
***Alberta, Canada. Alpha Rift FOB***

The Alpha site had gone through another upgrade. The command tower had reached ten levels, reinforced with flexible concrete, alternating steel, and trace elements of Nth metal from their Thanagarian broker. The machine shop, armory, medical, barracks, and airfield had all gone through a renovation allowing for more of their troops to work from the Alpha site. The Rift it self had grown large enough for one of their twin barrel tanks to roll through it.

Thanks to the vibrational frequency being slower here in this reality then back home. For every day that passed here, a week passed back home. So, allocations of resources were expedient... Most of the time. But even with the time gap, the bureaucrats back home would find ways to stiff the invasion force. They had two other realities pouring resources back home, and only one reality currently being invaded and AR-John's commanders were stiffing him!

AR-John, Alpha site base commander watched his Rift base from the top level of the command tower. They were making progress, but it was slow going. They were still in phase one of their invasion. Anonymity was their method of operations. This reality as a whole still had no idea they were here. However, that had changed recently. The Justice League in this reality was fighting against them, along with the Omega Energy level creatures they've found. AR-John had requested additional resources and engineers to the Alpha site but he was denied. AR-John activated his microphone and spoke down to the commander waiting at the current transport pad.

“Rift Commander Charlie, you are a go. Good luck, fore the Empire!” AR-John said, as his voice rang out across the transport pad. The Rift Commander saluted the tower, and turned towards his unit of fifty men and women. They all saluted in response.

An audible pop, and a bright neon blue light flash swallowed the whole team, and its cargo. A powerful meta with top grade mass teleportation transported them to their next Rift site. AR-John understood the need to expand their points of entry, but it still felt off. He was always one for quality over quantity. But, he also knew that more points of insertion meant less time on the....

“Rift Commander we have an emergency Kr-Zeta message!” The communications officer said in the main room. The entire room froze, and stared at the officer in shock. AR-John turned and walked over to receive the message on the terminal.

AR-John played the message. There was no need to clear the room. Every officer in this room had field command clearance. AR-John watched a brief video of an infiltrator camera feed of their Kryptonian assets, get taken down by a team. But more importantly get taken down by the Omega Red target. AR-John sent the video feed to the Hunter Killer team on base, and to command. This was one of the times command didn't wait long.

'Move to Phase Two, activate the HK team'

“Send an alpha priority message to all forces with in danger action. Phase one is complete, move to phase two. Main command has confirmed.” AR-John said loudly across the communications room. Every officer in the room jumped into action and with in minutes every invader on the planet moved into action.


***Alpha Rift, VIP Barracks***

The fifteen unit of men and women that belonged to the HK team were resting, doing soft training, or doing maintenance on their gear. Each one ready to spring into action at a moments notice. Each one with a shaved head, pale skin that hadn't seen sunlight in years, each one with a set of blue eyes. They were each commandos, each a one man/woman army. But each of course had their specialty. Their squad leader was reviewing the different reports submitted by the different teams that had encountered the Omega Energy level threats. When the report came in.

“Stand by!” The unit leader said, just loud enough for his whole team to hear. Each one jumped to their feet and stood at attention. The unit leader sent up a wide display of the short video that the Rift Commander had sent.

“Last known location is Metropolis. We move out in fifteen! Questions?” The unit leader asked, a single hand rose. One of their newest soldiers. The unit leader gestured for him to speak.

“Do we know what happened to....them?” The young man said.

“We don't! Our orders are the assassination of the Omega Red target. That is our one and only priority. However, if the target is killed and we find our missing people while doing it. We will help them come home. Understood!” The unit leader said to everyone.

“Yes sir!” The HK team said loudly.

“Let's get to it!” The unit leader said. The HK's jumped into action. The unit leader nodded to their newest soldier who nodded back.

Them, was the closes thing any of the HK's could say about their donors. The unit leader turned to look at a full length mirror. His reflection staring back at him was the spitting image of the young man that had fought AR-Supergirl. The men and women of the hunter killer team were all Project Cadmus clones. AR-Connor Kent, took a deep breath and started getting his own gear in order. Part of him, a large part hoped he would find Superman alive. But a small part, a whisper in back of his mind hoped the man was finally free.


***Metropolis, Justice League R&D lab. 2029 AR***

Superman flew across the big blue sky at a leisurely pace. Enjoying the morning sun on his skin, the wind on his face. As he flew by several people would cheer at the sight of him. He was flying low enough to be seen, but not so much to be a distraction to morning drivers. He enjoyed being seen, but not enough to be a distraction. More a few minor traffic accidents had occurred because drivers tried to look at him when he flew by.

Superman dipped out of sight between two buildings and slipped past a sliding wall into a secret complex. The buildings owner had grilled him time and time again not to use the window. Paparazzi had parked outside the building for three weeks last time, determined to find out why Superman had visited this building! He took a secret elevator up to the top floor and walked into a loft. Or half loft, half work shop.

Big open bay windows letting the morning sun in. Big open space between the kitchen, living room, and work bench. One master bedroom, with bath separated by a wall. Along with a guest bedroom, and bath. Then another bathroom near the work area. The living room had a huge flat screen tv, with the latest in Wayne Tech station hardware. Superman had on occasion came over with his son to play games with laps owner.

“Dex, you here!” Superman called into the loft. A head belonging to his long time friend Dex popped up from one of the work benches. He looked around at Superman, and grinned! Superman gave his friend a bemused expression.

“Boy Scout! Thanks for coming!” Dex said as he scurried away from what ever piece of tech he was working on.

Dex was 5'9” with wiry frame, pale skin, black eyes, and long silver kinky hair that seem to explode from his head. As if he had been shocked one to many times by electricity and now his hair was naturally that way. He always seem to have an hunched appearance. But working in a lab, often typing on a computer or building something explained that. But despite that, he was still nimble, and could move when he wanted to. Beneath this floor was a full service gym that Dex used everyday for at least two hours.

“You said you figured out a way to stop our members from experiencing mind control?” Superman asked, as he shook his friend hand. Dex smiled wide, the spark of genius or insanity gleaming in his eyes.

“YES! Well no, its a prototype! Its far to large, and unwieldy to take into the field. But if we can get it to work in the lab. Then I'll start minimizing it! Come! Come!” Dex said as he scampered back into the R&D side of the loft.

Superman was afraid of breaking something so he just lifted off the ground by a few inches and floated after his old friend. Dex was a meta-human with top grade telepathic abilities, along with mind bending, and manipulation. Along with tech-genius level intellect. But despite the money he could have easily made, or the empire he could have made he was always working for the Justice League. Superman had been saved more than once by Dex when he had been taken over by other mind benders. Dex had also saved countless civilians time and time again. He had earned the trust of the Justice League, and the people of Earth.

“How many times have you fallen under someone's control, Superman? I'm not admonishing you. I want to know if you know?” Dex asked, as he cleared a examination chair as he patted it for Superman to sit down.

“To many to count! Thankfully you've always been there to help.” Superman said with a smile as he took a seat. Dex had the chair recline back, and had Superman's feet go up so he was partially laying down.

