
***HR, Sol System. Galactic Sheriff Frigate***

The galactic sheriff frigate warped into the Sol System through the nearest jump point. The frigate like most of its design was built for mobility, and offensive capabilities. So it would provide cover for its slower team mates. The frigate in question was guarding a transport ship that would carry the new advanced automated drones to their new station. As well as escorting the cargo ships for the resupply station. Each ship had similar designs to each other as they were made by the same ship yard.

Sharp jagged edges that pointed forward. With sleek round edges for the back. The frigate looked like a bird of prey with plated armor, and its bridge where the head would be. While the transport ships were giant rectangular boxes. Several star fighters warped in just behind the frigate, each one similar in design to the frigate just smaller. On the wings of each ship was the galactic sheriff icon. As per custom they displayed their banners proudly.

Aboard the frigate on the command deck was the captain of the ship, and commander of the group of ships. A seven foot tall, four armed man with predatory cat like appearance. He had three fingered hands, and two toed feet. He wore a fully armored suit that covered him from neck, to wrist, to ankles. His face was oddly humanoid in appearance, though he did have a pair of cat like ears. Each of his four arms were of equal size to his body. His fur was a deep midnight black, with shinning purple eyes. His name was, Bhol'uns.

“Captain, we are getting a FTL link from the station. We have received a basic solar map of the system. The station is sending an escort group towards us, but have given us permission to start traveling inward.” The communication officer called out.

“Alert our group to be on their best behavior. Our new client payed upfront for the entire year. I want to make a good impression!” Bhol'uns said in return. The officer sent the message out, and the transport fleet started to push into the Sol System.

With sub-light drives they pushed into the system but it was only after a few hours that they saw their escort show up. It was surprising to say the least to see three lanterns show up, especially since the sheriffs had heard the Sol System was with out lantern protection. But especially since the lantern color was blue instead of green. Right behind the lanterns were four star fighter craft.

The star fighters looked like a shark with scales down its spine. Four pectoral fins with two on each side. Two dorsal fins side by side. The tail end turned into the core engine thrust that gave off a energy trail. On the top, and underside of the midsection of the star fighter were two twin cannon turrets. Possibly manned by a gunner, while the main weapons of the star fighter were affixed to the side, and under carriage. They seem to be a mixture of mobility, offense, and defense. Bhol'uns was impressed by their versatility.

“This is Hal Jordan with the Blue Lantern Corp. We welcome you to the Sol System please follow us.” Hal Jordan's voice came over the ships communication line.

“This is commander Bhol'uns, we hear you. We'll of course follow the word of a lantern.” Bhol'uns said over the comms in reply.

The four star fighter craft did something peculiar. They took up a holding pattern with the transport fleet between them. Then a field of greenish blue energy enveloped the entire fleet and suddenly the whole fleet was moving at incredibly speeds. However, it seemed like they could only use this for a few minutes at a time. But what should have taken a few days travel turned into a few hours. Then they saw it.

The Watch Tower station was mid tier station compared to others that the sheriffs had seen. It had been built between the third, and fourth planet in the Sol System. Though it seem to follow in the wake of the third planet. From their sensors the sheriffs determined that though several of the Sol System had sentient, and sapient species. The third planet had the most.

“Galactic Sheriff transport fleet. Hello, I am virtual interactive communication intelligence. You may call me Vici. Please allow the handshaking protocals, and let me guide you in.” A strong feminine voice called over the comms. Bhol'uns sent the command through the transport fleet.

Greenish blue energy beams shot out from the station, and one by one the transport fleet was guided to their respective berths. They had an open dock for star fighters, and smaller transport ships. But anything that was larger than a light corvette had to use vac tubes. Mechanical umbilical cords reached out from the station to secure each ship to its rotation.

“Remember everyone, best behavior. If the reports about this place are true then its a brand new station. So don't expect much in the way of entertainment. Be polite, and keep your manners about you!” Bhol'uns said through the personal communication line.

Star fighters had 1-3 crew depending on their size. The cargo ships could have 3-10 crew, while the frigate could have 10-25. While they could of course hold more, the optimal amount varied from ship to ship and experience of the crew. The galactic sheriffs of this transport fleet were well trained, and had advanced automated ships. So they had the optimal minimum amount.

Bhol'uns stepped onto the vac tube with his second in command and walked across the clear tube with trepidation. He hated these things. Though he did relax just a bit when he saw a flash of energy covered the tube. It was shield there to help secure the vac tube in case something happened while they crossed. Their science officer called out to them before they were half way through the tube.

“Captain! Our readings display Rift energy on the third planet. It looks like they are in recovery from a possible invasion force.” The science officer said to Bhol'uns and his second. Bhol'uns rubbed his chin in thought, as two of his other arms accessed their hand terminal.

“We could inform them about the planetary guard we have? Maybe another sale?” His second in command said. Bhol'uns agreed, and prepared another piece of information to discuss with their client.

The galactic sheriffs were at their heart a business. Yes, they were empowered by the galactic community as police. But they had bills to play, just like any other. They finished walking across the vac tube and stepped onto a moderate size trading hub. All the basic amenities such as food, entertainment, and places to sleep. However, they did notice that every door that led out to the rest of the station was under heavy guard. Not surprising, it was a civilian station. Not everyone was as progressive as some. Bhol'uns had been to systems where their people were practically in cages. The Sheriff corporation always gave them hazard pay to work in those systems.

“Commander! They have a pleasure palace set up! And guess what! They use UE here!” The sheriff that was assigned to stay for the first week shouted across the trade hub. Bhol'uns eyes went wide in wonder.

UE aka universal energy was a common phrase used by the galactic community as 'magic'. If the pleasure palace used UE. That meant they could create realistic environments in their simulation halls. Standard halls from technological cultures were always a bit twitchy. They could do environments just fine. But when it came to people, to interaction. It was like talking to a poorly designed machine. UE stations were not like that.

Before Bhol'uns could shout back the three blue lanterns they had saw before were walking towards them. Bhol'uns shut his mouth and walked towards them. He squared his shoulders, but kept his hands relaxed. He always felt like talking to lanterns was like talking to a loaded gun that had no safety. Odd how these lanterns gave off a sense of serenity, and peace.

“Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Katma Tui-Stewart.” Jordan said to Bhol'uns who smiled at each of them and introduced himself, and his crew.

“We would like to apologize, your client was called away due to urgent business on the planet Earth. The third one from the sun.” Hal's ring was auto translating their words to Bhol'uns and his crew. But the planets name drew blank for some of them. Dirt? The locals called their planet, dirt?

“That is perfectly fine. I have orders to stay until I speak to our client. Though no longer than a month. Do you know when they will return?” Bhol'uns asked, all three lanterns looked at each other for a moment. But before they could speak a shadow stretched out from the wall and appeared right next to them. Bhol'uns who came from a race of hunters, and predators immediately went on edge. He hadn't noticed their arrival.

“He will return, when he has finished his business. Apologies, I am the Watch Tower head of security. Hex.” The figure said in a voice that shifted from gender, to gender. That was also when Bhol'uns noticed there were surrounded by several dozen new war droids.

“Are we in some kind of trouble?” Bhol'uns said, as he motioned for his crew to stand down.

“Commander, what does the galactic sheriffs know of the one that outed the Guardians of the Universe?” Hex asked, Bhol'uns noticed that Hex rocked back and forth on the balls of their feet as if expecting an attack.

“I know that if we ever meet them that I want to buy them a drink. Thanks to them, the sheriff corporation has had over a hundred new systems under their protection. Begging your pardon, but I thought the green lanterns revoked their protection of the Sol System?” Bhol'uns asked, as he looked back at the blue lanterns.

“They did! Your client, and our friend.” John said, putting emphasis on the word 'friend'. Translation, don't fuck with our friend. “He was the one that sent the galactic wide broadcast.” John finished...

The pin drop silence that swallowed the crew of the transport fleet was tangible. Bhol'uns eyes were wide. Then his lips stretched up, and out across his face. Then he started to laugh, this crew started to join in. Then the whole transport crew joined in as well. It was an awkward moment for everyone not laughing. Bhol'uns laughed for a good few minutes before he stopped, holding his sides. He looked back at Hex.

“So, your worried that we'll want to collect his bounty then?” Bhol'uns asked, and Hex nodded towards him.

“Don't be! Wraith, as he is called on the galactic net is considered a friend, and ally to the sheriff corporation. Though, we are not the only security corporation in the galactic market. We are one of the strongest. I'll have to double check with corporate, but I can tell you with certainty that Wraith will be getting another discount from us, and a life long friendship.” Bhol'uns said to the group.

“Wonderful, but lets hear from corporate before we take your word for it.” Katma said to them all, and Bhol'uns agreed with a fierce smile. This station just got a whole lot more interesting.


Attention User! You've entered a time fragment Rift.

You are currently on Krypton approximately 2 months before the planet explodes due to Brainiac's attack on Kandor. Where he ripped the city out of the planets crust, and miniaturized it. The planets core has grown unstable which will result in the planets destruction.

Optional Objective: Help Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van send their unborn son Kal-El to Earth.

Optional Objective: Stop Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van from sending their unborn son Kal-El to Earth.

Additional Objectives will appear as you progress through the time fragment.

Rewards: Will depend on choices made.

“Hello User, as you may have noticed all of your Spell Domains are unavailable. A majority of your skills, powers, and traits are also unavailable. You have entered a separate dimension and your system will take time to reset.” Dawn's sweet voice said softly into Lash's ear. As he tried to slow his breathing.

