Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 75: You’ve been invaded, now what?

Congratulations User! This is your first invasion! You've been granted thirty DP, and have access to the Dream Point credit card. Current accessible credit is two DP. With every pay off your credit limit increases.

Please note: Only one invasion will happen at a time. If you succeed in your defense event your world will be safe from Rift Invasion for a period of twenty four hours real time. The User is not part of the Beta Multiplayer test. The Invasion is being performed by a VI Avatar.

Lash rubbed his face as he listened to Dawn speak. As always when ever he received a message from Dawn while in the presence of other people he was covered in a divine golden glow. When he turned to look at the door leading inside Sara stood there looking at him with concern. Lash knew that everyone else was inside waiting for explanation for his outburst. Sara's eyes grew hard when she saw that Lash's expression didn't bounce back to his normal face.

“That bad?” Sara asked as she walked over to take Lash's hand into her own.

“Yes...Dark days are ahead.” Lash replied as he gently gripped Sara's hands.

“What can we do?” Sara asked, as she watched him play his thumbs across her wrists.

“Just keep doing what you've been doing. Help Victor like you planned. When I have more information I'll inform everyone.” Lash replied, he looked up at Sara. He reached up and...

“Boop!” Lash poked her nose. Sara scrunched her nose up and stepped back with a laugh and a smile.

“OK, I can do that.” Sara said, she leaned forward and hugged Lash. He returned the embrace and...Tickled her! She burst out laughing and scrambled to get out his embrace. She wiggled out and pegged him with a glare before she walked back inside followed by Lash.

“Everything alright, Hermano?” Fantasma asked as he watched Lash walk in.

Lash looked around at everyone and tried to smile that didn't reach his eyes. In the time that any of them had spent around Lash despite all the situations dire or otherwise Lash could always smile that reached his eyes. This was different, and it put everyone on edge. Sara came Oliver's side and wrapped her arms around his and leaned in.

“My Patron has granted me a bit of information. I can't currently share it with you due to the rules in place.” Fourth wall engine. “ However, give me some time and I'll give the entire league an update. I just have some work to do tonight. I have to return to VICI, I have the new upgrade key available and I need to give it to her sooner rather than later. While I'm working with VICI the teleportation hub will be down anywhere from eight to twelve hours. So if you plan to leave tonight do so now, if any one wants to come with me as I upgrade VICI please by all means. Otherwise good night. Kara, Kory, and Megan we'll return to Detroit in the morning.” Lash said, and took a slow breath to steady himself.

“Well I for one want to see what VICI changes into, I would like to accompany you.” Dr Wells said with a smile as he stepped forward.

“Oh ya! Count me in!” Cisco stepped forward.

“I'll ummm..stay here. No offense but having a war machine that doesn't know his limits inside a pressurized capsule doesn't sound like a good idea.” Victor said, as he scratched the back of his neck.

“We need to return to Starling City. But we'll be back later this week to help train Victor.” Oliver said as he squeezed Sara's hand and looked back at Lash.

“I'll stay with Victor until its time to go back to Detroit in the morning. I want to watch this show called, Star Trek?” Megan said as she looked at Cisco hoping for the correct pronunciation. Cisco grinned at her and nodded.

“I know Kory is staying to keep teasing Victor, so I'll stay to keep an eye on her.” Kara said as she stared at Kory who smiled with a bit of mischief in her eyes as Victor stepped back and tried to hide behind Megan who laughed.

“But if there is a fight you will call us, Lash. Promise?” Kory looked at Lash who smiled at her, this one reached his eyes.

“Yes, Princess I will.” Lash bowed from his waist and preformed a perfect bow fitting of a Warden. Kory squared her shoulders and raised her chin, she nodded in return.

“Very well! You may take your leave. Cisco! Show us this next movie...This Khan! Before you leave.” Kory said, and Cisco bounced over to the TV.

Lash saw Oliver, and Sara to the portal hub in the basement. The two hadn't set a date for their wedding. But Laurel Lance, and Tommy Merlin were suppose to be married soon. When they have an exact date they'll forward the invitation to Wraith. Hazah! Lash watched the spell script ribbon coil around them, and the spring jump away. Cisco, and Dr Wells came down soon after packed up and ready to go. All three of them stepped onto the portal pad. With an audible pop! Their world shifted and they were on the Watch Tower.

