
***HR, Watch Tower, Party Hall***

D grade party hall module was a large establishment aboard the Watch Tower Station. It had several floors available to the JLI as a place to unwind, and relax. Each floor catered to a specific style and genre of music. First floor was commonly used for classical ballroom. The second floor would be designed for swing, and salsa. Third floor was more akin to industrial, death metal. While the fourth floor was towards pop, techno, electric music. While the fifth floor was designed towards alien genre's. Once a month they would have a full party hall selection where every floor shared one genre. Tonight was an alien pop culture music festival.

The different floors were connected to a single floor to make an expansive dance floor, a bar that stretched from one end of the station to the other. Tables, chairs, corner booths for people who liked to sit and watch. Across the dance floor were miniature stages for people to dance and make a show of it. A variety of colors flashed across the ceiling and walls. While the music that was played could not only be heard, but felt through ones mind. There was a live band on the stage currently from Mars. Their music was heard, while their voices were felt within ones mind.

The Justice League International was in recovery. There were hundreds of thousands of things to do. But leadership had established the need to rest, and recovery even during the invasion. During the invasion R&R was going to Ethan getting drugged, and passing out for 12 hours in a room. Then doing some training, then back to the shit show. Now? For every five days of back to back labor you were required two days off.

On one of the stages on the dance floor was a fiery red head that had her legs wrapped around a pole and was practicing her extensive sexuality dancing skills to any men, and women watching her. Long red hair that glowed with energy at the tips. Orange, to red to skin tone, glowing green eyes. This was Starfire aka Koriand'r Princess of Tamara. She wore calf high black heeled boots, a short, short black skirt that barely covered anything at all. Anyone willing to peak would discover she had no panties on. She wore a black leather top that exposed her midriff, while the straps on the back went into a cross pattern.

Kory was blowing off some steam. She had come to dance, to enjoy herself and not worry about the little details of Earth. Even with all the attention she was getting, with hundreds of eyes watching her dancing as she wrapped her legs around the pole and dipped upside down. She nearly fell out of her top, not that it would bother her. But through it all? She missed her friends. She missed traveling with Kara, and M'gann. But most of all she missed traveling with Lash.

Not because Lash was handsome, or intelligent, or intriguing. No, Lash had never judged her by her customs or culture. He understood her, and when she didn't get something he would explain it to her. Often through telepathy so not to embarrass her. Kory long ago stop caring what others thought of her. Her skin was thicker than that. But just like one can die from a thousand cuts. The looks of pity, disgust, and shame nicked away at her.

There was a lull in the music time to switch between songs. Kory, along with the whole party hall stopped for a moment to cheer and clap for the very talented Martian band. Their lead singer was the female Martian Z'tok Z'nuk. The next song they played was more of a gradual build up. For the first few minutes it would be a slow dance that would eventually rise up like an inferno. Oddly enough it was considered a death song on Mars. Telling of the horrors of war between the three species of Mars. Green, white, and red. Kory turned down a few dozen offers to dance as she walked back towards the bar to get a drink.

“¡Hola Agente Andr! ¿Cómo va la vida?” A young man said as he walked up to her. She stopped to look at him for a moment before a small smile stretched across her face.

“Blue Beetle! Good to see you!” Kory said as she walked up to Jaime Reyes.

Blue Beetle aka Jaime Reyes was approximately 5'8”, with brown eyes, short brown stylized hair that was covered in hair gel. He had light chocolate skin, and a charming smile. He had grown a lot during the battles for his home. Gone was the immature child, and a young hero was being made. A synthetic chirp of an insect sounded from his back.

“What? Ya, I'll asked her.... Khaji Da wants to know what is wrong? You are, and this is a quote. 'Not performing at optimal capacity.'” Jaime winced as he finished speaking for his companion.

Kory smiled at Jaime and came to give him a big hug. Koriand'r was 6'4, with her boots on she was 6'6. Just high enough for Jaime to get his face swallowed between her bouncing breasts. He flailed in surprise though he was the envy of many men, and women at the bar. Then Kory came around to his back, pulled his shirt up and kissed the scarabs shell. The thing chirped at her.

“Just missing some friends were not with us today.” Kory said to the scarab, who chirped in response.

“Oh...I'm sorry, any one in particular you lost?” Jaime asked, as Kory put down his shirt and they returned to the bar for a drink. Apparently the legal drinking age on the Watch Tower was 18.

“Oh, Wraith went off to seal a Rift. Supergirl is incredibly busy and our days off never seem to line up. Miss Martian is working with Martian Manhunted in setting up the embassy on Mars, and the Watch Tower.” Kory said with a dreary expression. Jaime blinked at her, and face palmed completely miss reading the situation. While his scarab chirped again.

“ Khaji Da wants to know why Wraith is the only one that doesn't seem required to take a break like the rest of us?” Jaime asked for his partner. Kory's eyes lit up in understanding and she smiled. Her smiled was genuine and made Jaime blush at her. She leaned in and gave him a great big wet kiss.

“You are right! Every one needs time to relax! I should lodg a complaint for him. He's over worked!” Kory said, then hugged Jaime one last time and took off towards the exit.

“Why do I feel like I just made things worse?” Jaime asked, as his partner chirped at him. “What? No, I don't!” Jaime said in frustration as he downed a shot. “No, No I don't!” Jaime continued to argue with his partner.


***Time Fragment. Kryptonopolis, Military Guild council hearing***

Kemuna Ke-Zod continued to breath in through her nose, out through her mouth. She recited the scripters of Rao in her mind. Something that normally always calmed her. But everytime she would get half way through the scripture she would see Lash grinning face staring back at her. Then the memories of the night they had shared would flood up. Then a blush would cover her face and she would have to cough several times to clear her head. Her father Wym-Zod was next to her in a seat with a knowing grin on his face. He didn't know the intimate details, but she trusted his daughter.

They were both in the Military Guild's preperation chamber. A council had been called when she had declared that Black Zero was back. She had sent the information ahead of time and was now here to describe the events in her own words. The Guild would analyze her response time, blood pressure, and eye movement. Her proof was definitive! But it was the fact that she named the, Back Guard as their co-conspirators made it a serious issue. Officially, the Black Guard was not offliated with the Military Guild. That is what they told everyone. No one believed them however.

More than once Kemuna stood up from her seat and paced the chamber. The first time she had been here was years ago when she was promoted to the primus of sector 68. When her father, and brother had come back from the Kandor rim...Different, broken. Now, her brother was dead. While her father seemed like a new man. Her brother had been burnt to ash, and his name was applied to the house of Zod's memorial. He was granted full honors, despite his dissapointing life in the past 5 years everyone had understood.

