
****Alberta, Canada****

Alpha Rift FOB had grown. The Rift itself was large enough to allow troop transport to roll through it. While a steel and concrete complex surrounded it. Machine shops, armories, barracks, and prison cells were placed around the Rift. Tanks, and armored personal carriers were being built as quickly as possible as speedsters, and technicians worked around the clock. Giant mammoths of metal, and carnage stood ready. Twin tank barrels, on top of towering tank treads. The body of the tank large enough to hold a five man gun crew, and ten soldiers as transport. The APC's with magnetic coils for quick movement over difficult terrain, or even water.

On the other side of the base was the basic construction of an air field. An armored soldier walked the field carefully, and with purpose as green energy fields surrounded their hands. The ground leveled itself out according to the will of the soldier. A terrakinetic. Scattered through out the top layer of the base were energy pylons that distorted perception. Stealth fields that blocked sight, and masked energy readings from surface to satellite.

It was almost time. The Beta Rift FOB had just started its troop arrival and second stage of base construction. Recon teams at the Alpha site had begun to strip the immediate area of anything useful. Flora, fauna, and people. Most of all people. They needed a worker class to help cultivate and rebuild their shattered world. The Alpha site had collected over five thousand slaves already. This reality, Earth-004 had an over abundant of people.

A single tower no taller then three levels contained the operations room. The Rift Commander looked out across the windows looking for mistakes, and ways to improve efficiency. The SAM (Surface to air missile) sites were starting to be installed. The holographic displays received information from the body cams on the recon units outside the stealth field. Above all of the holographic screens, mounted on the wall was a clock. A count down timer. It was almost time.


72 : 33 : 12


“I don't understand you Tora! How can you face down people with guns, bullets flying, and handle the stress that comes with it like water off your back. But when it comes to social interaction, you curl up into a ball and shudder with fear?” Beatriz said to her friend as she ran through their small two bedroom apartment.

“I'd rather go fight the drug cartels than go to this resort and see some rich guy ask us about a job! Is this a social event? Or a sexual conquest!” Tora asked, as she held up a bathing suit. Her underwear had more material that this suit had!

“Well if the man is cute, it could be both!” Beatriz said with a smile, and laughed when Tora her best friend blushed.

Beatriz Bonilla da Costa, 'Bea' to her friends was a 5'8” woman. With vibrant green eyes, and green curly hair that grew just past her shoulders. No, it wasn't a dyed hair color. A months ago she had awoken her dormant Meta-Gene. She came a Pyrokinetic, but from her search on the internet she was a different kind. The flames she called were green in color, and surrounded her whole body. While in her green flame elemental color she could fly! It was an amazing feeling. When her gene activated her whole body went through a transformation. Her eyes, and hair turned green. She could get a fully body work out from a few hours flight and practice of her abilities. No more mid morning cycling classes! She took pride in her tiny waist, bouncing breasts, and plump ass.

Bea had been born in Brazil and moved around a lot. But settled down in Rio where she struggled to become a model and actress but never caught a break. When her meta-gene activated it was the best thing in her life. She moon lighted as a emergency response for the fire department. (And crime fighter) The city had started to pay her under the table. It wasn't much, but it was enough to live on.

She shared a home with her friend Tora. Tora was 5'7”, with fierce blue eyes, and white hair cut at her jaw line that she often combed to one side to reveal her face. Tora loved working out, and often dragged Bea to the gym to lift weights. Bea did small weights, while Tora did large weights. The difference showed. Tora had a strong body, but thanks to Bea didn't over work herself and still kept her figure. Tora, was just like Bea. Her Meta-Gene activated as well, but Tora was a cryokinetic. Best of all! They didn't need AC in their apartment!

Tora moonlighted with Bea on the fire department as well. Its how they had met, and hit it off! Tora was a monster when it came to fighting crime. But was insanely shy when it came to anything not about the job. A little less then an hour ago they had received a package by messenger. They had got a three day get away at a exclusive private resort. All expenses paid! All they had to do was meet a man about a job. A car would be here to pick them up in two hours.

“Isn't this a little to sudden? I mean, why us?” Tora asked, and Bea had to concede that little gnawing bit of information. They were not the only meta-humans in Rio. So, that may mean that it had nothing to do with there powers? Bea wanted to think it was her modeling career finally getting noticed, but.

“OK! I agree that its a little weird. So we'll go, meet the man. If he is not on the up, and up we'll leave. But we have to take a chance, Tora. Please?” Bea came to sit down in front of her friend on the couch in their tiny living room. Bea made a puppy dog face, and Tora groaned.

“Fiiiiiine. We'll go. But I am not wearing that!” Tora threw the string bikini, and thong across the room.

“Fine, I'll wear it!” Bea said with a laugh.


The resort they had all been invited to was high class, private resort that only the top 3% of the world would come to. For many of the Justice League this was a first! It was off the beaten path, and had its own private beach. White sand, perfectly clear water, large avenues of gardens, in house restaurants, bars, clubs. Giant pool balconies every ten floors. It was built into a mountain side. Oh! The mountain was artificially made. The hotel extended into it! This was a perfect place for a super villain to own. A sizable wall surrounded the resort, cleverly disguised with trees, plants, and very nice security guards that carried sub-machine guns, and body armor. This resort was apparently where dignitaries came to relax while in Brazil. It was not the kind of place you could find on the internet through a search engine.

Sounds great!......You would think. The entire Justice League had been invited to the hotel. Lash was informed that he could park the SHARC on one of the many landing pads the hotel owned. As Lash flew the SHARC over the beaches near Rio. Huge crowds had come out on the beach to cheer for the SHARC, along with the fliers of the League. They were giving them all thanks for cleaning the oil up. It was a nice sight. Most of the passengers in the SHARC were VI Avatars, but a few people were part of the original DC comics. Needless to say it was noisy inside.

“So I think we have run into a problem?” Hal Jordan said, the Green Lantern. Who sat next to Lash. Who also complained that the SHARC didn't have a co-pilot seat.

Hal Jordan was 6'2”, with brown eyes, and brown hair that was cut high and tight. Standard military haircut. Made sense since he was a pilot for the Air Force. Or was? His personal history eluded Lash. He was part of the Green Lantern Corp. now. So, he had a shiny green ring on his hand, and a black, suit, with green highlights, and a green domino mask on. The suit was of course form fitting and showed off his impressive physic. A detail that many of the ladies in the plane took notice of. Hal being a ladies man of course smiled back.

“How does an organizations of champions, heroes, and overall good people keep their identity secret while attending a resort where clothing is mostly optional?” Lash provided the next sentence as Hal was distracted.

Lash had kept his Transformation, and Wraith shroud active. So his animalistic voice made Hal wince. Like nails on a chalk board Hal commented. The shroud's smoke curled and poured off of Lash like a living thing, several sitting near by had their feet swallowed by the smoke. A few people wigged out, a few people watched in fascination.

“Ya! I mean I've spent time in my suit. But as you can see this thing doesn't have a zipper. We'll have to take it off eventually. Any ideas?” Hal asked, as he stood up to admire the view of the hotel as they flew closer.

“I got that covered. At least appearance wise. If people blurt out their names, and birthdays that's on them.” Lash replied, as he flipped a switch and the air operations control tower came over the radio.

“This is SHARC, Zero-One approaching from north by north east, bearing 045 degrees, over” Lash's voice to the radio was almost normal. Making Hal look at him confused, then noticed how Lash massaged his throat. Suggesting that had bothered him to say.

“We read you, SHARC Zero-One. Approach is locked. Welcome to Templo da Luz.” Said the air controller, in a thick accent.
Before Lash could say anything, Hal shouted down through the SHARC's interior for every to sit down and buckle up they would be landing momentarily. Hal clapped Lash on the shoulder and took his own seat. Lash was slightly annoyed but let it go. One would think that a pilot for the Air Force wouldn't do that. But it is what it is. The many different fliers including Kara, Kory, and Megan flew ahead and landed on the port. The SHARC leveled out and landed softly. The engines powered down, and the reach hatch opened up.

“Welcome to the Temple of Light everyone! Before you all run off and get drunk we need to cover a few things first!” Lash said to everyone.

One by one Lash made a basic illusion charm for every member of the League attending the hotel. Vici said they had the right facilities to make additional charms aboard the Watch Tower. Turns out they did have a minor enchanters kit up there. One of the 'Unique' Droids he hadn't met yet could make them. Nifty! The charm was just like the ones he made for Kara, Kory, and Megan. Hair, and eye color changed based on mood. Skin tone alteration, along with defining features. Noticeable scars, tattoos, and soft body features. They came in necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, and if you really wanted to go far. Lash could imprint a temporary tattoo!

The hotel staff were standing ready and willing to help everyone settle in. There was apparently no method of paying at the hotel. So no need for a wallet, purse, credit cards, or cash. Everything would be settled on your departure. Since the League was invited here for three days all expenses paid. They didn't need any money!

Superman landed next to the SHARC and looked at the long line of new Justice League falling over themselves to get checked in. Lash was tracing a spell inscription in the shape of a tattoo over a woman's bare neck line. She winked at Superman, who blushed and coughed trying to clear the air. She laughed, and apologized to Lash when he growled at her. He finished up, and her soft features went through a change. She laughed and kissed his cheek and ran off to join her friends. Something Lash noticed, none of the VI Avatars were bothered by his looks. Gamers.

“Go get Lois...” Lash said to Superman once everyone had left. Superman nearly tripped over his own feet. He looked up at Lash with confusion written on his face.

“Wh...I mean... Do you think she would come?” Superman asked, his cheeks flushing red. He asked, unsure of himself.

“Yes, I think she would. Just have Vici drop you off. Then have her pick you both up. She can cover the portal hub with a screen. All Lois will see is room with a glowing floor before she is here. Tell her every one here is off the record unless they specifically say otherwise.” Lash said, then he walked over and put his clawed hand on Superman's shoulder.

“Kal-El. Go...This may be the last chance any of us get a break before it starts.” Lash finished, and Superman nodded. He pressed into his earbud and a moment later spell script coiled around him and he spring jumped away.

“Vici, please inform all members of the League about the resort. I've been told you can use the SHARC as your entry point. If any of your children want to attend they can. Also I'm sorry.” Lash said, as he sighed softly.

“For what, Father? You've done nothing to apologize for.” Vici's said over Connectivity.

“I should have obtained another Droid Service module specifically for you. So you could build your own body.” Lash replied.... There was a long pause as he waited for Vici to think about what he said.

“I.... I hadn't thought about that. Yes, with Parallel Minds I could run the Watch Tower, as well as experience my own life. T...That would be wonderful Father! Please don't apologies! The fact that you had already planned ahead is a gift in itself. Thank you!” Vici's teenage voice sound like she was crying, but tears of joy instead of sadness.

Lash bowed his head in apology anyways. Then he walked to the SHARC and activated its security. Any member of the League could still get in, but activating it took a security access. Any one else may receive a shock to their system. Lash took a moment to visually inspect the rest of the planes, and helicopters on the other landing spots. He paused for a brief moment, one of them had the Lex-Corp logo on it. Interesting.

He began to walk the stone paved path towards the hotel. With in moments an attendant appeared almost out of now where. The man didn't say anything when he showed up. Just became a obedient shadow. Lash stopped and looked at the man, the attendant didn't flinch just stared back. Lash reached out and placed a hand on the mans shoulder.

“You're a dragon-thrall aren't you?” Lash asked, softly. The man nodded, but kept his mouth shut.

