
*******Alberta, Canada*******

The soldiers in pitch black armor very carefully set up their forward operations base. (FOB) The Rift was only so big so they brought everything through in pieces. For every ten people one of them would have a different armor on. This would designate the squad leader, each leader was inhumanly stronger than the rest of the unit. They also worked the hardest, and longest. Price of rank with in their army.

The Rift to the alternate reality continued to bubble and fluctuate around the edges. Changing from a variety of colors, blue, black, gray, and red. The anchor pins around the Rift vibrated and gave off a constant hum. Next to the Rift stood a giant man at least seven feet tall, and wide as a door. The Rift commander. Though he stood by the Rift, he had several operation windows in front of him as he continued to monitor the situation around them.

Several spikes in energy came off the Rift, then four streaks of lightning ran from the Rift. Dark purple, blue, red, and green. Four speedsters came from their world, each one in pitch black armor with a lightning bolt icon on their shoulders. The armor covered the speedsters from head to toe, but the commander could see that two of the speedsters were women purely based off the design and physique of the soldiers.

“Welcome to Earth-004, our third conquest. We've already determined the presence of Meta-Humans in this reality, as well as multiple speedsters presence. All the same, recon, information gathering, and no contact. Any chance of being seen eliminate those that have spotted you and return to the FOB, understood?” The Rift Commander said, the four speedsters saluted then left with out a word.

The Rift commander watched his screens and saw that the speedsters had already left the limited sight line of their observation. They had take this slow, and careful. They made that mistake the first world they conquered. They won't make that mistake this time. The commander looked up and saw storm clouds begin to roll in. Where ever they were on this world they seem to be close to the northern pole based off their instruments. Good, it would hide their approach, but the snow, and water made building a base a pain.

“One step at a time, praise the Emperor...” The Rift commander said softly to himself. His eyes twitched and for a brief moment the commander snarled in silent rage. An electrical spark from his helmet 'corrected' this inconsistent nature. The commander returned to his obedient, and programmed personality.


Lash sat in a chair made from Fabrication, and Alteration inside of Mari Jiwe McCabe aka Vixen's home. He remained in his Wraith disguise though his hood was down so Mari could see him. His skull crest had grown a little more. Allowing for cranial ridges, and horns along the edges. The tribal magic marks glowed softly as he watched her, she also was watching him. Kory, Kara, and Megan sat in the living room. Kory naive, or simply didn't care was sitting in her seat with a bucket of double mint chocolate chip ice cream from Mari's freezer. Comfort food that Mari would save for a bad day.

“So.... You are the one that changed the Sahara back into a jungle?” Mari asked? She sat in a large single person chair in the living room. Her legs tucked up and under her, still in her tiger stripped leather outfit.

“Yes, five specific locations turned into groves to help stimulate growth, and renewal in the desert.” Lash said, his animalistic voice harsh on Mari's ears. Lash's three companions had grown use to his voice while disguised as Wraith.

“Thanks for that. I'm part of a charity foundation that helps families in Africa with food, water, and medicine. The jungles are a god send to them, many of the tribes there speak of you in reverence. So, what kind of job did you want to offer?” Mari asked, though she was extremely confident in herself she didn't know how to act around Wraith.

“Have you heard of the Justice League?” Lash asked, as he created a holographic image. Several news articles, videos, and in person dialogues about the League itself. Mari nodded her head as she looked it over, then her eyes went wide in realization.

“You want me to join the league?! I thought you worked for the UN?” Mari said in astonishment.

“I do work for the UN. If you would like a job with World Security we can also do that. But the Justice League has a bit more freedom. A loose organization, pros and cons to it. But for now its working well.” Lash replied, his massive scaled tail coiled around his chair, the serrated edge of his tail tip made Mari flinch. The Lion spirit still attuned to Mari was afraid of it.

“What about you three? What are your stories?” Mari asked, as she looked at Kara, Kory, and Megan.

“Alien, home world is destroyed. Wraith is showing me around Earth so I have a better understanding of my new home. Superman is my cousin.” Kara said, her voice indifferent as she ate a spoonful of ice cream.

“Alien, I'm from Mars. I'm working with my Uncle, Martian Manhunter to create a dialogue and peaceful co-existence between Earth, and Mars. Wraith is showing me around Earth so I can have a better understanding of the cultures here.” Megan chimed in as she sat up right, and attempted to be a model citizen. Though her cheeks flushed a bit when Lash smiled at her.

“Alien, exiled Princess from another world. Earth is my new home, and Wraith is my friend. He is showing me around the world. I have to say, Earth has a lot of delicious food!” Kory replied, and continued to eat the double mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Mari just stared wide eyed at the three women on her couch eating her ice cream. She looked back at the giant lizard that was Wraith who shrugged at her. Lash continued to watch her, and understood this was a lot to swallow. Normally he wouldn't have done it this way, but to be honest he was tired. He desperately needed to rest but he had so much to do he knew it would be days before he could get any form of sleep.

Should we tell her about the invasion? -Megan asked telepathically to Lash.

No, that would be even harder to swallow then what she already has. -Lash replied, Megan nodded and went back to sitting up straight. Mari had watched her look at Wraith, then look back at her. Woman intuition told Mari that Megan had just asked Wraith something.

“Am I being forced to join?” Mari asked, and Lash shook his head.

“Not at all, Miss McCabe. It is an offer, we believed that since you clearly plan to continue your crime fighting persona that it might help if you had resources to assist in your mission.” Lash replied, as he pulled down the holographic windows.

“Mission? I don't even know how I am doing the things I am doing! I don't understand why I am compelled to go out every night and help people!” Mari all but shouted, her cheeks flushed as she realized she was shouting and leaned into her seat.

“I believe its the totem around your neck compelling you to help, is it not?” Lash inquired, Mari sat up straight in her seat. Megan looked confused, she didn't see any necklace.

“You can see the necklace!? Your the first person I've met to have seen it!” Mari said, excitement clear in her voice.

“May I?” Lash reached out for the necklace, Mari knowing the result slipped the necklace off and put it in Lash's claws. The spiritual lion faded from Mari as Lash looked it over.

Lash studied the totem as several prompts of information popped up. Windows only he could see as Re:Implant activated. He was surprised to find out the golden fox head was made from Orichalcum, but it made sense since was made from a god. Anansi the African trickster God, also well known to be attached to 'The Red'. Lash looked up and cast Insight on Mari.

Mari Jiwe McCabe/ Vixen.

Title: God-Kin, (Anansi) Shaman, High Priestess of Africa.

Origin: Mundane. Sub-Origin: Magical.

Rank: D+

Skills: Athletics, Boxing, Business Management, Hand to Hand combat, (See tool tip)

Powers: Personification of The Red (Dormant)

Domains: Spirit Invocation.

Racial Trait: Animal Intuition.

Flaw: Animal Behavior.

Disposition: Neutral.

Comment: Mari is new to the world of magic, gods, and the supernatural. Part of her wishes to return to the simple life of being a successful model, business owner, and being an everyday heroine. But, even if she won't admit it out loud she loves the way it feels to rescue someone.

Lash blinked at the new bullet point of 'Flaw', maybe a new version went through. First time he saw that one. Animal Behavior meant that the longer she attuned to a specific animal she would channel their behavior. Lash understood that concept. Channel the lion long enough and she would start to crave red meat, have a desire to chase zebra's, and tear people apart that enter her territory.

Lash continued to play his claws along the totem and saw that Mari was surprised by something. Lash looked through its design and saw that it had a 'Return to user' setting. So it would teleport back to her after a moment, but it remained in his hands. Interesting. The Loki God-Spark in his forearm vibrated softly, and the totem did the same. Aha! Two trickster god sparks in the same area. They must be talking.

“The totem is spiritually bound to you. So it always returns to you no matter the distance. It's chosen you as its wielder and will not leave until it decides on another. However, its damaged.” Lash commented, Mari had jumped across the room and was standing next to him the moment he said it was damaged. She was clearly agitated by the news.

“Damaged!? How, I never did anything to it! Wait, was it damaged before it came to me?” Mari asked, then jumped back in fright at being so close to Lash. His shroud had wrapped around her when she stepped close to it.

“I can fix it, give me a moment.” Lash replied, and took out an Orichalcum ingot, and began to repair the crack he found in the necklace.

The crack was minuscule, but even a tiny amount can have long last effects on magical items. What seemed like only a few minutes to Lash had turned into nearly an hour for everyone else. Lash barely noticed the difference but when he came back to his senses the totem glowed a brilliant golden glow and the entire room was washed away. Lash was in a completely black room with a bone fire in front of him. An old black man sat by the fire. He had gray hair, wrinkled skin, and an amiable smile on his face as he gestured for Lash to take a seat by the fire. He wore a tribal african full body shawl with a variety of browns, golds, and red colors. Lash came to the fire and took a knee, and performed a perfect Warden etiquette custom.

