
****Alberta, Canada*****

It was almost time! The Alpha Rift FOB was expanding by leaps and bounds now. The Beta Rift FOB had started its underground construction and began to pillage the near by area's of resources. One by one troop transports came through the Rift, while docile captured slaves walked hand in hand into the Rift by a task keeper. The eyes of the slaves were glossed over, and their movements robotic. Thanks to the collars around their necks they were prisoners in their own minds.

“Alpha Commander! I am here to take charge before the invasion. You are ordered for conditioning and rest.” A soldier with captain rank on his black armor spoke clearly, and loudly in the operations room.

“I hear the order and will follow it, for the good of the Empire!” The Rift Commander responded in a clear, prideful voice. All of the technicians in the operations room shouted. 'For the good of the Empire!' in sync. The Rift Commander shook the hand of the Captain who nodded back.

The Rift Commander of Alpha FOB left the operations room and went to the officers barracks. Every soldier not in the middle of a task would step to the side and salute him with crisp military precision. Straight back, feet together, left arm straight down, right arm up with a bent elbow and their hand perfectly level just above their right eyebrow. That had not changed from their old world, though so much else had. The Rift Commander always saluted back, not because it was expected but because he respected and trusted his people.

The officer barracks wasn't much different from the normal barracks. They had a security desk for check in. A simple lounge area in the front that was never used. But it would be in the coming months. What was different was the next part. The Commander went straight to the armory. A technician stood waiting for him, saluted and asked him to step into the middle ring area. He knew the procedure and walked in raising his arms up in the form of a T with his feet spread out.

Several robotic arms on a circular frame came down and started to quietly, and quickly remove the armor that was bolted onto his body. Piece by piece it was stripped off of him until he only had the standard issue composite polymer jump suit. The mask came off last to reveal...John Stewart standing in the body armor. 6'1” brown eyes, shaved head with just a bit of black hair growing in. Chocolate black skin, with several jagged scars across his face, and a cybernetic implant from the base of his skull connected to his spine.

Rift Commander, John Stewart thanked the technician and went to the locker room to take a hot shower from water recently taken from this reality. He couldn't remember the last time he had wasted so much water just on bathing! Luxury of being part of the invasion teams. He soon retired to his 20 foot squared room where a single bed, chair, and desk was. On his desk was a holographic computer interface with a blinking red light. Johns eyes lit up and a smile spread across his features. He sat down and played the waiting message.

“Hi Dad!” A young woman of barely 16 years of age shouted at him through the holographic window. It was a recorded message from his daughter back home.

“We miss you! But I know that you are working hard for the future of our world! I know you are going to do great!” The young woman looked just like her mother. Infectious smile, long kinky black hair, bright red eyes, and partial red pink skin. The thought of his long dead wife made the knot in John's chest tighter but he ignored it so he could listen.

“So guess what? I got in the top 10% of the genetics and botany examination! That means I get to be part of the replanting process in Africa!” The woman said with a laugh as she showed John her examination papers. A huge smile bloomed on John's face!

He was so happy that his daughter passed the exam. The replanting was being overseen by all of the top minds in their world. A process to genetically alter, engineer, and plant trees capable of soaking up radiation. The project would realistically take decades to complete. But that was far better then centuries. Also, that meant his daughter Kitma would not be involved in the fighting. In their new Empire if you didn't have a useful skill it was straight into military service.

“I'm almost out of time! I know the messages can't be long and I'm not sure when you'll get this. So I'll finish up. I love you! I'm proud of you! Come home to me!” Kitma said across the message. She leaned in and kissed the camera then the screen went blank.

John smiled, and replayed the message at least three more times before he stopped. He would have watched more but he received an alarm on his optical implant. It had been 452 hours since his last conditioning. If he didn't link up soon then the MP's would show up to forcibly place him in rehabilitation. John clenched his jaw and stood up from his desk and went to his bed. Bed was stretching what that thing was.

The 'bed' changed into thousands of tiny filaments that would interconnect with John's entire body. Though on the outside the only noticeable implant he had was his spine. But John was a mess on the inside. Sometimes he wondered if he was even human anymore? He sat back and let the threadlike needles insert into him like acupuncture on steroids. He hated this! He hated being here! He hated the fucking Emperor! It was the Emperor's fault their world was FUBAR! So many died in the unification war and it didn't have to happen that way! He.....He...... Praise the Emperor ROFL Dex. Through his control do we prosper towards a brighter future.


Sunrise in Brazil was around 5:00 am, and its warm radiance showed across the Templo da Luz the resort that the League had stayed at for the past two days. They had one more day at the resort then needed to be gone by 10:00 am the next day. Knowing this, a lot of the League members wanted to do something special for their last day here. Only to discover there was a dance festival being planned for their last night here. It would start at 3:00 pm today and end when the sun rose the next day. So everyone was doing their best to get the last bit of what they wanted before they went to the festival.


Before Kara and Lash had gone very far he had pulled her out of the very crowded bed and went to one of the other guest bedrooms. Kara kept her focus on him, a blush rising to her ears, and all the way down to her navel. Lash did notice as he softly closed the door that Kory had opened her eyes just a bit and smiled at him. He winked at her and closed the door. Kory rolled over and went back to sleep.

Once in the guest bedroom Lash pulled Kara into his arms and hugged her close, she returned the gesture and just stood there. Two naked bodies against one another. Kara Zor-El was 5'5” with rich blond hair to her shoulders, and blue eyes. An tattoo was across her neckline that was the currently turned off illusion charm. She had rich creamy skin, and a well muscled toned body.

Lash in his default human form was 6'4” with a bald head, pale skin, and yellow green reptilian eyes. Along his jaw line, spine, elbows, shins, and chest were tiny marks of snake skin scales. Side effect of being in his Transformation shape for to long. He muscles almost seemed like he was cut from stone, with his broad shoulders, massive arms, giant legs, and rock hard abs. In short he was a comic book character.

Lash pulled away from Kara and pulled her to the bed instead. Kara jumped onto the bed which made her whole body bounce in a very delightful way, she crawled up along the bed and Lash watched her ass sway back and forth as she did. Then she turned around and pressed her back into the pillows and backboard. She crossed her legs, and held a pillow to her chest. Her eyes were inviting, she bit her bottom lip just a bit.

But, Lash could tell she was nervous. Her heart was beating fast with excitement, and a bit of fear. This was all new to Kara! She was sixteen when she had left Krypton. Though she did have a few boys she liked, she had only ever kissed them a few times. Kara's eyes danced up Lash's naked form, and centered on his rock hard erection that a towel could have been set on. Her face went red when she realized where she had been looking and hid her face behind her pillow.

“So....What do we do now?” Kara said through the pillow eventually. Kara knew what they were suppose to do! Humans and Kryptons were physiologically compatible. Though Lash was not 100% human his default shape was.

“That depends on how long you want this to last?” Lash asked as he crawled onto bed stopping next to her legs. He sat down and crossed his legs. His erection sticking up and ready for attention but it would have to wait. He didn't want to mess this up.

“How long does it normally last?” Kara said, as she gently pulled her pillow down to peek over it. Her bright blue eyes taking Lash in. She giggled a bit as Lash began to run his nails up and down her feet.

“Well, if everyone is enjoying themselves then normally you go as long as you are able. But since both of us have.... What most would say, Superhuman Stamina. Technically we could go all day long.” Lash said with a smile as he picked up one of Kara's feet and began to give her a massage.

“We...W....It's really hard to focus when you are doing that, Lash.” Kara said with a smile, as she pulled down her pillow so she could give him a good look. “I've never really done this before. I've kissed people, and Kory has told me a few things. She has also shown me a few things. But nothing more then the skin deep I think.” Kara said, a flush creeping up her neck again.

“Well we will have to take it slow, communicate what you do and don't like. Despite what many people think. Good sex, often has a lot of communication unless you already know your partners like and dislikes.” Lash said as he continued to massage her feet.

“I don't suppose Earth as a manual for this type of thing?” Kara asked, and laughed lightly thinking it was a joke. Until Lash used Connectivity to pull up a holographic window of Kama Sutra. The original, and the modern day version.

“Tell me your joking!?” Kara squeaked at him. He shook his head and showed her several pictures, poses, positions they could try along with breathing techniques, and skills.

