Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 78:Thanagar Arcane Science


*****Africa, Ethiopia*****

The cavern had a musty, wet earth smell. Made sense since it had a small underground river in it. Fruit bats clung to the roof of the cave, and chattered among one another. Light from the outside sun cooked small areas in sunlight bringing a sense of absent warmth to the cave system. Above the giant cavern was an old ruin made from giant slabs of stone. Pieces of art that to this day many didn't know how were made. Really crushed the new Earth 5,000 year old theory when you dated the relics almost a fifty thousand years.

Deep in the cave stood a seven foot tall man in pure black modern tech armor. A shoulder mounted cannon, and a fully automatic electromagnetic rifle in his arms. His helmet sported four eye slits. Each pair switching between thermal, electrostatic, and radiation vision. He had broad shoulders, and a broad waist. He was a wall of a man. He watched with careful precision as a team of technicians slowly, and very quietly built an anchor for a new Rift. Once the last pylon was built the technicians all looked towards the Commander for confirmation. A single green light went off on his display helmet.

The spark of energy was contained, small, and elusive. But the shock that rippled through the whole cavern system sent a eerie wail as the very fabric of reality screamed in pain. It may have been small, but it was like having a sewing needle jammed into your skull. The bats in the cavern screeched in alarm and flew into the open day to get away from the sound! The technicians in soft black armor stepped back and covered their ears in a vain attempt to block the sound. The Rift Commander shouldered his rifle and tapped a keypad on his left forearm. A holographic keyboard lit up and a window appeared.

Second Rift, pin hole operational. Copy? -The Rift Commander sent. A few minutes went by and the tiny Rift the size of a fist grew by another inch.

Confirmed, stand by for secondary construction of Beta FOB. Eliminated any and all foreign witnesses. - Central Command sent from their home.

The secondary Rift Commander acknowledged the orders and closed his interface on his arm. He did a set of hand signals and the technician team started to build a basic stealth field. Though the cave walls would mask the energy signature of the Rift, in time as the Rift grew the energy readings would climb. They needed that field. The Rift Commander went back to the entrance of the cave and activated a simple cloak. As long as he didn't move to much he would seem like a blurry specter in the jungle.

Africa? The Rift Commander had been born in Africa back in his home. But Africa was nothing more than an irradiated wasteland in his home reality. The only thing that lived there now was mutated insects the size of dogs and cats. The Emperor promised to restore their world, and to make it even better than it was. The Commander held onto that hope, that belief for a better future. Even if they had to destroy another world to accomplish it.


Dudley Batson, or Uncle Dudley as his nephew called him was confused about the situation in his living room. His nephew Billy was talking to the man and three women with looks of confusion, almost comical threats, and sometimes down right cute expressions for a teenager to make. Especially when one of the women came to sit next to him and politely teased his nephew! Dudley would never admit it out lout but he wished he could swap places with his nephew. The woman was a bombshell!

She was over six foot easily, with a strong athletic build, bouncing chest that made it easy to know she didn't wear a bra as her nipples poked the fabric of her white silk blouse. She had a gray pencil skirt, and navy blue half suit jacket on. Her long curly hair changed colors along with her eyes as she tickled and teased his nephew. The man with them smiled at the scene, while another asked 'Kory' to stop teasing Billy so much.

The second woman was about 5'5” give or take with out heels on. She wore a three piece business suit on, black suit jacket, pants, and three inch pumps. While her vest was navy blue, and she had a red tie on with the superman crest on it. Her multi colored hair was cut just above her shoulders. She tried to maintain a neat professional persona, she kept stealing glances at the man with them. As if hoping for his approval? Kara, at last had enough and dragged Kory back to their seat, while Kory pouted in a joking manner while Billy's face was red as a tomato. Dudley despite himself laughed at the sight. It had been a long time since he hand seen his nephew embarrassed like that.

The last woman was 5'10, with short hair cut just below her jaw line, swept to one side. She had a pair of earrings in, and a really nice golden necklace piece that almost seem to glow in the light. She wore a one piece cashmere sweater top that went to her mid thighs, that hugged her curves. It didn't have shoulders, and the top wrapped around her neck. She had taken off her coat when they stepped inside and the dress revealed her entire back down to the top of her ass. Dudley swallowed at the seductive top. She finished the look with tan leather boots that went to her calf. She had a gentle smile on her face, and laughed softly at the antics of Kory. What was her name? Megan! That is right.

Now the man! Holy crap, when Dudley had opened the door to see a 6'4” man that was wide as a door. With a bald head, that reminded Dudley of the military operatives you see in movies. Once a soldier, always a soldier. He wore a three piece suit, of black, on black. With a crimson tie, and black military boots that didn't go with the tailored suit. But Dudley believed the man didn't really care. Something was different about the man, Dudley could feel that all three women were different. But when he saw the man, he swore he saw a hungry predator looking him up and down.

“Uncle Dudley?” Billy called him. He perked up and looked at his nephew.

“Oh sorry, lost in thought. What did you say?” Dudley asked, as he coughed and tried to clear the air so he wouldn't admit he had been staring at them. The woman...Kory didn't help as she had winked at him. He blushed a bit.

“So, Billy says you are with the League?” Dudley asked, and the group stopped and looked at him, then at Billy in surprise.

“What? Did you really think I could keep the secret from my uncle?” Billy asked, offended that they would think he would lie to his only family. Dudley felt the knot in his chest loosen. He was happy his nephew trusted him.


Lash gritted his teeth, and clenched his hands into fists. His boiling rage faded as quickly as it came. The only one that noticed was Megan as she flashed him a concerned look. He sent a simple Telepathic message of 'later'. She accepted the answer and went back to talking to Billy. Lash wanted to scream because he had just received a message from Dawn.

Attention User, the invading reality has created a secondary Rift.

You've been awarded ten bonus DP. Good luck!

With the increase in bonus points. The challenge rating went from hard to very hard. Fuck! He tried to keep his mind clear. He didn't want to scare anyone. One of the times he hated filling the leader role. He had to stay composed, and indifferent in front of his people. New, or old. They had come here with a clear goal. Billy aka Shazam was technically 16 years old this year. He would be a sophomore in high school next year. But, Shazam? Was a full grown male. Billy looked the spitting image of his Father when he was Shazam. Close, but subtle differences.

