Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 99: Brainiac’s Influence


***HR. Gotham City, Botanical Gardens***

Gotham City with its gothic architecture, and concepts of madness had been hit several times in the past few years. The Joker Carnival siege, then the Atlantean tsunami, then it was hit again by the invasion force from the alternate reality. Unlike Starling City, Gotham had been a focus from the start. Why? Because Rofl Dex knew that Gotham was the favorite city of Wraith. Zeta teams, detached units, and eventually a full blown army attacked the city. Each time they were beaten back not only by its citizens but also by its criminal underworld.

Say what you want about Gotham City while the world works. But when the chips are down the people of Gotham will unite together to kick some ones ass, if only so they can be left alone to get back to killing each other. Heroes, and Villains alike put aside their differences and fought off the invasion force. Hundreds of common citizens stood up and took up the mantle of capes, costumes, and uniforms. While the 'freaks' of the city took up knives, guns, and the desire to misbehave to bring down the hundreds if not thousands of soldiers dispatched to Gotham.

Then Gotham Cities monstrous saint arrived from where he had been before. He raised his arms up and built a towering structure to provide not only power to the city. But the energy from the solar plant rebuilt, and repaired the city. Watching as a golden light crawled through the city and slowly pieced it back together made several people pick up the bible to look for answers. But, many would say that was not the place to look. Don't you remember? Wraith said that Lucifer himself owns a club in Las Angeles, called Lux.

Gotham City was one of the first few cities to be reestablished. Right along next to Metropolis, and of course Starling City. For the first time in decades refugee's from across the country came in swarms towards the city of darkness, and insanity. So much so that crime had jumped by 210% in the first two months since power was restored. That only got worse once the Justice League International said that the counter incursion was successful. The war was over. With the war over, brothers and sisters in arms went back to killing each other over scraps. While people of influence, power, or clout carved pieces of the city for themselves.

The Gotham City, Botanical Gardens had superstructures made from towering glass, stone works, and now? Giant trees! The Gardens had grown by several square city blocks but beside the new an invasive plant life. The city council didn't mind. Several of the giant trees had been used as a living environment for its citizens. Several hundred still lived in the trees, and the burrows around them. The Queen of the gardens Pamela Lillian Isley aka Poison Ivy. Was currently curled up on a bed with a sinfully high thread count bed sheets.

Ivy had long curly red hair that was vibrant and impossible to find in any natural human hair color. But of course Ivy had stopped being completely human almost a year ago. She had merged with The Green, and become an aspect of life. Something that had terrified her at first. But thanks to the helpful skills of a Druid Circle, and a few choice lovers that were immune to her toxins. But most off all it was thanks to a friend. One of the few people in her life she trusted.

Poison Ivy was approximately 5'6”, with red hair, jade green eyes, and green olive skin. She had a seductive hour glass figure. A bouncing chest, and supple ass that so many women, and men would kill for. She also had a cute button nose, and just a few freckles scattered across her cheeks and nose. But you could only see those if you got really close and focused on them. Something that she of course did constantly, and worried about it. One of her lovers, Timothy said it only added to her charm. He was sweet.

Ivy woke up in her bed wearing nothing more than a large white t-shirt made with natural fibers. Another present from Timothy, or rather it was something she had stolen from his closet. She stretched out across the bed and gave a delightful groan that would make people weak in the knees. Then she stepped off her bed and onto an assortment of branches, and petals that were made into a stair case. Her bedroom opened up like a giant flower, cause it was. Giant rose petals opened up to let the sun in from the glass ceilings above. Then she heard the music of her room mate down stairs.

“Red! You up!? I made coffee!” A woman's voice called up to her. Ivy smile, her juicy red plump lips pulled back into a smile.

“Yes Harley! I'm up! Thank you for the coffee!” Ivy said, as she came down from her blossom bedroom, and walked through a bramble wall into a five star kitchen. Say what you want about humans, modern appliances like a coffee maker was one of the few reasons she hadn't destroyed them already.

From one end of the room to other was a long line of appliances, and counter space. With a massive oven that could be switched to either electric, or gas cooking. Three different fridges, with several different coffee, and espresso makers. Then off to the side was dinning island for simple meals, or extra cooking space. The entire kitchen was natural marble, and metal. Not a single plant was harmed in the making of this kitchen. It, along with the mansion that Ivy lived in had been made by one of Ivy's best friends. A giant lizard specifically when he had come to visit Gotham before he left for the alternate reality.

Sitting at the kitchen island was Harleen Francis Quinzel aka Harley Quinn. She was 5'7” with bright blue eyes, platinum blond hair, and chemical bleached white skin. She had an athletic rectangular figure that one would find with a gymnast, or a runner. Today she had on a pair of tennis shoes, blue jeans, long pink silk blouse, and she wore a bright neon green suit jacket. The contrast of colors, and fashions made Ivy's eye twitch in annoyance but freshly made coffee helped fill the void.

“You heading into the women's shelter today?” Ivy asked, as she sat next to one of her true friends in the whole world. She caught Harley glaring at her, and Ivy blinked her eyes at her all innocent like.

“How! How!? Do you look like a million dollars when you first wake up out of bed like that? It takes me hours to put on my face!” Harley said with a grumble. Ivy knew that was a lie, Harley barely applied mascara. Thanks to her chemical bath she would have pure white skin the rest of her life.

“Just lucky I guess... Are you going to the women's shelter today?” Ivy asked again. Harley had been released on parole from Arkham on the promise that she would check in, and use her education for good. So Harley opened up a women's shelter. Out of her own pocket!

“Yep! I've got a few patients, and a few new people who are scared that their abusive pieces of shit will come by looking for them. They don't seem to get that once they cross that line they are under the protection of the state, and my own wooden bat!” Harley said with a grin, as she sipped her own coffee.

“Remember we have dress fittings later today at Edwardo's.” Ivy reminded her friend, and grinned when she wilted in her seat.

“Oh come on Red! Can't you just pick something out for me?” Harley said with a frown. She hated shopping for clothes. Even if she didn't have to pay for them.

“You know I cant. They have to match the protective wards to your aura so they work correctly. This is so you can attend the Summer Court Ball.” Ivy reminded Harley again of why they were going shopping.

“Why do I have to go to that stupid ball!” Harley made a petulant expression. Ivy just grinned at her and shrugged her shoulders.

“You don't have to go. But you said you wanted to go when you heard that Wraith was going to be there?” Ivy reminder her friend, and the 180 Harley did was a delight to watch.

“Wait!? Is he coming? I thought he was still doing his whole hero thing?” Harley was bouncing around on her feet now.

“As far as I know he is coming. His personal assistant sent out emails telling everyone of his intentions. Unless another war takes place he'll be there. Now, are you ever going to tell me why you want to thank him?” Ivy asked, she knew that Harley had a thing for Lash. A lot of women, and a few men did. But it seemed a little more personal than that.

“He....He's the one that gave me the money for the shelter.” Harley said in a quiet voice. Ivy's eyes went wide in shock. That was where Harley got the money from!? “He's also the one that sponsored my parole.” Harley continued, curling up in a ball on her kitchen stool. Ivy grinned at her friend and swallowed her up in a hug.

“Well we'll just have to make sure we get you a bombshell dress then!” Ivy said with a grin that made Harley blush.

“But Red I thought you had a thing for him?” Harley asked, and Ivy rolled her eyes at her.

“I have a thing for a lot of people, Harley.” Ivy said, and kissed Harley who fluttered her eyes closed and leaned into the kiss. Harley was mostly resistant to Ivy thanks to her chemical bath. Resistant, but not immune.

“So I'll see you at five for dress fittings, yes?” Ivy said to her friend who still had her eyes closed.

“Mmm! Sure, Red. What ever you say!” Harley said, as she licked her lips long and slow. Ivy grinned, and shook her head at her friend. Then she finished her coffee and walked towards the bathroom to take a shower.


