Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 81: Devour, Consume, Evolve!


******Alberta, Canada Alpha Rift FOB*******

The Alpha Rift Commander stood at attention at the top level of the operations tower. He looked over the assembled armies of their world. Standing in perfect unity row by row of soldiers at attention waiting for the first call of battle. A technician in the command tower sent a holographic window to the commander. It showed the count down of the different Electromagnetic pulse bombs spread through out the world. They had focused on major city centers, places of wealth, power, and influence. One by one the EMP bombs went off in a glorious radiant blue energy blast that covered the cities, and left behind a static charge that would last several days.

“Zeta Red! Zeta Blue! Zeta Green! Front and center!” Alpha Commander shouted through the communications relay. Three teams of six stepped forward, each clad in jet black armor plates. Each one with the insignia of meta-gene.

“You understand your orders?” The Commander asked.

“YES SIR!” The teams shouted as one.

“Zeta Teams, move out!” The Commander shouted. Each team gave a crisp salute and the teleporter assigned to each team swallowed them up in a combination of light, smoke, or miniature rift.

The entire base when from standby to yellow alert. The Generals issued the orders to all of their respective units. One by one each legion moved to their positions. First to the field would be the meat puppets. Cannon fodder humans that didn't survive the augmentation process, little more than bio-mechanical robots with a unit controller.

Next would go the actual robotic units, with a rigid skeleton structure, wires, synthetic muscles, and VI chips with another unit controller to help control and check them. Tech-Meta's were incredibly rare but incredibly useful. One Tech-Meta could control over a hundred units at once time with in a hundred mile radius. The controller would wear a full mechanical suit to protect them. The suits nearly 8 feet tall of metal alloy, wires, batteries, and of course a full smart chip VI system. They were walking tanks.

Behind them were the true soldiers of the Empire! Special operations units all of them augmented with the best cybernetics their world could produce. While each squad leader was a strong man meta, with basic augments. Meta-Gene was a powerful thing, but Meta combined with tech was far superior! Each spec ops teams were wearing the best composite armor and polymer suits with the latest software, and IFF patch networks.

Last but not least was the transportation crews of troops, supplies, and prisoners. Any commander of an army would tell you that you can't win a war with out information, soldiers, and logistics. For every one soldier you need five auxiliary units helping. The armored personal carriers had both tank treads, and magnetic hover craft capabilities. With partial active camouflage to keep them hidden. While the airfield would be finished in the next 24 hours.

“Soldiers of the Empire! The light is GREEN!” The Commander shouted! The base went from yellow to green with the shout and the soldiers cheered! They moved out in perfect sync. To begin their invasion.

“May our children's, children forgive us...” The Commander said in a soft whisper.


*****Washington DC, the Oval Office*****

The President of the United States was not having a good day. Of course that was pretty normal lately. With the changes in the global national power table being literally flipped over as new nations seemingly coming out of no where changing the entire dynamic. Thankfully, each new nation seemed to be friendly, and even helpful towards the American people. Themyscira the island nation of the Amazons from Greek myth were real! An entire nation of super model women all capable of bench pressing a car. They played a huge role in beating back the alien invasion from the warlord Ares. Of course the President knew better. They weren't aliens, but creatures from myth and legend. But the public didn't know that!

Then a massive tidal wave struck every coast in the world, an act of violence by the people of Atlantis by their now dead, Prince Orm. Only for the entire nation to apologize and wish to join the United Nations thanks to the efforts of a single alien known to the world as Agent Wraith. It was terrifying on so many levels. For decades America, China, and Russia were considered the power houses of the world. Now that line had changed. Atlantis put all three nations to shame!

Then on top of all that. They had the new meta-gene phenomenon. Humans, wild life, and plant life absorbing dark matter into their bodies. A very small percentage of them change, mutate, and become stronger. Super powered individuals like in science fiction, and comic books that his kids read. Then there was Superman! An alien with vast personal power that seemed to be on the side of justice, and good. But the President couldn't control the man! No one could! He did his own thing! At least Wraith worked for the United Nations!

“Mr. President? Are you alright?” One of his aids in the office asked. They were in the middle o a meeting. They had just finished talking about the oil spill of the coast of Rio.

“I...Yes, I'm sorry. I think I need a vacation.” The President said with a frown. The whole room sympathized with him.

With a POP! And a FLASH! Of electric blue light pulsed through the whole room. The power was cut out, and several people shouted in surprise. Thomas, and older man that had worked for the white house for years dropped as his pacemaker stopped working. Cell phones turned off, the land lines were dead. People shouted in fright and before the President could tell them all to calm down another flash of light erupted in the oval office. Suddenly six people in full sci fi tactical gear appeared in the office.

“What is the mea-!” The President tried to shout before one of the soldiers sliced the president in half with his hand. A purple energy laced across the soldiers arm, creating an energy blade that cut the president from hip to shoulder. Separating the two halves, with a blooming flower of red blood that showered the office.

The Rift Soldiers jumped into action killing everyone they could find, and broke down the doors of the oval office. They had a list of people they needed to die as quickly as possible. This was considered a suicide mission but it needed to be done. As long as they succeeded their families would be set for life! One by one their targets fell to them.

“Zeta Red! Mission complete, no casualties! Reform and move out!” The team leader said over their comms. With in a minute the group of six came together. Covered in blood, bullet holes that never penetrated through their armor, and a few flash burns.

“This may be easier than we thought! This world has meta-humans but they haven't been assimilated into the military yet.” The team leader said softly, his unit chuckled softly. Their teleporter expanded their energy field and Zeta Red teleported to their next assignment.


One by one the leaders of the most powerful nations across the globe were assassinated by the Zeta Teams. Their pitiful defense could not withstand special operations units with trained meta-human soldiers. With the most advanced gear of three worlds combined. Once the leaders of the nations were killed they moved to powerful and influential business owners. That was when they hit a problem...

