Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 98: Charming Presence


***HR, Coast City, California. Garfield Technical High School***

Garfield High was one of the few buildings in Coast City that still stood during the alternate reality invasion, and continued to stand after the short lived war was over. Because of the advanced technologies provided by the schools benefactor. Along with its guardian known as Black Lightning the school had been used as a refugee camp, and base of operations for the JLI in the area. Under the school was an extensive bunker with medical facilities, workshops, and a barracks.

Unlike the rest of the city that was still shut down thanks to the meta Dex bomb. Garfield regained power, and functionality after the initial 48 hour pulse. Something that was both a blessing and a curse. It gave the students, and their families a home. While it attracted all of the wrong attention. Meta powered gangs, looters, and of course strike teams from the invasion force once they learned the school had power. Several of the auxiliary buildings had cracked under the pressure. But the main school house continued to stand.

Black Lightning aka Jefferson Pierce was sitting on the main building looking over the reconstruction of the school. Though he was in a different uniform now, that of the Principle of Garfield High. His fiancee and hopefully future wife, Lynn Stewart was next to him running through the schedule for today. Jefferson had tuned his fiancee out a while ago, not to look at something else. No, he was memorizing her curves. The dimples in her face when she smiled.

“Jefferson? ...Jefferson!... JEFFERSON!” Lynn yelled at him, and he snapped out of his fantasies.

“Yes ma'am!?” Jefferson said with a smile on his face.

“What were you doing?” Lynn said to him with a glare.

“Memorizing your pretty face, and thanking god above for blessing me with your love?” Jefferson said with a grin. Lynn gave him a very annoyed look, and hummed to herself.

“Alright....But what were you not doing?” Lynn said, as she tucked the holographic window out of sight.

“Not paying attention to the schedule for today?” Jefferson said, as his shoulders drooped. If he had been a dog his ears would have tucked to his head, and his tail would have fallen between his legs.

Before they could start speaking further on the matter a spell script began to coil next to them. After six seconds the coil sprung up, and down. Then with an audible pop! John Stewart, brother to Lynn Stewart appeared in his brand new Blue Lantern Corp suit. Lynn smiled at her brother and came to give him a big hug. Then John, and Jefferson shook hands.

“Good to see you, brother? Not that I don't mind the visits but don't you have a lot of work to do?” Lynn asked, her smile was genuine but it didn't reach her eyes. She knew her brother to well, his forced expression didn't fool her.

“Something happened? Do I need to suit up?” Jefferson offered, electricity started to dance along his finger tips.

“I don't know... I was just cleared to tell you both this. In Death Valley a Kryptonian prison ship had landed and was in stealth mode. No one knew it was there, and thankfully no one escaped during the invasion. We had a JLI team assigned to monitor the ship. Barricades, sensors, and troops. But last night the exterior hatches across the ship blew out. The prisoners escaped through the escape pods. Hundreds of pods shot up into the air, and out across the country.” John replied, the tension in his shoulders growing with every word.

“So, we may have a whole bunch of alien convicts running around the country. Fuck that! We may have alien convicts running around Coast City!?” Lynn shouted, her eyes were wide and she was in disbelief.

“I know...We just-” John started to try and comfort his sister when his communication line went up. “Go for Blue Lantern...Yes...Where!? Copy that! En route!” John said, hugged his sister and clapped Jefferson on the shoulder. Then flew off towards down town leaving a blue energy trail in his wake.

“FUCK!” Lynn shouted to the skies as she ran a hand through her hair.

“We should practice drills today.” Jefferson offered, and Lynn agreed. If it wasn't one thing, it was another...


***Time Fragment, Kryptonopolis. Sector 68, Black Zero bunker***

“I still don't understand why we don't just kill him?” A man spoke while sitting around a computer imagery terminal.

“Because the people will know that Black Zero is responsible. Even if the inquisitors show up, and tear the whole sector apart. The people will blame us for it! We have to destroy his name, before we can kill him.” Another man said, as he took a sip from his canteen.

“What did our contacts at temple prime say?” A woman asked, as the group all looked towards a familiar woman.

“He is the key stone to the whole plan. This is a basic test to see if it can work or not.” Kela Bez-Ol said to the group.

“So, if he dies. The outreach program dies with him.” The first man, who voted to kill him spoke up.

“Maybe we are looking at this the wrong way.” Kela offered, and the group looked at her.

“Go on.”

“Why don't we use his education system to spread our agents out. We can have them take the lessons, get approved, and be sent across Kryptonopolis. Why don't we make this work for us, instead of against us?” Kela suggested, and that idea made everyone pause.

“Its basic strategy, take the tools of your enemy and use it against them.” Kela continued, paused then moved forward. “Leave Lash-Rao alone, use him to spread our own agents across the city. If things are not 100% true then we can use our communication methods to blast the truth across the net. But if they are true, then we can get our people in important positions across the city.” Kela finished and looked around the room.

“I'll second the motion.” The woman said.

“Third.” The second man offered.

“Alright, lets send a few people to the education center and start working our way up. Now, what about people disappearing in the sewer access points? Anything to report on that?” The first man asked, and the group started on a new discussion. But Kela breathed a sigh of relief.

Kela didn't want to kill Lash. Not because they had tried and failed multiple times. But she truly wanted to see if his idea would work. Yes, his idea. Their contacts at temple prime confirmed that Lash was the one that pushed for the outreach program, and he would be the test subject. Something about the attack on Kandor inspired him with the idea. Then oddly enough temple prime agreed! Kela wasn't sure why but she felt that she could trust Lash to keep his word. Also if she was being honest, the man absolutely terrified her.

“Kela?” The woman next to her asked.


“Can you reach out to Lash-Rao and see if he plans to hold another feast anytime soon. Despite his good press it was a great recruitment drive for us.” The woman asked.

“I'll ask, hopefully he'll keep his word and ensure that the temple is neutral ground.” Kela said in response, as she narrowed her eyes in thought.

“Do you think the priest suspects you?” The first man asked.

“Oh with out a doubt! In fact I am sure he knows I'm Black Zero. But whether its his ego, or his optimism he wants to prove there is a none violent way to solve our problems.” Kela confessed her personal feelings on the matter. The other three shared a look, then looked back at Kela.

Kela wouldn't know it. But she had just went from indispensable, to expendable. She had been identified. Even if no one had shown up now, it didn't matter. They had to burn this bunker and move. They had stayed alive this long by being paranoid. They would continue to use Kela. But unless something changed in the next few weeks she would become a martyr to their cause. A Labor Guild official killed for speaking out against the high born masters...


***Time Fragment, sector 68 temple. Home of Lash-Rao***

This was different. Definitely different Kursta Soll-Vol thought to herself. She wore black polymer pants that hugged her hips, and her legs. She wore three inch heeled boots that zipped up to her mid calf. Then she wore a tight, all be it long blue t-shirt that went past her hips. Then a long mynox black leather coat that went past her hips. The coat also had a hood, she understood the need for secrecy. Third in command of the barracks of sector 68 being seen walking around with the priest of the temple.

But that was not what was different. What was different was how the clothing had been made. Lash took her measurements then just reached up into the air and pulled... Pulled! The clothing out of thin air. He also made some very nice, very alluring, and comfortable underwear. Red lace was the word Lash had used. Kursta did like the design when she put it on in the refresher room.

