
****Canada, Military Base****

Crak-crak-crak-crak-crak! The sound of a automatic rifles, and light machine guns rang out in the dead of night. Soldiers in the Canadian Army stood side by side behind walls of concrete, and sandbags as the took turns firing from different positions to keep the enemy guessing. Half the base was in the near by towns assisting with the EMP. They were ill prepared for an attack from an unknown enemy. A squad leader poked his head out over cover to see across the field of grass as soldiers wearing full black metal armor raced across.

The invading soldiers ran an uneven gate, many of them limping while others hobbled like a zombie movie. Mounted guns on their shoulders did all the shooting. The squad leader got the impression they weren't fighting people just puppets being told what to do. He pulled his head down and made a hand signal to his troops. They loaded their M203 grenade launchers, and fired towards a specific grouping. BOOOM! The explosion rang out across their specific area, the squad leader poked his head out only to be shocked silly as the puppets continued to run forward, pieces of their armor had been scattered and under neath was a combination of flesh and metal.

“Looks like the blue fairy stopped half way with this freaks!” The squad leader said loudly, and his troops laughed lightly.

The heavy weapons specialist planted his light machine gun on the ground and took position. He waited for the all clear, and started firing AP rounds (Armor Piercing). The puppets with exposed armor went down first, as the specialist did short controlled bursts. Their squad cheered! More grenades were launched into groupings of puppets, and the specialist took them down one by one. They seemed be to be winning until a loud ZAP! Was heard, along with a flash of light. A small explosion rang near by and the squad leader saw that the specialist had a hole in his head the size of a silver dollar.

“Fuck! They have sniper in place! Tak-!” ZAP! Another blast rang out, and the squad leader collapsed. There was a hole straight through his chest, that had passed through the concrete wall.

Behind the puppets was a walking behemoth of metal. The unit controller. Standing in a mechanical suit over 8 feet tall, with an assortment of weapons attached to the tank armor. The cyberdeck operator was jacked in, their brains working a mile a minute thanks to the augments inside their heads. The laser based sniper rifle adjusted its aim, and shot through the concrete wall taking out another soldier. While the operator told its puppets to move forward.

“This is Alpha puppet vanguard, the gate is down. I repeat the gate is down.” The operator's voice was a combination of living tissue and mechanical. Cold and calculated, as he got a confirmation.

With in a minute APC's with magnetic coils burst from the tree line and floated across the field at high speeds. Stopping just shy of the operator. The doors opened and robotic soldiers filed out in perfect sync, while another larger mechanical suit stepped out. The robotic soldiers had mounted guns on their shoulders, and rifles in their hands. One by one each robotic soldier received its orders, a tiny green light appearing on their display helmet and they moved in behind the puppets.

“Let's hope all the bases are this easy.” The puppet operator said to his companion.

“One can hope!” The robotic operator replied back.


***Gotham City, Central Park***

Plant roots, and branches grew and extended from the ground. Taking shape in an unnatural way, as branches took the shape of steps, and the trunks of trees grew out creating simple but livable spaces for simple rooms. A pine tree was grown, and manipulated to take on the same of a simple apartment complex. Windows with leaf like membranes covered the open spaces to let natural light in, while the floors were covered in soft grass. Hammocks made from interconnected branches, and leaves for beds. In the center of each small room was a sunflower that admitted small ambient light. Once the tree was done being manipulated several refugees started to walk up the steps to their new temporary homes.

“Thank you, Miss Ivy!” A little girl said, as she was carried up the stairs by her mother. She waved her hand.

“You are welcome!” Poison Ivy said to the little girl as she took a break on a plant chair she made from the grass.

Poison Ivy was 5'6” of pure sexual lust and desire. She had a athletic figure, with curves in all the right places, and just enough bounce to make any one drool when she moved. With curly bright red hair the shade of a rose petals that went past her shoulders. With light green skin, and deep shade of green eyes. She wore a skin tight uniform that said UNWS on it. A zipper front that went from neck to navel, the suit was made of natural plant fibers and could be manipulated if she wanted to. The suit would change color based on the environment she was in. So currently it was dark green, and dark brown.

Ivy undid her collar and pulled the zipper down to her mid chest, letting her everyone who cared to look that she wasn't wearing anything underneath. She leaned back in her chair and breathed in the morning sun that was just cresting over the city. With what was happening a lot of people didn't homes thanks to the pig headed meta-humans taking advantage of the situation. Gotham was once again a battle field.

Ivy being a deputy Warden was asked to create temporary homes for the supernaturals, and pseudo-mundanes just like the family she had just helped. Not every supernatural could afford magical homes with self repair, and electricity generation. She inspected the Gotham park and it currently had over a dozen giant trees all of them with dozens of people living in simple homes. While she would occasionally see other people wearing UNWS coats, or badges walking the perimeter.

“Always plenty of eye candy around here...” Ivy said with a smile as she watched several Sylvan warriors walk by.

“Looking at some right now!” Timothy said as he walked over and handed Ivy a cup of jasmine tea. She grinned, and gave him a wink as she accepted the cup. Letting the warmth from the cup seep into her hands.

Timothy was a Warden that worked out of Gotham, and a friend of Lash's. He offered to train, and help Ivy as she worked on her Deputy training. Of course they may have also been sleeping together but as long as it didn't get in the way that wouldn't matter. He wore a familiar tactical gear with a vest that said UNWS (Warden) inscribed across it for the mundanes, and magical script for the supernaturals. Timothy was a 6 foot tall, with kinky red hair that was pulled back into a loose braid that was down the middle of his back. He had bright green eyes, a charming smile, and super model good looks. He had recently obtained the Nature Domain, and was officially a Druid. Which also made him immune to Ivy's toxins.

“May I have a seat, please?” Timothy asked, Ivy who grinned at him.

“Well since you said please!” Ivy used her Plant Control to create another chair out of the grass. Timothy took the spot gratefully, resting his legs. Ivy swiveled in her chair, and raised her legs so her feet when in Timothy's lap. He raised a brow at her, and she nudged him with her bare foot.

“Oh....Are you asking for a foot rub?” Timothy said with a smirk. Ivy pouted her full red lips.

“Please...” She said, Timothy rolled his eyes and set his cup of tea down and started to rub her feet. She wiggled in her seat and relaxed.

