Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 94: Galactic Sheriffs


***Northern Africa, In what use to be the Sahara Desert. HR (Home Reality)***

A lush verdant jungle stretched as far as the eye could see in every direction. Once could very easily get lost in the lush jungles, and stretches of grass. With the occasional patches of sand. Though most of the ocean of sands had been terraformed into jungle there were still parts of desert that had an established ecosystem that, The Green. As well as the partial druid groves that Wraith had made.

The jungle was a constant blessing and a curse for many that lived along the borders of it. One couldn't cut the jungle down because any overly aggressive action caused the tree roots, branches, and vines to retaliate. They would push back against any teams sent to cause any deforestation. No, no one had died. But there were plenty of injuries. However, one could still walk into the jungle with a machete and cut a path through it. Odd how the jungle seem to separate the two actions. One malevolent, and another benevolent.

The New Sahara Jungle as it was quickly named was a lush ecosystem with nearly limitless supplies of medicine, fruit, and fertile soil. But, it was also home to a variety of strange, and fantastical creatures. Some of them had developed a meta gene turning them into mutated creatures with powers, and intelligence. While others were changed by a new form of radiation seemingly found only in the jungle. Example would be a six legged panther that can teleport short distances. Or a small community of poison arrow frogs that have grown into a tribal society.

Buried deep in the jungle, hidden away in a small mountain was a cavern system. The cavern stretched far below the surface. Tucked away from sight was a pool. But this pool was different from one would think. It was a glowing pool of green water. It bubbled and hissed, boiling with heat. But the water it self was capable of great feats of healing, regeneration, and restoration of those that had died. Surrounding this pool were a group of people clad in jungle camo gear, and they carried a combination of cold, and hot weapons. One particular individual was dressed differently. They took out a talisman written in spell script.

“Tell Ra's Al Ghul we've found his pit.” The individual said to the talisman. Then tore it in half, the remnants burst into flame and transformed into a fiery phoenix. Then took off up through the cavern system into the night air above.

“We are not getting paid enough for this.” One of the individuals said.

“No, we are not. But its the job we were paid for. Let's secure the rest of the cave, and the entrance. We'll be here for a while.” The first individual said to the group. They broke off with military precision following the orders.

Hidden away in the green boiling water was an eerie light that seem to come from no where. It washed the whole cavern in green light. But it intensified for a brief moment as four flaming ghostly eyes peered out from the water. This world was far from ready, but it would be in time. As soon as all the pieces were set. The four flaming eyes winked out existence before anyone noticed. The glowing light of the pool became muted. Just in time for a single shadow to slip from the pool and slink away into the darkness.


***HR, Above the Earth in the JLI Watch Tower***

Attention User! You've used, Apostle of Qetesh!

Effect: For the next 48 hours the User, as well as the Target will have 30% increase to all stats.

Lash and Zetulan were both laying down across the bed inside of Lash's quarters. The bed sheets a tangled mess across the floor, while a single sheet covered Zetulan's seductive figure. They were both taking slow deep breaths. Their eyes wide in both astonishment, and confusion. They had at least two feet separating each other in the very large bed. As if they were afraid to touch each other. The ambient magic in the air was thick with energy after the ritual orgy was complete.

“So.... When did you learn to do that?” Zetulan said at last, as she turned to look at him. She licked her lips, and glancing at the sight of him.

“Just...Just a few days ago. I was proclaimed the Apostle of Qetesh in the alternate reality. You are the first person I tried it with.” Lash admitted to her, he turned to look at her. He reached out and gentle took a hold of her hand with his own. They both gasped with intense pleasure as their nerves were still on fire with passion, and pleasure.

“Good answer...Gooooooood answer.” Zetulan said, as she rode the wave. She eventually pulled her self across the bed and draped herself across his chest. The bed sheet barely covering either of them.

Lash swept his hands through Zetulan's blond hair, ran his fingers along her pointed ears. She murmured against him, relaxing against his touch. He could feel the rising peaks of her chest pressed against his own. But after the four hours of anaerobic exercise they just did he was not aroused. He was just sated. From the lack of response from Zetulan, as was she. Lash being Lash, he started to run his hands up and down her back. Massaging her muscles, and she moaned in delight at his touch. She she bit him!

“None of that! We don't have the time, nor the energy to go another four hours. As much fun as it would be.” Zetulan said with a sweet smile, as she licked her lips savoring the taste of him. Lash smiled at her, as he stopped running his hands up and down her back. Before they could continue to remain content with one another a chime went off on Lash's communicator.

“Apologies creator, but I've finished building the E grade modules. We are starting to upgrade from E to D now. All available JLI are in the process of construction. We could use your help.” Vici said over the holographic.

“Copy that, I'll be out in a bit.” Lash said in response. Zetulan crawled up his chest and buried her face into his neck.

“So, is it going to be another two years before we see each other again?” Zetulan asked, a bit of humor in her voice.

“I hope not. You said you would make me beg to stop at least twice. So far you are 0 for 1 right now.” Lash said, with a smirk. Then he jerked as Zetulan wrapped her hand around his cock. She leaned up and glared at him.

“Oh is that how it is?” Zetulan said with a smile.


About thirty minutes later Lash, and Zetulan left his personal quarters in full armor. He called forth his Transformation, and Wraith shroud. Growing several feet above her, that didn't stop Zetulan from pulling his head down and kissing his snout. He returned the affection by lightly running his forked tongue along the skin just below her left ear. She shivered in delight, and walked away with a particular sway of her hips and a glow to her skin.

Before Lash could take ten steps towards the airlock he received a notification from Yihune to come to the Public Relations module. Newly constructed, and ready to receive visitors and clients. So Lash turned on his heel and walked in that direction after looking up the directions for it. Along the way he noticed a rather lack there of JLI members on the station. That was of course to be expected because he received a quest prompt that he was sure the VI Avatars received as well.

Vici the intelligence in charge of the JLI Watch Tower is going through another upgrade. Assist with the upgrade by.

Objective: Acquiring resources [ ]

Objective: Supplying energy to the core [ ]

Objective: Helping the stations engineer staff [ ]

Rewards: Experience, Reputation with the JLI, Priority on gear requests.

Notes: These objectives are repeatable.

Lash pulled up his holographic and linked up to the video feed outside. There were thousands of people in vac suits moving around the stations like a horde of fire flies on a summer night. There were also four shuttles flying out of the new shuttle bays heading off towards the asteroid fields to retrieve raw minerals. The shuttles had spring jump cores, as long as they had coordinates they could jump over, and pull the asteroids back. Then Lash flipped to Vici's core, there were hundreds of people jammed into the second saucer forming teams to pump energy into the core. This was one of the few times the gamer mentality favored the situation they were in.

Lash was on the 5th floor, the aquarium was in the process of being filled with water. He walked over the hydroponics section. Yes, the whole thing was sectioned off with glass in case something happened. But he could still look over the ledge to see a pool of water being filled. The android in charge of the hydroponics looked like a dryad, her name was Belladophi. He hadn't met them yet, he should drop by before he leaves the station again.

The Public Relations building didn't look any different on the outside than any other module. It was several shipping containers worth of space stacked together, and another two on top. The door was currently open and a few JLI members were coming and going. But Lash did see a few Shield and Sword lawyers stepping out of the module. They greeted him politely and he returned with a Warden etiquette bow. When he stepped inside he saw a dozen or so worker droids working at different holographic stations going over designs, paper work, and looking up information. The world wide web was just coming back online. If Lash was being honest a majority of what they did in the PR module was over his head. Which is one of the reasons why he bought the module.

“Grand father, welcome!” A flamboyant male voice cat called across the large room.

Lash turned to look towards the voice to see an anthropomorphic cat man walking over to him. He looked had black fur, golden amber eyes, and a long thick tail. Reminded Lash of a panther standing up straight. He wore a tailored made three piece gray suit with pin stripes. Black on, gray, along with a red tie, and a silver chain that went over his vest coat. Though he didn't have shoes on, just his panther cat paws. His cat like snout had pulled back to reveal his fangs for a smile.

“Kyoko, hello. I was told I was requested to come over?” Lash said as he walked over and hugged his new grand son. Who purred in contentment, he rubbed his cheeks back and forth over Lash's chest. His black panther tail twitched back and forth.

“Yes! Yes! Come, Mezo is waiting!” Kyoko said with glee and led him to a sitting room.

Mezo was Kyoko's twin sister, more specifically they had been made at the same time. Lash had done a quick information dive before he came over. Mezo was just like her brother, she was a cat woman but was a mountain lion with golden fur. She like her brother wore a three piece dress tailored suit. Black overcoat, black skirt that went to her knees but a slit went up her leg letting her take longer steps. A white silk shirt, with a black vest. Her golden fur gleamed in the rooms light. Her eyes opened wide in pleasure at the sight of Lash, but looked put off at Kyoko.

“Brother! I told you to get the designs ready before he arrived!” Mezo said in a stern voice. Kyoko rolled his eyes and pulled out a tablet with the designs.

“Just because you were born two minutes ahead of me doesn't mean you are the eldest in this partnership, Mezo.” Kyoko said, as he walked over to hand the designs over to her.

