
***Alpha Rift Forward Operating Base (FOB)***

No plan ever survives first encounter with the enemy. This is one of the fundamental rules of warfare. John, Commander of Alpha Rift understood that better than most. This was not his first invasion of an alternate reality. But as long as they were successful, this would be his last. But things continued to get more complicated as the invasion progressed. The two realities prior this one did not have kryptonians, while this third reality did. The two realities also had limited Omega Energy level creatures, along with technology that was far below their home realities. If John had ranked them, he would say 1990's for the first two. While this reality was in the 2000's. Which meant only one thing, his forces were in for a fight.

The Commander finished his daily report and was in the process of returning to his cabin for a few short hours of sleep and reconditioning before he was sent a priority message from the palace of the Emperor. John was clearly surprised, and opened up the message to carefully read through the words. His eyes went wide in shock, he jumped to his feet and ran back down to the armory to get suited up. He only had a few minutes before the arrival happened. He flashed his ID card to the technician. He was fully equipped in under five minutes and he sprinted across the base. Thanks to his cybernetically augmented body and the meta-gene therapy he got there quickly!

The Commander stood at attention as the Rift pulsated and spat out a hunter killer team. Unlike the Zeta teams he had essentially sent to their deaths. The HK's were master of their talents, skills, and gear. All of them were top level meta-humans, with the best augments their society could provide. Both men and women were over 6 feet tall, with strong physical forms. Their armor was sleek, narrow, and angular. Gray polymer under armor suits, black armored plates that absorbed light, with red highlights. The HK team had fifteen people in it, with the leader stepping forward and giving a crisp salute to The Commander. Who returned the salute.

“We have a orders from the Emperor himself. There is an Omega Energy target here that we must find and kill. Priority Alpha, key phrase A-2417-Omega-Red. Confirm?” The leader said, his voice sent through a synthesizer to keep his identity a secret. John stiffened at the key, as his UI quickly looked up the information.

“Confirmed! The invasion force is at your service!” John said, his voice carried with clear determination. The leader of the HK team nodded.

“I look forward to working with you, Commander. I've heard good things about you!” The HK leader replied. John stayed perfectly still maintaining his military discipline.

The HK team were quickly escorted to VIP barracks by cyberdeck operators in full mechanical kit. John stayed by the Rift as he looked through the information packet provided for him through his command link back home. Hunter killer teams were only deployed when they found a very dangerous target. Something that even their resident kryptonian may not be able to handle on their own. Which was saying something! The estimated war point total for killing this specific target was the equivalent of and entire major continent consumption. The entire HK team could retire just from this one mission. Not that they would! But their families could.

John returned to his barracks, had the technician once again remove his armor. He went back to his cabin and sent a confirmation letter back home. HK's had arrived, and the invasion force would give its full support. Command would expect nothing less, but paper work no matter the reality was the bane of any officer. Thankfully his augment allowed him to fill out the requested forms in a matter of minutes instead of hours. He disconnected, went to his 'bed' and fell asleep, dreaming about his daughter planting tree's in Africa.


***England, London. Underground***

“Good merry ole London! How I've missed you! But this...This is something else!” AR-Constantine (Alternate Reality) said more to himself than any one. Though his companions all nodded in agreement.

AR-Constantine and his team of Witch Hunters were standing in shock and awe at the sight of an entire underground city. Kept beneath the streets of London. They had passed through what felt like a veil and one of the mages noticed they had stepped into a partial pocket dimension. They were still on Earth, just linked to it by a window or a door of sorts.

The underground city was in the shape of a bowl with a massive cathedral in the center. Or maybe a temple since it didn't relate to the architecture around it. It looked like ancient mayan, or atzec. While the city around it was a strange collection of eclectic cultures. Ranging from Asia, Africa, to western themes. All the way to down right fantasy magic books, with giant trees being manipulated into homes. But one thing was for sure to AR-Constantine and his Witch Hunters. They were way over their heads!

They had tracked the troll that had killed Zeta Green to this location. Expecting find a cave, or maybe a ruined building. Not a fucking city full of Omega Energy level...Fucking shite! Magic! This whole world had magic in it! AR-Constantine could smell it in the air! Feel it on his skin! Back home he was use to working with scraps of magical energy to get his spells to work. Here in this reality he barely made a come hither gesture with his fingers and the magical energy flooded towards him! Most of all the entire city was occupied! Trolls, goblins, orcs! AR-Constantine hadn't seen an orc in decades! Giant monstrosities of muscle, and green skin! Then he saw the Fae running around! Back home before the piss ant Emperor took control AR-Constantine would encounter disgraced knights, or a noble from a Fae house exiled to Earth. This...This was something else.

“John...We have company...” One of his Witch Hunters said.

“So, we do mate! So we do...” AR-Constantine put out his cigarette and turned to look at a male sylvan wearing tailored made business suit with protection spells enchanted into the cloth. Stuff could stop a bullet and a spell under the right levels.

“Sir, can my associates help you with anything?” AR-Constantine said with a smile, and a dramatic sarcastic bow.

“John Constantine! Why have you returned to the Under-City? You were banished from our home unless you were accompanied by your bonded partner Zatanna.” The male sylvan said. But AR-Constantine's entire face froze.

“Z....Z's alive?” AR-Constantine said in shock. His entire group stiffened at the sound of Zatanna's name. Back home she had been killed during the unification war. The sylvan titled his head in confusion not understanding what he had said.

“John!....” One his team mates said, as pools of darkness swam across the ground to surround them. One by one sylvan warriors stood from the pools of shadows.