“Dawn, can you pause the world?” Lash asked under his breath. The whole world slowed down then froze.

“So, what is the protocol here? I highly doubt Justicar authorities will allow a human to walk into Kryptonopolis.” Lash asked, he knew that he would show up as human. He also knew that Kryptonians were big on genetic purity.

“Ah, that is an excellent point User! That is why I will now show you the time fragment character creation. Please understand that you will eventually have access to your entire character abilities. But this creation allows you to create a background. Be aware not all Rifts, and time fragments will allow this. Depends on the specific situation.” Dawn replied, her voice taking on the tone of an instructing teacher.

Default Characters.

Soldier: You are a Kryptonian Soldier that has been reassigned to Kryptonopolis. You have an average record, and served in the skirmishes against Brainiac's forces when he attacked Kandor.

Scientist: You are a Kryptonian Scientist that has been reassigned to Kryptonopolis. You have an average record, and served in the scientific exploration of the ruins left behind in Brainiac's wake.

Smuggler: You are a Kryptonian black market smuggler. Your syndicate has assigned you in Kryptonopolis. To aid in the market of alien technology found in the wake of Brainiac's assault.

Civilian: You are a Kryptonian that was displaced by the abduction of Kandor. You have floated between cities until a call for labor was heard in Kryptonopolis. (Choosing this path will give bonus World Points)

Recommended: Your VI Rep will look over your abilities, and personality and craft a persona that they believe will suit you. (Choosing this path will give bonus World Points)

“OK... I've heard of World Points on the forum, and that I obtain them simply by participating. But what does it mean here?” Lash asked, looking over the options.

“Each default character will have a list of optional background pick ups. An example would be. Soldier can purchase a superior rank for 25 World Points (WP). Or the Scientist can select advance engineering education for 25 WP.” Dawn said softly to Lash, as she highlighted the different character backgrounds.

“While civilians do not get a special starting bonus, they get more WP and have a flexible buy out list. In example, the civilians can spend WP to have more starting credits. Family in Kryptonopolis, or a better housing situation. While the recommended is a background crafted by me. Please take note, that while you may get additional points for recommended. Once you select it, you can't take back your decision unlike the other types.” Dawn said in a warning tone.

“Oh so if I select one of the first four, but don't like what I see I can go back and look at the others. While the fifth choice is permanent. Well you've never led me wrong before. I'll take the recommended background.” Lash said with a smile, a brilliant golden glow surrounded him and his clothes changes.

Before Lash had on a collection of what he could only believe to be standard civilian wear. Now his clothing had a higher thread count, warm brown earth tones in color. With golden stylized caligraphy along the cuffs, collar, and buttoned down section of the coat. He wore comfortable black shoes, deep brown trousers, with form fitting brown buttoned coat with a high collar.

Selected background.

Priest of Rao: You are a journeyman priest of Raoism. The chosen religion of Krypton. Though Krypton's are a scientifically advanced race. Their culture is still steeped with tradition. The genesis chamber is the culmination of religion, and scientific understanding. It is widely believed that the codex, Krypton prime is Rao. (Please be aware that this story origin may be different from DC cannon)

You have 120 World Points, please look through list provided and purchase. All points must be spent before time fragment continues.

Lash looked over his list selection. It went on for several pages. He saved himself some time and just pressed the recommended list. Thankfully, this time fragment was not knew. What did that mean? It meant that there were User reviews on the different purchases. Reading them over he selected a few to start.

War Veteran: You volunteered, fought, and lived through the brutal but short lived war against the mechanical alien monstrosity of Brainiac armies. Though a few will blame you for not succeeding against impossible odds. A majority of the military houses will have a friendly disposition towards you. 20 WP.

You have purchased, War Veteran.

Stipend: You've been granted an increased salary due to your unique abilities, skills, and commitment to your cause. 1,000 credits given every week. 50 WP.

You have purchased, Stipend.

Business Travel Pass: Transportation in Kryptonopolis is free. But there are different levels of transportation. With a business pass you can travel in relative comfort and safety. Others may join you, up to 1-4 guests at one time. 20 WP.

You have purchased, Business Travel Pass.

Comfortable Home: You've been granted a home free of charge in a nice part of Kryptonopolis. 20 WP.

You have purchased, Comfortable Home.

Note: This has been changed to a increased sized temple as per your 'mission' in Kryptonopolis.

Neutral Gang Territory: The gangs of your sector have recognized your Temple, and the city block around it as neutral territory. A majority of the gangs will adhere to this rule, some will not. 10 WP.

You have purchased, Neutral Gang Territory.

Attention, you have used all available World Points. You will now be given your background mission.

You have been tasked with the reconstruction of the temple in sector 68 of Kryptonopolis. Comfortable Home: has been changed to increased sized temple. Sector 68 is a low economy (slum) area of Kryptonopolis.

“Do you have any questions, User?” Dawn asked as he finished up with his selection. Lash could see his clothing went through another brief glow. He had new calligraphy promoting his veteran status. He had traveling papers in his pocket, and new luggage to carry.

“I only know about Krypton because of Kal, and Kara. I barely know anything about Rao? So...?” Lash asked, then before the world started up again he received a wealth of new information directly down loaded into his head. A splitting migraine threatened to split his skull but eventually it subsided.

“Now you know everything you need to full fill your role. Good luck, User! I know you will make this an interesting time fragment.” Dawn said sweetly in his ear. Then the world started to move again.


Lash-Rao was a war priest, a veteran of the Brainiac war. Assinged by the temple to travel to Kryptonopolis and rebuild a destroyed temple in sector 68. He had volunteered for the assignment, unafraid of the gangs that controlled the area. Because of this he was granted an increased stipend from the temple. The ruined temple had been destroyed during a civil dispute between the local gangs, and the Justicar stationed in the area. But the ones that suffered the most were the people that lived there.

The Temples of Raoism provided not only the light of Rao, but also a place of safety, health, and education. Most Temples provided free health care, food, and a simple school system for children who couldn't afford the education programs. Most who lived in the slums were house less. No family names but their own. Lash understood this in a way, he had given up his name to serve in the great house of Rao. Taking up his name, and forsaking his own.

But, Lash-Rao carried a secret. A secret that no one knew but him alone. Lash was not from the Temple, or even Krypton. Lash was a visitor, an alien from another world. From another time. He had come to Krypton to complete a mission. A mission that would have ramifications across the entire multiverse. But every journey began with a single step.


Lash stepped off from the land transport with the hustle and bustle of everyone else. Hundreds of transports were docked at the station. A variety of short, and tall landing pads with narrow stems holding them up. They looked like lily pads to Lash with no water. He was at the south gate of Kryptonopolis. The new capitol of Krypton. Five years ago, Brainiac had attacked and ripped Kandor out of Krypton's surface. Since then, Krypton had suffered continues earthquakes, and tremors with increased frequency. One such tremor rocked through the station now.

Lash watched in disgust as people pushed, shoved, and trampled over each other to reached the interior gates. While several transports took off and simply floated above the platforms waiting out the tremor. Lash held his ground between the landing pad, and the entry gate. His quick reflexes caught a woman from falling off the catwalk. Eventually the tremor subsided, and people stopped trying to run inside. But the damage had been done, dozens of people had been tread under foot.

Earthquakes were a new thing on Krypton. Yes, they did happen like any world with tectonic plates. But most cities were not built on, or near tectonic plates. So people were terrified of them. Lash moved through the crowd and help pull the few people up. Then started to drag the injured out of the way. He got so fed up with the civilians around him that he started to yell at them to get out of the way or help him carry the injured. When a man refused to move, and even attempted to mouth off at Lash. Lash broke the man's nose with a quick palm strike. He screamed, and someone called for help.

“Really? People are injured in the trampling and you don't show up. But I break an assholes nose and now the justicars show up?” Lash shouted at the soldiers coming towards him. The man with the broken nose pointed me out. The Justicars looked around and noticed that Lash was surrounded by injured people. Then they noticed his temple uniform.

“He was trying to help the injured. This man here told him off, so the priest broke his nose. He got exactly what he deserved!” The woman that Lash had caught on the catwalk from falling spoke out.

So, the justicars always a beacon of equality arrested the man, and Lash. Lash was forced to leave behind the injured that still no one helped. While he, and the man with a broken nose were taken inside the gate towards the customs, and transit authority would look them over. If, and when they got to him. The man with the broken nose swore up a storm. Shouting at the guards about who he was, who had as friends. Until a justicar prodded him with a stun baton. The man dropped like a sack of potatoes. Then for good measure the justicar tried to stun Lash.

Lash stepped into guards space. Grabbed his wrist, planted a foot behind his leg. Then used the weight centered on his hips and flipped the guard over onto his back. Then swung him around and dislocated the guards shoulder. Which caused the man to scream in pain, Lash pulled the stun baton away from him. More guards showed up, and Lash proceeded to beat the crap out of all of them. He felt his Advance Martial Arts kick on.

“Fucking really!? This is pathetic!” Lash shouted at the six guards on the ground.

“Stand down, now!” A justicar walked in with a rifle pointing straight at Lash. Lash backed up, with his hands up. He stepped over the fallen soldiers with a smirk.

“Refugee trash!” One of the guards said. Then Lash 'tripped' and brought his knee down on the guards face.