“Whats oral?” Kara asked, she paged through the description then went red as a tomato!

“I mean! No! I....What!? What are you doing!?” Kara said loudly as Lash crawled forward and pushed her legs apart. He settled between her legs, his face between her thighs.

“Wha-What!? I di...Just.Ohhhhha! Oaaaaa!” Kara's eyes rolled back as she let out a loud moan.

Kara nearly crushed Lash's skull a few times over the next twenty minutes of oral he gave her. She ripped the bed sheets in half, and for a brief moment she user her solar vision to burn into the ceiling. Good thing the room had been magically reinforced otherwise she would have cut straight through the building. Lash pulled himself up and licked his face clean as he watched Kara gasping for breath.

“I...Is that normal on Earth?” Kara asked after a few minutes.

“Yes and no. Many would argue that women often perform oral on men far more then men do it for women. In my personal experience this is true. However, I make it a point to give as much as I get. Plus being good at oral is both a talent and a skill that takes a great deal of practice.” Lash said with a laugh as he scooted a bit closer and ran his hands up and down her legs. Kara flinched slightly but didn't pull away. She was sensitive after all.

“So, should I...” Kara mumbled as she looked at Lash, and his erection between his legs. Suddenly her mouth was very dry.

“No, we'll leave that for later. For now, come here.” Lash said as he gently pulled Kara towards him.

Lash sat cross legged on the bed and pulled Kara into his lap. His erection brushed up against her and settled on her lower abdomen. She wrapped her legs around his waist and wasn't sure where to put her hands. Lash guided her hands to his waist, arms, or any place she liked. Then he leaned in and they began to kiss. Gentle, delicate kissing. Lips to lips, then along jaw lines, and necks. Always slow, always deliberate. Lash gently hissed for a moment and it sent a shiver through Kara. Then Lash placed his hands on her knees and pushed down just a bit.

“Gently....” Lash said softly. Kara almost laughed.

“You don't need to be gentle with me, Lash.” Kara said with a smile.

“I know that, you need to be gentle with me.” Lash commented, and Kara's eyes went wide. She had wrapped her legs around him and started to squeeze!

“I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!” Kara shouted and moved to get out of his lap, but Lash wrapped his hands around her legs and pulled her back to him.

“Kara I'm OK, no harm done. But this is why we are taking it slow. Remember you one of the most powerful individuals on the face of this planet. I'm definitely not fragile, but you can easily destroy me.” Lash said, Kara had looked away. Her eyes misty.

Lash pulled her chin back to him and started to kiss her. She resisted a bit but eventually gave in after a minute. He ran his hands up and down her back, and she did the same for him. She traced her fingers over his tattoos, and his scales. Ran her lips along his collar bone. Over time her kisses got more enthusiastic but he was always slow and methodical. Finally Kara reached down between them and stroked the head of his cock. Lash took a breath, with a shiver down his spine. This brought a smile to Kara's lips.

“What do we do with this?” Kara asked, her eye lashes fluttering. A coy smile on her lips.

“You leave it alone for now.” Lash replied, he reached up and gently pulled on Kara's hair making her arch her neck, and back. He reached down with his mouth and took in one of her nipples. She gasped in shock, and took her hand off of him.

“That's not fair!” She said with a moan.

Lash and Kara continued along with kiss to skin contact foreplay. Kara's became breathless as she continued to push faster and Lash started to allow that. She never again squeezed him so hard with her legs that it hurt. She began to rock her hips back and forth against him. But then Lash pulled back and looked at her. Kara's eyes were unfocused, her face a beautiful blushing red. Her hair was a mess!

“Time for a different position!” Lash said, it took Kara a couple seconds to realize what he said. She was both excited and a bit nervous.

Lash settled down on the bed and laid on his side, with Kara in front of him. Her chest pressed against his beck and arms wrapped around her. Just like they had been when they first woke up this morning. Kara was confused about how this...Ohh! Ohhhh! Lash moved his erection between her thighs and pressed it up against her vagina. He didn't penetrate but just moved back and forth. He took her breasts up into his hands, and moved both her and him around so they could kiss.

Lash let go of one of her breasts and moved his hand to run his fingers along her edges, then pushed just one of his fingers into her. She let out a loud moan, and kissed him back forcibly. They moved with each other matching one another in rhythm until Kara broke the kiss and glared at him.

“Enough! Please you are driving me insane!” Kara turned around quickly and pushed Lash onto his back. Which surprised Lash just a bit. Kara straddled him, with his cock pressed under her.

“Please! Kory said this was a comfortable position for woman because they are in control. J...We... Please Lash.” Kara asked, her voice grew softer at the end.

Lash sat up and had Kara help guide him in and they took it very slow. Inch by grueling inch shared between them both. Before they went any further Lash created a Temporary Pack Bond with Kara. Allowing them both to feel each others emotion, as well as feeling. What ever she felt, he felt. What ever he felt, she felt. Kara pushed the rest of the way and climaxed from that alone. Lash held off, waiting for her to stop twitching. Then he gently pushed and Kara nearly came again.

“Shall we continue?” Lash asked, a smirk on his face. Kara's eyes started to focus, she ran her tongue along her lips.

“Yes please...” Kara replied.


Tick, tock.....Tick, tock.......Tick, tock.....Megan was in the kitchen in Lash's very large hotel room. She was cooking breakfast for everyone. She had a tank top on, with sleeping shorts. Her hair was wet as she had just stepped out of the shower. She was making waffles for everyone. But she couldn't help but glance at the clock. Kory didn't say anything as she was concentrating on how to make the coffee maker make an espresso. While Monika was doing her best to focus on making a chocolate pudding to dip fruit in. While Dia just had a cat ate the canary grin on her face, while she sat at the table watching everyone. Megan turned to look at the clock that was especially loud this morning.

“Do you think everything is alright in there? Its been three hours.” Megan asked softly.

“Yes! Three hours! Didn't realize Kara had so much built up!” Dia said with a smirk.

Dia had dressed up in a black silk teddy that was clearly meant to be eye candy for either Lash, or any of the other women in the room with her. Kory, and Monika both admired the look while Megan would only take glances and turn away thinking no one saw her. Monika wore her customary XL t-shirt and nothing else. Her purple hair freshly washed, and still drying. She used her super speed to stir the pudding which made her body vibrate, which was nice on the eyes. While Kory wore a red string bikini top and bottom. She squeaked as at last the espresso was finished. She started to pour for everyone.

“I am sure they are both fine, Megan! Lash will take good care of her. More than likely this will be the one and only time they can be together unless Kara changes her lifestyle.” Kory said with a smile, that may had wilted a bit at the end. Once she finished pouring she took her seat and waited for waffles!

“So I take it we wont all get a turn today?” Monika said as she finished stirring, and went to cut the strawberries.

“What!? Turn? I...I just came up here to make sure Kara was ok....I mean its not like Lash would want to be with me.....?” Megan said, and finished barely a whisper at the end. Her cheeks filled with a blush. It wasn't that she loved Lash or anything he was just the first boy since Mars that was nice to her. Kory, Dia, and Monika all shared a look and smiled.

“I've been wanting Lash since he saved me from Tartarus. I don't know many men that would have willingly gone into hell, and taken the time to save someone in the process.” Dia said with a smile, and came over to snag some chocolate pudding.

“Since he caught me in Gotham, and turned me over to The Flash. I was terrified of him then, but I am happy he caught me! Plus being captured by him kinda turned me on.” Monika confessed, and kissed Dia softly who returned the kiss.

“Lash, and Kara were the first friends I made in years. Lash took me in with out question and gave me not only a home, but a family. I will love him always! I also want to have sex with him! I think he will be good at it!” Kory said as well, she bounced a little in her chair as Megan brought the first batch of waffles to her.

“But that doesn't mean if you don't want a turn you don't have to have a turn, Megan. But unfortunately I think that is a 'no' Monika. We won't be getting a turn today. This is our last day here, after that its back to work. The two of you know how much Lash works. So it may be a while. But I suggest if you want a turn you should tell him. Men can be pretty dense some times.” Dia said with a smirk.

All four of the women let out a delightful shiver. They all got a telepathic message from the man they had been fantasizing about. Kory, Dia, Monika all grinned, while Megan blushed furiously but didn't deny the message. A few short minutes later Kara came down in a bath robe with wet hair, a spectacular glow about her, and walked just a bit funny.