The Justice League has a whole assumed Shazam was a magical superhero (Adult). When in truth he wasn't. Lash wanted to enroll Billy in a Supernatural high school, prep school, and college. He would technically get a full ride from the Warden Council. Since his sponsor was, The Wizard. The Keeper of the Rock of Eternity.

“Billy, how are your grades in school right now?” Lash asked, and Billy opened and closed his mouth like a gold fish. Trying to comprehend the change in subject. Uncle Dudley coughed into his hand, and answered for him.

“He is barely passing. There is a chance he'll have to do summer school. Because of all of his absences. It's not like he can explain to the school that he has to go save people.” Dudley responded for Billy, and smiled gently at his nephew who looked down.

“So, there are several reasons why we came to your home today. One: We want to build you a JL bunker. Either in your back yard, or in a place of your choosing in the city. We know you have the Rock of Eternity. But, The Wizard is very selective of who goes there. The bunker will be yours, but also a place for visiting JL members.” Lash added quickly when Billy looked up with stars in his eyes. He responded like any 16 year old would when you said you planned to build him a super fun, super secret, club house!

“Could we do both?”Dudley asked, and Lash liked him even more for it.

“Yes. We could build a minor one here due to size constrictions. Your backyard is nice, but not large enough to hold what we need. But it would make getting in and out of your house that much easier. Tell me, Billy. How many times have you changed in your backyard?” Lash asked, Billy raised his eye brows and started to count on his fingers.

“To many times! The fire department has been out here in the neighborhood nearly six times in the past month because the neighbors call about lighting strikes. I'm surprised no one has been knocking on our door.” Dudley said, as he looked out the window to the backyard where a single singed spot was.

“That is because of the spell wards placed around your house, placed by the Warden Council. Technically Billy is a adolescent supernatural. Protected by Warden Law. If the spell wards were not in place than everyone would have figured out where you were shifting.” Lash offered a simple explanation.

“Wait what!?” Billy said, as he shot up off the coach.

“The wards create a sort of psychic barrier around your home. It prevents people from looking inside, and if they see anything the barrier tells them it is nothing to take notice of, right Lash?” Megan chimed in. Megan had been talking to her uncle J'onn about the priests and priestess of Mars back home. So she could understand a little of what Lash did. Lash nodded to her with a smile.

“Basically. So, we'll build a basic structure at your house. Then we'll build another sizable bunker in the city. When you need to come home you go to the main bunker first. Size down, then take a portal from there to here. No more lighting strikes.” Lash offered, and Dudley sighed in relief.

“Can I have friends in the bunker!?” Billy asked, and the resounding NO from Lash, and Dudley made him sit down and pout.

“Well...” Kory supplied an alternate answer when she smiled at Billy. “Technically anyone in the League will be using the Bunker when they are in town. So, they count as friends do they not?” Kory smiled at Billy, who looked a little less aggrieved.

“School! Lash you were telling us about school on the way over?” Kara stepped in to change the subject. Dudley looked up from his nephew.

“So, as an adolescent of the supernatural community. Billy is entitled to a public education. Now, because his sponsor is, The Wizard. He gets a full ride. So, with your permission Mr. Batson, and Billy. We would like to transfer Billy to the supernatural community high school, prep school, and college. The school is located here in the city...Kinda. They would also be aware of who you are. The magical hero known has Shazam.” Lash said, as he produced a holographic projection of the high school campus, buildings, students, and faculty. The fact that one of the teachers was an elf may have helped.

“Is that an elf!?” Dudley asked, astonished.

“Yes, that's an elf.” Lash replied with a smile.

“Why would they know who I am?” Billy asked, and Lash pegged him with a look of. 'Really?' Billy shrunk his neck in like a turtle.

“Billy, when The Wizard chose you. Every supernatural in Fawcett City knew who you were with in that very day. By the end of the week the supernatural world at large knew about it. Thankfully, supernatural secrets and mundane secrets are kept from each other. So, the faculty would be more than aware that Billy has responsibilities. Though he would still have to make up the time in other ways. I assure you, the schools are fully credited and he will get a full education.” Lash assured Uncle Dudley.

They talked for another hour or so about the facilities at the school. Dudley had never heard of this place any where in Fawcett City. That was when Lash informed him that the school was technically hidden away inside of a pocket dimension. That stumped Dudley for a minute, but much to Lash surprise. Billy had taken Dudley to the Rock of Eternity. So, it wasn't his first time being in a pocket dimension. Billy would miss his 'normal' friends from his junior high school. But if he made an effort he could still see them. Billy was even being paid like the rest of the JL was. Technically, Billy made more money than his Uncle did right now! When Lash dropped that little bit, Dudley didn't scream, or get angry. All he did was smile, that sinister smile that parents and guardians have when they look at their children.

Dudley was a good guy. Lash wasn't afraid the man would steal from Billy. So they had a duel account in their name. Dudley would help control Billy's spending, while the extra money would go to helping around the house. Speaking of the house, Lash gave the whole place a face lift. On the outside it still looked the same. But a lot like the Kent farm. On the inside it had a new smart house system, space saving furniture and appliances, and the house it self could withstand a bombing!

Down in the basement Lash created a secret security door, then started to carve out a bunker under the backyard. All the necessities of a home, in case of say a military invasion from another reality came into Fawcett City. Dudley, and a few people could hide here comfortably. Behind another wall, was a secret chamber where a portal pad was. This would be linked to Vici, or the alternate bunker.

“So, this part! This bomb shelter you can most definitely share with people. It would just look like Uncle Dudley is a minute man last survivor kind of guy. The sensor strip right there goes directly to Vici.” Lash said, and a holographic window popped open and Vici's voice came through.

“Hello everyone! Mr. Batson do not worry I will ensure that Billy does his homework, and will not have any wild parties in the bunker while you are away.” Vici's teenage female voice came over the strip. Dudley looked surprised, but smiled all the same. As Billy's shoulders slumped. Vici had read his mind!

The sensor strip went through the whole house. Vici was not the standard system computer in the new smart house. Though she could tap into it if she needed. Next they did some standard real estate shopping. Shield and Sword did not have a branch office in Fawcett City. But that didn't mean they couldn't make any calls. Lash bought a warehouse in the factory district area of the city. The whole crew got into two separate vehicles and drove over to the area.