“Yes! I will always try to be there! But, sometimes it's chemical! Like that time Poison Ivy used Kryptonite laced lipstick! Did Lois ever forgive you for that by the way?” Dex said as he scampered over to get a large box off a table.

“Yes she did! After several dinners, romantic get a ways, and that real nice piece of jewelry you made for her but told me to tell her it was from me.” Superman said as he watched his friend in amusement.

“Think nothing of it! It was just lying around the shop when I was trying to make a new drill.” Dex said, as he brought back the box.

“It was a diamond necklace worth over a hundred grand, Dex! You still never told me where you got it from!” Superman said, he gave his friend a mock glare. Dex pressed his hand to his chest and made a dramatic flamboyant gesture as if he had been wounded.

“Well if Lois doesn't want it, you can always give it back?” Dex replied, a grin on his face. Superman's eyes went wide and he settled back down. There was no way, Lois would give that necklace back.

“So, what is with the box?” Superman said as he changed the subject. Dex grinned at him and carefully placed the box over Superman's head.

“This is called a 'Brain Box'. As I said this is a prototype.” As the box completely covered his whole head down to his neck. “It blocks out telepathic mind bending manipulation. But still allows telepathic communication. Made for J'onn, and M'gann specifically. While it also helps counter chemical manipulation. But if it all fails, it will send a message to the Watch Tower letting every know you or anyone wearing it is under mental domination.” Dex said as he fit into Superman's head.

“Wow that will be great! So, I take it you are going to make me do something to see if it works?” Superman asked.

“Yes! I am going to make you do the thriller dance, while I record the experiment and send it to Lois, and Johnathan.” Dex said, the humor clear in his voice.

“Oh no! I hope it works then!” Superman said, but he still had a smile on his face.

“Don't worry! This is my sixteenth time. It will work...” Dex said, his voice dipping with sinister undertones.

“Sixteenth?” Superman said.....Then he blacked out.


Superman opened his eyes and found himself kneeling. In his arms were the bloody, broken, and dead bodies of Lois his wife, and Johnathan his young boy. He was covered in their blood, bones, and viscera. Absolute rage roared inside of him as he clutched his families bodies close to him. But before he could do anything more his friend Dex ran over to him.

“Oh God! Hold on Kal! Jesus! We...Can fix this!” Dex tried to reassure him. How...HOW!? His family was dead! Dex had reached up behind Superman's head, to something that was in his neck. Wait....

Zzzzzzsnap! An electrical snap went through all of Superman's body. He dropped his wife, and son's body and stood up in one fluid motion. He turned to look at Dex who had a maniacal grin on his face. Dex started to shout in joy! He jumped around the loft, bounced over to his equipment and started to throw things in triumphant glee!

“Sixteen fucking times! I've pulled it off! That piece of shit isn't here to ruin it for me! The chemical imbalance of love always throws the chip through the ringer! But now I've got the ratio balanced, and the readings recorded!” Dex shouted, and ran back to Superman and gave him a great big hug.

“Alright buddy! I've done this enough to know the next step! Lets go find Kara!” Dex said, blood still covering his lab coat.


***Watch Tower, Interrogation, and Prison modules***

Several of the senior members of the Justice League watched AR-Superman retell his story to them. They watched, listened, and became horrified as he told his story. The man was broken, he had been more than happy to talk about everything at first. But as he talked about it more and more the realization of what he had done crashed into him hard. AR-Superman did find AR-Supergirl, Dex brain boxed her. He had her kill her adoptive parents. In their reality, she was adopted by the Danvers. For what ever reason the chemical imbalance of love always through the chip through a loop.

One by one they brain boxed the elite, and senior members of the Justice League. Until more than half of the whole League well over 500 people were enslaved to Dex. They learned quickly that the chip didn't seem to work well with anyone who used magic. The operation also took several hours to complete though it became more streamlined as Dex got better about it. By the time the rest of the League figured out what was going on? It was to late.

Dex had planned the whole thing out, and had been saving resources for years. The Justice League had been tracking a criminal syndicate. That seem to supply, and help give the Injustice League with resources, tech, and locations ahead of the Justice League. What they didn't know was that Dex was in charge of the syndicate. So, when the League fell from the inside the Injustice League jumped to fill the hole. Which didn't last long, as Dex started to brain box them as well.

After a year the public found out something was wrong. That was when the Unification War happened. All of the worlds greatest Super heroes, and Super villains working together to punish and enslave. The war was short, but incredibly brutal. In one last vain attempt to kill them all the surviving countries with nuclear missiles fired them at America, where Dex was based. AR-Supergirl never figured out how, but Dex had some how made all the missiles explode as soon as they left their launch tubes. More than half of the world had become a nuclear wasteland.

After that it was post-war reclamation. Anyone with any form of influence, power, and ability were brain boxed. Batman, along with his Bat-Family had escaped and are considered leaders of the resistance. Wonder Woman had found a loop hole in the no man rule on Themyscira. But neither of them knew what it was. Because of its magical, and pocket dimension nature the island could close its gates at anytime. Seemed like their reality didn't have Ares escape. Or maybe Ares was never there to begin with?

“What's it like back home for you all? I mean, ecologically? I can't imagine that much radiation in the atmosphere can be good for whats left?” Flash asked, he was in full uniform with his arms crossed across his chest. He was trying to change the subject.

“Dex...I don't know how, or where he gets them from. But he had blue prints for city wide shields, atmospheric processors that clean out the radiation at least in North, and South America. Dex was pretty big on 'going green' after the war. Every city, and I mean every city that survived was redone.” AR-Kara said, as she was thankful for the change in subject.

“He... Put everything we had into surviving, and reclaiming what was lost. It's amazing what the human race can accomplish when they have no choice in the matter.” AR-Clark said, as he white knuckled through the comment.

“How did he figure out the Rift's?” Flash asked, trying to process the information since no one else was asking any questions.

“We don't know. He just showed up one day with a blue print. With in a month we had a working Rift Generator. That....That was when we invaded our first reality.” AR-Kara said, it was clearly hard for her to talk about as fresh tears started to spill down her cheeks.

“Alright, that's enough. We can talk more about this after you two have more time to recover.” Wonder Woman said. AR-Clark snapped his head up to look at her, his eyes wide in shock and fear.

“No! We can keep going! We.... Need to do something! Anything!” AR-Clark jumped to his feet, and every gun from the 20 security droids pointed at him. Kryptonite laced bullets.

“No, Wonder Woman is right. You've given us plenty of information already. The both of you need time to recover. As much as we want to trust you, we still can't at this time. So you will be returned to your cells. When we need more information we'll come and get you.” Batman said, his voice cold. His body language indifferent as he gave nothing away. AR-Clark looked at him, then at everyone in the room.

“Thank you....For saving us.” AR-Kara said as she walked over to take AR-Clark's hand.

They were lead back to their cells by the security droids, and Naya'il. She adjusted the harmonics for their room to be gentle but firm. It would help them both... Maybe? The senior staff of the Justice League moved their discussion to the Head Quarters aka the big table room. Once everyone had taken a seat they addressed a minor issue. They all looked over at Wraith who was by all accounts about ready to kill someone. His shroud was jagged, with shard edges. His aura was oppressive, and a few people had a hard time breathing.