Chinnnnnng! An irritating humming sound came from one of the sylvans, this one a woman. She wore much the same as her companions. A tailored made suit with enchanted script woven into the cloth. But unlike her companions that clearly held both blade, and gun in hand. She held a wand, in hers along with what looked like a ….tuning fork? The fork vibrated, she waved it at her fellows and it gave off a specific vibration. When she pointed the fork at AR-Constantine and his team mates it made a different sound.

“Incursions! Take them alive, dead if necessary!” The woman screamed!

“Fuck!” AR-Constantine pulled out a golden lighter flicked it to life and magical flame spread out from him like a flame thrower.

The Witch Hunters with practiced ease jumped into action. Taking out wands, staffs, pistols, and shotguns. But they were severely out numbered, and not at all use to fighting magical creatures that also used 'hot weapons'. Every time they had encountered Omega.. Magical creatures in the alternate realities they used tooth, claw, and cold weapons. Seeing a troll in full armor carrying a mini gun was terrifying! AR-Constantine waved his hand and yanked all of his team members to him through a spacial fold. They sprinted down a back street as another team mate tried to cast invisibility on the whole team.

Buuuuuurraaaaaaaaaaaaa! An alarm like a war horn sounded off and the entire city jumped into action. Creatures made of shadows and darkness started to flood down from near by buildings and chased after the witch hunters. One of the hunters called on a magical fog to cover their retreat but it didn't last long as a large green troll jumped right into the middle of their group swinging his massive arms and sending them all back for a bit.

“Ahaha! Where you goin! I thought you all came to find me!” Said the troll, all of the hunters interface icons identified him as the troll they were sent to find.

“We don't got time for this mate!” AR-Constantine screamed at him, and bathed the troll in fire. In the past when a troll would be bathed in magical fire screaming would come next. But this troll?

“Ahahahahahahahaha! Is that it?” A giant green hand came from the fire and swallowed all of AR-Constantine's head. The troll tossed Constantine into a nearby wall. The sound of bones snapping under pressure was clearly heard as Constantine screamed in agony.

“John!” One of the team mates tried to get to him but a pool of shadow gave way to a sylvan shadow warrior who erupted from the darkness with an upward swing of his blade. The witch hunter had his chest sliced open. He dropped, screaming in agony!

The battle devolved from there as the shadows caught up. While the troll easily batted the rest of the hunters into submission. Thanks to some post-battle medical care none of the hunters were killed. But they were given anti-magic restraints and taken to the supernatural council in the city center. AR-Constantine was barely conscious when they arrived at the main chamber. He smelled the distinct smell of sulfur in the air. He looked up and saw a familiar sight that filled him with both dread, and giddiness.

“Enemies from afar, they will find this door ajar! Constantine from a world apart, this one finds him filled with a black heart. The Demon Etrigan will find the truth, before he hands you to the Wraith that is in his youth!” Etrigan, the demonic champion of Hell stood before the witch hunters. AR-Constantine couldn't help but smile at his old friend.



Traveling with Isha towards a refugee camp just outside of Tokyo, Lash learned that Isha was originally a vigilante heroine that primarily worked out of Tokyo but did work all over Japan. When ever the police, or military showed up near her she normally fled to keep from being arrested. Activating a radar jamming device she was easily hid from them. But when the pulse went out she discovered that she was the only one in all of Japan with power. Because of her meta-gene ability she was quickly able to restore power to her own home, and her underground bunker where her suit was. She came to the aid of her country, and the military was glad to have her.

When they landed, Lash introduced himself as Agent Wraith and the military personal welcomed him with open arms... Well mostly. There was still some racial hostility, given that he was considered an alien. Can't change everyone! Lash made a miniature solar tower complex in a 300 foot radius around a central tower. However, unlike normal solar towers powered by steam turbines. The solar panels would both absorb light, but feed light into the tower that would have a Daylight spell core. So at night the tower would produce 'sunlight', granting energy day or night. The solar panels would of course absorb sunlight during the day far more efficiently.

There was no way the tower would power all of Tokyo. But the energy it produced at a side effect of repairing any system it came in contact with. Give it enough time it would slowly repair the entire electrical network across the country as long as everyone was plugged into it. Whether they were right next to it, or if the electrical car on the other side of the island was plugged into an outlet that was linked to it across the way. Of course the repairing function would take hours or even days depending on the size of what it was working on. Nothing was perfect!

The entire construction, and proper education on the solar tower took two days to complete. By the end of the second day the entire refugee camp had minimal power. While every military vehicle had been repaired and was mobile. Lash was surprised when nothing had attacked them. He was sure that the invaders would have sent another team, or at least a spy to keep an eye on them. Though he did allow the possibility that their spies were so deadly that even magic couldn't find them. Scary.

“Lady Isha, do you know what Nth metal is?” Lash asked after he finished tweaking a transport vehicle to also work with electricity.

“I...Do.....Not...” Isha struggled to say the words. Lash watched her for a brief moment.

Isha, had opened closed her mouth several times when asked about Nth metal. When ever Lash saw a VI Avatar open and close their mouth like a gold fish when asked a question like this. It meant that the User, and by default the VI Avatar knew what it was. But the fourth wall engine prevented them from speaking about it. So they normally would struggle with the subject hoping they had learned it by some miracle of information. But when nothing came out they did their gold fish impression. Lash secretly hoped that his VI Avatar in other worlds didn't do that.

“Unfortunately I can't stay here to help. What's happening here is happening across the world. But before I leave, I wanted to give you a gift for joining the Justice League: Japan branch. Lash used Calling and a conjuration portal opened up and pulled back to reveal four ingots of pure Nth metal.

Isha's eyes went round in shock! Even if the Avatar couldn't speak about it. Their internal memory knew what this stuff was. She spared a glance at her robotic suit, and was already thinking of ways to incorporate the metal into her gear. Though she wouldn't have the Thanagar Science application that Lash did. Even in its base form it was a strong metal, and incredibly lightweight for its strength.

