
***Home Reality, 5 days before Wraith's return***

Victor Stone aka Cyborg teleported onto the Watch Tower's B-pad auxiliary 2. Behind him was his fellow JLI member Gear Head, and his father Silas Stone. Silas openly gawked at the wonder of the space station. It was packed full of people, advanced alien technology, and the promise for a better tomorrow. Or at least that was what Cyborg hoped. He stepped off the pad quickly, knowing it was in service.

“Dad! Come on, we can't stay on the pad for long.” Cyborg called out, Silas was startled but jumped into action behind his son. Cyborg laughed at his dad, like a kid in a candy store. Gear Head chuckled beside them.

“Sorry son, this is just all to incredible. Think of everything we could learn from this technology. The advances to human science, medicine, engineering!” Silas continued to follow Cyborg.

The three of them walked through the bustling promenade. As always the whole station was packed like a train station terminal at rush hour. Cyborg noted that as soon as they stepped off the pad four security droids started to follow them. While another aerial drone hovered above them. Cyborg, and Gear Head were clear. But Silas Stone technically only had a visitor pass. The android known has Hex took the security of the Watch Tower seriously. It didn't matter if they were direct family of a League member. They were a risk and would be watched regardless of age, gender, or familiarity.

The trio packed themselves into one of the main elevators and went up a few levels towards the science module. A few JLI greeted them, and asked about their assignments. Everyone was incredibly busy. Either with training, another mission, or the required down time they had to take so they wouldn't burn out. News of Wraith's return had set the station abuzz with excitement. Cyborg smiled slightly, he looked down at his life like hands. At the metal polymer that simulated human skin.

Cyborg was dressed in civilian clothing with a black t-shirt that he filled out very well. With blue jeans, black boots, and a leather jacket. His father wore his traditional lab coat, buttoned up white shirt, and black slacks. While Gear Head was in full uniform. He looked like a soldier wearing futuristic tech armor. Though his helmet had retracted to show off his boyish good looks. Gear Head and Victor were about the same age. Early twenties, if the world had been working they would both be in college.

Their floor came up and half the elevator emptied. The main saucer only had ten floors. But each floor was packed with different modules. Cyborg saw a few people dressed up like they intended to visit a club. Then he remembered that the 'party hall' was on this floor. Cyborg laughed when he caught Gear Head checking out a few ladies strutting down the path towards the club.

“I haven't had a lot of time to socialize, sue me!” Gear Head said with a grumble.

“Nothing to be ashamed of Gear. Boys at your age have a high sex drive. It is only natural for you want to chase them. I do have to admit that the men and women aboard the station are very attractive. From a scientific stand point of course!” Silas said, then glanced away when he saw a very beautiful woman walk past him. Victor barked a laugh when he caught his dad looking at her.

Almost like clock work a small explosion of green smoke erupted from the front doors of the science lab. People came rushing out, covered in green particles, and tiny green will-o-wisps went dancing about. Silas looked at the scene in confusion. He went to cover his mouth, thinking it was a bio hazard until one of the lab techs said loudly to every nearby it was just green dye for a new optic flare that could work in space.

Silas stopped to consider the advantages of being able to produce a flame in a zero oxygen environment. Then he was struck dumb when a snake woman came slithering out of the front door. She was wearing a silk cheongsam with black pattern, and pink cherry blossoms. While her lab coat was partially on fire. Her eyes blazed with natural curiosity. Then her eyes fell on Cyborg, and she squealed in delight. She raced towards him, and all but bowled him over in a hug.

“Cyborg! Welcome back! What did you bring me!” The giant snake woman almost screamed, her arms wrapping around him.

“Hmmmfm fffmmmaa mmm...” Cyborg tried to say, but his face was swallowed in the bouncing bosom of Samanthei.

“I don't think he can breath, Samanthei.” Gear Head said next to them. Then all but jumped away when the lamia noticed him. Abruptly let go of Cyborg and swallowed Gear into a hug as well. He flailed for a moment, even going so far to use his powers to pull himself free. Looking like a gecko attached to the wall to get away from her. His face flushed red in embarrassment.

“Dad... Meet Samanthei. She is the science head of the JLI. Samanthei, meet my father Silas Stone.” Cyborg said between gasping breaths.

“Very please... Oh good god!” Silas started to say, then was swallowed by the lamia's arms. His face between her breasts. He flailed his arms, and legs. As she had lifted him off the ground and twirled him around.

“The great Silas Stone! I've read your papers on the introduction of alien metals, and the renewable power we could obtain from alternate dimensions!” Samanthei squealed in delight. She was a very tactile individual.

Eventually, and after several minutes of smothering. Samanthei pulled all three of them into her private lab. Where Gear Head produced a very crude, but ingenious tool to help them fix their current problems. Samanthei slithered around the room noticing the different design, and how it would work off a meta-human's power instead of a specific program.

“So, with the solar plants destroyed. And with Wraith off world, or reality. We think we've figured out a way to help everyone. I saw Gear Head use a machine he invented to spread a signal to overcome the. 'You will not work.' Power that Dex's bomb's had on the world.” Cyborg began to explain their plan with a smile on his face.

“Once Cyborg explained what he wanted. I thought why don't we do the same for the internet. We could use this signal to restore the internet nexus. Then Cyborg, and any cyberkinetic we have can push through the internet. Overriding the signal, while we push the signal across the globe.” Gear Head continued, as he expanded the design.

“Star Labs had been working on a broad wave broad cast system meant to cast it over a wide net for vibrations. The vibrations were meant for underground, and water mapping. But we believe we could do this to spread the signal over the Earth to restore the different technologies. Its not that they are broken, they are just being told not to work thanks to the meta-power of the Dex bombs.” Silas stone finished the explanation.

“Yes! We can do that! Let me call my brother Malleus. We'll build the machines by the end of the day!” Samanthei shouted with joy, raising her arms in joy.


***Home Reality, gated community right outside of Metropolis***

Floyd Lawton aka Dead Shot, currently known has Wolf West was patrolling the community his wife, Michelle Torres, and his daughter Zoe West lived in. He had lived in the community over a year, thanks to the help of a very nice lawyer from Shield and Sword that his benefactor had set up for him. Thanks to Shield and Sword and their discretion West was able to obtain all the money had saved as Lawton and/or Dead Shot. Zoe went to the best schools money could buy, and Michelle remar...Well married Wolf West. Though she kept her name.

Zoe got a real kick out of the fact that her father was named, Wolf. Called him the big bad wolf. A name he had more than earned during the first few weeks of the black out. The community had been great. Turns out nearly every house had an underground bunker. So, when Wolf had pulled out emergency supplies, food, water, and guns from his bunker he wasn't an odd man out. Turned out the entire community was full of ex-soldiers, spies, and people seeking asylum in the U.S.

He was currently walking the stretch of sandbag walls that was placed ahead of one of the entrance gates. Several retired soldiers waved at him, he returned the gesture with a nod. While he kept his eye on the road ahead of him. He activated his 'prediction algorithm' power he obtained from his benefactor. Over a thousand different calculations went through his mind. He could only do it for a few seconds before he received a sharp pain between his eyes. Then he turn it off and review the information.

“That's odd...” Wolf said softly to himself. His meta-power calculation predicted a 50% chance of him taking a shower tonight.

“West! Get over here! The radio just turned on!” A retired marine shouted at him. Wolf turned around and sprinted towards the gate. The radios hadn't worked the whole time, even ham radios were dead.

“Attention! Attention! This is the Justice League International. We are attempting to restore functionality to all machines with in a broad area of effect. Please be aware that if you have any of your mechanical devices set to on, they may suddenly hum to life!” The voice was a soothing voice of a young woman that seemed familiar to Wolf.

One by one the street lamps in their community turned on. The sprinklers on a nearby house started to work again. House lights glowed to life, and the security station gate house started to spit out music from its radio. Everything was turning back on! The message over the radio played for ten minutes before it stopped. But by that time everything had turned on. Then another message was sent through. This one catered to their specific location, informing them of all the different things in their area. Power was still an issue, as was water. They should expect brown outs, and should continue to conserve water. Someone raced into their neighbors home to turn off the sprinkler.

“JLI! JLI! JLI!” Someone started to shout, but was soon repeated by everyone. West had ran home to see his porch light on. His wife, and daughter were dancing in the living room.

“Daddy!” Zoe shouted and ran into his arms. He picked her up, and twirled her around. Michelle came over and kissed him on the cheek.

“Did your giant lizard friend fix everything?” Zoe asked, her bright clear eyes full of delight.

“I'm don't know, pumpkin. But I'm sure he helped.” Wolf said with a smile. At last, things would start to go back to normal.