“Wraith? We are all upset about the situation. But please calm down, you are scaring us.” Black Canary said softly. Being one of the few willing to sit next to him. Her voice seem to snap him out of what ever he was thinking.

“Sorry! A third Rift has opened...I don't know where.” Lash said to the room. A collective gasp rang through the hall.

Attention User, the invading reality has created a third Rift.

You've been granted 10 bonus DP.

Challenge Rating has increased: Nightmare.

“Fucking! Shit! Cock! Balls!” Aquaman said, as he rubbed his face. Aquawoman patted his arm by his side and gave him a crooked grin.

“I find it interesting that your Patron even told you. Wonder Woman how often do the old gods of Olympus grant their wisdom?” Zatanna asked, as Constantine snickered.

“Maybe once every few years. Only when a major even happens, the fact that Wraith's Patron continues to advise him only tells us that his Patron favors him greatly.” Wonder Woman said, as she looked over at Wraith who was massaging his face.

“Let's get back on topic everyone. J'onn were they telling the truth?” Green Arrow asked, as he turned to the resident telepath.

“Yes they were. I could feel their anguish, their torment, but also their hope. They are free. They hold you, Wraith in great respect. You've earned two powerful allies today.” Jo'nn said in his deep, soothing voice. As he responded to the question.

“It was a team effort. I never would have gotten close to either of them with out help. Speaking of which. Sorry Arrow! But did Super....Boy? Come back with us? Or did he stay in Metropolis?” Lash asked, as he apologized to Arrow for changing the subject again. Green Arrow nodded but let the conversation drift.

“He stayed in Metropolis, he's patrolling South Side. Gravitas, and Luminosity (White Energy Projector) came back to the Watch Tower for medical attention. Ethan reports they will be fine, and back in action in a few hours.” Superman replied absently. His thoughts still on what the AR-Superman had said.

“Subject change again, Green Lantern. Did you hear back from the Guardians about alternate realities invading?” Lash asked, as he looked towards Hal Jordan who perked up at being called.

“Yes! Its uncommon, but they will allow some involvement. John, and Katma are on their way back to help. They should be here in six days. On a side note, the Guardians of Oa want to meet you Wraith. Since your species doesn't show up in any of their databases.” Hal replied, he leaned back as more than a few people gave him a suspicious glance.

“Fun.... How are the League cities coming along?” Lash asked the room, turning back to Green Arrow.

“Starling has power. Thanks to Queen, Meryln industries, and a certain Alien's advance tech most of the renewable energy systems were shielded from the initial EMP blast. While they were down for the first 48 hours, after that everything slowly turned back on. We've been taking in people the different towns as much as we can. We are not 100%, but we are better than most.” Green Arrow reported.

“Central City has power up in all its hospitals but that is about it. The new logistics, and auxiliary droids have been a big help. But we still have a long way to go.” Flash said next.

“Detroit is not doing well. We are in over our heads as the city falls apart and all of the criminals in the city use this time to take what they want with out punishment. So far we've had a single hospital get its power back, but back up only. The rest of the city... I don't know.” J'onn reported, as he looked at everyone in the room.

“You can send people to Fawcett City! Thanks to....” Shazam said as he looked at Wraith who shrugged his shoulders. “To a new company called Ghost Industries a lot of their techs have been able to get power and water back.” Shazam finished, J'onn looked up and nodded. Fawcett wasn't that far from Detroit...

“Transportation will be an issue. If everyone's cars worked the distance would be negligible. But on foot? Wraith do you think you could come down and get a few city buses operational?” J'onn asked, Lash nodded.

They continued discussing logistics for the next few hours until the meeting was called. Not because they didn't have more to discuss but because they had to much work to do. Everyone decided to go to the dinning hall then head back down to the surface to work. The hall was busy, but for good reason. As the food was incredible. Lash looked for the Android in charge but they were back in the kitchen working as fast as possible. Lash didn't want to interrupt so he took a seat next to the 'window'.

Across the entire wall was a window of Earth. Though it wasn't actually, it was just a holographic display of what it should look like since the dinning hall was in the middle of the station. It was still unsettling to look down at North America where the station was currently above and not see any lights on the dark side of the planet. Except for a tiny speck of light in northern California where Starling City was.

The whole station shuddered for a moment, as the metal groaned around them. Before Lash had gone down to retrieve the AR-Superman, and AR-Supergirl he had purchased the upgrade key for Vici. As agreed with Malleus, 75% of the station was still in operation. While the last 25% was slowly shifting and changing. So the whole station was still in operation. But slowly changing as well. The estimated time for completion was about 1 month. But, Lash forgot one important feature. Labor! Or more importantly the mentality of gamers!

Dynamic Quest! Help the Watch Tower upgrade from F grade to E grade.

Donate Energy to the main core! [ ]

Assist the station's engineering team! [ ]

Retrieve raw resources and bring them back! [ ]

These quests are repeatable!

Rewards: Experience and Reputation.

Lash had no doubt that every VI Avatar on the station got a prompt because as soon as the upgrade key was uploaded every Avatar was running around like a fire was under their ass! It reminded Lash that every dreamer, even the VI's had a system in place. Even they were not consciously aware of it. One of the times that the realism, and the game mechanics didn't mesh to much? Or maybe they worked perfectly and Lash was just watching the VI's running around because the more experience they got the better they would be?

Malleus reported that as long as things kept moving as they were they would be finished in two weeks, maybe less! As the stationed turned the window display showed the moon in the distance. Lash still needed to build a school there, of course he also needed to remove the threat on the moon. But he of course needed to repel the invasion, and also do a counter invasion and kill Rofl Dex. As much as Lash hated this invasion he was unwilling to turn them off.

He knew for a fact that he could not turn off an invasion once it was happening. Lash could go to the black room and turn off invading Rifts since it was an optional feature. Of course it would also turn off the scenario, story, and fractal Rifts. Short term these invasions were horrible! But long term, they served a purpose. Because deep down, Lash knew that when Darkseid showed up it would be a hundred times worse. His Dream needed to be tested. The Rifts would be the wet stone.

Lash left the dinning hall with out eating or drinking anything, as per usual. A few people watched him leave. Not everyone in the League were Avatars. He took the main elevator down and found an interesting sight. Hastam along with twenty security, and armory droids watched with a careful eye as League members with energy manipulation were pushing it into Vici's core. She took it all, and wanted more! Lash walked over to Hastam to ask a question.

“Any issues?” Lash asked, as he gave his 'grand son' a side hug with his massive tail.

“Grrrrrrr! No, they've been very helpful. But I made it clear I would turn them to ash the moment they stopped being so.” Hastam said in his robotic voice.

Lash nodded in comprehension. He moved towards the core and found a spot. The Avatars were taking turns pumping into the core. He got in line, and soon took up a spot. He reached out and poured his magical energy into the core. He didn't force the energy in, he did it slowly and gradually so there would be no run off.

