Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 87: Assassination Contract.


***Rofl Dex's Palace***

The palace of Rofl Dex could be seen from orbit, it was so huge. A vast monolith to all of Dex's sin seen from afar. Where the city of Washington use to be stood the giant structure. Surrounding the palace was carefully cultivated natural preserve of plant, and animal life. With a near invisible barrier of blue energy that cascaded down across the structure and the surrounding environment. An atmospheric processor, and shield. There were only four access points to the palace, in the four cardinal directions. Zero air traffic took place over the palace, which looked similar to that of foot ball stadium dome with its roof closed.

Inside the palace was like night a day. It was a geo-dome, self contained environment. A micro city was contained with in that would satisfy anyone's needs. The whole palace served as the home to one man, along with his servants, and standing army that lived there. A metropolis built around the desires of one person. A single person who at this very moment was beyond disappointed, rage filled, and a little bit scared.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T FIND HIM!?” Rofl Dex screamed at his generals across the holographic link. The very air around him warped, and twisted responding to his meta-gene power. Reality it self almost seem to bend towards him.

“My emperor we are doing everything we can to locate the Omega Red threat. But we believe he is using the omega energy to stay hidden. Every witch hunter recon teams we send out never comes back. While the hunter killer team remains on standby, we could use them to hunt him down.” One of his generals said, trying his best to calm his emperor down.

“KILL YOURSELF!” Dex said, he screamed at his general. The general paled, and struggled against the order before he took a gun and pressed it to his temple and fired. Brain matter flew across the holographic screen before it closed down. The other generals went rigid.

For a brief moment Dex smiled in satisfaction at being obeyed. Then rage took over his mind once again. Why? Why was Wraith here!? He had done everything he could possibly do to ensure that he would never meet that bastard again. He had conquered two realities! But as soon as he saw him for the first time again he had hoped that things would be different. But they weren't!? If anything, Wraith was stronger now!

“My emperor...?” One of his other generals started to say.

“WHAT?!” Dex screamed at them, the general swallowed and sent a video.

In the video was a strange sight. They saw soldiers, their soldiers fighting against each other? These soldiers were different, they didn't have all of the cybernetic implants on. The only reason they were identified was because of the IFF program that everyone had. Then Dex zoomed in on a specific unit of soldiers. The information record displayed them as meat puppets. But, these puppets looked normal? They were far more cybernetically enhanced than any other soldier but they were alive and attacking Dex's forces. Dex's eyes went wide in horror.

“What am I looking at?” Dex's voice went soft as a whisper. Which only made the generals more terrified.

“It appears that the JLI in the alternate reality have discovered to not only de-chip our soldiers, but to also restore the meat puppet units back to full.” The general kept the report short and concise.

“So, our former soldiers are fighting against our forces?” Dex hissed out his words, his eyes narrowed.

“Yes...Emperor.” The general responded. Before anyone else could respond an emergency response message went through that sent everyone to the edge of their seats. Dex keyed in the command code to read the message.

“An omega energy reading was detected.... PASSING THROUGH OUR ATMOPSHERIC SENSORS!?” Dex screamed the last portion as he stood up in his seat in horror.

“PUT ALL STATIONS ON FULL ALERT! WE ARE BEING INVADED!” Dex screamed at his generals who all saluted and closed down their links.

“No...No...No! NO!? Not again!” Dex screamed in frustration as reality around him all but bent inward.


Lash piloted the stealth ship and passed the overly large satellite guns that looked ready to shoot the moon into pieces. These things were huge! They were systematically built around the Earth. Imagine a gauss rifle without the handle, and an orbital ring around the center. The rifle was about 500 feet long, with a radius of 100 feet. Along the orbital ring was the point defense guns. Lash really wanted to copy the diagrams but as soon as their stealth ship passed a certain invisible line the stations started to power up. Crap!

Lash dove straight into the atmosphere, thanks to Nature's Passage they didn't leave a entry burn trail. AR-Superman, or Lash should just call him Superman since they were in their home reality brought up a holographic window to display what the orbital guns were doing. They had been brought online and were adjusting for fire coordinates. But none of them were pointing at the Earth. They all released a breath they hadn't realized they were holding.

“So, who was the woman that spoke to you before we left?” Supergirl asked, she was trying to change the subject. She smiled at Lash as he gave a dramatic groan.

“Lizzy, my pack sister.” Lash replied, as he tried to ignore the grin on Supergirl's face.

“You two seem pretty close.” Superman said, as he joined his cousin in teasing Wraith.

“Yes....Yes we are.” Lash replied, and shifted the ship suddenly in one direction to knock his passengers for a loop. But of course both kryptonians were prepared for it and didn't budge.

Before the three of them had left the Watch Tower, Lizzy had shown up with Isabella. Lizzy being Lizzy didn't walk up politely and request to speak to Lash privately. Oh no! She threw a shoe at him, and demanded that they go some place private to talk. She had done this on the promenade with over a hundred people watching. Lash in his big bad eight foot tall Wraith disguise was then escorted to his quarters by Lizzy, and Isabella.


***Three days before the counter incursion***

“So, you were just planning on leaving our reality, to do a counter incursion in another one with out saying goodbye?” Lizzy said, anger clear on her face.

Lizzy was 5'10' with long red hair tied back in a pony tail, with a health tan skin tone, and a partial amazon figure. What is a partial amazon figure. Well amazons are essentially muscle fitness models. So imagine a woman who went to the gym five days a week for an hour, each hour with a personal trainer. Then add a mystical diet, and a magical island and you have an amazon figure. Lizzy had a skin tight form fitting JLI suit on that showed off her figure. She was jamming her finger into Lash's armored chest plate.

“We understand you are terribly busy, Lash. But even I have to agree that if you had left with out saying goodbye it would have been hurtful.” Isabella, Lizzy's wife said from the side with a partial pout on her face.

Isabella Kuldr was Lizzy's wife, and new born Blood Kindred from the house of Kuldr. She was 5'3”, with long auburn hair tried back. With a voluptuous figure, and chocolate caramel skin that many women would kill for. A bouncing chest, tiny waist, wide hips, with long muscled arms, and legs. She wore a combination of modern day military gear, and a bit of renaissance fair traveling bard style. It was an eclectic collection of clothing that she wore very well. Especially the black bodice. She had a sword, and dagger on her hip that oozed magical energy.

All three of them stood in Lash's designated quarters which at the current moment was just a bare room with out any furniture. Lash had returned to his default human-ish form. Still wearing his newly crafted armor that he had made over the three weeks of traveling across the globe building solar plants. Lash did notice that Lizzy, and Isabella had taken a moment to appreciate the changes he had gone through. It was nice to know his family still like the way he looked.

“I...I don't really have an excuse. I've just been taking each day as it comes.” Lash said, his shoulders sagged in depression realizing he had messed up.

“Gah! What are we going to do with you, Lash!? What if that had been it? What if you had gone and something had happened? You are a pack master! We are literally bonded together! We are both wearing holographic watches tied to Vici! Vici is the one that told us you were leaving soon! Thank you by the way, Vici!” Lizzy said to the open air.

“You are most welcome, Auntie Lizzy!” Vici's voice said across the comm unit. Lizzy smiled at being called, Auntie!

Lash sighed in utter defeat and dragged himself through the room. A massive love seat couch morphed from the floor thanks to Martian Science. Lash collapsed into the couch, and cradled his face in his hands. He had royally messed up! Everyone in his pack was easily with in contact, via the bonded link or through the holographic. He had made sure each of them had one for this very reason. Now, he had discovered that he was literally the only one not talking to everyone. Isabella, and Lizzy came to sit on either side of him and leaned against him.

“Lash, do you really think that if you push us away you'll keep us safe from harm?” Isabella asked in a small voice. Lash whipped his head up and stared at her in shock.

