
***Home Reality, Metropolis***

Alexander Luthor looked out from the top floor of his office building. Marveling at the sight of humanity. Thanks to Wraith's prior warning to the invasion, Lex-Corp had taken the necessary precautions to survive this invasion. Stocking food, water, and medicine in abundance. Yes, they only had a few days warning but that was enough for them. It also helped that soldiers working under Wraith showed up a few days later after the EMP to set up a command branch at Lex-Corp. Yes, they had the JLI badges on. But Lex wasn't a fool. These soldiers worked for Wraith, and only Wraith. That aliens ability to deceive was on par with Lex's own. Which made him someone to respect, but also fear.

Metropolis was on fire! For all of the big blue boy scout's power he couldn't protect the whole city, especially when the whole world was just as bad. That was when Lex stepped into the spotlight. Something he was more than happy to do! Just outside of Lex-Corp tower was a shanty town of prefabricated homes, and emergency services. While the city outside of the town was a hellscape of broken buildings, and a lawless land. A sinister sneer stretched across Lex's face, as he looked down on the citizens of the city. He was....

“Damn it, Lex! Stop staring off like that! Its creepy!” Lena shouted at him from the other side of the room. Lex was snapped out of his daydreams. He grumbled at the interruption but would never show it in front of his sister. She would tease him endlessly if she knew what he was thinking.

Lex wore a pair dress shoes, slacks, and a white buttoned up shirt. No jacket, or tie today. Shocking for someone like Lex. He walked over to inspect the holographic window that displayed the relative information about the city. His sister sat near by wearing blue jeans, and a white cotton shirt. Her hair tied back in a tail. While there mother worked at another station nearby. She wore a dress skirt, and sleeveless blouse. She had a small smile on her face, and had rolled her eyes when her children bickered with one another.

“I was only thinking about the future, dear sister.” Lex said, as he took his seat with his family.

“Yes, I am sure you are thinking about your diabolical plans to rule to the world one step at a time.” Lena said with another eye roll. A smile tugging on her lips. Lex's eye brows scrunched up at the notion that Lena knew his thoughts. Was he so easy to read?

“Yes, dear you are that easy to read.” His mother said from across the table. Lena laughed in delight at the clear shock on Lex's face after his mother told him the truth. Before anymore words could be exchanged the entire tower shook softly. Then one by one all of the lights turned back on.

“Ah! They linked the tower up at last! I can take a bath now!” Lena said with glee, as she stood up and did a victory pose. Making Lex, and their mother chuckle at her antics. A knock came from the office door and Mercedes, Lex personal assistant stuck her head in.

“Apologies, Gear Head is reporting that all the systems are operational.” Mercedes confirmed what they could already see.

“Thank you, Mercy. Anything else?” Lex asked, Mercedes shook her head and was dismissed.

The Luthor's all stood up and walked back to the open office window and watched as one by one the city turned back on. The solar power plant at Gotham had slowly rebuilt their entire power grid. Another line ran from Gotham to Metropolis thanks to Wraith's soldiers. Step by step Metropolis was being retaken. The Luthor's would be there every step of the way. The family didn't stand around for long. It was time to push back!


***Smallville Kansas***

Jonathan, and Martha Kent had had an interesting few weeks. When the pulse went through they had thought it was a simple power surge. But when their cars didn't work they knew it was more than that. Thanks to the update that Wraith had done to the house it soon turned back on after 48 hours. But the Kent's soon realized they were the only ones in all of Smallville with power. Their son, Clark showed up soon after to check on them. The idea that another reality had invaded theirs? Well it was a little hard to believe. But that soon changed, when soldiers in sciences fiction gear showed up to capture the town.

That was also when the Kent's realized that Wraith had done more than just upgrade their house. The entire home went into lock down! Windows, and doors shut tight. An emergency bunker opened up for them. Turrets popped out of the ground around the farm, and scene straight out of a sci-fi show, appeared on their holographic window screen. What was even more surprising if they could believe it was when Krypto their dog jumped at one of the attackers and plowed him through the ground. Little by little the attackers were either shot dead, or they pulled back. Then with in the hour their son showed up again, along with the Justice League.

Apparently the invasion force targeted small towns. When no one could talk to each other, or even drive a car. Suddenly what would normally be a simple drive turned into a long hike for most. Being separated like that made them easy targets for the invasion force. Soldiers with the JLI badge showed up. But they were different from the rest. Many of them had different colored skins. As in orange, green, and bright pink! Some of them weren't even human looking. Insects, people with fur, animal ears, and tails. Then a few reptiles. People in town were a bit nervous around them, but over time they got use to it.

A few weeks later Smallville had a huge population increase. Instead of spreading their people out. JLI just pulled all the nearby towns towards Smallville. Then a few days after that, the power turned back on for the town. A whole lot of mechanics showed up, and repaired the vehicles, and helped with some prefabricated homes. The Kent's wished that was all that had happened. But the invaders kept showing up every few weeks to test the defenses around the town.

A machine came down from the JLI and they asked to harvest the food they were growing. They paid in cash, and consumed every field they could get their hands on. The farmers were confused because it was the start of the planting season so most of what they had was just sprouts. But that was all they needed they said. A few miles just outside of town a structure had been built. Ghost Industries was written on a wall. They started to produce bio fuel from all the plants they collected. Hard to get any gas when all the trunks had stopped moving. The people of the town were happy to have it...


