
***Australia, Charlie Rift FOB***

Alpha Rift was located in the middle of a forest near a small town, while Beta Rift was located in a cave next to a city, but Charlie Rift was located underground by design. Terrakinetic engineers were brought ahead of all the teams to fully design and build the base up with solid foundations. The Charlie Rift was several hundred feet under specifically designed quick dry concrete, steel, stone, and dirt. The pylons helped contain the energy but would it would take a very advance scanning system to detect this Rift.

The Charlie Rift was already large enough to allow troop movements through, ten times faster than Beta Rift. The underground complex was a ant hill of activity as they built their infrastructure. Charlie Rift Commander was a large individual with one fully cybernetic arm. Large cybernetic eagle like wings on their back. They chose a skeleton frame for the arm. It was a gruesome sight when seen attached to the body but it stood as a reminder to the Commander, and the soldiers under their command that even strongest can fall.

“Commander Hall!” A first lieutenant came running up to them. They wore the standard battle ready armor, the only clear sign of their rank was on their left chest armor plate above their heart.

“What is it, lieutenant?” A robust, strong male voice responded.

“Orders from tac-com, we are to move to phase two in the next forty eight hours.” The lieutenant said.

“Very well, relay orders to the engineers to split their teams up to prepare for in bound resources. From....Alice Springs.” Commander Hall (AR-Hawkman) said to the lieutenant. They saluted and ran off to inform the teams.

“Hasn't even been a year and we are moving to phase two already. Something must have happened.” Commander AR-Hall said to himself. On reflex his cybernetic wings unfolded and stretched, he clenched his robotic arm in anticipation. Battle was the one and only thing he could look forward to.


***Canada, Athabasca***

The wailing screech of high powered low altitude engines gave off a cacophony of ear splitting noise. Over a dozen drop ships flew in over the small town under the astonished gazes of the civilian populace. For a brief moment they thought the military had arrived to help them. Only to scream in horror as the drop ships released the APC's attached to their rears. Swarms of mechanical soldiers dropped from the rear hatch and started shooting.

The drop ships were wide, with front heavy personal space, and large engines on the sides and back. With a slim, but sturdy backside that allowed them to carry vehicles of certain size. The cargo space was large enough to hold 20 robotic units, or 30 standard units. The colors were muted black, and gray that absorbed light instead of reflecting it. The robotic units with a single cyberdeck controller jumped out of the ship thirty feet in the air with ease. The concrete beneath their feet cracked under the sudden weight. The unit started to shoot none-lethal energy darts at any civilians with their rifles, while the mounted cannon was reserved with lethal shot for anyone who put up a resistance.

The APC's were multi-wheeled tires, and tank treads. They held an automated rifle turret on top, with an in house brain box docile unit inside. They could hold 25 comfortably, 50 if they really crammed them in. These would be used to transport the human resources back to camp. The driver portion was properly sealed to prevent intrusion. One by one the robotic units picked up the fallen civilians and plugged them into the APC brain box chairs.

The attack was sudden, swift, and over before anyone had any had a full understanding of what was going on! Only a few people who lived off the beaten path from town were able to get away. No one was a stranger to the wilds in this town so they fled into the forest with all the gear they could muster. Only to shocked and horrified to see an army of augmented meat puppets waiting for their arrival. With no power, no communication, and no way to drive anywhere the people of the town was gone before anyone was the wiser.

“Athabasca....Full Clear...”


***Earth-001 2032 (Rofl Dex) Invasion of AR-Earth-002***

Superman floated above Washington, DC and watched with cold distant eyes as he tried to scream at the people below to run! To take cover! But nothing came out of his mouth, he was a puppet, a slave to that Basta...Ggeeessssaap! Praise to the Emperor! Long may he live! Superman had received his orders. He flew down and blew through the white house walls. Dozens of human agents fired their rifles, and small arm fire straight at him and it did nothing! Superman looked around with his x-ray vision and saw the President, Vice-President, and their families were being taken to an underground shelter.

Superman activated his heat vision and bisected every secret service agent in the room. Then he slammed his fist into the floor and quickly dug his way through the ground through brute force alone until he reached the underground bunker. He tore the three and half steel door off its hinges like it was cardboard and flung it to the side. He stepped into the room filled with horrified faces. The President of the United States in this world stepped forward, his chin up, and his chest out.

“I don't know who you are! But you have made an enemy o.......” Before the President could finish, Superman used his vision once again to cut the whole room in half. All that was left was a little girl who had been to short to be cut. She wailed, as tears fell from her eyes as she watched her whole family fall to pieces.

Superman walked over to her, placed his hand on her head and squeezed. Like a water balloon filled with to much water her head burst. Blood, bones, and brain matter splashed across Superman's face. A face that was cold, indifferent, and uncaring as he destroyed an innocent life. Praise to the Emperor, long live the Emperor Rofl Dex!


“NOOOOOOOOOO!” AR-Clark screamed as he woke up from his nightmare. He jumped out of his prison cell bed and slammed his fist into the steel alloy wall leaving a sizable dent in it. If not for the green kryptonite halogen lights, he would have punched through the wall easily. Now? His hand just hurt.

AR-Clark fell to his knees to scream and to slam his fists into the floor over, and over again. Until his knuckles bled, until his throat was raw! He cried, he sobbed at what he had done. Why!? Why, was this all coming back to him now! He had never dreamed about his past sins before, it was always blissful oblivion when he was allowed to sleep. The front wall that served as a door, and a mirror slid open to reveal the 'Angel' Naya'il, she looked down at AR-Clark with concern.

