
***Alberta, Canada. Alpha Rift FOB***

Something was wrong back home, AR-John Stewart the Rift commander knew the truth. Even if the reports back home said otherwise. For what ever reason, the Emperor had slowed their reinforcements, and supplies down to a trickle. The invasion was suffering for it. They were being pushed back, nearly a daily occurrence now. They had to self destruct outposts, listening stations, and portal hubs. The Charlie Rift was still expanding, but that was a small comfort as AR-John felt that the primary Alpha Rift's days were numbered. Every day more and more of the Justice League from this reality was pushing towards their location. Along with Omega Energy level agents.

AR-John had lost contact with AR-Constantine, their check in was days ago. The HK team remained on standby there one and only target being the Omega Red target. AR-John wished he could use them, their elite skills would come in handy right about now. AR-John looked at a launch platform that was in the process of being loaded onto a truck. They wouldn't dare to launch it from their base and give away their position. Especially since this was the third rocket they have tried to launch. They were attempting to establish satellite uplink for easier methods of communication, and visuals. But every time they launched the satellite past the stratosphere it was shot down by the JLI's orbital defense satellites.

But most of all, he had seen reports of not two, but four Kryptonian's from the field reports. The most recent two Kryptonians had very similar to their own that had gone missing weeks ago. Along with reports of their captured soldiers, and meat puppets fighting against their own forces. AR-John didn't know how, but the JLI in this reality had discovered how to remove the bio-chips, and restore the meat puppets to life. Secretly, deep with in his mind AR-John hoped he would be captured. But his reconditioning was done almost daily now. As was all of the command staff. Every soldier was rotated on a 48 hour basis which was a logistical nightmare!

AR-John knew that command would never admit it. But they were losing! Something about this reality, the Omega Energy creatures gave this reality a tactical advantage that the other realities didn't have. For the first time ever, AR-John considered the possibilities of retreat. There were literally infinite amount of realities in this vast universe. But the Emperor in all of his wisdom demanded that they conquer this reality. Running from the issue wouldn't solve it, AR-John would normally agree. If they would actually keep sending the scheduled resources!

“The Emperor is a fucking idiot.” AR-John said to himself softly as he walked from the machine shop back to the command tower. Then he froze mid step...

“Wait? What did I say?” AR-John said softly...Something was different!


***Alternate Reality, Themyscira Rift Boat***

The Rift that connected their two realities was located on renovated military vessel from what use to be the United States navy. An aircraft carrier that had been anchored along the coast of the magical island of the Amazons. The Rift was no bigger than 10 feet around, and allowed easy passage for people, and basic resources to be brought through. On the other side of the Rift was the vast ocean, at an outpost built by that realities Atlantis. King Arthur.... Arthur who had died in the Alternate Reality, along with his wife, Mera when Dex nuked the city.

It had been a startling sight for Kaldur'ahm, and Tula when they saw their dead king step through the Rift. Along with his Queen, Mera. The remnants from AR-Atlantis people all dropped to their knees and wept with joy, and despair. It was not the welcome that Arthur had expected, but unlike the AR-Arthur that AR-Diana had known this one was a born leader with practice, and patience. They brought supplies for the whole resistance through the Rift. They also provided living space in their realities ocean for not just AR-Atlantis, but anyone else which brought great relief on the entire resistance.


“Princess....Diana? Yooohooo!” Arthur called out to AR-Diana. Who snapped out of her day dreams to look at him.

“I'm sorry Arthur, I was lost in my own thoughts.” AR-Diana replied, as she squared her shoulders to look at her old friend.

Arthur Curry, was a mountain of a man with tribal tattoos across his entire body. Unruly long brown hair to his shoulders, and a bushy beard. His eyes were amber with almost a predatory look to them, that was only diminished by his giant grin that would infect anyone around him. He wore king Atlans's armor still, the combination of gold, and green fish scale armor. He leaned up against the stone railing that overlooked the port. One of the few men allowed on the island due to his royal blood line.

AR-Diana wore a combination of enchanted leather, and casual cotton. Something she could fight in, but also something she would relax in. Leather sandals, leather skirt, and a soft leather top. Her hair was tied back, and kept her face free. She kept her bracers of submission on. The AR-Diana looked worn out, but for the first time in many years she had a small smile on her face that reached her eyes. Arthur smiled wide at her, and her own smile grew broader. She chuckled and looked back at the naval ship holding the Rift.

“I missed you, Arthur.” AR-Diana said softly, just loud enough for him to hear it. He laughed loudly and nodded.

“Sure, every one misses me! I'm the life of the party!” Arthur replied, he was very smug about it. AR-Diana shook her head, and rolled her eyes. A look of mirth about her. But her smile wilted, and her eyes grew hard as she watched more people leave her home for the other reality.

“Don't feel bad, Diana. Wraith said he could get rid of the radiation in the world. If he says he can, then he can.” Arthur said as he noticed her expression, and where she was looking.

“You have a lot of faith in him?” AR-Diana asked, as she looked at her long lost friend.

“Oh hell ya! The monster is terrifying! He is a great cook! He makes a really cool SHARC!” Arthur said, a grin on his face. “Oh, submarine, helicopter, airplane, recreational, camper. SHARC! It was vehicle he made when he helped me and Mera find my mom, and get the trident. That thing had everything!” Arthur quickly explained to the confused AR-Diana. She laughed softly as he described it.

“Your Highness!” An amazonian guard came running to her side. She quickly bowed in respect to AR-Diana, and Arthur. They both stood up straight expecting some new battle report.

“He's back! Agent Wraith has returned with the holy relic!” The guard said with a smile.

“Ahahahahahaha! The fucking monster made it in less than a year! That is some epic shit right there!” Arthur said, raising his arms in a cheer. AR-Diana flew into the air and took off towards the capitol of the island. The guard looked back at Arthur, a question on her face.

“I'll go tell our people he is back, they're worried about him too.” Arthur said with a grin and started to head back to the Rift. The guard nodded, and went back to her horse to return to her duties.

“To hell and back again, a lizard monster tale!” Arthur said to himself with a laugh...


***Alternate Reality, door to Tartarus***

“Put them down, she is with me!” Lash said for the third time as the amazon legions tried to attack, and kill Vyllith who looked at them with a smirk. Vyllith to her credit made no move to bring out her weapon. Even with a spear point pressed against her throat.

“She is a demoness knight, Agent Wraith! She is not allowed on our holy land.” The amazon commander said, gritting her teeth as she looked at Vyllith.

“Knight Vyllith is part of my retinue, and if we are being technical. I am a Daemonic Count, my aura of power covers her own twisted corruption. The armor I made for her isolates the corruption so it wont leave a trail. You can keep her under guard, but I am not leaving her behind!” Lash said, besides the hostile situation he kept the holy relic in hand and his posture was relaxed.

While this tense moment continued Lash's warriors, veterans, and elite began to disassemble the tanks, armored trucks, and motorcycles. Why? Because they wouldn't fit up the stairs, and the tunnels to the surface. All the while the spirits of the Amazons were in a tough position, they wanted to defend Lash for rescuing them. But Vyllith was a full blooded demoness. So they stayed that way for a few more minutes more until relief showed up.

“Stand down all of you! I will take responsibility for Wraiths choice in company!” AR-Diana shouted at them, as she flew down the tunnel towards them. The legions begrudgingly took their weapons back. Vyllith remained silent, her helmet in place. But Lash knew she was smirking at them, she was not impressed.

Before Lash could say a word in greeting, AR-Diana swallowed him in a hug. A huge smile on her face as she embraced him. Lash gradually returned the greeting, wondering what had happened while he was away. AR-Diana stepped away, and looked at Vyllith with a critical eye. Going from emotional to cold and indifferent at the drop of a hat. That was pretty normal, amazons were a quick to emotion sort of people. Not to say they were emotional, more like they could flip from joy, to cold and and logical with a single flip of a metaphorical switch.