***Alternate Reality, Themyscira***

Lash was surprised to find out that the party was being held on the port city of the island. Where both men, and women were allowed to attend. The reason being, that a few days before Lash had arrived with the Sulaco. Babies like days of old had washed up on shore with the tide. Just like they did in the past. This was how new Amazons were born. However, unlike before three of the children had been baby boys! Three boys, six girls. All of them blessed with the mark of Amazon magic.

It appeared that since Lash was considered a brother to the Amazon sisterhood. Since he was the one to rescue the holy relic from the grips of Tartarus. He had accidentally imprinted on the relic. Traditionally, any woman that was killed unjustly by a man could be reincarnated into an Amazon. (This was different than his home reality) Since millions of women, and men were unjustly killed by Dex. The holy relic chose to allow both women, and men to be reincarnated.

Because of this change. AR-Queen Hippolyta opened the port city to those proven friends of the Amazons. Baby steps in the right direction. The party was in full swing. He wasn't sure if it was the circumstance, or the fact that war was over. But everyone was drinking like it was the end of the world. Maybe in a lot of ways it was. The end of the old, and the beginning of the new.

Lash had removed his Transformation and placed a simple Fae Glamore to hide his reptilian features, and tribal tattoos. He was 6'6” wearing black urban battle uniform pants, and jacket. With black boots, and black shirt. He had a drink in hand though it was filled with water. He wore a small smile on his face that was genuine as he watched everyone enjoy themselves.

The port city of Themyscira was a combination of greek architecture, and a few modern day choices of design. Giant towers of white marble over 200 feet tall. Dazzling spell arrays carved with care into every surface. Each tower was blazing with a magical fire to light the way for wayward ships. But tonight they blazed for a different reason. As fire works shot into the sky. Those with the power of flight bounced from location to location wearing colorful pieces of clothing that excited the eyes. Filling ones mind and heart to the brim with fantasies.

“Found you.” Vyllith said from behind him. Her arms slipped around him from behind and she pressed herself tight against his back. Lash slowly turned around to look at his Knight. They were linked through a soul pact it would make sense she would be able to track him down.

Vyllith had decided to swap out her armor. Wearing dark leather sandals, a short leather skirt, and a tight leather top that barely contained her bursting chest. It a lot of belts, buckles, and was very risque. But she had always been comfortable with her body. A body that had only improved since she had gone up in rank. Her long black hair was swept to one side, exposing her neck, and her left pointed ear. Behind her was a few familiar faces that he had seen before in Dex's tower.

Big Barda towered over everyone present, her hair was down and swept back. Her right arm was covered in studded leather, and she wore a hard leather chest plate that exposed her midriff. Then she wore black leather pants, and boots. She had a giant mug of something alcoholic in hand, and a brilliant smile on her face.

With Barda was AR-Black Canary who was named Dinah Drake in this reality. She was 5'7” blue eyes, short cropped blond hair. She wore a sleeves black wrap around top, as short leather skirt, and three inch heels. She had several scars that were in the process of healing. Though her eyes looked haunted, there was a spark of life in them that wasn't there before. Next to her was AR-Starfire.

AR-Starfire had short bot cut fiery orange hair. She wore a brilliant red cocktail dress, with a long skirt that exposed her left thigh all the way to her hip. Long red gloves that covered her entire arm to her bicep. The dress only had one shoulder strap, leaving one shoulder exposed. Like Canary she had several tiny scars, and showed them off proudly.

“How are you all feeling?” Lash asked, genuinely curious. He had heard that the telepaths in the resistance offered to alter or even erase the memories of those in captive with Dex. He also knew that none of them had asked for that.

“My sisters and I are healing!” Barda said with a sad smile. As she took another drink from her mug. Then frowned when her cup was empty. Lash fixed that with a simple Fabrication and refilled the cub. Never ending beer! Barda grinned and began to drink anew.

“Mera...Our Mera says hello. But she is spending time at the waters edge. If you have time she would love for you to come say hello. She hasn't seen the ocean in years. She is making up for lost time.” Dinah said with a tight smile as she walked forward and hugged Lash. He returned the hug, it was a little awkward. He could tell she was on edge.

“Thank you for saving us. I know that battle could have gone easier if you had just...” Dinah said softly to him.

“I'm sure Supergirl would have have been fine. Though you would all have a few broken bones by the end.” Lash said, humor clear in his voice. Dinah smiled a little and stepped back.

AR-Starfire just like the one in his reality stepped forward and planted a big wet kiss on his lips. Lash flailed for a bit, but eventually leaned into it. A bemused expression crossed the three watching ladies. She eventually broke the kiss, and breathed him in before stepping back to join Dinah. Then swiped the mug from Barda and finished the whole glass before Lash refilled it again. They stood in an amiable silence before Barda spoke up.

“So, what are you doing here standing off to the side. Do you know how many people want to talk to you?” Barda asked, as she gestured towards the city at large.

“My Lord Count doesn't drink. Not that he won't. But more to the fact that nothing here can get him drunk. I've tried.” Vyllith said, and came to his side once more a teasing smile on her face. Which of course made Lash wince, crap!

“Oho! That sounds like a challenge!” Barda cheered loudly, and with out a word took Lash's hand and started to drag him towards the nearest bar. The other three tagging along, Vyllith watching in glee at the sight of her master grumbling.

Thankfully Barda didn't shout to the bar who he was. All the drinks were free, and Lash obeyed Barda. Despite her years in captivity, it paled in comparison to the tortures she suffered on Apokolipse. So out of all the women in Dex's harem she was the most put together. While AR-Starfire had a hard life before Earth to begin with. Dinah was better than most. But Lash knew that AR-Mera, along with a few others were hollow versions of themselves.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Water Breathing from the Transmutation Domain.

Water Breathing: The Caster can temporarily alter the physiology of a the target to breath underwater. Allowing the creation of gills, and/or the adaptation of their lungs pulling and filtering oxygen from water.

Effect: One target cast will last one hour. (Can be cast multiple times to allow several hours of Water Breathing.)

Effect: Requires an oxygen rich water environment.

Effect: Target can breath both air, and water.

Eventually the four of them went down to the pier and jumped into the water. Lash used Adaptation and gave himself gills. Then he used Water Breathing on Barda, Starfire, and Canary. While Vyllith seem to use her own version of Adaptation something Lash recently learned. She had acquired Adaptation from him. Something to do with the bond their shared. The under water area around Themyscira had gone through a dramatic change. They were still with in the pocket dimension. But freshly magically grown coral had turned the area around them into a rainbow of colors.

AR-Y'Mera the Queen of Atlantis had thought to be lost to the Unification War. It was believed the entire royal family had been lost. When Queen Mera was found, and returned it was cause for celebration! Kaldur, and his wife Tula were enjoying the festivities when they caught sight of the four of them. Though it wasn't until later that they found out that the human with them was Wraith in disguise. They brought them before their Queen who was delighted to see them.

“I met the Arthur from your reality. He is...Different from mine. But in a lot of ways still the same.” AR-Mera said to Lash as they swam off to the side away from the party. Kaldur was teaching Barda how to speak underwater, it was entertaining.

AR-Mera had long rich red hair, pale delicate skin that was covered in a variety of tiny scars. She wore a green gauze water silk fabric that wrapped around her chest and neck. Along with a water silk fabric around her waist. Essentially a bathing suit. But Atlanteans could survive in the crushing depths of the freezing deep ocean. So tropical water must have been the equivalent of a hot summer day to her.

“Should have seen him before. He was a brutish, rogue, a barbarian of a man....Actually he hasn't really changed much.” Lash said, sarcasm clear in his voice. AR-Mera gave him a short and sweet laugh. Then her eyes clouded over as she was reminded of something.

“I could stay a bit longer if you like, help rebuild Atlantis.” Lash asked, trying to change the subject. The tension in AR-Mera's face loosened and was replaced by a different kind of stress.

“Thank you, Wraith. But I think we have kept you longer than we should. You have your own world to rebuild. But if we need anything I will be sure to request your help.” AR-Mera followed up and she gave him a smile.

“Thank you...For coming to our rescue. I...I'm not sure if we....eep!” AR-Mera attempted to say before she was swallowed in Lash's arms. She was stiff for a moment, then noticed that a glamour surrounded them. Then she began to tear up, and racking sobs began. Lash just held her.

Thanks to Lash's achievements, titles, and abilities. He could naturally comfort people. Just his presence seem to reassure them. Give them a bit of hope. He wasn't sure if that had been intentional on Dawn's part, the Cosmic Patron's, or if that was just how he was personally. He was an absolute terror to his enemies, and was a rock steady anchor to his friends and family. After a few minutes AR-Mera stopped and cleaned her face. She looked a million pounds lighter.

The sun rose over the island paradise. A majority of the people were just getting to bed and hissed in dismay as the burning disk of hate glowed brilliantly above them. Lash was in the city square cooking a huge brunch buffet of sorts. For everyone that was either going to sleep, or waking up. He used Manifestation and called up his 1,000 Saurus Warriors and they began to clean up, and prepare for the day of celebration.