“I am Lash-Rao, a War Priest. Veteran of the Kandor war. I am not a refugee. Just like you are nothing more than a hired thug. A poorly trained hired thug.” Lash said with a smirk, then took the butt of a rifle to his temple and he blacked out.


“......I can not believe you hit a Veteran of the Kandor conflict!” A woman's voice shouted. Her piercing voice cut through the darkness that was Lash unconsciousness.

“Ma'am please, he attacked my men!” A familiar rifle totting voice said in a determined voice.

“Attacked your men!? I saw the same video you did, captain! The tremor hit you did nothing. The Priest was trying his best to help the injured, you did nothing! When you finally moved, you arrested both them. Then your men with out reason stunned one man, then went to stun the priest with provocation. The priest then systematically destroyed your unit. Not once did I see any of you scan for his identity which would have cleared this all up!” The woman's voice started low, but eventually reached a screaming volume.

“Congratulations, Lieutenant. You and your whole unit have been reassigned to border patrol for the next foreseeable future. I want you to remember this moment, when you decided sitting on your ass was better than doing your job! Take them away!” The woman said in a cold tone, then Lash heard the shuffled of boots. Along with the harsh tone of complains from men, and women being taken away.

Lash opened his eyes to find himself in what looked like a simple clinic. Grungy walls, grimy floor. A chemical cleaner smell stank to high heavens in the air. Lash had heard all sorts of stories about Krypton. So far, he was not impressed. He was laying across a bed that was in the shape of an egg, or an oval rather. A machine on a mechanical arm went up and down the bed scanning him in a blue light. A display to his left showed his vitals, along with his body structure. Concussion, cracked eye socket, cracked ribs, mild organ damage. The guards must have wailed on him when they knocked him out.

Every time the blue light passed over his body he saw a visible difference on the display window. Thankfully he wasn't in any pain, that may have something to do with the blue liquid in his IV drip. The world around him was disorienting, almost like he could see behind himself...Oh! Sensory Awareness had kicked on. He was getting use to it again. The door to the room slid open a woman wearing justicar gear walked in. She was in full uniform unlike the guards at the station.

Thigh high black leather boots, with black cargo pants. A black leather jacket, with metal polymer flex plate chest guard in the shape of an inverted triangle. Black leather gloves, with metal plates along the digits. A full face, metal helmet. With one bright red mechanical eye dead center where the forehead would be. While another smaller red mechanical eye where the mouth would be. The uniform had a utility belt with a side arm, stun baton, and magnetic cuffs. The woman appeared to be about 5' 10”, with a rectangular figure. The uniform left a lot to the imagination.

“Lash-Rao. First let me apologize for your experience at the south gate. I am Head Justicar of the barracks of city sector 68. Kemuna Ke-Zod, if you are feeling better I am here to escort you to your temple.” Kemuna said, she pulled off her helmet.

Kemuna Ke-Zod had light chocolate skin, pure golden amber eyes, and shoulder length multiple lock braided hair. On the ends of the braids were golden beads, each bead represented one of the confirmed demi-gods of Raoism. Which made Kemuna Ke-Zod a devote follower of Raoism. No wonder she was furious about Lash's treatment. Lash slowly sat up. He winced at the movement as the sensory display showed his ribs were still being healed. The mechanical arm beeped at him.

“I don't suppose you know where my luggage is? Or did the former gate guards decide to throw them away?” Lash asked, a small smile on his face. Kemuna smiled in return.

“No, we have your luggage. We have a transport waiting for us. We can take you directly to the barracks in sector 68 for better, more thorough medical treatment.” Kemuna offered, and Lash accepted. Kemuna replaced her helmet and gradually led Lash to the transport. Never once offering to help him. To do so would be an insult.

Kryptonopolis! Was huuuuuge! A mega-metropolis. The capitol city had 100 different sectors. Each sector varied in size but the average was 90-150 square miles. Then of course you had to account for the vertical architecture, and underground sections. Kryptonopolis had originally been designed by the legendary house of El. One of its ancestors was the genius behind the architecture use on Krypton. To this day the majority of homes, business, and sky toppling towers are designed after them. Which made use of every practical space, while still being aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

Monolithic towers made from steel, stone, and crystal reached for the stars above. A large central tower where the science council held court would shoot out beams of light. These beams of light would hit giant prisms at the top of each tower. Creating a rainbow effect that showered across the city sectors. Each sector had its own atmospheric tower that controlled the local weather. A weather forecast that you could set your watch to. Massive elevated urban highways stretched across the whole metropolis. Followed by rail lines, an elevated walk ways for pedestrians. Above all that were the flying transports lines that by passed all the bumper to bumper traffic, and wait lines on tram stations.

Lash could understand why Kara never spoke about the slums. They truly were out of sight, and out of mind. The pedestrian walk ways he saw were littered with trees, fountains, and street corner parks. But between the spaces of the walk ways was a massive drop. Beneath it all, was the low economy areas. You had to look for it, to see it. The justicar air transport turned into a gradual dive, pulling out of the air transport traffic line. Kemuna glanced at Lash several times during the whole trip. She sat in the back with him, as the pilot sat up front with another soldier.

“You want to ask, but your not sure if I'll be offended. I'm wont be, so ask.” Lash said to her, she looked at him for a bit then spoke with a bit of hesitation. Something that was odd for a member of house Zod.

“What was it like....Fighting the mechanical soldiers of the alien?” Kemuna said at last.

“Terrifying, but not for the reasons most would imagine. In the scriptures of Light. We are taught that everything under the red sun of Rao has been blessed, and given life through Rao, his children, and their children. Life and death are with in the palm of their hands. The alien took our dead. Reanimated them, and turned them into machines with a Krypton's face attached to it.” Lash said, as he searched through his memories. Acting reactivated, and sent him some experience.

“That was the main reasons why we lost so many. Not because of their armor, or their weapons. Not even their enhanced abilities. No, it was seeing the faces of our brothers and sisters screaming for help. Screaming for us to save them. I saw many soldiers freeze, unwilling to pull the trigger.” Lash said, as he closed his eyes and leaned his back in thought.

“Where they accepted into the light of Rao in the end?” Kemuna asked, her eyes searched his face hoping to see some glimmer of truth or lie.

“Yes, the Temple declared all souls captured by the alien had been released and sent to the embrace the gods themselves. Myself, along with many other temple guardsmen stayed for months after the conflict putting to rest of those we found.” Lash replied, running a hand over his calligraphy along his collar.

“Thank you for telling me. Every veteran I have spoken to speaks of the war with hatred. Many of the veterans from the war came back broken. My father, and brother included. They said even Rao could not guide them through their pain.” Kemuna said softly, she looked away and bit her lip in anguish.

“Bring them by the temple sometime, I may be able to help. One veteran to another.” Lash offered, and Kemuna turned to him with a smile.

“I will... No one from their unit survived. I think it will be good for them to talk about it.” Kemuna confessed her feelings on the matter. She was worried about her family.

The house of Zod had always been a military house. Full of brave, uncompromising warriors. Steadfast, duty bound, and skilled with out equal. To see some of its sons unable to carry on their duty was a shame on their house. But a shame they bore with some sense of pride. Because unlike so many that went out to defend their home. At least they came back alive. Especially since the alien war had claimed 87.3% of all soldiers who fought back.

The land transport landed on a pad right next to the barracks medical wing. While the rest of Krypton were towering structures that reached for the heavens. The house of El understood that a tower was not in mind with tactics and strategy. A barracks was a squat facility that had more than half of it underground in case of a bombing run. What part was above ground had trace elements of crystal stone that almost seem to have been grown out of the metal, and stone surrounding it. Each tower of crystal rose about a hundred feet in the air. Deep crimson veins glowed with energy, they pulsed like a heartbeat pumping blood through it. While the rest of the structure was dozen or so flat top pyramids. With spine like structures along the edges, and corners. It looked like a giant beast had swallowed a box, and it stuck out.

Lash was escorted into the barracks, the inside looked a lot like the outside. Winding halls looked like the inside of a rib cage. Making every hall way perfect for an ambush. The stone floor they walked on had crystal veins spreading through it. While mechanical drones floated on duel magnetic coils over head. Lash saw no less than five different patrols of soldiers moving through the hall ways. Practicing marching, drills, and maneuvers. Each door they came to slid aside with the sound of a master crafted sword being pulled from its sheath.

The medical wing was a little more... 'Normal' looking. Ocean blue walls, brown earth stone floors, with soft lighting above. Lash was placed on an expansive bed and multiple mechanical arms started to scan, and heal his body at an accelerated rate. Kemuna excused herself, she had work to do. Another unit had been assigned to him. Once he was finished they would escort him to his assigned temple in the sector.

Several of Lash's starting skills start to reactivate. They seem to activate in the order he obtained them. Oddly enough his Spell Domains remained inactive for now. Lash used the time to look through his implanted memories about Krypton. He was reasonably sure the Krypton he was on now. Was not the same Krypton that Kal, and Kara were a part of. Kara never once spoke about Brainiac. Her Krypton still had Kandor as the capitol of Krypton. So that meant a lot of the basic information he had may not be relevant. In fact a lot of the implanted memories didn't match up. He felt that was done on purpose.

When the medical bed finished with him. The automated systems notified the doctor. They gave him one last once over. Asked if he wanted any pain killers. Lash barked out a short laugh, and gave them the eye. The doctor, a soldier himself laughed and admitted that was a stupid question. He was escorted to another land transport. This one was far smaller. Remind Lash of a patrol car back on Earth. It had two spaces up front for a driver, and passenger. While the back was little more than a cage. At least he had his luggage, and he wasn't chained up. On the drive over, he checked his luggage. Blessings above and below everything was still there.