“Lady Isha, let me make something clear. This gift is for you, and you alone. Please do not share it. Understand?” Lash said, his voice though soft rebuked no argument.

“Of course, Agent Wraith! I will do my best to one day return the favor!” Isha said, with conviction in her voice and determination in her eyes.

Isha tapped a holographic console on her arm. The robotic suit leaned down and picked up the ingots of Nth metal. Opened a side compartment and placed the metal in a lock box storage. There was a brief moment of awkwardness between the two. Lash walked up, and stopped about ten feet from Isha. He bowed from his waist, and she returned the gesture. They both stayed that way for nearly a minute before standing straight up. A spring coil began to wrap around him, and with an audible pop! He was back at the Watch Tower on portal hub A.


The Watch Tower was... in one word. 'Busy'. It looked like a subway terminal in rush hour. Hundreds of people moved back and forth on the little station moving between the different module locations, making there way towards the portal hubs. There were now four hubs in operation. Alpha, Beta, Charlie, and Delta. Delta appeared to primarily be used to transport supplies. Since Vici was able to produce things almost out of thin air as long as she had power. Creating things like food, water, and basic medicine was incredibly simple for her.

“Welcome back, Creator. Please step from the pad we have incoming.” Vici's voice said to him. Her voice sounded like a young teenage girl that was incredibly stressed by something. Lash could imagine why.

He quickly stepped off the hub and within a few seconds spring coils started to appear. What stepped off the hub surprised him! Supernatural beings stepped onto the station all with a Warden or Supernatural community mark. Each one a VI Avatar. This made Lash remember that the Justice League was both a part of DC comics, but also a part of the game mechanics. It was the main protagonist quest hub. Made sense that all the different Origins would come here.

Several of the supernatural Avatars were were-breeds of different types, a few fae, and a single caster. The were-breeds all took a moment to stare at Lash standing off to the side. Though Saurian was technically an Alpha existence to the were-breeds. So they responded on instinct, when they actually looked at him. They seem to realize who he was, Warden Lash and the hunter Saurian. They all took a moment to bow and give proper etiquette which Lash returned. Before they all moved off to continue their jobs.

Hex must be livid right now, Lash thought. He stepped away from the portal hub and went to operations to check in. He wanted to see what information they had obtained from their prisoners. Operations had a larger than normal module on the station, given that Communications, and the new Warden module linked up to it. Each module had their own specific door, but you needed senior status or a mission brief to enter the main door to Operations. Something Lash had as he walked through the doors and up the stairs to the main floor.

“This is not up to discussion! The Justice League is an international organization! You are on the active roster! You will go where you are needed!” Vigil said, her voice was hard and forced. With the undertone of 'Just fucking do what I tell you!'

“My home is on fire and you are sending me half way across the world to help people build homes! I refuse!” A man was shouting at Vigil, he was standing next to the holographic display. He had custom gear on that was not provided by the Tower. It was a black leather coat, pants, spiked boot, and a black t-shirt. It was all cosmetic, and did nothing to enhance or protect. Great, someone who cared more about looking good than staying alive.

“If you refuse then you will be removed from the active duty roster and placed on reserve! You can return to your city. But, if you wish to continue on active duty you will follow orders!” Vigil said through gritted teeth. The man scoffed, crossed his arms which bulged against the leather coat he wore. Lash noticed several women were in the mans team, they all looked at the argument in excitement. Ohhhh it was alpha male showing off!

“Me and my team will go where we want to go. I don't give a F-Geeeeh!” The man said, and choked on his words as Lash had moved up behind him and held him up by the neck. He extended a Psionic Blade from his other hand. The energy blade was pressed against the neck of one of the women.

“I think you miss understand the situation you are in, boy!” Lash all but growled his words out. As Lash finished his words security turrets popped down from the ceiling and pointed at the man, and his team. While all of the worker droids in the center stood up and hand weapons drawn.

“You, and your 'people' are guests in this house. You joined the Justice League has active members. You don't like being lead around, that is fine! Go be a reservist, or why not just leave the League. But if you expect to stay and have access to all of the benefits of the Justice League. You will show proper respect to the chain of command, and you will do as you are told! Or, I'll just save us all some trouble and snap your neck here and now!” Lash said, his claws started to crush his vocal cords. The man flailed and tried to activate his powers. Lash sent a massive shock through his whole body. Hard to concentrate when you have electricity rolling up and down your spine.

“Who the fuck are you!” One of the women on the team said. Lash noticed that the man was the only male on the whole team. Also, that the man was the only VI Avatar while the rest of the women were all dreamers. That was odd.

“I am Agent Wraith, I'm the owner of the house you are standing in!” Lash said, he turned his four reptilian eyes on the woman. The woman looked ready to fight, as did the rest of them. Something was off. Lash activated his Magical Perception, and his Full Spectrum Vision. He noticed there were needle like threads leading from the man to, the women. He quickly cast Insight on the man.

Name: N/A. Code Name: Puppet Master.

Title: Depraved, Slave Master, Dominator.

Origin: Meta-Gene.

Rank: D+

Skills: Manipulation, Acting, Deception, (See Tool Tip)

Powers: Hypnosis, Partial-Mind Control, Tactile-Hypnosis, (See Tool Tip)

Domains: N/A

Racial Trait: N/A

Disposition: Hostile

Comment: The Original User of this VI Avatar wanted a slave harem, it's not my place to judge. But I hope you make it hurt!

Lash all but killed the man then and there! Instead he created a meta-human inhibitor collar and slapped it onto the man's neck. It snapped into place, and turned on. The wisps of energy that lead from him to all of the women snapped off and they all fell unconscious. Lash proceeded to break all of the bones in the mans body, slowly!