“Please....Kill me....” AR-Clark said, his words but a whispering prayer to Naya'il.

Naya'il walked into the room, the door slid shut behind her. She laid a gentle hand on AR-Clark's shoulder and sent a wave of energy through him. He soon collapsed into blissful, dreamless sleep. She picked him up with ease and placed him back on the bed. She smoothed out his cloths, and tucked him back into bed. Once satisfied, she waved her hand and the dents were repaired, the blood on the floor was removed, and the one way mirror door displayed a soothing waterfall display with sound. She stepped out, and closed the cell door.

Naya'il posted security droids next to AR-Clark's cell. Then moved to check on AR-Kara. She was not much better. She had woken up in the middle of the night and had attempted to ram her head into the wall several times in an effort to kill herself. Naya'il had to restrain her and put her back to sleep. She adjusted the harmonics calibrator for each of them. But it was going to get worse, before it got better.


Raven.... Raven was a young girl of 18. Her birthday was last month, it was also the day she was kicked out of her home dimension, Azarath. Why was she kicked out? She had tried to commune with her father, Trigon. Raven grew up alone! Yes, she grew up in a dimension that fostered peace, tranquility, and serenity. But she was effectively the black sheep of the entire planet she lived on. They treated her well, but when you grow up an orphan surrounded by people with families you tend to wish for a family. Any kind of family! Especially when you see parents do anything for their children to keep them safe, and happy.

Raven didn't have that. She was told by people of Azarath that her mother died giving birth to her. She had been taken in by the great sorcerer Azar, and taught the ways of magic. As well as developing control of her emotions. But when she turned 18 something in her woke up, something dark, something sinister. She had seen how the fathers, and mothers in Azarath treated their family and naively assumed Trigon would treat her the same way. So, she used forbidden magic, and opened a door to communicate with Trigon.

But, she was stopped before she could make full contact. In hindsight, Raven knew how incredibly stupid it had been to reach out to Trigon. She could feel the malevolent force of her father's will. She knew that if Trigon had come to her call he would have destroyed her home Azarath. As much as it pained Azar, the council of Azarath banished Raven to Earth. In Azarath they were protected, shielded from the eyes of Trigon. But on Earth? No such luck, Trigon knows Raven is on Earth. He is coming for her.

Raven...This Raven was not the one Erik the gamer knew. This Raven is new to the world, she had lived a sheltered life on a peaceful planet. Yes, she had been trained by mystical teachers since she could walk. But she knew nothing of the power inside of her, and the devastation she could cause. This was pre-comic book Raven. Lash still in his Transformation state looked at Rave across the table inside of the Warden module on the Watch Tower. Several Warden, and Fae council attendants kept their mouths shut but stared at her wide eyed.

“I'm afraid that....Trigon...My father will try and find me and use me as a way to enter this world. This reality.” Raven said, her voice was mostly indifferent, and controlled. Lash could see her training in effect but clearly this was a difficult subject.

“So, what do you need from me?” Lash asked, his voice was animalistic but soft around the edges. Something that Raven noticed, though her face remained indifferent a small gleam was seen in her eyes for a brief moment.

“Protection, but if needed....Execution...” Raven said, her voice caught at the end. Knock...Knock.... one of the Fae attendants hit the table to get attention. Lash turned to them.

“Do we have any proof that this story is real?” The fae attendant asked, Lash looked under the table and saw the Rune of Truth that was glowing under Raven.

“Yes, I understand that. But the Rune compels one to speak the truth. But can not discern the validity of that truth. Miss Raven may simply believe this is true, but that doesn't mean it is.” The attendant offered. Lash hated to admit it, but that was true.

“She has malevolent energy coursing through her. But I know several devil, and demon-kin who would have the same energy. There is literally a pantheon of Devils, and Demons Kings, and Queens in the different hells. Each one wants to subjugate Earth. I don't mean to belittle your circumstance, Miss Raven. But this is hardly news. Though Trigon is definitely one of the top tier threats. We know for a fact that you are not his only child on Earth. Agent Wraith even knows one of them!” One of the Warden attendants offered. Raven's eyes went a little wide at that, as she focused on Lash.

“Different mother, same father. I won't tell you their name out of respect for them. But if you want to meet them, we can see if they are interested as well?” Lash offered to Raven who tried her best to keep her emotions in check.

Lash used Connectivity to contact Dia Nyx. Thank the stars above they had communication working through the Watch Tower. Better than nothing! Lash had no idea where Dia currently was on assignment but once the message went through he got a reply with in a minute. Dia was more than happy to meet her half sister! Dia was a VI Avatar based on the idea on Raven. Even if the 4th wall prevented full acknowledgment, Dia knew who Raven was.

“To answer your primary request. Yes. Raven we can offer a form of protection. But as you can see we are currently fighting off another invasion from another alternate reality. So, how about this would you like to join the Justice League?” Lash offered to Raven, she blinked at him in surprise.

“Shouldn't you keep me off the field, and hidden away?” Raven asked, clearly confused.

“Do you want to go inside a cell for the next foreseeable future waiting for something that may never come?” Lash countered, Raven looked away from him and thought about it for a while.

“Miss Raven, he is right. You can't live your life in fear. Join with the League and fight the good fight. Should something happen we'll be there to help. But what you fear may not happen until tomorrow, or ten years from now.” The original fae attendant that spoke offered.

“Alright... If it helps to secure what I want, I'll join.” Raven said, she stood up and bowed towards Lash who laughed at her. He reached over the table to shake her hand, she responded though her small hand was easily swallowed by his large mitt.

