Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 86: Counter Incursion


***Alberta, Canada. Alpha Rift operations tower***

AR-John watched the video of the ion cannon shot destroying the line of Mobile-FU-Tanks. It destroyed ten of the tanks in under 5 seconds. Severely slowing their progression towards destroying the city hall and capturing the city. The infiltrator unit tracked the laser shot to the orbit. The camera switched focus from the ion cannon to the giant reptilian monstrosity that was butchering their men. Along with the 300 reptilian soldiers that appeared out of thin air that follow in the wake of giant monster. Omega Red threat! AR-John had to agree with the Emperor now, that thing was terrifying!

“Commander! The HK unit leader is in medical, it will take several hours to rebuild his missing arm.” One of AR-John's aids informed him of the situation with the Hunter Killer team.

“Inform the unit that we request they stay on standby, we'll continue to filter information to them about the Omega Red threat as we obtain it.” AR-John told his aid who saluted him and returned to his desk. AR-John looked through operations room and called on a specific soldier.

“Do we know where the ion cannon came from yet?” AR-John asked, the soldier jumped to their feet and turned around ready to give a report.

“Negative sir! We have tracked the energy discharge to the upper atmosphere. But the Kryptonian guard cleared the planet of any satellites, and stations they found. But....” The soldier stopped themselves from completing their sentence.

“Speak freely!” AR-John informed the soldier, who nodded at him.

“I believe the shot came from this realities Justice League, Watch Tower.” The soldier finished.

“Why?” AR-John asked, as he began to type on his personal computer console.

“We knew the Justice League existed in this reality, and that it had only been established for less than a year. But, we also know the alien reconfirmed as the Omega Red threat is capable of building structures by seemingly pulling energy from the air. It stands with in reason that the Omega Red is capable of building a weapon after the Kryptonian guard cleared the atmosphere.” The soldier finished their thought process.

“I want you to continue following that thread....” AR-John said to the soldier, he looked over the rest of the room. “Listen up!” He called, the whole room went quiet.

“Anyone not working another problem will help this soldier pulling on that thread. I'll pull you off when more information presents itself. Get to it!” AR-John shouted! The whole room jumped into action. The soldier with the theory's main view screen was pulled dead center of the room so everyone could look at it.

An orbital weapon was a series issue. They had just started to activate the energy generators across their different Rift points. But they had shut them all down after they had seen that shot. The power generators could be detected with the right equipment. They didn't want a giant laser to destroy their FOB's from orbit. AR-John sent a scatter protocol to all their outbound and inbound units. They would skip around to avoid being tailed before they returned to base. Slowing their overall progress but insuring the safety of their homes.

“COMMANDER!” A soldier shouted, taking him from his thoughts.

AR-John looked up at another video feed. This was Beta Rift, it was the live feed from the Rift Commander. They watched in horror as an ion cannon shot had obliterated the listening outpost right outside their Rift. As soon as the beam stopped firing it reveal the giant Omega Red threat sprinting towards Beta Rift.

“Scramble a response force, NOW!” AR-John shouted to the room.


The sounds of muted explosions and gun fire rang out across the theater of war. Millions of tracer rounds, and electromagnetic lightning blue raced through the sky like a cosmic dance interrupting the big bag! What had been a jungle around a simple cave soon turned into a massive military base made from concrete and steel. The stealth pylons distorted or destroyed. Galloping across the broken remains of the defense wall of the Beta Rift FOB were reptilian creatures racing towards their death!

The creatures were odd, they were clearly capable of running on all fours, or two. Weapons would materialize into their waiting clawed hands. Some would have ancient weapons of spears, swords, and bows. They would be covered in a combination of tribal bone armor, and simple leathers. While the others would have modern combat gear. These reptilian soldiers were bigger. They appeared to be the commanders of the smaller ones. The veterans emulated their master with four eyes, and a pair of tentacles on their back. But one simple truth was evident to the soldiers of the alternate reality. They were endless!

If they only maimed them then with in a few seconds the broken and injured would regrow, or heal their injuries in moments. While those who were ripped apart by explosion and bullet fire would disappear into green and blue particles. With in moments a portal would open up and spit out another one. The Omega Red threat was behind it! They knew it was that monster. Because it was not shooting off its usual energy attacks. It must be maintaining the army!

“CONCENTRATE YOUR FIRE!” The Beta Rift Commander called out as he sprinted towards the Omega Red threat on foot. His shoulder cannons firing straight at the creature who roared at him in challenge.


Saurian burst through a wall as concrete and steel flew in all directions. Like a bursting damn where one fracture leads to another. More minor explosions range across the entire defense wall as more of his manifested warriors and veterans races into combat behind him. Vici had cleared the way by destroying a listening post a few miles away. The energy released had marked the location of their main base. It would appear that they had gone all in during the attack on, Addis Ababa. Leaving only a skeleton crew behind in their base.

But, that couldn't be true! Because when you have a back door to an alternate reality you are never far from having reinforcements. That was ok! Saurian had his own reinforcements. He had returned to his 30 foot tall, 60 foot long form. Because he needed all of his magic to support his regenerating army. That however, was not what he had meant as reinforcements. A sonic boom rang out across the muted blue sky as the sun was just about to rise. Like a bullet fired into a sand pit an impact crater exploded sending the base flying in all directions.

There standing in the middle of the cater was a very angry blue and red boy scout! Spring jump spell scripts appeared around Superman and with an audible pop the Justice League had appeared. Saurian roared and used Rallying Call, the ripple of energy spread through the entire area bathing the League, and the Saurus army in energy. Saurian reached out and established a Temporary Pack Bond with any of them that were friendly with him. Which turned out to be all of them!

Link established, welcome to the hunt! -Saurian said across the link.

“Yeeeeaaaah! To battle my fellow warriors!” Wonder Woman yelled out across the field and flew into the air shield and sword in hand.

“Excuse me! Pardon me! Coming through!” Flash said quickly as a blur of red and yellow lightning zipped between the different soldiers taking their rifles from them.

“Eeeeeaaaah!” Hawkwoman screamed in glee as she bashed her Nth metal mace straight into a helicopter flying in the air above. Her husband straight on her tail with a laugh.

“That is right! Come to straight at me!” Hal Jordan the Green Lantern said as he used his green energy to make a giant mech warrior with shoulder firing turrets.

From the crater came over a dozen more League members that had teleported in. They had used Superman as the beacon to break through the distortion field surrounding the base. Obviously the whole League could not attend the battle as other cities were under attack. But when Vici had found one of the Rift locations an attack team was assembled and sent out quickly!

Saurian galloped across the field and jumped onto of a mammoth tank that had been left behind to guard the base. He raked his claws through the armor easily enough. The mounted turrets all turned to fire at him as he was the largest threat. He peeled back the compartment doors and exhaled methane thanks to his passive spell power from this Nature Domain. Then a single spark ignited the whole inside of the tank. One of these days Saurian will have to figure out how to create natural napalm and imitate Torloth the dragon.

Bullets, missiles, and energy blasts of all sizes peppered Saurian has he jumped from the mammoth tank. Straight out of a Godzilla movie he raced straights the firing line. But right before he made it to them. He slid to a stop, and stuck his belly to the ground. Not a second later, Shazam flew over his back and bashed the firing line with his magical lightning. Pack Bond, and Team Work gained several points of experience. Thanks to the bond they didn't even communicate the move, they just understood one another.

“Hell ya! I mean....Heck ya! Don't tell my Uncle I said that...” Shazam said softly to Saurian who chuckled at him.

A row of missile towers popped out from the ground several hundred feet away. Before the last one had even reached its full height the first tower started firing its payload at the enemies near by. However, each and every missile flew around in erratic circles before they spun back and hit the towers. A pulse of energy much akin to Machine Control was in the air. Cyborg aka Victor Stone flew in the air above the battle field. Disrupting, and destroying what he could with his white noise cannon.

“Yaaaaaa! Victory! Victory! Victory!” Shazam started a one man chant as he watched Cyborg level the playing field. Cyborg rolled his single organic eye at the antics of the kid but a smile was on his face regardless.

Saurian shivered, and for a moment his vision was swapped with one of his Veterans. As he watched a large alternate reality soldier with a mounted cannon cut through the Saurus army. The soldier kept flickering in and out of sight, stealth field. The view point shifted back to Saurian, and he raced towards the location. A 30 foot tall dinosaur sprinting towards a direction can be a horrifying sight, so Saurian had been told. He would disagree, seeing a pissed off Amazonian warrior Princess cutting through an army with a sword filled him with fear.

Wonder Woman was like a dancer, and the battle field was her stage. She slipped past, under, up, and past each puppet, robotic unit, and soldier with practice grace one would only find in a ballet dancer. The God-slayer blade she carried cut through any metal like it was made of silk. She wore full armor that covered all of her vital points, but allowed full movement. Like it had been choreographed before hand she dug her shield into the ground and hid behind it for a brief moment. Just long enough for an armored bladed tail to sweep past her bashing all that was in front of her away. She jumped into the air with grace, jumped off of Saurian's side and with a wink towards him flew off to the next stage.

