
***HR, Sol System, Bright Side of the Moon***

Hawkman, and Hawkwoman sat aboard the Watch Tower shuttle. A droid was the primary pilot and was teaching a JLI member the controls as the another JLI member scanned the surface of the moon. It looked like it always had, a barren rock with huge pits and craters across its vast surface. That was until they activated the full spectrum, and magical sensors on the view screen. A ghostly city was carved, and built into one of the canyons along the moon. It was a bee hive of activity as creatures moved about their predetermined lives.

According to the Warden, and Supernatural Council. The creatures were revenants, and would live out the last year of their life in a rotation. The last day of their lives before reset? Halloween. They had approximately 4 months before Halloween. But this was just a recon mission. The shuttle flew over the moon and looked around. They wanted a bunker that was with in the main capital of the ghost city. But far enough away to establish a foot hold.

“Wraith's shield can pass through rock. So we wont have to worry about them phasing through the stone.” Hawkman said, as he pulled up an additional view screen.

“Do we know if they can phase through the ground? Not all ghostly beings on Thanagar could do that.” Hawkwoman replied as she got a partial scan of the revenants.

“Can't we just bomb the city, and mop up after?” The JLI that was training to be a pilot got a soft chop to his noggin for taking his eyes off the controls by the droid pilot.

“The council says the city is protected by an energy shield. Thankfully the pylons are on the outer edge of the city. We'll have to make them demolition targets. If we can take them out, then we could bomb the city.” Hawkman agreed with the trainee pilot and smiled at him for being punished.

“It's also not the only city, its the only city visible on the surface. But the ghosts have extensive subterranean cities. No, this will be a urban combat zone at its best. Unless we want to crack the whole moon.” Hawkwoman finished with a thoughtful expression.

“Let's put it in our report. Wraith has always placed multiple solutions in his plans. Ethical or not, he would fit right in at Thanagar.” Hawkman said with a smile to his wife who agreed with him.

The mapping of the moon would take a few days since the Watch Tower had only assigned one shuttle for the mission. The rest, along with their star fighters were patrolling the Sol System, and setting up communication and observation satellites. Mars was getting their first Watch Tower satellite today. Which would allow instant teleportation from site to the Watch Tower in the future. Hawkman, and Hawkwoman stepped back to the galley aboard the shuttle.

“Remind me to thank Wraith for the design of the shuttles.” Hawkman said as he removed his helmet and placed it on the table in the back. He rolled his shoulders and walked towards the miniature kitchen.

“Not like home! Remember the B-2 shuttles. That had enough room for two people to barely sit down in.” Hawkwoman said as she removed her helmet as well and took a seat at the galley table.

The galley to the shuttle wasn't very big. Just a ten by ten room. Further up were bunk beds two on each side of the wall. With a 'refresher' room on either side. (Toilet, sink, Immaculate console) Hawkman came back with two cups of black ichor. Black sludge stuff that tasted sweet, and had the same effect as coffee. Sitting at the table that would rise out of the floor normally. The chairs they saw in auto fit to accommodate their wings even if they were retracted.

“Did you read that message from home?” Hawkman said as he looked at his wife.

Shayera Hall was 6' even. With brown eyes, and flecks of green in them. Brown, to red hair that was shoulder length now that her helmet was off. She had a killer body, and Carter Hall always loved watching her move around in her armor. Shayera caught her husband checking her out and she winked at him.

“I did... They are interested in meeting Wraith. They also want to set up a Thanagarian hub aboard the station. However, the idea was met with a bit of feedback from the different councilors back home. Wraith uses magic, a lot of it!” Shayera said, as she in turn looked at her husband who nodded and drank his ichor.

Carter Hall was 6'2” with a strong body that filled out his armor nicely. Short brown hair that was slicked back, and amber eyes like a hawk. She bit her lip looking him up and down. Thanks to the Nth metal alloy they both wore they could fly in space with just their gear on. Carter always showed off a bit of skin. For no practical reason other than claiming it helped him move. To Shayera all it did was provide a distraction.

“I don't think the hub will be set up. But I don't see why Wraith would turn down Thanagarian ships for fuel, ship repair, and supplies.” Shayera said at last, once she finished eating Carter up with her eyes.

“Oh! Are we going to the Seelie Court Ball thing? We were invited.” Carter asked his wife, she leaned back in her chair that auto adjusted for her.

“I'm not sure, it could be fun. That woman...Li'Ana says there is a challenge hall at the castle. Plenty of space to test our mettle against the supernatural warriors.” Shayera said with a smile on her face as Carter's face lit up.

“Oh! We are so going now!” Carter said with a grin.

“Hopefully Wraith finished up with that Rift in time.” Carter said, as the good mood in the galley evaporated. Shayera frowned at the mention of the Rift in Metropolis.

“How long has be been gone?” Shayera asked, but before Carter could respond.

“Approximately seven hours, and thirty five minutes.” Vici replied through the communication line. “Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop.” She finished, her voice held an edge of nervous tension.

“Don't be... He'll be fine, Vici. He's a stubborn old monster.” Carter said with a grin.

“How are the galactic sheriffs settling in?” Shayera asked, trying to change the subject.

“They've discovered that the bar in the pleasure palace has drinks suited to their alien physiology.” Vici replied, her voice filled with both a bit of pride for building it. Along with a bit of irritation.

“Aha! The party hall on the promenade has liquor capable of getting Superman drunk! Of course the sheriffs would be happy in the pleasure palace!” Carter said with a grin, and a few fond memories.

“Do you remember that time when Flash drank four bottles in three seconds and tried to run around the bar?” Shayera said with a grin, and Carter howled with laughter.

“He took three steps and planted his face straight into a wall! I heard his nose break! I was to busy laughing on the floor to help!” Carter said between breaths.

“Oho! I just remembered something! Remember the private resort in Rio?” Carter said to his lovely wife. She nodded her head remembering that very nice hotel bed, and the memories attached to it.

“Well apparently, if we ever want to go back. Wraith has to impregnate the hotel owners daughters.” Carter said with a grin. Shayera blinked, and a wry grin spread across her face.

“Wait, so Wraith is a breeding stallion now?” Shayera said, and started to snicker.

“Yes! Turns out the owner of the hotel is a dragon. Her daughters are required to breed by law of their race. They are an endangered species. Wraith, and what ever race he is. Can auto impregnate someone.” Carter said with a grin that grew into a face splitting smile when he saw his wife balk at him.

“A lot of the supernatural communities want his time as well. I had always wondered why, now I know. If Wraith isn't careful he could end up with an entire legion to his name.” Shayera said with a laugh, and finished her ichor.


Lash shivered and felt a rush of cold run through his whole body. Someone was walking over his grave. He looked around trying to find the source. He was currently working on the medical bed that had been installed in the clinic. This was clearly a hand me down, had several parts that had been pulled out and cleaned by a second class technician. He was making a list of issues because he was told by the temple that he would be getting a brand new march-4 medical bed. This was a march-1, a poorly maintained march-1. The medicine, antibiotics, tools, all poorly represented and crafted. This was a yard sale medical clinic. Lash would not have it in his temple!

The education room wasn't much better. The view screen was cracked, and gave off shattered information. He was suppose to get a holographic teacher! With a full student, and teacher interface. It was also suppose to be granted the credit license agreement. So people could take a test, and it would link up to the Kryptonopolis community network. Their citizen code could be auto updated and they could apply for different living conditions. This module had none of those things! Lash was pissed, and the shadows across the walls took on a jagged appearance, and the temperature in the room dropped several degrees.

The only highlight was the security doors for the front entrance of the temple. They were steel alloy, reinforced frame with eye, and hand print scanner. Along with a single blood drop. Key locked to Lash, and the Head Justicar Kemuna Ke-Zod. In case the justicar forces needed to get inside the temple she could do an auto unlock from the barracks or in person.

Kemuna, and her father Wym-Zod were currently traveling back home with the body of Tak-Zod. Who had not survived the tribulation. They had both taken the situation rather well. Wym was reborn after Sherogoth's Punishment finished with him. The justicar troop hand packed up and left with all due haste. While the faithful masses had celebrated the ritual with open arms. While more than a few were also terrified on the situation.

Lash had proven to them that Raoism wasn't dead. It was very much alive. Even if it was more or less a lie. Lash was not in a hurry to correct them. But he also understood there were difficulties ahead of them all. If Kemuna, and Wym do their job then the justicars should start patrolling the streets of the sector 68 again. Petty gangs will be pushed out, but the Bylock Syndicate where here to stay. Lash may have to call a sit down with the justicars, and syndicate. The temple was neutral ground after all.

Lash went to his home in the temple and went to his office. He sent a long, long list of complaints to temple prime. He compared what he was promised to what he was sent. He then used his imprinted knowledge from Dawn to name, names. If the issue was not handled with care, and speed. He would use his resources to ensure those that made the mistake would be rank-less, and with out a house by weeks end. He sent this notification to the Labor Guild, and the Religious Guild.

His contacts back in Temple Prime responded with in a few minutes. Sending a priority message to the Labor Guild to fix their mistake immediately! The Labor Guild responded with in the hour and said that the real shipment had been misplaced and it would be arriving tomorrow morning. Lash also on the sly received 10,000 credits from the manager to not press charges. Lash could even keep the broken, and misplaced items he had already received. Goody.

Lash flipped out his communicator and contacted the syndicate, along with the justicars. He gave short, and to the point explanation of the circumstance. The justicars said they would have an escort there again in the morning. An actual escort. While the syndicate wanted to buy the crap items. This time Or-Jar would be showing up to retrieve them. March-1 with shitty parts was still worth 25,000 credits on the market.

With the temple cleaned, but not stocked. There was not a lot for Lash to do at the time. So he grabbed his broom and dust pan and went outside. He started to clean temple square. The square was a broken piece of rubble especially after this mornings attack by the blood fist, and rogue justicars. Street lights didn't work. The dumpster which Lash found out was suppose to compress and shape all trash into cubes for easy pick up did not work.

Lash went back inside the temple then came out with a paint brush, and some basic white paint. He started to inscribe a ritual circle into a part of the square. The square it self was almost a city block of empty space. According to records way back when they use to hold festivals to the different gods, and goddesses on their days of birth. Lash wondered if they would have time before the world exploded. Sector 68 could use some good cheer. Half way through the inscription several people stood by to watch him. The circle was actually just for theatrics. He used the Raoism scriptures for the design, and used the glyph of Vohc the builder as the center piece.