***HR. Coast City, California***

“I wont go back!? Please! My parole was set for three years ago! The Kryptonian's held me with out trial! I won't go back!” The giant alien creature who looked like a cross between a human man, and a giant beetle screamed at John Stewart one of three Blue Lanterns in the universe.

“Please calm down! We are not on Krypton. We can figure out where you came from and send you there! Stop fighting!” John yelled at the man. The rest of the JLI that were there looked confused because all they heard from the alien was a series of clicks, and growls. Universal translator was a standard package in all lantern rings.

John had received a sudden message from operations from the Watch Tower. An alien had been identified with fighting against police just north east of Garfield high. Thankfully the alien didn't seem overly violent. He had attacked, but didn't kill anyone. He just seemed determined to get as far away as possible from Fort Rozz. When the JLI showed up in uniform the alien lost his mind and started rave about not going back. He put up a stiff response, but again never killed any one.

They were fighting in what remained of a gated community. Thankfully the community had been empty for several weeks. Though John was not looking forward to the property damage, or the lost of peoples homes. The homes all looked more or less identical. Typical first floor, second floor above, with a basement. A few homes had pools in the backyard, while others had multiple car garages. There was a standard loop that went in and out of the community back towards the main gate.

This was all important for a single reason. The alien couldn't find his way out! Everything looked the same, and he thought it was some sort of prison. Again. He started to put up a fight and threw the JLI around like a child would toys. Normally some one of his power level would have been no problem for John...Back when he was a Green Lantern. But, as a Blue Lantern he didn't have the same offensive power. So, John had to work with a team to subdue the alien.

But, there was at least a benefit to the trade off. When several of the JLI were thrown through a concrete reinforced wall. Their bones broke, and organs had been destroyed. They were on death's door. John landed and bathed them in the color of blue, the color of hope. Organs mended, bones snapped back together, and they were fully healed with in moments. John had gone from a front line vanguard, to a combat medic. It would take some time to adjust. But this new kind of power brought a smile to John's face.

“I just want to go home... I was arrested for possession and sentenced for five years. Five years! It's been forty! Why was I held so long? Where is this!?” The beetle creature asked, John after he was identified as a Lantern.

“You are on the planet, Earth. The Kryptonian government collapsed. There was no one to release you.” John explained to the alien, and the giant beetle started to weep.

This had gotten more complicated. John had assumed everyone aboard the prison ship were psychopaths, brutal convicts, that needed to be put back in. Not petty criminals that would have normally done their time, and gone back home to their lives. How many of the prisoners were monsters? How many were people just wanting to go home? The alien submitted to being taken to the Watch Towers prison cells where they could determine his claim. Then maybe see about getting a transport to his home world.

“This all would have been so much easier a few months ago. A quick call to Oa, then they would contact the solar government. Then we would take him home if the claims were true.” John said to himself more than anyone. As he watched the spring coil wrap around Xionizztik, the alien prisoner.

“If Fort Rozz was anything like the prisons here on Earth. How many of the prisoners were political? Sent off because they had spoken against a regime? How many of them could be innocent? How many of them are brutal killers happy to be out to kill again?” One of the JLI asked John.

“How many civilizations, pirate gangs, and Warlords will come to Earth to collect their people?” Another asked.

The Sol System was about to get really interesting, really fast.


***Time Fragment, Sector 68, Temple Square***

Ursa aka Ursa the she-Devil rode a military high guard transport into the sector. Herself along with a unit of twelve high guard military. The high guard were among the most well trained, and geared members of the Military Guild. They worked for the council, but more importantly swore absolute loyalty to the General, Dru-Zod. They would cut their own throats for him. They would lay waste to their own house if given the order. Perfect zealots for the cause. Ursa was proud to have them at her back.

Each one of them wore a slick polymer, and flex plates battle uniform. Some of the most advanced technology known to the Military Guild was on their person. The only known unit in all of Krypton with better technology was the fabled Black Guard. Their helmets were slick, featureless, masks that connected with their suits creating an environmental suit. Unlike other military units where each soldier had a specialty. The high guard were trained in every aspect, making them commandos. Capable of full filling any role assigned to them by their commander. Who currently was Ursa herself.

“Two minutes...” The pilot said over the intercom into the cargo and troop transport. Ursa stood up from her seat and all heads turned towards her.

“You have all been briefed on the mission ahead of us. You are all aware of what failure could me for not only us, but all of Krypton.” Ursa said, with a cold harsh voice that made many lesser men shiver in fear.

“You also know of the man, Lash-Rao. A Ligadian with an excellent military record. But remember he is a part of the Religious Guild. Though he is an ally, be aware of your words, your actions, but most of all your thoughts.” Ursa looked at each an everyone man, and woman in the transport.

“Lash-Rao is an ally today. But could very easily be an enemy tomorrow. Watch, and learn from him.” Ursa said at last, then saluted her soldiers with a fist to her heart. They returned the salute with a quick snap. A yellow light swallowed the transports cargo bay.

Ursa replaced her helmet and stood at the ready. The cargo bay doors opened up just as the light turned green. The high guard military transport hovered a thirty feet in the air above temple square. The solders jumped out with aid and landed on the ground with barely a sound. Their battle uniforms absorbing the impact. They moved in silently towards the temple doors just as the transport took off back towards the skyline.

The temple doors were unlocked and they rushed into the main foyer. Weapons out, but safeties on. They were expected after all. Movement was detected in the main chambers of the temple. They pushed in checking corners, stairways, and hallways. Until they came in and found a beautifully designed and carved temple chamber. Sermon pews were on either side row, after row of beautiful carved wood, and plush cushions. Crystal windows glowed softly from the floating yellow orb that simulated sun light above them. For a brief moment each soldier was momentarily stunned by the golden radiance of the orb. Then peace, and serenity felt in the room.

At the far end of the room standing beneath a mosaic of the history of Rao, and the creation of Krypton and Rao's children, and their children. Wash Lash-Rao, standing at 6'6” was the giant man himself. He had a rectangular shape, as wide as a door was the term. Like them, Lash was wearing a sleek military battle uniform. But this one had black, and gray armor. Where the black seemed to absorb light instead of reflect it.

Next to Lash-Rao were eight robotic units. On his left looked like a group of robotic service units with advanced simulated muscle, and skeleton structure. Making them incredibly durable, and almost life like. Each of them bowed their heads to the approaching soldiers. To Lash's right were four self defense robotic units. Each looked nearly identical to each other. With simulated skeletons, flesh, and even skin. They almost looked Kryptonian, though that was done by design. They instead saluted the soldiers.

“Welcome!” Lash spoke to the group entering the temple. Every soldier, Ursa included shivered involuntarily. They felt like they stepped into the cave of a great Tu'lynx beast. Where they were the prey, and it the predator.

Ursa couldn't help but lick her dry lips under her helmet. She didn't want to admit it but...She was attracted Lash. The same way one would find a picture of a beast to be beautiful. Lash was the type of predator that terrified her, but also excited her. She would never admit it to anyone, especially herself. But if Lash ever sent a coquettish glance towards her. She may have taken a chance to.... Ursa shook her head to clear her thoughts! She belonged to Zod, and only Zod.

“Please, come and kneel before the altar and bow your heads. So that Rao may bestow his blessing on his children.” Lash said with a smile that made Ursa swallow her retort. “Humor me sister, Ursa.” Lash said, and once again Ursa's mind started to wonder. What she would give to hear Lash call her, 'Big Sister'.

One by one the soldiers knelt down, and bowed their heads. Then Lash raised his hands and said a typical prayer that any priest would have given. Then each soldiers snapped their heads up because their suits sent an 'unknown energy' reading to their HUD (Heads up Display). They watched as green, and bluish energy flowed from the altar. Then they felt their bodies being purified, revitalized, and energized. The golden radiance of the light above them seem to swallow them for a brief moment.