“What!? No..I...W...wouldn't...Do that...” Lash said the words but as he thought about it, it made sense. Some part of him seem to think that if he didn't associate with them they would be safe. Why would he think that? Because Lash was a bad luck magnet, shit just went wrong around him.

“Dummy!” Lizzy smacked the back of Lash's head. “Whether we are right next to you, or in another reality we are in this together. Wouldn't it be better if you just let us help you? I would personally feel a lot better if my pack master would let me help more.” Lizzy said, as she rubbed Lash's bald head.

Always one to admit when he was wrong. Lash quickly sent out a thought form communication through the pack bond, and through the holographic to everyone he knew that didn't know the plan. What was the plan? Lash was going to do a counter incursion into the alternate reality. He was going to look for the resistance, and to hopefully attack Dex's forces from behind. When he got to the part about going back to hell, Lizzy started punching him.

“WHAT THE FUCK!?” Lizzy shouted at him in horror!

Which of course started a whole stream of questions from his pack, and from everyone else who didn't understand the plan. Lash spent the next twenty four hours talking to everyone who had questions. If Lizzy, and Isabella could have survived in the vacuum they would have joined Lash on the incursion. Technically he was the only one that could go with out any ill effects, thanks to his Daemonic Heritage (Chp. 50) . His entire pack was pissed at him for keeping the hell plan to himself.


***Current Time***

“So, you nearly left on what many would think to be a suicide mission and you didn't tell your family?” Superman said, shock clear on his face.

“Ya...” Lash replied, grimacing at the memory.

“Wow, well it's good you have family that cares about you.” Supergirl said in response. Lash's shoulders drooped at the thought. Supergirl, and Superman had lost their families to Dex, and Lash nearly left his with out a word.

They stayed silent in the ship for the next few minutes. They had broke through the atmosphere and were currently flying of a puke green Atlantic Ocean. Lash switched through his different versions of vision. Electromagnetic, infrared, ultra violet, then he started to switch through his Magical Perceptions. His stomach churned as he saw spirits of 'The Green' leaving the planet, and 'The Black' rushing in. The planet despite what Dex may tell his followers, was dying. Huge monstrosities of black energy were ripping chunks of matter from the planets surface.

“Fuck that is not good at all.” Lash said, a quiver in his voice. The Green, and The Black were suppose to be in balance. This was not good at all.

“What is it?” Supergirl asked, looking over the green ocean. Not seeing what Lash did. Lash placed a claw against the view screen and switched the Magical Perception, both Supergirl, and Superman screamed in shock.

“What are those!?” Superman shouted, he jumped to his feet and went to the air lock ready for battle.

“Sit down! They are out of phase with the realm around us. You couldn't touch them if you tried.” Lash said, he emphasized this by flying right through a monstrosity. Though Lash did shiver at the feeling. He was right, Supergirl, and Superman felt nothing.

“Did none of you encounter the Guardian of Green in your time before Dex? Any druids? Any creatures of the Green?” Lash asked, both of them shook their heads.

So, Lash laid it out for them. What, The Green, and The Black did in the grand cosmic field in the universe. Along with, The Red, Clear, White, Grey, Melt, Metal, Divided. You essentially needed all of them..Well not Metal. But most of them to keep balance to a planet. Druids though primarily work with the Green. Can also work with every other color as well.

“So, our planet is dying?” Supergirl asked, tears in her eyes. She had lost krypton, she had lost her family thanks to Dex, now her planet was dying...Thanks to Dex.

“Yes, however it is not to late to save it. I promise I will do everything in my ability to help save the planet.” Lash said, as he looked back at the both of them. They both nodded, accepting his words. So far when ever Lash had said he would do something, he would do it.

Attention User! Your Cosmic Patron has issued you a quest!

Objective: Restore the alternate realities planet to a healthy state.

Bonus Objective: Return magic to alternate realities planet.

Bonus Objective: Restore balance to the alternate realities planet.

Reward: Based on how well you do.

Lash's eyes twitched in annoyance. It was nice that he would be rewarded for something he already planned to do. But in his experience every time he got a quest it was far more complicated than he originally planned it to be. The flew the ship in silence until the came upon what could only be called a blockade. Hundreds of ships sailed in clockwise, and counter clockwise around a specific point. This was the designated spot where Themyscira was said to be. But Dex's forces couldn't pierce the pocket dimension no matter what they tried.

Dex hated magic, and destroyed every book, and tool he came across that had even the barest hint of magic in it. This of course spelled is downfall (Pun intended). Because now he couldn't adapt to it, he was clueless when it came to magic. The only thing he allowed himself to have was the witch hunters who were under staffed, and under geared. Because everything had to be hand made. It was because of this that they couldn't pierce the veil between worlds.

Lash piloted the ship underwater and rolled his eyes at the submarines that were patrolling through the water. They could move straight through the location and not hit a single thing. Or, the indirect spell glamour could be cast on Dex's forces and with out even realizing what had happened they could turn in the opposite direction they were sailing and they would be out the other side before they even knew what had happened.

“How many resources are spent patrolling an island they can never find?” Lash asked, mystified at the sheer stupidity of Dex's animosity.

“A lot is all I can say. Half the crew is robotic, the other half are so augmented they are barely alive. Only one ship is allowed to leave the blockade at a time. Most tours are two or more years. All in a vain attempt to stop the Amazons from leaving the island. Which of course to this day still fails. Because they do guerrilla attacks on the main land all the time.” Superman said softly as he looked through the holographic interface.

The stealth ship that Lash had made maneuvered away from the blockade by several miles. The ship in question was in the shape of a cylinder by about 20' long, and 10' radius. The front portion where the flight controls were had a 45 degree angle cut up the cylinder. Lash admitted he took the idea from the puddle jumpers from the star gate show from Erik the gamers memory. It was a bit odd, Lash wasn't sure where the idea came from. All he knew was the Cosmic Awareness got a bit of experience when he designed the ship.

The ship continued on until they found a crevice with dead coral reefs wrapped around the area. They moved up to the crevice and Lash emitted a song through the ship into the watery depths. Hoping that it worked. Sure enough the coral reefs pulled back to reveal a long tunnel. Lash maneuvered the ship in quickly, and the coral reef closed up behind them. They knew about this because Wonder Woman from Lash's reality had told them that this was a tunnel made for Atlantis when they chose to visit Themyscira. They would still have to pass through the pocket dimension, but this entrance at least had a gate.

“So far so good...”Supergirl said softly. Lash winced slightly, that was a red flag right there. Tempting fate.

It was a long drive through the underwater tunnel. Lash slowed down so they could take the twists and turns easily. Along the way Lash noted over a hundred different spell diagrams, runes, and ritual circles in place. However, the whole ship was made with magic. So, oddly enough none of the spell traps in place reacted. That was a clear oversight in security, but when your enemy never used magic it made a little sense.

They eventually came into a vast open space. A underwater cavern, up at the top of the cavern was the dimensional gateway towards Themyscira. Inside the underwater cavern was what could only be described as a city. A city that was occupied by Atlantean people! Unlike Lash's home reality where the people of the ocean came in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and species. These people were mostly human like. Couple of them had minor fins, but mostly human. What the main issue was that there was a military detachment floating right in front of the entrance. They all had tridents, and spears pointed at the ship and were very aware of its location.

“Crap.... Alright, put your visors on you two.” Lash said, as he decloaked the vessel.

Superman, and Supergirl both took deep breaths and activated the JLI gear they had obtained. They both looked noticeably different from their alternate reality counterparts. Supergirl had gone to Ethan several weeks prior and hand her hair grown out through stimulation. So now she had short blond hair, that curled at the edges just above her shoulders. She had her major scars minimized, and her smaller scars completely removed. The JLI suit covered her from head to toe wearing a navy blue polymer suit, helmet, and armored plates. With no house of El on her chest.