***Alberta, Canada. Alpha FOB***

“I repeat! All outbound forces pulled back to the Rift immediately! We are under attack!” AR-John shouted through his communication relay in his power suit but all he got back was static.

AR-John Stewart had once been a green lantern back in his reality. When the Unification had started he was one of the first people brain boxed by Dex. When his mind had been warped his power ring had left him. Just when he needed it the most! He prayed every day that the guardians would send back up, but they never did! Then as if Dex insulted the very memory of what John had been. They implanted an artificial meta-gene into him and granted him energy construction with the color green! Now, John could construct things out of green energy. Something he was using at this very moment!

The giant reptilian creature was terrorizing the entire Alpha FOB. Swarms of reptilian soldiers, and red skinned gremlin creatures that hooted and shouted as they died in droves were ransacking the base for supplies. AR-John constructed a green energy construct in the shape of a mecha suit and proceeded to shoot them all with his high powered lasers, and missiles. He was doing his best to cover his own soldiers. Soldiers that were screaming in horror as they gripped their helmets. AR-John could hear whispers, whispers that told him to surrender, to give in.

“John! John I know this is hard to accept! But I am here to help you!?” The reptilian creature said as it sprinted towards him.

“What are you doing to my men!? Get out of my head!” AR-John shouted as the giant monstrosity Blinked from one point, to another. He towered over AR-John, who swung his energy constructed mechanical fist straight into his jaw.

“Ouch! John, please! I will try and be gentle!” The creature said, as it wrapped its arms around him and one of those tentacle things on its back broke through his armor. He could feel it breaking through his skull.

“HAAAAILL.....THE.....EMPEROR!” AR-John shouted, then collapsed into bliss full sleep.


***Australia, Charlie Rift FOB***

The Charlie Rift was fluctuating with energy that had never been seen before. Rift commander AR-Hall stood in his command tower. His metallic wings stretched, and folded back up with nervous tension. His right arm which had been replaced with a Nth metal cybernetic arm. Sent a phantom pain into his body. Something was off, he knew it but wasn't sure what it was. He left the command tower and headed for the Rift to look at it. Hoping to gain some sort of insight on the portal back home. Once he reached the loading area the Rift flickered again and out came a surprising sight. Supergirl!

Commander AR-Hall looked at Supergirl with surprise, he hadn't heard from AR-John that she had been returned. But lines of communication had been full of issues lately. AR-Hall extended his wings and flew up to meet her as she was floating above the loading area. But he noticed something different. Her armor had a different design, highlighted the old style before the unification war. Back before when their world made sense. Before Rofl Dex. Then an alert went through AR-Halls interface. It didn't receive a signal from Supergirl's implant.

“Wait...Who are you?” AR-Hall said in a panic as his cybernetic hand swapped out for a spiked mace.

“Me? I'm Supergirl. I'm here to help!” Kara said with a smile, as the Rift flickered again and a swarm of reptilian soldiers sprinted out. Omega energy levels spiked and Charlie Rift FOB went into lock down.


What an eventful day it had been! Bullets were flying, energy blasts burned through armor, and flesh alike. Everyone was hearing voices in the back of their minds. Saurian was terrorizing the Alpha Rift complex. Demon gremlins ran around on fire chattering like frat boys at a college party. Saurian watched as one by one the different stealth field generators were shot to hell by the Watch Towers ion cannon. The whole base came into view at last. Hundreds of spring jump coils appeared around the base and the Justice League showed up in force.

The Alpha Rift flickered to life and Supergirl came through, and tossed a man towards Saurian. The man was another Rift commander. But this one had a robotic right arm, and metallic wings. Commander AR-Hall, the commander of Charlie Rift. Saurian quickly pulled the bio chip out of the man. Saurian closed his eyes and searched through his link across the globe. He felt his forces in Australia breaking through the Rift base. Which brought a smile to Saurian's face. He opened his eyes, all four of them and looked back at Supergirl.

“Can you clean up here? I have to start reinforcing the island. In case Dex decides to blow it all to hell.” Saurian asked, as he began to move back to the Rift.

“Sure can! Don't go running off with out me though!” Supergirl said with a smile as she flew off to help round up the rest of the soldiers.

Saurian walked through the Alpha Rift and made it back to the military installation on Hawaii. Though he had only been gone a few minutes. It had been several hours back in the alternate reality. Time skip was distorting his perception! The battle was won, and Saurian was in a hurry to build what he needed to defend the islands from retaliation from Dex. The military installation had a hourly check up that so far had been successfully circumvented due to his Virtual Intelligence Tech-Spirits. But eventually the main land would learn that the island had been taken over. Dex would send all he could to retake it, or he would just blow it up. Saurian wasn't sure!

Congratulations User! You've purchased G grade planetary multi shield blue print for 10 Dream Points!

Effect: Create a primary, and secondary hexagonal shield around a specific place with enough power.

Effect: Growth/ Evolution/ Change

Effect: Can be upgraded from G-A grade through design, and upgrade keys.

Effect: Phase energy shift.

Comment: You have a basic shield that requires a vast amount of power. Though currently this shield is only capable of protecting a small space.

Saurian with the help of his Saurus forces, Demons, and the recon team pulled all they could to the center of the main island. Saurian ran a cable from the power interface at the volcano, and hooked it up. Then he began to use Growth, Personal Time, Acceleration, Recycle, Compression Transformation, Virtual Intelligence, Re:Implant, Infinite Supply, Source Code, Fabrication, and Bending. The last one to empower the rest.