Rakakakakakaka! The Zeta Green team leader placed his gauss rifle pressed flush to his shoulder and aimed down the sights. He lined up the shot, and fired in short controlled bursts to maintain his aim. The thing in front of him that was tearing apart his team was not slowing down! It was a ten foot creature with green skin, huge tusks, and tribal clothing. Leather straps around its arms, and legs, with bones, teeth, braided in. Its eyes burned bright red with glee as it enjoyed the fight.

It smashed their units strong man into a pulp straight into the ground. It whipped around and roared into the night with a shout of triumph. Then script made from some sort of energy pulsated from its body flashed and suddenly the creatures was quick as one a low level speedster. It propelled itself from team member to team member. Ripping them limb from limb.

“Warning! Omega Energy detected! Find clear line of sight and report back immediately!” The team leaders VI smart chip beeped at him. The team leaders went wide! Their teleporter sprinted back to him, grabbed his shoulder and wished him luck.

“No, don't!” The team leader shouted! But it was to late. He was standing at the randevu point. Alone, with out his team covered in their blood. He dropped to his knees and sobbed for his fallen team mates. They had trained together for years, he had survived which to him was worse.

“Zeta Green to dispatch, priority message incoming. Make secure!” The team leader didn't mob for long.

“Secure is go, report!” The Rift Commander said across the line.

“My team is down! We encountered an Omega Energy level being.” The team leader said across comms.

“Confirmed! Standby for pick up.” The Rift Commander replied.


The Rift Commander shuddered in fear, and a little bit of hope as well. He turned to look at his communication officer who had over heard the conversation. The officer had a horrified look on his face, pale as the moon as the blood left his face. The Rift Commander went to the holographic window relay back to their home with a priority message.

“This is Alpha Rift Commander. We have a Omega Energy level being confirmed on Earth-004. Send the Witch Hunters.” The Commander said across the communication line. In less then ten seconds he got a response.

Omega-Energy-Being confirmed. Witch Hunters being dispatched. ETA two hours...

“This just got more complicated...” The Commander said with a growl.


*****Watch Tower*****

They were blind, deaf, and dumb up at the station. It had been six hours since the EMP's went off across the globe. Thankfully the EMP's didn't cover the ocean, so they were able to get a message down to Aquaman, and Aquawoman. A static field was left behind by the bombs that prevented teleportation down to the surface where ever one of the bombs had gone off. But they had determined that it would dissipate with in 48 hours from the initial explosion. But anything electrical that entered the field would shut down.

Hawkman, and Hawkwoman, along with every League member aboard the station took a spring jump down to an Atlantis ship and were in the process of moving back to America to defend their home. Lash stayed aboard the station because the static field would cause him a lot of pain thanks to his Technomancy Domain.

One by one they had to shut down their own sub-satellites and recall them back to the station. Why? Because with in a few hours of the EMP's going off two life forms which they could assume were Kryptonians from the alternate reality flew up and started to destroy every single satellite earth had made. Thanks to both technology, and magic the Watch Towers sub-satellites could maintain an active camouflage but they didn't want to take any chances.

Because of the Space Domain, Vici could move the whole station with out firing a single thruster. Yes, it was incredibly slow but they didn't make a single heat bloom for which the kryptonians could detect. Even with the turrets installed, Lash was reasonably sure that just one of them could destroy the station if they wanted to. So, Lash went to the main core and poured his magical energy into it to help Vici hide, and move away at a quicker pace. The last thing they needed was for one of them to simply bump into an invisible station.

The Core was on the second saucer next to the Armory, and Security modules. The door to the Armory was wide open and in the frame was another VI Unique Android. Hastam stood at 7 feet tall, and wide as a door. Unlike his brothers, and sisters on the station he kept his robotic look. His voice was a cold, male synthetic voice. His body was a combination of geometric triangles. His head was upside down triangle with the point as his neck, with red sensor eyes on the side corners. Another upside down triangle for his body, with rectangular leg, and arm attachments. Covered in armored plates. He had three fingered hands, and three fingered toes. With jet black, and hot rod red as his color scheme.

Despite the bulky description he was very streamlined. With smooth transitions between each piece. Along with the fact that he was practically a moving tank, with dozens of weapons, tools, and gear implanted in his body. He could build, repair, and create ammunition for any weapon stored in the Armory module.

“Grrrrrrr! Grand Father, how are you feeling?” Hastam said, he would always create a mechanical grating noise before he spoke. Like a machine trying to clear their throat.

“I am tired, Hastam. I had hoped we would have more time.” Lash replied. He was sitting cross legged in front of the core. Spell script surrounded him in bands of magic, that slowly revolved around him.

“Grrrrrr! It will be another thirty two hours before every turret has a kryptonite composite shots available. We will not be caught unprepared again.” Hastam's cold voice responded, not understanding what Lash had meant.

The sound of a fluttering cloak was all that was heard as the VI Unique Android from the Security module appeared next to Lash with a cup of hot chai. They offered the glass to Lash who accepted the drink gratefully. The whispering sound of cloth flapping in the wind was heard once more as Hex appeared at the door leading to the Security module.

Hex was an interesting android. They were 5'9” with a physique that was neither male, nor female. Androgynous was the word! They were covered from head to toe in layered black cloth. With black flexible polymer plates down their arms, legs, and body. They had a genderless voice that was smooth, and soft as a whisper. Though no matter how quiet they were you could still clearly hear them. They wore a long trench coat, with a hood that kept their face in permanent shadow. Hex favored the Illusion Domain, Lash was sure that they had gone further into the Domain than he had.

Vici, along with the Unique VI Androids all had access to his Domains. But they could practice what every they chose on their own time. So it was completely possible that some of the Androids could surpass him when it came to his Domains. Hex was one of those that had with in the Illusion Domain. Something incredibly useful when you were in charge of the security on the station. Lash finished his chai, and Hex took back the empty glass with out a word. Before Lash could continue channeling his energy straight into Vici's core he heard from Vigil.

“They are gone, we'll give it another few hours before we re release the sub-satellites. But we are going to power up the main systems.” Vigil's strong warrior woman voice sounded off across the station.