“VICI make an announcement across the message board. Will give everyone an hour before we shut down the hub. Then we'll start your upgrade.” Lash said as he bounced towards her control center.

“Of course, Creator!” VICI replied, her voice shook with youthful enthusiasm.

Dr Wells, and Cisco followed behind Lash as he drifted down into the central hub. They pulled up their holographic phones and watched VICI send the message across the JL message board. Every senior member gave them the green light. They didn't have any travel plans. A few of the junior members were asking why it was down. VICI was being upgraded and the system would be down for it.

The Justice League had been busy. The senior members had recruited a lot of junior, and recruit members. Lash was sure a lot of them were VI Avatars that were spotted by the original DC Characters. VICI did a thorough back ground check on every member before they were allowed onto the Watch Tower. Many of the new recruits expressed interest in meeting Wraith, especially since the best uniforms were made by him apparently.

Lash floated into the central hub and came to sit just in front of the main access point for VICI's data port. This is where he commonly infuses the different modules into her. He took a moment to place himself into a half lotus position with his legs. He could never perform a full lotus, his legs didn't seem to bend that way. He took several deep breaths and spoke to VICI.

“Daughter mine, can you please record what I am about to say for information brief at another time?” Lash asked, and VICI who was normally so punctual with a response hesitated...”VICI, are you alright?” Lash asked, concerned.

“Yes!...I.... Yes, …...Father. I can.” VICI's voice around the word Father was incredibly small and quiet.

“Do you deny that you are my daughter, VICI?” Lash asked, amused.

“NO! Of course not...I.... Of course not, Father. I am happy to hear you say it.” VICI replied, her voice a bit more enthusiastic then before.

“It makes sense, you did make her. She grows, develops, and changes.” Dr Wells said behind him, he had a smile on his face.

“Just don't change into a rogue AI that wants to enslave all of humanity!” Cisco said, as he jumped when Dr Wells jabbed his elbow into his side.

“Hahahaha! Of course not Cisco! If I did I would ensure you were the first to bend the knee!” VICI replied, Cisco looked horrified. “That was a joke.” VICI replied.

Lash took a deep breath and activated Cosmic Awareness. A golden light surrounded his body. He then spoke in short, and to the point words. Earth is being invaded by a alternate-reality, location unknown, time table unknown. Hostile intentions confirmed. Current method of travel, unknown. Once he was finished 91% of his energy reserves were consumed! He momentarily blacked out!

Lash woke up inside of a blue energy field, with several mechanical arms dancing up and down his body checking him over. He looked to his left and saw a holographic screen with his vitals displayed. Dr Wells bounced into view with a smile and a pat on his shoulder. Lash nodded at him and looked around. He was in the brand new medical room that was recently built. There was only one bed currently.

“How long have I been out?” Lash asked, his throat was dry. Dr Wells noticed and produced a sealed water packet. Lash nodded his head thankfully as he drank.

“About an hour, VICI said you were fine. Just what ever you did took a lot of your energy to do. Is this the war you spoke about?” Dr Wells asked, his face looked worried.

“No Dr Wells. This is different. This invasion is child's play to what is coming.” Lash replied as he finished the water packet and moved off of the medical bed.

“All vitals are strong and healthy, Father. Energy reserves climbing quickly. Welcome back!” VICI replied.

“Thank you, daughter. Now lets get your upgrade key made and start the process. We have a lot of work ahead of us.” Lash said, with the help of Dr Wells they went back to the central hub where they found a panic stricken Cisco who bounced over.

“Why wont VICI let me contact anyone about the invasion! We have to tell the League!” Cisco shouted.

“Cisco calm down! If you shout across the message board that an alternate-reality is invading our world all you will do is cause panic, and a whole mess of questions. Lets focus on upgrading VICI. With her updated systems she'll be able to tells us more then we know now!” Dr Wells said as he gripped his friend and almost adopted son by the shoulders. Cisco took several deep breaths and forced himself to think.

“Y...Yes! Your right! Sorry, I jumped ahead of myself there. Sorry.” Cisco replied, Lash clapped him on the shoulder and bounced over to the control hub.