The shield would cover the largest island in a hexagon grid shield. The pieces being about ten or so feet across. Thanks to the phase shift, the shield would pass through the ground in order to create a complete bubble. Of course it would open a passage for the magma pipes so it could continue to draw energy. The entire complex was a massive tower that stretched high into the sky. High enough for its shield to cover most of the island. The entire structure was nothing more than energy lines, and hard points. As if it was a ghostly image of what it would soon become.

Saurian along with his Veterans, and Elites quickly built the structure. While the recon team pulled what ever they could find to them. Including the aquatic mines that were thankfully still offline. Thanks to Acceleration their entire team zipped around at five minute intervals. Nothing like a speedster would be, but still incredibly fast for themselves. The tower was soon finished, and the switch flipped. Instead of a massive bubble that grew up from the tower. One by one the hexagon pieces were built from energy. A primary, and secondary layer.

Lash, and Saurian always prized quality of quantity. Each hexagon was both separate, and part of one whole. If they were attacked, what ever portion of the shield that was not being struck would send the power to that section that was under attack. If any of the shields on the primary layer broke, the secondary would send its pieces to reinforce the break. Then start to build another hexagon. The shield was what they had planned to build on the moon for their school. Just like the Watch Tower it could be upgraded. At C grade it would be high enough to cover the whole moon.

Lash was currently on the second island building another shield tower when he got an alert. Missiles had been seen launched from a ship near their location. Everyone outside of the shield was immediately informed to get inside as quickly as possible. Lash growled in irritation as the secondary tower was not even half finished. They dropped their pieces and used Acceleration to get back to the island.

That day they had two sun rises. One from the burning disk of hate in the sky, and the other as Dex shot a tactical nuke at the island. Thankfully at this point the primary shield had covered the entire main island, and the secondary shield was half way finished. The primary shield integrity dropped to 25% but held in place, as the secondary shield started to replace hexagon pieces. The fact that the shield warded off a nuke was a delightful surprise to the resistance under the shield.

“Are these normal in your reality?” Kaldur asked, as he walked up to Lash. Followed by Tula, and a few reclaimed.

“Nope! Though I plan to use one on our moon when we build a school up there.” Lash replied as he watched the hexagon pieces rebuild the damage.

“Why would you build a school on the moon?” Kaldur asked, looking back at the shield. It was bathed in irradiated fire. It was oddly beautiful, as the mushroom cloud reached for the skies above.

“Hopefully, it will be a sanctuary of sorts for everyone who is born different. In our reality meta-gene is fairly new. We wanted to build a school for everyone who suddenly obtained powers, so they could learn and grow in a safe environment. Then once they graduated they could return to Earth. They could pursue a normal life, or choose to use their abilities to help defend the planet. I will say it definitely needs to be work shopped.” Lash replied, he noticed that Tula and Kaldur were holding hands as they looked up at the sky.

What remained of the aquatic mines around the islands exploded. The rest of the islands were consumed by the blast. Lash was surprised that Dex chose a nuke, he would think he would have better weapons at this point. He vaguely remembered being told that Dex had gotten rid of them all. Maybe that was a simple lie told to the public. Lash spent the next few hours fiddling with the shield, memorizing the blue prints. He liked the shield, perhaps they could swap the same with the Watch Tower? It seemed Dex was not satisfied with the result because another nuke hit the shield six hours later. But the result was the same, the hexagon pieces that broke were swapped out and new ones built. The new ones simply merged with the old. So there was never a moment a shield not being in place.

Supergirl returned by sundown, just in time to see the third missile hit the shield. She was followed by AR-Superman, AR-Supergirl, and Shazam! They flew over to meet with Lash. Despite the battle that Lash was sure they all had. They looked excited, and ready for more. Shazam especially since he flew over with a wide smile on his face, and looked at the giant shield that protected the island.

“Woah! That is super awesome! Hay Wraith! Whats up man!” Shazam said as he flew down and gave him a hug. Lash returned the hug with a chuckle, soon followed by Supergirl. Once they finished, Lash looked to AR-Superman, and AR-Supergirl who smiled but stood off to the side.

“So, the Rifts back home are all under out control?” Lash asked, Kaldur along with Tula came to join them. Though they kept their distance from the AR-Superman, and AR-Supergirl.

“Yep! But we are trying to decide if we should shut these Rifts down. Then just keep the Rift in Themyscira, and the ocean open.” Supergirl said, she pulled up an information window on her built in computer to her suit. A holographic window appeared and relayed the information to Lash.

“Well! Why don't we have everyone pile into the Rifts here. I'll set shield to self destruct when the next missile hits. This way Dex will think he got through and either blasted us to hell, or at least slowed us down?” Lash offered an alternative, that surprised a lot of people.

“That...Might actually work.” AR-Superman said with a smile.

So, that is what they did. The broke down all the gunships, much to Vyllith's dislike. She liked her plane. Everyone piled in through the Rift, and Lash set up the shield tower to turn into slag at the next missile launch. Then they deactivated the Rifts! Sure enough another missile hit the island and the shield 'collapsed' and the whole island was bathed in fire! All trace of the recon team was obliterated, and the Rift complex was destroyed.

Congratulations User! You've completed a bonus objective!

Bonus Objective: You've pushed the invasion back into their world. Established a beach head with the resistance located there.