Once Lash was finished it was sunset in the sector, but still daylight above the walk ways. Light faded fast when you were at the bottom. The painted ritual circle glowed with magical light as Lash reached into his Technomancy Domain. The domain was active but no spell had been reactivated yet. Then he tried to cast Restoration from Nature, Repair from Technomancy at the same time. Repair reactivated, and then from the Synthesis Domain Renew reactivated.

The ritual circle flared to life! The entire concrete slab that was the temple square rippled like a pond of water with a stone thrown into the center. Broken concrete snapped back into place, cracks mended, the street lamps along the walk ways turned on. The cracked crystal lights flickered to life, and light. The trash compacted whined, whirled, then started to automatically crush the trash inside. Every broken window in the outside temple area was restored. Though not all of them were clean yet. With one brief flash the ritual circle flared then faded from sight.

“By Rao!” Someone shouted.

“Vohc actually. Son of Rao, and god of builders.” Lash called back with a smile on his face. Several dozen people fell to their knees and started to pray. Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on them all. His magical energy took a nose dive, while he got a lot of experience.

Temple square was rebuilt. But still incredibly filthy! He didn't have Immaculate yet. So he'd have to take a scrub brush and chemical cleaner to it before it was clean again. For the first time in decades however there was light along the walk ways, and streets. Oh, and the dumpster compacted trash into nice little cubs for storage and transport. Life's little victories. Lash moved inside the temple and shut the doors but didn't lock them. He had camera's now on the outside, and inside the temple. Everything worth steeling was secured behind security doors. At least the doors to the clinic, and education center were strong.

About an hour later inside his home he received a notification at the temple doors. Bylock Syndicate had shown up for the items in question. Lash came out to greet them and saw a pleasant surprise. Or-Jar was with them. The man in question looked a little worse for wear, and paled at the sight of Lash as he came to greet them. Lash gave his standard Rao greeting, and many of the gangsters replied. Several requested a blessing, and Lash gave them all one. Including Or-Jar who looked better but was still terrified of Lash.

“Or-Jar, may I speak to you for a moment?” Lash asked the man who swallowed audibly. The rest of his men and women glanced at him then went back inside the clinic to prepare the medical bed for shipping.

“I know why you are afraid of me. But you must understand that unless you mean ill harm to myself or my flock you have nothing to fear from me.” Lash said to Or-Jar as they stepped further into the main hall.

“I saw your battle records at Kandor rim.” Or-Jar said, trying to not look at Lash in the eye.

Ah! Every justicar officer, and soldier wears a head camera in their helmets. Though it wasn't actually Lash on the Kandor rim where they fought Brainiac's forces. Dawn had done an excellent job at making Lash look like a stellar warrior. The memories Lash could look through showed he was a berserker on the field. The Military Guild wanted to award him the medal of courage. But Lash turned it down, 'In life, or death, Rao's light guides me on my path. What is there to fear?' was how Lash responded. So combined with his 'power of faith' and his combat record Or-Jar was terrified of Lash.

“What I did, I did for Krypton. Or-Jar, even you should understand that. But I digress from the main reason I pulled you aside. With Wym-Zod being reborn he will more than likely start sending active patrols through 68. At temple prime we were taught that even crime has a purpose.” Lash said to Or-Jar who looked at him like Lash had grown a second head.

“Citizen economics 101. Crime is the product of the people, for the people.” Lash said with a smile. Did Or-Jar never wonder why he seemed so at home with treating with the syndicate? Apparently not. “Crime can not be removed, but it can be controlled. Tell your boss if things get to heavy to contact me. I will arrange a sit down between the Justicars, and Bylock Syndicate. The temple as you said is neutral ground.” Lash offered his hand to Or-Jar who looked at it like it might grown claws at any moment.

Or-Jar eventually shook Lash's hand and nodded in agreement. The Bylock Syndicate took everything Lash offered and gave him a cut of 15,000 credits. Once again the clinic, and education room were empty. They even took the doors! No, not the temple doors. The doors to the rooms. Lash retreated to his home, then came back out. Just like last time he sat on the temple stairs with tylak in hand.


A few dozen homeless came by and slept next to temple stairs near Lash. He gave them all 'blessings' and they slept easily knowing in the protection of Rao, and his priest. That was until a rifle shot rang out and Lash whipped his head back as a bullet had gone straight through it! Blood, bone, and brain matter scattered behind him. He collapsed into a fleshy heap, and alarms sounded off. The homeless woke up and screamed at the grisly murder of the priest of Rao.

From the shadows across the street came a man in full tactical gear. Unlike modern military gear on Earth. This man was all stream lined with out extra bulk, pockets, or exposure. Tight sleek gray, and black clothing under military grade metal alloy flex plates. His helmet was a metal skull mask that revealed nothing of who was under neath except for a soft ghostly image of a skull on the front. A smoking rifle was in the assailants hands.

The homeless ran for it, but were gun down one by one in methodical action by the assassin. Over a dozen men, and women dead in the ground. Still warm to the touch as the last of their breath left the bodies. The assassin walked over to Lash and looked down at him. He made a quick hand gesture to himself. Killing a priest was dangerous business, the religious guild would not let this stand. The alarm was still blaring but no one was coming to check. That was life in 68.

“I'm sorry Priest, please forgive me.” The man said as he took a knee and started to rifle through Lash's pockets.

“You're forgiven...” Lash said with a growl, the man whipped his head up just in time to get kicked in the chest. WHAM! The man went sailing through the air, impacted into the ground and rolled back to his feet.

The assassins eyes were wide under his helmet. As Lash had jumped to his feet and was sprinting towards him. Behind him the shadows peeled off the temple and raced towards them both like the goddesses of Cythonna's hungry children. Thanks to years of experience on the job the assassin switched his rifle to automatic and started to spray towards Lash. Lash jumped to the sides in serpentine fashion. The assassin barked off a code phrase and from his back pack a drone activated and flew up above them to scope out the scene.

Woo-tchk! A grapple line came out of the assassins back and pulled him further away as it wrapped around one of the newly repaired lamp posts. The darkness was still rushing towards them, and the assassin lost track of Lash in the darkness. The sensor drone lost all visual location on the target and was soon swallowed by the same darkness.

The assassin moved with the swing of the grapple line and disconnected from the lamp post flying backwards. He turned thanks to his athleticism and rolled with the fall. Turning his back to the darkness, just as he did a man that was not a man jumped from the shadows towards his back. Just as the assassin hope, a riffle barrel popped up from the back pack and shot the creature point blank straight through the chest. Lash was flung back into the ever growing darkness.

The assassin started to run but realized he was sinking into the concrete around him? It was like trying to move through a marsh! Then the concrete solidified around him, trapping his legs. He took out his tactical shotgun and blew into the concrete. He pulled his feet out of the ground after a few short seconds. Right has an arm wrapped around his throat, he was in a choke hold. An alarm went off on his helmet that a type of gas was being filtered into his mouth piece. It automatically adjusted to used his built in oxygen.

Lash raked his hand claws through the man's armor, and suit. The assassin screamed in agony as poison was pumped into his body from Lash's claws. Then another rifle shot cracked across the temple square and Lash received another hole to his side. Blood, bone, and flesh exploded from his body. Lash let go of his prey and jumped back through the growing darkness. A woman came sprinting over wearing the same type of gear as the man.

The man flipped to his back, and she grabbed his collar and started to pull him back. He covered them both with his rifle in hand as his suit automatically tried to administer medical treatment. A wisp of darkness slithered across the ground from the main body. Unnoticed by the pair as it moved ahead of the woman. When she stepped on it a spike made of darkness shot straight through her heel and into her calf. She screamed in agony and dropped her partner. The man turned around to see what was wrong and his helmet sent him a warning as Lash came sprinting back towards him on all fours.

CRACK! Went a high powered rifle, the bullet went straight through the head of the female assassin. She dropped into the ground, and the man screamed in horror just in time for Lash to pounce on top of him and rip out his throat. The darkness behind Lash boiled with intensity as Lash stood up and looked to the far corner of the street. There standing on top of a building was a justicar with a command rank.


“Are you alright Lash-Rao!?” Kemuna called out to him, as she jumped down from her perch. Her long range rifle collapsed into itself, making it easy to holster and carry.

Lash watched her land and make her way over to him. He had a decision to make. She had seen his...Alternate self. Even now skin was regrowing over scales. His injuries were healing at a visible rate. Should he kill her? Could he kill her and get away with it? No, she trusts us. Leave her alive, for now -Saurian said across the link.

“I'll heal...” Lash said in response. Then he looked down at the man and heard the unmistakable sound of a beep...beep...beep. That grew in increasing speed. Lash's eyes opened wide and he sprinted towards Kemuna. For a brief moment she took a defensive stance.

“Hot zone! Bug out!” Lash screamed, and Kemuna turned on her heel and ran the opposite direction.

BOOM! Both bodies exploded in glorious fire! Their bodies, and armor making perfect shrapnel! If the assassins fail to kill, then hopefully their bodies would do the job. Unfortunately neither had killed Lash, or Kemuna for that matter. Not for a lack of trying! Kemuna screamed in agony as a piece of shrapnel was impeded into her leg. Lash ran over to her not looking much better. Pieces of metal in his face, and back.

“Call it in!” Lash said to Kemuna as he grabbed her collar and started to drag her back to the temple. Why move her when she has a leg injury? They didn't know if there were only two assassins.

Lash pulled her into the overflowing darkness. Kemuna was attempting to contact the barracks requesting back up. She was momentarily scared because she couldn't see her hands, her body, not even her interface in her helmet. But she could still hear her aid over the communication line asking her questions. Her leg screamed at her, and she started to go into shock. She heard the sound of a security lock being opened. Then felt the temple steps beneath her as she was pulled up. She bit back her scream of pain.

Lash came out of the darkness inside the temple. Pulling Kemuna by her collar. He went to his now empty clinic. With all the grace of a injured soldier he picked her up and set her down on the metal table he always had available. Kemuna screamed in agony through her helmet. Her aid was continuing to ask her questions just for the sake of asking.