Lash didn't say another word, but squeezed the mans shoulder gently. Then continued on. What was a dragon-thrall? Dragon-Thralls are people, mostly humans but not limited to them. That ritually bound themselves to a pure blooded dragon. Anyone who played a ttrpg (Table Top Role Playing Game) Would know the thralls as 'Half-Dragons'. That was a dragon-thrall here in the Supernatural world. They gained an extended life, a major increase in all stats, and became a creature of magic. Sounds amazing, right? But the down side was that you become sterile, you are compelled to be loyal to the Dragon you were bound to. Also, if the Dragon dies, you die.

Dragon-Thrall's were brainwashed slaves. Yes, they chose the path. Didn't mean Lash hated it any less. Along the way Lash noticed every guard, and hotel staff of 'rank' was a Dragon-Thrall. While everyone under a certain staff rank was pseudo-mundane, or supernatural just here for a job. Everyone was perfectly trained in customs, courtesy, and provided perfect service. All the same, both Lash and Saurian were biting their tongue in disgust.

Lash reached one of the hotels entrances. A giant gate made of stone, steel, and glass awaited his inspected pleasure. Hundreds of spells, enchantments, and wards decorated the entire hotel. Dragon-Thralls guarded the doors wearing tailored suits, with body armor sewn into the clothing. Side arms, and hidden blades. They stood perfectly still, while their eyes tracked everyone come in and out. They would only become animated if someone asked them a question. One of the guards stepped from his post and opened the door for Lash when he came close. The every guard near by bowed when he passed. Something the other hotel guests clearly noticed.

Hushed whispers, and clearly surprised gasps rang out. Many of the hotel patrons were mundanes who came for the privacy and excellent service. They had clearly been informed of the 'Justice League International' coming. But Agent Wraith was another thing. Several patrons walked over wearing ten thousand dollar suits, and dresses.

“Agent Wraith? How wonderful to see you. Joseph M. Grant. We met once last year.” A tall, lean man walked up wearing white cotton polo shirt, dress khaki pants, brown leather shoes. He looked mid forties. He had his wife on his arm, who wore a single white piece dress with pearls on her neck. They looked similar in age.

“Mister Grant, Misses Grant. Its a pleasure to see you both. Congratulations on your son getting into Stanford. Along with your daughter obtaining honor roll at her school.” Lash replied, his animalistic voice was hard on the ears. He bowed from his waist, his bladed tail coiled around him. Both of the Grants looked surprised, and a bit pleased that he knew about their family.

“Well thank you very much, Agent Wraith. I hear congratulations are in order. You helped clean up the oil spill just off the coast. As well as work with the Altanteans. But also help organize these... Mercenaries? Into helping?” Misses Grant gestured to the League still in the front lobby.

“It was a team effort. They are the Justice League, International branch. Another name would be Heroes with out borders. But one could also call them Mercenaries. Time will tell, hopefully for the better.” Lash conceded, he didn't really know how to properly describe the League other than a free organization that helped others.

“Some new program the UN is trying to put together?” Mister Grant asked, intrigued by the idea.

“You could say that the UN is keeping an eye on it. However, with the new discovery of the Meta-Gene a new branch of government agency is on the works. CSA, Certified Super Association. Anyone with the Meta-Gene that wishes to put their abilities to work has to become certified to work. Soon we'll start to see SWPAT...Special weapons, powers, and tactics.” Lash explained when the Grants looked confused for a moment.

“Oh! That is a marvelous idea! That is why you are here, to help keep an eye on the League?” Mister Grant continued, as he smiled at Lash. Lash knew that look, it was the look of some one trying to size up, and take advantage of.

“The oil spill was a joint operation by the UN, League, and Atlantis. It was a good opportunity for team work, and public relations.” Lash replied, as he tried to keep irritation from his voice. Misses Grant must have picked up on it as she chimed in.

“I am sure someone of your abilities it was child's play. But, you must be tired. Thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us.” Misses Grant offered, and Mister Grant now understood and smiled as well. Lash bowed his head and excused himself.

Lash wished that was the only conversation he ended up having, but it wasn't. He spoke to several different country dignitaries, envoys, and chairman, and chairwoman of multi millionaire dollar companies. He did enjoy a few conversations. Some of the companies wanted to ask about the tech conference that was suppose to be scheduled for next year. Metropolis was getting a major face lift for the event. More specifically a section of the city was being renovated. He danced around the different technologies that he planned to share, but never confirmed any of it. He practically see the Tech companies drooling with anticipation.

Lash reached the elevator at last, more specifically the private VIP elevator. When a hotel resort that serves only the top 3% of the world has a VIP elevator that says a lot about who you are, and who you are with. The Dragon-Thrall that appeared by his side in the gardens was still with him as the rode up to a private hotel suite. When the doors opened up to reveal a place bigger than his own home in Gotham. It was an open space condo inside of the hotel. One side of the wall was glass that allowed full light and an impressive view. Opened to a balcony with his own pool, bar, and sitting area. To his right, just inside the room was a five star full amenities kitchen. A grand living room with chairs, tables, couches, and another bar! There was an indoor jacuzzi, and a outside one next to the pool. Stairs led up and to the side to a master bedroom, and bath. Where one wall shared the outside wall for the view. While two more rooms, with baths were down a single level, along with another bathroom on the ground floor.

“Its this a hotel room, or a house?” Lash asked as he walked out towards the balcony. His attendant following close behind.

“Our Master wanted you to be comfortable, and capable of hosting any guests necessary for your stay.” The man's voice was like rich honey, it was the first time he had spoken.

The Dragon-Thrall attendant was 5'9”, with rich caramel skin, amber eyes, short kinky black hair, a firm strong body. Wearing a three piece gray tailored suit, with white gloves, and shiny black shoes. He looked the part of a butler. But Lash could feel the magical energy oozing off of him. With primal ferocity ready to fight at a moments notice. This was a predator.

“May I have the privilege of your name? Not your true name obviously.” Lash asked, as he turned to give the attendant his full attention. The Thrall kept a cool exterior but Lash could see a glint in his eyes.

“Meztli.” The man said, short and sweet. Lash bowed from his waist and replied.

“Erik Lash, and my partner Saurian. Though you'll have to call me Wraith while we are in public. Thank you for the honor of your name.” Lash replied, the thrall bowed back. This time Meztli showed a slight tug on his lips.

“You have given my Master a grand child. The honor and privilege is all mine. My Master hopes you will meet with her as soon as she is available. But encourages you to enjoy your stay, she will call for you when she is ready.” Meztli replied, returning to his upright and straight back position.

“I will be delighted to meet your Master. I am of course here at her pleasure.” Lash replied, and bowed once more. Meztli nodded and returned to the elevator.

Once the doors had closed, and the carriage went up not down. Lash turned around and walked the entire house that were his rooms. He looked it all over inspecting for surveillance bugs. Finding none, the looked over the wards, spell inscriptions, charms. All that he found were for defensive measures, and fortified the rooms from destruction. It was a safe house. He walked to the balcony and looked over the resort from his view.

He saw at least three different beaches, all of them with a 'theme'. Normal beach, with full service. Family friendly if any one brought children here. While the next beach was twenty one an older with bars, spa treatment, and full escort service whether you wanted male or female company. The last beach was a full nude, and swingers beach. Full amenities, and staffing as the first and second beach. Just no cloths, and free sex. Lash already saw a few VI Avatars in attendance.

Beep...Beep... Lash opened his holographic phone to see Superman along with Lois Lane walking from the SHARC. Lois had sunglasses on with a giant brim hat, a bag over her shoulder, and hastily packed suit case. While Superman was in full uniform. Lash tilted his head, and realized the boy scout hadn't told Lois who he was yet. Oh that would change! A sinister smile spread across his reptilian features.


“Kara! Come on!” Kory called from outside Kara's bedroom. She had been waiting for Kara to finish getting dressed for over fifteen minutes.

“I'm coming! I... Do you remember what Lash's favorite color is?” Kara yelled through the door. Kory laughed a light and cheerful sound and came through the door. Kara rolled her eyes and stopped being embarrassed about Kory's antics.

Kory decided to go with the tattoo that Lash offered so it wouldn't be easily lost. So Kory had long curly hair that changed color, along with her eye color. Which were both currently bright green, with dark blue highlights. (Active, Romantic) Her skin was a healthy caramel color which matched her multi string red bikini. The material covered her crotch, and nipples, while mutli strings wrapped around her hips, and neck. She chose a sand stone gauze beach fabric to wrap around her waist. With naked toed sandals.

Kara had selected a high neck bikini with lace, and fabric that became partially see through when the body grew hot. The color was navy blue, which didn't match her orange hair, and eyes. (Unsettled). But it did match a celtic knot color tattoo she had gotten as the charm from Lash. Why she had agreed to wear this was beyond her! She pulled and stretched the fabric of her top a few times until Kory slapped her hand away with a laugh. Kara was nervous and ready to jump back in her uniform.

“I think Lash will love what ever you wear, Kara. Or not wear for that matter!” Kory said with a sweet smile that made Kara want to punch her lights out.

“Come on! Megan has been in the lobby for twenty minutes. She's messaged me three times!” Kory said, and pointed at Kara's own wrist phone. Which had four messages from Megan. Kara gasped, grabbed her phone, and her sandals and hurried after Kory.

The League was in full force at the hotel lobby leading to the beach. While other guest patrons were confused, but pleasantly surprised. Nearly everyone in the League was gorgeous one way or another. A few League members had different skin colors, and body shapes that were not human normal. But those that were not shy, or ashamed. Kara saw a blue skinned woman with long leathery tail with a heart shape point, and small horns above her eye brows. She had a string bikini that wrapped around her tail that invited the eyes to check her out. Another man almost seem to sparkle! Like his body was covered in body glitter! Several people ran their fingers over his rock hard abs 'inspecting' the glitter.

Megan stood at the doors of the lobby to the path towards the beach. She had the same charm on as the rest of them but decided, but her tattoo was a martian symbolic for 'serenity, and purity' the design was very nice looking. Like a combination of kanji and arabic. Her eyes, and hair color were light blue (Relaxed). While her skin color was a light green color, she seemed a little nervous about the color but she could change it with a simple gesture on her charm. Lash showed them how. Megan decided to wear pink boy shorts, and a pink floral pattern scarf that was tight across her chest. She looked great! Her eyes went bright when she saw them walk over.

“What took you so long! I've been invited by at least ten boys to join them on the beach! I had to turn them all down!” Megan sounded upset, but she had a huge smile on her face.

“Have you seen Wraith?” Kory asked, switching between names while they were in public. Megan shook her head.

“No, though he did get in later than us. As soon as he walked into the lobby all the hotel guests came to talk to him. While we were upstairs showering, and getting changed he was still down here talking. That's what one of the team mates said.” Megan said, her shoulders drooped. She felt bad about forgetting about Lash. Kara's expression was mortified.

“No! No! None of that! Wraith specifically told us to head in and start having fun! Because after this we are going to the Amazon training camp! He wants us to enjoy ourselves! So lets go!” Kory grabbed both their hands and dragged them to the beach.


Over a dozen more spring jump circles appeared near the SHARC. Different League members were showing up to enjoy what may be their last vacation for a long time. Oliver Queen, with Sara Lance walked hand in hand towards the hotel. Each one looking different, their own charms inscribed on them from the enchanter in the Watch Tower. Thea Queen, Roy Harper, Felicity Smoak, John Diggle, and Lyla Michaels. Spring jumped right behind them. Felicity jumped up and down like a kid at a theme park.

“Again! Again! That was amazing!” Felicity all but shouted, then covered her mouth and got quiet. Diggle just gave her one of his big smiles and patted her on shoulder.