Lash dragged the screaming man towards the prison cells. Ethan had his medical droids transport the women into his clinic. Physically they were fine, but metal trauma may be an issue. Along the way towards the prison Lash used the Illusion Domain spell, Pain. The man would scream periodically, then try and pass out. But Lash discovered that Pain prevented the target from passing out from shock, cool! The sight of Lash dragging a formal League member towards the prison cells left an impression on anyone watching. It wasn't long before people learned what had happened in Operations.

The Prison, and Interrogation modules were connected for obvious reasons. They were also separate from the rest of the station. When the main door opened up Lash was greeted with a unfamiliar sound that was both soothing, and a little irritating. He got several prompts from his Illusion, and Trickery Domains. While Adaptation, Daemonic Heritage, Sensory Awareness, Damage Resistance, Meditation, Superhuman Durability, and oddly enough Domination all got experience the longer he was in the prison area.

The Prison, and Interrogation modules were overseen by Naya'il. She was a fully sentient android thanks to Technomagical Constructs (Chp. 80) Lash most recent spell. All of the unique androids had gained sentience. While the worker droids had the foundation for it, but it would take time to grow. Naya'il had chosen a unique persona. She was an angel! She was 5'9” with golden hair that naturally curled into ringlets. That framed her face nearly perfectly, and fell passed her shoulders. She had golden eyes, with no sclera (No whites in her eyes). She had an hour glass figure that was partially hidden beneath white sheer robes that covered her from neck, to wrist, and to ankle. She wore a silver cuirass that was tailored to her body shape. While attached to her back were weight proportional black metallic wings. That were both shield, and weapon. Thanks to Compression Transformation the wings could fold in looking like cosplay gear. But Lash knew better, and any one trying to escape would learn quickly they were not for decoration.

“Grand Father, is that another soul that needs to be purified?” Naya'il's voice was like soft chimes on your ears. It made most fall into a sense of safety and security.

“Yes, he has a slave master meta-ability. He was found manipulating over five women into his harem. All against their will.” Lash said as he dragged the whimpering man towards Naya'il. Her face remained impassive, but her golden eyes grew hard.

“Please follow me Grand Father, we'll take him to the last cell in the prison.” Naya'il said, as she turned and walked away with Lash following behind her.

“Naya'il, what is that sound?” Lash asked, to him it sounded like Tibetan song bowls. It was a high pitched sound. To his extra senses it was almost grating, but every time it reached a certain pitch he would get experience to his spells, abilities, and skills. The sound would reset each time.

“Its the harmonics calibrator. The sound focuses on the brain's area of depravity and tries to cleanse it. I assure you the sound is helpful in helping the inmates here.” Naya'il said with a smile, which only made Lash wonder what the sound was doing to people. He soon learned it had some interesting side effects.

Lash tossed the slave master into a cell not caring about being gentle. Two pairs of mechanical arms came out of the wall and restrained the man, while another set started to repair his body. No aesthetics, and Lash saw that the arms had the Rune of Pain on them for extra effect. Good the man deserved everything he got. Naya'il watched her new charge with interest, as the 'sound' in his prison cell started to increase in volume. The cell doors closed, cutting Lash off from it.

“Can you take me to the prisoners we captured in Tokyo?” Lash asked, Naya'il bowed her head and lead him down several more prison cells.

The invading soldiers had been stripped of all their gear, and wore white prison jump suits. They were held in place by the mechanical arms that were in each room. While the squad leader was both restrained by arms, and meta-human inhibitor collar. Lash inspected each one and saw they each had extensive cybernetic augmentation. He also noticed they were screaming!

“TURN IT OFF! PLEASE! TURN IT OFF!” The squad leader screamed in hysteria. Lash could practically feel the harmonics threw the prison cell door. Each door was a glass screen reinforced with metal fibers, and magic. With a six inch thick metal slip that would automatically slide into place if anything cracked the glass.

“The leader here is a natural born meta-human. Basic strong man abilities. Superhuman strength, durability, endurance, stamina, and partial healing. While the augmentation helps with everything else he was missing. Agility, speed, information processing. We turned them all off, and are using the prison cells natural healing properties to keep them alive. We discovered that with out the implants they start to die.” Naya'il briefed Lash on the prisoners with a detached focus that came with a scientist, or a jailer talking about their prisoners.

“What about the others?” Lash asked, as the moved on. He stopped hearing the screaming from the leader once they passed his cell.

“The teleporter is natural, while the others are artificially created meta-humans. It seems that the alternate reality is playing with the genetic structures of the meta-gene. But they haven't achieved its natural growth. So each one is low grade, and will stay that way. The 'assault' was given Superhuman Durability E grade. The communications soldier was granted Superhuman information processing E grade, and the medic was given the ability for minor healing manipulation, and tactile sensory awareness E grade. Which allowed her to know what an injury was with out an x-ray. Very useful! Of course each one has been augmented through cybernetics” Naya'il finished reading off the information as they passed each prison cell.

Every single cell they passed the soldiers were screaming for the sound to stop, all but the medic. The woman looked like she was in a daze. The mechanical arms had released her and she was laying on a bed that had slid out of the wall. With out her gear she was about 5'6” with a shaved head, strong figure that came with military training and carrying large amounts of weight on a daily basis. The prison jump suit had pants, slip one shoes, and a t-shirt. So Lash could see several cybernetic ports for her arms, neck, and skull. They had not been streamlined, and ruined the flesh extensively.

“She stopped screaming after the first twenty four hours. I assure you she is alive, but she is placid. The harmonics are still playing but we are trying establish why she is like this.” Naya'il said, as she came to stand next to Lash. His tail coiled around her, she rested her hand on the tail as if it was natural occurrence.

