
***Alternate Reality, New Gotham***

New Gotham was considered the birthplace of Rofl Dex, so it was given the attention it deserved for birthing the worlds great emperor. The entire city had been built from the ground up at the request of the Emperor Dex. For the first time in the cities entire history, crime was almost none existent. All it took is every man, woman, and child to give up their freedom's. To be nothing more than brain boxed slaves to the emperor. Gotham looked like a simulated ant colony, full of movement, and a uniformed chaos. It kept its twisting towering structures that it was known for. But swept clean, shiny, and new. But if one was born there before it was remade there was still a lot of the old city there. Underneath it all, just like the city Chicago. New Gotham had a maze of catacombs underneath it.

Something was different today, something had been different all week. Martial law had been established not only in New Gotham, but across the entire Empire. Rofl was pushing his armies in all directions looking for anything, and anyone. There was an emotion in the air, palpable, and sweet. Fear, the emperor was afraid of something? A man wrapped in tattered body suit, and worn out clothes watched a legion of robotic units march down main street. A soft chime went off in his ear, time was up. He broke cover but stuck to the shadows and raced along the roof tops.

Like a talented acrobat he maneuvered in mid flight to off set his center of gravity as he reached out and caught a ledge. One advantage of the whole city being rebuilt is that the ledges could take his weight now. He jumped from hand hold to hand hold. Then jumped off another ledge, and pulled out a wing shoot for some simple base jumping. The wind whipped past his face, letting him remember a different time, and place. He shot out a magnetic cable that attached to a wall as he swung around a corner. He disconnected the line and landed in an alleyway, quiet as the wind.

“Nightwing.” Said another shadow, a man just as tall and lean as the former boy wonder.

“Red Robin.” Nightwing replied, as he looked at his counterpart. They both wore the tattered remains of their uniforms, and wrapped up in simple clothing to help maintain there disguise.

“Then there were three.” Red Hood stepped from the shadows, out of all of them he was the most put together.

Nightwing was approximately 5'10” with blue eyes partially hidden behind his torn mask, with scruffy black hair in need of a haircut. He had an athletic figure, though he looked like he may need a few weeks of R&R. His body suit was a combination of black, and navy blue. The blue in the design of a bird of prey across his chest. He leaned over and pulled off a man hole cover, one of the remaining few in the city. The three of them slipped through the hole, and he recovered it up. Following his people through the shadows of the sewers.

Red Robin took an immediate right, as Night Wing went straight, and Red Hood went left. Red Robin was silent as a shadow. He was approximately 5'6” with blue eyes just like Night Wing, and black hair that was cut close to his head. Despite their lack of resources Red Robin maintained a groomed look. But unlike the rest of his brothers he had bags under his eyes from restless nights looking through information. His body suit was a combination of red, black, and highlights of yellow. He kept his athletic figure, but just like Nightwing could use some R&R.

Red Hood, raced through the sewers and jumped over a fallen pipe, and went across a nexus point of the different sewer lines. Somethings change, others things stay the same. Despite New Gothams face lift, the underground remained the same rotting corpse it always was. Red Hood was 6' even, with blue eyes (Lots of blue eyes) and black hair. But none one would know it with his red metallic skull mask on. He wore a combination of black motorcycle gear, and a body suit. With a red bird of prey across his chest. Along with so many guns, bombs, and knives that a human being could carry.

The three of them split up, but within an hour they all met up again. They all nodded at each other but kept silent. They turned, and went back to back with one another up against a nearby wall. Unremarkable by all accounts, but it was a wall they had all agreed upon none the less. All three heard a chime in their ears. A pool of shadow stretched off the wall, crawled across the ground just beneath their feet. The three of them were swallowed by the shadow. When next they opened their eyes they were in a deeper, rougher area of New Gotham. One that hadn't been touched by man in many years.

They once again split up in different directions. The shadow disappearing into the darkness. After several minutes of going in circles they met up again at inconspicuous wall. The shadow revealed itself again, and swallowed them whole. Only to reappear in a empty carved out of the stone room. All three of them heard another chime, and the wall next to them opened up. As if the very earth was alive. Behind the wall was Terra.

“Hello boys, right on time.” Terra said with a smirk as she gestured them in. The three men, and shadow moved into the new tunnel that Terra had created. The shadow grew from the floor and turned into a man.

Terra was 5'1” with blond hair, and blue eyes in a dark gray uniform with earth tones highlighting her figure. She like the rest of them had a strong athletic figure in desperate need of some R&R. She used her terrakinetic powers to seal the hole. Then with expert manipulation and practiced lifted the stone that they all stood on and transported them back home. While she also collapsed the tunnel behind them. Leaving no trace of their arrival, or departure.

The man who grew from the shadow was known has Shade. He wore a well worn, but tailored made suit, including a top hat, and cane. He had pale skin, and stood approximately at 6'2” with gray eyes, and messy black hair. He was rail thin, and looked like he needed ten hours of un interrupted sleep. But he was one of the few ways in and out of the resistance home base, and was always on call. All four of them took this brief moment of respite to sit down and relax while Terra drove the rock home.

They reached the end of the line to hit a dry stone wall. Only for it too to open up thanks to another terrakinetic. They all walked through the new door, and collapsed the old one. There at last they were back home. Home, was an old underground freshly carved cavern of immense size. With honey comb sections cut out of the wall to maintain structural integrity. Massive pillars of stone connected from the ceiling to the floor. Crystals glowed giving off ambient light much akin to twilight as the sun would set, or rise. The temperature was a crisp 62 degrees fahrenheit (16.6 celsius). With a small chance of showers from the resident weather manipulator.

All five of them were escorted by armed guards to a bio scanner, and a telepath. They were checked up and down for any new augmentations, bio mechanical or otherwise. Along with any brainwashing. Security was no joke in the resistance HQ, as this was the third base they had, the other two had to be left behind because they grew lax in security. Once all five of them were cleared they were released to do as they wished. Though Nightwing, Red Robin, and Red Hood all went straight to the council chambers to make their report.

They waited in a antechamber along with several other teams that had made it back from different districts, and burrows. With any a single word shared between the teams they all had the same conclusion. Something had happened, what was it? When the doors finally opened they were brought in to the council chamber. The senior members of the resistance for this specific cell. But a sight for sore eyes in the middle of the chamber was a water mirror. A way for Themyscira to talk to them all.

“Welcome back everyone, I am sure you all have a lot to report but we'll save you all some trouble.” Oracle, and or Barbara Gordon said from her wheelchair. Oracle was 5'7” with short red hair, and sharp green eyes. She sat in a fully automated wheelchair that linked to her spine. She gestured for everyone to sit, though her eyes did linger on Nightwing who returned the glance.

“Everyone, it is good to see you again. I have some good news!” Wonder Woman aka Diana Princess of Themysicra said to the council chamber.

“One of the alternate realities being invaded by Dex have made contact with us. They have forced Dex's forces to a stalemate. They have also set one of their people to us. Specifically someone of magical origin, that has been blessed by their Themyscira has a brother to the Amazons.” Diana replied, she stood in the reflection of the water mirror.

Her voice had a slight echo to it. Her words were a great surprise to the whole room. Over a dozen people broke out in brief whispers, and a few others stay silent waiting for the rest of the information to be shared. Two people to be specific, Batman who sat off to the side, and Ra's al Ghul. Both men sat on direct opposite sides of the council chamber room. While Talia al Ghul sat next to Batman. Their son Damian sat next to Ra's.

“The one known has Agent Wraith, of the United Nations World Security, and Justice League International. Has given us blue prints, and 12 automated surgery pods designed to remove the Bio-Chip, and cybernetic augments from any that have been brain boxed by Dex. I am happy to report that every one of friends have had their chips removed, and are all recovering now.” Diana said, and a breath of fresh air filled the council chamber. Several people smiled, and others cheered.

“He has also given us a Rift key, to establish a connection to his home reality. We have been informed that our reality vibrates at a faster pace compared to his. For every six days for us, is one day for his home reality. But...” Diana let the words hang in the air as she looked at the council chamber. Everyone nodded in understanding. They had been tricked before.

“Where is this...Agent Wraith? We would very much like to speak to him.” Said a smooth, and cultured voice of Ra's. The council chamber all nodded in agreement. Diana's face remained mostly neutral, but to anyone who knew her they could see she had a pained expression.

“Agent Wraith...Is currently on mission for us, specifically Themyscira.” Diana said, her eyes went hard. She had said Themyscira, which meant it was not her decision. Ra's eyes went hard, as he stroked his salt and peppered beard.

“Wonder Woman, can you tell us what the mission is?” Oracle asked the question that everyone wanted to know. Then a voice called out from the water mirror. A voice no one expected, and few welcomed.

“He went to Tartarus to retrieve a treasure for the Amazons.” Superman's voice called out. The water mirror expanded to include Superman, and Supergirl standing off to the side, under guard by Amazons, and meta-humans. The whole council chamber burst into a chorus.

“ORDER!” With a shout, and slam of his fist Batman shouted and the whole room went quiet just as quickly as it started. Batman, the ever critical thinker turned to the water mirror. More specifically Diana who lifted her lass of truth, and nodded.