As they entered the immediate area Lash noticed that a great deal of the factory district was abandoned, ruined buildings. Old factories, and warehouses toppled over, or shells of their former selves. When they arrived at the lot they would build the bunker Lash had an idea and directly contacted Juliana. Who was surprised, but happy to help!

Lash finished building the bunker under the lot they had bought. It had all the essentials! Barracks, communication, and operations. Medical, machine shop, even an entertainment area for Billy. Along with a portal hub pad. Unlike Melanie's bunker in Detroit they had plenty of space here so Lash made it all one level. The bunker housed a car port, just because Shazam could fly didn't mean future JL members wouldn't use it. He also created several methods of entering from two long entry ways that went out past the immediate area. The carport entrance of course, and a hidden elevator in a building he planned to make.

The bunker ended up being larger that Dudley's house. But of course it was filled to the brim with League equipment, training, and computers. Lash installed a sensor strip into the bunker, just like the house. Another direct up to the Watch Tower. Erik made a comment about the old RTS games he use to play, on how each hub expanded your limited area of operation. Lash had to agree with the sentiment.


Lash looked down and saw that Shield and Sword had accomplished his request. Over half of the factory district now had a new owner! Juliana came up with a fitting name. 'Ghost Industries'. The Chairman of Ghost Industries was one of those enigmatic millionaires that people always wished the other top 3% would be. Donates to charity, creates jobs for people, and gives back to the community.

Lash suggested that Billy, and Dudley show Kara, Kory, and Megan around town for a bit. He was going to stay and renovate the whole area. He had sent a simple telepathic message to the girls that something had changed and he needed time to work it out. They accepted the idea and left Lash to himself. Not an hour later several Warden mages arrived to assist him with his project. The mages created a complex illusion of construction and creation.

The illusion was a complex spell ritual that did one thing that the mundanes could understand. Lash was going to renovate the whole area in a few hours. The illusion created a Phantasm that depicted a construction site being worked on. While mundanes would see people working every day. They would never see a clear picture of who, what, or how. Just that people worked, and every day a little more progress was made.

Lash used Manifestation and called 20 Saurus Veterans to his side. The conjuration portals opened up and they walked out in perfect sync with one another. Once they left the green and blue portals they saluted and waited for orders. With Parallel Minds, and Virtual Intelligence Lash linked them up and created a diagram through the holographic interface. Vici pulled down information from the world wide web and they started to build.

Lash wanted a recycling plant, pollution cleaning towers, and several vertical farms for Bio fuel. Despite the fact that more than a yea had passed. His viable bio fuel alternative to oil and gas had not gained a lot of attention. The mundane energy companies, and a few supernatural companies had done the idiotic thing and locked up the bio fuel behind a business license. Some countries in Europe moved past these clear attempts to stop the fuel from being made. Like the Netherlands! Last Lash heard anything about them was they had gone full bio fuel.

So, with his connections with Shield and Sword. Ghost Industries bought one of the few license here in the states. As soon as the factory was operational Fawcett City would be one of the few cities in the North America producing Bio fuel. Small victories! The main structure was of course the recycling plant. It had a huge mulch machine that would grind, shred, and break apart any and all forms of trash. Unlike other recycling plants, this one would accept any and all kinds of trash. Because Lash was going to cheat with a big of magic.

With spell script, and enchanting they placed Decomposition, and Recycle on the mulch machine. So any organic tissue would be broken down to compost. Any metallic substance be broken down to its base components. Organic substance would go to the vertical farms for compost, and construction materials. Since they could make new plasteel (Plastic/Steel) with it. The metal would go to help make the plasteel, along with other metal components.

The sorting room was massive in size, and depth. Allowing for several work crews to work side by side with each other. Once the different types were sorted they would be brought to another sorting area. Where they would be brought to the farms, or to the melting room. Each main building had a single pollution cleaning tower attached to it. The collected smog would help go into the material process.

Lash was careful to add break rooms, medical areas, etc. Everything a safe working environment needed. Along with a mutli leveled business tower for the management. He made sure to reinforce the buildings and add Compression Transformation to the whole layout. Use what you have, with what you have. He also added several survival and bomb shelter installations around the whole complex. Just for precautions.

The vertical farming towers were twenty stories tall. With conveyor belt levels inside. Each platform would be used to grow the bio fuel, and or food in a pinch. Once the floor had been set, flip a switch and the belt would swap one floor with another. He made sure that each levels could be locked into place and just be used as separate floors if needed. It was close to midnight by the time he had finished. When Lash stepped outside he saw several Wardens and logistical crew walk towards him.

“Warden Lash?” A sylvan female asked, she bowed as did he in the form of Warden etiquette.

“Yes, may I help you?” Lash asked, as he tried to stifle a yawn. He recalled his Veterans and one by one they entered the conjuration portals. The Wardens watched the sight before they continued.

“Do you plan on allowing supernaturals to work in your business?” The sylvan asked.

“Yes! Full employment, supernatural, pseudo-mundane, and mundanes. The sooner the better.” Lash said in response. The Warden smiled at him.

“Thank you! We'll tell HQ, we understand that you built several worst case scenario bunkers on the grounds. May we assume this is in case the 'invasion' hits here? We understand the other bunker is specifically for the JL, but the other bunkers are open to the public if something happens?” She asked, Lash nodded.

“Good! We'll start right away!” The Warden turned on her heel and left.

Why was this important? A lot of supernaturals were very happy when Wayne Tech became pseudo-mundane. Why? Because most business in this day and age require someone to take a blood test, along with a few legal security checks. Now, despite all the rumors, stories, and fantasies one has about the supernatural. Not every magical being looks like they stepped out from a GQ, or sports illustrated magazine. Not every one has money to access Shield and Sword. The supernatural community has low income families just like any other society. So, when a multi million dollar company allows all walks of life including gremlins, ogres, orcs, goblins, etc into the job market. A lot of people are thankful!

Yes! There is segregation in the supernatural world just like one finds in the mundane world. Seelie, and UnSeelie courts don't get along. Twilight Courts rarely get along with any of them. The Warden Council makes its look like everyone is working towards one goal. But it is actually the opposite. The supernatural world is just like the mundane world. Everyone has agendas, everyone has plans, and everyone wants to come out on top.

Ghost Industries, Lash will play the part of an enigmatic chairman who is rarely seen. But will arrive in a place. Buy property, and make jobs for people. As long as Lash didn't favor one group over another he could maintain his oath of neutrality with the Wardens. In fact he was sure they would be thankful for his contribution. But Lash knew he had made the right choice when he got a prompt.

