
***Home Reality, Vlatava***

Princess Perdita sat in the seat of honor at the council chamber. Vice-Chancellor Lazlo sat by her side, watching her carefully. While around the table were a collection of councilors, and delegates from near by countries. Perdita was trying her best to keep her eyes open, and pay attention to the proceedings. For a child of 11 she was doing a good job of remaining composed, and confident. But Lazlo could tell she was bored out her mind.

Thanks to Wraith who had built a solar plant inside their country that helped restore their power grid, and convert their windows in collection glass. They were at a point where they were giving their excess power away to their neighbors. Something their councilors were against, while the delegates were hoping for more aid. Something entirely laughable if this had been months before. Vlavata was not a rich nation by any means. The delegates would speak about past events where they had helped Vlavata when no one else would. The councilors would spit back with venom at the 'hand outs', and 'scraps' the nations provided.

“I just don't understand why we can't look at the solar plant ourselves. Our nations could copy the design and we could all have power.” The delegate from Romania suggested for the third time.

“We have already told you why!” Shouted one of the Vlatava councilors. “Wraith left explicit instructions that if anyone tried to open the plant it would self destruct.” They finished, their face turning red.

“Even if you did look at, what guarantees do we have that your scientist would even be able to understand it. This is alien technology. Capable of providing clean, renewable energy, that not only can repair our city grid, but convert glass into solar collectors.” Another councilor offered, attempting to calm down the situation.

“Understand!? Our nation has some of the best engineers available, we could easily reverse engineer the tower with a simple glance.” The Romania delegate shouted back.

“Is it not enough that Vlatava shared their energy with our nations? My people at least are happy with what their nation has provided. Or should I remind you that your nation would still be in the stone age if they hadn't offered the energy free of charge.” The delegate from Bulgaria replied, a smug expression on his face.

“Gentlemen, please!” Princess Perdita spoke up and everyone went silent. “Wraith left clear instructions that if any one touches the solar plant it would turn to slag. But, even if it didn't. We wouldn't allow anyone to touch it. Why? Because he is trusting us. We the people of Vlavata. I for one will not forsake that trust. Especially from the man that saved my life more than once. Are you asking me to betray the trust of the man that saved not only my life, but the lives of our people?” Princess Perdita said in a clear, and commanding voice. The delegate from Romania looked like he wanted to say more but kept his mouth shut.

“I think that is enough for today. Why don't we adjourn and pick this up tomorrow?” Princess Perdita said, as she looked at the clock behind them. They had been talking in circles for 8 hours. Lazlo smiled, and stood up to support his monarch.

Eventually the whole room agreed, and stood in respect for the princess who left first. One by one the councilors and delegates left. Lazlo stayed behind to talk to the councilors, while Perdita left with her bodyguards. Princess Perdita walked through the halls of her families home towards the gardens. The afternoon sun greeted her and she smiled breathing in the fresh scent of the flowers near by. But she didn't stop to admire any of them. She continued to walk until she came to the edge of the garden to look at another thing of beauty. The solar machine had been built right next to the royal palace.

The tower itself gave off an eerie yellow light even at night. It's light was focused onto the dozens of collection mirrors around the tower. The light seem to dim and grow again, and again. Like it was breathing. Around the tower was some of Vlatava's finest soldiers, and armored divisions. They accepted the assignment with pride. Perdita watched in fascination as electrical power lines connected to their own city grid pulse with energy. She wasn't sure why, but she always found the sight soothing. Like something inside of her was stretching out, and waking up for the first time....

“Your highness!” A servant ran up, carrying an e-pad with them. Perdita snapped out of her reverie to look at them.

“Yes, what is it?” She asked, she tried her best to keep her annoyance out of her voice. But the smile on the servants face didn't waver. He presented his e-pad and showed a video of the city of Gotham celebrating in the streets.

“What is this? Do we have the internet again?” Perdita asked, as she took the pad from them.

“Yes, your highness. We are borrowing one of the JLI's satellites. The invasion is over, your highness! The Rifts have been closed, and the JLI report that the counter incursion was successful. We've won!” The servant said with a brilliant smile that Perdita mirrored.

Later that day the announcement went through their whole country. A war that most of the world wasn't even aware of had ended. Everyone who could know spread the word and a sense of relief washed over the world. Now was the time to recover and rebuild what they had lost. But like always the night is always darkest right before the dawn. That night the solar plant was attacked, and sure enough the moment some one opened the machine up the entire thing turned into slag. Suddenly Romania, and Bulgaria lost what power they had. Their people jumping to conclusions and blaming Vlavata for taking away something that belong to them. In the following days. One by one each of the solar plants fell. The men and women of Earth resorted to tricks, deceit, and attacked one another.


***Alternate Reality, Northern Africa***

“Obelisk A-Z-0-1-2 anchored and powered up, confirm?” A synthetic voice said over the communication line in the Sulaco's operations room.

“Confirmed. Good work head back to the ship we are stopping for the day.” A bridge officer said back.

The bridge officer aboard the Sulaco was a reclaimed. A soldier that had once been bio-chipped and hand regained their freedom. They offered their time aboard the ship as a form of penance. They had known that what they had done was outside of their control. Didn't help the nightmares they had, no matter how many times they kept telling themselves that. So, they volunteered to join up and serve under the alien that lead the counter incursion.

The bridge officer was 5'9” with a shaved head, brown eyes, with pale white skin. Sunlight hadn't touched his skin in years. Just like the rest of the reclaimed. They had been sealed inside of a suit for years in the service to the rotten bastard Dex. James, that was his name. Not BZ-249, but James Allen stood up and turned to look at the Alien and hero who had saved them. The creature was a giant lizard man standing at 8' or more. Wrapped in a tattered coat of living shadow and smoke. Despite his fearsome appearance James found the sight comforting.