“Welcome back Clark, Kara.” Batman said, in his cold indifferent voice. But they both nodded back to him.

“Tartarus, forgive me Highness but isn't that the part of the underworld where the worst of the worst go?” Ra's asked, as he turned to Diana. A few peoples eyes went wide at that.

“Yes, apparently he's done it before.” Diana admitted, though it looked like she had bit into something sour. Ra's noted the expression, and looked around the room. Expecting someone to follow up, attempting to be polite.

“How long has he been gone?” Talia asked.

“About a month....Back in his reality it apparently took a year.” Diana said, as she looked back at Clark who nodded in confirmation.

“How do we know he is even alive?” Talia asked the hard question. Diana took out a life jewel, it contained a single drop of blood from Wraith. Despite its dim color, it was still glowing. All of the magical council members understood and explained to the whole room.

“So, the question we have now is. Do we trust him and open the Rift to his reality? Or wait for his return, then open the Rift?” Talia said to the council.

“Let us discuss the pro's and con's of each then put it to a vote.” Ra's said, as he looked around the council chambers. Everyone nodded in agreement.


***Alternate Reality, Tartarus***

Lash fucking hated Tartarus. He had forgotten how big the place was. Since there was no night or day here, and as long as he properly fed on a soul he would lose track of time real quick. Thankfully before he had left the castle town he bought a very simple tool from the store. A clock!

Congratulations User! You've obtained the in dream Clock!

Clock: Shows the time of the current reality.

Congratulations User! Clock has evolved into Minor Clock

Minor Clock: Shows the date and time of the current reality. Shows the date and time of your home reality.

For a grant total of three DP. However something had clearly happened in the month he had been away because his DP jumped by 50 points a few days ago. Of course it may have been his effect on Tartarus? He was currently marching across the barren wasteland of Tartarus days away from the castle town of Dia Nyx the Lady Baroness. Turns out that once you leave the area directly controlled by one of the lords of hell. The landscape changes! The Baron he was currently attacking had decided Tartarus would look better as a swamp. Twisted trees, gnarled roots, serrated grass, with will-o-wisps floating around. Of course the current landscape was just fine for Lash personally. Druids have power even in hell, or at least he did.

Congratulations User! Basic Manifestation has evolved into Intermediate Manifestation.

Saurus Warriors total number is 400, they can now use all Skills, Powers, and Spell Domains E grade and lower.

Saurus Veterans total number is 40, they can now use all Skills, Powers, and Spell Domains D grade and lower.

Saurus Elites total number is 4, they can now use all Skills, Powers, and Spell Domains C grade and lower.

Manifestation: Energy consumption has decreased, power, and range has increased. All manifested conjurations are more intelligent, and geared.

Geared, that was the important part to the update in the spell. His Saurus Warriors use to wear a combination of tribal bone, leather, and metal. Now they wear magitek armor, with a bit of bone. But the bone armor is mostly ceremonial. He had 200 warriors moving through the swamp currently, with 5 veterans, and 1 elite. All of them using some variant form of Plant Control. Each one of them in magitek armor, each one using a combination of cold, and hot weapons. Watching a monster like demon get shredded by Consecrated enchanted bullets was a sight to behold.

Next to Lash was Vyllith standing in full magitek armor. A gift from Lash. Before they had left the castle town Lash had pulled Vyllith aside in a private room. Vyllith despite the sudden career change took it in stride. The moment he had left the court chambers he had told her the deal was signed and she belonged to him. One of the first things he did was name her a Daemonic Knight, as a baron he was allowed to have 10 hell knights.


Vyllith had shivered with anticipation when she found out what he had planned for her. He placed his clawed hands on her head and granted her the title of Knight. Her body changed slightly gaining muscles, and bone density. She went from 5'9” to 6' even. Her body gained muscle definition with chiseled muscles. Two black horns grew along the crown of her head just below her hair line. The horns out, and back by a few inches. She also sported several tattoos that grew across her form. The tattoo looked like a tribal demon tattoo that was symmetrically drawn down her back, and the tips of it wrapped around to her front.

The dress Lash had given her was now tight, and left very little to the imagination. So he had her take it off carefully, along with the shoes that didn't fit, and the leather an chain BDSM outfit. There was a brief moment that Vyllith had thought Lash was going to have sex with her. But he dismissed that thought quickly as he began to make her gear. Couldn't have his knight running around by his side naked on the battle field. Vyllith stood off to the side as she watched him make the gear in the private room they had been given in the castle.

Like he had done for Kara, Kory, and Megan so many times in their travels before. He had Vyllith make a T-pose and he painted on the gear. Choosing a similar polymer blend that most JLI members obtain from the Watch Tower. Then he chose a design akin to magitek armor. Much like knight armor, but a bit more flexibility and utility. By the time he was finished it looked a lot like Daedric armor from the Elder Scrolls games. While the helmet granted Vyllith a magical/virtual interface.

Last but not least, Lash submitted to Erik's whims and granted Vyllith a whip blade for her primary weapon. A long sword, that when primed would extend out and become a 10 foot long whip with blade segments. While Lash put an electromagnetic sub-machine gun in her right forearm gauntlet. While her left got a shotgun, and he gave her a shoulder mounted gun that would pop out of her armor when needed.

With a single thought, Vyllith had collapsed her helmet. The entire piece broke apart into pieces and merged into her collar. She looked herself over with a savage gleam in her eyes. She looked at Lash and this time with out being told took a knee and bowed her head. In this brief moment she carved the name Lash, and his partner Saurian into her heart. If she wasn't his knight before, she certainly was now. When Lash, and Vyllith had left their guest quarters her new armor was all the rage, and envy in the castle town.


Now, in the swamps of one of the Barons of hell. The new armor was covered in blood, mud, and other questionable things. But Vyllith stayed by Lash side as they slowly moved through the festering swamp lands. Despite its appearance it was more than capable of moving through the swamp unimpeded. Thanks to the Nature's Passage enchantment on it. Lash was sure that this landscape would slow any one else down. But not them.

The lands owned by the Lord of Hell, Xuggarath. Every Lord of Hell knows how to manipulate their shape. Making them talented shapeshifters. Xuggarath decided out of all the different shapes to take. To be a giant slug... Not to dishonor the spirit of slugs in the universe. Slugs were very useful! But from what Lash understood Xuggarath was a giant creature, with festering boils, tumors, open sores. As he left a trail of acidic slime in his wake. He had an open maw that was like a blender that slowly ripped flesh, bone, and souls apart.

Here. -One of the Saurus Warriors called across the telepathic link. Lash, and Vyllith turned towards the call and moved through the swamp with casual grace. As if they had been going for a walk through the park. Vyllith had been connected via Temporary Pack Bond. But she had been linked before through the link between Lord, and Knight. They walked past a few twisted trees to find a Veteran holding at spear point a demonic soldier of Xuggarath.

“Ah! One of the first soldiers of the Baron. All we've encountered so far have been nothing but creatures.” Lash said, as he came to stop before the creature. Just out of arms length. The creature in question looked like a amalgamation of different animals put together. To many limbs, not even mouths. The soldier grinned at him with two of its mouths. While the last one spoke.

“You are trespassing on my lords lands...Why?” The creatures speech was broken, and misshapen. Because one mouth would speak one word, the other mouths would speak the next.

“To kill him. I've accepted a contract from Baroness Nyx to take his head, along with the other two that threaten her rule.” Lash said honestly, as the creature chuckled. Its saliva dripping into the swamp water around it.

“Then you are a fool! My lord will feast on your bones-” Before he could continue Vyllith took out her sword and with an expert flourish her whip blade sliced him into so many pieces.

“Rude...” Was all she said.

“Thank you, Vyllith.” Lash said, she turned to face him. Her helmet hiding her features, but Lash could tell she was smiling at him.

The pieces of flesh fell apart. While the wailing soul of the demon was about to fly away only to pause and rush straight into Lash. Soul Absorption, consumed the demons essence. (Chp. 49) Lash absorbed the broken pieces of memory from the demonic soldier. He obtained a brief glimpse of the layout of the land around them. There was an outpost to the west of there current location. The moment he knew, the rest of his Manifestation knew, as did Vyllith.

“What a delightful ability you have, Lord Baron.” Vyllith commented, as she shivered in delight at the new information shared across the link.

“Isn't that normal for all hell lords?” Lash asked, as he rejoined his warriors in the march across the swamp.

“Not at all, Lord Baron. Knowledge is power, knowledge is a currency. The more you know, the more influence you have. The fact that you freely share it with me... I thank you for the privilege.” Vyllith said, with a bow of her head before she quickly came to his side.

“I'll keep that in mind. I do hope you understand that information does not leave you with out permission?” Lash said, his eyes glimmering with intensity. Vyllith nodded her head, as if it was a given. But understood why he emphasized it.

While they moved through the swamp, its marsh land pulling itself together to make a reasonable bridge for his forces. Lash stroked his necklace, the physical representation of the mystic dragon. With out saying a word out loud he pulled up the store catalog, and bought the next evolution of Soul Absorption.

Congratulations User! Soul Absorption has evolved into Minor Soul Absorption.