Saurian arrived just in time to see the Rift Commander shoot a green energy shot straight at Superman. Who screamed in surprise and was shot back dozen or so yards. But he slowed, and jumped to his feet. Much to the surprise of the Rift Commander. Who started to reload his shoulder mounted cannon. Saurian looked Superman over and smiled. His suit had been reinforced with gear from the Watch Tower, Malleus's work.

Before the Rift Commander could shoot another kryptonite shot Saurian landed in front of Superman and roared at the Commander. Intimidating Shout, the Commander paused for a brief second. Just enough time for Saurian to fling a concrete slab at him with one of his tentacles. The Commander easily jumped out the way, into the waiting arms of a Saurus Veteran with spear!

The Veteran whipped that spear forward like a cobra striking its prey! The blade easily slipped past the molded armor plates and sprung out the back of the man who screamed in pain. He raised both his arms up and his forearm mounts shot high explosive shotgun rounds at the Veteran who burst into green and blue particles. The spear went with the Veteran. The Commander had a brief moment for his suit to administer medical ai...A giant bladed tail the same height, and width as the Commander came straight towards him like a giant cleaver!

The Commander dove to the side, but not quick enough his right arm was sliced off at the shoulder. With out missing a beat he rolled and sprinted back towards the Rift point. His suit quickly stopped the bleeding and gave the Commander pain relief and wake up stimulant. Saurian was quickly gaining on the Commander. Right before Saurian could open his jaw and bite down the Commander jumped forward on jump jets, his shoulder mounted cannon shot backwards! Nailing Saurian in the face with an green energy blast that did little damage but did catch him by surprise.

The Commander cleared the main entrance as a solid steel door slammed into place. Saurian roared in fury at missing his prey. He bashed straight into the door but it held strong. He started to use Material Shaping, it was at that moment Saurian realized they had never evolved it. While he scraped against the door only a few inches of it was peeling away he quickly called on the store....

“I'm sorry, User! You cant use that in battle.” Dawn said softly to him.

Fuck! It made sense of course but he was hoping. He could have sworn he had done in battle before? Maybe he remembered wrong, maybe it was a new version! He started to rake his claws through the door on top of Material Shaping. He was getting huge amounts of experience from the unused skill. His two tentacle tips split open into three clawed grippers and started to shape the door quickly. But thanks to his army he didn't have a lot of energy to work with.

Then over a dozen Saurus Warriors jumped at the door and started to use the same skill. The door started to melt like a snowman on a warm day. Behind this door was the Rift, Saurian knew the whole room was locked in place with the same metal. BANG! Superman was above and was slamming his fists into the door. At last the made a hole just big enough for a Warrior to fit through. They started to pour through into the room and they started dying with in seconds. Saurian didn't care! Manifestation was gaining huge amounts of experience every second the battle continued.

WHAM! Saurian roared in pain as he was flung backwards. A alternate reality soldier with black armor, red highlights, and a robotic arm slammed into him. A tentacle whipped around with a Psionic Blade bathed in green energy nearly sliced the soldier in half before a blue energy sphere surrounded the soldier and pulled him away. Saurian briefly glanced at the door, half of his army was trying to get in, while the other half was fighting the new HK's that had come out to play. Saurian cast Manifestation and called an Elite. The warriors went down to 100 units but that was enough.

The portal opened up and the Elite stepped out. Standing at 8 feet, and 16 feet long. He wore magitech armor. Sleek, angular, with sharp points around his clawed hands, feet, bladed tail, and skull crest. His armor was vantablack, with forest green metallic scales. What was also new was two tentacle appendages on its back. It roared and extended to Psionic Blades from its hands, and tentacles. Two green, two silver, and used Blink to jump straight at the lead HK in the blue bubble. The HK was clearly shocked as the bubble all but popped like a balloon.

Saurian rolled to his feet and sprinted back towards the door. All of his remaining warriors jumped away of the way as he rammed his skull crest straight into the door. BOOM! The door imploded and his army raced in behind him. There in the center of a vast underground cavern that had been dug out by the alternate reality stood a Rift. The edges were a combination of gray, blue, red, and starlight. While the center was neon blue, and dark blue. Saurian watched in horror as the soldiers were trying to push as many brain boxed civilians through the portal. While technicians were trying to shut the Rift down.

“Aaaaaarroooooooooooo!” Saurian howled, the sound vibrating the entire cavern. Intimidating shout, and Rallying Call momentarily stunned the soldiers, and for a brief, brief moment the brain boxed civilians woke up. They looked around and looked at Saurian with hope, before the box incapacitated them again.

“DIE YOU FUCKING MONSTER!” The Rift Commander shouted as he sprinted towards him. Firing his shoulder mounted cannon, and his rifle.

Saurian completely ignored the man and sprinted past him. He raced towards the Rift with best possible speed. His army raced behind him, and like an army of ants on top of a spider they swarmed the Rift Commander. The last of the civilians were through the portal and a tech soldier was priming the explosives around the Rift. Saurian reached out with his minimum energy he had to spare and used Machine Control to stop the timers on the bombs.

“BLOW IT FROM THE OTHERSIDE!” The Rift Commander shouted before he was ripped apart by the warriors.

The tech soldiers jumped through the Rift. Saurian was over a hundred feet away. He had nothing! Nothing to use! All of his energy was in the army! Wait! His two tentacles came together and they quickly made a tiny metal object. The tentacle then whipped it, and flung it through the Rift right before it wink out of existence!


The Rift to the other reality snapped closed just behind the last soldier. The Rift Commander of the primary installation allowed the destruction of the Rift under the orders of command. But right before the Rift closed a gold like metal object was flung through. It was about as long as a knife, it had two prongs, and a handle. It looked like a fork? The object was flung so hard that it pierced into the head of one of the soldiers killing him instantly. He landed face first into the ground, all soldiers pointed their weapons at the object. Massive cannons swiveled around pointing at the object, along with the soldiers.

“What is it?” One of the soldiers asked. The closest soldier inched forward and pulled the object out.

“Its a tuning fork....” The soldier said, confused. But as soon as those words were said over comms the Rift Commander screamed over the intercom.

“DESTROY IT NOW!” The Commander said, but before his words had even finished a Conjuration magical symbol showed up on the fork. It was Called back to its owner.


Orichalcum tuning fork.

Rating: F-

Effect: Can hold any sound, as long as its not destroyed.

Effect: Vibrates at a specific frequency tailored to the sound.

Effect: Capable of being called across dimensions and realities thanks to Calling.

Comment: A poorly made, but useful tool for the war.

The golden metal tuning fork vibrated softly in Saurian's massive scaled hand. A sinister smile was on his giant face. He carefully tucked the item away, having taken note of the sound it was emitting. He turned to the abandoned base that was still very active. As the alternate reality soldiers tried to either move to a fall back point, or go out in a blaze of glory. But before he could continue the battle he got a prompt.

Congratulations, User! Your Cosmic Patron is pleased with you! You've closed one of the Rifts from the alternate reality. But you have also learned the vibrational frequency of the alternate reality.

Reward: 20 DP.

Reward: Rank status has increased from B- to B.

Comment: Keep up the good work! Its fun to watch!

Saurian's whole body surged with energy. Unlike before where he had bought the grade through the store which acted like an experience booster. This was a straight power level from one minor grade to another. Steam rose from his body as all of his stats were increased, skills, powers, racial traits, and spells went up. As the natural high slowly faded from him he received a mental call from his Elite. The HK leader had fled with the teleporter. They were injured but alive.

Help with the clean up, thank you. -Saurian sent to his Elite. He received a confirmation from his Elite.

Wraith! Is the Rift gone? -Hawkman called across the link.

It is, however a piece of good news. I know the frequency of the alternate reality. We can chase them now. -Saurian replied.....

Let's finish up here first. We can discuss it back at the Watch Tower. -Superman said across the link.

They did just that. Every piece of equipment that would normally hold any form of information had turned into slag. Any soldier be it a puppet, robot, or organic that couldn't get away went down fighting. Some even ran straight at the League with an explosives in hand ready to die for the cause. It wouldn't be until hours later that they learned the bio-chip had a suicide program in it. The League did secure over three hundred soldiers in all. The issue they were having now is where to put them. The Watch Tower prison cell area wasn't big enough to accommodate all of them. It would be six more days before Vici was finished with her upgrade key. Though the station could continue to operate they couldn't build anything new until the upgrade was over.

Ethan was on station with his medical droids. They had improved the bio-chip removal to the point that they had a machine that would de-chip them. So they made a simple barracks, stacked all the soldiers around Wraith who had changed back to Lash at this point. He used 20 DP from his reward and evolved Healing Aura.

Congratulations User! Minor Healing Aura has evolved into Basic Healing Aura.

Basic Healing Aura: Aura range has increased to 60 ft. Restores 3% of total health, and energy every minute. Caster designates who it effects. (Auto set to friendlies but can be adjusted) Decrease in magical energy consumption.

As before many of the soldiers started to die the moment their bio-chip were removed. They had to removed the implants and replace them before soldiers died. De-chiping three hundred soldiers and keeping them alive took approximately three days. They had been blitz by the AR-Forces six times. Commando teams, drop ships, and twice by the HK's. However, as more time went by it got easier and easier to defend the location. Because the revived soldiers were more than happy to help fight off the invaders with the League. Most them any ways.


“So these puppets are brain dead?” Cyborg asked Ethan who nodded at him while he removed another chip.