Lash stood up in a fluid motion. The stations core closed and sealed up. Merging once more into the wall of the station. Unless you know what to look for, the core was just another part of the station. Hastam went back to work in the Armory. Working to produce the ammunition they would need for the coming battles. Hex... Was gone, Lash hadn't even seen them leave.

The elevator took twice as long to get to the main saucer as one by one the main systems went back online. They had turned everything none essential off just in case. Better safe than sorry! The station was still considered F+ grade. Erik thought it was a lot like difference between low level, and high level green gear in most games. Level 60 green gear was far better than level 10 green. Yes, it was still green which was often a low tier item. But it was a high level low tier item.

“Vici, if we could get your upgrade key. Would you need to shut down completely to upgrade or could we do it gradually?” Lash said out loud in the elevator. It took about a minute before she responded.

“I believe because the station is bio-mechanical, I could gradually update all my systems with out shutting down completely. However, it would reduce the overall efficiency of the station itself. I share your worry, Father. If we shut down all the systems to do the upgrade we would be left in the open, we also would not be able to help our allies on the surface. Though with the static field in place now would be the best time to put the station at half. Do you have the key, now?” Vici asked, her voice fill with curiosity and hope. Lash checked his available Dream Points.... 15.

“Not yet...But hopefully soon. We have no idea how long this will last. The higher your overall grade is the better.” Lash replied, his voice full of worry.

The elevator doors opened up, and the station was slowly breathing back to life. The worker droids that belong to the Engineering module were scampering around attempting to do some last minute check ups. Lash walked across the saucer towards that specific module to speak to Malleus the VI Unique Android in charge of the stations engineering.

Malleus was a 6' even black skinned man, with golden amber eyes, shoulder length black dreads, with a black smiths body type. Strong arms, broad chest, and massive thighs from moving heavy equipment around. He had a large cigar in his mouth that he chewed on softly as he blew huge smoke rings out while he worked. He wore the black pants, and boots of an environmental suit. While his chest and arms were naked. The other half of the suit no where to be found. The main engineering module was essentially a massive workshop that oversaw all the maintenance aboard the station.

“Grandfatha welcome! wah mi cya duh fi yuh todeh” Malleus said with a big grin as he pulled Lash in for a hug. His massive arms wrapping around him. Lash replied in kind and laughed gently at Malleus personality.

“If we can get the upgrade key for the Vici. How much of an issue would it before the stations operations while the station basically grows into itself?” Lash asked, as he let go of Malleus. The android leaned back. He puffed another smoke ring from his mouth as he did the calculations.

“Fi be pan di safe side mi wud ongle tek wi dung tuh 75% But dat wud mean it wud tek nearly a month fi di upgrade tuh complete itself.” Malleus replied, as he walked over to a holographic window and drew up the calculations for Lash to see.

“But eff yuh did pan di station wid wi wi cud cut dat dung tuh two weeks.” Malleus said in return. He took out his cigar and looked over the window with Lash by his side.

“Could you start making the preparations now. That way once we get the key we can start the change immediately.” Lash asked, Malleus chewed on his cigar for a bit. Then he nodded.

“Ya mon!” Malleus replied with a grin.

“Alright! May I please borrow a work station. I promised some Amazons some elite gear.” Lash asked, and Malleus lead him to a private work station. Full of tools, materials, and even an enchanting station.


****Alberta Canada, Alpha Rift FOB****

16 hours after initial attacks the Alpha Rift fluctuated with energy and the local reads out spiked with Omega Energy readings. A unit of ten soldiers stepped from the Rift. Clad in armored plates, long coats, and robes. Those with robes had several visible enchantments written on the cloth. They carried staffs made from oak, ash, cherry. While the others in coats were a little more practical. They still had enchantments on their clothing, but they carried side arms, and rifles. The man in the lead had sandy blond hair, blue eyes, several scars from tiny, to jagged decorated his face. He took out his lighter and lit up a cigarette.

“Smell that lads! Fresh air! None of that processed stuff!” Constantine said to his people. He got a few grumbles in reply. Constantine inhaled some nicotine as he watched the Rift Commander walk over to him.

“Oie! Stewart! How you been mate?” Constantine asked the Commander who paused mid step. Then growled in response as he walked the rest of the way.

“Nice to see you to, Constantine. Still an asshole?” The Commander asked, as he stood with perfect posture compared to the slouching Constantine.

“Yep! I'm an asshole, and a bastard! But at least I'm that way because I choose to be! Unlike the rest of these puppets!” Constantine said, as he waved at the soldiers moving around the base. The Commander stiffened, he wanted to break Constantine's jaw for that remark.

“So, where did this magic beast show up? London? Please say its London! Maybe me and the mates can get a pint before shit hits the fan!” Constantine said, a smile on his face. But a glimmer of sadness in his eyes.

“As a matter of fact, it was in London. You'll ship out after you speak to the squad leader of Zeta Green.” The Commander said.

“Yessss! You hear that mates! We are going back to marry ole England!”Constantine said with a smirk, several of his people cheered softly.

“No screw ups, Constantine. I would hate to tell the Emperor that you betrayed us!” The Commander said with a grimace. Constantine's good nature smile melted from his face. He glared at The Commander.

“Don't you ever threaten me, Stewart. I know my job, and what is at stake. Now piss off! Me and the lads have work to do!” Constantine said as he walked past The Commander.

Unlike the rest of the soldiers in the Emperor's army. Magic users couldn't be mind controlled. Something about the Omega Energy levels prevented the tech from working. So, the Emperor did the next best thing. He capture their families instead and held them hostage. If Constantine went against his orders then his kids would suffer for it. John Stewart hated himself for threatening Constantine like that. But his reconditioning had been effective. Long live the Emperor Rofl Dex.


Lash finished with the first gear set for one of the Amazons in Red team. Malleus had been looking over his shoulder from time to time checking out his work. Adding some ideas, and asking questions. Lash was surprised to see his Skill/Power/Spell Trainer prompt with experience as Malleus watched.

Technomagical Contruct, Gear Set.

Rating: A-

Material: Orichalcum, Nth Metal, Mithril, Tiberium, Kryptonite.

Effect: 50% decrease of negative spell effects.