Oh! That was another thing! Kursta still fondly remembered the several sexual moments with Lash in his home. But now Lash seem detached about it. He was still very kind, and considerate! But he never once touched her in a sexual manner. He helped her dress, and asked her questions about how they fit. But nothing overly sexual. Kursta wasn't sure why, but she found herself finding comfort in his actions.

“What are you making now?” Kursta asked as he walked over to Lash who wore much the same she did. Black boots, black polymer pants, shirt, long leather coat. He had made a necklace for himself, then he presented her with two red jeweled ear pieces.

“These are inscribed with anonymity. Put them on, and as long as you don't do anything to outlandish everyone will just thing you are like everyone else.” Lash said with a smile, and a twinkle to his eye.

“OK....” Kursta said with an eye roll. She clipped the earrings on and felt a shiver of energy roll through her body. She looked at herself and didn't see any difference.

“Wonderful! Come on! I bought us tickets for the play of Kilu-Ton, and the battle of Kinok.” Lash said with a grin and held out his hand. Kursta loved that play! She grinned at him and took his hand...

Different! Again this was different! Not that she was complaining! Lash spoke to Epsilon, and Praetor. Then they left through the front door of the temple. Several people asked Lash if he had seen the priest. The priest in front of you? Lash said that the priest was walking through sector 68 looking for buildings to rebuild. They accepted that answer and left with out a fuss.

Lash led Kursta through the dense crowds of 68 and they flowed through them like cilico (fish) swimming through the water. No one pushed into them, no one even seem to notice them. Lash stopped to talk to a few people about a few things. All the while never letting go of Kursta's hand, or arm. She felt a connection there. Nothing so childish. But a connection of energy, more like if he would let go she would get lost in the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

They arrived at the transport hub. Lash passed his hand through the terminal sensor and it recognized him as priest Lash-Rao even if the people around him didn't see him. Then a luxury transport came over. Kursta had ridden in one of them only a few times in her life. Justicars had a transportation pass on duty or off. But at its highest it was business. The transport was fully furnished with plush cushion seats. An open snack, and drink bar, and most of all! They were alone in the whole transport.

“How did you do that?” Kursta said as she came to sit next to him on the luxury seat.

“Magic!” Lash replied, which only earned him an eye roll from Kursta. Magic? Please, Kursta wasn't eight years old anymore. Magic wasn't real!....Wasn't it?


Lash snickered at Kursta's eye roll. Then he noticed that Kursta was sitting up straight, shoulders back, chest sticking out. Perfectly at attention on the seat. That wouldn't do! Lash pulled her towards him and she blinked at him in surprised. Then she eventually settled in next to him, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. She leaned in, and set her head between his shoulder and neck. It would take almost twenty minutes to reach the Artist Guild enclave in Kryptonopolis.

Lash reached out and cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on Kursta. The tribal marks on his bald head glowed green. He had done that several times in front of Kursta. Cast spells, and not once did she ask about his tribal marks. That was when he was sure she couldn't see them. No one could. He'd have to talk to Dawn to confirm it. But since Lash-Rao didn't have them in his background. Then no one would see them. That was an important detail for future Rifts.

Kursta groaned in delight as the effect of the spells settled over. Her fingers trailed up and down his chest. While his own fingers trailed down her neck and back. He had made reservations ahead of time through Connectivity for the play at the enclave. Normally it was difficult to get tickets but with his War Priest status it was surprisingly easy. Plus all the while he was enjoying this day with Kursta his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits were researching the Phantom Zone frequency key, and the layout of the Genesis chamber.

Thanks to Sensory Awareness Lash had a clear line of sight on Kursta. He could see that she clearly wanted to talk about what had happened. When she died. But she also just wanted to enjoy the moment. Enjoy the day with Lash so she kept it to herself. Opening and closing her mouth several times but no words ever came out. So, Lash filled the void with their itinerary. First was the play, it was in fact one of Kursta's favorite plays.

Kilu-Ton, and the battle of Kinok was at its core a love story. Two warring houses were arranged to be married to stop the fighting. However, a rival house that hoped that the two warring houses would consume one another kidnapped Kilu's intended, Zulini Vul-Tuat. Like most love stories the man of course raced across the land encountering dangers, and befriending individuals that came to help him along the way. What made it different was that Zulini didn't need to be saved. She fought against her captors and escaped all on her own. Having her own adventure, encountering dangers, and befriending people. All in an attempt to return to the one she loved.

They actually pass one another. Kilu towards the enemies stronghold, Zulini heading home. When Kilu learns his intended had already escaped he turns right back around and goes home. While Zulini learns her intended had gone to search for her. She turns around and goes to look for him. They end up meeting at Kinok, which is an open valley. Where all three houses meet for a battle. Through some stress filled situations they find each other on the battle field. Kiss! Then declare war on the house that had almost brought their houses to ruin.

The luxury transport that Lash had paid extra for would wait for them. He had paid for the entire day. They went to a massive theater made from crystal core stone. The play was as Lash expected a drama with a bit of dry humor involved. But it was definitely a battle born romance. Kursta despite her training as a justicar was on the edge of her seat in their private box half the time. She must have seen the play over a dozen times. But to see it at the Artist Guild enclave was a rare treat. Lash agreed, the special effects, the scene changes, and the battles all looked really realistic.

Next! They went to a restaurant in astronomy tower for lunch. Once more Lash made reservations. The restaurant in question was spectacular, the food was good, yes! But what they had done is place whole eating area inside a planetarium. They played some of Krypton's best star gazing events. Where a cosmic event took place and they got to watch a nebula of energy be born in the ocean of stars above. It was fucking amazing! Lash made a personal note to copy the idea and make a restaurant like that with Ghost Industries.

After lunch they visited the crystal caves. It was a nature preserve that was under a portion of the city. Vast caverns with natural crystal types, colors, and natural formations. This was actually the very cavern that the house of El learned to manipulate crystal construction. So it was a historical landmark. All of the crystal structures used across Krypton. The idea, and artificial creations came from this very cavern. This very large cavern! Lash touched every single crystal he could get his hands on. Why? He used his Transmuter Title, and Material Shaping. He learned the chemical formula for each one. Now, he could create, and craft the crystals. Kryptonian Science received a huge chunk of experience.

Last of the day they boarded their luxury transport and set it to a loop at the tail edge of the city. Several luxury transports did this, they would just sit back and watch as the red sun of Rao bathed the city in its glow. The science council central building would set up fantastical rainbows across the whole metropolis. It was like watching stars being born, and wink out within seconds. As the sun set at last the transport headed back towards sector 68. Lash, and Kursta slipped through the crowds easily enough and retreated to his home.

“May I take a bath?” Kursta asked, Lash had a soaking tub in his refresher room.

“Sure, get undressed I'll start running the water.” Lash said, and moved to the room.

Lash walked into the refresher room and tapped a key pad the soaking tub came out of the wall and started to fill up with warm to hot water. Lash didn't see any products so he just made a few bottles filled with oils from Earth. He stripped down to a set of bathing shorts and nothing else. Then he sat down on a stool next to the tub. Kursta peeked inside and saw that Lash was waiting for her. She looked at him with a raised brow.