Kemuna took a long deep breath and smoothed out her official ceromonial garb. All of her medals, ribbons, and rank were on full display. A red dress uniform with black high lights that were tailored to her body. She walked over to a full length mirror and looked at her self. She had pulled out her braids for the council. Her hair was pulled back into a bun, while a few bangs frame her face. She sucked in her flat stomach and tried to make her chest just a bit bigger. She had always been jelouse of Kursta for her figure.

Her mind wondered towards Kursta. How was she? She was alone now in a medical bed in the barracks under guard. Could Kemuna trust the soldiers watching her? Maybe it would have been better to leave Kursta with Lash-Rao? Oh! The necklace, Kemuna reached into her pocket to pull the symbol of Mordo the god of strength out. She hesitated for a brief moment then slipped the necklace on and put it under her uniform. In a flash energy rolled from the necklace over her body. The nervous tension melted away and she became clear headed. A small smile grew across her face.

“Primus Kemuna Ke-Zod, Wym-Zod, the council will see you now.” A Labor guild official that worked for the Military Guild respectfully bowed their head and called to them.

“Thank you.” Wym-Zod called to them and stood up to meet his daughter. Technically he was the subordinate so he was prepared to open the door for Kemuna, and step aside for her. Kemuna took one last relaxing breath. She wished she had put the necklace on ages ago...

Kemuna, and Wym walked into the main chamber of the military council. The floor was crystal dark blue with golden cracks between the stones. Layer sitting went up for several levels, so that every military house could be represented. Above them were the banners of the current raining houses, beneath them were the auxilary, then the lower houses. But to be displayed in this room was to state to all that you had sway in the council if only a little. One of the primary raining houses was house Zod. That hung in the center of the room just above the main council.

Kemuna, and Wym stood at attention beneath the throne like chairs above them. One by one the council came in. They saluted, they raised their right arm to chest level. Their fist above their heart, and the elbow pointing to the side. Then with a quick jerking motion that almost seem to snap in the air like a whip they moved arm to the right. So their fist went from the left to the right. A standard Kryptonian salute. Their salute was returned by the council.

“Wym, it is good to see you again. In good health, body, mind, and soul.” A distinguished voice called out. This, was Dru-Zod high general of Krypton's armies. He was 6'3” with a shaved head, electic blue eyes, and chocolate black skin. He was built like a body builder but could move like a runner. His smile was genuine when looking onto his branch house.

“You as well, Kemuna. I was sorry to hear about Tak. I'm sorry I couldn't attend the burning but I'll make an effort to visit the memorial. Despite your sons recent issues he was a good soldier, and a good house member.” Dru-Zod said to them with a smile. Then one of the other councilors cleared there throat. Dru narrowed his eyes at the other leaders. Then his face became indifferent.

“Kemuna Ke-Zod, primus of sector 68. We have looked over your report and video reports and we find it...Lacking.” One of the councilors said, and Kemuna's eyes narrowed but she kept her bearing otherwise.

“Would you care to explain why you left out specific detailes about this Priest?” Another councilor said, saying the word Priest as it was a cuss word. That made Kemuna, and Wym boil with rage. Another councilor knocked a stone sphere to get the topic back on task, like a gavel.

“The council is well aware of your devoution to Raoism Kemuna, we are not belittling you for your loyalty. If anything we commend you on being able to balance religion, and state. But we have to ask why you did not give us a full report.” The councilor asked, as they brought up a video of Lash inscribing a ritual circle and the energy coming from the circle fixing the whole temple square in seconds.

“Is that really an issue? We are talking about Black Zero, and the Black Guard.” Wym spoke up, and the entire council glared at him.

“You forget your place, Wym-Zod! You are to speak when spoken too! Not before!” Dru-Zod all but shouted at him. Right now Dru was a Military Guild councilor. Not the head of his house. Wym bit his own tongue and went back to being silent.

“Primus? What say you?” The councilor asked, as they watched her carefully. But before she could speak someone else walked into the councilor chamber. A man with a golden mask, and a midnight black robe. He was followed by several servants who wore white ceromonial garb with golden scriptures on their tunics.

“Because I asked her not too.” The man with a golden mask said, and the entire room stood at attention and turned to greet the voice of Rao in all of Kryptonopolis.

“Voice of Rao we didn't realize you planned to attend the military council. We would have waited for you.” One of the councilors said quickly, while Dru-Zod gave the councilor a look of disgust. No they wouldn't have. In fact they had waited so long to invite Kemuna, and Wym here in hopes that the Voice of Rao would be distracted.

“Rao will always make time for his chosen children. Kemuna Ke-Zod is a devoted followed of Raoism. I personally asked her to not report Lash-Rao's abilities to this council. It was a Religious Guild matter. I find it puzzling that the military council is more concerned with Lash. Then with Black Zero, and the shadow operation of Black Guard. Why is that?” The voice asked them all. His voice was level and soothing to the ear. But the underlying threat was there, 'get back on point.'

“We simply wish to understand why the Black Guard has taken such an interest in Lash-Rao. Voice of Rao. I've ever only known of his reputation at the Kandor rim. We believed that this unique power set could be an asset.” Dru-Zod spoke for the council, The Voice of Rao turned to look at him. No one spoke while the Voice deliberated.

“The War Priest, Lash-Rao will be given the benefit of the doubt. He is one of Rao's chosen, and has served the Religious Guild with integrity, since he joined of his own free will when he completed his term of service as a Ligadian.” The Voice said to the council, several of the councilors flinched at the word. So it was true.

“I would also remind the council that he volunteered to fight at Kandor rim. While a majority of the Military Guild was ordered. He went willingly to spread the light of Rao. He has also volunteered to be in service to the temple in sector 68. Let me be adundantly clear with all of you. If Lash-Rao had any ambition he could have easily been decalred a high chancellor at temple prime and spent the rest of his life worshipped as a saint. Instead he chose to throw himself back into the grinder. I would hope that the Military Guild would respect that.” The Voice said, his tone of voice was taking on an acidic edge. Many with in the room swallowed their arguments.

“Let's get back on topic.” Dru said, a smile on his face as he turned towards Kemuna. Several of the military councilors glared at him.

“We have confirmed reports that Black Zero is indeed in operation here in Kryptonopolis. You are the first to tie them to the Black Guard. Thanks to your combined efforts with War Priest, Lash-Rao. We were able to retrieve valuable intel from their suits data base. As well as the prisoner you brought it. What we are trying to establish is why sector 68?” A councilor jumped at the chance to change the subject. They had stayed silent for most of the discussion.

“Black Zero prays on the disfranchised, the poor, and the misstreated. It is my belief that they are trying to kill Lash-Rao because he brings Raoism back to the masses. He has only been there for ten days but already things have improved for the better for the Labor Guild.” Kemuna reported, she brought up several video's and interviews not only from the citizens living there but her own justicars.