Ursa wasn't sure how the rest of the soldiers felt. But she felt amazing! She had always taken care of herself. It was the way of the Military Guild. She had to be in optimal condition at all times to be of full service towards general Dru-Zod. She always stayed in combat ready health. Closely monitored diet, combat fitness, and chemical purifying. But never had she felt this...Good. She even moaned softly, but quickly clamped it down. But was horrified to know she was not the only one. The men, and women of her unit were the same.

“There, don't you all feel better?” Lash-Rao said to them from behind the altar. The last residual energy from the altar fading from sight, as well from their HUD.

“.....Yes....Thank..... You....” Ursa said each word as if they were like a knife twisting in her gut. Something was different! Lash-Rao had always been dangerous, but this was so much more! She needed to be careful. They all did.


Lash chuckled to himself as he watched the high guard stand up. He knew exactly how each of them felt. It didn't help that he may have used his new skill/power. Subliminal Seduction to make them feel good in all the right places. He held back, and didn't go to far. But the pleasure centers of their brains were sending all sorts of idea's though them. Well done partner! Putting them off balance was most excellent! -Saurian said across their shared link.

Epsilon, and his Replication clones offered hot tylak to each soldier. They declined, and Epsilon went to prepare for the day. Lash had taken his robotic servants suggestion to heart from last night. Though he could not trust the people of sector 68 with the secrets of his temple. So he used his ability, Awaken Trait. (Chap. 22) To place a meta power into Epsilon, and Praetor. Along with Source Code. The change had made Lash black out! But he was rewarded with a system prompt when he woke up.

Congratulations User! Awaken Trait has evolved into Minor Awaken Trait.

Effect: Increase in power, decrease in energy consumption, greater detail control.

Effect: May now grant growth abilities. (Starting grade, G-)

You have granted Epsilon, and Praetor a meta power.

Primary Power: Replication.

Secondary Powers: Partial-Hive Mind, Partial-Telepathy, Partial-Individuality.

Replication: The User can make limited number of copies of themselves.

Partial-Hive Mind: The User's copies partially share memories, instincts, and abilities. Each clone has to make a conscious effort to link up. They may of course choose not to.

Partial-Telepathy: The User's copies may communicate with each other over short distances. But only themselves, sharing information, improving reaction time, and communicating.

Partial-Individuality: The User's copies over time grow to become themselves, individuals. They still retain the same power set. Even one day becoming capable of Replication. They are themselves, but they are one with each other.

Currently Epsilon, and Praetor could make three copies of themselves. Who was the original? Technically each of them was the original. Technically each of them was an individual. Any who says that Replication is a dumb power doesn't fully understand the power. Even if you could only ever make simple copies of yourself and never more than a few at a time. So? That is still incredible! Imagine five Batmans! Enough said!

Lash did a bit of show and tell for Ursa, and the high guard unit. They had all been briefed into the mission. The fact that Krypton's days were numbered. So Lash led him to a newly renovated, secret room where a partially built shuttle had been made. It was based off the design of the shuttles at the Watch Tower. Ursa was impressed by its capabilities, and the fact that it was nearly done. If they truly had to abandon Krypton this ship could get them to the next livable world.

Lash also showed them their cargo for the journey underground. Each of the soldiers were carry a metal cylinder. Inside the cylinder was another glass one. This was filled with billions of tiny, tiny machines. Nanites! They would help build the machine underground with Lash's help. Nanites were still in experimental phase. The fact that the 'Religious Guild' got them to work astounded the high guard unit. However, the cylinders were actually just filled with glitter! They were given False Life from Lash's Illusion Domain. Appearances were important.

Lash also noticed something odd about Ursa. She had removed her helmet when she was inspecting the shuttle. She kept glancing at Lash when ever she thought no one would notice. She was....Appraising him? She even bit her lip once when he bent over to pick something up. Lash also swore he heard Dawn snickering at him. Then he was reminded of his new master skill he bought. Though he would never again see those dreadful words, Charming Presence has gained experience. That didn't mean that the skill was gone. Oh no! Now it was just a silent predator. Maybe Lash had made a mistake?

“I am sending you all a map to your suits HUD. This is the route we are taking, as long as the route hasn't been changed that is. Inside the data packet is a simple UI (User Interface) program to help guide you. If by some chance we are separated the program will help you get back to the main tunnels, and back to the surface. Or back to us if the distance is not great.” Lash said to them, and had his Virtual Intelligence upload the program.

“What type of resistance are we expecting?” One of the high guard asked, their voices synthesized through their helmets to help hide their identities.

“Black Zero, Black Guard, Bylock Syndicate, other minor gangs using the tunnels for black market shipping. Rabid ragilons, cynotix tunnelers. Also we may have homeless people down there. I wont ask you to check your fire. But if you shoot them? Shoot to kill.” Lash told the soldiers.

The Military Guild did not like the homeless. Everyone had a job in Kryptonian society, if you didn't have one? One was given to you. With a job, came a home. Yes it may have been a 10 ft square single room home. But it was a home. So, if you were homeless in Krypton. It was done by choice. The homeless often didn't want to be slaves to their high born masters. So they chose another life that may lead to starvation, and death. But at least they were free. Asking the soldiers to kill them instead of wound, was a gift not a cruelty.

Lash ran a finger along his collar and his helmet grew over his face and created a vacuum seal connecting to his suit. The high guard watched him with interest. Their suits didn't do that. Lash looked a lot like a tech-knight. With the armor looking a bit decorative. It had the Raoism script inscribed along the edges of the armor pieces. But despite the artistic design it was streamlined, sleek, with soft round edges. The polymer suit he wore underneath looked like chain mail, and leather. Again, just for the cosmetic appearances.

Hidden away under an Illusion Domain passive was the true spell script. Including his newly acquired Strength-Rune. Lash would have to activate the rune before it would work. He had tested it a few times while he was crafting the armor. At full power it was like having Superhuman Strength at C grade. Keep in mind that Lash's Superhuman Strength was still at G grade currently. So it just stacked on top of what he had. So four full grade levels was amazing!

The wall slide to the side and the overpowering stench of the sewers opened its arms and held them all in its uncomfortable embrace. Thankfully their vacuumed sealed suits kept it all at bay. Except for Lash who breathed it all in through his mask. He needed to, as overpowering as it was. It was important for a hunter to take in those smells. Saurian was already mumbling a long list of things though the link.

Lash activated his Military Special Operations training skill and moved with tactical precision with the high guard. True he was not as experienced as they were. They quickly grew to accommodate him, but were surprised how quickly he picked everything up. As his skill quickly gained experience, and levels. An ability would have to go from level one, to level one hundred before it would go through an evolution. Each level would generally increase the abilities power by 1%, and decrease its energy consumption by 1%. Then once it reached level one hundred, it would evolve and start over at level one.

With every increase in level the experience necessary to get to the next level would go up. Then the experience for level would increase exponentially with every grade increase. Then on top of it all! The ability would only obtain experience if it was being used. Yes, many abilities had a passive feature. But even then, the feature would only activate in certain situations. A great example would be Charming Presence. Despite the fact that it was a passive ability. It would only activate in certain situations.

So, as Lash traveled through the sewer system with the high guard moving with practiced ease. Military Special Operations rapidly gained experience, then level after level. Then the group came to an intersection and Lash held up a fist and the whole unit froze in place. Then he spread out his hand, his finger tips pointing every direction. The whole unit scattered and took up positions, hidden from sight. No less then thirty seconds later a sensor drone came flying through the intersection. A red scanning beam went over every inch. The high guard suits were insulated, and the material would block scans.

The sensor drone sent out an audible chime, and flew down the next corridor. A few minutes later a group of armed, and armored Kryptons came into the intersection. Their clothing was mismatched, and their gear looked like it had been scavenged. They were dirty, malnourished, and wide eyed looking for any possible dangers. Black Zero guerrilla fighters. The high guard flicked off the safeties and slowly started to aim. Then from above the Black Zero fighters was Lash.