“Welcome to the family...” Lash said, his chosen words made a smile tug on Raven's lips before she locked it down with an indifferent expression. Oh, Lash was going to have fun trying to break that mask!

Lash, and Raven left the Warden module and headed to dinning hall. Raven stuck close to Lash not out of fear of losing him since he was taller than most. But because the station was incredibly busy no matter the hour. The upgrade process was still in full swing, and dozens of VI Avatars were trying to get extra experience. Lash sat down at a table off to the edge with Raven. He ordered a tall glass of hot chai, and Raven did the same.

“Wraith!?” A youthful mans voice called out, and a green cheetah came running into the hall, under peoples tables, and past peoples legs. Several people shouted in surprise and hissed at the giant green cat. Beast Boy slid to a stop in front of their table and...

“Wow! Hello gorgeous! I'm Beast Boy, what's your name?” Beast Boy said to Raven, who directed a glare at him.

Beast shifted back to his human form of green skin with the floral pattern shirt, shorts, and belt that the monkey king gave him. Lash was going to have to design something for him specifically before he took the field again. Beast took between Lash, and Raven and ordered what ever they were having from a attendant droid that worked in the dinning hall.

“Beast Boy, this is Raven. She is a new recruit just like you. Raven, Beast Boy is a seedling to the Monkey King, and is a meta with animal morphing.” Lash introduced the two, Raven begrudgingly nodded towards Beast Boy who only had eyes for her.

“That is right! I am the entire animal kingdom rolled into one sexy package!” Beast Boy said, with a wink at Raven who rolled her eyes at him. Before Raven could spit out a barb that Lash knew was coming their drinks arrived. Soon followed by Dia Nyx!

Dia Nyx came bouncing into the dinning hall and squealed in delight at the sight of Wraith, Raven, and Beast Boy. That glimmer of knowledge in her eyes told Lash she knew who they were, but thanks to the 4th wall couldn't say anything. She bounced over and hugged Wraith who stood up to welcome her. Dia wore a skin tight polymer black, and purple polymer suit that covered her from neck, to wrist, and toe. That left very little to the imagination of her very seductive figure with bouncing breasts, wide hips, and tiny waist. The armor plates she wore protected her vital organs and that was about it. While her favorite staff was tied to her back. It was not the same armor she wore in Tartarus, though that didn't cover much either. Lash grumbled slightly. The gear was amazing to look at, not very much protection.

“Svadeni (Dia's code name) meet Raven, and Beast Boy. They are both new recruits.” Lash said, his voice softer than normal when speaking to a friend.

Dia bounced over to Beast Boy and smothered the boy into her chest. Beast Boy for the second time since Lash had known him flailed his arms around in total confusion as this voluptuous woman nearly suffocated him. Then as quickly as it happened, Dia let go of Beast Boy resulting in him dropping to the ground with a groan. Dia then came around to Raven, who Lash could see was practically waiting on pins a needles. But unlike Beast Boy, Dia simply stood with in arms reach.

“Hello, Raven... I'm your sister. It's very nice to meet you!” Dia said with a smile. She bowed from her waist towards Raven who returned the gesture. Raven looked at Lash, her eyes asked for help.

“Svadeni, why don't you join us and you can tell Raven, and Beast Boy about the League?” Lash offered, Dia's eyes brightened at the idea and came to sit at the table.

So, Dia started with Tartarus! She used her Trickery Domain to great a grand illusion to illustrate the whole ordeal. The capture, the torture, the rescue done by Lash, and the escape. Raven eyes nearly fell out of her head when she heard that Lash had told Trigon to 'go fuck himself'. By that point several people in the dinning hall were watching the 'movie' take place. The great all be it short escape from Tartarus, and the return of the holy relic.

Dia then talked about going through withdrawal, or rather when her soul had to be purified of the hellish taint. How the Amazons took her in, and helped her train and become the strong, confident, and seductive woman she was today! She even invited Raven to come back to Themyscira with her! Erik the gamer had a momentary nerd-gasm at the thought of Raven-Amazon warrior. There was a few parts in the retelling of Themyscira that R-18 and above that Lash encouraged Dia to gloss over. Beast Boy was all for it! Raven pegged him with a glare, that he returned with a smile.

Then it was about short and sweet missions for the League, then the eventual three day vacation at Rio that Lash all but waved his hands through to disrupt the illusion. Dia laughed at Lash being so flustered. Which only piqued Raven, and Beast Boy's interest. By the end of Dia's retelling she was sitting side by side with Raven. Raven was still keeping her self in control, but their was a glimmer of appreciation in her eyes that wasn't there before.

'Alert! Alert! All teams ready for deployment please stand by! The city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Africa is under attack. Alternate Reality energy signatures detected!'

A yellow alert went through the whole station and the good mood in the dinning hall died. Lash jumped to his feet and sprinted towards Operations. He had only stepped inside the room when Vigil all but shouted at him to get to the portal hub. All available units were in bound for the city as soon as possible. Lash ran to portal hub B alone as everyone was still waiting for confirmation. The spell script coiled around his body, and with an audible pop, the air was displaced and Lash found himself in an African rural neighborhood.

The sun had just recently set, the soft glow from the light still stretched across the horizon. But with no electricity the entire city was dark. Except for the sounds of screams. Addis Ababa was the capitol of Ethopia. It was a sprawling city, and the center of commercial, and cultural hub for the country. The estimated population of the city, and the surrounding area was just a little over five million people. A city this large would naturally have police officers, along with a city hall. Lash just hoped they were still alive.