“You alright Mr. Allen?” The creature said, his voice sounded like a crocodile was trying to speak for the first time.

“Yes sir! The last obelisk of the day has been anchored and powered. We are finished for the day.” James replied, and gave a salute. The creature smiled at him, revealing his razor sharp fangs.

“Good, why don't you head down to the galley and get some food before the rush comes in. If you hurry you should catch Aliza.” The creature said with a smirk. James coughed and tried to clear his throat. He was sure his face was blushing. He was 15 when he had been chipped, and placed in a suit. He didn't have any experience with women. Something that the creature took delight in teasing him about.

“Yes sir!” James said, and winced when his voice cracked. James walked towards the elevator at a brisk pace leaving the all of operations empty except for him. Agent Wraith, and alien from another reality. “Sir...” James asked before he left. Wraith turned around to look at him.

“Thank you, for....Everything.” James said at last. Now he knew his face was bright pink.

“Your welcome, now go make a fool out of yourself. I know Aliza love's teasing you just as much as I do.” Wraith said, and turned back to his view screen. His tail wagging back and forth. James walked into the elevator and stopped to think as the door closed.

“Is it a good thing she likes teasing me?” James asked more to himself than anyone else.


Lash chuckled a little, having heard Mr Allen's question. He was well aware that Aliza like James. Lash had been surprised to know a lot of the reclaimed had been chipped when they were young. But he wasn't too surprised. What he had been surprised about was that Dex had left a code to free all of the slaves. He had expected a supervillain cliché drama where it would kill everyone. But, even Dex didn't seem that petty. Or maybe it was the VI Avatar pushing against his programming? He wasn't sure, but he was thankful for it.

After the battle at Dex's palace there was a lot of rebuilding. Suddenly resistance forces across the globe sprung up and attacked the different major cities. Why? Not everyone in Dex's regime had been chipped. About 30% of the overall population had loved Rofl Dex as the emperor. Because they had lived truly blessed lives. All it took was for 70% of the population to be slaves. Along with two other realities! So unlike the story book ending that so many had hoped for. They were still fighting against the remnant forces of Dex. Vowing to restore order, blah, blah, blah, etc.

One of the sycophant generals under Dex's command used their forces and rushed into one of the conquered realities and closed the Rift behind them. While the other Rift's original populace had rose up in the absence of the military forces there and closed the Rift themselves. The frequency had been recorded so Lash had attempted to open the Rifts back up to chase the general, and to retrieve the reclaimed in the secondary Rift. But he got a message from Dawn that the two realities were safe for 24 hours real time. Needless to say, Lash was frustrated. Especially after he received his reward and got a notification.

Congratulations User! You've been awarded the Dream Spell Domain.

The Caster is able to perform a form of magic that allows them to cast magical spells related to sleeping, dreaming and nightmares.

Congratulations User! You've learned the spell, Dream Walking.

Effect: The Caster can enter the dreams and/or nightmares of others. At current level the Caster can interact with the dreamer but not change, or alter the dream in any way. They are along for the ride.

Effect: Can only enter the dreams and/or nightmares of those the Caster is familiar with.

Congratulations User! You've used 2 DP to evolve Dream Walking into Minor Dream Walking.

Effect: The Caster can now change their appearance while in the dreams, and/or nightmares of others.

Effect: The Caster can enter the dreams and/or nightmares of those that the caster has a personal item of. (Example; a piece of jewelry, or even a cell phone!)

Attention User! The developers have chosen to increase your Dream difficulty.

Current Difficulty: Nightmare

Effect: (Subject to change) Permanent experience booster x 3.

Effect: (Subject to change) Permanent increase to rewards x 3.

Effect: (Subject to change) Permanent increase to dynamic event spawn, difficulty, and reward x 3.

Effect: (Subject to change) Your Dream will be used as a promotional video to advertise the Dream Engine. You will receive $200 US dollars a week as long as you continue to survive in your first life.

Note: I am so sorry User, -Dawn.

Erik, Lash, and Saurian were both frustrated with the new message. Erik was the test subject for the difficulty scaling in the Beta. It was nice to get money for every day he played. But, if the hard difficulty had been all this! Then what was Nightmare going to be like? They now had 1,000 Dream Points. They had thought about updating of their skills, powers, traits, and spells to at least basic. But they decided to wait. It was one thing to increase their personal power. But it may be better to spend their points on the JLI's infrastructure. With 1,000 DP they could buy all of the E grade modules for Vici, then buy the upgrade key to get her to D grade. A stronger JLI would be better in the long run. Than a super powered version of themselves. Then they would spend what ever was left on them.

So, where was Lash now? He was aboard the Sulaco in the alternate reality completing the quest he had received from his Cosmic Patron. He was attempting to restore the dying Earth back to a healthy state, as well as restore magic to the world. They were flying over what remained of Africa. It reminded Erik of the fallout games. An irradiated wasteland full of mutated creatures that some how survived the nuclear holocaust, and had grown to larger than normal sizes due to the energy levels.

Aboard the Sulaco was a very enthusiastic young woman named Kitma Stewart. She was the daughter of AR-John Stewart, and AR-Katma Tui. AR-Katma Tui sadly had died during the unification war. She along with a host of botanist were helping Lash plant tree's in Africa. He was planting obelisks that soaked up the radiation and turned it into ambient magical energy. When enough of the radiation had been absorbed the obelisks sent out a flash Growth spell. That grew thousands of plants, and trees in a radius around the obelisks that continued to grow over time.