The high guard paused in surprise. When did Lash move? Lash moved like a spider and was above the leader of the group. He took out a garrote line from a spool in his left wrist, then with practiced ease slipped it around the man's neck and pulled up. He had waited for a few seconds until the man, and group were separated by a few feet. He sent a single beep notification to the high guard not to move yet. Thanks to the background of the sewers, filled with a cacophony of sounds. No one noticed their captain dying next to them. Until in an act of desperation the captain pulled his trigger.

CRACK! The rifle shot, and the whole unit turned to look with horrified expression as their captain was kicking his legs back and forth. One hand trying to pull the garrote free, while the other dropped the rifle he had just shot. Then before they could react the high guard each fired a single road. A staccato of sound rang out. Then with one last sickening wet sound the garrote cut flesh and bone and the head of the Black Zero captain fell separately from his body. Lash curled in up on himself and dropped to the floor.

Not a word was shared among the unit. No congratulations, cheering, or gallows humor. Each soldier scanned the Black Zero members in their suits system to be checked on later. Lash carefully pulled each on of the dead Kryptons to the side. He said a quick prayer, then took a small 'nanite' cylinder. He sprinkled a bit on each one then stepped back. Decomposition consumed the bodies, clothes, and Recycle consumed their gear. Lash put his nanites away, and they left. No trace of the battle left behind.

Technically Lash was not in charge of the unit. He was being escorted so he could do a job. But after surprising three more Black Zero patrols the unit started to trust his instincts. Their own suit sensors were bouncing left and right off the sewer walls. Thick concrete, reinforced with metal alloys, and even crystal lattices were found in the sewers. The crystal lattices let them know they were beneath a important building in the capital of Kryptonopolis. They continued to follow Lash's map, though there had been several times they passed a ladder, or a tunnel that went down.

Eventually they understood why Lash had made the map this way. They came to a huge pit, a tunnel that went straight down. Hundreds of sewer pipes ran along the walls, and across the chasm. A river of sludge poured down into the pit below. Along the chasm walls were ruined, and rusted catwalks. Broken automated drone recharge stations. The high guard looked around in disgust! Why hadn't the Labor Guild kept this place maintained?

“The Science Council labeled it unimportant.” Lash said across their communication line. Almost as if he was reading their minds. Which he kinda was.

“Only the lower class use this old sewer system line. Which actually is untrue. Everyone in the city uses these lines. This is where all their waste goes. The Science Guilds use state of the art filtration devices to clean the water. Recycling, and re purifying waste back into useful fertilizer, and water is important aspect of every city. But, the lower class has to deal with unfiltered version. Which is why disease is rampant in all of the low economy sectors. Like sector 68.” Lash said, and growled in discontent.

“I didn't know that.... I always thought the Labor Guild was just weaker. But if we had to drink this sludge everyday. I don't think we would be much better.” One of the high guard admitted, while a few others nodded in agreement.

“Victims of circumstance. Alright gather up!” Lash finished reminiscing about the issues of Krypton. The high guard rallied on Lash, Ursa was looking at him through her helmet with a question clear on her face.

Lash took out another vial of nanites. Then one of his wrist mounted control unites for the nanites glowed. The nanites covered the bodies of each high guard. Then Lash demonstrated their next course of action. He jumped off the catwalk and used Falling Glide, and Invoke Animal Spirit-Spider Jumping from wall section to wall section. Gliding across the open air, and sticking to walls. After the fifth jump he looked up at them.

“Well come on!” Lash called out over open air.

His voice bouncing off the walls, as it echoed through the whole system. Never one to be outdone by a challenge, Ursa jumped next. She flailed for a brief moment until the instinctively understood what she was meant to do. She opened her arms, and legs and flowed over the air currents. Then she reached out with her finger tips, and connected with the wall. Her boots, and knees touching against the wall. She felt like she was walking on solid ground, and that gravity had decided to play a trick on her.

“How are you doing this?” Ursa said over their suits communication line.

“Practice, are the rest of you coming? Or do we need to get some training wheels for you?” Lash said, giving them a playful jab. The rest of them soon followed their commander across the chasm.

Down...Down they went. Lash re applied his 'nanites' three times on the whole group. Until the reached the end, or rather the end of concrete and steel. The sludge waterfall poured down into a gaping chasm of pure darkness. Even with their suits HUD's they couldn't penetrate the darkness. Lash told them all to sit tight and then jumped down into the darkness. His body swallowed by it, but the IIF marker showed his decent. A thousand feet later his marker stopped moving.

“Go one at a time, I'll guide each of you down.” Lash's voice called to them from the dark.

Ursa stayed till last and listened to the same instruction Lash gave each high guard. Though not always the same, each soldier was similar in height, weight, and build. But those slight differences was enough to make their decent different for each of them. Then Ursa was next, his voice was gentle but firm in her ears. More than once he told her to tuck in her arms, and legs. Something passed by her, something large, and...alive? Are there things flying down here?

What none of them knew. But how could Lash explain? The entire cavern was a massive dome with a working ecosystem. Well a magical ecosystem. Magical creatures from The Black, and The Gray fluttered about. A few of them even tried to eat the falling Kryptons. They were consuming the planet from the inside out. Krypton was dying! Even if they succeed and bought Krypton more time. They would have to leave in next one thousand or so years. The planet would not sustain them for much longer. This had nothing to do with Brainaic, and Kandor. Krypton had a shelf life. It was reaching its end.

The high guard unit looked around. Now they were at the bottom they saw it. A cavern made out of pure black crystal! These crystals could not be found on Krypton's surface! They had never seen the like. When one of the high guard soldiers reached out to touch a crystal, Lash snatched their hand up and pulled them away. It was then, that everyone one of them heard the whispers. This, these, were black Kryptonite. Or would one day become such.

“Please, do your best not to touch them.” Lash said, using Commanding Presence. His words reinforced with power made even Ursa take a step back while looking at the crystals.

“What are they?” Ursa asked, looking at them with fascination. But she did as she was asked and kept away.

“An ancient power that should remain asleep. I'll give you a full briefing once we get back to the surface. I'll even give you the path to get back down here. But only after you all understand the danger they posses. Agreed?” Lash asked Ursa, but also the soldiers. The fact he would share the information, and the route later appealed to them.

“Contact!” One of the high guards raised their rifle and pointed it at a man? Woman? Thing stumbling out from the darkness. The lights on their suits like candles in the vast darkness of nothingness.

The creature stumbled, and bumbled onto its hand's and knees. Then would stand up for a brief moment only to fall again. Dark, black sludge seem to pour off of the creature. What portions of the body that would briefly be revealed were soon covered again by the sludge. For a few moments it would be a man's body. Then the sensual curve of hips, and swell of their chest would be revealed. Then it would fade as the sludge fell over, and off of them. It let out a piercing wail when a flash light touched its body. The high guard raised their rifles.

“Hold!...If you fire they will kill us all!” Lash called to the high guard. That was when they noticed that hundreds of the creatures were stumbling out of the crystal shards around them.

“Maneuver eighteen!” Ursa called out across their comms. The whole group formed a circle, backs to each other, and rifles out. Their mounted lights on their shoulders washed over the creatures. Many stumbled back, a few stumbled forward. Lash gently pushed past the firing line towards the creatures.

“Greetings unto you beings of the Rot. How may this one be of service?” Lash said to them over public audio. He knelt before them, head bowed.

A ghoulish wail came from not just one, but all of them. Despite their individual appearances they were all one being in many bodies. “Greeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhh......Whhhhhyyyyy? Whhhhyyyyyy arrrreee youuuuu heeeerreeee?” The creatures said, their voices were like fresh maggots on the ears of the high guard.

“Krypton is dying, however its children are still in need of time. We have come to slow its death. Though nothing can truly save it.” Lash said, he kept his head bowed. Never directly looking at them.

“Yoooouuu....can not! Stopppp thhhaaatttt now!” The creatures wailing voice started to take on an edge.