Superman was had gone for the same treatment as Kara did. He had his scars removed, his hair stimulated to get back his short but curly black hair to come back. His armor was deep navy blue just like Kara's with a polymer suit, and metal plates, along with a mask. Overall the whole suit was form fitting and showed off his body very well. It also protected them both from Kryptonite poisoning. They had assumed Dex would try and capture them again. Honestly, Lash was surprised their armor hadn't protected them to begin with. But it seemed Dex hadn't cared.

Lash walked into the passenger section of the ship and opened an underside hatch. A simple shield was in place to prevent water from entering, as well as the pressure of the ships air. Lash dove through the water first, then Supergirl, and Superman last. Lash's Adaptation quickly adjusted him, granting him fins along his arms, legs, down his spine, and along his tail. Superman, and Supergirl simply used their power of flight to propel themselves through the water.

At this point the whole ship had been surrounded by the Atlanteans. Aquatic ships with hydro cannons were pointed at them. But none of them were powered up, thankfully. Lash swam forward but stopped a respectful distance from the leader, his two kryptonians swam just behind Lash designating he was the leader. Lash bowed from his waist, and preformed the standard etiquette for a surface dweller visiting the sea dwellers. This simple act of courtesy put the Atlanteans.

“Who are you?” The man in front of Lash asked. The man who asked was in his late twenties 5'8” with black skin, a chiseled swimmers body. With black onyx eyes that sparkled with magic. Along his arms were sorcery tattoos, and in his hands were two spell foci that helped him channel water into weapons and shields. He wore a high ranking military Atlantean garb. Tight blue, and black fish scale armor. This was Kaldur'ahm aka Aqualad.

“I am Agent Wraith of the United Nations World Security, and one of the founding member of the Justice League International. Not this reality, but another that Dex has invaded.” Lash said, his words in perfect Atlantean. The partial telepathy translating for everyone near by. Kaldur's eyes went wide, as did many others.

“As your world fallen, like so many others?” Kaldur asked, his body language relaxed. But he kept his weapons at the ready.

“On the contrary! We are at a stalemate. We took this time to jump realities to see if we can find the resistance here and fight Dex on two sides.” Lash responded, doing his best to stay friendly with his body language.

“Please remove your hood.” Kaldur asked politely. Lash complied and pulled back his shroud. A few people looked shock at the four eyed reptilian creature. Some had assumed it was a costume of sorts.

“Your companions?” Kaldur asked, gesturing towards Superman, and Supergirl. Though he did not point his weapons at them.

“They can not breath underwater. Or speak in the Atlantean tongue, the interface in their helmet is translating for them however. So they do know what we have been speaking about.” Lash offered this bit of knowledge.

“How did you know about the tunnel?” A woman asked, who swam up next to Kaldur.

The woman was 5'5” with caramel skin. Brown eyes with flecks of blue that seem to spark with arcane energy. She had the same swimmers bod that most Atlanteans did. She wore a tide-caster uniform. Slim, form fitting fish scale vest, pants, with decoration half robes wrapped around her. Though the robes were enchanted to increase spell offense, and defense. Her hair was cut short, and was tied back out of her face. This was Tula aka Aquagirl.

“I am known has a brother to the Amazons in my reality. They informed me of the location of the tunnel. It was the safest way to seek an audience with the Amazons in this reality.” Lash answered, as he bowed from his waist to the new arrival. The courtesy noticed, and appreciated by Tula, and Kaldur.

“You understand how rare it is for the Amazons to declare a man to be their brother?” Tula said, as she looked him over.

“If it helps, I'm an alien. The rules are a bit fuzzy.” Lash said, a smile stretched across his reptilian features. A few of the soldiers near by chuckled.

“We'll take you to the gate, but it will be up to the Amazons to let you enter.” Kuldr offered, as he sheathed his weapons. The Atlantean guard did the same.

Lash nodded, and looked back at his two companions who nodded but didn't say a word. The ship hummed to life and slowly followed behind them as they swam up. They had an armed escort that took them up to the gates entrance. They broke through the waters surface to find an underground grotto, with water falls pouring fresh water inside. Stalagmites, and stalactites dotted the area. Up a path of carved stones was a gate way that shimmered with golden light. Along the carved stones were a collection of Amazon warriors, and Atlanteans. Confused about the new arrivals.

Kuldr, and Tula jumped from the water flying through the air and doing a three point landing onto the stone steps that you see so many times in superhero shows. Lash decided to show off a bit, he simply cast Water Walk on himself, Supergirl, and Superman. Where they walked along the waters surface and stepped onto the stone path. Kuldr raced an eye brow at him, while Tula smirked.

“Kuldr! Who is this?” An Amazon called at the steps. She wore battle garb that would allow full protection, but freedom of movement in the water.

“This is, Agent Wraith from the United Nations World Security, and Justice League International...From an alternate reality.” Kuldr offered. While Lash took a knee and preformed the ceremonial etiquette for greeting an Amazon commander.

“Well this is a surprise... Especially since I can feel the mark of a brother on you. You have been blessed by the goddesses of your reality. Tell me... Cousin. What great act of courage and honor do you preform for our sisters?” The Amazon asked, the rest of the cave looked to Lash waiting for his answer.

“I traveled to the realm of Tartarus and retrieved the holy relic that allows the Amazons to be reborn on the shores of Themyscira.” Lash replied with a smile.

The only sound in the cave was the sound of the water running from the falls. All of the Amazons in the cave stared at him wide eyed. The Atlanteans not fully understanding the holy relic, but understood what Tartarus was. The Amazon commander walked towards Lash and came to stop next to him, she looked down as he was still kneeling. She reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a gentle squeeze.

“So, what brings you to our shores?” She asked.

“I have come to do the same here.” Lash said in response. A collected gasp rang through the cave, as the Amazon commander squeezed his shoulder tightly.

“Then I suppose we should have you meet our Queen.” She said, and pulled him to his feet. Then with out warning hugged him. Tears of joy falling from her eyes.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last. As they walked to the gate they requested that Lash's companions remove their masks. When they did weapons were drawn, and Lash had a magical blade pressed to his neck by the same Amazon that had hugged him just a moment ago. He quickly offered to sit under the lasso of truth to ensure they were allies. Along with the story behind why the kryptonian guard was in the grotto. Superman, and Supergirl went to their knees, and stayed silent through the whole process which only push the grotto guard on edge further.


Wonder Woman aka Diana Prince flew through the air towards the Atlantean grotto gateway. She was followed by an entire legion of Amazons riding pegasus mounts, along with dozens of meta-gene woman with the power of flight. While along the ground were more woman racing along the ground. The grotto was past the beach, and in the water. Outside of the laws of the island, but only barely. In ships filled with men waiting for action, as machines of war were pointed at the grotto's gate waiting for the call to attack. They were ready! As ready as they could be for two kryptonians that could easily destroy the whole island.

Wonder Woman flew over the water towards the gates entrance and landed silently. The years of conflict had been hard on her. Though she still rivaled any earthly beauty, her eyes were hollow. Knicks, scratches, and dents in her armor showed that it had not been repaired in a long time. They didn't have the resources, or the time! Wonder Woman took out her lasso of truth, and nodded at the guards. The gate way glowed brilliantly for a moment then faded. She stepped through, and saw two people she desperately wished she never would see again. But dreamed that she would see them again regardless.

“Clark...Kara...” Wonder Woman said, as she clenched her teeth looking at her two old friends.

“Diana...” Clark said back. He looked awful! Hollow, just like she was. But there was a brief smile on his face. Kara looked much the same as her cousin, but there was something else in her eyes. Hope. Wonder Woman then looked at their companion. A lizard man with the Amazonian mark of brotherhood written into his soul.