“I don't suppose Wraith is planning on sharing that piece of Tech with the government anytime soon?” Lyla asked, as she picked up her suit case before John could. He frowned at her but took it in stride as he walked next to her.

“Oh I'm sure he will at the next tech summit.” Thea commented, and she watched more spring jump rings appear next to the SHARC.

Laurel Lance, Tommy Merlin, and Quentin Lance all landed behind them. Quentin got on his hands and knees to kiss the ground. So thankful to live through that experience. Not everyone enjoyed the pleasures of site to site teleportation. While Walter Steele, and Moira Queen came behind them. The Queen family had discovered Oliver's extra curricular activities a few weeks ago. When the call came out for the vacation they were invited to come along. Thea was all smiles when she hugged her mother, and Walter who returned the embrace.

“So Agent Wraith is suppose to be here?” Moira asked, curious.

“Yes mom! Along with Superman!” Thea said with a grin, and Moria straighten her shoulders out and stuck out her chin.

“Oh how nice!” Moira said with a smile, while Walter chuckled.

A few minutes later Alfred Penny worth showed up...Wearing a what could only be called the golf collection fashion. Knee high socks, baggy pants, polo shirt, and a hat. A smile on his face. Several spring jump rings revealed Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Richard Grayson, Jason Todd, and Barbara Gordon.

“Come on! I want to get a tan!” Selina said with a smile and dragged Bruce along who had a smile on his face.

“Am I even old enough to be here?” Jason asked as he picked up his suit case.

“You may not be able to drink, but I am sure we can find something for you to do.” Richard said with a smile as he ruffled Jasons hair. Which made Jason glare at him, then try and fix his hair as Barbara walked passed with a laugh.

Team Flash showed up not long after. Barry Allen hand in hand with Iris West his girl friend who was practically vibrating with excitement. Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Monika, Wally West, and Dr Wells as well. Along with Henry Allen, Barry's dad. Henry Allen was an older man with salt and peppered red hair, a square jaw, and strong arms. He wore a floral pattern shirt, and khaki shorts and sandals. He looked a little out of place as Joe West, detective, and father to Iris West came over to clap him on the back.

“Don't even think about running, I'm just as nervous as you. Come on lets go!” Joe said, and Henry nodded his head and put a forced smile on his face.

Billy Batson, with his Uncle Dudley Batson showed up. Soon followed by J'onn J'onzz. Arthur, and Mera spring jumped in soon after. With Tom Curry, and Atlanna. Then a dozen more spring jump rings revealed Diana Prince, Dia Nyx, Victor Stone, along with several Amazon women all with the JLI badge on. Then just a few seconds behind them was Zatanna, Zatara, and Sindella. Zatanna's mother, and Zatara's wife. Along with John Constantine who all but hissed at the sun, and wilted in the humidity. Zatanna laughed and hugged her boyfriend Constantine.

One by one all of the League attended the event at the resort. A tangible tension hung in the air. Something was coming on the horizon, and they all knew it. But they took a moment to enjoy the time they had.


“Score, one point! Red team!” Lash called out, pointing at the team on the left side of the volley ball net. “Serving next, blue team!” Lash said, as the meta-human served a flaming ball of fire!

“Penalty, blue team! No powers!” Lash called out, and blue team groaned and threw sand at their server who apologized.

Some how, some where Lash had been talked into refereeing a volley ball tournament. He created two other Phantasm versions of himself. Practicing Parallel Minds as he sat on a throne made of sand. Three thrones! Each one was watching a game. He remained in his transformed lizard-human-hybrid form. The shroud writhing around him. He felt like he needed to stay prepared for the unexpected. There was an itch in the back of his mind that told him to stay vigilant.

“Score, one points! Red Team! Serving next, Red Team!” Lash called out. People cheered, others booed. It was all in good fun.

Refereeing for a volley ball game with meta-humans, aliens, and a few magical individuals was an interesting affair. A lot of people tried to cheat! He found the exercise in his perception entertaining. He kept getting prompts for his Magical Perception, Acting, Administration, Commanding Presence, Team Work, Rallying Call, Parallel Minds, and his hated enemy Charming Presence. He also got a surprise!

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill Sports.

Sports: The User is specialized in an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.

Sub-Skill, Volley Ball: The User is specialized in a game for two teams, usually of six players, in which a large ball is hit by hand over a high net, the aim being to score points by making the ball reach the ground on the opponent's side of the court.

Sub-Skill, Sports Equipment: User can wield sports equipment as weapons with skill.

“Score, one point! Blue Team! Serving next, Blue Team!” Lash called out.

Now you may ask, what was the prize for the volleyball tournament? The team that won got their uniforms redesigned and crafted by Wraith. Fantasma apparently would not shut up about his gear when ever anyone asked about it, or showed even the slightest interest about it. Lash agreed to the reward, he had wanted to make everyone's uniform. But Vici had discouraged that oddly enough. Top tier uniforms, and equipment should be reward with time, and service. Lash could understand that and agreed.

“Time! Break for lunch everyone!” Lash, and his two copies said at the same time.

The crowd cheered, and applauded as they had earned a lot of hotel patrons. Though Lash was sure they mostly came to watch the sexy, men and women in barely covering clothing play around in the sand. It was still a moral booster. The League thanked Lash, all three of him for helping as they went in. The two Phantasm clones burst into particles and Lash stepped down from his throne made of sand. A young girl no more than nine walked up to him. He smiled at her and knelt down to listen as she tried to mumble out a question.

“Are you a good monster, or a bad monster?” She asked, still having a hard time looking at him.

“Bit of both. Would you like to see a magic trick?” Lash asked, and the girls eyes went wide.

“Ya!” She said delighted. Lash picked up some sand. He palmed the sand between his hands and rubbed them together. Then he pulled out a pink pearl necklace, with a golden clasp. The girls eyes went huge at the sight of the necklace.

“Here, for you!” Lash presented the gift and the girl giggled, and blushed as she took the necklace and ran off back to her family.

Her father who had been watching carefully went bug eyed at the necklace. But didn't make a move to return it like other people would have. It may have been expensive, but they were already very rich to begin with. So a pink pearl necklace was a nice gesture. The mother of the daughter mouthed a 'thank you' to Lash who nodded in return.

“I like magic tricks!” A familiar voice said behind Lash. He turned and saw a pack mate. Selina Kyle standing in a black laced string bikini, with narrow rim sunglasses, and sandals.

“Of course, any trick you would prefer?” Lash asked as he stepped closer to see his pack mate who smiled at him.

Selina looked up at him with amber cat eyes, a playful smile, while her finger tapped her chin in thought. She stepped forward and ran her fingers along Lash's chest plate on his armor. The shroud wrapped around her affectionately. Then her eyes went bright, Lash could almost see the light bulb go off above her head. But before she could speak someone walked over and interrupted. Selina rolled her eyes, mouthing 'Later'.

“Wraith!” Barry Allen jogged over, followed by Team Flash all in swim suits, and casual wear.

“Flash! I see you brought your future wife!” Lash said, and pointed at Iris. The sudden, and direct change of subject made Barry trip over his own feet, as Iris West blushed crimson. While Joe West looked both shocked, and almost angry?

Iris West was about 5'8” with black hair to her shoulders, rich chocolate brown skin, full lips, and brown eyes wide in shock. She had a navy blue tankini on, with pink toe nails. A swim suit shawl coat on her shoulders. She stuttered, and decided it was best to hide behind her father while Barry picked himself up off the ground and tried to laugh off the thing. Which made Joe West both relieved, and angry?

Joe West was a 6'2” man with short black hair, glaring brown eyes, chocolate brown skin, wrinkles around his mouth showed he smiled a lot, while the wrinkles around his eyes showed he scowled a lot. Good balance! Thankfully he was not armed being a police officer of Central City. He wore a floral short sleeved buttoned up shirt, khaki shorts, and sandals. His hands kept going into the position one would have for firing a gun. Looking between Iris, Barry, and then finally to Lash.

“Did you not propose yet!?” Lash said, he pressed his hand to his chest in a mocking gesture of 'shock'. While Barry tried to back pedal from the situation but found a very large tail wrapped around his waist.

“Fastest man alive! Can't work up the nerve to ask the woman he's been in love with since he was twelve to marry him!? For shame!” Lash pointed a claw at Barry who looked like he was about to die.

All the while Team Flash was doubling over laughing. Henry Allen, Barry's Father had a huge smile on his face watching his son being tortured. He was also holding his best friend Joe from attacking his son. Selina held a hand over her mouth trying not to laugh. She leaned in against Lash and poked his side between his armor plates.

“I...I don't even have a ring!” Barry choked out, as if that would save him! Lash used Fabrication, and Alteration then and there and made a beautiful diamond ring, surrounded by red rubies. While the gold band had lighting bolts inscribed into it.

“Gasp! Would you look at that! Almost as if this was all planned all along!” Lash said as he held the ring out to Barry who went bug eyed at the sight of it. Iris squeaked and put her hands over her mouth.

“Barry... Did you plan all this!?” Iris asked quickly. Barry looked at Iris, then at the ring, then at Lash who gestured to him to continue.

Barry Allen swallowed his saliva, walked over on unsteady feet. Got down on one knee holding out his hand for Iris to join him. Iris shuffled her feet over and took his hand. Barry took several deep breaths to calm his nerves as he held up the really nice ring, that of course was Iris's size! He looked up at her, and tried really hard not to look at Joe who looked like he wanted to shoot him.

“Iris...Would you please do me the honor of marrying me?” Barry asked, and Iris took the ring on her wedding finger. Happy tears in her eyes.

“Yes! Of course I will!” Iris said happily, pulling Barry up and kissing him!

Team Flash cheered, along with a crowd of people near by who had kept quiet to watch the show. Joe West again showed conflicting expressions as he was happy, and incredibly angry. Henry laughed and hugged his friend, but continued to restrain him as Joe continued to make a finger gun to shoot someone. Selina leaned in and whispered.

“Was that planned at all?” Selina asked.

“Nope!” Lash replied with a grin as he clapped softly.

Lunch! They went to the restaurant on the beach. There were several to choose from. Dozens of League members cheered when Team Flash walked in, and congratulated Flash, and his new fiancee. Selina kissed Lash's cheek and pulled him along because he had almost walked off by himself. The servers guided Lash to a special seat that would take his wait, and accommodate his tail. He saw down with Selina who was glad to him. Team flash settled next to them. Henry Allen looked at Lash and wanted to speak but couldn't find the words. Lash clapped him on the shoulder and gave him a friendly squeeze. They didn't say anything but it was enough.

What seemed like years ago when Lash had first met Barry, he had pulled some strings and had Henry released from prison. New evidence had been found, and he was acquitted from the crime of murdering his wife. Which he didn't do! Reverse Flash or Eobard Thawne had done it. So for over a year Henry had been out, and trying to find his way in the world.

Everyone was surprised when they ordered. Apparently the different restaurants were just window dressing. They all served the same thing, which was pretty much anything you wanted. The menus were e-pads with the entire menu on them. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, from nearly any culture was in the menu. Lash simply asked for a tall glass of hot chai and he was content.

He asked Selina about Gotham, about the wedding, any issues? He was surprised when he found out that there was a bit of a scandal in Gotham! Someone some where had outed Selina. Gotham had found out that Selina use to be an 'Escort' or in impolite society a whore. The board of Wayne Tech demanded that Bruce call off the wedding and not marry such a woman! Bruce did the best thing he could do. He told the board to fuck off, he told the high culture society of Gotham to fuck off! He would marry who ever he wanted to!