Congratulations User! You've gained world renown among the downtrodden of the supernatural world. All downtrodden citizens, and denizens of the supernatural world will like you 10% more.

Side note: A version update shows when you lose, or gain reputation with factions. You can turn this off in your black room if you so choose. Please be aware that only the message is removed, not the effect.

Lash keyed up with Vici and requested a jump back to the Watch Tower. A spell script coiled around him and he was gone with an audible pop from the surface. When Lash stepped off the teleportation hub he saw several people walking across the station. He quickly used Transformation and created his shroud. With Insight he found most of them were VI Avatars, while the rest were part of the DC comics. A smile stretched across Lash's face as he saw the Watch Tower was finally playing the role he wanted it to.

“Hermano, hola, ¿qué te trae por aquí?” Fantasma called out as he ran over to meet him. Several other VI Avatars jogged behind Fantasma. Lash walked over and met him with a hug.
“Kids, this is the main man, Wraith. Remember we are in his house right now. Well him and Vici.” Fantasma said with a smile, he had his mask off while he spoke.

The 'Kids' as Fantasma called them were all meta-human origins. They had barely started with G+ grade. Their eyes were full of life and ready to get to business. Lash greeted each one of them with a smile and a hand shake. They had come up to the Watch Tower to get their uniforms made. Vici had made several more synethtic droids for each module including science and engineering. So uniforms made to the exact specifications of their powers could be made.

“So, business or pleasure, Hermano?” Fantasma asked, and Lash's shoulders dropped a bit. Even with his shroud in place, Fantasma could tell the change in mood.

“Hey kids, why don't you go back to the shop and see how they are coming. I got to talk to the big guy for a bit.” Fantasma asked, the Avatars all understood something happened and left with out an issue. Lash and Fantasma walked towards the central elevator to go down to Vici's hub.

“My patron has informed me that another Rift has opened. Same invading reality, just another point of insertion.” Lash said once the elevator doors closed.

“¡Jesucristo, María Madre de Dios! ” Fantasma said loudly in the elevator. They stood in silence for a bit until the elevator opened up to the control room. You had to have security clearance to enter this room.

“So whats the plan, Hermano?” Fantasma asked, as he followed Lash into the room. Lash went to the main control port of Vici and sat down on the ground. He took a deep breath, as his tail coiled around him.

“We'll just keep moving forward. I've got a few more modules to upgrade Vici with. But this will take a bit.” Lash said, Fantasma understood and went back to the elevator.

“When you have time you should really come talk to the some of the new people. You are kinda larger than life to most of them.” Fantasma said with a smile and a wink. Lash nodded his head in agreement. It would be good to put a face to the name.

Once the elevator door closed, Lash pulled down his ragged hood. With a clawed hand he massaged his neck and grumbled. Vici didn't say a word, but she continued to watch him through the sensor strip. Lash pulled out the store catalog once again thankful that he bought it fully unlocked. He looked at his available Dream Points. With the new bonus from the invasion he had a total of 60 points. He reached up and played with his necklace and asked a question through telepathy.

Dawn, why do I have so many points? Its only been a few days since I had zero. -Lash asked his familiar.

Master! That is because you earn DP from your impact and change on the world. Example: Every person you have helped earns you DP. Every item, weapon, gear you have made helps someone. That earns DP. You held a Justice League first time meeting and explained the Rifts. You found an Dream way to explain a game mechanic. Bonus DP. You went to a Comic Convention and changed the minds of thousands of people. Bonus DP. Every single time the Watch Tower is used, you gain DP. The larger the role you play, the more you gain. -Dawn responded through the necklace piece.

Lash had heard this before, but he was always surprised by how much one could earn just by playing the game. He understood why the upper tiers of the station would cost over a thousand points. The more it was used the more you would get. Lash went through the book until he found the habitat and started to look at the different modules he could obtain. 60 DP could buy nearly every module for F grade.

Observation: This Module is a workshop of sub-satellites that work with the station to create a network of line of sight networks. Works in tandem with the Communication, and Operations modules. Allows full coverage of the Earth, Moon, and with future increase in Grade the solar system. (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Communication: Allowing for long distance, short distance, and even alternate-reality communication. Increase in overall communication across all teams, reaction time, and information gathering. Works in tandem with Observation, and Operations Modules. (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Operations: The central hub for the whole station, allowing access to all offensive, defensive, and utility applications. Increases overall efficiency across the whole station. Works in tandem with Observation, and Communication Modules. (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Life Support: The recycle, and creation of fresh water, and air aboard the station. Allowing for fully customization of (Private Quarters) for different Origins. Side Note: A station does not require a Life Support module to operate, but it does give a measure of extra safety, and health. (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Armory: A room used for the collection, and storage of gear, weapons, and ammunition. Can be used to help maintain, repair, and modify items contained within. (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Hydroponics: A section of the habitat designed to help grow food, and medicine. Helps to decrease degradation of health, rest, and relaxation. Works in tandem with aquarium. (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Private Quarters: Rooms that vary in size, shape, and utilities. Allowing for a sense of home away from home. Slows degradation of health, and creates a sense of community. Works in tandem with Life Support Module. (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Dinning Hall: A large room with kitchen services available. Increase in moral, team building, and social interaction between team members. Unite cohesion increased. (2 DP, R&D module applied.)

Training Hall: Allows training, exercise, and fight ring. Fully automated with conjured phantasm to assist with training. Participants may gain experience, learn skills, and practice their powers, and domains here. (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Library: A collection of all the knowledge the Watch Tower has collected. Increase to all R&D, skills, abilities, powers, domains to learn and improve. (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Prison Cells: Fully automated Arcane Science holding cells capable of holding all sorts of mundane, alien, meta-gene, and magical prisoners. Works in tandem with Life Support Module. (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Interrogation Hall: Fully Automated Arcane Science alternate means of gaining information from prisoners. Several settings for mundane, alien, meta-gene, and magical prisoners. Works in tandem with Life Support Module. (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Party Hall: An open and spacious room for celebrations! Grants a moral boost! Rest and recovery bonus! Comes with a fully automated bar and restaurant for all types. (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Engine: A specific engine to increase maneuverability for the station. With enough engines and with the right science, and engineering development the station can use a FTL method. (2 DP, R&D module applied) X 4.