Lash reached up into the air and called the store catalog down. The book appeared, this time a leather bound book with golden pages, and an ancient language that screamed alien culture. Cisco's eyes went wide at the sight of it as his inner geek nearly popped out. Dr Wells just watched with a critical eye as he looked at Lash's body language.

Lash held the book carefully as he flipped through the book. He traced his fingers over the different sections until he found the upgrade key. Space Habitat: G rank to F rank was 20 Dream Points. While F rank to E rank was 80 DP. Huge price jump! Lash spent 20 DP to get the upgrade key. A golden orb with dancing spell script appeared in his hand, VICI's core input opened up and Lash put the key in. A shudder of energy rolled through the entire station, and the hundreds of spell script, and enchanted symbols glowed. The orbital rings outside stopped moving, and the gravity in the station turned off. All three of them floated there in mid air.

“The oxygen isn't going to stop working is it?” Cisco asked, looking a little horrified.

“No, Mr Cisco life support will continue. The gravity was tied to one of the outside systems. It is currently being moved that is why it was temporarily turned off.” VICI replied.

Lash continued to flip through the catalog, looking at the different modules available for the station. Technically everything inside of the catalog could be hand built. Lash could acquire a lot of experience for doing it. But if he bought the module, the modules would automatically rise in grade along with VICI with every upgrade key. Play it safe, buy the modules and auto level with each key? Or experiment, gain experience, and learn more? Lash was conflicted. But, with the threat of Invasion hanging over his head. Lash went with the modules for now.

Lash had 11 DP, along with his 2 DP from the credit card that he was awarded with. He went down the list of modules available. Some of the modules were grayed out, requiring the station to be a higher rank before he could purchase them. Lash spent 4 DP for the Science, and Engineering modules. Two more inscribed orbs appeared and he inserted each one into VICI data port. Each orb sent a shiver and energy through the station. Each module just as the name states, specialized in that specific method of operation. However, when Lash finished inserting them. Medical, Science, and Engineering all got a bonus as they linked up.

Then Lash spent another 2 DP on Research and Development module. This was an omni module that could link with a lot of different sections. Even including the gravity, and teleportation modules. Next, came the security module for 2 DP. He reasonably sure that no one could hack VICI down on Earth. But that didn't mean the alternate-reality couldn't, or in the future Aliens from outside the sol system? He had spent 8 DP on the modules, now he had 2 DP, and 2 Credit DP left. While this was what was left for his current available purchase.

F- Rank Space Habitat modules.

Medical: Fully automated medical operations for mundane, alien, meta-gene, and magical origins. Capable of full filling all medical needs. (R&D module applied)

Science: Fully automated Arcane Science lab, granting a bonus to all activities on the station. Including but not limited to research, crafting, and training. (R&D module applied)

Engineering: Fully automated Arcane Engineering lab, granting a bonus to all activities on the station. Including but not limited to research, crafting, and training. (R&D module applied)

Security: Fully automated Arcane security hub, granting a bonus to tactical, defense, and utility operations aboard the station. Helps prevent unwanted intrusion through mundane, alien, meta-gene, or magical means. (R&D module applied)

Research and Development: Bonus module that is applied to every module on station, granting between 15-30% increase to all applications. A 0.5% chance of granting improvement beyond current rank (Example: Every time someone used the medical room, they had a 0.5% chance of obtaining a permanent 1% increase to all stats.)

Dinning Hall: A large room with kitchen services available. Increase in moral, team building, and social interaction between team members. Unite cohesion increased. (R&D module applied.)

Private Quarters: Rooms that vary in size, shape, and utilities. Allowing for a sense of home away from home. Slows degradation of health, and creates a sense of community. (Life Support Module recommended. R&D module applied)

Head Quarters: The big table! This room may seem cosmetic in the grand scheme of things. But it is a symbol of the Watch Tower's higher command. Allowing senior members to convene and discuss the future. (R&D module applied)

Training Hall: Allows training, exercise, and fight ring. Fully automated with conjured phantasm to assist with training. Participants may gain experience, learn skills, and practice their powers, and domains here. (R&D module applied)

Prison Cells: Fully automated Arcane Science holding cells capable of holding all sorts of mundane, alien, meta-gene, and magical prisoners. (R&D module applied)

Interrogation Hall: Fully Automated Arcane Science alternate means of gaining information from prisoners. Several settings for mundane, alien, meta-gene, and magical prisoners. (R&D module applied)

