
*******Alberta, Canada. FOB*****

The invaders Rift continued to pulsate with energy as more resources came and went. A concrete slab was built around the Rift. With walls carefully erected around the Rift. Dozens of soldiers filed out of the Rift carrying arms, ammunition, and transported back resources. All of the near by trees had been carefully, and quietly removed once the stealth field had been established. The trees would be recycled for every piece they were worth back home. The invaders came to this reality to strip it of all its resources. Including its people.

About fifty or so civilians from a near by town were walked into the portal. Electronic collars around their necks kept them docile and obedient. The task master in charge of them kept an eagle eye perception on every single one of them. One by one they entered the Rift back to the home reality. Once the last captured civilian was taken in the Rift pulsated and expanded by another one full inch radius. They had been doing that slowly ever since the stealth field had been placed.

The seven foot tall commander of the FOB walked up to the Rift along with several elite unites of meta-human soldiers. The Rift pulsated and they all at once took a knee and bowed their head in respect and fear. Two figures floated from the Rift. A man, and a woman with pure black polymer woven suits, with crimson red highlights, and face masks. In the center of their chests were a Kryptonian symbol for the house of El.

No words were exchanged between the Rift commander, and the new arrivals. The two floated to a specific south-east, and south-west bearing. They never once touched the ground as if doing so would dirty their feet. The commander excused the assembled soldiers and everyone returned to their duties the arrival ceremony a complete waste of time, but done out of fear. The Rift expanded by another inch, the commander looked back in surprise.

Then a super soldier nearly the same size as the commander came through the Rift, carrying a piece of the transcontinental bomb. Soon followed by another, and another. Several combat engineers came through behind them. They proceeded to collect and build the bomb there on site. Not long now, a few weeks and they would begin. The man from the house of El raised his right hand into the air and made a fist. The entire base froze and looked at him.

A CRACK rang out across the sky. A blue, and red blur flew by and paused momentarily. Both the warriors from the house of El looked up at the individual flying by. Poised to strike if they made any move. The individual flying the air soon continued to fly off at a gradual pace. The Rift's stealth field had held. The man lowered his hand to his side, but looked at the Rift commander.

“Inform command, Kryptonians have been found on the planet.” The man from the house of El said to the Rift commander.

“At once!” The Rift commander replied, and went to the communications hub at the FOB. Things just got more complicated.


Sliiiiiinnnnggg! He had pulled the broken blade across the Uruk's throat and smiled with satisfaction as the creature gurgled and drowned in its own black blood. He dropped the body in a heap and carefully cleaned his broken blade of Gondor and put it back in his belt. He looked around at the death and carnage he had wrought and couldn't keep a smile off his face. They got exactly what they deserved!

“Talion, though a smile is always welcome this dreary place we must focus on the task at hand!” The elven wraith said to him. He sighed, but nodded in agreement.

He dug through the ramshackle hut made from leather, and poorly refined wood. There he found the map, it was crafted from human skin! Disgusting orcs! Talion carefully put the map away and moved to leave the camp. The smell of dead orcs would attract the carrion of black mountain. He slipped into the shadows and faded from sight. The wraith covering his retreat. Soon Talion came upon a Uruk scout of alone and on their own.

Talion used his practiced ranger skills and sneaked up behind the creature. Then right as the scout turned around at the sound of a twig snapping Talion pressed his hand straight into the Orcs face, and the elven wraith screamed into the uruks disgusting soul.

“You will submit!” Talion, and the wraith screamed at the same time!


Congratulations User! You've obtained a power from one of your reincarnated memories.

Domination: Dominate the mind of a (G) rank individual. The dominated will consider you their best friend, their family, their master, and must be obeyed above all things. Warning; those with strong metal resistance can resist, and even break the control.

Currently Dominated: 0/3.

Lash rubbed his eyes as he listened to Dawn do the fan fare for learning another power. He remembered that life, he had spent decades fighting that war. He was betrayed by the elven wraith in the end all because of that damn ring. He took another deep breath and looked around the room, thanks to his hybrid eyes he could see just as well in the dark as he could in light. He saw the clock on the night stand say 4:30 am, like always he woke up at that time.

Lash looked down and saw Koriand'r had slipped between his left arm, and his chest. Using the front of his chest as a pillow. Kory curled up on top of him, and mumbled in her sleep. Her bright red hair slightly aglow. Bedroom curls draped over her face. She was of course completely naked, as was he in the bed. A fact that his lower half was very aware of, as a tent pole stuck straight up and waited inspection by beautiful woman. Despite being wide awake Lash didn't want to move. So he used Connectivity and linked up to the net to do some work while he enjoyed the feeling of having a naked Kory wrapped around him. His hands did slip under the covers and began to smooth, and massage up and down her back seemingly under their own volition. Kory moaned in her sleep as her whole body shivered.

Lash answered some emails from the Wardens, his pack, and from his mundane life. He had a long list of commissions that people wanted him to do. Several clients wanted to meet him in person and have statues made. One particular email from Peyton about the Warden ceremony. She said she would understand if he can't make it to her ceremony, with the reality invasion and everything. He replied back and said he still planned to attend, if only to see her for a brief moment and congratulate her.

“Here you are with a beautiful woman in your arms, and you decide to work?” Kory's sleepy voice mumbled from him. He felt the delightful sensation of his cock fitting between her thighs, pressing right against her vagina. They both shivered in obvious delight.

Kory wiggled so she lay on top of Lash, pressing her breasts into his chest. They were nearly the same height so leaning across his chest to kiss him wasn't hard. She tasted sweet on his tongue, and the way she nibbled on his lips he knew that she enjoyed the way he tasted. Back and forth they kissed, teased, and pushed against one another. Lash could smell Kory's arousal, but then his owl body froze as he shifted his head to the side to listen. Some one else was awake in their part of the hotel, either Kara or Megan. Kory laughed lightly against his lips.

“The trouble with superior senses. On Tamara people would understand, but I'm beginning to understand things now. Kara has a crush on you, but she wants you to her self. Kryptonians don't practice multiple partners.” Kory said as she leaned up and kissed his jaw. Lash had a small smile on his face.

“I'm sorry...” Lash whispered back, and Kory shook her head.

“Don't be, Kara is my friend as much as she is yours. We could have sex, and to us it would be nothing more than a good time. But Kara would feel differently about the both of us. So for now... Lets pause here. Agreed?” Kory said, it was in this brief moment that Lash saw the future Koriand'r he read about in the comics. Sexy as hell, a flirt, but also understanding and sympathetic to others.

Lash leaned in and kissed her deeply, his tongue dancing against hers. He slid his hand between her legs and put a single finger inside of her. Kory's entire body went rigid, and she moaned into his kiss. He curled his finger into a 'come hither' motion over and over and Kory humped him softly. They did this for about thirty seconds before he stopped kissing her and withdrew his hand. Kory whimpered and continued to hump into him for a short while before she stopped.

“Yes, for now. But I look forward to a time when you and I are alone together.” Lash said with a sinister smile that made Kory shiver for all the right reasons.

Lash cast Immaculate on them both to freshen up and remove the smell of arousal and partial sex. Lash reached out across the hotel rooms with Telepathy and felt Kara was awake and in her room...Listening? Lash rolled his eyes and stepped from the bed to find his clothes, and armor neatly placed to the side. He held out his hand and used his new power/spell ability Calling. The clothes, and armor materialized on top of him. Since he made every piece of it, he could call it.

