
***Gotham, Home Reality***

Gotham's city streets were always packed no matter the time of day. Be it full of pedestrians crossing the street because no one followed the guide lines. Or just cars passing through at all times of day. Which made navigating the streets of Gotham a practice in discipline, and luck when you were trying to zip through them at high speeds. It had been several weeks since Wraith had built the solar plant next to Gotham. Just long enough for the under belly of Gotham to find a new thing to steal, and sell to the highest bidder.

A truck with its bed full of 'cargo' rammed through the wreckage of long forgotten cars. Barreling through the intersection that had been jammed for months. Its tires squealed against the wet pavement, and the occupant screamed at the driver to hurry up. At last the truck pushed past its last car and tore down the pavement. With in a few seconds a shadow sprinted past the wrecked intersection. The shadow was on all fours, with sleek black fur, and yellow cat eyes.

“Fucking shoot it already!” The driver shouted at his companion. His passenger stuck his body out of the truck and fired his automatic rifle at the giant panther. The fire cracker shots from the rifle shot at the creature. The truck took a corner to tight and it almost lost its passenger.

“God damn it! Hold it steady! I can't get a hit with your shitty driving!” The passenger shouted, as he pulled himself back to shout at his driver.

“We are almost there! Then we'll...Fuck! Hold on!” The driver shouted before he pulled the steering wheel hard left. To far, to fast as the whole truck flipped on its side. The truck, and its cargo rolled several times over before it was suddenly stopped by a massive hand.

The massive hand belong to a mountain of flesh, at least ten feet tall. With green skin, tribal marks, and huge tusks coming out of his mouth. The troll wore a combination of tactical gear, and tribal war garb. A bone maw in one hand, and a M249 light machine gun slung over its shoulder. Around the trolls neck was a golden necklace. The troll looked into the cabin of the truck to see the driver and its passenger alive, but knock unconsciousness. The giant black cat came to a stop near the truck.

“Pack sister, I wish you wouldn't run off like that, I worry.” The troll said to the giant cat. Who rolled her eyes at him.

“I was bored, I needed the exercise...” Said an animalistic feminine voice from the giant cat as it came around to the trolls side of the truck.

“What would your fiancee say if he saw you do that with out back up?” The troll said as he walked around the back of the truck to check the cargo.

“Oh he'd throw a fit, which is why you are not going to tell him are you, Booraku?” The cat said, as it rubbed up against his legs affectionately.

“No, I will not. Though I may tell Wraith what you did, Selina.” Booraku said to the giant cat. Selina Kyle who had taken on a shifted form in the likeness of her Goddess pouted at the war troll.

“I think he would be proud!” Selina said as she jumped onto the edge of the truck bed. Booraku pulled the tarp back to reveal the cargo in the truck. Selina's cat face fell into disappointment.

“Why couldn't it be cash, gold, or jewels! Why did it have to be windows!” Selina said with a growl. As the tarp was removed it revealed a stack of bay windows that had been secured and tied to the truck bed.

“These are worth more.” Booraku said, as he started to pull the sheets of glass off the truck one by one.

“I don't think Wraith fully planned on them being worth this much.” Selina said in a grumpy voice. As Booraku finished stacking the sheets of glass he planted a device on the stack. Then a ribbon of spell script appeared around them. The Watch Tower sprung jump the sheets of glass back.

“What's next?” Selina asked, as she stretched out like the giant cat that she was.

“Home, its almost dawn.” Booraku said with a smile. Selina jumped off the trunk with glee and rubbed against the war trolls leg for a bit before she padded forward.

Wraith had known that the solar plant would never provide enough power for the city. So he had left an updated effect. When the magical energy from the plant repaired what it touched. It also turned any window it passed through into a photokinetic solar pane of glass. The glass had leaf like veins through it. Which did two things, it made them very durable. But it also collected natural energy for storage and use. Making every window in Gotham into a solar panel. So now the criminals in Gotham don't steal cash, gold, or jewels. No, no, no! They rip windows off of peoples homes. Selling them on the black market.

A few weeks ago people were struggling to live from day to day. Water, food, and medicine were the main resource for trade. Now that they had power, with water, food, and medicine being brought in at distribution centers. What does everyone want? Windows! Lots, and lots of windows! These specific windows were taken off a shelter down the street. They were currently being reinstalled by a JLI logistics crew. Just another night in Gotham!


***Alternate Reality, 500 feet below Rio De Janeiro. Sulaco's infirmary***

Rita woke up with a splitting head ache, and body full of aches. She glared at the lights above her as she slowly turned her head to take in the environment she was in. The last thing she remembered was fighting against the robotic units of Dex with her brother Jose. Then being taken through a stone wall by giant lizards. She heard soft murmurs in the room she was in, a simple curtain separated her from the rest of the area. She tried to call out but her throat was dry. Then a green light glowed above her and a pulse of energy washed over her whole body. She felt revitalized.

“H-Hello?” Rita called out from her bed. Her head ache was starting to fade just when the curtain was pulled back and the bright lights outside the curtain made her wince in pain. She was taken in surprise when a pair of strong familiar arms wrapped around her.

“Your awake! Thank god!” Jose said to his sister. A tight knot in Rita's chest pulled apart being hugged by her brother. Jose was tall man with golden skin, with short dirty brown hair, and golden eyes like the energy he used. He wore a pair of hospital scrubs that did little hide his muscular physique.

“Yes! Yes! I'm awake, now tell me where we are? What happened?” Rita asked, as she sat up on her bed to look back at the room. There was a full length mirror next to her bed. Rita hand long black hair swept past her shoulders. With caramel skin, a button nose, and athletic figure she was proud of. She also wore a pair of hospital scrubs.

“We are aboard the Sulaco, inside the infirmary Rita.” Said another familiar voice. Rita practically jumped to attention at the sound of the voice.

Standing behind Jose was Paul Sanders a military veteran from the unification war. He'd seen to the training of the resistance movement for their people. With salt and peppered black hair cut short, piercing blue eyes, and broad shoulders on his tall frame. He was the living definition of an old soldier. Unlike the rest of them he was in jungle camouflage military gear. A half smile on his face as he watched snap into military attention.

“At ease soldier...” Sanders said, as he gestures around the room. The rest of the resistance cell was in the infirmary. Well most of them, not everyone had made it out of the initial conflict.

“The Sulaco? What is that?” Rita smiled at every one but turned to face Sanders and asked her question.

“Do you remember the reports about an alternate reality sending a soldier through a Rift to make contact with us?” Sanders replied, he schooled his face to look indifferent even though there was a glint in his eyes. “This is his ship, a ship he built in two weeks. Right now he and his forces are taking Rio over.” Sanders said, a grin stretching across his face.

“What can we do to help!” Rita said, ready to jump back into the action. Her brother rolled his eyes next to her, barely awake and she was ready to fight again.

“You can all help by getting back into bed and resting!” Said a woman who had just entered the infirmary. She was tall, with short blond hair, and a familiar S symbol on her chest. Rita's face went pale at the sight of her.

“Stand down everyone! This is Supergirl from the alternate reality, she is with Agent Wraith.” Sanders told the whole room. Everyone eased back, but they looked ready to spring into action at a moments notice. “Ma'am, you'll have to forgive them. Your copy in our reality has been a terror for us for a long time.” Sanders supplied to her.