“Reinforcements, ETA five minutes!” Her aid said over the communication line.

“Copy! Send medical, with a few bags of blood this is going to be messy!” Lash said to her in response. He gripped the impeded piece of shrapnel and Kemuna's eyes went wide in panic.

“No! Don't! GAAAAAAAAH!” She screamed in pure white hot agony so undiluted that she passed out.

“Primus! Primus, please respond!” Her aid shouted over the comms.

“She's passed out! Her breathing is strong. Talk to me about the readings you got from the view screen who tried to kill me?” Lash asked, as cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. Kemuna's bone, arteries, vessels, tendons, and muscles regrew. But the wound still looked bad.

“They are called the Black Guard. A shadow organization of the....” The aid said across the line, and slowed at the end.

“The military guild?” Lash asked, as he reached into his Grave Domain, and accessed his sub-domain Necromancy. He held his hand over the wound and slowly started to mend the flesh together. Necromancy could be use to heal, just as much as it was used to kill.

“Yes, that is right. Tak-Zod was... Supposedly a member.” The aid said.

“I'm sorry, I've been distracted. I never got your name. May know it?” Lash asked, as he felt his body attempting to push out the pieces of metal in his body.

“Kursta Soll-Vo.” Kursta said over the line.

Lash pulled back the darkness that swallowed the temple square as the justicar transport vessels showed up. The soldiers repelled down and secured the area. Kursta sprinted towards the temple door, and Lash unlocked it just as they arrived. Kursta, along with several soldiers worked their way through the temple to the clinic which was marked by directions on the walls.

“By Rao's light!” Kursta said as she looked from Kemuna, then to Lash. Kemuna looked better but clearly still needed treatment. She was at least no longer at deaths door. Lash however had several dozen pieces of metal sticking out of his face, and sides.

“Great! Can you take us both to the medical wing?” Lash asked, and blacked out.


Lash opened his eyes a few short hours later. His Clock said it would be another hour before his shipment would arrive. He looked around the familiar medical wing of the sector 68 justicar barracks. To his left was Kemuna laying down across the medical bed softly talking to Wym, and Kursta. Wym looked a lot better though it had only been a few hours since Lash last saw him.

Wym-Zod was 6' with black skin, golden amber eyes. He had freshly shaved head, and face. With a rectangular figure, with his body builder physique. Even though he had recently been strung out on narcotics thanks to Sooth, and Nature's Supplement he had regained a lot of muscle mass. He wore a officer uniform. Black, on red, with his house colors proudly displayed.

Kursta Soll-Vo was 5'8” with clear blue eyes, and short cropped blond hair slicked back. Pale skin, with a hour glass figure, and muscular build. She still wore her combat uniform, but her uniform had been tailored to her shape. So Lash could pick out a few details. She repeatedly clenched her jaw as she listened to Kemuna, and Wym speak.

“Anything I should know?” Lash asked softly, making all three jump in surprise.

“You were always were a tough mynox! Broken bones, lacerations, energy burns? Nothing keeping you down. I still remember when you taped your insides in so you could carry some one else to medical.” Wym said with a worn out smile that looked and felt new to him as well.

“They only sent two. Seems Rao was with you, Lash.” Kemuna said to him from her own bed. She was wearing a hospital Kryptonian scrubs. It was essentially just one long piece, like a red gown! Lash wore a black gown.

“Isn't he always?” Lash said with a smile as he slowly sat up. The computer display next to him sent up an alarm. He should not be moving! It was such a big deal that a medical technician walked in wondering what was going on.

“Please Priest lay back down you should not be moving! I know you feel fine but that is the drugs talking!” The technician began then watched in horror as Lash pulled out a stray piece of shrapnel from his cheek.

“Eh?” Lash said, as he started to dig out a few more. “At least you got the big ones out, that is something.” Lash said to the tech who grew weak kneed at the sight of Lash pulling out stray metal. Even with the pain killers that would be incredibly painful. Lash pulled out the drip and got to his feet.

“I need to get back, the cargo shipment is due in an hour. May I please ask for transport?” Lash turned towards the two commanders. Kemuna sagged against the medical bed.

“Kursta get a transport ready for Lash, please.” Kemuna said, she tried to sit up but Lash was by her side and tapped her nose. Kemuna wiggled her nose and glared at him.

“Nope! I have the power of Rao healing my wounds. As his priest I have a direct line to him. You, however need more time to rest. My brother Wym can I trust that you will ensure you daughter rests for at least half the day?” Lash said with a smile to Wym who blinked in surprise. A weight that seem to have pulled him down was released he grinned at Lash.

“Yes sir! She'll stay down for at least half a day.” Wym said, Lash shook his hand and winked at Kemuna who looked petulant to be treated in a such a way. She may have even blushed just a bit when Lash winked at her.

“Ahem....Right this way!” Kursta said as she led Lash out side while the technician shut his bed down and started to collect the stray shrapnel.


Lash had been given some gym wear that were common in the barracks gym. Big billowy pants, slip on snug flat foot wear, and a muscled tank top. He filled it out pretty well if Kursta's blush was any notification. Then Lash winced, and swore under his breath as his old friend and nemesis reactivated, Charming Presence.

This time Lash got to sit up front in the patrol car along with Kursta who had put her helmet back on. Operator reactivated and was soon fully capable of operating the transport. He even started to ask a few questions about this and that. Something to fill the void as it seemed Kursta was uncomfortable with the silence. She jumped on the subject, tension rolling off her body.

“Don't be surprised if the justicar on the scene are afraid of you.” Kursta said suddenly between discussing the top speed of the transport.

“Oh? Afraid of little ole me?” Lash said with a grin. He meant it as a joke but it was clear that Kursta did not take it as such.

“We watched the security footage off of one of the camera's you installed.” Kursta said, and Lash flinched. Shit! He forgot about that part.

“You're a Ligadian aren't you?” Kursta asked.

Ligadian's were genetically altered shock troopers used in suicide missions. They were spliced with animal DNA. Kryptonian's had genetic engineering down to a T. Made sense for them to have a super soldier program. A living Ligadian that had survived their ten year enlistment was unheard of. Since the program had a 92% mortality rate. As a reward they were granted access to any Guild with full honors.

“Can we talk about something else?” Lash asked, as he looked out the window. His voice was cold and rebuked no argument. They never did talk about anything else the whole trip to his temple.

The transport landed and Lash slammed the door behind him as he got with a little more force than he needed to. Kursta jumped out to follow in his wake. Acting kept obtaining experience as Lash continued to act like the tortured soul that his background provided for him. The justicars on station gave him a wide berth. Keeping their eyes on him, and fingers on their triggers. Lash made it to his temple door, but didn't close it. That was enough for Kursta to keep following him. All the way to his homes front door. He didn't close that one either, so Kursta followed.

“I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked.... I...” She said, and looked to the ground. She continued to stay silent and wait in his home as went to take a shower.

Lash had a smile on his face in the shower. He scrubbed his body down, and removed a few more splinters of metal that the medical technicians hadn't found. That was a bit odd, the medical abilities at the barracks was top notch. He had turned off his Regeneration when they took him in. He didn't want their machines to freak out. Now, he had a working excuse. Ligadian? In all of his Krytpon search history with Kara, and Clark. Each Erik the gamer didn't recognize the word. Looks like it was something that Dawn made on the fly.

Lash came down from his bedroom wearing black boots, pants, t-shirt, ready to tackle the day. Kursta was still waiting by the door standing at ease like a good soldier. Lash rolled his eyes at her, and told her to relax he'll make some breakfast. She tried to decline but Lash gave her a look. She swallowed her words and took a seat at his dinning room table. Removing her helmet she shook out her hair and turned the volume down on her communication line.

“My mother talks about you.” Kursta said, Lash paused for a moment searching through his memories then started to slice up some strange yellow orange with red paste inside.

“She was part of the battle of Kandor's rim. I didn't know it was you until I asked about you to her. She pulled up a battle record she kept. You saved her life, along with her unit. You had one of the highest kill score in all of the campaign.” Kursta said, her voice was nervous as she watched him in the kitchen.

“I'm sorry, I don't remember. I did a lot of killing. I tried to save who I could.” Lash said honestly, his memories of that time were blurry. Not because it was part of his background, but because it really was a frantic time.

“I'm not surprised. My mother said you came in, killed the monstrosities. Set some broken bones, and fed a few people pain killers then took off towards the fighting. You did that a lot apparently. Many of the survivors today could share stories of you.” Kursta said with a small smile.

Lash served her a fresh dish of pulon meat. With a side of tyuli fruit pulp, and a glass of hot tylak. The meat looked like pork, and the pulp was very tasty. It was a simple meal, you can't really screw up pork and/or pulon. Just don't burn it, or add anything weird and people will enjoy it. Lash cleaned up after the meal and started to make for the door. Then Kursta hugged him.

“Thank you...For saving Kemuna.” She said, and let go of him.

“We saved each other.” Lash said to her, confused about the heart felt action. Kursta's blue eyes focused on his face. She licked her soft pink lips and a smile stretched across her face as a blush crawled up her neck, and cheeks. Charming Presence received a point of experience.

“But you are welcome.” Lash said to her. She nodded, accepting the answer. Her eyes danced up and down Lash. She bit her lip as her eyes focused on his lips for a moment. Then she seem to realize she was staring. She stepped back, and cleared her throat. She replaced her helmet and left ahead of him moving a little to quickly. Lash rolled his eyes.

“Dawn, are you sure I can't get rid of that skill?” Lash asked with irritation.

“I'm sorry but no User. Nor can you deactivate it. Normally anyways...” Dawn said to him and trailed off a bit. Lash stopped mid step.

“Explain please...” Lash asked, as a horrible feeling settled in the pit of his stomach.

“Well normally Charming Presence could be deactivated just like you have with several of your abilities. But your Cosmic Patron doesn't want it off, so on it will remain.” Dawn said in a teasing voice.

Absolute fury boiled up from Lash's stomach and he desperately wanted to punch something. Are you fucking kidding!? His entire body trembled with energy but he closed his eyes and slowed his breathing. Meditation reactivated and he centered himself. He slowly started moving and found that Kursta was waiting in the main foyer for him. When she saw him arrive she turned and went to the doors. Lash came outside just in time to see the cargo transport flying over head lowering the equipment. Lash looked around the temple doors and saw that the bodies of the homeless had been removed. But the blood remained.