“Why even use them then? That has to take up a lot of energy to just command brain dead puppets.” Cyborg asked as he looked up the information. He was shocked silly in a moment.

“Every single puppet as E grade Superhuman durability!” Cyborg was astonished. So that was why. If the human race didn't have meta-powers. Then a robotic legion would have easily been the best soldier type. But thanks to the meta-gene that had changed.

“Its cheaper to use them, than robotic units.” Cyborg was appalled at the information.

The robotic units were complex machines. Though the Watch Tower droids were far superior thanks to Technomagical Constructs. The AR-Robots had near sentient virtual intelligence. Combined with a tech-meta as the driver and they were unstoppable legion. That didn't need food, water, or sleep. Made from complex metal alloys, and synthetic muscles. But, the meat puppets were animated flesh dolls, with superhuman durability akin to robotic units. Yes, they were brain dead but thanks to the cybernetic augmentations they could receive and carry out orders. They were cheaper. Which is terrifying! This was the alternate realities version of cannon fodder.

“Finished, take them to Wraith for healing.” Ethan said as a medical droid cleaned up and sent another de-chipped soldier away. Ethan cleaned his hands and prepared for the next operation.

Ethan was an android of 6' with blue eyes, black chopped hair that was currently pulled back. With healthy tanned skin, a strong frame hidden under medical battle gear. He cut a handsome figure that many women, and men would fall in love with. But many would be surprised do know that is good looks were all thanks to a polymetallic liquid that covered his synthetic frame. He looked a lot different with out it. As did Cyborg!

Cyborg at the moment was 6'6” with black skin, brown eyes, and brown hair cut short. He was wearing full form fitting uniform that was often found with League ground forces thanks to the Watch Towers standard kit. There was not a single cybernetic piece of metal in sight. Unless you counted his liquid metal skin that simulated human skin nearly perfectly. Cyborg thanked the god everyday that Wraith had given him this type of skin so he could look 'normal' around people. Cyborg walked over to one of the meat puppets.

The puppet had been female. But her face had no skin, or muscle for that matter. The metal was grafted straight onto her bone. A horde of wires were stuck into her cranium, it looked like a macabre of hair in badly need of a wash. While the rest of her wasn't much better. They had shaved off her skin, and most of her muscles just like her face to attach the augmentations. Then regrew the flesh over it. It was disgusting to look at. Several of the League members had turned green and puked at the sight of it. But has horrifying as they were. Wraith didn't want to destroy them. He said something about their souls still being present. He wanted to try and save them.

“Just hold on.... I don't know how. But if Wraith says he can save you, he will.” Cyborg said softly to the meat puppet. He gently placed his hands on her head and closed his eyes. He had never been much for praying. But he prayed now. The meat puppet had been catatonic, but in this moment tears welled up in her eyes and fell down her cheeks.


Another pulse from his Healing Aura went off and every target with in 60 feet had been 3% restored. It wasn't much, but it was enough to keep them alive as one by one each one was restored to working order. Eliza Green, the medic from the Zeta squad was in the barracks with Lash. All of the Zeta squad was on the ground helping their newly freed comrades adjust to being back in control. Another pulse went off. Lash took deep steady breaths, as his shroud writhed around him. His tail, and tentacles twitched and idly moved about on the floor. As he was still in his transformed state. It had been a while since Lash had turned back to his default human form. Did it even look human any more? He'd have to check once they were back at the tower.

“How are you feeling?” Eliza asked, she had been checking on the soldiers with a hand held medical unit. But the question was directed at Lash.

“I am well... Figured out why I was losing energy so fast in battle. I've adjusted for it now.” Lash replied, his animalistic voice rough but Eliza had grown use to it.

“I mean, if you always had that pulse going through the whole battle it would make sense why it stripped you of energy.” Eliza replied, a hint of a smile on her face.

That was the trick. It was a rookie mistake that Lash hadn't thought about. Healing Aura was the first constant passive effect he had. He had a lot of skills, and powers that were passive. But they only turned on in certain circumstances. Like Danger Sense, each time it was used it would take a massive spike of energy to use. But once it was done, it would go dormant again. Healing Aura was just always on. As long as Lash didn't do anything above moderate activity he would always gain back more then he spent. But in battle? He ended up drying out far to quickly.

That was why he had turned the aura off during the last battle so he could properly fight. He was sure at higher levels the aura would be far more manageable. But he had to admit it was a rookie mistake, that nearly cost him his life. He was reminded of how his different abilities gain experience. With every level increase he would obtain a 1% power increase, and a 1% energy consumption decrease. Once he reached level 100. The ability would evolve. Then after the evolution he would start the climb back to level 100. Each level, and evolution would dramatically increase the necessary experience required.

There was a knock on the barracks door and Eliza went to it. She let out a audible gasp at the individual at the door. After a moment she exchanged words with the man who had come. After a few moments Eliza came back into the room and stood off to the side, out of the way, but close by. Not that it would have mattered. In came the AR-Superman. He wore his black polymer suit, red highlights, the house of El symbol on his chest. But he did not wear a full face mask this time. It was a half mask that revealed his face, but covered the rest of his head. But a shutter would slip down quickly if needed. Malleus had played with their armor and laughed at the shoddy detail work of it. AR-Superman walked over to Lash and sat down on the floor sitting cross legged.

“How are you feeling?” Lash asked, he was sitting in a chair that was designed for him. Big tails are hard to work with sometimes.

“I am...Better.... Naya'il insists that I come back once a week for sessions. But....its better.” AR-Superman said. His face was pale from lack of sunlight. But he also had bags under his eyes from not sleeping. His head was shaved, and his blue eyes looked hollow.

“Supergirl?” Lash asked.

“She is here. Helping to secure the perimeter. She was cleared for duty before I was.” AR-Superman said. An almost smug smile crawled across his face, proud of his cousin.

“I have to ask...What are you doing with the dead?” AR-Superman asked, a haunted look in his eyes.

“They are recycling them.” Eliza jumped into the conversation. AR-Superman glanced at her, she trembled at the look but didn't back down. AR-Superman looked back at Lash who nodded.

It was true. Every officially dead soldier who didn't have a soul tether attached to them was sent back to the Watch Tower for recycling. It sounded morbid, and horrific but the bodies were turned into magical energy, and the metals were scrapped and re used. No, they were not using the flesh of the dead to feed the living... At least not yet. AR-Superman looked conflicted at the idea that his home realities people were being treated like that. But he could also understand why.

“The Justice League disagreed with the decision. But understood the reason. We can't bury them. All it would take is a single mad scientist to get a hold of the augmentations to replicate what had happened to them. Our reality may be on the brink right now, but we don't want a future domestic attack with technology from another reality. As for the bodies. Not much different between cremation and recycling. The difference is one helps, while the other just makes dust.” Lash tried to explain it, but he knew he didn't see the world the same way.

“Before you ask, yes. I would do the same to my people too.” Lash said quickly. AR-Superman seem to hesitate but nod his head. Before they could continue the conversation, a static pop rang out across their coms.

“Attention! The Watch Tower has finished its upgrade! We are currently building new facilities to accommodate our newly awakened soldiers. Please stand by!” Vici's voice had changed again. Going from young teenager to young adult. Lash would place it around early twenties.

One by one the de-chipped soldiers in the barracks were spring jumped away. The portal hubs must have gone through an upgrade because it was a few seconds faster. Lash brought up a holographic window to look at the Watch Tower. It seemed the scrap metal, and extra magical energy from the base they captured had been used well. It had quickly given Vici the raw materials to finish the key.

The main saucer was now 100 ft high, with a radius of 400 ft. The second saucer was 50 ft high, with 200 ft radius. The stem was 400 ft long, with 30 ft radius. The orbital ring had increased its radius to 20 ft, the 3 star had changed into a four star bridge with 20 ft radius stems, and 4 the cylinders were 60 ft long, with 20 ft radius. Essentially everything had been doubled! But from F grade to E grade came many more new modules! Once the base had been cleared it was time for Lash to go module shopping, yay!

“I heard....That you now have the ability to find our home?” AR-Superman said, Eliza was calculating the time it would take for the whole barracks to get cleared out but stayed to listen to the answer.

“We have the frequency for your reality. We have to decide if we want to split our forces and attack while we defend. We are going to have a senior League meeting in about a day or so. I've already requested that you be there. Though you may not be there for it all.” Lash said as he slowly stood up, he rubbed his legs they had partially fallen asleep.

“I would like that....Thank you.” AR-Superman said, his communication beeped at him. It was AR-Supergirl she needed his help with the perimeter.

AR-Superman soon left, though he took one last look at all the soldiers who still needed help. Another healing pulse went out. As Eliza came over to stand next to Lash, his shroud pooled around her. She looked at Lash with concern then beamed at him when he produced a chocolate bar from his armor. She happily took it and put it away before she went back to work. A spell script coiled around the last of the soldiers. Then took Lash, and Eliza next. POP!


The Watch Tower looked a lot like a mega corp tower on the inside than a space station. But many would argue that is what an orbital habitat was meant to look like. Right in the middle of the main saucer was stem that reached to the ceiling. It was primarily used as an elevator for personal and cargo. Every five levels, a cross intersection was connected to the outer walls. Lash had insisted there be no windows on the station. Windows were structural weaknesses. They could just make holographic mystical windows to simulate the outside if people wanted a view. This decision was disappointing to a lot of people but they could deal with it.