Lash turned to see Kory curled up in bed, she had pulled the sheets over her self and went back to bed. A small smile on her face. He left the room and quietly closed the door behind him. He went to Kara's room and peeked inside. She was curled up and 'asleep' in her bed, though a smile was on her face. Lash understood that he and Kory had made the right choice to wait. This wasn't some harem stories where the male lead could have sex with dozens of women and they would all automatically be perfectly fine with it.

Lash had lived several lives where he had multiple spouses, lovers, etc. They were NEVER that cut and dry. Everyone had a clique, they all had plans, ideas, missions. Who was the first partner? Who was currently favored, and why? Petty, passive aggressive actions simply because he had woken up with one, and gone to bed with another. Harems were dangerous, and incredibly hard to keep track of.

Lash set monologue to the side and went to the Enchanters kit. He needed to finish the last fertility charm and deliver them to the Seelie, UnSeelie, and the Twilight Fae Courts. The sun was still down, but the sky had that lighter blue gray color to it. He pulled the kit out to the balcony so he could get some fresh air. Thankfully the supernatural hotel had air filters because he was sure Detroit was a lot like Gotham. Fresh was not in that cities vocabulary.

At long last thanks to the Blessing of Sobek, Lash finished the third and final charm. The orichalcum necklace breathed new life as the spell script was finished. Lash used his magic to create three separate brief cases. Each one marked for its intended. He sent a priority message to Li'ana, Jessabell, and Soluna. He didn't want to accidentally give the charms the wrong people that claimed who and what they were.

Next, Lash used the kit to keep his promise to Nast'rok the dwarf who worked at the Gotham Technomancy workshop. He started to craft white jade cherry blossom trees, with rose quarts for the blossoms, and rubies for the buds. Along with a bit of Mithril in the core of the trees. One by one he made them till he had four of them. They were far easier to make than the charms.

White jade, rose quarts, rubies, mithril Nature Domain Trees of life. X 3

Rating: B-

Effect: Very Durable.

Effect: 1% Durability repair every 12 hours.

Effect: Absorb negative ambient magical energy, recycle and use as energy.

Effect: 30% increase to positive spell energy. (AOE) Thirty feet.

Effect: Dynamic Healing, capable of providing healing with in its area of effect. (30 ft.)

Effect: Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Essence Imbuement, Nature's Kiss.

Effect: This tree can function for the spell casting of Tree Stride.

Comment: At last you've kept your promise to Nast'rok. Better late, then never!

“Wow! Those are beautiful!” Megan said from behind Lash. He turned to smile at her and nod his thanks for the compliment.

Megan looked clean, and fresh. She wore a pair of blue waist running athletic shorts. Those little numbers that show a lot of leg, and a short red t-shirt that showed off her abdomen. She had green skin, and red hair cut just above her shoulders. Lash looked her up and down with out hiding his action, and Megan blushed lightly at his attention. She spun on the tip of her toes like a dancer and showed off a bit. Then her face looked confused and Lash looked back at the trees.

“Hello! Hello! Oooo nice tree! Hello Warden!” A group of Griaks came flying over the divider of the balcony and started to flutter around the trees. They all had the glamour of city birds over them, and that is exactly what Megan saw.

“Ooooo! Who is this! Who is this! She doesn't smell human!” A griak said.

“Of course not silly! This is one of those aliens that Warden Lash spends time with!” Another squeaked as it fluttered over to sit on Megan's shoulder. She giggled, and smiled in delight at the bird on her shoulder.

The Griaks were tiny gremlin creatures with bat like fairy wings on their backs. Unlike pixies who get all the press for the tiny folk of the Fae. The Griaks often serve in UnSeelie, or the twilight courts. But in the supernatural world they are message and package delivers. They can use their magic to shrink things down with no effect on the package. Or they can call great numbers together and move larger pieces. They stood about 6 inches to 16 inches tall. Scale skin, to dark fur skin, always in earth tones. With mouths that open to rows and rows of razor sharp teeth. Big eyes! Needle like fingers, and toes. Lash and Saurian both found them adorable! Tiny hunters, Saurian called them.

After a few minutes of playing around the Griaks, under the astonished gaze of Megan cast their magic. Shrunk the tree's down and carried them off. Lash cast his Nature Domain magic on each of them in thanks. Though the Fae courts would of course deduct a fee from his account later. Megan and Lash began to cook breakfast, as Kara, and Kory had started to take a shower. Lash settled for famous breakfast food, but had Megan cook cinnamon rolls with hand crafted cream filling.

Kory came out wearing the bath robe, and a towel wrapped around her fiery hair. She smiled as she sashayed her way over and kissed both Megan, and Lash on the cheek before snagging a cup of dark coffee. Megan laughed and swatted at her playfully, while Kara came in a little later wearing much the same as Kory. She hugged Megan, and made sure to press her self to Lash with a hug and a soft 'thank you' in his ear. He didn't reply, just handed her a coffee cup.

“So, what are we doing today?” Kory asked, as she began to pour rich maple syrup over her pancakes. An insane look of glee on her face, her tongue sticking out the side.

“We are going to a comic convention here in Detroit.” Lash said after a bit of watching Kory. All three women perked up at that.

“Ohhh! That's right! Uncle J'onn said its the one place we could go in the public with green skin and blend in!” Megan said in a delighted voice.

“Not that I'm complaining, but shouldn't we be worrying about the Invasion?” Kara asked, trying to get a handle on Kory's syrup ocean before it over flowed the plate.

Lash laughed and produced several holographic windows that showed the comic convention at a center in Detroit. It was currently swarmed with comic fans, enthusiasts, and just people who came for the fun. Thousands of people swarmed the doors to get in, as it was a Friday. First day of the convention! Then Lash produced another holographic window, this one was a news broad cast for Gotham news.

“Who is the Alien Wraith? We know that he is a reptile creature that supposedly was born and raised here in Gotham City. However, what we don't know is how did he go with out detection for so long. We have several videos of Wraith appearing out of now where and many times appearing in place where a normal person had been standing moments ago.” The news anchor woman spoke over several different videos. One specifically of a tall, bald man who seem to turn into a eight foot tall lizard.

“So, this would lead us to believe that Agent Wraith is capable of taking human form? Now, is Wraith actually an alien that looks like a human that disguises themselves as a giant lizard? Or, is a giant lizard hiding in the form of a human? Well we think we have the answer. We have a source from with in the United Nations that claims to know the identity of Agent Wraith, or at least his human persona. It is artist Erik Lash, award nominee for the 'Siren's Call' piece found in Wayne Art museum. A video was given to the studio by our source.” The news anchor said, then the video played.

The video showed a fuzzy image of Erik talking to several people, then gun fire went off near them. Erik's skin peeled back, and his muscles contorted, and with a puff of smoke Saurian was standing there. They struck and attacked a group of gunmen that had attacked him. Lash knew what this was, it was before he went to Tartarus when he was trying to put down the Kindred drug ring in the Narrows. Saurian easily dispatched the gunmen by ripping their arms off. The gunmen had been Kindred, so they didn't need to worry about that killing them. But the viewers didn't know that!