Effect: 50% increase of positive spell effects.

Effect: 50% absorption of Kinetic, and Energy effects.

Effect: Physiology Adaptation.

Effect: Size Alteration (5)

Effect: Liquid Tiberium power core.

Effect: Thanagar Nth Metal, partial gravity negation, partial flight, temperature generation (Optimal levels for user), partial self-sustenance, partial symbiosis, partial magic negation.

Spell Effects Nature Domain: Auto Cast, Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Chameleon, Nature's Kiss.

Spell Effects Technomancy Domain: Connectivity, Compression Transformation, Virtual Intelligence.

Spell Effects Synthesis Domain: Renew, Immaculate, Re:Implant.

Spell Effects Space Domain: Infinite Supply.

Spell Effects Grave Domain: Unburden.

Spell Effects Transmutation Domain: Falling Glide, Cat's Grace, Water Walk.

Spell Effects Illusion Domain: Phantasm, Silence, Invisibility, Anonymity, Compulsion, Pain.

Comment: Congratulations! You've created a legendary gear set with so many bells and whistles that you need a hundred page manual to understand it all!

The suit of armor, and weapons made for the Amazon was a mixture of ancient greek armor, and science fiction. It had an under armor skin tight suit that would cover the Amazon from neck to toe. Metal plates covered the entire polymer suit, along with a large necklace piece that could expand to create the entire helmet piece. The color scheme was entirely up to the Amazon as it could change color thanks to the Illusion spells.

It took Lash nearly twenty four hours to make one suit, he had five more to go. Less than twelve hours until the static field dissipated. They had received partial communications from a few people aboard the station. Not only had all of the communication satellites been destroyed, all of the power plants across the world had been sabotaged. On top of a majority of the worlds most powerful and influential leaders had been assassinated!

Lash rubbed his face and got back to work. Now that he had built one gear set, it would take less time to build the next. He was about six hours into the second suit when an alarm went off for incoming spring jumps. Emergency response straight to the medical lab. Lash heard the alert and looked at his tool kit.

“Mi get it Grand Father! nuh bady wi touch it while yuh gone!” Malleus said from his station. Lash bowed from his waist and sprinted out from the engineering hub towards the medical module.

Lash scampered across the station in its lower than earth gravity he practically skipped across the metal plates. He slid to a stop, or tried to as he slid past the medical module. Several VI Avatar league members watched him slide by with a surprise look on their faces. Then Lash slipped through the door to see what all the fuss was about. He froze in place as he watched Ethan try his best to manipulate the mechanical arms to perform surgery on Fantasma.

Fantasma was a bloody mess, with his left arm had been ripped off. His legs were like a bag of marbles, nothing more. His chest cavity was crushed inwards, his organs decimated. But despite it all the man had a smile on his face. Lash activated his Magical Perception he looked at Fantasma's body and didn't see a soul cord attached to him. The soul cord would let Lash pull on it to retrieve Fantasma. He could use Kiss of the Grave to bring him back. But he couldn't find it! Lash dropped to his knees in shock. Fantasma was dead....

“Stop...Ethan. His soul is gone...Even if you repaired his body it wouldn't bring him back.” Lash voice was cold and distant. Ethan blatantly ignored Lash and continued to work on him.

Behind Lash was a young Justice League member. She was about 5'5” with short brown hair above her shoulders. With a modest figure, wearing a full polymer under armor, and uniformed suit. The standard equipment that the Tower gave out to new recruits who had passed the security check. She had fallen to her knees and was sobbing. Her face in her hands, as her shoulders shook.

“Flint Lock.... Who did this?” Lash asked the League member. Flint Lock so named because of her ability to kinetically charge any piece of material and shoot it. It supposedly looked like an old flint lock rifle firing. As a spark was made, and a puff of smoke remained.

Flint Lock looked up startled that Lash knew her name. Her eyes were red, and she had a horrible bruising around her neck, and right side of her face. Her suit was covered in Fantasma's blood, and she sobbed harder when she looked at the remains of Fantasma. Lash used Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on Flint Lock. Her physical injuries faded, but the emotional ones would remain.

“We were in Vegas helping with the rioting. It's a mad house down there, Wraith.” Another League member walked. He was soft spoken, but his eyes were filled with grief and determination as he held Flint Lock. She cried harder into his arms.

“At first we had thought it was the alternate reality. But it wasn't! It was just a few meta-human gangs using the confusion to run wild. A meta that could create and manipulate lava was burning down buildings left and right. Fantasma was teleporting in and out of the buildings trying to save as many as he could. Then....” The man tried to continue.

“It was my fault!” Flint Lock shouted, and cried harder.

“Flint was trying to distract the lava thrower when a big green man came out and tried to crush her. Standard strong man powers. Fantasma ported in and shoved Flint back, the guy....The green guy was working with the lava thrower. We grabbed Fantasma as soon as we could, and found a spot in the desert that was not effected by the static field. Fantasma died before we even left the city.” The man said, as Flint cried and cried.

“Did any of you get a picture of him?” Lash asked, his voice carried the promise of slaughter. The temperature in the room dropped a few degrees.

“Yes!” Bobby Williams walked into the medical module. (Ch. 71) Lash was surprised to see the meta-human. He wore the standard uniform, along with several metal plates, and gizmo's. He tapped on his keypad on his left forearm and brought up both pictures of the red, and green meta-humans that were in Vegas.

“Good to see you, Gear Head. Wish it was under better circumstances.” Lash said, his animalistic voice made Williams smile.

“Me too, sir! We don't know where they are now. But I can give you our last battle location. I'm told you are good at tracking?” Williams said, his hands slowly clenched into fists. Lash stood up and looked down at Flint Lock.

“Do you want to come with me? I plan to kill them both.” Lash said to the woman, who looked up. She nodded, the fires of fury in her eyes.

“Yes...” Flint Lock said, as she slowly stood up.

Lash turned back to look at Fantasma's body. It was almost repaired, Ethan had continued his work. At least they could have an open casket at the funera...Oh crap! What happened to Fantasma's mother!? Lash turned to the group that had returned, some of them looked shell shocked and in no condition to continue.