“We have demons, and devils in our resistance. Though they have not set foot on the island we'll make an exception for you. Please keep to our laws while you stay, understand?” AR-Diana said to Vyllith, the demoness looked to Lash who nodded at her.

“I would be delighted to...” Vyllith's smooth, and dangerously seductive voice sent chills down every ones spine. Lash rolled his eyes, a smirk on his face.

“Shall we return this to the Queen?” Lash offered, the relic still in hand. Which had made the hug slightly awkward. AR-Diana agreed and they began to ascend the steps. His reptilian force following him.

As Lash's reptile force was constructed with magic and a part of him they didn't fall under the same rules as others. Vyllith stuck close to Lash, with in tails reach. But far enough away to react to any attack. Old habits, something that Lash was not in a hurry to break. Unlike before in his home reality they met the AR-Queen Hippolyta at the ritual room. Where the relic would stay. Just this once Vyllith stayed behind at the door with the saurus forces, while Lash stepped inside with AR-Diana, and the Queen, and an elite guard.

The relic ritual room contained many other magical items. The room had a white marble floor, tall marble pillars, and an ancient greek, or roman style architecture. Along the walls were spell script for security that hummed with softly. One of the most secure rooms on the whole island, next to the door to Tartarus, and the nursery. There were separate alcoves along the wall. One of them contained the mirror of illusion that controlled the pocket dimension for Themyscira. Another alcove contained the armor of Ares, the god of war. Lash paused at the sight of it, having only ever saw Ares once during the battle at the gates of the underworld in greece.

“Unlike the rest of the gods that left Earth. Ares decided to stay behind and help us fight. Dex, along with hundreds of dominated slaves including Clark, and Kara fought and killed him. We retrieved his armor and weapons and brought them here for safe keeping.” AR-Hippolyta said, her voice held a bit of sadness in it.

“Sometimes the greatest of enemies can unite the oldest of foes.” Lash replied, the AR-Queen nodded in response.

At long last they came to the altar that would hold the relic. A white marble altar with a small indentation to hold the relic in place. Lash handed the relic off to the Queen who carefully placed the relic on the altar. As soon as it was placed the relic hummed with brilliant blue energy. It sent a cascading ripple of power through the room, and across of Themyscira. AR-Queen Hippolyta walked to the center of the room and took a deep breath. Her golden staff returned to her by a royal guard. She slammed it three times into the ground, it resonated with the whole room.

“At long last, power is slowly returning to our island, and our people.” AR-Hippolyta said, as she turned to face Lash and AR-Diana. Her winkles smoothed out and she once more returned to the eternal beauty that she had been before.

“Agent Wraith, just as you have done for your Amazons in your reality, so have you done for us. We will uphold the promise made and make you a brother of our sisterhood. Welcome home, Brother Wraith!” AR-Hippolyta said with a bright smile. The royal guard, and AR-Diana all cheered in joy as the holy relic not only allowed the rebirth of the amazons, but brought magical power back to their people. Hope had returned to paradise island.


A celebration was held on the island, and among the ships anchored around the coast. Agent Wraith had returned, braving the dangers of hell itself to return the lost relic of the amazons. Word was sent back home to Lash's home reality that he had survived. A collective sigh was released among Lash's friends, family, and his pack. Food, alcohol, and revelry was had among the resistance as Lash was asked time and time again to retell his adventures of Tartarus to anyone that was interested in hearing the story. They had moved to the naval vessel that held the Rift. Vyllith at his side, once off the island officially the amazons breathed a sigh of relief.

As the morning sun rose over the horizon most of the island was asleep but along the edge of the aircraft carrier sat Lash, rebound in his Wraith disguise as the shroud of smoke and shadow billowed around him. Vyllith was asleep by his side, dozens of bottles around her. As a demoness she understood the concept of a party. She had admitted it was rather tame compared to parties she had attended. No orgies, no ritual sacrifices, but it was still fun.

Lash had created a pillow and blanket for her. She had snuggled into it and relaxed. A tension that she had been carrying melting away from her. As he sat on the edge of the ship he was looking up information, he had established a connection with Connectivity through the Rift. He looked up all the changes that he could, and updated Vici with all his new spells. She was already placing Eldritch Blast in the Watch Towers weapon systems.

“Brother Wraith? The council has been called, they are asking for you.” An amazon called to him. He nodded, and used Manifestation to create a Saurus Warrior.

“Stay with her until she wakes up, then the both of you come find me.” Lash told his warrior, the creature nodded and stayed next to Vyllith. “Please lead the way.” Lash said his new sister who smiled at him and walked towards the council chambers.

They walked into the ship towards the center of the massive structure of steel. Normally the water mirror would be placed on the island. But then not everyone could attend. Lash had been waiting to be called for awhile, but understood they needed to discuss a few things privately. At last he came to compartment and was allowed entry. Inside was relatively small to medium room for an aircraft carrier. Simple chairs had been placed around the water mirror which looked like a pane of glass. However no matter what angle you looked at it, it always the front. Interesting.

Observant Learner activated, Divination Domain. Spell Clairvoyance.....1%.....10%.....

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Spell Domain of Divination!

Effect: The User can employ a method of reading the future, the present and the past and/or provide help to a problem with the use of spell craft, tools, the aid of spirits, beings, or other magical beings of power.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Divination Domain Spell, Clairvoyance!

Clairvoyance: The user can gain direct visual information about an object, person, location, or physical event through means other than the user's physical sight and allows them to act when they are unable to use their eyes and may be able to 'see' spiritual/psychic beings.

Yay....Lash thought with a bit of sarcasm. He had 14 Domains in total now, and he barely scratched the surface to most of them. Erik the gamer had always enjoyed playing hybrid classes that could fit into many separate roles. But this was getting a little ridiculous. It wasn't that big of a deal, it was not like it sucked up experience the more he had. They would grow only if he used them, and having more Domains helped his others. But it was like being swallowed by to much information. He'd have to sit down with a teacher soon and figure a few things out. Maybe Zatanna? Or Zatara? Or maybe even Constantine?

The water mirror was a magical item created by a spell caster of some power. Lash didn't fully understand how it worked, and would have to examine it to make one himself. But that would be for later. Lash stood before the council that resided in Themyscira, and the resistance HQ. He was surprised to see the Bat family sitting on the other side along with the Al Ghuls. But it made sense if he stopped to think about it.

“Greetings and salutations to all. How may I be of service.” Lash bowed from his waist but kept all four of his eyes on the mirror. With his shroud on, he once more looked like a lizard man was cosplaying as the grim reaper.

“Agent Wraith, hello and welcome back. Thank you for agreeing to meet with us.” Oracle aka AR-Barbara Gordon said from her wheel chair, a detail that surprised Lash.

“It is the second time I have braved the depths of Tartarus. I was also not gone as long as last time. Though I would discourage anyone visiting that infernal place. It was not fun, not fun at all!” Lash said, his voice dripping with a big of sarcasm. A few people smiled at him with the chambers of the aircraft carrier and the resistance HQ.

“Her Highness tells us that you were successful. With the relic brought to the amazons not only will they no longer face extinction, but the power of the relic is slowly helping them recover their magic. Tell me, why did you risk certain death and damnation in hell?” Ra's al Ghul asked from his position in the chamber. Several people winced, but didn't reprimand him.