They Hydroponics module decided to spread out a bit so there were tree's, and plants scattered through out the inside of the Watch Tower to help increase oxygen production, but also increase the overall appeal of the station. Off to one side on the bottom floor of the main saucer was a small park, that also counted a food production facility. A Aquarium was on the list of modules to buy next from the android who was in charge of the hydroponics module.

The portal hubs A, B, C, D, were stationed at the four points of the main saucer hub. Each hub had several smaller pads, along with one main pad for resources, and vehicles of moderate size. Hundreds of mechanical arms from the Watch Tower, and the engineering droids were scampering around the stations insides, and out building expanding the facilities. The super structure had completed its upgrade. Now they had to work on the infrastructure. All of the existing modules got a size increase, along with their overall abilities. Just like the hydroponics module, the droid services modules could produce more of a workforce.


With an audible POP! Like the sound of a balloon filled with air bursting. Lash appeared on portal hub B at pad 1. The pads between 2-4 at B hub filled with people from the sit many of them were soldiers that were being carried off by medical, and security droids quickly. At edge of the portal hub stood Yihune the director of education that he had met at City Hall. She had accepted the job offer, the League had found her family and they were currently living on the station until accommodations could be made on the surface.

Amaresh Talla Yihune was 5'8” with chocolate skin, warm brown eyes, and long black hair that was currently tied back into a bun. She cut a good strong figure in the full form fitting polymer suit that the League gave out. It was G grade, but still strong enough to stop small arms fire. It looked like a jump suit that stuck to the skin like body paint. It did offer extra padding in the more sensual places, allowing some modesty. Yihune had taken the zipper down from her neck to mid chest.

“Agent Wraith, welcome back.” Yihune said in accented english. She had a holographic window open next to her thanks to the built in computer interface on her arm.

“How are you adjusting, Miss Yihune?” Lash asked, his animalistic voice softer when speaking to her. Her brown eyes eyes narrowed at him.

“Just Yihune... My family and I are adjusting just fine. Come, we have a full schedule ahead of you. Your grand daughter Samanthei wanted to speak to you.” Yihune said, her voice cut short any other form of conversation has she turned on her heel expecting Lash to follow. Which he did.

“All advance gear that you made during the blitz was taken back and properly removed. While it was replace with modern gear normally acquired on Earth. I understand why you didn't want humans to have access to those weapons.” Yihune said, memories of the night not that long ago still haunted her dreams. Watching the tiny sub-machine gun in her hands rip a meat puppet apart like tin foil was disturbing.

“The mobile turret is aboard the station as we speak. Malleus had taken a liking to it. He said, 'Well eh jus lakka ah dog!'” Yihune had actually played sound bite of Malleus speaking. The mobile turret didn't have the same intelligence as the androids aboard the tower. But it was pretty high!

They walked into the main saucer area and Lash took a moment to marvel at the expansive design, and interior. Hundreds of 'people' walked across promenade of the main floor of the saucer. While a few flew. Lash could see that foot traffic was a problem and vaguely remembered seeing a public transportation module for the E grade station. Yihune coughed to pull Lash back to the present and they continued towards the science module where Samanthei awaited.

Samanthei was the android in charge of the science module on the station. Or, Lash should say she was a magic scientist. Or maybe an arcanist? It depended on situation he assumed. Thanks to the upgrade the science module got a huge increase in size, and scope of operation. It was near the observation module where they built, launched, and ran the sub-satellites. A minor explosion rang out, and vibrated the whole module. The front door slid open and smoke billowed out. A few people came coughing out of the smoke and flapped their arms trying to clear their lungs.

“What the fuck was that!?” A man shouted.

“WHAT!? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!” A woman shouted back at him, as she rubbed her ears.

Lash waved his clawed hand about and sucked all the smoke towards him, and cleaned it up with his Nature Domain. He cast Immaculate on the people covered in smoke, ash, and chemicals. He also cast Nature's Kiss on the woman. They blinked at the rapid fire of spells and looked over at him. The man looked a little sheepish, while the woman smiled at him.

“THANK....you....Excuse me. Thank you!” She said with a wave. Lash chuckled and walked towards the module with Yihune trailing behind him.

The smoke was soon cleared out thanks to the life support system. Several science module droids were cleaning up the mess. While a few people, some of them VI Avatars were collecting results on their hand terminals. A few were shouting at each other not realizing how loud they were. Lash quickly cleaned up the scene and helped the shouting individuals. Another door slid open and out came Samanthei.

Samanthei was anywhere between 5' to 6'6” depending on her mood. Though she was 12' long. What did that mean? Samanthei was an android that had chosen a unique physique for her look. She had taken the form of a Lamia. She had frazzled slightly burnt dark green hair that went to the middle of her back. Sapphire blue eyes that sparkled with mischief and curiosity. Her face soft snake scales along her jaw, and nose the color of sand stone. While her skin was a soft yellow. From the waist, and mid thigh down she had orange scales, with red highlights. The tip of her tail grew in to a twin fork, that could be used to grab onto things, or make a rattle if they were rubbed against each other quickly. She wore a red silk Qipao oriental dress that had been burned slightly in the explosion. She had a white lab coat over her top that was smoking and partially on fire! She didn't seem to notice as her green eyes lite up in excitement.

“Grand father!” Samanthei shouted, and zipped across the lab towards Lash.

Because of her snake lower half she made nearly no noise, and was incredibly quick! Yihune practically screamed in terror! She had never met Samanthei, she wasn't sure what she had expected but after seeing Lash turn into a giant dinosaur she wasn't sure why she was surprised. Lash stepped forward and braced for impact as Samanthei nearly drove him to the floor when she slammed into him. She wrapped her arms around him, along with her tail. Knocking objects all over the place. She rubbed her cheeks back and forth across Lash's nearly destroyed armor in a mildly cute manor. Lash chuckled as he hugged her back, and his tentacles reached out and started to clean up the mess.

“Wait!? What are those!?” Samanthei shouted, as her scientific mind jumped into over drive. As quick as a cobra she snatched one of the tentacles from grabbing a piece of equipment. Lash winced at the grab.

“Careful, they are attached to me.” Lash admonished her, but she barely payed any attention as she ran her fingers up and down the scaled forms of the tentacles.

The tentacles didn't have any bones in them. They were covered in a scaled carapace, with three fingered clawed tips. But while closed they became spear points. Their maximum length was the same as Lash in either form. They could also channel all forms of energy through them. They were in truth just an extension of Lash/Saurian themselves. Samanthei ran several tests, and even tried for a tissue sample. But the sample dissolved into ash once it left Lash for longer than thirty seconds. Which almost started another slew of test but Yihune at lost spoke up and reminded her while they were here? Samanthei shouted in shock and slithered off through the lap. Lash, and Yihune followed.

In the center of another room floating in the middle with dozens of instruments around it was the orichalcum tuning fork. It continued to hum softly, vibrating slightly. The simple enchantment holding as Lash had not canceled the effect. Samanthei pulled up the relevant information and gave it to Lash who pulled it up on a holographic window. They had the alternate realities frequency. They could make their own Rift and travel to them. But just like the AR they couldn't choose where it came out from. It could show up in a city, a cave, or the bottom of an ocean for all they knew.

“We are working with the Wardens, and the Super Natural Council on Rift creation. We have already confirmed there are no public records of any of them ever traveling to this specific reality. So we have no beach head. The Wayside Inn of Mysteries host, Cain has declined to be a play a part in the war. They are neutral after all. So we can't use them.” Samanthei said in conclusion.

“So we have to make our own door. Samanthei, if we tried opening a Rift on our moon. Would it open on theirs?” Lash asked her. Her jewel like eyes went wide as she started pulling up the information.

“Take your time! Its a wild idea, but if it works like that then we may use it like that.” Lash said, but Samanthei was barely paying attention now. Lash chuckled and left her to her theories, Yihune followed behind him.

“What good would it do to open a Rift on their moon?” Yihune asked.

“Maybe nothing. But, if we can't choose the exact location. But choose an orbiting mass. It could let us make an incursion with out being interfered with. Of course the Rift could just open up in the vastness of space and we would have to fly towards the AR-Earth who is on opposite orbiting path. But even if the Rift can open up in space above the planet it would give us an advantage.” Lash explained to Yihune.

Lash knew the Dream Engine developers had specifically stated that you couldn't choose where a Rift opened up. Unless you had a specific anchor in that reality. This was how the invading reality had made that Rift in the cave in Africa. They had came through the first Rift, found a second location and made a new Rift. So, if they did their counter invasion in an obscure location. Like the moon! He just hoped that Rofl Dex's moon didn't have a hostile alien force like Lash's did.

Yihune led Lash to several more appointments across the Watch Tower. One of them being Yihune's family which Lash insisted on visiting. Her entire family was happy to meet him, and thankful for the change and safety that came with Yihune working for the League. They were living in a small living quarters that barely housed room for 5 people. While the family had twelve people in it. But they didn't complain. Better here, then on the surface where you could be shot and killed just for the food you have.