Lash took a deep breath as he overlooked the cargo. Off to the side was the crater from the explosion of the assassins bombs. He had just fixed temple square! The last of the cargo was dropped, and signed for. The transport took off in a hurry to get out of sector 68 as soon as possible. Transport being shot down was not unheard of. Dozen of Bylock Syndicate personnel showed up, though the justicars thought they were civilians coming to help. Bylock men, and women didn't wear any form of identification on the outside. Hide in plain sight!

A full security door, and frame was given and installed for both the clinic, and education center. The medical bed was the recently released march-6 edition. Top shelf medicine, antibiotics, tools, and field medical kits. Several top of the line patient in waiting beds as well. The education machine was a holographic, and virtual reality interface. Along with fully credited, and license to update test scores.

They also packed two new things that Lash wasn't aware of but was thankful for. A robotic service unit. Which included a full maintenance, and charging station. That was installed in an unused closet. Lash was going to play with that later! Next they installed a self defense trainer robot in one of the class rooms. Floor mats, weights, etc were given. Lash had his own gym, and place to train. Or for other people to come. This was great!

Unfortunately, the temple was still bare bones! No furniture, no ceremonial curtains, and standards for each of the gods, and goddesses. Lash was suppose to contact a supplied in sector 68 for all that. It was suppose to be some none sense crap about sector pride. See that pew you are sitting on, factory 11-T made that! Isn't nice? Look! The golden curtain of Rao came from ZT clothing factory. If you listen carefully you can almost hear the sound of children crying. Because that is who made it!

The justicars left, as did the syndicate. Kursta was the last to go. Her hear rate would increase every time Lash looked her way. She was a grown woman of Krypton. Sex was far more open on this Krypton it seemed then it was for Kara, and Clark. Or maybe Kara had just been to young to experience her Krypton. She had been 16 after all. Everyone on Krypton who could afford it got a STD, and sterility injection once a year. Because any child worth having came from the genesis chamber. So, sex was something enjoyed between two consenting adults.

Just before duty won the day and Kursta was about to leave. Lash couldn't help himself but grin, and wink at her. She paused mid turn and looked at him through her helmet. He knew she was debating coming up with a reason to stay, or maybe come back after her shift. But the work load of the aid to the primus was busy. It may be late before she can come back. Should she ask? Should she just leave. Kursta shook her head to clear it and went back to her patrol car and left.

Charming Presence gained a single point of experience. That was all it did anymore. He never obtained any vast amounts of experience. Just single points, as if Dawn was teasing him. It was morning! The civilians of sector 68 were just starting to come out and work. Their day's started far sooner than others. The Labor Guild was the only guild with out a voice on the Krypton council. Something that the other guilds held over their heads often.

Once more Lash got out a paintbrush and paint. Then designed a Raoism ritual circle. He repaired the crater in the wall, and fixed a lamp that had been destroyed. Just like last time this got a lot of peoples attention. He blessed several dozen people then went back inside to get his scrub brush, and chemical cleaner. The service robot would take 48 hours to charge. Thankfully, the cargo transport had brought a host of supplies, tools, and etc for the service bot to use. Something that Lash was currently using.

Have you ever scrubbed a square city block by hand before? It's not fun! The entire time Lash was trying to cast Immaculate but the spell continued to fizzle. Thankfully none of the pedestrians were walking across his hard work. All thirty or so feet of it. Some kids came by and asked if they could help for money. Lash had a better idea! He guided them into the education center and told them that if they could complete lesson one before lunch he would give them each ten credits. Enough to buy a meal.

Lash and underestimated the children's desire to learn. It was not even an hour later they came out wanting the credits. Lash checked their work and found it true. He paid them, and said if they completed the lessons he would pay them ten credits each for each lesson. They were over joyed and went back to learning. I wish they would have paid us in school, I would have worked a lot harder. Erik the gamer said across the link. Lash grinned at his fellow traveler and got back to work.

The street lights turned on, and it grew dark outside. Lash cleaned up his tools and stretched his aching back. He realized he forgot to turn Regeneration back on. He did so, and felt the wash of energy roll through his body. Just as he finished putting his tools away, Immaculate reactivated. Lash stopped, and glared up at no place in particular. Of course after a hard day of cleaning did the spell come back. At least he could finish tomorrow in a single swoop.

Lash ended up paying the kids 50 credits each. He cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, Renew and Immaculate on them. Pale skin turned healthy pink, torn and unwashed clothing became clean and fresh. The kids stare in shock at the change and Lash blessed them all with a prayer of Rao. The kids repeated the phrase and ran off home with the promise to come back to learn again. Lash checked the machine, the kids had done perfectly. Top 20% educational margin.

Lash double checked the locks on the education unit, clinic, service robot, and the gym. Good to go, then he closed the temple doors but kept them unlocked. He retreated to his home, that door locked automatically. He took a shower, and made a simple meal. Thanks to Natural Energy Absorption he didn't need to eat as much anymore. So, he used this time to look through the Kryptonopolis now interface. Think of it like a city guide to what's been happening, what is going on, where is the best spots to hang out at. Etc. He typed into the search engine, House El.

The interface network had been a very recent addition. Turns out the link up hand been frayed, and was never repaired. A little something his Renew spell had fixed. House of El was a celebrated house of the Science Guild community. Lara Lor-Van, Jor-El's wife and Clarks mother had not been seen recently in the day by day activities at the El laboratories. While Jor-El had been. Something the news showed...Or more like the tabloids. Yes! Scientifically advanced race and tabloids were still talking about who is sleeping with who. Along with scandals, and the weight loss secrets of so and so.

Depending on the comic origin, Clark was either born through the genesis chamber like any Kryptonian. Or he was naturally born from his mother. Something no house of El had done in over a millennia. There was no mention of Kal-El anywhere on the recorded registry. Nor was there any record of a child being on record for Jor-El, and Lara Lor-Van. If they only weeks till the destruction of Krypton. That would mean that Lara was in their family home outside the city. Either still pregnant and due at any time. Or had just given birth. Either way Lara would not be returning to the city any time soon.

Jor-El was an important figure in the scientific community. Despite Lash's credentials he had no reason to speak to Jor-El. Or be in the same social circles he was in. Jor-El was well known for not attending any parties, or events. Always working on one project or another. How could Lash get to him, specifically in a private setting. On another note, what was Lash going to talk about? Break down then and there. 'Oh hay! We need to send your son to Earth so I can go home.' Didn't sound like a winner.

Beep...Beep. A soft alarm went off. Lash looked towards the camera and saw that a justicar had used their pass on the door even though it wasn't locked. It was primus Kemuna, well she did stay in bed for half a day at least. She walked straight towards his home and Lash pulled it open before she could ring the notification bell. She was in full uniform, including her helmet. Her hand outstretched to ring the bell. Lash looked at her waiting for her to speak.

“May I come in?” She asked, her tone of voice was nervous. Lash stepped aside and she walked in. Lash noticed a bit more exaggerated sway to her hips.

Closing the door behind him and hearing the automatic locks. Lash wore comfortable baggy pants, a t-shirt, with flat bottom shoes. His tribal marks were plain as day as he still didn't have the Illusion Domain, or Fae Glamour. Oddly enough no one ever mentioned his tribal marks. Made him wonder if they couldn't see them? No where in his background did he have a memory of ever obtaining them. Maybe no one could see them.

“Your hungry.” Lash said, it was not a question but a statement. Kemuna pulled off her helmet and set it down near the door. Lash walked past her and into his kitchen. She turned her head to watch him start to fix her something.

“You don't have to.” She said, but noticed that Lash didn't stop preparing a meal. A smile tugged on her lips. “I came by that evening to make sure no one bothered you. I thought having the primus show to ensure the successful delivery may help you forgive my families poor judgment.” Kemuna confessed.

“House Zod did nothing wrong. Kemuna Ke-Zod did nothing wrong. Tak paid for his sins, and Wym will spend the rest of his life doing Rao's good work. What you can do is have the justicars patrol the streets. Be of service, more than punishment. Keep an open mind when it comes to the people. They've gone decades with out justicar oversight.” Lash said to her, as he brought over a glass of fresh java juice.

Kemuna sat down at the table and took the glass up. Java was a sweet tasting juice that helped calm peoples nerves. Lash slapped on a mynox steak onto the grill. He heard Kemuna's stomach growl as the smell hit her. Lash glanced at her and she looked away embarrassed. Lash went back to cooking and with Sensory Awareness he could see that she watched him in the kitchen with interest. He pulled out some green vegetables and placed them into a butter sauce. He carefully cut off the roots to something like looked like a potato only it was bright purple.

“Aside from servants, has no one ever made a meal for you?” Lash asked, Kemuna watched his cooking with curiosity. When asked the question she shook her head.

“No, in fact I've never really had a meal. Just food, to full fill a dietary need. House Zod has strict regulations on food intake.” Kemuna replied, she was licking her lips now as she continued to smell the cooking.

Made sense! If you were expected to be a warrior since the day of your birth. Then of course their dietary needs would be designed to full fill that function. Counted calories, specific carbs, chemical boosters, etc, etc. Made Lash wonder if the woman had ever had ice cream before? Did Krypton have ice cream? Other Worldly Lore sent him a memory prompt. Yes! They had something similar. Fabrication from his Transmutation Domain reactivated. Lash went to his freeze and 'pulled' out a bucket of yulonz cream.

Thirty minutes later Lash set down two plates of mynox steak, vetz greens, sliced qulong bits bathed in a crellian sauce. Then he placed two yulonz cream glasses with diced nitiz bits into them. (Steak, green string beans, rosemary potato's, with a garlic butter sauce. Ice cream sundae with diced strawberries) Kemuna's eyes were filled with wonder, and trepidation. She didn't know where to start. But Lash started with the yulonz cream.

“Start here, otherwise it will melt.” Lash said with a smirk. Kemuna nodded and scooped a bit with her spoon. Her cheeks blushed brightly, as her eyes fluttered closed. A satisfactory moan sounded from her mouth that Lash expected she didn't realize she made.