This time he used his Transformation, though he did not have his shroud on. He was just a 8' tall armored lizard man. Who may or may not of had a tentacle horror as a grand father. As his tentacles were flipping pancakes, and stirring eggs. All of his food was made with fresh magic, and cooked to the best of his abilities with his Advanced Cooking skill. Coffee! Coffee in all sorts of flavors, and shades. Along with morning beer! Liquid breakfast!

“This was suppose to be your goodbye party. Normally the guest of honor doesn't work.” AR-Wonder Woman said as she walked over to pick up a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. With a tall glass of orange juice.

“I enjoy cooking for my friends and family. The Amazons are my sisters, and many of them had to work yesterday. I understand that our Queen is rotating everyone, hence the two day celebration. But even the people who worked last night are hammered today.” Lash said with a smile, his lips pulling back to reveal his fangs.

AR-Diana wore a single piece white gown that must have had an insane thread count. It wasn't silk, but it was close. It wrapped around one shoulder, and exposed her other. The gown was wrapped around her waist by a leather belt, and pulled back to reveal her long legs. She wore golden leather sandals to finish off the touch. Themyscira had a tropical weather pattern, so a lot of skin was normal. It was hot! In more ways than one.

“I'm not complaining!” AR-Diana said, as she pulled back her hair and tied it with a leather string. “Just promise you wont work the entire day. Mera from your reality says your a very good dancer. So, I would like to see that for myself tonight.” AR-Diana said with a grin and walked off.

“Did she mean when I was drunk? Or when I was sober?” Lash asked, AR-Diana looked back with a grin and continued walking. When he was drunk.

Later Lash discovered that since each of his Manifestations could hold their own power source he could eventually summon all of them. So he ended up with 1,000 Warriors, 100 Veterans, and 10 Elites. They were scattered through out the port city helping with the festivities. More specifically they were cooking lots, and lots of food! The second day was full of activities, contests, and tales of the battle told by actors, and bards. The greatly embellished the tales, but it was still enjoyable for the audience.

Then sun eventually set and the party went into a full blown rage. Especially since Lash set up a sound system through out the whole city. The music was different depending on which part of the city you were in. Allowing for classical, metal, jazz, techno, mix, etc, etc. Two of his Elites made expendable necklaces that allowed for underwater breathing and speech allowing the surface dwellers to join the Atlanteans. Also embarrassingly enough more than a few women, and men propositioned not only Lash for some horizontal refreshments. But also his Manifestations. Which raised a few questions in his mind. Especially when a few of his Warriors, Veterans, and at least one Elite agreed. Ever since he had reached master rank they have been more life like.

“You could not imagine my surprise when a young woman claimed she had nailed the Agent Wraith. But I thought it was impossible, my Lord Count has been here this whole time helping with the festivities. Only for me to discover it was an Elite.” Vyllith said as she came over, wearing a red bikini, and a red sheer gown wrapped around her body. Her sex appeal was through the roof, while her lilac eyes appraised him.

“Yes, it seems that my Manifestations have become more life like since I mastered the spell. There is no harm in them expanding their skill set.” Lash offered a reason to his knight. It was true, he had gained hundreds of experience points in Sex.

“Lord Count, when are you going to stop working? Come dance with me!” Vyllith said, as she took up his clawed hand to look at him with her lilac eyes. Her lower lip trembling in mock sadness if he said no.

“Ok.” Lash said simply. Vyllith blinked, then grinned at him. She pulled him away from the table that he was working at.

Vyllith settled on a death metal concert that Lash had created. Some industrial rock that you would commonly hear at club. Up on the stage was a Phantasm band, the lead singer was practically screaming into the microphone. A soul rending sound, you could almost feel the torture vibrating through your body. Which of course was the point. Vyllith jumped on the balls of her feet, and moved her body in a hypnotic manner. She flipped her hair side to side, and glanced at Lash. He stood perfectly still in the throng of people.

Lash while in his Transformation was built to hunt, and kill. His bladed tail alone would cut through a Nth metal ingot. He knew that, because he had tried it. But he held a smile on his face as he watched Vyllith. Despite his lack of movement he was enjoying watching her have a good time. She rolled her eyes at him, and kept dancing. Eventually a few women, and men started to use him as a sort of dance pole.

The music eventually switched to a low hum as a giant drum was rolled out. The beating of the drum created a rhythm that seem to attune to every ones heart. A mongolian throat singer came up, and sung into the microphone. Electric version of the morin khuur, and Tovshuur started to play. It was interesting to hear another kind of metal based from a different culture. Though Lash may have created the Phantasm, he had elected to use the entire song collection from his reality through his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits.

AR-Wonder Woman found them eventually and pulled them to a different dance circle. This one with Lash's own dance stage. Where on this stage was the tool of his destruction. They had found a magical drink that could get Lash drunk. Lash surrendered to his fate, stripped himself from his armor and drank the keg. Half way through he started to dance to what ever the bad was playing. Some remix of a tribal song. Since he had the stage to himself, or more rather anyone who joined him on the stage could at least be mindful of his razor sharp claws, and tail. The last thing he remembered was AR-Supergirl joining him on the stage.


Lash woke up at 4:30 am right on the dot. He looked at his Clock to confirm it. He was in a very large room. His Night Vision, and Adaptation kicked on automatically letting him see perfectly in the pitch black room. He was on a large bed, as in emperor size bed. Something that you would normally only see on movies about fantasy kingdoms and such. On the bed was a tangled mess of naked bodies, and limbs. He quickly checked his body over and breathed a sigh of relief. He still had his polymer pants on. They were relatively hard to get off.

It wasn't that Lash was afraid of having sex. It was just that he was afraid of waking up with a message from Dawn about a successful impregnation through the blessing of Sobek. Since he didn't have any prompts or messages waiting for him. He assumed nothing of the sort happened. Or at the very least Dawn assumed he would say no.

“I assumed you would say no, and no User you didn't have sex. Though you did use pheromones and a few spells in a creative way to throw the festival into an orgasmic bliss for a few hours.” Dawn said softly in his ear, teasing him gently. Lash groaned and buried his face into his pillow.

The soft, yet hard skin of a beautiful woman pushed up against his chest, and right arm. Lash looked down and saw Vyllith naked, and nudging up against him. A smile on her face. He turned gently trying to not disturb anyone else. He wrapped his arms around her, and pressed his chest into her back. She shivered in delight and softly murmured in her sleep. Her tail wrapping around his leg. Then Lash's eyes snapped open in horror.

“Dawn...What did you mean by, the festival?” Lash asked softly.

“Oh I mean nearly the entire port city fell into orgasmic bliss. Nature Domain is the strongest Domain you have. Pheromone control is a cantrip, even worked underwater.” Dawn's voice cackled in delight.

Congratulations User! You've earned the achievement: 'Apostle of Qetesh'.

Effect: Intermediate Sex has evolved into Advanced Sex.

Effect: Advanced Sex you have become a supernatural guru when it comes to Sex. Able to combine your natural, supernatural, and magical foci. Creating almost a divine moment of pleasure lasting seconds or hours.

Effect: You can use sex to empower yourself, and those you share yourself with.

Effect: You can make an offering of magical energy to a spiritual, magical, or divine power if you so choose.

Attention User, would you like to offer the collected magical energy to the dormant Gods, and Goddess of this reality?

Note: Though the Gods and Goddesses of Greece left the world. Not all of the divine did.

Yes / No


Attention User! You've breathed new life into the Gods, and Goddesses of the Earth.

Your Cosmic Patron, and Loki are delighted by your actions and hope to see more entertainment.

Note: Loki has watched your actions with glee, as you carry his spark until you find a suitable host. (He kinda doesn't want you to find a host, he's enjoying the show.)

“Lord Count...What just happened.” The sleepiness from Vyllith evaporated like snow on a hot summer day. She felt the divine pulse of energy wash over the whole room and fly into the dark. She was a hell knight to a Daemonic Lord. She was immune to the damage that normally would have come such radiance.

“Something that I may live to regret, but we'll see. Since you are awake shall we go for a walk?” Lash asked, as he started to stand up. Carefully pulling himself from the limbs of those in the bed.

Lash cast Immaculate on himself, and Vyllith. Lash made her some sport shorts, and a tank top. Then he braided her hair, he enjoyed doing it and she enjoyed the attention. When they stepped outside from where ever they were they found dozens of divine golden lights fluttering through the sky. Taking shape to form ghostly silhouettes of beings of power. But one specifically was a beautiful woman with golden brown skin, long black kinky hair that was down to her middle back. She wore a leopard skirt, and golden silk top. When Lash, and Vyllith stepped out into the morning air she zeroed in on him. A brilliant smile that could only belong to a goddess bloomed on her face.

“Hello chosen!” Her voice boomed across the whole city.

“Ah crap....” Lash said, and he could almost hear his Cosmic Patron laughing.