Turret: A omni turret station capable of switching between several different modifications. Arcane Science applied allowing for offense, defense, and utility against mundane, alien, meta-gene, and magical origins. (2 DP, R&D module applied) X 4

Shield: Creates a shield capable of absorbing kinetic, energy, and spell energy. Works in tandem with Solar Collection. (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Solar Collection: Arcane Science collection panels. Allowing for efficient collection of solar radiation. Can work in tandem with Shield Module. Reinforces the shield with collected energy. (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Power Core: Arcane Science energy core. Capable of using an assortment of different fuels, energy sources. Also creating a secondary means of storing power. Works in tandem with Solar Collection. (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Droid Services: A module that specializes in the creation, service, and repair of robotic workers. Side Note: Treat them kindly or they may revolt! (2 DP, R&D module applied)

Just like that! 50 DP spent in a flash. Lash still saw several grayed out modules. When he highlighted them he discovered they required either a story focus, or a specific tech tree. Lash had chosen Arcane Science a hybrid tech tree. One of the Technology modules was waste disposal and recycling. Which thanks to magic he didn't have to worry about.

One by one Lash inserted the new modules into Vici's main data port. She swallowed them like candy, each new module sending a ripple of energy cascading through the whole station. He bought 4 turret stations, and 4 engine hubs for the station. Along with a new Droid Services module. This one was set to create multiple droids instead of unique individuals. When he finished loading the last module he got a prompt.

Congratulations User! You've earned an Achievement. 'Shield of the Earth'.

You've created a self sustaining space station. 10% increase to knowledge of Void borne habitats. All tools, machines, and buildings built in space take 10% less maintenance.

Cool. Lash had ten points left to spend. He would need to get Vici up to grade E before he could buy anything more. He looked through his Domains he could buy. The Time Domain took 50 points to buy. He also knew that any Warden that learned the Time Domain was put on a very short, and potentially dangerous list. Time was one of the few magics that was greatly sought after. But also potentially one of the most dangerous. Reality Warping was neck and neck with the Domain. In the end he used his last 10 DP to buy an evolution for Manifestation.

Congratulations User! Minor Manifestation has evolved into Basic Manifestation.

Saurus Warriors total number is 300, they can now use all Skills, Powers, and Spell Domains F grade and lower.

Saurus Veterans are made from every 10 Warriors. (10=1) for a total of 30 Veterans. They can use all Skills, Powers, and Spell Domains E grade and lower.

Saurus Elites are made from every 10 Veterans. (10=1) for a total of 3 Elites. They can use all Skills, Powers, and Spell Domains D grade and lower.

Manifestation: Energy consumption has decreased, power, and range has increased. All manifested conjurations are more intelligent.

Then he spent 2 DP from his credit card just so he could increase its total value when he paid it off and got an evolution for True Body.

Congratulations User! True Body (2.8%) has evolved into Minor True Body (10%) (Chapter 41)

Now as soon as he paid off his DP credit card he would have access to 8 DP. Lash stood up and wobbled nearly losing his balance. He had spent a great deal of energy creating the modules even if they came from the store. It still took energy. He took the elevator up to the main level and came to a lively sight. Dozens of robotic workers with a basic humanoid appearance walked around the station helping to create the new modules. They looked like skeletons in armor. Eerie, but usable. Off to the side he saw a tall lean man with long black hair in hospital scrubs. Lash smiled and walked over.

“Hello Ethan, how are you?” Lash asked the man. Ethan looked back and smiled wide.

“Hello Grand Father! I see more changes are being made to the Watch Tower. Looks like we'll be busy in the coming days?” Ethan asked.

Ethan looked dramatically different from when he was first created. Lash used his Technomancy, and Synthesis Domain to read him. Ethan was 6 foot even with piercing blue eyes, tanned skin, and messy black hair. The type of hair that was cut by a new college student at the stylist school. So it was layered, cut off in wrong places, but it also seem to be styled to look like a mess. Ethan had hospital scrubs on, along with a doctors coat on. Lash looked at his skin, and noticed it was the same liquid metal polymer design he gave Victor for his skin. Now Ethan really looked human.

“Are these new people like us? Or?” Ethan pointed at the worker robots. Lash frowned slightly as he tried to think of a response.

“No, the main Droid service module will remain specifically for unique individuals such as yourself. While the secondary module will be for the logistical and auxiliary units. Right now the Watch Tower is small, but in the future it will hold thousands of people. We'll need the help. But I am hoping we can build on each unit. Maybe one day they can 'evolve' into a unique individual.” Lash confessed his thoughts to Ethan who smiled at him.

“Thank you for always looking out for us, Grand Father. Same rules apply to the workers as they do us I assume?” Ethan asked, Lash agreed. Essentially no one could miss treat the synthetic workers. Lash did not want to see his creations? People? Miss treated.

“Excuse me, Ethan. I have to get to Operations.” Lash said, and Ethan nodded and went back to watching the workers move. He didn't have any to work on at the moment.

Lash walked through the station and watched as robotic arms, and workers made modules with quick efficiency. While another line of workers went out through one of the main air lock doors. Going to install the engines, and turrets on the tri-star sections of the Watch Tower. Lash stepped into the newly finished Operations module. Wall to wall monitors, holographic displays, and chairs scattered through out the room. In the central section stood a raised platform with another unique droid in place.

The female droid had silver hair cut just above her shoulders. Gun metal eyes, and pale skin. She had a viking shield maiden physic. Just strong, thick proportions. She retained her hour glass figure. But was far larger than most men you would see. Standing at 6'2”, she was in full military ABU's with a JLI badge on her collar. (Justice League International) She turned when Lash entered the room. Her body snapped to attention but didn't salute. Her face was indifferent, but she let out an adorable squeak when Lash pulled her into a hug.

“Hello Grand Daughter, how are you?” Lash asked, the woman couldn't help but grin as she returned the hug.

“Vigil's the name, Grand Father. I am well. We are just setting up. It will be several hours before the first observation satellite is launched. But we'll keep you appraised. Vici is linking us up so we can monitor North America. However, we have news down in South America if you want to hear it?” Vigil said as she stepped from his embrace.

“Let me hear it?” Lash said, as he looked a holographic monitor that Vigil pulled up.