“That is so, so, so good!” Kemuna said, she began to eat more of it.

“Slow down... Otherwise your brain will frost over. It's an interesting experience.” Lash said with a grin. She took his advice, but only barely. The cup of yulonz was gone before she knew it. She bit her lip and looked at him. He got up to make her another one.

“Where did you learn to cook like this?” She asked, as she dug into her steak.

“Temple Prime, I didn't have the same classes as other people. Had to fill the hours. Plus, Rao and his children are in every aspect of Krypton life. Even preparing food can be in a way an act of Raoism. From the sounds you are making, one would think I've blessed your taste buds?” Lash said with a smirk, as Kemuna blushed but continued to eat.

Lash finished the new cup of yulonz cream, and Kemuna ate it quickly enough. The meal was over quickly and Lash cleaned up. He gestured towards the living room area. Kemuna walked over and took a seat on his couch. He walked over holding two glasses of twiquini. It was a type of alcohol. Not terribly strong, but very sweet. Something to have after a meal. Lash sat down on the couch with her, and handed her the glass. Then he did something surprising and pulled her legs into his lap.

“What are you doing?” Kemuna asked, her entire body tensed as Lash pulled her boots off. Then he pressed his thumb into knotted muscles of her feet and another moan of delight escaped her lips. This time she was fully aware of the sound she made, and swallowed her blush with her drink.

“You can not tell me this is the first time someone has given you a massage? Physical therapy is an important part of being a soldier. You have to take care of your body, just as much as you build it.” Lash said, as he continued to work on her.

“I...I... Rao that feels amazing! I take a chemical bath like any other justicar. It revitalizes our bodies. Though I will admit your blessings are far more efficient. According to my medical scans from earlier my toxicity levels were amazingly low. As was my fathers.” She said, and bit back another moan when Lash found a knot.

Lash took a drink from his own glass every few minutes. Kemuna finished hers, but didn't complain as Lash worked on both her feet. Then moved up to her calf on each leg. Lash was working his Nature Domain passives through her muscles. Extracting toxins, massaging energy in, along with a pheromone secretion for her to relax. Lash watched as the tension melted out of her. She unzipped her armor, and leather coat. She had a tight black t-shirt underneath.

“Stop!” Kemuna said as she gripped his hands from going any further. Lash had moved to her thighs and he could smell her arousal. Her chest rose and fell quickly, and her eyes were half closed.

“I...” She tried to say but couldn't find the words.

“Are you bonded? Or do you have an intended?” Lash asked, her eyes opened and focused on him.

“....No... Can...Priests....You know?” She asked, suddenly a bit shy.

“Ah! The biggest superstition of all! Yes, priests and priestess can seek the pleasures of the flesh. They just can't be bonded. We live, and die in service to the gods, and goddesses. But...” Lash said, as he reached down and gently grabbed Kemuna's hips. He pulled her forward till she was straddling him.

“We can have sex, just like any two consenting adults.” Lash said to her with a grin. Kemuna could feel through his pants that he was very happy to have her on his lap.

“Two consenting adults! No relationships. Just good fun!” Kemuna said, that was all she needed. She leaned down and claimed his lips for her own.

They kissed one another for several minutes. Lash felt Sex reactivate and his mouth, tongue, and hands started to move in complex patterns. Kemuna moaned into his mouth. She pulled back for a brief moment and pulled off her t-shirt. Her breasts bounced delightfully and begged for attention. Lash obliged them. But not before he scooted off the couch. He picked up Kemuna who wrapped her legs around him. With expert ease Lash went upstairs with his passenger. They found the bed and the rest of their clothing soon ended up on the floor. Then Lash activated his Apostle of Qetesh, and Kemuna began to moan louder than before.


Attention User! You have used Apostle of Qetesh ability.

For the next 48 hours all of your stats will be increased by 30%

Kemuna was asleep in his arms, her head used his pecks as pillow. They were both naked in the bed together. The blankets, and bed sheets tossed to the side during the second, or fourth hour of sex. Lash continued to play his hands up and down her body almost by reflex. A grinned and flexed his lower body just a bit and brought a whimper from Kemuna even in her sleep. He was till erect, and still inside of her.

Lash used the spare moment to practice with Meditation, and delved into his Domains. Time, Space, Conjuration, Illusion, Chaos, Divination, Rebirth, Trickery, and Dream were still inactive. With only a bit of prodding Dream Domain hum to life. Lash looked at Kemuna and ran a bit of passive energy through her. He wanted her dreams to be pleasant. He nudged the other domains they remained silent. He looked at their progress bar. Several of them were stuck at 99% and wouldn't move.

“Did they teach you that at temple prime...”Kemuna said softly, Lash smiled at her as he continued to play his fingers up and down her spine. Kemuna wiggled a bit and was attempting to move to get off of him.

Lash gently rolled them over so she was on her back, him on top of her. He started to kiss her neck, and gently pushed deeper inside of her. She moaned softly, and brought up her knees on either side of him. They kissed for a few minutes, just when Kemuna would relax and start to lower her legs he would thrust again. Her nails clawed down his back, and she hissed softly against his ear before she bit into it.

“I need to leave soon...” Kemuna said with regret. Next to the bed was a clock on the night stand. It would be dawn in a few hours and she needed to get the barracks.

“We should take a shower then...” Lash said with a grin. Kemuna blinked long and slow at him, then a grin spread across her face.

About an hour later. Kemuna was sitting at the dinning room table wearing one his large t-shirts and nothing else. Her wet braided hair was down her back as she sliced into her meal that Lash had made for her. Lash wore nothing but a pair of pants. Enjoying the fact that his naked chest was distracting her. After breakfast they had sex again in the refresher room after they brushed their teeth. Then again on the kitchen table, and again at his front door. That time she was fully clothed, they had just yanked her pants down.

“Where do you get your stamina!?” Kemuna said between breaths. Lash chuckled, and continued to thrust into her. Superhuman Stamina had reactivated while they had been in bed together.

Eventually they made outside and Lash saw her to the front door. It was still dark outside while she called for her pick up. Her private patrol vehicle had been docked at a landing port at the justicar terminal up the street. It auto piloted off the dock and flew towards her. Outside of his home they went back to professionals of their two guilds. The transport landed and Kemuna was off back to the barracks. Lash stood alone at the temple stairs looking around in the darkness.

That had been different. Normally Lash would have danced around the situation. Unsure of his own feelings. Why had that been different? He didn't hesitate. He just gave in and had some fun. He had done that with Zetulan as well. Yes, she invited it. But he didn't try and come up with an excuse. Did his Apostle status change him some how? He'd have to look into it when he got back home.

Lash worked on temple square, thanks to Immaculate the whole square was cleaned up in under an hour. Then he worked on the outer temple itself. Horrified when he discovered the true color of the wall, as opposed to what it grown into. The wall was nearly black, it was suppose to be white! White! He thought it was just the temple that was white. Oh no! The whole wall was suppose to be white! Thankfully Alteration reactivated from his Technomancy Domain. Painted the area back into a clean black.

Then he worked on the windows to the temple. Then he gave the inside of the temple a deep, deep clean! With more magical spells at his disposal. He started to craft chairs, pews, etc for the temple. Material Shaping had always been active since it was his first skill/power he ever had. While Artist, Crafting, and Enchanting turned on. The main foyer and first room you see when entering the temple was fully furnished now.

Red crystal veins spread through out the black stone floor. Two golden banners stood on either side of the entrance when the names of all the gods, goddesses, demigods, and titans. Stylized wooden benches, and chairs with plush comfort cushions. Golden crystal calligraphy inscribed on the walls of stone. The windows above were clean, and altered to depict a different story. A story of the Flamebird rising up, and meeting her lover Nightwing. With the glowing radiance of Rao watching in the center piece window.

Just as he finished the main foyer the children from before showed up. Same deal as before, for each lesson they got 10 credits. A few additional children showed up with them. They received the same deal. Lash then moved onto the refresher rooms just off from the main foyer. With Renew, Alteration, Immaculate, and Fabricate he easily fixed the rooms. Then he moved onto the class rooms, and additional space. He found the room for confessions! Or what constituted for confessions in Raoism.

Lash would wear the ceremonial garb of a priest and come sit in the center of the room on a chair. The 'sinner' would come in and sit, or kneel in front of the priest and/or priestess. Behind the priest a glowing red light would shine. A symbolic gesture of Rao over looking the ritual. Then the sinner would divulge their secrets, their actions, before the priest and/or priestess. While being watched by Raw. Any secrets shared with in the room would be between the newly cleansed faithful, the priest and/or priestess and the prime God Rao.

Lash repaired, and fixed the entire first floor. Was in the process of moving to the second when he had visitors. He came down and met them in the main temple room. Fully restored at least on the bottom floor. The visitors had to pick up their jaws from the floor at the designs. Lash kept to the style of the temple prime. Though he certainty drew them better! The group were wearing Labor Guild official uniforms. Three men, and four women. The women in the front was the speaker as she came forward to meet him.

“Priest Lash-Rao?” She said with a small smile.

“I am, may the light of Rao guide you on your path sister.....” Lash asked, the question hanging in the air.

“Kela Bez-Ol, very pleased to meet you Priest Lash-Rao. Sorry it took us so long to come meet you. Things have been hectic of late.” She said, Lash could feel her nervous tension. This was a test to see how he would react. Technically as a priest Lash didn't have to give them any attention what so ever.

“You were wondering if I would live long enough or not?” Lash said with a smile. The group paled, and shuffled their feet. Kela didn't deny the accusation.

“Come, why don't you all receive a blessing of Rao before we continue?” Lash said, and turned on his heel towards the altar. Despite his sweaty, and dirty appearance he jumped right up the stairs and stood behind the pristine stone altar.

One by one the officials came forward, came to their knees and bowed. Greenish blue energy flowed from Lash around the altar towards them. Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, Immaculate, and Renew. Healthy bodies, minds, and souls. Along with new, and freshly cleaned clothing. One by one each of them opened their eyes in wonder. They felt different, they looked different.

“I understand your trepidation. You had heard rumors, stories about me. The Religious Guild has a reputation. A reputation they have done nothing to change, because they don't want to. I promise you, I am just as enigmatic, mysterious, and ruthless...When I need to be.” Lash said, tacking on that last part for their comfort.