“Any word on Lash?” Ivy asked after several minutes of foot rubbing.

“We know he is alive, and on this plane of existence. His life stone is bright as ever. The man never gets a break. He had only been back from Tartarus for a few short months and the world goes to shit.” Timothy replied, he started to rub a specific knot he found in Ivy's foot, she let out a satisfied moan.

“I can not believe the man went to hell for the Amazons. I hope....” Ivy stopped as she got a communication from dispatch, as did Timothy.

“You want us to go where?” Ivy asked, dispatch. Timothy stopped rubbing Ivy's feet and looked up at the sky, just as confused.

“He built what!?” Timothy asked, astonished as he slowly put Ivy's feet down. He stood up and looked up at the sky expecting to see something he couldn't in the morning light.

“Copy that, see you back at HQ.” Ivy said with a groan, she stood up and stretched out. Giving a bit of a show to Timothy who grinned at her.

“So, you are ok with me sleeping with him, right?” Ivy asked, as she walked over and gave Timothy a kiss on his cheek.

“Yes, I am fine with you sleeping with him. Just so long as you keep sleeping with me.” Timothy said back, as he wrapped his arms around her. She wiggled into his arms and purred softly.

“Of course professor, I'll do anything for an A!” Ivy said with a teasing smile, referring to an inside joke. Timothy rolled his eyes, but kept his smile.


He walked up the altars sacred steps looking over the floating crystal, a focus of psionic power. He knelt down and extended his fingers to a few inches above the pedestal. A holographic display soon appeared, he rotated his hand clock wise and the display went from standby to self destruct. He stood up and watched the psionic focus break apart, as the orb of energy pulled all available sources into its matrix. The crystal slowly pulled itself together. He turned towards the door and heard the rumbling. He would have to buy sometime.

He stood a few feet from the altar and took a knee as he contemplated the battle ahead of him. His armor activated, as the energy core in his back hummed to life. The battle plates extended to cover his scaled flesh. The gems on the arm guards, one blue, and the other green glowed brilliantly. He clenched his fists and two energy blades extended. Just as a roar rang out, and a giant worm sprung from the door. Its gaping maw opened up and spit out monster after monster.

He took a battle stance and stood ready as quadruped insect creature with carapace armor, scythe limbs, and small wings meant to help with jumping rather than flying sprinted towards him. They pounced onto him like pack animals, he swung his energy blades through them and cut them like a hot knife through butter. He twisted in a spin and like a spinning top he tore through them like a blender. He raised his foot up and brought it down into an axe kick. His cybernetic foot crushing a skull of another. He glanced behind him as the crystal focus came together and raced down the long corridor into the center of the planet. The distraction cost him.

The creatures tackled him in mass and swarmed over his body. Claws raked down his armor! Fangs tore at his flesh but he would not give in! He brought his psionic energy together and thrust it out into a miniature bomb of energy. The creatures were flung back, many of them had their internal organs pulverized. He stood up with a glare as he conjured more energy into his hands and thrust it out, a storm of energy ripped the creatures apart. The explosion rang out behind him, he laughed as he achieved victory. A blue light swallowed him and he was transported back to his ship.


Congratulations User, you've obtained a new Spell/Power. Psionic Magic.

Psionic Magic: The User, by some means, have both psionic and magic powers at the same time. These powers are tied within the User, mixing the two aspects together and creating something truly unique, powerful, and versatile.

Sub-Spell/Power, Psionic Blade: Shape your energy into a blade, this energy can be filtered through a gem or a material to take on aspects of said material.

Lash opened his eyes as he took a deep breath of absolutely nothing. He was sitting on one of the primary cylinders of the tri-star of the Watch Tower, out in zero space practicing his Self-Sustenance. He had come out here to Meditate and regain his energy. He had fallen into a form of sleep that let him dream about one of his past lives. He was in his Transformation state with his Wraith shroud wrapped around him. He made a fist, and an energy blade came out from his palm between his fingers like an assassin hidden blade. It had a greenish blue color, and was about a foot long. Interesting.

Lash looked around him and saw the great big blue planet off to the side, Earth. He had to admit it was eerie looking at the area cast in darkness from the Earths rotation. Not a single light. Normally one could see the different cities from orbit in an electric glow. But since the alternate reality had kicked off their invasion. Nothing.

After Dr. Fate had shown up in Vegas. Saurian had stayed to escort the rest of the women back to the MCU, and spent sometime helping the police get their essentials back online. Hospitals, fire departments, and police. He was able to repair, and restart their back up generators. But the rest of the city was in a bad state, and Vegas was not the only one. What was happening there was happening across the globe. At least Vegas was warm!

Fate, had joined the Justice League International as an active member. Lash wasn't sure who Nabu was currently possessing it was not something to easily talk about. Fate decided to stay and help his city out of its current state but would stay in touch. Being the DC universe sorcerer supreme. Fate had access to Technomancy, and was able to link up with Vici. So, Saurian swapped out with Lash and they had come back to the Watch Tower to rest. Which brought him out here to practice.

Beep...Beep... Lash used Connectivity and linked up with his message board. About five minutes into his practice Vici had contacted him, or rather the Warden's had. They wanted to set up a Warden HQ on the Watch Tower to help coordinate. Lash had been confused for a brief moment, he had pulled out the store catalog and found that he could indeed build a Warden module. It was under story events and could only be purchased once it was an option. The alert said it was done.

Warden HQ: This module is an exclusive piece only for worlds that have the supernatural societies, and must be earned. The HQ will help coordinate with your operations, and help the Justice League with supernatural threats. Helps to increase cooperation between the mundanes, and supernatural world. (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Comment: Justice League Dark. Wooooooo!

Lash had used his DP credit card and had Vici start building it. Once it was paid off his credit card would be up to 12 DP. While he was currently at 30 DP standard. He was getting one DP almost every 12 hours in the Dream, almost. Lash took a moment to do a few stretches then walked back towards the air lock with the use of Gravity Stride. Letting him tread across the station as if it was the ground, no matter the angle. He had to admit it was a little disorientating walking, taking a step over a ledge and treating the ledge like it was the ground... He came to the airlock typed in the code and stepped inside.