“In a few weeks time, Krypton will explode. We have come to delay that. If we do so then centuries of life will be consumed by the Rot. May we please slow the death of mother Krypton, so her children may live on another world? Another mother?” Lash asked, the high guard had no idea what the fuck was going on!?

“You....You are not from here.... Why do you help them?” A singular creature stepped forward. This one larger, and more coordinated than the others.

“Because I have hope, hope that this time. This time they could be better. Better than the others.” Lash said to them, this time he raised his head to look at the creature stumbling towards him.

“Naaaive.....Childish....So much like The Green....” The creature then looked at the high guard who flinched under its gaze. “Touch not the crystals....They are not for you. Do this, do what you intend, and leave our home.” The creature said to them, then to Lash. Then it turned and stumbled back into the crystals. The others following its example.

For a brief tense moment no one breathed. When the last of the creatures disappeared from their sight the high guard gasped for air. Many of them falling to their knees, others on their asses. They took in huge lung fulls of air. While Ursa stumbled, then eventually found her footing and came to Lash. She fell to her knees and leaned against him. In a moment of weakness, his strength was what was keeping her up.

Lash reached out and held her hand, but did nothing else. That was enough for Ursa. That was all she needed. She was practically hyperventilating, and she was not the only one among the high guard doing so. Several prompts from their suits told them to slow their breathing. Then one of the soldiers shrieked in shock. The whole thing hadn't been recorded! From the suits camera footage the high guard had been standing in a circle pointing their rifles at nothing! Not even the conversation between Lash and the creature had been heard. From the camera's point of view Lash and walked forward, knelt, and stayed there.

“There are somethings in this world that can not be explained with science. Somethings that can only been seen. But not understood. Come on, we still have a mission to complete.” Lash said to them. He cast Calm Emotions, then helped Ursa to her feet.

The journey through the crystal...forest? Was terrifying for the high guard. Lash told them to put their rifles away. All the weapons would do is annoy them. Better to take their fingers off the triggers entirely then let an accident happen. Screeching wails, and spectral energies flowed over them, by them, and through them. Lash cast Calm Emotions so often that he finally received an evolution for the skill/power.

Congratulations User! Calm Emotions (Chap. 11) has evolved into Minor Calm Emotions.

Effect: Increase in power, decrease in energy consumption, increase in range.

Effect: Works on people, beings, and spirits.

Effect: Raw emotion side effect is less.

They were no longer on the map, once they jumped from the sewer tunnel from above they left the map. Now they were following Lash, and Lash alone. Who knew exactly where he needed to go thanks to his Nature Domain, and Divination Domain. Krypton's essence was guiding his hand deeper into its body. Take a left here, jump down this hole, crawl under this lip. They had traveled so far, for so long that Lash called a break for the night. Ursa said they could continue but Lash looked at her, and looked at the group. Yes, they technically could. Jumping at every little sound, straining there senses to the maximum, being hyper focused is exhausting. It also didn't help that their suits sensors couldn't pick any of the creatures up.

Lash carved a circle into the ground with Raoism script and had them all gather inside of it. Then he empowered the ring with Phantasm light. A blue glowing shield grew from the circle, and enveloped them. It was purely cosmetic but it was amazing what a little theatrics could do for the well being, and moral of a group. The beings of the Rot had given them passage. None of them would hurt Lash, or the group. It was a win-win for them. Krypton stays alive longer, so they can feed on it longer. Aside from the black crystals there was nothing else in this cavern structure.

“I'll take watch, the rest of you get some rest. We'll leave in a few hours.” Lash told the group. Like the trained soldiers they were. They each laid down and were asleep in moments. The power to sleep anywhere in any situation was a skill every soldier had to learn.

Lash sat down in the center of the ritual circle. A simple stone was his chair as he crossed his legs lightly and looked around. To him this cavern was a beautiful sight to behold. Even with the creatures of the Rot visibly eating the essence of life. He could see the beautiful details of the crystals. The song of life slowly fading, and the song of the harvest growing in power with every passing moment. The cavern ceiling above was spectacle in it self. Precious stones, crystals, quartz jutted out from the rock above. Imitating a night sky with breath taking quality.

“What did it mean? You are not from here?” Ursa asked, she had established a private communication between them. So not to disturb the high guard.

“Many years ago while fighting on another battle field. My unit was stuck between two firing lines. The enemy knew of us and sent an entire battalion to find us. Our artillery support had no idea where we were so they fired on the enemy concentration with reckless abandonment. My people were being ripped to pieces. We shot, allies in distress flares. But the commander of the firing line ignored it.” Lash told Ursa, turning to look at her. She had found a stone to use as a sort of pillow. She was lying across the ground, her feet next to his legs.

“What happened?” Ursa asked, when Lash paused for to long.

“I died...” Lash said, his voice filled with regret. The admittance made Ursa sit up in confusion.

“I don't mean to say I black out. No, I saw my lower half dozens of feet from me. I watched as flames devoured my flesh. I died, Ursa. Not only that, but when I woke up in a pile of bodies of my brothers and sisters a day later. A funeral pyre for the dead. I collected my ID tags, and looked up a video from a terrified aspirant who had been in charge of the funeral arrangements. They had a video record of me. I was a burnt skeleton.” Lash continued his story to Ursa who sucked in her breath in shock.

“I went back to camp, and killed the commander that ordered the artillery to fire on our position. The disgusting puloni of a man despised the Ligadians. Never considered us Kryptonians. Though he was never afraid to use us, then claim credit for our work. That was also my last mission. Ten years in service.” Lash said, then held up his hand before Ursa could speak.

“It wasn't until the day I was asked what guild I wanted to join that I remembered a fragment of what it was like on other side. I don't think I'm the Lash-Rao from before. I think I'm something else that was stuffed inside of this body. Or maybe I am the same, and I just have another passenger?” Lash continued to say, Saurian chuckled across the link.

“Since then I've been different. I joined the Religious Guild hoping to find answers. I did find a few. But they didn't have all the answers. But such a subject is long, and is in need of something to drink. Simply to say, I am not from here. Not anymore.” Lash said his piece, and waited for Ursa to speak.

Ursa didn't say a word, she simply shifted from laying her head on the rock to laying her head on his leg. With in moments the gentle rise, and fall of her chest told Lash she was asleep. It may not seem like much, but that simple gesture told Lash a lot. Ursa trusted him, or maybe she wanted him to think she trusted him. It was hard to say with Ursa. She was so devoted to Dru that he could order her to do literally anything. She would do it with a smile! Lash reached out with his Dream Domain, and used his passive to ensure everyone had restful dreams. While he Meditated.

Six hours later everyone woke up and had a wonderful liquid protein breakfast from the feeding tubes in their suits. A straw came from inside their masks and they drank their suits recommended level of intake. Thankfully no one had to use the bathroom because Lash had cast Sooth while they slept. Pulling out the waste their bodies produced. They broke the 'protective' circle and continued to follow Lash through the tunnels.

While they traveled in the deeps. Healing Aura reactivated, and sent out a pulse of 3% total health, and energy reserves back into everyone. Also affected were the Rot creatures who drank up the energy like a sponge. Which unfortunately attracted more of them. Which terrified the high guard. It was a vicious circle that made Lash laugh more than once. After twelve hours of marching they came to a huge pit. Just like the sewer chasm above they gradually jumped from wall to wall with a glide. Until they came to a much smaller chasm opening.

This cavern had no crystals, and the floor was made out of volcanic rock. This was important detail because the entire cavern had a red to orange glow. That was because a magma (lava?) vent was flowing through the area. This was the spot. He tasked the high guard to look around for any other entrances, or issues. When none were reported he broke it down for them.

“Alright everyone, make a circle around me. Take out your cylinders and when I give the notification uncap them.” Lash told them, and stepped into the center. They spread out, one by one taking out their cylinders of spell bound glitter!