Lash dropped to all fours thanks to Adaptation, his bones and muscles shifted to accommodate the change and he was off like a bullet. He cast Nature's Passage, and Chameleon on himself as he ran. He was here to help, but he was sure anyone looking at him would assume he was some kind of monster. Lash kept off the streets and stuck to backyards, alleyways, and any building large enough to support his weight. He used Gravity Stride to attach to walls, and reduced his overall weight, but he was still over 400 pounds.

Lash arrived near the city center near the town hall and main commercial buildings and was struck dumb by what he saw. This wasn't a commando team of a few dozen units. This was a full blown army come to play. Dozens of drop ships flew from the East unloading troops, and LAV's (Lightly armored vehicles). While a single mammoth tank rolled down main street. This tank was huge! Easily took up six lanes of traffic. Its treads swallowed any car it came across, turrets placed on each section, with two large barrels on the top. Missile pods to the side of the turret. This thing was a monster tank, and troop transport rolled into one.

Search lights on the tank scanned the immediate area, as hundreds of people attempted to flee from the tank, and the drop ships unloading troops. Lash watched as a few brave police officers tried their best to shepard the panicking civilians to shelters. Lash dropped to street level and sprinted towards the mammoth tank. He zipped by the scattering masses and cast a wide area of effect Calm Emotions the crowds stopped screaming in terror and in an orderly fashion moved to where it was safe.

'Wraaaraararraaaraaaa!' A chattering alarm rang from the giant tank as the turrets on the segments turned to target Lash as he sprinted towards it. He was to close for the main barrels to shoot him. Light weight electromagnetic automatic rifle turrets started to shoot rapidly at Lash. Just as they were about to hit him a spacial fold appeared around him.

Space Domain Spell, Deflection: The Caster is capable of deflecting attacks, normally projectiles or blunt force, away from themselves. While usually a defensive method, it can at later evolutions be utilized as an offensive technique by redirecting the deflected attacks against others, or even against the original attacker.

The bullets twisted in mid air and collided with the ground. Though to the bullets they traveled in a straight line, to anyone watching they would say the bullets curved. But of course such a spell was rapidly draining Lash's energy reserves. He didn't need it much longer as he sprinted towards the tank, he jumped up and collided straight with the metal surface of the front and cast Recycle (Chp. 29) from his Technomancy Domain. A blue wash of energy swallowed the mammoth tank and all of Lash's magical energy reserves went to zero. It was a large target after all.

With zaaaping POP! The tank turned into an exploded diagram example. Every nut, bolt, screw, piece of metal, microchip, wire, everything suddenly popped up, and out. Contained within the tank was a gun crew of ten soldiers, and ten robotic units with a cyberdeck controller inside. They were not affected by the spell. But were soon crushed by the tremendous weight of all the different parts that fell on top of them. SLAM! The exploded diagram tank fell into a heap with a crash! Then it was eerily quiet for a brief moment. Lash was on all fours gasping for air with a migraine that felt like some one was jamming an ice spike into his brain.

Congratulations User! Technomancy Domain Spell, Recycle has evolved into Minor Recycle!

Minor Recycle: Spell power increase, with spell energy decrease. Partial reallocation of spell energy back to the caster. Partial learning of design if Caster does not know it.

Lash got a sudden influx of information about the basic design of the Mobile-FU-Tank. He grumbled at the name, another gamer L33T title some shit head would come up with. A spot light soon targeted him, Lash tried to pull himself up but his splitting head ache was to much for him. He didn't have Deflection up with out any energy to spare. A blur of motion swung between two buildings and picked him up before the bullets started to shoot.

“Yeeeeooooow! Holy shit you weigh a lot!” A brusk, sarcastic male voice said. Lash found himself in the arm of a mutated man with patch work flesh of different colors, and material? The man stretched his other arm out like a rope and swung them into alleyway out of sight. They both landed, well more like the man let Lash go and Lash met the ground at accelerated speeds!

“Oh! Shit sorry man! You are weight to heavy for me to carry!” The man thing said as rolled his shoulder. Almost to emphasize the point, the arm that carried Lash was stretched out and partially useless. The man manipulated his body to create a crank, and he rolled his arm back into place.

“Hello Metamorpho, thanks for the save..” Lash said, as he slowly stood up to look at his savior.

“Oho! Agent Wraith knows who I am?” Metamorpho aka Rex Mason replied with a smile.

Metamorpho was 6'1” with black eyes, and white pale skin on his hands, feet, and head. While his body was covered in a suit in the color combination of orange, purple, and gray tones. Though Lash knew better, the entire 'suit' was actually his body. Metamorpho had signed up as an Active in the Justice League. Lash cast Insight to gather more information.

Name: Rex Mason. Code Name: Metamorpho.

Title: Freak King, Periodic Tables Son.

Origin: Meta-Gene. Sub-Origin: Magical.

Rank: C+

Skills: Archaeology, Investigation, Martial Arts (See Tool Tip)

Powers: Elasticity, Elemental Transmutation, (See Tool Tip)

Domains: N/A

Racial Traits: Unique Physiology.

Disposition: Neutral

Comment: Metamorpho has been re imagined several times comic book history. Though normally in the beginning of his change he hates his new abilities, he grows to love them over time. Now is no different, though his moral compass is flexible. He is a good ally, and friend to have.

“Are you my back up?” Lash asked, as he felt Healing Pulse activate to restore a portion of his energy. As well as Metamorpho's who shivered at the sensation.

“Not officially! My girlfriend Jezeba lives nearby. I was visiting her when the alarm went off. The city came under attack we came out to help evacuate an fight off the invaders. Speaking of which I need to get back! I'm on comms if you need anymore help! See you later, Wraith!” Metamorpho said as he turned into a gas form and flew away.