With hiss and a pop the airlock finished pressurizing and the doors slid open. Sitting on the opposite side was the android Hex. Who despite the lack of any physical tell Lash could tell they were angry about letting people aboard the station with out proper security run over. Lash couldn't help himself he walked over and swallowed Hex in a hug. They went stiff for a good ten seconds then slowly returned the hug.

“I know, Hex. But if it makes you feel better you can interview each of them before they are allowed to wonder the station. Alright?” Lash said, as he slowly let go of them and looked down at them.

“It does, Grand Father. But I still don't like it.” They replied in their gender neutral voice. Lash chuckled and turned to walk back to the main station. Hex stepped beside him, and ran him through the situation.

“Malleus has finished prep work for the upgrade key. One of the Amazons has picked up their new suit and I quote. 'It is to die for!' She said. Fantasma's mother has been relocated to a new safe zone, and we have recalled all of the gear, and equipment from Fantsama's home. Several of the League members requested that we provide logistical support in their cities. Perhaps we could build another Droid Service module. Let it create more of our brothers and sisters?” Hex said, their voice composed and indifferent. Lash stopped in thought and created several spell scripts to wrap around him. Purely cosmetic, but appearances were important.

Droid Services: A module that specializes in the creation, service, and repair of robotic workers. Side Note: Treat them kindly or they may revolt! (2 DP, R&D module applied) x 2.

Lash spent 4 more DP from his credit card. Buying two more Droid Services. One was connected right next to the other two granting a efficiency bonus. While the last one was sent to Vici's core so she could create a unique VI Android mobile platform. The third installment to the standard droid workers would be auxiliary units for the Justice League. Combat engineers, medics, soldiers, etc. They would have the standard humanoid appearance. But with different hair, eye, and skin color. Like reds, oranges, and greens. Some would have scales, fur, maybe even an insect like carapace.

Earth needed to start getting use to the idea that different wasn't always bad. This would help the supernatural community, and the future alien community that Lash knew was coming. As long as he lived through the invasion that is. The spell script that surrounded him faded from sight, Hex nodded their head and continued down the path towards the main section with Lash. As they entered the main saucer several mechanical arms were in the process of printing and building the new Droid module.

Several League members fresh from the fight were watching the new module being built. Lash stopped to watch them, as they watched the arms. The League members were all VI Avatars, wearing their standard F grade uniforms. Covered in mud, blood, and sweat. They looked exhausted, so he sent Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss into them. They perked up and looked back at him.

“Go wash up, and go to sleep. We have quarters now.” Lash told them, they all nodded and left with out a word.

The main saucer was tall enough to have modules ten feet tall fit into pre determined slots, while the width of the modules varied depending on what they were. Think shipping containers, or lego blocks! Stacked, and connected to a wall. But, they were running out of room. It was like watching a very large game of tetras as Vici stacked the containers, tied stairs to the different pieces, or elevators to others. While other modules like Operations got priority for space, and location.

A group of six security bots came running across the main platform heading towards the teleportation pad. They were all F+ grade wearing kinetic, and spell energy armor with technomagic rifles, and blades. The armor was sleek and futuristic. They took up position around the portal hub as several spell rings started to coil. With an audible pop! Several League members appeared with several wounded civilians. The civilians under strict guard were escorted to the medical module where Ethan stood at the ready.

“Hex, who are those people?” Lash asked, his voice a whisper.

“United Nations envoys from New York. The invaders targeted them specifically, not many of them lived through it. A team found them and requested they come here for medical treatment and relocation....Good public relations.” Hex said, though Lash could hear Hex grit their teeth. More unauthorized people on the station.

One of the foreign envoys had a broken arm in a sling was looking around. He was amazed by the technology around him. He turned and saw Lash standing in his Wraith disguise. He wanted to talk to him but was stopped by the soldiers. He looked like he wanted to argue but continued to the medical bay as Lash waved and started walking over. Each envoy got a security guard, which watched them like a hawk. The League members that brought them in were all thankfully uninjured so they all went to wash up and get some food. The team leader stayed as he saw Wraith walk in to look around.

“Agent Wraith, I'm Gravitas. I know it was against regulations to bring them here. But public support is something the League needs right now.” Gravitas said, Lash looked him over for a bit and cast Insight.

Name: N/A Code Name: Gravitas.

Title: Gravity's bastard Son, Bone Breaker, Crusher.

Origin: Meta-Gene.

Rank: C

Skills: Hand to Hand, Science, Leadership, (See tool tip)

Powers: Gravity Manipulation, Gravity Control, Superhuman Durability. (See tool tip)

Domain: N/A

Racial Trait: N/A

Disposition: Friendly

Comment: This VI Avatar's User was originally a Villain. However, because you formed the Justice League several years ahead of its normal schedule they were able to find, and train him before he lost his way.

Gravitas was about 5'11” with broad shoulders, black hair cut high and tight like a soldiers with black eyes that almost seem to have starlight coming out of them. His skin was a healthy pink tan, with a hard looking face, and a nose that had been broken more than once. His uniform was solid black, with a utility belt, and pockets all over him. He wore full tactical gear, along with a rifle on his back, with a side arm. His gravity powers must have a limited range, it was good that he was thinking long term.

“Fair enough, the UN was going to find out about the Watch Tower eventually. Just make sure they stay under guard and don't wonder off.” Lash said, his voice not as rough as it could have been. Gravitas seem to pick up on it and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Yes, Sir! We'll get them back to the surface as soon as they are done being treated.” Gravitas said, followed by Hex.

“Good, the sooner the better.” Their gender neutral voice was clearly angry about the situation. Hex hated strangers on their station. Gravitas grimaced at Hex, but didn't comment.

“Don't trust us?” One of the envoy's said, his accent was thick with a German accent.

He had broad shoulders, a square jaw, and determination in his eyes. Lash turned to look at him, the man was sitting on one of the medical beds nearest to them. His shattered leg encased in a glass tub, tiny mechanic arms rebuilt the leg. Several of the envoy's were being treated by the medical droids in the module, while Ethan worked on the worst one in the surgery bay behind a set of glass doors.

“To be honest? No, I don't. But, trust is something that is earned. Team leader Gravitas extended the olive branch as it were. I trust him, so we'll see how this goes.” Lash replied, his voice taking on the hard edge of an animal. Gravitas looked at Lash with surprise clear in his eyes then smiled, but didn't comment.