“Ehehe! Come, come take a seat! Warden. I am old, and don't have the same energy to return such customs. But thank you none the less...” Anansi said to Lash. Anansi's voice was like rich honey on the ears.

“How may this Warden be of service?” Lash asked, Anansi smiled at him. His teeth gleaming white, though his canines were a little long.

“You already have! Its been centuries since the totem has seen a smith capable of repairing it. I can sense that you mean me chosen no harm, and only want her safe. This is good! All that I ask is that you look in on her from time to time. She is head strong, prideful, and tends to run into things she can't handle. Bit of a trouble maker!” Anansi said with a brilliant smile, despite his words he was proud of Mari.

“Of course! Though I feel I have frightened her.” Lash replied as he bowed his head in reverence.

“You are under a lot of stress. I do not envy you! You have some of the worst luck I have ever seen in a mortal. You seem to attract disaster! But as long as you push through it, and survive! Things always seem to work out!” Anansi replied with another smile. The fire in front of them both flickered and the God frowned.

“Our time is up! The totem will return to my chosen. Mari has a long life ahead of her, full of challenges, and conflicts. I can only guide her, not show her the path she takes. Goodbye Warden, take care of my daughter for me.” Anansi said, as the fire slowly died and Lash found himself back in Mari's room.

Lash opened his eyes to find that Kory sat cross legged in front of him floating off the ground by several inches. Her eyes closed in concentration, a soft green glow surrounding her body. Mari, Kara, and Megan are talking in another room about fashion. Lash may be able to make any set of clothing but he will admit that his fashion sense is not well practiced, as it seems Mari is attempting to fix a few things on them. Lash reached out and ran a claw along Kory's cheek. She leaned into the attention, and hummed.

“Welcome back... Everything alright?” Kory asked, as she opened her eyes to look at him with full attention.

“Yes, was speaking to a God.” Lash replied, Kory's eyes go a little wide. She smiled back at him and shook her head in dismay.

“Makes me wonder if you could speak to X'Hal.” Kory asked, Lash shrugged in response.

“I'm sure X'Hal speaks to who ever she want's to speak to.” Lash replied. Kory grinned, leaned in and kissed his reptilian lips lightly.

“I never told you X'Hal was a woman.” Kory said, all four of Lash's eyes went a little wide. Crap, that was right!

“I am starting to love you, Wraith. Full of surprises! I'm never bored around you!” Kory said as she kissed his lips one last time before Mari let out a yelp in the other room.

“Wraith!? What is going on!?” Mari shouted as a golden light spilled from her bedroom.

When they arrived in her bedroom, the Totem had returned to Mari and had created full shamanistic warrior set from Africa. Fine leathers, colors, claws, and a half mask for Mari to wear. She could channel the totem and return to civilian attire, but call on the uniform again. The animal hide, and leathers revealed a lot of skin and allowed freedom of movement. Lash frowned at the fan service gear and he swore he heard Anansi laughing in his ear over it. But culturally it made sense! Africa was a hot place!

“What is this!? Why is it like this now!?” Mari asked, pointing an accusing finger at Lash.

“You'll have to talk to your God about it.” Lash said with a shrug.

“My God!? Wha.....” Mari looked at Lash in shock, then her eyes glazed over. She stood perfectly still but stopped moving all together. Megan walked over to ask if she was alright.

“Give her a moment...She's like me, she has an extra dimensional patron that speaks to her. But its a new experience.” Lash assured Megan who stepped back but stayed near to assist if needed.

Another golden flash lite up the whole room and there standing was Mari in a similar outfit she had on before the change. A skin tight leather outfit. Covered from neck to toe. With orange tiger stripes down her arms, sides, and legs. With a high collar, and V-neck to expose a bit of cleavage. No mask, but any Mundane that looked at her would see a bit of a blur to conceal her face. Mari let out a sigh of relief as she returned to the style she liked. Lash noticed that she had flipped to 'Friendly' with Insight.

“He says I can trust you...So, do I sign a contract or?” Mari said, as she crossed her arms. Lash noticed that she did it under her breasts which prompt them up. Charming Presence gained a bit of experience. Lash's shoulders drooped, and Mari stepped closer eyes full of concern.

“He's ok! He's just tired, been awake for several days straight trying to get everything in order.” Kara said to Mari, as she came to Lash's side.

Lash leaned his reptilian head into Kara, who took the weight and smiled at him. After that it was a simple affair to make a Justice League holographic phone, sign Vixen into the instant message board. With Vici's new security module she was twice as fast with security checks. It was nearly one o'clock in the morning by the time they finished with Mari. Lash ordered a lift from the hotel to pick them up. Lash shook Mari's hand before they left, and promised this would not be the last time they saw one another.

'Hello everyone, I guess my code name is...Vixen. Just recruited by Wraith. Based in Detroit.' -Vixen.

'Hello! Welcome to the League! -Over Watch

'Greetings, Vixen. I am also based in Detroit if you are ever in need of training, assistance, or just need to talk please contact me.' -Martian Manhunter.

'Wraith got another one? When is the big lizard going to come by and recruit in the ocean?' -Aquaman.

'You are more then capable of recruiting for the League, Highness.' -Wraith.

'Are you kidding me! With all the crap I have to do!?' -Aquaman.

'I'll have to agree with my fiancee. Wraith your presence has been requested at the sorcerer academy in Xebel. They've found a crystal structure in the water that appears to be alien in nature.' -Aquawoman

'Oh, that is Supergirls sanctuary of solitude. We'll come by to open it up in a few days as long as everything goes according to plan.' -Wraith.

'Wait!? What!?' -Supergirl...

Lash and company had returned to the hotel by that point and Lash was in the process of inscribing the second fertility charm in between replies. Kara came zipping out of her room in her hotel provided silk pj's. They were bright pink, and matched her healthy tanned skin nicely, especially since she had only done one button in the middle. Letting Lash spy a lot of cleavage, and navel. She still had her diamond stud in, it was...eye catching.

“One moment please...” Lash said as he put his tools away, and the necklace away in a safe compartment in the tool kit. Kara waited, but her foot continued to tap the floor.

“Shouldn't you be asleep, Kara? We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.” Lash said with a tired smile. Kara rolled her eyes at him.

“Look who's talking! What do you mean I have a sanctuary of solitude in the Atlantic?” Kara whispered loudly. She didn't want to wake Kory, and Megan but clearly had a hard time controlling her voice.

“When Kal-El arrived on Earth a piece of his ship sent a Kryptonian shard to the North Pole to construct a Fortress of Solitude. The crystal was a computer matrix that contained the history, culture, and knowledge of Krypton. When your ship arrived on Earth, before Kal was able to retrieve it. A Krypton shard broke off and landed in the Atlantic ocean. Same construction theme, same idea. Just the location is different. It is on our travel list, I was hoping to make it a surprise. But as you can see my exhaustion got the better of me and I blurted it out.” Lash replied, and his response was clear. He was exhausted. He didn't have a single illusion or glamour up.

Lash was 6'4” with pale skin, snake scales along his jaw, spine, any place where his bones shown through on the human body. His magical markings from several different domains continued to glow as he fed magic into the fertility charm despite it not being worked on. He was well muscled, broad shouldered, with a rectangular body. Just wide as a door. He still had the jagged scar across his neck from when Erik Lash was killed by muggers. Despite all his magic, Lash had no intention of ever removing that mark. His reptilian eyes focused on Kara who stared back at him with concern.

“Why are you not asleep, Lash? The sun will be up in a few hours.” Kara said, she wanted to talk about her sanctuary but was filled with concern about Lash.

“Sounds like a good idea...” Lash admitted, he slowly stood up with the help of Kara.

Though once he stood up he dwarfed her. He swallowed her up in his arms with a hug, that ended with Kara laughing out loud and shoving him as he tickled her! She gave him a mock glare and stomped off to her room. Obviously faking it, because she could easily destroy the whole building if she wanted to. Lash looked toward the rooms and knew that Kory was in his room. She had fully taken over the master bedroom. He knew that she wouldn't mind if he joined her but he was to exhausted to fully enjoy sleeping in a bed with a naked Kory. He chose to step out onto the balcony and use Meditation.

What felt like a few minutes later Lash felt the strong arms of Kory wrap around him from behind. He was sitting on the balcony in a half lotus position, as naked Kory pressed her body into him. She kissed his neck and breathed in his scent. He reached up with one hand and ran his fingers through her hair. She smiled into his neck and kissed him again. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Kory excused herself and went to take a shower. Lash stayed on the balcony welcoming the first rays of sunlight on his skin. He felt better, but still drained. He wasn't sure why? Normally he could take a few hours and bounce back.