“You too...” Lash said, as he watched the gas fly away.

Lash recast Chameleon and blended back into the environment. It would be a few hours before he was back to full health. It was time for some guerrilla warfare. He slipped into shadow and moved towards the city hall. Through Connectivity he received several messages as more JLI members were teleported into the edge of the city. Vici was currently tracking the line of where they were coming from but lost the location some where in the caves in the east. Some sort of energy interference was preventing the sub-satellites camera's from inspecting the area, and prevented teleportation. At least they had an idea!

Lash could hear the sound of gun fire, and screams sound out across the war torn city. He moved from shadow to shadow along the streets towards city hall. Coming across wreckage, and destroyed robotic units. Thankfully no bodies yet. From what he could tell they were attempting to take anyone and everyone alive. That was until he came across a police officer who had been shot to pieces. Seems anyone who put up a fight was killed on sight.

Lash turned a corner and saw a unit of 30 robotic units, along with a giant suit of armor behind them. Lash sent a Technomancy wave. The giant was a meta-human in suit, Lash could sense they were connected to the machines through their power base. A tech-meta. The robotic units had a very basic VI system, while the complex thinking was done by the tech-meta. Lash cast Phantasm and placed the whole unit in unnatural darkness. The whole unit went into battle formation as a result, but they were still blind!

“Hi there!” Lash said with a grin as he sprinted towards the tech-meta's suit of armor. He cast Recycle on the suit, the entire thing exploded out in parts and the tech-meta screamed in agony as the implants that connected him were ripped out. Lash reached out and used Machine Control, 'Shoot yourselves!' He commanded!

The robotic units pointed their rifles at each other, switched to lethal ammo and tore themselves apart. Lash produced a meta-inhibitor and slapped it on the tech's neck. He cast Disillusion to remove the darkness. The whole activity only took about 5% of his energy, small victories! Lash restrained the tech-meta and called for a security teleport pick up. With in a few seconds a spring jump spell script started to wrap around the tech. Lash jumped to his feet and moved down the street, recasting Chameleon.

Two minutes passed and a drop ship flew by the location. They had lost contact with the unit and saw the remains of the robotic units, but couldn't confirm the location of the cyberdeck controller. They marked the location and moved off to support other troops... Lash soon arrived at the city hall and found it on fire! Police were hiding behind barricades and were doing their best to fight off the robotic units slowly making their way up the steps. Lash counted at least 5 cyberdeck tech-meta's controlling them.

'Any idea's partner?' -Lash asked across the link to Saurian.

'Create a mobile turret to fire on them, then attack from the side.' -Saurian replied.

Lash admitted it was a good idea. He used Connectivity, Alteration, Compression Transformation, Virtual Intelligence, Infinity Supply, Fabrication, Phantasm, False Life, Enchanting, Crafting, Computers, Operator, and Machine Control. He created a mobile platform about the size of a small car with tank treads, and twin electromagnetic light machine gun barrels. He may have taken the design from the FU-Tank.

Lash had been at 30% energy but it dropped again to 3%, his migraine returned. But Healing Pulse activated and restored a small portion of his energy. He slipped back into shadow, as the mobile turret cast a partial illusion to hide. Waiting for orders. Lash moved around to flank the group and waited for his energy to go back up.

Lash reached out....'Fire' he said. The turret unloaded onto the robotic units ripping through their armor like tissue paper! Lash zipped out from the other side as the cyberdeck tech-meta's all turned to look at the mobile turret. Then one of them whipped around at the sight of Lash leaping through the air at him. Back cameras!

“Behind us!” The tech-meta said across their communication lines. Lash pounced on the mecha suit and used Recycle the suit exploded into pieces. “Gaaaaaaah!” The tech-meta screamed in agony as his implants were ripped out. He collapsed in the ruins of his suit. Lash jumped to the next suit who turned around to fire its rifle at Lash.

Zaaaap! The energy ripped straight him. Lash burst into illusion particles, and Lash appeared next to the mecha suit in a mute flash of color. He gently tapped the suit, and it exploded into parts like the first one. Lash Blinked towards the last three and did the same. They fell to pieces, and the robotic units on the stairs had been chewed up by the mobile turret. That was now rolling through the wrecked streets on its way to guard Lash.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Space Domain Spell, Blink.

Blink: The Caster can preform a short and quick form of teleportation. Limited to (10 meters). The Caster can not go through objects, yet. The Caster can only take themselves and personal items attached to them, (Can not carry someone and Blink) yet.

Lash's migraine was back with a vengeance. He really needed to just find a spot to sit down for a bit. He heard, and felt a snap of pressure hit into his back. He turned around to look up at city hall to see the police staring at an officer who had decided to shoot at Lash. The bullet didn't even penetrate his armor. The mobile turret whipped its barrels around, its laser pointers targeting the offending officer who went pale.

“I am Agent Wraith with the United Nations World Security!” Lash said, in Amharic the most common language used in Ethiopia... Lash held up his Warden badge that was glamoured with the UNWS on it.

The police cheered for a brief moment, while one ran back in to get their commanding officer. The mobile turret went back to sentry mode seemingly forgiving the offending officer. Lash spent a few minutes place inhibiting collars on the techs and calling for secure portal pick up. Half way through that the mobile turret unloaded onto an invaders drop ship that was flying over to look around. Lash was proud to see his turret rip through the things armor and sent it flying down into the city with a crash! The crash was not good, but the ship was down! The MT (Mobile Turret) ejected a magazine and quickly replaced it. It went back to sentry mode.