“Ummm, yes it does. I am two minutes older, which means I'm older than you!” Mezo said with a glare. Then she turned to give Lash a hug, also rubbing her cheeks over his chest armor. He returned the embrace, and scratched behind her ears. She let out a purr of contentment. Kyoko look put out, he didn't get ear scratches!

Lash rolled his eyes at Kyoko, and pulled him into the hug. Scratching both their heads, and ears. They both purred, but also growled at one another. Sibling rivalry was something Lash understood. He missed, Lizzy. Sitting at the table next to them was two Shield and Sword lawyers who where looking over some information. Not at all put off by the public display of affection. Most animal-kin were very tactile they were use to it.

Eventually, after many head pats, and scratches they took their seats. One of the lawyers was a sylvan male, while the other was a demon-kin male. Their glamour was in place so they looked completely human. But beneath the glamour the sylvan had near silver skin, and white hair. While the demon had red skin, black claws, and pointed tail. But before they could continue another person joined them.

A woman walked over to the conference table. She had an inverted triangle figure. Wide shoulders, narrow waist, and moderate hips. Her hair was in a bob cut length that changed color. Her current hair color was red, with green highlights. She wore black suit jacket, with dark forest green suit pants, and dark red silk shirt. Her bosom bounced with each step, but was restrained by her shirt if only barely. But the most startling feature was her eyes. They were yellow green reptilian eyes, like Lash's.

“Hello father!” Vici said in delight, Lash's eyes went wide. He stood straight up, walked around the table and swallowed Vici in a hug which delighted her greatly as she squealed lightly and returned the embrace. Then they sat down, with Lash next to her. Kyoko, and Mezo both had huge smiles on their faces.

“So, we need a public face for Ghost Industries. You, grand father are the enigmatic chairman that invents things but hates to socialize. The Supernatural community knows who you are. However, the mundanes need a face. So the CEO of the company will be Victoria Ghost.” Mezo presented the necessary paperwork that had been approved by Shield and Sword.

“We are already in the process of buying land rites to several global locations. With the world in a post invasion. It is a buyers market. The recycle plant will be the main staple. Cities, states, nations will gladly give their trash to us. Turning it into fuel, and building materials.” Kyoko said next, as a holographic image showed locations across the globe.

“Each site will of course have underground bunkers not only for the JLI, but also for our supernatural communities. I've already told Shield and Sword that you plan to continue to hire supernaturals, pseudo-mundanes, and mundanes where ever possible.” Vici said to Lash, who agreed with her assessment.

“The Supernatural Council, would like Ghost Industries to be a main benefactor for the Certified Supers Association. (CSA) You'll be footing the bill for the next foreseeable future until it gets enough forward movement. However, this will also mean that Ghost Industries gets vast control over the CSA. Especially since you wish to build a school on the moon.” One of the Shield and Sword lawyers said.

“Which brings us to another point we need to discuss with you.” The other lawyer said. As they brought up a holographic window about the JLI roster.

“Does the JLI sign up with the CSA? Or do they remain their own private organization?”

“If the JLI sign's up with the CSA, everyone and I do mean everyone will have to give up their private identity. I give you several names right now that will refuse to join just on that premise alone. Even if CSA promises to keep their secret, and is protected by the supernatural community. That wont be enough. A good example of that was before the invasion I was outed as Lash to the public. Thankfully we were able to counter the problem. But that happened because to many people knew the secret.” Lash brought up a counter argument.

“If the JLI does not sign up with the CSA they will be setting a bad example. Teams across the globe will ask the same question. If the JLI doesn't sign up, why should we? However, many could argue that 'hero' work isn't even covered in the CSA.” Mezo replied, bringing up several independent teams that had worked together with the JLI during the invasion but refused to join.

“In order to use your powers in every United Nations society you must sign up for training, and get certified. If a terrakinetic wants to use their powers in construction. They have to go through the CSA. If someone with superhuman durability wants to join SWAT, they have to go through the CSA.” The demon-kin lawyer presented the information.

“Can we table the CSA and Hero sign up for another time? Yes, Ghost Industries will be the banker behind CSA. But I have no doubt that hero sign up, and secret identities will be a huge issue going forward.” Lash offered a compromise, or rather a delay tactic. But no one at the table seem to want to continue the line of dialogue anyways.

Mezo, and Kyoko began scrolling through some information on their holographic watches. As did the lawyers from Shield and Sword. So Lash turned towards Vici who smiled at him. Her hair had changed through a variety of colors during the conversation. But now it settled on light blue, with pink highlights. He reached over and gently squeezed her hand, her smiled widen and she began to play with one of his claws.

“It took me a while to design my mobile platform. Even though you gave me my own module. But I am happy with what I settled on, well mostly. I couldn't decide on a hair color. So Kara suggested I don't settle at all.” Vici said, as she ran a hand through her short hair. Lash smiled wide at the change in color.

“I think it suits you, in fact I wonder if we could sell it.” Lash asked, pondering the idea. But it seemed Vici beat him to it. She showed him a designs for it. Lash started to play with them until the next subject was brought up.

“Alright, so we need to see about getting all the different code names registered, coined, and legalized. It may seem like we are selling out, but Wonder Woman would kill as a doll...” Mezo said, before she was interrupted by Kyoko.

“Or a body pillow!” Kyoko said with a grin. Mezo glared at him, while the lawyers laughed, and Vici looked surprised.

“We also wanted to talk about uniform design.” Started Kyoko, but held up his hand before Lash could start up. “The JLI uniforms will of course remain practical! Anyone who joined during the invasion knows that the practical design saved their lives. What we suggest is letting them decide on their own color scheme, style, and motif. The overall polymer, and armor plates will of course remain. But it is important not only to the individuals themselves, but we the JLI to have a bit of flare, and sense of self. Individuality!” Kyoko finished, as he tossed up a few windows with ideas.

Lash glared at the pictures. He would not budge on the idea that heroes needed to wear overly sexualized, and skimpy outfits. Yes, in the comics, movies, and animated shows they would wear what ever they had. Some people didn't have access to a mutli magical forge that could craft gear. He understood that. But if you worked for the JLI you would wear the gear that would save your life! But, he was reminded of Fantasma. That skeleton ghost suit he had made for him protected him, but also looked bad ass.

“Alright, but the suit they design has to pass inspection!” Lash agreed, and grumbled irritably. He was acting petulant, he knew it. But didn't care.

Mezo, and Kyoko both jumped onto the JLI message board and sent the broadcast then and there. Thousands of responses popped off and people asked a variety of questions that Vici was quickly answering. Lash hadn't realized how much of an 'issue' that had been. People wanted their own identity. So they could compromise, you could look cool as long as it protected you.

Lash continued to talk about ideas, and product placement, and relief aid across the globe. Now as the designated chairman of Ghost Industries his plate once again got a little more full. Vici would of course be helping a lot. Also, the infrastructure of the recycling plants and/or bunkers they will help in the long run. After two hours they decided to call it. Everyone had a lot of things to do. Lash especially since he was suppose to be helping with the upgrades.

Lash moved to one of the main air locks. He stepped inside closely followed by several worker droids, and a few VI Avatars who were helping with the engineering aspect. Having an eight foot tall lizard man cosplaying as the grim reaper the VI Avatars eerily quiet. But a few did say hello. As the air was sucked out of the room and the exterior doors opened it was at that moment that the VI's realized that Lash didn't have a vac suit. Of course that didn't stop him from stepping out into zero-g and propelling himself forward.

Attention User! I have your quest reward for killing the Joker!

Reward: Minor Criminal Underworld Lore has evolved into Basic Criminal Underworld Lore. (Chap. 44)

Reward: Minor Telekinesis has evolved into Basic Telekinesis.

Note: Something you were missing, and something you will need!

Minor Criminal Underworld Lore has evolved into Basic Criminal Underworld Lore.

Effect: Every type of crime has its own language, culture, and custom. From peddling drug dealers to intergalactic Warlords. The User now blend in more efficiently, and knows where to look, to find what they need.

Minor Telekinesis has evolved into Basic Telekinesis.

Effect: Increase in range, decrease in energy consumption, increase in manipulation ability.

Effect: Multi cast on several targets, increase in energy consumption.

Sub-Skill, Flight Field Projection: To use telekinesis to carry objects and people, granting them the ability to fly.

Lash smirked, with the combination of Telekinesis, and his Space Domain he flew through the open space with ease. He called on his Conjuration Domain, and cast Manifestation 1,000 Saurus Warriors appeared from hundreds of portals. They linked up with Vici through Connectivity and started to assist in the building process. Lash held back and rested for awhile, as his energy levels replenished quickly due to his tool time bonus. Then he cast Manifestation once again, and called 100 Saurus Veterans. Then after another hour he called 10 Saurus Elites.

The Watch Tower was expanding at a visible rate. Geometric patterns grew at key points, as ghost hard like expansions grew, materialized, and attached to the super structure. The techno-organic tissue that made up Vici's outer shell grew every few minutes. Several shuttles came back from the asteroid belt towing huge pieces of rock with their build in tractor beams. Worker droids, and Saurus Warriors swarmed the rocks. Pulling out metals, and even taking the rocks and turning them into other materials. Feeding them into the top of the Watch Towers main processing center.