“Come on in, I'll wash your hair, and scrub your back.” Lash said with a grin. Kursta made an o face and stepped into the room wearing only a towel.

She seemed oddly shy, it was not the first time he had seen her naked. Oh! That was right, most of the time the lights were off. Lash could see perfectly in the dark so he never noticed. She placed the towel to the side, and slipped into the tub with a delighted sigh. Lash noticed she kept the necklace on. He had taken the earrings back when they got back to his home. Lash moved his stool to the head of the tub and gently guided her back.

“Did you enjoy your day off?” Lash asked, as he poured hot water down Kursta short cropped blond hair. She sighed contently, a smile growing across her face. Her eyes fluttered closed before she spoke.

“I did... What ever was bothering me before seems to have settled down. Or maybe its just you?” Kursta asked, skirting the subject they had been ignoring.

“Bit of both. I can give you something to help. But it will take weeks before you are back to 100%. Sorry about the side effects.” Lash said sincerely, Kursta sat up then turned around to look at him seriously. Her bashful, and shy nature gone.

“Don't apologize for saving my life, Lash. Not ever.” Kursta said, her fierce stare was oddly adorable to Lash.

“OK, sit back down. As odd as it may sound I enjoy doing this for the people I care about.” Lash said with a grin. Kursta nodded, and leaned back against the tub. Then her lips tugged upward.

“So....You've done this before for other people? Back at temple prime.” Kursta asked, and Lash laughed.

Lash confessed that he had. As always the superstition that the Religious Guild were a bunch of eunuchs was miss placed. The Religious Guild had houses like any other guild. They had families, they had the genesis chamber for children. But tell an entire city of men, and women that they can't have sex? Fuck that! Fuck you, and you, and also you! You come back to my room later for intensive study. Yes, study! Kursta burst out laughing when Lash told that joke.

Lash washed, and conditioned her hair. Then scrubbed her back, and many portions of her body down with a scrub brush, sponge, and bath salts. Apparently Krypton didn't have bath salts! Sacrilege! By the end of the bath Kursta looked like she was about to pass out. Lash drained the tub and pulled her out and carried her to the bedroom. He toweled her off and tucked her into bed. Yes, Lash settled in beside her. But she was asleep before he even settled down...


Beep...One of Lash's tech spirits sent him a notification. They had found the phantom zone frequency key. It was in the science council primary tower. Of course it was! The tower had over two hundred floors. It reminded Lash of the mega-towers that you would see in cyber fantasy books, movies, etc. It was not impossible to say that many Labor Guild workers that served in the tower. Would be raised, lived, and die inside of a tower never seeing the outside except through a window.

Jor-El didn't have the credentials anymore to retrieve the key. His unpopular belief in Krypton's destruction had earned him disfavor. Until his head was on straight, he had been temporarily removed from the science council. They thought he was insane for wanting to place the entire population of Krypton into the phantom zone. Then travel to a habitable planet, and have every one start over... Wait a minute.

“Dawn, is there a way to save Krypton.” Lash asked into the darkness softly.

“I don't know, User. Is there?” Dawn replied with a teasing tone of voice. A smile slowly grew on Lash's face.

Kal-El, and Kara Zor-El had to go to Earth. But that didn't mean that Lash couldn't completely fuck up the time line after that. In for a penny, in for a pound. But how was he going to do this? Lash pulled up the store catalog in 'silent' mode. So not glittering book, or holographic window. The only person that could see the store catalog was him. Apparently this had come in a new version update because the Users complained about it. So, now Lash could activate the store at anytime as long as he wasn't in combat.

Tectonic stabilization? There were dozens of different machines. He applied his unique tech tree for magitek. That narrowed it down to six different machines. They came in double deluxe sized towers larger than the science council building. All the way down to a machine about fifteen feet high, and ten feet around. However, that one had specific standards. It also costed him 500 DP. Lash only had 550 DP left after his spending spree with the Watch Tower. He was sure he would get more DP after the Rift. But he wasn't sure how much. He still needed to buy a bunker for the moon operation. Then the lunar academy, and planetary shield. Fuck!

Was Lash really going to spend all of his points on a world that he may never see again? Lash took a moment to look at Kursta, her arms tucked into her chest. Her face pressed against his shoulder, and chest. Her slow, relaxed breathing tickling his face. Yes, yes he was going to do that. Crap! If he had a blue lantern ring he could even change the red sun back into a yellow sun. Holy crap! Billions of super powered Kryptonians? That just made Lash shiver in fear, and excitement. But he was getting off subject. Lash reached out and purchased the blue print

Attention User! You have selected A grade tectonic stabilizer.

This item is worth 500 DP.

You have purchased A grade tectonic stabilizer.

Attention User! You have found a way to possibly save Krypton. You must now find a suitable place to build, and plant the device. The sooner the better.

Optional Objective: Find a suitable location for the device.

Optional Objective: Build, and plant the device.

Optional Objective: Current percentile chance of success. 0.0000000000%

Comment: Your Cosmic Patron is staring at you wide eyed, and a grin is growing across their face.

Lash blew out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. The blue print was saved to a memory stash in his UI. He only had 50 DP after all that. Now, he had to contact to Jor-El and tell him that he may have found a way to save Krypton. But oh, you still have to send your son away. Because there is a minuscule chance it will work. He had his tech-spirit that had finished searching for the Phantom Zone key. Start searching for the deepest known location on Krypton. Kondor was a gaping wound on the surface of the planet. Molten lava poured out endlessly. Lash also needed to contact Gozith. There was a chance that his kin didn't have to leave. But all of that could be done in the morning!...


Lash opened his eyes once again at 4:30 am on the dot. He looked over at Kursta who at one point snuggled into her pillow instead of Lash. Lash almost felt jealous of the pillow. But it made it easier to pull himself from bed. But before he left he gingerly pulled Kursta's necklace and did a partial Unburden inscription on the necklace. If any echo, or fragment got with in touching distance of her the necklace would flash. She may still see shadows around her. But they would at least keep their distance now.

Lash stepped out from the bed and tucked Kursta back in. Then he slipped downstairs and took a shower. He missed taking showers. Immaculate was wonderful, he was very happy he had the spell. But he really enjoyed taking a hot shower. He came out of the refresher room, and got dressed in his typical black clothing fashion. But this time he added a bit of golden scripture script around his collar, sleeves, and belt line.

He started to make some hot tylak, and make a delicious breakfast feast. About half way through cooking Kursta had woken up and moved to take a shower. She came out of the shower wearing one of his shirts, that was dramatically over sized for her. She grinned when he stared at her. Lash liked seeing her in his clothes, she knew that. So she did it. Hot tylak, and java juice were placed in front of her. Soon followed by a mynox omelet. Mynox is a universal animal on Krypton. Just like pigs on Earth it seemed. But to finish off the meal was a cup of yulonz cream.

They talked a little bit over breakfast. Kursta was going to go back home today. She had one more day of recovery lined up. She was going to spend it with her family. But Lash told her if she had any more issues to contact him. Or she could come to his home. There was a moment when Kursta's eyes danced across Lash's body. Lash knew that look but let it slide. They didn't have 3-6 hours to spare for some fun.