“Is this proof that Erik Lash could be Agent Wraith? Erik has called a press conference later today to discuss this issue. Gotham tonight will be there with our very own-...” Lash closed the holographic window. Kory, Kara, and Megan stared with wide eyes at where the screen had closed. It wouldn't take a lot to put Lash now, and Lash of then together.

“That is why we are going to the convention. I am going as Agent Wraith, while a friend of mine will take the shape of Erik Lash and talk at the press conference. We will both be seen on camera in different locations, at the same time to remove any doubt that I am Erik Lash.” Lash said to them.

“How did they get the video? You've always been very careful, Lash. I got believe you would get caught!” Kara said, shock clear on her face.

“The video in question was suppose to be edited and erased to remove such a thing. This was before I had a handle on my abilities, before I could connect to machines as if they were extensions of me. But The Wardens had made sure to confiscate those videos. The Warden Council assures me they are looking into the leak. They have already set up with the convention they are expecting me. While a friend, as I said will be playing the part of me in Gotham. I thought you could all come and absorb another aspect of Earth's culture. Comic conventions!” Lash said with a laugh. His cool and relaxed demeanor made them all visibly settle down.

So, that was how it went. Starfire, Supergirl, and Miss Martian went in uniform to a comic convention. Lash explained what the comic con badge did and how to get in. They were told unless under duress not to use powers. Today they were just three women dressing up as their favorite characters from the recent news feeds. While Lash dressed up as Agent Wraith went to the back door to attend the convention in another way.

The convention center is right next to one of the rivers in Detroit. The Center was huge with many different levels, sections, and areas. Including convention center restaurants, cafe's, and places to meet. All of the immediate hotels had been book months in advance. A concert arena was near by along with a grand ball room. The center normally had a car show nearly year round. But this weekend it had been repurposed for a comic con. Why was it being held in Detroit? When it normally was held in San Diego? Because of the tidal wave a lot of things had changed.


A man stood at the back door to the convention along with a few others. All of them in black, with the words security written on the back of their cloths. Earbuds in their ears, radios, and guns on theirs hips. Despite their menacing appearance dozens of people walked up in costume and asked for directions to things. Gregson had worked at the convention center for ten years and comic, anime, and movie conventions were by far his favorite, and worse experience. He was an above average looking guy that could often get into a few convention ladies beds with the promise of back stage passes. So, he of course smiled at a girl who barely looked eighteen in a fetish super hero wear talking to him about the event.

Despite the eye candy Gregson continued to do his job. He had learned how to look at some one while still looking around them for trouble. What was Gregson, and his team doing at this back door. If anyone could believe it? The Alien known has Wraith was attending the convention! It was a last minute scheduling, but that wasn't an issue the coordinators always kept spaces open with a few rooms for emergencies.

“Dude! Sick looking Wraith costume! Did you make it yourself!” A high school kid yelled, and Gregson along with the woman turned to see him. Gregson nearly fainted then and there.

Wraith stood at nearly eight feet tall, massive shoulders, and a long muscular tail you would see on a crocodile, except for the wicked blade on the end of it. The robes? Ripped up coat? Shroud of living smoke and shadow curled and writhed around him. But unlike all the news feeds his hood wasn't down. Gregson could see the skull crest, along with the visible tribal marks that glowed, along with the four yellow and green reptilian eyes. Wraith smiled at the kid who complimented his look.

“Yes, I did make it myself. Thank you for the compliment.” Wraith said, his animalistic voice made everyone shiver. Their brains telling them that a predator was near by and they needed to run.

“HOLY FUCK! ARE YOU ACTUALLY WRAITH!” The high school kid yelled at him.

“Yes, I've always enjoyed comic conventions. I thought I would come and hold a panel for discussions, what do you think?” Wraith said to the kid.

“That sounds sick! Which room are you in I'll come watch!” The kid jumped up and down. Wraith turned towards Gregson and tilted his head in question.

“Roo....Room 212A, in....in about an hour!” Gregson said, and was happy his voice didn't crack!

“Holy shit! That's like the largest room in there! I got to get going to get good seats!” The high school yelled and took off.

The fetish wear woman that had been talking to Gregson took off in a run so she could also get in on the room quickly. Wraith walked over to Gregson and held out his hand, it took a moment for him to realize he wanted to shake his hands. Gregson reached out and chuckled a little, Wraiths massive clawed hand easily dwarfed his own.

“Mr Gregson, I'll be in your care today. I hope that is alright?” Wraith's voice sounded like a crocodile was trying to speak french. Gregson swallowed and nodded his head.

“Y...Ya! Of...Of course! Welcome to comic con!” Gregson said, and led Wraith to the back door.


Kara Zor-El had never in her life wanted to hide in a hole so much as she did right now! Lash had given them all VIP quick line passes so they just walked past the huge line of people straight into the convention. They had VIP bracelets that glowed, so they could put their comic con badges away. But they were told they may have to show it again from time to time so keep it handy. Then as they came in they saw the extravagant display of comics, books, anime, TV-shows, etc. Along with thousands of people in costume.

Kara was thankful that Lash suggested she wear her uniform because she could activate her face mask and hide her blush! Kory took to the atmosphere like a fish in water. Her revealing armor was the talk of the area as Kory was incredibly beautiful, and exotic with her fiery red hair, orange skin, and glowing green eyes. She posed for pictures, hugged people, and kissed over a dozen men, and women and that was in the first half hour!

Megan had a growing fan club that totally fell for her sky, and bashful appearance. A green martian woman dressed as a super heroine from the news. Since her uncle J'onn, and her had worked in the city for a while. Everyone considered a groupie or a fan of the martians! But more than once she jumped and had to hide behind Kara who had her own fan club as well.

Kara had her navy blue polymer suit, hot rod red armor plates, and gold highlights. The house of Zor-El crest on her chest and people assumed she was a superman fan that took it to another level. The design on her armor were 'sick!' as many of the younger people said. What did her physical well being have to do with how nice the armor was? A lot of people asked for pictures, and hugs. But she refused to kiss any one!

Ding! Tong!

“Attention! Attention! Announcing a brand new guest speaker to the convention in suit 212A, the one and only Alien Wraith of the United Nations World Security has surprised us with a visit. No purchase of tickets are necessary, but seats are filling up fast!” A mans voice came over the intercome. Then several movie screens lite up across the center showing videos of Wraith walking through the halls and greeting people.

“HOLY FUCK! THE ALIEN CAME TO COMIC CON!” Some one screamed in delight!

To say there was a rush for seats in one the largest sitting panels in the center was an under statement. Kara almost broke cover to help calm the people down. But they settled with acting as a buffer to rescue people who had tripped. Kara didn't fully appreciate how popular Lash was. She had seen people throw rocks, mud, and even try and shoot him at New Orleans. But she had also seen people hug him, and thank him with all their heart as he healed, and brought hope to those with out any.

The question panel wouldn't start for another two hours. Kory, Kara, and Megan wanted to keep wondering around. They had reserved seats in the panel if they wanted to attend. Despite the clear amount of people that went ahead to get seats. There convention was still packed with people. Kara joined a group of people as they played a game called. Dance, Dance, Revolution?