“Bring up an examination table, and secure her to it. I'm going to poke around a bit.” Lash requested. Naya'il nodded, and with a glance at the wall the mechanical arms came out of their compartments and gently lifted the medic up and placed her on a table that came up out of the ground. The woman had zero reaction.

The prison cell door opened and Lash was blasted with the harmonics sound. He got a massive bloom of experience. Soon the 'sound' dialed down, as he grew a higher resistance to it. He walked in, while Naya'il stayed outside the cell for safety and security. The prisoner was secured to the table, so the mechanical arms folded back but stayed out. Lash stood in the back of the cell, facing the entrance. He stood behind the woman's head. Carefully, and gently he wrapped his clawed hands around her skull.

He ran through his domains one by one sending a mild pulse through the medics body. When he got to Synthesis he stopped. He displayed a holographic window for Naya'il, so she could see his discovery. Within the woman's skull, right at the brain stem was a tiny bio-chip. Lash cast, Re:Implant and found this.

Advanced meta-gene bio chip. Owner Rofl Dex.

Rating: A+

Effect: High resistance to telepathic manipulation.

Effect: High resistance to mind bending.

Effect: High increase to Rofl Dex's telepathic manipulation,

Effect: High increase to Rofl Dex's mind bending.

Effect: Personality, memory, and skill conditioning increase.

Effect: Limited control, stop all function after 500 hours with out conditioning. (0/500)

Effect: Kill switch upon attempted removal.

Comment: This is a highly advanced bio-chip meant to protect the user from outside control but leave them susceptible to one and only one influence. Rofl Dex, the Emperor!

Lash clenched his jaw as pure unfiltered hatred flowed through him. Rolf Dex was a slave master, just like that piece of shit in the cell! He watched as the 0/500 kept switching between zero and one second. He realized that the natural healing of the cell, specifically Synthesis Domain was keeping her alive, and that was the only reason. Seemed Rofl Dex hadn't considered magic, made sense. Since his world has little to no magic to go around on it. Lash looked up, and saw that Naya'il had taken a step back her eyes wide. She was both in shock at the information on the holographic window, and a bit afraid of Lash. His Wraith shroud had taken on a sharp hard angles fitting his mood. She could literally feel the waves of hatred boiling off of him.

“Naya'il, can you please call Ethan. Or one of his most trusted medical droids to come here. I am going to attempt to remove the bio-chip from each of the soldiers. Hopefully we can do it with out killing them.” Lash asked, Naya'il nodded, and stepped away. The prison cell door automatically closed containing both Lash and woman. Security was important.

Ethan had showed up quickly once Naya'il had explained the situation. The prison module had a single intensive care room for emergencies. They moved the woman into the room, and Ethan set up his instruments. Naya'il was on stand by, the harmonics sound was not inside the medical care room to keep from distracting them. Before they began, Hex came in to. It unnerved Lash because he blinked, and Hex was just there standing next to Naya'il. Who seemed genuinely happy to see their sibling next to them.

Several medically enhanced robotic arms came to life around the bed ready to keep her alive. Lash placed his hands once more on her skull and used Re:Implant and slowly reached in to remove the bio-chip. At the slightest nudge the woman's whole body jerked in place. It was tied into her central nervous system. This bio-chip was incredibly complex, Lash was a little out of his depth. Thankfully Ethan stepped in as he saw the reaction and advised him.

“You'll have to cut each cillia at the same time. Think of the chip like a bomb. Cut a wire individually, and it explodes. Cut them all, and it can't operate. I'm going to run a bit of cold through her system to slow the reaction time down.” Ethan said, as a stasis field swallowed the patient, and her core temperature went down.

On the plus side Lash was getting a lot of experience with Re:Implant...wait. Lash pulled his hands away from her and stepped back. He sent a mental prod and requested his DP point total. 85 Dream Points! YES! They had enough for the key. But he used 2 DP to buy the next evolution of Re:Implant.

Congratulations User! You've purchased the next evolution for Re:Implant.

Minor Re:Implant: Allows for more complex synthetic organs, implants be it mechanical, organic, or even...magical!

Comment: This is going to hurt!

The entire room saw Lash get surrounded by several rings of spell script. They had all seen this before. It commonly meant Lash had obtained information from his spell domains, or obtained something from his Patron. They were not prepared for Lash to start screaming, and writhing on the floor! His shroud whipped out and attacked anyone or anything that got close to him. There was a time when the shroud had been nothing more than an illusion. That didn't seem to be the case anymore. It almost became a living thing that clawed, and bit anyone who tried to get close to Lash as he went through the change. Lash eventually told them not to worry in between screams, it would pass.

Unlike last time (Chp. 67) Lash did not pass out. He eventually went still, his breath ragged. His shroud slowly went back to being billowing grim reaper cloth. Naya'il out of the whole room was high resistant to damage. Given her vocation as jailer. She moved in fully expecting to be attacked by the shroud, when it didn't she breathed a sigh of relief and picked up Lash who smiled at her.

“Sorry about that. I updated one of my spell/traits and I forgot it causes extreme pain as a side effect.” Lash said softly.

“What kind of spell would do that to its caster? I can understand free magic users getting a back lash, but you use Domain magical theory, you don't get those kind of severe attacks.” Hex said, as they came over to help Lash stand up. Ethan walked over and started inspect Lash.

“Woah!” Ethan said, as his eyes glowed once he gave Lash a look over. “You have redundant organs. Along with an...extra brain? If someone takes your head off, but your body remains intact its possible for you to fully regenerate. Congratulations, Grand Father you have become that much harder to kill.” Ethan said with a smile as he did another scan of him.

“Put that information in a need to know file. It will be a trump card that only a few will know.” Hex said softly, Ethan and Naya'il agreed.

“Alright, lets get back to it. I got the update to help remove the chip.” Lash said, but he was out voted. The woman wasn't going any where so Lash was forced to take a seat for at least ten minutes.