“I understand, but I have orders from Wraith. All of you are required to take 10 hours of bed rest and a full medical check up before you are allowed to fight. The 10 hours doesn't start until you are in bed, resting.” Supergirl said with a tight smile as she gestured at the few people standing and not laying down.

“We can't just lay here and not help. We have people to save!” Rita shouted at Supergirl. Rita then all but stepped back in fright when Supergirl looked at her.

“I get that, believe me I do! But, you won't do anyone any good if you pass out from exhaustion.” Supergirl said in response, she crossed her arms over her chest and stood in the door way.

“She is right people! Besides, I have spoken to Wraith. If we don't do what he asks he'll just flood the room with gas and make us fall asleep. We are guests in his house, and he is the man who saved us all. So get to it!” Sanders said to everyone. Then he started pulling everyone back into their beds.

Supergirl watched everyone settle back into bed, as the lights started to dim. She nodded in thanks to Sanders as he got into his own bed. She turned and closed the door behind her. Two war droids were station just outside the door. They saluted her, and she nodded in reply. She walked down the hall way and checked on the other rooms. All of them filled with resistance members being tested, and cleared for battle one by one.

Supergirl walked down the hallway to an elevator and took it up to the operations deck. Walking out she came double reinforced door with hidden turrets, and a security check point. She cleared through the scans, and walked into the operations main room. She pressed a button on her neck, and her half face helmet compressed and slid away letting her comb her fingers through her hair. She came to stand next to a giant monster with a tail who looked back at her.

“They alright?” Wraith asked her, his eyes focused on her for a moment.

“Yes, that was the last group. They are anxious to get back out there.” Supergirl replied, she crossed her arms and leaned against the railing next to Wraith.

Wraith's attention automatically went back to the two dozen screens in front of him. His hood was down so Supergirl could see his four reptilian eyes track the information. He wasn't a gecko, so his eyes didn't move separately. But when ever he looked at her it sent of warning bells in her head to run the other way. Wraith had always been a predator, nothing would change that. Supergirl was startled when she felt his massive tail slide up along her legs. He would do that when ever she stood next to him. It oddly comforted her, and she suspected it helped him too. She reached out and ran her hand against his metallic scales.

“Thank you for being here.” Wraith said softly, a smile spread across Supergirl's face.

“Of course! Need me to do anything?” She asked, Wraith pointed a claw a specific window. A beep went through her own interface. She nodded, and pulled her helmet back on while instructions were fed into her display.

“Be safe.” Wraith said softly.

“Always!” Supergirl replied and headed out.


Lash watched Supergirl leave the operations room, and turned back to his main interface. Dozens of windows were pulled up as he looked through them with a critical eye. Vyllith was working near him in a command chair. While several reclaimed soldiers that had been briefed and cleared worked along side her. Lash received a prompt from Dawn.

Congratulations User! Minor Military Special Operations has evolved into Basic Military Special Operations.

Effect: A natural increase to military operations, leadership, and tactics.

Effect: Basic understanding of soldier types, ground, water, and air vehicles.

Effect: Stacks with additional abilities (See Tool Tip)

That explained why he suddenly have a better understanding of the theater of war. Lash felt like he was playing a 4-X RTS game. Spy drones had been deployed across the entire city while his war droids were deployed in waves from the Sulaco. Each of the Droid Service Modules built different types of war droids. One primarily built infantry, another built armored vehicles, while the third built air vehicles. The last one was for the ship specifically. As long as they had power, they could use Fabrication.

His forces poured into the city and earned every inch of it through hard won battle. They had originally obtained the city hall during the first few hours but that had changed during the middle of the night. Dex had activated some soft of sound harmonics which made every man, woman, child, and senior rush out of their homes attack Lash's forces. No strategy, no tactics, just rush out and try their best to tear them apart.

They had lost city hall, and most of the city in a few hours. They were trying to retake the town with out extravagant civilian causalities. The main issue they were having is that most of the civilians were not chipped. They were brainwashed the good ole fashioned way through subliminal messaging, food additives, and drugs! Lots, and lots of drugs. Beep-Beep!

Lash watched the icon that represented Supergirl fly out into the city to quell an attack by a mob. While AR-Superman, and AR-Supergirl fought on the west side of the city fighting off Dex's main force that was coming in from Santiago. Six fighter jets flew out from the Sulaco and did a bombing run across the jungle. Then flew back to rearm. Last update from the resistance cells that had not been routed said that every available force in Dex's army was in route towards South America.

If they needed to they could drop everything and move to another town. Leave the war droids behind as last ditch effort. But Lash knew the resistance forces they had picked up would choose to stay behind as well. Which was not what Lash wanted. He received another prompt from Dawn, and realized one of the Droid modules had leveled. That was something new! All of the modules, and facilities aboard the Sulaco, and the ship it self had an experience bar. It had come with a recent update. Erik still wasn't sure what to make of it. But with every level the modules got faster at building, and the war droids were just a little bit better. So Lash wasn't going to complain.

Beep-Beep...Another notification came up and Lash watched as jets that came from the Sulaco flew north and shot down several missiles that had been shot from up north. Way up north! The jets themselves looked like giant triangles, with engines attached to the back. The cockpit was molded into the middle, and weapons along the edge of the wings. Thanks to Compression Transformation and Martian Science things change to fit the situation. Fancy stuff!

“Wraith.” Vyllith called his name. “Atlantis forces are taking the bay as we speak. They are linking up to our command...now!” Vyllith said from across operations. A slew of new contacts popped up on the main screen.

“Wonderful! Thank you for the update!” Lash said with a sinister smile that Vyllith mirrored.

There had been several anchored vessels in the bay that were now a pile of scrap. While others were still operational. Well not anymore at least! Atlantis was tired of being beaten by Dex, they had applied a majority of its forces to fighting back. Watching a battle ship that looks like a giant mechanical kraken burst from the water and shoot plasma at the ships was a sight for sore eyes. Beep-Beep. Another notification through the communication line. Lash watched it for a moment then threw it up on the main screen.

It was a video from a resistance cell near Gotham. It showed a giant black ship coming out of a golden tube. A resounding BOOM shook the whole area. Lash's eyes went wide at the sight of it. Fuck! What is an Apokolips destroyer doing here!? The ship landed just outside the city and started to load up brain boxed prisoners. Dex being the vindictive asshole that he is. All of the prisoners being transported were of course from Lash's home reality. It seemed for every thousand prisoners taken Dex was rewarded with a piece of Apokoliptic tech.

After all of the prisoners had been taken into the ship. Dex started to process his own people as well. Another boom tube opened up with another destroyer flying through. Here to collect more people, this ship however unloaded something. A smaller ship, that flew straight south at high speeds. The video was ten minutes old. Lash brought up all the aerial drones they had to look north. He was to late! The ship was already flying into the city. Unloading a thousand parademons, and what looked like a ten man command team.