The shuttles were an interesting combination of Martian, Thanagarian, Krypton, and magic piece of technology. Thanks to Lash's unique tech tree, they were about 15 feet tall, 15 feet wide, and almost 50 feet long. In the shape of a rectangle with soft edges. Four pectoral fins along the sides that would extend while in an atmosphere. A module was placed on top of the shuttle that could be exchanged for different tools depending on the need. Tactical, defense, support, utility, etc. In this case it was utility with a tractor beam. While the engines could be swapped out, or rather shape shifted depending on where they were. Martian tech!

The shuttles had a mid section that could be exchanged just like the module on top. Depending on what the shuttle was called for. Medical emergencies, troop carrier, etc. So the modules could be pulled out, or dropped off. While the back of the shuttle had a simple crew quarters with bunk beds, and a small galley. The cockpit had several stations for the pilot, tactical, engineering, and even science, with a duo teleportation pad. It reminded Erik of the runabout shuttle from trek show. Just a little more animal like.

The upgrade was about half way finished when Lash saw a green light racing towards their location. Closely followed by three more green lights, lanterns. A few people stopped to watch the arrival and when the first light slowed down it revealed the drill sergeant Kilowog. Who was immediately swarmed by VI Avatars wanting his attention, seflies, and autograph. Not the reception the Bolovaxian expected. Give the drill sergeant an enemy to fight, he is your man. Give him a horde of fans to fawn over him and he is lost on how to react.

Hal Jordan, Katma Tui, and John Stewart soon arrived and found their fellow lantern surrounded by dozens of people. Kilowog looked frantically in their direction and called for help! He didn't know what to do!? They weren't attacking him, they were asking to shake his hand, and to take a picture with him. This made Hal Jordan burst into laughter! He floated over to assist his fellow lantern while Katma, and John floated over to Lash.

Hello, didn't expect to see the big man himself to come help Earth with its reconstruction. -Lash said over a telepathic link.

“Well, he is not actually here for that.” Katma said with a saddened expression.

“Wraith, he is not here to help. He's here to escort you back to Oa.” John said, as he came up to him. He looked like he had just chewed on a piece of glass and was forced to swallow it.

I thought my presence had been requested. My answer is no. Will he force the issue? -Lash asked them both as Hal started to float towards them followed by Kilowog.

“Wooo! The big bad Kilowog can't stand his adoring fans! Never seen this man blush harder!” Hal said with a grin, then winced as Kilowog punched him in the arm with a seething glare.

“That has never happened before! Not even on my home planet!” Kilowog shouted at him, then he turned his gaze at Lash and started to measure him up.

Green Lantern Kilowog. I've heard many horrifying, and wonderful things about the drill sergeant of the Lanterns. Thank you for the privilege and honor of this meeting. -Lash said, as he bowed from his waist while his hands were held in a intricate pattern. A gesture taught to him by the Wardens when greeting alien supernaturals. Kilowog technically wasn't supernatural but the custom was still appreciated by the Bolovaxian who grinned at him.

“Nice to see respect and courtesy this far out from the inner regions.” Kilowog looked at the station and saw it visibly grow with each passing minute. “Nice station too! Have you thought about placing a Green Lantern hub here?” Kilowog asked, the idea never occurred to Lash. Since the likely hood of their meeting was not going to go over well.

“That's a good idea! If there is a hub here maybe Wraith doesn't have to leave?” Katma suggested, and Kilowog narrowed his eyes at Katma who quickly shut her mouth. Lash turned his four reptilian eyes at Katma, then at Kilowog. He knew what was coming, but he waited for him to offcially say it.

“Wraith, you have been invited to the planet of Oa by the Guardians of the Galaxy. They understand that your world is currently in the process of rebuilding after an alternate reality invasion. They are prepared to send over a hundred lanterns to assist in the rebuilding process if you comply with their request.” Kilowog said, this surprised Hal, John, and Katma. They hadn't known about that part. 100 Green Lanterns would help a lot right now.

Did the Guardians say why they want me to visit? -Lash asked, as he quietly sent a command across his link to his conjured creatures. One by one a Saurus Elites blinked out with Nature's Passage, Chameleon, and Invisibility. They moved into a wide circle around the group unnoticed.

“They are hoping that if they hold you on Oa that your Patron will come rescue you.” Hal blurted out, and gritted his teeth as Kilowog glared at him. “I think its a bullshit plan!” Hal continued to say.

Ya, that wont work. My Cosmic Patron will most likely assign me a task of escaping from Oa just to see if I can pull it off. But if I fail, all he'll do is go find another person to empower. At that point I'll spend the rest of my life sitting at Oa. So, the answer is no. -Lash said to Kilowog, who took a deep breath.

“The Guardians said you might say that. They also said that if you decline the request that they are prepared to remove the Sol system from Green Lantern protection. At which point, I won't need to ask for your permission.” Kilowog finished, as he squared his shoulders and brought up his hands like a boxer would.

“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!” Hal shouted at Kilowog. John looked like he was about to attack Kilowog then and there, while Katma went pale in fright.

“This is our home, Kilowog! Why didn't we know about this!” John said, as his power ring started to light up.

“They..They can't do that. Its in the guardian charter. Any planet that a Lantern claims as their home is protected by Guardian law.” Katma said quickly, as she pulled up the charter from her ring.

“Unless the Guardians deem the planet, or solar system a danger to the galaxy itself. All members of the Green Lanterns, and their families will be escorted off the planet and found a new place of residence.” Kilowog said in response, as if he had anticipated this response.

Attention User! You've been issued a quest.

Objective: Defeat Kilowog in a duel.

Optional Objective: Kill Kilowog.

Optional Objective: Take Kilowog's ring, call the guardians and tell them to fuck off.

Reward: Galactic Sheriff Module.

I challenge you Kilowog, to a duel. If I win the lanterns will never come here again looking to take me away. If you win, I will go peacefully to Oa with out a fuss. -Lash said across the link. Kilowog looked at Lash and grinned at him.

“I was hoping you'd say that!” Kilowog said, as he floated back by about hundred feet or so. “Make the containment unit. I'd hate to damage that pretty station.” Kilowog said to his fellow lanterns.

“Listen, Kilowog may look like a brute. But he always thinks tactically. He likes to go up front, and center. But he'll look for an opening and strike from behind.” Hal said as he floated over to talk to Lash.

“Also, try not to kill him. If he dies the Guardians will send an entire force to arrest you. They'll go through anyone they have to.” Katma said as hugged Lash, then floated off to the sides.

“I don't give a shit what they Guardians say, win or lose we are not going anywhere.” John said as he shook Lash's hand. None of the three looked particularly surprised that Lash, or Kilowog wanted to fight.

Hal, John, Katma went out to about a thousand or so feet in each direction and used their power rings to create a battle sphere of green light. When the sphere was made Earth like atmosphere was made so Lash could breath if he needed to. The ten elites remained invisible around the sphere still unnoticed by the lanterns. The whole station stopped to watch the fight, as several hundred people came out of the station. The shuttles spring jumped back from where they had left to watch the fight.

“This is an official duel, it will end with one yielding, or being knocked unconscious. In the odd chance of a draw neither side will win or lose. But will have time to heal, and try again at a later date. No killing, and if you can help it no maiming.” Katma called out, and in the middle of the ring was an alien Oan script that started to count down.

“When I take you back, I'll make sure those hundred lanterns come to help rebuild! I'll even get the lantern hub here. You have my word!” Kilowog shouted over the arena.

When I win, If the Lanterns need any actual help I'll be there. As long as it doesn't mean my capture, or negative action to my home. -Lash said in response, Kilowog grinned at him and nodded in acceptance. The Oan number reached zero and a gong sounded inside the sphere.

Kilowog burst across the arena like a bullet fired from a gun! A green energy field trailing behind him, his power ring thrust forward. A massive build up of energy cascading in front of him. No tactics, no strategy, just brute force. Kilowog didn't even consider Lash a threat to him. Once he was with in a certain distance Lash cast Personal Time and the bubble expanded with Kilowog inside. Remarkably the green power ring hummed to life and Kilowog started to struggle inside of the frozen space.

Lash cast Acceleration then Blinked across the sphere to right behind Kilowog. Then twin red (Chaos) Psionic Blades extended from his clawed hands. While silver (Nth) Psionic Blades extended from his tentacles. Lash spun like a top and whipped his blades across Kilowog's energy shield. True Damage sent hundreds of points of experience to him. The green energy shield around Kilowog shattered and Kilowog bounced away like a rubber ball.

“GAAAH!” Kilowog gave a shout pain as he rebound off the wall with enough g-force to break several bones. He made a new construct of a fantastical alien creature with four wings, a massive beak, and talons that roared to life attempting to eviscerate Lash.

Lash cast Animancy into the construct, and fed it with Energy Manipulation. The construct broke free from Kilowog, given new life! It whipped around and clawed at the lantern which surprised him as the claws raked through his shield. Kilowog bounced off the shield and flew around the sphere being chased by his own construct. Lash expanded his Telepathic focus and released Eldritch Mind. Kilowog started to hear the whispers from behind the edge of reality.