Lash cast Immaculate on himself, along with Sooth, and Nature's Supplement. He felt better, but still not 100%. Maybe he just needed to sleep? He'd put it on his to do list. Lash walked in and started breakfast for everyone. Breakfast wasn't as extravagant as normal but no one complained. Lash knew the girls were worried about him. But they kept it to themselves, though their eyes said another story. He created several holographic windows about their next recruit.

“Cynthia Reynolds aka Gypsy. The illusion casting Meta-Human. Her current area of operation is 'Cameron Street' here in Detroit. Bad neighborhood, good people. She has stepped up to protect the area with her own brand of justice. But she never crosses the killing line, though has come close to it several times.” Lash said after he let out a soft yawn. He finished off his glass of chai, and poured himself another one.

“What this about police involvement?” Kory asked, her interest was piqued. Though she continued to devour her waffles.

“Though she is helping keep the streets of Detroit safe. She technically is not an officer of the law. Dispensing her own brand of Justice is in part against the law. Though since she has never crossed the killing line. She has tormented, and twisted the minds of criminals, rapist, etc with her fear inducing illusions. Though you will get no complaint from me. In many ways her tactics are worse then death. She has a warrant for her arrest.” Lash replied to Kory who's eyes grew cold at the words 'rapist'.

“We are not arresting her right? We are recruiting?” Kara asked, as she squeezed Kory's hand who softened her expression.

“Correct... Having JL connections and resources she'll find supporting and protecting her area easier. J'onn being a cop on the force will also be able to help her. Along with Vixen, Cyborg when he returns, and Melanie.” Lash said as he flipped through a few more holographic windows.

“Law keeping on Earth is peculiar to say the least.” Megan said between mouthfuls of egg, sausage, and pancakes.

“If I remember correctly, Mars law and order is vastly different. Since your people are capable of full diving telepathy you can obtain the truth of a crime easily?” Lash inquired, and Megan nodded. The supernatural world was much the same. Thanks to truth-spells, runes, etc. It took a talented caster, or item to fool the system.

“What if she decides not to join?” Kory asked, after she finished her plate.

“That is her choice. We'll leave a way to contact us if she changes her mind. But I won't arrest her. I have no issues with her destroying the mind of a rapist.” Lash replied...

They finished breakfast and got dressed. Lash returned to his goth soldier look while the girls went with a simple look. They didn't want to tax Lash more then he needed to. All three wore blue jeans, tennis shoes, and a combination of t-shirts, jackets, and tied their hair up. Though they continued to wear the illusion charms for skin, eye, and hair color. Lash was a little disappointed, he enjoyed dressing them up and said as much. They all laughed, and Kory made a joke about undressing them later if he wanted? Kara, and Megan both blushed but didn't disagree.

Cameron street runs through one of the more impoverished area's of Detroit. Very rarely does a police cruiser roll through the area. Dirty streets filled with litter, stains, broken glass. The smell of sweat, sick, and death fill the air. Dozens of broken down buildings ranging from old ware houses, to apartments. Shanty towns made from cardboard, tarps, and old ply wood fit between buildings for the homeless. Gangs walk the side walks, strutting, and doing there best to flaunt what little wealth they have. Contained with in several basements of the broken buildings are drug labs, underground fighting, and gambling dens.

“Are there many places like this on Earth?” Kory asked, sick to her stomach as she looked around.

“Yes, nearly every major city has places like this. Even Metropolis, especially in Gotham my home. Remind me to take you to Croc's Town in Gotham. Its a giant under ground city full of people like this. But at least I can help them there.” Lash replied as the lead the way through the area.

Lash wasn't worried about his companions. Each of the women with him could easily destroy the whole area and everyone in it if they wanted to. Lash kept a careful eye around the place and noticed many of the phagus types (Emotion eaters) were out of balance. Fear, anger, especially those ones were bloated masses either crawling across the ground or flying low in the air. Eating to much was just as bad for them as not enough.

“Tsk! Tsk! Whatcha a bunch of tourist walkin around here. Yo! You lookin for somethin?” A gangster with low riding pants, big jacket, and a side ways cap called out. He eyed the ladies, running his tongue along his teeth. Kory with out missing a beat walks over.

“Yes! Hello! We are looking for the one called Gypsy! Have you seen her?” Kory asked, oblivious to the situation which only makes Lash laugh loudly. He covers his mouth, and grins at Kory who looks at him in confusion.

“Aaaaaayaaaa! That bitch! If you are looking for a good time I've got all you need! Horse, crack, or if you want something personal we can always go back to my crib and have some one on one action?” The thug says with a perverted grin. Kory tapped a finger to her lips and tilted her head to one side.

“Whats a horse? Why would you carry a crack in your pocket? Why would you sleep in a babies crib?” Kory asked, and Lash along with Megan laughed out loud while Kara tried to not engage but was also snickering.

“What the fuck is wrong with you! You stupid whore...Geh!” The thug shouted at Kory before she slugged him in the stomach for calling her a whore. Green energy danced up Kory's hands and the thug started to swear up a storm. He took out a gun and Kara crushed the pistol along with the mans hand.

“Gaaaaaaah! You fucking bitches! Do you know who you are messing with!” The thug screamed at them. Lash walked over touched the man's cloths and grinned at him. Decomposition. The mans clothes, jacket, underwear, and all the cash, and drugs on him turn to ash. The guy was ranting about all this not being real. Before he passed out from the pain of his hand being crushed.

Lash created several holographic windows for Kory. What horses were, examples on what a metaphor are. Kory smiled wide and started to read. Just because she can learn a language doesn't mean she fully grasps all the culture, slang, and word play. There group moved through the street for another few hours as they encountered street thugs, dealers, and pimps. The pimps didn't fare to well after they met them. Lash was able to pull the drugs out of a lot peoples systems and replenish them. Automatic detox with no withdrawals!

“Maybe Gypsy heard of our arrival and like a tree decided to split?” Kory said, Lash stopped and stared at her with a smirk. She smiled back innocently, twirling her fingers in her hair.

“No, she's hear. We've come across several of her illusions. Several walls we've walked by were actually entrances to shanty towns.” Lash said to her.

“Really!? I didn't see anything?” Megan said as she looked around at the different entrances. Kara was squinting her eyes as if she was trying to focus. She had been practicing her full spectrum sight, but she almost destroyed the breakfast table when her solar sight burned a hole in the table.

The sound of tires screeching swallowed Megan's question. A red Cadillac whipped around the corner and several people hung out the windows with small arm guns. They pointed them at their little group and started to fire. Lash snapped his fingers and used his Technomancy Domain passive to magnetically lock the guns.

“Megan, please make a telekinetic barrier for them to run into.” Lash said, Megan replied quickly and the car slammed straight into an invisible wall. Lash smiled at the quick cast, and efficiency of Megan's telekinesis. He needed to practice more before he got to that point.

Of course the thugs didn't have seat belts on. The driver, along with his passenger flew out the front window. Megan was quick to pull down the wall so they flew several feet before they slid, and rolled across the pavement. The other riders in the car were draped across the hood of the car groaning. Kara, and Kory walked over and pulled them out and set them on the ground while Lash walked over to the car. He tapped it lightly and used Recycle the whole car shivered in blue light and disassembled itself back to its basic parts, and materials. He cast Decomposition on each thug, destroying their cloths, money, drugs, what have you. Leaving them cold, and naked on the ground.

The soft, slow sound of some one clapping from behind them made the four of them turn around. Out from a wall that rippled as if it was water came a 5' 6” woman with curly black hair down to her shoulders, blue eyes, pale skin, wearing a black leather jacket, blue jeans, black boots, and ripped t-shirt. Gypsy had a smirk on her face as she walked over to admire the work.

“So... I hear you have been looking for me?” Gypsy asks.

“We have...Is there a place we can talk?” Lash inquires after he bows from his waist to her with a practiced ease. Gypsy blinks in confusion, then gives a simple curtsy in response?

“Sure! Come on, lets get off the street.” Gypsy replies, and turns around. She walks straight into a wall that shimmers and ripples.

It took a bit of convincing for his companions because as far as they could tell it was a solid wall. It was only when they closed their eyes and were guided in by Lash that they walked through it. Gypsy could make illusions that tricked all five senses. Even if they weren't real, your mind made it real. Lash noticed that several inscription marks were on the walls holding the image. Gypsy may be a meta-human but someone with magical training was helping her.

Beyond the wall it was like night and day. There was a clean, all be it small shanty town behind the wall that was clean, well kept, full of little garden plots, and single room homes. Kids ran around, and said hello to Gypsy who said hello back. Adults kept an eye on the new comers. Lash and the others followed by Gypsy has the walked past a little square that had a simple water well in use where people collected water barrels. The simple life, in the middle of the city.

They continued to follow right up to a single trailer boxed in between two buildings. It was decorated with all sorts of charms, talismans, and inscriptions. Sitting in front of the trailer was an old women with gray hair, wrinkled skin, deep brown eyes, wearing a weathered sun dress, and boots. She had a wooden cane in hand that oozed magical energy. She smiled at Gypsy, while her eyes went bright at the sight of Lash.