“All reclamation teams! We have hostile alien force inside our theater. Soldier class, Parademons. Known abilities are: Fire breath, self-detonation, partial adaptation from land to aerial abilities, flight, super strength, and the ability to infect and turn other organic beings into themselves. Other command forces are unknowns. Assume them hostile, and extremely dangerous.” Lash said, as he sent several video files and updated info to all of their forces. Foresight had activated briefly, as did Other Worldly Lore.

“Vyllith you have the bridge!” Lash called out, turned on his heel and sprinted towards the door. Right as Lash made it to the elevator Vyllith slide across the floor into the elevator with him.

“Lord Count, did you really expect me to miss the fight?” Vyllith said with a grin, as she stood up.

“No, I suppose not.” Lash said with a grin.

The elevator opened to the flight deck. The retractable roof was still in place as they were underground. But the two of them went a drop ship that was about to leave. Jumping in they found war droids buckled in awaiting deployment. The ship left soon after, activating its own Earth Swim enchantment on its hull. It slipped through dirt and stone like water and erupted from the ground. Just in time to see the Apokolips transport ship to burst into flames and crash. Having taken heavy fire from the Atlantis battleship.

The parademons were a strange type of humanoid insect creature with golden carapace armor with Apokoliptic language engraved onto them. They had three clawed hands, and feet. An open mouth with razor sharp fangs, and mandibles for ripping. The wings would grow from their backs when in flight, and merge back into their bodies when not. They would restrain people and spit goop onto them. When enough goop had covered the individual they would enter a chrysalis shape and start to turn into another parademon. A self generating army.

Lash's drop ship opened its bay doors and everyone jumped out thanks to Falling Glide cast on them like a parachute line. They jumped out and flew down to the ground quickly, as soon as they hit the pavement the fighting started. Specifically for Lash as he felt a fist slam into his face that sent him flying off down the street. There was no follow up punch as Lash had discovered that Vyllith had taken her sword out and was engaged in attacking a hulking monster of man with gray skin, horns, and Apokoliptic armor.

Name: N/A VI Avatar.

Title: Gladiator

Origin: Alien

Rank: C+


Powers: ????

Domains: ????

Traits: ????

Flaws: ????

Disposition: Hostile

Comment: Your first VI Avatar from Apokolipse! Unlike other Origins, Aliens normally start on their home planet for their tutorial. Very few people applied to start on Apokolipse because it is considered a nightmare mode starting difficulty. Good luck!

Shit! Lash jumped to his feet and cast Acceleration on himself. He then used Blink and appeared right next to the giant man. Red Psionic Blades extended from his clawed hands and he slashed through the mans side. The Gladiator screamed in horror as the Eldritch blade cut right through him. Vyllith wrapped her whip blade around the giants neck, and pulled it like a garrote. The hell blade hummed in delight as it devoured the blood and pulled the mans head off with a wet POP!

Before Lash, and Vyllith could celebrate. Danger Sense and Foresight activated. Lash cast Accelerate on Vyllith and jumped to the side just as two golden scimitars swung past him. A woman wearing little more than bandages, and wielding a spear struck at Vyllith. While, Lash jumped aside as the golden scimitars seem to materialize out of now where to attack him. A flickering shadow of a warrior would appear, and disappear every time it would attempt to strike against Lash. CLANG! Another slash from the scimitars bounced off of Lash's armor. Lash jumped back, and fell into a shadow. He glanced up in time see another giant man wielding a hammer about to bring it down on top of him. Until a blue and red blur bashed the giant aside.

Thanks for the save! -Lash said across the Temporary Pack Bond he just established.

Anytime! -Supergirl shouted, as she started to brawl with the giant man with a hammer.

CLANG! The golden scimitars appeared and cut through Lash's attention. A bubble burst from Lash as he cast Personal Time. There at the very edge of the 60 foot sphere was a man wrapped in shadow attempting to flee. Lash jumped to the edge and cut the mans head off. As time resumed suddenly a headless corpse appeared! Just in time for a crimson red hyper beam to hit Lash. Catapulting him across the ground as the beam followed him. It melted through his armor, metallic scales, flesh, bones, and his organs before it stopped.

True Body, Damage Resistance, and Natural Energy Absorption all got a shit load of experience! Lash quickly cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on to himself. Thanks to the buffs on his armor his health jumped back to 80%. Though that didn't stop him from screaming as his nerves delighted to tell him it would still hurt. He looked towards the source of the blast to see a woman in barely any clothing. (Seriously wear some damn armor) She had golden skin, literally it looked like gold and been poured over her body. With three red orbs that floated around her.

“Pathetic! I had expected a bit of a challenge but it seems you are not worth my time. As us-” BAM! She didn't get to finish as AR-Superman dropped from the sky like a bullet and shut her up real quick by caving her skull in. AR-Superman isn't the boy scout that Lash knew. This one wasn't afraid to take a life.

“Thank you, boy scout!” Lash called, as he coughed up goop from his regrowing lungs.

“Are you alright?” AR-Supergirl flew down next to Lash. Checking on him and watched in amazement as his chest cavity regrew.

“I'll be up in a bit!” Lash tried his best to say. AR-Supergirl stuck her hand out with an audible whip like crack! As she plucked up a speedster type individual from thin air! The speedster was clearly surprised, but tried to stab AR-Supergil with its daggers. AR-Supergirl whipped the speedsters neck around like a broken toy.

“Apokolipse! Why is Darkseid back now?” AR-Supergirl asked, as she tossed the speedster away like trash.

“Encountered them before?” Lash asked, as he slowly stood up. He winced at his ruined armor.

“Yes, they had invaded several times before Dex's rule, and after. We had always beaten them back.” AR-Supergirl replied as she watched the fight, then burst into action to attack another Apokoliptic guard.

Lash cast Repair on his armor. He would have to do the enchantment when he got back to the ship. But at least some armor was better than nothing. Regeneration got him the rest of the way back to 100%. He jumped back into the fight to see AR-Wonder Woman going toe to toe with three different fighters. He used Blink and appeared right behind one, and shoved his red blade through their chest. AR-Wonder Woman didn't even blink at the sudden arrival she just swapped two fighting one, why Lash went to the other.

This fighter was a woman with a wild mane of red hair. With feline features like cat eyes, tail, and claws. Claws that she could extend into small knives. She had superhuman agility that she used to bounce, and jump around. She swiped at Lash with her left hand claw, followed by a side kick to throw him off balance. He rolled with the attack struck with his bladed tail. She bounced away, using the tail as a catapult. Like most agility based individuals she flew straight into the air. Very pretty, very stupid! Lash concentrated a Eldritch Blast and burned a hole straight through her. She was dead before she hit the ground again.

“Dex must really fear you, Wraith. For he has allied himself with Darkseid.” AR-Wonder Woman said. She had finished her battle and was cleaning her blade. The last of the command team from Apokolipse was dead on the ground. Though some of them had been killed away from here.

Lash used Manifestation and created 200 Saurus Warriors, and 10 Veterans. They took off into the city to track down and kill the parademons. Leaving Lash little more than half of his magical energy to play with. Supergirl's opponent was the last to fall. She flew over to check on Lash, prodding his side which made him laugh.

“Wait, are you ticklish!?” Supergirl asked, delight sparking in her eyes.

“No! Don't be ridiculous!” Lash said, as he coyly tried to hide behind AR-Wonder Woman. Who looked at him with a grin.