Congratulations User! Intermediate Energy Manipulation has evolved into Advanced Energy Manipulation.

Advanced Energy Manipulation: Power consumption has decreased, power ability has increased, power range has increased. Greater control, and detail in manipulation. Works in conjunction with.... (See Tool Tip)

The whole station shook for a brief moment as an abundant and rich source of energy was fed into Vici. Lash was doing more, with less now. Thanks to the evolution several other skills, powers, and spell domains got an update. Increasing his overall level, and grade with them. Which reminded him to check his Dream Point total. He wanted to see if he could buy a few things.

Dream Points: 23

DP Credit Card: 16

The upgrade key from E grade to D grade was 320 DP. A huge incline in price, but the station would be huge at that point. Making Lash wonder what A grade looked like. The station hadn't finished upgrading so he couldn't buy any modules for the new E grade station yet. He could buy another domain, maybe a skill. Or upgrade what he had. Lash's grade was B-. Despite all that had happened his rank hadn't moved this whole time. He could buy another experience booster?

Lash broke off from the energy core, and stepped off to the side. Though he did get a experience prompt from Skill/Power/Spell Trainer several of the League members had learned a few things from him just by watching. That was nice! Lash wanted some privacy so he stepped into the Armory module which from wall to wall had gear of all shapes and sizes! Lash took a side room that was used for maintenance and took a seat on the floor.

“Dawn, by brightest star may I please see the store catalog?” Lash asked, as he looked up at the ceiling.

“Of course, User!” Dawn replied with a sweet voice that was heavenly on Lash's ears. A book materialized above him and floated into his lap.

Lash looked through the book. Flipped through all of the available skills, abilities, racial traits, spells, and domains that were open to him. There were also a lot of grayed out ones. Most of them were because he no access to them unless he was a meta, or an alien. While others were linked to specific events, stories, or other abilities. He found the boost from different grades and nearly swallowed his own tongue. The boost from B- to A- was 300 DP!

“Dawn...I understand going from B to A is a large leap but isn't 300 a little excessive. I mean from C to B was only 2 DP?” Lash said, as he inspected the book looking for a mistake.

“Not all User! That was actually a mistake on the Developers part. It was a system bug, C to B should have been 150 DP. However when you purchased it was only 2 DP. However, you had already purchased it before the bug was found so the Developers made no move to remove the purchase.” Dawn replied, her voice sweet. Though Lash was crestfallen to discover this new information.

“Dawn, can you give me any recommendations?” Lash asked, as he looked down at the book. The pages flipped several times as words rearranged themselves. Dawn highlighted several things that Lash already had that could prove useful if evolved. She also highlighted a few new things.

Author Authority: User has absolute control of all aspects of the Dream in which they exist, and can freely alter its nature, content, inhabitants, history, destiny, etc. All rules can be changed on a whim or flat out ignored, as the user is literally the one dictating them. (100,000 DP)

“HOLY FUCK! That's a power you can buy!?” Lash said loudly, and thankful that the walls of the armory were sound proof. He double downed and made a obstruction glamour, and a Silence shield around himself.

“Dawn, as any User been able to buy that?” Lash asked, still shocked that it was even possible to obtain.

“No, User! Many have complained about the total DP required to purchase it. But the Developers are firm in their belief that 100,000 DP is the correct value for such an ability to essentially rewrite the Dream world you exist in.” Dawn replied, her voice sweet with a hint of mischief in her voice. Lash nodded in agreement. That was an over powered ability that should not be easy to obtain.

Nature Domain Spell, Healing Aura: The User extends an aura around them. (10 ft) That restores 1% of their total health, and energy levels every minute. As well as all those within the aura of the casters choosing. This is a passive effect. (30 DP)

“A passive heal!? Only for 30 DP? Dawn, in is this a bug too?” Lash asked, hoping it wasn't.

“No, User it is not! You must remember that obtaining the Nature Domain is a difficult process. You acquired the Domain through your Warden ceremony. But additionally you were able to purchase it because of your partner, Saurian. As you know, Saurian is not part of 'The Red'. He was created through the designs of your Cosmic Patron. Your Patron used 'The Green' in Saurians creation.” Dawn replied.

“Wait? Erik never put that in the Origin, did he?” Lash asked, as he saved his place on the page. He planned on getting the spell but he wanted to hear this answer.

“No User, you did not. Though you spent a great deal of time in the creation process. You could have spent more. Also there have been several dozen new version updates since them. Many of them updated the creation process. This allows an intuitive writing aspect on the VI representative (Dawn), along with the Developers. Who by the way have taken an interest in you. As they are the ones that decided to throw a Nightmare difficulty for your first Invasion. In order to counter balance your progress.” Dawn finished, her voice full of enthusiasm.

“Wait a minute! Are you telling me that Developers increased my difficulty because I've been doing to well!?” Lash asked, shocked!

“Yes User! Congratulations and earning the eye of the Developers of The Dream Engine!” Dawn said, clearly pleased that her User had done so. Lash all but turned into a puddle of despair on the floor.

“Alright use the Credit Card, lets purchase the spell, and spend another 2 DP to take it to minor. That wasn't a bug right?” Lash asked, as he traced the spell. It glowed brilliantly, and he absorbed into his Nature Domain.

“No User, from standard to Minor is still 2 DP, but from Minor to Basic is 20 DP.” Dawn replied, Lash winced at the price jump. The Developers really adjusted the overall price of things. Well they were in Beta. Everything was subject to change.

Congratulations User! Healing Aura has evolved into Minor Healing Aura!

Minor Healing Aura: Aura range has increased to 30 ft. Restores 2% of total health, and energy every minute.

Lash spent another few minutes looking things over. He went to the item store and looked through a few modules that would be included into E grade that he could buy once Vici was finished upgrading. Apparently E grade had a bank module that increased the monetary value of different accounts by 1% every week. So it was like his achievement 'Damn, I've got 99 problems but money isn't one of them!' (Ch. 38) Made Lash wonder what other Justice League Watch Towers, and Halls of Justice had for Users in their Dreams?

Lash picked himself up from the floor and closed the book which burst into starlight and faded from view. He went to the door and when it slid open Hastam was standing there waiting for him. “Yes, Hastam?”

“Grrrrrrr! Are you alright grandfather? We heard shouting.” Hastam asked, his massive bulk swayed back and forth as if he was expecting Lash to jump at him.

“Yes, was reviewing the new modules once the upgrade was finished. A few of them were surprising to say the least. Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you.” Lash finished, as he patted Hastam on the shoulder.

“Grrrrrr! Ah, that is most excellent news! Anything that can surprise grandfather will be a great resource of the tower!” Hastam said, his voice like a big metal drum.

Lash smiled and moved past him back into the second saucer. He set his new spell to recognize 'friendly' individuals as part of his allies, while neutral will be decided on a case by case basis. He could even heal enemies if he wanted to. He went back up to the main saucer and headed to Operations to see if he could another mission. There was plenty to do!