“Yes...Good man, good soldier. Is the Justice League an American only organization?” The envoy asked... Lash looked at him for a moment, the man seem to understand. “I am Elias von Hofmann.” He finished, Lash nodded his head.

“Currently a majority of the members are with in America. We do have a few in South America, and we are looking to recruit members across the globe. We wanted the Justice League to be an international organization. But, then this all happened so recruitment was put on hold.” Lash said, as he looked around at all the envoys.

“What is going on?” Another envoy said, his flag was Austria. Hex reached out and grabbed Lash's arm. They shook their head. Lash looked back and hesitated for a moment.

“They'll find out eventually.” Lash replied, and Hex let go clearly in a huff.

“We are under attack by another world.” Lash finished, and the look of shock and horror was clear on the envoy's. This was outside their scope of practice. Another country they could handle, but another world was something else entirely.

“Can we make peace with them?” Elias asked. “There is always a deal to be made!” He finished, as he shifted in his bed. The medical droid pointed their metallic finger at them and told them to not move. Eliase grumbled but didn't move.

“Maybe...But right now, no. They are currently plowing through our defenses like it was nothing. We have to show that we can hold our own before we can even get them at the same table. All of you should know that better than most.” Lash said, his meaning clear to the men in the room. They all stopped to think about that.

“When we are finished here, where will we go?” Austria asked.

“We can take you back to your Embassies, or send you back to your home countries. We'll give you a basic run down what we know, and what we have so you can fill your countries in. But be aware we don't have much...” Lash said, but before another person could ask another question.

“Agent Wraith, the UNWS is inbound at portal hub A, ETA two minutes.” Vici's young female teenage voice said across the communication network.

“Gentlemen please excuse me, perhaps they have more information. Gravitas go wash up and get some food. That's an order!” Lash said as he turned towards him. The man looked over the envoys who looked upset at being so easily dismissed but held their tongues.

“Yes, Sir!” Gravitas said and walked out of the medical bay.

Lash, and Hex left the medical bay just as Ethan came out with his patient. The envoy was perfectly healthy, and asleep from the drugs pumped into them. Lash barely had a moment to wave, which Ethan returned before they moved on. Another security unit came jogging across the main deck towards the portal hub. Weapons at the ready. Hex had brought up their holographic interface and were looking over information. Compiling it into a brief for the UN envoys, they kept it short and to the point.

“Sorry Hex.” Lash said softly, Hex barely glanced at him but nodded all the same.

Lash got a prompt from Dawn, notifying him that he got 10 DP from the conversation with the UN envoys. Holy crap! Maybe he should run around and tell all the UN about the invasion, he could get a whole bunch of points and buy the upgrade key for the Watch Tower. Almost as if reading his mind Hex glared at him, though their hood covered the face Lash could feel their eyes on him. Lash looked anywhere but at Hex. Totally innocent, yep! Oh look the spring jump was almost complete!

5 spring jump coils finished the spell script, coiled up and gave off a pop! Then five people Lash hadn't seen in a long while showed up. Sam, Simon, Mahalia, Timothy, and Poison Ivy. They all stumbled out of the portal hub, not use to the transition. Lash did admit that the Warden portals were more advanced, capable of inter dimensional travel as long as they had an anchor point. The Watch Tower system must have seemed like two sticks being rubbed together.

“Lash! Gaaah!” Mahalia started to say and Sam pulled her back by the collar and glared at her.

“I mean, the whip lash from that portal was horrible! I feel like I rode the red eye there and back again!” Mahalia said with a sincere smile as Sam rolled his eyes at her.

Mahalia was a 5'2” asian decent woman with black eyes, black hair that was just long enough to pull back into a tail with a lithe figure, and a scar across her left cheek. She wore tactical gear that fit her small curvy frame perfectly, with lots of knives. She had a mischief grin on her face as she looked around the whole complex. Mahalia was an expert in close quarters combat. Next to her was Sam, her boyfriend. A 6 foot even black man with dreads to his shoulders, but tied back with a leather strip. He had deep amber eyes, built like a line back, and was covered in Tech-Knight armor, as one of the few Technomancy Domain holders in Gotham. He waved at Lash and sent an apology through his eyes.

Next Simon stepped off the pad and looked at the security droids, then at Hex, then at Lash. Simon was 5' 9” with dirty blond hair cut short with only a few inches stylized with hair gel. He had blue eyes that were cold, while his face was smiling. He had an athletic build, and tanned skin. He gave off a warm and pleasant vibe. But his eyes told a different story, he was an expert in communications. Specifically getting individuals to communicate there secrets to others. He wore the same tactical gear as Mahalia with a few exceptions like a forearm computer.

Timothy came next as he looked around at the station then smiled at Lash. While Poison Ivy jumped down from the portal hub and raced towards Lash. The security droids released the safeties on their weapons but didn't point them at her. As Lash had raised his hand up, she didn't seem to notice but the rest of the Warden's did. She jumped up and gave him a great big hug, and a kiss on the cheek. Kicking her legs into the air as Lash caught her. Lash was pretty tall while transformed so she was off the ground by over a foot.

“Missed you!” She said in a whisper against his ear.

“I can tell, sorry it under such dire circumstances.” Lash replied, his animalistic voice sending a shiver through Ivy. Hex coughed lightly to clear the air, Lash gently put Ivy down but she refused to let go of his arm. She was glued to him for the next foreseeable future.

“Members of the United Nations World Security.” 'Wardens' -Hex said across a simple Illusion spell that caught all of their attention. “I am Hex, the station security manager. Please understand that this station is a joint operations center. Which means we have to clear you all through security before you are allowed to roam. Please follow me to the security hub.” Hex said, turned on their heel and walked off. The security droids surrounded them.

“Wraith, are these constructs?” Sam asked, clearly intrigued as they started to follow Hex to the main elevator.

“They are Technomagical Constructs, Hex is born with sentience. While the androids next to you have yet to achieve awareness they are capable of doing so over time. So, please be polite. They are not tools but part of my family.” Lash replied, Sam nodded his head and looked at Mahalia.

“Sure! Sure!” Mahalia said as she inspected one of the security droids. Once they all entered the elevator the doors closed around them giving them a bit of privacy.