“Wym-Zod what do you think?” Dru asked in a authoritary tone, a small smile on his face. Wym watched a short video of the tribulation ritual that had killed Tak, and saved himself.

“I think they are afraid of him. I think they want him to die, so that the Religious Guild will send their inquistors to judge the sector. It would force everyone in sector 68 to turn to Black Zero. Not only is Lash-Rao giving people hope for a better tomorrow. He is also the instrument for Black Zero's insurrection. But what I fear most is that if they can't kill him, they will try and turn him.” Wym said at last and the entire council leaned back in their chairs thinking over his words. Until a soft chuckled was heard from The Voice.

“That will not happen. Lash-Rao will remain steadfast in his duties. He has been ordered to restore that temple, and to bring the light of Rao to sector 68. He went there because he believes in Raoism, in the truth that it can guide all of Rao's children towards the light. Black Zero are a group of hypocrits, and liars. More than anything, Lash will hunt them down and kill them by his own hand.” The Voice said, another chuckle escapted his lips. The golden mask he wore muffling it, if only slightly.

“But could he be coerced” Dru asked, that made the Voice stop laughing.

“I don't see how. He has no family, he has no house but the house of Rao. Gods, and Goddesses can not be threatend by mortals. Even his...Kin the Ligadian's are not with in the reach of Black Zero. Unless...” The Voice conceded a single point. The councilor looked at him in earnest curiousity.

“The people, his flock. Lash-Rao cares about the people under him. If Black Zero threatens the people of sector 68 he could be convinced to act out in order to protect them.” Kemuna offered, and The Voice nodded towards her.

“It is this councils decesion that Kemuna Ke-Zod, primus of sector 68 be granted additional resources, and pesonnel to route out Black Zero with in their sector. Wym-Zod you are promoted to second of the barracks. Kursta Soll-Vo once she has been properly recovered will be named your third.” The leading councilor said at last. After a brief discussion with the military council.

“You are to find the terrorist cell, or cells with in sector 68. Find, and bring the leaders of Black Zero, dead or alive to the Military Guild. With a secondary objective of ensuring the safety, and well being of War Priest Lash-Rao.” Another councilor commanded.

“If you find any Black Guard, you are to bring them in alive, or dead as well. But your priority is Black Zero, and the temple. Understood!” Dru-Zod finished for everyone. The councilors turned to the Voice of Rao. Who bowed his head, and said nothing.

“You have your orders. Dismissed!” Dru-Zod said to his branch house family with a smile that they returned....


What is Black Zero? At its creation like any movement it was first an idea. It speaks about the Zero dawn. That light is always darkest before the dawn. The dawn on a new world order? Back in the age of creation when the different guilds were being made. There were dozens of different guilds that represented the people. Over time those guilds collapsed, grew, or merged until the established order taht Krypton has today. But through everything, through all of the ages. The Labor Guild remained, but they were always miss represented.

The simple truth of the matter is. Krypton has a whole relies on the Labor Guild. But the Labor Guild does not rely on them. If the Labor Guild chose to just stop for one day. One whole day? All of Krypton would crash and burn! The mighty machine of Krypton's progress would come screeching to a grinding halt. Darkness would swallow the world, and the night is always darkest before the dawn. But this time the Labor Guild would be the leaders of the new world. That was who Black Zero was. Or who they should have been.

But like any movement, the original idea was lost in translation. They went from none violent means. To violent means after decades of failure. The truth was, the other Guilds knew that they relied on the Labor Guild. That was why they did everything in their power to ensure that the Labor Guild never had a voice on the council, and kept communication between the different guilds between cities, and even sectors to a minimum. The Labor Guild were indetured slaves, or like serfs from old Earth's history. Slaves that were allowed to own property, but still slaves.

If you are born into the Labor Guild either by the gensis chamber, or through natural birth. You can never leave it. While everyone else born into different guilds. If their DNA, and force of will says otherwise. They can leave. But not the Labor Guild. So, in many ways Black Zero are freedome fighters! Fighting agaisnt injustice! Fighting against slavery! But eventually that changed to just fighting anyone that is not them....


***Time Fragment. Sector 68, Temple Square***

Food! Glorius food! Most fall it was free delicious food! A line had formed around the city block. As they waited for their free food. Thankfully the line moved quickly, and it was also patrolled by undercover Bylock Syndicate enforcers, and justicars. Everyone was civil, and enjoyed the festival energy. The Daylight spell enchanted onto the burning pyre was a hit! The roaring fire climbed ever higher towards the sky. But no smoke billowed out, it was burning clean. The yellow light poured out onto the festival grounds.

Thousands of people were sitting at tables, talking, eating, and drinking. While music played from the temple, and from the speakers at the stage next to the fire pit. A few dozen people had started to dance around the fire pit. People told stories, shared jokes, and reverly was adundant! Moving between the tables, and speaking to who ever needed a quick word was War Priest Lash-Rao the sponsor of the whole event.

Lash was met with smiles, and cheers no matter what table he came to. People had heard about the feast but expected porrige, and stale bread. Not delectiable meats, fresh baked bread, deserts, and golden drink almost have they were made from the very heavens itself. Or magic? Just lots and lots of magic! Lash cast his 'blessings' on every table he visited. Renew, and Immaculate on their clothing. While Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on their bodies, minds, and souls.

“Priest Lash-Rao!” A woman's voice called out, and Lash turned to see Kela Bez-Ol was calling for him. She had shown up wearing a delightful Kryptonian dress. Knee high brown leather boots, thick earth brown skirt, and top, with light leather jacket. Something that looked good, but she could still work if needed to.

“Sister Kela, Welcome! Are you enjoying the feast?” Lash asked, he excused himself from the table he was at. Lash had black boots, black pants on, with a black t-shirt on. Golden calligraphy was inscribed on the skin of his arms, and neck. Gylphs of the 14 major gods, and goddesses, 211 demigods, and 1402 titans.

“I am! I have to say it is a wonderful turn out. I was especially surprised to find the justicars present and being helpful for a change.” Kela said, her voice dripping with sarcasm about the justicars. Bad blood between them. Kela's bright green eyes were tracking the justicars carefully.

“Don't let them bother you and try and have some fun, sister Kela. Oh! I am about to make a speach in a few minutes would you care to join me onstage?” Lash asked, and she smiled at him.

“I would be delighted to!” Kela replied, and was surprised when Lash offered his arm to her. She took the offered arm after a moment of hesitation. A Labor Guild offical walking arm in arm with a Priest of Raoims drew several eyes, and turned many heads.

“Thank you for that...” Kela said to Lash softly as they walked towards the stage.