Kilowog shouted in fury as he made a giant hammer that slammed against the construct, bashing it into the edge of the sphere. The construct shattered with a piercing cry. The animated essence returned to Lash. Kilowog shouted, as he gripped his head trying to clear it of the whispers. He whipped around to look at Lash who floated dead center of the sphere. Kilowog rushed towards him, his ring taking the shape of a star fighter. He blasted Lash with energy lasers, and torpedoes. The percussion shook the whole sphere.

With a glimmer of energy dozens of Wraith shrouded figures appeared in the arena surrounding Kilowog. Blink, and Phantasm was used to escape, and confuse Kilowog. The Phantasm burst into action, each one coming to attack Kilowog. The Bolovaxian roared in defiance and used his ring to imitate a solar burst! Every Phantasm burst into particles, which were replaced by a 50' tall, and 100' long Saurian who appeared out of the smoke. Kilowog's eyes went wide in horror! As the red Psionic Blade's from Saurian's clawed hands bashed into Kilowog.

BAM! BAM! BAM! With each slash of energy Kilowog bounced off the sphere wall. The damage behind it was so overwhelming that even the sphere supplied by Katma, Hal, and John started to crack! Until at last before the fourth strike of the blade was cut, Saurian reached out with his Telekinesis and held the unconscious form of Kilowog. The ring was on emergency power, barely maintaining the shield to keep him alive.

“Vici, one Bolovaxian straight to medical.” Saurian said, as he cast Enlarge/Reduce and used Size Alteration to shrink down to 10' tall, and 20' long. He carefully pulled off the power ring from Kilowog's hand as the spring jump took him away.

The Green Lantern ring shuddered and attempted to fly away to get back to its wielder. Saurian sent a Telepathic surge into the ring telling it to calm down. He would return it to Kilowog after he made a call to the Guardians. The ring calmed down for the moment. The sphere broke apart as Katma, John, and Hal flew over to speak with Saurian. Saurian used this moment to learn what the ring was made out of through Material Shaping, Transmutation Domain, and his Transmuter title.

Power Ring, Oan metal learned....

Saurian was 100% sure he would never be able to make his own power ring. But simple knowing its composition would help him, and the JLI in the future. Maybe they could infuse it into their gear, allowing all of the JLI to fly into space. Like the comic book, 'Legion of Superheroes'. He'd have to do more research. Saurian reached into his ability evolution points and spent them on two things.

Attention User! You've spent two ability evolution points to evolve Connectivity.

Minor Connectivity has evolved into Basic Connectivity.

Effect: The User can now interface with Alien software, and hardware at a 25% increase to energy consumption.

Effect: The User is considered a satellite phone on their home world. Able to establish a connection anywhere on their home planet, moon, or station.

Attention User! You've spent two ability evolution points to evolve Cosmic Awareness.

Minor Cosmic Awareness has evolved into Basic Cosmic Awareness.

Effect: Using this ability only consumes 80% of your total energy.

Effect: The User can now passively learn obscure things about information they already know.

Example: The User knows Green Lanterns have been deployed in the Sol System. They will also know how many have been deployed.

Attention User! You have 6 ability evolution points remaining. Each grade increases the cost.

Saurian used Connectivity, and requested Vici's assistance. They began to hack the green lantern power ring. The power ring began vibrate, and glow with intense energy. The three green lanterns received a warning on their own rings. They flew quicker towards Saurian to ask what the hell he was doing to it. Because of the 30% increase to his stats from the Apostle of Qetesh he had energy to spare. Many of his abilities were nearly up a whole grade just from the increase.

“Wraith!? What are you doing!?” Hal screamed at him, as he all but tackled the giant lizard. But a Saurus Elite appeared and grappled him. Along with Katma, and John.

“Wraith! Stop! Don't make the Guardians right about you!” Katma screamed at him. Saurian opened his eyes to look at Katma. Then he looked down at the struggling power ring, a smile stretched across his lips as he received a prompt.

Congratulations User! You've partially hacked a green power ring.

Effect: Obtained the Galactic Encyclopedia (Oa)

Saurian stopped his hack of the power ring. The little thing continued to shine brilliantly but it stopped humming. The emergency alert on three's rings went mute. But before any of them could ask what he had done a the power ring created a green sphere around Saurian creating an atmosphere. Then a green quantum entanglement relay was opened. It revealed a massive room with dark gray, and green stone work. An amphitheater of sorts, with rows layered up so that a speaker could stand in the center and see everyone. A 3' 10' blue skin, white haired individual stood on the other end of the projection. They wore a intricate robe with a white inverted triangle top, and a crimson red robe underneath.

“Kilowog! What happened!? An emergency beacon was sent out fr.....” The Oan gaped at Saurian, holding Kilowog's ring. Then it looked around to see Hal, John, and Katma being released by the Saurus Elites.

“Kilowog is currently in the medical module aboard our station. Once our conversation is finished we'll return the ring to him. I am the one known has Wraith, or if you prefer the Agent of Calamity. I am contacting you now to inform you, I decline your invitation to Oa. Secondly, your plan to trap my Cosmic Patron is childish, and idiotic. Let me inform you of some simple truths that you are apparently unaware of. My Cosmic Patron does not have a rule of one. He is more than capable of empowering thousands, if not millions of individuals. He is an extra dimensional being, capable of being everywhere, and no where at once. The idea that you wanted to restrain me on Oa is laughable simply because he would just choose another agent.” Saurian said to the Guardians, as he continued word for word the Guardian in charge of the communication grew angrier, and angrier.

“Personally we have a lot of respect for the Green Lanterns, and the stability they bring. But let me be one of the few to tell you this. The Guardians of Oa are not infallible, they are not perfect, and they are not strongest, or wisest beings in the known galaxy. Shall I educate your lanterns on the Oan history?” Saurian said with a sinister grin, as a golden glow enveloped him. The eyes of the Oan councilor went wide.

“The Oans are believed to be wise, benevolent, and compassionate leaders. The first sapient race of the galaxy, false. For example, my Cosmic Patron was around way before any of you. Something that you are all completely aware of.” Saurian said, as the golden light faded leaving him drained.

“The Oans claim to have always been a peaceful race. False. When the Oans were first born they were a warlike race. Just like every other known culture was. They believed themselves superior to everyone around them. So being the cold, logical scientists they were. They experimented on lowly sentient races around them. Notably, Psions. That is right everyone, the Psions a race known for genetic experimentation and ruin of whole cultures were designed by the Oan council.” Saurian continued, Katma's eyes went wide as the relevant information was broadcast through the power ring in Saurian's possession.

“The Guardians of the Galaxy are known to be with out flaw, and never make mistakes. Except for when they made the man hunter program. Autonomous machines that were meant to be the first version of the lanterns. But how did they test them? They released them onto a star system as an alpha test. The man hunter program killed every living soul in that system. Trillions of people died! The Guardians thankfully realized their mistake and shut the program down. Then they removed the system from its registry and banned any entry to it. They of course removed that little tid bit from history.” Saurian continued, showed more information. The Guardian council on the other end was attempting to shut him down. Because the ring was sending this entire thing to every Green Lantern, and every solar system under the Lantern banner.

“Oh let us not forget, Agent Orange! Who the Guardians decided that it was a waste of their precious time. So they just gave an entire solar system to Orange. Leaving everyone who lived in it to machinations of a completely sociopath overridden by avarice.” Saurian said, as he pointed at the exact coordinates for the system the man hunters destroyed, and the system Orange lived in.

“But I'll leave you all with this last note. The creature known has parallax also known as the aspect of fear! The guardians didn't know how to contain it. So they decided in their infinite wisdom to contain the being of fear in....Can you guess? The very battery that powers the rings. I'll give you this bit of advice from my Cosmic Patron. Check the fucking cage you dumb asses! Parallax as been chipping away at his cage for thousands of years. He is almost free! Peace out fuckers!” Saurian said with a grin, and dropped the ring.

The viewing screen closed, and the three lanterns gaped at him. Saurian paid it no mind and floated through space back to the station. They still had a lot of work left to do. Once the battle was over the rest of the JLI went back to work. Many of them talking about what had just happened. Not truly understanding the revelation, and devastation this information would cause to the galaxy as a whole. The Guardians dirty laundry had been revealed, and showed to everyone. And that was just the tip of the ice berg. Saurian didn't want to waste anymore time talking about it. But that didn't mean he wouldn't send the relevant information to galaxy via hacked power ring.

Congratulations User! You've completed your quest. Your Cosmic Patron is very pleased!

Objective: Defeat Kilowog in a duel. [Complete]

Optional Objective: Kill Kilowog. [Failed]

Optional Objective: Take Kilowog's ring, call the guardians and tell them to fuck off. [Complete]

Reward: Galactic Sheriff Module.

Additional Reward: You have gained the status of 'Friendly' with over a hundred star systems for revealing the hypocrisy of the Guardians.

Notice: The Green Lantern Corp has revoked their protection of the Sol System.