Reward: Alternate Reality resistance reputation increase.

Reward: 20 Dream Points.

Reward: Ability Point Evolution.

Comment: Almost there! Now all you have to do is kill the Emperor! Something the resistance has tried and failed at for decades, no pressure!

It was a delight to watch the Amazons, Atlanteans, and the meta-humans from the alternate reality look down at the great blue marble that was Earth from the Watch Towers perspective. It was also a delight to be back aboard the station in his home reality again. But Lash couldn't stay long. Vici was moving the station back into the correct orbital path above the Earth. The Justice League had seized both Rift sites and were the process of breaking them down. Dex had nuked the Rift complex in Hawaii. Lash and his team had tore apart the equipment in the hidden bunkers under the island. So once they arrived at the destroyed complex they wouldn't find anything of use.

Before Lash left the station he spent 20 DP purchasing E grade turret, and engine modules for the new portions of the Tower. Now since E grade modules were 10 points a pop. They all spring jumped down under the ocean surface to arrive at the Rift location. It was an amazing as most Atlantean structures are. A giant dome under the water, with hydro cannons pointed at the Rift in case of an attack. The dome itself was made from a living membrane that allowed one to push past the layer to get in. Felt like pushing through mud, or mucus. The entire thing was under a glamour to hide it from the outside world.

Lash slipped through the Rift and came back to Themyscira in the Alternate Reality. As soon as he stepped through an Amazon was waiting for him, and requested his presence at the council chambers. Bleh! Lash, and Saurian had been awake for several days! They had done nothing but build, fight, and build some more. Dealing with politics was not something on their to do list. But despite their distaste they went to the council chambers.

The chambers held the Themyscira council, along with visiting members from his home reality. Including Arthur, and Mera who both stood up and came over to hug Lash when he arrived. The Rift back home was technically in Atlantis lands/oceans so it made sense for them to be there. AR-Wonder Woman was in the room, along with several meta-humans Lash didn't recognize. Except for the meta human named Bunker. The meta that Lash had fixed when he first arrived.

Miguel Barragan was 5'8” with haunted brown eyes, and black hair. His body was rail thin but was on the mend since it had been a few months since Lash had last seen him. He wore a purple form fitting body suit, but no mask since it wasn't needed currently. The man sat up straight when Lash walked in. Lash looked at him, a smile growing on his face. Though a giant reptile showing a bit of fang unsettled a few people. Bunker understood, and smiled back.

“Agent Wraith, welcome back. Though we are confused, I thought you said you were doing recon on the islands. Not attacking them?” Oracle asked, her expression grim on her face. Lash turned to address the water mirror.

“We did do recon...Then we attacked. We didn't lose a single person, and obtained over a thousand reclaimed soldiers. They are being worked on at the Watch Tower back in my home reality. We lost the island, but I believe it was a worthy sacrifice. Since now the main Rift complex has been destroyed. Dex had to use four nukes before the island was taken.” Lash said in response, while he took a seat next to Arthur, and Mera.

“So, now the only way to your home reality is the Rift at Themyscira, is that correct?” Oracle asked, as she brought up a holographic display.

“As far as we know, that is correct.” Lash said, as he looked through the water mirror watching everyone on the other side.

“I believe we would all like to know what your next step would be?” Talia asked, looking at him through the mirror.

“Well I have a question about that, shocking I know!” Lash said, Arthur chuckled loudly next to him. Mera slapped his shoulder, but she smiled all the same.

“Dex used a nuke on an isolated place. In your experience, would Dex use a nuke on a populated area? Like south america?” Lash asked, as he began to draw up some designs and plans on his holographic.

“On a populated zone? We would say no. But from the information we have gathered from our contacts. Dex hates you, Wraith with a fiery devotion that we have never known him for. We are not entirely sure what he will do.” Talia said in response, she glanced around the council chamber on their end. A majority of the room agreed.

“Why are you asking about south america?” Damian asked, his voice was cold and his face held irritation. While Ra's had yet to say anything, his eyes seem to want to skin Lash alive.

“We don't have an army capable of attacking Dex with all his forces. From what I've been able to obtain about Dex's imperial palace its essentially a city sized bunker. Completely self contained, and contained environment?” Lash asked, the council agreed with him.

“So, would Dex nuke a populated area? Why am I asking this. I suggest we start at the southern tip of south america and work our way up. Going from every major city we come across, freeing the population from his control. I understand that not everyone has a bio chip. There are many people alive today that truly believe that Dex is the rightful leader of the Earth. But what if we could prove that he isn't? Would they support our revolution?” Lash asked, he was going out on a limb at this point. He had spent some time when in transit asking about Dex's palace from AR-Superman, and AR-Supergirl.

“We would have better luck attacking the imperial palace. We don't have the numbers to attack Buenos Aires, or Santiago.” Bunker said in the chamber hall. “Sorry everyone, my tongue slipped.” He said, and looked away.

“No, Bunker you are right. We don't have the ability to attack either city. We have neither the resources, nor the soldiers.” Oracle said in response, she looked back at Lash and raised an eye brow at him. Because he was smiling. Arthur had kept his mouth shut the whole time but a huge grin was on his face. Mera was looking through a schematic that Lash had pulled up.

“But... If I could provide both resources, and soldiers. Would you think it possible?” Lash asked, as he started to pull up other windows.