“Hope is a fragile thing. I had brought hope to resistance when I brought machines to de-chip your friends and family. I also brought hope with the Rift key that could bring resources, and aid. All of these things are important. But now with the success of my mission, I have brought hope to the amazons. Something that was desperately needed. I mean no offense to my sisters. But they were holding on by a thread. Now, they themselves have hope.” Lash offered a cryptic answer, but answer it was none the less. Ra's nodded, as he continued to watch Lash through the mirror.

“What do you plan to do now?” Batman asked, his voice cold and rough around the edges, sitting beside him was the beautiful and deadly Talia al Ghul.

“I plan to kill Dex. But the first thing I will do is attack the Hawaii island base to stop the invasion on my reality. As I was informed by AR-Superman.” Lash said simply, using the acronym for the different realities. He had to admit it was getting a little confusing to tell who was who. At least in conversation.

“You should know, we have tried to kill Dex over a dozen times over the years. We have always failed. What makes you think you will succeed?” Talia asked from her spot on the council, looking at him like a predator would a prey animal.

“I don't exist in this reality, I have no copy. Now most of you believe I am an alien from another world. There is some truth in that. But importantly I was born on Earth. Born and raised in Gotham actually.” Lash said, gesturing towards Batman who raised an eye brow in surprise.

“So, why wasn't there a copy of me in this reality? There could have been any number of reasons? Maybe my parents never met in this one? Maybe I died when younger? Maybe died before any of you could have met me? With the possible chance of infinite earths we could debate the possibilities all day long. But I'll save you all some trouble. There is no copy of me here. Because Rofl Dex paid an extra dimensional being to remove me.” Lash said, his words carried a bit of invisible weight as if the world was trying desperately to not let him say it. But he did, and he knew it had took effort as the divine glow swallowed him briefly and Cosmic Awareness went off.

Lash nearly dropped to his knees, but AR-Diana jumped to his side to prevent him falling all the way. The golden light was a brilliant glow that let many in the council in both chambers eye him in surprise. While others showed only confusion. The mystical members of the council explained the reasoning behind it. But it explained a simple truth. Lash was backed by an extra dimensional being. An old god.

“Why do I think I will succeed where others have failed? Because I've done it before. I did it 15 times. I did it so much, that Dex made a deal, and paid a huge price just to see me removed.” Lash said at last as he slowly stood up again with the help of AR-Diana.

“An extraordinary story I will say.” A cold, all be it young voice said. That of Damian Wayne. “But, we will be the ones that will suffer for it if you fail.” Damian always the pragmatist said in response.

“Oh that's just it! I'll ask for volunteers to help me secure the island chains after the battle. No one has to come that doesn't want too. In fact it may even be better that no one comes at all. That way I can really let loose.” Lash said with a smile his fangs being revealed. A shiver rolled through the council chamber, an involuntary response to the predator that was Lash and Saurian.

“When do you plan to go?” Oracle asked, her face pale but a smile tugged on her lips.

“As soon as the meeting is over...” Lash said, once more surprising the whole room. No time like the present.


Congratulations User! Your optional quest is complete!

Meet the Amazons of the alternate reality. Convince them to let you retrieve the holy relic.

Reward: Improved faction reputation with the Alternate Reality Amazons, and resistance.

Reward: 50 Dream Points.

Reward: 1 Ability Evolution Point.

Reward: 24 hour Dream Time 2 x EXP Booster.

Congratulations User! Intermediate Manifestation has evolved into Advanced Manifestation.

Effect: Saurus Warriors total number is 500, they can now use all Skills, Powers, and Spell Domains D grade and lower.

Effect: Saurus Veterans total number is 50, they can now use all Skills, Powers, and Spell Domains C grade and lower.

Effect: Saurus Elites total number is 5, they can now use all Skills, Powers, and Spell Domains B grade and lower.

Manifestation: Energy consumption has decreased, power, and range has increased. All manifested conjurations are more intelligent, and geared.

Effect: Elites, and Veterans now can act on their own, and have their own power source if they are ever cut off from the caster.

Congratulations User! Demon Summoning has evolved through the purchase of 2 DP into Minor Demon Summoning.

Effect: You can now summon 200 Demonic Soldiers from Tartarus. They have sworn loyalty to you, and you alone while under your spell command. The soldiers are F grade. They have basic equipment, basic skills, and basic abilities.

Sub-Spell, Pocket Hell: Your Demonic soldiers now have a place to call home. A space between hell dimensions that has been made in your image. Terrain:[Jungle].

Congratulations User! Enlarge/Reduce has evolved through the purchase of 2 DP into Basic Enlarge/Reduce.

Effect: Increase in spell power, decrease in magical energy consumption.

Effect: Can cast on additional targets for one hour per spell cast.

Effect: All direct items on target enlarge with target.


***Alternate Reality, Blockade around Themyscira's estimated area of operation***

A captain of one of the largest and most technological advanced ships in the entire emperor's navy stood on the bridge. Looking over the vast ocean watching, waiting, hoping that something, anything would happen! This tour was so frustrating, they had never in their entire tour been able to spot how the amazons came and went from their magical island. The captain knew that showing a presence was important, because if there was no blockade that would only empower the enemies of the Empire. But over 200 naval vessels were station patrolling this large swath of ocean.

“Captain! We have a signal!” The officer in charge of radar shouted. The entire bridge crew looked at them in shock. The first officer moved to the station.

“A large signal just appeared in the water sir, it is headed straight towards us. Visual confirmation ETA thirty seconds!” The first officer shouter, as the whole room looked towards the water near them.

From the waters surface broke a giant spine of a creature with blades down its back. Two scaled tentacles flailed about. From head to tail the thing must have been 100 feet long or more! The creature what ever it was swam directly for their ship. Then the alarms went off, the Omega energy levels detected. The captain went pale. Omega energy!?

“Alert the fleet we have contact!” The captain shouted to his communications officer.

“Sir! I..I can't, we are being jammed!” The communications officer shouted.

“Sir! I have five hundred separate contacts breaking off from the main contact. They are diving to intercept the submarines sir! The main contact will hit us in thirty seconds!” The radar officer shouted. The captain pulled down his radio and hailed the entire ship.

“This is the captain speaking! All hands brace for impact!” The captain shouted, but nothing went through. He tried again, and again until a high pitched wail went through the entire system.

“I'm sorry, the number you have dialed can not be reached. Please hang up and try again, after I rip your ship in half!” An animalistic voice said over the radio. The entire bridge crew stood up in shock. Then the contact rammed into the ship at full speed. The entire ship barely shook at the impact. But alarms started to go off all over the ship.


Lash had not been joking the moment the council meeting was over the counter attack started. He spent his ability evolution point on his Manifestations. Then on a few spells as well. Lash swapped out with Saurian and cast his new spell. He stood at 50' tall, and 100' long. He could go larger but it would cost to much magical energy to maintain.

He used Connectivity to block communication between the different ships he was attacking as 500 Saurus Warriors swam towards their own targets. Like a giant reptilian from monster movies, Saurian opened his mouth under water and cast Eldritch Blast. A sinister spell circle appeared around his mouth, and a crimson shot of energy cut straight into the metal hull like a blow torch through metal sheeting. His magical energy dropped quickly! After a few seconds he stopped and climbed into the ship. Hundreds of galleons of water flooded into the ship, all the emergency shutters that would close off the damage stopped mid way thanks to his Virtual Intelligence Tech-Spirits. As they broke away and started to rip through their systems.

Saurian burrowed into the giant ship. Ripping out layer after layer of metal decks. Hundreds of meta puppets, robotic units, and a very few augmented officers were pulled out of the sinking hull by Saurus Warriors. At last Saurian burst from the bottom of the ship to the main deck like a chest bursting alien. Water erupted from the exit wound, Saurian climbed out and galloped towards the command tower. The crew on the main deck scattered to jump into the turrets, and assorted air vehicles. But were shocked when many of them took off on their own, and flew back towards Themyscira. The air vehicles passed through the spell shield with ease to be collected by the resistance.