For the first time in decades on the alternate reality of Earth. God-Kins were being chosen. Qetesh was disappointed when she discovered that Lash was already taken. But accepted it with grace, and humility fitting of her station as a Goddess of love, beauty, and sex. She said he was always welcome in her home, and in her bed if he ever came to visit. Lash had to admit it was tempting to sleep with a Goddess. But he had work to do back home. But he was sure to come back and visit.

Something truly amazing happened, at least for the Amazons their long time enemy, and ally during the unification war. A forgotten God-Kin of of Ares bloomed, and a new greek god of War was born. The last Olympian on the whole of the Earth. Lash had only met Ares from his reality when he was trying to destroy the world. The Ares from this reality was far more down to earth, and relaxed. Maybe it was his host?

This caused another celebration, Lash was suppose to go home today. But Qetesh demanded he stay for at least one more night. Word was sent back home about the sudden revival of the divine with in the reality. When they had found out what Lash had done. (Though blissfully they didn't know all the details) They understood why it was requested he stay another night. For the first time in thousands of years Gods, and Goddesses walked the streets of Themyscira. Despite the different heritages of the divine everyone was on their best behavior. They understood they were guests in someones home.

“So let me get this straight. You got so drunk, you cast a wide area of effect cantrip with your Nature Domain. To turn everyone with in range into a puddle of orgasmic pleasure. Then when you woke up the next day, your Patron asked if you wanted to donate the collected energy to restore the divine with in the world?” Qetesh asked, Lash. A bemused expression on her perfect face.

“More or less.” Lash said, he was sitting next to her in his Transformed state. Qetesh began to laugh. Her laugh was like drizzled honey on the skin, and sent waves of pleasure through everyone who could hear it. More than a few people were driven into a sexual lust and started to have sex on the ground around them.

“Well your Patron sound's like a lot of fun! I'm interested though why you seem almost immune to my powers though. Is that from him as well?” Qetesh asked as she ran her fingers up and down his scaled arm. Lash shivered involuntarily, thankfully Nullification activated every time. Vyllith and turned into a orgasmic puddle next to him with in minutes of talking to Qetesh.

“Helps me keep control in certain situations, Goddess.” Lash replied, as he tried his best not to squirm. Qetesh delighted in getting any kind of reaction from him, but pouted ever so slightly when he addressed him.

“Qetesh...With you I am only Qetesh. It is because of you that I am awake again, that any of us are. Say my name, please.” Qetesh said, humbling herself before him.

“Apologies, Qetesh. As a Warden from my reality its been trained into me to maintain customs and courtesy among the divine.” Lash, replied softly. His four reptilian eyes blinked several times as he tried to focus on her.

“Yes! The Wardens, I've heard you speak of them. We didn't have their ilk in our reality. Can you please explain them to me?” Qetesh requested, Lash was having a real hard time with this conversation.

All of the gods, and goddesses had just obtained new bodies. In a lot of ways they were still mortal. Just very powerful mortals. Many of them continued to be themselves, but had access to a wealth of knowledge they didn't have before. All Lash knew about the merging of God-Kin is that when the god or goddess that reincarnates into them doesn't take over. But more or less merges together making a brand new person. Imagine with in your mind is a new room full of books. Each book is a previous incarnation. The new individual can now pick up any book and read from it. Or something like that, it was hard to explain. He felt no matter how he tried to explain it, he would inevitably miss a crucial detail.

Lash spent the rest of the night talking to the new gods, and goddesses about the Warden's and the Supernatural council of his reality. Eventually he request for a representative to be sent so they could establish a embassy in this reality. Lash also spent the night trying to avoid advances from the different gods, and goddesses. It wasn't everyday when a single mortal was the instrument to the revival of the old gods. A few hours before sunrise Qetesh, along with several other divinities that aligned with sex went to perform another ritual orgy offering. Lash escaped into the hills before he was dragged into it. He had no desire to be a totem pole.

“Such a delightful mess you've made, brother Wraith.” AR-Queen Hippolyta said, she had walked up on him sitting on a hill over looking the port city. A radiant divine glow was slowly over taking the whole city. Lash quickly stood up and was about to bow before he was stopped.

“None of that! Just relax, may I join you?” The Queen asked, Lash produced a simple blanket from nothing so she wouldn't dirty her white gown. She smiled at the gesture and took a seat next to him.

AR-Queen Hippolyta chose a regal white gown, with golden pieces adorning her arms, legs, and chest. A golden leather cuirass for a top with strips of orichalcum sewn in. A dazzling crown adorned her long black hair. She had left her staff to stand perfectly straight up next to her, a soft glow settled over them both creating a minor baffle field allowing them to talk with out being over heard. She fixed her long skirt, straightened her back, and squared her shoulders. No matter the circumstance she had to remain regal, and composed.

“Thank you for coming here, Lash.” She said, not surprising him in the least that she knew his name.

“I know that you could have left straight after killing Dex. But you stayed far longer, and did far more that anyone expected of you. You've restored our world, and brought back its magic, and its celestial beings. Though that last one may be more trouble in the end.” She said, though a smile was on her face. She watched in delight as the divine energy washed over the island.

“Aside from Ares, if the olympians come back. What will you do?” Lash asked, after a bit of thought. The Queen's eyes grew hard, her knuckles popped softly as she squeezed them into fists.

“They left us to our fate, believing us dead already. We will do our best to strengthen the spell shield to lock them out. Perhaps the reborn gods, and goddesses could help. That's if they return. But what I know of them, they more than likely left behind a method to see if we won the fight or not. Planning to sweep in, and return to us. It sickens me that I ever trusted them.” The Queen said, anger written all over her face.

“Well if they show up, give me a call. Actually if you need help in the future give me call. I put a lot of effort into this place. I would hate to see it all burn up just after I fixed it up.” Lash said, with a smile as he gently nudged her. Trying to distract her, it was noticed and she took a deep breath and returned her face to placid indifference.

“We will do that if such an opportunity presents itself. Though perhaps you could come back and simply visit. I know many here would love to see you again, my daughter included.” The Queen said, laying on the insinuation a little thick. This raised a scaled brow from Lash.

“Don't be so surprised, many of our sisters would gladly take you to bed. Especially after last night, apparently some of your Manifestations are excellent in bed. They couldn't help but wonder what the prime would be like.” The Queen said, a delighted smirk on her face when she saw the shock look on Lash's face.

“Wait...you didn't happen to be around when I foolishly bathed the whole city in pheromones were you?” Lash asked, his dark green metallic scales almost become light green. Essentially paling at the very idea. AR-Queen Hippolyta had a little smile on her face and decided at that moment to excuse her self with out answering. Lash just wanted to dig a hole, crawl inside, and stay there for the next foreseeable future.


The Rift that had been stationed on a military vessel. Was moved to the port city surrounded by guard towers, and newly installed hydro cannons. Some of the cannons pointed out, while others pointed at the Rift itself. Lash was in full armor, as was Vyllith. They were saying their goodbyes, and receiving their well wishes. A majority of the new gods, and goddesses had left with the morning light to discover if any of their temples survived the war.

Qetesh had kissed Lash goodbye before she had left as well. Delighted in the fact that her kiss nearly brought him to his knees. She gave him a sultry look before bursting into light and fading from sight. At long last Lash stepped through the Rift, with Vyllith beside him. They came through the billowing energy of the Rift to find themselves underwater, with an Atlantean membrane dome above them. They were a few miles under water with a military installation built around them.

The membrane dome went up by a few hundred feet, and had a crystal lattice built through it. Creating a honey comb effect. Making the entire structure very stable. Each of the sections was solidified and you needed a key to pass through the membrane. Inside the dome was pure fresh air, the membrane keeping the deep ocean out. Hundreds of Atlantean, Xebel, and water-kin were in the installation. As soon as Lash stepped out, people started to cheer. Then Lash received a host of prompts.

Congratulations User! Superman, and Supergirl have granted Vici and thereby yourself Kryptonian Science.

Effect: Kryptonian Other Worldly Lore sub-skill.

Effect: Kryptonian Science sub-skill.

Effect: Kryptonian Crafting sub-skill.

Comment: While you were away the Kryptonians of your reality believed that the JLI could benefit from Kryptonian technology, as well as yourself.

Attention User! You have an optional side quest from your Cosmic Patron.

Quest Objective: Restore your world to fully functional state.

Bonus Objective: Help the Supernatural, Meta, and Alien origins establish the Certified Super Association. (CSA)

Bonus Objective: Purchase a trade hub module from D grade modules for the Watch Tower.

Attention User! You have approximately 22 hours real time before your next invasion.

Additional notes: You've been dreaming for over 5 hours, please take a moment to log out and move around. (First Warning)

“Alright, place me on soft-progression and log me all the way out.” Lash said softly to himself. Erik the gamer felt the familiar out of body pulling motion. As his awareness flew from the ocean, into the night sky above.