“Wraith, why don't you just tell us your plan and we'll put it to a vote.” Batman said, causing the whole room to grow silent. Lash pulled up a window that everyone in the chamber in both areas could see.

“Have any of you ever heard of a helicarrier?” Lash said, as Erik the gamer squealed in glee at the picture.


Insanity, that was the word used to describe his plan. But Lash didn't care! It was his time and he wanted to try it! Despite what many would like to believe, helicarriers are not exclusive to the other certain kinds of comic book universes. This one especially was different. Lash, and three of his Elites were in the process of building the skeleton structure of a helicarrier. The carrier was about thousand feet long, five hundred feet across, and about hundred feet high.

Despite its massive size Lash did not buy this from the Dream Store. This was all home made, with a lot of experimentation. Something that AR-Lex was more than happy to help with since he had missed the recon and attack on Hawaii. However, something that was technically purchased from the store but was made by Lash was a Droid Service module that was being built inside the ship. Though Lash had purchased the modules, that didn't mean he didn't know how to make them himself.

The whole ship would have a flight deck, operations, armory, medical bay, galley, machine shop, cargo bay, crew quarters, engineering, shields, and droid service modules, four of them to be exact. Jet thrust engines on the back, with four giant magnetic coil engines on the sides. Unlike other carriers this did not have a single flight tower. The flight deck was built inside the ship at the top covered by a retractable roof. Operations was sitting in the center of the ship. It was a giant rectangular monstrosity!

Unlike most ships Lash made, this one was not designed to fly into space. At least not yet! Thanks to his Nth metal ingots he had saved, and Source Code. The whole carrier had incredible structural durability, and when a power current went through it. The carrier was able to fly through the air. Something Lash did buy from the Dream Store was a Gravity Distortion Engine. Which essentially allowed it to create a field around it, or run a field through something. Allowing things normally far to heavy to move in normal gravity, could now move.

Why did the carrier have four droid services? Well as long as they had power, they would build the army that Lash required to attack Dex. This time he concentrated on quantity over quality. He also took out the inheritance of a magical spark, or soul. He wasn't comfortable sending waves, after waves of troops to their deaths, all of them with a magical spark. Though if any of them naturally grew a soul he would welcome them into the fold. It made of him a hypocrite, Lash knew this. But he used the tools that were available.

With this all said and done it only took two whole weeks of none stop construction for a single carrier. As always Lash only asked for volunteers, and he got a lot of them! Especially the reclaimed soldiers. As the carrier went through one last check up. Lash was in the operations center watching as Tide casters from Atlantis created a water mirror. So he could talk to the council while on mission. Watching the craft it was a fascinating process that made wish he could make one of his own.

Observant Learner, Water Mirror....5%......10%......

By the time they were finished he had only reached 35%, damn! The mirror activated and he saw two different images. One was the room on the naval ship around Themyscira, the other was the resistance HQ near Gotham. Only a small portion of the council was present. Everyone had jobs to do, places to be. AR-Wonder Woman insisted on coming with him, as did AR-Superman, and AR-Supergirl. They were aboard the ship with him. So the council in Themyscira's chamber was Bunker, and a few Amazons. While the Gotham HQ was Oracle, and Batman.

“From what we can tell, Dex is consolidating his forces. He is pulling most of the military out from the other two realities and spreading them across his controlled lands. He is clearly expecting an assault. Once you attack, he will send all of his forces available. Expect heavy resistance.” Oracle said to them.

“As you have requested we have not told the other resistance cells about your attack, or which city you have chosen as your first target. Something many on the council are angry about. However, once you start you first attack please notify us so we may assist you.” Batman said through the mirror.

“Good luck!” Oracle said, and the mirror turned off. All Lash could see was his reflection.

“You really believe there are people in the resistance feeding intel to Dex?” AR-Wonder Woman asked Lash.

“Yes, as incredible as it is that you've all survived. I think Dex let it go this far simply because it was a way to keep his troops sharp. Especially since so many of the resistance cells in the past weeks have been discovered. Dex is pulling up the weeds. He is not taking any chances now.” Lash said, as he turned back towards the bridge controls.

Sitting in the command chair was Vyllith wearing her hell knight gear. She turned to appraise Lash, her helmet down. Her long raven black hair swept past her shoulders. Her lilac eyes looked at him with excitement. Waiting for him to give the order. The operations center was a room cast in twilight. With over a dozen different stations, all with a holographic interface. The rest of the stations had worker droids linked up to them. Lash clicked on the ship communications.

“Everyone, this is Wraith speaking. Thank you for accepting this mission. This is the next step in taking back this planet from Dex. I expect the first city we encounter will be a surprise for them. Despite Dex's total control over the planet he has done little to prepare defenses. Almost as if the very idea that we could fight back never entered his mind. Well lets show him his mistake. Sulaco, full flight!” Lash said, using his best authority voice.

The magnetic engines hummed to life and the giant ship left the ocean waters around Themyscira. The incredibly ugly vessel left the water behind and floated in the sky. It looked like a beached whale with no fins! Why did Lash name the ship Sulaco, it was after one of his favorite movies. Aliens. The ship started to move forward, and flew over the floating town around the island. Everyone on Themyscira, and in the floating town cheered at the sight of the ship. Ugly as it was! It represented a certain expectation. Right before the ship hit the edge of the shield they activated their camouflage and the whole ship turned invisible.