“Hello Warden! What brings you to our home?” The old witch asked. Gypsy jumped in surprise when she heard the old grand mother speak. Lash performed a Warden etiquette bow in return, with hand gestures of peace and serenity. The witch smiled back at him.

“I was looking for her, the Warden's in the city made no mention that she was under the protection of a coven?” Lash inquired, and the witch smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

“She isn't! My coven left many years ago for greener pastures. But I stayed behind, this was my home long before the brick, and concrete arrived. It will be my home long after it turns to steel, and plastic. Please call me Ophelia! May I know your name, Warden?” Ophelia asked, a smile on her face. Knowing a persons name, even if its a fake name still grants a bit of power over them. If you identify by the name then it works on you.

“Warden Lash greets Priestess Ophelia.” Lash bows again, while his companions wave. Ophelia's eyes go wide at but her smile stays.

“Oh oh! So the Alien Wraith comes to call on us?” Ophelia said, while Gypsy looks at him with shock. “Come to recruit my grand daughter to the cause have you?” She inquires.

“Grand Mother, what is going on?” Gypsy asks, confusion clear on her face.

“Well lets hear what the Warden has to say. I've heard of him, he is suppose to be one of the good ones.” Ophelia replies and gently pats Gypsy's hand. Gypsy scrunches up her face and rolls her eyes at Ophelia who cackles at her.

“He is good! And he is honest! The best man I've met on this world!” Kory chose to step in at that moment. Ophelia turned to look at her and grinned. Kory froze mid step, Lash could feel a vast magical presence staring down at Kory. Ophelia was not a simple witch.

“Ah! Child born under a different star. Your life has been hard. I am happy to see that you have made true friends in your life. Yes, I see that you speak true about him.” Ophelia released what ever hold she had on Kory who was white as a ghost despite the illusion charm she wore. Kara came to her side to hold her up.

“Miss Reynolds.” Lash began, and Gypsy's eyes went wide at the sound of her last name. “We've come to recruit you into the Justice League, if your interested.” Lash asked, and Ophelia cackled loudly before Gypsy could respond.

“The team of heroes!? I thought you were here to recruit her into the Wardens!?” Ophelia says with a laugh, and slaps her knee.

“Ophelia is technically a Meta-Human and falls out of the jurisdiction of Warden Law.” Lash said in response. Ophelia stopped laughing at that and looked at Lash with a critical eye.

“I think you should look again!” Ophelia replied, Lash did as he was told and used Insight.

Name: Cynthia Reynolds “Cindy” /Gypsy.

Title: Princess of the Gypsy's, Stage Magician, Spy, (See tool tip)

Origin: Meta-Human. Sub-Origin: Magical.

Rank: D+

Skills: Hand to Hand, Acrobatics, Firearms, (See tool tip)

Power: Illusion Casting, Invisibility, Fear Projection, Limited Telepathy (See tool tip)

Domains: Illusion.

Racial Trait: N/A

Flaw: Temper.

Disposition: Friendly.

Comment: A long and hard life Cynthia has led. Full of ups and downs. But through strength of will, determination, and a lucky find of a old Witch Ophelia Gypsy as her friends call her as found a safe place in life.

“Ah! I see that I am wrong, and you are right. I apologize.” Lash says as he bows from his waist once more. Ophelia grinned at Lash and began to rock back and forth in her seat.

“Excuse me! Can I have a word in this discussion that may decide my future? I don't want to be a Warden. Being a Warden will take me away from my home!” Gypsy said with a glare at her 'Grand Mother' who scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“Miss Reynolds may I know how old you are?” Lash asked as he watched the two of them stare familiar daggers at one another.

“Me? I'm nineteen this year.” Gypsy replied, as Ophelia nodded her head as she counts the years on her fingers.

“Well that settles it, you have to be twenty one to be a Warden.” Lash replies, Ophelia swore up a storm for about a minute.

“What are you talking about!? The legal age is sixteen to join!” Ophelia barks out through gritted teeth.

“It was, about two hundred years ago...” Lash said with a smile as he winked at Gypsy who grinned back. Ophelia grumbled and slowly stood up and walked with shuffling steps into her old trailer. Lash was sure there was more to the trailer that met the common eye. It was decorated in charms.

“Dang nab it! Your right! Stupid! Why did they change it?” Ophelia came back out with a golden leather bound book, and a golden pen. Lash had seen these books before.

“Mundane society changed their rules. The supernatural world had to change with it or be left behind.” Lash said in return.

“So, about the Justice League? Do we get paid?” Gypsy asked, she looked at Kara, Kory, and Megan. Who smiled back at her.

Gypsy had lived her life on the street since she fourteen, when she ran away from home. She had only recently met Ophelia, and gained her meta-human powers. Lash signed her up and got an account for her. Eight bucks an hour, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Totals to about five thousand and change every month. He also made her a holographic phone to keep, along with an online education program at the community college. Ophelia was happy to see that her grand daughter would be educated. As soon as she signed on Vici started her security back ground check.

Before they left Lash created a shower house for the community. Tied into the natural spring that was in the community. Ophelia claims there use to be a natural spring in the area way back when. Which of course could mean before the city of Detroit ever existed? The shower house had solar panels, and spell absorption arrays on it. So clean, hot water! The community cheered, and were incredibly thankful for the new addition.

“Grand Mother, do you have a free door available? We have some traveling to do.” Lash inquired, and Ophelia with out missing a beat showed them to one of the ruined buildings with a free standing door, and its frame still intact. Lash walked over to the door and inscribed a spell across it, and knocked three times.

“Wayside Inn of Mystery, please.” Lash said softly, and opened the door.

Though everyone could literally see inside of the ruined building. When the door opened it didn't lead into the building. Inside was a brightly colored grand open hall. With decorative carpets, crystal chandeliers, grand stair cases leading upwards. A huge bar, and restaurant off the main hall. There to the side was a massive cherry wood desk with several attendants helping customers checking in. Standing next to the open door stood a 6'1” blue eyed, black haired Cain. Wearing a professionally tailored suit, with a rose in his lapel he bowed his head towards Lash.

“Warden Lash, welcome to the Wayside Inn of Mystery. Do we have guests attending?” Cain said in a smooth, educated voice. Lash bowed in return.

“Yes! I have three unfamiliar with the ways of our world. Safe familiar travel is requested.” Lash admitted. Cain nodded, and looked at Kory, Kara, and Megan who stood with their mouths open. Then Cain looked over at Gypsy, and Ophelia.

“Madam Ophelia, beautiful as ever I see. Will you be joining us?” Cain said with a sincere smile. Ophelia that old woman actually blushed and turned side ways, batting her eye lashes at Cain. For a brief moment it seem Ophelia was several decades younger.

“Oh no! Mr Cain unfortunately not! But, maybe on another day I'll bring my new grand daughter by.” Ophelia said, and Cain watched her with a smile.

Lash, along with his three companions walked through the door. Cain bowed from his waist once more towards Ophelia, and Gypsy then closed the door. Gypsy not believing her eyes walked over to the door and opened it. But this time all that was on the other side was the ruined building. She walked through it, and around it trying to find the trick. She walked back to Ophelia.

“Who is Warden Lash, grand mother?” Gypsy asked.

“Oh, he is a nice boy! Single too!...Well sorta. He's also rich! Did I tell you that?” Ophelia said with a smirk. Gypsy rolled her eyes then took Ophelia by the arm and led her back to her trailer.

“No, grand mother you did not. But if it makes you happy I'll talk to him again.” Gypsy said, Ophelia grinned, and shuffled her feet back to the trailer.


“Will you be spending the evening Warden Lash?” Cain said softly as he led the group towards the waiting area.

“Afraid not, we have a lot to do. But I will spend a bit of time to share a story or two with the in Inn if that is acceptable.” Lash politely offered, the crystal chandeliers rocked back and forth, while the grand fire place roared to life as if to voice the Inns agreement.

“I believe the Inn will find that agreeable.” Cain said with a smile, he handed out three braclets for Kory, Kara, and Megan to wear. Also to not remove it while they remained in the Inn. Lash reinforced this comment and they all agreed. Cain excused himself to attend to other matters.

“Lash....Where are we, exactly?” Kara asked, as she looked around the grand entrance hall. The Wayside Inn of Mystery had a major face lift.

“We are with in a pocket space between dimensions. The Wayside Inn of Mystery, that is what this place is called. Is a building of living magic. Months ago I was able to rescue Zatanna Zatara from an issue that happened here. The house took a liking to me, I suggested that it transform into a Wayside Inn. The house, now an Inn loves stories, and people.” Lash replied to Kara's question. Which of course only raised more questions for Kara. Megan snapped her fingers, and smiled wide.