Lash slipped through the door and overheard Vigil talking to a team. They were heading to London to oversee a prisoner transfer of some kind from the Warden's stationed there. After a few minutes they wrapped up and headed out. One of the team mates was a Fae, Lash bowed to them and they returned it. Once that was finished Lash headed up and threw Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss onto Vigil who let out a groan as her energy was refilled.

“What, no orgasm?” Vigil asked, as the effects settled.

“I wasn't sure how it would look if people saw you on the floor in a puddle of goop. But I can do it again if you want?” Lash asked, wiggling his claws at her. She grinned at him and shook her head.

“Better not, though I am looking forward to getting my own quarters as soon as the upgrade goes through. Right now we just have people take turns while they come up.” Vigil replied, she ran her hand through her silver hair and brought up a display of a country.

“You'll be heading to the sovereign nation of Qurac to see if you can recruit someone. Be advised that the country shares its eastern borders with Bialya. I'm told you have some history with that countries leaders.” Vigil said, as she looked at Lash.

Lash let out a growl that resonated across the whole room. Bialya, it had been a long time since he heard that name. He still owed Queen Bee for shooting down the plane that carried him, and his people during the tech summit. Peyton, and Mikhail lived but none of the other crew did. But, the mission came first. Of course if he came across any Bialya soldiers who's to say he couldn't say hello?

“Who am I recruiting?” Lash asked, as he pushed the rage back down for now. Vigil waited for him to finish then changed the view. One the screen was a very large green tiger.

“We have confirmed the subject is a meta. However, if its an animal that turned meta. Or if its a person that changes into an animal we don't know. But, you can speak to animals, so either way! The subject seems friendly. It has been spotted fighting against Bialya troops that have taken the situation as a chance to absorb Qurac. Qurac's troops are trying to fight back. But they lack the resources to put up a good fight. They normally relied on UN support, but that is not coming right now.” Vigil brought up several information windows on contacts, cities, towns, military outposts.

“Any supernatural elements down there?” Lash asked as he zoomed on a few interesting energy readings.

“A few shamans. They are using their magic to hide their homes and people away from the conflict. Though a few of them have been helping to shield the green meta as it attacks the Bialya troops.” Vigil pulled up a few names, and pictures.

“Bialya troop information?” Lash highlighted a picture. Several APC's, transports, and tanks. Lash was surprised they got their vehicles to work after the pulse.

“Standard soldiers, and equipment. Until recently!” Vigil said, as he zoom in on a specific road into Qurac. “Bialya has their own meta's, from what we can tell they are new with little to no training. Powers are immature, they seem to be drunk on their new powers. We have no idea if they are being controlled by Queen Bee, or if they are here because they choose to be. Speaking of which, if you are capable of removing the influence please do!” Vigil replied as she collapsed the mission brief.

Could Lash remove the influence? If he remembered correctly it Queen Bee was a natural born Meta with pheromone control. As long as the subject found her attractive she could manipulate the individual like it was mind control. They simply wanted to obey her. It wasn't necessarily a toxin so Sooth wouldn't work. But he could use his Nature Domain Passive to create a counter pheromone. This would require practice and experimentation.

Lash excused himself as another team came in for their mission brief. Before Lash left he went to the engineering module and finished the second Amazon red team reward suit. He sent a message that it was done and it would be awhile before he started the next one. All the same he got a message back quickly from the Amazon team with thanks. Lash took a moment to look for Malleus but the android was sprinting around the station trying to get the upgrades finished. He decided he had procrastinated enough and headed to the portal hub.


***Qurac, Eastern Border***

A six man team of soldiers wearing jungle environment camo fatigues, with light weight kevlar, and automatic rifles moved silently through a light jungle. They made as little noise as possible, using only hand signals to communicate. Each soldier kept their head on a swivel ensuring constant line of sight, communication, and awareness of their surroundings. But like most humans they always forget one simple rule. Humans forget to look up!

Sitting on thick tree branch above them was a giant green python watching them move past. It stayed perfectly still, flicking its forked tongue into the air to taste their scent. As the soldiers moved past the snakes branch it coiled up and with surprising grace and agility the snake jumped off the branch. In mid air the snake's body suddenly expanded! Its scales turned to fur, its limbless form grew arms and legs. The snake turned into a giant green silver back gorilla.

“SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKERS!” The gorilla shouted loudly, an oddly youthful male voice coming from the gorilla as it brought its massive hands down on top of the first soldier.

“Contact!” The soldier furthest from the giant green gorilla screamed. They all pointed at the gorilla only for the tree branches to reach out and block their view.

The green gorilla bashed the first soldier into the ground breaking bone, but leaving them alive. Back handed another sending them flying into a tree trunk. He jumped again turning into a green lion and raked his claws through a soldier. Shredding the light weight kevlar and fatigues like paper. Then before the soldiers could clear the branches away and open fire the green animal was....gone?

“Where is it!?” A soldier called.

“It!? Well that is not very nice. I am a young man of 18, thank you!” Said a tiny green field mouse on the ground hiding between twigs and leaves.

The mouse changed back into the gorilla shape and beat his chest dramatically! He roared so loud that it shocked the last soldiers for a brief moment. Buying time the giant green gorilla barreled through the rest of them. Despite the chaotic battle, the green beast never killed any of the soldiers. Though they were seriously wounded they would live.

'Hurry young one, more are coming.' The wind rustled past his ears. The green gorilla changed into a green panther and jumped through the forest, soon disappearing.

Only a few minutes later did a large unit come rushing to secure the area. Several medics started to attend to the injured as two specific people walked into the clearing. One was pale man 5'11” who's skull was see through allowing one to look at his brain. He had beady black eyes, and six lines of red, three per cheek. The man wore a long trench coat, black boots, pants, and shirt. Went by the name of Psimon.

The other individual was a heavyset caucasian woman, with blue eyes, and brown cornrows hair. She had thorn tattoos on her arms, with a single spaulder armor on her left side. While the rest of her cloths were black combat boots, pants, and tank top. She was over 6'3” and looked ready to kill something. She walked over to the commander of the squad and picked up by his jacket. He cried out in pain as the medic had been attempting to set his arm.

“Where is it!? What direction did it go!” Devastation asked.

“It went west, deeper into the forest.” The squad leader said, Devastation looked at Psimon who nodded.

“Radio in and get these people back to camp. The rest of you come on!” Devastation said as they continued to track the meta.


Lash teleported into Qurac at the edge of a large savanna. To his left was a lion pride who looked surprised to see him. He smiled at them and said hello. With in moments the male lion, several lionesses, and cubs were at his side. As a druid the animals of the world had a natural inclination towards him. He fed them all several Nature spells, and made sure they were all healthy. Creating food for them as well as water. He was spoiling them, but the cubs were adorable!

“Seen a lot of humans around with weapons?” Lash asked, using his Beast Speak.

“Yes... They wear skins that helps them hide. They carry the sticks that spit metal.” One of the lionesses replied.

“They do not belong to this land. Not like the other humans. Those humans are native to this land. We have a understanding.” Another said, as she licked one of her cubs clean.