Rebirth Domain Effects: You absorb, consume, and recycle souls that have fallen out of the natural order of life, death, and rebirth. You regain a percentage portion of energy and life depending on the power of the fallen soul. You also gain 2% of the ambient soul knowledge the fallen one had. You also gain 1% of the total experience of the soul absorbed.

Interesting, made Lash curious where the experience would go? He soon got his answer once his group reached the outpost. The outpost was twisted tree surrounded by walls made out of flesh and bone of demons, humans, and other things sent to Tartarus. The wall was partially alive, as in many of the bodies were not dead, and continued to wail in agony. Lash was sure it sounded pleasant to the right crowd. But to him it was just irritating. With out a word his group rushed in. Simple, clean, and fun!

Lash extended his Psionic Blades from his clawed hands. While his tentacles shot spells out left and right to help support his army. Thanks to Parallel Minds, he could do so with ease. Creatures poured out of the gates despite its small size. Lash burrowed into the tide of flesh and bone with a smile on his face. His blades sliced, diced, and made ribbons out of them.

Lash jumped into the air, and spun around crashing his foot into an axe kick crushing a skull. He swept his blades out like a spinning top, sweeping them all in Nth metal energy. Judgment laced into the weapons. The Grave Domain magic acted like caustic poison to the creatures he cut through. He ducked under the axe of a larger creature, and disemboweled it. Spilling its intestines out with a scream. The acidic touch of Judgment burning his blood vessels. The creature screamed and attempted to grab at Lash. With his bladed tail Lash swept the creature side ways cutting it in half. Lash moved on.

Vyllith was by his side through the tide of creatures. Her blade whip spinning about her in an artful ribbon dance. She jumped through the field like a ballet dancer at a festival, at each moment of reprieve she lift her left hand up and activated the shotgun in her arm. BOOM! The scatter shot would rip through several demons. She jammed her heel into the skull of a soldier breaking bone. She jumped up, spun around shattering the things spine, and twirled her whip around slicing through skin, flesh, and bone.

The Saurus Warriors, Veterans, and the single Elite were not idle. They waded into the combat with glee, and famished eyes. As if it had been days since they last tasted battle. They split into teams with uniformed precision. A spear point vanguard upfront, while those on the sides sprayed spell shot straight into the incoming forces. Many of the spears they carried collapsed into magitek rifles. They shot the vital points of the demons. Which for them was mostly their joints. Given most didn't have simple heads, or eyes. While the Elite stood in the middle, as it Psionic blasts of energy. The energy corroded the forces.

Lash ripped and tore his way into the outpost and found a behemoth of a creature in armor. Standing on cloven feet, pig like exterior, and a single gaping eye. It wore crude rusted metal, and a meat cleaver in its main hand. Has tall, and wide as itself. It roared defiantly at Lash. Lash bowed politely in response and rushed towards it.

The creature swung its meat cleaver wide. Lash jumped up in the air, and used Personal Time to lightly touch down on the cleavers blade, and jumped off of it. Leaving the area of effect. To the outside perspective it was like Lash perfectly timed the jump. Lash jumped straight to the wide eyed creature and scissor cut his blades out. Decapitating the creature with a single attack. He three pointed landed behind the creature. Then stepped to the side as the giant corpse fell backwards. Before he could rejoin the battle he got a prompt.

Attention User! You have claimed a military outpost. Do you wish to give it to Baroness Dia Nyx?

Yes? [ ]

No? [ ]

Lash was surprised but made a mental command to grand Nyx the outpost. The entire area shuddered, and all the remaining demons in the area that belonged to Xuggarath burst into flame! They wailed in agony as their flesh burned. While their souls floated into the sky, they made a gradual attempt to fly inland before they shuddered and were pulled straight towards Lash thanks to Soul Absorption. Lash went stock still as Daemonic Heritage gained vast amounts of experience.

Attention User! You have killed, and absorbed the soul of a Knight belonging to Xuggarath.

Lash raised a scaled brow at the prompt and looked at the giant mound of flesh that was already decaying at fast rate. The outpost for what it was decaying around them quickly. The walls of living flesh, and bone fell to pieces. The few creatures alive looked around confused and were quickly killed on the spot. No one sent to Tartarus was a good person. Each soul was absorbed into Lash.

Lash left the remains of the falling outpost and saw a strange sight. From the direction of Dia's land the swamp was dying. Tree's fell over, the swamp water drained, the mud dried into stone. As more time passed the land around them changed to take on the aspect of Dia's land. The gothic architecture, dark night, ziggurats. The infrastructure would take time. But it seemed with every outpost taken her land would grow. Great! Lash was in an RTS now. (Real Time Strategy)

“Vyllith, question for you. Normally when demons die they return to a spawn point. Correct?” Lash asked his knight who soon joined him to watch the change happen.

“That is correct, Lord Baron. It is the main reason why the Baroness has been able to hold her ground this whole time.” Vyllith said, and continued to speak as Lash looked at her for an explanation.

“When demons, and devils die we start from the beginning. There are many spawn points scattered through out the hells. We are born as the lowest of creatures, and have to claw, rip, and tear our way back to the station we had before. Traditionally if you have sworn to a lord, you are spawned in their domain. The Baroness broke tradition in this regard.” Vyllith said, as she stood still for a moment as Lash cast Immaculate on himself, and her.

“The other Lords in Tartarus follow the tradition. While she does not. The moment anyone of her people die. She reclaims them from the spawning point, and begins to train them in earnest. Many of the demonic soldiers you saw were trained from their first breath once they have died.” Vyllith finished, looking at Lash waiting for instruction.

“What about memories?” Lash asked, as they moved in the direction of the next outpost. Gleamed from the memories of the knight.

“Most demons, and devils lose their memories when they die. The stronger you are the more you retain. But its purely fragments. However, with my Lord Baron's power. You have absorbed the demons souls into you. They will not spawn again, which makes you terrifying to any that are your enemy.” Vyllith confessed, but she was not afraid. She was thrilled! Thrilled to be serving the bane of hell.

If Lash was being honest, he didn't really know what happened to the souls he absorbed. Did they rejoin the wheel of reincarnation? Did they just go back to the Dream Engine for recycling? Which he guessed was a form of reincarnation? It was so confusing. He'd have to ask Dawn about it later. If she could even tell him. It sounded like a story thing, something he would have to figure out. But it couldn't hurt to ask.


***Castle Tower, War Room***

Lady Baroness, Dia Nyx. Daughter of Trigon sat at the war table with several of her hell knights. While the others were manning the varies military fronts, and domestic security in her realm. She watched in glee as the map that represented her domain expanded to include another new section of land. The glowing marker for Baron Lash highlighted.

“He is making progress, far faster than expected. Lady Baroness, I understand he signed a contract. But are we sure we can trust him?” A hell knight asked. Dia glared at him, her eyes flaming red. The knight held his ground.

“He wants the Relic. We can assume he will at least kill one, or at least die trying. But, if he succeeds, and chooses to stay and kill the rest. That is when we should be wary of him. Friendship is not something one obtains in hell. It is clear he is after something else.” Dia said to her knight. Impressed that they did not back down when she glared at him.

“Assign a detachment, and start making the outpost as soon as possible. I want an anchor in place before the next rotation is complete.” Dia said, giving orders to her knights. They saluted and left in a hurry. A single knight remained to look over the map with the Baroness.

“Baroness may I speak?” The knight asked, Dia gestured for him to continue.

“We have heard rumors that the Baron is consuming the souls of the fallen. But, the souls of our demons that died near him were still released to our spawn point. Do you believe this is intentional or accidental?” The knight asked, Dia sat back in her chair looking at her knight.

“I think he is a monster. Father and he would have gotten along.” Dia said, her words suggested a fondness. But her expression was acidic.

“Send word to the spawn point, I want to ensure all of our newly spawned are accounted for.” Dia said to her remaining knight who saluted and left quickly.

“Soul Reaver, in hell. How delightfully terrifying.” Dia whispered to herself.


***Primary Reality, Starling City. One Week after Counter Incursion***

Starling City after the first 48 hours of the initial invasion had power with in minutes once the static charge had faded. A little detail that surprised the invasion force to no end. Not only did they have power, they had renewable power. Solar panels, wind turbines, tide generators. This also made the city a natural place of refuge for those outside the city. Starlight City was jam packed full of people all across the state of California that could make it to the city. Which of course brought its own host a bit of problems. Thankfully, the JLI had shown up in force to help reinforce the area. Now, they were desperately calling for more help.

Explosions rocked the whole area, shaking the ground and scattering shrapnel, concrete, and debris into the air. A invasion drop ship flew over using its mounted guns to fire onto the forward positions of the Starling City guard. Only to be shot down by an energy blast from a meta-human. The drop ship crashed into a ruined building. But not before its crew jumped out, and rushed into battle with reckless abandonment. A tech-meta invader in their power armor raced forward. Then a precision arrow shot went straight through its visor and killed them.

A green hood raced from its hiding spot as it was tore apart by bullets, and energy shots. Another arrow went straight into a robotic units left leg joint. It exploded into green freeze foam, swallowing half of the machine. A red hood raced from their location. With out the tech-meta guiding them the robotic units stuck together. One was frozen in place, so they wouldn't move with out each other unless orders were given.