“Are you using the rock as the materials?” Ursa asked, they had never brought it up. But Lash seem to not care that they carried no metal, or supplies to build a device. Ursa had seen the mechanical constructs that Dru had designed. She knew they required a lot of work.

“Something like that.” Lash said to them, and Ursa growled in irritation because he was being so vague.

Lash raised his arms up and the nanite control units on his arms glowed brightly. The soldiers pulled the caps off and the spell bound glitter danced into the air like fairies on summer nights! Then Lash reached into his Storage and pulled out ingots of metal. Lash's Storage was not like a normal bag of holding, or interdenominational space that so many novels, movies, and games had. It didn't have a limit to how much could be stored, this was true. However, it had to fit with in a one square foot cube. An example would be an ingot of metal. If it can fit inside the cube, it can be stored. But say a six foot long spear? That could not be stored. That was why Lash couldn't pull out a battleship. Or have the entire machine made beforehand. It had to fit inside a cube.

Hundreds of pounds of metal were consumed in the construction of the A grade tectonic stabilization machine. The device looked like a thirty foot tall, five feet around black obelisk. A pyramid point at both ends. With thousands of tiny inscriptions across each surface. Once the inscriptions were complete, one foot sections began to rotate like a rubik's cube. The velocity of rotation grew in speed every few seconds. An energy build up started to expand from the obelisk.

“What ever you see! Do not run! Do not shout! DO NOT ATTACK IT!” Lash shouted to the high guard over their communication line. Attack it? Attack what?!

The obelisk broke apart in a scattering pieces like shooting stars falling across the night sky. Inside of the obelisk was a creature, a worm. It had stone like segment pieces. No visible eyes, and a mouth that looked like a dozen or so mandibles that could open and close. And open they did, it gave out a mewling call! On the inside of its mouth was a gaping maw of row, after row of razor sharp teeth. Like a blender the things mouth would spin. Turning rock, dirt, steel, crystal, flesh, and/or bone into puree. The thing was about 30 feet long, five feet around.

It let out a mewling sound again and turned towards Lash. The high guard flinched many of them reaching for their rifles but they held fast remembering Lash's orders. Lash was in the center with the creature. The worm bumped its head against him, and Lash ran his hands along the stone like skin of the creature. It let out another mewling sound, then turned its head towards the ground. Its gaping maw opened up and it started to burrow into the ground at a rapid pace!

In less than a minute the creature was gone. The tunnel it left behind collapsed in on it self. Lash held up a hand asking for silence. He had a holographic watch out above his other wrist. While his other hand counted down from five.....four....three....two.....one. A rumble vibrated through the whole cavern, a mild tremor. Then the watch above his left wrist reset to a minute that started to count down. When it reached one, once again a tremor worked through the cavern this one a bit stronger. The count down timer reset, this time five minutes.

Attention User! You've partially completed an optional objective! (You have found a way to possibly save Krypton. You must now find a suitable place to build, and plant the device. The sooner the better.)

Optional Objective: Find a suitable location for the device. [+]

Optional Objective: Build, and plant the device. [+]

Optional Objective: Current percentile chance of success. 0.0000000003% [Still active]

With every tremor that took place the count down timer went up a few minutes. But every tremor added another minuscule percentage. Now it was a gamble. Lash was pretty sure, Supernatural Gambling didn't work on a prize this large. But he was hoping luck was on his side. Another tremor went off, this one larger than the last. Lash knew that the worm would grow in size. So large that it could even wrap its body around all of Kryptonopolis one day. Like the great snake jormungandr from the Norse gods. A new Kryptonian titan had been born today.

Lash closed his holographic watch and sent the all clear to the high guard. They all let out a collect exhaled. Ursa called for a break! No longer surrounded by the black crystals, the creatures, this place was as good as any. Lash agreed, but still made a protective circle. Though, this one was a bit larger so people had space to stretch out. The glowing light from the magma (lava?) was eerily beautiful.

“What is it doing?” Ursa asked, as another tremor was felt through the ground.

“As the worm digs it secretes an oil. Or rather just goop. This goop act as an adhesive that helps bind the cracks with in the tectonic plates. Normally, this would be bad. Tectonic plates need to freely move. It is the growing pain of any planet. But right now the core of our world is unstable. So think of it like a medical wrap for broken ribs while in the field.” Lash switched the examples from geology to field medicine. They both understood that far better.

“As the adhesive is applied, the planets plates move less. So less is broken with every breath. Right now the worm is small, and the change is hardly noticeable. However, as more, and more precious metals are absorbed it grows in size.” Lash replied as he tried to think of a mathematical number.

“Basically it will grow as large as Kryptonopolis all the way around.” Lash just used his own example. Ursa, along with a few of the high guard who were listening leaned back in astonishment.

“Once the job is done. The creature will continue to dig through the ground. Its goop is changed out for an enzyme that enriches soil. I wouldn't be surprised if farming becomes a lot easier in the future. For at least a few centuries before Krypton gives out.” Lash finished, and they were reminded of the words that the creature and Lash said.

“If this works how much time does Krypton have?” One of the high guard asked.

“About a thousand or so years...” Lash answered, and a few people chuckled. “To these creatures, a few centuries is a long weekend. Yes, they live that long.” Lash continued, and a few of them were astonished by the information.

“Even with what that....Machine? Is doing?” Ursa asked, gesturing towards the ground as another tremor, and another tick on the quest objective.

“Yes... It may buy time. But Krypton is dying. We need to stop hiding here. It's time to look to the stars. In a century, maybe less. Kryptonian's will be among the stars.” Lash said, his voice was optimistic. For a brief moment even the high guard could see his vision.

“To bad I wont live to see it.” Lash said softly, and Ursa snapped her head to him with and audible sound.

“What do you mean?” Ursa asked, the high guard grew quiet to listen to his answers.

“Ligadians are stronger, and faster. They have high agility, ability to process information at an accelerated rate. So, with all of our benefits why are there not more of us? Because our bodies burn out quicker. That is the down side.” Lash pulled off his helmet to reveal his face, to make a point. “I'll be 22 this year.” Lash told them, and they gasped in surprised. Lash-Rao looked like he was late thirties, early forties. “Another ten, or fifteen years and I'll die of old age.” Lash finished his words then replaced his helmet.

Only the high command of the Military, and Science Guilds knew the truth about the age limit for Ligadians. It was what they paid for. All that power! Shorter life spans! The group talked for a little while after but they soon caught some rest. Once again Lash took watch. Once again Ursa found his leg far more useful then a rock for a pillow. The next issue they would face is finding their way up. It was not an exaggeration to say that for many getting down here was a one way trip.


Ursa curled up next to Lash and fell sleep with his leg as her pillow. Once again she would never admit this to anyone, even more herself. But she found comfort in being around Lash. For the longest time she had only ever felt this contentment being around one other person in all her life, Dru. She bit her own tongue to keep herself from talking out loud. To keep talking to Lash, to simply exchange words with him. It was almost if she was compelled to seek his attention!

Despite her new feelings. They never distracted her! While they moved through the tunnels she was focused, and she was clear headed. It was only in these moments of safety, and rest that she noticed the feelings. As odd as it sounded, that had also never happened before. There were many times while on a mission with the general that she would catch her self watching Dru. Memorizing his face, following every word. She had a lot of practice. To do her job, but still watch him closely. But with Lash? This was different! Why couldn't she put her finger on it?

Ursa tossed, and turned trying to get comfortable. No, that wasn't it. She was comfortable. Yes, the stone floor may be hard. But she was comfortable in his presence. But why!? Why was this different? Then she felt Lash reached down and squeeze her hand. She saw a flash of golden light! A brief glimpse into the unknown. Then she felt her eyes grow heavy. She fell asleep, and dreamed. Dreamed of Dru...Dreamed of holding her child in her arms. Walking side by side her bonded husband.