Saurian bull rushed the command tower, and it fell like a jenga game tower. It fell into the water, all of the station crew inside were soon rescued by Saurus Warriors. Saurian let loose a roar of triumph and jumped back into the ocean to swim to the next vessel. 1 down, 199 to go! The ship he left behind was sinking, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Beneath the ship was a submarine that soon learned something was wrong, as dozens of Saurus Warriors burned through the hull with Eldritch Blast which turns out is a D grade spell! Saurian was accumulating huge amounts of experience points every time either he or his forces used it. It was odd, normally he wouldn't get the experience from the things his forces used. Maybe it was because the spell had evolved?

Saurian rammed straight into the submarine, his skull crest acting like a sledge hammer of giant proportions. He reached down his clawed hands, and tentacles and ripped the sizable crack he had made into a gaping hole. Water rushed inside, and his warriors dove in to capture and or kill the crew. The vessel quickly swallowed to much and began to sink. At this point a welcomed sight was to be seen as AR-Atlantis resistance forces joined the battle. Hundreds of Atlanteans, aquatic beasts, and meta-humans swam in to attack, or capture.

Saurian let loose a epic roar, the water rippled with intensity as he used Rallying Call, and reached out to connect with anyone that was friendly with him. Establishing Temporary Pack Bond. Little less then half was linked with him with in a 25 mile radius. The telepathic link surprised many people so much so that a few dropped out because they didn't like it. But the few that remained helped coordinate the attack. Two among them was Kaldur, and Tula.

'Agent Wraith, is that you?' -Tula asked across the link. Her voice hesitant, unsure of who or what linked them.

'Yes, it is me. Apologies, I should have warned you. The connection will help use communicate easier. Goes up to 25 miles.'-Saurian replied, as he jumped from the sinking submarine and moved to the next ship. This one a small corvette class, an attack boat.

'I've not felt such a connection sense the last time we spoke to M'ghan! This telepathic link feels different however.' -Kaldur admitted across the link. His feelings nervous, an justifiably so. Most experience they've had were Dex's mind bending.

Saurian swam straight up towards the corvette and propelled himself through the water. Jumping from the surface to land on the deck of the boat. The corvette barely taking his weight. The crew screamed in horror, as the deck guns whipped around against their wishes and started to fire on nearby ships. The surprise was over! The whole blockade fleet knew something was happening! Storm clouds began to roll into the area. Saurian grinned, as the static energy in the air started to build up. Fighter jets flew over! Breaking the sound barrier, he tried to reach for them but they sped past and flew out of reach for him. Pity!

The smell of ozone filled the air as a neon yellow beam shot from the sky, straight down at Saurian. The beam cut across his skull crest and the magitek armor he wore. It did minimal damage as his True Body, and Damage Resistance sent a bit of experience. There floating in the sky was a meta-human soldier of Dex. Saurian ripped a hole in the corvette so it would sink. Then jumped off onto the water thanks to Water Walk he raced towards the flying meta human. He came directly below them and tried to jump up. It was a comical moment watching the creature try to bite something out of range. Until Telekinesis wrapped around the meta and dragged them down suddenly.

One of his tentacles whipped out, its spear tip splitting into three clawed fingers. Saurian captured its prize and quickly cast Re:Implant. The the meta human screamed in horror as the bio chip was removed. Saurian handed the meta off to one of his warriors that would bring them back to the island. The piercing cry of an eagle rang out, and Saurian took two direct hits from air-to-surface missiles. From the two fighters jets that flew by again. A gauss rifle barrel slid out from Saurian's back, and took aim. He had improved his armor just like Lash had with his. A blue energy shot true and pierced straight through one of the fighter jets. The other broke off with evasive maneuvers. The gauss rifle merged back into his armor.

Distant booms sent chills down Saurians spine, he dove back into the water dispelling Water Walk. Only a few seconds later in the place he had been did armor piercing rounds from a destroyer shoot at his position. Detonating in the water below sending shock waves in every direction. Thankfully no one was seriously harmed. Saurian swam through the water at great speed towards the ships. Torpedoes were fired at him but once they reached a certain range he turned them around with his Technomancy. The torpedoes either hit their original ships, or exploded before they did.

A few Atlantean ships joined the attack, hydro cannons ripping through the armor of the ships around them. Saurian burned through the hull of another carrier and burst from below its decks. Hundreds of airplanes, and attack helicopters were in the air now. They all activated anti hacking software. 1 out of 10 were taken by Saurian. While the others stayed in the hands of the Dex's forces. Irritating! His tentacles shot out short bursts of Eldritch Blast and cut them all down.

“Yeeeaaaaaaaah!” AR-Wonder Woman shouted as she drove her sword through a helicopters cockpit. The Amazons had taken to the field! Pegassi flew past as amazons wielded magical bows, and spears. While meta-humans of the resistance gave support. Once again Saurian established a Temporary Pack Bond with any one that would allow it. Saurian gave another Rallying Call and drove the battle line forward! It was going to be a good day!


By the time the sun had set most of the Themyscira blockade had fallen, or fled back to the main land. For the first time in years, the Atlantis resistance patrolled the waters of Themyscira. Saurian had built obelisks around the area with Essence Imbuement to create a source of power. Then use the spells Decomposition, Recycle, and Regrowth on them through Enchanting. The obelisks began to clean the water of radiation, and slowly regrow the dead coral near by. At an accelerated rate!

The obelisks themselves floated in the water at 10' long, with 3' around them. Points at both ends, with spell script written clearly on every surface. The stone it self was pure black. As more and more radiation was sucked in, it purified it, and put out pure magical essence. Saurian got a prompt about restoring the realities earth, and magical energy.

Restoring magical energy to the alternate reality: 0.01%

Ya, that was going to take some time that was for sure! It was midnight by the time Saurian returned to Themyscira through the spell shield. Now recognized as an amazonian brother the shield let him pass easily enough. On the other side of the pocket dimension things were tense. Lash, and Saurian had left the island with out direct permission. He said what he planned to do, and said if they didn't want to come that was fine. It would have taken longer, but he would have done it all the same. They had 100,000 new residences and or prisoners on the island chain of ships now. Since more than half of the crew on each naval vessel in the blockade had been robotic that is.

Saurian shrunk down to a easy size of 20' tall, and 40' long. He climbed onto the deck of one of the naval vessels and took a break. Enjoying the gentle breeze coming off the ocean. It didn't last long, as Vyllith soon came to his side, and informed him that the council was furious at his actions. He rolled his eyes much to the amusement of Vyllith. He swapped out with Lash and returned to being Wraith. The 8' tall Daemonic lizard man.

Took a bit of time to get back to the main vessel where the Rift was located. On the vessel itself was dozens of Saurus Veterans all casting Re:Implant, Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. As before Lash was getting bits of experience from each them no matter the distance. This was different just as he noticed from before. Was it because they had their own power source now? Now, his warriors did the same thing. He'd have to ask Dawn when he got a moment alone. Vyllith led him down through the ship having memorized the layout already.

“He could have destroyed us all with that reckless action!” Ra's al Ghul's voice shouted from the water mirror. Lash could hear them talking even through the metal door. The guard asked for them to wait, stepped inside to ask.

“He doesn't work for you, Ra's! He doesn't work for any of us! May I remind you he told us exactly what his plans were! None of you said anything to stop him!” AR-Diana shouted back.

“That is because we thought he was joking!” Oracle said in reply.

“It is too late now! The operation was a success and we need to move on!” Batman's voice silenced everyone else. Even in this reality he was a bad ass! Lash smiled at that. The door opened up and he was entered, along with Vyllith who stood next to him.