“You totally are!” Supergirl said, as she smiled with malicious intent on her face.

“Ahem! We should get back to it! Gather up everyone I'll do some healing!” Lash said as he cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. On the group including Vyllith who walked up with AR-Superman.

They jumped back into combat and tracked down the rest of the parademons that had flew into the city. Little over 300 people had been converted into parademons before they could stop it. But one highlight was the parademons attacked everyone. Not just their forces. They retook city hall, and were able to turn off the harmonic sound wave that turned the whole city into a raging mob. Before the sun rose the next day Lash was called back to the Sulaco, specifically the council chamber.


***Rolf Dex's palace***

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR LEAVING!?” Dex roared at Godfrey. Godfrey raised a single brow at the emperor. But a cruel smile was stretched across his face.

“I gave you everything you asked for! Over a billion of my troops were sent to Apokolipse, every bit of resources I've harvested from the other realities have been sent to your master! I demand he keep his end of the bargain!?” Dex shouted at Godfrey, the man's snobbish face melted into rage.

“YOU DEMAND NOTHING!” Godfrey shouted at Dex. His eyes turning crimson, and black veins grew across his face.

“My Master is not beholden to your pathetic whims! There was a time when you pulled his interest. But he see's now, just as I do. You are a pathetic man not worth his time. Good bye worm!” Godfrey said, then with out another word he turned and a boom tube opened up and swallowed Godfrey.

“NOOOOO!” Dex shouted as he destroyed the room with in his palace out of pure rage.


“Over half of his military is gone?” Lash said, as he stared at Oracle through the water mirror.

“Yes, he prioritized everyone from the alternate realities. So his home guard is still here. Though as you may have realized that included the prisoners from your own reality. They've all been sent to Apokolipse.” Oracle said, frustration written on her face.

Attention User! One of your bonus objectives is complete.

Prevent loss of life: 0.1% were slain, captured, or taken to lands unknown out of 7 billion. (Approximately 7 million)

Comments: Congratulations! That is an amazing score!

Ranking: S grade

Reward: 10 Ability Evolution Points.

Reward: 100 Dream Points

Reward: Experience boost B to B+

Only one quest objective left: KILL DEX!

On one hand, that was an incredibly low number in the grand scale of things. On another, SEVEN MILLION PEOPLE are gone! The ships had already left, and Lash had no ability or resources to find them. Opening a door to Apokolipse was suicide! Lash wanted to scream in frustration, but he held his tongue. If Dex had just stuck to his own abilities this whole war would have taken months if not years to complete. But now?

“We have some good news. There is open revolt happening across the entire main land. With out his massive mind controlled army to keep the peace. We have no word on the other two realities since we have no communication with them. But I can't imagine they are letting his opportunity pass them by.” Oracle said, as she began to flip through more information on her holographic pad.

“What are the chances that Dex will make a break for one of the other realities and hide there?” Lash asked.

“I would say low at best. But with you around Dex has been acting erratic with his thinking.” AR-Batman said from his side of the chamber.

“Where are the other Rifts?” Lash asked next, as a holographic map was created.

“What use to be, Dallas Texas. Now its a major port between realities. They pull everything they can from the ground, water, even the clean air out of the other realities. Then ship it back here. For years we never knew where any of it went. But it seems that Dex has been giving it to Apokolipse this entire time. Why expend your own army, when you can get some one else to do it for you.” AR-Wonder Woman said, her lips pressed into a thin line.

“So, whats the plan?” Supergirl asked, she turned towards Lash.

“Let's go finish this. Pull up the anchors we are going to go visit the Emperor.” Lash said at last. The silence in the room was palpable but instead of obstruction and nay saying.

“Understood, we'll do what we can on our end.” AR-Batman said, and for the first time Lash had ever seen the AR-Batman stand up. He had cybernetic legs, with clawed feet. The water mirror stopped broadcasting just as Lash turned to walk towards the command bridge. He flipped a switch and broad cast his voice across the whole ship.

“Attention, this is Agent Wraith. To all reclaimed and resistance forces aboard the Sulaco, and reclamation forces in Rio. The situation has changed, a chance for a full frontal attack on the emperor's palace has been arranged. We are moving into attack positions with in the hour. If you wish to remain behind please do so with our blessing. We'll provide resources before we leave. However, any and all that wish to come with us will be welcomed. I won't lie to you, this attack is going to be brutal. But we will finish it. Thank you.” Lash said, and flipped the switch. He turned around to the rest of the room filled with reclaimed, and the alternate realities people.

“Do you even have to ask? Of course we are going!” AR-Wonder Woman said with a grin.


***Sulaco, Galley***

Rita, Jose, and the rest of the resistance cell were in the galley eating a meal when the broadcast went off. Sanders slowly stood up and looked at his friends, family, and fellow soldiers. Before he walked straight over to one of the war droid stationed there to keep an eye on them. Sanders saluted the machine and said clearing in his booming voice.

“Permission to join the offensive!” Sanders said, the war droid tapped on his wrist computer and a trail of lights showed Sanders towards the distribution center. Sanders turned towards everyone in the room, nodded and then took off down the hall.

“Fuck that! I want to go too!” Rita shouted and jumped to her feet, and like a tidal wave everyone else jumped to their feet.


*** Rio De Janeiro City Bay***

Tula sat on the deck of the Atlantean battleship. Watching as a giant bulbous ship came up out of the ground near the edge of the city. The thing really ugly, but it was also the hope for their homes freedom. Over a thousand war droids were staying behind to keep an eye on Rio, along with many of the resistance, and Atlantean forces. Right now the captain of their battleship was discussing with the other captains about staying or moving north.

The soft touch of a calloused hand moved across her back. She smiled lightly but didn't turn around as her husband Kaldur came up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her in a hug and set his head on her shoulder. Pressing his lips to her ears. Tula sunk into that embrace and just relaxed for a brief moment before she had to ruin it with a question.

“So, whats the vote?” Tula asked, staring straight at the city but seeing something else entirely.

“Three out of five. We are moving north to help with the offense. Wraith has promised to drop troops as we move.” Kaldur said, almost as it to emphasize the point. A pair of fighter jets took off from the Sulaco as it sailed over the city.

“Is this nightmare almost over, Kaldur?” Tula asked, turning around to hug him in return. Burring her face into his chest.

“Maybe, but we still have a lot of fighting left. A lot of people are still going to die. But if we all do our part we'll see the sun rise again on our home.” Kaldur replied, he leaned down and stole a kiss from his wife.

“You suck at motivational speeches you know that, right?” Tula said with a smile.

“Sorry, haven't had a lot of practice.” Kaldur said back. They stood on the deck for a few more minutes watching the Sulaco fly away into the distance. Just in time to watch it glimmer and faded from sight.

“Time to go!” The deck officer said, the hum of the battleships engine started up.

“Let's finish it...”Tula said to Kaldur.


The Sulaco gradually flew through the air towards its destination. Finding a balance between speed, and staying hidden. If they pushed the engines then their wake send off a signal. Reports were coming in all from the main land. Resistance cells that had survived the purge started attacking the cities near them. They had been briefed about harmonic signal that Dex had used to militarize the whole cities population. The signal came from the city hall. So they made that a priority.