They had been at it for almost two weeks now. They were making great progress! Except for when a giant termite colony raided their planting areas in an effort to claim resources for their hive. Normally it wouldn't be a bad thing. But the hive could consume dozens of miles of newly planted jungle in a matter of hours. So Vyllith was currently leading an extermination against the termites along with the war droids, and the reclaimed. The workers were the size of cats, the soldiers the size of dogs. The royal guard the size of a small car or motorcycle. While the queen termite the size of a flat bed truck.

Alternate Reality progression.

Overall Health: 35%

Overall Magical Energy: 25%

Overall Balance: The Black and/or The Rot, 75%. The Green 25%.

Lash rubbed his face. He dismissed the window from his vision and went back to looking at the holographic windows in front of him. One by one the drop ships came back with their crews. Vyllith among them. They had been successful in destroying another hive of mutated termites. In a few hours the next bridge crew would show up for their shift. Lash had sent them away to relax for a bit. They had a lot of work ahead of them. A sing song chime went through the room.

Lash turned look behind him at the water mirror. The entire water surface vibrated with a song. Letting him know someone was trying to contact him. He turned on his heel and walked across the room his claws softly scratching the floor. He cast a quick Immaculate, Sooth, and Nature's Supplement on himself. Made sure he looked presentable then activated the mirror.

“Wraith! My main giant lizard man! When are you coming home? So we can plan the come back party!” Arthur from his home reality was in the other mirror. Which brought a smile to Lash's face.

“I will be a while yet, your majesty.” Lash said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Arthur winced at the honorific title. Then was pushed aside for Mera who smiled at him through the mirror.

“Take your time, Wraith. We know you are doing good work. Just do send word when you decided to come back. Remember there is a lot of work to do here as well.” Mera said with a smile. She stepped back from the mirror so Lash could see both her, and Arthur standing side by side. Standing next to them was Oracle AR-Barbara Gordon now standing on her own two feet!

“Wraith we have a bit of news. We are not sure why but our two realities seem to be syncing up. At least time wise. It use to be one day in your reality was six for us. Now it is more like one day is three. We are not sure why its happening. Just make sure you count that into your schedule.” Oracle said, as she fixed her glasses. Trying to not stare at him.

“That's interesting. Unfortunately Rift science mechanics is a brand new field for my reality. I'm not sure what to say, but I'll give it some thought. I see you have a tan, enjoying some R&R with Dick?” Lash said, a smile clear on his face. Oracle's face flushed with embarrassment.

“Hell ya she is!” Arthur said beside her, Oracle glared at him. Mera came to the rescue by punching Arthur in the gut. He doubled over, as Mera never pulled her punches. Though she smiled at him innocently.

“Ahem.....The council has decided to keep the Rift open between our two realities. The JLI, and the Supernatural Council has agreed as well. This way we may continue to support one another. Hopefully repay the kindness that was shown to us.” Oracle continued, as she tried to push past the fact that her face was red as a tomato.

“We also have a bit of bad news back home.” Arthur said as he picked himself off the floor. “A para-military group attacked all of the solar plants around the world. With in days of each other. All the solar plants are slag. Thankfully they had done their job and repaired a lot of the city grids they were attached to. But a lot of people are still with out power.” Arthur finished, as he leaned over and kissed Mera on the cheek.

“Do we have any idea who they are?” Lash asked, his interest suddenly peaked.

“All of them are human. They wore standard tactical gear. None of them had powers. They were just well organized, equipped. They knew where, how, and what to do. We were able to kill one of them when they hit Gotham. Starfire says you have ability that can help us with a dead body? So we are keeping it on ice.” Arthur continued, as he wiggled his fingers and attempted to make a creepy smile.

“Yes, thank you for that. I'll have to ask them a few questions when I get back. What about that project I asked the JLI to look into? In death valley.” Lash said, he had asked Supergirl, and Superman to look for Fort Rozz.

“Yes! They found it. They...Can't get in.” Mera replied, confusion clear on her face. That surprised Lash.

“Why? They are both Kryptonians, Supergirl was trained as a justicar.” Lash asked, he was sure they out of anyone else on the planet would be able to open it.

“Oh it's not that! The computer interface responds to them just fine. Its just any and all access points have been flash welded shut. The computer sealed the prisoners in, attempting to stop their escape. We've created a blockade around the ship. But we are a little confused on what to do. The Green Lanterns are trying to dig up a prisoner list with the guardians of Oa.” Mera continued, then her eyes lite up as she remembered something.

“Oh! John wanted me to tell you that the guardians of Oa want to speak with you. As in they want you to come to Oa.” Mera said, her voice took and a hard edge when she spoke about it. Arthur's eyes went cold.

“...No. I know for a fact that the guardians can speak through a power ring. I don't mind speaking to them in that method. But the fact that they refuse to communicate through a ring tells me that my visit to Oa will be anything but pleasant.” Lash said in return. Lash didn't have a good impression of the guardians of Oa. Especially in this reality where they had abandoned Earth, and its green lanterns to their fate.

“You are not alone in that regard. John, Hal, and Katma both think its a little fishy. They are trying to get the guardians to tell them what is going on. But they refuse to budge on the matter.” Arthur replied, he looked like he had chewed on something sour.

The elevator door opened onto the operations room and Vyllith walked in in full armor. Her helmet was retracted to reveal her long raven hair, red skin, lilac eyes, and knife point ears. She smiled wide at Lash then her smile wilted as she looked at him. They had spent enough time with each other for her to know something was bothering him. She walked right up next to him to look through the water mirror. Arthur waved, while Mera gave her a polite nod. Oracle said hello, but it was clear she didn't like Vyllith. Most who met her didn't like her on the simple fact that she was pure blood demoness. Which made Lash roll his eyes at them.