Erik opened his eyes to find himself in his pitch black room. He turned look at the clock and saw that it was the middle of then night. He only a had a few more days till his 'vacation' was over. He could of course keep playing even if he had work. He would just miss the consistency. He wondered what his co-workers would think of him now. Will all the weight he has lost now. He was sure he looked like a completely different person.

He stood up and opened a window it was rancid inside his room. He took out the cleaning solution and carefully cleaned out the Dream Cube. Then pulled off his sheets and put them away into his laundry hamper. Shedding his own clothes, he went and took a shower before returning and putting on a large shirt, gym shorts that barely hit him, and a pair of shoes. Snagged his wallet, keys, and phone then took his hamper downstairs to the laundromat.

No one was in the laundry room. He put his clothes into the washer, and pulled out his phone to look a few things up on the forum. Thirty minutes later he swapped his wet clothes into the dryer and went back to reading the forum. He couldn't access his relevant information because it was tied to his computer. He didn't want to go through the hassle of tying to his phone so he just looked through the Dream Engine general gaming forum. The beta test was in full swing! They were also getting demonetized for the 'realistic' aspects of the Engine. Sex, drugs, killing. You could do almost anything with in the world. Oddly enough violence, and sex crimes in the global dynamic had dropped by 5% in the past two weeks.

“Excuse me, do you mind if I snag some detergent?” A voice called out to him. Erik looked up and saw his next door neighbor talking to him. She was about 5'5” with short brown hair, blue eyes, and a bright smile. She looked like she had just gotten back from the apartment gym center.

“Oh, ya sure Jenny.” Erik replied, and handed his tub of detergent to her. Jenny blinked at him in surprise.

“Do...I know you?” She asked, clearly confused. Erik looked up at her, confusion written on his face.

“Jenny, its me Erik. I live next to you.” He said, Jenny's eyes went wide in recognition.

“Oh my god! Erik, you look amazing!” Jenny said, a clear blush rising to her cheeks for so blatantly complimenting him. She snag his tub of detergent and went to wash her clothes.

Erik looked at her in confusion, then went back to his phone. Jenny was in a word, sporty. Actually the type of woman Erik liked. But a voice in the back of his head told him to stay away from her. He searched his memory and remembered that she had a boyfriend. Something that it seemed Jenny didn't remember as she kept bending over, and showing herself off to Erik. Eventually Erik rolled his eyes at her.

“How is your boyfriend, Jenny? Been a few days since I saw the two of you together.” Erik asked, Jenny looked bright eyed and embarrassed.

“Actually we are taking a bit of a break right now. We've been so busy, I work everyday. We decided to date other people till our lives settle.” Jenny confessed to him, and she winked at him inviting him to ask her about it. She's lying....A cold voice said to Erik in the back of his mind.

“Sorry to hear about that. I know dating scene can be frustrating when you both have to work. Ah, excuse me! My clothes are done. But it was nice talking to you.” Erik said, as he pulled out his sheets. Jenny seemed disappointed that he was leaving.

“Well, if you have time later today you should come by, I'm free all day!” Jenny said, Erik stopped to look at her.

“Didn't you say you work everyday, that was why you are on a break with your boyfriend?” Erik said, a grin on his face. Jenny's face went a little pale.

“I mean! Ya, totally! Sorry I'm so exhausted I forgot my schedule. But, if your around you could knock on my door and find out!” She recovered quickly, smiling at him.

Erik chuckled and went back to his apartment. He understood that people can date as many people as they like. But the few times he had seen them together they looked pretty serious. Especially since the man had his own key to her apartment. It was also a bit flattering that Jenny even invited him. For over a year, Erik had been the over weight guy that lived next door. Some one that Jenny actively avoided.

Erik fixed his bed, and made a meal. He decided to eat one of his frozen steaks. He knew it was heresy to flash microwave a steak till it was thawed enough to cook. But he was hungry! He pulled out a few things from his frig, and before he knew it he had made a delightful meal. He almost expected to see a prompt from Dawn about obtaining Cooking experience. But thankfully he hadn't lost his touch on reality. He finished his meal, washed up, and went to his computer to log in.

Erik filled out his Beta Tester report. His fingers flew across the keyboard and a report that normally took thirty minutes was done in ten minutes. He clicked through his messages from different Users. He also opened up a video file from the developers. It was a quick video of evolution in Ethiopia where he obtained his tentacles. Then fought against the HK's from Dex's regime. He had to admit it looked bad ass. Then he discovered something amazing! The Dream Engine Developers were paying him for every day he had played, on top of any day he would play. So he got 200$ dollars per day, for the past few days! Awesome!

He opened another file and discovered that out of the original 500 Users who were on their first life. Only a 100 were left, they had obtained 100% conversion just like Erik. Which meant that as long as the Dream had not been edited by any World Points. Then the VI Avatars would always spawn in their world. So, Lash and Saurian would continue exist in every single, multiplayer, and mmo Dream from now on. Cool!

Erik finished up, powered down his computer and slipped back into the Dream Cube. He found himself standing in the black room. The floor, and walls made of starlight. A meteor shower flew past and bathed the room in sparkles. He looked down at his home reality, watching the giant blue marble spin for a bit. Off to his left was the Watch Tower floating between the moon, and the earth. He turned to look back at the black room to find Dawn sitting at a large cherry oak desk, tapping away on a keyboard and reading her monitor.

Dawn chose to wear a form fitting business suit with red silk blouse. Green pencil skirt, and a green half suit jacket. She wore narrow half rim glasses, and pulled her rich brown hair back into a bun. Her skin was soft, rich, and had a healthy tan. She sat up straight with out a slouch, and squared her shoulders when she looked at Erik. He pointed to the seat that materialized in front of her desk. Erik took the invitation to sit down in front of her. Waiting for her to finish. She pushed the monitor around so he could see it.

“So, we have the updated timeline. As well as a few common enemies that you will most likely face. Be aware I can't give to much information away. It would ruin the story, but everything I am giving you could normally be found on the Dream Engine forums. So, we are not breaking any rules here.” Dawn said to him, she leaned back in her chair letting him read through the window.

“Fort Rozz in death valley, Zod is meant to show up in 6 months. Which is just when the 24 hour real time ends. Known enemies are; Humans First, Villains for Hire, Injustice League.” Erik read out loud. Dawn clicked her mouse and a new screen came up.

“Known quests, we still have two favors left to preform with Hades, and Persephone. But they will dictate when and where. Loki's spark. Gotham's criminals....Dawn, why didn't I ever get a reward for killing Joker?” Erik asked, looking at her. Dawn's eyes went a little wide as she slowly sat up to look at him in confusion. She whipped the monitor around and checked something.

“Well I'll be damned...” Dawn said, her shoulders drooping. “We'll jump on that after we finish up.” Dawn turned the monitor back around, but made a note on a pad.

“Let's see, we need to establish a Lunar Academy on the moon. We also need to remove the threat on the moon. As well as terraform the moon. Which we have decide on changing its density, mass, and orbital path. Or keep it the same. Either way it is going to be complicated.” Erik continued to read through the list.

“Visit Zetulan...Oh crap! I forgot about her!” Erik clapped his mouth over his mouth. Zetulan was the Winter Knight he had met at the Winter Solstice ball over a year ago. He even made a orichalcum necklace for her.

“I know you did. But I also know you meant to see her but got caught up in... Well everything. That is one of the negatives of a harder difficulty setting. You have less, and less time to do the things you want, and enjoy. Thankfully, the developers have given me the ability to remind you of things. Normally I don't do that, as I am sure you are aware of.” Dawn replied to him. Erik thought about it, she was right. Normally he would have to ask, then she would say.

“How is she?” Erik asked, as he flipped through the window.

“She's alive, she was one of the few Winter Knights to volunteer during the invasion. I paused the Dream only a few hours after you left. You, Lash, and Saurian have a lot of work to do. You are currently being teleported onto the Watch Tower. I suggest you find Zetulan before you get to busy, she is aboard the station.” Dawn suggested, and began to write a few more notes on her pad.

“Find out who the Villains for Hire are. Their organization, and destroy their operations. Save who you can. Restore your reality to a working condition. Buy the trade hub module. Help establish the CSA. Prepare for invasion... Wait, can I tell everyone we will be invaded by Zod? Wait, dumb question. Cosmic Awareness.” Erik finished his own question, a smile tugged on Dawn's ruby red lips.

“Holy shit! We have 2,000 Dream Points!? Oh, right the resurrection of the gods, and goddesses would have done that.” Erik said more to himself than Dawn. But she smiled at him none the less.

“What would you suggest we spend the points on?” Erik asked, as Dawn pulled up a list of store items.