“I'm going back down to find those that kill Fantasma. Those that want to come please do, those that don't want to fight? Please head to this address. It was Fantasma's mothers home, do right by him by keeping her safe.” Lash offered this mission to the few League members who looked like hollow shells of themselves. They all brightened up at the idea of helping Fantasma's family.

“Let's go!” Lash moved towards the transporter hub.

“Creator! You are being dropped fifty miles outside of the city. Please be aware that the static field will still be present inside the city.” Vici's voice was filled with concern for Lash. She knew that he wouldn't do well there.

“Thank you...Please initiate spring jump.” Lash replied.

Spell script coiled around Flint Lock, Gear Head, and the man named Benandanti. While the others went to find Fantasma's mother. Lash winced at the thought that he never learned the man's name. It felt wrong. With an audible pop! They went from the Watch Tower to Las Vegas, Nevada a few hours before sun set. In the distance was America's playground, and the city was on fire! Next to their drop point was a metal contraption with a few seats, and the smell of Fantasma's blood. This was their vehicle to get out of town. Lash cast Immaculate on the vehicle to remove the scent of blood.

The sound of muscles tearing, and bones popping rang out next to Lash as he looked over. Benandanti. Or just Danti as Flint called him was turning into a anthropomorphic wolf. He was a wolf-man! Because the uniforms had a the Effect: Physiology adaptation. It didn't tear, or fall apart but stayed on him. Once he was finished he was nearly as tall as Lash while in his Transformation state. With thick brown fur, razor sharp claws on his hands, and feet. A big bushy tail, amber eyes, wolf ears, and a snout full of fangs.

Gear Head jumped into the metal scrap vehicle, he placed both his arms into a steering tool with the machine becoming the battery. Flint took the back seat so Lash could take the front. He shook his head at her and gestured for her to take the front. He used his Transformation, and Adaptation to thin his form down. So he was streamlined, made for speed, and agility.

“This is going to feel a little weird!” Lash said in his animalistic voice, as he established a Temporary Pack Bond with all three of them.

'Wow! OK! That was weird! -Danti said across the link.

'What the shit! Why can I hear you, Danti? -Flint said.

'Wraith established a telepathic link between us. This will make communication easier. Our comms were down while in the field before. -Gear said to them all.

'Try and keep up! -Lash said across the link.

Lash dropped to all fours and took off like a bullet, going from zero to 30 mph. That soon climbed to 60....then 80 across the sandy stretch of Nevada. Gear Head propelled his make shift vehicle forward, the massive all terrain tires digging up land. As Danti let loose a howl into the evening light and chased after them. As they ran towards the city portals opened up behind them and out came a flood of 200 Saurus Warriors, and 10 Saurus Veterans. All of them running across the sands on all fours. Though they could not move as fast, they moved at a healthy pace.

A tide of metallic scales, claws, and reptiles rushed towards the city limits of Vegas. Explosions rang out across the high way as a river of cars that had stopped mid drive when the EMP went off. The city was totally dark save for the light from fires, and and the crack of light from different gun shots. Then they made it to the static field and Lash felt like thousands of pins and needles were stabbing at him. His Technomancy Domain partially turned off, and a progress bar showed up (35%) as it tried to compensate for effect of the static field. True Body, and Damage Resistance started to send him experience prompts.

'Holy Fuck! Where did the lizard army come from!' -Flint said across the link.

'They belong to me, they will help secure the city while we go hunting.' -Lash said across the link. As they jumped over a divider and raced into the city.

It was a mad house inside the city, which was saying something for Vegas. People ran across the streets shouting in fear, despair, and hysteria! While thousands more ran around with handfuls of casino chips, bags of money, and of course side arms, and rifles. Each Saurus Veteran, took 10 warriors with them as they split up to aid, and secure the city. While Lash and his team drove straight towards the last battle scene...Fortunately they didn't have to even get back to the scene as they saw an eruption of flame, and lava being sprayed onto a building.

As much as Lash wanted tear the men apart he urged them all to slow down and take stock of the information around them. With out any of the CCTV's working they couldn't get a view of them. So, Lash climbed a nearby building to find a perch. Blissfully there were nearly no one in the streets as most of the civilians took off to get away from the fire. While the rest were criminals taking advantage of the power outage.

Thanks to Gravity Stride Lash climbed the surface of the building like it was the ground and perched on a five story building that was not on fire yet. Down below there was a giant red skinned man throwing balls of lava at a building. While another green man was picking up cars and throwing them at another. Around them were over two dozen mundane humans gathering their loot in several truck beds that were being pulled by civilians that had been captured and chained to the trucks as a crude means of transportation.

Lash sent through the link what he saw, and his plan. Gear Head revved his engine, while Flint Lock loaded up her suits projectile clip for her powers. Danti slipped through the shadows and came to the side of the area. While Lash created a pair of throwing spears, engraved with the rune of pain on each one. Lash took a deep breath, and felt his skill Weapon Master send him an activation prompt. He threw the first one, and quickly threw the second one!

“GAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” The red lava tosser screamed in agony as the spear of pain went straight through his center mass, and nailed him to the ground.

“JIM....GAAAAAAAAA!” The green one shouted in shock, and pain as the second spear impaled him, but failed to pin him to the ground. Superhuman durability prevented that.

Lash jumped from his building and went straight for green. From the shadows Danti emerged of an alley way and started to rip the gang members apart. While Gear Head drove in, with Flint Lock supporting. She shot her projectiles with deadly precision, as Gear Head used his metal manipulation to unhook the chains around the civilians.

“RUN!” Gear Head shouted at them, and the civilians scattered in all directions.

SLAM! Lash tackled straight into the green meta-human who had just finished pulling the spear out. True Damage gave him a prompt as his claws penetrated the super durable skin of the green man. He was 7 feet tall, with rippling muscles. Vibrant green skin, and green glowing eyes. Erik looked at him and realized this man was trying to emulate Hulk. He must have wanted the Marvel Beta Test but got DC instead. But that wouldn't stop him!