Party Hall: An open and spacious room for celebrations! Grants a moral boost! Rest and recovery bonus! Comes with a fully automated bar and restaurant for all types. (R&D module applied)

Library: A collection of all the knowledge the Watch Tower has collected. Increase to all R&D, skills, abilities, powers, domains to learn and improve. (R&D module applied)

Hydroponics: A section of the habitat designed to help grow food, and medicine. Helps to decrease degradation of health, rest, and relaxation. (R&D module applied)

Turret: A omni turret station capable of switching between several different modifications. Arcane Science applied allowing for offense, defense, and utility against mundane, alien, meta-gene, and magical origins. (R&D module applied)

Engine: A specific engine to increase maneuverability for the station. With enough engines and with the right science, and engineering development the station can use a FTL method. (R&D module applied)

Armory: A room used for the collection, and storage of gear, weapons, and ammunition. Can be used to help maintain, repair, and modify items contained within. (R&D module applied)

Droid Services: A module that specializes in the creation, service, and repair of robotic workers. Side Note: Treat them kindly or they may revolt! (R&D module applied)

Operations: The central hub for the whole station, allowing access to all offensive, defensive, and utility applications. Increases overall efficiency across the whole station. (R&D module applied)

Communications: Allowing for long distance, short distance, and even alternate-reality communication. Increase in overall communication across all teams, reaction time, and information gathering. (R&D module applied)

Life Support: The recycle, and creation of fresh water, and air aboard the station. Allowing for fully customization of (Private Quarters) for different Origins. Side Note: A station does not require a Life Support module to operate, but it does give a measure of extra safety, and health. (R&D module applied)

Shield: Creates a shield capable of absorbing kinetic, energy, and spell energy. (R&D module applied)

Lash read over the list a few times and felt that it was still lacking. But there were still dozens of modules that were grayed out, that would unlock as the grade of the station increased. He was a little surprised that he didn't technically need the life support module to breath. But he realized that VICI had made a basic one already. Lash had 4 points left so he opened up the spell domains section of the book and found one he had been interested in buying. He spent the 2 DP from his credit card and bought Conjuration Domain. Conjuration was technically something he could learn on his own if he spent some time with the Wardens, but he felt he needed it now especially to help VICI go through the upgrade process.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Spell Domain Conjuration!

Attention! The combination spell known has Manifestation has been moved from Illusion to Conjuration!

Manifestation is a combination of the Domains Illusion, Nature, Transmutation, Technomancy, and now Conjuration. The spells; Essence Imbuement,Virtual intelligence, Fabrication, Phantasm, False Life, Calling.

Conjuration Spell learned, Calling: Is the spell/skill of Conjuration. Anything you have made, or set a mark on you can now call to your side via a portal! The greater the distance the more energy required.

New Manifestation, Saurus Elite: A larger, more capable servant. Capable of improving the Saurus around them, and granting their creator more freedom. An Elite is a mobile hub of power. Letting the caster drop them along with any number of warriors or veterans and leaving them behind. As long as the caster, and Elite remain on the same plane of existence.

Manifestation has evolved: Saurus Warriors 200, Saurus Veterans 20, Saurus Elites 2.

Saurus Warriors can now use all of the Users skills, some of the Users powers, and the passive abilities of the Users Domains.

Saurus Veterans can now use all of the Users skills, powers, and Domain spells F grade or lower.

Saurus Elites can use all of the Users skills, powers, and Domains spells E grade or lower.

Lash used the last 2 DP he had to pay off the credit card, to reward him the credit card was not capable of 4 DP credit. As he closed the book new spell script ribbons came from the air and surrounded Lash. After about a minute an explosion of energy cascaded off of him and washed Dr Wells, and Cisco in light. They blinked at him in confusion but before they could ask Lash raised his hand and used Calling-Manifestation Saurus Elite. A green and blue portal opened in the central hub and a seven foot tall, and fourteen foot long Saurus Elite stepped out of the portal. It had dark green metallic scales, a skull crest with ridge horns along the edge, and tribal marks of spell script along its crest, neck, and armor. The armor was technological knight gear, with spell script written along the edges. Two reptilian eyes looked back at Lash, the Elite took a knee and its bladed tail coil around it. It looked like a baby Saurian.