“For the time you are aboard please continue to call me, Wraith. My identity even among the League is still a secret. Though a few know me, it is still polite.” Lash said to everyone, they all agreed.

Ivy reached out and ran her hand along the metal surface of the elevator. The station sent a small pulse of natural magic back into her and she smiled at the response. The Watch Tower was partially organic a lot like a plant. Though she couldn't manipulate it, she could still feel it. She looked back at Lash and smiled wide at him. Giving silent approval of his choice. Lash smiled back, revealing a fang filled smile that sent a shiver through Ivy. What big teeth Lash had!

The elevator opened up to the secondary saucer. Hastam the armory android stood in the middle of the room. His hulking mass stood at the ready, several rifle turrets on his back were online but in safety. Vici's core was on this level, Hastam was not taking any chances. Even if the core was hidden away from sight.

“Grrrrrrrr! Welcome Warden's I am Hastam the manager of the Armory. Please be aware that weapons will be targeting you aboard the station until Hex clears you.” Hastam said in his cold mechanic voice. Sam was positively vibrating with energy. The station was a living construct! This was a Technomancers wet dream!

“You are beautiful!” Sam said loudly. Lash's eyes went wide as Hastam's armored shell changed in color slightly...Almost as if he was blushing.

“Grrrrrrr! T...Thank you....” Hastam's voice was nervous and unsure. For the first time ever Hex barked out a short laugh and quickly covered their face. Lash stared at them in even greater shock!

“E-Excuse me!” Hex said, and walked towards their module.

The security module was twenty feet wide, ten feet high, and thirty feet deep. Separated into several integration rooms, and an office. Each room was reinforced with magic, and metal alloys. Orichalcum, mithril, and Nth metal were used in the construction along with common steel. Written in Technomancy-Alteration spell script across the whole module were the simple word, 'Strengthen'. The security module could effectively hold Wonder Woman, though Lash wasn't sure if it could hold Superman they hadn't tested it yet. It was magic, so maybe?

“Warden Simon, from one communication expert to another will you be first?” Hex asked, Simon smiled at Hex and walked in first.

While the rest of them stayed in the waiting area of the security module. Chairs, and tables came up out of the floor for them. Two security droids stayed outside with Hastam, two stayed in the room with them while two went with Hex, and Simon. Lash created some tea, coffee, and liquor the last one was mostly for Mahalia. Along with some snacks, sandwiches, and cookies. Everyone took a seat, while Ivy stayed attached to Lash the chairs in the security module shifted and made a love seat that could hold them both. Though Ivy ended up in his lap, Lash didn't complain.

“Has anyone been able to drop by Croc's town?” Lash asked, Ivy perked up at the mention of Killer Croc.

“I have! They miss you down there, its practically a small city now. They have built right into the walls of the central system. The air purifying trees you made have grown! Despite being in a sewer the air is clean and fresh!” Ivy said with a smile, she tucked herself up into Lash's lap, and snuggled into him.

“Ivy, I am sure my armor is not comfortable. Do you want to sit down?” Lash asked, genuinely concerned.

“Nope! I am comfy!” She gave a little pout, Ivy was specifically being cute and innocent for Lash. Timothy rolled his eyes at her, this was not the Ivy he knew. None of the Warden's in the room recognized her.

“Liz wanted to come, but there are a lot of blood mutts running around Gotham right now causing trouble. She is working with Isabella, and the Kuldr house to help maintain order. They both say hello!” Sam said, as he pressed a seal to his helmet. The thing folded in on it self, and linked to his collar, Compression Transformation.

Lash's Other Worldly Lore activated. Blood mutts was a slang term used for Blood-Kindred that was with out a house. Blood rats, leeches, mutts, etc. Thanks to the supernatural community oversight a lot of houses were dissolved for crimes. Normally all the newborns and those being converted would get gobbled up by other houses. But... Not all of them had useful skills or abilities. If you were a grunt that never took the time to learn a skill you were left out in the cold. Unless you wanted to sign on as essentially a slave. Which very few did!

With no master, and no master's blood to feed the ones that were being converted they became a house less, or clan less kindred. That is when they become a more typical hollywood vampire. Sensitive to sunlight, urge to drink blood every few days, supernatural strength, and moderate healing. Far above a human, but far below of a full Blood-Kindred. If they can endure for a full century they can slowly obtain a noble rank. Though they would be a dirty noble! There were several houses today that started as dirty nobles. Lash got the feeling that a few VI Avatars would be running around now as they would have wanted to be a Vampire.

“Is the oversight still active?” Lash asked.

“Yes, though not for much longer. But with everything going on I think you could say its on hold. I am very happy the oversight was done, but there are thousands of blood mutts running around the globe now. Some of them are alright, they just didn't want to be slaves. While the rest are pissed! I think the territorial lines will be a lot different once this invasion is over.” Mahalia said with a frown as she started to munch on the cookies, then her eyes went wide and she gobbled up more sweets.

The interrogation room door opened and Simon came out with a smile. He came to sit down at the table and poured himself some coffee. Hex called for Timothy next who got up and went into the room. Lash began to give Ivy a neck massage and she became wet clay in his claws. Simon kept the questions asked to himself. A few minutes later Timothy came out with a smile, not at all disturbed by the questions asked. Mahalia was next who jumped up with a skip in her step.

“I hope they don't kill each other.” Sam said softly as he had stopped inspecting the security droids and just watched the office door. Mahalia's questioning took far longer which worried everyone at the table. But she soon came out, her face a mask of grumpy irritation as she trudged back to her seat. She sat down in a huff as Sam was called next.

“You have a bar here, right?” Mahalia asked Lash who nodded. As she reached for the liquor that was provided by him before. She skipped the glass and chugged the bottle instead. Lash held out his hand in shock but half the bottle was empty before he could do anything.

“HOLY FUCK! This shit is strong!” Mahalia shouted in surprise, as she looked at the bottle. It was a magically made bottle of bourbon. Made for Mahalia in mind, she went to guzzle the rest but Simon stopped her and took a sip. He all but chocked on his one mouthful

“My god! Wraith! What the fuck is this!” Simon said in shock as well.