Soon all of the tech-meta's were teleported back to the Watch Tower. Lash climbed the stairs of the city hall with his MT following behind him. It took up a position at the front entrance and activated its camouflage thanks to Phantasm. Lash was lead into the hall towards the basement, where he met a woman dressed in a tailored suit that had seen better days. She was 5'8” with chocolate skin, warm brown eyes, and black hair. She had an amiable smile on her face as she stretched out her hand to shake Lash's.

“Greetings to you, Woizrity. I am Agent Wraith with UNWS.” Lash said, his hand easily swallowed hers. He bowed from his waist attempting to be polite, but was met with wide eyes.

“I'm sorry, did I say that wrong? Woizrity is for unmarried woman, right?” Lash asked, confused about the stares.

“Oh! Yes! Yes, thank you for courtesy Agent Wraith. But you don't need to worry about such things right now.” The Council woman said with a brilliant smile. Lash really wished the internet was operational right now.

“ I am, Amaresh Tolla Yihun. Please call me Yihun. Is the United Nations here to lend its support?” Yihun asked, changing the subject as politely as possible.

“As far as I know, I am the only UNWS Agent currently deployed in the city.” Lash said, his words made Yihun's stiff smile wilt. “However, the organization Justice League International is here in force. They are attempting to evacuate and fight off the invaders. I guess you can say I am the liaison right now.” Lash tried to offer some sense of comfort.

“I see..... Do you know what is going on?” Yihun asked, as she ran her hands through her hair. She was shivering. She was desperate for some sense of security.

“I can give you what I have...But you'll want to sit down.” Lash said, as he produced a holographic image and started to give them the bullet points of the whole situation.

Thirty minutes, and three downed drop ships later. Yihun, and her staff took the situation pretty well. A few people screamed, one person feinted, another broke into hysterics. But Yihun kept her cool, though she ended up sitting down. What was happening here was happening across the globe. With no communication, no power, and no way to drive out to any nearby cities, they had been cut off. They had been hoping it was an isolated incident. Now, an invading army from an alternate reality was responsible. That army was currently invading Ethiopia first!?

“You...You have to get us out of here! You have to get us out here right now!” A man in a ruined suit all but tackled Lash. Lash looked down at the man who was on his knees.

“Sir, I understand your afraid. But where do you want to go? The whole world is like this right now.” Lash said, trying to make the man understand.

“Anywhere!? Take me to someplace that is safe! I have money! I'll give you a million dollars if you save me and my family!” The man shouted, at that point it became a rat race.

Every man, and woman in the room scrambled towards Lash. Except Yihun who had a disgusted look on her face. Lash used his Nature Domain Passive and created a sleeping pheromone. All of the rats jumping ship fell asleep. Lash stepped out from them and walked to Yihun. Who looked at him wide eyed but relaxed when she saw they were asleep. Yihun let out a laugh of despair and sat in her seat that was far to large for her.

“I'm not suppose to be doing this.... I'm the assistant director for education! Everyone above me is either dead, or fled the city when we lost power. But everyone started asking me what to do! It's not fair!” Yihun shouted, then curled up in her chair and started to weep.

Lash came to stand next to her chair, he placed his giant clawed hand on her back and rubbed back and forth. He did little more than that. She cried for a few more minutes, then cleaned her face and stood up. She straightened out her ruined suit, took a calming breath and turned around ready to work. Lash liked her!

“We need to make city hall into a defensible position. Can you help us, Agent Wraith?” Yihun asked, Lash grinned at her.

“Ya, I can help with that!” Lash agreed, he offered his hand to Yihun who took it gratefully. They walked out of the office they had used, towards the police officers who looked up waiting for orders.

“Time to get to work everyone!” Yihun said, she squared her shoulders and raised her chin. Doing her best to look confident and in control. It also helped that there was an 8 foot tall lizard alien next to her!


After an hour the city hall turned into a no fly zone for the invaders. Every drop ship, helicopter, and UAV they sent over was shot down. The ruined capitol build was slowly repairing itself, the changes visible to the naked eye as greenish blue energy emanated from the building. Barricades grew from the ground like weeds. Creating barrier after barrier. Several JLI members showed up with civilians with them. They ran for the hall and slipped inside under the cover fire of Lash's MT.

Lash made a polymer suit for Yihun, along with an interface to help direct, and command the operation. He also used Skill/Power/Spell Trainer on her to help reinforce her abilities. Acting, Danger Sense, Martial Arts, Night Eye, Commanding Presence, Administration, Team Work, and Military Special Operations. He received several experience prompts from the training, as she used it and quickly as possible. She must have had a huge migraine but it didn't stop her from working. He also established a Temporary Pack Bond with her, and any JLI member that was friendly with him.

It didn't take long but the invaders seem to figure out where all the resistance was coming from. Vici contacted them and said a huge ground, and air force was heading there way. ETA was thirty minutes. At this point Lash had carved out several underground bunkers with food, water, medicine, and basic essentials. Like toilets! All the none-combatants were taken to the bunkers. While anyone with even remotely battle oriented skills were sent to Lash as he created basic polymer combat suits, weapons, and ammunition.

“You know if we live through this I think the League could use someone of your skills.” Lash said as he finished 'painting' a suit onto a police officer.

“Are you offering me a job?” Yihune asked, she had cleaned up after Lash cast Immaculate on her. Her hair was tied back into a tail, her body was bouncing with energy as her limiters were being removed thanks to the pack bond. She looked...good!

“I am...I think you should work for people who will appreciate your work.” Lash continued, as he supplied another volunteer with battle gear.