Selina was still getting hate mail, death threats, and the usual things. But compared to her life before this was nothing! She did miss him! She also told an interviewer about the scandal about how she had met Bruce. Through a friend named Erik Lash. Thanks to the statue piece he made, 'Siren's Call' Erik was well known in Gotham as an enigmatic artist. That shared his time with the red cross. That was his mundane cover to why, and where he is all the time.

The food arrived, and everyone was engrossed in it. Lash and Selina both could smell the magic that went into the cooking. Not only would it taste incredible, it would also enrich the person eating it. Selina worried about Lash only having a drink, but he could get the same amount of nourishment just by sitting in the sun. Eventually Lash asked where Bruce was. Bruce didn't come in disguise. The Wayne family was in the top 3% that got invited to the resort. So he was visiting with people. Though Selina wished he had accepted the charm. That way they could just be strangers to everyone.

One of the volleyball teams came over and asked when they could start again? Selina laughed and said she wanted to stick by his side for a bit. So, Selina and Lash went back to the beach. He made two Phantasm clones. While Selina sun bathed next to his throne of sand. Thanks to being a God-Kin (Bast) Selina healed quickly. So she didn't need sun tan lotion. Though she did say she wouldn't mind a certain lizard helping her apply some.


Bea, and Tora had their roles reversed when they showed up at the hotel. Normally Bea would be bouncing up and down full of energy. A smile on her face, and her body constantly on the move. While Tora would lag behind, and have to be pulled along. Her eyes on her feet. Now things were different! Tora was cold, hard, and looked serious as she kept her eyes moving back and forth looking for threats. Bea, mumbled and kept her eyes down while Tora pulled her along. Why?

This place was for the super, super rich! They had thought they were going to a common resort! Yes, an expensive resort. But not a resort that most people couldn't even imagine. The security here was insane! They took a car here. They had driven down the road out of the city and pulled into giant mansion that was as far as they could tell just a front! The garage door opened up onto a hidden road underground! They drove underground for nearly ten minutes at 60 mph. Then came up past a wall, were the guards had sub-machine guns and fully body armor on!

The hotel was an ivory tower built into a mountain! They had their own private runway for planes! The car had stopped and a well dressed man opened the car door for them, and another got their luggage. They were shown to a very nice multiple room, house on the fifteenth floor. They were informed that all expenses were paid in full for the next three days. They encouraged them to get changed, the man they were meant to speak to was on the first beach.

First beach? Bea couldn't help but ask. Then Bea, and Tora got a full explanation on the three beaches. Age limit, what could be found there, and what they could do there. Tora, and Bea both went pale with shock at the sound of the nude, swingers beach. Bea had been born in Brazil she wasn't surprised about nude beaches. But a fully staffed, accommodation nude beach? Where you could just ask a hotel staff for a fuck!? Bea even admitted to herself that their attendant was good looking.

So, after thirty minutes of panicking and nervous picking. Bea and Tora went with shorts, and a standard bikini top, with slip on shoes. They were over dressed for the beach. But they wanted something they could run in if needed. Bea didn't even want to imagine what would happen if she tried to fly here. She'd be shot down by high powered rifles for sure!

Then they both started to notice something weird. There were a lot of people here with....Powers? Different skin, hair, and eye colors. A few people were flying low in the air towards the beaches, or back to the hotel. Then Bea went stock still, as did Tora when they both saw an unbelievable sight. Superman! The man of steel! In full uniform was talking to a very nice looking american woman. As they both walked ahead of them towards the beach.

“E...E-Excuse me...What is going on today?” Bea squeaked out, asking the attendant.

“Did you all hear about the oil tanker spilling its contents just outside of Rio?” The attendant patiently replied. Bea nodded.

“A joint operation of the UN, the Justice League, and Atlantis helped clean up the mess in less than two days. As a thank you gift, the owner of the resort offered a three day expenses paid at the resort.” The attendant finished, and continued to walk towards the beach.

Tora gradually coaxed Bea on as they walked down. More and more League members? Were found enjoying the resort. They passed a large pool that was next to the beach, a little odd but not every one enjoyed swimming in the ocean. They both saw a few people with blue, and green skin sun bathing. Bea started to relax just a bit, as did Tora. But that they both became horrified when they saw the man they were meant to speak to about a job.

“Agent Wraith, Miss Costa, and Miss Olafsdotter have arrived for you.” The attendant said clearly towards the towering monster sitting on a throne...Referee for a volleyball game!?

The towering shadow turned its head to look at them both. Four yellow green reptilian eyes peered at them from the shadow of its hood. Its mouth peeled back into a smile. The monster stood up, and created another version of it self to continue watching the game. The main monster came to stand before them, and gave them a perfect and practiced bow.

“Thank you for accepting my invitation.” The monsters animalistic voice made Bea's hind brain scream at her to run. While Tora shivered in complete and utter fear.

“Wraith, I think they are about to fall over dead! Your terrifying!” A woman said to them, who was lazing in a beach chair next to the sand throne.

“Am I? It was not my intention to frighten you.” The monster said to them as he tilted his head like a animal would.

“W...What kind of job?” Bea squeaked out.

“Would the both of you like to join the Justice League?” The monster asked....

What? Whaat? Whaaaaaat?


Lash had to cast Calm Emotions on the two before they had a heart attack! He made a table and chairs made out of crystal clear glass. Selina joined him at the table, while the volleyball game continued behind them. His energy levels were draining quickly, and refilling just as quickly. There was an abundance of ambient magical energy in the air at the resort. So the increase pull on another Phantasm, along with Parallel Minds was great for his experience. He at least wouldn't pass out from energy loss. Beatriz Bonilla da Costa aka Fire, and Tora Olafsdotter aka Ice settled in their offered seats. The attendant stayed where they were watching as a silent shadow.

“You....Want us to join the Justice League? Isn't that an american organization?” Tora asked, the woman had ice white hair, and pale blue lips. If they hadn't been sitting in the sun you would think she had hypothermia.

“The Justice League has an American branch. But, I wanted you two to join the South American branch. Along with Justice League International. We have the active, reservist, and guard positions available.” Lash explained to them, he kept the Calm Emotions on them. He could tell that if he removed it they would scream in panic.

Selina stuck close to his side sitting in the offered chair, an amused smile on her face. With barely a sound the attendant had placed a pitcher of ice water with cut lemon next to her. Selina thanked him, and took a sip. She crossed her long seductive legs, and reached out with her free hand to rung her fingers up and down Lash's armored, and scaled arm. Lash reached out and made the Pack Bond connection with her. She momentarily shivered, then relaxed.

“You will of course be paid for your time, regardless of which position you take. Along with full health insurance.” Lash continued, after he set up a simple obstruction glamour around them. They could listen to everything around them. But no one could listen in on them.

“What do the different positions do?” Tora asked, she straightened her back out and leaned in a bit.

“Active members are always on call for jobs across the globe. Disasters natural or artificial, events when reservist need a helping hand to handle a situation in their area. The Active members are commonly stationed on the Watch Tower. They have rotation of course. The exact time spent on the tower, and off is still being discussed. Active members may also be called on to help with a side project called, 'Heroes with out Borders.' But only if they want to.” Lash said, he took a moment as the attendant supplied water for Bea, and Tora. Lash slowly let their emotions come.

“Reservist primarily are stationed in a state, or county, or city. Depending on the size of the nation they serve in. They generally are full time, not to say that this is a nine to five job. You of course make your own hours. We don't expect you to be on call 24/7. But most who wear the mantle of League members have a tendency to work a lot. I understand that both of you follow this criteria, since you have been spotted at all manner of different hours, and days.” Lash said with another smile, as Tora, and Bea both blushed a little embarrassed.

“Guard members are people who want to continue living a normal life, but will respond to emergencies. Disasters, terrorist attack of a certain scale. But for the most part continue living a civilian life. All positions are required to come receive training every week for a total of six hours. If you want to spread that over a week, or push it all in one day. That is up to you. But we'll cover combat training, medical training, and operational training.” Lash continued as he watched their responses. Tora was far more animated now. She had a smile on her face, and looked like she wanted to sign up then and there. Bea looked interested but still worried.

“Now for payment. The League doesn't expect people to join up only because of money. They want people to join because they feel like they can help. But if you are good at something you should never do it for free. At least that is what I think. Some people disagree. If you decide you don't want to get paid that you can decline, or you can donate the money to a charity of your choice.” Lash offered, and waited as he let them absorb the information.

“So active members get paid $8.00 US dollars an hour. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, every day of the month. Plus full health insurance. Total comes to about $6,000 US dollars, tax free.” Lash said, Bea audible swallowed her saliva, her eyes wide.

“Reserve members get paid the same $8.00 US dollars an hour. Twenty four hours a day, five days a week, three weeks out of the month. This is under the assumption that you are not always on duty. This can be negotiated for less or more depending on your schedule. The total is approximately $4,000 US dollars, tax free. Give or take a few hundred dollars depending on scheduling.”

“Guard members get paid the same $8.00 US dollars an hour. Twenty four hours a day, based on how long they are in the field when on duty. Some disasters could lead for several days or even weeks. The six hour training is paid for. Yes, Guard gets full insurance. Oh! Your direct family gets that health insurance as well.” Lash finished with a smile. Bea had jumped across the table and taken his hands into her own. He was surprised she didn't cut her self on his claws.

“We'll sign up! Right now! We'll sign up right now!” Bea all but screamed!

“Oh! You also get a 25 cent raise every six months.” Lash finished with a laugh!

Bea, and Tora signed up then and there. Lash made two JLI holographic wrist phones, got them signed in. Vici, along with the security branch would do a background check just in case. But Lash figured they would be fine. They both signed up to be reservist for the Justice League South American Branch. After that they were allowed to enjoy three days of fully paid vacation with the rest of the League. The instant message Justice League board was full of different threads of conversation, and training manuals. Oddly enough not all of the League had shown up for the vacation. A couple of die hards were tackling missions. Lash didn't understand it until Erik educated him.

VI avatars are based on the minds of the Users aka the Gamers that play them? These are the die hard grinders. Doing everything they can to earn experience. -Erik said with a laugh.

Both Lash and Saurian found it confusing. Technically they could obtain experience anywhere? Even on vacation. Selina went back to sun bathing, and Lash returned to his spot of watching the tournament. Which was almost over! Lash called for a short break while they re organized the beach for a single net. The other two clones burst into particles, and a Terrakinetic smoothed the beach out.

“Ladies, and gentlemen! On the Red team! We have the Amazonian women from Themysicra. Hello sisters!” Lash waved at the Red team. The Amazons, all of them VI Avatars cheered and waved.

“On the Blue team! We have a mixed group of Atlanteans, and surface dwellers. Well I am not sure if New York counts as the surface.” Lash said, and a few people laughed as they cheered. The Atlantis people, and the New Yorkers were all VI Avatars.

“Though we all call from different places, understand that we are all united by the Justice League. By Truth, Justice, and the Dream for a better tomorrow!” Lash continued, and everyone cheered!

“Red team ready?” Lash pointed, and the Amazons nodded. “Blue team ready?” The Atlantean server nodded.

“Begin!” Lash shouted, and the server sent the ball over. The crowd cheered!

Now, one would ask how a game between Amazons, Atlanteans, and Meta-Humans with the superhuman strength feature could be fair? It wasn't, until an enchanted from the hotel came out and inscribed a spell ring of dampening. It put everyone in the same square as each other. So it was all skill after that. Blue team had a slight advantage as the people from New York had actually played volleyball before today. While the Amazons, and Atlanteans had never heard of this silly, but complicated game.