The Watch Tower went off of north America, central time zone. They had been working for ten hours at which point Lash told Yihune to go home and get some rest. She agreed and bid him goodnight. They had the Justice League meeting in the morning, they would be busy. Lash left for the living space divided for the senior members. Vici had made a point to notify him that he had a space there specifically for him. His apartment was larger, perks of his rank. It looked more like a loft. Wide open space for the first floor, and a smaller second floor with a space for a bed or a work area. The whole place was set for minimalist. As the furniture, appliances, etc were hidden away in the floors and walls until called for. Lash stepped into his 'home' to find someone waiting for him.

Sitting at a metallic table with several papers, and holographic windows being displayed was Li'ana Tuscan. His Seelie Court Envoy, and pack mate. As soon as he stepped through the door, and it closed behind him he established the Pack Bond. Li'ana shivered in delight, and the feelings of the bond were transmitted. Li'ana had missed him, and desperately wanted to crawl into his embrace. But work came first. So for the first time in a long while Lash returned to his default human shape.

Lash was approximately 6'6” he had grown again. His shoulders were about 2 ½ ft wide, making him unusually large for a human. He was still bald, his pale skin had 11 different style of tattoos each for each domain he had obtained. His eyes were yellow green with reptilian slit irises. Dark forest green metallic scales highlighted his jaw line, and nose ridge. He looked a lot like Samanthei in that regard. He had a strong, rectangular muscled frame. He didn't look like an upside down triangle anymore that most muscled models looked like. He was just a monster of solid muscle. Though he was covered in ruined armor, down his spine were soft scales just like his face. Along his forearm, shins, and chest were highlighted with scales. If Lash continued to stay in his transformed state eventually his default human shape wouldn't be human anymore. This was common with were-breeds who stayed in their animal shapes to long.

“May I take a shower first?” Lash asked, his voice rough. He traced his fingers along the jagged scar along his neck. Despite everything he had gone through, it still remained.

“Please do, I am just finishing up.” Li'ana said with a smile.

Li'ana was 5'9”, with long blond hair tied back into a tail, pointed sylvan ears, healthy tanned skin, with a bouncing chest. She wore a Seelie Court battle gear. A cross between robes, and soldier gear. Black combat boots, cargo pants, with a half skirt around them. Tucked in long sleeved black shirt, with armored plates, and a half coat. Each piece enchanted with protection. Around her neck was a golden tattoo, the death ward necklace Lash had made for her enchanted to merge into her skin.

Has Lash walked past Li'ana he slipped up close to her leaned down. Puller her face to look at him and kissed her. Her eyes went wide for a moment, then fell closed as she moaned into the kiss. Her heart rate jumped. Lash pressed his...forked? Tongue into her mouth and danced against her own. They did this for a brief minute before Li'ana pushed him away. Her face flushed.

“Work! We have work before we can continue!” Li'ana said with a glare and went back to work. Keeping perfect posture in the chair, as she crossed her legs and tried not to shiver in delight. Lash smiled at her, and went to take a shower in the back.

The bathroom came out of the wall, and formed with in a few seconds of being called. A separate room that could expand to allow a master bath, or shrink just for a sink. Lash peeled off his ruined Warden gear. He desperately needed to replace it, along with Saurian's gear. He stepped into the shower that had five spray heads, and excellent pressure. A mirror extended from the wall allowing Lash to look at his muscled and chiseled form. He spotted his scaled spine, along with two writhing tentacle tattoos on his back. They were made of black ink and moved around just like they would when in his Transformation. Sometimes they seem to slide under his existing tattoos, sometimes above them. Then, though rarely the tattoos seem to bulge to the surface and it looked like a snake, or an eel was beneath Lash's skin, slithering along.

Lash soaped down with fragrance free body wash, and also took a stiff brush along his whole body. He scrubbed hard getting as much as he could off of him. He knew that if he still had normal human skin he would have scraped it off by now. But thanks to his durability he only felt a slight tickle. He soon finished up and turned off the water. Stepping out into the bathroom he looked himself over in the mirror. It hadn't even been two years and he couldn't recognize himself anymore.

Lash's eyes shifted slightly and he felt Saurian stir across the link. A spectral image of a giant lizardman stood next to Lash in the bathroom. They looked at one another seeing two completely different images. Then the giant reptile gently nudges Lash with his snout. Lash took the hint and walked over to a wardrobe that extended from the wall. He pulled on loose gray cotton pants, and a gray cotton t-shirt. He stayed bare foot, because his toe nails had become claws. He stepped out, the bathroom merged back into the wall. Li'ana turned around to look at him, and her eyes went a little wide as she could see Saurian's spiritual image merging back into Lash.

“I know I haven't been doing the Warden paper work, sorry about that.” Lash said as he took a seat on the opposite side of the table.

“The council is letting that little detail slide, given that most of our data base went down with the pulse. Everything is backed up on EMP protected servers, and hard files. But, it is going to be a while before we are up and running again.” Li'ana said, as she pulled up a holographic window for him.

“Wait? I can't attend the Summer Court hunting games?” Lash said in surprise. He had actually forgotten about the Summer Court ball. He just assumed he wouldn't make it...again.

“Yes, you have access to the Time Domain. Even if you only know a single spell it gives you an unfair advantage. On top of having the Space Domain, specifically Blink. With your explosive amount of growth you could easily advance those Domains. It would be no fun if you could freeze time, and transport the entire hunted team to the finish line.” Li'ana supplied the reason as she pushed the window aside.

“You can still attend the ball. The Summer Queen elect hopes you can come. But with the invasion she wont hold her breath if you can't. Normally this would be an issue, however thanks to the fertility charm you supplied. You are on far more stable ground than you were before.” Li'ana said, as she brought a paper contract. The ink was written in blood, the paper in skin.

Even with everything going on, the supernatural world continued to operate. Of course to them the invasion of another reality, and or another dimension was just another tuesday. They would of course see to their own first. Then ask for volunteers from the communities to help the mundanes. Just like the event back in Starling City the artificial earthquake. There had been no orders to go, just a request for volunteers. Lash went because it was good PR as Wraith, and because he wanted too.

“What am I reading?” Lash asked, as he looked over the skin paper, and blood ink.

“The Blood-Kindred with out a house, or the clan-less....or the blood mutts as most call them have declared you a public enemy. They are responsible for trying to out your public identity, along with revealing Selina Kyle's past self, along with the attacks on your sister, and her family. This is a contract with Lady Kali of House Aamond to officially hunt down any clan-less who threaten you and your family. Its a formality, she is already doing it. But this will make it official. I've already looked it over, as have Soluna, and Jessabell. Its legitimate.” Li'ana said, there was a growl buried deep in her throat at the idea that anyone would target their pack. Lash signed the contract, it burst into crimson red fire. The message was sent.

Why weren't Soluna, and Jessabell here as well? Because they were both warriors and had offered to join the resistance. It was also almost summer in North America so Li'ana being a part of the Summer Court had the power, and the responsibility to react. If it was winter, Jessabell would be here. Under the table Li'ana had recrossed her legs. Her left boot ran along side Lash's leg, and she rubbed it back and forth. She acted like she was doing nothing, but Lash smiled at her.

They continued back and forth for another hour. Gotham City was....functioning for the most part. At least the super natural communities were. Right now Croc's town which was the homeless central for all who lived in Gotham had power, water, and food! Unlike the city above. From the mundane perspective Gotham City was a living hell. Lash signed over several millions of dollars to establish a Ghost Industries complex at Gotham. As soon as the contract was signed. It burst into flames, and Vici notified him that a logistic crew was being sent to Gotham.

Ghost Industries was the company Lash had made when he had visited Fawcett city. It was essentially a recycling plant that made construction material, and bio-fuel. But it was also had a League bunker under ground. It seemed Batman was not entirely comfortable sharing his cave with all the League members stationed in the city. So, Lash decided to build a bunker there. Trust was something you earned with Batman, Lash understood that. He sent a small message on the senior JLI message board about the new bunker being built in Gotham.

[Private Message] Thank you... -Batman.

Ghost industries would also provide jobs for the supernatural communities, and fuel alternatives for the mundanes. It was a win, win situation to Lash. As much as Lash wished things would just go back to normal the moment they pushed the invasion back. He knew it wouldn't, they were in for a long, long road ahead. At last all the immediate paper work was finished, and sent off to who ever needed it. Li'ana closed all the holographic windows, and put the rest of the paper work away.

“You are not wearing your ring...” Lash said softly to her, she glanced at him with a smirk. The ring in quest was the transmutation ring that enlarged her chest.

“No, thanks to you I don't need it anymore.” Li'ana said, as she tapped an insignia on her armored plate that went over her chest. It was the mark for warrior-scholars. Lash was surprised.

All Seelie, UnSeelie, and twilight court fae know how to fight. Its a way of life to them. But there are those who can also double as soldiers. Li'ana had never received that training due circumstances that came with her up bringing. Simply said, she didn't have the talent for it. However, the Pack Bond which had increased her overall stats had also brought something else. The bond could share skills, or at least help those learn them. Li'ana had obtained Martial Arts, and Weapon Master from Lash/Saurian. Because of this, she had obtained another skill set in the fae courts. Which is a very good thing.