“So Uncle J'onn was right! You are like the high priests, and priestesses of H'Ronmeer. You practice the ancient form of magic. The art of manipulating and calling on the energy of the universe!” Megan bounced up and down.

Kara, and Kory both looked confused. Clearly they wanted to ask him questions. Both Krypton, and Tamara had gone through a time where both cultures had used magic, and Lash was sure their histories had recorded it. But for their advanced civilizations, magic was just a fairy tail that helped explain science they didn't understand yet. Maybe that was true in the long run, maybe it wasn't.

“We can talk more in depth when we get back to the hotel. For now, we need to find the information broker about the invasion.” Lash politely offered, and they agreed.

How do you explain magic to a scientifically advanced race? Lash was sure that was going to be an interesting conversation. But at least once he explained it he wouldn't have to lie about his abilities anymore. Though he would have to tell the Wardens about the slip of information. They stood in line for the front desk, though Lash found out that the entire staff was aware of who he was, and that he had VIP access he could have just come up front. Well notes for later! Megan spent the time telling Kara, and Kory about the priests, and priestess of Mars.

Krypton had religion. But at the time before its destruction the clergy were often believed to be con artists, and scammers. Who picked on the poor, impoverished areas of Krypton to steal food, money, and privilege from the less educated. Tamara had a Goddess named X'Hal that Kory was a firm believer in. But X'Hal had once been a mortal woman that became a Goddess. But that was through science! This opened a philosophical debate with Megan about her peoples Deities.

Lash led his companions to show floor in the Inn, a giant room with dozens of tables, tents, and booths for private conversations. As its a magical inn of course the private tents were larger on the inside then out. They came to a secluded section of the show floor were they came to see a woman sitting alone with a well adorned fabric laid out on top of the table. The fabric was covered in intricate symbols, and runes. While the woman placed cards on the fabric in a pattern.

“Come sit, Warden Lash. I've been expecting you.” The woman look up from her cards. Lash performed the Warden custom and courtesies, which she returned.

“Madame Xanadu, thank you for agreeing to meet with me.” Lash replied, and came to sit down at the table. Kara, Kory, and Megan joined him at the table, faces full of curiosity.

Madame Xanadu or known has Nimue Inwudu was 5'9” with green eyes, black hair tied back in a loose tail and kept out of her face with a purple shawl. She wore a beautiful gypsies purple dress with an assortment of gold and silver rings, bracelets, and earrings. A sheer fabric wrapped around the lower half of her face. Creating a sense of mystery, and shyness. Even though her eyes teased, and watched them as they sat. Xanadu had a very seductive figure in her clothes, her rich creamy skin looked soft, and she smelled amazing.

“So, what can I help you with Warden?” Xanadu asked, as she gathered up her cards.

“My current home reality is being invaded by another reality. I've come to ask the who, the where, and the what.” Lash replied as he watched her gather up the cards.

“Yes... I heard about that. But it is always good to ask. How will you be paying?” Xanadu asked, her green eyes flashed with interest as she looked Lash up and down. But soon were drawn to his company.

“A capable woman of your abilities wouldn't be interested in money. So, items of trade and barter seem appropriate.” Lash supplied an possible solution, Xanadu nodded and began to shuffled her deck.

“Word has it that you have access to Orichalcum? Ten pure coins seems like a.....Bargain?” Xanadu said with a smile, then her smile faltered as Lash placed ten ori coins on the table with out a second thought. “I should have asked for fifteen.” Xanadu said in response.

“Well maybe we can talk about a few things after for my companions.” Lash politely offered, Xanadu smiled in return and collected the coins.

Xanadu started to shuffle and cut the deck several times. Then set the deck in front of Lash, with out a word Lash cut the deck three times. Xanadu repeated this process several more times then began to set the first card down. Lash didn't recognize the card, it was not the standard tarot deck. She placed another then started to speak.

“The reality that invades your own comes from a place with little to no magic. Though magic will work in their reality, it is hardly used, and is not understood. This reality is a place of science, and technology.” Xanadu said, her voice soft while her eyes looked as though she was staring into the distance. She placed another card on the table.

“They have begun to test the limits of human body using different universal energies. You would know this as the Meta-Human gene.” Xanadu said once more. So that meant the world was just staring to become a hybrid world of Tech/Meta. Great.

“Three...This reality will be the third one they try to conquer not including their own. Their first invasion almost ended in failure, but this only made them stronger. They have learned from their mistakes, and will not make them again.” Xanadu spoke softly, as the soft ink marks on her body started to glow.

“Their original world is not fully won. There are many in the world that detest the new rule, and yearn for aid. The army are unwilling puppets, but are not in control of their strings.” She says, setting another card on the table.

“Their leader....Hates you! Despises you! Thinks of you as the greatest enemy they've ever had.” Xanadu says, a smile creeping across her lips. “The king remembers each, every life they've had since the first. You have been an enemy of theirs in every life.” She replies, which only confuses Lash.

“The door from their world, to yours is contained with in a snow covered forest of the North.” She finishes. Great, that could include North America, and all of Russia? Xanadu looks through the entire setting of the cards and nods.

“That is all I have for you. Would your friends like to ask a question or two?” Xanadu offers, hoping to make a bit of coin.

“When will Argo city arrive in the Sol System.” Kara asks. Xanadu reshuffles the deck, and has Kara cut it a few times. Xanadu raises three fingers, and Lash pulls three more coins out. Xanadu raises a well manicured eye brow realizing that Lash doesn't bat an eye at the price.

“When the puritan of your people is defeated, but not killed. Your home will arrive one year after thus.” Xanadu says, Kara looks confused but doesn't ask as Lash smiles at her.

“I understand when that is.” Lash provides.

“Can Lash help save my mother planet, Mars?” Megan says with a hopeful smile. Another three coins and a reshuffling.

“Yes, though it will mean a great change for your people and their way of life.” Xanadu replies. Megan is thoughtful but a smile blooms on her face.

Lash turns to Kory who was chewing on her lip in thought. She knew the woman would answer any question she had. This was a great opportunity for her. But she didn't know what ask, Xanadu held up a hand and reshuffled the deck. Lash understood and paid another three coins. Kory cut the deck three times and waited for an answer to a question she didn't know she had.

“One day, months from now your family will come to find you. A brother, and a sister. One comes with love, one comes with anger. But with the help of your friends, both will become your family again. If you let them.” Xanadu finished, and Kory head tears falling from her eyes. She quickly blinked and rubbed her face.

“Anything else, Warden Lash.” Xanadu asks with a smile.

“No, thank you.” Lash stood up and bowed from his waist. She nodded in return, she glanced at each of the women around him with a smile. Then returned to her cards, shuffling and placing.

Kory walked up to Lash as they walked through the Inn, and took his hand in her own and squeezed. He looked back at her with a smile and nodded. Answering a question she had with out using words. Yes, he would help her fix her family if she asked him too. Before they left Lash went to a private box with the ladies and ordered dinner and told them a story. A story about Arthur Curry, Y'Mera Xebella Challa, and the throne of Atlantis. The story took several hours to tell, he used his illusion domain to illustrate different moments and practice his story telling. Acting gained several experience points.

By the end it was nearly midnight, at least in their time zone. The Inn was some place else! They gathered their things, and Lash gently patted the near by wall. The Inn was happy for the story. They walked to one of the exit doors. When they walked out they came from a door only a block away from their hotel. Walking through the hotel doors they went to their room, while his companions got ready for bed. Lash went to his Enchanting kit to finish the charms.

“Vici, are you awake?” Lash asked, as he used Connectivity.

“Yes, father I am here! How may I help you?” Vici replied, yawning softly across the link.

“Can you please notify the Justice League that tomorrow morning I will be holding a meeting. Any league members available who have the security clearance should attend on the Watch Tower, or over communications. We have items to discuss.” Lash asked, a moment later a broad cast went over the JL message board.

“Thank you, Vici. How is your progression?” Lash asked, as he finished the second charm and started to inscribe the third.

“Wonderful, father! Though with out Miss Katma's assistance I don't have a stable supply of asteroids. I've been recycling the decommission satellites left behind by the mundane population. My overall grade is still F-, but I hope to achieve F grade in less then two weeks!” Vici replied with the enthusiasm of a young teenager wanting to show off.

“That is most excellent! I have another module for you tomorrow, maybe two depending on who attends. Should help expand your abilities.” Lash said, as he checked his Dream Points. He had two DP, and four DP on his credit card.

“Excellent father! Can you tell me what they are so I can prepare the proper space for them?” Vici replied, practically bouncing with excitement.

“Head quarters for official meetings, and the Droid Service module.” Lash said with a smile.

“Wonderful! I'll prepare space for both! Please excuse me father! Much to do!” Vici said, and zipped off from the link they shared to make space on the Watch Tower.