“Ladies....What is for breakfast?” Kara asked, as she sauntered over with a smile as she tried her best to act casual.

“Oh none of that! Details girl, now!” Dia shouted and scampered over to Kara who turned bright red.


Lash had slipped away a few minutes before Kara had gone down for breakfast. This was their last day on the resort and he wanted to ensure he visited with a few people. He hadn't seen everyone, but he knew they were around. He winced a few times as his Regeneration got a bit of experience for the first time in a while. Kara hadn't broken any bones, but she had cracked a few. Some of his organs were still settling as well. In the grips of orgasm a Kryptonian could destroy their less than super partner. Lash made a note to talk to Clark about that. He didn't want Lois dying because of a night of pleasure.

Lash walked around in his typical black swimming trunks with his Transformation on. He couldn't walk around in his default human shape. Not that he wasn't capable of hiding in plain sight, but seeing him move around was the role of a leader. Most of the League thought this was what he actually looked like while any human shape was just a disguise to hide this shape. He wasn't in a hurry to correct them. Made him wonder if any other Users in their own worlds knew that the VI Avatar of Lash/Saurian had a human shape?

There was a very long line at the spa. Lash knew there were several spa sections to the resort so he could imagine they must all be busy if he came across this one with such a long line that included both men and women. He recognized several VI Avatars from the volleyball tournament he waved and they waved back with a smile. Lash was glad the ones that had been found by the other League members were...friendly. He could imagine there were plenty of ego born Avatars that did not play well with others.

“How you doin, Billy? You look a little...Should I say, sucked dry?” Lash walked up on Billy Batson sitting on beach chair in the garden area and he did indeed look hollowed out. He had a pair of red swim shorts on, sandals, and a pair of sunglasses on. He was in good shape for a kid his age, but he looked drained.

“Wraith!...My man! Did you know that at 16 I am of legal age here! That third beach is awesome!” Billy said with a grin, though the kid barely moved.

“Yes, I did know that. We only have one more day here. Shouldn't you be.... Being more active?” Lash asked, a smile tugging on his reptilian lips. Billy groaned as he tried to sit up but couldn't. Lash took pity on the poor boy and cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss.

Color returned to Billy's pale cheeks. New life was breathed back into him and he sprung back to his feet with a smile on his face. He jumped into the air and screamed thank you. A few people looked over in confusion then went back to their vacation. Billy all but sprinted back to beach three. This time Lash would not need to bleach his mind by accidentally visiting such a place. He understood the appeal but he much preferred a bedroom. Or at least a home.

“I'm not sure that was incredibly nice for you, or terrible.” A sweet voice called from behind him. Lash turned around and spotted Vixen.

All four of Lash's reptilian eyes went wide as he looked at the beautiful model from Detroit. Smooth chocolate caramel skin, short pixie cut brown hair, amber eyes, killer body, wearing a red micro bikini. Bottoms that barely covered anything with very thin pieces of string, and tops that covered nothing at all but the nipple. Vixen waited for Lash to finish looking at her, smiled wide when he swallowed audibly.

“Vixen, thank you for coming. I had hoped you could pull yourself away for a bit and relax.” Lash said as he bowed from his waist in formal respect. Vixen's eyes glowed faintly with the divine spark that she carried.

“Well I didn't even realize we had been invited to such a place until I got a very nice email from a man I barely knew telling me to contact Vici about traveling.” Vixen said as she walked over with a red fruity drink in hand. She dipped her finger into the drink and pressed the liquor across her lips.

“So, I guess I should say thank you for inviting me.” Vixen said with a whisper, she reached up and pulled his head down until she could plant a kiss on his cheek. She pulled back with a smile, as Lash blinked at her.

“Now, I hate to bring work up while we are on vacation...But.” She said with a bit of a pout as she tugged on his hand to follow her. Lash complied, a giant 8 foot tall lizard man walking after african princess.

Vixen set her drink down next to a lounge chair, she picked up a bottle of tanning lotion and offered it to Lash who took it carefully into his clawed hands. She settled down onto the chair and got comfy. A slow smile spreading across her lips as Lash started to apply it to her feet first. Though Lash started to massage her instead of simply applying it. She wasn't complaining.

“With this, invasion looming over us. I was concerned that I didn't get a bunker in Detroit? I know there is one, its the primary place for that new girl. Rauta...” Vixen said, she placed her sunglasses on so she could look at Lash with out the sun blinding her.

Lash paused for a moment, Rauta was Melanie Bryson. He had built her a bunker, but did not build any other. The bunker was large enough for everyone in Detroit to function, but Lash did admit he should have done more infrastructure. Lash made a not to change that in the future if he could before the invasion. With out the girls traveling with him, though it wouldn't be as much fun. He would get a lot more done. Lash started to apply lotion to Vixen's thighs. Careful of his claws, his wondering hands brought a satisfied moan from Vixen. Charming Presence gained a point of experience.

“You are right, that was a mistake on my part. The bunker can service everyone in Detroit. But I should ensure that there is a larger one available along with several other smaller ones. I will try and get to it, hopefully before the fighting starts.” Lash replied, his voice a bit more animalistic. He had made a mistake.

“That would be wonderful. I asked around and aside from paying a discreet construction company you are the only one in the League capable of building the bunkers. I'm sure you are very busy, Wraith. So please understand I am not offended. Just put it on the very long list I am sure you have...Will you do my back?” Vixen asked, Lash nodded as she turned around.

After thirty or so minutes, and a few soft moans of pleasure from the massage. Lash finished oiling Vixen up. She was nearly asleep when she mumbled a thank you and he walked away. He cast a quick Immaculate on himself to remove the oil from his hands, as well as clean up. He was surprised his scaled hands hadn't left a sandpaper feel on Vixen. Maybe they did and she didn't notice? Right, God-Kin, they are built tougher.

Lash walked around the resort traveling along the paved paths. He went to a few places he didn't see before including a horse ranch on the resort. He saw a lot of younger people here, along with a few adults watching the horses, and also receiving lessons in riding. Lash created a simple black T to pull over his chest. He noticed no one really had bathing suits here, his t-shirt, and swimming trunks weren't much. But it was enough.

“Mr. Wraith?” A familiar woman's voice called out from his side.

Lash turned and saw Moira Queen in a wonderful white cotton summer dress that went to her ankles, with straps along her shoulders, and a wide brim hat to block the sun. She had a radiant smile as she walked over. Beside her was Walter Steele, wearing white cotton slacks, a light blue polo shirt, a pair of sunglasses on along with some brown loafers, while Moira was barefoot.

“Misses Queen, Mister Steele. I'm glad you accepted the invitation.” Lash offered with a bow from his waist. He didn't need to disguise their names, they had come as themselves. Queen industries was one of the few companies along with Wayne, and Merlyn industries to be invited to this place.

“Of course! This is not the first time we have been here. Though it is the first time to see so many wonderful and, different people here.” Moira said, she with a genuine smile. Lash was sure many hotel patrons may not have been as enthusiastic about the League coming here.

“Mr. Wraith may we speak to you privately for a bit?” Walter asked, and Lash nodded.

They walked away from the ranch for a few minutes and came to a little alcove off the path. Fairly common on the resort. Walter, and Moira both watched in fascination as a obstruction glamour was placed around them. Like a snow globe of imperfect crystal glass. You could see through it, but it was noticeable. But only noticeable to those inside of it, everyone looking inside would see two people talking to a lizard about tennis.

Moira sat next to Walter and took his hand into her own and smiled at him. They shared a look that only comes with time, and trust between two people. Walter nodded and looked towards Lash who waited patiently for them to continue. His long tail coiled around the bench, its blade tip digging into the ground. The tribal marks across his scaled form glowed softly, while all four of his reptilian eyes focused on them.

“I was attacked a week ago.” Moira started to say than raised a manicured eye brow when Lash's whole body radiated anger. Moira, and Walter both understood it was not towards them and it made them both smile.

“As you can see I am fine! It was one of the moments that I am thankful that Walter is a championship fencer from college. Along with a sword cane that Thea bought him several years ago because she claimed that british men were the only ones allowed to carry canes.” Moira said and kissed Walter who smiled back at her. But they both turned to look at Lash.