***Alternate Reality, Rio De Janeiro***

Like most cities in the alternate reality, Rio De Janeiro had been rebuilt. The entire city had been reorganized into a grid system. Uniformed, symmetrical, and very clean. But gone was the resort, and tourist destination. Most cities, towns, and villages in south america had been torn down. They had consolidated all of their people into a few select cities. While the rest of the continent went through a rush job of replanting. One would normally ask, where did all of the people go? Even rebuilt Rio couldn't hold them all? Many had died during the unification war this was true. But a majority of them did live in Rio. They just lived beneath it.

Things hadn't changed! Rio was still pretty on the outside, rotten on the inside. Vast underground networks, tunnels, and factories were under the city. There were many people that had been born, raised, and lived under the city that had never seen daylight before. The city on the surface were only for the elite. The people sworn the great emperor! While the rest were brain boxed slaves that had little to no free will of their own.

Rio De Janeiro was also one of the cities with a resistance cell was located. Rio was important because there was an atmospheric tower installed in the city above. While the factories, and power generators under the city helped run the tower. Everyday thousands of galleons of water was pumped through the factory in an attempt to clean it of radiation. Once cleansed it would be shipped through pipes towards the awaiting city and its citizens. Radiated air was pulled through the complex along with the water. Everyone working in the factory would never see any of their work. It was all pumped topside.

Sprinting through one of the tunnels was a pair of resistance fighters. A man and a woman in rags. They slipped past the hundreds of brain boxed workers, while sprinting behind them were robotic units in full tactical gear. They pushed past, pushed over, and stepped on the different slaves they encountered without a care. The resistance cell home base in Rio had just been ambushed! One of their own had given them up for a chance to live in the city above. The idiot had been killed as soon as he tried and failed to convince everyone to give up.

The man jumped past a group of slaves and created a barrier made out of what could be described as yellow starlight, or sun energy. The robotic units slammed into the shield, and started to shoot at it. The barrier slowly broke apart, but the man had already moved on. Buy a few seconds for them both to escape. As they passed an intersection, the woman waved her hands in complex series of movements. With a flash of purple light there were now three copies of the two moving in different directions. Unfortunately for them, the pursuers had more than enough to chase all three.

“It was a good try!” The man said, running on fumes as he continued to run.

“I am not giving up, we can still get to the randevu!” The woman replied.

They turned a corner and sprinted past a check point. The alert was sounded as mechanical aerial drones were deployed. They chased after the resistance fighters, just as the robotic units reached the check point as well. The pair reached a factory outlet, with a single elevator that went up to the surface. Raw minerals, water, and air were being shipped up top through pipes. The pair had tried several times to sabotage the pipping system but they always failed. They sprinted past and moved through a long abandoned tunnel that had been marked has condemned.

They ran straight through it as if they had run it hundreds of times before, which of course they had. It grew dark, and the man created a forward light for them to follow. He continued to create barrier after barrier to slow down their pursuers. At last they came to a T intersection, they ran straight for the wall and...WHAM! They bounced back off of it in confusion.

“Fuck! What the hell!?” The woman yelled in pain. She jumped to her feet and felt across the wall. Expecting it to give way, but then she realized that the wall was crumbled stone, and debris.

“It's over, Rita. If the room is closed that means they were found.” The man said in defeat.

“No! We...No!” Rita screamed as she beat her hand against the cave in. “We were so close! Jose, why did this happen?” Rita yelled in frustration. A bullet shot rang out through the tunnels and hole appeared two inches away from Rita's face.

“Come on! We can still go down fighting!” Jose said as he stood up, and turned back towards the tunnel. A shinning golden light covered him, and he wore a suit of armor made from golden light. A golden blade, and a shield in hand.

Tears began to fall from Rita's face, but she swallowed her sadness and took her place by Jose's side. Purple energy crawled up to her hands, and copies of them spread through the room. Right before the robotic units poured into the small room a rumbling came from the collapsed cave in. Jose quickly created a wall at the entrance to block off the units. Rita turned around to look at the cave in, hope dancing in her eyes. What came out of it was not what she was expecting.


Lash burst from the wall using Earth Swim, followed by a dozen Saurus Warriors. They jumped over the pair of resistance fighters and dove straight into the energy barrier breaking it apart like paper. Lash created red chaos Psionic Blades and began to cut through the robotic units with ease. Hand over hand Lash danced through the robotic units like a dancer. He kicked out and crushed a unit into a wall, whipped a tentacle forward and impaled another. After a few brief moments all the robotic units signal lights went from green to red and Lash knew that Dex had his location.

Saurus Warriors swarmed into the tunnel after him. The fleeing pair looked shocked and confused until the warriors walked up and told them to come with them. Thanks to Earth Swim evolving they could pull them through the wall. What waited on the other side was a sight to see. The Sulaco may not be able to fly into space. But it sure could swim through the earth just as fast! The entire ship was covered in the spell aura of Earth Swim. A complicated spell script over the entire armor, being powered by the magiteck core aboard.

Through water, through air, and through rock the Sulaco could move. Hard to blow the ship up with nearly a mile of earth above it! The entire underground complex shook, as explosions rang out above the surface. Drop ships covered in the same glow as the Sulaco popped out of the ground and deployed dozens of Technomagical Constructs or War Droids. They looked like people wearing full tactical gear. But one looked close enough they could see the synthetic eyes, and bio-mechanical parts linked together.