The transport landed after a few more minutes and the passenger opened the door for him. Since it didn't have a handle on the inside. He stepped out and was assaulted by a host of smells that almost made him gag. The soldier chuckled lightly at him. He offered Lash a sweet smelling stick. Something he could attach to his collar. He accepted it gratefully, it didn't remove the smell but certainly dulled it. The stench was of sweat, sick, blood, ozone, a combination of chemicals. While the scented stick reminded Lash of frankincense.

The justicar transport had landed on a specific law enforcement pad. If Lash had traveled normally he would have to have walked for several miles to get to his temple. But thanks to the justicars he was a few blocks away. The two justicars walked with him, keeping their hands on their side arms the whole way. Lash's temple was apparently in the rough part of town. Yay! The whole way to the temple Lash looked at the people, and sector they inhabited.

Sector 68 was a low economy zone. But it was also where a lot of the factories were. You know the type? The type of factories with horrible working conditions, low pay, and consumer goods that the city just can't live with out. But it is far cheaper for the company to pay a death compensation package to the grieving families. Than to improve the working conditions. So, the factories had a high turn over rate. Or rather a high death rate. This, these were Lash-Rao's new flock. Hazah!

The temple came into sight and it was a hole in the wall. Literally, the temple had been built into the wall that separated the sectors from each other. The doors leading to the temple were double white crystal doors. Or they were suppose to be if the doors were still around. Above the doors were massive windows of cracked crystal that depicted historical moments in the book of Rao. But they had been defaced, smashed in, or were simply missing. Inside the temple was a large cathedral, with a secondary floor above. Several ante chambers to the side for those that lived in the temple, along with a basement.

The whole thing was a mess, full of scattered furniture. Broken computer terminals, and several homeless that were incredibly surprised that they had to get out or be arrested by the justicar. Before the two officers left they put up two barricade warning signs. A yellow holographic stream of warning, do not enter was across the main doors. Lash thanked them, and they went on their way. The only door that had not been kicked in was his personal estate inside the temple.

The area that contained his home had a steel alloy door, with a reinforced frame. It had an eye, and hand print scanner. That also took a single drop of blood to look through his DNA. The door opened up, and he came to a welcome sight. He had a fully furnished loft. To the east side was a window covered by metallic shutters. An expansive living room, with a 5 star kitchen. A guest bedroom with a 1.5 bathroom. Then on the second floor that over looked the living area was the master bedroom with a full bathroom.

The floors were made of a light red type of wood. The stone walls had yellow crystal veins running through it that gave off ambient light. The ceiling! Oh, the ceiling had a simulated skyline! Currently it was night, and the simulated skyline showed the impressive sight of Krypton's two moons. One of which looked like it had been shattered at one point. While an expansive nebula of colors was behind them. Lash was very happy he spent those WP on a nice temple home. But before Lash could unpack his bags, and make something to eat a soft alarm went off in his home. He walked over to a terminal in a private study just off of the living room. A motion sensor had gone off in the main foyer, no camera feed unfortunately.

Figures, the moment he gets settled in someone comes looking for trouble. He left through his front door, it automatically locking behind him. He moved through the temple silently, half way to the foyer Stealth reactivated. Suddenly his jerky movements transformed into fluid movements. He came to the second floor balcony that overlooked the main area. There walking gradually between the ruined pews was a man. He had a leather jacket on, black pants, and boots. A multi colored t-shirt on that was a type bloody axe. He had a shaved head, with silver earrings entirely covering his left earlobe. Broad shoulders, muscular physique. With a don't bother me, and I wont bother you. Kinda of aura.

“May I help you?” Lash called down to the man, who whipped his head up and reached behind his back to his belt. Probably pulling out a gun of sorts. The man had bright silver eyes that narrowed in on him.

“Who are you?” The man asked, his hand still behind his back.

“I am Lash-Rao. War Priest here to restore this temple. You are in the house of Rao. I ask that you leave violence at the door.” Lash said in a clear tone. His voice reverberated off the stone walls.

“My name is Or-Jar, I am the second in command to the Bylock Syndicate. My boss wanted to make sure you got settled in. Wanted to make sure you knew the rules of the slums.” Or-Jar said, as he gradually pulled his hand away from his back.

“Give me a moment to come down. Not polite for me to shout down at you from on high.” Lash said with a smile. He bowed from his waist and turned on his heel. A minute later he was on the ground floor a few paces from Or-Jar. Lash clapped his hands together, and said a priestly greeting.

“May the light of Rao guide you on your path.” Lash said, a bit of a sly grin when Or-Jar flinched at the greeting.

“...Right.... The last priest kept his nose out of our business. So we kept ours out of his. The temple is neutral territory. A square block around the temple is your land. We'll do our best to keep our business, and transgressions out of it.” Or-Jar said, as he kept his eyes on Lash.

“I see, and if I provide medical aid to your syndicate will the other gangs keep themselves civil while I work on your people?” Lash asked, what he assumed was a simple question. But from Or-Jar's expression it wasn't.

“Medical treatment?” Or-Jar asked in confusion. As he looked around the temple expecting to see other people.

“Oh my yes. I am fully trained in field medicine. I was told I was setting up a free clinic in the temple. Were you not aware of that?” Lash asked, a grin growing across his face.

“No, no we were not. The last priest just held sermons, and kept to himself. Why don't you tell me what the temple told you. We'll go from there.” Or-Jar suggested, as he took out a e-pad about the size of an Earth phone. Maybe it was a phone?

“I am to rebuild the temple in sector 68. Expand the facilities with a basic free clinic, a basic free education center. Along with providing sermons to the faithful, and help bring a sense of peace to my flock. Basic translation, be a kinder Krypton so that others understand that not everyone in the world is a piece of shit.” Lash said the last bit with a wink, and a smile. Or-Jar, gave him a wry grin and nodded.

“I'll let the boss know about the changes. I'll come back tomorrow, and we'll see what we have. Thank you for your time, Lash.” He waved his hands in a serious of benign gestures. “May the light of Rao and all that.” Or-Jar said in horrible imitation of what Lash said.

“May the light of Rao ever guide you on your path, Or-Jar.” Lash said, and bowed from his waist to the man.

Lash played the good host and saw Or-Jar to the door. Where he found over a dozen men, and women waiting for him. They all look at him, and he at them. He bowed to them, and said the same greeting. They gave Lash the stereotypical eye roll, and facial expression an atheist would give a religious nut job. After they left, Lash went back to his 'home' and started to cook some dinner. He was hungry! He didn't have Self Sustenance or Natural Energy Absorption yet. So, he needed outside food intake.

Cooking reactivated when he was half way through preparing his meal. Then he finished up, and sat down for his meal. Thankfully, the shower worked with fresh hot water. He bathed, put on some sleep wear and crawled into bed. He set his internal Clock which oddly never grayed out. Then went to sleep. First time in a brand new, and strange place. He was only asleep for an hour when the motion detection alarm went off. He groaned, and rolled out of bed.

Lash slipped on his boots, pants, and a t-shirt. Then walked to his door, checked door way camera that was on the frame. Clear, he stepped out and locked the door behind him. Once again using Stealth he moved towards the foyer moving silently, and listening. Once again, he went up to the second floor balcony and looked down to see several people rolling out sleeping gear and setting down for the night. Lash grumbled and went back to his home, and crawled back into bed to sleep. He'd handle it in the morning.


Lash opened his eyes and looked at his internal Clock, 4:30 am. No dreams of past lives, which was odd. He rolled out of bed, then fixed the bed up. Moving down stairs he pushed several pieces of furniture out of the way and proceeded to do a set of aerobic exercises, practice his Martial Arts, and tried to channel his Spell Domains. Nothing...

Currently Lash was 6'6”, with a bald head with no tribal marks. An athletic figure, with no visible scars except for the jagged scar across his neck that he has always had. He had a healthy skin tone, but not tanned. He reached across his link and could feel Saurian. However the big reptile was asleep, or in a half daze. He could almost see the creature try and stretch out but couldn't find the space. Frustratingly so, so he just curled back up and went to sleep.

Lash finished up, took a shower and prepared a simple breakfast. Cleaned up, and went to his door. Checked the door frame camera. Clear, then walked out to start working on the temple. He reached the bottom floor and clapped his hands to wake up his guests. Who all shouted, and cursed at him. One even took up a metal pipe and tried to take a swing at him. Lash caught the man's hand and flipped him over onto his back with a hip throw. But didn't go any further.

“Ladies, gentlemen. I am Lash-Rao, War Priest assigned to this temple. I understand that you normally sleep here. But I am about to start rebuilding. You can of course stay for now, but I will be making a lot of noise. Keep that mind.” Lash said, as he released his current wayward sheep.

“Oh? Were sorry! Please don't call the justicars!” One of the men said as he scrambled to his feet.

“I have not called, nor will I call unless given a reason to. All of you are children of Rao under his guiding light. I hope one day you will all join us in prayer, and song. Once the temple is operational I plan to start giving out free medical care, and food in the future.” Lash said with a benevolent smile. His smile apparently instilled fear into the homeless because they scrambled to leave barely taking the time to gather their things.