“Alright, thank you for the update. We'll be a while yet but it shouldn't take longer than a month to complete the re seeding process. Talk to you soon.” Lash said, and cut the magical line with the water mirror. The three on the other side clearly didn't want to stop talking but realized they had been rude to his knight.

“Your friends don't like me.” Vyllith said, her voice was even and to the point. Like she wasn't insulted just stating facts.

“Pure blood demons, and demoness don't have a good reputation in most dimensions. Or realities. But you belong to me. So they may not like you, but they will be polite to you as long as I am alive.” Lash said, his tail smacked the ground to emphasize his point. Vyllith said nothing, but a smile tugged on her lips.

“The battle went well. Our troops have grown accustomed to fighting the insects. I am pleased to report that three of the war droids have acquired their magical spark. As requested they were separated and given a once over. Just like the others they have shown desires to continue to serve. But are thankful for the improved treatment.” Vyllith reported to Lash as he moved back to the main bridge control console.

Over 5,000 war droids had been crafted by the Sulaco. Lash stopped the droid services modules from producing anymore after the battle with Dex ended. About 3,000 of them were destroyed in the conflict. While over 200 of them had gained a spark of magic that would represent their soul. Lash had specifically left this out of them when he made them. But as always, life finds a way. But unlike so many science fiction movies, novels, and games. Once they gained sapient understanding they were given full citizen rights by Lash. They were his extended family and he would treat them with the respect and courtesy they deserved.

“Did something happen?” Vyllith asked, as she walked over to the console to look at Lash.

“Trouble at home. Do you know who the guardians of Oa are?” Lash asked in response. As he started to flip through some messages.

“Some elders of the cosmos that police the universe. Giving people who conquer fear in the face of great adversity or some none sense like that. Same ole types of people that believe their opinions make all the difference. What they say is good, is good. While what they say is evil, is evil. But unlike others they have the power to back it up.” Vyllith replied, she crossed her arms and leaned up against the railing.

“You've been talking to AR-John I take it?” Lash asked, a smile stretching across his reptilian snout. Vyllith gave a none committal shrug.

“Your assessment is more or less true. They do good work, their green lanterns have protected the universe from a lot of threats. But, they are also stagnant. Convinced that they know what is best. Like many different people, races, and cultures. It takes a near extinction event before they will admit they are wrong about something.” Lash replied, as Other Worldly Lore activated.

“So, why are we talking about a group of people that left this Earth to die?” Vyllith asked, as she reached out and closed the holographic windows to get Lash to look at her.

“The guardians of Oa in my home reality want me to come visit them on Oa. They are attempting to be polite about it. But it is clear that if I refuse they will issue an warrant for my arrest.” Lash said as he turned to look at her. Her eyes narrowed in anger.

“These are the same guardians that left your home reality to fend for themselves until the fighting was over? If I understand them from what AR-John says. The guardians will respect the planets governments decision on the matter will they not? So can't we get this...UN, to tell them no?” Vyllith raised a valid point.

“We could. But I fear that the guardians of Oa will then threaten to remove their galactic protection from Earth. Depending on how much of a threat they will see me. There are dozens of slave traders, galactic warlords, that would love to invade Earth for resources and slaves. They cant because the green lanterns protect Earth.” Lash replied as he pulled up the view screens again. Then caught Vyllith's hand from closing them again. He smiled at her, and her she smirked in response.

“So? Why don't we build our own fleet? Show the guardians we don't need them?” Vyllith said, as she stepped into Lash's reach, and looked up at him. A smile growing across her face.

“We may end up doing just that. You should go to take a shower, you smell of termite blood.” Lash suggested, his nose wrinkled slightly.

“Do I? Why don't you join me. When was the last time you actually bathed, instead of using that spell of yours.” Vyllith asked, she stepped away and did a little spin on the ball of her foot. Lash leaned back in thought....He couldn't remember.

“Maybe next time...” Lash said, as Vyllith rolled her eyes at him. She stood up straight saluted, Lash nodded to her. She did an about face and left through the elevator leaving Lash in operations alone once more.

A few hours later the war droids and reclaimed for the evening shift showed up. The Sulaco went into a holding pattern above what use to be known has Nigeria. Now it was wasteland that was slowly being consumed by a new verdant jungle. Lash left operations and walked from deck to deck over looking his ship. He visited with a few people, but eventually ended up on the flight deck. The roof had retracted allowing them to see the night sky, and the blazing beauty of the stars above. It was also 10 degrees fahrenheit.

The ozone layer was in tatters so the temperature was fluctuating during the day, and would drop at night. It had been worse, but they were making vast improvements everyday. Lash walked to the edge of the flight deck and looked out across the wasteland. Switching between his different visual spectrum and Magical Perceptions. He saw a vast expanse of The Black, and Rot eating away at the Earth below. But clustered around the obelisk were creatures of The Green. Like wondering travelers sticking close to the fire to ward off the dark.

A man walked up, sharing the edge of the ship with Lash. He was tall with blond hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and a scar ran the length of his left side of his face, and down his neck. The man wore standard issued battle uniform, but altered it by having a trench coat covered in enchanted weave. He lite up a cigarette and breathed it in. Lash didn't look at him directly, but could still see him through Sensory Awareness.

“Hello John, what are you doing aboard? I thought you'd be home with your family.” Lash said to AR-John Constantine.

“Hom' is wher' yaur heart' is. My baby girl wanted to com' along and help with the replanting. She takes after her mother lik' that'. Sei's a new spell and wants to understand it. ” AR-John said, his thick british accent making it hard to understand him.

“True magic, or domain?” Lash asked, as he turned to look at him. AR-John blew out some smoke and shivered a bit.

“Tru' magic, just' lik' Z. It' is one hell of a headach' trying to teach her to say things backwards lik' her mom.” AR-John replied, he glanced at Lash but kept his eyes on the horizon. Watching the Rot eat away at the Earth.