****Across town in a five star hotel in the presidential suit****

ARGUS agents sat around a table watching the television, and their lap tops as they watched the press conference on Agent Wraith and Erik Lash. They had been in Detroit for a few days hoping to catch Wraith's attention so they could get him to Waller. Who was about at the end of her rope in patience. The tech team and installed the power inhibitor in the MCU for the Detroit police department. So they went home. Agent Dutch, Agent Nickel, and Agent Murmur were in the room watching the TV.

Steven Reynolds came into the room and deposited coffee, and breakfast burritos for all. He walked over with a grimace to the master bedroom and knocked on the door. After a few minutes the door opened and he swore the temperature went down a few degrees as he handed the coffee and food to Waller. Who took it, and snapped the door closed with out a word. Reynolds sighed in relief and went to the main room to watch the show.

“Your fucking kidding me!” Agent Nickel shouted!

“Nickel, I have told you to watch your language!” Agent Dutch said as he rubbed his face.

“Sir! I know where Wraith is!” Nickel shouted and shoved his lap top to Dutch. Who read the screen and...

“Son of a bitch! Really!?” Dutch cursed! Dutch jumped to his feet and ran to the master bed room. Everyone else walked over to the lap top to read the screen. Agent Wraith of UNWS attends comic con question panel?

Reynolds then looked over at the press conference in Gotham as Erik Lash walked onto stage to talk to everyone about the accusations of him being Wraith, as the agents all looked back at the lap top to see Agent Wraith come onto the stage for comic con. Well, that was one question answered!

“WHAT!?” Waller's voice screamed from the bed room.


Everyone jumped into action. Time to meet Agent Wraith, they hoped.


The sound of nearly five thousand people attending the question panel cheering, shouting was nearly deafening! As Lash walked onto the stage at comic con. The seats went back, along with a second level above them, and a third level above them. Along with VIP balcony seats, Lash looked at the balcony seats and smiled at the sight of Kory, Kara, and Megan eating churros, and waving at him. He looked back across the ocean of faces and noticed several hundred supernaturals in attendance as well. Though not in an official capacity.

Ever been to a convention and you see a gorgeus woman acting the part of an elf? Or an unbelievably attractive man wearing knight armor? Well there is a chance that they may be supernatural fae, playing a part. Everyone enjoys being adored, and a convention is a great place to do that. He could only imagine Haunt Con in Vegas must be heaven for a lot of supernaturals. If he had the time, and if the world continued to run he'd have to go to Haunt Con as well.

Lash noticed that the metal chairs provided wouldn't take his weight. So he pulled a chair aside and with a bit of flair and glamour 'tiny' machines constructed a throne of sorts made out of black metal. He slipped into it, the cheering continued for a short while as the stage techs came over and to set up the microphone. Lash told them he would be fine and attached himself to the microphone system on his own.

“Hellloooooo fellow comic con attendees! Can everyone hear me!” Lash said, his voice echoed across the whole room. More than half of the crowd shivered at the sound of his voice for how gruff it was, but also out of a primal fear. All the of the supernaturals in the crowd laughed.

The stage techs were confused but accepted it and got off the stage. The assistant speaker stood next to the podium and tried to get every one settled. The attendant was essentially a hype woman. She wore hard leather fantasy armor that showed off her curves, and showed far more skin than armor should allow. She had rich brown hair braided down her back, dazzling blue eyes, and elf ears. She stood at 5'9” and smiled at the crowd and tried to gesture for them to calm down.

“Hello everyone! I am your host Bethany of the Moon Woods!” Bethany said and the crowd laughed at an inside joke. Bethany smiled back at everyone, while those that didn't understand had people explain it to them.

“So, I was surprised and delighted to find out that the alien Wraith is a convention enthusiast! I was also surprised when I found out that Wraith had been invited to the convention to speak, and he accepted!” Bethany said, and the room cheered again. She waited a bit with a smile on her face.

“So, Agent Wraith! And to everyone here, this will be a panel for questions about many different subjects. But most off all!” Bethany took a serious look on her face. “What is your favorite comic!” Bethany asked, and every one cheered.

Lash stood up from his 'throne' and took off his hood so everyone in the convention attending the panel could see his head completely a lot of people gasped and cheered. He cleared his throat and told the convention that he grew up reading the comics about the cave man and his pet velociraptor. A lot of people cheered, and Lash produced a holographic window that was large enough for everyone to see the image of the front cover. More people cheered in recognition.

But then he talked about the genre Urban Fantasy. Highlighted several Authors, and graphic novels that followed the idea that magic, and supernaturals existed just beneath the surface but no one noticed. The supernaturals in the crowd laughed the loudest when he presented these comics to the crowd. A few people in the crowd jumped up and waved Lash when he focused on them he noticed they were dressed like some of the comics he read.

Lash pointed them out in the crowd and a mote of light appeared above them and revealed them. The stage techs jumped around in confusion they had no idea where the light had come from. But the show continued! One novel was about a hard working private eye in the city of Chicago. He was a wizard that used his skills to help people. Lash quoted off several catch phrases, and talked about how they helped him through rough times in his life. Half way through the panel people understood that Wraith wasn't just talking out of his ass. He had read, enjoyed, and lived these stories just like the rest of them. This realization made him feel more real to the crowd!

“As you can see we are setting up microphones on the first, second, and third floor. Along with people going from each VIP room. We are going to allow people to ask questions. Please be aware that the attendants will first ask what your question is and help us verify if they are safe for discussion.” Bethany said, she had a smile glue to her face but Lash could tell she was getting tired.

Lash stood up and gestured for Bethany to come over to him. She hesitated but using her professional training she walked over like the model and show woman that she was. She carefully put her petite hand in his claws. He sent Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss into her. He did not apply the orgasmic sensation. That would have been awkward! But all the same the sensation still felt amazing. Bethany wobbled for a bit and Lash caught her. Several people murmured, cheered, and a few people stood up in worry. Bethany took deep slow breaths, then smiled brilliantly at Lash. This one was not fake. She felt amazing! She said thank you, and came back to the podium and leaned into the microphone.

“I think I have a crush on a giant lizard everyone!” She said softly, everyone laughed and cheered. While Bethany stole a glance at Lash who bowed from his waist and took his seat again. The convention question was asked at the front of the first floor.

“Yes! Hello! First off Agent Wraith I am a big fan! Don't listen to the hate that those people spew at you! I for one welcome you to our world!” The man said, who was dressed in a brown rain coat, hat, and staff in hand.

“Thank you, I hope the rest of the world will accept me once my service is over.” Lash replied, and the crowd cheered.

“So, my question is! You have scales! Is it possible for you to share the love with everyone else? What I mean, can you give my furry friends and I some ears, and a tail?” The man asked, and the room erupted with cheers, and whoops of laughter. Lash smiled back, revealing his many sharp teeth.

“Yes, and no. I'll explain! There is a bio-medical company currently in the process of creating cosmetic animal splicing. What is that? The ability to splice animal DNA into human DNA. It was primarily designed to help soldiers when on the battle field. Why have a K-9 unit sniff for land mines, if you can have a soldier with K-9 DNA do it for you? What does that mean for you? In 3-5 years you will be able to go get cosmetic surgery to have wolf ears and tails, or others! They will be fully functional, as in you can actually hear out of them.” Lash finished, every single furry in the room jumped up in there seats and cheered.