Then a woman with bleach blond hair, and black leather jumped down from a near by roof top. The robotic unit swiveled to fire, but before they could a sonic scream tore through the whole area. Windows shattered, concrete buckled, and the synthetic muscles, wires, and computer chips of the unit buckled apart at the seems. The unit fell to pieces, literally.

Black Canary moved back into the shadows to rejoin her team. Green Arrow, and Arsenal soon arrived at the rendezvous point. The three of them look exhausted, each one breathing heavily, covered in mud, blood, and sweat. Black Canary rubbed her sore throat still not use to her new found meta-powers. A streak of purple lightning zipped over to them to reveal, Rush (Monika) who smiled at them.

“Good news!” Rush said with a brilliant smile that was infectious.

“They've chosen to surrender?” Green Arrow asked, Rush looked chagrined but pushed past it.

“Nope! We got some reinforcements inbound!” Rush said, quickly recovering. Just as she said that a sonic boom rang out across the city. They saw a flying figure bull rush through the invading line. Shooting lasers from their eyes.

“I thought Superman was still in south america?” Arsenal said, as he watched the quick devastation take place.

“He is! That is the alternate reality Superman. The Rift was opened up a few days ago!” Rush said with a cheshire grin.

“Is Wraith back?” Black Canary asked.

“Ummm, No. He is still doing his thing in hell.” Rush said, her smile wilted and she looked sad.

“I'm sure he'll be fine.” Green Arrow said, as he straightened his shoulders.

“Over watch you online?” Green Arrow asked.

“Standing by!” Felicity's voice chimed over the radios.

Team Arrow got back to work, with the help of Rush. They linked up with AR-Superman, and the rest of the JLI that were stationed in the city. The citizens of the city were confused as to why Superman looked so different, but they weren't going to complain about having the man of steel defending their home. Despite the hardship the city had been suffering they oddly stayed together when the were invaded by the invading military. Many of them not understanding it was a foreign force from another reality.

One small thing that helped unit the whole city were the effigies of Wraith scattered through out the city. The citizens soon learned that the attacking military hated the effigies with a passion. The JLI members that the citizens spoke to confessed that Wraith had played an important part in the counter attack. He was also the main reason why the JLI was able to mobilize so easily. Because Wraith had prepared for it, along with the rest of the League. More than once the citizens of Starlight City had their nights turn into day for brief moments has the ion cannon from the Watch Tower lite up the invading forces. Wraith had apparently built the cannon.


***Alternate Reality, Tartarus***

A deafening crack of thunder rang out across the firing line. As the tank shot a blue electrical line from its barrel. A gauss tank barrel, or a rail gun simple purposes shot straight at Xuggarath's capitol city. Then another, and another. Lash stood off to the side, using an obstruction glamour to block the crack of each shot. Half way through the campaign he was struck with a sudden thought. Why didn't he just make an armored convoy instead of walking? So, he did!

Using part of the design for the mobile-FU-tank that Dex had made. He crafted three monster tanks. The size of two city buses side by side, and the same length. With a rail gun on the turret, and heavy machine guns mounted on the body of the tanks. The treads were treads, and wheels, with a bladed front to rip and tear through enemy forces.

More frequent, but no more deafening than the tank shots was a firing line of Saurus Veterans with electromagnetic sniper rifles. 20 in total, being guarded by Warriors with assault rifles. Vyllith had practically begged Lash to make her one, so he did and was currently instructing her on how to use it. They had plenty of targets as the city was attempting to rush to their position. But were being cut down as quickly as they came.

The entire land was nothing but swamp, until you got to the town. Then there were several miles of nothing but grass. Tactically it made sense to clear out the area around the town so they identify targets before they arrived. But in Lash's case it was a huge mistake. Because they were still in the swamp, firing from tree cover straight at the city.

Missile pods popped out of the tanks bunkers and shot down the flying creatures that attempted to fly down and tear them apart. Most of Lash's magical energy was supplying his Manifestations, and using Infinite Supply to feed the ammunition of his people. So he just watched in mild amusement as the great battle between Lords of hell was simplified. For some reason he could feel that his Cosmic Patron was both pleased by his ingenuity, and displeased at the anticlimactic fight.

One of the tanks deployed stationary clamps that bolted itself into the ground. The clamps leveled the tank out, and lifted it slightly up in the air so the tank was perfectly level. The rail gun was switched out for a long barrel. That pointed up, and shot a massive shell up and above the city where the shell exploded in mid air and scattered Consecrated shrapnel straight onto the city. All the while hundreds of demonic souls flew into Lash's body to be absorbed.

Congratulations User! Minor Soul Absorption has evolved into Basic Soul Absorption.

Rebirth Domain Effects: You absorb, consume, and recycle souls that have fallen out of the natural order of life, death, and rebirth. You regain a percentage portion of energy and life depending on the power of the fallen soul. You also gain 3% of the ambient soul knowledge the fallen one had. You also gain 2% of the total experience of the soul absorbed.

Congratulations User! Daemonic Heritage, Baron has evolved into Daemonic Heritage, Viscount.

Effect: You have obtained one of the lower ranks of Hellish Nobility. This grants you passive dominion over lesser demons, and devils. As long as they do not serve something, or someone higher than yourself.

Effect: The User is granted 100% resistance to hell taint, and corruption. 10% full immunity.

Effect: The User may now have up to 20 Hell Knights.

Congratulations User! You have slain the Baron of Tartarus, Xuggarath. Would you like to the land to Baroness Dia Nyx?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

A golden crimson light enveloped Lash and rippled across Tartarus in a storm of hellish energy. All the while his forces continued to fire on the horde of demons that fled the city. Vyllith however had ceased firing and was now staring awestruck at Lash. He granted the land to Dia, and noticed that one of the check marks on the duplicate contract he had was made. He could now obtain the holy relic if he wanted to. But Lash was struck dumb at how fucking stupid that was. One artillery shot killed the Baron? How weak was that guy?

As the land was allocated to Dia, the whole swamp area and city proper turned dark. The landscape adjusting to the new master. All the demons belonging to Xuggarath burst into flames. Their souls flew up into the air, and attempted to head to their spawn point. But instead they were sucked into Lash. He obtained 10 new levels into his Heritage from the souls alone. At this rate he would be a Count before he left Tartarus.

“How do you feel, Vyllith?” Lash asked his knight. Vyllith was glowing in golden crimson. Though she looked the same, she felt stronger.

“I feel...Glorious! Lord Viscount! Congratulations on your promotion!” She said, she saluted him clawed fist over her heart. She bowed her head in reverence.

“Wonderful! Let's pack it up! We'll move to the next Baron's land.” Lash instructed his troops.

“Lord Viscount, do you not wish to claim any treasures from the Baron?” Vyllith asked, looking at the destroyed town.

“No, besides you are worth far more than anything contained with in it.” Lash said simply. He turned and began to move with his army. Not noticing how Vyllith turned to him, and shuffled her feet embarrassed at his comment. Of course Lash winced when he got a single experience point in Charming Presence.

'Damn it' he muttered under his breath. He didn't need to say that! But he refused to take back his words and jumped onto a tank. Vyllith joining him, along with his warriors, veterans, and his single Elite. They barreled through the decaying swamp lands, guiding the trees to move out of their way. As the water drained, and mud turned to stone.


Not a single hour had passed until Baroness Nyx's forces showed up. A vanguard riding on great winged creatures flew over the decaying swamp lands. Expecting to see a great army claiming the treasures of the Baron's lands. But instead were struck dumb at a letter nailed to the city gates.

Dear Lady Baroness, and her forces.

I didn't want anything inside,

so please accept it with my compliments.


Daemonic Lord Viscount, Lash.

A messenger was sent back quickly as they could ride. While the rest of the vanguard moved into the broken city. It was thoroughly destroyed, wrecked beyond repair. But what treasures they did find were in tact. Including the castle of the Lord Baron. His treasure room completely untouched! Lord Viscount, Lash had indeed left it to them.


Two months had passed, enough time in the Dream for Erik the gamer to need to leave because Dawn worried for his health. Erik had left the Dream on pause so he wouldn't miss anything. He logged straight out and awoke inside his home. He carefully, stepped from his bed. Swapped out his cloths and went to take a shower. Erik felt the hot water wash over him. He felt different, he was different. It had only been a few days since he started to use the Dream Engine and he had lost tremendous amounts of weight. Far more than what was healthy, to lose so much so fast. But, he honestly didn't care!

Erik stepped from the shower, and cleaned the bathroom mirror of steam. He was thin, not dangerously so. But as thin as he had been when he was in high school. Not only that his eyes were bright. It was something that he hadn't seen in his eyes for many years. Confidence, pride, and the yearning to do more with his life. He smiled at himself, and walked towards his kitchen. Not seeing the shadow marks writhing on his back.

He fixed himself a big easy to cook meal. Took some vitamins, and went to his computer to write up a beta report while his food cooked. He noticed it took half the time to type out the report than it did before. The beta forum site asked him if he was feeling any additional bleed effects. Erik paused at the question. Then he replied with a yes, and gave a brief description about a boost in confidence, and overall sense of accomplishment. Which was of course true. The VI in charge of the site replied quickly to inform him these effects were normal. They asked him if he had experienced any increase in skills, such as martial arts that he didn't have before. Erik stopped to think about it... Not that he knew of?