Several hours before the sun rose the next day. Lash was half way complete on the last charm. He carefully put it away and went to the balcony to use Meditation. He took his time to access, and look over each Domain he had. Gaining experience in each Domain, and spell. He opened his eyes after he finished with Conjuration his latest Domain to find Megan sitting in front of him with her eyes closed. The sun was just beginning to peek out. Blue skies filling out, and the morning dew evaporating. Lash carefully reached out and softly poked her nose. Megan scrunched her nose, and smiled.

“Good morning, Lash.” Megan said, as she opened her eyes to look at him. Lash reached out and placed his hands on her knees then asked her a question.

“Why are you hiding your heritage, Megan?” Lash asked, Megan's eyes went wide and she tried to move away but Lash held onto her.

“Wh...I..... What!?” Megan said, horrified.

“If you don't want to tell me why its fine. Everyone has their secrets, including me. But if you ever want to talk I am here.” Lash said softly, Megan swallowed audibly and shrunk down. Lash with out a word pulled the white martian into his arms and held her close as she buried her face into his arms.

“You won't tell any one?” Megan says softly.

“No, it is your secret to tell. But if or when you do. I'll be there to support you.” Lash said, as he ran his hands up and down her back, and arms. Megan sunk into his embrace and tried to calm her beating heart.

They stayed that way for a while, until Megan heard footsteps from inside and slowly slipped from Lash's arms. But not before she leaned in and kissed his cheek whispering a thank you. He let her go and breathed in the morning air. He felt better today, more energized. But not completely whole. He looked into himself and saw his status. Everything was 100%, but he still felt off. Maybe the threat of the invasion left a lingering shred of doubt on him?


A spell script coiled, and prepared for a spring jump from the service onto the portal hub on the Watch Tower. With an audible pop! The spring jumped up, and down! Revealing Lash with out glamour or illusion. He wore his Daemonic Warden armor with no mask. He understood he was taking a risk by revealing himself completely. But everyone in direct attendance should know him, and any one through holographic would see a different image.

“Good morning, father! The meeting is set for another few hours, is it time for new modules!?” Vici called out across the station.

“Yes, daughter it is!” Lash said, he stepped across the room with a bit of bounce in his step from the lighter gravity.

Lash move to the central stem elevator access and stepped in. The compartment was a bit bigger then last time. Vici must have taken notice that Saurian didn't fit and updated it. A few moments later and Lash stepped out into the main control hub in the secondary saucer piece. He called the store catalog down and found the pages for the habitat. Spending 4 DP.

Head Quarters: The big table! Though it appears to be purely cosmetic it in fact represents the leadership of the Justice League. Big decisions are decided here. This room grants a bonus to leadership, team work, and improve moral. (R&D module applied.) 2 DP

Droid Services: A module that specializes in the creation, service, and repair of the robotic workers of the station. Due to the unique User origin the Droids are designed with Arcane Science. (R&D module applied) 2 DP

Lash inserted the two new spell inscribed orbs into Vici's main data port. The ripple of energy, and hundreds of new spell scripts danced across the whole station. With it being a brand new day, Lash uses his Transmuter title effect and makes a Tiberium ingot and feeds it into the energy core. Vici energy levels increase by another 10%. He takes the elevator back to the main saucer and watches as two more modules are created by pulling energy from Vici's main core and 3-D prints the rooms.

Each module on the station was its own compartment. Capable of being moved, and expanded based on the needs of the station. Though in the future they would have more permanent residence, for now this was more than satisfactory. Vici prioritized the Droid Services first because it would help with the rest of the station.

“Father, what design and specifications should we set the Droids to be?” Vici inquired as the module was nearly complete.

“Concentrate on quality over quantity. Use a standard humanoid model, though inefficient I think it will be better suited for the people of Earth. At least for now. In the future we may think about having multiple limbs, and other tools.” Lash offered to Vici.

“Very well, father. I'll draw up and create a Medical Droid first to assist me when there are injuries.” Vici commented, as she began to multi task and create the Head Quarters module, and create the medical droid.

Lash walked into the Droid Services module and saw a little automated work shop. Several mechanical arms cave a rigid skeleton system with fewer bones, the chest cavity was a solid piece instead of ribs. Then Vici started to add synthetic muscles, tendons, and a polymer skin. Vici knew Lash's mind even if he didn't say anything. Before the body was complete she started to place armored plates onto the Droid. Yes, it was a medical Droid. But it would have combat capabilities. Lash placed some Nth metal into the assembly feed, and placed more Ori, Nth, Mithril, and Kryptonite into the supply cache. Why Kryptonite? Because if Superman, or Supergirl were injured a Kryptonite scalpel would be one of the few things they could use for surgery.

Nth metal Medical Droid, R&D bonus applied.

Rating: E-

Effect: Very Durable.

Effect: 1% Durability repaired every day as long as it has power.

Effect: Full knowledge of medical procedures for all known Mundane, Meta-Human, Alien, and Magical Origins.

Effect: Essence Imbuement, Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, Regrowth, Repair, Alteration, Compression Transformation, Virtual Intelligence, Immaculate, Re:Implant, Panacea, Phantasm, False Life, Compulsion.

Effect: Acting, Administration, Crafting, Medicine, Science, Observant Learner, Hand to Hand Combat, Weapon Master, Military Special Operations.

Comment: R&D module gave this Droid an increased rank. This thing is a swiss army knife of medical droids! Though technically not alive, it is fully capable of fooling most people into thinking it is. 'Ethan, is that you!?'

The Droid stood up off the work table, and stood at six foot even. Its metal blue polymer skin wrapped around its tendons, muscles, and bones. Its vital area's were covered in plate armor, while its exposed portions looked like blue metallic skin. Its head was a helmet with a facial mask that moved when it spoke. Two blue electronic eyes peered out from behind the helmet.

“Hello grand father, my name is Ethan.” The droid said softly. Lash bowed from his waist to the droid and smiled at it.

“Hello Ethan, how are you feeling?” Lash asked, the droid looked over its new body. Testing its hands, its feet, it did a set of simple stretches.

“I am working at 100% factory satisfaction. Hmmmm, no that is not right. I am...Splendid!” Ethan said, his voice hinting at a soft british accent. Wonderful!

“Ah! Oh my word! I appear to be naked! Excuse me grand father! Mother, may I please have some cloths!” Ethan scrambled out of site, and Vici laughed lightly across the communication hub in the module.

Lash excused himself, Ethan promised to be finished quickly and would help him greet the guests at the Watch Tower momentarily. Lash walked towards the newly completed Head Quarters module. There was a small waiting room, and one large room attached to it. The main room was above the rest of the modules in the main saucer hub. Plenty of room, just had to go vertical! The main head quarters had a vast table with plenty of room for several people. Lash saw the design in the store catalog and knew that in the future it could seat hundreds of people a lot like a college class room. A speaker in the center, with people sitting around in an upwards auditorium. Each seat had a holographic projector so that those that could not be in physical attendance could still communicate. Though they would have to get the Communications Module in the future for long distance meetings.

Lash spent a few minutes inside the room running through his speech, or rather information dump. He had gone head of Kory, Kara, and Megan. Though they would be here shortly according to his clock. The main door opened and someone peeked in. Lash looked up and smiled.

Wonder Woman aka Diana Prince stood at six foot even with raven black hair, blue eyes, health tanned skin, and a killer body. She wore a leather breast plate, leather skirt with chain mail woven into it. Leather boots, shin guards, and leather gauntlets, wrapped with her metal bracers. The lasso of truth on her hip, along with God-Slayer in its sheath. No shield, though she did were her crown.

Diana walked over with a smile and stopped a few feet from Lash with an expectant smile. Lash performed the customary Warden etiquette, and Diana returned her Amazon tradition. Then she walked over and pulled him into a hug. Which he returned. Around her neck Diana continued to wear the Death Ward necklace he crafted for her.

“Good to see you, brother.” Diana said softly.

“Good to see you, sister.” Lash replied.

They held one another for a moment, and Lash could feel the tension in Diana's body melt away. He cast a mild form of Insight on her and found her romantic disposition for him was back to 50/50. So a good friend, with the possibilities of romance. Which meant that she would relax around him. Lash reached up and began to massage her neck, and upper back. She groaned in delight at his expert hands.

“When will you return to Themyscira?” Diana said, as she regretfully pulled away. She put her hands on her hips and pegged him with a stare.

“Hopefully soon. Kara needs to learn control over her abilities. I felt that the Amazons could teach her that better than any one.” Lash replied, and Diana smiled at him and nodded in agreement.

“How is Dia?” Lash asked as he pulled up a chair, and Diana joined him.

“She misses you, she was upset that you decided to do this little tour of yours with out her.” Diana said with a smile as Lash shrugged his shoulders in helplessness.

“I explained it to her. It started out as just Kara, a stranger to our world who lost everything. Then it grew into Kory, then Megan. She understood, but she still mopped about for days before she found something else. She has a bit of a crush on you, you know.” Diana said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

“I know... I think she just doesn't know how to express her thanks for saving her from Tartarus.” Lash said as he rubbed his face.