“I specifically made it with Mahalia in mind, I didn't think she chug half the bottle in under a minute. You are going to be feeling that pretty soon.” Lash said with a grimace, as Ivy started to give a full belly laugh.

“Mahalia blitzed drunk is one of my favorite past times!” Ivy said with a smirk. Beep...Beep...A soft alert went over the communication network.

“Agent Wraith, please report to Operations.” Vici's voice said over the intercom. Ivy groaned audibly as Lash stood up, he pouted and refused to let go.

“Kiss first!” She said, and Lash rolled his four eyes but relented and gave her a kiss. She squealed in delight. Though it was hard to give goodbye kiss when he had a snout instead of a human face.

“Be safe all of you.” Lash said as he broke his kiss with Ivy, they all waved at him as he left the room towards the main elevators.

Always moving, always working. It was nice to see his friends again. Though he would have to physically go check on Skaleg, and his daughter Marie. They would both still be protected under Warden law so they would be safer than most mundanes. Ivy was different than he expected but he figured she was acting differently for him. It was cute, but he honestly preferred the confidant adult version over the cute and bashful. Points to bring up later.

Lash walked across the main floor and saw that the envoy's had left the station. He brought up a holographic log and saw they went back to their countries with simple information about the invasion. Out of curiosity he checked his Dream Points. He got another 10 DP from the envoys when they told their governments the situation. So his total DP was 50, his credit card was automatically paid off first so that meant he had an extra 16 DP from the card. Almost there!

He reached operations and saw Vigil standing over the main display holographic. She wore her standard military ABU's in urban camouflage, boots, and wrap around head display for additional information. Her short silver hair was pulled to one side of her face, her gun metal eyes looked up as he walked in. He stopped short of the holographic display and bowed to her. She nodded in return and brought up the mission brief.

“You are headed for Japan, Tokyo. One of our new sub-satellites picked up a meta-gene bloom of energy from a teleporter class. We have confirmed sightings of black armored individuals attempting to kill what appears to be a meta-human that can control machines. Specifically a suit of armor, and several floating drones. Friend or Foe is unknown, but the individual as been seen guarding civilians. Which the black armored soldiers seem to be using against them. Get in, assist, and see if they are willing to join up. Capture the soldiers if possible, if not, keep them mostly intact for information gathering.” Vigil said, as she pointed out a sky high view of a modern city that had zero power.

“Do we know how the meta-human was able to get their suit working? Or should we assume that is there power?” Lash said, as he more or less answered is own question.

“Unknown, but we should assume it is there power. If you can do a full scan of the suit maybe the know something we don't. Head out as soon as you can!” Vigil replied, Lash nodded and headed towards the portal hub B.

“Vici, how is the Rift scanning going?” Lash asked softly as he walked towards the hub.

“Progress is slow, Father. It is rather intensive use of my processing power. However, I estimate that if we can bring me up to grade E it should make the task easier.” Vici replied softly in return.

“Please be safe, Father!” Vici said to Lash in his ear.

“I'll try, please initiate spring jump.” Lash replied and stood on the hub, the spell script began to coil around him.

“You are being dropped just outside the AO in a city park. Good luck!” Vigil came over the intercom right before the spell script jumped up and down. With a pop! Lash found himself in a small garden with a broken stone bridge, several dead bodies in a pond, and a incredibly surprised civilian looking at Lash. Lash flashed his UNWS badge.

“Where is the fight?” He said in japanese to the man, the man stuttered for a moment and pointed. A larger explosion rang out, almost as if saying 'I'm here' in the correct moment.

“Thank you for your time!” Lash dropped to all fours and sprinted through the city part towards the fight.

Along the way through the city streets Lash noticed a few things. He had never been to Tokyo, or Japan for that matter. Most the city was very neat, compact, and functional. A collection of beige, tan, or simple gray colors. The next thing he noticed was all the advertisements! Holy crap, every sign was huge, and full of information. He was sure it would look amazing if they had power. Along with vending machines for food, and drinks at nearly every corner.

Lash turned a corner and saw a different picture. From what he had seen Tokyo was a very clean city. What he saw ahead was not clean. Several dozen bodies lay across the concrete with gaping holes in their bodies. Holes in the road, sidewalks and nearby buildings were the resulted of explosions, and stray bullets, and energy blasts. A child was crying over their parents trying get them to wake up. Lash galloped over to the child. The boy couldn't have been older then eight years old, he didn't blink at Lash as the giant lizard with grip reaper attire came up to him.

Magical Perception activated and about half the bodies still had a soul tether attached to them. Including the kids parents. Lash carefully rolled the kids parents over, he screamed in panic and tried to fight him. Lash used Calm Emotions on the kid. Who continued to fight him, but was not as horrified anymore.

“Please, step back. I can help them wake up!” Lash said as gently as he could. The kid stepped back, and tried to clean his eyes.

Lash cast Nature's Kiss first, and focusing on the major wounds over the superficial. Gaping holes closed, and organs regrew thanks to Regrowth. Then he cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement on the bodies before he at last cast Kiss of the Grave on them both. With a shuddering gasp both of the parents snapped awake. Their silver soul tethers yanking them back into the bodies.

“Aaaahhhh!” The kid wailed and tackled his mother and father in surprise. They both looked shock and hugged their son. The parents looked over at Lash in surprise but some part of them remembered him helping them. Another explosion rocked the whole area.

“Get to cover!” Lash said as he raced to the next body with a soul tether intact.

Another ten minutes past and Lash was at half energy, but he had saved about thirty lives. While the rest didn't have souls to pull back into their bodies. Two of the recently dead were police officers that offered to take the survivors to a shelter. All of the survivors kept calling Lash, 'Kami' which made him chuckle. He raced down the street and came to a large intersection that was the battlefield for today. He used Connectivity and linked up with the satellites and looked down. A six man team of the alternate reality invaders were marked with red IFF tags, while the giant robotic suit, along with several drones were marked yellow for unknown.

The invading soldiers had a gray color under armor polymer suit close to what the League would wear. Then they were covered in half metal plate armor that was pure black, that almost seem to absorb light instead of reflect it. Each soldier appeared to have an official job like a normal military unit. A commander, medic, sniper, assault, engineer, and communications. The commander was the biggest out of all of them and apparently a meta-human. As he was going toe to toe with the giant machine, while his unit covered his back.