Saurian swapped out with Lash, and Lash returned to the station. The new upgrade would be finished in a few hours and they wanted sometime to think. He went to the dinning hall and took a seat next to the 'window' which showed a holographic image of Earth. He ordered a cup of hot chai and started to look through the store catalog, this time in the shape of a holographic interface so the people around him would assume he was just working. About an hour went by and Katma walked into the dining hall with tears streaming down her face. She came to his table and sat down next to him, she took off her power ring and placed it on the table.

“500 years ago my planet went through a calamity level event. A pathogen that had no known cure killed about 68% of our total population. Ten years ago, the pathogen showed up again in a mutated form. It killed another 48% of my home world. Along with several of my family. It was after this event that I obtained my own ring by overcoming my fear. I just learned that the Guardians not only had the cure to the pathogen 500 years ago, they even knew the cure to the new strain. They decided to not give it to us. Because we had grown to big, to fast, and we could threaten a border dispute with our neighbors. All based on a hypothetical possibility.” Katma said, tears continued to fall down her cheeks.

“Katma, no force for good is ever infallible. I meant what I said. I have a lot of respect for the green lanterns. But the idea that the guardians are perfect is childish. Now the whole galaxy has the proof to prove that fact. But, the green lanterns have also helped so many people. You, have helped so many people. Keep the ring, keep doing the good work.” Lash said, as he nudged the ring back towards her. Katma gradually picked up the ring and put it back on her finger.

“We've received a wide ban message. The Sol System is no longer protected by the corp. Wraith, you have a general warrant on you. Any lantern that see's you is to attempt to apprehend you. We are to bring you in, dead or alive.” Katma said, she looked at him with a frown. Lash looked back with a smile.

“What if I told you that you didn't have to go back to Oa to recharge your ring. What if I plan to do my own version of the lantern hub.” Lash said, his smile growing with each passing moment. Katma leaned back in her chair to look at him.

“Wraith, only the guardians know how to make a battery...” Katma said, starting to hope that Lash had a different plan. Lash pushed a design he found in the Dream Store towards Katma.

“What is that?” Katma said, as she looked at the information.

“That would be a power ring battery core.” Lash said, the power core was worth 1,000 DP. Katma eyes went wide. She tried to interact with the interface but it wouldn't respond to her. It was the Dream Store after all.

Lash collapsed the interface and looked at Katma trying to gauge her response. Having a lantern battery core aboard the station would paint a big target on them. Hundreds of star systems would come for the battery, for a chance to replicate the technology, as well as the Guardians. Lash was sure they would be furious that he had obtained a battery. But Lash could also feel his Cosmic Patron egging him on to build one! It would be such fun to have their own battery.

“What color would it be?” Hal said, as he walked over with John. Katma was startled as John sat down next to her with a grim smile on his face.

“I was thinking, blue. Yes, we would lose a lot of offensive capabilities. But we would gain a lot of support, and utility.” Lash replied, and showed the schematics for blue energy rings.

“You are right, our offensive capabilities would greatly diminish. What about this twenty four recharge rate? Why is grayed out?” John said as he looked over the information.

“Oh, cause we can fix that part.” Lash replied, a smile on his face.

“Wait, these things can recharge entire stars? As in if the star is about to implode we can turn back into a healthy state?” Hal asked, as he looked over the abilities of the ring.

“It can also empower the green rings as well. Can we use them both at the same time?” Katma asked, Lashed leaned back in thought. He wasn't sure?

“I'm in...” John said.

“Me too!” Katma replied.

“ A hell, sure! If we do this I want have that insane commute between Earth and Oa.” Hal said with an easy smile.

Almost as if the rings were anticipating that very thing. All three power rings phased off their fingers. All three chimed with a sad tone, then a brilliant green glow enveloped them, and they disappeared. With out the rings power, Hal Jordan lost his uniform. He was wearing a USAF flight suit, while John Stewart had military cargo pants on, black boots, a leather jacket, and a gray t-shirt. Katma wore a decorative alien garb with billowing sleeves, and an open dress.

“TRAITORS!” Kilowog shouted from the entrance of the dinning hall. The Watch Tower's doctor, Ethan was behind him.

“I'm sorry he insisted to speak with you.” Ethan said, as he waved at Lash.

“Kilowog, I see you have your ring back. Have you not been reading the information on the galactic net?” Lash stood up from the table, and started to walk towards him. Kilowog for all his bluster visibly flinched at the sight of Lash moving towards him. While the rest of the dinning hall adjusted their chairs to watch the show.

“I don't care what trash you throw across our faces. The Guardians are the protectors of our galaxy. With out them we would have died a thousand times over!” Kilowog shouted at Lash as he limped his way forward to stare him down.

“I am not arguing against the fact that the Guardians have done a lot of good, Kilowog. I am arguing by the fact that they are just as flawed as any of us. The Green Lantern Corp is a good idea that has done many amazing things. But for to long they have been stagnant because in the guardians eyes they are perfect. Which is just not true!” Lash said, as he came to a stop in front of him.

“So, what's your plan! Make your own core? Split the galaxy in half? It will never work!” Kilowog roared at him.

“Maybe, but I have hope.” Lash said with a smile. Before they could say anything else to each other Kilowog passed out. Lash caught him before he face planted and handed him back to Ethan and the medical droids.

“Well that was exciting!” Lash said with a smile as he turned back to the dinning hall. A couple of people cheered and clapped. Then they went back to their meals. Lash rejoined the three former lanterns at the table. Another hour passed and with a resounding hum the Watch Tower burst with energy. The last of the super structure connected and Lash received a prompt.

Attention User! Vici has fully upgraded to grade D.

The overall structure of the Watch Tower had expanded by 3 times. The main saucer was now 300 feet tall, and with a 1,200 feet in radius. While the second saucer was 150 feet tall, and with a 600 foot radius. The stem was 1,200 feet long, with a radius of 90 feet. The orbital ring that was around the station was 60 feet in radius. The bridges between the cylinders had 60 foot radius. While the shuttle bays in each bridge were 50 feet tall, with a 100 foot radius. The cylinders were the primary turrets, and engines resided were 180 feet tall, with a 60 foot radius.

With the increase in space they now had access to thirty floors on the main saucer, and fifteen floors on the second saucer. While the stem that went through the main super structure could accommodate larger engines, a internal core, and modules as well. Hopefully with the next upgrade the orbital rings, and bridges could also be used for modules, and/or housing. With the upgrade complete Vici started to expand every available module from E grade to D grade. Improving the overall size, capabilities, and benefits for each one.

“Please excuse me, I have to get to Vici's date core to input these designs.” Lash said to them. Before he got to far Katma rushed over and gave him a big hug, or tried to as he was larger than her.

“I'm not going anywhere, Lash.” She whispered to him, he smiled at her and returned the hug.

“You want to get drunk? Cause I do!” Hal said to John, as he ordered a drink from the restaurant. Lash rolled his eyes at Hal as he left the dinning hall.

The upgrade should have taken weeks to complete but they did it in less than 24 hours. Thanks to the help of the JLI, along with 1,110 manifested Saurus creatures. The station was still in a state of flux as the super structure was complete but the infrastructure still needed work. Massive robotic arms that were connected to the saucers rings came down to start expanding the facilities. Worker droids from engineering were scampering all over the place. While the few tech geniuses that the JLI had were attempting to help. Lash's manifested creatures came in from space and started to help with the reconstruction. Lash took the main elevator down to the second saucer to find a room filled with hundreds of exhausted JLI members that had been transferring energy to the core.

Lash cast a wide area of effect Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on the lot of them. A majority of them sprung to their feet and bounced around like little children on a sugar high. A high that would last several days depending on what they decided to do. Lash arrived at the main data port, and as before several reinforced walls 'grew' from the station to hide him as he shopped through the catalog. This time a book made from golden leather, and pages made from starlight came to him. He started to flip through the pages to find the modules he needed.

Fighter Bay: A module that works in tandem with the Shuttle Bay. Fighter craft are launched, received, stored, and maintained with in this module. Each bay comes with 3-5 fighter craft. Depending on design and size. D grade module 20 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 4 Fighter Bay's for 80 DP.

Fighter Craft selected, 3 per bay.

Gene Therapy Clinic: A module that optimizes the overall genes, and selective traits of an individual. Flat 10% increase to mundane, alien, magical, and meta. Attaches to available medical module. D grade module 20 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Gene Therapy Clinic for 20 DP.

Galactic Sheriff Hub: This module creates a law keepers hub in your station, and solar system. The Galactic Sheriffs are a mercenary group that helps police, and enforce the laws of the community at large. D grade module 20 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Galactic Sheriff Hub for 20 DP.

Note: Level 1-10 for availability, must be purchased separately. (Solar Coin, galactic currency)

Trade Hub: This module allows for the station, and by default the solar system to be linked to the galactic market as a whole. It comes with automated basic facilities for refueling, maintenance on ships, trade facilities, guest quarters, and entertainment. As well as access to the galactic market. D grade module 20 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Trade Hub for 20 DP.

Note: User is encouraged to buy Guest Quarters module for maximum effect.

Note: User is encouraged to buy Pleasure Palace module for maximum effect.