Every Dex unit in the whole underground complex jumped into action and raced towards the collapsed tunnels. But didn't have to go far as Lash burst out of the tunnel system and raced towards the fight. Deflection rebound the bullets, and energy shots into the ground around him. Rarely it even shot them straight back at attacker.

Lash dove into the army of complex machines. Slicing and ripping through them, soon followed by his warriors, and war droids. He had poured a majority of his magical energy into maintaining his army. So he would have to do most of this on low power. He didn't mind, after two weeks of doing nothing but building he could use the exercise! Like a swarm of ants the robotic units pushed down the tunnel. All of them firing, in most cases they only hit themselves. But Lash knew that stopped when a flash of purple light erupted down the tunnels passage.

“Die you fucking monster!” A man shouted as he flew straight at Lash.

Lash raised his arm up in a block as the man brought down his fists. The entire tunnel shook with the force. He whipped his tentacle around and sliced the man in half with his red Psionic Blade. Chaos Magic is no joke! Lash knew that these soldiers had no bio-chips. They were brain washed the old fashioned way. The hunter killer teams had arrived! As the man fell to pieces, Lash had to admire their desire to fight. The top half wrapped his arms around Lash's Leg in a futile effort to slow him down. A warrior behind him sliced the mans head off.

A sniper rifle shot snapped out like a thunder crack, the armor piercing bullet slammed into the tunnel ceiling thanks to Deflection. Lash used Blink and appeared right in front of the soldier. Like all HK's they had black armor on, with red highlights. But these HK's had a skull face mask. Lash swiped his blade through the soldier straight down the middle. Then was tackled into the wall by another. The HK roared in defiance beating Lash down like a gorilla. Pity they didn't look behind them as a Saurus Warrior stabbed them in the back.

“Coward!” The man shouted at him as he fell over.

“What, you are the only ones allowed to have a team?” Lash said with a smirk, as he pushed the man off.

Up top the battle for the city wasn't really anything to write home about. Hunter Killer teams were teleporting into the city. While detachments from the underground factory levels were rushing to the surface. The civilians in the city were in a panic. It had been nearly twenty years since any of them had seen any form of fighting. The empire had done their best to assure their people everything was under control. Well it clearly wasn't anymore!

War droids pushed into the city with ruthless efficiency capturing city hall as quickly as possible. Cutting off communications, and rerouting all the information they could back to the Sulaco. Prefabricated bunkers were deployed around the city. With pyramid turrets scattered around them. The droids were only E grade standard but that was far above the average citizens. The HK teams could easily defeat them, but they had standard orders to ignore the enemy soldiers and focus only on Lash. Which he soon became impossible to locate as the a communication black out went through the whole city.

Wraith! -Vyllith shouted into Lash's mind over the Temporary Pack Bond network. We are breaching into the network. Every HK team in the whole reality is heading towards you! -Vyllith finished, her voice carried a hint of concern. But most of all she was enjoying herself!

Copy that! Do we have the location on the resistance members? -Lash asked through the link.

Yes! Marking on your UI now! Dex is shooting missiles into the open air around the city. -Vyllith said over the link. Lash hadn't told the resistance that the Sulaco could swim through the earth. So, that meant his theory was correct. Someone was sharing information with him, they had said that the Sulaco would be flying nearby to deploy troops.

Thank you for the update, keep me appraised! -Lash sent back over the link. He activated his interface and found the spot where the resistance members that had been caught. They were being sent for brain boxing.

Lash pushed through the underground complex with his warriors following in his wake. Every intersection more and more warriors would separate from him. But he always kept at least ten with him just in case. But it seemed the HK's and grown and waited for him to arrive at a specific underground intersection. Lash, and his warrior team ran straight into an ambush. The entire room was blasted to hell, and swarmed with HK bruisers, and superboy clones. Of course they knew something was wrong when they tried to punch Lash, and their hands went through an illusion.

A tentacle whipped up through the ground the HK's stood on, and sliced through the bruisers with Psionic Blades. The warriors did the same for the snipers hidden away in the intersection. Fighting Lash underground was a death sentence. It made Lash wonder why they were being so stupid about it? So he stole one of their coms and jacked into it. The answer was so obvious that it made Lash's head hurt. Dex was ordering them into the tunnels. The HK's were so brain washed they couldn't tell him he was being a fucking idiot about it. But this of course presented a unique opportunity.


“I don't care if every single one of you has to die! Rush in there and kill him, NOW!” Dex shouted over the secure line.

“Yes sir! Team three, team four your next!” A familiar voice said across the line. It was the leader of the first team Lash had encountered in Ethiopia.

“Sir! Sir! I have a confirmed kill! Omega Red target is down! The creatures around him are bursting into energy matter sir!” A voice called over the radio.

“Who is this? What is your ID code!” The commanders voice said over the comms.

“Alpha-Tango-Zulu-2-4-5-8. Sir!” The voice said in response.

“Where is your location! We'll move into to confirm!” The commander said.

“Underground intersection 2-2-Xeta. We are still under attack by soldiers coming from the tunnel!” The voice said.

“All HK's move to positions and secure the area, now!” Dex roared over the communication line.

Connor Kent aka Superboy of the Alternate Reality was teleported into the intersection under Rio. Unlike the rest of the squad leaders of the HK's he was an original. Made during the first Project Cadmus days. Which meant he had far more experience than any other. All of his experience, and instincts told him this was a trap of some kind. Over a hundred different HK's teleported in thanks to the meta's with the abilities. Different colored flashes, and abilities all in sync. Once everyone was in, the began to secure the area.