The sniper kept teleporting across the field and taking shots at exposed armor joints. The assault unit stayed with the medic, and communications. But continued to take shots at the suit of armor. While the engineer was setting up a turret. The medic, was working on healing the communication soldier. While the communications had a forearm wrist computer out. They seem to be trying to hack the drones and kept failing.

The suit and possible ally was ten feet tall and looked like a gundam? Or a samurai in full science fiction gear. It had a demonic face mask, with horns coming out of its head. It had a katana, and a wakizashi strapped to its waist. While it wielded a naginata pole arm, the edge looked like it was covered in energy. The color scheme was bright red, with pink highlights, and the armor clearly looked female. With the smaller that average waist, and breast armor. Surrounding the mechanical suit were drones with...Camera's!? They were not fire support but camera crews. Crap.... Lash rubbed his face. Why did he get the impression that the pilot would put this up on social media one day.

Lash still understood why the invaders were trying to take out the camera drones. Anonymity was their ally right now. The longer they stayed in the shadows the better. Lash used Earth Swim and swam through the concrete towards this targets. He was slow and steady as he reached out with Connectivity and attempted to link up with the soldiers. FLASH! A burst of pain as his consciousness hit a firewall in the connection. It had been a long time since he met such a massive security system. His whole body sizzled with heat but soon healed.


“What was that!?” The communications officer shouted in surprise as his computer sent a warning.

“What is it?” The medic said with concern as she finished with the suture. She sprayed a clear coat of something that sealed up the hole in the armor.

“Something powerful just tried to hack my system. Didn't come from the drones!” The communication soldier replied.

“This is taking to long! This woman must be stalling!” The assault soldier said, as he stood up around the wall and took another spray onto the suit. He pulled around and stood flat against the wall. Then a giant scaled hand wrapped around his head from from the wall and sent a massive electric shock through his whole body!


“Gaaaaaaaaaah!” The assault soldier screamed in agony but didn't drop as Lash had hopped.

Holy crap, he was a meta-human too! He had low grade superhuman durability. The medic, and communications officer jumped from the wall and started firing into the wall. Electromagnetic AP rounds tore the wall apart. Lash let the soldier go and slipped back, and into the ground. He swam under the assault soldier and moved towards the medic.

“Commander we have another enhanced!” The communication soldier said into his radio. With a flash! The teleporter showed up in the alley way, while the commander kept fighting with the mechanical suit.

The assault soldier's entire body was smoking, and electrical static energy danced along his armor. The medic jumped to her feet, ran over and jacked a lead into his armor. Reading through the information she was shocked by the information she saw. Omega Energy levels detected, her eyes flipped open in horror!

“Fuck!” The communications soldier screamed in panic as as two scaled hands pulled him into the solid concrete like it was mud. Then he was stuck in the concrete as if he had always been there, from the neck down was inside the concrete.

“The fucker is trying to capture us!” The teleporter raced over and touched the head of the communications soldier. They both flashed from the spot and came back a few feet away. A man sized hole in the ground next to them.

“Well that's annoying...” Lash said out loud. They all jumped around looking for his voice.

“Commander! We have Omega Energy levels here!” The medic screamed, and the whole unit flipped into panic mode.

A blue Psionic Blade erupted from center mass of the teleporter. A massive electrical shock went through his whole body. He screamed in absolute agony and dropped like a rag doll as the blade was pulled out. Still alive but out for the count for next few minutes....or maybe hours? Lash's Invisibility faded with his action and all of the invading soldiers got a emergency read out.

OMEGA RED! ALERT! OMEGA RED! Their user interface screamed at them. To late, so sad! As Lash sprinted forward with his Psionic Blade of blue energy. He cleaved through the communications soldier, the electrical pulse from his Technomancy Domain passive was being channeled through the blade. The man screamed and dropped to the ground, unconscious.

Lash whipped his bladed tail out and slashed across the medic, leaving a sizable gash through most of her armor and sent her crashing through the wall. The assault soldier screamed in fury and tackled Lash center mass. They went through the opposite wall together, Lash fell backwards and planted his foot in the midsection of the assault. He kicked up and over him. The assault went with the roll, flipped over and stood up he raised both his arms up, and two tactical shotguns in his gauntlets fired high explosive rounds straight into Lash.

Lash screamed in pain as the high ex rounds blasted him back, and bathed his body in corrosive fire. He several prompts from True Body, Superhuman Durability, and Damage Resistance. He reached out with Telekinesis and flung the assault soldier up and through the front window, catapulted him down the street. Where he landed Lash wasn't sure because he started taking fire from the engineer's turret. A tripe barrel mini gun shooting a hundreds of armor piercing rounds.

Lash reached out with Machine Control and the turret stopped firing, the legs to its emplacement reached out and wrapped around the engineer who screamed in surprise. As the metal coiled around him trying its best to keep him captured. When the tri barrel gun pointed straight at him, he stopped moving. Lash stumbled out of the building back to the main intersection, blood pouring from his many wounds that soon turn to smoke as it always did. His wounds were healing quickly thanks to Regeneration.

A resounding clang rang out in the street as the seven foot tall commander pushed back the samurai robotic suit. The commander turned around and sprinted towards Lash. Lash activated Personal Time and quickly crafted a Nth metal spear, as everything outside his bubble had slowed to a crawl. He took up a position and turned off the time spell, in sync he threw the spear out. Weapon Master sent him a tick of experience as the spear raced out and nailed the commander through his left side of his chest. He went flying backwards, and was nailed to a wall. The samurai lowered its pole arm to the commanders neck and in not so many words told him not to move.

Lash hobbled his way towards the medic, she was barely moving. She had sprayed what looked like a nano-machine spray across her wound that was attempting to close the wound. Lash walked up and extended a blue Psionic Blade with a swift motion Lash stabbed into her back and electrified her. She screamed in agony and passed out. Lash stumbled out of the building and walked over to the commander.

The man was screaming in pain as he tried to pull the Nth metal spear out. But the thing wouldn't move. It almost appeared to be stuck to him, as if the thing knew its creator thought them an enemy. Lash loved Nth metal! Lash reached up and touched the tail end of the spear and sent a massive shock through it. The squad leader screamed for nearly a minute before he passed out. Lash used Conjuration-Manifestation and called to of his Elites. Two portals opened up and seven foot tall Saurian Elites stepped out. The suit of armor stepped back in surprise.