“You should follow your original idea. Upgrade the Watch Tower, and get all the respective modules. With that many points you could upgrade your planetary shields, as well as buy the first few Lunar Colony blue prints. There are also several terraforming blue prints available specifically tailored to the moon. Because you are using magitek, there are several modules, blue prints, and upgrades that will only appear because of your chosen tech tree. You should also see about evolving your abilities. Some of them have been stagnant and could be very helpful in the future.” Dawn highlighted a few things on the store catalog for him.

“Gene therapy clinic?” Erik asked, as he looked the module over.

“It's a class D module. It attaches to your medical module, since you have Kryptonian science. Kryptonians had genetic engineering down to a T. A majority if not all of their children were sent through the genesis machine to enhance traits, and remove flaws. The D grade version gives anyone who uses it a flat 10% increase to all stats across the board.” Dawn pointed out the information, making Erik gape at her.

“Oh, subject change. What is this about a trade hub?” Erik asked, Dawn pulled up another window for him.

“The trade hub is exactly that. The Watch Tower will eventually upgrade into a full orbital habitat that can support thousands of people. A trade hub places you on the galactic market. At first the only thing you'll be able to offer is fuel, and basic maintenance. The Sol system is a backwater system. Not a lot of economic pull. But, if you establish trade early. Then you can purchase a galactic sheriff corp.” Dawn said, and wouldn't continue talking. Erik looked up at her and saw that she was struggling to open her mouth. But he realized she couldn't continue speaking. Ah, story event.

“Alright brightest star, send me down.” Erik said with a smile, he abruptly fell out of his chair which terrified him for a moment. Then he flew through space until he flew through the walls of the Watch Tower. A glimmering light of a spring jump popped into existence just above portal hub C pad 1.

While Dawn back in the black room looked down at her notes. She snapped her fingers, she forgot to talk about the quest reward.


Lash blinked and looked around the Watch Tower taking in the sight of his home. Yes, he had his home back in Gotham. But he had built this place, he had built Vici. His creation, and in many ways his daughter. He felt the familiar sensation of Erik the gamer returning. Welcome back, Erik -Lash, and Saurian said to him. We have a lot of work to do -Erik said, all three of them agreed. Each journey starts with its first step. -Saurian responded.

“WRAITH!?” A giant green eagle flew over and turned into a giant green monkey. Beast Boy climbed onto his back and hugged him. “Look, you have a monkey on your back!” Beast Boy said in delight. Then the green fur ball turned to look at Vyllith who stood next to Lash.

“Well hello nurse! Wraith, you always bring back the most sexy ladies in the universe don't you! Hello there! I'm Beast Boy!” Beast held out his furry hand to her. She looked at him, unimpressed. She raised a brow to Lash.

“Vyllith this is Beast Boy, he is a God-Kin of the monkey King. He is a meta with Terrestrial Metamorph abilities. Beast Boy, this is Vyllith my one and only Hell Knight.” Lash said to him, Beast Boy looked confused. Or rather his monkey face did.

“Hell Knight?” Beast asked, clearly confused.

“I am a Daemonic Count of Hell, specifically Tartarus. Vyllith is a full blooded demoness.” Lashg continued, recognition flickered through Beast Boy's features.

“Like Svadeni, and Raven!” Beast Boy asked.

“They are both half-bloods. Though Svadeni more than Raven. Simply put, Vyllith is one of my people and is very important to me. So, please be polite and if you end up having sex try not to be clingy.” Lash said simply.

He was so nonchalant about that last part that Beast Boy nearly skipped over it before he fell off his back in shock. Vyllith grinned at Lash, she looked at Beast Boy with a predatory grin. That made him both afraid and a little turned on. Lash walked away from the frozen stiff Beast Boy, well stiff in more than one way now. At the edge of the portal hub was Yihune standing in a JLI jump suit with a holographic window opened.

“Hello, Yihune. This is Vyllith my Hell Knight. Vyllith this is Yihune my personal assistant. As you well know I tend to forget my schedule when I have a horde of things to do.” Lash introduced the two ladies that he had no doubt would be seeing more of each other.

“Hello.” Vyllith said to Yihune. Her voice was soft, and polite. Yihune's blushed for some reason as she audibly swallowed at the sight of Vyllith.

“H-Hello!” Yihune voice was far higher than normal. She coughed to clear her throat. “Hello! Maybe we can share a drink and swap stories about Wraith sometime.” She asked. Vyllith smiled at her, and nodded in agreement. Yihune straightened her shoulders, and stuck her chest out. “We are day behind schedule. Why are you late?” Yihune went back to business talking to Lash.

“I was resurrecting the old gods of Earth in the alternate reality. They wanted to hold an extra day of celebration.” Lash provided the reason. Yihune looked at Vyllith with an expression of, 'is he serious?'

“Yes, he is completely serious. He performed a mass ritual orgy and used the collected energy to resurrect the dormant gods.” Vyllith replied simply, Lash watched Yihune's eyes wonder up and down Vyllith as she mouthed the words orgy. Then she shook her head, she was about to continue when she heard...

“Ritual Orgy!? Ooooo! Can we have one on the Watch Tower!” Beast Boy asked, as he walked over in his human shape. Lash stopped to think about the possibility of a ritual orgy on the Watch Tower. Maybe? When he inserted the upgrade key they could use the extra energy to fuel the change.

The fact that Lash didn't automatically dismiss the idea made Beast Boy grin. Lash turned to look at him. He saw that Beast Boy had a full polymer JLI suit on. Unlike everyone else he didn't have armor plates on, or a utility belt. More than likely it was because they hadn't figured out how to do spatial item shifting while the suit would just be enchanted with physiology adaption. The suit covered him from foot, to neck, and wrist. It was a chameleon color that would change with the environment he was in. His green skin was vibrant, and his hair was shaved on the sides, but a few inches long on the top. High and tight was the style, Lash believed.

“You are not seriously considering having a orgy on the Watch Tower!” Yihune nearly screamed. Of course she was loud enough for about a hundred or so people nearby to hear her.

“Well I have the upgrade key for Vici, we could use the magical energy to help her build.” Lash said objectively. Vyllith slinked over to Yihune and whispered in her ear. The poor woman jumped, and flushed red all the way to her ears.

“I've never been in an orgy, are they fun!?” Beast Boy asked, clearly not understanding the full ramifications. Yihune cleared her throat, and continued to walk onward fully expecting Lash to follow. Which he did, but he did notice how Vyllith pulled Beast Boy behind to explain what an Orgy was.

“Over 65% of the world has its machines reset. Thanks to Cyborg, Gear Head, and Mr. Stones idea to override the Dex bombs. Cyborg, along with the few cyberkinetic's are working through the internet now. Since so much of our society is connected to the internet. The issue we are having is power. All of the nuclear plants were hit by the invasion force. While the renewable energy sources were damaged. Dozens of countries are requesting for new solar plants in hundreds of cities.” Yihune pushed a holographic window towards Lash as they walked.

“We are currently headed towards the Head Quarters where you will give a bullet point debrief towards the senior members of the JLI. A majority of them will either be on holographic, or will review the information at a later time. Try to keep it short and sweet. We have a full schedule ahead of us.” Yihune commented. Pushing a new window in front of Lash.

At some point Beast Boy had all the blood rush to his lower regions during his discussion with Vyllith. She was dragging him along by the neck of his uniform with a smirk on her face as she followed behind them. Lash greeted a few familiar faces, but a lot of the people aboard the station were very new. He pulled up a roster and found they had over 10,000 members. This of course counted active, reserve, and guard. No wonder the Watch Tower was so packed.

“Grand father welcome back. May I steal your knight for a bit.” A gender neutral voice appeared next to Lash. Hex materialized next to him, getting a startled jump out of Yihune as she glared at Hex. Before Hex could respond, Lash swallowed them in a hug. Hex squirmed in place but did return the embrace.

“Vyllith, this is the head of my security for the Watch Tower. They need to debrief you. Its standard, and even if you are my knight you must get cleared.” Lash instructed Vyllith who left with out a fuss. They had discussed it before they had arrived.

Hex, and Vyllith left together. Leaving Beast Boy in a collapsed heap of his own sexual fantasies. Yihune, glared at Beast Boy who was oblivious to her obvious disdain for him. Lash chuckled at the entertaining scene. He had missed this, being around his own people. He was home, and if everything went according to plan he wouldn't be leaving any time soon. Hopefully.

“Wraith!” A bright and cheerful Miss Martian tackled-hugged Lash. Nearly bowling him over.

Miss Martian had grown a few inches, or she had adjusted herself which ever one. (Shape Shifters!) She had a red bob hair cut that frame her face, vibrant green skin, and green eyes. Her JLI uniform was a deep navy blue that covered her from neck, to toe, to wrist. Just like Beast Boy her suit had been enchanted with physiology adaptation. But they couldn't get the armor to work. Yet. She was 5'10' with an hour glass athletic figure. She smiled wide up at Lash, who returned the hug.