Every major city they flew over they dropped supplies, troops, and vehicles off to help the local resistance forces. Then it went up for debate on whether they should fly straight towards Dex, or move along the coast hitting all of the major cities? In the end the decided to fly straight there. Reports informed them that the remaining of Dex's forces were being stationed around his palace. He was like a turtle hiding away in his shell. Unfortunately his palace was a self sufficient base of operation with a robotics factory inside.

The entire palace was contained with a metal sphere. Of incredibly dense materials, that also had a current of energy running through it. This was to prevent phase shifting, and teleportation to pass through it. Dex's R&D had decades of practice keeping meta-powers out of the palace. As well as aliens, and magic. So that meant they would have to go through one of the main gates. Which was fiercely protected by every last bio-chip soldier, robot, and meat puppet Dex had. Not including his royal guard contained with in the city.

“What do we know about the royal guard?” Lash asked, as he reviewed the information the resistance had collected.

“Not everyone was opposed to Dex's rule. When he took over there were many criminals, warlords, and companies that were happy to support Dex before the Unification war. As a reward Dex allowed them to remain free of a chip. Most of them live outside of the palace. But a few stayed by Dex's side. While every single soldier inside the palace is hand picked from every reality. They are not only chipped, but also brain washed to follow orders. Unlike the rest of his forces, these people are pure metas. So expect a lot of resistance.” AR-Superman said, as he wrote up a report for everyone. Since he had been inside of it more than once.

“He also has the royal harem.” AR-Supergirl said with great disgust.

“What now?” Lash asked, surprised as he looked at AR-Supergirl.

“Dex collected all of the most beautiful woman he could find. Chipped them, and uses them as he see's fit. But they are also his bodyguards. Hawkwoman, Aquawoman, Black Canary, a few dozen others. They live near Dex, and patrol the palace. Wearing next to nothing! Always ready to serve.” AR-Supergirl looked like she wanted to rip something in half, or someone.

She had spent some time there with Dex. -AR-Superman said across the link that was still up.

Great! Just another thing Lash needed to punish Dex for. Speaking of punishment! Lash needed to find a nice quiet place to open a gate to Hell! So Dia could join the attack. Themyscira was technically on the way back. So they visited the island for about day to collect supplies, and more troops. The Sulaco was jammed packed full of people. Before they hit the coast line the ship dove into the water, and used Earth Swim to enter the ground underneath there.


“I really don't like this!” AR-Wonder Woman said, standing next to one of the hatches that lead outside of the ship. The Sulaco was currently not moving as it was stationed underground several hundred miles outside of Dex's palace.

“They will play their part, your highness.” Vyllith said in response as she waited by the hatch for her lord to return.

“Allowing demons from Tartarus onto Earth is dangerous! An open gate way. It will be just as bad as Dex himself!” AR-Wonder Woman replied, she paced the hall way waiting for Lash to return.

“Maybe, maybe not. But we need a distraction. Yes Dex's forces are crippled. But we need a front wave attack or we'll never finish this.” Vyllith said in return, she stood up straight and looked at the hatch just as Lash popped out of the dirt.

“Lord Count, did they agree?” Vyllith asked, as she came to his side and began to brush off the dirt he had collected.

“Yes, they'll attack in about an hour. We have to get moving!” Lash said as he closed the hatch to the ship. As soon as the latch was locked the Sulaco started to move again.

“I hope you know what you are doing, brother.” AR-Wonder Woman said, as she stalked off to prepare for the fight.


***Rofl Dex's Palace, South Gate***

They were fucked, well and truly fucked. The high general of the remaining forces of the Empire. The emperor had recalled all their remaining forces to reinforce the palace and only the palace. They had left the Rift core alone. Only a skeleton crew was left behind in the different cities, ports, and realities. The boy that would be emperor was a disgusting piece of shit and the entire empire knew it! The high general watched his soldiers stand around and wait for an attack that would soon be arriving if their information was correct.

“High General! We have contact coming from the south. Low aerial units.” An officer reported.

“Bring it up on the view screen.” The high general said, the video was brought up and they saw what looked like footmen in knight armor riding giant bats towards them.

“As soon as they are in range begin firing.” The high general commanded.

“Yes sir!” An officer replied. But before they could give the command the entire area began to shake. An earthquake? Here? Now?

“Report!” The high general shouted, he didn't believe it for a minute.

A new video feed showed a massive wave of earth, rock, and concrete heading towards the firing line. Like a zipper the wave brought localized earth quakes. But not only that above the wave were storm clouds. Lighting began to strike seemingly at random. No, not random it was striking their military placements.

“ALL FORCES FIRE AT WILL” The high general shouted! The attack had begun!


The Sulaco was skimming the surface of the ground. Maybe a hundred feet below, they altered the spell just enough to do a drag effect. Creating a long line of miniature earth quakes which pushed, and shoved all the different vehicles and temporary emplacements to the side. On the flight deck just beneath a layer of armor was Lash channeling Call Lighting as he produced a storm cloud that was slowly consuming the area. Just as the front lines encountered Dia Nyx now a Countess of Tartarus's forces. Demonic soldiers clashed straight into the firing line and tore through them with open glee. It was a festival of blood!

The Sulaco did a complete circle around the palace which took nearly an hour to complete. The palace was that big. It stood where Washington DC use to stand. The whole city area had been converted into a giant metal dome. Lash didn't know what the inside looked like but he was sure it looked just as awful. In the wake of the Sulaco's earth wave war droids would pop up out of the ground and start attacking.

“ALL HANDS, BRACE FOR IMPACT!” Vyllith's voice called over the radio.

The Sulaco sunk into the ground, then rammed straight into the underside of the palace. They had barely made a dent. But then again they weren't meant to. They were several hundred feet underground, right next to the northern gate. They would continue to deploy troops from underground, while they attempted to cut through the outer shell of the palace. From AR-Supergirl's reports the utilities of the city were underground.

Congratulations User! Advanced Manifestation has evolved into Master Manifestation this purchase has used 5 of your ability evolution points due to its high rank.

Effect: Saurus Warriors total count is 1,000 units. They can now use all skills, traits, spells, and powers that the caster may use below two grades of their master. (Example: If you are B, they can use D and lower.)

Effect: Saurus Warriors have their own power source, gear, and growth intelligence.

Effect: Saurus Veterans total count is 100. They can now use all skills, traits, spells, and powers that the caster may use below one grade of their master. (Example: If you are B, they can use C and lower.)

Effect: Saurus Elites total count is 10. They can now use all skills, traits, spells, and powers matching their master in power.

Effect: Decrease in magical energy consumption. Units now auto regenerate with out assistance from master.

Comment: The never ending tide!

Lash had spent some of his rewards before they came with in range. He knew that the shop was not available during battle. The tribal marks across his body glowed, and a giant portal opened behind him. A swarm of metallic scales, armor, and claws burst from the magical energy. A thousand Saurus Warriors rushed straight towards the metal sphere of the palace and started to use Material Shaping. Thousands of experience was poured into Lash. So much that he got a new prompt.

Congratulations User! Material Shaping has evolved into Intermediate Material Shaping.

