've gained so far. You have many, many World Points. But you would never get back what you lost.” Dawn's voice was sweet on his ears as always. But he could also hear in her voice that she was sad for him.

“You could turn all of the Rifts off. No more time fragments, scenarios, or story Rifts. Just Rifts tied to events. That would lessen your burden..But.” Dawn began, but Lash understood.

“I've gained a lot from this Rift. Plus with the Rift time tool it has been what? Eighteen hours back home? As stress full as this has been, it's also been a mini vacation.” Lash finished Dawn's thought, and continued on. Sighing softly, he heard Dawn giggle at him.

“Yes, you do seem to be enjoying the women in your life. I hope you keep that attitude when you go back home. Plenty of women, and men in your life would like some of your attention.” Dawn said with a snicker.

“I've got 50 DP left, along with 20 DP on my credit. Any suggestions for things to buy?” Lash asked, and a store menu window popped up. Invisible to the naked eye of the Dreamers.

“Following your unique tech tree I have two skills that would be beneficial.” Dawn said, as an invisible hand highlighted to skills.

Science Intuition: The User has extraordinary innate skills with the study and utilization of the field of science to produce mass inventions, conduct experimentation, and perform accurate calculations. They have vast intuitive understanding in a variety of branches of science.

Works in tandem with Observant Learner.

This skill costs 20 DP.

Magic Intuition: The User possess uncanny intuition with magical phenomena in all their myriad forms, allowing them to perceive and understand magic like no other, learn and master virtually any spell and school of magic with outstanding ease.

Works in tandem with Observant Learner.

This skill costs 20 DP.

Congratulations User! You've purchased Science Intuition, and Magic Intuition.

Cost is 40 DP.

Lash bit back a yell as hundreds of thousands of words, diagrams, pictures, displays, notes, pages, runes, etc were forced into his brain. Into his living memory! The store window closed out, and Lash tried to sort through the new information. He looked around at the transport he was in. He fundamentally knew how it worked simply through Technomancy. But now he understood why it worked. He also understood how to improve on it. Science Intuition sent him several hundred experience and he gained his first level in it.

Lash looked out across the city and realized something else, Magic Intuition activated and sent him over a thousand experience granting him two levels just from that. He knew how to plant a Daylight spell with yellow energy at the tip of the city. He could create a UV shield, and with time he could easily have an entire city full of super powered Kryptonians. With some environmentally sealed suits they could ward off the red sun energy.

“Holy crap, Dawn! These skills are amazing! Thank you!” Lash said in astonishment.

“You are very welcome, User! They were part of a new version update just a few hours ago. I thought they would be of use to you.” Dawn said in a sweet voice, and Lash felt her lips kiss his cheek.

Lash transport landed, he along with a few others stepped off and walked towards the Science Council tower. However, with in a few minutes of walking Lash earned a armed escort. They were high guard under Dru-Zod. The Science Council tower was a magnificent piece of technology. The entire tower was part of an artificially grown, and designed crystal. Carefully carved into the nearly solid piece of crystal was the building. The tower was at its base 1,500 feet wide, towering above at 3,000 feet in the air. Surrounding at the cardinal points were auxiliary towers half as wide, and half the height. They had support beams, and bridges connected to the tower. Each auxiliary tower was for a guild while the Science Guild of course got the biggest one.

“What a waste of space.” Lash said out loud, and the high guard chuckled.

Lash laughed even louder when he realized that if Black Canary used her sonic scream. The tower would literally shake itself to pieces. The giant crystal structure had some earthquake protection, but anything above 4.5 and it would fall apart. Lash tried to remember if he saw an earthquake spell in the Nature Domain or not? Wow, Lash was in a bad mood.

Congratulations User! You've learned a new spell for your Nature Domain.

Earthquake Control: The User can generate earthquakes. The bigger the more energy.

Another chuckle escaped Lash, this time a bit more sinister. The high guard felt a shiver roll up their spine. Lash would have to thank Dawn later. The lobby of the tower was extravagant. All of the Labor Guild attendants were well dressed, groomed, and well fed. At least they were far better off. But this was a good example of Labor Guild getting a good education. Yes, you were still beneath the other houses. But Lash could guarantee that the workers here went home to a nice house, with clean water, and good food. A stupidly expensive gravity lift opened its doors. Lash stepped in alone, the high guard waited down stairs.

This thing was stupid! Yes, it was incredibly fast as he felt his gravity change, and he was shot up into the air. But he also knew that if power was interrupted for any reason. Anyone in the lift would fall to their death! There was zero safety features in place! It was like the Science Council never believed their city could fall. You know who else thought that? KANDOR! Of course the city didn't so much as fall, as get torn out of the ground.

Attention User! Your optional quest has been updated.