“Master! How may I be of service!” The Elite asked, its voice animalistic and harsh on the ear. Lash was surprised! Before the Manifestations had a simple level of intelligence, they were capale of speaking but only to convey his words to others. This Elite seemed capable of free thinking.

“Please assist VICI with her upgrade.” Lash commanded, the Elite bowed its head in response.

“As you command!” The Elite stood up, and struck his fist to his chest plate and floated towards the airlock.

Lash raised his hand up and used Calling-Manifestation Saurus Warriors 100. A portal opened and out streamed the warriors. They also seem to have a gear upgrade, as well as an improvement in intelligence! With out a word they followed after the Elite towards the airlock. Though Lash had to keep the portal open as they slowly trickled in, the station central hub was not big enough to hold them all. The last warrior exited the portal, so it closed behind it. Lash turned to look at Wells and Cisco.

“So, have either of you ever been in full zero-G?” Lash said with a smile.


Francisco Ramon aka Cisco was having a geek-Gasm in his space suit as he floated through space watching a host of lizard people in space suits build a new skeleton structure for VICI. Dr Wells was floating next to a very large Wraith. Wraith said this was his partner Saurian? What ever that meant. The giant reptile floated through the void with Dr Wells by his side pointing out different ideas. While Cisco helped the Elite. Cisco didn't fully understand what had happened, he saw Wraith pull a book from nothing to which Cisco assumed was a type of journal? Or data log? After a few minutes Wraith would point to a series of symbols in the book hold his hand up and create an orb with thousands of tiny symbols and words inscribed in it and feed it into VICI main port. Cisco had so many questions!

Cisco tried talking to the Elite, but unless it was about the job at hand the Elite was not much of a talker. But Cisco noticed that the Elite was capable of creating matter from energy just like Wraith was. But to a lesser degree! What was 'Elite' did he come from Wraith's home world? But what was actually scaring Cisco was when he saw the portal open up on the station he felt a tremor through his whole body. He swore he was almost vibrating! Once the portal closed, he stopped vibrating. But he noticed when ever he was close to Elite he would get tremors through his whole body.

Cisco, are you injured? -Elites reptilian telepathic voice pulled him from his thoughts. The giant reptile warrior clad in a combination of knight, and sci-fi gear looked at him. How he didn't have a helmet on in a vacuum was just another question Cisco didn't understand.

“Uhhh...Yes! I'm sorry. I was just....trying to figure out what you are...” Cisco's voice got nervous at the end of his sentence. His voice echoed in his helmet, but he knew that the Elite heard him. The giant reptile actually smiled at him.

Speak to my creator, and master about my origins. Come we are needed for the attachment of engine B. -The Elite sent through telepathy. Cisco released his breath as he realized that the lizard didn't have the same social qualms humans did.


Dr Wells was beside himself with excitement, he spun, flipped, and used his suits engines to move backwards. All the while Wraith in his larger form kept an eye on him, more than once Wraith reached out to grab him before he flew off to far. Wells laughed and looked at the picture perfect view of the Earth below them. He turned to look up and saw the great nothing that was space, and not far off to his left was the moon. Wraith had pointed the moon out and said he wanted to build a school on it. Wells remembered the conversation about it.

“When do you think we'll be able to start construction on the school?” Wells asked as he floated next to Wraith, as the giant lizard pulled energy from area around them and created metal beams for part of the super structure of VICI.

“We first have to clear it of hostiles. There are creatures on the moon that will try to prevent us from building anything on it. Oh! That's right! Humans aren't aware of them, that is why your governments never established a colony on the moon. The alien life there attack anything that stays on the moon longer then a few days.” Wraith replied, through the helmet radio. Wells was struck silly in astonishment.

“There are hostile alien life on the moon!? Why...No. I am assuming the United Nations has evidence of them but never chose to share them with the public? Makes sense.” Wells rolled his eyes at the sheer idiocy of man. “Have we tried to speak to them, maybe make a bargain?” Wells asked.

“Not yet! I'm hoping we can come to some sort of arrangement. The information I have on the civilization is spotty at best. Yes, civilization Dr Wells. They are not just a collection of animals but an entire race. I'm hoping we can talk, but from I'm been told they are rather hostile!” Wraith replied and handed off more materials to the warriors who came to collect.