“I... I have a family... I think in a town near by. Do you think you could get them citizenship in America?” Yihun asked, she looked towards the door conflicted. She had no idea if her family was even alive?

“Sure.... We'll even go look for them after this is over, alright?” Lash replied, but he had a feeling that if they were alive Dex's people already had them. Yihun looked back at him and nodded. She bit her lip in frustration, but soon went back to work.

Soon they were finished arming everyone. Lash went to the front of the group of about three hundred volunteers, officers, and JLI members. He linked up with anyone who considered him 'friendly' then used the link to activate his Skill trainer specifically Weapon Master-Electromagnetic sub-machine gun. Because that was the weapon he gave them. It was the same weapon he gave the pilots back in the Gotham Siege against Joker. (Chp. 55)

The volunteer self defense force came outside and took up positions around the reinforced city hall. Lash took a moment to Meditate and restore his energy. Over a dozen JLI members ran off to buy them time using guerrilla tactics. They could already here the explosions and gun fire going off. The nervous energy in the air was so tight they could cut it with a knife. They were horribly outnumbered and the volunteers knew it. Where was the rest of the League? Well turned out this city was not the only one under attack. The alternate reality took off the kid gloves. They were in full offense.

The whooping sound of the helicopter blades were the first thing they heard. Tiny lights in the distance raced towards their location. But before they even became miniature toy models in the eyes of the volunteers, Lash's MT opened up and started to fire! Tracer rounds with a unique blue glow raced towards the approaching helicopters! Three of them exploded and crashed before the rest took evasive maneuvers. Vici had linked a sub-satellite up to the MT as a range, and target finder.

Lash rose to his feet, breaking Meditation. He raised his hands up into the air and used Manifestation! Dark blue portals opened up in front of the city hall and three hundred Saurus Warriors raced out and sprinted towards the ground forces. A staccato of noise followed the warriors call for battle. A festival of blood full of music for the soon to be dead!

Lash let loose a primal roar and called on his partner, Saurian! Bones snapped, flesh tore, and his size grew! Saurian arose from the billowing smoke and shadow of the reaper shroud that Lash wore. Standing at 35 feet tall, and 65 feet long. His size changed thanks to Size Alteration from his back two 60 foot long scaled flesh tentacles erupted from his back. Each one with three clawed fingers for gripping. Saurian had evolved once again!

Congratulations User! Shape Shift (Saurian) has evolved into Minor Shape Shift (Saurian)

Minor Shape Shift (Saurian): Saurian has always been a creature made from the thoughts of your Cosmic Patron. The dreams, and nightmare of the Cosmos! Though born on Earth, Saurian is very much a hunter of the void. The evolution has increase Saurian's base stats, and will effect Transformation, and Adaptation.

The sight of Saurian erupting from the city hall was horrifying. But was soon dwarfed as he jumped from the steps, over the barricades, and raced towards the ground forces rushing towards their positions. Saurian sprinted along the road on all fours, tearing up the concrete as he ran. He quickly caught up with his Saurus Warriors who all cheered at his coming. A mobile-FU-Tank rushed towards them, and fired both its barrels at the monstrosity heading towards it.

Saurian lowed his skull crest, the shots exploded off his bone plate but didn't even slow him down. 500 meters away and closing Saurian raced towards his prey and let out a howl of anticipation. As a red targeting beam came down from space above them. Those back at the city hall looked up and traced the beam towards night sky above them. All of the JLI members cheered when they saw the beam.

“Ion Cannon targeting....Please take cover!” -Vici's voice chimed over their communication line.

A massive blue beam shot straight into the invading forces of FU-Tanks. The beam washed over the forces cutting a giant swath of destruction! High above the city in the atmosphere was the Watch Tower. Vicit had moved it to provide orbital covering fire. The beam fired for exactly five seconds, but the damage caused to the invading forces was clear. Right as the beam faded from sight, Saurian jumped onto one of the remaining tanks and raked his massive claws through its armor!

“The festival of blood begins!” He roared!


“Keep firing!” A cyberdeck unit controller screamed in panic. His robotic units were being taken down one by one with lethal efficiency.

“ROOOOOOOAAAAARRRRR!” The giant dinosaur billow a roar and everyone who heard it momentarily froze in place. The unit controller raised his arms up and twin barrels popped out of their pockets. They unloaded on the swarming creatures towards them only to have a bladed tail erupt from his chest. A creature had slipped behind him...


Standing on a building several yards away stood a JLI team. They watched in morbid fascination as Wraith had turned into his primal form they had all heard about but had never seen. He was massive! The tentacles on his back whipped around and shot spells from their tips, while his claws raked through armored vehicles. The team captain called for every ones attention. It seemed one of the Saurus warriors reported additional forces were heading to the city hall. They were to head over and stop them. But a single question rang in their minds. Was this even a battle anymore?


Saurian tackled a mammoth tank and drove it into another one. He tore through its armor and sprayed methane from his mouth thanks to his Nature Domain. Then lit a spark and watched in satisfaction as the entire inside of the tank went up in flames! BAM! BAM! Another tank shot straight into his side and he roared in pain. His armor was ruined! He used Blink and appeared 10 meters away which greatly surprised the tank that was firing on him.

Saurian raced toward the tank lowering his head. He bashed into the tank, and drove his snout under the treads. He picked it up, and pushed it backwards until it flipped over like a giant turtle. He tore the underside out and poured methane into the tanks underbelly. One of his tentacles whipped around and set off a spark inside. The spectacular sight of greenish flames erupting followed by screams of anguish made Saurian shiver in delight!