Was that true? Yes, the militarizes of different countries had tried to apply the animal DNA to their super soldier programs. They had been successful because the magical societies already knew how to do that. The supernatural world was pushing for public use of animal splicing. Because if there were animal people walking around in the public it would create more cover for the supernatural creatures in the world. Along with the gradual acceptance of creatures in the future.

“Hello! Ohhh that is loud, sorry!” A woman on the second floor, wearing a blue fairy princess outfit. “Agent Wraith! My question is are you capable of giving people special powers?” The woman asked, and silence fell on the room.

“Yes, and no. Please let me explain. Do I have the ability to splice animal DNA into someone? Yes, most definitely. However, right now its illegal for public use. Can I augment someone with cybernetics? Example; a mechanical arm capable of ripping a door off its hinges. Yes, I can! But, its not for public use. But I think what you mean to ask, and forgive me if I am wrong. You want to know if I can grant someone the meta-gene that the United Nations recently made public?” Lash asked, and the room stirred in question.

Not to long ago the UN decided to jump ahead of the information instead of letting people stumble across it. So they announced the Meta-Gene situation. Not just Meta-Humans! Because the Meta-Gene was effecting animal, and plant life. There was a raccoon in a city park that was the size of a bear! It was also bullet proof! There was also, Flash, and Kid Flash in Central City. They had made a lot of public splashes along with the villains they fought. Lash, along with Kory, Kara had fought a meta-human gang in the streets of Detroit not that long ago.

So, the UN spelled it out for everyone. How the meta-gene activates, thanks to Dark Matter. STAR labs was getting a lot of flak for that accident in Central City. How certain people had a meta-gene. 98% of the world didn't have this gene, they didn't know where it came from. Currently they had no way of detecting, or...removing said gene.

Lash could understand the appeal! He was in a room full of people that would jump at the idea of being able to fly! To run faster than a bullet! To teleport across the city with a snap of a finger. Technically Lash could make a meta-human. They just had to die first! Then he could use Reincarnation to remake the body. But to select a living being and implant the meta-gene? He wasn't sure...Maybe in the future?

“I can't give you the meta-gene. Not wont. Can't. You want eagle wings? I can help you! But the meta-gene not so much. I'm sorry if that is not the answer you were looking for.” Lash finished, a lot of people clapped. The woman who asked seemed sad but accepted the answer. They moved on.

“Do you have to have powers to join the Justice League?” A young boy at the third floor asked, while being held by his father? Brother?

“No, you don't need powers to be in the Justice League. Though I will admit having powers is helpful. But what the league is looking for is determination, the will to help others, to seek truth, justice, and the dream for a better tomorrow. I know, sounds corny but its true. But! If you want to help? I'd suggest joining a local city watch. Join the police! Fire department, join the military! At the very least these places will help give you the skills and knowledge to help in the future.” Lash offered a viable alternative that he was sure the kids parents would like.

Thanks to the kid a lot of people started to ask about the Justice League. Who was in it? He gave code names. Talked about different powers and abilities they all had. He only ever talked about powers that had already been publicly displayed so nothing hidden was spoken about. Lash told them that a television studio was in the process of creating a TV drama about the Justice League. This was true! A supernatural controlled studio planned to do well developed CGI (magic) to create a larger than life TV-series. That got the entire room jumping with questions. Actors playing which people. After four hours the panel came to a close.

“Thank you all for letting me attending your convention! I plan to still be here the rest of the day and night on the show floor! I am doing requests for items of creation! Ever want a fully detailed armor set from your favorite show? Come to my booth and I'll tailor make you one!” Lash shouted, the crowd cheered and he stepped of the stage. Followed closely by Bethany who seem to want to ask him a question.

“Thank you for the help, I think I would have lost my mind with out it.” Lash said, and bowed from his waist to her. His voice was genuine and Bethany smiled at him.

Charming Presence gains experience.

“You are very welcome! I...Ummmm. Had a follow up question.” Bethany said, gone was the proud confident show woman. Replaced with a sly, coy, seductress.

“I heard that you can slow the aging process?” Bethany said in a soft whisper.

Lash reached out and took her by the shoulders and cast Return Youth onto Bethany. The glow surrounded her and she visibly glowed. Bethany closed her eyes and took it all in, her overall posture changed. Her breasts didn't grow but they became firm and elastic again. Lash realized that Bethany despite her appearance was nearly forty years old. Now late twenties.

“That is for your help, but do me another favor. The rumor of being able to do so? Keep it a rumor.” Lash said, he had leaned in to whisper the words to her. Bethany swallowed audibly, but she bit her lip and nodded several times.

“OK!....Thank you!” She said with a blush. She bounced up and kissed his cheek. Charming Presence gained another prompt of experience. Before another word was spoken Lash turned around careful of his tail around Bethany and saw Amanda Waller behind him.

“We need to talk!” Waller said softly, but her cold voice froze Bethany and all the stage techs near by. Agent Nickel, Murmur, Dutch, and another Agent stood behind Waller. Nickel waved! They were all in civilian clothing, and Nickel was not covered in metal.

“Of course! Please come to my provided green room. We can talk there.” Lash gestured and moved to the room. The ARGUS entourage following.


Lash opened the door to the reasonable accommodating green room and let the ARGUS group come in with him. He closed the door behind them and took a moment to say hello to Nickel, Murmur, and Dutch. He learned about Steven Reynolds who was essentially the replacement for Colonel Flag. Since Flag had dropped off the face of the map. Last Lash heard anything about him from the Wardens was that Enchantress and Moon had successfully fused into one being. Enchanting Moon had allowed Flag to propose to her.

Lash took a moment to create a table, chairs, and some basic refreshments. Waller pegged him with a glare that could have burned lesser individuals into cinders. Lash simply smiled at her, his reptilian features just as predatory as her own. Once everyone was seated he started.

“I wont give you Blue Beetle. He is a free citizen of the United States. Yes, technically he has an alien war machine grafted to his spine. But that doesn't give you the right to brain wash him into service.” Lash supplied subject for conversation. Waller clenched her jaw and continued to glare at him.

“That's fine... What do you plan to give ARGUS in compensation?” Waller said with a cold stare.

“What does ARGUS want?” Lash held his hands open to suggest a reasonable compromise.

“Cybernetic augmentation, just as you said in your question panel.” Waller said, she snapped her fingers and Dutch provided a lap top.

“No...” Lash said simply before Dutch could turn it on.

“I will not give weapons to the human race. I have no issue providing schematics for synthetic organs. The human race has a long track record for destroying themselves with weapons. Yes, a lot of the technology, and science I've given could be turned into a weapon. But that is out of my hands. But I will never willing give a weapon to humans.” Lash said to Waller who looked like she wanted to shoot him.

“Even if it could save lives?” Waller said with a cold glare.

“Tell me Director Waller. If I gave cybernetic augmentation to you. Would you share it with the United Nations? Or would you keep it specifically for American interests?” Lash asked. Waller leaned back in her seat and took a deep breath. She didn't answer.

“Exactly...” Lash tilted his head as he heard a message coming across Connectivity from the Warden Council. He had a video feed being sent to Vici, and also to the local Warden HQ.