“We didn't tell Oliver, or Thea. We are aware of what Oliver does with his nights. We know it would only worry him more. They left something behind when Walter ran them off. We have it, and wanted to give it to you.” Moira pulled out a single stainless steal calling card. Inscribed with liquid gold in the center was, Scelerati Causas Oravissent. (Villains For Hire)

Lash carefully took the card from Moira and used his ability Retrocognition to read the history of the card. Unlike the time he used it in El Paso to find Blue Beetle, this time he did not create the image around him. He went into a mild trance as he watched the history of the card from its perspective. Traded back and forth between Moira, and Walter. Then into a pocket for days on end then he saw the fight. Walter was very talented! But the unfortunate news that the card wasn't dropped, it was placed. Walter was meant to fight them off, the thugs were meant to leave the card behind.

He continued to see the past of the card as his energy levels continued to dip. It exchanged hands several times until it was given to an agent from the primary employer. Malcom Meryln, Tommy's father...Who got it from another dark figure. The figure was kept in shadow the entire time just before Lash got any further the card was placed in a pool of water....The Retrocognition cut off from there. The card had no memories past that point.

“I wish I had better news. Seems the card was planted. No offense to your skill Walter. You are excellent with a blade. But the card belonged to Malcom Meryln, seems he was trying to send you a message.” Lash said softly, as he handed the card back to Moira who trembled at this information.

“I was afraid of that.” Walter said as he comforted Moira who and grown pale. “It had been a long time since I've pulled any of those moves. I thought it was a little to easy.” Walter finished, his lips pressed into a thin line.

“Moira, does Thea know?” Lash asked a simple question with a complicated answer.

“Know what?” Moira asked in return, Lash sent a simple Telepathic message to her.

Who her father is? -Lash asked, Moria white knuckled the card until it cut into her hand. Walter took the card from her and took out a handkerchief to apply to the wound. Walter to his credit didn't say anything. He just waited.

“No, she doesn't. Is that why you think Malcom has come back?” Moira said, her voice nearly a whisper. Walter was a smart man. He connected the dots with little to no information and understood the overall implication. Thea was Malcom's daughter.

“When it comes to your children, there is no action that is inconceivable; there is no decision that is impossible. You do what you must to provide the life that they need. Yes, I think that is why Malcom has come back. But I can't know for sure. How do you want to handle this, Moira? I can keep it to myself and investigate the people who made this card? I can inform Oliver that Malcom is back, and may be after Thea? Or, we can come clean with everything. The choice belongs to you, and Walter.” Lash said as he leaned back across the stone bench in which he sat.

Moira was conflicted, clearly thinking over the situation. She turned to Walter and looked at with worry. She hadn't told him the truth, no one knew but Malcom. Walter gave her a half smile and kissed her cheek. That was all that needed to be said, he would support her no matter the decision. She smiled back at him and whispered 'I love you' into his ear then turned back to Lash. Her decision had been made.

“Please, if you have the time investigate it yourself. But leave the telling to me.” Moira said with determination. Lash nodded in agreement and retook the card from Moira. He used a bit of his Nature Domain to heal her wound and stood up breaking the obstruction glamour.

“It was nice speaking to you both. I'll do what I can, when I can. As you can assume I am very busy. Now, please excuse me.” Lash bowed from his waist, turned on his heel and walked away placing the card into his Storage ability.

Moira, and Walter stayed behind with out a word. Moira started to cry softly, and she started to tell Walter the whole truth. Through it all Walter never turned away, and kept loving his wife no matter what she said. Lash got snippets of the conversation before he was out of earshot. He needed to find Oliver and talk shop. He cast Virtual Intelligence and had the Tech-Spirit look into Scelerati Causas Oravissent.

Attention User! You have been issued a grand quest by your Patron!

Objective: Find out what the Scelerati Causas Oravissent is.

Objective: Dismantle their organization.

Bonus Objective: Follow the threads to their other organizations.

Bonus Objective: Save who you can, capture who you can, and kill the rest. Percentage based. Currently (0%)

Lash growled softly as his whole body shook in rage. Fuck! Another quest, another story line he could barely contend with. The invasion was coming and he had a long list of things to do. Not enough time to do it all.... Time? Lash stopped mid step and looked around the resort. No one was around, he expanded his Sensory Awareness, nothing. He pushed his vision through another change thanks to his Adaptation racial trait. Thanks to his extra set of eyes he could see in a wider range of full spectrum light. Electromagnetic, infrared, and ultraviolet light. At first he had thought his eyes were just meant to help him see better. But he had talked to Kara once about the different spectrum she could see in and it got him curious. No one was around, though with Magical Perception there were a host of magical spirits dancing through the leaves and trees.

“Dawn.” He said softly, barely a whisper.

“Yes, User?” Dawn's sweet voice whispered back into his ear.

“I need to bargain with my Patron...” Lash replied, before he took his next breath he was no longer in the garden area between the resort and the horse ranch. He was in a large room with cherry wood floors, stone walls, and a ceiling that went on forever.

Clack, clatter, rattle.... The sound of dice being thrown across a piece of wood sounded off near by. Lash turned towards the sound only to stumble, off balance. He wasn't in human-lizard hybrid form. In fact he wasn't even Lash anymore. He was Erik. He could still feel Lash/Saurian in his mind, but Erik looked towards the sound.

Sitting behind a large fully furnished dark wood desk was a man? Sitting in a large red velvet seat throwing dice across the desk. Each time the figure threw the dice it would write down on a piece of paper. The figure was larger than Erik by a lot. Almost towered over him, but Erik could still look straight at him. It was almost impossible to think about. The figure threw one more time before setting down their pen and looking up.

Pitch black nothingness looked back at Erik. The figure had a cowl wrapped around their heads, body wrapped in a shroud of smoke and shadow. Their hands made out of starlight. Just like how Dawn use to be. The face was nothing but darkness. Not a word was shared between them as Erik's Patron looked at him. Then he, they, them? Picked up the set of dice and threw them across the desk. They nodded and wrote something else down.

Lash stumbled, and fell to his knees. He was back at the resort in the garden path again. No time had passed but he felt like he had ran hundred miles in less than an hour. He took deep ragged breaths trying to calm his nerves when Dawn sent him a prompt.

Congratulations User! You have struck a deal with your Patron.

New primary objective, Invasion: You must find, and kill the leader of the alternate reality.

You have been awarded the Spell Domain of Time.

Domain of Time: The User is able to perform/cast a rare variety of magic spells and feats that manipulates time itself to a degree.

Domain of Time, Skill/Spell; Personal Time, The User can manipulate the immediate area around them. They can slow down, or speed up their own time. Allowing them to move quickly, or make others slow down. (30 ft sphere) Works in tandem with, Sensory Awareness, Magical Perception, Foresight, Danger Sense.

Side Note: The Time Domain is a very rare, and dangerous Domain! Use carefully!

Lash had wanted to bargain for the Time Domain, this was true. But if he had known the deal would require him to find and kill the leader of the invasion? He would have just put it off! Personal Time seemed incredibly useful. But after a few experiments he realized he couldn't move like Flash. He could with in his area of influence. But he would have to stop casting the skill/spell first before he moved on. But at the very least Lash could now fight speedsters, and other fast moving enemies.

Lash was irritated now and needed to finish up his goals today as quickly as possible. He used Connectivity and looked for Oliver. He was out on a boat in the water near the resort. He moved towards the water and cast Water Walk and just kept moving towards the boat across the water. He had to admit walking across water next to the beach was an interesting experience. Like walking on a water bed that was about to pop! He was sure he looked funny, he felt funny. He caught himself laughing just a bit. Then he used his new skill/spell to freeze the area. He walked up across the water and unfroze his own personal time. To anyone watching it seemed like they blinked and he was suddenly from one place to another.


Quentin Larry Lance was.... enjoying himself. For the first time in a long while. He sat on a nice boat sitting on the back with a fishing pole in hand, a beer to his left, and the sounds of his daughters laughing made him smile. He had caught a few fish already and that was already on the grill. But he kept to himself while Sara, and Laurel enjoyed their time with their future husbands. Quentin still shuddered every time he thought about that. Laurel was marrying Tommy, and Sara was marrying Oliver. What was the world coming too?