Visiting Guest Quarters: This module keeps a separate area for visitors aboard your station. Designed with alien physiology adaptation, and fully automated. But it also helps create a form of privacy between the rest of the station. D grade module 20 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Visiting Guest Quarters for 20 DP.

Pleasure Palace: This module has a host of entertainment capabilities. With a miniature full dive virtual environment theater, miniature simulation hall, miniature party hall. Fully automated, and capable of adapting to the physiology of many different kinds of alien species. D grade module 20 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Pleasure Palace for 20 DP.

Embassy: This module is creates exceptional guest quarters for visiting dignitaries, important business clients, etc. Works in tandem with your Public Relations module, and Galactic Sheriff module. Fully automated, and adaptable to unique alien physiology. D grade module 20 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Embassy for 20 DP.

FTL Link: This module allows the station to assist or inhibit ships capable of faster than light travel. Decreasing the cool down between jumps, or increasing the cool down between jumps. Depends who its targeting. D grade module 20 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 FTL Link for 20 DP.

Recycle and Reprocessing: This module is obtained because of your unique tech tree. Though space is vast, there are many different kinds of exotic waste that can not be dumped just anywhere. This module allows the station to recycle, and reprocess material, and waste products and turn them into something useful. Either ambient magical energy which can be funneled back into the station, used a fuel for visiting ships, or raw materials for other projects. D grade module 40 DP (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Recycle and Reprocessing for 40 DP.

Dimensional Gateway Hub: This module is obtained because of your unique tech tree. Not all visitors to your station will travel via star ship. Many of them are capable of traveling through dimensions. This module even allows direct travel to other dimensions native to your world. (Fae Wilds) With future upgrades Rift travel is even possible. D grade module 40 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Dimensional Gateway Hub for 40 DP.

Blue Lantern Core: In fearful day, in raging night, with strong hearts full, our souls ignite! When all seems lost in the War of Light, look to the stars, for hope burns bright! -Blue Lantern Corps oath

This is an experimental module you acquired through the favor of your Cosmic Patron. It is untested, and possibly unstable! However, it will allow you to slowly create Blue Lantern Rings, and recharge them. With flexibility on who can use them, and how they work. This is an A grade module 1,000 DP (High grade level bypassed by blessing of your Patron.) (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Blue Lantern Core for 1,000 DP.


***Far above the milk way galaxy***

A burst of electric blue energy exploded in what would be known one day as the Sol System. The blue energy cascaded through the whole of the galaxy. Passing through system, after system. Where the song of a long lost color of creation sang its first note. Hope. The light of hope had been reborn in the galaxy once more. Many eyes benevolent, and malevolent turned towards the source of this light. What was its source? How was it made? Could it be controlled?


In a separate dimension in the vast empty, was pocket space. The space was decorated into a vast office with wooden floors, stone walls, and a ceiling that stretched on forever. In this office was a massive desk where sat a being made of pure cosmic energy. The being was reading a book, and scribbling notes on a piece of paper. Every few minutes it would roll some kind of dice, writing down its numbers, and then it would turn to read the book again. Then it would look up, and stare off into the distance. It would chuckle, it would laugh, it would pound the desk in delight.

“Oh what fun!” The being said in a cacophony of voices.


The main power core for the whole station was now sharing its space with a large blue lantern core. It sat off to the side sharing the space with a pleasant glow that seem to instill a sense of peace, and hope on any who sat next to it. Three separate beams of light burst from the cores main section and flew up to the main saucer. Hal, Katma, and John were the first to be selected. The first agents of Hope in the galaxy as a whole. With in moments dozens of security droids rushed out of the main security module and took up positions to guard the new blue lantern core. Lash stepped out of the little alcove that was protecting him, and Vici's data port to marvel at the new blue battery.

“Well that is a surprise... I thought we would have to build it. It just appeared. That is....” Lash was trying to put the situation into words.

“A fucking disaster!” Hex said, as they materialized next to them. “This section of the saucer is completely open to the JLI. Not everyone has been properly screened yet! We were in war time protocol so we did basic security checks. Now I have ensure we have no spies among us!” Hex screamed at Lash. The giant lizard blinked at them, then swallowed them in a big hug. Hex screamed in frustration and proceeded to punch Lash in the chest. Owe, surprisingly it hurt!

Hex eventually turned into shadow and mist and faded from view. Just in time for Katma, John, and Hal to fly into the secondary saucer wearing brand new blue lantern corp uniforms. The blue rings acted very similar to that of the green rings so there wasn't much a learning curve for them. Katma practically tackled Lash as he flailed and fell over onto his back with a loud crash. Katma was bursting with joy, and hope for the future.

“Holy fuck, Wraith! I expected it to be months or even years before we got the thing up and running. Its been a few hours! Oh side note, the blue rings completely cured my buzz from drinking.” Hal said with a smirk, as he landed next to him and helped him off the floor.

“Did you not get a ring?” John asked, as he looked at Lash's claws. Katma blinked and stepped back to examine him, confused as well.

“I did not. The blue core is experimental. It can only produce so many rings at one time. You may be the only blue rings for the next while. When one of you gets a chance head to Kilowog and recharge his ring so he can go back to Oa, if he wants to that is. As long as he doesn't intend to cause trouble he is welcome here. Any green lantern is.” Lash asked them, and they all nodded in understanding.

“So the rings power lasts about as long as a normal power ring. But, we were right our offensive abilities. They are dramatically lower. But we can recharge the green rings, and even empower them. To little to no cost to our own rings energy.” John went into military mode and started to list off the differences. Strengths, weaknesses, and utility. It would definitely be a change they would have to get use to. But they could do it together.

“We need to walk and talk, there is a module I need to visit” Lash asked the three of them.

They all went to the elevator and took a ride up, just as Vici was altering the secondary saucer to create walls around the blue power core. When they reached the main saucer, they went to floor level ten and stepped out. Lash made a direct bee line for Trade, and Sheriff modules. Both of which were under construction. The Trade hub was occupying the entire top last five floors of the Beta section. Where a docking station was being built. A translucent shield, and blast doors could close off the section if needed. But it would allow transport ships of certain size to dock. While other ships could attach to the outer hull via passenger tubes. According to the schematics at C grade the inner dock could hold corvette class ships.

An android for this specific module had not been made yet. However, their was a trade hub worker droid available to help Lash with his questions. When he was purchasing the Galactic Sheriff hub there was a prompt for 1-10 level availability. He didn't understand what that meant. Well turns out, the sheriffs are like private security. Which makes sense. One can buy a higher security package. The common form of currency was solar coin. Some systems would allow barter, trade, and hard currency. But most of the galactic community, and the galactic market used solar coins. Lash didn't have solar coins. So, he turned around and went to different module. This one had been built before the upgrade. The Bank!

The Bank was built on the main floor of the first saucer. When they arrived the three new blue lanterns peeled off to visit Kilowog at the hospital. Lash wished them luck, he was sure that conversation was not going to be fun. Kilowog already considered them traitors to the green corp. Now they had blue rings on, especially since blue, and green are meant to work together.

The Bank was a twenty foot tall module with decorative design. It had a artificial dark wood finish on the outside. It was covered in golde...No that was orichalcum, calligraphy. Torloth would lose his shit if he saw this. The bank had a slew of protective charms, and wards placed on it. The twin double iron bark doors were guarded by two sentinel level security droids. They took after Hastram the android in charge of the armory. These sentinels were mobile tanks. They scanned Lash in a beam of red energy and opened the door politely for him.

Inside the bank was several waiting areas with a variety of furniture for any physiology. With worker droids on the side waiting to serve drinks, and snacks for waiting customers. Off to the side was several teller stations for quick deposits, transfers, and withdrawals. While the rest of the floor was made up small officers that allowed privacy. There was a set of stairs that led up to the second floor. A banker droid guided Lash to the upstairs to meet the head banker. Lash was led to a waiting room furnished with all the amenities. He was surprised to find several Shield and Sword logistics personal present in the waiting room.

“Hello Agent Wraith.” They greeted him politely. He took a seat, which adjusted for his bulk, size, and tail. He declined a drink and started to work through some work that had piled up on the Warden page. He also took a moment to reply, and message to his pack, and his friends.

“Grand Father, Mr. Xags will see you now. He only has a few minutes before his next meeting.” A banker droid came to get him. Lash stood up, and bid goodbye to the Shield and Sword agents.

Inside was a very nice office, with large gold (Actual gold) and silver desk. Sitting in a huge high back chair was Mr. Xags! That was his full name. Mr Xags was a 5' tall goblin like creature. He had a long, lanky build, with huge pointed ears, long mangy hair that exploded from his head in all directions, green skin, tennis ball sized yellow eyes, and a mouth full of razor sharp shark like teeth. He stood up from his desk and came around to hug Lash.

“Hello Grand Father! About time you came to visit me! We have a few things we need to discuss!” Mr Xags said, Lash returned the hug and ruffled his head. Mr Xags flailed and gave him a mock glare before he grinned and went back to his chair. Lash took a seat after Mr Xags.