Lash helped Ursa find sleep, and find a peaceful dream. He sent a Nature Domain pulse through her and discovered another truth. Yes, Ursa was pregnant. But she had taken a drug that had slowed the pregnancy. Maybe even stopped it completely? The unborn child was in a type of stasis. This made some sense if one knew Ursa, if they knew Zod. Children who didn't go through the genesis chamber were considered aberrations. Lash was surprised that they even agreed to have one together. Since the sterility drug is mandatory on Krypton. Then they both decided to have a child together.

Ursa's dream took an erotic turn and Lash quietly stepped out of it to give her privacy. Why did Ursa dream about two separate Dru's? One old, one young? One in front, one behind?....Lash shook his head to clear his thoughts and disconnected from the dream. Wait a minute.... -Erik the gamer said across the link. Lash reached for Cosmic Awareness and his energy reserves tanked. Dropping to 80% as he asked the cosmos a question. Why,was this time fragment made? What was different?

Dru-Zod...Dru had been different when they spoke at the barracks in sector 68. His reaction times were different. He almost didn't seem surprised about Krypton's destruction. Though he was visibly angry about Jor-El being banned. There were other signs of something else. Lash reached out with Connectivity and access the high guard suits. He easily bypassed the security firewalls. Then Lash reached out with Telepathy, and Root of Information. He searched through their minds, gently. While they slept.

High General Dru-Zod, standing next to...A older High General Dru-Zod. That was why this time fragment existed! Dru-Zod, an older, wiser version of himself traveled through time. To Krypton, to save it! Krypton was never going to explode! Yes, the earthquakes would have been catastrophic. But with the preparation made by the Military Guild in secret. They would survive the cataclysm, then taken over what remained. Wait? Why hadn't Dru killed Kal-El? Stop Jor-El from building the ship? Did he still want Kal-El to leave?

Congratulations User! You've discovered the truth of the time fragment! New Quests have been added.

Optional Objective: Discover why (older) Dru-Zod has returned to the past. Despite the obvious destruction prevention of his world.

Optional Objective: Prevent the civil war, and/or hostile take over of the Military Guild.

Optional Objective: Help the Military Guild in the civil war, and aid them in the hostile take over.

Comment: All this over an erotic dream? Wow!

Six hours later everyone woke up. Ursa especially seemed energized, and relaxed. Lash could almost feel the satisfaction pouring off of her. She moved with a skip in her step, and almost seemed friendly. Lash was not the only one to noticed, but no one was going to bring it up. Seeing Ursa, the She-Devil in such a way was a rare treat that no one would want to ruin.

So, how were they going to get back up? Lash brought them back towards the black crystal cavern. Back to the wailing, screeching creatures of the Rot. Ursa's good mood evaporated, as did the others. They eventually reached their entry point. Far above them was the sewer exit. Lash took a vial of nanites and crafted a quad-copter drone with a bundle of rope. A long, long bundle or rope. The thing flew up into the darkness above and disappeared from sight. They waited several minutes until the tail end of the rope plopped down next to them.

Each of the high guard suits had a built in pulley system so they could climb up, or down at an accelerated rate. Lash secured the tail end of the rope to the floor with an anchor. So it was a straight shot up, over a thousand feet up! Lash cast Falling Glide, and Invoke Animal Spirit-Spider. On each of them. Then one by one they went up the line. The drone had drilled into the concrete above them and anchored itself. Out of the whole trip this was the most difficult. No, the ride up was easy. Being surrounded by total darkness when there were creatures that you couldn't see, let alone fight? That was the hard part.

Lash was the last one up. He cut the rope off at the top and it fell into the darkness below. The quad-copter drone detached from the wall and stayed aloft next to them. The high guard then made the agonizingly slow climb up! Lash recast Invoke Animal Spirit-Spider so many times the spell evolved!

Congratulations User! Invoke Animal Spirit has evolved into Minor Invoke Animal Spirit.

Effects: Power increase, energy consumption decrease, spell lasts a bit longer.

Effect: Take on one additional aspect of the animal spirit. Example; Eagle eyes can see up to three miles away with near perfect accuracy.

With Minor Invoke Animal Spirit the high guard became naturally talented at climbing. They also seem to have a sixth sense on what surfaces would be hard to climb, and what were not. Lash on the other hand used Gravity Stride and was walking up the tunnel. More than once he helped a high guard over a particular spot. They thanked him, but were also filled with dread watching him walk perpendicular up the wall with them. After several hours they reached the mass of tubes that they had seen before.

While retracing their path through the sewers Lash froze in place. The whole group stopped, waiting for a signal. Normally Lash would have raised his fist, then scattered them with a single command. This time he just froze. Then he turned his whole body to the left then shouted loudly across their communication line.

“ENEMY CONTACT! TAKE COVER!” He screamed and dove to the side taking Ursa with him. As an energy shot roared past her spot a second later. The energy blast melted through concrete, and steel like it was butter.

From the darkness came the weeping, and wailing cries of the dead. Kryptonian faces sewn onto the front portion of a mechanical soldier. Skull caps exposed with a purple like brain. Skeleton structure, reinforced with synthetic muscle, and dark purple colors. In the center of their chests were three points of energy in the shape of an inverted triangle. The symbol for Brainaic!

Attention User! You've discovered a secret optional quest!

Optional Objective: Survive the encounter with the Brainiac cybernetic soldiers.

Optional Objective: Follow the trail back to their charging station, and destroy it.

Optional Objective: Get back to the surface with proof that Brainiacs forces are under Kryptonopolis.

The high guards suits malfunctioned as the Machine Control from the soldiers infected their systems. They couldn't even stand let along shoot straight. Their suits went into a locked position. The system was attempting to save them from spinal injury due falling from a great height. Something that was of course not happening. Lash on the other hand sprinted straight towards his enemies. As a primal roar went down the sewer tunnels. Parts of his suit did lock up, but his own Machine Control, and Virtual Intelligence fought against the intrusion.

Three cybernetic soldiers, all of them with weeping faces of the dead. They cried, and pleaded for Lash to save them. So he did! Red Psionic Blades burst from Lash's fists. As he sliced straight through one's midsection severing its spinal column. The red energy of Chaos continued to chew through the machine like setting a box of matches on fire!

“Error!...Error! Universal Energy detected!” One of the cybernetic drones said loudly. Just in time for Lash to cut them from crotch to head. Bisecting them in half!

“I want my mommy!” The child like face wailed in agony, as its mechanical arms raised up to fire at Lash. Lash slashed its arms off, then its legs, then its head! He snapped his fingers and sent a burst of Unburden across both bodies. Dismissing the echoe's of the souls still attached.

“Sound off!” Lash called out, keeping his eyes on the tunnel ahead.

“Suits are rebooting!” Ursa called out, she had pulled her helmet off the moment it let her move.

The Brainiac cybernetic husks looked like burnt out husks as the Chaos energy dissipated into the air. Its corrosive energy was overpowering enough to make Ursa hesitant to step forward, like being next to a ranging inferno. An inferno she couldn't see, but felt. She stared with wide eyes at the red energy beams coming out of Lash's fists. Then he relaxed his hands, and the energy beams faded from sight. But the red energy was seared into her memory.

“How many of you have seen the videos of Kandor rim?” Lash asked, keep his eyes forward.

“I have!” “Me too!” One by one the high guard said they had seen the videos. But only Ursa had been there. She stared in wide eyed horror at the mechanical monstrosities.

“Switch your power suits to manual only, and follow the path back to the top. You have to tell the high command about them. I'm going deeper.” Lash said to Ursa, it was a request. Not an order. But it may as well have been. Ursa whipped around and looked at the soldiers that removed their helmets.

“Aspirant Tol-Nil! Take the high guard back up! Notify command! We are going deeper!” Ursa said to the unit leader who saluted and left with out a word with the rest. Ursa turned back around and walked over to stand next to Lash.

“Put your helmet back on. Tell the suit to let allow the program I'm about to install.” Lash told Ursa who complied, and accepted the data packet. Lash also sent another Virtual Intelligence tech-spirit with the high guard. Hopefully they would only have to worry about Black Zero down here.