Their reaction was oddly on point. The religious guilds of Krypton were enigmatic, and in many cases ruthless. To the homeless, Lash may have as well invited to them to eat supper in his gingerbread house. All the while fattening them up for the real meal at a later time. He followed them out all be it slowly. Once he reached his door he found the two holographic warning signs had been pulled out of the ground. He raised his arms up and shouted for all to hear.

“May the light of Rao bless, and guide all those that accept it!” Lash called out, getting more than a few astounded looks.

“And to you as well.” Someone from the crowd said, Lash smiled toward their direction and went back inside.

Krypton! Herald as one of the most scientifically advanced civilizations in the known galaxy! Still had not invented something that could replace a broom, and a dust pan! Lash started at the top floor and slowly made his way down. Making multiple trips to the filled garbage can outside the temple. He started to break down, and tear apart the broken furniture dragging it outside and setting it next to the garbage can. The stench of rot was unbearable each time he visited the dumpster. Then he found a body was decomposing under several bags. A body that had been there for what looked like weeks. Weeks!? When was the last time anything came to pick up trash around here?

Lash went to his home, and looked up the automated trash collection. He sent a complaint about the dumpster outside his temple. List the registration number and requested it be picked up immediately. He received a rapid message in reply, stating it would be cleaned up in an hour. Wonderful! So, Lash went back to work. Two hours went by, no pick up. He went back to his terminal and he received a message stating that they had retrieved the dumpster. No, no they had not. He said as much in his message. They apologized, and sent word it would be fixed with in the hour. Two hours later, no pick up.

“Why doesn't this ever get picked up!?” Lash yelled, as he stood next to the dumpster pointing at it. A few people near by laughed at him and went back to their lives.

“The automated drones don't come down here, priest. The workers will just check off that they've been here since no one upstairs is going to check their work.” An older woman said as she walked by.

“Oh, really? Well then I'll just have to make a show of it then. Shall I!” Lash said with a grin. He walked back inside and picked up some flammable cleaner he found in his home. Then he came out, poured the cleaner over the dumpster and set it on fire. Fwoooosh! The whole thing lite up like a burning man effigy.

Lash went to sit on his temple steps. Only a few hundred feet from the dumpster fire and he waited. Then he waited a little more....Then a little more. Nothing. No justicars, no automated fire drones, nothing! The smell was over powering, he had thought it was bad before. But burning rot, flesh, and what ever else was in the dumpster made several people vomit. The sun eventually set on sector 68, and the dumpster fire continued well into the night. Just as we was about to turn in for the night a patrol car for showed up.

“Priest! Did you see who set the fire?” The patrolman asked as he walked over.

“Yes, I did.” Lash confessed, and the officer stopped mid stride. Clearly not expecting that answer. He turned to look at his partner, then they accessed their communicator.

“Why did you set the fire?” The second patrolwoman asked.

“That dumpster has been full for over a month. I called the garbage pick up, they said they would clean it up in under an hour. Didn't happen, so I called them again, nothing happened. Finally I was informed that the automated drones don't come down here. The workers don't come down either, they just tell their supervisors its done. Because no one will check. So, I set it on fire to get some ones attention. That was 10 hours ago.” Lash said, as he checked his clock.

“We...got a report of intense smoke covering the walk way above. We were sent down to investigate the source...” The patrolman said... Lash gave him a deadpanned expression.

“Call the garbage pick up, and tell them to do their jobs.” Lash said, his voice took on an edge. Commanding Presence reactivated. Both of the officers stood at attention, as if a drill sergeant had shouted at them.

“Yes, sir!” The patrolwoman said, and got on her communicator.

After a few minutes a voice with authority yelled over the communicator at the patrol officers. Demanding to know why they are ordering a garbage pick up in sector 68. The patrol officers were at a lost. Lash stood up and walked over to them, and asked for the communicator. They grimaced but gave it to him eventually. At which point Lash bit the head off of the man on the other end. Calling him a collection words that would make a sailor blush. Lash then used his resident priest rank to threaten the man. Silence was all he got on the other end. Thirty minutes later a fire drone, and garbage pick up arrived. Progress!

Lash got both officers names, ranks, and ID number. He said he would check on them. If they got punished for playing messenger he would send the wrath of Rao on who ever fucked with his flock! At the stroke of midnight the garbage fire was put out, and the trash can cleaned. The patrol officers left, filled with dread with each step. They knew they were about to be chewed out for something that was out of their hands. Once the justicar patrol car was out of sight. Or-Jar, and his crew walked on up.

“You had a busy day.” Or-Jar said with a smirk. Lash rolled his eyes, and bowed from his waist to him.

“May the light of Rao guide you on your path, brother Or-Jar.” Lash finished, then said the same thing to his companions. Who gave him a look of confusion.

“How are you with setting bones?” Or-Jar asked, as a pair of people was holding a stretcher with a man laying across it.

“To the clinic!” Lash called out, and directed them inside towards the clinic that was little more than an empty room with a metal table in the center.

“Supplies haven't come yet?” Or-Jar asked, as he ran a finger along the table coming away with a layer of dust.

“They won't call till I can guarantee security in the temple. So a front door will be nice.” Lash said, as he helped the men set the broken man down on the table.

Just as Lash started to go through the basic exercises for EMT's. Basic Medicine activated, along with Other Worldly Lore. Since Kryptonians had different physiology, Lash was happy for the extra boon in knowledge. The man had broken his femur. Lash excused himself for a moment. Then came back with a damp rag, and some rope. Then he began to smother the man with the rag who fought for a brief moment and passed out.

Lash had to explain to the people pressing a gun to his head that he needed his patient knocked out for the next part. He then instructed the men around him to hold the injured man down. He tied the rope off at the man's shoulder. Found a piece of wood from a broken furniture to measure the length. He tied other end of the rope on the mans boot. Made a slip knot, took a steady breath and gently pulled until his leg popped!

Lash applied pressure looking for any reaction to the unconscious man. Any build up in fluid? Discoloration of the skin, checked his pulse. Great! He didn't pinch the femoral artery when he set the bone. He crafted a makeshift splint, and wrapped it up in shredded curtains. He stood back and smiled with satisfaction. Then Or-Jar pulled out a device and scanned the man looking over the information. He smiled at his people and they took the man away.

“Good job!” Or-Jar said, while Lash glared at him.

“You realize if I done that incorrectly he would have died?” Lash said in a growling tone of voice.

“Yes, but you didn't. You can set a broken femur with rope, and curtains. Then you must be a miracle with actual equipment. Let us know when your supplies are suppose to come in. We'll make sure they get here.” Or-Jar handed Lash a simple communicator with only one number saved in it.

“May the light of Rao guide you on your path.” Lash said with a grumble. Or-Jar grinned at him, and this whole crew left.

Lash packed it up, went to his 'home'. Made some dinner, took a shower. His clothes were auto cleaned in the washer. He curled up in bed, and his motion sensor alarm went off. Fuck! He got his clothes on and went to check it out. Homeless people again, he rolled his eyes and went back to bed. He woke up at 4:30 am like always. Again no dreams. He got up, fixed his bed. Did his exercises. When he went to take a shower he looked at his reflection and saw the clear outline of a tribal tattoo for his Nature Domain. He checked his User interface and found that the Domain was active. But all of his spells were still grayed out. But! He had access to his cantrips, and passive abilities.

Intermediate Natural Energy Absorption reactivated at last. He came out and fixed up a heal, in a far better mood than he was before. Cleaned up after the meal, went to his door. Checked the door frame camera, clear! He stepped into the temple. Walked to the foyer to see several men with guns holding the homeless hostage. They turned to see his approach. These men looked like the stereotypical punks you would see in most cities. Ragged clothing, spike fetish across their clothing. With spike hair, tattooed bodies, with one particular addition. Their fists were tattooed crimson red. Basic Criminal Underworld Lore reactivated, and Basic Cosmic Awareness.

These were the blood fists gang! Rivals of the Bylock Syndicate. They were ruthless cut throats who handled the drug, prostitution, and smuggling ring in the outer city. While the Bylock's did the same but with more class, and better product. Before the men could say anything, Lash used his pheromone control to slow down their reaction time. Basically they became drunk! Lash sprinted forward throat punched one of the blood fists and crushed his wind pipe.

Lash then jumped to the next gunmen, and kicked in his knee so it bent backwards. A blood curdling scream went out before Lash stepped behind him and snapped his neck. Lash took the gun, and shot the rest in the head. A bullet each! Advanced Weapon Master reactivated. From start to finish was less than ten seconds. The homeless had stayed on their knees, one of them had pissed themselves. Lash collected the guns, and their cred sticks. He told the homeless to leave. They left as quickly as they could.

Lash dragged the bodies towards the front of the temple. Went back inside, he found some more rope. He tossed the rope through his broken windows and hung up the bodies. Using his hands he dipped them in the blood fists blood and scribbled on the wall in Kryptonian. 'Don't fuck with a War Priest.' Then went back inside, cleaned up. Then started to clean the temple up for the day. The whole day passed with out a single visitor. Lash must have walked through his front door over a dozen times to throw trash away. Blood from the gangsters just continued to drip across the street. Until the Bylock Syndicate showed up with Or-Jar.

“Busy day?” Or-Jar said as he stood in the foyer. He pointed back to the bodies.

“Oh no, that was just my morning. Why are there blood fists in the Bylock's territory?” Lash asked, as he took a seat on one of the few intact pews.