“Like I said before, I am here to help.” Lash said, and winked at her. Kela rolled her eyes, but her smile at last reached her eyes....

As the last song died down from the music system, Lash and Kela climbed onto the stage. Lash tapped a pin on his collar and he gently cleared his throat. It took a bit for a few thousand people to quiet down, and look towards the stage. Lash politely waited until enough people took notice. He clapped his hands which was amplified by the microphone. That got everyones attention.

“Hello everyone! To those of you who don't know me? I am War Priest Lash-Rao from temple prime. I am the Priest in charge of the temple in sector 68, and I am the sponsor of todays feast.” Lash called out to the crowds, and hundreds of people raised their glasses in a cheer.

“I have only been in the sector for ten days! I understand that there is indeed a lot of bad blood between the guilds, especially in sector 68. I am not asking for anyone to forgive what has happened. Only that you keep an open mind for the future ahead of us all!” Lash said, his words bringing a somber oppression to the feast.

“Yes, a bit of a downer I understand. The Religious Guild is known for that!” Lash said with a grin, and a few people chuckled but most just eyed him wearily.

“It has also come to my attention that sector 68 doesn't have a city park? I mean sure there is a park up there!” Lash pointed to the high rise pedestrian walk ways above them. But they may have well as been in different worlds, let alone different levels.

“So, I have purchased the neighboring lot just across the street!” Lash pointed a the wrecked buildings that was the scene for yesterdays shoot out. “With plans to demolish the buildings, and create a free, public, park!” Lash said, emphasizing the free, and open to the public parts of the sentence. This caught everyones attention especially Kela.

“We will start the demolition tomorrow morning! Anyone that is free and would like to help? Will be paid for their time. We will also provide meals for the day, of course!” Lash said, and let that all sink in with the people in attendance. More than a few nodded.

“Next on the list of things to discuss before you can go back to eating and drinking. The temple's facilities! We have a free clinic here that is open during the day, and will be open at night for emergencies! I do mean free! If any of you have family at home that are injured but you cant afford treatment? Bring them in, Sister Kela Bez-Ol can confirm this.” Lash said, and he turned to Kela. She was given her own microphone pen.

“Hello everyone! Yes, I can confirm he is telling the truth. I would also like to point out that the food you are eating was paid out of pocket by Priest Lash. He is even paying the volunteers that are helping today.” Kela said, and motioned back to Lash. While the crowd digested this bit of information.

“We also have an education center with in the temple. It is open during the day, closed at night. We are providing simple meals for those that come to study. We also have an incentive program! For every lesson you complete you will be paid ten credits. Whether you are an adult, teenager, or child!” Lash called out, and this made Kela look at him in wide eyed surprise.

“The education center has a holgraphic teacher, along with a Virtual Reality interface. If you can complete all one hundred lessons, and pass the last basic education generalization test in the top 20%. You can apply for a Labor Guild job outside of sector 68!” Lash called out, and the whole crowd started talking in rappid succession. Lash waited for them to calm down.

“If...If you can pass in the top 5%, you will be granted a educational scholarship to continue into intermediate education. Paid by the new Temple Prime scholarship program!” Lash called out, and this got a huge uproar from the crowd. While Kela became deathly pale, odd.

“We also have a working gym, with a self defense robot. Some of you have seem him, his designation is Praetor. While the robotic worker unit Epsilon is also my assistant in the medical clinic. Praetor is fully licsenced, and credited to teach basic combat fitness. Same standards as the education center. This way for anyone looking to join the a Labor Guild branch of the military.” Lash said with an open smile that got a lot of attention. Kela was pulling on his sleeve looking at him with trepidtation.

“Something wrong?” Lash said, blocking his microphone pen. “I thought you'd be happy? I mean I can't take anyone out of the Labor Guild. But this is a step in the right direction isn't it?” Lash asked Kela who looked like she wanted to scream, and cry at the same time.

“I...I.... I didn't know all that. I'm just surprised.” Kela said, with a forced smile that confused Lash. No, Lash wasn't confused. He used this moment to cast Insight on her as it just reactivated, thanks Dawn!

Name: Kela Bez-Ol.

Title: Councilor, Administrator, Freedome Fighter.

Origin: Technically Mundane even if she is Kryptonian.

Rank: F+ (Krypton's standard grade is F)

Skills: Adminsistration, Acting, Manipulation, Fire arms, (See tool tip)

Powers: N/A

Domains: N/A

Traits: Kryptonian physiology.

Disposition: Neutral, bordering on hostile.

Comments: Kela Bez-Ol is furious that Lash-Rao is acting in such a benevolent and beneficial way towards her people. But, she is also angry at herself for plotting his death. If only more of the Religious Guild was like, Lash-Rao things could have been so much different.

“People! People please calm down, I'm almost done!” Lash called out to the crowd who eventually quieted down. They looked at him with anticipation.

“Now, another piece of information that I must share with you. The terrorist group known has Black Zero has infiltrated sector 68.” Lash called out, and he watched as hundreds of people's faces twisted. While hundreds more were horrified!

“Let us please remember that not everyone a part of Black Zero are criminals, or in fact bad people. They are just swept up in the lies, and proganda that Black Zero whispers to them. When Black Zero was first created, all they wanted was a peaceful resolution to the conflicts between the Guilds, and proper representation of the Labor Guild on the council. These ideals are not wrong!” Lash said to the crowd, and glanced at Kela who looked at him in astonishment.

“But it is how they are doing it. Violence breeds only more violence. I will share with you all right here and now a simple truth. Krypton way of life relies on the Labor Guild. If the Labor Guild were to just unilaterally go on strike for a single day! One day! All of Krypton would grind to a halt.” Lash said, and everyone started to whisper. While the justicars were speaking into their communication links. The officer in charge was gradually making his way towards Lash.

“The Labor Guild is the back bone of Krypton society. Krypton can not function with you, all of you! I am not here to ask for forgiveness. Just as I said when I first stepped onto this stage. I can't fix the past. But I can ask for an opportunity for the future. I'll tell you here and now. What I am doing is part of a new out reach program specifically targeted towards the Labor Guild.” Lash said with a smile, and the justicar officer in charge paused mid step.

“I'm not saying things will be dramatically better tomorrow morning. But if the lowest, of the low of Kryptonopolis can show all of Krypton that they have it in themselves to be better? Than why not the world?” Lash said, as he smiled at them all. He turned to look at Kela and winked at her. If looks could kill, oh my! The death glare she was giving him now.

“I digress, please forgive me. Unlike the city officials that will come and bribe, or threaten you to give up Black Zero? Don't! Don't give them up. What I want you all to do is continue to live your lives. Work hard, come here to the temple and learn, practice, and become better people. Bigger people than what Black Zero has grown into. Because you, all of you! Are the hope of Krypton. Not those terrorists. You!” Lash said, and he tapped his pen microphone and bowed from his waist. And what awaited him was a standing ovation!