Effect: The User can shape any material of all kinds with ease.

Effect: Extended range, 120 ft. User must be able to see it, to shape it.

Effect: Greatly decrease the energy consumption.

Comment: In the right hands, or rather claws. This ability could be terrifying!

With the new evolution the metal wall warped and bent inward like a glass in an oven. What should have taken hours was done in minutes. A blaring alarm went screamed from the palace insides. The Saurus Warriors poured into the hole soon followed by Lash, and every available soldier, warrior, and hero aboard the Sulaco. It was time to finish this Rift challenge. Lash was ready to kill Dex, and go home!

Pipes! Lots and lots of pipes every where they went. Miles of them stretching as far as the eye could see. With every intersection the Saurus Warriors split up. All of them linked to Lash through the Temporary Pack Bond, and any one else who came rushing in with them. Either the palace didn't anticipate them getting through so quickly, or they didn't care? Once they were in deep enough the warriors climbed up and started to shape the ceiling digging their way up!

After twenty minutes of shaping they burst onto the surface of what could only be described as a hot tub lounge, and love hotel. Much to the surprise of those inside as a swarm of warriors came bursting out of the ground like some cliche horror movie. The men and women that worked in the lounge were quickly de chipped while those who were enjoying their time were quickly killed! Lash didn't care, they could all die!

Lash along with several hundred warriors burst out of the ground with what looked like a water park. Surprise as the water poured through their hole. They had drained the massive artificial lake, the water coursing through below. Lash let loose a roar, Rallying Call. His own forces cheered and rushed into the water park. Dropping to all fours Lash chased after the shocked citizens with maniacal glee like a cat chasing mice. He tackled one incredibly over weight man, then tore flesh and soul alike. Soul Bite, Dream Eater, and Devour, Consume, Evolve.

All forces! Dex declared a day of celebration of revelry. Stating the battle was won, and they should celebrate. He appears to have lost his mind! -Lash said across the link, hundreds of people responded across the link becoming more or less white noise.

Agreed! Half of the soldiers I've come across weren't even in armor. They have no idea the battle is going on outside. -AR-Wonder Woman said, her frustration was clear as she thought across the link.

Moving to the central palace now! -AR-Supergirl said across the line. Lash watched as she flew over the water park and waved at him.

Lash started sprinting across the city on all fours. Just like Rio the whole city was uniformed and designed into a grid pattern. Shinning metal surfaces, perfect symmetry along the streets, sidewalks, it was almost disgustingly perfect. Well not anymore! People ran screaming in all directions, soldiers scrambled to get their gear on before they were taken down by Saurus Warriors. Automated attack drones began to be deployed around the city.

We have aerial, and land drones being deployed in the city. Eastern gate is opening and letting troops in! -AR-Superman said across the link.

Lash sprinted around a corner and saw this huge monstrosity for a tower. It was dead center of the whole dome. A giant monolith of metal, and glass. It sent a generated pulse every few seconds straight into the air which created a atmospheric shield that swallowed the whole city. Well it would have it the dome hadn't been sealed before they arrived. The entire tower had gone into war mode so metal shutters had closed off the windows. The only way in was through the front door. Where AR-Supergirl was currently fighting a host of troops.

Lash cast Acceleration on himself and sprinted down the street. Still not as fast as Flash, but fast enough for people to loose track of him. He jumped into the air and tackled a giant mechanical soldier straight into the doors of the tower. They burst through the double doors into a giant lobby. With black marble with gold design, and white columns reaching for the ceiling. Lash noticed all of this in about a second. He also noticed the hundred or so meta-humans in power armor pointing their rifles at him. Personal Time!

The world around him froze for a brief moment. He quickly cast Recycle on the mechanical soldier he came in with. Then used his Demon Summoning the portal opened with in the bubble and 200 demons piled out. Hooting, shouting, and cheering with glee just as the bubble dropped. They sprinted into the waiting arms of the soldiers taken back in surprise.

“FOR THE OVER LORD!” Their chieftain screamed. Sprinting towards the battle line.

“Yes! For me!” Lash shouted, and used Blink to get behind their line and started to disassemble them.

Red Psionic Blades sprung from his hands, and tentacles. He ripped one of his blades right up the spine of a soldier. Then whipped out a tentacle to slice through another from hip to shoulder. A speedster shot across the lobby and tackled Lash to the ground shouting at his team mates to shoot him now. Lash used Blink and teleported across the room, leaving the speedster behind. In time for a demon to give him a hug with a live grenade to share between them. BOOM! The shower of blood, bone, and power armor was a joy to see.

Lash raised his arms up and cast a wide area of effect spell from his Illusion Domain, Pain. They all screamed in agony and dropped to the ground. The spell effect swallowed 30% of Lash's reserve but it was worth it to see them drop. A quick technomancy pulse told Lash that none of these people had bio-ships. He pressed against their minds with Eldritch Mind, no brain washing either. So that means they could all die. AR-Supergirl finished her fight and burst inside.

All of them are servants to Dex they can die! -Lash said across the link. AR-Supergirl's eyes burned bright red and she burned them all to hell with a single glance. Brutal! Ding! Went an elevator and troops poured out of them.

Lash sprinted into the new meat bags. He ducked under one arm, and sliced through another soldiers mid section. His tentacles whipped around like scorpion tails impaling, and rupturing. Lash struck out with foot and kicked another soldier back into a group caving their chest in the process. AR-Supergirl was doing one hit kills. Left to right jabs, one two, one two. A green energy beam rocketed across the room and hit her square in the chest. When the energy dissipated she was still standing. Much to the shock of the troops.

“Fucking morons! I made her armor of course she is immune to Kryptonite!” Lash shouted at them. Them Blinked behind the attacker, and ripped his spine out.

One of the first things he did was redesign AR-Superman, and AR-Supergirls armor to absorb, and shield from kryptonite blasts. That was one mistake from the comic books Lash would not allow. With a thundering crash through the front lobby came a towering green exoskeleton suit with a giant L on the front of it. It raised its arms up and burned Dex's troops down with red lasers.

“Hello Wraith! Sorry I am late!” AR-Lex's voice shouted through the speakers. “You are wasting time! Go and find Dex, I'll keep them busy!” AR-Lex shouted through his speakers. As missile launchers popped out from his shoulders.

Lash slices his way through those in his path and made his way towards an elevator. The whole contraption melted like candle wax thanks to Material Shaping. He jumped and started sprinting up the shaft with Gravity Stride, AR-Supergirl behind him. The tower was immense, but even more so on the inside. From what he was told Dex was playing with flat space technology. Exhibit A! As turrets popped out of the wall and started to fire down at them.

Who the fuck designed this place! -Lash asked across the link.

Some insane psycho named Doctor Trap! The whole tower is built like this for intruders. -AR-Supergirl said across the link.

Saws, spears, flame throwers, bees god to honest bees were shot at them. That is just going to far! Lash asked the bees to return to their homes which they did happily. Every trap they ran past Lash used his Universal Programmer title (Chap. 27) and told all the turrets to go back to sleep once he was in range of them. At the forty ninth floor they had to stop and go through a door. The elevator shaft stopped, but there was still another hundred or so floors left.