“Agent Wraith. Your stunt could have cost us everything!” Ra's said immediately after he entered.

“Ok let me make this clear.... I DONT WORK FOR YOU!” Lash shouted at the man! Ra's narrowed his eyes. His entire body boiling with rage. It had been a long time since anyone had spoken to the demons head like that.

“I told every single person in this room, and those in the mirror. What I was going to do. No one had to join me! It would have taken longer, true. But it would have happened regardless of what you all wanted. Before any of you say it was brazen, or poor planning. It really wasn't. I looked over the entire blockade before I even showed up in Themyscira. I had the entire thing planned, and was willing to do it alone. It worked, the blockade is gone! I've set up spell crafted obelisks to start cleaning the ocean, and regrow the coral around it. We've already have a mile wide coral reef around the whole island.” Lash said, as he produced a holographic image of the estimated growth of the coral by sunrise tomorrow.

“Now, the next thing I am going to do is build a collection of airships. With any volunteers, and we are going to go scout out Hawaii. Again! If you want to come? Great! But you don't get to tell me what to do.” Lash said, as he produced several blue prints for those watching.

“Wraith, I understand that you don't fall under out direct control. But you must realize your actions do affect us all. We only ask that you slow down, and let us discuss the future plans of the attack. Unless you plan to attack Dex all by yourself?” Oracle said with a smile, trying to calm everyone down.

“If I have to attack Dex by myself, I will. It may take a long time. But I will do it. You've all had to adjust to survive. I am not blaming you! You've all had to sacrifice so, so very much. That is why I am willing to move with out your aid if I have to. Anyone that want's to come I am happy to have. Over two million people have been captured by Dex's forces in my reality. I know they are shipped back to the main land to be brain boxed, and turned into slaves. Meat puppets, labor class, and mutation research and development. I have the ability to do something about it. So I am going to. Now, you can help? Or you can get out of the way.” Lash said, finished with the whole debate then and there.

When Ra's stood to voice another objection. Lash did the most sensible thing he could. He turned around on his heel and left the council chamber. Vyllith followed in his wake, a smirk on her face. Ra's shouted at him to come back. That man was really not use to the disrespect Lash was showing him. It wasn't as if Lash didn't understand them. They were afraid, and for good reason. Dex's forces numbered in the billions! He had access to two different realities that had all fallen under his dominion. He had near unlimited resources. The resistance didn't fight, they hadn't in years. All they did was survive. Even the guerrilla attacks done by the resistance was for resources, and nothing more.

Lash reached the main deck of the ship to see dozens of people waiting for him. Atlanteans, Amazons, very few supernaturals, and newly recovered brain boxed soldiers with their chips removed. Kaldur, and Tula stood in front of them. Lash tilted his head to one side, very much like a creature often does when they see something surprising or interesting. A Sarurus Warrior helped a woman step forward. She wore a dismantled uniform of a Dex soldier. Ah! The meta that shot neon energy at him.

“My name is....Abigail... I want to help you fight back.” Abigail said, she was a petite woman with out the augmentations bolted into her body. She looked worn out, and ragged. Dozens of implants had been removed, and her body was showing visible signs of healing.

“I assume the rest of you are wanting to join up as well?” Lash asked, the entire crowd said as much.

“Alright! Lets get to it!” Lash said with a smile, and the crowd returned the gesture. Lash clapped his hands together and rubbed them together. Time to start building some ships!


***Rofl Dex's Imperial Palace***

Dex was tall man with lean proportions. Despite his leisure life style most of the time he kept training his body, and mind every day with complex exercises, training regiments, experiments, and diets. He like so many of his people had several augmentations that enhanced his existing abilities, and meta powers. Like enhanced strength. Something he used at that direct moment as he proceeded to slam his fists into his metal table over, and over again! The holographic display in front of him only vexed him more! It showed a display of a miniature god zilla ripping a ship apart. A ship that was part of the Themyscira blockade.

“How long ago was this taken!?” Dex shouted at his attendant, who stood perfectly still less he attract the attention and wrath of their master.

“We.... Just recently received it my Emperor. But the video is approximately 12 hours old. There was interference on the receiver. Omega energy levels were detected on the video transmission. We don't know how, but it wormed its way through our systems and slowed down the data packet.” The attendant said, their voice raw with fear.

“How is the battle progressing now?” Dex's voice dropped in volume which was never a good sign. His attendant anticipating the question brought up another screen with a flick of their hand. It showed several of the blockade ships returning to port covered in burns, and many of them so shredded that would it would take months to repair.

“The admiral called a full retreat when....When 85% of the blockade was lost.” The attendant replied. The air around Dex rippled like a pool of water, twisting, and contorting to fit Dex's rage.

“Recall the hunter killers from the new reality. Activate every HK team we have and put them on full alert. They deploy the moment we have confirmation of his location. Now get out!” Dex finished, and the attendant saluted and very quickly walked from the chambers.

“Well I have to say that was surprising!” A snobbish males voice called out from the shadows of the room. Dex whipped around, he uses his telekinetic powers to throw his entire desk at the voice. The metal object was tossed at the speed of sound before it hit a red energy barrier.

“Temper, temper! Dear Emperor!” Said a man, he stood at 5' 11” with golden blond hair styled short, and blue eyes. Wearing a tailored blue suit, with a rose in his lapel. In his left hand was a box, a box with Apokolips letters on it.

“What the fuck do you want, Godfrey!” Dex shouted at him, the distorted ripple of reality expanding from Dex as more time passed.

“Me? I only want to provide a bit of help, for my dear friend.” Godfrey said, a sinister grin spread across his face. The grin growing far to wide for a human to have.


***Alternate Reality, Themyscira.***

Lash, and ten of his Saurus Veterans spent the entire night building a gunship troop transport. They were giant air vehicles capable of holding 25 people. Along with light armored amphibious vehicles stored at the rear section. The back end of the ship had jet engines, and thrust engines. While the four wings on either side had magnetic coils. Thanks to the design scheme from AR-Lex Luthor who had showed up to help build them. The coils would allow the ships to maneuver with great dexterity and speed. They were also exceptionally quiet. The jet engines for speed, and thrust for the rare chance that they may need to spend time in space.

AR-Lex had a little smile on his face the whole time he watched Lash, and his veterans place the spell script onto the vessels for the Enchanting. Magic was just an ancient science long lost he had said. A science he wished to learn. So Lash force fed him some Occult Lore with his Trainer ability. He knew it was working because he kept getting experience prompts from the sub-skill for Teaching. More and more volunteers started to show up, specifically the reclaimed soldiers. So much so that they had to start building new ships for them. Thankfully they had plenty of pilots!

Alarms rang out! And the altimeter sent out a warning as Vyllith slammed into the deck of the 'ship' and the whole thing exploded! The screen went blank, and a metal seal broke open to reveal the blue sky outside. Vyllith peeked outside to see Lash looking at her with a smirk on his reptilian face. He gestured for her to continue and the metal compartment she was in resealed. She was practicing in a virtual reality simulator to learn how to fly. Along with about a dozen others. Lash had force fed them the skill, but it would be better to have a bit of practice.

“Final count is five hundred, so we'll need twenty ships. The veterans are building the last ones now. We'll have them enchanted by the end of the day. When do you plan to leave?” AR-Lex asked as he walked up to Lash who was watching the VR pods.

“It would be better to leave at night, but we'll wait till that following morning. Let everyone get some rest. Help the reclaimed get some more time to heal.” Lash replied, as he watched Vyllith crash her plane again. He chuckled softly, but turned to give his attention to Lex.