“FUUUUCK YOU!” The green man back handed Lash and sent him flying across the street through a brick wall, through several other walls, until he flew out of the last wall of the building and skipped across the pavement several times.

The Nature Domain tribal marks on his body glowed and Nature's Kiss was cast. Like magic his bones snapped back into place, flesh connected, and he slowly stood back up. Thanks to his enchanted armor the spell effect was 40% stronger, while the spell itself was 40% of his total health. Then Lash called out his partner, Saurian!

Bones snapped, muscles tore, and his body expanded quickly. As the green man tore through the building to get him. As the wall exploded outwards the green man had a savage grin on his face that soon froze in place as a 30 foot tall, and 60 foot long Saurian stood before him. Saurian let loose a savage roar and tackled the green man back into the building. Thankfully the building was empty! Saurian head butted the green man with his skull crest which sent him flying back out of the building back to the street where the fight started.

Saurian erupted from the building with a roar and used Intimidating Shout the green man froze for half a second. That was long enough for Saurian's bladed tail to whip around and slice off one of the mans arms. True Damage spiked with experience, as the green man screamed in agony. His green arm severed turned back into a pale mans arm.

“NOOOOOO! YOU MOTHER FUCK-GAAAH!” The green man screamed only to stop shortly after! Saurian leaped into the air to tackle the man. Raking his massive claws through his whole body.

Saurian stuck his claws into the man, and opened his jaws and bit down! With a twist and a tear he ripped the green mans head off! A fountain of blood poured from the headless corpse. Saurian stood up from his defeated foe and let loose a terrifying roar that shook the city! Saurian turned around to look at his companions who were frozen stiff in terror looking at him like he was a monster. Cause he technically was.

Congratulations User! Your Cosmic Patron has awarded you a new Racial Trait.

Devour, Consume, Evolve: The racial trait allows you to consume the bodies of your prey. Giving you a chance to absorb an ability that they once had.

Meta-Gene Power absorbed: Superhuman Durability.

Superhuman Durability: The User can withstand high levels of kinetic, energy, and spell energy damage. Works in tandem with True Body, Regeneration, Adaptation, Size Alteration, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Strength. Additional effects will be applied if obtained.

Saurian let loose another roar of satisfaction as steam poured from his body, as it underwent a new transformation. He seem to thin out almost, but his muscles simply became more compact, and his bones denser. He gained several hundred pounds in weight. Saurian looked over at the dead lava thrower. But his instincts told him the new trait he had would not let him absorb anything from the dead man. The giant man eating lizard did look back at his companions, and he did salivate for a brief moment. But the pack mentality won the day. These people were not food! They were part of his team. He would take care of them! Unless they went rogue then it was fair game!

“Are any of you injured?” Saurian's voice was primal, and sent warning messages to the trio's hind brains. Making them want to run and hide. Danti fell onto his backside, and the urge to show his belly to Saurian.

“N....No! We're fine!” Gear Head said at last. He tried to look Saurian in the eye but failed.

Unlike Lash who often used the Wraith disguise. When Saurian took over he dispersed with it. He was a massive armored carnosaur, with his face bathed in red from his kill. Saurian closed his eyes and felt across the link between his Conjuration Domain. The Saurus Warriors had reached a supernatural casino that still had power and were making a perimeter and were pushing out.

“Let's move then. Vegas was Fantasma's home. Its a good a place as any to reestablish order. This way!” Saurian said as he dropped to all fours and raced down the street.


Officer Stanley, or Big Stan to his fellow officers had work the Vegas beat his whole life. Thirty years on the force had landed him the rank of desk sergeant at the major crimes unit in Vegas. He had seen all kinds of stupid shit, and he had seen the worse kinds of things humanity had to offer. Or at least he had thought!

But when that wave of energy hit. He swore it did something to peoples brains. Everyone lost their shit with in a few hours! Powers was gone, phones were out! Once the low lives of the city figured out that no one could call for help they all came out of the wood work. The security teams in the casino's were getting their paychecks today as they fought off who ever tried to make trouble which was half the city as far as Stanley was concerned.

About 12 hours into the crisis help seem to arrive in the shape of over a dozen meta-fre.... Meta-humans Stanely is suppose to call them. They were bring led by their resident hero Fantasma. A Meta-human that looked like a skeleton ghost. He had been helping the Vegas PD for months. Though technically the PD was suppose to arrest him on sight. No one ever did! He was leading a group of kids through the mess the city had become. Despite their young faces they worked well together. Their gear made Stanely think they were military. They get all the cool toys!

Stanley hadn't seen the Justice League in nearly 48 hours. He prayed to god nothing had happened to them. But deep down he knew better. That was until Stanley saw a fucking dinosaur race down main street followed by a few of the League members he had seen before. The dinosaur carefully picked up cars to clear the street and set them to the side. So we could get emergency crews working. Then Stanely saw the dinosaur place his hand on the police cruisers and suddenly they turned on! The dinosaur pressed his snout to the MCU and the emergency generators clicked on! They had power!

“Gear Head!” Stanley called out to one of the League members he knew. The kid turned around, his half mask barely hiding his young look.

“Yes Officer!” Gear Head shouted back at him.

“Who the fuck is the dinosaur!?” Stanley shouted, as he pointed at the creature.

“That's Agent Wraith with the United Nations World Security!” Gear Head said with a smile, he salute Stanely and went back to work.

The fucking dinosaur was Agent Wraith!? The news video's said he was like an eight foot tall nazul cosplayer! Stanley was horrified, and a little bit hopeful as he watched the giant lizard spread his hands out and create a medical tent out of thin air. Maybe they would get through this after all!


Saurian chuckled to himself as jumped across the road to land in the middle of a major intersection. The different armed combatants screamed in horror as a 30 foot tall armored dinosaur jumped a hundred feet and landed next to them. Saurian's Technomancy Domain passive effect sent out a wave and magnetically locked all of their guns. The Domain was active! Though most of the spells in it were still grayed out. They each had progress bars attach to them.

“Surrender to the Vegas PD or suffer!” Saurian called out! His primal voice sent horrified shivers down every ones spine.