“An oil tanker split open just outside the area of Rio de Janerio. It dumped all of its load and the oil is spreading fast across the ocean. We are coordinating with Aquaman, on cleaning operations. Shall I inform them that you are on your way?” Vigil asked, Lash nodded.

“Please do so, I have to go back down to Fawcett City and get my team. Then we'll be back up, I'll head over to observation and see about speeding up the first satellite uplink when we return.” Lash supplied, and Vigil confirmed it.

“Please do, hurry back Grand Father. Things are just getting interesting up here.” Vigil said with a smile. As the operations door opened and two new work droids walked in to take their place at the holographic consoles.

Lash gave his goodbyes and headed off towards the portal hub. Now there dozens of robotic workers moving about in an orderly fashion. Lash made sure to say hello to each he passed. They in turn said hello back in a gender neutral synthetic voice. Lash took a spring jump portal to right outside the supernatural hotel. Vici was able to create a simple obstruction illusion charm so no one would notice the spring. Well supernaturals capable of seeing past the illusion would notice. Sure enough the two guards at the front door looked confused, hands on their weapons with Lash appeared as Wraith.

“Apologies! I was in a hurry. I should have come from a different spot. I'll make a note of it in the future.” Lash said to himself as well as Vici who was listening. The guards shrugged and went back to their positions.

Lash hadn't actually been in the hotel since they arrived. He knew that Kara, Kory, and Megan had made it due to a message he got from them. Apparently this hotel had a pool! Kory was very excited to go swimming naked again. Lash entered their suit, the sun had risen several hours again so when he came in he could smell fresh coffee. Megan was in the kitchen area cooking breakfast, she jumped in surprise as the door opened and she smiled at Lash.

Megan had definitely developed more as a young woman traveling with them. Before she was a bit shy, and reserved. Unsure of herself and her actions. Though she continued to wear green skin. Spending time with Kara, and Kory helped a lot to bring her out of her shell. Megan walked around the kitchen towards Lash wearing nothing but an over sized buttoned shirt and as far as Lash could tell she had nothing else on?

Lash took a moment to take Transformation off and went back to his three piece black suit. Megan came up and hugged Lash and breathed him in, as he did the same to her. They shared a moment of telepathy. A passive bond shared between to people who are naturally telepathic. He told her about yesterday, the second invasion point with an unknown location. Then about his construction of the recycling plant, as well as all the upgrades to the Watch Tower.

Megan let go of him and cradled his face in her hands. Looking at him with concern, she yelped in surprise as Lash tickled her sides. She pegged him with a false glare and walked back to the kitchen. Lash heard the sound of splashing water on the balcony so he followed the sound. There on the balcony was Kara wearing a red string bikini basking in the morning sun. While Kory swam naked through the water. She was in the process of swimming under water when she broke the surface and shouted.

“Lash! Your back!” Kory jumped from the pool and flew over to him to give him a wet hug. He laughed at the attention and squeezed Kory's ass. She grinned at him and wiggled in his embrace before he let go. Kara waited her turn, and hugged him as well when he let go of Kory.

“What happened yesterday?” Kara asked, after the hug. She smiled a little and bashfully looked away when Lash looked her over.

“My patron sent me another message. The alternate reality opened another Rift, its another invasion point. Same reality, just another point for us to find.” Lash said nonchalantly, Kara, and Kory both looked wide eyed.

“Oh no! We still don't even know where the first point was. So, what did you do yesterday?” Kory asked, as she dried her hair with a towel.

“After I finished the recycling plant, I made sure to add additional bunker and survival options for the factory. I went up to the Watch Tower. Nearly every kind of module available for the station has been designed and constructed. We'll have to get Vici an upgrade key before we can get any more expansions and upgrades in place. But we have a mission, so I've come to collect you three.” Lash said with a smile.

“Mission? What mission?” Megan called from the kitchen. The three of them walked back inside. They ate breakfast while Lash explained the operation.

“So as soon as you finish getting ready we'll leave for the Watch Tower. I'll speed up the process of the satellite then we'll portal to Rio. After we clean up the mess if we have time. I thought we could stay in Rio and relax a bit. There is someone in Rio I wanted to recruit for the League. But Rio is a great tourist spot.” Lash said in response after the last of the food was consumed.

“Do we have time to relax?” Kara asked, Kory, and Megan nodded.

“Take time for yourself when you can, how you can. Because after Rio I'll be taking all three of you to Themyscira. Where will we four will part ways for a while.” Lash dropped that bombshell on them.

“Wait!? What!? Why do you we have to separate? We haven't finished touring the globe yet!?” Kara yelled, as she jumped from her seat.

“That was before the invasion Kara. The Amazons have the best training regime for you to fully understand your new powers, and skills. I truly believe you'll fit in there, and find the training beneficial. Kory, I have no doubt you'll like it there, as will Megan. Please understand I am not leaving you forever. But we have to concentrate on the invasion. Once the invasion is over, and we are all alive. We will continue our tour. I promise.” Lash said with a smile, Kara begrudgingly nodded.

“Themyscira is where Wonder Woman is from, correct?” Kory asked, Lash nodded. She grinned at him.” I was told that Themyscira does not allow men on the island. That you are one of the few men allowed to stay there.” Kory added, Megan, and Kara perked up at that.

“That is correct. I accomplished a task set by the Queen. As a reward sins against the Amazons were forgiven, and I was adopted into their culture as a 'Brother'.” Lash said with a smirk.

“And you promise we will finish our tour once this invasion business is over?” Kory asked.

“I give you my word.” Lash offered, Kory stood up and stalked towards him. Then leaned over, her naked form a glorious sight to behold. She kissed his lips gently as if to seal the deal.

“Fine, let us go complete this mission. Enjoy our time on this beach and we'll finish up in Themyscira.” Kory said with a wink and went to get dressed.

They didn't waste much time checking out of the hotel. With in an hour they were at the Watch Tower. It had filled with even more people. Any one capable of flight was called to the station, while others were getting gear made. Or exploring the new facilities on the station. Lash had reactivated Transformation. It's not that he didn't trust people, its just that he knew all it took is a single miss spoken word and Erik Lash the artist would be under a microscope again.

Kara, Kory, and Megan were in full uniform when they arrived but wanted to explore the station. Lash headed to the Observation module to find several streaks of lightning quickly assembling the first satellite. The satellite in question was essentially a giant beach ball. About a six foot sphere, with a camera lens, stabilizing wings, and engines. The speedsters had the satellite nearly finished but couldn't complete the spell script. Flash popped into view in front of Lash with a smile.