“The lasso doesn't work on me, so do them first.” The creature said, this made Wonder Woman raise a manicured eye brow at him. Just to prove him wrong she wrapped the lasso around him, and before she could ask a question the divine glow faded from the rope. Terrified that something had happened she pulled the lasso from the lizard man, and the rope took on its divine glow again.

“How did you do that!? The lasso even works on the god of war, Ares!” Wonder Woman asked, she grit her teeth looking at him.

“It's hard to explain, but I am willing to try. After you check Clark, and Kara. As I told your champion here. We found a way to remove their bio chips. As you all know, Superman, and Supergirl were mind controlled by Dex. They were not in control of their actions.” The reptilian man said. Wonder Woman glared at the man. Men, always keeping secrets!

Wonder Woman walked over to her two former friends and wrapped them both in the lasso. The golden light shinned brilliantly. They both felt the effects of the magic fall over them, and they both started to cry. The lasso did more than just compel you to speak the truth, it also showed you the truth. Wonder Woman's heart broke seeing her friends tears fall from their faces. But she steeled herself, she had to make sure.

“Who is Rofl Dex!?” Wonder Woman shouted at them.

“Is he a fucking monster that deserves to die! If I believed for one moment that Wraith was incapable of killing him I would fly to his palace this moment and break every bone in his disgusting body! He made me kill my family! He will die! I will incinerate his flesh, burn his body, and throw his ashes into the sun!” Clark screamed at the top of his lungs.

“Dex is a horrible human being that deserves everything that is coming to him. He is disgusting, horrible, twisted, and a monster! He made me kill my adoptive family, so I will kill anything, and everything he holds dear! He did awful things to me! I will never forgive him!” Kara screamed at Wonder Woman. Tears rolling down her face. Wonder Woman pulled the lasso from them and pulled them both into her arms.

“Thank Hera! You are both back alive!” Wonder Woman shouted, tears of joy fell from her eyes. A collective gasp, and sigh rolled through the grotto.


Success! If Lash was being honest the reunion between the heroes was more terrifying than going to hell. He wasn't sure how it was going to go. Thankfully, it was common knowledge the Dex had brain boxed Superman, and Supergirl first. Everyone in the League knew that they were being mind controlled, but couldn't help them. They also knew that the chip didn't do well with magic. So, several Amazon mages, and Atlantean mages showed up and triple checked them before they were released. Now, the only issue they had was Lash. Though he was more of an enigma than an issue.

A muted cheer ran through the whole of the island. The return of Superman, and Supergirl was something be joyful about. But there was a lot of hatred as well. Mind controlled or not, they had killed a lot of people. But the fact that the most recent reality Dex had invaded had found a way to remove the chip with out killing the subject was a celebration in it self. Every attempt in this reality to try and remove the chip resulted in killing the subject. Lash was befuddled with confusion.

They were currently sitting on a old navy military ship that was currently anchored along the shores of Themyscira. Oh! That was how Diana beat the system. Technically no man had stepped foot on the island. The island was surrounded by a vast network of ships, from civilian sail boats, pleasure cruise, yachts, and military vessels. Making a floating city as it were. While the island provided food.

Who was in the military vessel looking over Superman, and Supergirl? Lex fucking Luthor! The man still wore a tailored suit that was clean, and pressed for the meeting. He still kept himself in shape though he was getting old in his years. He was still one of the top geniuses in the world. He was looking through a data chip Lash had provided on the operation required to removed the chip. He also gave his ok go ahead about the chip being removed. Any form of brainwash had been...washed out.

“This is amazing! You did this yourself?” Lex said as he turned in his chair to look at Lash.

“It was a team effort, but I was the one who did the first operation. The team consisted of several advanced androids.” Lash offered a reason why it was acceptable. The moment Lash admitted that a machine helped seem to make Lex believe him.

“Well, I won't be able to replicate the magic portion. But the science behind it is well with in our ability. With this we can start to remove the chips.” Lex declared as he turned to Wonder Woman who nodded in thanks.

“Bring him in!” Wonder Woman shouted, and a pair of Amazons brought in a man between them. The man was emaciated, with dark splotches across his skin. Several mechanical ports were exposed in his skeleton structure. He was placed gently on the operations table.

“My...Life...For...The Emperor.... All will bow to his will.” The man whispered softly, his lips were cracked and dry. His eyes were distant, he didn't put up a fight as he was strapped down. Dancing around his skin was purple psionic energy.

Name: Miguel Barragan aka Bunker.

Title: Slave, Broken, Former Titan Hero.

Origin: Meta-Gene.

Rank: C-

Skills: Martial Arts, Acrobat, Multilingualism, (See tool tip)

Powers: Energy Construct Creation.

Domains: N/A

Racial Trait: N/A

Flaw: Broken Mind

Cosmic Awareness: Bunker has been a slave of Dex's for years. But was never used in the war. He used the energy construct to create a shield around his mind to prevent being controlled. But it has hammered him.

Disposition: Neutral bordering hostile.

Comment: A broken hero of this realities Titans. Save him to earn brownie points with this reality.

Lash blinked when he used Insight, shocked at the extra information provided by Cosmic Awareness. The ability was granting him more and more information it almost seemed broken. Was this what Dead Pool felt like? Wait? Why did he think about Dead Pool? Who the fuck was Dead Pool!? Lash pushed the thought from his mind as he tried to focus. He stood behind Bunker, placing his clawed hands on the mans head he use his Nature Domains Passive pheromone generation and put the man to sleep. Then he used Re:Implant, that had gotten a wealth of experience from before.

Black metallic circuitry lines spread through Bunkers skull. His head was shaved allowing everyone to see the transformation. The man struggled in his sleep, and automatic response to something digging around in their brain. Then Lash pulled his hands back, and held up a tiny bio chip to which he handed it off to Lex. Bunker grew still, as his breathing relaxed. Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, Panacea, and Return Youth.

Bunker's sickly appearance faded from sight. He was still incredibly thin, but he was healthy looking. His breathing was easier, and the wear and tear that had come with the past ten years melted away. The difference was amazing! A woman in the operations room cried tears of joy at the sight of him. Lash didn't recognize her, but that was to be expected in a different reality. He stepped back and looked around the room. The whole operation took all but ten minutes.

“Done...” Lash said as he looked at Wonder Woman who looked back at him in shock.

“That's it? You didn't even open his skull?” Wonder Woman said as she came to check on Bunker.

“He didn't have to. From the information on the data chip he has Technomancy, and something called Synthesis, Re:Implant. That allows him to remove or put in any implant he comes across. A useful ability!” Lex said as he called from his desk. He had the bio chip under a microscope.

“How many more times can you do that?” Wonder Woman asked Lash.

“How many more prisoners do you have?” Lash asked back, with a smile. That was soon returned.


Hope...Hope was a funny thing. The expectation, or desire for a better tomorrow. A feeling of trust, to yearn for a certain thing to happen. The resistance hadn't felt, Hope. In a long time! They lived, yes. But they lived each day in fear that things would never change. Until one day it did, and it changed for the better. An alien creature from another reality brought hope with him. Back to a dying world. First he brought Superman, and Supergirl back from the brink. There bio chips removed, and they were ready to help rebuild their broken planet. Then the alien offered a way to save their people. To remove the chips that would normally kill all of their loved ones that had been brain boxed Dex.

The alien known has Wraith, had built a machine that could remove the chip through an intensive surgery. But he could also preform the surgery himself. When he did it, it took minutes to complete. While the machine took hours. But when he built a dozen of the machines at once it was a great relief to all. Now if he left, they could still help their people. Then the alien used his magic, and technology to rebuild their broken fleet that was standing on its last legs. He created food, water, medicine, and resources.

Hope is what the resistance obtained...


“You want to do what?” Diana said to Lash.