“But, I think you will find that I am far more tolerant then the rest of my kin. I have been assigned to this sector to help bring a sense of peace, well being, and restoration of faith that this sector has been missing for decades.” Lash assured them as they all nodded in understanding.

Kela Bez-Ol, newly restored was 5'6”, with green eyes, and long black hair that was in a braid down her back. She had tanned skin, and a wiry frame. The type of person that had never had a full meal, but always had to do work 12 hour shifts since she was 10? Even with magic restoring her body, it would be months of exposure before she ever changed if ever. Kela among all the officials bit back the most when Nature's Kiss fixed several broken bones.

“Thank you... May we discuss the reason we are here?” She said with a bit of hesitance.

“The clinic is open all day, and emergencies at night. The education center is open during the day, and is currently in use. Several children are attending classes as we speak. The center is of course open to adults as well. The clinic is free, you can quote me on that if you must. But understand I only have one medical bed, and five waiting beds. The temple kitchen is still in disrepair.” Lash said going through a list in his head he had prepared for such people. The kitchen was in the basement along with a slew of other problems Lash would tackle later.

“I also have a working gym with free weights, floor mats, and a single self defense robot. Synthetic muscle mass types. Some of you probably have built one before?” Lash asked, a man in the back nodded. “Its a mach-6 version. Just like the medical bed, and the education center.” Lash continued, and their eyes went wide.

“The gym is open during the day, not at night. Women, and children get priority over men with the self defense bot. If I have to explain why then you are more dense then I thought.” Lash said with a small smile. They all nodded in understanding, a few of the women even smiled at him.

“I do not have a schedule for sermons at this time. As you can see I am still in the process of reconstruction. The downstairs does have a bunk room for visitors, and people in a need especially during the colder months. But it can only safely hold about a hundred people. Keep that in mind.” Lash said, ticking through his list. “I know the atmospheric towers in the city are meant to run at optimal conditions. But that rarely comes down here. I know that, you know that. If the temperature is really bad I can be convinced to open the whole church in emergencies.” Lash finished his list.

“That.... Covers just about everything we were going to talk about. Thank you for having all of that ready. Do you need anything from us?” Kela asked, a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

“Two days from now on the one day of rest that the Labor Guild allows. Even though a majority of you will still be working. I am planning on holding a bit of feast? Cook out? What have you, if you can talk to some volunteers to show up that morning. They will be fed, and paid for their time.” Lash asked, and the officials eyes lit up.

“We will most certainly do that! If you like we can make a sign out front about the schedules and rules of the temple, and its facilities.” Kela offered, but Lash declined. He would make the sign.

After a few more minutes the Labor Guild officials left completely satisfied. With the cook out planned Lash went down stairs to the horror that it was. He had come across it when he first explored the temple. There was a sewer access point under the temple. Gotham city back home had a huge underground network. Thanks to the supernatural communities, as well as failed underground subway plans, etc, etc. Gotham had nothing on Kryptonopolis. The sewer, and underground network spanned the whole city and then some. You could sneak in and out of the city with out any security checks. As long as you didn't get lost.

Lash repaired the grate, and made it into a gate. Then for giggles he made a sliding secret door to hide the gate. The gate was in a back area room away from the kitchens, and bunk room. Another reason he was dreading coming down here was the stench, and mess from what ever had crawled out of the sewers. Now he quickly cleaned, removed, and repaired. While he worked on the kitchen Compression Transformation reactivated, and he worked on the kitchen appliances. He fully stocked the fridge, and cupboards. Each one vacuumed sealed, you know for safety! Then on to the bunks!

“Hello!” A child like voice called down to the basement.

“Just a moment!” Lash called, and made his way towards the voice. There were over four different stair cases to the basement. That was also when Lash realized he needed to fix the lights down here. Thanks to his Night Eye, and Darkness Manipulation he saw perfectly. That didn't mean anyone else did.

“Eeeeee!” The little girl screamed as Lash just seem to materialize from the darkness. Calm Emotions reactivated and Lash cast it on her.

“Calm, calm, its only me. Did you finish?” Lash asked, and the girl nodded. It had been several hours. He paid the children for their hard work, and checked their lesson scores over. Some were good, others were not. The holographic teacher said they were not applying themselves.

“Remember you only get paid if you complete the lessons. Failing the test at the end does not mean you completed the lesson.” Lash said, trying to help them understand. The kids who barely passed nodded their heads.

Lash saw them to the front door. There waiting just outside the door was Kursta in full uniform. Lash grinned at her and invited her in. Lash double checked all the doors to the rooms. Then turned the lights to dim, and some of them to off. He moved towards his home with her following along. They stepped inside his home and she pulled off her helmet. Lash noticed she was wearing earrings today. Gold pieces that were pierced into her earlobes, and like a tree branch design stretched up her ear ridge. It went well with her slicked back blond hair, and blue eyes.

“Please excuse me I need to take a shower.” Lash said, and she nodded at him. He was quick and came out to find that she had peeled off her armor, and jacket.

Kursta was 5'8” a few inches shorter than Kemuna. She made up for it with body mass. She clearly hit the gym more than Kemuna and Lash had an up close inspection the primus's body. She wore a black tank top that was tucked into her pants. She had a decorative tattoo along her neck that snaked down her spine under her shirt.

“I'm hungry, and I don't like eating alone so I'll make you something as well.” Lash said, and Kursta nodded. She took a seat at the dinning room table and watched him cook.

“Can I have one of those yulonz cream inventions that Kemuna talked about?” Kursta asked, as she bit her lip.

“You may, did she talk about my cooking?” Lash asked her as he pulled out a few ingredients to make a type of ravioli.

“She did....Among other...things.” Kursta said, the last part was barely a whisper. Kursta had a blush crawl up her neck, along her face, and into her ears. Ohhhhh! Kemuna had told Kursta what they had done.

“Oh you mean the foot massage?” Lash said, acting dumb. Kursta blinked then jumped on the slight subject change.

“Y-Ahem! Yes!” Kursta said, though her voice cracked slightly she did reply.

Lash and Kursta found an awkward subject to talk about. Lash was relaxed, but a sexual tension was pilling onto Kursta noticeably as she rubbed her hands over her thighs again, and again. Lash served a cheese ravioli with white sauce. At least he assumed it was cheese? The translation from Krypton to English was odd. Along with a yulonz cream glass that Kursta jumped into.

After dinner Lash cleaned up, and Kursta went to sit on the couch. Having taken her boots off ahead of time. Lash came over with two glasses of twiquini. Then with out much fuss began to massage her feet. Kursta made no attempt to hide her moaning. They also didn't finish their glasses, as Lash and Kursta moved to the bedroom after only a few minutes of massaging. Though they soon found other places in need of a release.


Attention User! You have used the Apostle of Qetesh ability.

For the next 48 hours all of your stats will be increased by 30%.

Kemuna had been very flexible, while Kursta had not. But she made up for it in endurance. Thanks to Apostle of Qetesh, Lash could connect with his partners through body, mind, and soul. It was a magical, and divine connection. It was also incredibly fun, and intensely pleasurable. Kursta was asleep next to him. She was face down, her head tilted into the pillow. Her breathing steady, and a small smile on her face. The curve of her naked back revealed a tattoo of the Flamebird. Lash had seen the tip of one of her wings before.

Just like before he used Meditation and delved into his Domains. After about an hour the Illusion Domain hummed to life. He turned on his side and ran his finger nails down Kursta's back. She shivered, and snuggled into her pillow. Lash sat up in the bed, leaning up against the back board. He looked at the tattoo of the Flamebird and decided to craft a golden necklace with a silver chain. Money Storage reactivated and he pulled just a tiny bit of Nth metal out. He ended up making two pieces, one for Kursta, and one for Kemuna. Kemuna would have to come see him again to get hers.

“How do you do that?” Kursta asked softly from next to him. He looked down and saw her eyes were open, watching him use Material Shaping to craft the necklace.

“Practice.” Lash said with a smile, as he presented the finished product.

It was a golden, to red Flamebird center piece that could fit in her palm. The chain was braided metal like most of his necklaces he crafted. It had heat generation inscribed onto it. So Kursta would always be comfortable temperature wise. Be it cold, or hot. It also would help her keep her mind focused. Kursta pushed against the bed which arched back, and exposed her chest. Lash danced across her figure.

“For me?” Kursta asked, surprised but with a smile on her face. “Does Kemuna have one? We try to share.” She asked, as she crawled across the bed the short distance to Lash.

“I have one for her.” Lash showed the piece, he had chosen a similar design but chose Mordo the god of strength instead. Represented by a hammer in front of a shield. “I was going to give it to her when she came for another visit.” Lash said, as he placed the piece onto his night stand.

“Ohhh? So sure she will want to come back?” Kursta said with a smirk. She gently tugged on her necklace and felt the design with her fingers. She pulled the clasp apart and put it on then and there. When the necklace was linked and placed she gasped at the energy wash over her.

“What is that?” She asked, her eyes filled with wonder.

“I blessed the metal.” Lash said with a smile. She smiled back and kissed him. Then she pulled back the bed sheets and showed Lash the other uses her mouth could be used for...

After they took a shower, while in the shower she said Kemuna did plan on visiting again. Lash should keep the necklace till then. She would tell Kemuna about a gift he had made for her. After breakfast, while they were on the kitchen counter instead of the table. Kursta also asked if she could come back again. Lash agreed. Then Kursta even teased him if he could handle the two of them at the same time. Lash was opened to the challenge. Then at the door before they left, Lash showed Kursta what his mouth could be used for....

When they left his home they returned to the professionals they were. He escorted her to front door of the temple. She called her transport that was left at the police docking port for the area. It landed in front of the temple. She took one last glance at Lash. Then stepped into her transport. Then Danger Sense activated and her transport blew up in a fiery napalm!

BOOM! Lash was blasted through his temple doors by the force of the blast. He skipped across the brand new floor and came to a grinding halt. He jumped to his feet quickly as Adaptation reactivated. His skin grew hard, and a nictitating membrane covered his eyes as he sprinted back towards the wreck. With out hesitation he reached into the burning car and pulled out the very crisp corpse of Kursta.