“You should help the green one. He has been fighting the invaders.” The male lion said with a yawn. He gave a low rumble as one of the cubs was climbing on him. Lash plucked the cub up and started to groom the cub. Who settled quickly.

“Do you know where the green one is?” Lash asked, carefully running his claws through the cubs fur.

“Stays with the trees, blends in. The whispering humans help him.” The male lion said, Lash tilted his head in confusion. “The whispering humans, speak with animal, plant, and life itself..” The male lion finished.

“The Shamans! I will do that. Please forgive me everyone I have to go see about fighting off the invaders. Thank you for speaking with me!” Lash said, though he did spend a few minutes with the lion cubs that were curious why his tail was so different from theirs.

Lash walked through the savanna taking a few minutes to talk to every animal he came across, and a few tree's that were withering in the sun. Been a while since it rained. They all more or less said the same thing as the lions did. Invaders from another land had come to cause problems. The whispering humans told them to steer clear. The green one that looked like them, but didn't speak like them was seen from time to time.

As soon as Lash touched the first tree that belong to the forest it relayed a message to him from one of the Shamans. The green animal was trying to escape through the jungle, it was being chased by the invaders. It needed help! Lash dropped to all fours and took off through the forest to find the green meta. He cast Chameleon, and Nature's Passage on himself. He soon blended in perfectly with the forest around him almost invisible.

Despite the terrain Lash made great time. So much so he heard the sounds of rifles firing, and the roar of a woman? Then he heard a different sound, the scream of a tree being uprooted and destroyed. Lash increased his speed and raced towards the fighting. He jumped into a partial clearing and saw over a dozen soldiers attempting to fire at a green gorilla that was fighting a tall, muscular woman. The woman didn't seem to mind being shot, but the gorilla was doing its best not to get shot. The tree's in the area made gradual attempts to restrain the soldiers. But they were pushed back by the telekinetic meta that stood in the middle of the group. The man whipped around and stared directly at Lash. He couldn't see him, but he felt him arrive.

“Devastation, we have company!” Psimon shouted loudly, panic clear in his voice.

“We do!?” Devastation turned around, looking for....BAM! The tree next to her swung one of it's branches out and sent her across the forest. She was unharmed just surprised! “Motherfucker!” She shouted as she went flying.

Lash used Plant Control, and Animancy. The tree's started to move far more aggressivly then when the Shaman's used them. One of the tree's grabbed several of the soldiers with its branches and brought them to its trunk. A gaping maw opened up, and the tree bit down, tore, and swallowed the soldiers. The gruesome blood curdling scene was enough to scare the shit out of everyone else including Psimon. Though he ran straight for the woman instead of following the soldiers.

“Devastation! We have to leave!” Psimon shouted, looking for his companion.

“Over here! What the fuck is going on!?” Devastation shouted as she stood up, brushing off bits of dirt and leaves.

Lash who was still camouflaged looked at the green gorilla, or was a gorilla. It had shifted into a young green man. With short green hair, green eyes, and green skin. Who was naked! But Lash recognized this kid. This was Garfield Logan aka Beast Boy. Beast Boy had several bullet holes in his arms. Lash sent out Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, and Restoration to help him. The bullets were pushed out as the wounds healed. Though Lash forgot about the pain. Beast Boy screamed in agony as the wounds healed quickly.

“Come on green boy! Let's finish this!” Devastation jumped over a massive tree root. She punched, and kicked a tree that tried to get to her.

“Devastation please! We have to leave!” Psimon said, he was terrified.

“What is wrong with you? She's is not going to be happy...GAAAAAH!” Devastation began to say then screamed as her left arm from the shoulder down was cut off.

That was when Chameleon faded, standing between them shielding Beast Boy was Lash with his Wraith disguise on. A Psionic Blade extended from his right hand, it was silver in color (Nth metal). Devastation's severed arm soon turned to ash thanks to Decomposition. Devastation screamed in pain, and stared up at Lash in wide eyed horror. They knew who he was! Psimon despite the horror on his face jumped forward to protect Devastation? He concentrated and sent a telekinetic blast at Lash.

Lash crossed his arms and was pushed back. He was pushed back ten feet, his clawed feet leaving clear marks in the ground. But otherwise he was unharmed. Clearly Psimon was hoping for a better reaction. Psimon reached out and tried to grab Lash and throw him away. Lash swung his left hand out, a Psionic energy wave cascaded out colored blue (Shock). Psimon screamed and dropped like a puppet with out strings. Devastation did something out of ordinary she popped a flash bang.

Boom! With Lash's superior senses the flash bang was incredibly painful, and disorienting. He got several prompts from Adaptation, Re:Implant, Sensory Awareness, True Body, Regeneration, Transformation, and Superhuman Durability. After a few brief seconds Lash looked around, Devastation had picked Psimon up and was running as fast as she could towards the Eastern border. She could move pretty quick when she wanted to. Lash turned to look at Beast Boy, only to be surprised to see him gone.

“Crap...” Lash said, he must have scared him.

Lash looked around and understood why. The soldiers were dead, the trees had literally eaten them alive. He used Soul Bite, and Dream Eater on the souls left behind. Filling his energy reserves, his hunger, and obtaining a bit of information. Military Special Operations gained a bit of experience. He also learned the location of their camp. He clapped his hands and released the tree's back to their control. He cast Judgment and as always an ancient powerful being momentarily took command of his body and judged the souls of the dead. A single heartbeat later Lash was in control of himself again. He took some time and used Restoration on all of the injured trees.

“Alright, lets go find the green kid.” Lash said softly, technically he hadn't learned his name yet. Lash wasn't willing to use Cosmic Awareness to obtain the information.


“What the fuck!? What the fuck!? What the fuck!?”Garfield Logan said over and over again as he raced through the forest as a green cheetah.

Garfield raced through the forest trying to get back to the hidden village where the medicine man lived. The man had taken him in after his parents died thanks to Bialya. When Bialya had attacked Qurac Garfield stepped up in a big way. He wanted to defend his adopted home. Though he and his parents were from America Garfield hadn't seen it in years. He had long believed this was his home, or so he thought? Something kept telling him he didn't belong here. Not in a bad way, the forest, the land, its people were happy to have him. But something told him he was meant for bigger things.

He had been on patrol and ran into some of the Queen Bitches troops. He had met them before but always had an edge, the medicine man could command the forest and helped him escape each time. But the Queen Bitches troops laid a trap for him. The big ass woman had almost broke his neck. But then that giant ghost lizard thing showed up! The trees came to life! They grabbed and ate the soldiers, it was disgusting! Then the lizard man took both of the Queen Bitches meta's on by himself.

But...But what terrified Garfield the most was that he felt that he could trust the lizard man. Something told him he was suppose to go with him. What was wrong with him!? Ever since he got these powers he has been trying his best to understand wha...

“Hello! Wow, you can run pretty quickly!” Said a voice next to him.

“WHAT THE FUCK!” Garfield shouted and sprung into the air like only cat's can do!


“Shit! Shit! Shit!” Devastation said over and over. She had sprinted full tilt towards base camp and only stopped once they were out of the forest. She dropped to her knees but never let go of Psimon. She clenched her jaw, and did her best to get to her radio.