The sound of glass shattering, and metal being twisted under the giant tires of a monster truck rang out. Gear Head had monsterized his vehicle with tank treads, and massive tires to tear up the cars in his way. He was a mobile transport with Vegas Swat, and prison transport. The APC stopped at the intersection and the police poured out with full tactical gear, and fingers on the triggers. They were in no mood today!

A few of the combatants ran only to find themselves stuck in the concrete that oddly had become mud like. While the police stepped over the mud marsh with no ill effect. They hand cuffed and pulled who they could towards the transport while Saurian picked up the cars and set them to the side to clear the road.

'Wraith! We have injured civilians at 5th. Requesting medical attention!' -Danti said across the link.

'On the way! Officer Stanley, I'm moving to 5th towards injured civilians.' -Saurian said across the link.

'Fuck! This thing still freaks me out! I mean...Ummm, confirmed! Over...Wait do I need to say out? Oh fuck! I...shit, damn it! I'll send a unit over there to assist!' -Officer Stanley said across the link.

Half the Vegas PD had linked up with the Temporary Pack Bond the other half didn't trust the giant dinosaur and were left out. They would regret that later when the bond would optimize all their friends and no them. Saurian dropped to all fours and races down the street doing his best not to crush any cars, or leave any pot holes the size of his feet.

A cacophony of voices were heard across the link. But it was mostly white noise unless the voices spoke directly to you. It didn't stop any one from doing their jobs. But it was a constant, just sitting in the back ground of your mind until a voice called out to you. The static field across the globe was fading quickly. They estimated they would have full communications with the Watch Tower in a few hours. Because all of the League holographic phones were enchanted with self repair, once the static field dropped everyone could talk to each other again. Which Saurian was sure would be fun, fun, fun!

With a bounding leap! Saurian landed next to a city bus that had been made into a make shift bunker. Danti the wolf-man stood next to it as he tried stop the bleeding of a woman who looked incredibly pale. The entire area shook when Saurian landed causing many people to scream in fright. He cast an area of effect Calm Emotions then started to heal everyone he could with in his range. The woman that Danti was working on regained her color as the laceration on her stomach closed up.

That taken care of, Saurian started to stack the cars up to the side to make room for the emergency units. A salvaged Vegas PD APC roared down the street and raced towards their position. Like an offensive line in american football the APC paved the way for several ambulances behind them. Though Saurian healed many injuries, he couldn't heal them all. Nature's Kiss only healed 40% of their total life. So they wont die! But medical attention is still appreciated.

'This if Flint Lock! I have six meta-humans causing trouble down at the south city mall! We are getting hammered down here requesting back up ASAP!' -Flint Lock said across the link, she sounded exhausted, but she had regained her conviction with the killers of Fantasma dead.

'Officer Stanley, the medical situation on 5th is handled. I'm moving to south city mall. Confirm?' -Saurian said across the link as he finished picking up the last car to make way for the ambulances.

'Copy! Units at south city mall, reinforcements inbound ETA 15 minutes!' -Stanely said across the link.

Several people sent a confirmation response. Saurian said goodbye to Benandanti, and took off down the street. He was soon joined by several warriors, and veterans. Like a pack of raptors chasing after a t-rex. They beat the estimated time of arrival by 5 minutes. Saurian jumped into the parking lot and saw a blockade of police vehicles firing onto a wall of concrete that had been recently erected. Terrakinetic!

Saurian grinned and dove face first into the concrete below his feet with Earth Swim, as did his warriors, and veterans. A giant rock of dirt, and stone levitated above the makeshift wall. Then fire being manipulated coated the rock and it was shot over the wall like a malformed catapult. A shout rang out from the police barricade, and Flint Lock shot the flaming rock out of the sky. Scattering the fragments of dirt and stone across the parking lot.


“That stupid bitch got it again! Can't you throw like a whole bunch or something?” The fire starter called to the earth mover.

“Fuck you! This is hard to do! All you have to do is light my clumps of dirt on fire! I'm the one doi-” SNAP!

Saurian's jaw snapped out from the ground like a shark in the water. From the solar plexus down the terrakinetic just ended. The fire starter looked like a deer caught in the head lights as blood splattered across his face. He didn't even register what had happened as Saurian opened his jaws to rip him in half! The fire starter tried to scream but all he saw was the world spinning and darkness swallowed his vision.


Devour, Consume, Evolve: Failed to absorb any abilities.

Damn it! In the last few hours Saurian had learned that the chance to absorb something was abysmal. He sighed softly and sunk back into the ground. Sending a message to Flint Lock. 'Two down, four to go' He said across the link. Saurian sent a Nature Domain pulse through the city mall and got over a hundred readings. Well that wasn't good! The Saurus Warriors, and Veterans broke off from him to locate the life signs. While Saurian moved into the underground parking garage. The concrete walls rippled like water as he pulled himself out of it. He had to use Size Alteration to adjust his height.

'Agent Wraith, we see you from the main entrance. The meta-human down here seems to control darkness, and shadow. Makes stabbing weapons out of it. Be careful!' -An officer belonging to SWAT said from the entrance of the parking garage. The sun had started to rise over the city so there were plenty of shadows to go around.

Saurian cast Chameleon, Nature's Passage, and Invisibility on himself and winked out of sight. He sent a Nature pulse through the structure and couldn't find any life signs, that was odd. Slick! Saurian winced as a shadow blade came out of the wall and stabbed into him between his armor plates. It only got a few inches deep before his scales stopped it.

“Impressive! My blades can cut through solid steel, and they barely did anything to you. Looks like this will be death by a thousand cuts!” A man's voice sounded out from the garage.

'Wraith, we've entered the mall from the main entrance. One of your Veterans said there were over hundred life signs in here? Combatants, or civilians?' -Flint Lock asked across the link.

'Unknown, I'm in the garage with someone who can manipulate darkness and shadow into weapons. Do not come down here until the threat has been eliminated.' -Saurian sent back across the link.