The alarm on the temple was blaring, a new automatic function recently installed contacted the justicar barracks in sector 68, along with a video of the incident. Connectivity reactivated and Lash linked up as a medical, and police transport was moving at full speed to his location. Lash carried the crispy remains of Kursta into the clinic and placed her on the medical bed. The thing scanned her and pronounced her dead. Fuck that! Lash switched through his Magical Perceptions her soul tether was in place, and her soul was in the room with him.

“Thank you for trying...” Her spirit said...

“I'm not done yet!” Lash said to her, her spirits eyes went wide as she looked at him.

Congratulations User! You've learned a new spell for your Grave Domain, Sub-Domain Necromancy.

Corpse Repair: The User can used magical energy to repair a corpse back into working condition. The greater the damage the greater the energy cost.

Note: User should still use Nature Domain when finished.

Lash cast Corpse Repair and using the imprint left behind by the soul. Kursta's burnt body began to recover at a visible pace. His energy took a nose dive, but he was rewarded with thousands of experience points. Just so much that by the time the corpse was in working condition he received a prompt from the spell that it had evolved.

Congratulations User! Corpse Repair has evolved into Minor Corpse Repair.

Effect: Increase in power, decrease in energy consumption.

Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on the body. Color was restored to her skin, and mass returned to her body. After the Corpse Repair, all it did was restore the body into working order. She was essentially skin, and bones, with zero body hair thanks to the incinerator. Oddly it even redid her tattoo. There around her neck was the necklace he crafted. In perfect condition, Nth metal was hard to destroy. Then Lash dug deep into his Grave Domain, pressing his hands on her forehead, and chest.

“Lash.... Life and Death are the hands of the Gods? What are you doing?” Kursta's transparent soul spoke to him.

“Bringing you back...” Lash said to her. Kiss of the Grave activated and a golden light swallowed the body. Kursta soul tether took on a golden glow, and she was pulled back into her body. She took a shuddering breath, and started to cough.

“BY THE LIGHT OF RAO!?” A man shouted from the clinics door. A justicar had walked in half way through the procedure and saw Lash restore a corpse, and recall a spirit. He dropped to his knees in prayer.

“Crap...You weren't suppose to see that.” Lash said to the justicar.

“I'll remove it from my mask's data logs great priest! I'll take it to the grave, I swear it!” The justicar said loudly.

“Please do so! Step outside and tell the justicars that officer Kursta is just finishing her treatment in the medical bed.” Lash instructed to the man, he jumped to his feet and ran outside.

“Come on! We have to get you into some scrubs before any one comes to check on you.” Lash said quickly and got the medical bed ready for her. He used Connectivity to hack the bed and make it have a record of healing Kursta with severe burns.

Then he turned around and Kursta was there wrapping her arms around him. Burrowing her face into his chest. Her entire body was shaking in terror. It was a side effect of the spell. Or more specifically dying and coming back. They didn't feel comfortable in their own skin, they were far to sensitive to the world around them. They would see shadows on their peripheral vision, ghosts. They would act as a medium for a few weeks. Maybe even permanently.

Lash picked her up and set her on the bed. He found a handy, dandy button that wrapped a medical gown over her. Cool. He stayed by her side and held her hand. She kept her eyes locked on him as if he was her anchor. If she let go it would feel like she may fly off into the great dark beyond. Lash didn't look much better. Yes, he was physically fine. But his clothing was burnt, and he was covered in ash.

He had checked the camera footage. It clearly showed him being thrown through the temple doors. Seconds later he came rushing out and jumped into the burning wreckage that was the justicar transport. He pulled out a smoking, burnt to a crisp body. Lash could argue that the justicar suit did its job and kept her alive until medical attention got to her. But anyone with demolition training would see the explosion was large enough, and intense enough that she should be a piece of burnt pulon meat...

Twenty minutes later Kemuna came rushing into the clinic along with Wym. Kemuna came to Kursta's medical bed and sighed in relief as she took the woman into her arms. Wym breathed a deep sigh, and rubbed his face. It was clear that they both cared for Kursta. A grin grew across his face when he looked at Lash, his clothes burnt to a crisp. But he still held onto Kursta's hand. Kemuna looked Kursta over, then checked the medical files. Her eyes were wide, but thanked Rao above. Then she turned and hugged Lash.

“Thank you for saving her!” She said into his ear.

“When you get a moment I have a gift for you. But it can wait till next time you come to visit.” Lash whispered back, she nodded in response then stepped back.

“The medical transport is here, is she good to move?” Kemuna asked, Lash nodded to them. Kursta slowly let Lash go ready to snatch his hand up the moment she drifted away. When she didn't she relaxed just a little bit.

A medical team came in with another bed and took Kursta away. Her eyes never left Lash, stared at him filled with confusion. Please keep quiet about it until we can talk -Lash said across a telepathic link to her. Her eyes went wide, but she nodded right before she left the room. Needless to say, Pack Bond, and Telepathy reactivated. This was getting more complicated by the minute. These people were destined to die!

Lash stepped outside with Kemuna, and Wym. The entire scene had been quarantined. Yellow holographic warning signs posted. The burning wreckage had been put out by a automated fire drone. Several justicar crime scene techs were looking the destroyed car over. Wym suggested that Lash should come take a look. Kemuna agreed, and all thee of them walked over. The techs had found the device in question. Or the remains of it, rather. Military Guild hardware, remote trigger, which means someone had waited for her to get in. In clear view of the temple square. Or a drone could have have sent footage, and relayed the signal.

Kemuna pulled up the video camera footage of the justicar docking platform. Either this bomb had been planted at the barracks, or while it was sitting idle on the platform a few miles away. As they looked through the footage it suddenly cut out for exactly 2 minutes, and 32 seconds before it turned back on. Lash asked if he could see the footage, and applied his Universal Programmer title effect (Chap. 27)

He politely asked the camera's at the docking station to give him the information. Even if they had been officially turned off. The camera's spirit never stopped watching. They obliged him when he fed some Technomancy energy into them. Casting Repair on them through the line even though they were separated by a few miles. Then the feed came through and Lash showed it to Kemuna, and Wym. All three of them watched together.

It showed a two man team in justicar gear moved to the vehicle. Kemuna swapped to electromagnetic spectrum and got the ID's from the arms. Soldiers that had served under Tak. They would never target Kemuna, or Wym themselves. But Kursta was free game, and if the bomb killed Lash too? Great! They planted the bomb, and took off. The thing is, those two people were here right now at the scene. Kemuna took out her side arm and shot both in the leg.

“YOU THINK YOU CAN GO AFTER MY PEOPLE AND NOT BE PUNISHED!” Kemuna screamed at them. Lash stopped her from executing them.

“Primus stop! We have the proof! But no one else has seen this. Once the proof has been seen they'll be executed for their crimes!” Wym tried to appeal to Kemuna. Right now she was not his daughter, but his superior.

The justicars were groaning in pain, and the rest of the justicars looked on in confusion. Lash pulled up a holographic window. Ahem, from his communicator app...right that was where he got it. Showing everyone the footage. CRACK! CRACK! Two gun shots rang out, and both soldiers heads exploded. Then repeated gun fire hailed down onto the square. Everyone scattered for cover, except Lash who sprinted towards the attacking position.

Automatic fire rang out peppering Lash and the surrounding area. Superhuman Durability reactivated, and Adaptation reinforced his body. Not all of Krypton weapons were so primitive to have projectile ammunition like Earth. Oh no, these fired energy shots. Partial Transformation activated and skin peeled away to scales. Claws burst from his hands, and he roared at his assailants. He didn't go full lizardman but he was close.

Lash jumped onto a concrete wall and dug his claws in and began to climb up. The gunmen were in a thirty story building. One of them peeked down and fired their rifle at him. He tore through the second story window and sprinted up the stairs to the third. A energy shotgun blasted through the door that Lash was about to bust through. Danger Sense activated just in time for him to hug the wall. Then he broke through.

Four gunmen, all wearing Black Guard gear. Lash snarled, and the whole room was swallowed by total darkness. Lash burst forward and ripped his claws through the exposed neck of one. Then ripped the arm off of another only to throw it at one of them that almost had a bead on him. The bloody limb made the shot go wide. Lash jumped and pounced on the man, riding him to the ground as he tore through his chest plate. Bone, flesh, and organs were shredded. Right before the last soldier turned his rifle towards him a spike made from pure darkness sprung up from the wall straight through his brain.

The gunmen with out a arm was trying to get out of the room by pawing the wall. His mechanical suit had applied a tourniquet, and pain killers. Lash reached out through Connectivity and deactivated the self destruct in all of their suits. Then grabbed the man and dragged him back into the room.

“No, no.... I have some questions for you!” Lash said with a growl.


Kemuna directed her soldiers towards the building. She wasn't sure if that was the only gun nest or if their was more. She was not taking any chances. She slowed her approach as she heard the gunfire in the building die down. She like everyone else had watched Lash-Rao the War Priest sprout claws from his hands and climb the building like a monster. Ligadian, she had never met one. The could blend in perfectly. It was what made them so dangerous.

Wym her father had suspected the truth. On the Kandor rim fighting against the alien's forces. Lash had moved to fast, hit to hard, taken a hit and kept on moving to be normal. He had been in full armor, so it made sense that no one would see his transformation. Lash was also not the only one that was like that. Several others on the Kandor rim had behaved in a similar fashion. Supposedly the last Ligadian unit designed was over twenty years ago. If that was to be believed. Lash, along with the rest of his kin had volunteered to fight at Kandor. Such actions made Kemuna only admire Lash more.

The blood curdling screaming started in the third floor room. It was not Lash's voice, but Kemuna rushed the building along with her father. The covered the door, broke through like the book. Checked their corners, hallways, and doors to the stairwells. By the book all the way to the top. At the top floor Kemuna moved in and saw a massacre! Three bodies on the ground tore apart. While the fourth man had his helmet off and was being held up by his neck by Lash. The man's eyes had rolled back into his head, he was convulsing and frothing at the mouth. Then Lash dropped him.

Lash looked like a gulonix standing upright. Clawed hands, scales covering his body, spikes down his spine. All of them dark forest green. Then they slowly started to rescind into his body. Skin grew over scales, and body was reform just like that. All except for the jagged scar over his neck. Lash leaned over and pulled out a tablet. He handed it to her.