Lash had never really learned why Li'ana chose to have bigger breasts. He was sure that people like all shapes and sizes. He found it hard to believe no one like small breasts. But she had used the ring to increase her breast size. It had worked for her! It had worked for decades, nearly no one knew she used the ring for such a thing. But now, bigger breasts got in the way of warrior training.

“So, how big are they now?” Lash asked, a smirk on his face. Li'ana stood up from the table and walked towards the back. Swaying her hips back and forth. She called up the bed, and a massive king size bed came up from the floor.

“Why don't you come find out for yourself!” Li'ana said with a smirk, as she started to unbuckled her armor. Lash stood up from the table and went to join her.

“I think I will.” Lash said with a huge grin...


It was five in the morning tower time when Lash stepped out from his room. He was in his default human shape with a intensive fae glamour wrapped around him. He looked like any other average League member. Though all the droids he passed still addressed him as grand father he never told them not too. He traveled across the promenade towards Malleus work shop. The main engineering bay was mostly empty, a few engineering droids worked, and helped a few VI Avatars work on their gear. He walked past specific one and said hello.

“Hello Flint Lock!” Lash said to the woman who jumped in surprise at a random stranger saying hello.

“Hay.....You...” She said, clearly confused. But Lash just laughed and went to the workshop.

Lash began the slow process of updating his Warden gear, and he would need Malleus, and maybe Samanthei's help with Saurian's. He was reminded that he still needed to make the last four legendary gear sets for the Amazon red team. Fuck! He had so much to do! An engineering droid walked into the operations work shop and started to assist him. Made the whole process a bit faster. Lash was able to make the first gear set piece which was the polymer suit. He slipped that on, and felt the suit interface with his implants. Each gear piece would just add to the overall effect.

The polymer suit had taken several hours. So he cleaned up the station and left engineering to make his way to the head quarters module. Or the room with the big table! The Watch Tower never really went to sleep, but it was far more active during the 'day'. As it were, nearly all of the current modules had finished being upgraded to grade E. Once they were all done, Lash planned to purchase more modules. Like the transportation hub, and shuttle bay.

Lash took a deep breath and activated Transformation and pulled on his Wraith disguise. The polymer suit had a unique physique enchantment, implant, and size alteration installed to adapt to his bodies changes. So it stretched out perfectly to fit his lizardman shape. There was a brief moment when the fae glamour of the average League member overlapped into a picasso abstract art piece before it melted away into magical particles.

He walked through the double sliding doors to the main hall with the giant theater sitting around the central stage. A few people had already arrived and were either sitting in their chairs half asleep, or talking among themselves. John Stewart, Katma Tui, and Hal Jordan all in their Green Lantern uniforms stood with each other discussing the issues they found during their patrol. As messed as the situation was on Earth. It was one planet in the entire sector full of issues. Katma broke off from the conversation and walked over to Lash.

“Welcome back...Wish it was under better circumstances. Thank you for coming.” Lash said, trying to make his animalistic voice softer than normal. Katma smiled at him, appreciating the attempt even if it didn't work very well.

“I wish it was under better circumstances too. I wish we had been here for the three day vacation too. But hopefully we can go again next year once this is all over...?” Katma asked nervously. Lash winced slightly at the question. Technically they could arrange it, he'd just have to sleep with all of Torloth's daughters to pull it off.

“We'll see... The owner has proposed an option for such a thing but it would take a bit of work on my end.” Lash confessed to her, she tilted her head to one side waiting for him to continue.

“She wants me to impregnate her daughters...” Lash said, Katma's eyes went wide at the news of what was needed.

“Wait? Can you even do that?” Katma asked, she leaned forward with curiosity in here eyes.

“Technically? I can impregnate anyone who is compatible with me on the first try if I want to.” Lash said with a grimace. But Katma's eyes shinned brightly, she jumped forward and took his hands into her own.

“Can you make John that way! I want kids, but humans and Korugaran's cant have children normally.” Katma said with excitement.

“I...Don't know? Why don't you and John head to Ethan after the meeting. Get some tests done, maybe we can figure something out.” Lash said, surprised by the question. Katma smiled at him with joy and hugged him. He was caught off guard but hugged her back.

“What is going on? Good news?” Hal Jordan walked over with John Stewart who looked at his wife in puzzlement.

“Oh! Nothing that need be said right now!” Katma said with a smile as she wrapped her arms around John's left arm. She grinned at him, and he shivered slightly. Katma's look was the type expression that a spouse can only give their partner.

“....Ah....OK....” John said, his face growing pale. Hal laughed in delight at seeing his friend in a bind.

Lash tilted his head in such a way that most humans would find difficult. He stared at Hal who stared back at him. Hal felt a shiver roll up his spine, he wasn't sure why but he felt like Lash was peering through his very soul. A golden light enveloped Lash for a brief moment, he took a stumbling step but held himself steady. Then he shook his head and looked at Hal again.

“Tell me, Hal. Do you know someone named Carol Ferris?” Lash asked, a sinister grin growing across his face.

“Ummmm.....Ya? She works with me at the airfield. Why?” Hal asked.

“You should spend more time with her, she would be good for you.” Lash said, his voice filled with humor. Hal had heard what the golden light meant when ever Lash was covered in it. It meant his Cosmic Patron had sent him a message.

“Wait a fucking minute!? Is your patron messing with my love life!?” Hal shouted in horror!

“Who knows...” Lash shrugged, and walked off towards the podium to set up for the meeting.

“Now hold on just a god damn minute!” Hal shouted, and chased after Lash.

Congratulations User! Cosmic Awareness has evolved into Minor Cosmic Awareness!

Minor Cosmic Awareness: When used it will only consume 90% of the Users total available energy. Cool down period for use is 12 hours.

Side Effect: You, and your VI Avatar in other dreams can partially peek past the fourth wall.

Lash was confused about that last part of the updated ability. He'd have to experiment with it. NOT during a battle preferably. Hal continued to hound Lash for answers but only got half truths, and a lot of miss information. Hal knew he was being played with, but couldn't wiggle any information out of Lash. He desperately wanted to fly off to find Carol but he knew she was safe at her families home hunkered down. He had checked on them from time to time. He had never seen Carol like anything else but a friend, and his boss on the airfield. Now, he wasn't so sure anymore.

At nine in the morning station time the main discussion hall filled up. Batman, Green Arrow, Flash, Superman, Green Lanterns, Shazam, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Aquaman, Aquawoman, Wonder Woman, and Zatanna arrived. Then followed, Night Wing, Batgirl, Robin, Black Canary, Arsenal, Spartan, a bouncing Felicity Smoak in a simple mask. Dr Wells, with Cisco, and Caitlin who both looked a little different. They made it clear they wanted to talk to Wraith at the end of the meeting. Especially Caitlin who had pale blue lips, and white hair. Supergirl, Starfire, and Miss Martian showed up. All three were wearing Amazonian training gear. Despite the situation they hadn't finished training yet, and were not in the field. Something all three were both upset about.

Kid Flash zipped in along with Cyborg, Constantine, and Black Lightning surprisingly enough. Svadeni (Dia) and Rush (Monika) soon followed. Between Svadeni and Rush was a space for Fantasma which for now would remain empty. AR-Superman, and AR-Supergirl slipped into the room. Last to arrive was Li'ana, along with a Warden councilor, a Winter, and Twilight court council fae. Who took their seats, as they were a part of the Justice League International: Dark branch. A few people were still missing, but if they weren't here than just meant they were busy.

“Hello everyone, been a while since we have all seen each other. Though not everyone could make it, thank you to those that could. I understand that we still have a lot to do so I will do my best to make this short and concise.” Lash said to everyone present. He knew that Vici was recording the whole meeting so it could be watched by those not in attendance.

“We have destroyed the Beta Rift, along with the forward operating base there. We were able to capture and liberate little less 300 soldiers from Rofl Dex's army. I say less than 300 because some of them are brain dead, but still have their soul tethers. The information on them are in your information windows. But hold questions about them until after.” Lash continued, spreading the holographic windows to everyone, also sending them up above him for viewing.

A small amount of clapping was heard about the news of the Rift being destroyed. A few people took a moment to look over the information. Especially about soul tethers, and what help could be done for the brain dead puppets if any. The supernatural dark branch looked it over and agreed with Lash that something could be done to help. After a few minutes Lash continued to speak. A picture of the orichalcum tuning fork was presented.

“Another piece of good news. We now know the vibrational frequency of the alternate reality. What does this mean? We can open a Rift into their reality, however. We can't know where it will open up. It could be in the middle of an irradiated wasteland, bottom of the ocean, or right in the middle of a military complex.” Lash said, and Robin aka Jason whipped his hand up so fast it made an snapping sound.

“We would have to leave an anchor marker here in this reality, then go to theirs to make another Rift. The one located in Beta was not random. They had sent their forces from their original Rift to make the Rift there.” Lash continued, assuming the question Robin had. He lowered his hand and nodded at Lash to continue.

“Later we will discuss and vote on the possibilities of counter invasion. Why would we do a counter invasion and not just destroy the Rifts and be done with it. We don't have a confirmed number, but thanks to the AR-Superman we have estimates of at least one million civilians from our reality have been taken to theirs.” Lash said, pointing out AR-Superman to everyone in the room. They all looked over with a careful eye. AR-Superman, and AR-Supergirl kept their chins up under the scrutiny. But Kara looked shocked at seeing the AR-Supergirl for the first time.