“Hello Miss Martian. I am delighted to see you again. How are you?” Lash said, and sent a sympathetic greeting through telepathy. Which M'gann returned, her pleasure at the sight of him evident through the link.

“I've missed you! A lot of people have! We expected you yesterday but they said you accidentally resurrected the old gods of the alternate earth? I wanted to ask you if you could do that on Mars. It is said that our gods fell asleep when our people stopped believing in them.” Miss Martian asked, Lash thought about it. But he wasn't sure the martians would be happy about how it would happen.

“We'll talk about it. Come, I am due at the big table but I don't want to let go of you yet.” Lash said, as he continued to hold her/ carry her in his arms. Miss Martian was delighted, and Yihune rolled her eyes but a smile did tug on her lips at the sight of it.

Lash, and M'gann exchanged an entire conversation through telepathy. Something that would have taken hours for others if it had been done verbally. M'gann despite her clear joy had been depressed. She had lost a lot of friends during the invasion. The casualty report was not something Lash was looking forward to. He knew all the main story line characters lived through the invasion. But hundreds of VI Avatars had died. Protagonist plot armor is strong. But a lot of them had been injured! Thankfully they could rebuild limbs aboard the station.

Miss Martian was technically allowed to attend the debrief and followed Lash inside the Head Quarters. Though she was no longer being carried. It was at that moment that Lash realized that he had left Beast Boy on the floor some where between there and here. Eh, he'll be fine! Inside the Head Quarters was Martian Manhunter aka J'onn J'onzz, M'gann's uncle. Dr. Wells, Hawkman, and Hawkwoman, a Warden councilor, and the Supernatural council of Seelie, UnSeelie, and Twilight Courts. Everyone else was either on holographic, or would watch the debrief later.

“Hello everyone! It is very good to be back. I am sorry for the delay. But as some of you heard I had accidentally resurrected the old gods on the alternate reality. Its complicated, and very embarrassing story.” Lash offered, and this of course incited several people to ask about it. He turned to Yihune who had face palmed and motioned for him to continue.

“Alright, short and sweet of it. The implicit details we can discuss at another time. I accidentally used a ritual orgy that covered an entire city, and its population. The resulting energy was enough to re awaken the old gods, and rekindle the God-Kin waiting to ignite their sparks.” Lash supplied the room. The pin drop silence was almost deafening until Arthur Curry on his holographic started to cackle like a mad man! Lash refused to go into any more details on the matter, and made a compromise to discuss it at a later time when he was severally drunk.

“The alternate reality had its entire world restored thanks to the assistance of the Balance of colors, as well as the hard work of the people aboard the Sulaco. Additionally, after the battle with Dex I was able to raid his mainframe and obtain several unique blue prints that could benefit us in the long term. Especially our allies on Mars, I have the blue prints for an atmospheric processor. With a little bit of tweaking we could have it designed for Mars. It may not fix the issue, but it could slow down the degradation.” Lash said, making a point to look at J'onn, and M'gann who both looked delighted!

“I also have Vici's upgrade key available. After this debrief we will begin to expand the Watch Tower. Along with several new module designs, and resources for us.” Lash brought up the design schematic for everyone to look over.

“That is wonderful, creator! I will begin scheduling for my upgrade.” Vici's sing song voice chimed over the intercom system. Before Lash could continue a Seelie court official raised their hand.

“The Summer Solstice Ball is in one week. The Summer Lady would request your attendance.” The fae councilor said, Lash blinked in surprise then leaned back in thought. That time difference really messed with him. He had thought he had missed it.

“That is on the schedule that I have. Pending another invasion I'll get him there.” Yihune said, she had been read into the supernatural world. Making her a pseudo-mundane.

“Oh! On that subject matter! We'll be invaded again in 6 months.” Lash said, this time no mad cackle from Arthur interrupted the pin drop silence.

“I beg your pardon?” Dr Wells asked, he looked a little pale.

“In six months the warlord Zod from Krypton is going to invade the Sol system.” Lash provided everyone with a follow up.

“Wait, isn't that racial supremacist that you predicted when we first met?” Superman asked through his holographic.

“Indeed, however a bit of good news. A year after Zod comes Argo city. (Who are good people) will be entering the Sol System.” Lash continued, a smile on his face as he looked at Supergirl's holographic window who smiled in return.

“Do we know anything about Zod's capabilities?” Batman asked from his holographic window.

“Zod, and any Kryptonian's with him will have no idea about the effects of a yellow sun will have on their physiology. However, we should assume that everyone of them could potentially grow to be just as powerful as Superman, and Supergirl. But, from the discussions I had with AR-Superman, we could ask them about their own Zod. That could give us an explanation on the invasion. Though I would take it with a grain of salt. Different realities, things may be different.” Lash offered everyone. A few people made some notes.

“Is there any way we can settle his peacefully?” Superman asked, ever the optimistic. Or rather he just didn't want to have to fight is own people. Lash thought about the question. Was Zod ever a good guy in the comics?

“It all depends on what kind of version of Zod we have. We can try for a peaceful encounter. But I would plan on hostile action. Speaking of Krypton, give me a few days on the Watch Tower to help Vici update then if you two are available we should visit Fort Rozz.” Lash asked, the two Kryptonians.

“If the both of us are not busy, I suppose!” Supergirl said, a bit of a frown on her face. She, like her cousin were flying all over the world. Now that AR-Superman, and AR-Supergirl went back to their reality to help with the rebuilding process.

“How are the United Nations handling the aftermath?” Lash asked the room, but looked towards the supernatural council.

“Not well. A majority of their leadership was killed by the Zeta teams. Many of Earth's nations were not even aware we were being invaded. Many of the coastal cities blamed Atlantis, since days after the EMP they just seem to show up. Didn't matter that they had shown up to provide aid. Though now most cities are happy for the help. A bit of good news, most people are thankful for the JLI.” The Seelie court councilor said in response.

“Most major cities across the globe are in ruins. The worst part about it is that it wasn't caused by the invaders. We did it to ourselves. A lot of people took advantage of the chaos to carve out their own little kingdoms. Several smaller nations were attacked, and seized. Once we get power back 100% across the globe we may be looking at a very different national map.” Dr Wells said, as he presented his own projection of different national borders.

“Vlatava?” Lash asked.

“She's fine...I mean Princess Perdita is fine. As is her country. The solar plant was hit, but they only had injuries no deaths.” Supergirl spoke up before the Warden Councilor could.

“We still have that body on ice. Any information you can gleam could be useful.” Said the Warden councilor. Which raised the question of what he planned to do with the body. When Lash explained that he could partially reanimate a dead body and ask it questions Dr Wells looked both horrified, and curious.

They continued to talk for a few more hours until they had to call it. A lot of them were on mission and taken the time to listen in. Others had jobs to get back to, especially Lash. Lash provided the atmospheric tower to J'onn. He said he would send it to the scientist on Mars to start analyzing it and possible construction. Lash pulled Hawkman, and Hawkwoman aside for a moment.

“How do you two feel about ghosts?” Lash asked them both.

“Can we hit them with our maces?” Hawkman asked with a smile, his wife grinned at him.

“Yes, actually. Before the invasion happened we were planning on making a lunar colony and Lunar academy. However, the moon is actually home to about 10,000,000 revenants to a ghostly civilization lost to time. I know we have a lot to do. But having another base, especially a training facility can be beneficial to us in the long run. I plan to build a military bunker on the moon in a few weeks to start a campaign to remove the revenants. Are you two interested in assisting?” Lash asked, hopeful for a positive answer.

“We would be happy to help! I know it is wrong of me to say. But I had thoroughly enjoyed the battles we had on Earth. Another fight against another foe for the betterment of our people is just what we want!” Hawkwoman said with a smile, her husband agreed.

Lash thanked them both, and told them he would keep them updated. When he exited the Head Quarters with Yihune Vyllith was outside waiting. She looked indifferent as she watched everyone move back and forth across the promenade. She looked up at them approach, and a smile tugged on her lips. She saluted Lash, and he returned the gesture with a nod.

“I was surprised to find out that most people here don't care that I'm a demoness. In fact more than a few people wanted to take a...selfie with me?” Vyllith asked, confused about the lingo on this reality. Yihune groaned, and rubbed the bridge of her nose. Lash laughed in delight and pulled Vyllith into a hug. She was surprised but soon returned the embrace.

They took the elevator down to the second saucer. Lash greeted Hastam who took a liking to Vyllith. They discussed different kinds of weapons used in Tartarus, as well as the weapons Lash had made while in hell. Yihune excused herself, as she understood that this next part was going to take a while. He did ask her to find Zetulan, he would like to speak with her if she was available. Lash walked towards Vici's main data port, and several reinforced walls grew, and shifted from the walls to protect Lash, and Vici's core. Martian engineering!