They were standing on the pier that led into the main port of Themyscira. A vast network of ships went to and fro providing resources to the fleet anchored around the island. Superman, and Supergirl were standing next to Lash. They had already heard the plan and were trying to convince Diana to allow it. Lash had meant what he said before in the grotto.

“Themyscira has a doorway to Tartarus. I want to use the door to retrieve the holy relic that will allow the Amazons to reincarnate.” Lash said again, trying to be as clear as possible.

“That is complete suicide!” Diana all but shouted at him. “I admire your bravery, Wraith. But I wont let you die so easily.” She said with determination in her eyes. Lash had quickly become a symbol for the people on the island, if he were to die now it would crack their fragile existence.

“I did it in my reality, Highness. I understand it will be dangerous. Trust me I am not taking the mission lightly. It will be incredibly dangerous. But end justifies the means.” Lash implored her, pointing out the facts.

“We don't need the relic to end this war! We can establish a Rift with your reality here on Themyscira. We can trade resources and people. We can beat back Dex, you don't need to get the relic.” Wonder Woman said, she would not bend on this subject no matter the cost.

“And what of your people! Highness, the Amazons are going extinct! This is not entirely up to you! I've already obtained a quest from my Patron to retrieve the relic. You of all people should know when a God makes a decree it should be followed.” Lash pulled out his trump card, and wished he hadn't. Wonder Woman all but killed him with a glare.

“The old gods left! Their magic fades every day! They decreed we should fight, but when the war started where were they!? No where! They left our world for another!” Wonder Woman screamed at him! That bit of information was a surprise to Lash. Apparently it was a surprise to everyone but the Amazons.

“Wait...How long will the shield last?” Superman asked.

“A few years at most.” Wonder Woman replied, tears in her eyes as she looked at them.

“Would the relic even work?” Supergirl asked, trying to find another way out of the argument.

“Yes, the relic is tied to the island and has its own source of magic. Its sort of a plan B if things went wrong.” Lash supplied the answer. Before Wonder Woman could argue further a crack of a staff on concrete rang out. Everyone turned to see Queen Hippolyta walking towards them.

Lash quickly dropped to his knee, and dragged Superman, and Supergirl down with his tentacles when they stayed standing. An action that brought a smile to Wonder Womans lips. Before the rest of the area took a knee or bowed from the waist. Hippolyta was older, which was a bad sign! She was meant to be eternal. As long as the Old Gods lived, so would she. But despite the new wrinkles around her face. She still moved with the grace of a trainer warrior. She wore armor fitting of the Amazon Queen, and carried her golden staff in hand. She looked over the area with a cool glare.

“Agent Wraith, do you truly believe you can obtain a the relic as you did in your reality?” Hippolyta asked.

“I do, your highness.” Lash replied automatically.

“Then we will grant you access to the door so you may try.” Hippolyta said, and prepared for rebuttal from her daughter. Which came but a breath later.

“No!” Wonder Woman screamed at her mother, breaking custom. But at the moment Wonder Woman didn't care.

Wonder Woman, and Hippolyta had a heated discussion. But in the end it didn't matter. The Queen had spoken. This is what was best for their people. That is what drove Hippolyta to this decision. Wonder Woman all but came to blows with her mother. Demanding at the very least that she go with Lash into the underworld which was quickly shot down by everyone including Superman. Tartarus being a hell dimension had a corrupting taint that came with it. It was the main reason why Superman, and Supergirl were not coming with him. If a mind controlled Superman was bad. A demonic Superman was worse.

This was a different Diana then Lash was use to. Diana in his reality didn't want Lash to go into Tartarus either. But in the end respected the decision. This realities Diana had been beaten time and time again. She had seen her whole world come to a crumble. She refused to submit this was true, but she was forced to make sacrifices that she never would have made before in the past. She like many great leaders when at war grew tired, and wished for the fighting to stop. For a brief moment she saw a glimmer of hope that war would stop. Then that hope decided to jump into hell instead. She didn't take it well.

Someone suggested that they ask for volunteers among those that had hell resistance. People with demonic, or devil blood in them. There were about a dozen or so in this reality. VI Avatars that had gone the hell route for their origins. All of them said no. No one could blame them for saying so. They had crawled out of their own dimensions of hell to be on Earth. As horrible as the planet was, it was thousand times better than going back. So in the end, Lash would go by himself as planned.

“Are we friends in your reality?” Diana asked Lash as they walked down the stone path towards the doors to Taratarus.

“I like to think we are. We've fought side by side several times. Shared stories around the fire. Trained together, joked around. Teased one another...” Lash said, he pondered his relationship with his Diana.

“Sounds like a friendship to me. I wish we had a version of you in this reality.” Diana said softly.

“I'm here now. Better late then never!” Lash said, Diana gave him a sad smile and nodded. They came to stopping point, Diana was not allowed to travel further. Her mother feared she would jump through the gate if she did.

“Promise me you'll come back?” Diana asked. Lash bowed from his waist, and a hand over his heart.

“I will endeavor to do my best. I have family back home that were not happy with the plan either. So for them, and for you. I will try my best to return. Relic in hand.” Lash offered, but declined to promise.

“And I was ok with it? My version in your reality?” She asked, clearly upset with the lunacy.

“She wasn't entirely happy about it. But she trusts in my ability. My Patron has never given me a task that was impossible to complete.” Lash said, offering a sense of logic to the plan.

“Then we'll be here...waiting for your return.” Diana said, as she stuck out her hand. Lash took the offer and shook it. They looked at each other for a bit. Lash winked at her, which was a bit odd given he had four eyes. She grimaced, but appreciated the attempt.

Lash walked the rest of the way alone. Though they were in a different reality the way down was essentially the same. When he got to the bottom floor he saw a massive stone gate waiting for him. Dead bolted with Orichalcum locks. A legion of Amazon warriors stood on stand by, Lash bowed to them and they saluted back. They started to pull the bolts out.

Lash couldn't believe he was doing this. He hated Tartarus last time he was there. It was only a year and he felt like it had carved out a piece of him that would never heal. Here he was volunteering to return again. Lash had decided to not spend any of his Dream Points before he left the Watch Tower. Because he would need a full deck in hell. His DP total right now was 150, not including his 20 DP credit card. He had spent some time looking up information on the hell dimension. Something he had idiotically skipped before.

The ghoulish wail of suffering souls screamed through the dark cave as the gates slowly opened. Lash took his first steps forward, and told the legion not to open it all the way. When the doors were barely open he started to push through the crack. Before to long he was on the other side, he called back. The door slowly started to close. But he already knew it would be different this time. Why? Because the entire entrance was different!

Tartarus in his reality was a barren landscape of red earth. With a crimson sky that rained acidic blood every few days and or hours. Dead landscape with hellish trees, and plant life designed to torment and kill any lingering souls they found. A towering volcanic mountain stood in the distance, with a castle tower linked to it. No matter where he was in his Tatarus that castle tower was always visible. But not this Tartarus. This one was different.

This Tartarus was a midnight black necropolis. Towering structures in every direction with glowing crystals. The crystals contained hundreds of wailing souls. Ziggurats, that is what they were called were attended by demonic soldiers, and priests. The priests attended to the prisoners with zealotry fervor. Peeling skin, flesh, and soul apart. Only for the glowing crystals to shoot energy into the prisoners and renew their bodies once more for torture. The sky was black as a moonless night. With millions of sparkling lights that winked in and out of existence. Creatures flied through the darkness looking for prey. This was when Lash was reminded of a single passage in a book he had read.

“Hell dimensions are shaped in the way of those that rule it.” That meant who ever ruled Tartarus now, wanted it this way. Fuck. Before Lash could continued to curse his idiocy for assuming it would be the same. Soldiers started to run towards him, weapons drawn.

“Dawn! How many DP would it take to evolve my Daemonic Heritage?” Lash called into the open air as he extended his Psionic Blades silver in color.