“They tend to go after easy marks. They don't do their homework. That their stuff?” Or-Jar looked a pile of side arms, wallets, and cellite sticks. (Cigarettes)

“Yes, please by all means take them. I have no use for them.” Lash offered, one of Or-Jar's men came over and put them all in a bag. Or-Jar handed Lash a cred stick with a few hundred credits.

“Or-Jar, why haven't I see any justicar patrols? The only patrol car was the one that investigated the dumpster fire.” Lash asked a question that had been bothering him. Or-Jar raised his brow at him.

“The justicars don't patrol 68's streets. They patrol the factories, but not the streets. Haven't in decades.” Or-Jar said, clearing up the confusion. Lash found it hard to believe that Kemuna would shirk her duty. So that either meant her subordinates have been lying to her. Or she had no orders to patrol the streets.

“We can take the bodies off your hands if you like?” Or-Jar offered, and Lash accepted. He untied the rope and the bodies dropped. They were dragged away by Or-Jar's men who bid Lash goodnight.

Magical Perception reactivated and Lash chose to flip through his different perceptions. When he swapped out for the realm of the dead. He found the spirits of the blood fists sitting outside the temple. Lost and confused they wondered listlessly around the square in front of the temple itself. Lash turned to look at the temples main room and found a dark shadow creature was curled up in the over hang.

“Hello!” Lash called out to the creature. Sensing no malevolent energy from it. The creature opened his eyes, all sixteen of them and peered down at Lash. It stretched out like a cat, yawning loudly. Then it flapped its massive wings and flew down to meet him. The creatures darkness energy swallowed the whole front sitting area, the nave.

“Who are you little one, you smell different than the last priest who resided here.” The creature said to him with partial telepathy, and spoke perfect Kryptonian.

“I am Lash, with my partner Saurian. We travelers through space, and time.” Lash replied truthfully, understanding that lying to the creature would be ill advised.

“I am a spawn of the god Nightwing, and the goddess Flamebird. Greetings unto you traveler from afar. Do you bring fortune, or misfortune to our lands?” The creature of darkness spoke in an eloquent manner.

“Bit of both, you can not have one with out the other. A calamity approaches Krypton, though I do not have the strength to stop it. I have been tasked to save its peoples future.” Lash replied to the creature, the creature of darkness nodded in acceptance.

“Your words ring true. Our world is dying, this we know. Many of us have left for the stars. But we do not know where to go.” The creature replied, his voice becoming morose.

“Perhaps when I leave your world those that remain may come with me. The world I call home is full of fantastical creatures, beings of power, and gods with goddess of all kinds. You may not find a home there, or you may. All I present is an opportunity.” Lash said to the creature, it swung its head around and leaned forward. Its brow touched upon Lash, and for a brief moment they shared their thoughts.

“A wonderful, if not chaotic land you come from. I will go and tell my brothers and sisters of the offer. Some may accept, others may not. But I will be among them that will venture for the opportunity. You will know me by my name, Gozith!” Gozith said, his voice calling out like an eagle cry.

“Accept my blessing for your temple, and for your self Lash, and partner Saurian. Farewell until we meet at the twilight's dawn.” Gozith said, and flew off through the broke window panes. His shape slipped past like a shadow.

Congratulations User! You've gained the blessing of Gozith. A child of the God Nightwing: Hunter of Darkness. And the Goddess Flamebird: Daughter of Rao.

Effect: Darkness Manipulation, The User can create, shape, and manipulate darkness, and shadows.

Effect: The beings, spirits, and creatures of Krypton like you 10% more.

Effect: The temple has been blessed with good luck.

Cool... Darkness Manipulation from a Rift? This would pay for the whole trip! Lash practiced his Stealth skill and noticed the shadows would reach out for him, while he was inside a shadow it almost wrap itself around him like an affectionate pet. Night Eye reactivated, and seem to also improve. He could see in total darkness as if it was total daylight now. That was in his default human shape, awesome!

The next morning at 4:30 am Lash awoke, fixed his bed. Did his exercises, and practiced his Nature Domain. Sooth, and Nature's Supplement reactivated. He cast his two favorite spells on himself and felt invigorated! He made himself some breakfast, he ate a large mynox egg. Need to make an omelet? Break only one egg! He'd after to go shopping soon, unless he got the rest of his spell domains back soon.

The foyer was free of homeless people! He stepped outside and notice a lack of foot traffic in front of the temple. Though he did notice a very large pool of blood where the bodies had been hanging. Maybe he put the fear of god into his flock? Maybe Gozith's blessing warded them off, who knows! Lash went inside, then came back out with sign that said. 'Free blessings!' Then went back in to start cleaning.

After a few hours of cleaning he was at last finish sweeping, and clearing out the top floor of the temple. Only three more to go! As he was scrubbing down a wall with a chemical wash that was bringing tears to his eyes he heard a shout in the nave. He walked down to the second floor balcony that over looked the area. A woman was standing there with two children. The kids looked terrified to be in the temple. But the woman held fast looking at the shadows in the temple.

“Hello! May the light of Rao guide you on your path!” Lash called out, the kids jumped in fright. The woman glared up at him for scaring the kids. He smiled down at them.

“The sign out front said free blessings. What is that about?” The woman asked, Lash's smile grew and came down to the first floor.

“Come kneel before the shrine and receive the blessing of Raoism.” Lash said as he climbed the stairs. The altar in question was filthy, Lash hadn't cleaned it yet. The altar had a glyph that represented all 14 major gods, and goddesses. Along with the 211 demigods, and 1402 titans. Along with the primary glyph of Rao.

“Seriously? I was hoping for a meal.” The woman said with an unhappy expression on her face.

“You have my word that if you do not feel the divine spirit. I will give you credits to buy a meal.” Lash continued to grin at them. The woman begrudgingly accepted, she brought her kids over. Knelt before the shrine and bowed her head. The kids followed her example.

Lash cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement on all three of them. The greenish blue energy glowed from his tribal marks, and enveloped the three. Sooth removed toxins, built up chemicals, and cleaned the crap out of their bodies. Nature's Supplement gave them all the vitamins, minerals, proteins, and resources to fill their bodies, and minds. They would be riding that high for days! The woman gasped, as she looked up. Seeing the last trails of energy drifting from Lash's body, or rather the altar as he stood behind it. Tears welling up in her eyes.

“It's real!? It's all real!” She shouted in shock.

“The light of Rao watchers over all. Do not dismay, for we are all lost until we find our own way. Rao does not shame you for losing your way. But welcomes you with open arms!” Lash smiled, as Acting, and Other Worldly Lore got a chunk of experience.

Just for good measure, Lash gave the woman a cred stick. With enough money to buy meals for the next few days as long as she was careful. But the blessing is what really mattered! That was all it took, she went to all her friends and family telling them of the blessing she had received from the priest in the temple. This brought more people to Lash, he gave them all a 'blessing' of nature. By the end of the day over a hundred people had been blessed. Then something he hadn't seen in a long, long time showed up.

Congratulations User! Minor Sooth, and Minor Nature's Supplement have evolved!

Minor Sooth has evolved into Basic Sooth. (Chap. 12)

Effect: Works more efficiently on mundane, magical, meta, alien types, and origins.

Effect: Pulls out negative spell energy, then converts more of it into magical ambient energy, and grants caster 25% more in return.

Minor Nature's Supplement has evolved into Basic Nature's Supplement.

Effect: Works more efficiently on mundane, magical, meta, alien types, and origins.

Effect: Increases the bodies natural ability to recover and heal.

Effect: Restores 0.5% of the targets total health, and energy.

Hot damn! It had been over a year since they last evolved! If he could just get Nature's Kiss to activate he could evolve it as well. Since he normally casts all three together. But that was enough for now, just as the last individual was blessed and left with a spring in their step. Or-Ja showed up with his retinue. He had a bemused expression on his face.

“I've heard you've been blessing people all day. A few of our addicts said they were clean again. No side effects?” Or-Ja said as he looked around the temple.

“Ah! I am sorry I didn't think about that. I gather they will not be return customers?” Lash asked, honestly surprised about that development.

“Some will, some wont. Not a big deal. The boss want's to know if you got body cleaners in?” Or-Ja asked. Body cleaners were exactly what they sounded like. A chemical that was pumped through the system to flush them of all its toxins and chemicals. Only it took several hours to complete, and was expensive.

“Nope! I was granted permission by the temple to start giving out blessings. They are small, but when show the light of Rao. Something is always better than nothing. Would you are your people like a blessing?” Lash asked, a grin on his face. Or-Ja raised a brow at him, he gestured toward one of his people who rolled his eyes.

Lash climbed the stairs to the altar, and the man took a knee. Lash gestured for him to bow his head in reverence. Eventually the man complied after Or-Ja clear his throat loudly. Then the green and blue energy flowed like water from the altar and swallowed the man. Or-Ja and his crew stepped back in shock. When it was over, the man in front of the altar jumped up with new life. The bags under his eyes were gone. The light of life shined in his eyes. He stared down at his hands, then felt his face in wonder.

“What...Who?” The man asked.

“Mordo, the god of strength has renewed you. Any and all who wish to receive the blessings of the gods. Come before the altar!” Lash said with a bright smile. No one moved...

“Whats the trick?” Or-Ja asked, his silver eyes narrowed as he walked up the altar. Lash stepped out the way and let the man examine the altar.

“No trick. I will admit that once I clean the altar the effect will be far greater. But even now the power of-” Lash began, but was cut off.