The two of them did kiss for several minutes by the door before they stepped out. The only reason it didn't go any further was because a motion sensor alarm went off. Someone had entered the temple. It was still early so Lash needed to go check who it was. But he was reasonably sure that Kursta would be back sometime this week for some more R&R. Before Kursta left the temple Lash cast Anonymity to her. Informing her that it would last about an hour, just long enough to her to get to the transportation hub. She still didn't understand how it worked but thanked him all the same.

Waiting in the main foyer was Lash's guest. Kela Bez-Ol was looking at the new additions, decorations, and hand made furniture. She was running her hand over one of the pieces of wood and could feel marks of the hand that crafted it. From one artisan to another, Kela may not be from the Artist Guild. That didn't stop her from having hand built dozens of pieces for a client. Lash had slipped into the foyer room with out a sound and watched her for a bit.

“I can make one for you if you like?” Lash asked, and tried not to smile when she jumped in fright. She whirled around to look at him, her eyes wide, and her breathing accelerated. Once she discovered where he stood, her breathing slowed.

“Wait...You made this?” Kela asked as she pointed at the seat. It had a rare wood type from the southern jungles of Krypton. One of the last few in existence. Then golden crystal had been melted, and poured into the natural seems of the wood.

“I did, I made everything here. Except for the curtains by the door. Sister Tula Xup-Yut made those, it was first donation the temple received so there it will stay.” Lash replied, as he walked over to the curtains in question and ran a hand over the rough fabric. But a smile was clear on his face.

“Your talent for the arts is astounding, as is your appreciation for others.” Kela said, and took out a small device a baffle field pulsed out from her. Making it so no one could over hear their conversation. “Black Zero has decided to leave you alone, for now.” Kela confessed, and waited for some sort of retaliation from Lash that would never come.

“Wonderful! I assume they are going to use the education center to spread their people across the city. Don't look so surprised, it's what I would have done.” Lash said with a smile at Kela's shocked expression. “Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?” Lash asked, as he walked towards her and took a seat in one of the 'hand crafted' pieces of furniture.

“The Labor Guild was curious when the next feast was?” Kela asked, and took a seat as well. However, she took down the baffle field. She closed the device and tucked it away in her forward pocket.

“If everything goes according to plan, in two weeks. It will be more of a festival than feast. Yes, food will be there. But we'll have games for children and adults. You collect tickets, then can exchange those tickets for prizes. Anything from candy, to clothing, and even housing license.” Lash replied, and produced a holographic image from seemingly no where. Kela didn't seem to even notice as she read through his intended event.

“This will be expensive, I see temple prime is going all in.” Kela said after a few minutes of reading.

“Oh no, this will be paid out of my own pocket.” Lash said with a grin. His Intermediate Money Storage had reactivated yesterday. So he could convert any of his existing currency to that of Kryptonian common credit. Kela leaned back in her chair giving Lash an appraising eye.

“How much of this outreach program is being paid by you?” Kela asked, she licked her lips a bit suddenly finding them dry.

“I would say about 70% of it is being paid by me.” Lash said with a grin....

Lash and Kela continued to talk for another hour about the logistics of the festival. He gave the estimated date of the event. But it was not a promise. Many things could happen in two weeks. He may even be gone by that point. But if he had a choice in the matter he would like to be here. It may be the last festival any of them ever see before they die. Irritatingly enough Lash did earn a single point of experience in Charming Presence when he finished speaking to Kela. Lash was incredibly tempted to buy the last evolution of the ability just so he would never have to see an experience notice. But he was terrified what the ability would do at Master level.

“Fuck it!” Lash said after a moments consideration. He went to the main temple room where he would hold sermons, and the altar resided. He opened up the store catalog and used the last of this six ability points to purchase the master evolution of Charming Presence.

Congratulations User! You've given into temptation and purchased the last evolution of Charming Presence! Your Cosmic Patron is pleased!

Advanced Charming Presence has evolved into Master Charming Presence.

Master Charming Presence: User radiates an aura of attractiveness, naturally inducing titillating pleasure and carnal desire while subtly lifting inhibitions. The affected targets remain fully themselves, but can't help but long for the User's favor and affection. It should be noted the User does not need to do anything, their mere presence; brings pleasure, attracts attention and admiration, and seduces others.

Sub-Skill/Power, Subliminal Seduction: User can project seductive thoughts to the minds of others, speak with subliminal seductive power behind each word, and/or stimulate the brain's pleasure centers by touch, voice or thought. This can be used to attract and seduce any subject one desires, because the subject receiving the thoughts would believe they were the ones thinking them.

Attention User! Your Cosmic Patron is very pleased!

Note: At least you won't see anymore experience gains!

Lash cradled his head in his hands and felt true despair of his own making. At least the Subliminal Seduction was something he could turn off and on. Lash bit back a groan as his Adaptation changed tiny aspects of his body better suited to this new ability. Saurian was laughing across the link at him. As horrible was it was Charming Presence was another useful tool to the born Hunter-Saurian. Many creatures in nature can, and will emit a pleasant sent to lure enemies towards them. This was no different to Saurian.

Lash went back to his temples home and jumped on the information net to make a call to Jor-El. Who answered the other end of the call was a woman that Lash instantly recognized. It was Lara Lor-Van, Jor-El's bonded mate, and Kal-El's mother. Lara was 5'9”, with long curly black hair, bright blue eyes, with a seductive figure. She wore a very ornate, and decorative style dress that hugged her curves. It was a deep crimson red, with blue highlights. Reminding Lash of Superman's uniform.

“May the Rao's guiding light guide you are your path, Lara Lor-Van house of El. I apologize but is your husband available?” Lash said, he had stood up and bowed from his waist when the video had connected in his study. Lara's lips tugged slightly at his manners.

“Lash-Rao, my husband spoke of you. He is in the lab, wait a moment.” Lara replied, she turned on her heel and walked towards the lab. The camera followed behind, the mechanical chirping Lash heard suggested that the camera was attached to a robotic servant.

While he waited Lash tasked his available Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits with securing the communication line. Lash didn't want anyone tapping into the conversation. He also watched Lara move, he used his Deductive Reasoning and made an educated guess. She had just given birth maybe a few days to a week ago. Kryptonian medical science was incredibly advanced. Making recovery time exceptionally fast.

Lara walked into a lab and in the distance Lash saw the shuttle. It was more or less complete, a few pieces pulled apart. Especially around the cockpit, or stasis chamber that Kal-El would sleep in during the journey. Lara came to find her husband Jor-El with a smile on his face as he held up his son, Kal-El in the air. The baby smiled in delight at being held up in the air. Jor-El turned to look at his wife, then at the camera. His smiled wilted a bit, but it was replaced by a sense of professionalism. Lash wasn't insulted, he was after all a symbol of the future. A future that Jor-El was dreading.

“Kal-El, I'd like you to meet Lash-Rao the time traveler.” Jor-El said into the camera, that made Lash's eyes go a little wide. So, Lara was aware who Lash was. Kal-El looked at the camera interface with wonder on his eyes. That, or he was trying to determine if he should poop or not. Poop won the day!