Lash activated his Domains and used Fabrication, Alteration, and a Virtual Intelligence Tech spirit to write Nature Domain spells backwards. Along with their spell effects. The book itself was bound in hard leather, written on enchanted paper to resist damage, and minor self repair. The entire thing took less than a minute to make, and prompted his Skill/Power/Spell trainer. Made Lash wonder if he made books could he obtain long distance experience when ever someone read them? He handed the book to AR-John who took it with a raised brow.

“Oh fuck me sideways! She's going to be up all night' looking at' this thing! She'll keip me up to wanting to know all sorts of things! Are yau daft' man!” AR-John said, but a smile was on his face as he tucked the book away.

AR-John flicked his cigarette over board. He left with nothing but a wave and went back inside to go give his daughter the book. About an hour later Lash received several experience points from someone reading his work. So that answered that little question. Eventually Lash took a seat on the ships edge. He used Manifestation and called a single Elite to watch his back. Then he delved into his Domains through Meditation.

The ambient magical saturation on the planet was dismal. But there is a benefit to practicing when you have little to work with. Helps the practitioner learn to work with what they have, and appreciate it when they do have it. He started with his Nature Domain as always. It was the first he had obtained and its spell list was the longest. Just like before the Spell Domain seem to respond to his current environment, and and issues.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the spell, Weather Control!

Effect: The Caster can sense, create, shape and manipulate weather, in example the meteorological patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog, and temperature changes. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena or control the intensity of the weather in highly concentrated (inside a room) or vastly extended (continental) areas.

Effect: Spell effect radius is 1 mile.

Effect: Consumes vast amounts of magical energy.

Effect: The Caster can only alter existing weather environment. In example, if the caster is in a searing desert they can not make it snow.

Attention User! You've spent 2 DP to evolve Weather Control into Minor Weather Control!

Effect: Spell effect radius is 2 miles.

Effect: Consumes slightly less amounts of magical energy. (5% less)

Effect: Caster can slightly guide existing weather.

Lash channeled his latest spell and used Weather Control. A whirl wind of spell script in the Nature Domain flashed into being around him. Then a burst of energy rushed into the skies above. Storm clouds soon appeared, draining him of all of his magical energy but 5%. His Healing Aura burst restoring 3% of this total energy. Then it started to rain! But it wasn't normal rain. No, no! It was toxic acidic rain! Lash's Elite gave him a deadpanned look.

“Its a new spell! I...I....oh shush!” Lash said, as he walked off back towards the access point. The retractable roof started to close to ward off the rain. Then the hexagon shields slowly went up. Lash's Elite chuckled lightly, opened its own portal and stepped out.


The spell was only suppose to effect a 2 mile radius but something must have piggy backed onto it because before they knew it. Half of Africa was consumed in a rain storm. Toxic acidic rain fell from the sky. Different colored lightning danced across the sky, followed by a thunders applause. But thanks to Nature's Passage that was enchanted on both the Sulaco, and the drop ships they had. They continued on as business as usual. After a week the whole of Africa had been restored with a new jungle landscape. Though the ambient magic brought its own issues. A local colony of weaver ants mutated from the radiation had grown the size of cats, and dogs. Then add a bit of magic in and now some of them could fly! Some of them had metallic bodies, and the Queen was capable of telepathic communication! Oddly she was amiable to a symbiotic relationship. The planted as much as they consumed.

Once the obelisk's served their purpose they turned into slag. Their own ambient energy adding to world around them. The storm seem to drift over Europe, continuing to rain its toxic sludge as it moved. Another bit of news, the Alternate Reality, and his home reality had synced up. They were now running on the same time table as each other. They still didn't know why. So, Lash excused himself to his own room. Something he had never done in the entire time he'd been on the ship. He was surprised he even had his own room!

“My brightest star, Dawn. Why are the Rifts syncing up?” Lash asked, and for the first time in many months he pulled Transformation off and was just Lash.

“Hello User! Your counter incursion resulted in you essentially claiming ownership of the alternate reality. Yes, I am aware that was not your intention. But it is part of the Dream Engines mechanics. From now on you are now collecting Dream Points, and World Points from two realities.” Dawn replied, her voice sweet in his ears.

Lash sat down in a chair that changed its shape to make him comfortable. He was in full JLI/Warden kit. Something he had repaired, and re-enchanted after his fights with Dex and his forces. As before the armor seem to take on a hellish style choice to represent his Daemonic Heritage has a Count. He stopped for a moment to consider Dawn's words.

“Doesn't that just mean I'm responsible for two realities now?” Lash asked.

“Well...If you want to look at it like that. I suppose you are technically correct.” Dawn said, her voice went from sweet to bitter.

Before Lash had left Dex's palace he had copied the entire mainframe of information. He had learned a lot of horrible things. But he also had obtained off of his blue prints, and designs. He had looked them up on the Dream Store to discover that he had essentially free blue prints worth hundreds of DP. Atmospheric processing towers, Rift generators, renewable energy plans, orbital cannons! Lash had found out that the orbital cannons had been prepped for a possible invasion from space! Cause apparently that's a method of invasion. Despite Dex's fall the cannons continued to operate which was nice!

“Question! Once the 24 hours real time are up can both realities be invaded? Or just one?” Lash asked, hoping for good news.

“Just one! Since they are linked together the Developers thought it was to much for a single User to defend against two separate invasions. But remember User! Not all disasters natural or otherwise come from Rift invasions.” Dawn answered, and reminded him. But that was a piece of good news to celebrate!

“If Darkseid and his forces showed up, would that count as a story event. Or an invasion?” Lash asked, praying for a good response. However, the response was not automatic, which meant Dawn was checking with a developer.