Thousands of people cheered, clapped, and praised his name. While hundreds more looked furious. Kela stormed off the stage and disappeared into the crowd. Lash stepped off the stage and grinned at the justicar officer who nodded to him in reply. Not a single shot fired, or a threatening act, and Lash had done more to destroy Black Zero in a ten minute speech than any anti-terrorist act had done in years. The roaring fire in the pit grew once again, the Daylight spell glowed brilliantly. The music started up and people started to dance...

It was 12:01 am when Lash at last called for the feast to end. It was met with sad groans, and whining protests. But everyone here had work in the morning, and the demolition of the park started in six hours! Lash and his robots still had to clean up, the justicars were still on station and were not allowed to leave until the temple square was cleaned out! Lash brewed some fresh hot tylak for them all and told them all to sit. While Praetor, and Epsilon started to clean up. Despite the huge crowd there was not a lot of trash. The Labor Guild understood better than any other guild the need to be tidy! The newly repaired dumpster and compactor earned its weight that night.

“You realize you just painted a huge target on you, and your temple. Right?” Or-Jar said as he came out from no where. He was very skilled in stealth, a few justicars jumped to their feet but Lash gestured for them to sit down. Or-Jar had a warrant out for himself.

“I'm sorry, but please excuse him. The temple is neutral ground. Please respect that.” Lash said to the officer in charge who used a few of the gods, and goddesses names in vain. Which earned him a glare from Lash.

“Yes, I did realize that. Black Zero will use everything in their power to destroy me, and the temple now. Right now they are checking with their contacts at temple prime and learning that if I die this outreach program dies with me.” Lash replied, and continued to clean up.

“Then why? Why would you do this? Black Zero was willing to leave you alone! By Rao, even if you are alone in your beliefs about the Labor Guild that would made you saint all on its own. The Labor Guild would have told stories about your for generations. The foolish priest who tried to change the world through opportunity, instead of violence!” Or-Jar screamed at him! Lash was surprised by the mans emotions. Or-Jar had always been very controlled, except for his fear of Lash as a Ligadian.

Lash stopped to reevaluate Or-Jar. The man had changed for better in many ways. Most likely from the blessings that Lash bestowed onto him. When you are magically infused, most people tend to change! He was dressed in a tailored made suit, Kryptonian style. Black shoes, black slacks, black vested coat, with white trim. He had a clean shaven face, and head. No piercings in his ears anymore. He moved with grace, and confidence. A sense of pride filled him now that wasn't there before.

“Granting serenity, and hope to those that live with out it. That is always worth while. Things are changing, Or-Jar. Krypton needs to change with the new, or it will be left behind. We can't live by the old rules anymore. Brainaic taught us that we can't be isolationist anymore. We have to start looking towards the stars. All of us! Otherwise we'll be left behind.” Lash said, a soft golden glow covering him for a brief moment. Something that was noticed by everyone near him.

“Who's Brainiac?” Or-Jar said, his eyes wide in disbelief.

“The alien machine that took Kandor. That was his name, he is, or rather was from the planet of Colu. This was not the first time aliens attacked Krypton. Nor will it be the last. We have to stop trying to hide, stop trying to limit our peoples potential. Our destiny is not to die here on this world at each others throats. But to reach for the stars with determination, and a smile on our faces.” Lash said to him with a smile of his own.

Congratulations User! Minor Acting has evolved into Basic Acting.

Effect: The User is able to play a part so well that they can incite emotions, and is even able to bypass certain sensors, and tools that can detect lies.

Effect: Sub-skill obtained, Manipulation.

Lash was really laying it on thick right now. He could almost see Or-Jar struggling with his bald face lie. But the best lies were born from truth. If Krypton wasn't destined to be destroyed in a few weeks this would be a beautiful set up to a story about people reaching for the stars. Eventually, Or-Jar looked at Lash straight in the eye and nodded with determination. Lash had obtained another follower. A few actually, including the justicar officer in charge who had listened to the whole conversation.

“What can I do to help?” Or-Jar asked Lash.

“I would like a message to be passed on to someone. They are part of the Science Guild, Jor-El.” Lash replied, recognition passed through Or-Jar's eyes. “I request his presence at my temple to discuss the future of Krypton. As soon as possible.” Lash finished, Or-Jar nodded and left soon after with a blessing from Lash.

The council of Guilds knew Brainaic's name, along with a select few. But a majority only knew him as the master of the mechanical monstrosities. His name was never released to the public, nor his planet of origin. Most Krypton's didn't even know that centuries ago they had fought off another alien invasion. It was of course on an isolated portion of the planet, and while the occupation lasted several decades. All trace of it was erased from Krypton's history. Specifically by the Religious Guild. Since Rao had created the universe. Why would Rao create beings that meant ill towards his chosen children?

Lash paid the Bylock Syndicate, and the Labor Guild volunteers 500 credits per person. Which was a lot of credits. He also paid the justicars who technically didn't have to be paid, but they didn't complain. The festivals tables, chairs, silverware, utensils, etc, etc were broken down into ambient magical energy. Epsilon, and Praetor returned to their recharge station. Lash returned to his home for a nice long shower and two hours worth of Meditation before it was time to start the next day...

Lash came out of his home and walked towards the main portion of the temple and decided to add a piece to it. Above the altar he crafted a crystal chandelier, with at its center was a Daylight enchanted orb. During the day it would glow with yellow sun energy, while at night it would shift to silver color of Earths moon. This was done by design.

He went to the kitchens and prepared a simple breakfast feast for the volunteers today. Several hundred had signed up, and he was sure more would arrive later. Epsilon arrived half way through preparation with dozens of people in tow. He greeted everyone with a tired smile. After everyone had been fed they took their tools and started smashing the lot down. Lash smash!

Once morning had officially been declared music started to play from the temple. Nothing so boring as lethargic hyms from the temple prime. But music straight from Kryptonopolis Artist Guild musical concert hall. Despite what the different guilds say about the Labor Guild. They do know how to demolish a lot in quick time. They were brutally efficient, and thorough in their work. The pile of discarded scrap was carried over to the dumpster for retrieval at a different time. As a small team slowly fed the debris into the compactor.

The whole project which Lash expected to last a few days, was finished by noon! Lash was ecstatic! He paid everyone 500 credits, which was amazing for only six hours of labor. Then he fed them all lunch and sent them on their way. The whole lot just beyond temple square was nothing more than another square city block of empty concrete. Lash was currently painting a massive Raoism scripture ritual circle, again with Vohc the builder god as the focus.