“To evolve the racial trait would require 500 DP, User!” Dawn replied in a soothing tone.

“Can I use my ability point I got from my reward?” Lash asked, as he deflected a few posion tipped arrows.

“Yes User! That would be acceptable, shall I make the purchase now?” Dawn asked, her voice took and seductive edge. Pleased at his initiative.

“Yes, please!” Lash called out, as he pushed forward and sliced through a demonic soldier. His Nth metal blade tearing through him. The demons soul being consumed thanks to Soul Absorption (Chp. 49).

Congratulations User! Daemonic Heritage: Knight has evolved into Daemonic Heritage, Baron.

Daemonic Heritage, Baron: You are one of the lowest form of Hellish Nobility. This grants you passive dominion over lesser demons, and devils. As long as they do not serve something, or someone higher than yourself.

The User is granted 100% resistance (not immunity) to hell taint, and corruption.

A blast of crimson golden light erupted from Lash in that moment. Washing over the whole area. The demonic soldiers came to a abrupt halt and kneeled before him. Lash stopped his Psionic Blade from decapitating one of the soldiers right as the light washed over them. The soldier to their credit didn't move. As if being killed by him was just a matter of fact.

“Stand aside!” A voice called out from behind the soldiers.

All of the demonic soldiers including the one next to Lash stood up, saluted, and moved away into a single line at attention. A demonic creature with purplish skin, a barbed tail, that was 5'8” in height and wore the trappings of human skin in the form of a robe stepped forward. The creature had bone spikes down its spine, an open jaw that revealed its fangs. Along with a single massive eye on its skull that looked Lash over.

“Greetings unto you Baron. We apologize for attacking one such as you. Please forgive us” The creature snarled at him. His saliva dripping from his open maw. Lash narrowed his eyes at him.

“Who is your master?” Lash said in a cold tone. He did not speak english but spoke in a obscure dialect of hell. That he seem to learn when he evolved his heritage.

“We serve the Lady Baroness Nyx, daughter of Trigon.” The creature said, as it bowed its head towards Lash.

“Does she still reside in the castle tower of the Fallen One, her brother?” Lash asked. Lash was being polite, and refined. One would think you would need to be brutal in hell. But most of the elder devils were refined, cultural, and polite. One would be a fool to mistake it as a weakness.

“Yesss! Has his lordship visited before?” The creature asked, clearly surprised.

“Not in this reality, no.” Lash said, confessing he was not from here. Most pure blood devils and demons could smell a lie.

“Ah! A Rift Walker! Yes, most interesting! Our Lady Baroness will most likely want to meet you. Shall we call a carriage for you?” The creature asked.

“As long as the Lady Baroness allows it.” Lash said, keeping his eyes on the creature.

“Please allow me!” The creature took out a jagged dagger and disemboweled itself. Letting out a glee of ecstasy as their lower intestines spilled out. It produced a golden cup from its skin robes and scooped its own blood up. Then ran its clawed fingers along the edge.

“Please inform the Lady Baroness that....” The creature looked toward Lash. They didn't know his name.

“Daemon Baron Lash.” He gave his name to the creature. Who's eye went wide, the soldiers all whipped their heads around to look at him. A Daemon was different from a demon. Lash was met with a renewed sense of hostility, and respect.

Daemons were complicated creatures. They were pure-blooded demons, and devils. But unlike the rest with in the different hells. Daemons were created, or birthed directly from the fallen. As in Gods, Goddesses, Angels, etc, etc. Though this adaptation of story and myth changed depending on the culture you referred to. Daemons were....Complicated. The fact that Lash was a Daemon Baron would suggest that he was the bastard love child. Starting at the lowest level of hellish nobility. So, would that mean he had a powerful backing? Well since he came from the door that was guarded by the Amazons? One would assume so!

The creature transmitted the message through his blood chalice. It received a response with in a minute from the head servant of the castle tower. Lash was to be escorted to the tower, under guard as a honored guest of the Lady Baroness. In an offer of sacrifice the creature slit its own throat and died with a smile on its face. Only for a spout of soul energy from a Ziggurat to shoot into it. Its wounds healed, and it was ready for service once again.

A carriage soon arrived. Being pulled by several tortured humans, and creatures. All of which were chained to the carriage. Being whipped by a creature with expert precision and attention. The carriage itself was made from black gnarled wood, the inside was fully furnished with the finest silk, and comfort for hell nobles. They would be escorted by Demonic knights, who rode upon nightmare horses. Hell fire alight in their eyes.

Inside the carriage was a delightful smell of perfume. As there was a demonic lady barely clothed with in the carriage waiting to attend to Lash's every need. Lash settled in the carriage seat in a quick and fluid motion. The door was closed, and locked behind him and they were off the moment he took his seat. The woman was the very picture of sexual delight! She wore leather and chains that did not hide a thing. It reminded Lash of a BDSM outfit he had seen before. She had raven black hair, red to pink skin, and a tail that ended in a diamond tip.

“Are you hungry, Lord Baron? Some wine? Fruit? Or perhaps you would like another type of desert?” The woman said, her lilac eyes looked him up and down. She licked her lips in a slow gradual motion.

“What is your name?” Lash asked, as he looked her over.

“Vyllith, Lord Baron.” The woman said, as she sat up straight in the carriage. Allowing Lash to gain full view of her.

“Come sit next to me, Vyllith I have a few questions for you.” Lash said, he swept his tail across the carriage seat. Vyllith took no other prompting and crawled across the carriage cushions in a gradual motion. She sat next to him, Lash pulled her so she was flush against his side. She smiled at him, as her eyes danced up and down his armor.

“How may I be of service, Lord Baron?” Vyllith asked, licking her lips. Letting Lash see her fangs. Lash played his claws down her back, and she arched her back in a practiced motion that emphasized her chest. One by one he released the buckles letting the leather get up fall to the floor. Vyllith shivered in delight.

“How long as the Lady Baroness ruled Tartarus?” Lash asked, once he had freed Vyllith of the leather straps. He began to draw his claws up and down her naked flesh, he even started to massage her muscles which brought a moan from her throat.

“For nearly twenty mortal years, Lord Baron. Though she does not rule it alone. There are three other Barons who rule the realm. They are in constant confrontation.” She supplied, as she wiggled against his side. Her hand started to play up and down his armor. First with hesitation but when Lash didn't say anything to admonish her she continued.

“Do the other Barons fight each other?” Lash asked, he reached over and with little effort picked Vyllith up and placed her on his lap. His right hand was on her back, his left on her legs. He continued to play his claws up and down her skin. She smiled at him, and nuzzled into his embrace.

“No, they fight against her in a united front. But despite superior numbers she continues to hold her own. Her armies are well equipped, and well trained.” Vyllith said with a smile. That soon froze on her face. Why was she offering more than she asked? Lash leaned his snout towards her and ran his forked tongue along her neck. She shivered in delight and forgot why it was important to care.

“How long will it take to reach the Lady Baroness?” Lash asked, his claws on his left hand playing along her inner thigh. She shivered in delight, and let a moan escape her throat.

“Several hours, Lord Baron. Longer if you wish it.” Vyllith said, as she leaned forward and ran her own tongue along his neck.

“We best not keep the Lady Baroness waiting. But a few hours is plenty of time.” Lash said, as he ran his claws up and down her skin.


Lash and Vyllith continued to talk to each other about the situation in Tartarus. From time to time Vyllith would pause in confusion as to why she gave so much information away. But soon the reason would become foggy, and she would lean into Lash. She had entertained many nobles of hell before. Some were brutal in the way they treated her. Others treated her like less than a human soul. But Lash, this Baron of hell was different. Were all Daemons this way? Or was it just him?