“You...Are not interested in her?” Diana said, a sly expression on her face as she looked at him side ways.

“She is a little young for me. Plus I have this weird 100% consent thing I do. I think she would be willing. But I don't believe she is fully aware of her feelings. Which to me is not 100%. I may be taking a choice away from her. But I was young once, I understand that emotions in a high adrenaline, and stress filled life can...complicated feelings.” Lash supplied an answer to Diana who smiled at him in return. She found the answer acceptable.

“I think she knows that, true fully. But, I also thinks she finds you incredibly sexy. So, attraction can cloud the senses.” Diana says with a smirk as she crossed her legs and sat side ways on the chair. Letting Lash examine the long sleek line of her entire body.

“What do you think?” Lash asked, curious.

“I think your sexy too...” Diana said with a smile, then blinked and sat up straight. Her face turned crimson. “I mean...I.....I should check to see who else is here! Excuse me!” Diana sprinted from the room. Lash blinked in confusion.

“OK.....” Lash replied, as the door was slammed shut.

The door opened again after a few minutes and a woman clad in leather and kevlar bat suit walked in. Red hair, green eyes, standing at 5' 7”. She continued to wear the same outfit Lash had crafted for her with several new updates. Gizmos, and gadgets in her belt, a few cosmetic accessories, and a slightly shorter cape. Not everyone could move like Bruce does in those things. Batgirl aka Barbara Gordon smiled at the sight of Lash with no disguise on.

“Hello Miss Gordon, how are you?” Lash says as he stands up and bows from his waist. She walked over with long strides and wraps her arms around him and hugs him. Lash blinks, momentarily surprised by the action but soon returns the gesture.

“I'm just fine, Mr Lash. But I was wondering if I could get an update on my gear?” Barbara said, batting her eye lashes at him. He smiled at her and nodded.

Orichalcum thread, Nth metal thread, polymer blend Bat suit (Female)

Rating: B+

Effect: Very Durable

Effect: 10% Durability repair every twenty four hours.

Effect: 40% Kinetic Energy absorption.

Effect: 40% Light Energy absorption.

Effect: 40% decrease to negative spell energy.

Effect: 40% increase to positive spell energy.

Effect: 5 size alteration larger, or smaller.

Effect: Body temperature increase or decrease by 20 degrees.

Effect: 10% increase to all stats.

Effect: Essence Imbuement, Chameleon, Nature's Passage, Repair, Connectivity, Immaculte, Compression Transformation,Re:Implant, Falling Glide, Phantasm, Silence.

Comment: An extraordinary piece of gear for an extraordinary woman. This is a magical Bat suit enchanted from head to toe, and cape. It could, and will save Batgirls life one day. Plus it self cleans, and repairs! So no laundry days!

Unlike last time there as no need to create an illusion of tiny machines, and holographic windows. The change only took a few minutes as the whole suit went from patch work to streamline. Batgirl's new suit would provide much better protection, and utility. But Lash left the offense to her and the utility belt. The suit in its own way came alive, she wore it like a second skin as she ran a hand over her seductive curves in her new armor.

“What do I owe you?” Barbara asked, looking at him from the side. Lash thought about it for a moment then smiled.

“Just say thank you, and keep being you.” Lash replied, Barbara rolled her eyes. That was not the answer she wanted. She leaned up on her toes and kissed Lash on the cheek.

“Thank you, Lash. So, any hint about what the meeting is about today?” Barbara asked as she settled back down.

“We are being invaded by an alternate reality, today is the briefing on everything I have so far on them.” Lash said nonchalantly, Barbara blinked, then stepped back and bit with a bemused expression expecting Lash to laugh at her for believing him. When he didn't her expression froze.

“Wait, your not serious are you?” Barbara replied.

“Completely.” Lash returned.

“Tha....That's horrible! I... Thought maybe it was about the formation of the League officially? Or, maybe extending our reach to the world.” Barbara said, her face went pale and Lash guided her into a seat.

“Oh we'll address those issues as well. They go hand in hand with the invasion.” Lash said, as he rubbed her back. Barbara took slow measured breaths.

“How are you so calm about this!?” Barbara all but yelled.

“Oh I had my freak out when I first learned of it. Its only been a few days, but I was able to learn more about the Invasion.” Lash said softly. “How are you and Dick doing?” Lash asked, honestly curious. Richard Grayson was a wild card when it came to his romance in the DC comics. He was with a lot of women.

“What? We're fine I guess....” Barbara said, then looked at Lash and went wide eyed. “Oh no! We are not dating! What did he say? Where did you hear that?” Barbara jumped on the subject change and held onto it as tightly as possible. Or rather Lash's collar tightly as possible.

“Ahahahah! No where, Barbara. I know that Dick can be bit of a charmer. I wasn't sure if you had fallen for him or not. So I thought I would ask.” With a quick jerk of his head, he licked Barbara's nose to disarm her as she jumped back and rubbed her nose. Her cheeks blushing red she growled at him and stomped from the room.

“That's two so far!” Lash said with a laugh.

Slowly more and more people started to trickle in. Most of them heroes, and heroines but a few of the support and logistical staff like Dr Wells, and Felicity Smoak. They were part of the team, so of course they could arrive. A few more couldn't arrive in person, while others had not been cleared by security yet about the location of the Watch Tower. Though it was an open secret that it was a space station. Its exact coordinates were still up in the air.

Batman, Cat Woman, Night Wing, Batgirl, Robin, Superman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Dia Nyx, Green Arrow, Arsenal, Over Watch, Spartan, Black Canary, Flash, Kid Flash, Rush (Monika Celeritas), Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Dr Wells, Hal Jordan the Green Lantern, Shazam, Zatanna, John Constantine, Martian Manhunter, Miss Martian, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Aquaman, Aquawoman, Starfire, Cyborg, and Fantasma. There were about two dozen junior members that had been recruited that had not been cleared for the Watch Tower but were on holographic windows. Those through the holographic would see Wraith standing at the front.

“Hello everyone, to those that I have not met you would know me as Wraith. I work for the United Nations World Security, and The Wardens. I am a founding member of the Justice League, however I am not an official member. We can discuss the details of that little problem later.” Lash said to everyone. A few people chuckled, and a few people looked confused.

“Hopefully in the future meetings like this should happen at least once a month. But hopefully the issues will be trivial compared to what I have to share.” Lash said, then took a deep breath and produced a holographic window of a Rift.

“Some of you know what this is, some of you don't. The exact science behind is still being studied, and can be brought up in your menu for future analysis. Simply said, this is a Rift. Rifts are portals or bridges across the multi-verse.” Lash continued, with a few theories and comments about string theory, wormhole creation, portals, etc.

“Rifts have started to appear over the world, mostly small in numbers. They are fundamentally a tear in the fabric of our reality. Now, at this time the Rifts are few and far between allowing our reality to naturally close them before they pose any real problem. However, as more and more of these Rifts surface. The harder it is for the our reality to close them.” Lash said, and continued to bring up several new windows, pictures such as the Rift he found in the House of Mystery, along with pictures of the Xenomorphs. A few people shuddered at the sight.

“How are Rifts made? There are several ways a Rift can be made. As long as you understand the science behind them, you can craft, or rip a hole in reality through science. Through magic... Yes, I know magic is foreign to most of you we can talk about it later. The other way is through Meta-Gene powers. Primarily but not limited to, Speedsters. There ability to vibrate at a certain frequency allows them to pass between the space of reality and step into another.” Lash said, as the whole room looked at the speedsters in the room.

“Ehe....A.....oh crap.” Flash said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Wait, so this is our fault!?” Kid Flash shouts, while Rush sinks further into her seat.

“Not, not entirely! Alternate realities have their own speedsters just like we do. Even if all of you never broke through to separate realities the Rifts would still form. So, I'll make this clear. No one here is to blame. Nor are the unaccounted for speedsters to blame. Its just a casual build up over time, across the infinite realities.” Lash assured the speedster team, who nodded. But Rush continued to hide in her chair.

“Now, there are many different types of Rifts. Not all of them lead to alternate realities.” Lash continued, all of the people that were confirmed VI Avatars perked up at the sound of this. Once again thanks to the fourth wall engine they couldn't speak up, but they all knew the truth.

“Some Rifts lead to fragments in time, others lead to completely separate worlds. Time Rifts will have no real effect on our own reality. Though they may just make alternate realities in themselves. You can speak to our resident scientists about the infinite creation of realities later.” Lash gestured towards Team Flash, in example Dr Wells.