“I think the Flamebird would be jealous at how often you invoke, Vohc's name.” A man's voice called out to Lash. Lash turned to look and was struck dumb.

Jor-El stood off to the side with a smile on his face. Clark Kent was the spitting image of his father Jor-El. Same chiseled jaw, genuine smile on his face. Jor-El was 6'2”, with blue eyes, short black hair, athletic build uncommon among the Science Guild. He wore a green polymer flex suit, with the house of El combat suit above it. Unlike the justicars, the science combat suits looked like they had been grown in a vat of primordial soup. Then stretched across a metal surface. Very organic, but still practical!

“I was not expecting you so soon, though I won't complain. Greetings unto you, Jor of the house of El. May the light of Rao guide you on your path!” Lash said with a smile and bowed from his waist.

“May the light of Rao keep you safe in the days to come, War Priest Lash-Rao.” Jor-El said in return. “Please continue, it is not often I get to see a priest of the Religious Guild in action.” Jor said with a genuine smile, and curiosity alight in his eyes.

Lash continued to inscribe the ritual circle. All the while Jor kept his silence, and obvious questions to himself. What had said was true, most ceremonies done by the Religious Guild was long drawn out affairs. While the ones held behind closed doors were far more complex, and ritualistic. Of course Lash was doing most of this simply for appearances. When he was finished he asked Jor to step off of the lot this was going to be messy.

Lash poured his magical energy into the inscription and the entire lot glowed with green to bluish energy. This was Lash identified color for magic. He cast the spells Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Daylight, Essence Imbuement, Decomposition, Entanglement, Restoration, Mud Marsh, Nature's Kiss, Growth, Regrowth, Druid's Grove, Weather Control, Alteration, Recycle, Fabrication, Life and Death Manipulation, and Bending.

A seismic tremor on a mild scale flowed over the lot and made the surroundings shake lightly. Jor's eyes grew wide as the entire concrete lot collapsed on it self. He almost jumped into the ritual to help Lash. But held back just in time as tree's sprouted from the ground and grew hundreds of feet into the air. The concrete broke apart into pieces and broke further down into bits of rock, and dirt. Plants grew from the soil that came in a variety of colors, and appearances. Bushes with neon colored leaves, flowers the size of the average man. Tree's with trunks so wide it would take five people to wrap around it in a hug. Branches that stretched out towards the skies above.

From the center of the partial-grove came a 'natural' spring of water that flowed through the city park. Dirt pathways were designed, and crafted through Material Shaping by Lash, along with a few bridges that went over the water channels. Daylight lamps were scattered through out the park so people could see, but also for the plants themselves. Though these lamps gave of red sun, not yellow sun. Lash created a self contained park in sector 68. In front of Jor-El.

“What do you think!?” Lash called out as he came from the bushes towards the stunned silly scientist.

“H..H...How did you do that!? I have never seen such a thing. Even with chemical growth formulas, and the best glow lamps in Krypton such a thing would have taken months to accomplish. You did it in minutes!” Jor-El yelled in astonishment as he started to run through the park. He was not the only one. Hundreds of people started to walk through the paths. Feeling the plants, and trees. Many with in sector 68 had never seen a flower before.

“I could have done more if I had more room.” Lash said with out shame. He welcomed everyone to come explore the park. He started to craft signs about the rules and regulations of the park. Keep it clean, no littering, etc, etc. Don't be a dick!

“This flower is extinct!” Jor-El yelled from the flower garden area. He was speaking about a bell blossom flower. It had a massive bell shaped flower petal core, with its stigma portions hanging down. When wind would blow by it would give off a natural chime.

“Not on temple prime it's not.” Lash said with a smirk.

“Good design with the glow lamps. Part of the parks natural beauty, but will ensure the plants have plenty of artificial natural light to grow. Natural pricite stone for filtration of the water.... Nanites!? That was how you did this!?” Jor-El shouted and came running over to Lash with a broad smile on his face. Nanites were still in the experimental phase.

“We should talk privately.” Lash said to Jor-El who agreed with a grin...

Lash brought Jor-El to his home and made hot tylak for the scientist who was shooting off questions in rapid succession. This was the scientist from the house of El that Lash had heard about from Kara. She had watched her father Zor-El, and her uncle Jor-El talk for hours about things way over head. But she loved to listen to them talk. It was so animated, and full of life. Lash was able to keep up, but only barely. His Science, and Skill/Power/Spell Trainer ability was getting huge amounts of experience.

“So you are not using nanites?” Jor-El asked in confusion as he sipped his third glass of tylak, and then took a bit of a pastry that Lash had made for him.

“No, the Religious Guild has figured out a way to tap into a Universal Energy from another dimension. I have a built in implant that allows me to call, and direct that energy. So I guess I am using a different kind of nanite.” Lash said, his Acting prompted him a bit of experience. It was based on truth, if only barely.

“Like the Phantom Zone? I've theorized that the Phantom Zone could be used to not only power our cities, but could also be used as a form of travel through the universe.” Jor-El said, and his face went down cast.

“Faster than light travel.” Lash continued, and the light returned to Jor-El's eyes.

“Yes! Yes! Exactly! We could skim the outer edges of the zone, leaving the inner depths to the people we have in stasis there!” Jor-El continued, in this Krypton origin they had started to use the Phantom Zone as a prison for their worst criminals. Since while in the zone you didn't need to eat, drink, or sleep. But were exposed to a total sensory deprivation. Most people went insane!

“If only the Science council would listen to me! We could...could....” Jor-El said, pausing at the end. Before he could continue.

“Saves Krypton's future?” Lash supplied an answer, and Jor-El's head snapped up to look at him.

“What do you mean?” Jor-El asked, he swallowed his saliva and reached under the table towards something in his sleeve. Lash felt a electrical static pulse, it was a signal baffling field.

Lash raised an eye brow at him and glanced at the table, or rather his hand under the table. Lash was sure the move was purely innocent to most people. But to Lash it was plain as day. Jor-El had created the field not only to prevent unwanted listeners from hearing their conversation. But also to prevent anyone from helping Lash in case Jor-El needed to kill him. Which is also why the wrist mounted energy pistol in Jor-El's other hand started to warm up.

“When Brainiac pulled Kandor out of the ground. It destabilized the tectonic plates of Krypton. That is why we get tremors everyday now. Despite what the Science Guild assures the rest of us. The instability is getting worse. We have approximately...” Lash looked at his clock for dramatic effect. “One month, and two....weeks before Krypton is due to explode?” Lash said in a very nonchalant voice.

All color drained out of Jor-El's face. His left eye was twitching with unbridled rage. Not at Lash specifically, but Lash could assume it was towards the Religious Guild. Jor-El would assum the Religious Guild knew of the issue but was keeping the whole matter a secret. Or something around those lines? Or maybe Jor-El was just angry in general. If the science council had listened to him, everyone could have been in the phantom zone right now and they would be flying towards another habitable world.