Before to long they reached the castle tower of Lady Baroness Nyx. Vyllith hated to admit it, but she really enjoyed spending time with Baron Lash. They didn't have sex, though she did have at least two orgasms. Simply from his hands alone! She had wanted to return the favor but he simply enjoyed toying with her. Being treated like such a toy turned her on even more. When the carriage stopped, she kissed his cheek goodbye. But Baron Lash did something different he pulled her from the carriage.

“I like you, will you please attend me and by my guide?” Lash asked, Vyllith gave him a practiced smile that she almost meant. This was not the first time a noble had taken a liking to her.

“Not at all, Lord Baron. I am educated on the lay out of the castle. I will be happy to attend you. But I should redress myself first.” Vyllith said as she moved to replace the leather, and chains. Lash waited for her. But when she turned around she found he was holding a beautiful silk dress.

“Please put this on. I think it suits you better.” Baron Lash said to her. She smiled wide at the dress. She moved to touch it, but gasped in shock when she saw the shimmer of divine light. Orichalcum had been sewn into it. She audibly swallowed, and looked at Baron Lash expecting a trap. Why would a Baron give something so valuable to her?

“I assure you, its a gift. From me to you. Think of it as payment for the information, and attending me today. If you are worried about the value, then don't. This is nothing to me.” Baron Lash said to her. He said the last part a little louder than he normally had spoken. All of the soldiers, and attendants knew the value of that dress. If it was nothing to him? Where was this Baron from?

“I would be happy to accept! Thank you, Lord Baron!” Vyllith said with a smile, Baron Lash helped her put it on. It was one of the few times that Vyllith had been so turned on by putting clothes on.


Lash finished with the dress and looked Vyllith over. Standing from the carriage she was now 5'9” with a hour glass figure. Long shapely legs, and arms, long back hair that went to the middle of her back. She had knife point ears that were a few inches longer than standard human. Her red to pink skin, glowed in the torchlight around the entrance to the castle. Lash snapped his claws in a moment of stupidity. The movement made Vyllith freeze in place. Lash knew she was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“Not to worry, I simply forgot your shoes!” Lash said with a smile, as he pulled out a orichalcum ingot from his Storage and started to craft black stiletto heels, with wrap around straps that went up her thighs. It was in that moment that Lash saw the realization dawn on Vyllith. That this could all still be a trap. A servant wearing ridiculously expensive items. What if she got them dirty? Would he punish her?

The dress was a form fitting black to red silk dress with a diamond shape window above her chest. The silk wrapped around her neck, and left her back exposed. It was sleeveless, with the skirt reaching her ankles, but two slits went up the dress on either side of her legs all the way up to her hips. The black stiletto heels complimented the look but Lash still felt something was missing. He snapped his claws and started to craft a center piece. A braided corded necklace, with a red spell jewel in the center that emphasized her breasts. By the time he was finished Vyllith was shivering, and not in a good way.

“Excellent! Now you acceptable to have on my arm. Come along!” Lash offered his arm to her, she swallowed and stepped close to him with practice ease. She knew how to walk in the heels, and moved to match his walk. Lash took this moment to pull of his Wraith shroud disguise to reveal his Warden armor that was highlighted with orichalcum. Yes, Lash was a Baron. But a fucking rich Baron.

The castle tower hadn't changed much. It was still a behemoth of architecture. The carriage had ridden through the town that surrounded it. Unlike the town that the Fallen One managed, this town was full of citizens. It was nice to know Nyx knew how to properly manage a town. Even if it was in hell. The massive doors were still as tide, and wide as ever. It made sense, since Tartarus was where they kept the Titans in Olympian myth. Though, Lash thankfully had never fought one, or even seen one down here so far.

“Vyllith, where are the titans?” Lash asked his guide who was still shivering like a leaf.

“The...Titans are still being held prisoner, Lord Baron. It is a unholy law by any ruler not to disturb them. To many have tried in the past. Now even the greater Devil, and greater Demon Kings and Queens ensure that they are not disturbed.” Vyllith responded quickly, trying her best to remain professional.

“Fascinating!” Lash responded as he walked through the castle grounds. They were soon met by an attendant who's eyes nearly popped from their sockets at his armor, and the dress that Vyllith wore. The attendant looked like a human man with midnight black skin, and had four arms. Wearing a servant uniform that one would had found in italy during the renaissance.

“Lord Baron, Lash. Welcome to the castle. Lady Baron Nyx would like to speak to you. Please come with me to the audience chamber.” The servant said with a bow.

“May my guide, Vyllith come with me? I've taken a liking to her.” Lash asked, a smile on his face. Vyllith paled at the idea of meeting her lady. She begged with her eyes for the servant to say no.

“Of course! You may do what ever you wish with her, as you see fit. Though please allow her to perform her duties while in attendance with her Lady Baron.” The servant said, almost a malicious grin spreading across his face.

“Wonderful! Please lead the way!” Lash said, as he gently patted Vyllith's arm.

Vyllith took back everything she had said about Baron Lash being a nice Daemon. He was a monster! Who chose to torment her in a completely different fashion. Going before her master!? A lowly servant that warmed the seats of the nobility. Dressed up in finest of silks, and given the best jewelry she had ever seen. She was sure to obtain her masters jealous rage! Vyllith thought back to the carriage ride, had she done something to upset him? No, she had done everything correctly. What...

“Vyllith, are you alright?” Lash asked, full of concern. A twinkle in his eye, she had slowed down a bit.

“I...I have never met, Lady Baron Nyx. I...I fear I will make a fool of myself, and in turn you. Lord Baron Lash.” Vyllith supplied a suitable answer.

“None sense! I'm sure you'll be a delight!” Lash said with a genuine smile on his face. The servant that was leading snickered softly.

The servant led them to the antechamber and had them wait for thirty minutes before being seen. Standard etiquette, power play maneuver. The host would always make the guest wait to make it clear that they would be seen on the hosts time, not the guests. Lash didn't mind, he sat down and had Vyllith sit on his lap. He produced food with his magic and offered it to the servants in the chamber along with Vyllith who desperately wanted to say no. But still obliged him and tried so hard not to spill anything on her dress. Oddly, Lash made no move to make it hard for her.

Before to long they were told to stand ready. The doors opened and they were escorted into a huge chamber. But of course it was designed for titans so it made sense. They walked the impossibly long entrance towards the seat of power. There sitting in an extravagant throne was the Lady Baroness Dia Nyx. Who looked a lot different!

Dia Nyx in this reality looked as though she had accepted her brothers offer. The offer that Lash had interrupted when he had rescued her. She was about 6'4” with red to black skin, crimson scales highlighted her features along her exposed bone. In example along her jaw line, collar bone, etc. She had four fiery eyes, the second pair just above her first. Black twisted horns grew from the head in a twisted form of a crown. Long demonic wings stretched behind her and curled up after a moment. Smoke and ash dripped from her wings dramatically. She wore the finest silk, and golden armor across her body. It covered her sensual bits, and vital organs. The rest was flawless skin with out a blemish. Her very essence oozed sex appeal. Lash knew that Nyx had succubus blood in her, it seemed to have been highlighted in this reality.

Lash stuck to court etiquette and released Vyllith twenty steps from the throne. The demoness threw herself to the ground as soon as he let go and groveled in the presence of her master. Lash stopped thirteen steps from the throne and bowed low from his waist. But never took his eyes off of Dia. A fact that the entire hall noticed, Dia narrowed her eyes but said nothing.

“Now presenting! Lord Daemon Baron Lash. Visiting from the gates of Themyscira!” The attending servant shouted loudly to the court. The other court attendants all whispered, and murmured in surprise. Before the servant could introduce Nyx she raised a clawed hand up to stop them.

“Welcome, Baron Lash to my home. What brings you here?” She said, a smile tugging on her lips. Lash stood up straight once he was addressed. He produced a illusion image of the holy relic that the amazons needed.