“Cut the shit! The religious hoodoo is nothing but a scheme to get idiots to pay their credits to the temple!” Or-Ja yelled at Lash, then Or-ja along with the rest of the crew went pale.

Lash's nature tribal mark glowed brightly. As pieces of Lash's face peeled back to reveal scales. Claws grew from his hands, and an in-krypton growl vibrated from deep with in his chest. Their hind brains screamed at them to run. As Lash once more reactivated the Transformation power. He his eyes turned yellowish green, and became reptilian.

“Take care of how you speak while in their house. Or-Ja, I understand the priests before me were nothing more than charlatans. But I promise you, the gods and goddesses of Krypton are very real. I will not have you insult them, or their followers in my presence. Understood!” Lash bit off the last word with a snap of his jaws. A ghostly image of his shroud started to grow over him.

“What the fuck are you!?” Or-Ja screamed in panic, before leaping off the altars steps and joining his crew. They all pulled out their side arms, pointing them at Lash. But each one of them had unsteady hands.

Lash stretched his clawed hands out, and the shadows stretched from the walls. It looked the shadow of a great beast was above them. The temperature dropped so far that they could see their breath. Lash pointed a clawed hand down to the floor, and narrowed his eyes at them. His voice was that of Lash, and Saurian together.

“Kneel! Bow your head in reverence and receive the blessing of the gods, and goddesses.... Now!” Lash said, using Command Presence. One by one they dropped to their knees. Or-Ja was the last. They eventually dropped their guns, and bowed their heads. Lash cast an area of effect, Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss onto them.

Congratulations User! Minor Nature's Kiss has evolved into Basic Nature's Kiss.

Effect: The caster may heal a target for 50% of their total health once every 6 hours. Per target.

Effect: If the target is at full health, the heal will repair old injuries of the body, mind, and soul.

Effect: Works more efficiently with mundane, magical, alien, meta types, and origins.

Several of the crew screamed out in pain as old injuries that never healed right corrected themselves. Scars, damaged tissue, even fingers that were gone started to regrow. They felt renewed, refreshed, and healed! Several of them dropped to all fours and started to cry. Or-Ja looked up in horror as Lash had returned to his default human shape. He smiled now, all of the horrifying energy removed after the blessing as if it never was.

“See, no trick! I am not a charlatan but a chosen priest of Raoism. This is what true faith can provide to its people. Rise now, and return to your lives. May the light of Rao guide you on your path.” Lash said to them, and one by one they said so in return.


So it continued for the next few days. Eventually with the help of many people who came for a blessing. They helped Lash clean the temple out. Once all the blood, grime, and extra stuff that will remained unnamed was removed. The temple was declared to be reopened. One by one, more and more of Lash's skills, powers, traits reactivated. But just as before his Spell Domains were last.

He used his contacts back at temple prime and arranged for the equipment for the free clinic, and education center to be sent over. He informed the Bylock syndicate of the delivery day, as well as the justicars. It was said to arrive tomorrow morning. Lash had been in the fragment for a week now. One month, and three weeks left till the explosion of Krypton. A single mild tremor happened everyday now. As the sun set and Lash finished with his last blessing in the evening. His flock left him in peace, though he still didn't have any doors on the temple. A member of the chapter had hand sewn some curtains. Lash was delighted!

Instead of retiring for the evening Lash sat at the steps of his temple with a thermos like contraption. Except it was shaped like a gravy bowl? He had found something remarkably similar to coffee. Called a tylak plant? The roots were ground up into paste, then boiled. It looked putrid green but it did the same thing. The cargo transport was to land in the temple square. Lash was watching, waiting for an attack from the blood fists, or another rival gang. If this wasn't a dynamic event, he didn't know what else it would be. Maybe, just maybe nothing would happen.

Lash heard the clear clatter, rattle, and clack of a dice being rolled. Lash stayed on the steps of this temple, drinking his tylak. But he kept his eyes on swivel. No streets were operational around his temple. Hadn't been fixed in years. But on the outside edge of his vision were people moving in the shadows. Thanks to Night Eye, and Darkness Manipulation he could see them perfectly. Blood fists, and another group...Justicars? A single medical bed could go for over 100,000 credits on the black market.

“So tell me Justicars! Does Kemuna know your out here. Or are you off duty!” Lash shouted into the dark. Everyone froze, no one breathed, no one twitched. There was no way he saw them?

“Alright, shall we ask the blood fists? Looking to seize the cargo before it finishes unloading? Or is this retaliation because I took out your trash for you?” Lash yelled again, looking over towards the blood fists direction. Then a large man stood up straight and walked out from the shadows. The only light coming from the temple with in.

“Bit of both I think. The blood fists rush in to obtain the cargo. Making off with half its wealth. The priest of the temple is killed in the action. The patrolling justicars arrive, but to late to save the priests. They drive off the blood fists, and keep the rest of the cargo. We get our share, they get a medal, everyone wins.” The big man said with a sneer, as he took out a knife that was a long as his forearm.

“Except the people of the sector 68. So many people are waiting for that clinic, for the education simulator. Children hoping for a better future than their parents. You would take that from them?” Lash said, as he put his drink down and stood up to face his foe.

“Most of us wont live to see the end of the year. The only thing we can do is grab what every we can, have what ever pleasures we can find. Then die early. I've made peace with that years ago. I've heard of you, you've even helped a few our people. You do good work, so just to let you know. Its not personal, just business.” The man said, as the blood fists started to come out of the shadows. The rogue justicars stayed hidden.

“May the light of Rao guide you on your path to the afterlife!” Lash said, and he raised his hands and total darkness swallowed the square. Screams of panic echoed off the stone walls as Lash sprinted into the group, claws extended.

Guns shots rang out, quickly followed by screams and the squelching sound of flesh being ripped, and blood gushing out. Bodies dropped in the total darkness, and fear gripped the rogue justicar sitting on the side lines. The justicars reached for their communicator moving to request aid from their fellow traitors but all they got was static. Then with hearts beating erratically the total darkness swallowed their position. One by one they fell, rip, rend, and tear until it was done! (Doom)

The darkness receded and Lash stood in temple square surrounded by bodies. He looted them for weapons, gear, cred sticks. Then he cast Decomposition on the bodies. They turned to rot, and dirt soon enough. The ambient magical energy filling the air. Lash flipped out his communicator that he had received from Or-Jar, and informed the individual on the other end that he had been attacked. But he took care of it. He had loot to be collected if they cared to arrive before sunrise.

A crew of Bylock showed up, Or-Jar was not with them. He never came back after the first blessing he received from Lash. It was always a lieutenant or lower who came to see him. But every single one of them was terrified of Lash, and was respectful towards him. They took the weapons, armor, clothing, everything but their ID tags. Those Lash kept for another purpose. They paid him in cred sticks and said they would be back in the morning to help. Lash blessed them all, and he gained a few more faithful followers, and few more terrified individuals.

“Hello, may I please speak to Head Justicar Kemuna Ke-Zod. This is Lash-Rao, War Priest of the temple in sector 68.” Lash said into his communicator. He called the barracks as the sky above was starting to lighten up. Which was impressive since a pedestrian walk way over shadowed the area.

“Lash-Rao, hello! It is good to hear from you. I heard your equipment was arriving today. Don't worry my people see it sent safely to you.” Kemuna said happily, her voice was filled with genuine belief that her people would accomplish the task.

“Kemuna Ke-Zod. I was attacked last night by the blood fist gang, and rogue justicars that wanted the shipment. I have video footage of the attack, and the ID tags of the justicar.” Lash said over the comms. Silence was all he received on the other line.

“War Priest Lash-Rao please stand by a unit is on the way.” Another voice said over the communicator. Lash cut off the link, and stayed on the temple stairs.

Lash was covered in blood, he had multiple knife slashes through his clothes. A few bullet holes, and a burn from an incendiary grenade one of the justicars had thrown. He had let his Regeneration slowly heal his wounds but eventually turned it off. He needed to look the part. With in a few minutes of the call a dozen or so justicar patrol vehicles were over head. Along with a troop transport, a dozen justicar repelled down in full battle gear. These were not the rookies, and scumbags Lash had dealt with. These were fully trained justicars.

One by one the patrol cars landed and more troops piled out. The temple square looked the part. Blood was scattered, along with a few fleshy bits that Lash has specifically left behind. Grenade exposure on the sides, and the bullet casings from justicar rifles were unmistakable to veterans. Kemuna came out of the last patrol car and marched straight up to Lash. He didn't get up, she just stared down at him. Her body was trembling, he could feel the rage boiling off of her. Mad at him? Mad at her men? Lash tossed the ID tags to her, fifteen had died last night.

“These were the soldiers assigned to help with delivery today. Where are the bodies?” Kemuna asked, as she looked back to Lash after she handed the tags off to her aid.

“Gone, to the bio feeder. Mushrooms need shit to grow after all.” Lash said in a brutal tone. Several of the soldiers flinched, and a few looked at him. They all had helmets on, but the glares were clear. “Would you like to see the videos?” Lash asked, Kemuna nodded. He stood up and walked inside.

Kemuna walked behind him, followed closely by her aid. The rest of the justicar secured the area and awaited the cargo shipment. Lash led them to his home in the temple. Kemuna paused at the door for a brief moment before she said a prayer under her breath. Then stepped inside, Lash led them to his study and played the video. A few days ago one of his followers was a security tech for one of the factories. Lash had paid them to set up camera's in the temple, and around it.