A robotic attendant floated over and gently picked Kal-El up and began to change him just a bit off screen. Jor-El chuckled lightly, then turned back towards the camera. Lara took a seat next to him and turned towards Lash. Lash took a deep breath and transferred the necessary information about where the Phantom Zone frequency key was located. Jor-El's face fell at the sight of it, and Lara looked puzzled.

“I'm a bit surprised, can you not use your advanced technology to acquire it for us?” Lara asked, the tone in her voice was odd. As if she was testing Lash, she wasn't fully convinced.

“Yes, actually. I am reasonably sure I can get the key out of the tower. The only issue is I'll have to do it loudly. If I get the device to you, can you make a copy of it to send to Zor-El? Or do we have to get the entire key to him as well?” Lash asked, a small smile of victory on his face as Lara seem surprised that he could do it so easily.

“Yes! Both ships have the phantom zone generator aboard. We just need the frequency key. What about the codex?” Jor-El asked, his mood shifting a bit once again.

“That I can also get. But I'll have to say it will be the last objective. Because the moment that it is taken from the genesis chamber all of Kryptonopolis will go into lock down. How soon after I give you codex can the ship be launched?” Lash asked, this was an important detail.

“Almost immediately, when do you plan to put this all into motion?” Jor-El asked, as he reached out to take his wife's hand. She squeezed his hand in return, and tried to keep a composed expression on her face.

“I guess that depends on all of you. We have a few weeks before Krypton is expected to explode. Do you wish to spend it together? Or should we send it now?” Lash asked, and his question brought surprise to both of them.

“You'd risk the future, and your time line just to give us more time with our son?” Lara asked, she spoke for them both.

“I would, yes.” Lash said, a bit of a smile on his face.

“The estimated last week then. Unless the world changes for the worst that is when we'll try for it.” Jor-El said with a smile, as the robotic attendant brought back Kal-El. Waiting was dangerous, it would increase the chance of something going wrong. But shooting their son, and their niece into the vast emptiness of space was no picnic either.

“Subject change, do either of you have a map of the subterranean depths beneath Kryptonopolis?” Lash asked, he was trying to decide if he should tell him his back up plan that has almost zero chance of working.

“We do, yes! The city has been rebuilt dozens of times. But the house of El always kept accurate records. May I ask why?” Jor-El asked, as he started to send a data transfer to Lash interface.

“I may have a machine capable of preventing the destruction of the planet on a total scale.” Lash said, wincing as both Lara and Jor stopped what they were doing to stare at him.

“Explain please?” Lara asked, as she reached out to hug her son who wiggled in her arms.

“When Krypton explodes, it sends debris across not only the solar system but across the universe. Sending asteroids of extreme size to ruin Daxam, and dozens of other worlds. While additional fragments are sent to Earth to cause problems for Kal-El, and Kara. The machine in question will help prevent the planet from exploding. Maybe.” Lash replied to the question, and sent his own data packet to them so they could look over the machine.

“You have this machine!?” Jor-El said he scrolled through the information. His wife doing the same.

“I am capable of building it. That is why I need the maps of the subterranean. The further down, the better.” Lash replied as he waited for them to get to the end of the blue print. Where it told them the chances of success. The light died in both their eyes when they got there.

“So, you have no idea if this going to work. Which is why you didn't tell me about it before. But, if there is even a chance that the planet doesn't explode, but still wipe out all life on the planet. In the long run it will be better. Daxam survives, and green kryptonite doesn't arrive on Earth to harm Kal, or Kara?” Jor-El replied, as he sat back in his seat. His wife continued to look over the information.

“Hope for the best, plan for the worst.” Lash replied with a frown.

Eventually Lara conceded and admitted the last bit of resistance. Not only did she believe Lash about being a time traveler simply because the machine was way beyond anything on Krypton. But also because she asked Lash about Kal in the future. Little things that Superman had shared with Lash about his biological parents. About the fortress of solitude. Along with the dangers of Kryptonite. Lash received a detailed map of the underground and found several tunnels that went for miles underground. A good place to start.

Eventually Lash closed the link and rubbed his face. But before he could really sit and think a monitor picked up a few signals entering the main foyer. It was the children here to attend the classes in the education center. Epsilon of course fed the children a simple breakfast, something that the kids had come to rely on. Then took them towards their selected area. Praetor found the young girl who had taken a liking to the combat fitness.

If Lash intended to try and save Krypton than the temple needed to be retrofitted to not only survive a cataclysmic earthquake. But also be self sufficient bomb shelter in the future. Thankfully Lash had all sorts of blue prints saved in his User interface. But, that would come later! He was going to go check on the new city park he made, do some work. Then tomorrow morning underground to deploy the machine. Why not now? Because his tech-spirit was mapping out the most efficient route for him.

Congratulations User! Minor Virtual Intelligence has evolved into Basic Virtual Intelligence.

Effect: Increase in power, decrease in power consumption.

Effect: 3 Tech-Spirits.

Effect: Tech-Spirits are slightly more advanced, are capable of carrying out more complex tasks.

Lash celebrated his little victory but his good mood was soured when he arrived at the park. The flower beds are been torn up, several tree's had their branches cut. A body was floating in the water channel. One of the glow lamps had been destroyed, and painted on the ground was a giant bloody fist. The Blood Fist gang. Lash took a deep breath and counted to ten before he started to cast Renew on the park.

He used his new Virtual Intelligence tech-spirit to access the security cameras that were installed in the glow lamps. Then he had the tech-spirit search the security camera's in sector 68 for his targets. Unfortunately, a majority of the camera's in sector 68 were broken. So, Lash reached through his tech-spirit and cast Repair. The energy cost was large, but little by little the camera's in the sector started to snap back into place. Well at least the ones that were broken, while others were just simply gone.

Lash checked his Magical Perception the soul tether to the body in the water channels was long gone so Lash turned him over and checked his ID code. Homeless, no direct family on record. Lash checked the camera's, the man had chosen to sleep in the park. He tried to stop the Blood Fist from wrecking the park and got a knife to gut for his troubles. Lash cast Decomposition on the body, and said a small prayer for the soul. Eventually the park was restored to its former glory. But something bothered Lash.

The security camera's in the glow lamps alerted the justicar in the area when the Blood Fist began their destruction of the park. The feed had a record that the justicar received the message and sent a unit to investigate. But no one showed up. So even though Wym was a new man that didn't mean that the justicars under his command were. Just when Lash was about to contact the barracks one of the newly repaired camera's picked up a Blood Fist saboteur. Saurian growled softly across the link they shared.


Congratulations User! Repair has evolved into Minor Repair.

Effect: Increase in power, decrease in power consumption, and an increase in cast distance.

Effect: Can use more magical energy to replace more items of need of repair.

Effect: Increase chance of learning the design of the item being repaired.

Another evolution of a spell he had used for a long time. Several broken security camera's in the area snapped back into place. Entire sections of the camera's being rebuilt as the magical energy replicated the necessary parts. He was moving through a crowd trailing behind his quandary. Aside from his targets hands that were tattooed to be blood red the man looked like any other Labor Guild worker in sector 68. They were about two miles away from temple square and getting further away. Thanks to Anonymity no one had any idea Lash was in the area. Just another face, in a sea of faces.