The whole intersection was a war zone in it self. Craters in the ground, and the walls. Bodies were tossed all over, bisected by some sort of energy blade. Bullet casings were scattered across the ground. Robotic units cast aside, many of them attempting to stand back up. But their interfaces were wrecked beyond repair. But from the smoke came the familiar outline of an HK. He had a severe limp, and was pressing his left hand into his side. They had all been conditioned with high pain tolerance. So the wound must be severe. Connor called for a medic, and had his unit secure the immediate area.

“Report!” Connor asked the soldier, as his teams medic started to work on him. They linked up to the suit and showed the holographic image to everyone around them. The soldier was so screwed up they were surprised he was alive!

“Our commander used the experimental warp tool. He tackled the Omega Red target with the device in play. A hole in realities opened up, and sucked them in. Well about half of them anyways. The Omega Red's top half went into the hole. His lower half is hundred feet that way sir.” The soldier reported, the entire conversation was being sent back to Dex.

“Find his body and destroy it! NOW!” Dex said over the comms. The HK's available rushed towards the location.

“What about your commander?” Connor asked, the soldier shook his head.

One of the HK's blew the smoke out of the intersection and the entire battle field was cleared. There off to the center was the Omega Red. A giant reptilian soldiers with pure black armor, metallic scales, and armor beyond anything they had ever seen before. Just as the soldier said, the top half of the creature was missing. But the bottom half remained and has gruesome as it appeared, the body looked as if it was attempting to heal itself. Dex was sent the video feed and the man roared in victory!

“THAT IS FUCKING RIGHT! I DEAFEATED YOU, YOU FREAK!” Dex roared over the communications line.

“Commander?” Connors medic said over their direct com line. Only their squad heard her. “I don't know how this soldier is alive, all of his organs are destroyed. He barely has a heart beat. He's a scout unit, not a vanguard. He should be dead.” The medic said over their direct line. Connors instincts screamed at him.

“EVERYONE FALL BACK NOW!” Connor screamed over the open comms.

But it was too late. They all started to hear the whispers, the voices from beyond. One by one every HK in the room screamed in horror and pain. Falling to their knees, Dex shouted at them to report in. The severally injured soldier pulled off his helmet to reveal a crushed skull. The holographic reading on the medics read out changed out for the actual image. The soldier was dead, had been dead for a few minutes.

The lower half of 'Wraith' regrew quickly as energy particles replaced the damage tissue. A Saurus Elite stood up from the ground and rolled its shoulders looking around at the fallen HK's in the room. One by one Veterans emerged from the ground and started to bind the soldiers with inhibitors. Lash walked from the shadows and canceled Animancy from the dead soldier. They fell over with out a fuss. Lash looked down at AR-Connor Kent who was trying his best to get back to his unit. Eldritch Mind really had a lot of useful quirks.

Lash snagged AR-Connors arms, then legs. Bound them up, and placed an inhibitor on his neck. Then pulled off his helmet and rolled him over. Connor was filled with fury as he looked up at Lash. They had fallen for the trap! Lash had used his title effect of Grave Walker to talk to the dead for information. Then animated a corpse to replay the information. His Elite took his place since they resemble each other closely. Thanks to Dex's horrible management of his forces one of the biggest threats to Lash was removed.

“Hello Connor, I know you and I got off on the wrong foot. I am sorry I killed your team mates. But I'll do my best to make it up to you.” Lash told him, and meant it. Lash linked up to their communications with Connectivity to hear Dex screaming at them to report.

“Hello Rofl Dex, did you miss me?” Lash said to the emperor. No response other than heavy breathing.

“Wraith.... I am going to win this time. I swear it!” Dex said over the line, his voice a hushed whisper as if he was afraid someone would hear him.

“Win? You didn't win the other times we played. You were so horrible that you had to remove me from the your own reality just to get ahead.” Lash replied to him, then the sounds of crashing were heard over the line. Metal being torn apart along with a mans shouting.

Lash closed the line, clearly Dex was finished with the conversation. War droids soon showed up to collect the HK's. Lash rushed off to secure the resistance fighters before they had all been brain boxed. Rio would fall before the sun rose the next day. Though it was clear they may not be able to hold it for long they would try at least. Step by step they would push Dex back, until all that was left was his palace. Which would be made into his tomb.


***Rofl Dex's Palace***

Dex sat in a destroyed room. Metal floors, walls, and furniture were warped in odd chaotic designs. Along with dozens of brain boxed servants that had been in his way as he was trying to blow off some steam. Flesh pulled from bone. Eyes gouged out by their own hands. Some bashed their own skulls in to get away from the madness. But nothing would stop Dex's anger, nothing except a man who stood in front of him. Blue eyes, blond hair, and a tailored suit.

“Well dear Emperor. Have you come to a decision?” Godfrey asked, a smile on his face.

“I accept... Send the parademons.” Dex replied, his eyes focused on Godfrey while smiled wide at him.

“Wonderful! Our master will expect great things from you!” Godfrey replied as he whispered into his box. A golden tube of light boomed into creation behind Godfrey. He waved his fingers at Dex and walked into the boom tube. It snapped close shortly after, leaving Dex behind.

“No matter the cost I will win this time.” Dex said, doing his best to convince himself more than anyone else.

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