“....Both. VI Avatars are not the only invaders you have to worry about User. You may end up fighting invasions from other beings of phenomenal power. But to answer the question that I know you will ask. Yes, they count towards the 24 hour protection method of operation.” Dawn responded, her voice changed to a hint of pride like she always does when he discovered something.

“So invasion doesn't always come from a Rift? An alien armada could show up, and that could count as an invasion event. Or creatures from another dimension, but not reality could count as an invasion. Not to mention that in DC comics they got invaded by story generated...oh fuck that's right!” Lash almost screamed. Erik the gamer had forgotten about the Justice Lords, and the Crime Syndicate.

“Dawn...Is it possible to turn off Invasions from VI Avatars?” Lash asked, he noticed that his Cosmic Awareness pinged him with a bit of experience.

“Yes, User! In fact I was going to encourage you to do so. With your nightmare mode difficulty things will only be more complicated in the future. Normally you would have to do this from the black room. But I'll make the adjustment now. One moment.” Dawn's voice took on an edge of absolute glee! Lash knew she was stressed out with interacting with invading VI's. The whole dream world slowed, stuttered, then returned to normal.

“It is done, User! Now the only invasion force you will meet will be part of your TWO realities!” Dawn said, emphasizing that he had two responsibilities now. Lash let out a groan in protest, and knew Dawn snickering at him.

“Dawn, come out here for a moment. I want to look at your familiar form.” Lash said, as he ran a finger over his dragon necklace. It had been a long while since he last saw her.

The necklace became animated, the necklace was the familiar totem that he had obtained as a reward from the first time he had finished Tartarus. The familiar looked like a heavenly mystic dragon from eastern mythology. With a soft audible pop, and a flash of smoke. Dawn the dragon took on her petite human guise. Just like before Dawn wore a traditional shrine maiden outfit that you would normally see in Japan.

White top, with billowing sleeves. Bright red billowing pants, with a red bow on its front. She wore long white socks, and wooden sandal shoes. Her long black hair was tied up in a pony tail so. Her white top had a high collar that wrapped around her neck. With luscious red lips, and serpent eyes. She stood before Lash with a smile on her face. She preformed a customary bow, letting Lash admired her bent over figure that was stunning to behold. She looked like she was late teens, early twenties. Far away from the teenager form she had taken before.

“I know you prefer older woman, Master. But continue to grow in strength and I'll be able to adopt such a form.” Dawn said teasingly, automatically assuming his mind was in the gutter. Which it kinda was. Lash coughed, attempting to distract his thoughts.

“Are you hungry? We can go to the galley and get a meal.” Lash offered as he stood up and offered his arm to his familiar. Dawn's eyes brightened in excitement.

Lash still in his 'standard' human form walked to the galley with Dawn in hand. They turned heads where ever they went. Especially when Lash went to the officer section of the galley and sat at the captains seat. With in ten minutes Vyllith showed up and greeted them both. She had never met Lash's familiar so she wanted to get to know her. By the time they had finished their meal everyone in the galley, and most of the ships realized who the human-reptile was.

Dawn, and Vyllith were sharing a ice cream sundae when a young girl maybe 14 to 16 ran up to the table in excitement. Following close behind was AR-John Constantine so Lash could only assume this was his daughter. Her name was....Sindella after Z's mother. The girl bounced with clear excitement running over but before she could open her mouth.

“Hold on, Sin! Introdjuc' yaurself befor' yau start' asking questions!” AR-John said with a smile, as he gently rapped his knuckles on the girls head. Who grumbled at her father, but the light of love was clear in her eyes.

“Hello Agent Wraith! I am Sindella Zatara-Constantine. Thank you so much for the book! May I, and my father join you?” Sindella asked, clearly trying to not sound like Constantine.

“Please, take a seat both of you.” Lash said with a smile that made Sindella blush. AR-John smiled wide at his girl and took a seat with her.

“So, who is this then? Never sei yau befor'.” AR-John asked while pointing at Dawn.

“Hello Constantine. I am Dawn, I am my masters dragon familiar.” Dawn said, she stood up and bowed from her waist. Then resumed her seating to she could finish her ice cream. AR-John all but swallowed his tongue.

“Yau hav' a dragon for a familiar!?” AR-John shouted, thankfully the officer area and a soft buffering field to block out noises.

“That is amazing!” Sindella all but squealed in delight. She bounced from her seat to sit next to Dawn. Dawn smiled at Sindella with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

Then began a discussion on magic, and the difference between Magic of Magicians like Sindella's mother Zatana. Sorcery like Doctor Fate. Magic Blood like Constantine and Lash. Champions like God-Kins, and Etrigan the Demon. Guardians like Swamp Thing. Archmages like Phantom Stranger. Then Judges like Specter. Magic was a complex science that was both incredibly new, and ancient beyond measure. They could have spoken on the subject practically forever. But Lash compromised with Sindella, and AR-John by creating several books on his spells. As he was a Domain caster he was able to comprise the information freely.

Sindella left with AR-John with a stack of books. Vyllith excused herself to the bridge and encouraged Lash to take a break. At least once a month. Dawn dragged him back to his private quarters and pulled him into bed. Lash had looked at her with a bit of a smirk until she chopped his noggin softly to get his mind out of the gutter. She transformed back into his necklace, and curled up on top of his chest. So for the first time in a long, long time Lash fell asleep.


In the open air he flew, his wings beating against the sky gaining altitude. Diving through a cloud bank he splashed through clouds like a fish jumping from a pond. For a brief moment he simply enjoyed the feeling of the sun on his scales, and the pull of gravity as it tried its best to bring him back down. He dove back through the cloud bank to look over a battle field. His armies were rushing down two distinct paths towards the enemy strong hold. They had both met the enemy, he dipped his to the side and came upon the enemy on the western front.