“First off, pay checks for the JLI. I know before the invasion you were a bit of a billionaire. But paying everyone the way you do will drain that real fast. Do we have any means of increasing your holdings?” Mr Xags asked, Lash blinked caught by surprise by such a question. He peeked Money Storage thanks to his achievement bonus he earned interest every day. Then he forgot! That wasn't connected to any form of bank.

“I have some liquid assets I can provide. What is the preferred type of currency?” Lash asked, his hand had disappeared into his pocket space waiting for an answer. Mr Xags gave him a wide grin that stretched from ear to ear.

“Why don't we make the dragons even more jealous and make it orichalcum?” Mr Xags asked, Lash obliged the goblin and produced 200 ingots of orichalcum. Every day he used his Transmuter title effect and switched between different metals. He had plenty to spare.

“Ahahahahahaha!” Mr Xags laughed in delight. He pressed onto his intercom and asked for some workers to come in and carry this off to be weighed, measured, and turned into money. It took a few minutes but eventually all the of the ingots were transported away.

“That will help a great deal. Especially since Ghost Industries will start to take from your wallet. But unlike the JLI, the company will pay something back. Next up, we have a bit of a business opportunity to talk about.” Mr Xags pressed his intercom again, and the Shield and Sword team came in from the waiting room.

“Please take a seat everyone. We planned to talk about logistics for the project. But we can come to an actual decision of sorts with Grand Father here.” Mr Xags said to them. Lash raised a scaled eye crest at him, he only grinned in reply.

“So these delightful people have a bit of a movie deal you could say. Please educated him.” Mr Xags said, as he took a cup of some sort of black ichor from his assistant to drink.

“We want to make a documentary about the invasion. Along with a based on true events movies about the invasion it self. We were informed that every JLI uniform comes with a body camera. We wanted to edit this footage. Keeping to security of course! Then spin it through interviews, and easy to digest video clips. A majority of the mundane world was completely unaware of the invasion. We believe this will help educate, and understand the masses.” The Shield and Sword team suggested.

“It will also make us a but load of cash!” Mr Xags said with a grin. Lash leaned back in his chair, he wasn't opposed to the idea. As long as they adhered to a certain security standard. There were a lot of things they couldn't share.

“This effects the entire JLI. Not only would we be sharing footage. But a lot of what happened during the invasion could be incredibly graphic, horrifying, and deeply personal. However, I will agree to placing in on the JLI message board. If you can write up a prop...” Before Lash could finish he received a message prompt on his holographic from Mr Xags. It outlined the whole documentary, and possible movies. “OK, we'll put it up on the JLI message board and put it to a vote. No one will be forced to participate, and each person will have to sign their own agreement. Fair?” Lash asked, they all agreed and he posted the proposal onto the message board with the help of Vici. With in two minutes over a thousand people said yes. Mr Xags was practically dancing in his chair.

“We have a few more things to discuss with Mr Xags, but we can go to the waiting room so you two can finish.” The Shield and Sword team said, and excused themselves.

“Mr Xags, have you linked up with the trading hub yet?” Lash asked, Mr Xags pulled up an interface and looked through the galactic trade market. His eyes glowed with supernatural greed. An entire new market for him to play in. Then his eyes dimmed as he looked at the required currency. He flipped through the relevant information at an incredible pace.

“Well that is not good...” Mr Xags said as he leaned back in his chair and finish his black ichor. Lash looked at him, a question clear on his face.

“The galactic market standard currency is solar coin. Normally this would be when we would barter our existing materials of Earth with the first merchant vessels. But according to the market value nothing we have is worth a damn. Even Orichalcum is worth next to nothing to them. When hundreds if not thousands of planets of their own pantheon.” Mr Xags said, as he placed his cup on his desk. He rubbed his face in thought.

“Do you have access to a galactic market bank currency interface?” Lash asked, he remembered a certain function to his Money Storage. Mr Xags quickly brought up the market currency value. Lash pressed his hand into the interface and activated his achievement, and Money Storage effect. Which could transform any currency into other currency mundane, magical, or alien.

The solar coin exchange rate was fucking insane! 1,000$ cash for a single solar coin, but Lash had a lot to spare. With how much time had passed, and the amount of money he had each day as he gained a 1% increase to what ever he held in his Money Storage. Well if one combined the net worth of Wayne Enterprises, Lex-Corp, and Queen Industries. They still wouldn't come to the direct value of the amount of money he had. Lash pulled his hand away when he reached 1 million solar coins. Mr Xags eyes were wide as dinner plates.

“Alright, I need to go buy the galactic sheriff availability. Once that is done you can play with whats left over, alright?” Lash asked, and Mr Xags all but jumped over his desk and hugged Lash.

“Eeeeeee! Grand Father you give me the best presents!” Mr Xags said in delight!

Mr Xags all but pushed Lash out of his office so he could finish his meetings and play with a new form of currency on the market. Now that Lash had a bit of money to play with, he went back to the galactic sheriff module that was still under construction to see what availability he could buy. The trade hub was coming along nicely, as was the pleasure palace. Lash imagined that getting a lot of use not just from the visitors but from the JLI as well. Surprisingly a ship came in from the main door. It was martian! A group of five green martians came walking out, looking around in curiosity. Lash could spare a few minutes so he went down to greet them.

“Greetings and salutations, I am Agent Wraith of Earth. Welcome to, Watch Tower station.” Lash said through partial telepathy, and in the martian language with a bit of an accent. The martians jumped in surprise not only at the sight of him, but also at being spoken to in their native tongue.

“Hello! We were not aware that Earth had achieved so much in such a short time. J'onn J'onz spoke to the Ma'aleca'andrans council about the station, as well as the atmospheric tower that was given to us. Are you the Wraith that J'onn spoke of?” The martian....woman? Said in return with partial telepathy, and in the martian language. Ma'aleca'andrans was their native name for Martians.

“I am! I'm surprised you came so quickly. That was only a little while ago. Unless I don't understand the speed at which martian ships can travel. Which may be the truth.” Lash conceded that point. From what he understood about their technology. Martian ships swam through space like the great celestial creatures of the void. Or something like that.

“Wonderful! I am Z'tok Z'nuk. These are my companions.” Z'tok introduced each martian to Lash who bowed to him in greeting.

The martians were about 6 to 7 feet tall with vibrant green skin. Clear red eyes, and angular shaped heads that gradually pointed up. Their bodies were naturally long, limbs, and legs were far longer than a humans. They had five fingers on each hand, and five toes on each foot. Many of them stood...Naked? But their shape shifting abilities allowed them to make shifting clothing.

Lash had to unfortunately inform them that the rest of the station was off limits for now. But the trade hub, and other modules linked were up for exploration. Once they were finished being built. They were very accommodating, and understood perfectly. They didn't even expect a docking port to be available when they showed up, so this was a pleasant surprise. Lash suggested they visit the pleasure palace. At least one of the simulation suits was available. They agreed, and he excused himself back towards the sheriff hub.

Galactic Sheriff availability level. 1-10.

Level 1: A single automated drone will show up in your designated system once every 1-6 months depending on distance from nearest sheriff star port. Current estimated distance for specific station? 6 months. 1,000 Solar Coins a year.

Level 2: Two automated drones will show up in your designated system once every 1-4 months depending on distance from nearest sheriff star port. Current estimated distance for specific station? 4 months. 5,000 Solar Coins a year.

Level 3: Four automated drones will show up in your designated system once every 1-2 months depending on distance from the nearest sheriff star port. Current estimated distance for specific station? 2 months. 10,000 Solar Coins a year.

Level 4: Four automated drones will show up in your designated system once a month. A single sheriff star fighter will show up in your designated system once every 1-6 months depending on distance from the nearest sheriff star port. Current estimated distance for specific station? 6 months. 15,000 Solar Coins a year.

Level 5: Six automated drones will show up in your designated system once every two weeks. A single sheriff star fighter will show up in your designated system once every 1-4 months depending on distance from nearest sheriff star port. Current estimated distance for specific station? 4 months. 20,000 Solar Coins a year.

Level 6: Six automated drones will show up in your designated system once a week. A single sheriff star fighter will show up in your designated system once every 1-2 months depending on distance from nearest sheriff star port. Current estimated distance for specific station? 2 months. 25,000 Solar Coins a year.

Level 7: Six automated drones will be stationed in your system, if space is available on site they will dock. If not, business owner can purchase a drone sheriff station hub. A single sheriff star fighter will show up in your designated system once a month. 30,000 Solar Coins a year.

Drone storage availability at station, confirmed.

Level 8: Six advanced automated drones will be stationed in your system, if space is available on site they will dock. If not, business owner can purchase a drone sheriff station hub. A single sheriff star fighter will show up in your designated system once every two weeks. 35,000 Solar Coins a year.

Drone storage availability at station, confirmed.

Level 9: Six advanced automated drones will be stationed in your system, if space is available on site they will dock. If not, business owner can purchase a drone sheriff station hub. A single veteran sheriff star fighter will show up in your designated system once a week. 40,000 Solar Coins a year.

Drone storage availability at station, confirmed.

Level 10: Six advanced automated drones will be stationed in your system, if space is available on site they will dock. If not, business owner can purchase a drone sheriff station hub. One veteran sheriff star fighter will remain in your designated star system on rotation. Will rotate out every week with next sheriff. A single corvette class sheriff star fighter will show up in your designated system once a month. 50,000 Solar Coins a year.