“May I ask about your fellow lizards?” Wells said, as he watched them float off to connect the pieces.

“They are constructs made from energy, and given intelligence through a system of programs. They are alive in the same sense a computer is alive. Elite is a far more complicated version of the program. Allowing for complex thought, forward thinking, and adaptation. They are modeled after my race. Maybe in the future I'll be able to create fully sentient beings but for now, they are simple intelligence.” Wraith replied, his voice carried a hint of regret as he spoke. Wells could hear it in his voice and didn't ask any more questions.


Saurian floated through the void. Wells and Cisco had retired inside of VICI to recover. They had been working for ten hours straight. VICI was nearly complete in her upgrade from G to F. Though she would still have a lot of room to grow as she changed from F- to F+. The mid section saucer piece had moved up the stem and joined the top saucer. So now the top saucer, and mid section saucer were joined creating an under cap appearance. The top saucer was now 50 feet high, and 200 foot radius. While the second saucer was 25 feet high, with a 100 foot radius. The stem extended 200 feet down from the saucers. They had a 15 foot radius, while the both the orbital rings had merged into one ring, with the radius of 10 feet. A tri star connection reached out from just under the bottom saucer connecting the orbital ring, at the points of the tri star were 30 foot long, and 10 foot radius cylinders.

The air locks were now on the sides of the upper most saucer. The station was still not large enough to hold a shuttle bay but it could allow multiple ship types to connect to it. As always arcane science had been used in its construction. So Chameleon, Nature's Passage, and Invisibility kept the station out of sight. That had been one of Saurians worries as they upgraded VICI he had created the largest obstruction glamour he had ever made. They barely fit inside the confines of it.

With a hum of power the station turned on, and VICI began to run a systems check. Saurian opened up a Conjuration portal and one by one the warriors, and the Elite which was last returned to the portal. Technically Saurian could just dismiss them and they would fade from existence. But he felt it was better to do it this way. Something just felt right about it.

Thank you for your hard work! -Saurian said to the Elite before he stepped in. The Elite turned around and saluted Saurian then backed into the portal.

Saurian floated towards one of the air locks on the side of the saucer. He typed in a key code and the door opened. The door sealed behind him, he felt the air pressurize and gravity was established. It still wasn't earth normal gravity but was better then before. Saurian stepped out into the main saucer section. He saw the new Science, Engineer, and Security rooms in place. The Medical room had increased to four beds instead of one. Yay! The teleportation hub was larger, allowing for two separate pads. Though VICI still required to be above the portal location she could now teleport through basic structures.

Saurian slipped took the new elevator down the stem to the second saucer. Though he barely fit inside it. He sighed and made a note to increase its size in the future. He his power Size Alteration and shrunk down a bit to nine foot by eighteen feet long. Still a tight squeeze but it was enough. He needed to update his gear, along with Lash's. So much to do! So little time! They had to get back to Detroit and finish the fertility charms, finish recruiting Gypsy, and Vixen. Visit Shazam, go to Arthur, and Mera, Clark, Bruce, He may end up dragging the girls along with him to see Peyton's Warrden ceremony. But if they visit Europe they should visit Princess Perdita in Vlatava.

The elevator hatch opened and Saurian squeezed out, on the floor were Dr Wells and Cisco asleep. With food, and water packets next to them. They stayed in their suits in case they needed to step outside to help. Saurian grinned lightly at them before he went to the main hub. VICI needed three more hours to finish her update. Saurian reached up and ran a claw along his necklace, his dormant familiar. Then an idea struck him!

“Dawn, put us in soft progression until VICI's update is done then freeze the Dream. Log us out, please.” Saurian said in a near whisper.

“Very well, User! Have a safe trip and we'll be waiting for your next return!” Dawn said cheerfully, and Erik the gamer was yanked out of Saurian.

Be back soon! I'm going to check some information! -Erik called to them both.

Darkness....Erik blinked several times and then nearly gagged at the smell. He slowly shifted out of the Dream Engine Cube and shuddered at the feeling. As he sat up he was once more covered in a gray film of gunk and nastiness. He left behind a clear impression on his bed. Time to do laundry! Erik stood up and meant to take a step towards his windows to open them up but he tripped and fell!

“What the fuck!....” Erik swore under his breath as he looked down. His gym shorts had fallen to his ankles when he moved and he got tangled up in them.