“Ask your questions, Jor-El. What you say here will not leave this room. I give you my word.” Lash said, as he leaned back into his chair. All good humor had drained out of him.

“What does the Religious Guild know?” Jor-El asked.

“Nothing... They believe what the Science Guild believes. That your math is wrong, and there is no danger. Yes, the quakes will grow worse before the tectonic plates stabilize. But they will ignore the facts because it would lead to them losing their power. Losing their power is so far outside of their method of operation that anything that could threaten it. Even the destruction of the planet. Just doesn't even enter their minds as a possibility.” Lash replied, and waited for the next inevitable question.

“Then... How do you...” Jor-El asked, now even more confused.

“What do you know about time travel, Jor-El?” Lash asked, and Jor-El leaned so far back into his chair that he threatened to tip over.

“That the very idea is laughable. That even if it was possible it would take centuries of careful planning before even the most benign attempt would be possible.” Jor-El asked, as he tried to work the problem scientifically.

“You are absolutely right. But, hypothetically if it was possible. One could ask all sorts of questions of the hypothetical time traveler.” Lash said, with a smile at Jor-El.

“Does Krypton explode?” Jor-El asked, and Lash cast Phantasm to illustrate the story.

“It does, the shock wave sends debris across the known universe. The planet Daxam which shares the same system with Krypton is covered in debris and experiences an ash filled winter for decades. Killing most of the population. While the rest of Krypton spreads across the cosmos where portions of it exposed to cosmic radiation and changes it on a fundamental, and chemical level. One specific type is Green Kryptonite, which is the most abundant. This causes a great deal of trouble and harm for Clark Kent, or as you know him. Your son, Kal-El.” Lash said, finishing with a picture of Superman.

After that, Jor-El turned off his wrist mounted blaster and deflated like a balloon. No one knew about Kal-El. Except for Zor-El his brother. Who was preparing another ship for his daughter Kara to go to Earth with Kal. Something that Lash also talked about. He also explained that Kara gets stuck mid way to Earth due to a technical issue. Something that neither of them had considered.

But then Lash talks about all the things that Superman does, along with Supergirl that eventually arrives on Earth. They have a long and hard life. Growing up different, but they do as Jor, and Zor intended. They help lead humanity into a brighter future. Superman helps stop cosmic ending issues, and he does eventually marry and have children of his own. His adoptive parents Johnathan, and Martha Kent are good people. Simple farmers that help teach Kal right from wrong. Building on the foundations that Jor, and Lara started.

“I'm here to ensure you send them. Kara, and him both need to go to Earth. It is a not a joke for me to say that not only the future of Krypton, but the future of Earth, and hundreds of worlds like it will be saved by you, and wife's sacrifice. My only question I have for you, is why haven't you sent him already? Our historical records show that he left weeks before Krypton exploded.” Lash asked the question that had been bothering him.

According the Erik the gamer there was several different versions. One version had Clark leave the planet just as it was exploding. Another had Clark, and his ship matter transfer to the Phantom Zone just as Jor-El spoke of and used FTL to get to Earth safely. Another version had Clark leave weeks before the planet exploded. During a civil war between the military, and science houses. Then there were a dozen more comic origins but Erik didn't remember them all.

“The future of Krypton? Don't we all die?” Jor-El asks, his depression was unsettling.

“Not all of you. Kandor is still technically intact. Brainiac miniaturized the city and keeps it in a bottle. Yes, a bottle. Along with hundreds of other cities from different worlds he has collected. Kal-El rescues Kandor, and eventually de-miniaturizes it. Then there is Argo city, the 'shield' your brother is working on is far more...Effective then he first believed. Before you ask, why can't you just take Kal, and Lara to Argo to wait out to the storm? Millions of people in Argo still die. I won't gamble with the population of over a hundred planets on that chance.” Lash said to Jor-El dashing out that hope real quick.

“But we survive, Kryptonians I mean?” Jor-El said, a light in his eye started to grow.

“They do, yes. Eventually with the help of Superman, and Supergirl another planet is found near the Sol System. They establish it as New Krypton and your peoples legacy continues.” Lash said with a smile.

“We haven't launched the ships because we still need a specific part. Something that I no longer have control over. A phantom zone generator key. More specifically the exact frequency to open the zone, and exit the zone. Each shuttle has a generator. But we need that key so Kal, and Kara can go in, and come out.” Jor-El says at last.

Attention User! Quest updated!

Help Jor-El find the phantom zone frequency key.

Help Jor-El, and Zor-El launch their children ahead of schedule to avoid the catastrophe.

“Is that the only thing you need? Please understand me Jor-El. This is the main reason I came here. I am holding nothing back right now, I am taking a huge risk not only telling you about time travel, and your families future. But also the fact that you can easily report me, and my mission is blown.” Lash said, completely ready to sprint from the temple and go solo on the operation. He was pretty sure he could make a shuttle on his own, or buy one from the Dream Store.

“We also need the codex. We went to combine it with Kal-El. So the genetic memory of our people may live on.” Jor-El confessed the last part of the plan. “Though, I am not sure we need it anymore if our people continue to live on past the destruction of our planet.” Jor-El finished.

Attention User! Optional Quest created.

Recover the Codex, and help Jor-El infuse it into Kal-El.

“If we can get both. We'll do so. But the priority is the ship, and getting Kal, and Kara off planet before the destruction of the world. Agreed?” Lash asked Jor-El who nodded in understanding.

It was late! Lash walked Jor-El towards the transportation hub taking no chances for the scientist safety. Plus it let Lash see more of the sector. Crap this place was in fucking ruins! He came back to the temple with out any issues except for a few people watching him as he moved. Epsilon had fed, and paid the children, and teenagers who came to use the education center, and gym. Lash locked up the temple except for the front door as always. Then went home and went to bed. Tomorrow was going to be busy. But at last, Lash had made progress towards his goal.

Beep..Beep... The motion sensor went off. Lash groaned in dismay and got up out of bed. He went towards his study and checked the camera's. A justicar was moving towards his front door. Rank was set to primus third in command...Kursta? Lash went to his door and opened it up as she came to it. She stood there outside the door for a bit before Lash gestured for her to come inside. She did after a bit of hesitation. He closed the door behind her and followed her into his home. She took off her helmet and look back at him.

“Can I stay here tonight... I'm still in recovery for the next few days. I... I'm scared.” Kursta said, as she jumped more than once at a shadow. Lash flipped through his Magical Perceptions and caught several ghosts surrounding her. Echoes, and fragments. No real personality, but they attached to her because she was still a medium.