The door melted quickly and they stepped into the floor. Standing at the other end of the room was over a dozen scantly clad women wielding weapons. Dex's harem stood before them waiting to strike. AR-Supergirl clenched her jaw as she saw her friends. Most of them women had a haunted hollow look to their eyes. As if they had die years ago, and the only thing keeping them alive were the chips implanted in them.

“Go Wraith, I got this.” AR-Supergirl said to Lash. But before he could say anything AR-Black Canary sent a sonic scream at them.

The air distorted like a stone being thrown into a pond. The floor buckled, and the walls shattered into pieces. Then just as quickly as the scream started, it stopped. Because a blue Psionic Blade sliced through AR-Black Canary. She went into convulsions but she was alive! Lash had Blinked behind her. He really like that spell! He shot a spell of Re:Implant into her body. It quickly destroyed her bio-chip, then the live and die implants in her body. She wouldn't be bouncing around in joy anytime soon. But she was out of the fight.

Star bolt energy burst slammed into him from the side. AR-Starfire was part of the harem, and she barreled into Lash and began to pummel him. Her already superhuman strength combined with the star bolt energy ripped into his body. AR-Supergirl was fighting with the rest, looked like he wasn't going anywhere for awhile. Personal Time, followed by Acceleration. Lash latched onto AR-Starfire's skull with his tentacle and cast Re:Implant destroying her chip. Then he cast Daylight a shining orb of natural light appeared on the floor. Bathing AR-Supergirl,and AR-Starfire in UV light. Then a water hydra swallowed Lash, as it was being manipulated by AR-Mera.

Lash was slammed into a wall and pushed through it, into the next one, and the next one, all the way to edge of the tower itself. Thankfully Dex had closed the shutters, so he was just cartoon implanted into the reinforced steel. Lash reached out with Material Shaping and shaped the water to move past him. Like mosses and the red sea! AR-Mera seem to understand it wasn't working because the water serpent disappeared. She jumped towards him with an axe kick. Lash stepped into her swing and caught her leg swinging her around to slam into the ground with a resounding boom! Spider web cracks spread across the floor. Lash sent a jolt of blue psionic energy through her. Then destroyed her chip.

Danger Sense activated and Lash jumped to the side as a golden staff crashed at his last location. A giant woman easily 7' tall wearing a red lingerie bra and panties stood. Wielding a golden staff that looked familiar. She had a beautiful smile on her face, and her eyes danced with excitement. She spun the staff in hand looking at him with anticipation.

“I can't stop myself from acting, but I can speak. You are pulling our chips out with out killing us. Come warrior! Save my sisters in bondage and I swear to be your bride!” The woman said.

“How about we just be friends instead? We can work up from there!” Lash said, as he sprung like a cobra towards her. The giant woman whipped her staff out quicker than Lash could even think and was bashed through a nearby wall. Rolling into a bed room full of whips, chains, and bondage gear. Oh my!

“Ouch.....Crap. Ok! Frontal assault wont work.” Lash said as he cast a dense fog to swallow the room. He quickly cast Chameleon, and Nature's Passage. The giant woman stepped into the room with a smile on her face.

“Planning on hiding from me? I promise you I have better senses than most!” She swung her golden staff around and crushed a Saurus Warrior into paste. Her brilliant smiled wilted at the sight, until a three clawed tentacle gripped the back of her head.

“Gotcha!” Lash said, as Re:Implant was cast. The bio chip removed, along with the other life or death implants. The giant woman fell to her knees but didn't loose consciousnesses. Impressive!

“Y-You've done it! Barda is free at last!” Barda aka Big Barda shouted in glee. She stood up with her weapon in hand as the fog faded from sight. She turned to look at Lash with a fierce smile on her face.

“I think you broke some of my ribs.” Lash groaned softly, as Regeneration was slowly healing his body.

“Given I was trying to turn you into paste you held up very well! Come let us aid my sister Kara!” AR-Barda shouted and jumped back into the main room. Ten minutes later all of the women in Dex's harem were de-chipped and recovering.

“Wraith, go.... We'll get them out.” AR-Supergirl said to him. As she pulled AR-Black Canary into her arms. AR-Barda was gently cradling AR-Mera in her arms.

Before Lash left he created combat uniforms for all of the woman. Lingerie is nice for social times, not for battle. He ran down the hall towards another elevator shaft and ran up it as fast as he could. He felt like the hero knight running up the evil tower to defeat the dark lord. Lash burst out of the doors at the top floor into a massive chamber. In this chamber was scattered destroyed furniture, broken bottles of alcohol, food messed about. Oh, there was also over a dozen people smeared into the floor like a children's finger painting. Sitting at the far end of the room was a man.

The man was tall, well built, had shoulder length black hair, and piercing blue eyes. He wore a full tailored suit that fit him very well. He was sitting on a metallic throne, with a bottle of wine in his hand. In his other was a human head, the man took a swallow from his drink. Then continued to stare at the head. He threw it towards Lash, it dropped and rolled across the floor revealing some one familiar. It was Ra's al Ghul from the council. Figures.

“Fifteen times....Fifteen times you and I have fought. You always won, no matter what I tried. My powers never worked on you. So I got others, they would try and fail. You would track me down and end me. So, I waited. Worked up the strength and resources later on. Joined the League to hide in plain sight. But when ever I would make my move you would stop me. I tried so many times! Why, why can't I beat you!?” Dex shouted at him from across the room.

“The definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing over, and over again and expecting different results. Yes, Dex you tried to fight me. But you never really changed. You used the exact same powers, you used the exact same method.” Lash said as he slowly stepped into the room. Looking around for hidden traps, or soldiers.

“Yes! I used mind warping, telepathy, and manipulation. I saved, and saved till I had enough to erase you and your god damn Wardens from the face of reality! I tried erasing you! Only you! But you are worth so many fucking points its ridiculous!” Dex shouted, standing up with a lurch. He stumbled and nearly fell. But he righted himself glaring at Lash. The air around him started to distort.

“Did you ever try any other Origins? Do you ever do any other power set? How about a different timeline? Let me guess, no. No you didn't. You were so sure that your way was the best way. Which only shows your inexperience. Is that why you chose mind control? So you wouldn't have to think?” Lash asked, he flipped through his Magical Perceptions until he found a host of wailing souls that flooded the room. All of them crying out for justice against the man that killed them.

“NO! I never tried anything else! Because I wanted control! I never had that in my life before! I wanted them all to fall before me! Worship me! ME! No one else! What is wrong with that!?” Dex screamed at him. He finished off his bottle and threw it at him. It smashed into the ground near Lash.

“If you have to ask why its wrong to mind control others, and force them to do horrible things. Then you are really are lost.” Lash said to him, as he started to buff himself with different spells.

“Its a fucking game!” Dex shouted, his words made Lash's eyes go wide. Wait, Dex knew he was in a game?

“The fucking Dream Engine! We are in a giant simulation! My creator designed a specific ability called Reincarnation Remembrance that a let me remember all my past lives. As long as he never changed the default setting I would continue to be reborn! I REMEMBER EVERYTHING! I remember you!” Dex screamed, his eyes blazing with energy. The distortion of reality was getting chaotic around him.