“Self destruct has been disarmed. Here is their records, contacts, handlers, etc. The Black Guard is working for Black Zero. Oddly poetic.” Lash said with a snarl as he moved past them.

“.....Thank you!” Kemuna shouted once she found her voice. Lash stopped at the door and turned to look at her.

“You said it your self, They cant go after our people and not be punished.” Lash said with a sinister grin that Kemuna, and Wym returned.


This...This was nightmare mode. Just another detail the developers threw into his time fragment to fuck with him. Erik the gamer made mention of Black Zero, it came from a TV serious based on Krypton. But they had been based in Kandor, and they were also led by a time traveling Dru-Zod. It had also happened nearly two hundred years ago. Kandor happened five years ago in this fragment. Lash desperately hoped that a time traveling Dru was not here too. Especially since there was already a Dru-Zod in existence at this time.

Lash got back to the temple and pulled a few wounded justicars into the clinic. No one died thankfully. The worse injury was placed straight onto the medical bed. While two more waited. Lash used his Medicine skill to its fullest. Energy burns melted flesh and bone. The medical bed's several mechanical arms passed over the wound just above the soldiers heart. Little by little new tissue was created, and grafted on. Once finished the justicar was pulled onto a waiting bed for mild care, and the next person went on. Once they were all more or less done Lash cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement on them all.

Morning arrived! Lash put on a fresh pair of clothes and went outside to place the schedule for the different services provided at the temple. It was a holographic so it couldn't be defiled, or destroyed. The projector was far above them placed secretly in the wall. The burning wreck was removed, and a automated worker drone was in the process of filling, and repairing the holes in the ground. Hazah!

“You have the worse luck.” Or-Jar said as he walked up to him. Lash looked over at him, the man was wearing a very nice black suit in Kryptonian fashion.

“Does the syndicate have any relation to Black Zero?” Lash asked, coming right up front about it. Or-Jar looked like he had bitten into something sour and spit in disgust. Thankfully away from the temple doors.

“Those puloni suckers! The boss and me want them in the bio feeder! That way they'll be of actual use! Was this them?” Or-Jar gestured to partially destroyed square.

“Black Zero is working side by side with the Black Guard.” Lash replied, and Or-Jar's face went pale. He knew who they were. He flipped out his communicator and made a call.

“Shit....Well back to the topic of why I'm here then I'll go deal with that shit show.” Or-Jar said with a grimace as he put his communicator away. “I heard from Kela you are doing a feast tomorrow morning?” Or-Jar asked, his eyes on the temple square.

“Oh yes! I'm having food delivered!” Lash said, but actually nothing was coming he would just create it. “Free food to feed as many as possible, along with drinks. I don't suppose the syndicate could run security. I know the justicars will be there. But the people know the syndicate better. Any volunteers will be fed, and paid!” Lash said with a smile. Or-Jar nodded, and spoke to Lash about scheduling. A few dozen people would show up to help....

About an hour later children showed up. More than last time, but the education center was large enough to hold about a hundred people. Though it would be snug. Same deal, one lesson, ten credits. A few teenagers showed up with them. Same deal for them as well. But first! They all must come and pray at the altar and receive a blessing! Now that their spirits had been fed, it was time to feed their minds. Lash left them to their education to return to the bottom floor. He finished the bunk area, and also installed lighting. As he returned to the first floor he was caught surprise by the robotic worker standing there.

“Greetings zzzzt Priest Lash-Rao zzzzt. What...” The robotic unit said in a disconnected voice.

“OK! None of that! Let us go back to your station!” Lash said, and guided the stiff fellow back to its port.

Science reactivated, as did Re:Implant from his racial traits. Thankfully it was not followed by blinding pain. Then Computers, Superhuman Intellect, Virtual Intelligence, and Technomagical Constructs. He didn't have a droid module hub here. So no magical spark of a soul. Fabrication, Alteration, Compression Transformation, and some Enchanting. Then a few hours later and a whole new machine stood before Lash.

It still looked very robotic on the outside at least. A square like head sat on its shoulders with a sensor strip that wrapped around. A rectangular chest, that had soft edges, and an oval abdomen at the end. Its arms were cylinder shaped, while its hands were a little more delicate. The legs were much the same, along with hits shoe like feet. However, waiting just beneath the surface was a fully crafted skeleton structure. Synthetic muscles, tendons, and even nerves to aid its dexterity and mobility. Two binary brains one in the head, another in its chest.

“Greetings creator, I am Epsilon. May I be of service?” Epsilon asked, in a soft male southern voice that was sure to confuse the Kryptonians. They didn't really have the south on the planet.

“Yes, please go to the education center and ask if any of the children are hungry. Then make them some simple meals in the kitchen.” Lash asked, Epsilon bowed his head turned on his heel and walked off. His movements fluid, and graceful.

Feeling like he was on a role he went to the gym and did the same thing to the self defense robot. The self defense machine was more human like in appearance. Its white synthetic skin could even simulate a person's true physic, hair, eyes, and movement. Lash upgraded its intelligence, added some extra quirks. Tied it into the security of the temple. If it was breached, or if it was night the robot would patrol the temple's insides. The extra armor plating, and weapons hidden inside would be a surprised.

“Praetor, patrol the temple's insides unless request to teach.” Lash said to his new unit.

“As you command.” Praetor replied in a cold bass tone voice that rumbled from his chest. He moved with fluid grace one would find in a warrior. He kept his appearance robotic, it wouldn't help if people thought he was real. At least for now.

Lash went to the main foyer and started to create tables, and chairs. Stacked on top of each other one after another. Epsilon delivered lunch to the education center. Then started to organize the seats and table onto a graph that Lash made so when it came to the set up they could just be placed with ease. Once that was finished he made plates, cups, and utensils. He went downstairs to the kitchen and started to make barrel after barrel of golden liquid.

Lash received a notification that Praetor was asked if learning to fight counted as a lesson. Lash confirmed that it did. The Military guild looked at combat fitness, just like the Science guild looked at test scores. But the kids, and teenagers would discover that the education center was a lot nicer than Praetor was. Sure enough before the first hour was up Epsilon was in the clinic with a child who had his arm broken.

“That is what happens when you challenge Praetor to teach you a level ten lesson. Especially since you haven't even passed lesson one yet.” Lash said to the teenager who hissed in pain as the bone was slowly set under the guiding light of the medical beds mechanical arm.

“Then why did he start at level ten then if I wasn't ready!?” The teenager snapped at Lash.

“Because you are a hot head that thinks they are invincible! Its a normal teenager thing to do. Praetor needed to properly educate you on your misplaced belief.” Lash said with a smile, as the bone snapped back into place. Lash gave him one pill of pain killer and sent him back to the education center.

All but one of Praetor's new students went back to the education center. A young teenage girl chose to stay, and they started with lesson one. She was very talented and reached level four before they ran out of time. Lash paid everyone for their hard work. He let the girl take a shower before she left. That was a miracle for her. She had never used hot water before. When the rest asked why they couldn't take a shower Lash had said they didn't pass a combat lesson...

Kemuna showed up when the temples facilities had closed. She couldn't stay for long and needed to get back. But she came into his home and picked up her necklace. Then they had a sex on the kitchen table. Then she left in hurry, before she jumped on him again. Black Zero was a huge problem and she had to be up early to meet the Military Guild council in the morning. She had came to tell him that he would be in her report. She could omit a few things, but being a Ligadian would be in the report. Along with a few video clips of him transformed. The blessings, healing, and odd effect he had on darkness would be left out.

Lash refilled his own fridge, and cabinets. But didn't have make himself anything. Self-Sustenance had reactivated. So he took a shower, slipped into bed and went to sleep. He woke up at 4:30 am on the dot thanks to his Clock ability. He rolled out a bed, fixed it up. Got dressed for another long day. It was feasting day! Praetor, and Epsilon were waiting for him at the foyer. Fully charged, and ready for the day.

Lash opened the temple doors and set them to stay open. He pulled out a brazier filled with dried plants. It was attached to a chain, he tied the chain to a hook above the door and set it aflame. Scented milash root sent a soothing smell into the air. Praetor, and Epsilon pulled out a mobile kitchen cube and set it right outside next to the doors. Epsilon started to make breakfast meals, and drinks for the workers that were scheduled to show up. Praetor started to bring out the tables and set them up in the order planned.

“Priest? We are here to help.” A voice called out, and six dozen people showed up. Some of them were Bylock Syndicate, most of them were Labor Guild volunteers.

“Welcome! This is Epsilon, he is the temples robotic worker unit. He is making breakfast for all of you. Please take a seat and wait a bit. The other one is Praetor, he is the self defense unit in the gym. He is helping to set up tables. Something you'll be doing once you've eaten. We have a designed all mapped out.” Lash said to them with a smile on his face.

“But first! All of you come inside to the altar. We'll start the day with a blessing!” Lash said, and pulled them all inside. Revitalized, renewed, and ready to help after blessings, and breakfast.

Lash pulled the map out and they started to set up the tables, chairs, waist high gate sections to cordon off areas. A few people set up decorations between street lights, and lamp posts. Music started to play form the temple's walls. Build in speakers, newly constructed! They tied into the latest craze music channel from the Artist Guild station. Dead center of the square a stage was being put together. Along with a fire pit!

By the time the first arrivals showed up everything was more or less in place. Men, women, and a children showed up with smiles on their faces. Justicars in full kit showed up. They were given food, and drink before they started their shift. Lash spoke to the officer in charge and wanted to make sure they were on a rotation for breaks. Twenty had been assigned to the festival, with two hours shifts thanks to Lash telling the officer in charge. They 'begrudgingly' accepted. It wasn't like Lash had to twist their arm.

Lash walked over to the fire pit. A metal sphere sat above the fire pit ready to be ignited! Lash started up the blaze as fire consumed the orb. Then Lash breathed magic into the orb with Daylight and yellow sun energy bathed the whole temple square. Yes, yellow sun energy. It would not be as pure as Earth's yellow sun. But it would definitely make all the Kryptonian's near by a lot better. Lash knew it would take weeks, or even months of exposure before any of them would become like Superman, or Supergirl. But a day's worth? Well let's just see....

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