Ten minutes later Lash was once again standing over the woman. He cast his new Minor Re:Implant the transition was smooth, and efficient. He was granted more control, and did as Ethan advised. Lash felt like he was rolling a metaphorical D20, he swore he heard the sound of rattle, clatter, and click. He pulled the bio-chip out, and placed it into an examination piece for Ethan to look over. They brought the woman's core temperature up. She was breathing normally, her organs all started to operate once more. She was alive, and free.

“Prepare the others please, Naya'il.” Lash asked, she smiled at him and moved to prepare the next prisoner.


Eliza Greene...That was her name. She hadn't said it in years. Eliza Greene, she had always been doctor, medic, or Zeta-0213 for the past five years. But now... Now!? She was Eliza Greene! She stood up in her cell but was forced to sit back down. She was still getting use to driving her own body again with out assistance from that fucking chip!

“I'm Eliza Greene!” She shouted at the top of her lungs. Tears fell from her eyes. She was free!

“Hello Eliza Greene, I'm Agent Wraith with the United Nations World Security, and Justice League International. Would you be willing to answer some of our questions?” A animalistic voice said, as the prison cell door slide open. Eliza recognized this man. He was the Omega Red Alpha target. He was also the man that had incapacitated their whole squad like they were back at boot camp, and he was the one that pulled the bio-chip out of Eliza. Tears fell from her eyes, she smiled so wide her face hurt but she nodded towards him.

“I would be happy to answer any and all questions you have, Agent Wraith. It will be nice to work with the good guys again!” Eliza said, she slowly stood up and held out her hand. Wraith walked over and swallowed her hand in his massive scaled one. But he was gentle with her, and shook her hand in agreement.

“Good, but first. You look hungry!” The animal man said, and Eliza's stomach growled in agreement.

“Do you have ice cream?” Eliza asked, the animal man smiled at her and nodded.

“We do indeed!” He said.


The invading squad all had their chips out. The one that Lash worried the most about was the squad leader. Eliza had told him that unlike the rest of them their unit leader had volunteered. But his worry was soon proven false. Bortolo Ruffini was just as happy as the rest to be free. Apparently no one in the public back in their home world knew about the chips. It was a closely guarded secret, and any one with the chip was incapable of answering any questions about the chip. Anyone in military service got the chip installed in basic training when they graduated. It would slowly condition them, so the tweaks in their personality were seen as adjustment to military life.

Bortolo, was a natural born meta-human who grew up wanting to serve his great nation in hopes of restoring their world. There are many forms of brain washing. A softer approach is to gradually rewrite history, tell it from a certain point of view, and flood the media with false, or cherry picked information. Bortolo grew up thinking that the Emperor was a good man, and only wanted what was best for their ruined world.

The Emperor, Rofl Dex was a natural born meta-human with an A-grade telepathic mental domination ability. As well as having genius level intellect, specifically towards technology. Which he used to enhance his abilities. How did Bortolo know this? After the chip had been installed for more than a year he was transferred to command school and Rofl Dex simply told everyone the truth! Bortlolo believed the bastard got some sort of sick satisfaction out of it.

He wasn't told everything, obviously. Bortolo was able to confirm that, yes. Their reality did have a superman. He was actually the first slave to Rofl Dex. No one knew how it happened, but it did. After that, one by one the Justice League fell to Dex. That is what started the unification war. With over half of the AR-Justice League under Dex's control they started to attack and unify the world. Not everyone submitted. Batman went into hiding and is on the top most priority kill list back home. (Figures Bruce would be the last man standing.) While Wonder Woman did the unthinkable and opened the island of Themyscira to any and all refugees. Because of its magical nature, and being able to slip into a pocket space Dex and his forces to this day can't find it. The Amazons periodically do guerrilla attacks at supply points across the empire. Dex hates magic!

Lash also learned that over half of the alternate reality's world was irradiated. During the unification war many countries had used nukes to kill superman. But due to the 'brilliant maneuvering' of the Emperor the nukes exploded as soon as they left their tubes. Leaving, North America, and South America largely intact. While Africa, Europe, Russia, the middle east, China, and surrounding area's were a waste land. Couple of places here and there in the island nations lived, barely. Lash was confused as to how the whole planet was even livable!

Bortolo answered as much as he could about his life in the Empire. Growing up, what it was like as a natural born meta-human allowed him and his whole family to live on better care that others. Unless you were a telepath. Any and all meta-humans with a mind bending ability were hunted down and killed. Growing up Bortolo believed it was because Dex wanted to prevent them from turning into slaves. It was only later that he learned that Dex wanted to be the only slave master in the world.

“Do you know where the Rift is located?” Hex asked, watching the whole squad eat a table inside of the prison area. An eclectic collection of food on the table. Eliza was eating a bucket of double chocolate fudge.

“No, even as the units transport I was sent through a series of stops by other teleporters. Preventing the information from being shared.” Brian Vidal said, the units teleporter.

“Just because our world doesn't have telepaths doesn't mean the world we invade wont. They compartmentalize the information to prevent this very thing from happening. Well not this thing, I don't ever remember seeing anyone capable of taking out a chip. I've been with Bortolo the longest, we've been in all the previous invasions.” Brian said, and finished a cup of hot chocolate.

“What is the date in your world?” Lash asked, curious about events. Bortolo looked like he was in his mid thirties.

“2059” Naheim Muhammad, the assault soldier said. He had taken a bottle of scotch and was nursing it, slowly enjoying the taste.

“The first two worlds we invaded were far behind us in tech. I think the first one was around 1980's. It took us years to figure out why.” Walter Bodde said, the communications soldier.