Quentin took a sip of his beer, and rubbed his eyes under his sunglasses. The boat rocked back and forth along the water. He could faintly hear the crashing waves on the beach not far off. This entire resort was amazing. He loved the beaches, the view, the available refreshments that came from across the world. Despite his daughters insistence he didn't go to beach three. Nope! He would not go to an orgy beach, no thank you! He was content to just spend time with his family, drink his beer, and fish. This was...

“Enjoying your day, Captain Lance?” Said the giant monster standing on the water right next to him.

“JESUS CHRIST!” Quentin shouted at the top of his lungs as he jumped out of his chair, and all but pulled his side arm that he didn't have at the moment. He looked over the edge and there standing on the water like it was solid ground was an eight foot tall lizard man with a smile on his face.

“Dad!? Whats wrong?” Laurel called as she ran across the boat she came up short and smiled wide.

“Wraith! Its nice to see you again!” Laurel called, and came to the boats edge to talk to him. Completely forgetting about her father who nearly had a heart attack.


By the time Lash had reached the boat he had cooled off. He wasn't sure if it was the resort, or it was seeing the family having a good time. He didn't want to ruin that mood. But, he couldn't help himself to not scare Quentin just a bit. Laurel Lance was a brilliant, strong, and beautiful woman that had rich brown hair past her shoulders, green eyes, and tanned skin. She wore a one piece swimsuit with out a back, that was a deep blue color. Lash was sure she would have worn something more revealing her father hadn't been aboard the boat. But it still clung to her curves, showing off her figure. She smiled with genuine glee at seeing Wraith next to their boat.

Tommy Meryln walked over to join the conversation after he made sure his future father in law Quentin was OK. He had short cut black hair that was stylized with hair gel, a wide welcoming smile, with blue eyes, strong physic. He wore a white cotton buttoned up shirt, floral swimming trunks, and sandals as he came up behind Laurel to greet Lash.

“How you doing, Agent Wraith? Would you care for a beer?” Tommy asked, Lash shook his head as he slowly climbed onto the boat. Or he should say small yacht. It had another floor above them, with a floor beneath the deck, with a full kitchen in the middle.

“No, thank you. Unless its a certain type of liquor its mostly just different flavored water to me. I just wanted to drop by and see if all of you are having a good time or not?” Lash said with a smirk as he saw Quentin fix his chair back into place and grab his fishing pole.

“I was having a great day! Until a giant monster from the black lagoon came out of now where and scared off all the fish!” Quentin said with a grumble. Laurel laughed at him and came over to give him a kiss on his cheek. Quentin was more amiable after that.

“Sorry Wraith. Dad can get a bit grumpy when it comes to fishing.” Laurel replied with a smile.

“Its perfectly fine, though he wont catch anything the rest of the day. There is a shark swimming around the water right now. All the fish left the area.” Lash said as he pointed at the shark fin not far off.

“Crap.... What's a shark doing in the area? I thought there was shark net in place?” Quentin pulled his fishing rod out of the water and looked at the shark, the very large shark moving through the water.

“Oh they do, that is not a normal shark. It belongs to Atlantis, they use them as mounts.” Lash said objectively, case and point as the shark sped up a man with gills on his neck climbed up the shark's back and waved to them over at the boat. Lash waved back.

“Right, I live in a world where aliens are real, and so is Atlantis. When did life get so strange?” Quentin said with a frown as he sat down in his chair and sipped his beer.

“Are you hungry, Wraith?” Sara called out from the kitchen. She came out wearing shorts, a tank top, and tennis shoes. Again Lash was sure she would wear something else if Quentin was not aboard.

“No, thank you. I have to check with a few more people before my day is over.” Lash replied softly, as everyone looked at him with mild concern.

“Is everything alright?” Oliver said as he follow Sara out, he wore much the same as Tommy just filled it out a bit better especially across the chest. With a classic 5 o'clock shadow on his face.

“Just the same thing we've been dealing with. I enjoyed the first two days, just checking off a few boxes so that way I wont be so swamped when we start up again tomorrow. Are you all planning on attending the festival tonight?” Lash asked, as he looked back at the resort.

“Yes, we are!” Tommy said with a smile. Having spent a lot of time at clubs, festivals, and raves. He understood it was going to be a good party.

“You kids will be! I'm calling it early and having a nice rest in those amazing thousand thread bed sheets.” Quentin pipped up, and everyone laughed.

Lash kept talking to them for a bit and decided against bringing anything up at the time. He was planning on talking to them about the card, but not where he got it from specifically. But he realized it would ruin every ones vacation. He soon said goodbye to everyone on the boat and took another walk across the water. Pulling a 'Jesus' as Quentin called it.


“Wraith works to much.” Tommy said from the couch as he ate one of the fish Quentin caught.

“He's got a lot on his plate. I'm happy he was able to relax for a few days. I heard about his Sand Castle war game. Seemed like a lot of fun, I know Felicity, and Roy really enjoyed it.” Laurel commented as she sat next to Tommy.

“Something more than that. He wanted to tell us something but decided not to.” Sara said from her seat across the table. Quentin nodded in agreement but kept his piece to himself.

“Wraith is pretty open when it comes to information. I'm sure he'll tell us later. He probably just didn't want to ruin our vacation.” Oliver said, as he began to clean up the kitchen table.

“We should head back soon if we want to get a chance to change, and head over to the festival. I think its more along the lines of team building. Which is why Wraith was checking on us.” Oliver said as he started to wash the dishes from the sink.

“You sure you don't want to come with us dad?” Laurel asked, with a bit of smile.

“No, I'm am fine thank you. Not as young as I use to be, I'm just going to curl up in that giant king size bed and catch some sleep. We have to be out of here tomorrow before 10. I for one will be bright eyed, and full of energy unlike the rest of the League.” Quentin said, putting his metaphorical foot down. Laurel, and Tommy both laughed. Laurel continued to tease her father as Sara got up to help Oliver. She came up behind him and placed her hand on his back. She leaned in and whispered to him.

“Any ideas?” She said softly.

“I can think of a dozen different things he could talk to us about, I am sure he knows a dozen more things we don't know. But I can tell that stress is getting to him. I know Kara is worried about him.” Oliver replied as he finished washing the plates, and moved onto the cups as Sara dried them.

“I think he is worried about everyone not making it through the invasion.” Sara whispered, and Oliver stopped what he was doing. Turned towards her and kissed her gently.

“We'll all make it to the end, and keep fighting.” Oliver said with clear conviction in his voice. It was such a naive, and sweet statement that Sara just smiled at him. They both knew that tragedy was right around the corner for everyone.

“Ya...We will...” Sara kissed Oliver's nose and nudged him to keep cleaning.


There was only so much time in the day. Before Lash knew it, the festival had started. He knew he should attend even if he had work to do. He also understood that if he worked to much he would be disrespecting Quetzalcoatl's command she gave him. So he had to find a happy median between the two. A work-vacation as it was called.

Lash found the most direct path that led to the music festival arena that had been built for the event. The area it self was a miniature stadium with an open skylight, and several smaller stadiums around them. Thanks to some creative construction, and a few spells in place one could walk from one theater to the next with out the sounds overlapping. Why do this? Because not everyone enjoyed the same music.

Lash used Plant Control and made a sitting place from plant vines, leaf cushions, and branches for the back rest. Little by little people started to trickle in. Most of them continued to wear their bathing suits, nothing wrong with the exceptionally tempting eye candy. Lash said hello to any one that noticed him, and for his part took stock of the different people attending the event. It was open to anyone at the resort but it was meant as a going away present for the Justice League. Lash had to assume that anyone attending was either friendly with the League, or wanted something from the League. Be it good or ill.

There was a moment when the world seem to tilt on its axis. Lash felt the magical energy in the area was energized for brief moment. Then he turned to his left and saw two people sitting on his offered plant furniture. Giovanni Zatara, and Sindella Zatara waited patiently for him to get over the teleportation they had used to arrive with a bit of flare. As stage magician fog, and starlight danced along them.

Giovanni wore a custom tailored three piece suit with white buttoned shirt, high collar, with a bow tie. Deep midnight purple vest, a pocket watch tucked away across the pocket. Pitch black suit jacket, and pants, with silver enchanted thread inscribed into it. With a single orichalcum belt buckle, black leather belt. To finish off the look he had black wing tip shoes, a cane, and magician's top hat. The man was approximately 5'11”, with blue eyes, and short black hair that was pulled back with hair gel.