The ocean of people walked across the pathways of 68 while the road ways above them were full of traffic. There were multiple layers to 68. The bottom layer where most of the Labor Guild was more or less forced to walk. Then the next layer was the highway, road access for low economy vehicles. Then the next layer had the rail ways, then the layer above that was the high rise pedestrian walk ways. Where the Labor Guild of sector 68 were not allowed to walk. It was like night and day from the bottom layer to the top layer.

From grim, and gritty filth. To clean, and pristine crystal walk ways at the top. It reminded Lash of the symbolic pictures of heaven, and hell. The funny thing was that Lash knew for a fact that if anyone actually took the time to clean, and repair the bottom layer it would look a lot different. Something to try for later. Lash was following behind his target who slipped into an alleyway. Lash followed close behind, as it was till full of people.

The man in question walked up to a group of thugs, punks, and a few well dress men, and women. They traded greetings, some shook the mans hand. Then he stepped inside a main root building in the sector. A root building is a foundation structure for one of the super structures above. Technically you could climb the root all the way to the top. If, you had clearance to get past certain segments. Not in any real mood to dance around the situation Lash walked straight up to the front door. This odd, and surprising act broke his Anonymity spell.

“Hello Blood Fist. I am looking for the people who ruined my park.” Lash said to the men, and women outside the building. Their eyes snapped open wide in surprise as Lash just seem to materialize from no where. Then one of the women took out a side arm and shot at Lash.

Lash slammed his foot into the ground and Darkness Manipulation struck out. A spike of pure darkness nailed the woman to the wall behind her. Traveling just under her sternum, missing her spine. Her screams, and her trigger finger reflex sent a shot wide. But now the Blood Fists all took out their weapons. While the bystanders ran for cover. Partial-Transformation activated and Lash's skin peeled back to reveal scales. Overall he still looked human, he just had crocodile, and snake scales for skin.

Lash whipped his leg out brought the heel of his boot into a man. Superhuman Strength activated and the man was sling shot through the air and impacted into a wall. His bones broke, and his organs ruptured he was dead on impact. Lash jumped backwards as Danger Sense activated and he missed a gun shot for his head. Then he picked up a stone fragment from the ground and threw it at the attack. Sticks, and stones do break bones after all! In this case a shattered collar bone!

Lash yanked the spike of darkness out of the woman. He still needed more practice before he could do multiple constructs. Instead he wrapped his body in darkness instead giving him an extra layer of protection. He sprinted towards the door man of the building jumped through the air and drove his knee straight into the man's chest. They both went through the door together, but Lash's weight was adjusted thanks to Gravity Stride increasing his weight by 30%. The man's chest caved in, and Lash rolled off of him to his feet.

Over a dozen weapons were drawn on him ranging from simple side arms to justicar issued assault rifles. Off to the side was the man he had initially followed. The establishment seemed to be a thieves den of sorts. Lash grinned, and used his Nature Domain passive. A thick billow fog burst from his body and swallowed the whole room. The gang members started to fire off where he had last been seen. But he had jumped into the air and was now running on the ceiling like it was the floor thanks to Gravity Stride. He dropped onto a man with an assault rifle and snapped his neck like a twig. The man dropped into a heap.

The darkness on his body shifted and flowed to his hands creating daggers. Lash moved with brutal efficiency between targets lost in the mist. Slashing a throat! Slicing an achilles tendon on another and watching them flop about like a fish out of water. Soon they started to scream, and a few were able to leave for the outside. Someone threw a grenade into the room. A sonic pulse burst from the bomb. It burst every ones equilibrium, Lash received several points of experience towards his Damage Resistance but overall he was fine. Not his first time.

Then an odd sight surprised. Justicars moved into the room and started to shoot electric lasers at everyone they could find. None lethal ammunition, though if you kicked the capacity up it could kill someone. A few people shouted in pain as they were dropped, and dragged out of the room by the Justicars. Lash jumped back to the ceiling and moved around to watch them. Like most humanoids they never look up. Lash reached out with Connectivity to listen in on their unit communications.

“Where is he!?” One of them asked.

“Just find him, and put him down! I'm sick and tired of this shit! Life was perfect before that freak showed up in our town!” The unit commander said over the communication line.

“We have to hurry, Con can't delay the primus for long!” Another justicar said over the line. Lash did everyone a favor and copied the entire conversation and sent a priority message to Kemuna, and Wym.

“UNIT ZERO SIX STAND DOWN IMMEDIATELY!” Kemuna's voice sounded off across the line and all the justicars flinched.

“Primus! We are responding to a domestic disturbance call. We have reason to believe that the Blood Fists are attacking Priest Lash!” The unit leader said in a smooth and clear voice.

“Oh! Ya, we both know that's a lie. I just sent your entire previous conversation towards the primus.” Lash said over the line with a laugh. In hindsight Lash admitted that was a mistake. But he really didn't care. Suddenly a subdued justicar unit became a rogue justicar unit. Fully believing they were screwed they started to fight against the new arriving justicars.

Lash dropped from the ceiling on top of the unit lead. His daggers sliced cleanly through his armor like paper. Dozens of tiny cuts meant to wound not kill. Then he moved to the others, one by one they dropped like puppets with out strings. The other justicars came rushing in, and Lash pulled back the fog. He was shot by over six different E-Lasers for his troubles which only left him feeling tingly. But thankfully the justicars stopped firing after the sixth shot.

The aspirant unit leader of the rescuing squad helped their former companions to the transports to be sent to the barracks medical, and brig. Lash's presence was requested back at the barracks by primus Kemuna. Lash accepted the invitation but would be his way towards the barracks with his own transport. He headed out, sending a message to Epsilon about his whereabouts. Epsilon responded that it was getting a little hectic back at the temple. Lash may need to see about hiring help, or building another unit.


Lash wasn't given any time to change what he was wearing. They hustled him towards the primary briefing room in the barracks. When he arrived in the chamber he understood why the justicar soldiers were in such a hurry. Standing next to Kemuna, and Wym was Dru-Zod. High General of Krypton's Military Guild.

Dru-Zod was an impressive specimen of Kryptonian genetic engineering. Like most Krypton's of the Military Guild he was designed for combat. But, Zod's had always had a natural talent and birthright. Dru was especially exceptional! He excelled in everything he did. Many even believed he was a genetic reincarnation of the original Zod patriarch. Dru-Zod turned to look at Lash as he entered the room and a smile tugged on his lips as he took him in.

Lash being 6'6” was just a few inches taller than Zod. But that was not what made him interesting at the moment. Lash had just come from a fight. He had several energy burns that had melted through his clothing, along with blood splatter. He himself was not injured any longer thanks to his Regeneration. He had pulled his human skin back on and looked the part of Kryptonian who had just come from a street fight. Lash made an exaggerated bow towards Dru.

“May the light of Rao guide you on your path. It is a great honor, and privileged to see you again General Dru-Zod.” Lash said in a respectful tone. They had met once on the battle of Kandor rim. Though it was brief.

“I was not entirely sure it was you they spoke of, Lash-Rao. But this is indeed a pleasant surprise. You look like you just came from a battle? The gangs in the sector still causing you trouble?” Dru asked, as he turned towards Kemuna, and Wym who looked contrite.