“The vibrational frequency was slower in that world. So time passed slower there, while your world compared to ours is faster. So, you are in 2059, while we are in 2021.” Lash supplied the answer and Walter nodded, as he went to eat another slice of pizza.

“Not to be a buzz kill, but will happen to us now? Specifically our unit.” Tapco asked, the engineer. The whole unit stopped to look at Lash, Naya'il, and Hex. Ethan had left to attend his other patients.

“All of you were not in control of your own actions. We will of course have to still watch you, no offense. Hope you can continue to provide information for us. But we'll see about providing better accommodations. May I be blunt with all of you?” Lash asked, the room nodded.

“I plan to kill Rofl Dex, are you all alright with that?” Lash said, his voice even as if he was stating a fact.

“What about the rest of our brothers and sisters?” Bortolo asked, his facial expression neutral.

“We learned a lot about how to remove the chip. Ethan is confident that he can create a procedure that doesn't require Wraith's direct involvement. If we can take your people alive, and free them. We will. But not at the expense of the safety, and well being of our own. Can you accept that?” Hex replied, crossing their arms behind Lash.

“I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd be more than happy to help you kill Dex.” Brian said, as he looked around the table.

“Fantastic! Let's get you all under a Rune of Truth and verify the information. After you finish eating of course!” Lash said with a smile.


***Metropolis, Southside aka Suicide Slum***

AR-Superman, Kal from the house of El. Formerly known has Clark Kent walked down the mean streets of Suicide Slum. He wore a darker version of the Superman uniform. Black undertones, crimson red highlights, with the 'S' the color of blood. No cape! He had a full face helmet on that tied him into the network for the invasion. He was suppose to be looking for power meta's to be brain boxed and enslaved to the fucking bast....The implant in his head sent a shock through his system. Hail the Emperor, Rofl Dex.

He had hated Suicide Slum back home. He could never do enough to make it clean, to help enough. He was limited in his powers. Able to pull the moon from the sky, but couldn't fix one neighborhood. The one and only thing the Emperor did that AR-Superman was thankful for was he rebuilt the slums. It was a thriving community now back home. He wished Lois had seen it. AR-Superman clenched his hands into fists at the broken memory of his dead wife.

“Supes? Is that you!?” A familiar voice called out to him. No! Was he alive in this reality? AR-Superman turned to see a 6'3” overweight man with gray hair, and eyes. Walking over in a set of overalls, thick jacket, boots, and a sailors hat. It was Bibbo Bibbowski, Superman's number one fan in Southside.

“Ya...Bibbo its me. Trying something different, the mask ties me into all communications chatter.” AR-Superman said, his distorted voice through the mask made it hard to recognize him.

“Ah! Ya, that makes sense! But between you and me. I think you look better with out it.” Bibbo said as he walked over and clapped AR-Superman on the shoulder. That was the one and only time that AR-Superman had let anyone touch him in nearly a decade. He flinched but didn't do anything more.

“Oh look at that! See, I told you supes! I work hard every day! Even make the man of steel flinch!” Bibbo grinned wide, as he flexed his arm to show his impressive muscles. AR-Superman couldn't help but laugh at his old dead friend.

“You got me there, Bibbo! You are full of surprises!” AR-Superman said with a laugh.

“Bibbo! Step away from him, now!” A familiar voice to them both said. Bibbo turned around and gasped.

“What the? Supes...Wait? Which one is which?” Bibbo said, as AR-Superman turned around to meet his counterpart for this reality.

Superman had floated down from the sky. He had been working none stop since the pulse had disabled all the electricity in the whole city. But he always did a patrol through the slums. The first ten hours had been a slaughter. Thankfully local vigilantes had come out to help like Guardian, Gangbuster, and Newsboy Legion. But the slums was still in a horrible state. His blue, and red uniform was covered in mud, blood, and sweat. His face was smudged, his hair was a mess, but his blue eyes were clear as day as he looked at his counter part.

“It was nice talking to you Bibbo. But you better do as he says. It's going to get ugly here in a moment.” AR-Superman said to his long dead friend. Bibbo nodded, and raced back to his bar.

STOMP! The whole street shook as figure jumped down from apartment complex. The figure was barely 18. He was 6 foot even, with black hair, blue eyes, and a strong figure. He wore military boots, black pants, with a black shirt, a red S on his chest. He gave AR-Superman a death glare.

“Project Cadmus...So even in this reality Luthor is a piece of shit.” AR-Superman said softly, he shook his head back and forth.

“Please, I don't want to do this.” Superman said to his counterpart.

“I know you don't. But I don't have a choice. I'll try my best to minimize the damage to the city. But I am either going to bring you in alive, or dead....For the Emperor!” AR-Superman said through gritted teeth.

“Seems the Emperor made you stupid! Its two against one!” The Cadmus clone said, aka Superboy.

“Is it?” AR-Superman said, as a subsonic crack rang out as a navy blue blur flew past AR-Superman and collided with Superboy. AR-Supergirl had been near by waiting for the signal. AR-Superman sprung forward and slammed his fist straight into Superman's jaw!

Superman went flying through the air! He flew through wall, after wall, after wall. He hit an open street and bounced across the pavement slowly coming to a stop only to blink in surprise as his counterpart was waiting for him at the end of his journey. SLAM! AR-Superman punched Superman straight into the pavement. The impact sent a minor seismic event through the whole neighborhood!

“Unlike you, I don't hold back!” AR-Superman said. As he jumped down into the hole he had made. He pulled and lifted Superman around. Then set his knee into his back, pulled his arm and with a sickening crack that could shatter eardrums AR-Superman popped Superman's shoulder out of place!

“GAAAAAAAAH!” Superman screamed in agony! He had never felt this kind of pain before! No one had even been able to do that! He brought his head up as quickly as he could and bashed in AR-Superman's nose. The sudden attack made AR-Superman let go of Superman's arm and fly back into a thankfully deserted building.