A beautiful, seductive, and incredibly strong Amazon woman jumped high into the air and spiked the ball! Lash called the point, and Red team was up next to serve. On the blue team, the Atlanteans may have been using a minor form of Telepathy to increase their communication efforts since not a single one of them spoke the whole time. It technically wasn't cheating since that was how they spoke. Lash had let it slide when the played their first game. The Meta-Humans with the Atlanteans worked well with them. Erik summarized that they were friends in the real, and played here in the Dream. Their VI Avatars continued this tradition.

The Blue team soon scored a point, and the ball went back to them. Both Red, and Blue were neck and neck. Both teams got better as time went on, and then at the buzzer marking the end of the first round they were tied at 6-6. They took a break, and Lash supplied Sooth, and Nature's Supplement to help them recover. Selina excused herself, Bruce was finally free and she wanted to spend time with him. She kissed his cheek goodbye and winked at him. She still wanted to see a magic trick later.

“Agent Wraith, you have guests.” A woman attendant said behind him. He turned around and looked wided eyed. All four of them.

Lex Luthor, Lena, Luthor, and Lillian Luthor stood on the beach. Lex wore a casual business suit. White cotton shirt, beige pants, and suit jacket. With brown leather shoes. Lex looked downright uncomfortable standing on the beach. While Lena had a bright smile on her face. She wore a slim fitting white dress with an one shoulders strap, a black belt around her waist, and sandals. While Lillian Luthor looked interested at the sight of Wraith sitting on a sand throne. She wore a white suit pants, red cotton blouse, and a drink in hand.

“Mr Luthor, you look about as comfortable on the beach as I do.” Lash said to him, and Lex gave him a small smile and nodded his head. Lena laughed and wrapped her arms around Lex and smiled at him.

“Hello Agent Wraith, may we have a minute?” Lillian Luthor asked, mischief in her eyes as she watched Lash climb down from this throne. He walked over and bowed from his waist. Both Lex, and Lillian nodded while Lena gave a practices curtsy. Who then blushed at the bewildered looks from her brother and mother. She practiced, ok!

Once more Lash created a sitting area made out of glass from the very beach itself. Lillian watched with curious eyes as the tables, and chairs were made. They all took their seats, and ice water was provided by the dragon-thrall woman that attended them. Of course none of the Luthor family knew that a half-dragon was serving them. Lash raised his hand and a obstruction glamour in circled the table. The air around them slightly distorted. All three of them noticed the change.

“So we can speak with out worrying about being heard. So, what would you like to talk about?” Lash inquired. As he steepled his claws in front of them. Lex raised a brow at the hand gesture and nodded.

“First, congratulations on your public relation debut with the Justice League. Cleaning a major oil spill in less then forty eight hours is very impressive. All with out the help of the local government. Who we found out had tried to capture the Atlantean citizens who came to help.” Lillian said with a charming smile on her face.

“Secondly, my mother was curious if she could obtain the youthful treatment you gave us?” Lena provided the next bit.

Lillian looked slightly embarrassed, while Lex turned to look at Lena. He hadn't know that. Lash raised his hand, a green and bluish glow swallowed Lillian. Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, Panacea, and Return Youth was cast on Lillian Luthor. The few wrinkles that she did have smoothed out, her hair became vibrant, and she breathed easier than she did before. A smile bloomed on her face as she felt the effects take hold. She smiled at Lash, and adjusted her seating to be more comfortable.

“Thank you very much...” Lillian said, her voice rich and smooth. Lash got a single experience point in Charming Presence. Lex turned to look at Lash. He looked like he wanted to ask a question but...

“No, I haven't seen any of your science experiments. If I do see them I will notify you. That is of course if I am still alive in a few weeks.” Lash politely offered a way out for Lex who nodded then froze when Lash admitted that he may die soon.

“What do you mean?” Lena sat up straight, concern clear on her face.

“An alternate reality is invading this reality. They've been here for a few weeks. We are looking for them now. But if we don't find them soon I believe they will attack us first.” Lash confessed to them. All three waited for a punch line but when Lash stayed silent Lex sat up straight and looked at him dead center.

“I assume the UN is aware of this?” Lex asked, currious.

“All the ones that matter know about it.” Lash replied, which was true. The supernatural communities knew about it.

“An...Alternate Earth, you mean?” Lillian asked, taking the situation in stride.

“Excuse me!? How can just say that so easily, and the both of you take it so well!?” Lena shouted at Lash, and her family. Lillian gently squeezed her daughters hand and gave her a motherly smile.

“Lena please, we are talking to an alien capable of traveling to other dimensions. Does another reality surprise you?” Lillian offered, and Lena sat down in her chair and little more amiable to the situation.

“How long have you know about the invasion?” Lex asked, as he activated his holographic wrist phone and started to send messages.

“Little over a week. Yes, it comes from an alternate Earth Ms. Luthor. From what basic information we have. The alternate Earth has cutting edge technology that surpasses ours by about a decade or more. However, obviously some of this technology is based around invading realities with out being detected. We do know that one of their insertion points is along the northern edge of Earth. So either North America, Greenland, or Europe/Russia. While we haven't been able to even get a general location of their second insertion point.” Lash continued, and created a holographic window of what a Rift was. Energy readings that went with it. All three Luthors leaned in and looked at the information.

“How do you have this information?” Lena asked, now more curious then afraid.

“You could say my 'Supervisor' informed me.” Lash provided a lame name for his Cosmic Patron. Lex glanced away from the readings for a moment then went back to the Rift.

“Is it possible that your supervisor sent the invasion as a way to test you?” Lillian asked, her mind working a mile a minute as her holographic was out too. Lash shrugged.

“I wouldn't put it past them, but its unlikely. Earth is chaotic enough as it is with out more happening.” Lash said, Lena smiled at him and leaned back in her chair.

“So, that is why you've been all over the US. We know you've been recruiting for the Justice League. But you've also been looking around? Building infrastructure? Starting companies?” Lena hinted at Ghost Industries, Lash once again shrugged.

“If the attack cuts off our supply lines having an alternate source of fuel would be beneficial.” Lillian commented.

“On a side note, you should assume that the alternate reality has their own kryptonian. Excellent way to test out defensive and offensive measures.” Lash said directly to Lex who looked up, and a gleam flashed through his eye. A smile tugged on his lips.

They talked for a few more minutes, Lash sent more information along with a Warden contact they could communicate with. The volleyball break was over and Lash deconstructed the sand glass table and chairs. Lena walked close and made a come hither gesture with her hands. In his Wraith disguise Lash was over eight feet tall. She couldn't reach. He leaned down and she kissed his cheek. Whispering a 'it was nice to see you'. Lash ran a claw through her hair and nodded. Lena turned to chase after her brother, and mother who were walking back to the hotel talking fast about plans and action. Lash watched Lena for a bit something that she noticed and winked at him for.

“Alright! Lets finish this!” Lash called out and climbed into his throne to judge the match.

The Red team of Amazons ending wining by a single point. A few people called foul and asked for a lighting round. Why? Because Koriand'r had walked over to see the game with out wearing a bathing suit. Completely naked, and smelled of sex! She had visited the nude and swingers beach and forgot to retrieve her bathing suit. Kory being the smoking hot woman that she is, 'distracted' the men on Blue team long enough for Red team to score. Since Kory didn't do it on purpose. Distracting the team, not walking around naked Lash over ruled the call for a foul and the Red team won! The Blue team got a consolation prize Kory gave them each a kiss. They said it was worth it.

Lash measured the six Amazons then asked them each what their color scheme would be. The exact aesthetic design could be talked about. But Lash assured them he would concentrate on function first, then form. They didn't argue, especially since he would be using Orichalcum, and Nth metal in the creation of the uniforms. Many of the other League members didn't understand what Orichalcum was so the Amazons explained what it was. The VI Avatars that acted the most like gamers dropped the words exotic, and legendary gear.

Thanks to the Thanagar Science he obtained the gear he could make could work underwater, in space, hell they could go for a dip in molten lava...For a few minutes. Each Amazon would send design ideas to him through the League message board. With the game concluded and the sun setting. A majority of the League was heading in for a night at the many different dance clubs. Lash stayed behind and watched the moon rise over the water.

“Are you enjoying yourself, Warden Lash and Partner Saurian?” A woman spoke next to them. Lash was startled as he looked to his right to see her standing no more than three feet from him. He had no idea she had been there!

The woman had long curly rich brown hair, rich caramel skin, the body of a super model with D cup breasts, tiny waist, plump ass, and long legs. She wore a simple white bikini top, and bottom with a swim suit shawl around her waist. Several bracelets on her wrists, and earrings that covered her entire ear lobes all of them made from orichalcum. She turned to face him, her full lips pulled up in a smile and her dragon eyes sparkled with magical power. For a brief, brief moment Lash saw past the glamour and he saw a towering Quetzalcoatl dragon instead of the woman. The Feathered-Serpent, the demi-god the aztec people had worshiped for wind, air, and learning. This was Torloth's bonded mate, and Juliana's mother.

The ghostly image of the Dragon was over three hundred feet long, and width as a semi truck. She had six pairs of wings, all of them a combination of bat like, and bird like. Long trails of golden, green, and red tail fins, with a fan shaped feathered tail. Her face was more bird like that reptilian with a beak, but she had serrated teeth inside her beak. With the magical and elemental eyes of a dragon for sure.

Lash dropped to a knee and perfo....

“None of that!” She called, and her voice rebuked no argument. She, with a single finger in her human disguise raised him to his feet. “You gave me, and my bonded mate Torloth a future grand child. You also gave our family a fertility charm. Granting us great wealth, influence, and power. I will not have you kneel in front of me.” Quetzalcoatl commanded.

Lash begrudgingly accepted her command. But he refused to look her in the eye. He kept his eyes down to her feet, while his whole body vibrated in excitement and fear. Saurian wanted to desperately to run away! But he also wanted to curl up at her feet! Conflicting plans of action! She tutted at him and compelled him to look at her. He complied and she nodded satisfied.

“Walk with me.” Quetzalcoatl commanded. Lash complied.

They walked in silence for a bit, Lash wasn't sure why but he offered his arm to her and she took it with a smile. Despite her incredible and heavenly beauty Lash wasn't the least bit attracted to her. He was to terrified to be! But her touch was welcome almost on a primal level. Saurian growled contently across their link. She must have felt his satisfaction because she smiled wider.

“Do you not feel safe in my territory Warden?” She asked, Lash paused mid step but she easily pulled him along as if he was a rag doll.

“I am very thankful that you invited us all here. But I have a tendency to...” Lash tried to talk, but the words wouldn't come out.

“No... It is for another reason you do not remove your armor. Sharing your body with Saurian is of course acceptable but why do you continue to wear your armor? You know the Conjuration Domain, you can easily call your gear even across dimensions! I assure you no one will attack you while you are in my territory. So why?” Quetzalcoatl asked?

They continued down a stone paved path. They had not encountered a single hotel patron, or hotel staff during their whole walk. A little fact that did not go unnoticed by Lash. She let him ponder the question for a bit until the reached a private little spot with a bench, and over hang balcony that was a few feet above the beach. The sounds of crashing waves against the sandy beach was rhythmic and relaxing.

“I have an itch. I yearning I think. I know the battle will happen soon. Part of me is horrified so I believe that wearing my armor will help. But... Really I am...” Lash couldn't finish his words.

“Excited?” Quetzalcoatl said as she let go of his arm and walked forward. She did a little twirl across the balcony, her hair danced around her. Several orichalcum beads tied into her hair shone in the moon light.