The bleed effect, and or education of skills was something that the military had a contract with. The Dream Engine wasn't allowed to grant imprinted skills through the dream for civilian use. So, they had to ensure that civilians that played in the dream didn't suddenly know how to build bombs, or fight with swords. Erik thought about Lash, and knew for a fact that man could make a bomb from scratch. Erik couldn't do that! So he said no to the bleed effect and finished his report.

He carefully read through the description of the bleed effects. He didn't find anything saying about loss of weight, improved eye sight, or skin durability. To be honest Erik didn't want to report the changes that happened to him. He was afraid they would take the Dream Engine away from him. But, he did check the box for, 'unknown'. His alarm went off and he went to his kitchen to get his food. He came back to chow down, and search the forums for information.

He read through the version updates that happened in the Dream Engine. One of the most noticeable changes was that the store had now been fully unlocked. So the Users didn't need to spend DP to unlock it like he had. All the Users who had spent the DP to unlock the store got a refund. That may explain why he had a sudden influx of Dream Points. He jumped to the forum page that allowed the Users to look through the store catalog. He looked up recommended skills, powers, abilities, racial traits, equipment, modules for the Watch Tower.

Erik received a notice that he received another game letter from another User. He looked at his in-box and saw three thousand letters. He rolled his eyes and activated the VI program to read, and clean out the crap. After a few minutes the letters were thinned down to about twenty. A lot of hate mail, death threats, and dick pics. Great! The last few were asked him questions about gear, how his VI Avatar gained the abilities he had. Erik answered what he could with out giving to much away.

One specific letter he found made him smile just a bit. He opened it up and laughed out loud as he read the sender. It was Rofl Dex, the original User. Half of the letter was flaming rage of a troll pissed at him. Erik was surprised it got through the VI program for mail. Maybe the program knew Erik was fighting Dex's Avatar. But the last half of the letter described the situation. Dex had joined the multiplayer beta. He had restarted his Dream, hoping to invade other realities and one day meet the original User of Wraith. But, Erik didn't join the Multiplayer Beta. So Dex settled for the VI Avatar he found in another reality. Dex lost....Badly.

Erik laughed for a while at the letter, then realized why the VI had let the letter through. A Developers note was attached to the letter. Rofl Dex had been removed from the Dream Engine Beta entirely. Because he had attempted to bribe a developer to obtain Erik's personal information. The development team wanted to know if Erik wanted to press charges.


With in minutes the response was recorded and a reply was made. The developers wanted to ensure that Erik was protected, and that they didn't condone personal attacks of any kind. The User of Rofl Dex would have his account banned for the next foreseeable future. If Erik heard anything from Dex in the future the Dream Engine team wanted Erik to contact them immediately. Erik agreed, and just laughed at the idiotic troll getting exactly what he deserved.

Erik finished up and jumped back into bed, and entered the Dream Engine. He only had a few more days left before he would have to go back into work. He wanted to enjoy what time he had left. As the hum of the cube sent him back to sleep. He opened his eyes inside the black room with Dawn. Dawn currently sat in the fully furnished office with cherry wood desk, vast bay windows the showed the cosmos, and a computer. With a desk covered in papers, books, and pens. Dawn continued to wear the sexy business attire that she wore before. But unlike before she was sitting up right, almost rigid. She didn't smile, she didn't wave, she simply gestured with her eyes for Erik to look up. So he did. There above them both was the golden sun avatar of the VI Administrator he had met before.

“Greetings unto you, User #00012. We have been looking over your medical information. We have noticed a few changes. But we would like to inform you that those changes are in no way a danger to your overall health. We thank you for being honest with the development team. We will remain here for the next 24 hours to watch your progress to ascertain if any more danger occurs.” The VI Administrator said, the voice was gender neutral and shook the whole black room with its resonating voice.

“Additionally, with the User Rofl Dex having his account banned. We are in the process of erasing his VI Avatars from the Dream Engine data base. You are currently in conflict with his VI Avatar. Would you like to cancel the invasion? Or proceed?” The VI Admin asked.

“I would prefer to continue.” Erik admitted.

“Very well! We have an additional inquiry. May the development team record your invasion, and counter invasion for a future cinema production. As a promotional video? You will of course be compensated.” The VI Admin asked.

“Oh? Umm...Sure! That would be fine, I guess.” Erik said, rubbing the back of his neck. Not sure about the world seeing his specific dream. He noticed Dawn smiling at him, with a gleam in her eyes.

“Wonderful! I will now move from your sight so not to bother you!” The VI Admin said, and floated up and above the black room. Though the glaring light of the sun was hard not to see. Erik tried his best.

“So, what is the promotional video about?” Erik asked, Dawn as he walked up to her desk and took a seat. She smiled at him, and pushed the computer screen around to show him the data.

“Essentially they will do an edited video of the invasion. How it started from the perspective of the Dream. Not specifically you. It is a Technology/ Meta reality invading a hybrid reality. Dex was far more advanced, and had more resources. But your reality is not only holding their own, but is also winning. The viewers will be able to click on several different point of views to see the whole invasion take place.” Dawn said, as she leaned over her desk and pointed at the screen. Giving Erik full view of her open blouse and the delightful sight that came with it. Erik knew she was doing it on purpose.

“Dawn, if I had accepted to close the invasion. What would have happened?” Erik said, after he glanced at her cleavage that she had shown him.

“Well everyone that belonged to your reality would have suddenly shown back up. Then Dex's reality would have been erased.” Dawn said, as she sat back down and straightened her top out.

“Wow, I am happy I decided to keep it then. A lot of fascinating stories took place. It would be a shame to lose them all just like that.” Erik said, as he sat back in the office chair.

Dawn and Erik sat in the office in the black room for a bit. Erik looked her up and down, and Dawn let him do it. Her blouse was tailored for her, and looked like it could barely contained her burst chest. She even unbuttoned it a bit letting her breath more easily, or so he imagined. She trailed a finger down her throat, along her collar bone, then into her open blouse. Watching Erik follower her finger, he swallowed and stood up quickly.

“Well no time waste!” Erik said, and jumped out of the black room. Before he did something to Dawn that he knew he would enjoy, but didn't want to the VI Admin to see. Dawn laughed, her voice sweet, and sexy in his ears.


Lash and his armored convoy drove over a vast desert of red sand, and barren rock. This looked like the Tartarus that Lash knew and loathed so desperately on his first visit. The sky was crimson, and cloudy. It seem to go on forever, but he knew that it didn't. Every few days, and yes it was days it would rain acidic blood. They currently drove through a canyon, surrounded on all sides by red rock. Weeping tree's, that snarled and tried to grab at them.

Lash rode in a mobile workshop. The truck rocked back and forth, but the workshop was steady as it could be thanks to gyro stabilizers. Lash was building an aerial drone, one of many that currently flew over head, and flew around the convoy. They had four pair of wings, and were long in shape. Like a giant dragonfly. About 12 inches long, with an insect appearance. They had Chameleon inscribed into them. Letting them camouflage into the terrain around them.

A resounding crack! Thundered through out the whole canyon. Lash heard Vyllith sigh in pleasure as another demon creature fell to her rifle. A soul flew into the truck, and was absorbed by Lash. The Lord of hell in this region was named Sannunath, he unlike Xuggurath had taken an fallen angelic form. A human man, with beautiful features, and giant black wings. However, he was a Demon noble. Not a Daemon, not a fallen angel. Just a demon with a desire to look pretty.

Lash inscribed the last spell script and the dragonfly flew off into the drifting sands, and red rock. He jumped out of the truck, and jogged over to the leading tank where Vyllith was currently perched. He jumped up to join her, and sat down next to her. She looked up from her rifle scope but saw that he was just relaxing. She went back to her over watch.

“Lord Viscount, may I speak?” Vyllith asked, Lash was tempted to be a smart ass but decided against it. Vyllith had a knack for taking things to seriously.

“Permission granted.” Lash said as he looked over the horizon. He saw several Saurus Warriors scouting ahead.

“When I joined you, I had expected a grand campaign of conflict, war, and spy craft. I thought he would preform guerrilla warfare. Sneak into the different lands unnoticed, and assassinate each Baron.” Vyllith said, as she turned to look at him while she spoke. Lash looked at her, admiring how the armor that was tailored made for her hugged her curves nicely.

“You sound regretful?” Lash said, with a smile. Vyllith knew he was joking so she didn't rush to apologize.

“Not regretful, Lord. Just...pleasantly surprised. Most mortal technology doesn't work in Tartarus, or any hell for that matter. I know you are different, I know now that not all Daemon's are like you. Just... What will my life be like when we finish this task?” Vyllith asked the question at last, she sat up to look at him now. She pulled her helmet down so she could get a clear line on him.

“You'll come with me of course, Vyllith. This isn't my reality. I have a home to return to, a family to see, and lands to conquer. You will continue to serve me until I see fit to banish you, or grant you lands of your own.” Lash said simply, as it was expected. Vyllith let him see her smile, she nodded and went back to watching through the scope.