“The Blood Fist gang didn't like the new park I built. They decided to rip it apart. So I thought I would return the favor. But I am sure that is not why I was called to this meeting?” Lash said with a smile as he looked towards Kemuna who nodded.

Kemuna Ke-Zod looked a little worn out but was holding her own. Lash was wanted to send a bit of spell craft into her but held off until Dru was gone. Unless they specifically asked for one. Wym, was much the same as Kemuna. They both looked like they needed a full meal, and 10 hours of undisturbed sleep. Then something caught Lash's eye and he turned to look at it. Standing in the shadows behind Dru was a woman. She raised a brow in slight surprise, Dru barked a laugh and turned to look at her as well.

“Your senses are sharp as ever. You remember my lieutenant, Ursa!” Dru said, making a note not to say her house name. Ursa have given up her house and chose to follow Dru-Zod no matter where he went. A zealot to the cause of Dru, a good soldier, and a good bed mate for the man.

Ursa was part of the Military Guild. Designed, and trained to be a warrior. She was 6' even with short black hair chopped in a pixie cut. She had cold brown eyes that constantly moved to take the whole room in. Waiting for a slip, or any hostile intent against Dru. She had an inverted triangle figure. Wide shoulders, narrow hips. Promoting a strong physique. She had a black polymer body suit on that covered her from neck, to wrist, to her feet. With a few flex body plates to cover her vitals.

“May the strength of Mordo keep you safe, Sister Ursa.” Lash bowed towards her, and she inclined her head just a touch.

“Maybe we'll have a chance to spar later, Brother Lash.” Ursa replied to him, then moved further back into the shadows.

“The Military Council has granted us emergency powers to weed out Black Zero, and to find the Black Guard if they have a base of operations here in 68. While we are looking for them, we thought it would be an important moment to weed out the local gangs in sector 68. Including, Blood Fists. We hoping you had some insight towards them?” Kemuna asked in a strong, composed voice after she watched the interaction between Ursa, and Lash.

“I know a few nests that could be cleaned out. While I also have a few Black Zero bunkers on another list. Though one of them has been burned already.” Lash said with a smile, and provided the relevant information to them in a data file. A map was brought up on the main view screen.

“If only you had joined the Military Guild, Lash. You would have been so useful.” Dru mumbled just loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Rao had decided a different path for me. Doesn't mean I still can't be useful in other ways.” Lash replied softly, and Dru nodded in agreement.

“No Black Guard locations?” Dru looked through the list, surprised to not find a single one.

“No, I don't believe they have a direct presence here. With their tech they can easily by pass the security check points between sectors. They can also travel through the subterranean tunnels with ease. Though I am planning a short expedition underground tomorrow. I can send you an update later.” Lash supplied another piece of information that made Kemuna, Wym, Dru, and Ursa look at him in surprise.

“Why are you going underground?” Kemuna asked, her voice filled with concern. Something that Dru took notice up, but didn't admonish her for it. Instead a glint of knowing filled his eyes as he looked at Wym who gave away nothing.

“Investigating a rumor. Many of my faithful have reported their friends and family disappearing off the streets. While a few are homeless, Rao does not cast away those who are lost but offers them guidance instead. But, if someone or something is taking the faithful. Then I will not let that stand.” Lash replied, and received several points in experience in Acting.

“You always did tend to volunteer for dangerous assignments.” Dru added with a smile.

“The tunnels are complicated, a maze. You could get lost.” Ursa spoke up from the shadows, directly behind Wym who jumped in surprise. Then shook his head for his own failing. He should have noticed her. Ursa's eyes danced in delight, but her face remained indifferent.

“I've already contacted house El. They've given me a detailed map of all the previous tunnels.” Lash provided a response to Ursa.

“You've spoken to Jor-El? How is he?” Dru asked, a brief moment and his mask slipped just a little. Dru, and Jor were friends growing up. An odd pair, one of military, another of science. Jor had actually challenged Dru to being his friend. Not willing to be outdone, Dru accepted. They'd been friends ever since.

“Distraught that the science council banned him from his seat.” Lash said, and was surprised to see shock written on every ones face.

“THEY BANNED HIM!?” Dru yelled with fury, he slammed his fist into the primary view screen table. A clear crack grew across the screen before an automated function started to repair it.

“It appears that was not public information? I apologize, I thought everyone one knew that.” Lash said, and bowed his head.

“Why!? Why did not sycophants, and hypocrites ban him!” Dru yelled at Lash, not controlling his anger at all.

“Because of his unpopular theories about Krypton's destruction. Since...” Lash paused on how to word Brainaic. He wasn't sure what every ones clearance level was. “Since the battle of Kandor rim and the alien ripped out the city. Tectonic instability has been growing. The science council believes that Krypton will eventually stabilize all on its own. Jor-El argued otherwise. Despite his clear proof the science council believes he is wrong.” Lash said, as he explained the circumstance to Dru and the rest of the room. Just another piece of information that no one knew. Except Dru who didn't seem to react.

“Wait? What is the estimated death toll of the Krypton's destruction?” Kemuna asked, her face growing pale.

“Its an extinction level event. The entire planet will break apart and scatter across the known universe. Everyone will die.” Lash replied nonchalantly.

“WHAT!?” Ursa screamed, that was a surprise. Normally she never looses her bearing. But Lash noticed that she had reached for her abdomen. Out of curiosity Lash sent a Nature Domain Pulse through the room. Oh! Ursa was pregnant, how odd!

“Calm down!” Dru said through clenched teeth and Ursa took a breath and stepped back. Dru then turned to look at Lash with a quirked brow.

“You don't seem overly concern about it. Why?” Dru asked.

“Perhaps because it's not true? That Jor-El was wrong?” Wym asked, and held up his hands in surrender when Dru looked at him with a glare.

“Oh no its very true. We have about I would say... Little over a month before we all die. Unless I can get to the bottom of Kryptonopolis on time.” Lash said once again nonchalantly towards the room. A smile grew across Dru's face.

“The Religious Guild has a device that can help?” Dru asked, Lash shrugged his shoulders in a 'who knows' kinda of gesture.

“I can't imagine that Jor-El would just take this lying down? Did he help with the items creation.” Dru asked, and again Lash shrugged his shoulders. But that alone was answer enough.

“What time are you leaving tomorrow for the underground? I'll have a special unit go with you. I don't want any mistakes. This is Krypton's future we are talking about. If Jor-El thinks it is going to happen, then it is going to happen.” Dru made a snap decision, suddenly the Black Zero, and Black Guard could wait.

“6:00 am bright an early. The route I have mapped out may take a few days round trip.” Lash replied and sent his planned itinerary to Dru.

“What are the chances that the device works and Krypton is saved?” Wym asked, beginning to understand the situation better. Maybe even jumping to the conclusions as to why Lash was really assigned to sector 68.

“We don't, not really. If the science council had listened when Jor-El first brought the situation to them several years ago.” Lash admitted to them, and Dru all but screamed in fury. “But their was an alternative plan that was of course turned down.” Lash finished, and rolled his shoulders waiting for a bit as they all looked at him to continue.

“A few solar systems over are livable worlds. The plan was to stick everyone into the phantom zone. Fly an automated shuttle over to one of those worlds. Then start over.” Lash put it in basic terms. But the concept of putting everyone into the phantom zone made the group lean back in fright. Even Dru was scared of the phantom zone.