“Yes...Excited. A new battle, a new hunt. Its not that I'm afraid. Its that even one wasted second seems foolish.” Lash said, expressing his feelings. Saurian agreed with him. But they both agreed it was foolish.

“You are not the only one who knows an Oracle, Warden. Nor are you the only one with a God's ear. Enjoy the rest of your time here. I promise for the rest of the time you are here the war will not come. But once you leave its in the air. So please, be a guest in my house and enjoy yourself. Understood?” Quetzalcoatl commanded. Lash and Saurian both smiled at the order.

“Yes, we understand.” Lash, and Saurian both said at once. She nodded once satisfied. With a flash of light and the absent sound of feathered wings flapping she was gone.

Lash reached up and pulled away his shroud of smoke and shadow. Then with a three clawed tap on his armor it faded from sight into the pocket in which his Spatial Item Shift kept it. He created a simple set of black swim suit trunks. Now he was an eight foot tall human-lizard wearing black swimming trunks.

He stood upright and let his joints pop softly as he rolled his shoulders. The spine scales on his back,and tail rose and fell as the flexed for a bit. His xenomorph bladed tail tip gleam in the moon light. The tribal tattoos of his spell Domains glowed faintly. They now covered his skull crest, neck, shoulders, back, and chest. Each one in different design. Leaves and vines for Nature, Circuit boards for Technomancy. Leaves, with circuits for Synthesis, bones, and ghosts for Grave. A flow of energy that changed into words then back into energy for Transmutation. A collection of arcane eyes, showman cards, and light that flickered and moved in and out of sight for Illusion. Two snake orobos on either side of his neck next to his collar bone for Rebirth. A symbol in the center of his chest that would twist, morph, and fade from sight for Trickery. A radiant sun, and crescent moon for Space on his solar plexus. Four lines of arcane lettering across his eyes, and down the sides. Each letter in a different language to represent Conjuration.

His scaled lips pulled back to reveal his many fangs, and molars. While a forked tongue flickered in and out of his mouth. He breathed in through his nose smelled and tasted the night air. The ambient magic in the air was rich as ever. He rattled the scales across his whole body and slowly started to make his way back. Along his way back he saw Meztli from afar. The dragon-thrall inspected him for a moment and nodded his head and faded from sight. Came to ensure that Lash had actually obeyed his Master.

Half way back he got a few cat calls, and wolf whistles. Again from the VI Avatars who never cared what he looked like. He smirked at the attention and waved at them. There was a dance club right off the beach where anyone in a bathing suit could come and dance, and drink the night away. While the other dance clubs had a more complex dress attire. Lash walked over to the clubs entrance and stuck to sitting outside on a balcony where he could see the dancers, but still be out of the way. He was a very large individual and didn't want to slice anyone apart with his tail.

“I'd ask you to dance, but I think it would better for everyone if I don't.” A confident, and brusk voice of a woman called out.

Lash turned and smiled wide at Lois Lane as she walked over wearing a short silk blue skirt, backless short top that covered her chest, and naked toed three inch red heels. She had a red fruity drink in hand and sat down next to him at the table he had claimed. She crossed her legs and stirred her drink pegging him with a stare. Her hair was tied back in a loose pony tail, as a few bangs of hair fell out. Lash looked around for her other half and she rolled her eyes and humphed.

“I see the boy scout did something not to your liking?” Lash inquired with a smirk. With out his shroud on his facial expressions, and body language was plain as day. Something Lois noticed, and her lips tugged into a smile about.

“He is still in uniform! He invited me to this three day vacation in a resort you can't even find on a map. We are sharing a huge hotel space together. But the man can't take off his uniform?” Lois ground her teeth and crossed her arms. She was angry this was not going to plan.

“I talked to the other League members...Yes, it was off the record!” Lois added, guessing Lash's raised hand. He smirked at her and leaned into his chair. “They said you could make a holographic tool to hide his appearance. But he didn't take it! Why not?” Lois spat out, and took several swallows of her clearly high alcoholic drink. Her face flushed red.

“Because he is afraid you'll figure out who he is if he does. Despite the fact that he is in love with you. He is afraid that once you know the truth you'll see him as a monster.” Lash said, he watched Lois to see her reaction. She digested that little tidbit of information.

“You know who he is don't you?” Lois looked at Lash, yearning in her eyes. Lash shrugged and smiled at her. “Off the record, Wraith. I...This isn't the reporter speaking. This is a woman in....in love. Who is he?” Lois all but begged.

“I am a little surprised Lois, an investigative reporter and you can't look past a pair of glasses?” Lash said, as he mimed putting on and taking off a pair of metaphorical glasses.

Seeing the look of shock, awe, and pure fury move across Lois's face will stay with Lash till the day he dies. It was a priceless set of emotions to see on her face. It was like one of those children books with a huge picture of an event and you are asked to find one person with a red and white stripped shirt. Then someone points it out to you, and you feel like a fool for not seeing it sooner.

“Remember!” Lash held up a single claw at Lois “Do not shout his name, do not say it loudly in public! Pull him away, and take him some place private then shout at him! Because his secret isn't meant to protect him. But protect his adoptive parents, friends, and loved ones. Understand?” Lash said, and used Commanding Presence to emphasize his point.

Lois bit back her scream and nodded her head. She picked up her glass and stalked off to find Clark. Lois walked through the obstruction glamour that Lash had placed up on the sly. She didn't even pause as he was sure a shiver rolled up her spine passing through the barrier. Lash chuckled softly for a good five minutes just remembering that face she made.

“Hay big lizard! How you doin!?” Arthur walked over wearing a pair of swimming trunks and sandals. His islander tattoos were revealed for all to see along with his chiseled physique, bushy beard and long mane of hair past his shoulders. He put a pint of something alcoholic in front of Lash and sat down next to him.

“Just....Relaxing... You?” Lash asked as he took up the drink and had a few swallows. Holy crap! He didn't know what was in the drink but it hit him hard. Lash coughed a few times and looked at the drink with caution. Arthur cracked up laughing at the sight of him.

“Good shit, eh? The bartender said it would even knock someone like you on their ass!” Arthur said with a grin, he took a sip of his own drink and whistled as his face flushed. “I am good man! Stressed as all fuck from trying to rule a kingdom that doesn't want to be ruled by a half-breed. Trying to find common fucking ground with Mera's dad! Oh! A piece of good news! I have a little baby brother or sister coming in nine months!” Arthur said the last part with a grin on his face.

“Congratulations! I mean all that other shit sounds awful, but a little sibling on the way!? Fantastic! Cheers!” Lash raised his glass and chugged a few swall...Geeehhh... Wow! That stuff is strong.

“Ya! Pops wasted no time! Or I should say mom didn't! Damn! I'm afraid to come visit them at the light house sometimes. I Open the door to hear shouting, panting, and moaning! Nope! Time to go for a swim!” Arthur said, and Lash nearly spit out his drink. Arthur laughed loudly at the sight of it.

“Oh! By the way thanks for having my peoples back. Commander Domax sends his regards. He is still not comfortable with being on the surface. I told him if a giant lizard can walk around so can a man shark. But he wants to wait. Not all the surface is as tolerant as the League. Speaking of which, does the meta-gene make people crazy? Some of these kids talk weird!” Arthur asked, as he pointed out a few people on the dance floor. VI Avatars would of course be weird, unless the User tried to stay immersive and maintain their role they would seem weird to the Dream citizens, and denizens.

The simple fact that the way the 'gamers' talked was noticed by the Arthur said a lot about the interface of the Dream Engine. A lot of games would opt to have the intelligence of the people ignore those little inconsistencies. Not the Dream Engine. Made Erik happy that he stayed in character all the time.

“I don't know. But of course only a few months ago a lot people thought Atlantis was a myth. So take they may be reconsidering what is real, and what is fake in the world.” Lash offered the King of Atlantis who couldn't help but shrug.

Arthur and Lash continued to talk for a while as Lash slowly but surely got drunk on what ever Arthur had given him. Lash knew he was in trouble when Arthur dragged him to the dance floor, or more precisely a dance stage in the club. Lash used his Minor Dance skill to the best of his abilities. He wasn't sure what he looked like but a lot of people cheered. His drink got refilled three times. At one point Kory, in her bathing suit was dancing next to him. Kara, and Megan soon joined. Then Dia Nyx, and Monika. Mera had found Arthur and she would swap between Arthur and Lash. The dark night out side just started to turn dark blue to tell everyone that dawn was coming. Lash lost count at how many glasses he had. He vaguely remembered Kara and Kory helping him back to his room. Where he collapsed onto his very large bed!


Clark Kent opened his eyes to greet the morning sun. He stretched out and looked around his bedroom. To his left was Lois Lane, she was completely naked underneath the bed sheets. Clark smiled at her, then winced in guilt. She had bruises on her body from his hands. He hadn't meant to! But he learned quickly that he had to be extra focused while in bed with Lois.

Clark slowly slipped out of the large bed in their hotel suite and slipped on a full length cotton robe and tied it off. He went downstairs to the kitchen to start the coffee that he was sure Lois would want. Thrown to the side was his uniform. He rubbed his face as he remembered Lois dragging him back to their room and screamed at him for not telling her that he was Clark Kent. Clark nearly had a heart attack. What!? How!? Who....Wraith. Clark had never wanted to punch someone so badly. Then Lois was kissing him, and he forgot everything else.

Thinking about Wraith, and more importantly Kara. Clark smiled again at the memory of seeing his cousin Kara so animated and full of life. She had made friends with the bashful Megan, and the overly flirty Kory. Kara also talked about Wraith... A lot! Clark was worried that Kara may have a crush on Wraith. Megan assured him that Wraith had been the perfect gentleman. Even with Kory, who was very aggressive when it came to having a good time. Part of Tamaran culture Kara assured Clark.

“Clark?” Lois called from the bedroom. Clark caught himself smiling at the sound of her calling his name.

“Coming! I have coffee!” Clark called out.


The fastest man alive? Barry Allen was....Exhausted! He had thought that Iris wanted to wait but as soon as they got back to their room after a night of dancing Iris had pounced on him and ripped his clothes off! Barry is in great shape! But he realized that he may need to take some yoga classes because Iris could bend at angles he didn't realize people could! Barry's face flushed as he remembered everything. He slipped out of bed slowly. Iris was sprawled out across the bed next to him. He tip toed downstairs and opened the fridge to see what they had. A chime sounded off quietly on the fridge to remind him that all food service was paid for and a full buffet of breakfast foods was downstairs. Plus, the fridge was stocked too.

Barry had a dozen bananas, and a few apples to hold him over as his metabolism burned through his morning snack. He flipped through his holographic and spit out his food at the video recording of Wraith dancing on a stage with beer glass in hand and several women grinding against him. Barry couldn't help but laugh out loud which woke Iris up. He raced back upstairs and showed her the video. She covered her mouth and laughed in delight. It was about time the giant lizard had some fun.


Lash's reptilian eyes snapped open as he looked around the room. Blankets, pillows, sun light shimmering past the bay windows. He didn't dream about a past life? It was past 4:30 am? He was...Not alone? He looked to his left, and to his right. Kory, Kara, and Megan were asleep on his bed with him. Plenty of space for all of them. Lash still had his swimming trunks on! Good, Clark wouldn't kill him! Oh, spoke to soon! Kara was naked, so was Kory (No surprise) and Megan was too. Because of his scales Lash either had to sleep on his side, or face down. He had been...Thrown? Onto the bed so he was face down. So no one was sleeping on him.