“This is Devastation I need a medic and transportation asap! My coordinates are...” Devastation fought back the pain and reported in. Within a few minutes a transport vehicle was heading towards them as fast as possible.

“Hold on babe.... I got you!” Devastation said, as she held Psimon close. She slowly fell backwards as her left arm was still bleeding heavily. “Why the fuck was he there? Shit jus...just g...got real...” Devastation said, as she passed out from blood loss. The Bialya troops showed up just in time to see her slump over. Psimon still in her good arm.


Name: Garfield Logan. Code Name:Beast Boy, and or Changling.

Title: Seedling (Monkey King), King of the Jungle, Chosen of The Red.

Origin: Meta-Gene. Sub-Origin: Magical.

Rank: D+

Skills: Martial Arts, Acting, Survival, High School Education (See Tool Tip)

Powers: Unique Physiology, Terrestrial Metamorph, Animal Mimicry, (See Tool Tip)

Domains: Animal Magic.

Racial Traits: Resistant to poison and disease.

Disposition: Neutral (Terrified!)

Comment: Garfield is fucking terrified of Wraith! He is even more terrified as his adopted God tells him to go with Wraith. He is so confused, and desperately wishes he could just make sense of everything here.

“You have no idea who I am?” Lash asked, astonished at the situation.

“No! Should I? Are you famous or something?” Garfield said, still in his cheetah form as he looked around trying to find a clear exit.

“Don't watch a lot of world news I take it?” Lash asked, he held his hands open attempting to look none hostile. Which he of course failed at. An eight foot tall lizard man in combat armor, a grim reaper outfit, and four reptilian eyes watching their every move. Most people would be scared.

“We don't exactly have cable or satellite TV out here man!” Garfield shouted back, clearly agitated, and a bit of scorn in his voice.

“Tell you what? Why don't we head to the village. The shaman there can explain who I am to you.” Lash offered, and gestured towards the direction that Garfield had been running to.

“You know about the...No! This is trick! You want me to lead you there!” Garfield said, clearly jumping to conclusion.

“Oh no! Please Mr. Logan! Tell you what, I'll take the lead and you can follow. How about that?” Lash offered, he turned on his heel and started to walk towards the village. With his Magical Perception he clearly saw the path to take it was plain as day to him.

“Wai...Ho....Who are you!?” Garfield shouted at him.

Lash moved through the jungle has if he was walking through and old home. Perfectly natural! The tree's moved their branches and roots aside to make it easier for him to walk. He patted each one he came across and fed it natural magic as thank you. Garfield watched him with a careful eye, and took notice that the trees moved just like when the old man went for a walk. What should have taken them nearly an hour to do, took ten minutes. Almost as if the forest was increasing their pace.

A giant thorn bush wall appeared in front of them. Razor sharp thorns six inches long or longer covered it. Long thick branches, so dense it was nearly impossible to pass, with leaves as big as a stretched out hand covered it. The wall was over twenty feet tall, and stretched for what looked like miles. Before Garfield could call out for help, the wall pulled itself apart as Lash stepped close.

There on the other side was a humble village on a hill. A stone path maybe ten feet wide coiled up the walk way towards the first home. Each home was made out of a combination of stone, and wood. With clay tile roof pieces. Each home had several rooms attached to a central area. There was a singular large building that had grown from a tree? Or the tree grew around it. Lash was sure that the tree was first, and the Shamans just encouraged the tree to grow, and make the building.

Lash and Garfield stepped across the boundary, and the wall closed behind them. They stuck to the path, Garfield swapped from Cheetah, to Gorilla. Imposing but despite his large frame he was gentle, and soft footed. Several men and women came to watch them enter. Each of them had detailed ornate tattoo's that covered their bodies. Their skin colors ranged from pink, blue, green, red... These were djin! Lash kept to Warden etiquette and performed the standard greeting. This action surprised them, though they returned the gesture.

Along the main road Lash and Garfield were stopped by a seven foot tall red skinned man. With four arms, long black hair, a muscular frame, with black claws on his hands and feet. The second pair of arms were not pointed in the same direction. It was almost as if someone had taken two people put them back to back. So the second pair was pointed the other way. Until Lash realized that on this creatures back was another person. The duel man had four scimitars sheathed on their belt. They wore a pair of black pants and nothing else.

“Welcome back Garfield...” The man said to him, though his eyes never left Lash.

“Hello Behistof, is he here?” Garfield asked, being careful to keep his eyes on the ground and to not stare directly at Behistof. Instead of answering him Behistof turned to Lash. His eyes flashed with a pulse of energy. Lash's long lost friend, Nullification activated! Saurian snarled across their link. A deep base sound that not heard but felt.

“Excuse me, its illegal to try and beguile a Warden.” Lash said, as he widened his stance staring directly at Behistof.

“So it is.... We haven't had a Warden in our area in years. Why are....” Behistof began but was cut off when someone called from behind him at the 'tree building'.

“Enough, Behistof! You are keeping me waiting!” Said a woman at the top of the hill of the village. Behistof visibly flinched. He took a deep breath and stepped out of the way. Never taking his eyes off of Lash.

Lash and Garfield walked up the path towards the woman who turned and walked into the tree building. Lash saw several more djin, along with many more were-hyenas! They looked human more or less. Strong, muscular frames, though more nimble and streamlined. Were-wolves are normally bulky, Hyenas not so much. When they stepped inside the build the shaman was a humanoid bird man.

Al Anqa'a, was the species name. He had dark brown skin, longer than human normal limbs, bird like eyes. With rich earth tone browns, reds, and yellow feathers up and down his arms, back, and legs. He wore a leather skirt, and held a old gnarled staff in hand. He 'looked' mid fifties but Lash felt he was far older than that.

The woman who stepped in before Behistof and Lash fought sat at the head of the room in a place of honor. The shaman her second it seemed. The woman was tall, with golden skin, messy brown hair that was chopped not cut to her shoulders. She wore a leather top that exposed her midriff, and she wore a leather skirt that went to her knees. She had hyena eyes. The Alpha of the pack.

“Warden Wraith, and his partner hunter Saurian greets you.” Lash stayed to Warden traditions. Though he changed his name, he got permission from the council. To many people were using his name outside of protective circles.

“Greetings Warden Wraith, and partner hunter Saurian. I am Yaasmeen el-Amini, Alpha of the Weeping-Maw were clan, this is my first. Ali Sayegh, and our clan's shaman. Greetings to you Garfield Logan, welcome back from your hunt. I see it was eventful.” Yaasmeen said, it was not a question but a simple fact. Garfield didn't say a word, he just nodded and kept his eyes down.

“May I present a gift to the Alpha of the Weeping-Maw clan?” Lash said, his hands were open and waiting. He dare not reach for anything with in his shroud. He knew they were being watched by more than just were-hyenas.

“You may, though be slow and careful.” Yaasmeen said, her eyes watching him carefully. Lash could see a spiritual image of a giant hyena in the background.