“I have come to barter.” Lash said simply.

“That old dust catcher? What would a Baron of hell need with that item?” Nyx replied, a look of intrigue on her face.

“As a Daemon Baron I am capable of using the holy relic to its full use and advantage. As it is a dust collector perhaps the Lady Baroness would part with it? I will of course pay for it.” Lash suggested, as he waved his claws and over five hundred pounds of orichalcum ingots appeared next to him. The whole court erupted in whispers, and shouts of surprise.

“Hmmm....Tempting. But, I find that the object in question is worth more now” Nyx said with a smile, as she uncrossed her legs, and recrossed them. A clear provocation of seduction, but also power. She wasn't threatened by him. Lash knew the tower was full of ori, unless her brother took it all when he left?

“The object that was nothing but a dust catcher a moment ago?” Lash asked, raising a scaled brow at her.

“Well a lot has changed since then. Wouldn't you agree?” Nyx said, a smile stretching across her face. Lash nodded his head in agreement. There had been a lot of ways he could have played this out. Dance around the relic, do some espionage, see if he could sneak into the treasury and obtain it later.

“Then pray tell. What would be of equal or greater value for the holy relic?” Lash asked, he had a feeling he knew what was about to be asked but he had to be sure.

“One of the heads to my rival Barons with in the realm would be worth it.” Nyx said with a smile. The court burst into whispers and murmurs once again.

“Nothing else calls your interest, Lady Baroness? No treasure? No favor? Nothing else?” Lash asked, as he looked at her carefully.

“There are many things that I want, Lord Baron. But none of those things you can provide for me. But the execution of one of my rivals from a foreign power would be delicious!” She said, Nyx leaned forward to the edge of her seat. Watching him carefully.

“Is there a time table attached to this deal?” Lash asked.

“Before you leave the court.” She countered.

“Oh no! You miss understand. Forgive me for that is my fault. If I accept the deal how long do I have to preform it?” Lash asked, specifying. Nyx licked her lips, her breathing growing excited.

“As long as you need! Obviously you may stay in the castle while you plan. Though you will be kept far away from the treasury.” Nyx said in response.

“I want her as well.” Lash pointed at Vyllith. Who almost brought her head up in surprise but then slammed her head back down saving herself from the mistake. Nyx looked at her in intrigue.

“May I ask why?” Nyx asked, curious.

“Because she is the only one in your entire realm that hasn't lied to me once.” Lash said straight faced. Nyx's eyes went a little wide at that.

“Very well! She is yours to do with as you wish! If, you accept the deal.” Nyx said as she waved her hand.

“I will need to see the contract, I am not a fool.” Lash said, as he opened his hand for it. Nyx snapped her fingers and the contract which was several feet long appeared in Lash's hands. She leaned back, perfectly willing to wait until he was finished.

Lash opened the contract and read through it carefully. Other Worldly Lore, and Daemonic Heritage, Baron. Activated and granted him a lot of experience and a few levels. He found over two dozen loop holes and pointed them out for revision. Despite the set back, Nyx only smiled more at his attention to detail. Any demon, and devil with attention to detail was attractive, and dangerous! He added a clause that he would be a welcomed guest at the Castle Tower, the town, and the realm that belong to Dia Nyx. Along with his newly found servant. Nyx agreed, cant very well plan an assassination from a cave could he?

“What if I am not satisfied with just one head? What if I kill all three for you? Will I get some special prize?” Lash asked, looking up from the tail end of the contract. Nyx's four fiery eyes went wide at his offer.

“Oh, Lord Baron. If you kill all three then I think you and I will be more than friends!” Nyx said, practically shivering in delight at the idea of it.

“Be specific, so we can amend the contract now.” Lash said as he poised to sign the contract. Nyx realized then that Lash was being serious. She bit her lips, and leaned back in thought.

“Land would not interest you? Since you plan to leave after you retrieve your relic?” Nyx asked.

“Yes, I suppose I would like an escort back to the Themyscira gate with out worry of being attacked?” Lash asked, Nyx waved her hand as if that was a must. A new line in the contract was added just for that. Along with his new servant.

“How about the ability to call on my armies when you need an extra hand?” Nyx offered “You are a summoner are you not? They would be under your direct control while under your call?” Nyx finished. That idea intrigued Lash.

“That would be enough for one more head, what about the other?” Lash asked, a new line on the contract was made. Nyx licked her lips as she rubbed her legs together in anticipation.

“Do you have something in mind?” Nyx asked, looking down at Lash.

“If the third head is retrieved. You and I will be friends.” Lash said...The silence in the hall was palpable. Nyx looked at him in astonishment, but then her eyes narrowed. There was no way it was that simple?

“Be specific...” Nyx all but growled.

“Never had a friend before? Someone who you could rely on, and next expect anything in return? Someone to talk to, and not worry about your secrets being used against you? Someone who you could trust, respect, and love?” Lash asked, a smile spreading across his face. A crimson aura started to boil off of Nyx.

“I had friends once...Before I was taken to this realm. They disappoint you in the end. No one came for me.... I” Nyx narrowed her eyes at him.

“In your home reality, do we know each other?” Nyx asked, her eyes glowing.

“We do...” Before Lash could continue speaking Nyx stood up from her throne.

“Everyone out! I wish to speak to him alone!” Nyx shouted, and the entire court jumped to obey. Lash turned to look at Vyllith who looked up at him. He nodded to her, she shuffled away with everyone else. With in a minute the whole court was empty. Nyx beckoned him closer, when he did she put up an obstruction glamour.

“What are we in your reality?” Nyx asked.

“We are friends, maybe lovers. We haven't consummated the latter, yet. In my reality, I have been to Tartarus before. At that time I found your doppelganger being tortured.” Lash said, giving a lot away but he was trusting his gut right now.

“So... In your reality I didn't stay here? Do you know who my father is? Do you know what he would do to you if you even dared to suggest this?” Nyx said, glaring at him so intensely he swore she was trying to set him ablaze.

“I do, I would be lying if I said I wasn't afraid of him. But, I would be lying if I said I wasn't willing to try and help you.” Lash said at last.

“I hate him...I hate my father. He left me here. Told me we had grand plans. But I was left behind for my bitch of a sister, Raven. She was perfect, she could be his anchor into Earth. But not me! I was a mistake! Then what happened? Raven died! During Earths 'Unification War'. Suddenly the ruined and toxic earth held no interest to my father. I had wanted to travel the stars with him to conquer more realms in his name. But he cast me aside, seeing me nothing more than trash! A faulty anchor that had no use.” Nyx said, tears streaming down her face. Lash stepped forward and swallowed her in a hug. Her entire body went rigid, and she struggled for a brief moment. But when she realized he wasn't attacking her she relaxed.

“This...This doesn't change anything! I won't give you the relic with out the deal.” Nyx said, as she clenched her jaw.

“Will you accept the third reward? We'll be friends?” Lash whispered to her. Nyx after a few tense seconds nodded. The new line in the contract was added. Lash picked it up with his tentacle, and signed it with the other. The deal was made. Nyx pushed him away then, and glared at him.

“We are not friends!....Not yet. Go do your job!” Nyx said with a glare. Lash bowed from his waist.

“As you wish, Lady Baroness.” Lash said with a smile, turned on his heel and left the court.

Nyx watched him go. She was boiling with rage! Why? Why!? Had she acted that way around him? It made no sense! She had ruled Tartarus with an iron fist for decades! She had stopped dozens of assassination attempts, plots, and ploys. She was always the winner in those contests. But why when this Baron from another reality offered her something she had forsaken so long ago. Why, why did she trust him to keep his word? This had to be a trap! Yes, that was it. Lash had done something, she would see through it. She would survive this, as she survived everything else!

“Fucking monster!” Nyx whispered to herself. The greatest of despair was honeyed with lingering taste of hope.

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