The darkness along the walls erupted with hundreds of paper thin blades that all shot out to impale Saurian who laughed and cast Daylight several orbs of sunlight appeared in the darkness and the shadow blades faded from sight. There at the end of the garage level they were on stood a pale thin man with a goth ensemble on. Black trench coat, black shirt, black pants, black boots, black mascara, black fingernail polish, and spiky black hair. Who looked utterly shocked to see that he had been found.

“FUCK!” He shouted and raced towards the darkness as fast as he could.

Saurian chased after him, dropping balls of sunlight as he ran. The man was clearly out of shape despite his rail thin appearance. As he raced towards the stairwell that led upstairs. He opened the door, and raced up the stairs only to scream in horror as Saurian swam through the wall and ate him in two bites!

Devour, Consume, Evolve: Failed to absorb any abilities.

Fuck! The shadow manipulation would have been really useful too! 'Three confirmed threats down.' -Saurian said across the link. He pulled the Daylight spells back. Then swam through the concrete towards the upper levels. He stopped for a moment and used two of his abilities that he hadn't used in a while. Soul Bite, and Dream Eater. Though he had eaten the meta-human he had technically bitten the man's soul as well. He looked through his most recent memories.

'All units at the south city mall, we have fifteen gang members active in the mall. Each one a meta-human. Other life signs are civilian hostages. Use caution.' Saurian said across the link as he finish absorbing the most recent memories. He also gained a spike of experience in Energy Manipulation. Life's little rewards!

Saurian received several confirmation messages across the link. As he swam through the concrete. He sent another ping across the whole mall, and sent the information to the SWAT, and Flint Lock in the area. Though not all of the SWAT was in the link. They still got the message eventually. Saurian swam up through the levels and waited inside an over hang. A meta-human gang member was walking down the way looking through the broken glass for something. He looked like an 80's punk rocker. SNAP! From the waist down the man dropped, as blood poured out of his lower torso. The rest of him inside of Saurian's mouth as he chewed on him inside the walls. He failed to absorb anything.

'One down, fourteen to go.' -Saurian said across the link, and he could feel Flint Lock shiver at his voice. Flint was terrified of Saurian! She had seen what he had been doing lately.

'One down, thirteen to go.' -A SWAT officer said across the line as he had pressed a knife into another gang member's neck.

Meta-humans may be crazy strong, but skill, and proper training will generally overpower them. A soft crack rang out across the mall. 'One down, twelve to go.' -Another SWAT officer said. Who had used a silencer on their rifle. As always any one linked up to the Temporary Pack Bond had gotten a 10% optimization. No, they were not superhuman. But being peak human conditioning was far easier to obtain now.

Another gang member died as a Veteran came out of the wall and sliced his throat open with his claws. One by one, by one they all fell until the last of three were in the center mall at a stage that had been put up for some kind of show. They had over a dozen hostages there, all women. The three meta-human gang members were all full blooded males. They were taking turns with each woman. At the sight of it Flint Lock was no longer terrified of Saurian. She wanted him to kill these fuckers here and now!


A giant of a man with armored skin, and spikes coming out of his body was ravaging a young woman no older then sixteen. She was sobbing, but kept her whimpering to a minimum because if she made to much noise the man would kill her. Just like he had done to the other three woman he had been with. He had a maniacal grin on his face as he ripped her shirt open and took a breast into his mouth. He bit down hard, and she screamed in pain. He glared at her.

“What the fuck! I told you to be quiet!” He shouted, then back handed her. Her jaw was broken with the attack and she screamed in pain.

“Stupi-” Boom! The gangsters head exploded, as Flint Lock had sent a nickel through his skull.

The other two jumped up from their entertainment only for one of them to get bitten in half as a mouth appeared beneath them. Saurian stood up from the ground and the whole room fell into a chorus of screams. He struck with his bladed tail like a viper and sliced the last gang member in half! The SWAT team rushed in and started to secure the hostages one by one. Saurian cast Calm Emotions, then started to heal all of the women as best he could.


Saurian stood in the south city mall parking lot as he watched the hostages get escorted to several emergency response vehicles that had arrived. They would have to take several trips to get them all to a safe location. The Calm Emotions was starting to wear off, and the flood of emotions was piling up. Flint Lock sat down next to Saurian, he knelt down and coiled his massive tail around her. She leaned in against his leg. Her eyes were vacant and hollow.

“Do you ever get use to it?” Flint Lock asked.

“Depends on the individual. Some people don't flinch, some people care to much, some people find a medium between the two. But if I am being honest, its good that it bothers you. Taking a life should never be an easy thing, watching someone take a life should never be an easy thing.” Saurian replied, Flint curled up and hugged her knees to her chest.

“I was happy to see them die, but now.... I'm not so sure.” Flint said, as tears started to fall. “I miss Fantasma.” She finished, and started to sob.

Saurian hid her behind his tail, though the noise of her sobs did not go unnoticed by a few SWAT officers none of them said anything. Saurian took a moment to listen to the voices calling out across the link. Then his Technomancy Domain spells turned back on and the whispering crack of Connectivity went into his mind. Along with the holographic phone built into Flint Lock's suit.

“Attention all Justice League members! The Watch Tower is back online! Please send any updated information to Communications, and Operations!” Vici's voice rang out across the holographic message board.

Flint Lock took a moment to clean her eyes and stood up. Saurian pulled back his tail and Flint walked out towards the SWAT team as they started to pack up who they could while Flint would stay behind to guard who she could. Saurian wasn't going anywhere. At least until a golden light washed across the parking lot. They all looked up and saw a golden egyptian ankh appear. A man wearing a golden full faced helmet, golden cape, golden gloves, boots, and belt. With a blue under armor suit came floating down. He landed next to Saurian and looked up at him.

“Warden! Thank you for guarding my city in my absence, it is appreciated!” The man spoke with two voices. One old, majestic, and wise. The other voice was youthful and energetic.

“Doctor Fate, it is nice to meet you. Would you like to join the Justice League?” Saurian asked, as he bowed his head in respect. The helmet of Nabu's eyes narrowed then he spoke once more.

“I would be happy too!” Fate said in response.

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