“Wait a minute! Your different, you were never this animated before! Why!?” Dex screamed.

“Because I'm the original.” Lash said, and Dex's eyes went wide. A face splitting grin grew across his face.

“I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!” Dex screamed, he slammed his foot into the ground. A pit opened up a giant exoskeleton suit sprung up, and wrapped around him with animated life. Dex went from six foot to ten feet tall in seconds. He slammed his mechanical hands into the ground and a distortion field ripped the chamber apart like an exploding diagram!

Lash jumped back with the field, but it caught up to him quickly. No damage was done but the whole top floor of the tower was scattered in the air like pieces of asteroid in zero-g. Outside of the field the world continued to move all be it at a much slower pace. Dex had pulled Lash into a pocket space with his reality warping. A space he could not escape from until Dex was dead.

“Do you have any idea what it's like!? To remember your creators entire pathetic life!?” Dex roared, the magnetic coils on his armor shooting him straight at Lash.

Red Psionic Blade's extended from Lash's hands and he struck against Dex's armor. The red energy bounced off leaving not even a scratch on the armor. The entire thing was pure grade Nth metal. Fuck! Dex swung his massive metal fist straight into Lash's face. Breaking his jaw, and part of his skull. He went flying through the pocket space and collided with a piece of metal, and concrete.

“How he was ignored by hits parents!? How he was bullied, tortured, and treated like an outcast at school! I remember everything about him!” Dex roared, he reached out with his hands and used Telekinesis to throw pieces of the tower straight at Lash.

Lash Blinked behind Dex and used Material Shaping on the suit. The metal plates startled to slowly melt under the pressure. But not fast enough, for a rail cannon to grow out of the armor and take a shot at Lash. A quarter size hole was shot straight through his chest. He used Blink to get away and take cover. He quickly cast Invisibility, and Fae-Glamour to hide for a moment until his body could heal.

“Then he comes here and makes me! I remember every single life! He never did anything different! He screamed in rage every time you killed him! It didn't matter what his VI representative said to him! It didn't matter what I said! He refused to listen!” Dex roared, as another cannon shot up from his shoulders joining its twin. He shot in every direction trying to find Lash.

Lash's Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits reported they couldn't hack the suit. It was at this moment that Lash realized that Dex the User must have bought the suit from the store. So, his VI Avatar of course had it as well. Jumping from one piece of debris to another, Lash left behind spell marks. Slowly the pieces started to come together and change into something.

“Now! I get to do what my creator never could! I get to kill the original! I can at last break free of my method of operation! You understand what it is like to be aware of who, and what you are but still not have a choice!? To be nothing but a puppet to some pathetic waste!” Dex shouted, as he started to carpet bomb the whole distorted space with missiles.

“No, I can't say I know what that is like. I'm still on my first try!” Lash shouted, his voice coming from all directions. For a brief moment Dex stopped shooting. Then he screamed, the ripple effect of his rage spun the whole space.

“YOU HAVEN'T RESET!? NOT ONCE!?” Dex screamed, he curled up into a ball and distortion started to center around him. Building up energy into what could only be a bomb of some kind.

“I DON'T CARE ANY MORE! IF I HAVE TO DIE, I'LL TAKE YOU WITH ME!” Dex screamed as the distortion grew, and grew.

Before the ball of energy grew any further a giant clawed hand came crashing down on top of Dex. Dex went flying straight down, and bounced off the edge of the space like a pin ball. Before he could stop his spin he was bashed again by a giant tail. Saurian had swapped out with Lash. Towering at 50 feet tall, and 100 feet long. Covered in magitek armor and incredibly pissed off. Saurian ripped his claws down Dex's armor. True Damage sent him prompts of experience, along with Material Shaping.

“I'm sorry your creator was worthless, I am sorry that you've lived a tortured existence. But let me free you from this mortal coil because you are the last! Your creator was removed from the Dream, and all its incarnations! SO JUST DIE ALREADY!” Saurian roared, as he raked his claws through the suit.

“I'm taking you with me!” Dex shouted as he burst up and slammed his fist straight into Saurian's face. Catapulted to the side by the mechanical fist, Saurian jumped to the side. Just in time for an automated rail gun to finish being built.

“Taking aim, please hold still...” The gun said in an automated voice. Dex's eyes went wide as hole the size of a basketball went straight through him.

Saurian whipped around in the zero-g pocket space and whipped his tail at Dex. He shot so fast he broke through the barrier of the pocket space and shot like a bullet straight into the ground below. The world outside the pocket space began to move normally. Everyone saw a giant dinosaur fall towards the ground then land on the side of the building like a giant gecko. Saurian jumped off the tower, and landed next to pit that was Dex.

The suit opened up like a flower to reveal a brutalized, and dying Dex. A massive hole in his midsection, the only thing keeping him alive was his cybernetic augmentations he had installed. He glared up at Saurian. He tried to speak, but choked on his own blood. Saurian opened his mouth and pulled Dex into his mouth. Where he began to chew, slowly. Dex struggled the first three bites, but died shortly there after. Soul Bite, Dream Eater, Devour, Consume, Evolve.

Saurian used Connectivity and linked up with Dex's mainframe. Quick typing the access codes into place. Shut down sequence for all chips, and live die augments. A cascading effect went across the whole reality as all the bio-chips turned off. The soldiers fighting inside the palace all fell to their knees and collapsed. Saurian turned around and saw the spirit of Dex floating nearby. He had intended to send him to Tartarus. But after what he had learned what the VI Avatar had gone through? He used Soul Absorption and sent Dex to the wheel.

Congratulations User! You have slain the Emperor Rofl Dex! Completing the bargain you had with your Cosmic Patron, and finishing your grand quest. In the end you took pity on the tortured spirit of the VI Avatar that represented Dex. Sending him to blissful peace, and sleep in the beyond.

Note: All VI Avatar's of Rofl Dex have now been deleted from the Dream Engine.

Congratulations User! You've completed your first Rift invasion. For the next 24 hours real time. You'll be safe from invasion.

Attention: You've now reached 100% conversion!

Note: This means that your VI Avatar Wraith will be auto generated in every Dream-scape through out the Dream Engine of DC comics. Single player, Multi-player, and MMO. Congratulations!

A resounding cheer roared through the city, and the telepathic link. Dex was dead, and his slaves were free. As one final tribute to victory Saurian let loose a roar, using Rallying Call. The triumphant shout of victory sent a shiver through all of the resistance forces, and the very reality itself. They had won!


***Location Unknown***

Hundreds of people sat in rows after rows of orthopedic chairs to allow long passages of time with out movement. Each person was asleep, their heads linked up to a Dream Cube. The room was cast in twilight, the lights above them a soft glow. While dozens of technicians walked between the chairs checking on the status of the developers. A familiar technician walked past a specific developer and saw a notice on the computer screen.

“User...#00012. Meta-Human Crisis complete. Nightmare Invasion complete, minimal casualties. Full conversion! Well done, User! Well why don't we kick it up a few more notches for the difficulty.” The technician said, as he inputted a code for the developer to modify the Dream. The message was soon received and User #00012's Dream Engine VI representative was tasked with making the Dream that much harder...

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