It took them a week to get out of the canyon. Into the vast ocean of sand with the howling razor winds, giant scorpions, and demonic worms! The worms took the longest to counter. Lash figured out a system, he called it fishing! He ran out ahead of the convoy with a seismic anchor. Slammed it into the ground where it started to send vibrations through the earth. Then he would stand next to it with a spear in hand, and a long tether attached to the spear. That line attached to a tank that was bolted into the ground. Charging up with energy.

It generally didn't take longer than an hour before a massive mound of earth and sand would move as a worm swam towards his location. It would burst from the ground, its mouth open wide. Its maw a collection of rotating blades meant to puree anything it could get a hold of. Lash would throw the spear in hand straight into the open maw, and dive out of the way. The tank would send an electrical jolt through the tether. Call Lightning, would ride straight into the worm. It would scream! Erupting from the sands in pain. Then the rest of the tanks would blast it to oblivion. Then a massive soul would get absorbed! Rinse and repeat!

Eventually they started to encounter demonic soldiers, wearing the scattered armor of the scorpions, and worms. They would burst out of the sands and attempt to surprise them with an ambush. Which never worked! Since Lash had obtained an evolution on one of his favorite spells.

Congratulations User! Earth Swim has evolved into Minor Earth Swim.

Effect: The User can now move through denser trace elements of Earth easier, for less energy.

Effect: The User can now move through mystical forms of Earth. (Any earth element with magical energy)

Effect: The User can breath while using Earth Swim, and by extension allow anyone in contact with the User to breath as well. Must maintain connection.

Once Earth Swim had evolved hunting the worms, scorpions, and soldiers was easy. As entire team of scouts would swim through the sands ahead of the convoy relaying information through the Temporary Pack Bond. Watching the demonic soldiers jump out of the sand to attack only to be surprised when giant armored lizards jumped up out of the ground behind them. Priceless!

The idiotic Baron, Sannunath built his capitol city straight into a cliff face. The city was exposed in a small desert valley, the one and only place in the whole region where there was water. A wall surrounded the city, and the city itself was built into a tiered layer system into the rock. His palace a giant monument of white stone. Lash could see sections of the outside wall, and layered walls further inside the city with trebuchets, ballistas, and catapults. Thanks to Magical Perception he could tell they were all enchanted. Allowing for maximum range, and power.

The city was nestled inside of a valley. That was surrounded by a wall of rock. One would have to take a long passage down the rock face, into the valley, towards the city to get to it. The valley was big enough that with traditional weapons wouldn't reach the castle town wall. But place anyone entering the valley once on the ground floor in range of the siege weapons. With traditional weapons!

Lash had the tanks line up along the ridge. Sniper teams were set up, and support units near by. One of the tanks switched to artillery. With a thundering crack! That the entire valley heard the rail guns let loose, and the artillery shell exploded above the city. While the white stone castle towers were shattered in an instant. The greatest tower fell, crashing down into the city below. Right before the tower crashed. The upper tower room exploded out, and the Baron Sannunath flew out. Boiling with rage as he screamed out a challenge.

“Lord Viscount, Baron Sannunath seems to want to challenge you in single combat?” Vyllith said to him, as the words were screamed in a demonic tongue that Lash didn't know. But Language Smith was prompting him with experience.

“Hmmmm....Nope, I'm good.” Lash said with a smirk. As the tanks continued to fire. Vyllith laughed lightly, and took out of her rifle and started to fire.

If Lash had been a Baron still he would been made to accept the challenge. But thanks to his Other Worldly Lore, and Daemonic Heritage. As a Viscount he didn't need to lower himself to accept the request of a lowly Baron. Next came a very action movie scene that most would recognize. Sannunath realizing his challenge had been ignored raced towards Lash's position. Dozens of surface to air missiles from the tanks shot at him. He dove straight down and raced along the valley floor. Twisting in the air. DO A BARREL ROLL! He twirled his wings around him like they were shields. He rose up the cliff edge and raced straight towards the firing line. He pulled out his sword, soared above them raised the crimson sword to the sky. Then was ripped apart by the flak cannons on the tanks.

Sannunath broke into pieces and fell to the ground dead. His glowing demonic soul rose up, and was quickly swallowed by Lash. The tanks stopped firing as the land was gifted to Dia, and the black color of her domain swallowed the whole area. The entire city screamed in panic as they were immolated, and every single soul was sent to Lash. He was ten levels away from evolving his Daemonic Heritage again.

Attention User! Your Cosmic Patron would like to remind you. That though that was funny to watch. He was hoping for something...More. That your quest reward may be less than you imagine if you continue down this route.

Lash rolled his eyes as he looked straight up at the sky at not specific spot in particular. He shrugged his shoulders as if it to say 'so what?' Lash was on a fucking deadline! He'd been down here for five months. He was incredibly thankful for buying the Dream Clock. It really helped him keep track of things. He wasn't sure if Selina planned to hold her wedding off till after the invasion. Or planned to keep it? Bah! He had shit to do! Once again he ignored the treasures with in the city, and moved to the next Baron in question. He checked his assassination contract and confirmed that the second box was filled in.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Conjuration Domain Spell, Demon Summoning.

Demon Summoning: You can now summon 100 Demonic Soldiers from Tartarus. They have sworn loyalty to you, and you alone while under your spell command. The soldiers are G grade. They have basic equipment, and basic skills.

Effect: Unlike Manifestation once this spell is cast, your magical energy can refresh. (So once you cast the spell they do not require constant magical energy)

Oh, that was useful! It was both a pro, and a con to have to maintain his Manifestation spell. Yes, his army potentially would never die as long as he had magical energy. But it was a constant drain on his energy. If he called all 400 warriors it would completely consume his energy to maintain it. But with the Demons, it was one and done. Though they wouldn't re spawn with out recasting the spell again.

Lash cast the spell Demon Summoning to see what he had. A dark crimson portal tore open next to him. Clawed hands dripping in blood held the portal open, as the wailing souls of the damned screamed in agony. Disturbing, but a cool visual effect to be sure. A hundred demonic soldiers raced out. They all looked like goblin like imps? 3-4 feet tall, red skin to black. Bodies so thin that it was more like skin was wrapped around their bones. They carried rusted weapons, a few carried shields, and only one of them had a full set of scrap leather on. The commander.

“Hail to the Over Lord!” The scamp like creature yelled, and the horde cheered.

“Well crap... Alright, follow behind the convoy. Looks like I need to outfit all of you.” Lash said in depression. As he jumped into the workshop truck. The chaotic horde complied and moved in horrible mess with no coordination.

Over the next week Lash measure, tailored, and fit his Imp army. That is what they were, imps. Lash had thought Imps were small creatures with wings. Apparently they had sub-breeds. The spell caster could also choose their development path as well. Lash giggled for a bit at the idea of having a horde of flying demons. But he would have to wait for the future to decide on that. He also found out that anything above F grade wouldn't fit on the demons. It was like the Dream Engine prevented them from having exotic gear. Well shit.

Well fine! They would have the best damn F grade gear Lash could muster! One by one as the convoy moved to the next region he gave them armor, weapons, and a plethora of skills through his class trainer ability. Once again the Dream Engine prevented him giving certain abilities above a certain grade. Frustrating! Nearly a week passed before he had finished them all and sent them back through the portal.

“Dawn.” Lash whispered softly. “Where do my demons go?” He asked, wondering if he had just sent an army to Dia's castle town. An army she couldn't control?

“They return to a hellish domain, separate from any hell. Specifically anchored to the User. The contract between you and the Baroness Dia Nyx was simply the story event to obtain the spell. So, you need not worry about a well equipped imp army terrorizing the landscape in some distant land.” Dawn answered sweetly in his ear.

“Ah! Thank you!” Lash whispered back, and cleaned up his workshop.

Lash sat down one day? Night? At some point with Vyllith and measured the distance they had traveled. It was at that moment that he realized that Tartarus, the dimensional plain of hell was about the size of north america. Dia controlled the west, and they were traveling east across the dimensional plain. Lash had never seen all of Tartarus, before it was straight of the Themyscira gate, and more or less in the direction of the Castle Tower of the Fallen One.

What he didn't understand is why the Barons didn't have other towns? Yes, they ran across plenty of outposts. But those were normally single buildings, usually towers surrounded by a simple walls. But each Baron only controlled one town. In the vast stretches of land. Was it a control thing? Vyllith confessed that she didn't know the reason. Nyx was the same way, she had one massive town. Far larger than any other Baron. But only one.

“Wait, what did you just say?” Lash asked Vyllith, he was stunned by her comment. She looked up at him, and thought for a brief moment before speaking.

“Tartarus overall size changes with the amount of souls contained with in it. Fewer souls, and the land grows smaller. More souls, the land grows larger. I imagine with the souls you've consumed that we'll have to travel less distance to the next region.” Vyllith said, as she looked at him in confusion. Wondering if she had missed something. But she didn't realize what she had said was exactly what brought Lash a bit of shock.

“Maybe that is why they only have one town per region. Its a market ploy. Souls are used as currency in hell. If you only have one city, then all of the commerce is directly under your control. How often are souls sent to Tartarus?” Lash looked to his knight in question.