They moved together, Military Special Operations, and Team Work activated. Which was a little odd, Lash assumed Team Work needed a higher evolution before it worked with large numbers. Lash wasn't taking any chances, his back ground gave him a lot of information about the cybernetic slaves. He cast Chameleon on himself and Ursa. All she saw as a vial of nanites covering her, and she noticed her body blended in perfectly with the area around her.

“How many more of those do you have?” Ursa asked across the communication line.

“Only a few more, hopefully we wont need it.” Lash replied, though technically had as many as his energy reserves allowed.

They took a gradual, careful, all be it paranoid response to moving forward. More than once Lash stepped back, and pushed Ursa with him against a wall as a unit moved past them. Heading deeper into the tunnels. There was even one time Lash pulled Ursa into a tiny crawl space. They were both pressed tight against each other, chest to chest. In the movies this would have been a highly erotic moment. Right now? It was just terrifying! Adrenaline pumping terror! Thankfully, Chameleon did the trick. They gave off zero heat signatures, or electromagnetic energy thanks to their suits. The Virtual Intelligence being part magic was able to hide its sensor energy readings.

They followed a pack of six through a tunnel for an hour. Twisting turns, climbing up, and even crawling through a space. They came upon a reinforced concrete pillar with crystals embedded into it. Then they watched the cyber slaves jump down into a hole. Lash, and Ursa came to a stop just at the exit and looked down. A...Mechanical tumor? Sat in the center of the room, about three feet around. The tissue around it looked like silicon, with pink flesh between it. The tumor pumped like a heart. Growing roots had reached out from the thing and attached to a power conduit.

Scattered around the room were little honey comb hexagon shapes. Where mechanical slugs, or caterpillars spun this gelatin metallic slime over the hexagon pits. Inside the pits were people! Living, breathing people! Bound, and asleep. The caterpillars carefully wrapped them up, and placed them in the spaces. A few finished pods to the side were nearly complete. It looked like they were slowly growing the cybernetic pieces onto the living.

Surrounding the battery of sorts, and around the hatchery were several power stations. Now these were familiar to Lash, and Ursa. They had seen these before. The cybernetic slaves would link up. Spinal taps reaching out from the machine into their bodies. They would effectively go to sleep. The charging stations were six to ten feet tall, with a metallic membrane would wrap around them. Tiny hand sized mechanical spiders would crawl over their bodies and do repairs, and upgrades. There were fifty recharge stations, and only twenty five slaves present.

Damn it! Lash wanted them all here! Every Brainiac slave soldier was capable of self propagation. Yes, it would take time. But if they didn't find them all. Then another nest, and recharge station could be made. For all Lash knew there were other recharge stations! This could just be a small one! But it didn't matter, they needed to destroy this nest now! They needed to bring back proof.

“I don't know what those were from before. But they cut through them like yulonz cream. I'll stay up here and watch your back.” Ursa said, she gripped her rifle with confidence. But Lash could see that she was shaking. Brainiac was no joke. Lash leaned in, and they pressed their helmets together at the forehead. It was an uncommon hello, and goodbye between soldiers. Between friends that may end up dying in a moment.

“I'll make you dinner when we get back. I promise you'll enjoy it!” Lash whispered across the link.

“I'd like that...” Ursa said softly in return.

Lash slipped away, and walked down the surface of the wall like it was the floor. He tip toed through the mechanical veins, over the caterpillars, and the just recently established pods. Lash had a feeling the moment he destroyed the tumor anyone attached to them still in transformation would die. Hopefully the recharged slaves would to. But he knew he was not that lucky. Lash gently placed his hands on the tumor, it shivered under his touch. A caterpillar started to move towards the tumor, not understanding its distress. Lash cast his spell, Recycle.

The pulse of energy went through the entire apparatus. His energy levels dipped by 45%, and the tumor, power cables, transformation egg sacs, and the recharge stations burst like an exploding diagram. Mechanical parts, bones, organs, tissue, and wailing from the unfinished cyber slaves filled the room. The cyber slaves ululated. Then Lash Chameleon dropped, and the slaves had something to concentrate on.

Lash gave off an Intimidating Shout. The roar made them pause for half a second. He really needed to level that up more! Red Psionic Blades burst from his fists and he sprinted straight towards them. A automatic burst of fire came from above. Several brain cases caving in, and a few twisted and turned to shoot at Ursa who was above. Lash hugged the ground and whipped his blades side to side like a spinning top. Six of the slaves were chopped off at the knee and dropped to the ground.

“Please help me!?”

“I want my mommy!”

“Please! Don't do this! Help us!” The screamed in their human voices. Yes, Lash would help them. Help them find peace.

Energy shots rained from above. As the high guard rifle had been based on technology reversed engineered from the cyber slaves themselves. Lash jumped from side to side in a chaotic manner. Slicing through chest plates, bisecting bodies, and slashing off of limbs. But as the battle continued Lash noticed that the cyber slaves were starting to mimic his movements. They were trying to predict his next attack. Time to switch it up!

He pulled back his Psionic Blades which caused a few to tilt their heads in confusion. Lash jumped forward with a punch! Recycle was sent through the slave. It burst into pieces! Lash whipped around with a side kick. Another slave burst into pieces! Then as they started to back off, and bounce around to avoid getting in close quarters combat with him.

He reached out with a hand like an eagle claw. Telekinesis wrapped around a unit, and he crushed it like a tin can. He knew he had to explain that to Ursa at a later time. But right now he didn't care. The crumpled form of a slave was tossed through the air with an unseen force so strong it impacted into another. They both were slammed into the wall with earth shattering force.

Then he reached his hand out and the cyber slaves braced for a crushing attack, or an unseen physical impact. Instead 1.21 gigawatts of energy came exploding out of Lash's hands. Call Lightning shot out! Causing a chain effect that jumped from cyber slave, to cyber slave. They popped like glass bulbs with to much power in them. The cascading power destroyed the mechanical caterpillars, and the unfinished cyber slaves.

The smell of blood, burnt flesh, melted metals, and ozone filled the air. All was quiet except for Lash's labored breathing. From the side Ursa slowly climbed down from her perch and gradually made her way towards Lash. She knew understood better than most that in the thick of an allied soldier can sometimes only see enemies around them. But Lash turned to her, she froze mid step. But breathed a sigh of relief when he gave a hand sign for 'Okay'.

Lash created a box that would cut off any energy transfer, data, or signal transfer with one of his 'few' remaining vials of nanites. Then they piled cyber parts into the box. Sealed it up, and started to travel back to the temples sewer entrance. This would be there proof. They also marked the nest site on their map. Though Lash was reasonably sure that anything left behind would be scavenged by the cyber slaves. That was why he left a Proximity Release – Recycle on the area.

Half way back to the temple Lash felt the spell go off. They reached the last tunnel and climbed the stairs only to meet fifty automatic rifles pointing straight at them. Lash would have raised his arms up but he was carrying the box. Thankfully Ursa being the bad ass that she was stepped forward with out fear and started to bark orders off in quick succession! The rifles were lowered, but not holstered. It had taken two days the whole trip. It was now evening on the second day. Yet another obstacle had presented itself to Lash.

Congratulations User! You've completed a secret quest.

Optional Objective: Survive the encounter with the Brainiac cybernetic soldiers. [+]

Optional Objective: Follow the trail back to their charging station, and destroy it. [+]

Optional Objective: Get back to the surface with proof that Brainiac's forces are under Kryptonopolis. [+]

Reward: Damage Resistance, Sub-Resistance: Brainiac's Influence.

Reward: Krypton reputation increase.

Reward: Ursa disposition increase. (Friendly, bordering on romantic)

Sub-Resistance, Brainiac's Influence: The User, and any mechanical piece of gear, and creation that he has crafted, or help craft have a resistance to Brainiac's Machine Control. Grows with interaction. Starting resistance? (0.1%)

That....That was a good reward!

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