“How would ARGUS like to know how to detect whether someone has the meta-gene in their system or not?” Lash offered, Waller sat up straight in her chair. As did Dutch, Murmur, and Reynolds. Nickel appeared to be playing some kind of game on his phone.

“My sources say that the UN doesn't have that kind of information?” Waller asked, she raised a manicured eye brow at him.

“That is correct, they don't. That doesn't mean I am not aware of how. Please understand that in a few months UN will 'discover' the method. But, ARGUS will have a sizable advantage. Please be aware that the method I'm and offering does not mean you will know what abilities they have, or how to activate them. Just because you have the gene doesn't mean it will activate. Dutch is a good example.” Lash said, and Waller whipped around to Dutch who looked at them in surprise.

“Aha! Didn't I tell you! I said it! It said it would be cool if our handler was a meta-human!” Nickel said with a smile, then coughed as Murmur punched him in the stomach.

“I have the meta-gene?” Dutch asked, stumbling to his feet. Lash 'scanned' Dutch and created holographic window of his DNA, along with the specific meta marker. Then he 'crafted' a design that he just acquired from the Warden council, along with a flash drive.

“Is this exchange acceptable, Director Waller?” Lash asked, Waller snagged the flash drive. Handing the device to Reynolds who quickly pocketed it. Waller's face was visibly better, she even smiled slightly.

“Yes, this is an acceptable trade. However, I have questions.” Waller continued. “Does the Justice League have a space station?” Waller asked, Lash leaned back in his custom made chair. That question wasn't terribly surprising.

“No, the Justice League does not have a space station.” Lash said, it was technically true. Lash built Vici. Not the League.

“Do you have a space station?” Murmur asked, her voice was quiet and a surprise to everyone in the room. Except Nickel who went back to playing on his phone.

“Yes...” Lash replied, Waller took a moment to glance at Murmur. A tiny smile was on Waller's lips. This small sign of acknowledgment made Murmur bashful.

“Did the League help you build it?” Waller continued.

“No, I built it on my own.” Lash held up his hand to stop her from continuing. “It is less then a year old, it took me twenty four hours to build the basic structure of it. I've been slowly upgrading it ever since. The resources came from me. The United Nations is not aware of it, but my employers are.” Lash concluded. Dutch, and Reynolds looked confused about the last statement but Waller took it in stride.

“I want Agents Nickel, and Murmur to join the League.” Waller said, Nickel and Murmur both looked up in surprise.

“I'm fine with that, as long as you and them both understand that they will not be full members unless they agree to keep secrets from ARGUS. The League won't mind people having multiple responsibilities, but a spy is another thing.” Lash said and turned to look at both the meta-humans.

“Agreed.” Waller said, and before she could continue Lash held up his hand. He stood and walked to the center of the room and used Enchanting: Rune of Truth. The symbol glowed with arcane purple energy. Everyone in the room looked at the symbol in shock and confusion.

“Director Waller, please step on the symbol. I won't agree to them joining till you answer a question.” Lash said, his index claw pointing at the symbol. Waller squared her shoulders and walked over to stand on it.

“Did you just lie about letting Nickel, and Murmur keeping secrets from ARGUS about the Justice League?” Lash asked, and Waller with out missing a beat replied.

“Yes! Both Agents have a tracking beacon surgically implanted in them. I would use this information to locate them, and the station. I will order them to relay any and all information about the League directly to me!” Waller said, then clapped her hands over her mouth and jumped off the symbol.

“What the fuck!” Waller screamed loudly.

“Holy shit! Its a truth compulsion seal! Like in that comic book you read, Wraith!” Nickel shouted with a smile on his face.

“I have danced around the truth with you, Waller. Just as you have with me. But I have never lied to you.” Lash raised a single claw. “That is one lie I've you caught you in. Two more and you and I are finished. Now, I will remove the implant, and you will swear to me not to force Nickel, and Murmur to betray the trust I am placing in them. Because if you make them, you wont live to see the next dawn.” Lash said with a growl, his shroud went from billowing to shard edges all pointed at Waller.

“Or, you can decide to not include them in the Justice League. I'll forget the lie and we'll go back to being on even ground. Decide...” Lash offered. Waller stood up straight and glared at Lash. She walked towards the table and collected the lap top.

“Then I guess we are even. Good bye Agent Wraith.” Waller said with a dismissive tone and left through the door.

“Murmur! A moment.” Lash called as Murmur got to the door. Waller kept walking as if she didn't hear anything. Dutch told Murmur to hurry.

Murmur came over to Lash and looked at him, he held up a single 'gold' coin with a complicated script on it. Murmur took the coin and felt a rush of energy roll through her body. She shivered and felt a connection with the coin. She looked up at Lash confused, as the shroud relaxed and coiled around Murmur almost protectively.

“Put it under your pillow when you sleep. You'll get to ask your questions.” Lash said, as he reached up and ruffled Murmurs hair. She blinked at him in confusion.

“OK....” Murmur replied, then ran off to join her group.

Just as the door was starting to close, Lash heard Nickel ask Dutch. 'So what powers do you think you have?' Lash smiled at Nickel. He was sad that Waller had lied. They could have been useful. Lash banished the Rune of Truth on the floor and left the room. After he took down the obstruction glamour he had placed on the room. The owners of the electronic bugs were sure to be confused as to why a group of people entered the room and talked about tennis.

Lash as Agent Wraith was led to the show floor to a very nice booth with a lot of security guards in place. Lash reached out and cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement on them. They all felt a rush of energy and knew it came from him. He took a seat and met with the long, long, long time of people. He spoke to everyone of them for a few minutes while Bethany his coordinator helped usher people along. He made tailored made suits of armor, weapons with blunted edges, (Safety) made drawings, gave people detailed tattoos.

Bethany being in her twenties again kept a smile, and kept her energy the whole time. The sun had set hours ago and the show floor was closing. There was a large club and show with a life DJ happening in the next room. Lash closed his booth, and Bethany asked if he intended to visit the live show. He said yes, and escorted Bethany towards the show. Much to her great enjoyment! A real beauty and the beast display. A lot of people took pictures.

The live show with several DJ's was in one of the other show floors in the convention center. One of the places they would host car shows, because there were several show stages that slowly spun in a circle. The place was packed! The music made the giant room vibrate with every hit of the bass. The lighting was low, and multi colored lasers flashed across the ceiling with the rhythm of the music. Bethany was interested if Lash wanted to dance he politely declined as his tail could accidentally kill someone. She pouted but understood. She slowly merged into the crowd as Lash walked along the edge.

“There you are! The woman no longer hanging on you!” Kara shouted over the music as she came running over to hug him. Lash laughed and returned the hug, several people looked over in surprise. Lash's hood remained down, and those that noticed he had a genuine smile on his face as he spoke to the woman. (Kara)

“You sound jealous that Bethany had my eye for a bit.” Lash said with a smirk, and Kara pegged him with a glare. She put her hands on her armored hips and turned her head away.

“I think you can do better!” She replied, her eyes looked back at him. He only gave her a smile in response.

“Where are Megan, and Kory?” Lash asked, Kara pointed to one of the stages and he saw Kory dancing around the middle. A pole was in the center of it. She had a huge crowd watching her as she danced. Megan was on one of the lower stages, she was also dancing in a seductive manner.