“It is rare that we obtain a soul. Only the worst of the worse of the primary plane of Earth comes to Tartarus. I understand that your quest is to kill Rofl Dex. His soul is bound for Tartarus.” Vyllith said, her smile was a beautiful sight to behold. Lash mirrored her smile, thinking about Dex's torture when he arrived. He'd have to ask Dia to make it a special one.

Lash closed up the make shift map, and left the workshop for one of the tanks. Sitting on the body of the mobile fortress looking around the new region they had arrived in. Volcanic rock, razor sharp ledges of crystal dotted the landscape. Rivers of boiling lava forked, and reunited across the region. Active volcanoes of different sizes spewed out clouds of smoke and ash. More than once molten rock shot from the depths showered the sky. Dropping debris, and crystals onto the convoy. So much so that Lash crafted a new tank that emitted a Deflection shield around the whole convoy.

With a new region brought new changes to the convoys mechanics. Thankfully Lash had been using his Transmuter title everyday. He had plenty of orichalcum, so he had been making nth metal, and mithril. He replaced the tires, and tank treads several times. Trying to get the metal alloy right. But this was magical hellfire. Known for being able to melt anything. The entire convoy had stopped at a specific lava river crossing. His warriors were scouting up and down the river trying to find a bridge. Nothing.

Tath'tan was the baron of this region. He was some kind of demonic dragon hybrid. His soldiers were demon dragon-thralls. They could swim through the lava as if it was water. More than once they had popped out of the lava to attack them. Only to get shredded by bullets, and Psionic Blades. Lash was next to one of his tanks looking at the treads trying to find a work around. He didn't understand magnetic propulsion. He wasn't even sure it would work down here. He didn't have enough nth metal to make them so light they could just float over the river.

“Fuck!” Lash said softly. It was the first time he had used the word out loud since he arrived in Tatarus. Something Vyllith had noticed about him. She winced at the sound, and looked at him in worry. Some lords would take their frustrations out on their servants.

“Vyllith, stop thinking like that. I am many things but not so egocentric that I would punish you for my own failings.” Lash said loudly, understanding her feelings through the link they shared. She shrunk her neck in like a turtle but nodded all the same.

Lash opened up his store catalog and went to his Domains. Looking through the spells he could buy. He spent two Dream Points for Calling.

Congratulations User! The Conjuration Domain Spell Calling has evolved into Minor Calling!

Effect: Anything you have made, or set a mark on you can now call to your side via a portal! The greater the distance the more energy required.

Effect: Increase in power, decrease in energy consumption.

Effect: Can portal between dimensional planes. (Not Realities)

Then Lash looked through the book and looked up the Space Domain. He found Blink and spent another two DP to evolve it, just like Calling.

Congratulations User! The Space Domain Spell Blink has evolved into Minor Blink.

Effect: The Caster can preform a short and quick form of teleportation. Limited to 60'.

Effect: The Caster can go through minor barriers (3 inches or less).

Effect: The Caster can take themselves, any personal items, and carry small loads. (They can not carry anyone with them)

Lash looked up from the store book, and measured the distance of the river and cursed his luck. 60' wasn't long enough. He typed into the search engine looking for something to help him cross large distances. He knew flight was something he could buy, but some part of him said not to obtain it. Like an itch, or a reminder. Saurian didn't want to fly, he liked being on the ground. You missed a lot of details flying over things. It seemed silly, but Lash had learned to trust his gut when it came to such intuition.

Another evolution to Blink would only extend it by another 30' which was still not long enough. He had thought about swimming across the lava. But Saurian and screamed at him in a clear, NO! Hellfire was no joke. Lash hadn't even tried to swim in normal lava yet. He measured the distance again, then jumped on top of the nearest tank to the river. He swapped out some of his warriors and called out two Elites. They came to his side in moments and looked at him for instruction.

“I want you both to throw me as far as you can in that direction.” Lash pointed up and over the river of lava. They grabbed him, and threw him up into the air. Both using Telekinesis to extend the throw. He did this as he heard the shout of Vyllith screaming at him to wait!

Lash went flying up about thirty or so feet into the air. He activated Falling Glide and flew over the river of lava. When he reached ten feet he used Blink! Then teleported across the river. Then used Blink again, each one taking a chunk of his magical energy. He was going to make it! Until a giant fucking fish jumped out of the river of lava. Lash swore he heard the clatter, rattle, and cluck of a dice being rolled.

The fish was massive, and opened its jaws revealing rows upon rows of razor sharp teeth. Hellfire lava dripped from its fish scales, it look like a giant grouper fish. The thing bit down onto Lash, and tried to pull him under the lava. At the last moment Saurian burst into being. Shattering the lava fish's jaws. Then used Blink one last time to get to the edge of the river. Saurian appeared on the other side of the river with a wiggling lava fish. Its broken jaws wrapped around one of its legs. Saurian peered down at the fish, and ripped into it with glee!

Congratulations User! Intermediate Damage Resistance, and Intermediate Adaptation have earned a sub-skill/trait.

Effect: Hellfire resistance 1%

Saurian's eyes twitched in rage after he finished his meal he looked up at the sky. Once again in no particular spot, and he knew that his Cosmic Patron was laughing at him right now. Fine! He would fight Tath'tan! Saurian carved a ritual circle into the ground to empower his next spell. Then he began to use Calling to pull each vehicle across the river through a portal. Including his armies, and Vyllith since she belonged to him. Vyllith stared up at Saurian in shock, and awe. She had heard Lash talk about his partner, but now understood what he had meant. Saurian nuzzled the demon knight, and licked her face. She blushed at the attention, but didn't mind it.

The next few days were interesting to say the least. Every time the demon dragon-thralls appeared. Saurian would roar a challenge and wade into combat. Ripping, tearing, and eating the thralls. A shower of blood covered his armored form. They had made him an entire new set of gear before they had left for the alternate reality. But just like last time, the Daemonic energy had twisted his armor into something more.

They reached the giant cave that was the capitol of the region. Saurian rolled his eyes and sat down outside of it. He was not going into such and obvious trap. The tanks started to fire at the cave. Breaking the supports, and obliterating the cavern structure from outside. Until the entire entrance was leveled. Then Saurian laced the tank shells with Earth Swim, and they continued to fire into the ground. The bullets slipping through the hell stone like water. Exploding in its depths! At last a roar rang out, and a giant wingless dragon burst through the stone work.

Tath'tan was 50' tall, and 100' long. He looked like a giant crocodile, with sharp jagged volcanic glass ridges down his back, and tail. Thick armored plates up and down his body, and two orbs of fire for eyes. He opened his mouth and a earth shattering roar rippled across the field. Saurian used Bending to distort the ripple and had it pass by his forces by a small margin. Bending that was a spell he should evolve.

“Shall we fire, Lord Viscount?” Vyllith asked.

“No, my Patron wants to see a fight.” Saurian admitted, and slowly stood up. He had mention his Patron only once to Vyllith. But she understood that his Patron was essentially her lords backer. That had given him everything he had so far. She nodded and stood off to the side.

Saurian used Size Alteration and cast the spell Enlarge/Reduce. He grew from 30' tall, to 40'. He was now 60' long. Still smaller than Tath'tan but he didn't care. He raced towards the towering demonic dragon who grinned savagely at him. The giant crocodile barreled across the field, each step shaking the earth around them. At the last moment Saurian dove into the ground. Tath'tan ground to a halt, his momentum carrying him forward.

Saurian jumped out of the ground, slashing his Psionic Blades silver in color for Nth Metal. Laced with the spell Consecrate. The holy spell from his Grave Domain seared the creatures flesh. Tath'tan roared in defiance, he whipped his body around at a speed far faster then his heavy body would suggest. His tail rushed to make Saurian into meat paste. Blink! Saurian appeared on the other side. Using both his hands, and tentacles he slashed through a leg and severed it completely. Tath'tan roared in agony as his back leg was cut off. The severed foot already turning to ash thanks to Decomposition.

The sky clouded over with storm clouds. Magical circles with geometric shapes, and mandalas formed. They spun clock wise, while the shapes went counter clock wise. Saurian raised his clawed hands into the sky, and brought down its energy. Call Lightning! Struck Tath'tan again, and again! Thunderous crack rang out across the ruined volcanic region. Saurian kept it up until it had consumed 50% of his total energy.

“MERCY! Please Lord! MERCY!” Tath'tan screamed over the roar of the lightning.

Saurian stopped, and waited for the smoke, and clouds of dust to clear. The Baron was a piece of cooked jerky. Surprising since Saurian had expected the lighting to travel through him into the earth like a conduit. Then he smacked his metaphorical forehead. It was a hell landscape. Different rules here, the dirt, or volcanic rock didn't have the same material as the Earth did. Magic science rules!

Tath'tan looked defeated but Saurian wasn't buying it. He looked towards his warriors, and the rail guns fired up. Before Tath'tan had time to realize his deception had fallen on deaf ears. He had been shot through the head five times. Now, he was dead! His body fell to pieces and his soul flew into Saurian. Refilling his draining magical energy. He received the final prompt, and gifted the land to Dia.