Foresight, and Danger Sense activated. Saurian did a backwards somersault. A destroying a building he was next to but thankfully missed a purple beam that shot where his head had been. The shooter was an invader meta who looked shocked he had dodged their attack. Saurian stood up on his back legs and smiled maliciously at the meta. His two tentacles quickly drew a spell circle in perfect precision. Then Saurian raised his clawed hand up and brought it down in the direction of the meta. A massive bolt of lightning shot down from the sky. Turning the meta into ash!

Saurian let loose another roar and used Rallying Call. All of his allies that heard the call were renewed with energy. All of the mammoth tanks had been destroyed, and now the LAV's acted like annoying flies attempting to break through Saurian's armor. Like a cat chasing mice, Saurian ran after them. Using Blink he appeared right on top of one and crushed under his heel. WHAM!

Saurian barreled over onto his side as huge force rammed into his body. With a crash he fell through another building and cried out in pain. He scrambled to his feet and looked around, there floating in the air was an invading soldier. They had black armor, with red highlights. The invader rose into the air and dived bomb Saurian again. Deflection was cast and the invader collided with the ground at full speed. The thundering CRACK! Of a sniper rifle rang out and a bullet pierced through Saurian's neck and the bullet exploded inside of it.

Saurian roared in pain, and looked around confused. Where did that shot come from!? Quick on the situation Saurian realized that being big was not the best thing right now. He cast Enlarge/Reduce, and used Size Alteration on himself. He brought himself down to 10 feet tall, and 20 feet long. CRACK! The sound of the rifle rang out. Neither Danger Sense, or Foresight activated. One of his brand new tentacles was clipped off in the shot. A red and blue trail of lightning zipped towards him, and Saurian felt a hand pass through his body and destroy some of his organs. Speedster!

Saurian sprinted behind cover and hopefully out of sight from the sniper. CRACK! A sizable hole exploded from the wall next to him. They must have drones in the sky, he sent out a Technomancy pulse and destroyed at least six different drones. Another CRACK! Went off, but the shot was noticeably further from him. Th red and blue trail of lightning raced towards him and Saurian cast Personal Time their almost frozen in time was another invader wearing the same black armor with red high lights. Saurian whipped his last tentacle out and tore the invaders head off. Personal Time ended, and the red and blue lightning trail turned into a man with out a head.

“NOOOOOO!” A shout rang out from the original soldier who attacked him. WHAM! Saurian took a fist straight to his face and flew through a wall, then another wall, and another wall. He skipped across a street like a stone then rolled to a stop. His skull was caved in. Nature's Kiss was cast, bones snapped back together, muscles grew, and Saurian screamed in pain.

Another red targeting beam shot down from the sky, and with in a second a giant ion cannon went off. The beam was nearly a mile away but Saurian could assume who the target was. “Sniper down!” Vici called over Connectivity. She had used a weapon of mass destruction to kill a single sniper. Saurian was pleased!

Saurian's last tentacle regrew with the heal. Just in time to see the first invader fly towards him like a speeding bullet. Saurian whipped his tentacle out and a green Psionic Blade came the tip, and sliced clean through the soldiers right arm. The invader twisted and turned mid air so the blade wouldn't cut him half. The invader screamed in agony, and Saurian knew this invader was kryptonian. A giant brick of a man jumped through the air and dove straight for Saurian. Who whipped his kryptonian Psionic Blade out. The giant man took the hit, but it failed to cut through him. With a burst of light another soldier appeared behind the injured krypton, then with another flash they were both gone.

“Fall back, all units fall back!” Saurian heard from the communications line of the giant attacking him.

“Dex is a pathetic coward!” Saurian said, snarling at the soldier. The soldier stiffened and jumped towards Saurian with reckless abandonment. Whether it was programming from the bio-chip, or personal belief. Saurian had just made the soldier stay and finish the fight.

Silver Psionic Blades, laced with Bending to give it an extra edge extended from Saurian's hands, and tentacles. He sprinted towards the giant meta. SLASH! They jumped past one another like two warriors dueling in the ancient days. The giant meta fell into four exact pieces, Saurian turned and consumed the giant. Soul Bite, Dream Eater, and Devour, Consume, Evolve. A wealth of information was absorbed into Saurian. Cadmus clones from the alternate reality, with meta-gene powers. Kryptons, with meta powers. Hunter Killer teams for priority targets, wow!

Congratulations User! True Body (Chp. 41) has evolved into Minor True Body.

Minor True Body: Allows the blocking of 20% of True Damage (Critical Hits)

Saurian ripped out the comms unit in the giant and tapped in with Connectivity. Has he waited for the hand shaking to take place Saurian checked the giant for the bio-chip. Nope! The giant was with out a chip. He'd have to check the head of the speedster to make sure, but it looked like the HK's were here voluntarily, or Dex had alternate means of control. Maybe Dex just brain washed them while they were growing? They'd have to ask AR-Superman about it.

“gggzzzzt.... Unit-04 respond? Unit-04, please respond!” A synthesized but feminine voice came over the stolen communication line. Saurian transmitted the signal to Vici quickly for tracking.

“I'm sorry, Unit-04 has fallen to pieces. Care to tell me where you are? I'll come and deliver his parts to you.” Saurian said across the line....

“......I am going to kill you....” Said a male synthesized voice said over the line.

“Me? You didn't even kill Dex when he brain boxed Clark and made him kill his own family.” Saurian said across the link. There was a long pause across the link, before it shut down.

“See you soon, kid.” Saurian said, as he tossed the telecoms unit aside. Saurian looked up and saw that sky was slowly turning into a muted dark blue. The sun would be up soon. It was going to be a long day...

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