Optional Objective: Current percentile chance of success. 35.1975218633% [Still active]

At this current level of completion, Krypton will no longer explode. It will still face a cataclysmic destruction that will be classified as an extinction level event.

That was fast! But of course Lash knew that old Dru-Zod had brought machines to help keep Krypton stable. The worm would grow, adapt, and learn. It must be working with the machines to stabilize its new home. They had little over a month before Krypton was scheduled to explode. But with the time they have left? More than likely Krypton won't even face a mild tremor. Something could still go wrong, of course!

Lash was pulled out of his thoughts as he arrived at his designated floor. A strip of light appeared under his feet so he could walk. Then the doors opened up, waiting inside was General Dru-Zod, and Ursa. Lash walked in, and bowed from his waist to both them offering the greetings. Dru looked at him with a smile. He wore a military high guard uniform. But had taken a page from Jor-El. His uniform looked like the suit had been pulled out of a primordial soup mix then grafted onto a rigid metal frame. It had his house symbol on the front.

Ursa wore a similar piece of uniform to Dru. Still high guard standard, but the organic material was black, with gray highlights. Lash was sure that both gear sets were just as practical as the ones they wore underground. These ones just looked cooler. The antechamber they waited in was full of extravagance. Plush leather seats, wooden tables, pitchers of varies drinks, and some fruits. On either side of the room were view screens. No windows, since they were in the middle of the tower.

“How are you feeling?” Dru asked, sitting back down once greetings had been exchanged. Lash reached towards his left arm and 'pressed' a button. A baffle field enveloped him, Dru, and Ursa who stepped into the field when she saw it pop up.

“If I assassinate the science council would you stop me?” Lash asked, his face unlike Dru, and Ursa was still covered behind his mask. Dru cracked a smile and laughed lightly. Then his smile froze, and he sat up straight.

“Your serious?” Dru asked, and Ursa looked at Lash with a raised brow.

“I am really, really tired of how they run this city. I know the Labor Guild is the lowest of the houses. I also understand that Krypton relies on them. I don't like how poorly they are treated!” Lash growled the sound was deep bass that made the hairs on peoples neck stand up.

“Ursa told me about the poor condition of the sewer system. How the Science Council put it at a low priority.” Dru said the words, Science Council like it was something to be removed from the bottom of ones shoe.

“I can say with certainty that if you stepped inside and attacked the council I would have to stop you. But, if at a later time. Say in.....” Dru paused and looked at Ursa.

“Eighteen days, and twelve hours.” Ursa continued his sentence, he nodded to her with a smile.

“Say at that time, if you still wanted to. I would be more than happy to let you!” Dru replied, Lash nodded in understanding. That was when the civil war would start.

“I'll warn you now, that if they don't take the threat of Brainiac seriously. They'll die well before that appointed time.” Lash said with venom in his voice.

“If they don't take it seriously I'll help you.” Dru said, then stood up just as the doors opened up. Lash collapsed the baffle field....

The council chamber room was...Mediocre. Lash was surprised, with all the apparent wealth of the whole tower. You would think the floor was made out of gold! But, it was a collection of stone chairs. A closed room, natural rock. That must have been difficult to get in here. Over a dozen Science Council soldiers walked in first. They looked like the armor that Dru, and Ursa wore. Organic material pulled across a metal frame. Their armor was caribbean sea green in color. Then came the council members. Then Lash saw the where all the money went.

These councilors, all of them in their twilight years wore complex ceremonial robes, gowns, and complex head dresses. One of them looked like a elementary school science project. With a red jewel in the center representing the sun, while the rest of the planets were poorly made out of rock, and other precious metals. Ursa must have noticed his irritation because she came over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

“Calm down....There is nothing we can do right now.” She said softly, her voice attempting to be comforting. Dru was watching Lash carefully from the side. A smile was tugging on his lips.

“War Priest, Lash-Rao. You kept us waiting, explain yourself.” A councilor said in an indignant tone of voice.

“I was working, unlike the rest of you I am actually useful.” Lash responded, his nonchalant response froze the whole room.

“How dare you!” The original councilor screamed at him, and stood up. The guards pulled out their rifles.

“How dare I!? We have cyber slaves under the city. Taking citizens and making them into more soldiers! While you! You, councilor just came from a sitting room getting your cock sucked by a woman that is not your bonded mate!” Lash yelled at the man, who looked like he had been struck in the face.

“There is no evidence of Brainiacs soldiers under this city!” An older woman shouted at him. That statement alone made both Ursa, and Dru step forward.

“Excuse me!? We have evidence of their attack. We have parts brought back from a skirmish!” Dru yelled at the councilor.

“What evidence? You refused to provide video data, and the parts you brought us were in a ruin! Clearly they were stolen from one of our science facilities! Just another chance for the Military Guild to start a fight where none exists!” Another councilor starts.