“The council decided to support you. I wont bore you with the details but it was a messy discussion.” AR-Lex said, as he rubbed his forehead. Lash took a moment to cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement on him. The glow of the spell infused into AR-Lex who breathed in a sigh of relief.

“You sure you don't want to come? First wave is always exciting!” Lash asked him. AR-Lex laughed and shook his head.

“No thank you. Maybe if I had my suit I would join. But with out it I'm a mortal man. Unlike Batman I don't jump into fights I can't handle!” AR-Lex replied, mocking the dark knight. He wasn't wrong. Bruce had a tendency to jump into situations outside his pay grade. But he always found a way. Most of the time.

“What if we could build you a suit?” Lash offered, the lights in AR-Lex's eyes lite up.

“It would have to be immune to the machine control meta's. Is that possible?” AR-Lex asked.

“I don't know about immune, but resistant we can work with!” Lash said, and AR-Lex clearly wanted to at least try.

That was one of the bigger issues when fighting against Dex's forces. A majority of the machine control meta's were only E grade. But that was enough, especially when they had augments, and were jacked straight into their suits. They were mobile hot spots of information, and control. They could hack, and take over nearly any device near them. It was also what made the EMP bombs so deadly!

Lash learned through AR-Lex, and dozens of reclaimed soldiers that the EMP bombs used in during the invasions. Were a two step bomb. Several decades worth of technologies helped advance the pulse to leave the 48 hour static charge. But the last step was the most sinister. At the center of the bomb was a cloned brain of a tech-meta. It had a single over riding command built into it. Once the EMP bomb went off, the cloned brains one and only command went through. 'You will not work' was the command the brain gave. That was the real reason everything stayed off! That was also why Lash's solar plant towers worked so well. The magical electrical energy auto repaired the systems and turned off the effect.

It was also the reason that Onna-Bugeisha or Isha was able to get her armor to turn back on. Restore her home base back to normalcy. Because she was a C+ tech-meta that could over ride the effect of the pulse. This information had been shared with his home reality while he was still in Tartarus. Though a lot of the power plants were destroyed except for the renewable ones. They were able to get most of the major cities back up and running, mostly.

One by one all of the pilots were cleared for basic flight. Anyone who wanted more training was welcome to it. Vyllith among others decided to keep training. Lash learned from Dawn that because of his new Domain of Divination it allowed a connection to exist between his Manifestations that didn't exist before. It was one of the passive effects, or cantrips. She reminded him that even if he didn't use the Domain. Simply having it would effect his abilities.

Lash, and AR-Lex made him a practical heavy exoskeleton suit of armor. Lash insisted on putting a helmet on it, and not doing that idiotic comic book armor that exposed Luthor's face. Lash had destroyed, recycled, and dismantled enough of the cyber deck suits to replicate it. Empowering it with magic. It may not be immune, but it would definitely not go quietly into the night. While they built it Lash asked about AR-Lex's life. In this reality he didn't have a sister, his father was a selfish abusive asshole that had an accident. Lash laughed at that, and AR-Lex loosened up a bit when he realized Lash wouldn't judge him for arranging the accident. His mother had died about ten years later, cancer. He was superman's greatest nemesis! Until Dex came along, and then AR-Lex did the smart thing. He discarded his petty rivalry and did what he could to help everyone around him. He didn't care anymore, he just wanted his home back.

“So I have a sister in your world? Mother is still alive? What about...Dad?” AR-Lex asked, as he was sitting inside the exoskeleton. The compartment open, as they did a few last checks on it.

“I believe he met a similar accident as well.” Lash said with a smile, AR-Lex laughed in response to that. “Your sister, and you run the company together. While your mother runs the off the books projects. Lena often helps keep you on the straight and narrow...Most of the time.” Lash said as he finished the last inscription.

“Good... Hopefully he wont make the same mistakes I did.” AR-Lex said with a frown. Then he pushed the thought aside and finished the last check up on the armor. The entire suit closed around him, and the indicators all read green!

“I'm going to go fly this around. Be back in a bit!” AR-Lex said, as magnetic coils popped out of the armor and he flew off into the air with out another word. Lash had meant to keep the mood positive, but he assumed he only reminded AR-Lex of what he didn't have. Smooth.

Foresight activated a little to later. But Danger Sense did not go off. So Lash was caught by surprise as a blur of blue and red slammed into him at high speeds! Lash was catapulted into the deck of the ship in surprise. But didn't attack as he realized who it was. He reached out and wrapped his arms around Kara...His Kara from his home reality.

“Hello! Are you finished with training already?” Lash asked, as he looked at Kara who beamed up at him. Lash rose to his feet thanks to this tentacles who pushed off the ground.

Kara Zor-El had worn her Kryptonian justicar uniform that Lash had crafted for her. Navy blue polymer suit, with red armored plates, and gold highlights. The house of El symbol on the front in the shape of an 'S', along with a full face helmet that was partially retracted currently to reveal her lower half of her face. She had chosen to keep her disguise a secret even though on this side every one knew who Supergirl was. Lash would have to check on the security at the Watch Tower for Rift sharing information. Kara had wrapped her arms around Lash and beamed up at him.

“Yes! I finished the basic course and have been helping fight off the invasion since. You can not imagine how frustrating it was to be stuck on that island while the world went crazy. But Diana convinced me not to leave with out finishing basic. She said I would hurt more than I would help. After showing me several examples I agreed. Though Kory, and M'ghan did leave early since they had been trained on their powers for far longer then me!” Kara said, pouting slightly. Lash knew she was just being playful. She would be serious when she needed to be.

“Have you met your other self yet?” Lash asked, and the smile vanished from Kara's face. She let go of him and stepped back.

“I have... I tried talking to her about what happened. But... We are so different, me and her. We've lived two separate lives. The Danvers family, National City....Dex!” Kara said through gritted teeth as she said the mans name.

“I want to help her, Wraith. I...Just don't know how to.” Kara said, she looked up at his eyes. He stepped forward and swallowed her in a hug.

“I've missed you.” Lash said softly, she laughed and hugged him back.

“Agent Wraith?” Tula had walked up and called out, looking confused and all be it a little nervous at the sight of Supergirl. Lash let go of Kara, and turned to look at Tula, Kara did the same.

“Tula, this is Supergirl. Supergirl from my reality.” That little distinction made the world of difference apparently. Tula smiled, and greeted Kara.

“We are ready to leave.” Tula said, Lash looked up at the sky and noticed it was turning blue. The night had come and gone. He looked at his Clock and smiled. How did he lose track of time so easily? He had a clock built into him now.

“Where are you going?” Kara asked, not willing to leave him just yet.

“We are doing recon on Hawaii. The military base where the Rift into our reality is located. Well recon, and attack. But recon first!” Lash said with a smile, as Kara giggled at him.

“May I come?” Kara clearly wanted to come, but would accept it if he said no. Lash couldn't think of a reason not to have her along so he agreed. She did a little cheer, and bounced around in excitement. Tula's expression was delightful, she hadn't seen such an enthusiastic Supergirl in a long time.

They were ready! The troops climbed into the gun ships. Vehicles were mounted, gear was stowed. The cargo doors slowly closed, and they took off. One by one the gun ships all activated their magitek stealth fields and winked out of existence. Thankfully the IFF (Identification, friend or foe) was working. One by one they slipped past the spell shield around the island and flew west! Surprisingly, and thankfully! Vyllith, and Kara got along. Vyllith was piloting the gun ship that Lash was on, along with Kara, and the troops aboard. They talked about Tartarus, and the long campaign to kill the barons of hell. Vyllith was a lot like Koriand'r, Lash realized. She didn't have the same social taboos that so many humans would have. She spoken openly about subjects, life in Tartarus, and her role as Lash's hell knight. She never said anything meant to be shocking! But did so anyways, eventually she seem to take joy at making Kara blush, or flustered. Just like Kory!