Lash reached into his Spatial Storage Wallet and pulled out five orichalcum coins. Ali the shamans eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at the sight of the coins. Yaasmeen to her credit only raised a single brow at him. She lifted a finger and a were-hyena servant walked over to retrieve the coins. They gave them to Yaasmeen, and stepped away. She inspected them with a critical eye, then handed them to Ali who shivered in excitement.

“Your gift is accepted and appreciated. Welcome to our home!” Yaasmeen said, and an invisible pressure that was pressing down on him, and Garfield was lifted. They could breath easier.

“So, Warden. Why are you here?” Yaasmeen asked. She relaxed in her seat no longer willing or cared to be professional. Ali the shaman rolled his eyes at his Alpha, but kept his comments to himself as Yaasmeen threw him a playful glare.

“I'm here for him. Though I wouldn't mind killing any Bialya soldiers I come across. Though that is more of a personal grudge.” Lash spoke the truth.

“What!?” Garfield said, shocked then shut his mouth when Yaasmeen glared at him.

“Garfield has taken resident in our home. Though he is not one of ours we have taken a liking to him. Why would we give him up?” Yaasmeen said, a smile tugging on her lips.

“Why not ask his patron?” Lash said, a smile on his own face. Yaasmeen's face went still, she tilted her head to one side slightly. She looked from Lash, to Garfield.

“What patron?” Yaasmeen asked, Ali looked up from his own thoughts confused as well. Lash reached out and placed his clawed hand on Garfield and used the spell Spiritual Guardian.

A divine glow filled the room, swallowing shouts of alarm and shock. As a golden monkey with a crown on his head appeared in silhouette behind Garfield. It smiled wide at everyone than began to laugh! It tossed the crown aside and clapped his hands together in merriment and glee. Clearly pleased by the result! He winked at Lash, then turned to Yaasmeen who went pale with fright.

“The Monkey King claims this one! Release him hyena and I'll bless your clan for a year!” The spiritual image of the king said. Then the spell faded, as Lash nearly collapsed from the spell. Though he was happy the actual patron showed up, the energy to materialize the god nearly dropped him to zero in just a few seconds.

The divine glow of the Spiritual Guardian faded. Garfield stood in his human form now, wearing a pair of shorts, and a floral pattern shirt. The Monkey King like to joke around, him and Garfield were a lot a like. Garfield was clearly confused! As he looked around at everyone who were looking at him in shock. Except for Lash who was on his hands and knees panting for breath. Yaasmeen stood up in a fluid motion. She stalked across the room like a predator wearing a human skin. She picked Garfield up and kissed him. Garfield flailed in surprise having no control over the situation.

“The Weeping-Maw clan releases you, Garfield Logan. But know you will always have friends here.” Yaasmeen said, as she placed the blushing green Garfield back down. A cackling laughter of a monkey echoed through the halls. Everyone in the village felt a little lighter, and full of energy.

“Before you leave, we will have a feast! You will stay, both of you!” Yaasmeen said, and left to prepare not waiting for either of them to agree or object.

“What the fuck is...Owe!” Garfield said, then rubbed the back of his head as Ali had smacked him with his staff.

“Language young man! Warden Wraith are you alright? Come let us get you something to drink. I am sure calling on the king was difficult for you. Garfield help him up!” Ali said, and walked off towards his rooms. Garfield reached down and tried to help Lash up but cried out in surprise, he was heavy!

“Welcome to the supernatural world, Garfield. I am sure you will fit right in.” Lash said, as he staggered to his feet. Healing Aura pulsed and he regained 2% of his total energy. Not a lot but better than before.


“You are telling me that Agent Wraith, of the UNWS is here in Qurac? You saw him protecting the green child? But not only that, all you suffered was losing an arm?” Queen Bee said, her video image on the computer screen as she spoke to Devastation, and Psimon who both looked exhausted.

“Well, we lost a unit of 16 men...” Devastation said, as she ran her right hand over her stump.

“That alien destroyed an entire special forces team, with full support on his own. I'm surprised your both alive! Both of you come back for now. We'll have our doctors do our best to restore your limb. We'll have to halt the invasion for now. Though its a shame we couldn't take the green meta, maybe Wraith will recruit him and leave. Qurac is so far out of the way, and I am sure there are far more important places for a UN agent to protect than Qurac.” Queen Bee replied, and started to speak to herself. She shut the communication down shortly after.

“I'm sorry I couldn't do more, Devastation.” Psimon said, as he reached out to touch her hand. Tears fell from her eyes as she wrapped him up in her arm. Trying to comfort him, and receive comfort.

“You idiot! I'm alive because of you! I should have listened to you when you said we should leave. But I was so caught up in my head! The first time in my life I've ever felt so small...” Devastation said. She buried her face into Psimon's chest who tried his best to comfort her.


The Bialya invasion force soon broke camp and fled back to their home country. The Qurac soldiers had no idea why they had left but were happy all the same. A 'little bird' had told the Qurac President that Agent Wraith of the UNWS had shown up for a brief moment and had left soon after. He was confused, and relieved. Did Bialya leave, simply because Wraith showed himself? That was a question for another day. They needed to restore their now.


***Watch Tower***

With two audible pops! Lash, and Garfield walked out of the portal hub onto the Watch Tower. Garfield still in his shorts and floral shirt. His eyes were open wide, and his mouth gaping at the sight of the Watch Tower. Lash always loved seeing everyone's face the first time they stepped off the hub. But before Garfield could ask any questions four security droids and Hex showed up to clear him.

“Garfield this is Hex, they are in charge of security on the station. You'll have to go with them and answer some questions. It won't take long.” Lash assured him, Garfield looked at Hex and visibly paled.

“Y... your not going to like....Probe me are you?” Garfield asked, Lash softly chopped his head with a laugh.

“Mind out of the gutter! Go with them, I'll see you after!” Lash said with a laugh as he handed Garfield off to Hex.

Lash walked over to Operations it had been over twenty four hours since he was assigned the mission. He had sent in a report before the goodbye feast thanks to the sub-satellites. But he should still check in. He walked through the doors to the sound of Vigil arguing with several people. Great. Lash took his time getting up the stairs to find two demon-kin standing next a young woman. The demon-kin were clearly just there to escort the woman between them. The woman had a cold indifferent voice, but was clearly trying to stay that way as she spoke to Vigil.

“Please I have to talk him as soon as possible!” The woman said.

“I told you! He is on a mission but he should be returning soon. You'll ju....Ah! There he is!” Vigil said, as she pointed behind the young woman.

The woman turned to look at Lash. The woman was 5'10” with pale skin, blue eyes, and raven black hair cut short just above her shoulders. She wore a black cloak with a hood, she had a skin tight black suit on that covered her from neck, to wrist, to toe. With black leather boots that went up to her legs. Along her waist was a belt with golden material, and red jewels. Her cloak was tied together with a golden red jewel as well. For a brief moment Lash saw past her and he saw it. A beautiful yet deadly red skinned woman with four fiery eyes. But the image faded from sight just as fast as it had shown up.

“Hello, my name is Raven! I need your help.” Raven said to Lash..... Great.

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