Lash offered his arm to Kara, who took it with a smile. Then they walked through the crowd. Kara was astonished as Lash despite his massive size, the crowd just seem to flow around them. It wasn't long before they reached the stage with Kory, and Mega were dancing. Once they came to the edge Kory jumped own and hugged Lash. Planting a kiss on his snout. He laughed and returned the hug, along with Megan who was behind her. Once again a lot of people were confused.

Lash climbed onto the spinning stage and conjured his obsidian throne and took a seat. He looked like a Devil King watching the seductive dancers entertain him. Kory did just that, as she went back to the pole and danced for him. Kara, and Megan did the same on the stage. Not one to just be left out, Lash created several Phantasm illusions of different creatures of colors and lights as they flew through the show rooms ceiling.

“Miss Martian!?” A young voice called out from the crowd, and despite herself Megan turned around and looked. Several people were in shock.

“Oh my god it is you!” The voice called, Megan turned around to Lash and had a look of panic on her face. Lash shrugged his massive shoulders.

“If we need to leave we will!” Lash shouted over the music.

So Megan, Kara, and Kory stopped hiding. The floated up into the air and danced around. People shouted, and cheered. Most of them thought it was some kind of show. But a few people knew the truth. These three women were with Wraith. All three of them had powers! Lash stayed on the stage but slowly a few people came to the stage. He turned to look at them. A few Blood-Kindred looked at him with permission. He gestured with his hand and they stood up on the stage. Three women, and two men in comic, and anime clothing started to dance on the stage. Of course the characters they emulated were vampires.

With in an hour there were several furries, all were-breeds. Fae, Sylvans, and one Warden of Detroit. While the three aliens floated above dancing the night away. Neon green dragons, and phoenixes of red and purple danced through the air as illusions. Then the song came to a gradual end and the current DJ came to the stage.

“Is everyone having a good time!?” The DJ called out, and the whole room cheered!

“First off a big, big shout out to Agent Wraith for the light show! Also for this 'Mithril' chained shirt he made me! Respect to Tolkien!” The crowd cheered, as the DJ was wearing a mithril chained shirt. The supernaturals all looked at Lash in question, he shook his head. No, it was not real mithril.

“Another shout out to the three flying! And sexy as hell Aliens flying in the air! Give it up for Agent K, Agent Andr, and Agent M!” The DJ pointed, and Kara, Kory, and Megan waved when their name was called the crowd cheered!

“Lets kick it up a notch! We've only got two hours left of this party so lets make it the loudest party in the country!” The DJ shouted, and the crowd cheered. He ran back to his set up and the next song began to play.

Lash changed the illusions in the air to a battle between two opposing sci fi space ship fleets. Just like he did in Starling City at the Verdant. Explosions shattered across the cosmos in tandem with the music. People cheered, and were mesmerized with just the light show above them. But many others continued to dance. Energy tendrils near invisible to the naked eye danced through the room giving everyone a pick me up through Lash's Nature Domain.

It was a good night!


“There you have it everyone! We've confirmed that Erik Lash of Gotham is not Agent Wraith. Agent Wraith was spotted at Detroit comic con in full kit, and ability that we have come to know him for. While at the same time, Erik Lash was holding a press conference. They even took a sample of his blood and confirmed that Erik is 100% human! Though Gotham tonight still has video evidence, our experts are looking over the footage and believe that it may have been doctored. Something they had missed in the initial run through. In other ne....-” The holographic window shut off. Lash rubbed his face as he sat back and relaxed on the couch in the hotel room.

Lash felt the spell he had placed on Murmurs coin take effect. It was later than he thought, but at least she had believed him. The spell would allow her to talk to a spirit that had passed, more specifically the echo of the spirit. It wasn't everything, but it was something nice he could do. Ten minutes later he got a Charming Presence experience prompt. Well at least he knew it had worked?

His pack mates, and Fae envoys messaged him and said that the Courts would send representatives in the morning. Along with pictures, descriptions, and key phrases to share. He only had a few more hours until sun rise so he decided to use the fully stocked Enchanting kit to do some updating on his, and Saurians gear. He'd have to see if there is an Enchanting module for Vici.

Lash heard a soft knock on his door, he looked up and saw the sun had risen. He closed up the kit and grabbed the three brief cases. He went to the door and opened it up. A security detail for the Seelie court was behind the door. But no Seelie Court princess, L. Lash exchanged the key phrase with the knight who was in full armor. Once that was over he passed their designated brief case to them. They nodded and left.

Not five minutes later another knock on the door. He answered it to find a UnSeelie Court security team waiting. Except these Fae all saluted him as a Winter Knight of the Queen. He saluted back, and handed the brief case over to them. They left just as quickly and quietly as the Seelie Court. Lash closed the door and went back to the waiting game.

Five minutes later the last knock of the morning arrived. He opened it and looked up, he saw a minotaur in the hallway. Lash took a step back and nearly slammed the door shut. The minotaur looked down at him and tilted his head. He said the pass phrase for the Twilight court and Lash took a breath in relief. The last time he saw a minotaur it had worked for Ares. Lash gave the pass phrase back, and provided the case. The minotaur smiled and thanked him for his work and left soon after. Lash closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Someone at the door?” Kara asked sleepily from the hall way. Lash turned to look at her with a smile.

“Just finishing up our business. We'll be leaving Detroit today.” Lash said in response.


CRACK! Like the sound of lighting striking a tree Shazam struck Black Adam across the jaw! The Teth-Adam or Black Adam as most call him shot through the air and collided with the ground and created a massive impact creator in the middle of Fawcett City! Shazam floated above the city as he glared down at the hole he had made. Dark clouds began to grow in the skies above, static electricity began to fill the air.

“Is that all you have, boy! Then the wizard chose poorly!” A cold, hard voice called from the smoking wreckage. Then a black and gold blur shot straight up and tackled Shazam in the gut!

Black Adam was 6 foot even with intense brown eyes, slicked back black hair, and caramel skin tone. His body was wrapped in a skin tight black suit, with a golden lighting bolt down his chest, a golden sash wrapped around his waist, with the end fluttering in the wind. Golden leather boots came half up his calf's, Shazam got a good look at them as Black Adam struck him down with the heel of his boots! Shazam crashed through an office building, went through floor, after floor out the other side of the building into another busy intersection.

Shazam stood up from the wreckage and looked around. Blood was seeping out of his ears, eyes, and nose. He coughed up a bit of blood and staggered to his knees. People screamed and ran for cover. He called to them to run! Why was there always some dumb ass with a phone out recording the damn thing! Who cares about social media if your dead!?

William Joseph Batson, Billy to his friends had become 'Shazam' the super powered magical mortal. Empowered by the man simply known has 'the wizard'. He had played the role of protector for Fawcett City, and even joined the Justice League. But life kept getting worse, and worse for him. Yes, a lot of nice things had happened. But this took the cake.

Shazam stood up and looked up at the sky as he saw Black Adam laughing at him mockingly. Shazam stood at 6'2” with pure blue eyes, and black hair that was high and tight. Though it was a bit of mess right now. He had a skin tight red suit on, with a golden lighting bolt down the center, a golden corded rope around his waist, golden boots, and a half white cape around his shoulders. Golden electricity danced around his form. He spread his feet and shot back up into the sky towards Black Adam.