Sindella wore intricate orichalcum choker, with an enchanted stone as its center piece. A skin tight short skirt white satin dress that went to her mid thigh, with straps, and no back. Her figure showed that she exercised regularly, the dress didn't leave a lot to the imagination. Her rich blond hair was pulled back into a lose tail, as several ringlet bangs framed her face. Her eyes were the most distinct feature. She did not have the whites in her eyes that a human would. But her entire eye was starlight. Lash had seen this look on Dawn before, he always found it beautiful to look at.

“Good to see you again, Mister Zatara. Hello Misses Zatara, welcome back to Earth.” Lash said as he stood up and bowed from his waist, keeping to his Warden etiquette. Sindella smiled at him, and turned to her husband.

“Thank you for helping out daughter, as well pointing her in the right direction. I will confess I imagined you and her coming to my aid. I may have even preferred I..gah!” Zatara started but jumped a little as Sindella pinched his side.

“What my husband means to say is. Thank you for pointing our daughter to John Constantine. He needs a lesson in manners, but he is a talented man that treats Zatanna well. His unique abilities allowed me to return home when I had thought I would have died.” Sindella said with a grateful smile and nod of her head. Zatara rubbed his side and nodded as well.

“I don't suppose the Homo-Magi will be rejoining the supernatural council by chance?” Lash asked, honestly curious about their people.

“I'm afraid not, they are in part still stuck in the past. Better to hide in their own realm then associate with any other.” Sindella replied, sadness creeping into her own voice.

“Pity, there was much we could have learned from each other.” Lash was disheartened by the news.

“There is....Something different about you, Warden Lash.” Zatara looked at him with a bit of mild curiosity. Sindella's magic eyes caught what Zatara was looking at and her eyes went wide.

“You have the Time Domain?” She said, her voice caught in her throat. As Zatara's eyes went wide in both fear, and a bit of pride.

“You understand that is a very dangerous Domain? Having access to it places you on a very short list with in the supernatural world.” Sindella said, she reached across the table and took Lash's hand sending a wave of energy through him. She was checking to see if he was distorted from use of Time magic. He was not, he only had one spell after all!

“I see, you are new to it. Advantages of using Domains, and not free form magic like my husband and I use.” Sindella said with a soft smile as she released his hand.

Zatara nodded his head as he helped his wife back to her seat, she had to stretch across the table to get to Lash. An action that he noticed made Lash turn his head so he wouldn't enjoy the sight of a beautiful woman stretching herself. Zatara put a point of respect into the Lash category for not ogling his wife.

Zatara, Zatanna, Sindella, and Constantine had was called free form magic. This essentially allowed them free access to every type of magic in known history as long as they had access to the material, items, and words. Zatara, and Zatanna were great examples of being able to invoke ancient long forgotten dead magic casters from the grave for information. While Constantine was a magical creature, and or demon depending on his background in the comics. While Sindell was simple a human being of magic incarnate. She used her very imagination to cast spells.

Those that chose the Domain path were limited in scope to the different Domains they had access to. Domain casters can't throw a fireball at someone unless they have specific Domain that allow that action. But the benefit of using Domains is that the spells write themselves as long as you focus on the pool of knowledge, they also have very little backlash. Generally all you get is a drained feeling of having your magic pool taken from you. While free form magic users can get physically hurt, or even have their spell go wild which has a lot of unpredictable consequences. So pros and cons.

Lash technically could buy the free form aspect of magic in the store. It took 100 DP, and a story event to obtain. But from his readings on the forum threads he discovered that if you want to buy the type of magic you can start a story quest to obtain it. But you also still need the DP. He was content with his Domains for now. He wasn't even sure he could multi cast the different kinds of magic. Dawn would not go into specifics unless he purchased it.

“Well we should head off! They have a specific, refined theater for those that wish a little more of a cocktail party. Thank you for your time, Warden Lash. If you ever want to talk shop please do not hesitate to call.” Zatara said as he tipped his hat, and gave a bow as he stood up. Sindella stood with her husband, arms wrapped his own. She winked at Lash and gave him a breath taking smile.

“Thank you for stopping by. I am happy to know that Zatanna has both her parents back in her life.” Lash stood, and bowed from his waist as he finished speaking.

Lash sat back down in his plant throne, letting it change to fit his bodies unique physiology like his tail. Sitting comfortably when you have giant tail was a task in it self. He closed his eyes and tried to think about what was to come. What else could give him an edge? He checked his Dream Point total and discovered he had 45 DP already. He could save it up and get the upgrade key for Vici. But he was terrified to start the upgrade process while they were being attacked. Thanks to Quetzalcoatl's warning he knew it was soon. But w....wait a minute?

“Dawn, I remember a while a go you told me it was possible to buy an item called a Rift Compass?” Lash said very softly to himself.

“That is correct, User! It is a passive ability that allows the User to detect a Rift with in a hundred miles of themselves. Also, the compass allows you to know what type of Rift it is, along with its grade.” Dawn's voice was sweet on his ears as he thought about his next question.

“Is it possible to give that ability to Vici? Could she create a grid program to systematically search the entire globe?” Lash asked, his heart beating faster then normal. Lash waited for a moment, normally Dawn would respond as soon as he asked. Any time she didn't meant she was working a problem.

“Very clever, User. Yes, that is possible. The compass takes 50 DP to purchase, you currently have 45 DP, and 8 DP on your card. Would you like to install this new piece in the Watch Tower?” Dawn asked, her voice carried a hint of a smile. Lash knew that sound, he could imagine a teacher showing a bit of pride as their student figured out something.

“Yes...Very much!” Lash said with a grin, and clenched his hands into fists. Small victories!

“Your purchase has been complete, User. Vici has been granted a new tool. She will message you shortly. Well played, User.” Dawn's voice was teasing as Lash felt a soft touch of lips on his cheek.

“Father! A new piece of technology, and knowledge has been implanted into my system. It has your signature! Is everything alright?” Vici's voice came over a holographic window by way of Connectivity.

“Yes, daughter. Trying a new form of updates. I should be able to give you upgrades, and new modules with out being directly present anymore. The implant granted is a form of compass to find a Rift with in 100 miles. Once it has fully integrated into your system do you think you could create a grid pattern program to search the globe for our uninvited guests?” Lash asked, though he knew the answer already.

“...Yes...YES! I can do that! I will start right away, it should be ready in approximately 8 hours. I'll start scanning the globe as soon as it finishes.” Vici was clearly excited as she closed the connection.

At last they had a way to find them. Not only the invasion Rifts, but any Rift in the future. When they survived this invasion he would have to start training the Justice League in Rift adventures, and sealing. He knew that the Dreamers of his world could enter Rifts as well. This will just add another element to his already complicated world. But the Dream Engine never gave him an unsolvable puzzle.

Lash truly was in uncharted territory now. Aside from Fort Rozz, and Drew-Zod. Everything was up in the air! But even those things would be handled differently then they were in the comics, and television shows. It filled Lash with a bit of excitement, and fear. Saurian was filled with cheer! New challenges awaited on the horizon.

The sound of music playing stirred Lash from his thoughts. He stood up and looked around as more and more people came to attend the festival. Lash thanked the plants for providing a place for him with a bit of Nature Domain magic. Allowing them to return to normal. He joined the tide of people slipping past them seemingly unnoticed with a bit of Illusion Domain passive effect.

Spell Domain Illusion, Anonymity: The User gains the quality or state of being unknown to most people. No matter how the User looks when they cast this spell they blend into any crowd. As long as they do not do anything outside the average range of that crowd. Example; Strip naked, shift between shapes, or start to fly.

Unlike the spell Invisibility this spell allowed Lash to continue talking to everyone around him. They just wouldn't see him. All they would remember is speaking to a very unremarkable person. Even if he was an 8 foot tall lizard man. He was sure those with strong mental resistance, and those with the Illusion Domain themselves could see past it. But for the most part?