He opened his mouth and sprayed from his venom sacs. Natural napalm burnt flesh, and melted bone. He destroyed the opposition in a single pass. Flying away at the sounds of his conquering army cheering. He flew over the forest and saw a glint in the distance. He did a forward side barrel roll as a javelin was shot through the air. The enemy had prepared aerial ballistas for him, a single sweep of his flame destroyed them. As he reveled in the destruction of his enemies a shadow from the sky above darkened his vision. He looked up and saw it! Saw...Them!

“A dragon commander!” He said, before he roared and rose into the sky to meet them.


Congratulations User! Thanks to your reincarnated lives you've learned how to grow wings through your Adaptation trait.

Lash rolled his eyes at Dawn's enthusiastic voice. He looked around his room to see that his familiar had wrapped around his neck and became a necklace once more. He slowly sat up in bed, still wearing his armor. He looked at his Clock it read 4:30 am like always. Though he did feel rested, and recovered. He only had a few hours of sleep.

Then the Sulaco lurched back and forth. It was a gradual motion, and no alarm went off. But after a few minutes it did it again. Lash rolled his eyes as he stood up and reactivated Transformation. He left his room and head for operations. Along the way he passed a holographic view screen that played the part of a window on the ship. Windows were structural weaknesses, Lash didn't build them. He used camera's and spell craft.

A creature of The Black and/or Rot was flying through the air next to them. It was massive in size, five times the size of the Sulaco easily. It seemed to be brushing up against the ship as it flew by. That was when Lash saw a few more around them. They were not attacking the ship, but they flew around it like a pod of whales would do in the ocean. Saving time he called up a holographic of the operations room. Vyllith was at the command station, and turned to look at him.

“Lord Count, there is a being from the Rot standing on our flight deck. I think they want to talk.” Vyllith reported, Lash took a deep calming breath and nodded.

“Alright, I'll head out. Keep weapons on standby. I don't know why they would attack, but just in case.” Lash replied, Vyllith reported and they closed the view screen.

A few minutes later Lash was walking across the flight deck. The roof had been retracted to make it easier for the drop ships to come and go. In the sky, and below the ship were the massive Rot creatures. Massive bulbous creatures, with a disproportion amount of wings, and fins. Hundreds of tentacles snapped out into the air, and collected life energy drawing them into gaping mouths. Despite their grisly appearance they were not evil creatures. Just another aspect of nature. Death and decay was just as much a part of nature as life, and birth. At the end of the flight deck stood a figure wrapped in darkness. They wore it like a hood and cloak, and just as tall as Lash in his Transformed state.

“Greetings to you, druid from another world.” The emissary of the Rot said. Their voice a combination of voices both men and women.

“Greetings to you, emissary of the Rot. How may this one be of service?” Lash asked, bowing from his waist. The emissary dipped its hood in response accepting the courtesy given.

“This world was on its last. It would have taken centuries from the mortals perspective. But from ours it was but a heartbeat away from death. You have prevented this, why?” The emissary of Rot asked.

“The people of this world need a living planet to survive.” Lash offered his first reason.

“They are responsible for its destruction in the first place, as a druid I would think you would let them suffer for their mistakes.” The Rot said in return.

“Yes, and no. Just as the balance is not united so are mortals. In my world The Green has dozens of voices calling for different solutions to different problems. Is it not the same for The Black? Even if they put it to a vote, not all of them always listen do they not? The mortals are the same. Just because most cause destruction does not mean every one made the same choice.” Lash said, and he created a Phantasm illusion to illustrate his point. Showing the unification war from video's he had seen, and records he had read.

“True...” The emissary said, as he looked at the illusions crafted.

“And if I may be so bold. Does it matter if I restore it? The Black needs life to consume. If the planet turns barren there is no balance.” Lash asked, honestly confused why The Black would stop his actions.

“As we have said before. Centuries to mortals are but a simple heartbeat. Yes the world would have fallen. But in a few thousand or so years the planet would recover. Breathing new life, and a chance for new creatures to be born anew.” The emissary replied. Ah, that was the issue. If the balance had plans for a renewed Earth then Lash had just stepped on it.

“Then I'll say the main reason why I am doing so. Is because my Cosmic Patron requested it of me.” Lash supplied the real reason. Yes, he liked helping the new reality he had 'adopted'. But he was putting a lot of effort into restoring it. Though he was obtaining valuable experience, it would be useful when he tried to terraform the moon, and restore mars.

The emissary of The Rot was silent for a moment. More than likely it was deliberating with its leaders. Or maybe even his Cosmic Patron was talking to them. Erik knew that the patron was being played by Dawn. Dawn was essentially the game master of the whole Dream Engine. Though she did take orders from the Developers. So Erik wasn't entirely sure who is Cosmic Patron was to be honest. Maybe it was a developer watching him? Maybe it was an entire team?

“You are a chosen of the Endless, is this correct?” The emissary asked. Wow! It had been a long while since someone brought up that title.

“I am...” Lash replied.

“Very well, the balance will allow the reconstruction of the planet. But please inform the mortals that they will not get a second chance. If they ruin the world again. We of The Black will hasten its death.” The emissary said, and then began to fade from sight.

“Wait!” Lash shouted, raising a hand. The emissary materialized once more.

“May I suggest the colors of the balance select new guardians for the planet. Please not me! I have to return to my own world. But, if guardians are selected they can help maintain the balance.” Lash requested, as he bowed his head in submission.

“Your request is....Acceptable. We will choose new guardians.” The emissary said, and then faded once more from sight.