“That's it, boy! Come and g- Gaaaaah!” Adam shouted in pain, before Shazam got to him a blue, and red blur shot form shot down from the sky and tackled Adam straight into the ground!

The cacophony of screams, blaring alarms, and smoke took nothing from the surprising moment for Shazam. What the? Crack! Slam! The sounds of fist to flesh impact rang out in the smoke and Black Adam shot out of the smoking wreckage across the street. He skipped like a stone across a body of water. Two...three.... four times before he came to a stop. He jumped to his feet, and wobbled for a moment.

“Who dares strike at-Gaaah!” Before Adam could finish a fiery red head flew over him and shot green energy bolts into him. Shazam recognized her! That was Starfire, he had met her at the League meeting!

“You dare!” Adam shouted, but before he could move a gas tanker was thrown on top of him by a green martian with her telekinetic powers. Starfire shot a bolt and the tanker exploded! The resulting explosion shattered all the windows in a city block radius. Thankfully no one was around.

Adam shot out of the flames looking pissed! Shazam raced down and tackled the man before he could attack Stafire. Billy had been going to a kick boxing club lately and got lots of practice in. He swung wide with a left hook which Adam easily blocked. Then Shazam struck with his right foot and cracked the mans knee side ways!

“Gaaaah! I will kill you, boy! I'll -Gaaaah!” Adam tried to shout as the blue and red blur flew by and upper cut him. Supergirl! Shazam saw her at last, then she shot red lasers from her eyes!? What the fuck that is so cool! Billy thought!

The storm clouds above them continued to boil with energy. Looked like it may rain here in a bit. Adam skipped across the street again, but rolled into it and came to a stop. He stood up on his feet with a grimace. He smoothed his fist across his face and noticed he came away with blood. He looked up at Shazam, and the three women.

“So, you can't defeat me alone so you turn to your whores!” Black Adam said with a sneer. Then he felt a tap on his shoulder. He flipped around saw a giant lizard wrapped in smoke and shadow.

“Made you look!” Wraith said, and a lightning strike raced from the sky towards Adam!

CRAAAAACK! The lightning lite up the whole area! The smell of ozone was almost over powering. But what Shazam noticed the most was standing in the exact spot where Black Adam use to be was now Theo Adam, the mortal version of Black Adam. The lightning strike had reversed the transformation spelll.

“Wha...Ho...Who are -Gaaaah!” Theo shouted, and doubled over as Wraith slugged him in the stomach. Wraith stuffed a ball gag into the mans mouth and started to tie him up.

“Hi Shazam!” Starfire said as she flew over to meet him. Shazam's face went red, as he tried not to stare at how sexy Starfire looked in her uniform. Billy was sixteen this year! Women were always something to look at, not to touch. Starfire hugged him and he flailed! What does he do!?

“Your adorable!” Starfire said, and kissed his cheek. Oh man! Be cool! Be cool!


Lash hog tied Teth-Adam with Nth metal ropes. Specifically with the anti-magic properties. He could feel the magical energy leaving Adam as he attempted to struggle and say his name once more. But not with the ball gag in place! He just drooled a lot, and stared with immense hatred at Lash. Shazam, flew down with Kory, and Kara. While Megan was helping to over turn vehicles.

“Shazam! Hello, we are here to build your Justice League bunker. I know you have a pocket dimension in your name already. But you need a place for the League can openly visit. I hope you don't mind us cutting into your fight?” Lash said as he placed a clawed foot on Adam who continued to struggle.

“Not at all! Sir, Wraith..Sir...Agent...Wraith...I...Ummm...Thank you...” Shazam said, as he tried to sound composed and failed miserably. He ended up looking at his feet, and Kory once more hugged him and kissed his cheek. His face turned bright red.

“Your adorable, Shazam!” Kory said. Shazam just nodded his head.

“Where do you want Teth-Adam? At the Rock? Or with the Wardens?” Lash asked, Shazam's head shot straight up.

“Wait! How do you know about the rock!? I haven't told anyone about that!” Shazam shouted, even Teth-Adam looked confused.

“Wardens then! Give me a moment I'll call for a pick up!” Lash said, and glossed over how he knew about the Rock of Eternity.

The Wizard was a registered supernatural wizard of the highest order. Of course Lash knew about the Rock of Eternity! It was one of the places the Wardens wanted to go to so desperately! But the Wizard forbade any one from entering with out his permission. He was real picky about who got in, and who didn't! A police (Warden) transport vehicle rolled up a few minutes later and took Teth-Adam away. Who continued to stare daggers at Lash. Sirens from the first response teams sounded off near by. Shazam looked worried and was about to take off before Lash grabbed his arm.

“Where you going?” Lash asked, confusion clear in his voice.

“I...Ah....The police have a warrant for my arrest!” Shazam said sheepishly.

“Why?” Lash asked, honestly confused.

“Property damage....” Shazam said quietly. Lash took a moment to process that information. That was right, out of the entire League. Lash was the only one capable of repairing the damage he caused during a fight.

“Alright! Head out, we'll come find you later. Do you have any issues with us showing up at your school? Oh wait its a weekend! We'll come find you later!” Lash said with a laugh! Shazam nodded and took off just as the police cars came to a halt in front of them.

“Hello officers! I am Agent Wraith with the UNWS, these are Agent K, Agent Andr, and Agent M. We are here to help!” Lash said with a smile that looked frightening on his reptilian features. He held out his ID to the officer on the scene.

'Agent Wraith' filled out a long report. All the while Agent K, Andr, and M helped clean up the scene. Though teams of medicals did show up to take anyone that needed to go to the hospital Lash healed everyone that would let him. A few die hard haters refused to let him touch them so they were taken to the nearest hospital. Fine! It was there money to spend, and hours of rehab! Lash then spent time to repair, and rebuild the destroyed city.

After everything was said and done, Lash and crew simply faded from sight. Much to the surprise of the officer in charge, and news crews who showed up to ask questions. Just like Detroit Lash had sent word to the local Warden HQ of his arrival, they 'Requested' to see if he could visit the Rock of Eternity. You know...Just maybe? He also booked a suit for a supernatural hotel who was more than happy to make room for his party.

They drove up to house in the sub-burbs in Fawcett City. Lash, got out with Kory, Kara, and Megan and walked up the drive way towards the front door of the house they rang the door bell and an older man answered the door. He was in his later forties, mid fifties. With a bald head. (Baldies unite!) a bit of stomach, but strong arms. He had a pair jeans on, sandals, and a white shirt. He looked at them confused.

“Is Joseph available?” Lash asked....

“He is....Is he in some kind of trouble?” The man asked.

“Not at all Dudley Batson! Oh forgive me! Mr Batson! We are here to talk to Billy about a full scholarship to a college thanks to a written exam he participated in!” Lash said with a smile, that got Dudley Batson's attention real quick!

“Billy! You have visitors!” Uncle Dudley called into the house.

“I do!?” A young mans voice called out, he raced to the front door. Tripped over his feet and face planted. Then stood up real quick.

“Billy! Wonderful to see you again! Can we talk?” Lash said with a smile. Kory peeked around his shoulder and smiled at Billy.

“Sure.....” Billy said, as he paled with fright!

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