He very slowly climbed out of bed so not to disturb his bed mates. Crap! Kory had wrapped her body around one of his legs. She may or may not have humped as well he wasn't sure. She had smelled like sex since she came back from the nudist beach. He carefully pried her fingers off his leg and slinked away like a snake in the grass. He was free from the bed! He cast Nature's Passage on himself and used Stealth to move out of the bedroom. Why? All three women had super hearing that's why!

He came downstairs walked into the kitchen to see Monika sitting on the kitchen counter wearing nothing but a XXL t-shirt that barely went past her ass. She was eating chocolate ice cream and had a smirk on her face. Her purple eyes gleamed with mischief, and her short black hair covered the tattoo charm mark she had. The shirt was really big on her, revealing a shoulder and her neck line.

“Morning...” She said softly as she jumped down from the counter and sauntered over. Lash looked at her with a question clear on his face. As Dia Nyx came around the corner. Crap!

Dia Nyx was a sight to behold. ¼ succubus blood really turned up the sex appeal. She wore red lace panties, and a red lace bra. Her lilac eyes glinted with energy as her red full lips turned up into a smile. Her large breasts were barely contained in her bra and bounced with every step. She had a healthy tanned skin, and was about 5'9”. She was perfe...Wait a minute! Lash blinked and settled his beating heart. Dia had glamours perception on. She was still beautiful when Lash saw past the glamour but not so sexy that it would make Lash fall to his knees. Dia pouted slightly at being found out.

“Didn't work?” Monika asked.

“No it did...For a little while. But Lash broke the enchantment.” Dia walked past Lash and trailed her fingers along his abdomen. She walked up to Monika and started to kiss her. Monika moaned in delight, her eyes watching Lash for a moment as she leaned into the kiss.

When Monika next looked at Lash she found him sprinting towards the balcony. Where he jumped off and used Falling Glide to get away from the situation! Its not that Lash didn't want to. If Kara, Kory, and Megan had no been upstairs he probably would have. But given his company he decided the best course of action was to jump out a window!

Falling Glide was like base jumping with a wing suit. High speed, minimal direction control, but when you reached the ground it almost seemed like an invisible parachute activated and helped you land. Lash did a three point landing in the gardens beneath his balcony and went for a morning jog towards the beach. Which he found a few minutes later...Wrong beach!

Lash stumbled into the nude, swingers beach! Now, a nude beach is both a delight, and a horrifying experience. Because you see all body types at a nude beach. Young, old, in shape, and morbidly obese! Most of the people he saw were in good shape, while the few that weren't were not that bad. But holy crap everyone was having sex! Look behind over there a four person orgy, and they had a sign staked into the ground saying 'More are welcome!' Lash scampered across the beach. A woman was giving a man a blow job, while another woman wearing a strap on nailed her from behind!

Lash jogged past them, and went up to the bar. He saw several people pumping, thrusting, and laying out across the bar! While the staff provided drinks, and wet towels! Then he saw something both horrifying and hilarious! Jason Todd, and Billy Batson were both on the beach! Both with ladies! Teenagers may not last long but they recover quickly and are willing to learn! Both women seem willing to educate! Lash decided to bleach that from his mind and run past them. Neither of the boys even noticed he was there. The legal age in Brazil was 14 after all!

Lash ground to a screeching halt when he saw another familiar face. Ethan the medical droid was talking about human bodies and how they work as a woman partially listened to him as he was deep inside her. Lash was sure Ethan was one of the best lays she would ever have! Ethan smiled and waved at Lash who waved back! Then continued to speak to the woman in between thrusts. Lash continued on and finally escaped the nudist beach. Well almost!

He reached the changing area. Several staff members were explaining what the nudist beach was about. They took, and stowed the bathing suits, and clothing of the guests who wished to attend. He caught sight of Carter Hall, and Chay-Ara Hall. (Hawkman, and Hawkwoman) Getting undressed to enter the nudist beach. Carter turned to see Lash standing on the path, he stood up and waved. Dropping his swimming trunks. Wow! Chay-Ara must climb that thing like a lumber jack! Chay-Ara turned as well with out her top and smiled at Lash who bowed to her.

Lash had seen and learned a little more about all of his team mates than he ever really intended. He decided to continue his jog through the resort! As he did his best to adjust his raging hard on into his belt so he wouldn't impale someone! He found the golf course by accident as a golf ball hit him in the head. He looked around and waved at the golfer who looked at him in surprise as he continued to jog through.

“Mr. Wraith! Are you lost?” Alfred Penny worth called out to him as Lash ran onto the green. Lash turned and saw Alfred wearing a hilarious get up of golfing cloths. Baggy pants, polo shirt, socks up to his knees, and golfing shoes.

“I'm...Escaping. Hoping to find some bleach to clean my mind.” Lash confessed, Alfred looked at him in confusion.

“I went for a jog, and stumbled into the...Nudist beach area. Now I am hoping the further I get away the foggier the memories will be.” Lash replied, with a grimace.

“Oh my word! Mr Wraith I would encourage a stiff drink! Then do something to occupy your time! I heard there were some children on beach one building sand castles. Perhaps you could join?” Alfred offered an alternative and Lash held onto it for dear life!

“Yes, that sounds like an excellent idea!” Lash said, and sprinted towards beach one.

Beach one! Was just as large as any of the other beaches but far more family appropriate. There were several children building sand castles just as Alfred said. Lash cast his spell Enlarge/Reduce and shrunk down to about three feet tall and slipped in with the kids. Yes he was a giant talking lizard! Some of the kids were supernaturals so they didn't pay him any mind! Then he suggested an excellent idea that the kids loved. War games!


Roy Harper aka Arsenal was wondering the resort after he finished breakfast. Thea had gone to the spa with her mother. Oliver, and Sara were sticking in their room for now and Roy didn't want to bother them. He had stumbled upon Felicity Smoak and they walked together towards beach one. Felicity was hung over from the previous night drinking. She wore a big pair of sunglasses hoping it would ease her head ache. Roy knew the beach wouldn't help because he could already hear sounds of children laughing, screaming, and the sounds of...explosions?

Roy, and Felicity both looked at each other and ran towards the beach. There they saw an impossible sight. A giant battle field had been made out of the sand. Sand castles twenty feet tall, with children from five to fifteen ran across the ramparts of the different castles calling out orders. Between the different castles were armies! Literal armies of sand people in uniform waging war against the other sand people.

But none compared to the giant mountain of sand, a devil face carved into the mountain face, and a massive tower built into the side. A dark army marched from the mountain, monsters seen only in story books marched to the drums of war. There on the Towers top was a three foot tall...Wraith? As he shouted orders to his sand army. The tide of darkness washed over the beach. While the other castles called a truce and fought back against the monster army.

“Oh I have to get on this!” Felicity confessed, a huge smile across her face. Roy wanted to join in as well!


Lyla Michaels, and John Diggle watched as children ran through the main lobby or the resort. They had just finished getting breakfast and were talking about what they should do next. Lyla confessed that she wanted to follow the kids to the beach. John smiled and agreed. They took their time walking the paths and noticed a lot of kids and families were headed towards beach one. They even saw a few service vehicles picking kids up so they could hurry. Lyla stopped an attendant and asked a question.

“Excuse me, is there an event going on beach one for the kids?” Lyla asked politely. The attendant stopped and bowed in respect before answering.

“Yes, Agent Wraith of the UN has issued a grand sand castle challenge to the kids of the resort. If they can beat him the winning team will get a full scholarship to any school of their choosing.” The attendant replied.

“Beat him? Building sand castles?” John asked, that seemed ridiculous! He'd seen Wraith build any structures in seconds.

They walked a little faster to the beach only to discover the true meaning to the contest. This wasn't a sand castle contest. This was a sand castle war! Wraith's army had already consumed three different kingdoms. The children ran to join another castle. Each child commanded a legion of 5,000 soldiers. They could choose any cultural era, soldier type, and unit design. It was a test of team work, and historical understanding.

John, and Lyla saw Roy, and Felicity in their own castle providing support as they made siege weapons for the kids. John all but dragged Lyla towards the beach. Lyla laughed in delight as they joined Roy's and Felicity's castle to help the kids beat Wraith.


“Alright everyone! We will pause the game here! Its time for lunch!” Lash called out and all the sand armies froze in place. The kids groaned and complained but the adults laughed and called their children down. Tiny Lash climbed down from his devil tower of doom. Soon, soon he would unleash the dragons roosting in his mountain!

Lash had obtained a great deal of experience for Parallel Minds, Weapon Master, Martial Arts, Artist, Skill/Power/Spell Trainer, Crafting, Superhuman Intellect, Telekinesis, Size Alteration, Team Work, Energy Manipulation, Other Worldly Lore, Essence Imbuement, Alteration, Compression Transformation, Virtual Intelligence, Infinite Supply, Fabrication, Enlarge/Reduce, Phantasm, False Life, and Bending.

Tiny Lash scampered across the beach towards the restaurant and stopped short when he saw a tall black man look down at him. Lash grinned up at John Diggle, who grinned back down at him. Lyla walked and knelt down looking at Lash with a smile.

“So... What brought this event on?” Lyla asked.

“I accidentally stumbled into the nudist beach during my morning run. I desperately needed to bleach my mind so I came here and made this event to distract me! Its working!” Lash said, and John had the most horrified look on his face. Lyla just laughed loudly

“Oh my god! That was so not the answer I expected!” Lyla said as she nearly fell over laughing.

Lash walked into the restaurant with Team Arrow, well most of it! He kept his size down so he was offered a high chair. He climbed into it and ordered several dishes on the menu he needed to recharge his fuel tanks. Lobster, steak, mashed potatoes, and a giant chocolate milk shake! Whip cream and a cherry on top! Yum!

“So, are you really going to give the winning team a full ride through any school of their choice?” Roy asked between bites.

“Sure! Though I think the kids are just doing it for fun. The scholarship was an incentive for the parents to let their kids join in. Though I don't think any parent here worries about the cost to send their children to school.” Lash replied as he pulled his lobster apart.

“How can you control so many? I know we are giving the orders. But that has to be you right? I mean the sand people don't have micro chips! They are literally made out of sand! How can you control so many at the same time?” Felicity asked after she took a drink of lemonade.

“Terrakinetic?” John offered a suggestion.

“I do have Telekinesis! But that is not the only way I control them all. I'll tell you the details about it after the contest. Don't want to give you any advantages over the battle.” Lash replied to Felicity who smirked at him.

“What will you give us if we win?” Roy asked with a smirk.

“I'll make you a wedding ring to give to Thea!” Lash replied with out missing a beat. Roy coughed and choked a bit on his food. He was red in the face as the table laughed at him.

It wasn't to long after that kids came running up to ask Lash when the game would continue! He said another thirty minutes so everyone could have time to eat. He suggested they look up different strategies and unit types on the internet for future battles. Not long after Lash scampered back to his tower of doom and the battle recommenced!

War.....War never changes! The tools may change, as does the reason you fight. But war is brutal, not for the faint of heart. But also weirdly entertaining as thousands of tiny sand people race to conquer a devil lord in his tower! Lash was loosing! There was a familiar strategy being shouted out from the crowd. Could it be! How do they know his moves!? Gasp! He recognized that man! That woman! It was Peyton, and Mikhail! Those traitors! Helping his enemies take him down!

“Its a trap! He'll have pit traps down the canyon!” Peyton shouted to the kids.

“Who's side are you on, Peyton!” Lash shouted over the siege warfare of his kingdom. Peyton grinned at him.