Drone storage, and ship storage availability at station, confirmed.

Level 10, additional options: Sheriff bounty hub will allow the galactic sheriffs to use your station has a temporary holding cell for bounties. Corvette class sheriff star fighters will arrive once a week for prison transport. Station earns 20% of all bounty rewards.

Level 10, additional options: Sheriff refuel, repair, and resupply station hub will allow the galactic sheriffs to use your station as a resupply port. Corvette class sheriff star fighters will arrive once a week for supply runs. Station earns a 20% discount on all costs.

You have purchased, Level 10 protection. With additional options.

Bounty hub. [!]

Resupply port. [!]

Just as Vici was almost done with the Galactic Sheriff Hub the robotic arms stopped. Then began to build additional segments, and access points. The automated sheriff drones were tiny things. About the size of a wasp helicopter, or an SUV. How they fit a FTL drive core in such a small little thing was beyond Lash at this current time. Buying the premium level 10 package was expensive, but it also came with a lot of good reviews. Being such a high paying customer ensured that the owners of the galactic sheriffs were on their best behavior.

Attention User! You've completed a bonus objective from your Cosmic Patron.

Bonus Objective: Purchase a trade hub module.

Reward: Rift time dilation tool.

“A what now?” Lash said softly as he walked out from the sheriff hub.

“User, a Rift time dilation tool will slow your down your own realities time as you explore a Rift. Specifically story, scenario type Rifts. For every hour that passes in your home reality, one whole day will pass inside the Rift you are currently experiencing.” Dawn said helpfully, but Lash stopped mid stride. Why did his Patron give him such a thing? Suddenly the alarms on the station went off into a yellow alert, code Alpha-R. A Rift had opened up some where.

“Fuck me! Vici emergency station transport, operations please!” Lash called out, a spring coil began to wrap around him. Thanks to the new upgrades it only took six seconds this time. With an audible pop! Lash found himself just off to the side next to the door of operations in a predetermined spot.

The door to operations opened up and Lash rushed inside nearly colliding with several JLI members. Thanks to some quick reflexes they all jumped out of the way, Lash said a quick apology and sprinted towards the main view screen. Vigil stood in her normal spot making on the spot commands, and thinking about her next move. She watched Lash rush in, and she pointed at the screen. A Rift had opened right in the middle of Metropolis, right outside the doors of the daily planet. The city was just getting back on its feet, and a fucking Rift opens!

“We are securing the area. Super Boy, along with a team of JLI were on the scene and reported in first. The Rift is about 10 feet in diameter but its slowly growing by the minute. Superman is rushing towards the location. We are scanning the Rift with our compass to determine its type, and strength. I want you to head down immediately, and hold the line until we know more information.” Vigil shot off a quick bit of information. Lash bolted from the operations room and sprinted towards the nearest portal hub.

Over a dozen JLI members were sprinting towards the same portal hub as he was. Each hub had 10 different pads so there were plenty of space. Just as Lash jumped onto his pad, a bright flare of energy exploded next to him. Vyllith used Blink and appeared next to him with a smile. He smiled back, and stood ready as the spell scrip from the spring jump began to coil around them both. Like a pop corn popper each pad sounded out as each team was sent to their designated drop points. Then with a pop of their own Lash found himself in Metropolis city park. About a mile from the Rift.

Metropolis was once herald as the city of tomorrow. Now it could easily be considered a city of yesterday's trash. The park alone was a mess! Tree's overturned, grass drying or dead. A host of tents left abandoned by some sort of attack, or the owners simply left? Several bloated bodies floated in the pond. Near by buildings had been toppled over, hallow husks of themselves. Lash saw a few people were living in the remains of a building. A family was sitting in their living room, a room that Lash could see directly into from his spot in the park.

“Crap...” Lash said, as his shoulders drooped.

“Put it aside, and lets move!” Vyllith said, as she tugged him along. She was right, they had a job to do. He quickly cast Accelerate, and Cat's Grace on them both. They took off in a blur!

The Rift had grown in size and they could see it from the street they jumped onto. The cracked pavement, and crater's in the road did nothing to improve Lash's mood. A team of JLI were around the Rift. Three tech geniuses wearing the heavy armored version of their uniforms stood around the Rift. Cannons, pulse riffles, and one even had a energy sword stood at the ready to tear into anything that came out. While others did their best to push ruined cars into makeshift barricades. Standing in front of the Rift was Superboy. Wearing a full medium tier black polymer JLI uniform, with armored plates, utility belt, and power back. He had his helmet down, but a holographic interface was over his eyes as he looked at the information. He turned just as Lash, and Vyllith arrived.

“I didn't know you were a speedster?” Superboy said, his voice was brash and filled with arrogance. If Vyllith's helmet had been down he would have seen her glare at him for speaking so rudely to Lash. Lash knowing his hell knight placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

“I'm not, its a spell. Increases my overall speed by times 3 the amount. Changes from person to person. If I cast it on you, could probably out run Superman.” Lash explained the ability, and for a brief moment Superboy seem tempted to ask for it. Wanting to prove himself. “Only lasts five minutes though.” Lash said after a delay, smirking at how Superboy visibly deflated like a balloon.

“Stand by! We are getting a reading.” Vigil called over the communication line.

Attention User! This is a story generated Rift.

Difficulty: C+

Type: Time fragment.

Rift Walker allowed entry: 0/1

“Fuck....” Lash said, while he got the detailed analysis from Dawn. Everyone else got something else.

“Energy readings show it is emitting C grade energy levels. It is not an alternate reality, however if some one doesn't go in soon the Rift will continue to go. Until it consumes about a half a mile of Metropolis in all directions.” Vigil said over the communications line.

“What do you mean by go in?” Superboy asked Vigil. His voice took on a more...Polite tone when speaking to Vigil. Vigil didn't take shit from anyone, Lash assumed she had chewed Superboy out more than once.

“A Rift of this nature will have a Rift key on the other side. If we retrieve it, and bring it back out. The Rift will close. Our readings show that only one person can enter at a time.” Vigil replied, then started to give a detailed description of what a Rift key could look like to Superboy, and the JLI team in the area.

“I'll go.” Lash said across the line. Vyllith growled in discontent, he would have to ago alone. She didn't like that.

“What would you go? I can do it!” Superboy said, as he glared at Lash. Lash tried to not roll his eyes at the boy's immaturity, but he was barely a year old if he understood correctly.

“I can make an alternate Rift to escape if things don't work out. Can you do that?” Lash asked Superboy. He opened his mouth to retort but Vigil cut him off.

“Wraith! Get your ass inside, try your best to send a report back through a micro Rift. The rest of you secure the area. Keep civilians away, and do your best to evacuate the estimated area of effect.” Vigil barked across the line. Superboy swallowed his words and sent a confirmation back. He flipped his helmet back on and started to check the neighboring buildings.

“I don't like this. Your home reality just got you back. Don't you have a list of things to do as long as your tail?” Vyllith said as she stared at the Rift.

“I do, I'm sure Vigil will have plenty of things for you to do if you grow bored.” Lash suggested, Vyllith whipped her head around and glared at him through her helmet. Lash raised his hands in surrender.

“OK! OK! Yes, of course you will stay next to the Rift. Why don't you go keep Superboy company. Maybe you can work on some of his edges, or something. The kid's a clone of Superman so he is only about a year old maybe less. Oh, that information is on a need to know. Don't spread it around.” Lash told Vyllith who seem to consider the idea. Vyllith saluted Lash, and he returned the salute. Then he reached out and gave her a big hug that she returned.

“Please be careful.” She whispered to him.

“I'll do my best.” Lash replied to her. Vyllith had changed a lot with her time around Lash. Hell Knights adopted a lot of quirks and personalities traits from their Noble Lords, and/or Ladies. Gone was the carriage seat warmer he found in Tartarus.

Lash took a deep breath, and stepped through the Rift. As he left his home reality yet again. A dark energy shield grew over the Rift in Metropolis preventing anyone from joining him. On his third step through the Rifts corridor, he stepped onto nothing at all and fell through a cosmic tube! Flashes of information scrolled past his awareness. A kaleidoscope of colors, words, landscapes, people moved past him. Then as soon as it started, it stopped!


Lash found himself standing in what looked like a ship? Plane? Bus? It was packed with passengers. Some stood, some sat on benches in the transport. He looked out the window and saw a barren landscape, a few patches of dried grass, a gaping canyon. What ever he was on it was traveling at high speeds, and it was flying. Then he noticed the light coming from the sun above him. It was bright red! Then he looked out the window and saw two moons hanging in the air. OK, not on Earth any more. Then he heard a chime.

“Attention! Attention! We are now approaching the city of Kryptonopolis. Please check you baggage, and your traveling papers for customs and checking.” The voice said in perfect Kryptonian. Lash turned to look at the transport and saw a holographic display of the date, and time. Two months before Jor-El, and Lara-El shot their son Kal-El through space to Earth. Two months before Krypton exploded.

“Oh that is not good, not good at all!” Lash said softly to himself.

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