“That could work though.” Ursa replied, and everyone looked at her. “If we were put to sleep before we entered the phantom zone we would feel its sensory deprivation effects. Then we would just wake up on a brand new world.” Ursa finished, looking at Dru for feedback.

“The science council has the phantom zone frequency key.... I'm planning on stealing it in a few days.” Lash said, and everyone in the room looked at him with wide eyes. Though a smile slowly grew across Dru's face. He made a quick hand sign to Ursa who pulled out a device and a baffle field expanded from it.

“Cythonna is the goddess of ice, and mother of monsters. You must be one of her chosen, Lash!” Dru clapped him on the back. He had meant it as a compliment, so Lash took it as one. Even though Cythonna was essentially the devil in Krypton history.

“Jor-El has a shuttled prepared doesn't he? We all go to sleep, and wake up on a brand new world?” Kemuna asked, her breathing grew under her control once again.

“The original plan was just to save his family, and those he could convince of the dangers. I believe that number as grown now. Either way I still need to go plant the device. If Krypton can not be saved, then I still need to stop it from exploding. A size able chunk of Krypton flying through space, and with our peoples luck it would hit the very world we plan to start over on. But if I can plant the device it may not save the planet, but it could prevent it from shattering.” Lash brought up the more realistic plan to them.

“This is a complicated situation. I know that the science guild is watching Jor-El carefully. May I request that none of you contact him about the situation.” Lash asked, they all nodded but it was clear it was a tense situation.

“Where is the shuttle?” Dru asked, looking at Lash with interest.

“Jor-El has his own family shuttled prepared. But I have a larger shuttle at the temple being built as we speak. It will be ready in a few days. I can contact you when its finished for you to inspect it if you like?” Lash offered an alternative so no one would bother Jor-El.

“This is a complicated situation. The more people that know the truth the better chance it has of failing. It could cause mass hysteria, and panic. So until you've been told otherwise. We will continue to carry on as if the world will continue to spin. Is that understood?” Dru said in an authority voice to everyone in the room. Kemuna, Wym, and Ursa saluted him. While Lash bowed from his waist as per custom.

“I'll send the unit to your temple tomorrow morning, Priest. Get it done, and maybe we won't have to leave. But prepare the shuttle all the same. Dismissed!” Dru said with a grin.


***Time Fragment, Dru-Zod's private home, and military stronghold. ***

Dru-Zod exited his personal air transport, Ursa by his side as always. He walked across the compound watching hundreds of soldiers training, running drills, and preparing for any, and all situations that could arrive. Pity that the greatest danger to Krypton was a danger that none of them could fight. But if they did end up leaving then these soldiers would be needed to tame and establish a new Krypton colony on another world. An idea that filled Dru with pride!

The house of Zod's compound was a lot like the barracks spread through out Kryptonopolis. Stout buildings, with black stone, and red crystal veins spreading through it. While a dozen or so crystal towers reached up into the sky like the claws of some ancient beast. Gunships took off, and landed on docking ports attached to the crystal towers. While the armored division moved between the structures carrying supplies to heavy to be moved through a regular transport.

Dru, and Ursa stepped into a private rail pod, the pod sped along a track several hundred feet in a horizontal motion. Then it gradually moved down on a rail track. Hundreds of square feet passed in seconds. Then the pod entered an underground war facility where a massive cavern had been hallowed out. Hundreds of vehicles, ground, and air were stored here. Dru watched with interest as technicians scurried about building, and maintaining the army. Soon, soon the Military Guild would strike. No more would they be ruled by the cowardly science council. Only those who had earned their place through the true test of competency would rule. People like Dru, people like his friend Jor.

“I want you to go with Lash tomorrow. Keep an eye on him.” Dru ordered Ursa who looked at him for a brief moment then nodded.

“Is it possible he has a ship ready to leave?” Ursa asked after a few minutes. The rail pod continued on its path.

“With Lash? He could tell me he had, The Voice of Rao chained up in his basement I'd believe him.” Dru said with a sinister smile on his face.

“Lash understands the nature of war better than any member of the Religious Guild I've ever met. He knows people are meant to die in battle. But that doesn't stop him from trying to save as many people as he can.” Dru said with a smirk. This was a flaw that he could use to control, Lash.

“He saved my life once...” Ursa said in response, Dru nodded to her. His face being reflected on the glass of the pod.

“He saved many lives of our brothers, and sisters. More of his kin will be made in the future. In the coming age a new Ligadian house will be made with Lash at its head. As long as he continues to be useful.” Dru replied, then he turned and moved towards the door as the pod slowed down. Ursa didn't exit with him, she rode the pod back up to the surface.

Dru walked alone down a dark hallways that had been recently carved. As he walked further, and further down the tunnel he started to feel a rhythmic vibration through the stone walls. Thump....Thump.....Thump!......Thump!......THUMP!.....THUMP! The sound grew in volume, and vibration. Despite its insistence the noise didn't grow on Dru's nerves, in fact it made him smile. At last he came upon a guarded door. On either side were two Black Guard soldiers. They saluted in perfect synchronization.

“Is he here?” Dru asked the soldiers.

“Yes, the general is inside expecting you.” The soldiers replied at the same time. Dru stepped towards the door and walked through it.

On the other side of the door was a vast cavern network. Riddled with holes, and tunnels that stretched as far as the eye could see. THUMP!....THUMP!.....THUMP! The hammering was louder here. Dru walked across a catwalk that was built straight into the rock face. Beneath his feet he saw dozens of mechanical contraptions with giant metal cylinders rising, and falling in perfect sync. Dozens of Black Guard soldiers checked, and re checked the readings coming from the machines. While Dru moved from catwalk to catwalk until he came to a control center hidden away in the darkness.

Dru passed through the control center door and the noise from outside was silence immediately. When he passed through the inner security layer the silence was changed to the soft sound of music. Dru walked into a room that had all the furnishings of a residential estate. Off to the side was a massive wooden table with a single occupant enjoying an early dinner. With out waiting for an invitation Dru sat down at the end of the table next to the occupant. A man, this man was the spitting image of Dru. Only older, gray was in his beard, and a scar was across his face. This was Dru-Zod.

“Dru, how are things progressing?” The older Dru asked, as he cut into his mynox steak. An attendant poured a drink for the younger Dru.

“The War Priest I told you about confessed that he planned to steal the phantom zone frequency key for Jor-El today. He also plans to plant a device at the bottom of Kryptonopolis to help save the planet. The design of the machine is...Advanced. Almost to advanced.” The young Dru admitted, and the older Dru stopped eating to look at his younger counterpart.

“Intriguing. Will the device help us?” The older Dru asked, as he took up his own glass and took a sip.

“Yes, in fact I think our planet will not only be saved. But not even suffer catastrophic damage.” The younger Dru admitted.

“You said you met this man, this Ligadian at Kandor rim? Odd, I have no memory of a War Priest by the name of Lash-Rao. The complexities of time travel elude me. Either way we should keep an eye on him. But if he proves useful in the end perhaps we can create a new Ligadian house with him at the head.” The older Dru said.

“I thought the same!” The younger Dru replied, and they both laughed!

“Well things are definitely becoming more interesting...”

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