“I don't know about the rest of you. But I don't plan to leave our people in that reality to be used up as expendable work force that ends with them in an early grave.” Lash pointed this little fact out, and the whole room nodded. It would be dangerous, but they would still go after their people.

Before Lash could continue, Samanthei slithered into the room. The lamia was a shock for a lot of people in the room. But they kept quiet as Samanthei exchanged words with Lash, and gave him a slip of information for the briefing. He thanked her, and she slithered out of the room. He coughed into his hand to help clear the air and continued. Doing his best to ignore the looks of shock at seeing the snake woman leave the hall.

“That was Samanthei, head scientist of the Watch Tower to anyone that didn't know.” Lash supplied an answer to the room. Li'ana was trying hard to control her laughter from her spot in the meeting.

“The locations of the other two Rifts are still unknown. Thanks to the efforts of the liberated soldiers that are no longer being mind controlled we have a better understanding of how the invasion force works. They use a complex system of teleportation, short range portals, and scatter protocol to keep themselves hidden. Why? Because they have invaded two realities before us, and had made those mistakes before.” Lash said, several people gasped and whispered to each other. That was information not everyone had.

“Vici has finished her upgrade and now has the processing power to scan the planet. Thanks to a device simply called a 'Rift Compass'. However, thanks to the stealth field pylons the Rift energy can still be disrupted, and hidden from scans. But she can narrow it down to with in a 1,000 miles. Now, that may seem like a lot. But it would at least tell us what continent they are on.” Lash continued, showing several different pictures of the Earth. AR-Supergirl knocked on the table in front of her. Lash gestured for her to speak.

“You may want to speak about the different phases of invasion to help clear things up.” AR-Supergirl said. Lash nodded in agreement.

“The invading force has three known phases they go through with each invasion. First phase is set up and anonymity. Build a base, set up lines of communication, then activate the pulse bombs. Destroy all means of communication, leadership capabilities, and separate the counties, cities, and people from each other.” Lash clicked through several more pictures, and examples.

“During this phase they will do their best to stay hidden, attack soft, easy targets. They will also impersonate relief effort, soldiers, and the like to help encourage the refugees to come to a 'secure' location. At which point the refugees are brain boxed, and sent through the Rifts. Side note; The brain boxes are not what implants the bio-chips. They are just a mobile tool to establish base line mind control.” Lash supplied several pictures, and a few slagged images of brain boxes they had found at the Beta site.

“Second phase, they throw secrecy to the wind and attack all major installations. Specifically large cities, that are in the progress of re establishing themselves. Thankfully, Starling City has not been hit yet, but it should be on their list. Vici is currently keeping a close on the city, and we have additional forces waiting for a response.” Lash quickly added to prevent Green Arrow from sprinting from the meeting.

“Third phase is essentially when they have won the war. That is when they begin to use their recycling technology to strip mind the planet for all its resources. From our information the first reality they invaded has already been stripped of 30% of total resources. I do mean total, they rip any, and everything out of the ground, and send everyone they find back home for slave labor.” Lash continued, clicking through several examples through the holographic displays. Thanks to the insight of the AR soldiers they had.

Lash continued with the briefing and went through military information. Installations, units, technical division. Artificial meta-gene powers, cybernetic augments, what little information they had about children, adults, and seniors. What happens to them through the induction process. The established culture, education, and propaganda that happens in the alternate reality. They also touched on the Hunter Killer teams. How they were clones of AR-Superman, and AR-Supergirl with artificial meta-powers. How, and why Rofl Dex wanted Wraith dead at all costs. But what was also intersesting was that despite their victory in each reality. Each one had open resistance, even their home reality.

“Last but not least, thanks to Samanthei. We've discovered that if we open a Rift above celestial bodies. Or in simple terms planets, and or moons. They will open also on those locations in the alternate reality. To that end, I suggest we open a Rift on our moon, so we can arrive on their moon. We can then close our Rift. After we make an anchor in our reality of course. Then find a suitable location in the alternate reality just as they did in ours.” Lash offered this last piece of information before he opened the briefing for questions which he was sure there were a lot of. But at the idea of opening a Rift on the moon made AR-Superman's eyes open wide in astonishment.

“Wait a minute! Do they have any installations on the moon?” Hal Jordan asked, he looked at the AR people for confirmation.

“No! No they don't. Dex said it was a waste of time to build anything on the moon. We have limited resources, so he concentrated on building Rifts to other realities.” AR-Supergirl said with a grin, a fire was lite in her eyes.

“Wait! Before we continue let us table that and discuss other options. We all agree that we have to do a counter invasion. But lets discuss the other issues first.” Batman said, his face indifferent but his voice pushed for all subjects to be discussed.

“Vici, have you been able to find any other possible locations for the origin Rift?” Batman asked out loud.

“Yes Batman, I've established that North America has a Rift, as does Australia.” Vici's young adult woman's voice chimed through the intercom.

“We have to assume that those will all be reinforced, especially after losing the beta Rift.” Night Wing said next. The whole room nodded in agreement.

“With the increase in capacity to the Watch Tower, and facilities being upgraded we'll be able to support more logistical crews to help with our cities. I still think its important to help get our nations back up off the ground.” Kid Flash said next, but it was soon rebuked.

“It may not be a good idea. With the invasion still in full swing any city that re establishes it self makes them into a prime target. As horrible as it sounds keeping them in the dark actually keeps them safe. Now! I do agree we should help establish power to hospitals, police stations, etc. But only the vital portions.” Dr Wells offered a counter offer. He didn't like Central City being broken any more than Kid Flash did. But it did in an odd way keep them safe.

“What about the other nations across the world? I know Japan is doing a lot better thanks to Wraith making the Solar plant thing he made. Can we get a few more of those spread out across the globe?” Aquaman asked, Atlantis, Xebel, Fisherman, and Brine Kingdoms were largely intact. The EMP pulse didn't effect them, given Dex's forces couldn't get to there.

“I know boys and girls back at London would love to have some power. None of the Rifts are close to the United Kingdom, and they would appreciate the JLI stepping in to help.” Constantine said with a smirk.

“That is a good point! Should we make more of those solar plant things at locations further away from the Rifts. Once they are established they can help other nations.” Batgirl asked, as she shuffled through the different windows available.

“You are all forgetting a vital piece of information. Wraith would have to go out to each and every location. It took him days to make a single solar plant. Which he was in focused concentration and oblivious to the area around him. He has an entire krytonian meta-power hunter killer team who's soul job in this reality is to hunt him down, and kill him. All it would take is a single infiltrator so send up a red flag and they would be there to try and take him out.” Hawkwoman said, a bit of a growl in her voice. She didn't like the idea of Wraith taking all the risk.

“Could we set a trap then? Wraith builds the plant, and we wait for him to come under attack?” Batgirl asked, a little more level headed now as she hadn't considered the danger.

“Do we know if they have another sniper on the team? How many HK teams are there?” Hawkman asked, turning towards the AR-Supers.

“There are ten HK teams, every soldier has a counter part. So two snipers, two teleporters, etc. I have only ever seen one HK team deployed per reality. Usually its enough, never in the history of the HK program had they even lost a single soldier. Dex may send another unit, he may send them all.” AR-Superman said, he clenched his jaw in anger at the situation. Then he felt a soothing calm settle over him. He perked up and looked down at Lash and sent a mental thank you.

“Can't we just hide Wraith? The invaders don't seem to like magic very much. Constantine and I can cast a area of effect invisibility on Wraith. He could build the towers, and move on with out ever being seen.” Zatanna suggested, she looked over at the supernatural council who nodded.

“I'd be willing to try that...” Lash agreed to the idea.

“Could the invisibility continue after he left? No target on the solar plant, means no reason to attack.” Kid Flash asked, curious about how magic worked.

“We could, but it would be temporary. Something of that size would require a constant stream of power. A caster would have to stay behind, or a power source would have to be supplied. Constantine and I would have to move with Wraith. Would any of the volunteers from the communities be able to help?” Zatanna asked the fae councilor.

“Its possible, but I wont make any promises.” They said.

The League continued to discuss plans to help the other nations. The solar power, and repair plant was an effective means to help restore the countries into working condition. Several arguments broke out about who was first, and why. Along with why the North America should be first, or why it shouldn't get one at all. Most of the League came from America. But in the end America would get a single solar power plant....In Gotham. Why? It was Lash's home that was why. They would then head to Rio, then off to London. Then a few more cities in specific countries.

“If we open the Rift on our moon are you sure it will show up on their moon?” Green Arrow asked.

“Yes, where on the moon is any ones guess.” Lash replied to Arrow.

“Who would go with you?” Black Canary asked, she hadn't said much during the briefing.

“Preferably anyone who can survive in a vacuum.” Lash replied.

“Wait...Hold on, why does Wraith have to go?” Shazam asked, confused about the location of the Rift.

“We need someone who can make a anchor, Wraith can do that. We need someone who can make a new Rift. Wraith can do that. Technically Zatanna, and Constantine could do it, but they can't survive in a vacuum. We could give them vac-suits. But....” Aquawoman explained, but Constantine all but turned green at the idea of being in the big open of space.