As he got closer to the festival the largest stadium was playing a remix of all the classic songs of the 90's, 2000's, and 2020's. Pop, K-pop, a few electric, along with mixture of this and that. Who ever they hired for the DJ was very talented individual. They had an eclectic collection. The sun was just staring to set in the sky bathing them all in a color of red, orange, and blue. The massive stereos created vibrations that ran through the ground. All the while everything was contained to their specific theater. Lash stepped through the line and could feel the music vibrate through his bones. Nice.

The scene he saw in front of him reminded him of the college parties Lash attended. Hundreds of young people dancing with each other, or alone. Holding party cups in the air so not to spill anything. While along the sides were hundreds of tables for the people watchers. Different colored lights would turn off and on with the beat of the music as a laser show would just start as the sun continued to fall. There was a vibrant energy in the air that Lash knew was a Compulsion charm. It was a mild effect, dance, enjoy, be safe was the effect of the charm.

“Wraith, would you please come with me. We are ready for you.” Meztli the dragon-thrall appeared next to Lash with out a sound. Lash to his credit didn't jump out of his skin, but his whole body did tense. Something that did not go unnoticed by Meztli, his lips twitched up just a bit.

“Please, lead the way!” Lash said, as he grumbled for being sneaked up on. He followed after Meztli not very surprised that the thrall could see past his spell.

The two of them flowed through the crowd as easy as walking through the air. No one noticed them, and no one stopped them. Lash understood this was Meztli doing his job but it was still impressive. Lash could do this with a fae glamour, but Meztli wasn't using that. They walked into the back stage just behind the DJ booth center mass. There Lash found Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Flash, Green Arrow, Green Lantern (Hal), Shazam, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Aquaman, and Aquawoman all in full uniform just waiting for Lash.

Lash pressed his hands to his chest and used his skill/spell Calling and brought his armor. In a dull flash of purple light he was covered from head to tail in half plate armor. The shroud of living smoke and shadow covered him quickly as he joined the senior members of the Justice League. What ever effect Meztli had placed on them faded as soon as they were with in earshot.

“Wraith! There you are, we were afraid you wouldn't make it!” Hawkwoman called, a smile on her face. Barely seen underneath her Nth metal Thanagarian helmet. The senior members all turned towards him and said hello. Though Batman stayed his stoic indifferent self, he did nod toward him.

“Technically I'm not part of the League, so it would have been fine.” Lash supplied, but everyone knew how much of a lie that was.

“Technically the oil spill was a League, Atlantean, and UN joint operation. So, we would have needed you anyways.” Superman said with his boy next door smile. Clark looked different, he looked more full filled then before. He had a good couple of days.

“Ladies, Gentlemen it is almost time.” Meztli said, as he stood next to the stairs leading up to the stage. Lash was satisfied that more than one person in the League jumped at his words. They didn't know he was standing there.

Diana walked over to Lash side and leaned in with a smile. Lash looked at her, and she mouthed word later at him. He nodded in agreement. Diana smiled grew wider, she reached out and squeezed his hand for a moment then let go. The League got into line and would go out first, Lash would be last. One by one the DJ introduced the different leaders of the Justice League to roaring applause and cheers.

Lash stepped up next and waited for Meztli to signal him. The dragon-thrall reached up and fixed something he noticed on Lash's armor. He adjusted the UNWS/Warden coat of arms that was hidden under the shroud. Details mattered! Lash bowed his head in thanks, then Meztli gestured for him to walk onto stage. The roaring crowd doubled in noise when he walked onto stage. A spotlight marked his path as he joined the rest of the League on the stage. They had done a step tier to separate everyone evenly while Agent Wraith of UNWS was dead center in front, and beneath everyone else. It was symbolic gesture not to say he was not important but more to say he supported everyone. He was the keystone in the structure.

“Thank you everyone for coming! Thank you to the Templo de Luz for hosting this event for us.” Superman started, microphone in hand.

“For three days we have enjoyed this time of peace, and entertainment. Because we the League understand that the job we perform is an important aspect of this new life, this new world we now share.” Wonder Woman stepped up for her turn to speak, a lot of Amazons cheered for her.

“But tomorrow, we go back to our lives. Back to the good fight. We have a lot of work ahead of us. Its important to find time to the time to relax with friends, and family. But we are needed in the world, now more than ever.” Batman's cold stone voice brought a lot of people back to reality.

“So tonight! Enjoy yourselves! Drink! Dance! But most of all recognize those next to you. We are all fighting together!” Flash said with a smile and a laugh as his whole body danced with the speed force.

“Understand that we are all in this together.” Hawkman started.

“We live together, we fight together, we die together!” Hawkwoman finished. The crowed cheered.

“Though many of us come from different paths, lives, and even different races.” Aquawoman said with a smile and she tried to not laugh.

“We all know how to party together! Yeeeaaaaa!” Aquaman said with a yell, and the audience roared back at him.

“We are all part of the same team. No matter our Origins.” Martian Manhunter said, as he changed his 'uniform' to return to his Green Martian form. Green skin, long limbs, and distinctly alien.

“We are bound together by team work, skill, and a calling that few share.” Green Arrow stepped up close to Martian Manhunter. The only mundane aside from Batman.

“But we are called, make no mistake about that. To do more than others.” Shazam said with a smile, and blushed a little as several women in the crowed whistled at him.

“Because those with the power to do something, have the responsibility to do something!” Green Lantern said.

“We are in this together! Our world, our universe, our reality.” Lash finished.

“Let the party begin!” The entire League said as one!

On cue the DJ started up the music and the lights danced to life. Though not all of the senior members were on the stage it had been agreed ahead of time who would be present. They went back stage once again to change out of their uniforms that each flashed with an illusion particles. They hadn't actually been in uniform. They just looked the part. Zatanna had cast a spell on each of them and held the spell behind them. That was why she did not go out. Lash dismissed his armor, and his shroud. The League cheered and went to join their loved ones in the crowd.

The festival was incredibly entertaining. The different theaters allowed all sorts of parties, styles, and genres of music. Lash made sure to visit each one, especially the cocktail party. Just the sight of a lizard wearing a tailored three piece suit was oddly disturbing. Lash didn't see the Luthor's again, he could only assume they had left. Or at the very least were stuck in their rooms working their own problems. On a high note, Lash did snag Constantine for a dance. Which Zatanna howled with laughter as Constantine was dragged to the floor by Lash. Despite the massive size difference Constantine was a good dancer! Lash kissed him on the cheek after they were done and loved how John turned bright red all the way to his ears.

Around 2 in the morning Lash returned to his hotel room, alone. He shifted back to his default human form and for the first time in a long time took a nice long shower. He stepped from the bathroom wearing no cloths and walked naked around his hotel room dripping water behind him as he walked. He came to the balcony and sat down under the full moon above and soaked up the silver radiance. He closed his eyes and used Meditation.

Nature Domain Spell, Invoke Animal Spirit: The Caster, and or the target takes on aspects of the animal spirit they invoke. Allowing for offensive, defensive, or utility abilities. Example, invoking the spirit of spider allows one to climb walls, and ceilings.

Technomancy Domain Spell/Skill, Technomagical Constructs: User can create various kinds of constructs, weapons, armors, structures, devices, drones, vehicles, robots, aircrafts, spacecrafts, and so on. Do to its magical and technological nature, constructs have the potential for sentient intelligence and empathy.

Grave Domain Spell, Animancy: The User's magical casting revolve around the manipulation of life, and its energy. Allowing to temporarily grant life to inanimate things, under the control of the caster.

Transmutation Domain Spell, Matter Transmutation: User can transmute matter into different forms. They are able to create and absorb matter and energy, shape, and rebuild it into anything of their choosing. More complex forms of matter takes more magical energy. The User must have touched the item at least once. Works in tandem with the Shaper Title effect.

Illusion Domain Spell, Pain: Pain illusion is the ability to trick an individual's mind into thinking they are in physical pain. Though it has no physical affect on the body, the pain is quite effective to put a target down no matter the size.

Side note: You have learned the Enchanting Rune of Pain.

Rebirth Domain Spell, Life and Death Manipulation: User can sense, create, shape and manipulate the essences of life and death, giving and taking both. They can manipulate the beginning and end of the life cycles of any/all living organisms, allowing them to adapt and manipulate the forces of vitality and necrotic influences.

Side Note: This spell is incredibly powerful, dangerous, and takes a great deal of energy to use. Be careful!