Congratulations User! Daemonic Heritage Viscount has evolved into Daemonic Heritage Count.

Effect: You have obtained one of the mid ranks of Hellish Nobility. This grants you passive dominion over lesser demons, and devils. As long as they do not serve something, or someone higher than yourself.

Effect: The User is granted 100% resistance to hell taint, and corruption. 20% full immunity.

Effect: The User may now have up to 30 Hell Knights.

Once more a golden crimson energy exploded from Saurian. Its explosion of power reached the skies of Tartarus and ripples of cascading power washed over the area. Saurian roared in victory, all of his warriors, veterans, and elites roared. Vyllith cheered next to them, not wishing to be outdone. Her own grade as a demon knight had grown. A rush of demonic souls from the fallen cavern surged through the rock and was absorbed into Saurian. Saurian reduced his size, and returned to his original 30' by 60'. From no place in particular Saurian could hear the soft sound of clapping. He assumed his Patron has moderately pleased.

Saurian returned to his convoy, and they turned around to head back to Dia's capitol. The rivers of lava dried up by the time they had arrived. The skeleton remains of the fish were all that remained. The souls seem to have fled in any direction that was not close to Saurian, in fear they would be absorbed. The journey was... Different, shorter almost. It was as if vast portions of land had been removed from Tart...That was when Saurian remembered that with less souls, means less land. But, it was still a long journey back.

Saurian eventually gave up control to Lash. Who then jumped on a tank and rode his way back across the hellish landscape that was slowly converting into Dia's realm. A week passed with absolutely nothing to show for it. Except for lots, and lots of space. So much so that Lash kicked the entire convoy up in speed. He had taken a deliberately slow pace because he expected to come under attack. But this was ridicules.

The roaring engine of a tank stormed over a hill and slammed down onto the ground. Tearing up rock, and dirt. Another tank not far behind it, and another. With two armored trucks behind it. Along with two dozen dirt bikes with Saurus Veterans, and one Elite riding them. Lash rode his own, as did Vyllith who had never ridden a motorcycle before. She had to admit it was fun! They were making good time now. They also noticed several new ziggurats in the process of being built. With many tortured souls contained with in the cages next to them. As they drove by the soldiers saluted them, and the priests bowed in respect.

A new road that had been made? Created through magic? Either way it was there, which helped them cross the vast distance across Tartarus. At last Lash could see the towering volcano, and the castle tower far in the distance. A screech rang out above them, and a unit of armored creatures with riders flew down and joined them on their journey.

“Lord Viscount!” A rider called out, Vyllith all but snarled at the rider.

“Its Lord Count, you moron!” Vyllith shouted, her hellish energy rippling from her. The flying creatures wailed in shock, and almost went out of control. Until Lash cast Calm Emotions. The creatures went back under control.

“A...Apologies! Lord Count! The Lady Viscountess Nyx bids us to guide you back to the Themyscira gate. She has your reward in hand!” The leader rider said quickly.

“Very well! Please lead the way!” Lash shouted at them from his motorcycle.

Oho! That was interesting. Dia had gone up in rank with the land they had claimed. But Lash had absorbed all the souls in the region that belonged to the Barons. He had risen in rank. However, she was still a land owner while he was not. Tradition dictated that he still remain polite. She was in power here, not him. It mattered little to Lash. As long as Dia didn't cause trouble he wouldn't either.

The moved quickly now that they had driven across paved, and maintained roads. After a few more days they soon reached the Themyscira gate. The Lady Viscountess Dia Nyx waited for them with an entire entourage of demonic soldiers, and hell knights. She had grown several inches, and radiated power. Reality around her seem to warp, and ripple. Trigon was known for having reality alteration. Perhaps with her new found power Dia had started to reach for that power. It seemed that Tartarus may be seeing some new changes in the future. Lash may have just made a real threat to the other dimensional plains. Oh well!

The armored convoy came to a lurching stop. Lash, and Vyllith dismounted from their motorcycles. Saurus Warriors took the bikes and stood at the ready. Besides the drivers of the vehicles, all the warriors, veterans, and elites stood at the ready. Just a gentle reminder to all the forces there that a small expedition force was responsible for slaying three Barons. Not an army. The point was made, as all the demonic soldiers, and knights went rigid as a board many of them reaching for weapons.

“Stand down... I don't think my, friend. Means to attack us?” Nyx said to Lash, she was taller than him now. By at least a foot. He didn't mind, as he bowed from his waist. While Vyllith dipped low, she did not kneel. Something that made Nyx glare but not say anything.

“You are looking good! Powerful! I like the reality twisting effect that surrounds you!” Lash said with a smile towards his new friend. Nyx smiled at him, her expression growing soft around the edges. They had made a deal! It was being up held.

“From one friend to another, for going above and beyond when you didn't have to. Please except this gift.” Nyx said, as he gestured towards one of her knights. Who brought over a box, they brought it over to Vyllith who took it with a nod, then brought it to Lash. Lash glanced at Nyx for a moment, then opened the box with out checking for traps. An action that made Nyx smile more.

Inside was a single spell scroll. A scroll that could teach him a single spell in a specific domain. Also, the Amazon holy relic. Lash reached for the relic, it glowed in his clawed hand the moment he touched it. Every dormant soul of the Amazon sisters with in recoiled at his touch. Then one brave soul reached out. They could feel his Daemonic energy, but they also felt the mark of the Amazons on him. The spirits rushed to fill him with power, pleading for him to take them home. He carefully lifted the orb, and handed it to his Elite. Who stepped back, and was surrounded by Veterans. Lash reached for the scroll.

Chaos Domain Spell, Eldritch Blast.

Do you wish to learn this spell?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

…. Yes.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Spell Domain, Chaos!

The user can utilize Chaos Magic, allowing mastery of spells capable of warping, manipulating and/or reconstructing reality and the very fabric of existence, and can cause total chaos and destruction to the cosmos. The opposite of Order Magic.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Chaos Domain Spell, Eldritch Blast.

Effect: The User has the power and ability to generate and fire a concentrated beam of pure chaotic magical mystical energy at an opponent.

Effect: Does moderate damage to beings of Chaos, does severe damage to beings of Order.

Attention User! You've learned Chaos Magic, the opposite of Order Magic. The beings of the different dimensions of Order, and Chaos are watching you.

Twisting, chaotic scripts of magic coiled around Lash. Flipping through hundreds of different languages, and many sigils of magic that simply didn't exist with in the magic of order wrapped around Lash. One by one the spell scripts merged into his body, mind, and soul. But what ever effect Nyx had been hoping for...Didn't happen. Lash absorbed the spell, opened his eyes and looked at her. Enjoying the look of surprise on her face.

“Oh, were you expecting me to explode, or something?” Lash said with a smirk. Nyx glared at him, but a smile was still on her face.

“Or something, but this is still a delight to see. I do hope this will not be the last time we see each other my friend!” Nyx said with a smile as her eyes grew fond of him.

“Not at all! I was planning on asking you join me when I attack Rofl Dex on Earth. Sincerely hoping you will make his stay in Tartaus a horrible one!” Lash confessed his plans to her. Her eyes went wide, as a murmur went through her army.

“I would be more that delighted to journey to the surface and fight by your side by friend!” Nyx said with grin. She quickly created a spell scroll, and handed it off to her knight. Who handed it to Vyllith, who gave it to Lash.

Item: Hell Gate Spell scroll, Tartarus. Scroll owner, Viscount Dia Nyx.

Lash tucked that away into his Item Storage it was just small enough to carry. He bowed one more time to Dia, she did the same. He turned towards his Elite who handed the relic back to him. He walked towards the Themyscira door way and touched the relic to the stone walls. Spiritual energy flowed into the door, and it slowly started to open.

“It may be a couple of months, or weeks depending how it is on the other side. I'll let you know!” Lash called back, Nyx nodded in reply. The armored convoy turned to follow Lash through the door. Vyllith bowed one more time towards Nyx, who looked at her. That simple recognition was enough for Vyllith. She turned on her heel and moved right next to Lash.

“The Amazons may be rude to you. Please bare with it, they are currently my allies in the coming war.” Lash said to Vyllith. She smiled softly in response. She had lived, and breathed in hell for decades. What could the Amazons do to her that hadn't been done already. She would be ready.

The doors cracked open at last. Lash stepped forward as the armored convoy followed in his wake. A crystal clear blue shield glowed over the door preventing any fleeing spirits, demons, or otherwise from escaping Tartarus. Vyllith slipped right through like it was air. One by one the tanks, and trucks came through. The last one through was an Elite who nodded at the demonic troops. Then it left through the shield as well.

There waiting for them at the other side was a legion of Amazonian guards. Shields out, spears waiting, and the general in charge looking for a specific person. Lash stood in front of them with a smile on his face. He had kept his Wraith disguise off, so this was the first time the Amazons in this reality had seen all of the lizard man creature. Once his Elite had passed through, he raised the holy relic into the air. A collection of Amazon spirits poured out, and cheered! They were home! Ghostly energy poured into the door, and it began to close. The Amazon legion didn't relax until the doors sealed themselves.

“Well that was fun!” Lash said with a smile...

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