Once The Black emissary disappeared the whale like giants of rot, and death moved off. Then like the aurora borealis ribbons of light streamed across the sky. Black, red, clear, white, grey, orange, brown, crystal clear colors reflected across the globe. Night or day. Lash watched has his quest updated quickly. Across the barren landscape swaths of plant life from a variety of species, times, and maybe alien stretched through the world. Ghosts of creatures flew down from the night sky. Once they reached the ground they took shape, and became solid. Creatures that didn't belong on Earth originally. Crap, they found a loop hole.

A giant flying reptile that looked like a primitive dragon flew over the flight deck of the Sulaco. It looked at Lash from afar and loose a roar of challenge that seem to say. 'This is my territory, you go away!' Lash rolled his eyes and turned back. The roof folded up and over the flight deck, and the Sulaco turned. Heading back to Themyscira.

Congratulations User! You've completed your Cosmic Patron's quest.

Objective: Restore the alternate realities planet to a healthy state. [Complete]

Bonus Objective: Return magic to alternate realities planet. [Complete]

Bonus Objective: Restore balance to the alternate realities planet. [Complete]

Reward: 500 DP.

Reward: 5 Ability Evolution Points.

Reward: Denizen's of the balance have marked you. This will lead to future story events, and missions.

The list of people that Lash was going to receive missions grew, and grew. But at least he could move back now. He had Vyllith send word ahead through the water mirror that they were heading back. They would be in the AR-Themyscira in two days. Now Lash had to figure out what to do with the Sulaco. He couldn't bring it with him, he didn't want to leave the droid service modules aboard. So, he could dismantle them and leave the ship behind for the new government to use. Or would that be a bad idea? Magitek was something entirely new in this reality. Not like home.

After talking with Vyllith, and the few hundred war droids who gained a spark. They decided to dismantle the droid service modules. But keep the ship, and replace the modules with a few necessities. But before he dismantled the modules, the rest of the stagnant war droids got a update. Letting them all have the building blocks for a magical spark. The androids would stay in this reality, given they were born here. The Metal from the balance hummed with approval.

The Sulaco reached the outer edge of the spell shield that protected AR-Themyscira. The entire ship glowed briefly as it slipped through the barrier into the pocket space. Once through the ship, and its crew were greeted by thunderous cheers, and cascading applause. The ship slowly descended and slipped into the water. Joining the flotilla that surrounded the island. The flight decks roof opened up and hundreds of people capable of flight flew down into the deck to meet with the crew.

It was time for the goodbye party for Lash, though the Rift would remain open it may be sometime before he ever came to visit again. Hopefully nothing horrible happened while he was gone. Two days, Queen AR-Hippolyta 'requested' that Lash stay for two days to enjoy the festivities on Themyscira. Not taking no for an answer. Hopefully Lash wouldn't get to drunk this time...


***Home Reality, Sol System***

“I refuse! I am not going to arrest Wraith, he hasn't done anything wrong!” John Stewart shouted at Kilowog.

The Bolovaxian had pachyderm like skin, porcine nose, and large jaws. Kilowog in particular had red eyes that glowed with green lanterns light, and his leathery skin was pinkish. He filled out his Green Lantern uniform very well with bulging muscles. He growled at John for shouting at him, but kept himself in check as it was clear that Hal, and Katma had more to say. They were currently floating in empty space between the planets Mars and Earth.

“The Guardians are after his Patron not him. Why do they think that if they arrest him, his Patron is going to show up to ensure his release. They have no proof! For all we know his Patron will just forget about him and move on. If the information we have on them is true?” Katma jumped into the discussion, poking Kilowog in the chest with a finger.

“You know this is a bullshit order, Kilowog.” Hal said at the end.

“The guardians never do anything with out a reason! They have policed the galaxy for thousands of years. You are telling me that they are wrong? This creature from earth, Wraith has been claimed to be the agent of calamity. His patron is an extra dimensional being that brings nothing but chaos, and calamity to every system it visits. How do you know Wraith isn't here to play nice, earn your trust, then strike when you least expect it!” Kilowog shouted at them. Clearly angry that they would second guess the guardians.

“Oh please Kilowog! You could say that about anyone! Even the guardians!” Hal shouted at him, and Kilowog got right up in his face about it.

“Stop! This is all pointless anyways! The United Nations wont give him up. The Green Lanterns are not recognized as an authority on the planet. The guardians would have to break their own rules to arrest him. Wraith has already declined to come to Oa for a visit.” Katma said quickly to stop the impending fight.

“That's because he knows its a trap! He knows we can talk to the guardians through our rings. The only reason that they would want him to visit Oa is to detain him!” Hal said in response, not backing down from Kilowog.

“Then I'll make him come, with or with out your help. Unless you want to get in my way!” Kilowog threatened. John laughed, it was short and abrupt but everyone noticed.

“No, I don't think we will. But we will tell the League of your intentions. I know for a fact that Superman would die before you took Wraith anywhere he didn't want to go. And to be honest, I pretty sure Wraith can take you Kilowog.” John said with a smile, Kilowog's eyes blinked wide.

“The Kryptonian aside, you think that giant reptile can take me on in a fight!?” Kilowog shouted.

“Ya, actually. I don't know what I was worried about.” Katma said with a smile as she wrapped her arms around John.

“I have to agree, I think Wraith would wipe the floor with you Kilowog.” Hal said, as he grinned at John, and Katma.

“Oh is that how it is! Well we'll just see about that!” Kilowog burst across the emptiness of space leaving a trail of green light.

“I sure hope Lash doesn't kill him.” Katma said with a bit of concern. Hal laughed a little then stopped looking thoughtful.

“Either way we should follow Kilowog to make sure he doesn't break any rules on Earth.” John said with a smile. They all agreed and soon trailed after Kilowog...

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