“Contained with in the unique Rifts you will find what is referred to as a Rift key. If you can find this key and bring it back through the Rift on our side. The Rift is closed with out any extra resources or energy from our specific reality. The keys can be nearly anything, it depends on where the Rift originally opens. In example, a Rift opens in an apple orchard, the key could be an apple. Thank fully when a key is created it emits a specific vibration frequency. Technology is still being developed for us to detect the key.” Lash said, he took a moment to get a glass of water and continued.

“Now, here comes the hard part. Not all Rifts exit to other places. Some Rifts will exit into our reality. Flash if you will?” Lash stepped aside, Flash zipped to the front and clicked another window up.

“Hello everyone! So, as Wraith said speedsters can vibrate at certain frequency to allow us to slip between realities. We are in the process of creating a tool that will allow us safe passage between realities with out tearing a hole in the fabric of reality. We are making progress!” Flash said as he clicked through a few windows.

“One of the worlds I visited was different, but also very similar to ours. Example, the world I visited didn't have meta-humans in it. Nor did it have the Justice League. In fact the only heroes I found there were Superman, and Supergirl. I was only there for a few days, but it was definitely odd. When traveling back home. We accidentally opened another Rift, allowing a speedster villain by the name of Zoom into our reality. So that makes some Rifts two ways doors. Wraith!” Flash finished and zipped off the stage.

Lash walked back up to the stage and flipped through the different windows and came to the first Rift he ever came across. The tutorial Rift with the Xenomorphs. Though he assured everyone the Rift was closed. He pointed out that the creatures clearly came out of the Rift, and would have spread if he hadn't closed it. Rifts are doors, they open from both sides.

“So, here comes the main reason for this meeting. Some of you know this, but I'll make this clear. I am an Oracle, to science specific people in the room. I am capable of speaking to an extra dimensional being of great power, and knowledge. They have informed, and it as also been confirmed out side of my Patron that we are being invaded by a hostile alternate reality.” Lash finished, and the room burst into murmurs, shouts, and questions. Lash provided several new windows, and information prompts for anyone to read.

“It is a technological based reality, that is barely stepping into the area of meta-gene. With little to no magic. Yes, again we'll discuss magic at a later time. Yes, they are hostile. We will be there third world to conquer. Yes, that means they have conquered two other worlds before us, three if you include their own. No, that does not mean they have conquered the whole universe in their realities, just the Earth.” Lash answered a few questions that he was sure people wanted to ask.

“Do we have a location?” Batman asked, he was already speed typing across his interface.

“A snow covered forest area along the norther portion of the world. So, North America, and Northern Russia. I understand that is not a lot to go on, but its better than the whole world. We have to assume they know we are looking for them. They may not know that we know about their arrival. But they have done this before, so it stands to reason they are prepared to hide, and stay hidden till they are ready.” Lash provided a few theories. Dr Wells raised his hand and spoke from his seat.

“We know that Rifts have a limited size unless you have vast amounts of energy available. A large Rift has a huge energy reading, and something the size of say thirty foot radius would have sent a huge energy spike into the atmosphere that every satellite in orbit would have picked up. So that would meant the Rift is smaller.” Dr Wells provided.

“So, that would mean they would have to bring there invasion in pieces? So they can't just snap their fingers and suddenly they would have tanks, planes, and missile launchers?” Cyborg asked, Dr Wells and Lash nodded in agreement.

“Wait, if this is an alternate reality doesn't that mean we should all be there?” Kara asked, everyone turned to her and nodded. That was a good question!

“Yes, and no. Just as Flash said before when he visited the other world. Superman, and Supergirl were there. But he didn't see anyone else. No batman, no Wonder Woman, no Green Lanterns. Now, that doesn't mean you weren't there. But its possible you just did something differently. But, to answer a follow up question. Yes, its possible we may have to find another version of Superman invading our world.” Lash continued, the whole room went silent at that thought.

“Well shit...” Arthur said, voicing every ones thoughts in those two short words.

“Wait, isn't that a good thing? Superman is like the epitome of good. Maybe his alternate self can help us?” Fantasma asked, a few people nodded.

“We do have information that says not everyone in their regime likes how things are working. We may have allies on the other side of the Rift. A resistance! But, alternate realities can have odd changes in them. Example would be that Superman was found as a child by a radical government movement. He was not taught morals, empathy, or the concept of right and wrong. They could brain wash him into being the ultimate killing machine. No offense boy scout.” Lash said to Superman who grimaced at the idea.

“How long ago did you get this information?” Wonder Woman asked.

“Only a few days, several people were present for the message they can confirm it. I didn't come straight to everyone because I didn't want you to just take my word for it. Though I know some of you would have believed me, I felt it better to gain as much proof as I could. Even what I have is not much.” Lash replied, a few people were unhappy. But most understood why. All the VI Avatars were itching to get into action!

“The other issue is, how do we tell the public? Or do we even tell the public?” Hal Jordan said as he looked around the room.

“What is the Green Lanterns policy on alternate reality invasion?” Lash asked, Hal sat back in his seat and had to give it a think.

“I'm not sure, they didn't really cover it in basic training. I'll send word and ask, should have an answer in less then a day.” Hal whispered into his ring and a tight beam green light went through the meeting hall.

“The people of Atlantis, Xebel, Fishermen, and Brine have encountered invasions from alternate worlds before. We will prepare!” Mera said with a smile, and winked at Lash. Who smiled back at her.

“Wait!? Earth has been invaded before?” Cisco shouted.

“Oh yes! It happens all the time! Its just this is the first time my Deity specifically said anything. That would lead me to believe its a serious threat.” Lash replied, this got a lot of shouts of confusion. As the magical origin individuals in the room attempted to educate the mundanes.

“Excuse me you wankers! But why can't we just do a trans locator spell on them. Being from another reality always leaves a mark. Even if they have some technological dooicky that can block us. We could at least spot any of their spies!” Constantine shouted over everyone.

“I hate to agree with, John. But he's right. We can work out a spell that would let us find specific people. I know your spell work is not as flexible as ours, Wraith.” Zatanna said with a bemused expression. Constantine grinned at her, and she smacked his arm.

“Please by all means! Just ensure you share the information with everyone. Fail or succeed this is a check every box situation.” Lash agreed with no argument.

Everyone continued to talk for hours on end. Lunch time soon arrived and everyone broke off to get food. The Watch Tower still didn't have a dinning hall. Technically Lash could afford to buy one from the store but he wanted to save his points for something worthwhile. Like a turret! Or shields! Lash sat in his chair, slumped over all but wishing he could curl up in a ball and sleep for a few days. The click clack of high heeled shoes rang in the room, and Mera walked over to sit next to him.

Princess Mera was gorgeous as always in her skin tight ocean green fish scale suit. Brilliant curly red hair, and a golden crown on her head. Her skin tight suit had a deep V-neck showing off a lot of skin and deep cleavage. She knew what she looked like and used it to her advantage. She gestured for Lash to sit up, he complied and she fell into his lap and wrapped her arms around him. She leaned in and kissed him. He returned the kiss wrapping his hand around her waist. Their tongues danced against one another, and she let out a soft moan.

“You always taste amazing!” Mera said as she broke the kiss, and leaned in to put her head on his shoulders. Mera wiggled in his lap, fully aware that Lash was happy to have her in his lap. With something long, and hard poking into her.

“I was curious if you wanted to be one of my Royal Consorts, Lash?” Mera asked softly. Lash blinked in confusion then his Other Worldly Lore activated.

Atlantis practiced a polyamorous relationship. The King and Queen were allowed to have separate consorts of their choosing, 1-5 depending. As long as their spouse was comfortable with the choices. However, the Consort was not allowed to have children with the royal line. Lash snaked his hand up her spine, and Mera arched her back with a smile.

“Has Arthur agreed to it?” Lash asked, Mera nodded as she bit her lip.

“Then it would be my privilege, and honor. Though if my cultural education is correct we will have to wait until you and Arthur consummate your own marriage after the wedding?” Lash asked, while his other hand teased up Mera's inner thigh.

“True... But there are many things we can do that don't break the rules.” Mera leaned up and bit Lash's ear lobe, a shiver rolled down his spine.

The door to the room opened up and Kory look in and saw the both of them on the chair. A smile spread across her lips. Mera laughed and got up out of Lash's lap and walked towards the door. Her hips swaying back and forth, she winked at Kory who smiled back. Kory walked over and held out her hand to Lash to pull him up. He stood, and nearly fell over. Kory caught him with a laugh and held him up.

“Time to go back to the hotel I think! This time you will sleep in a bed! No arguments!” Kory insisted.

“OK.” Lash said sleepily.

Kory gradually dragged Lash towards the portal hub. Kara, and Megan soon joined them and helped to bring Lash back to the hotel. Some where between the portal hub and the bed Lash had removed his cloths. He curled up on the massive king size bed and began to fall asleep. Then he felt the strong orange skinned arms of Koriand'r wrap around him from behind.

“Sleep.... I'll keep you safe.” Kory said softly to him. So Lash did, he fell asleep.

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