“YOU DARE! YOU DARE CALL MY SOLDIERS LIARS!” Dru roared at them, furious!

“You want evidence! Here is evidence!” Lash shouted at them and pulled up several holographic windows of his, and Ursa's fight underground. Partially edited to avoid the use of magic.

“It is a serious crime to falsify evidence of such nature, Lash-Rao take care of your actions now. There is no threat under our capital!” One of the few remaining councilor called out to him.

“Lash! I take it back! Do what you need to do!” Dru called out, and Lash needed no other prompting. Red Psionic Blades burst from his fists. Every one but Ursa's eyes went wide.

“I am fucking done with this shit!” Lash roared and sprinted towards the nearest councilor. While Dru pulls out a concealed fire arm and starts to shoot the guards. Ursa covers his flank with her own weapon. The first councilor to speak against Lash wailed in fright as he cut him in half!

“No! No! You can't do this!” A woman councilor screamed in horror. They fell over themselves trying to get away. They tripped on their robes, and gowns. Their top heavy hats doing nothing to aid them. Another red blade pierced a councilor, then another, and another.

“Where are the rest? Why is the alarm not going off?” Dru asked, the last guards surrendered and threw their weapons aside.

“I uploaded a program. They have no idea anything is going on.” Lash called to them, as he sprayed nanites across the bodies. Decomposition activated, and the bodies slowly started to decay at a visible rate.

“You are full of surprises, Lash! I don't suppose you can get us out here as well?” Dru asked, and Lash looked at him.

“Maybe, have you had lunch yet?” Lash asked, and Dru looked at him in confusion.

“No...We waiting for you to arrive. Why?” Dru asked, Lash walked to him, and Ursa. Then he cast Digital Stride. Dru, and Ursa burst into programming code. Then flew into his communicator, then flew through the net. He sent them to the barracks in sector 68.

“I won't kill you, but I have to knock you out.” He said to the remaining guards, then one by one they fell asleep. His Pheromone control struck again. Time to get the phantom key!


***Time Fragment. Sector 68, Justicar Barracks***

A communication relay tower sputtered, and sparked with an unexpected increase in energy. As two glowing orbs of light burst from its video feed. Hundreds of thousands of lines of code filter out from the orbs slowly taking the shape of two people. Dru-Zod is the first to arrive, and he loses what remains of his breakfast and dry heaves several times. As Ursa takes shape next to him, she coughs, and pukes just like him. But ever the soldier she looks around to guard him. Justicars are running towards their location.

“Ahahaha.....hahahahaahahah!” Dru laughs after a bit. A huge smile on his face! That was incredible! Teleportation had never been figured out! They had played with it for years trying to get the simplest objects through a portal. Now? Now, the Religious Guild not only had access to it. But could compact it to a hand held device!?

“General!” A justicar came to his side and helped him up, Ursa was coordinating transport back to their main compound.

“I'm alright soldier! I'm alright. Relay a message to your primus. 'Vohc built a tower of beautiful stone. But the Flamebird has come to destroy it.'” Dru said to the soldier, and had the man repeat it back to him before he let him go. It was time...

Dru, and Ursa climbed into a military transport and flew back to their compound at best possible speeds. The Military Guild communication net was filled with chatter. They were ahead of schedule, but they would never get a better chance than this. Lash had killed the Science Council, and gotten them out of a death trap. Killing the council was never going to be hard. But getting out would have been, or rather should have been difficult. An alarm went off across the city. A soft yellow alert, all citizens were to return to their homes, or seek shelter at designated points.

Massive troop, and tactical ships were flying in from the country side responding to a distress call from the science council. The Military Guild were on high alert! They had to secure the city, for sake of its people! Then they saw it! Everyone saw it! An explosion at the Science Guild primary tower. Half way down, in their research and development section. The crystal tower rocked back and forth from the explosion. The tip of the tower lurched to one side, then started to fall. The symbol of the Science Guild, the tower that pointed towards the future while firmly planted in the past.

“Sir!” Ursa called out, Dru looked at her then read the notification on the read out.

“The codex has been taken!?” Dru yelled in surprise! The video feeds to the genesis chamber showed mechanical puppets with the faces of Kryptonian's attached to them.

“Send our forces there now!” Dru commanded Ursa, then pulled out his own communicator. He needed to call...Himself. How did they do it before? Did it go like this?

“Dru....Why are we mobilizing? It's not time yet.” The voice of older Dru spoke over the communicator.

“Lash killed the science council. He used a hand held teleportation device to move Ursa, and myself out of the tower. We are heading back now. Lash stayed behind to obtain the phantom key. Brainiacs cyber slaves have taken the codex from the genesis chamber.” Dru shot off rapid information to his older self.

“That is...... Definitely problem.” Older Dru said across the line.

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