Peyton was 5'9” with brown eyes, black curly hair swept up into a pony tail, with a strong body that you would often see on russian woman. Plenty of curves! Just built stronger. She had a healthy tanned skin, and wore short, shorts. The kind that show off a woman's ass she may as well wear a bathing suit instead. A short cut tank top with out a bra. She smiled at Lash as she continued to give advice.

Mikhail was a 6'2” half sylvan man with pale skin, ocean blue eyes, black curly hair a few inches long. He had a super model GQ appearance that a lot of ladies, and men noticed. He was incredibly attractive to all sexes. Being half Sylvan had its perks. His ears were partially pointed but his natural glamour hid them. He was built like a swimmer all lean and hard muscles. He had a pair of blue swimming trunks on and sandals. He pointed out a few specific monsters and told some kids to use arrows on them.

“Now you shall now true despair!” Lash called out loudly and cackled maniacally like a good story book villain should. The sand volcano erupted with illusion fire, and molten lava as fire breathing dragons came flying out to bath the armies in molten lava!

“Oh come on!” Roy shouted in mock anger as the dragons burned the castle responsible for special weapons, and siege engines. That supplied the whole united alliance of prancing unicorns!..... Kids.

The the united armies fell over each other as the sand armies moral plummeted! Yes, the sand people had moral. Sometimes they refused an order because it was suicidal to follow it. Lash's monster army cheered and re doubled their efforts. Pushing the united front nearly half way across the beach. Losing outpost, base, and recovered kingdom, after kingdom. Then a light shown across the sky, as tiny sand pegassi, with sand Amazon riders flew out into the sky. There in the back of all the castles stood Diana Prince! She shouted in triumph as she pointed her warriors to battle!

“Nooooo! Curse you! My dragons!” Lash hissed in defiance as his dragons were killed one by one as the pegassi grouped up, while the Amazons did what they knew best!

One last ditch effort was made. A three foot tall behemoth made of black sand, with cloven hoofs, bat wings, and a massive maul walked out of Lash's tower. It towered over all of the six inch tall soldiers. All the kids gasped in shock, but Diana called for them all to focus. It was his last trump card! They could do this! Her leadership snapped the kids into vigor as heroes from each armies raced towards the front.

The behemoth roared in defiance and fought bravely but it was like watching ants fight an elephant. It may seem ridiculous but elephants can be killed by ants in Africa! They whittled the behemoth's health down and with a valiant jump from a pegassi a Amazon drove her spear into the creatures skull and killed it! The volcano erupted showering the battle field in fire and ash.

“No! Curse you young heroes! You've defeated me! Noooooo!” Lash was very dramatic as his tower came crashing down, swallowed by the mountain. Dianna called for a full retreat! The armies moved as fast as they could to return to their homes!

Once the tower had fallen and the smoke cleared a giant holographic score board appeared over the beach. It calculated troops, units lost, units killed, strategy, tactics, support, and team work. At the end a group of five children from different families won the grand prize! While everyone else got a obsidian model of their favorite soldiers. The winners got dragon models. The scholarship? The winners parents said it was fine. They just liked to watch their kids play.

“Thank you all for playing with me! I hope you had fun!” Lash popped out of the mountain of sand full grown. The kids cheered! The watching crowd cheered! GG! (Good Game)

Lash spent another hour making the obsidian models for all the kids. Peyton, and Mikhail waited off to the side smiling as they watched him. Some of the kids were from supernatural families, but the rest where either pseudo-mundane or pure mundane. But not a single kid was scared of Lash after his little sand castle event. Hearts and minds! Soon he got to the winners and made their dragons. Putting some Essence Imbuement into the models they almost seem to come to life if you watched them long enough.

At last he was finished and Peyton tackled him in a hug. Or tried to as she had to jump up to wrap her arms around his neck. He was over eight feet tall! He laughed and hugged her, she kicked her feet up and down with a laugh. Lash pulled Mikhail into the hug as well, or pulled him up rather. He laughed and returned the hug as well. Lash linked them both up with Pack Bond! Selina was still part of the link and felt them across the resort. He set them both down and joined them in the walk back to the hotel.

“Juliana called us! With everything that is going on she felt that it was unlikely that you would be able to come visit us before my ceremony. So she asked her mother, and we got an invitation to come over.” Peyton said as she held one of his claws like a small child would an adult.

“Soluna also said you had gifts to give us?” Mikhail said with a curious look. Oh that was right!

Lash pulled them off to the side and pulled out the two Death Ward necklaces he had made for them.

Orichalcum necklace.

Rating: B+

Effect: Very Durable

Effect: 1% of the items total durability is repaired everyday.

Effect: 10% decrease in negative spell effects.

Effect: 10% increase in positive spell effects.

Effect: Transmutation Domain Spell, Cat's Grace. Three charges a day, one recharge a day.

Effect: Grave Domain Spell, Death Ward. One charge, takes six months to recharge.

Effect: Grave Domain Spell, Kiss of the Grave. One charge, takes six months to recharge.

Comment: You've at last given your last fucking expensive necklaces to the last of your Pack Mates. Just before an epic war! Congratulations!

Peyton looked shocked at the necklace and reached out to touch it. Then her expression froze. Mikhail didn't even reach for his. He knew what material that was made out of. Lash forced it into his hands, he went stock still when the enchantment was imparted into his mind. His hands started to shake, and Peyton started to cry.

“L....L....Lash... We...I...I can't accept this...” Peyton said, she tried to give it back. Lash, and Saurian both growled. The sound was heard, and felt across the Pack Bond.

Just accept the necklace, he gave one to all of the pack! -Selina called across the link.

Lash carefully placed the necklaces on Mikhail's, and Peyton's neck. The enchanted metal glowed briefly. Then merged into their skin changing into a tattoo. They could both feel the spell take effect over them. Peyton walked over and hugged Lash, burying her face into his chest. Mihkail soon did the same. They both started to cry. Lash held them close with a smile.

The emotions shared across the Pack Bond were profound and hard to describe. Love, trust, friendship, family, pack. Now all of his pack would be safe. Though he would worry for them. He had provided his best to ensure they would be safe. They stayed that way for a few minutes until Selina sent a request across the link to meet with her fellow pack mates.

Bruce was with Selina and wore black shorts, and a black t-shirt. Always black! Lash wasn't any better. But at least he was shirtless! Bruce nodded at Lash and started to talk with Peyton, and Mikhail. They hit it off quickly! So much so that Lash faded into the background, he wasn't offended! In fact he was tired! The sand castle war had taken a lot of effort to pull off. He found a seat nearby and listened in on the conversation.

He felt a hand caress his cheek, he opened the eyes he hadn't realized had closed. Diana stood by his side with a smile on her face. Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman was a thing of beauty. She was 6' even with black hair that curled at the end. Strong blue eyes, tanned skin, and curvy hour glass figure covered in supple muscles. Full of life, and capable of springing into action. Diana wore a leather skirt, and leather top that wrapped around her neck, and back. With leather sandals on, things she would normally wear in Themyscira to relax in.

“May I?” Diana asked, and Lash gestured to the seat next to him. She took the offered chair, after she dragged it so it was closer to him. “It was very nice of you to put on that event for the children. Good fun! A lot of talented young women in that event...And boys of course.” Diana said with a smile.

“It was a good distraction from the morning I had.” Lash said, now the memory of the nudist beach a fleeting memory. He'd have to thank Alfred later. Diana covered her mouth and laughed, a flush creeping up her face.

“Yes.... I heard that Dia, and Monika cornered you in your room. You jumped out a window to get away?” Diana asked, smiling wide at him.

“Kara, Kory, and Megan were upstairs asleep.” Lash began, Diana looked surprised. “Nothing happened! I found a alcoholic drink here at the resort that actually works on me. I got drunk last night and danced...A lot.” Lash continued.

“I heard! In fact there is a video of it on the League's message board.” Diana said, smirking at Lash's expression he made when he heard that.

“Anyways! They pulled me up to my room and decided to spend the night. I slipped out of bed to find Monika, and Dia in my hotel room as well. Dia tried to bewitch me, nothing major just a bit of teasing.” Lash commented when Diana's eyes turned a hard, then softened when Lash continued. “I saw through it. So Dia decided to make out with Monika in front of me. Clearly inviting me to join if I wanted to. Instead I sprinted towards the balcony and jumped out the window.” Lash finished.

Diana burst out laughing at the idea of Lash running from two women who wanted to have sex with him. He must have spoken a little to loudly because Selina, Peyton, Mikhail, started to laugh as well. While Bruce just gave him a half smile and nodded at him. Self control, Lash told himself. Self control. Deep slow breaths!

“Wh...Why...Why didn't you join them?” Diana asked after a few minutes of laughter.

“Kara though physically is old enough. She is still mentally sixteen. Megan in earth years is over forty but still under age on Mars. While Kory is of age.” Lash said, after he had established an obstruction glamour around them. “Kara has a crush on me, that I think it is miss placed. She is young, and inexperienced. I am the first man she's really spoken to outside of Kal-El...Superman her cousin. I know its selfish of me to make the choice for her. But...” Lash tried to find the words. Diana reached over and took his hand and smiled at him.

“I asked why you didn't sleep with Dia, and Monika. Not Kara?” Diana asked, compelling Lash to continue.

“Kara has super senses. She would have woken up, she would have smelled sex in the air. Then she would have to make a choice. Join in? Leave? Get angry? Or understand? Kryptons don't practice polyamorous relationships. I do. If she want's to be with me she'll have to share me, just as much as I will share her.” Lash said, and Diana nodded her head. “Plus I think Superman would crush my skull if I touch her.” Lash said with a smile. Diana smiled back at him.

“So you didn't have sex with them because you didn't want to hurt Kara's feelings. Tell me, if Kara hadn't of been in the room would you have had sex then?” Diana asked, raising a manicured eye brow. Lash looked at her.

“This feels like a trap...” Lash confessed.

“Who knows...” Diana asked with a shrug of her shoulders. Lash cast Insight on Diana and saw that she was 30/70. Romantic feelings was the latter number. A thrill, and a shiver rolled down his spine.

“Yes. I could have lied. But I think you deserve the truth since you asked.” Lash answered, Diana gave him a small smile. She stood up, and walked away. His Insight sent him a prompt. 29/71. So right answer? Did Amazons practice polyamorous relationships? Lash shook his head to clear his wondering mind.

Lash was invited to the dance floor by Peyton. He had one of those marvelous drinks in hand and soon was dancing the night away like a fool! Sometime later, after many drinks. He once again woke up in his hotel room. The sunlight just peeking up across the sky to say hello to everyone. This time he was naked? He looked around his bedroom and it once again had several naked women in it. He was on his side with a naked Kara pressing her back into his chest. Oh crap!

Lash slowly tried to pull his arms out from Kara's hands. Who stirred in her sleep and pressed her self against him. Lash's rock hard erection was more than happy to have her as it pressed up against her ass cheeks. His Sensory Awareness slowly took in the rest of the room. Kory, was asleep in the bed, along with Megan, Dia, and Monika. There was a posted note on the wall with Diana's hand writing.

'Have fun.' -D

Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap! Kara groaned and stretched out. She turned around in Lash's embrace and nuzzled into him. Then she reached out and took his cock in her hands. She smiled a little as Lash's entire body flinched. She opened her big blue eyes and stared at him. A smile crawling up her lips.

“Saurian I'm sorry but could I steal Lash for a bit?” Kara asked. Saurian laughed across the link, and Lash with out his consent dropped Transformation. Kara wrapped her arms around Lash's neck and held him tight.

“Now... I may not be willing to share you, Lash. But for now, just kiss me.” Kara asked, Lash sighed and leaned in to kiss her....

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