Lash excused himself and found a seat in the main cargo section. The troops were talking to themselves, Lash's entire gun ship was full of Amazons, and Atlanteans. Though Abigail had asked to ride along he didn't mind. He pulled up several holographic windows, mostly for cosmetics. Then he started to shop on the Dream Store. He didn't call for the book this time. He scrolled through the store, a holographic window in front of him mirrored the movement.

“Show me the recommendations please, Dawn” Lash said softly, barely a whisper for anyone to hear. The store page brought up the recommended skills, powers, spells, traits, and abilities. He found a good spell that he could cast on himself and others.

Congratulations User! For 2 DP you've purchased Acceleration for the Time Domain.

Effect: The User, and those they target can move supernaturally faster, both body and mind. They will move 2x their normal speed for 1 minute.

Effect: Spell naturally increases durability, strength, and perception to compensate.

Congratulations User! For 2 DP Acceleration has evolved into Minor Acceleration.

Effect: The User, and those they target can move supernaturally faster, both body and mind. They will move 3x their normal speed for 5 minutes.

Effect: Spell extends a field to objects, and people. This power does not extend to them, but allows the Accelerated targets to take things with them.

Congratulations User! For 2 DP Personal Time has evolved into Minor Personal Time.

Effect: The User's area of effect has increased to 60 ft. (Chp. 80)

Effect: Spell power increase, magical energy consumption decrease.

Congratulations User! For 2 DP Source Code has evolved into Minor Source Code.

Effect: The User can now adjust the code of reality in most tools, thing, or individual. Close proximity required. The bigger the change, the more energy required.

Lash turned to an Amazon that sat next to him. She looked at him immediately, he asked if he could borrow her armor for a moment. She looked at him in confusion, he attached his tentacle to her and brought up Source Code. He saw the synchronized data of the armor itself. He keyed into the orichalcum of the suit of armor and increased the mineral amount. It took nearly all of his energy, but the ori in the suit of armor went up by 3%. Cool! Though he had to quickly adjust the spell script on her armor before it overloaded. It was not weighted for that much.

Next he went to an Atlantean and upped the blood percentage of the homo-magi in them. He was able to increase it by 1.3% with the energy he had left. Oh this was going to be nice! The sorcery tattoos on the Atlantean surged with power. But the soldier was able to bring it back under control. He felt stronger then ever. A 1% increase can do a lot of amazing things under the right circumstances. After a few more experiments Lash took his seat again. The gun ships had just flown over what use to be Cuba. But was nothing more than toxic waste dump. Thanks to some adjustments from AR-Lex they no longer emitted a 'Omega Energy' level from the spell script. Lash had felt incredibly foolish when he realized his mistake. But his Crafting, and Enchanting had got a massive influx of experience when they made the change.

Then Lash saw something horrible! The modules in the store had gotten a price jump. Before E grade modules were 4 DP. Now they were 10 DP!? It seemed the whole store got 'rebalanced'. Thankfully any module he had purchased already automatically upgraded with the new station. He made a note to buy an engine, and turret module. Since the Watch Tower had four cylinders now. Maybe if he earned enough DP he could just jump to D grade when he got back? Shipyard modules were in the D grade. Or course he still needed to clear out the moon, and set up the terraform process. Bleh, so much to do!

Congratulations User! For 2 DP Eldritch Blast has evolved into Minor Eldritch Blast.

Effect: The User has the power and ability to generate and fire a concentrated beam of pure chaotic magical mystical energy at an opponent, or a shot burst.

Effect: Shot bursts have partial targeting adjustments, allowing for semi guidance.

Effect: Spell power increase, magical energy consumption decrease.

Congratulations User! For 2 DP you've purchased Eldritch Mind spell/trait for the Chaos Domain.

Effect: The inner workings of the User's mind differ greatly from what could be considered "normal" or "sane" by the standards of most living things. This condition has several beneficial effects, as the differences between the mind of the user and normal people give them immunity to mental or dream based powers of all kinds. Powers such as Telepathy or Mind Control will at best, not work on the user, and at worst, backfire.

Effect: Beneficial, and or positive effects may still work. Example: Pack Bond.

Lash had wanted to evolve the Eldritch Mind to minor but it cost 100 DP to buy. Wow, that was a price jump! But since it granted near immunity from mind control just with the standard trait. Made him wonder what the evolved versions could do. Lash looked through the store for a few more minutes then closed it down. The gun ships flew over what remained of Mexico. Unlike Cuba Mexico was functional. Holographic windows displayed what was around the gun ship, and beneath it. Dex's people were attempting to plant genetically engineered trees to soak up the radiation. It was odd seeing a perfectly symmetrical forest. But Lash could appreciated the necessity of it.

“Thirty minutes until Alpha squad is released!” Lash called out, connected to all of the gun ships. Confirmations were sent back.

Alpha was anyone that could survive underwater. They would be dropped, Lash included miles from the island of Hawaii's main island. The island chain has been converted into a large military base. Gone was the resort, sandy beaches, and clear water. Every square inch had been turned into a structure of steel, concrete, and military establishment. It was incredibly fortified from outside interference, and inside attack. Currently the only reality access was Lash home reality. The other two realities who had been conquered had their primary Rifts moved back to the main land. The water itself was a natural defense. Since the radiation levels here were far greater then near Themyscira. Team Alpha had to have their combat suits adjusted to take it with out any negative effects.

One by one the gun ships slipped under the waters surface with barely a ripple thanks to Nature's Passage across their hulls. The gun ships had to suddenly slow down as they saw the defenses around the island chain. Millions of aquatic mines had been placed in the ocean. It looked as though the mines would be deactivated only in a specific route for when supply ships came in. As no air travel was allowed unless with specific orders.

“Well looks like we are getting wet a little early!” Lash said with a smile, a few people cheered and the under watch hatch in the main bay opened up.

Lash jumped through first, and was soon joined by hundreds of Atlanteans, and a few meta-humans with water powers. Lash established a Temporary Pack Bond with everyone in the recon team. He adjusted his shape with Adaptation, and Transformation. Gills grew along his neck, fins down his arms, legs, back, and tail. Partial webbing on his hands and feet. Once he was finished, Kaldur, and Tula joined him.

This was complete overkill. Alpha team skimmed along the bottom of the ocean only to discover the mines had been buried into the ground as well. Lash sent a pulse of Nature and found out that they were dug as far as 50 feet down the whole way towards the island. Lash carefully swam up to one of the mines and used the title effect of Universal Programmer (Chap. 27). The bomb was super excited to meet him!

“Hello! Hello! Who are you!? Can I explode now!?” The mine asked.

“No! Not yet! No....Hello.” Lash replied through the link, as he told everyone to back up.

“Hello! Who are you? Hay everyone there are people here!” The bomb shouted to its kin.

“People! I like people! Can we explode now!?”

“Yay! Explosions! I want to explode!”

“Wait! Are they enemies or friends, we aren't suppose to explode if friends come by!”

“I think they are friends! This one seems nice!” The bomb speaking to Lash said.

“Yes! We are friends! But I am so forgetful! Can you tell me the pass code so we can all move pass through you with out harm?” Lash asked politely.

“Oh ya sure! Its X-Ray, Charlie, 0-2-4. Or! Its Zeta, Red, Omega 2-4-1-6 for the immediate explosion of every one of us in the whole ocean! Or, F-U-C-K Beta O-F-F. To shut us all down! I like when that happens, because we all get to take a nap!” The bomb replied. Lash quickly entered the code for the full shut down.

“YAY! Nap time!” The bombs shouted in glee and all turned off.