Lash reached out and cast Unburden removing the echoes from deathly plain. An eerie wail followed in their wake. A wail that Kursta could both hear, and feel. She whipped around looking for the source, and nearly stabbed Lash when he hugged her. She was shaking like a leaf, and tightly closed her eyes. Burrowing herself into his chest. He picked her up and took her to his bedroom. He gently pulled off her clothes, and pulled her under the covers. She clung to him like a life line, and soon fell asleep thanks to pheromone manipulation from Lash's Nature Domain...

Lash opened his eyes a few hours later. His Clock gave him a silent alarm like always. Kursta was wrapped around him, and was breathing easier than before. He softly stroked her naked skin, but kept himself polite. Now was not the time for sex. She need a safe place, not someone to take advantage of her. Though many would argue that sex can be a form of comfort that was not how Lash worked. Something that pleased Lash, at least that part of his personality was intact after Qetesh.

He reached out with Connectivity and linked onto Kryptonopolis net. Then started to look through information networks. He pulled up the blue prints of the genesis chamber where the codex resided. Technically as a priest of Raoism he could preview the building. He'd have to, while Connectivity had evolved, and leveled. Krypton cyber security was impressive, even for a magic user. Lash assigned one of his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits to analyze the genesis building. While he went to look for the phantom frequency key.

He assigned another Virtual Intelligence tech-Spirit to look for the key. While he connected towards Zor-El in Argo city. Thanks to Jor-El for establishing that little connection. Zor-El didn't know everything, at least not about the time traveling bit. He was under the impression that Jor-El had found a like minded individual from the Religious Guild that was helping them. Lash went over the plans of Kara's shuttle, and pointed out the technical flaw that normally wouldn't be an issue in normal practice. But when you are riding a destructive wave that had destroyed a planet. Normal is not what you are operating in.

On top of it all, in this time fragment Kara was only eight years old. Eight years old!? What kind of bull crap was that! Putting the responsibility on a child's shoulders to protect a baby? Turns out Zor-El had programmed a full dive virtual reality system into Kara's Shuttle. She'd go to sleep one night, and wake up in the simulated environment. While she would be in transit she would grow, mature, and learn. In a dream that mirrored her life in Argo. She'd continue to grow up, being loved by simulated parents. Go to school, make friends, fall in love depending on how long it took to get to Earth. Then when she arrived, the simulation would simulate the destruction of Argo, and Krypton!? She'd have to leave everything behind. Fuck that crap!

But as horrible as it sounded on paper. In many ways it made sense. It was only when Lash spoke to Jor-El did he realize that it would take decades for the trip to be complete. It was the 1950's right now on Earth. So about 1980, 1990 is when they should arrive the both of them. What a brutal decision to make. Why not have Kal-El go through the same thing? Develop for fifteen, twenties years in a simulated environment? Because Jor-El didn't want Krypton to color his son's perception. There are a lot of good things about Krypton. But it is not perfect. That was why Jor-El was sending a nanite crystal construct with Kal-El's shuttle to build the Fortress of Solitude. There Kal could learn all about Krypton once he was old enough.

“Dawn...” Lash asked softly, Kursta snuggled deeper into his arms and stayed asleep.

“Yes, User!” Dawn's delightful voice whispered into his ear.

“This time fragment has no repercussion on my own reality. Right?” Lash asked, really concerned about the situation.

“No, User it does not! It is its own timeline, its own reality. The Developers, and the Alpha testers argued about the continuity of using time fragments. But the multiverse is technically infinite. There was a time when the time fragments were meant to be nothing more than just an instance version. That once the User completed the fragment everything would just rewind and reset for the next User. But! To many people wanted to know what happened. So, when you complete the fragment User. If you want, you can pull up a full time line app of the repercussions of your actions. Though you will not be able to visit this specific reality except in extreme cases you can at least know what happened based on your decisions.” Dawn replied, her voice full of excitement. But all Lash felt was a pit of dread growing larger with every word.

Fuck! How much had Lash screwed up? How much will he screw up? The time fragment was always meant to be different. It wasn't like if Lash had just kept to himself everything would fall into place. That is not what the fragments are. They are designed to pulled the User in and get them involved. If he had been a villain type then stopping Superman from coming to Earth would have been the way to go. But he wasn't. Lash played the superhero type. Or anti-hero anyways. Fuck....

The soft touch of Kursta's lips on Lash's neck pulled him out of his data search. She had pulled herself flush against his body. Her nipples had become erect as she became more aroused. Lash gently pulled her up until she was straddling him. Her face inches from his own, as sleep slowly melted from her face. But despite the erotic situation Lash was not erect. A little detailed that Kursta noticed with a frown.

“You are under no obligation to have sex with me, Kursta. I'm sheltering you because I want to. You owe me nothing.” Lash said to her, and her lower lip trembled and tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

She fell from his chest and curled up into a ball while Lash spooned her from behind. Her back flush against his chest. She cried softly, clutching at his arms. She tried to be quiet about it. But she eventually grew louder and sobbing wails came from her. During the whole time Lash just held her, and breathed gently against the back of her neck. She had died. It wasn't beautiful, it wasn't glorious, like the poems, and story books say. Kursta was not a child, she was a fully trained justicar officer. Now the third in command of the entire barracks of sector 68. She understood the cruelties of the world. That even if you work hard, and do everything you are suppose to. The world can, and will still chew you up, and spit you back out.

A car bomb! A car bomb had killed her! She wasn't even the main target! She was collateral damage! The man she shared a bed with was the target. She had just been a means to an end. That same man pulled her corpse from a burning wreck. Used his abilities to restore her corpse and pull her back from death itself. Something that she had been told was impossible scientifically, and only the gods themselves had that power. In all of the scriptures of Rao that had only happened a handful of times. Only for the most worthy? So what was she? Who was she suppose to be?

“Why did you save me?” Kursta whispered softly, not even really intending for Lash to hear the question. Lash heard her, but didn't answer. All he did was tighten his hold on her.

Can you let her go when its time to leave? -Saurian said across the link they shared.

I'll have to. I'll be honest, I'm not really sure what I am doing here. It is not the first time I've lived a life full of regret. I've left lovers, families, even children behind in my many lives. It never gets easier -Lash replied to his partner.

Spend the day with her. Not as a Priest, and Justicar. But as a man, and woman enjoying the city. You could both use a change of pace. -Saurian said, and stretched out and went back to sleep.

“Kursta... Do you want to spend the day with me? Leave the sector for a day. Not as a Priest, or a Justicar. But two consenting adults enjoying each others time in Kryptonopolis?” Lash spoke softly to her back. She wiggled and turned around to face him. Her eyes searched his own then she leaned in and kissed him with tender emotion.

“OK....” She said, she smiled. That smile was beautiful to behold....

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