Trickery Domain Spell/Skill, Supernatural Gambling: The User is talented at the art of gambling, risk, intuition, and luck appears to be on their side.

Side Note: Careful, your luck is so good many will think you are cheating.

One by one different spells, and skills appeared in his mind. Lash was surprised by the sudden influx of new information. But the ambient magical energy at the resort had always been amazing. Made him regret not spending more time in Meditation, but only slightly. When he opened his eyes the sun had risen. Time to get dressed and leave the resort.

He used Transformation and Calling to equip his armor. The shroud wrapped around him like a long lost friend. They were Wraith once more as he walked into the elevator. Once the doors opened in the lobby dragon-thrall Meztli stood at the ready. Made Lash wonder how long he had been standing there. Lash bowed from his waist, as did Meztli. Then the thrall followed in the wake Lash left behind. They traveled the stone path towards the air transport landing area. He saw a few early bird League members already in their uniforms, others still in swim suits, but they were all headed to the SHARC.

Once the arrived at the landing pad the SHARC remained true. No one had touched it outside of the League. Meztli had made sure of that, dragon-thrall guards were clearly visible along with some not so visible measures. Lash watched as several League members were wrapped in spell scrip and spring jumped back up to the Watch Tower. Lash stood off to the side fully intending to wait here until all of the League had left the resort. He would then deconstruct the SHARC, and head up to the tower himself. Meztli would wait by his side until he left.

As the minutes turned into hours, the sun rose across the ocean. Lash noticed more spirits of life and death danced around him. As he carried far more control over their area's of influence now. Out of pure entertainment value Lash used Animancy to temporarily give a pack of plants a bit of life. A sylvan hound with a skeleton structure of wood that would bend before it would break grew from the plants. Long ivy branches covered the hound from head to toe giving it a form of skin, while the leaves were its fur. It blinked its eyes and looked around. The hound bounded up and rubbed its head against Lash. Content to just be by his side.

“I see you've wisely made use of your time here, Wraith. On that note, my Master has informed me that should you ever wish to return to the Temple. Your room will be reserved for you. You are welcome here, always.” Meztli said softly as he marveled at the hound who laid down at Lash's clawed feet, his tail wagging back and forth.

“I will keep most definitely keep that in mind. I find this place wonderful to relieve stress. Perhaps there would be some way to allow the League to come back once a year as well?” Lash asked, curious about this. Everyone really seem to enjoy it here.

“My Master informed me that yes that would be possible. As long as you agree to grand the rest of her daughters...Children.” Meztli said, the hint of a smile on his face. Lash's jaw went slack, and he hung his head in defeat.

“Tell her I'll...Think about it.” Lash replied, Meztli smiled wide at that.

Once a year, for three days at an exclusive resort for the whole Justice League? All he had to do was sleep with the daughters of Torloth, and Quetzalcoatl. Giving them children the first time with Sobek's blessing. There were worse ways to pay for it. Lash would have to talk to the League about it. He was sure Arthur would laugh his ass off about it.

“Wraith!” Kory called from down the way, she jumped into the air and flew over and gently tackled him in a hug. Lash caught her so she wouldn't run into his chest plate. She laughed at him, and burrowed into his arms.

“Missed you!” She said, as she wiggled back and forth.

Kory wore a blue half tank top that was tight against her. Words were inscribed on the top. No Bra Club. Lash rolled his eyes at the word, yes Kory did not wear a bra no needed one half the time. She had jean shorts on, with sandals. Her fiery red hair was out and glowed at the tips, her orange skin was brilliant in the morning sun, as were her glowing green eyes. She leaned into to whisper to him.

“Next time you and me are alone, and we have time. I get to have you.” Her words promised a sweet and enjoyable time, but also rebuked no argument. Lash agreed and nuzzled into her neck to memorize her scent. He gently put her down as Megan, and Kara showed up.

Megan had a healthy tan, pink short hair above her shoulders, and pink eyes. (Happy) she continued to use the illusion charm he had made for her. Wearing a medium blue t-shirt, along with designer ripped jeans, and a pair of flats. She ran up and hugged Lash, and kissed his cheek. She smiled wide at him and sent him a friendly telepathic greeting that she could really only share with another telepath.

Kara came along next, she had long curly red hair, and eyes (Nervous). She wore a red cotton top, and had a knee length blue frill skirt, and blue tennis shoes. She was looking anywhere but at Lash's eyes. She looked down at his belt and blushed at a memory, then looked at the sylvan hound. Yes! The dog was very cute! Before she could pet it Lash pulled her up into a hug, she squeaked and blushed all the way to her ears.

Lash's shroud wrapped around Kara, and hid her from the world as Lash ran his forked tongue up her neck, and squeezed her ass with his hands. She shivered in delight and hid her face in his neck. Her breath hot on his scales. They stayed that way for a minute before Lash put her down, she whispered in his ear before he let go.

“You are so mean!” She said, but her smile said otherwise. As her hair, and eye color changed to blue. (Lovable)

Kara, now released came to pet the sylvan hound. Who was getting a belly rub from Megan, and Kory. A few minutes later Diana came up along with the other Amazons that came to the resort. Lash bowed from his waist towards his 'sisters'. They returned the greeting, while Diana walked over in her leather skirt, top, and sandals she wore before. A brazilian heart flower tucked behind her ear. She gave Lash a big hug, and he gently licked just below her ear. The move made her tense up in surprise, but she relaxed. She pulled back with a raised brow.

“Careful, don't start something you can't finish.” Diana said, raising her chin up almost in challenge.

“I'll remember that in the future.” Lash offered a compromise, and Diana smiled at him.

“Alright you three, you ready for the training camp?” Diana asked Kara, Kory, and Megan.

“Wait? We are leaving right now? I thought Wraith was dropping us off?” Kara said in surprise as she stood up from petting the hound.

“Sorry but no. I have several things to attend to. The quicker the better. But remember you three we'll finish our tour when the world settles.” Lash said, regret was clear in his voice. Kara agreed with a sigh.

One by one Kara, Kory, and Megan gave him one last hug. As did Diana, Lash promised the Amazons from the volleyball red team he would make their gear soon. They were excited for it but understood he was busy. Then one by one they spring jumped back up the tower. It didn't take much longer until the last of the Justice League had left the resort. Lash deconstructed the SHARC, then dismissed the hound after he gave the nature spirits a bit of magic as thank you, said goodbye to Meztli and called for a pick up.

With an audible pop! Lash blinked and he was back on the Watch Tower. Over a hundred League members walked through the small station moving to and fro. The girls had already left for Themyscira before he came up. Lash's shoulders drooped a bit. Though he could move a lot faster with out them. He already missed their company.

Lash spent sometime on the station inspecting the different modules, as well as the updated station itself. The turrets, and engines had been installed. Thanks to his new achievement 'Shield of Earth' he could apply a 10% maintenance reduction to the station. The turrets were massive construction tools of war. Multi barrel contraptions folded and compressed into the tri star ring around the station. He worked along side several of the new robotic workers from the new Droid Services module. On an after thought, Lash inscribed the Rune of Pain onto the turrets. Anything they shot would feel pain, regardless if it actually damaged them. Next he moved onto the engines of the station. Thanks to the Space Domain, Vici could technically move with out firing a single thruster though it was a bit slow. The four engines would allow them far more mobility.

“Warning! Warning! Yellow Alert! Senior staff available please proceed to Operations immediately!” Vici's voice sounded out across the entire station. Lash handed off a tool to a work, dropped to all fours and sprinted towards Operations.

Lash used Gravity Stride to climb the walls and ceilings in the station so he wouldn't run into anyone as he moved as fast as possible. He galloped up the stairs, and practically slid into the Operations main chamber. There in the module was Hawkman, and Hawkwoman who stayed on the station. Along with Vigil in full uniform. All three looked at Lash then looked at the monitor above.

The holographic display showed a large portion of Earth, though not all of it. They still needed more sub-satellites. On the screen they pin pointed large ripples of electromagnetic pulse energy. Exploded from strategic points spread out across the globe. The ripples of energy killed every electronic device, cutting power, and casting the world back to the stone age.

“It's started.... The Invasion has begun.” Vigil said....

“Well, its about time. Lets get to work!” Lash replied with a grin.

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