“Hello Wraith! Vici said you were coming to put the finishing touches on the satellite. Its all set up otherwise. Kid, Rush! Lets go get something to eat before we head out!” Flash said with a grin and sped off to the Dinning Hall. Kid Flash waved, and zipped off to follow. While Rush stayed behind.

Rush aka Monika Celeritas sped towards Lash and stopped right in front of him. Her speedster energy was a shade of purple and pink. Lash knew that the lightning was potentially how fast a speedster moved. But he also knew that the Dream Engine Users adjusted the color for cosmetic appeal. Rush wore a deep purple friction proof suit, with armor plates with hot pink highlights. The armor came from the tower. He was sure which ever Droid was in charge of making uniforms prioritized function first, then fashion. After that she looked a lot like flash, skin tight suit. Lighting motifs along her joints, and a half mask.

“I...Its good to see....Thank you! Thank you for catching me. Thank you for helping me meet Flash.” Monika said, then quickly leaned up and kissed his cheek and ran off. Purple lightning in her wake.

“Your welcome...” Lash said mostly to himself as he started to inscribe the satellite with Enchantments.

Lash finished his work with in record time and went to Operations, while workers loaded the satellite. Vigil was running several people through the plan over a holographic briefing table. She noticed his arrival but remained focused on the mission. She pointed out each position, along with Atlantis showing up. Unfortunately some one some where threw a metaphorical match onto the spilled oil. Now the ocean was on fire. Superman was already on station, he had welded the giant hole on the ship closed with his heat vision. The crew on the ship are still aboard and are safe. He is tugging the ship to the nearest port.

“Attention! This is Vigil in Operations. Wraith has finished the satellite with the help of Team Flash. We'll be launching the satellite and will be using the portal hub in ten minutes after that. All teams finish what your doing and get ready at the hub!” Vigil called out across the station coms.

“Wraith, a moment?” Hawk Woman walked over, while her husband walked off to talk to someone. Lash bowed from his waist, and Hawk Woman smiled at him in response.

Hawk Woman was a beautiful warrior. Much like her husband she was clad in full plate male made from Nth metal, along with a full mystical Nth metal belt. Eagle wings on her back, with a color combination of brown, black, and a bit of white at the tips. Her hawk helmet was reminiscent of the Horus Egyptian statues. Her fabled mace was strapped to her side.

“Here, this is all the science and tech my husband and I could collect. We don't know how to interface it with Vici. So we wanted to give it to you. Its not much, but it should help.” Hawk Woman offered a slip of Nth metal with complex scripts across it. Lash's eyes went wide, all four of them!

“That is amazing! Thank you so much!” Lash was over joyed, so much so that he reached out and hugged Hawk Woman who may or may not have let out an adorable squeak in surprise. Lash didn't pay any attention as he scampered off to feed the new data into Vici.

By the time Lash reached the main data center the satellite had been launched. All teams were standing ready at the portal hub waiting to be launched to Rio. Anyone who could fly would move ahead. While Lash would build a transport on site. Lash fed the data chip into Vici and got a prompt.

Congratulations User! The Watch Tower has acquired, Thanagar Arcane Science.

Other Worldly Lore has gained sub-skill; Thanagar Arcane Science.

Science has gained sub-skill; Thanagar Arcane Science.

Crafting has gained sub-skill; Thanagar Arcane Science.

Enchanting has gained sub-skill; Thanagar Arcane Science.

YESSSSSSS! Lash had learned how to craft and shape Nth metal! He still couldn't make it do everything Erik had read in the comics but it was a giant step in the right direction! Lash really wanted to head to the lab and just experiment with an ingot of Nth metal but he had a job to do. He used his title effect for the day and crafted an ingot and dropped it off with Vici so maybe the science lab could play with it. Did Lash need to buy an Enchanters modules? Or did the Science, and Engineer module already have them? He didn't see an option for it in the store. Maybe he had to build one himself?

Lash joined the swam of people and came to the front. Kara, Kory, and Megan came to his side as Vigil double checked every ones assignments. Half of the ground force was with Lash as he would build the transport to get them towards the spill. Then a green light interface popped on above the portal hub and Lash stepped forward with his first initial team. The spell script coiled around them, and with an audible pop!


Along the coast of South America, Brazil was a huge oil spill. The ship had been taken away by the alien known has Superman. The Atlantis soldiers watched the sight with shock and awe until the Atlantean Commander called for every ones attention. Tide-Callers were inbound and they needed to secure the immediate area. Their new King, Arthur sent word that the Surface dwellers champions known has the Justice League International was on their way to provide support. But more importantly the Warden and Oracle that helped their king take the throne was on his way. He was a well practiced Druid, he would be able to assist the Tide-Callers with their spells.

The surface dwellers had sent aviation vehicles ahead but all they did was hover above the giant mess of oil that was partially on fire. The soldiers looked up in confusion, did the crews of the 'Helicopters' plan to do was watch? The surface was an odd place. Then they saw it, several spell scrips of magic appeared in mid air. Several surface champions appeared and flew down to the water holding contraptions that collected the oil, and purified the water. A tedious but effective job.

Not even twenty minutes later did a large aerial vehicle show up in the sky. Four wings, with helicopter propellers attached helped the vehicle slowly descend to the waters surface. The Atlantis soldiers looked up from their work to watch the vehicle. It had a shark like style, but also scales across its body. The SHARC landed in the water and the reach hatch opened up. Dozens more surface dwellers dived into the water, while others pulled boats from the vessel that had landed.

From the side of the SHARC came a giant lizard weaved in shadow and smoke. Unlike the others, his creature walked along the surface of the water just like the Tide-Callers did. The soldiers of Atlantis all got a message from their commander. This was the Warden that helped their king. His code name while on the surface was Wraith. They were ordered to use it. Wraith extended his claws and complex spell circles of the Nature Domain wrapped around his body, and hands. Then a massive amount of the spilled oil simply evaporated from sight! Maybe this wouldn't take as long as they had thought?


Lash had made his long lost vessel, the SHARC again. It took less then hour to craft this time. He had grown in skill, and the designs had been saved in his memory. Once it landed he deployed the vessel so it could float freely, and act as a mobile command post. All of the League was deployed with a cleaning tool that had a limited amount it could hold. But they would move to the SHARC and use its cleaning abilities to remove the oil and they would get back to the task at hand. It was going to be a long day.