Vici created a chair that would conform to his unique physical form. Tails are hard to sit with! Then he called up the store catalog, a book made from golden light, and pages inscribed with magical energy appeared in his lap. He pulled up the E grade modules ready to purchase them, then get the D grade upgrade key. Then the D grade modules. This was going to be expensive!

Shuttle Bay: A module on a the station where shuttle craft are launched, received, stored, and maintained. Each bay comes with 1-3 shuttle craft. Depending on design and size. E grade 10 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 4 Shuttle Bay's for 40 DP.

Shuttle type selected. One shuttle per bay.

Each Shuttle Bay was to be build on the cross intersections of the station. They had four of them, so four mini saucers would be built. Once the shuttle bays went from E to D they would have room for more. The saucers would house the shuttles on the side, while the top middle would be a bay door. Shuttles would fly in and out of that door. Protected by a blast door, and shielding.

Station Transport System: A module designed to transport people and cargo to different places with in the station itself. From mini-teleportation pads, to full cargo rails between points, and everything in between. E grade 10 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Station Transport System.

This seemed a little useless at the stations current size. But it would be amazing in the later stages. From C grade to A the station was huge! Having a rail line for cargo, transport air pods for passengers, and emergency teleportation between important locations. The station was mean to one day be an orbital city! Having transportation inside the station was important.

Tractor Beam: A module that uses artificially created force fields, telekinesis, and the Space Domain to manipulate objects around the station. E grade 10 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Tractor Beam.

Public Relations: A module that helps create, and maintains a healthy public persona with the world, solar system, and universe around a specific organization. Fully automated, but should be staffed with responsible personal. E grade 10 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Public Relations.

That was something that always happened in the comics, movies, and animated series. The Justice League always got their ass handed to them because of smear campaigns, and poor relations due to bad communications. That was because the League didn't play the game of mass media, and good relations. They let their good deeds speak for them. But thanks to mass media, most of the public only saw what the news told them. Lash was not going to fall for that.

School: A module that helps educate the masses with skills, powers, spells, and traits. Used in conjunction with the library, training hall, and simulation hall. Other modules may apply. E grade 10 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 School.

Material Processing: A module where raw resources are processed, and turned into materials. Either to be sold, or used in aboard the station. Comes with worker drones that can work around the station. Retrieving, and delivering resources. E grade 10 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Material Processing.

Before Katma had fed asteroids to Vici to help her build up the resources required to upgrade herself. Now, the module could manufacture drones to fly out and retrieve asteroids on their own. The center could also help with the trade hub, and help transport materials through the station via the transport hub. Vici was also capable of creating materials out of energy just as Lash was. Hopefully that could be a selling point when they bought the Trade Hub.

Aquarium: A module that works in tandem with the hydroponics module. Produces fresh water, salt water, or any other type of water meant to grow specific food, and animals to feed the station. As well as improve the air quality aboard the station. E grade 10 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Aquarium.

Workshop: A module meant to assist in the manufacturing of goods. Works in tandem with Science, Engineering, Medical, and Material Processing. Fully automated, and can assist workers with their own designs, and creations. E grade 10 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Workshop.

Lash had a feeling that was not the last time he would purchase that one. Technically engineering had available workshops. But Malleus would be happy to have the JLI use other available places to work. They even had a full enchanting tool shop in one. Lash looked forward to using one. He had a lot of designs to work on. Maybe magitek would be something they could sell on the galactic market. Was their trade for magitek?

Bank: This module allows the conversion of economic wealth, and the trade of goods between different people, cultures, businesses, planets, and systems. E grade 10 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Bank.

Simulation Hall: A module that creates realistic situations, events, and even people. Works in conjunction with the training hall, library, and school. Each module comes with several rooms for use. E grade 10 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Simulation Hall.

Sanatorium: A module that will work in conjunction with the medical module. Helps restore, and maintain the mental, and spiritual health of the stations populace. Important for moral! E grade 10 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 1 Sanatorium.

Upgrade key, E to D. 320 DP

You have purchased the E to D upgrade key.

Lash pushed the last spell scripted orb into Vici's data port. An explosion of none destructive energy blasted from Vici's core and flashed through the whole station. For a brief moment in the skies above Earth a new star was born before it winked out. Lash was down to 1,550 DP. He still had a lot of spending left to do. But before he could look up bunkers that could be placed on the moon Vici notified him that his visitor had arrived. He closed the book, and it burst into particles. Vici's core sealed itself off and opened the door.

Zetulan was a full blooded sidhe from the UnSeelie winter court. When Lash had first met her she had been a servant warrior. But had obtained the rank of Knight later due to circumstances he was not aware of. She like most sidhe had a perceptional glamour passively on. Which would change minor characteristics of the wielder based on the subjective likes, and dislikes of those that viewed them. So, if people liked a button nose, and soft cheek bones. They would see that, while if another saw a strong jaw, and arched eye brows they would see that. However, Lash could see past her glamour and see the real her.

She was 5'6” with short blond hair that had been shaved on one side, and the other was done up in braids. Long pointed ears that you would commonly see on fantasy elves, healthy tanned skin. Her eyes were swirl of winter blue. She had a athletic figure that was hidden beneath a magitek armor. A lot like Sam in his Tech-Knight armor. Old style, with glowing etched spell script along the edges of the armor. Black polymer skin suit underneath.

Zetulan walked straight towards Lash pulled her arm back and slugged him square in the jaw. His head snapped back with an audible crack, and he collided straight into the wall behind him. A thundering gong rung in the second saucer. Only a few people were down in the second saucer since all it normally contained was the armory, and security modules. Hastram chuckled at the situation, and held Vyllith back from interfering.

“Ya, your right. I deserved that.” Lash slowly picked himself up as he felt his Regeneration reconnect his jaw. He saw runes of strength inscribed on Zetulan's gauntlets. Observant Learner activated.

Observant Learner: Rune of Strength....10%....50%....100%

You have learned the Rune of Strength.

“Would you like to go some where private and talk?” Lash asked Zetulan who glared at him. She looked like she wanted to set him on fire.

“I don't know, maybe we should head to the training hall and let everyone watch me beat the shit out of you!” Zetulan all but screamed at him.

“We can go to my quarters, you can still beat the crap out of me there.” Lash offered an alternative.

Ten minutes later thanks to the new transportation system. A flash spring jump from the second saucer straight to the personal quarter sub-section. His personal quarters was drawn up, and placed next to the walking path. Lash walked in closely followed by Zetulan. Vyllith had stayed with Yihune who had shown Zetulan to Lash. Once the door closed behind her, Zetulan whipped her left leg up into an axe kick. Lash caught her leg and cast Calm Emotions. The anger leaked out of her.

“That is only a stop gap, Lash. Once it wears off I'll be even angrier.” Zetulan said, as Lash released her leg.

“I understand the need to strike me. But why are you so angry? We never established a relationship, or any other kind of bond. You simply wanted to repay me for removing your scar.” Lash asked, honestly confused by the pure rage he was seeing from her.

“Yes, I am fully aware. But as a sidhe we don't like being in debt. I personally also feel a form of attachment towards you that I can't fully explain. I am angry, but I do not hate you.” Zetulan said, the effects of Calm Emotions letting her look at the situation logically.

“I did inform you that there was no obligation. I did it simply because it was the right thing to do.” Lash said, then took a risk by pulling off his Transformation and removing his shroud. He was sure that she wouldn't kill him. But it would hurt even more in his default 'human' shape.

“I know that. That doesn't stop me from wanting to thank you. As a sidhe our wants, and desires can often compel us. We can often change our whole personalities based on our desires.” A spark of emotion began to grow in her eyes. She hands drew into fists, the metal on metal creaked. Then Lash took out a small black box and handed it to her.

“What is that?” She asked, clearly confused about the subject change.

“It was the gift that I wanted to give you, but never had a chance.” Lash replied, it was another orichalcum Kiss of the Grave, and Death Ward enchanted necklace. Along with all sorts of boons inscribed on it. Lash could see a war of emotions bubbling up through her as she looked at the necklace.

The necklace was a golden color to it. The center piece had a brilliant silver jewel, with several butterfly wings behind the jewel. The chain itself was made with Nth metal. While the orichalcum would grant the Grave Domain spells. Lash knew that Zetulan spent a lot of time on the battle field. So the Nth metal would allow, partial gravity negation, partial heat generation, partial self sustenance, and partial regeneration. Of course this would have been amazing to have before the invasion. Lash would concede on that point.

“Fuck! I really want to hit you again!” Zetulan screamed at him. Then pulled the necklace out of the box and put it on. The effect was immediate, and she felt amazing. She tucked it under her armor and glared at Lash.

“How much time do we have before you have to run off again?” She asked, as she continued to glare at him.

“A few hours I think.” Lash replied, still a little wary of her.

“Good, take your clothes off.” Zetulan said, as she started to do the same.

“Ok...” Lash said with a sly grin on his face.

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