“Find the assault soldier and bring him back, preferably alive but dead if necessary.” Lash said, the Elites saluted and sprinted off on all fours to track their pray down.

Lash walked over to the engineer who was silently trying to get free but was electrified into dream land before he could move much further. Lash pulled the turret off, and the thing wrapped around him like a snake or a monkey. Lash gently patted the turrets main turret barrel as he looked back at the suit of armor.

“Hello I am Agent Wraith, with the United Nations World Security, and the Justice League International. May I please know your name?” Lash asked in japanese though he was sure he forgot proper customs and speech patterns, as he bowed from his waist. He bit back a groan of pain as his body was still healing.

'Found, incapacitated, coming back.' -One of the Elites sent across a telepathic message. Lash used Conjuration-Manifestation again and called five Saurus Veterans. They stepped from the portals awaiting orders.

“Gather them up, they are going back to the tower to the prison cells for interrogation.” Lash directed his summons. They saluted and went to work, as Lash opened his hand and the Nth metal spear came flying back to his palm.

The entire time he had done that the camera drones flew back to the suit of armor and slid into a compartment in the suit. At last the suit released a pressure seal and started to open up. A blue energy barrier deployed in front of the open cockpit, smart. A woman stepped out onto the chest plate looking at Lash. She was 5'8” with clean black hair with a red ribbon tied into a braid that went between her shoulders. Pale jade skin, crystal blue eyes, with hour glass athletic figure. Her armor was form fitting. With main color blue, and white highlights along her armored plates that covered her vitals. She had a half face mask on, that covered her lower part of her face. That looked similar to her suit of armor. She reached into her cockpit and put on her own set of swords at her hip.

“I am, Onna-Bugeisha. You may call me Isha, Agent Wraith. Thank you for saving my life.” She stood straight up, and bowed from her waist. Lash cast Insight on her.

Name: N/A Code Name: Onna-Bugeisha aka Isha. VI Avatar.

Title: Samurai, Oath Keeper, Metal Warrior, Original 500.

Origin: Meta-Gene.

Rank: C+ (Bordering on B-)

Skills: Tech Genius, Martial Artist, Weapon Master, (See tool tip)

Powers: Technological Constructs, Partial Machine Control, Enhanced Inventing, (See tool tip)

Domains: N/A

Racial Trait: N/A

Disposition: Friendly

Comment: Isha, is one of the original 500 that had yet to start over, or die. She is strong, intelligent, confident woman. That may have a thing for broadcasting her fights on social media. She has one known weakness....Kittens!

Lash was momentarily struck dumb. One of the original 500. So the User who made this VI Avatar was like him. Never started over, never died. But recently that had changed to 355, made him wonder which one she was. But that would be different in his world, he would do his best to keep her alive and well. Isha finished her bow, and looked over as the Elites brought back the assault soldier who was unconscious. She looked back at Lash, she raised a single brow in question.

“Lady Isha, may you be interested in joining the Justice League, Japan branch?” Lash asked, as he dismantled his Nth metal spear. Isha watched the spear turn into metallic goop that was tucked away to parts unknown.

“I wouldn't have to leave my homeland?” Isha asked, her tone hard as if his response anything but would result in a no.

“Not at all. Many different levels of activity in the League. But joining up would help give you more information in the long term.” Lash replied, as he created a holographic window and sent it over to her. Isha was momentarily surprised, but composed herself quickly as the holographic window showed her the information.

“As you have saved my life, and have offered a worthwhile endeavor I will apply to be a reservist.” Isha accepted, and sent the window back.

Lash made a JLI holographic wrist phone and threw it to her. He assumed she could make something far better for herself. A soft alert came through to both of them as several spring jump coils appeared in the intersection. Six soldier androids appeared, fresh from the third Droid Service modules. They started to apply meta-human inhibitors, and restraints to the invaders. Isha was playing with the holographic checking it over while Lash looked around the ruined intersection.

“Agent Wraith...” Isha called to him, he turned around to look at her. She seemed a little shy, not sure how to ask a question. Lash waited for a few minutes until she thought of a way to say it.

“Can you....Restore power to the city before you leave?” Isha asked.

“Yes, can you lead me to the main power generator?” Lash replied, Isha's eyes turned into crescents so Lash knew she was smiling. She jumped back into her suit and the cockpit closed.

Lash recalled his Manifestation troops. Portals opened and they jumped in. The android soldiers one by one collected and spring jumped the invaders to the Watch Tower prison cells. They soon went with them. Isha knelt down in her armor and held out her hand. Lash climbed aboard then grinned as wings extended from her armor, and magnetic propulsion activated. They took off towards the nearest power center.


Ten minutes after everyone left a shimmer of light materialized into an invading infiltrator soldier. They were perched on a rooftop several city blocks away, but still had clear line of sight on the intersection. They had also got the Omega Red alert. They tapped into their forearm computer, jacked into a small cylinder tube that a foot tall, and six inches around. Once the information was set, the infiltrator twisted the cylinder as two lines of code lined up in the center. A small flash, and a tiny Rift swallowed the cylinder. The infiltrator reactivated their stealth field and left in a hurry.


***Alternate Earth, Emperor Rofl Dex Palace***

A grand metallic room nearly as large as a foot ball field stood mostly empty except for a large metal desk, that projected dozens of holographic windows. Several cybernetically enhanced tech-meta's sat at the metal desk typing into their holographic interfaces. While their brains processed information quickly and efficiently. Suddenly an alert went through that swallowed every window in flashing red.


The windows said, the tech-meta's all froze in place for a brief moment. Then began to pull all relevant information about the alert onto their screens. One by one the screens all slowly linked together to make a giant viewing screen. There on a soldiers interface was an eight foot tall lizard creature wearing a grip reaper outfit. Four yellow green reptilian eyes stared back, with blue energy coming out of its hands. Omega energy readings spiked on the read. A shattering crash of glass echoed through the whole room. The soldier all looked back and saw the Emperor had entered the room with out a sound. He stood in shock at the image.

“Wraith....” Emperor Rofl Dex said through gritted teeth.

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