“Wait!? You can make a Rift?” Shazam said astonished at Lash. Lash nodded, though a few hours ago he would have said no. Dawn had sent him a message that a special spell had been revealed in the store catalog.

Space, Time, Conjuration fusion spell. Rift: 20 DP.

He used the 18 DP on his credit card, and made up the difference with the rest of his DP. Then spent an additional 2 DP to get it to Minor.

Congratulations User! Rift has evolved into Minor Rift.

Minor Rift: The spell caster can make a reality, and or dimensional rift as long as they have an anchor, or know the coordinates, or frequency. Rift level allows for instantaneous travel between points but closes as soon as the caster and passengers pass through.

Side Note: Will work in tandem with Navigator Title (Chp. 73)

Lash was sure this was his Patron throwing him a bone to continue the quest. So, they would have to decide on an anchor point. Lots to choose from, Aquaman offered a highly secured spot in Alantis. It was a tempting offer that they may take if nothing else came up. The tide casters of Atlantis would help provide the magical energy to maintain the Rift on their side. So once it was opened, instead of closing like Lash's spell said. They could keep it open.

“Where would you put it, in the alternate reality?” Supergirl asked, she looked at Lash with concern. She was afraid it was a one way trip.

“Lots of places to choose from. Most of the world is a wasteland. I can detoxify the air, remove the radiation in a specific spot.” Lash said, as he looked at the AR-Supers who both looked lost in thought.

“You could go to Themyscira, even across realities they will see the mark on you. They would recognize you as a brother to the sisters there.” Wonder Woman said, Lash looked at her in surprise. As did the whole room.

“Would they? Its a different reality Princess. I would think they would be hostile towards us?” The Twilight court fae asked.

“Wait a minute... Superman...Oh no sorry the AR version. Are the Amazons in your world going extinct back before the world went to shit?” Lash asked, a plan formulating in his head.

“...Yes? Wonder Woman...Our Wonder Woman said it was a shame of their people. They had lost something long ago that prevented more Amazons from being born.” AR-Superman said in confusion.

A spark of enlightenment went through Wonder Woman's, and Svadeni's eyes! The holy relic that Lash had obtained for the Amazons in this reality existed in that one as well. If Lash could obtain it again it would possible earn him the honorary rights of brotherhood to the Amazons again. But that would mean he would have to go to the alternate realities version of Tartarus. Fuck.

Attention User! Your Cosmic Patron has an optional quest for you!

Objective: Meet the Amazons of the alternate reality. Convince them to let you help them retrieve their realities Holy Relic from Tartarus.

Reward: Large reputation increase to AR Amazons. Large reputation increase to current Amazons.

Reward: Based on how well you do.

Comment: The Cosmic Patron is pleased with your initiative to help people you don't even know! This will be great fun!

“BULL FUCKING SHIT!” Lash yelled out in fury suddenly out of no where. But most of the room had seen his whole body glow with golden divine light. Those that didn't understand had it quickly explained to him.

“Your going to Themyscira I take it?” Svadeni said with a smirk.

“We don't know how to get there?” AR-Supergirl said, still confused about what a Cosmic Patron was.

“Wraith can get there... Alright, lets adjourn for now. We still have days, if not weeks of work before we send them off. Let's get to it!” Batman said, as he stood up. Just like that, the meeting was over.

The next few weeks went by in a blur. Lash built the solar plant in Gotham, Rio, London, Rome. They went to Rome at the specific request of the supernatural council. Or more to the point the Vatican. A host of angels that were stationed at the massive complex promised to watch over the solar plant. The holy city was one of the first places to receive power. Cape Town in South Africa, Berlin, and Cairo. Lash insisted on visiting Vlatava to check in on Princess Perdita. Out of most of Europe the little country was in good shape. The Warden, and supernatural council soldiers that were stationed there made certain of it. Lash was really confused why they put such an emphasis on the little country. But he put it on the back burner for now.

Princess Perdita was thrilled to have Lash visit. She was strong, and healthy. The bio implants he had implanted had already degraded but the effect was amazing. They built the solar plant right next to the royal castle, and he stayed an extra hour to simply visit with her. He promised he would come back for a real visit along with Agent K in the future. But for now, he had to move on. Though she was sad to see him go, she understood. She was very mature for her age. She had to be, her country depended on her.

Next they went to Nagpur in central India. Then moved to Bangkok in Thailand, Hong Kong in China where they had to fight off a small army of mundanes who fucking hated Wraith. Seriously! The world was under attack and Humans First were still around!? They eventually installed the solar plant at a supernatural holding facility out of sight of the rest of the populace. Last but not least was Sydney Australia. They had also made a few flash recruitment's with dozens of vigilantes in each city they visited. The JLI argued for more solar plants in more cities. But at the end of the day, Lash was the only one who knew how to build them. True he had gotten pretty good at making them. Instead of it taking days he could make one in 12 hours now.

The new recruits in Berlin asked for a new solar plant since theirs had self destructed when agents from a tech company had tried to pry a panel off to see what was inside. The whole thing turned into slag with in seconds. Lash agreed, and this time left turrets around plant who would shoot practically anyone who came near. In hindsight Lash agreed he should have done that for all of them. But had thought they would have been safe. Well live and learn.

“So, the alternate realities frequency is faster than ours. One day in our reality is six days in theirs. Correct?” Lash asked AR-Superman as they flew towards the moon, who nodded in reply. They were currently sitting in Martian Manhunters bio ship. Manhunter had agreed to supply the Watch Tower with Martian science information. Lash had been over whelmed with ideas and possibilities when he got a prompt.

Congratulations User! The Watch Tower has acquired, Martian Arcane Science.

Other Worldly Lore has gained a sub-skill; Martian Arcane Science.

Science has gained a sub-skill; Martian Arcane Science.

Crafting has gained a sub-skill; Martian Arcane Science.

Enchanting has gained a sub-skill; Martian Arcane Science.

Domain Knowledge Increase.

Comment: Unlike Thanagar, Mars still openly practices forms of magic.

Lash had danced around in joy, hugged J'onn in so much that the martian blushed at the attention. Vici had already begun incorporating the new technology into the Watch Tower when they had left. Martian technology was a combination of bio-mechanical and shape shifting. So the Watch Tower was going through some interesting changes. Lash wanted to stay, but the mission came first.

AR-Superman, AR-Supergirl, and Lash stepped from the bio ship onto the surface of the moon. The moment Lash touched the barren surface his Grave Domain screamed at him! This place was wrong! That was when Lash remembered that an ancient, and dead mystical civilization still remained on the planet. It was something they would have to clear out before they could build the Lunar Academy on the surface.

Martian Manhunter pulled his ship from the surface but stayed by in case something happened. Lash pushed the horrible sensation away from his mind. Then started to draw a ritual circle on the ground. It took a few minutes, and the longer he was on the moon the more he felt like the residents would show up to stop him. Not that they cared about the Rift, just more that he was an intruder. Lash hoped Dex's realities moon didn't have them.

You two ready? -Lash asked across the telepathic link he had established. They were both friendly to him. AR-Supergirl took one last look at this realities Earth. Trying to memorize its color, and shape.

Lash reached out and used, Rift. A tear in reality opened up and with out warning sucked in Lash, AR-Superman, and AR-Supergirl. As they were the intended targets for the spell. Lash had never jumped realities before. But he had to admit it was a bit unsettling. The corridor was a mass of information like watching lines of code fly by at super speed. Images, scenes, places in history. Lash felt like he was getting a crash course in this realities history. But before his mind went into overload the door at the other end of the corridor opened up and spit all three of them out.

There on the barren moon of the alternate reality a small Rift opened, and closed just as quickly. Three figures appeared where the Rift had closed. They looked around the landscape, and AR-Superman pointed to a distant location. There was the Earth, it looked horrible! Most of the ocean had a sickly green color, what land masses they could see were a neon radiation brown. What does neon brown look like? A bright orange color that made Lash stomach churn just looking at it.

Bonus Objective Complete: Fight the invasion back into their world.

Reward: 20 DP.

Reward: One free ability evolution.

Lash's eyes went a little wide at the reward. That was a nice! He would tuck that away for later. Lash looked around the moon, and felt the presence of it. Nothing from his Grave Domain, thank the stars above. But he did feel the emptiness of the moon. His Nature Domain called out softly, the Green was not here. Not even the Black. The rot needed life to consume. This was just...dead. He sighed softly, but that raised another question. How did he sigh when he was in a vacuum? He brushed the stray thought aside and started to build them a ship.

The design was simple, concise, and just big enough to accommodate all three of them. They didn't need a home, they just needed transportation. The ship was done in a few hours, and they all boarded. Yes, AR-Superman, and AR-Supergirl could have flown through space, and carried Lash. But he insisted on making a ship. A ship with Invisibility, Chameleon, and Nature's Passage enchanted into it. Lash had a feeling Dex would have satellites designed to shoot anything trying to enter the atmosphere. AR-Superman admitted he had no knowledge of the atmospheric defenses, neither did AR-Supergirl.

“Alright.... Lets go meet the Amazons.” Lash said to them as the ship took off from the moons surface.

“Did you mean it? When you said you plan to kill, Dex?” AR-Supergirl asked.

“Yes....Yes, I did.” Lash said back to her.

“Good...” AR-Superman said.

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