'What did you do?' -Tula asked across the link. Astonished at the sight of all the mines shutting down.

'I politely asked them all to shut down.' -Lash replied with a laugh.

Lash sent the shut down codes to the gun ships just in case. Of course what Lash didn't know, but it would only make sense is that when the whole mine field shut down an alarm went off on the island. The entire mine field went offline! Every attempt to turn them back on failed. The entire base scrambled into action. They were able to get a single message back to the main land about the incident before something started to jam their instruments. Omega energy levels were detected as Lash had sent Virtual Intelligence tech spirits into their systems once he was close enough.


Z-N-163 had always been a good soldier. He never missed a reconditioning. He always worked hard, always studied any materials he could get his hands on. He tried his best to absorb as much information as he could that was recommended for promotion. Military history was a fascinating subject. Learning about the wars that happened before the Unification was enlightening to say the least. One specific point in history reminded him of today. D-Day on the beaches of Normandy. Why? Because hundreds upon hundreds of reptilian creatures were rushing the beach head. Along with tiny gremlin creatures who had a unhealthy obsession with fire!

163, along with the rest of his unit were on the first firing line. They didn't even need to aim! They just held down the trigger and fired their rifles until they ran out of ammo. Pop the clip, reload, and fire again down the center section of the beach. The problem was the reptilian soldiers had armor, and some kind of shield. Along with energy blasts that seem to destroy anything it touched. His squad leader kept calling for orders but all they got was static.

“If you would like to make a call, please hang up and try again. If you would like to surrender, please throw down your weapon, kneel, and put your hands behind your head.” A soothing voice came over the communication line.

163 wasn't sure why, but he really, really wanted to listen to the voice. Something compelled him to. He could feel the bio-chip in his head, along with his augments forcing him to keep firing. But one by one he saw his fellow soldiers throw their weapons down. Many struggled to pick them back up, but couldn't move. 163 simply let go of his weapon, just in time for a giant reptile man to swing a blue energy blade into him. It was one of the most painful experiences in his whole life, 163 admitted. But as he dropped to the ground and went into convulsions. He noticed the reptile men moved past them. They weren't killing anyone?

An earth shattering roar rang out across the entire encampment. From 163's point of view he saw this massive creature explode from the water. It looked like the reptile men on steroids. Once he saw it, his heads up display sent him a code he had never seen before. Omega Red target? What the hell was that? Then the eerie whispers started, like some one turned on a H.P. Lovecraft best hits. Then people started to scream. Then they heard a voice.

“Oh sorry, didn't know that worked on all of you!” Said the giant titan of scales and armor. The voices thankfully stopped, but all 163 really wanted to do was curl up with a good book in his bunk.


A festival of blood! Well...a festival! Since Saurian was trying to not kill anyone. Supergirl flew above them and bashed through the varies bunkers, and turrets aiming at the beach. The gun ships sprayed hydro cannon shots at the different installments across the main island. Though they soon broke off once they deployed all of their troops, and land vehicles. The other islands were deploying helicopters of their own. The no fly zone had been lifted by the commander of the military installation.

The Saurus Warriors sprinted out of the water. Climbing the cliffs, and walls thanks to Gravity Stride. Many of them dove into the ground with Earth Swim. By passing doors, and kill boxes in the different hall ways. Saurian had a mass area of effect Compulsion. Trying to force the soldiers to surrender. The blue Psionic Blades were incredibly painful, but all they did was incapacitate them with a shock! Saurian roared, and used Rallying Call. His warriors roared in response, and several reclaimed soldiers cheered.

Saurian bull rushed through the whole complex sprinting to a specific target. The Rift portal complex. His tech spirits were quick to work on stopping all forms of communication, and were disrupting any and all automatic defenses. Storm clouds rushed over the island chains, and a light rain began to fall. Which was a welcome sight for all of the Atlanteans. As they used their Water Manipulation to create weapons, armor, and summoned creatures.

Tula was amazing as she summoned a giant leviathan made of water. While Kaldur rode along with her, shielding her with his hard water shield, and armor. Compressed water shot, and cut through layers of concrete, and steel with ease. While Amazons worked together as unit to take down larger targets. Their enchanted spell crafted weapons cut through Dex's forces like butter. Saurian jumped into the air and pounced on a mobile-FU-tank that was stationed on the island. The armor was slightly dented but intact. Saurian raked his claws through the armor and blasted the entire inside with blue Psionic energy. Then shut the tank down with Technomancy.

He reached the crest of the mountain and jumped through the earth. Swimming through the stone and dirt as if it was water. Deep into the very active volcano he found the chamber. Dex had created a machine that allowed them to tap into the never ending energy of the magma tunnels. Saurian would assume the original User got the blue print from the Dream Store. Next to contraption channeling the lava, was the Rift chamber. Designed to be submerged in lava if a reality ever broke through.

Saurian swam through the chamber and deactivated...Well he ripped the hinges off to prevent the flooding from happening. That was when he found out that Hellfire Resistance made normal magma seem like a hot bath. Once that was done he used Earth Swim, and Material Shaping to melt his way through the solid wall of metal surrounding the Rift chamber. One of his tech spirits sent him a data log with who was responsible as the Rift commanders. Eh! Well that is interesting.

Saurian burst from the wall from the north and all the automated weapons in the whole room swiveled to fire onto his position! Each one controlled by a tech-meta. As soon as be breached the room he cast Demon Summoning. Many of his demon soldiers were still up top, but every one that had died were be called to here. A man sized demonic gremlin with melted armor, and a automatic rifle burst into being along with little over a hundred others. They squealed in delight and starting to attack the turrets.

“FOR THE OVER LORD!” The gremlin creatures called! Several of the gremlin creatures pulled the pins on their grenades and suicide bombed themselves onto the soldier emplacements. What did they care? They would just re spawn in the pocket hell any way!

Saurian pulled himself the rest of the way through the wall. He rushed towards the command structure inside the massive room as soldiers, robots, and turrets shot him with everything they had. Deflection only redirecting little less than half. Regeneration, Damage Resistance, and True Body were prompting with huge amounts of experience. Saurian touched each Rift once, and established a connection with them. Thanks to his Rift spells. Then his tentacles shot Eldritch Blast and sliced through the turrets.

A group of gremlins rushed into the command center with explosive strapped to themselves with maniacal glee! The command center soon exploded in a shower of glass, and chaotic energy. The Rifts flickered for a brief moment. Saurian quickly used Fabrication, and Alteration. Connecting them to the main power source. He then looked at the different Rifts and found the Alpha. He jumped through it with a smile on his face.


“Commander! Something is coming through the Rift!” The officer in the command center said to AR-John. They weren't expecting any supplies today, nothing was on the schedule. Had something happened?

AR-John went to the window to look at the Rift. With in moments the arrival in question appeared. A giant reptilian creature! Omega Red warnings were fired off across the whole base. The creature roared, the sound wave cascaded through the whole complex shattering windows everywhere. A burst of Omega Energy went through the stealth field, and above the planet an invisible structure started to move into position above Canada.

“Surrender! Or suffer!” The creature called out! More than half of the command crew dropped to their knees. While the others started to scream, and ran around the room trying to silence the whispers in their heads. AR-John had dreamed of being rescued. But it didn't involve a creature straight out of a horror movie!

AR-John slammed a big red button in the command tower. An alarm blared across the whole complex as the base burst into action like an ant hill. Only for another terror to arrive shortly after the alarm went off. A red targeting beam fell from the sky, right above one of their stealth fields. Then the night turned into day, as the ion cannon destroyed the stealth generator. With in seconds dozens of spring jumps activated. There standing on the edges of the base was the Justice League.

“Well fuck....” AR-John said.

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