“Geeehh....He....” SNAP! “Gaaah!” Superman popped his shoulder back into place. Flew up into the air to watch AR-Superman walk out of the building.

“Don't worry, there is no one around for miles. I checked! We can fight as much as we want too!” AR-Superman said with a smile and flew up to continue the fight.


Superboy was having a hard time. He hadn't escaped Cadmus that long ago. He was still getting use to his powers. Unlike his...Donor. He couldn't fly, or use heat vision. He had superhuman strength, speed, durability, endurance, and healing. But there were other things just out of his reach. He could feel them, but something was stopping him from accessing the powers. He desperately needed it now!

CRACK! AR-Surpergirl linked her hands together and brought it down onto Superboy. He felt his bones crack, and his organs convulse! He coughed up blood, but he didn't stop fighting. He pivoted on his heel and did a spin kick straight into AR-Supergirl's side. She flew sideways from the kinetic force and skipped across the street a few times before she jumped to her feet. She had the same full face helmet that her cousin did. The eye lenses flared with red light, and Superboy dived to the side as solar vision cut through the concrete he had just been standing on.

“Fuck! I need some help here!” Superboy called out! An invisible force slammed into AR-Supergirl. The immediate area in a circle flattened as if all the gravity in the area intensified. AR-Supergirl was brought to her knees, but she was slowly getting back up.

“She's to....strong!” Gravitas said from an alley as he slowly stepped from the shadows.

Superboy sprinted towards AR-Supergirl and right as he got to the edge of the field Gravitas let go. Superboy brought his knee straight into AR-Supergirl's face, sending her flying back. She crashed through a car bisecting it down the middle. Before she could recover a huge hand made out of white energy wrapped around her and slammed her face first into the street, again, and again! A woman standing off to the side wearing a Justice League standard gear. Was using Energy Projection to create the hand.

“Gaaaaaaaah!” AR-Supergirl screamed as loudly as she could. The sound shattered all the glass in the area, and broke the woman's concentration. Her head snapped back, and she buckled over in pain. The white energy hand faded from existence. Supergirl zipped towards her only to crash into the street again as another gravity field stopped her.

“Can't...Hold....This!” Gravitas said, as blood slowly dripped from his nose and ears. His suit kept sending signals for him to stop, and it sent another prompt to the Watch Tower for medical aid. AR-Supergirl was slowly standing up, her helmet cracked, and split apart revealing her face.

AR-Supergirl had rich blue eyes, a shaved head, and pale skin that hadn't seen the sun in years. She had a collection of tiny scars all over her face, along with a jagged scar at the back of her head where an implant was. She gritted her teeth, and took another step forward towards the woman who had fallen unconscious from the sound wave. AR-Supergirl's eyes started to glow, she would slice the energy projector in half. Suddenly the gravity field let up. Then AR-Supergirl let out the most painful scream she had ever made in her whole life.

A green energy blade had impaled her from behind! It stuck out from her chest, and its energy corroded her whole body. KRYPTONITE! She screamed in agony, as her suit sent a warning to any invaders suits. Her cousin fighting in the air above the city called her name, but she couldn't react. Her vision grew dark and she blacked out.



AR-Superman raised his leg high in the air and performed an axe kick onto Superman. Superman in this reality was a brawler! AR-Superman had received advanced combat training in hand to hand combat, and close quarters combat. He knew he could win against his counterpart by skill alone. But the warning sent a shiver down his spine. Superman was sent spiraling down into the open bay they were fighting over.

AR-Superman zipped through the air with a sonic boom rippling from his location. His UI marked his cousins IFF signature. Some sort of creature was standing over her, putting kryptonite laced cuffs on her. AR-Superman raced to save his one and only living family member. In a flash he was on top of them! But something was different. The creature had been right in front of him, but now he was gone? SLASH! A green energy blade passed right your AR-Superman from behind him.

“GGGGGGGGAAAAAAH!” AR-Superman screamed! He collided with the concrete road and made a huge divet into the street that stretched for almost thirty feet. The blade sent an electrical shock through his whole body, the energy was laced with kryptonite.

“Hello Kal-El.” Said the creature, AR-Superman looked up and saw the thing was standing over him.

“W...G....Geh...Who are you?” AR-Superman asked.

“A friend...” The creature said, as he plunged the green kyrptonite energy blade straight into him. The pain was immeasurable! That AR-Superman soon blacked out.


AR-Superman opened his eyes to find himself laying on an examination table. He was groggy, and weak. He noticed there was a green tint to the lights in the room. He could feel a kryptonite energy to it. Not enough to kill, or even hurt him. But it did keep him mortal. This world was more advanced than he thought. It took the Emperor nearly a decade to get those kinds of li....Wait a minute!

“IT'S GONE!” AR-Superman shouted as he sat up and looked around. The implant! The sensation of being mind controlled. HE WAS FREE!

The full length wall mirror slid to one side, and Kara his cousin came racing into the room and gave him a great big hug! She was sobbing, but held him as tight as she could under the green lights. Clark hugged her back. They hadn't had full control of their bodies in years! So many times had he wanted to comfort his cousin but never could! Now...Wait!? How did they get it out!? The bio chip was laced with kryptonite it should have killed them.

“Hello, I am Agent Wraith with the United Nations World Security, and Justice League International. I was wondering if we could ask you some questions.” Came the voice of the creature that had defeated them both. Clark, and Kara both looked up at the giant reptile wrapped in smoke and shadow. Behind him was this realities Superman, along with Wonder Woman, and Batman!

“I would be more than happy to answer any and all questions you have for us.” Clark said from his prison cell.

“Me too!” Kara replied.

“Wonderful! Please, come this way!” Wraith said to them...

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