“I'm sure you know this. But if you flip a electromagnetic lens through the video. In the arms of the justicar are identifies of their names, and ranks. That is why the justicars put such an emphasis on everyone wearing their gear, and no one else.” Lash said, as he flipped through a different visual spectrum. There they were, each justicar in the night raid with their ID's plain as day.

Kemuna knuckles were shaking in rage. Lash could hear her grinding her teeth. The justicars had done hand signals, and were seen talking to the blood fist. Lash turned up the audio. They idiotically spoke about their entire plan on record. Then Kemuna watched the big bag walk out, talk to Lash. Then the screen went dark. Not even a camera could pierce the darkness. But Kemuna, and her aid could hear the screams. The sounds of rifle firing, the explosion of an incendiary grenade. Then the darkness faded and all that remained were bodies. Lash stopped the video after that.

“Wait outside...” Kemuna said to her aid who saluted, and nodded towards Lash. She stepped outside the loft. The door closing and locking behind them. Kemuna took off her helmet, her eyes were down cast.

Lash left his study, and Kemuna followed. He went to his kitchen and made a cup of tylak for both of them. It was something to do while Kemuna collected her thoughts. When the drinks were prepared Lash placed the cub in front of her. She sat in chair around the dinning room table. Staring at her cub of hot tylak. Lash kept his silence slowly sipping on his own drink.

“If you were inspecting my sector, Lash-Rao. What would you say about it?” Kemuna asked, finally looking up to meet his eyes.

“I only have the area around my temple as an example, is that enough?” Lash asked, his tone level. She nodded in acceptance. “I would say its worth you being demoted down to the rank of private for how badly you have managed this sector. I have been here a week, I have not seen a single patrol through its streets. The people in the sector tell me that no patrols have been seen in the streets for decades. The justicar are hired thugs, that patrol the factories, and beat up any one who mouths off to their supervisors.” Lash said in brutal honesty, Kemuna clenched her jaw but looked at him to keep going.

“The first days I was here. The dumpster outside the temple was stacked full with trash that had been there for months. A rotted, decayed body was stashed there. Been there for weeks. I contacted the garbage collectors twice. Only to find out that no one comes down to the dumpsters. Drones don't come because they are picked off by the scavengers in the slums. Workers don't come, but they tell their supervisors the job is done. They get away with it because they know, no one will check their work.” Lash took a moment to drink, holding up a finger to tell her to wait.

“I set the dumpster on fire. No one showed up! No fire drones, no garbage drones, no patrol officers. It was sun down, while the fire still raged that a justicar unit showed up. But it wasn't for the fire itself, but the billowing smoke that choked the upper level pedestrian walk ways. If the smoke hadn't been an issue no one would have shown up.” Lash continued, licking his lips as Kemuna was now gripping the table and it was groaning under the pressure.

“The next day, the blood fists attacked me in the temple. They held several homeless at gun point. I killed them, and saved the homeless. I then tied the dead bodies up in front of my temple for the entire day! Writing a message in blood, 'Don't fuck with a War Priest.' Want to know what happened?” Lash asked, and Kemuna nodded her slightly.

“Nothing! I highly doubt any one reported it. But if any one did not one showed up. Except for the Bylock Syndicate. The Syndicate has been more helpful than the justicars. Oh by the way the patrol group that finally came to investigate the trash fire. They got screamed at by their superior, I had to threaten him with the religious guild. They in turn got their asses chewed out and demoted for doing their jobs. Here are their names, ranks, and ID code. Along with their supervisor. Demote that shit head, and get them back to where they belong please.” Lash said to her, she took the information and tucked it away.

“You are a ZOD!” Lash said, emphasizing the name. Kemuna flinched, but kept her eyes on him.

“Tell me, how does a Zod fail in such a spectacular fashion?” Lash asked, his voice taking on a hard edge. Kemuna looked like she had been chewing glass, and was forced to swallow it.

“But, as I said that is just in my part of the sector. For all I know the rest of it is picture perfect. But from what my faithful say? It's not, it is the same hole all over. This doesn't feel like you. I know! I know, I don't really know anything about you. But I know house Zod. So where is your attention going?” Lash asked, his voice was softer now. He truly wanted to know.

“I am in charge of the barracks, and all its holdings. My brother, and father serve under me. They have never been the same since the attack. They are, lethargic. Broken, disconnected, and unconcerned with the world around them. They turn to narcotics, and seek out pleasures else where not befitting of house Zod. I have turned a blind eye to them. They are in charge of the area, and the factories. I train the troops in the barracks. Every week I ask for a progress report, and they look at me with lifeless eyes and declare everything is normal.” Kemuna said at long last, a tear falling down her cheek. She quickly cleaned her face, stood up from the table and walked away attempting to get her head on straight.

“Bring them to me...” Lash said, he used Commanding Presence. Kemuna's entire body shivered then she turned around and nodded resolutely. She downed her now cooled tylak, grabbed her helmet. She stuck it on and left the loft.

Lash's equipment showed up. The free clinic was a simple room with medicine, tools, and a single medical bed. They also installed a steel alloy door, with reinforced frame, and DNA scanner. The only person with access was Lash. Then another room was cleared out and a education holographic teaching tool was placed. It was fully authorized to give out basic educated certificates. As long as any child, or adult passed with in the top 15% they could apply for a job outside of sector 68. Which Lash found out, that 68 was the worse sector in the whole capitol. Last but not least security doors were installed at the front! Yes the windows were still broken, but it was progress!

When the red sun rose to its zenith. Kemuna returned with her father, and brother. Both in magnetic cuffs. Along the edge of temple square was veteran justicar that were keeping the public back. Wym-Zod the father was a grizzled old war veteran with a haunted look in his eyes. He was rail thin, with pasty black skin, and unfocused eyes. He was forced to his knees, and didn't even put up a fight. Tak-Zod was the brother, he was a little more aware. He was yelling at the justicars handling him, threatening them with the wrath of his sister. Who he didn't even realize was standing behind them. Tak-Zod looked a lot like his father. Pasty brown, thin, and injector sores on his neck from drugs. He to was forced to his knees.

This was an awkward moment. Lash recognized these two. They were a part of his background that Dawn had implanted in his head. Lash took a deep breath, raised his arms into the air and silence dominated the temple square. Kemuna looked up at him, confusion clear on her face as she removed her helmet. Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on them both. The greenish blue energy pulled all the crap, gunk, toxins, and narcotics out of their body. Then replaced it with plentiful nutrients, then healing energy. It was like night and day. Color returned to their face, awareness filled their eyes, and the light of reasoning filled them with horror in the situation they were in.

A resounding roar of shock came from those that had never seen this before. Then a cheer roared through the crowd from the faithful. To them this was proof of their faith, their belief in Raoism. Kemuna looked at Lash with wide eyes. Then Lash turned to look at his old brothers in arms. They looked at him, and recognition dawned on Wym-Zod. He bowed his head and started to weep. Tak-Zod was a bit more vocal.

“Lash! Hay buddy! When...When did you get into Kryptonopolis?” Tak-Zod said as he audibly swallowed. He tried to stand but was forced to his knees by soldiers he had once trained. He started to shake in fright understanding the situation.

“I call upon the grace of the God, Nightwing. Please allow my request, to hunt the sins of those kneeling before me. May they relive their sins, relive all the pain, and hurt they have seen unto others. For if they live through this trial then may they live evermore in their attempt to be forgiven!” Lash called out, Acting obtaining a chunk of experience. Then he used Darkness Manipulation then his long lost friend, Sherogoth's Punishment on them both.

Both men screamed in wailing agony. They flopped and jerked across the ground like fish on dry land. Struggling, writhing, hoping to return to the water. They screamed, and screamed. Reliving horror, after horror of tortures they had exhibited on others. Tak-Zod screamed so loudly that blood mixed into his saliva. While Wym-Zod began to convulse on the ground. Through it all Kemuna stayed perfectly still watching her father, and brother go through this tribulation. No one said a thing, it was pure silence in temple square. Until Tak-Zod stopped screaming, stopped jerking, and stopped breahing all together. While Wym-Zod grew silent, breathing shallowly.

“It is done! Tak-Zod has proven to sinful to survive the tribulation! He has paid for it with his life! May his soul be welcomed into the loving embrace of Rao once more!” Lash said, dozens of people in the crowd said the words, 'May the light of Rao guide you on your path.'

“Wym-Zod has survived his tribulation. He has proven himself worthy to live, to spend the rest of his days repaying for his sins. May he be forgiven, though what he has done will not be forgotten. Not by us, nor by Rao. Only through hard work may he earn his way back into his light!” Lash called out, and the same prayer was given.

Lash raised his arms once more and cast a wide area of effect spell. Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on all those with in the square. His magical energy dropped from 92% to 12% in a flash! He stumbled and nearly dropped to his knees if Kemuna had not caught him in her arms. Everyone in the square felt the effect of the magic. Then and there the true rebirth of Raoism was found in a city that had forgotten its gods, and goddesses.

What did this accomplish? Why did Lash do all of this? His job was to help Jor-El finish his ship and send Kal-El to Earth. But Lash knew that was not going to be easy. Yes the time fragment had been C+. But he also knew that he was on nightmare mode. He knew it would never be that easy. He needed resources, he needed influence, he needed an army. He only had forty nine days, and twelve hours to complete his objective. Or he would burn with Krypton...

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