Several hours later Atlantis Tide-Callers, and Xebel Tide-Callers arrived. Wearing ceremonial garb, and holding channeling staffs. They began to do a mass cleansing of the oil spill just as Lash was doing with Immaculate, and Decomposition. Mass area of effect. The Tide-Callers walked along the surface of the water just like he did. Each one took a moment to bow to him, which he returned. They were making progress when a familiar sonic boom rang out across the sky. Lash looked up and saw Superman return from pulling the ship back to port, he smiled as Supergirl flew up to say hello to her cousin.

The oil spill clean up, and animal rescue did wonders for the public relations for the Justice League. It was a good operation to test the waters so to speak for all the new members. Nothing potentially dangerous, a good place to show that not all your abilities have to be about combat. Lash on more than one occasion used his Skill/Power/Spell Trainer for people. A pyrokinetic learned that he could consume fire just as much as create it. So he was asked to help combat the oil fire that was spreading. While several Hydrokinetic learned to separate two liquids that didn't belong together. It was a lesson in skill, and control.

Congratulations User! You've obtained a new spell for the Transmutation Domain.

Water Walk: The user can stand, walk and run on the surface of water by literally defying the surface tension and can move across the surface of water as easily as they would be able to move on land. Duration one hour for every portion of magical energy to spend.

Lash could already walk on water thanks to several different Domain passives. But having this spell made the clean up so much easier. He started to cast Water Walk on the rest of the League. Now people were running back and forth between the spill and the SHARC to clean up. As the sun set Lash cast Daylight a miniature spell made sun glowed above them letting them continue to work. Eventually a Brazilian navy ship showed up to help clean up the mess. Of course things could not be that easy, Lash was called to the ship.

“We appreciate the help. But these are the sovereign borders of Brazil. You have brought a military forces into our waters! We must ask you to leave!” The captain of the ship all but shouted at the Atlantean Commander. When Lash walked over.

The navy commander was a man in his late forties with salt a peppered hair cut high and tight. He had kept his good looks despite his age, and clearly continued to work out. His uniform was crisp, and clean. With many decorating medals on his coat. Whether that was meant to impress or show off was not yet determined. The Blessing of Sherogoth which allowed Lash to read the sins of others showed the navy captain was mostly a good person. Though a few stains made Lash growl in anger. The captain of the ship turned towards Lash at the mention from his aid.

The Atlantis Commander was a blue skin, fish scaled Atlantean. Gills were clearly seen on his neck, along with shark teeth, and pure black eyes with out any sclera or the white portion of the eye. The Commander had fins on his arms and legs, clad in Atlantis fish scale armor, and plate male befitting of his rank. With a purple spear in his hands. He was grinding his teeth in anger.

“Captain Benicio? May I ask why the Brazilian Navy is requesting that Atlantis pull back their clean up efforts?” Lash asked, his reptilian animalistic voice made the mundane jump in surprise. He coughed to cover up the mistake.

“Agent Wraith, we are thankful for the clean up. But the Atlanteans brought soldiers with them. This is in clear violation of borders.” Captain Benicio said, as he looked at his aid who held up a tablet with the laws, and regulations.

“I told you! We are not going to allow our people to come here with out guards. It wasn't that long ago that Brazil used to hunt and kill our people. Even if the government never acknowledged their past mistakes it still happened. We will not recall our troops while our Tide-Callers are here.” The Atlantis Commander Domax said.

“We have already promised to watch after your people! You have my word as a naval officer of Brazil that no harm will come to your people.” Captain Benicio offered, Lash could tell that the captain was sincere in his promise. But Commander Domax didn't care. Which made the Captain think the Commander was spitting on his integrity as a captain.

“Captain, can you with 100% certainty claim that the Brazilian government will not ask you do anything against your word that you have just given to Commander Domax? Can you guarantee that nothing will happen to his people if he leaves them in your care?” Lash asked, this was essentially a trap. The captain opened his mouth to speak, then closed it. He knew he couldn't make that promise.

Lash tilted his head to one side as if he was listening to something. Which he was! Vici was speaking to him through Connectivity. Once she was done Lash face palmed in front all of them. This made the captain, commander, and aid look at him in confusion. Lash pulled his clawed hand from his face and pulled up a holographic display of Captain's Benicio's standing orders. Do his best to dismiss the soldiers of Atlantis, offer aid and clean up. While if possible capture and detain one or more Atlanteans for interrogation.

“So, Captain Benicio you didn't necessarily lie, you simply danced around the truth. You wouldn't hurt them. You would just take them prisoner, and hold them for no reason.” Lash growled that last few words. It was why he didn't realize the captain had lied. It was in the captains best interest to ensure they were not harmed. Better prisoners.

With out a word over a dozen Atlantean soldiers jumped up out of the water and landed on the deck of the boat. Hydro plasma rifles in hand, they took aim at the soldiers on the deck. While the soldiers pointed their M16 back at them. A shouting match started that was suddenly stopped when Superman appeared between both parties. He looked at Lash who gave him all of the relevant information through Telepathy. Lash sent the orders to the Wardens who were in the process of sending it to their contacts at the United Nations.

“Captain Benicio this is the situation. You, your men, and your ship will leave. Then we will get back to work cleaning up the oil spill. If you refuse, I will carry this ship back to port and put it on the beach. Understood?” Superman said, he had that boy next door smile on his face but his face said he would not allow any other argument.

Five minutes later the navy vessel turned around and headed back to port. As the navy command attempted to fix the problem of their secret military operation was now being passed around the UN like a hot potato. The Atlantis United Nations envoy demanded a public apology, and reparations. Which of course the Brazilian government wouldn't give. The Brazilian envoy wanted to know how Agent Wraith obtained secret orders, especially so quickly? Attempting to throw Wraith under the bus such as it is.

By the time the sun rose the next day the entire oil spill had been cleaned up. While not only did the Brazilian government apologies. They even offered to host the entire rescue crew up at a very nice hotel. Lash, as well as the Atlantis Commander Domax knew that the hotel offered was a supernatural hotel owned by a wealthy dragon. The bonded companion of Torloth. It was Juliana's mother. So, Lash gathered up any and all of the League that wanted to attend and they flew towards Rio, towards a private resort.

It was time for some R&R, a calm before the storm.

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