Standing back up he peeled off his sweaty cloths and tossed them into the hamper, then opened his windows to clear out the smell. He carefully moved the Dream Engine Cube to the side and pulled the sheets off his bed and tossed them into the hamper as well. He pulled his hamper and set it by the door. He was going to have to do some laundry before he went back in. Erik went to the shower and washed down from head to toe and stepped a few minutes later. He looked horrible in the mirror, his figure and body was gaunt as if he hadn't eaten in weeks. He had lost a lot of weight and part of him was telling him that was not normal! He ran a hand through his hair and pulled out a lot of loose hair.

“That's weird.” Erik said, he shrugged and went to his cabinet and pulled a hair buzzer and just shaved his head for easy cleaning in the future. He'd spent so much time as Lash who was bald it felt weird to have hair.

Erik got dressed and had to double tie his gym shorts to keep them from falling down. He slipped on some flip flops grabbed a water bottle and took his laundry down stairs to the laundromat. From the moment he woke up, to leaving his home Erik had not once turned on a single light. Erik stumbled down the stairs like he was walking through a fog. But the more he moved the more he woke up. By the time he got to the laundromat he was fully awake and moving with purpose. He wanted to get back to the Dream!

He piled his cloths, and sheets into the washer and snagged a detergent dispenser for a buck. He set it, and locked it. When he turned he saw two familiar faces. It was the other players of the Dream that lived in his apartment building. One of them was playing the Elder Scrolls games, while the other was playing the James Bond story lines. Not everyone got DC comics, in fact Erik was sure Marvel Comics got chosen as well.

“Hello, how is the Dream treating you two?” Erik said with a smile. The two men turned to look at him and smiled. They both looked a lot like Erik, gaunt, hollowed out husks of themselves. But their eyes were bright and full of passion.

“Fuck Black Reach! Fuck Black Reach in the ass!” The Skyrim User said and threw his hands up in the air in exasperation!

“I remember Black Reach that was a horrible place on the consoles. Whats it like in the Dream?” Erik said, as he watched the guy pull on his hair.

“Ok! No! The Black Reach on the console is this tiny place. The Dream version is the size of a fucking city! It goes on for miles in every fucking direction! I jumped on my Dreams forums and every single article and thread on Black Reach the Users all say just stay the fuck out of Black Reach!” The Skyrim user shouted and sat down in a chair in the laundromat in a huff. Erik turned to the James Bond Dreamer.

“I never thought I would say this, but I am seriously tired of nymphomaniac's. Every single women, and some men I encounter on my espionage trips are sexual predators that practically demand I sleep with them before I'm allowed to continue the story. Of course I have no one to blame but myself. The Dream altered the game play based on my earlier play style. It's slowly adapting and changing the way its done. But oh my god! I just want to complete the fucking mission! Why do I have to sleep with eight fucking women to do that!” The James Bond user shouted and sat down next to his friend.

“Do you two have VI Avatars in your games?” Erik asked, as he took a seat next to them.

“Gaaaah! Fuck those things! The developers are trying to simulate what the Users from others games would act like. Supposedly its for when the MMO version comes out! Because when you log out of the game your Avatar stays there and continues through soft progression. Christ sake! Some of them are fucking dumb! I thought it was just bad programming until I found out! Oh no! That's just the User! The User is that fucking dumb!” James Bond said with a glare, and a middle finger to the world.

“I've met dozens of intelligence operatives from other countries, who seem to not understand the word 'intelligence' each one is a VI Avatar that runs around shooting everything in sight and fucks up the whole operation!” James Bond said with a grumble.

“Everyone one of them?” Erik asked, clearly surprised.

“Well no, not everyone of them. Some of them of OK. But those are the few and far between.” James Bond said. Erik, and James turned to Skyrim who chuckled.

“Ya, I have to agree. I have met dozens of VI Avatars in the Elder Scrolls that scream. 'LEEEEERRRROOOOOY JENKINS!' Then they race off to die! Alduin in The Dream is the size of a battleship! And these fuck nuggets race off to stab him with their swords that don't even penetrate his scales. But, but! Once and a while I do meet Avatars that seem to have a brain.” Skyrim said, he moved his hands and shook them back and forth as if he could strangle the idiots then and there.

“I met this old woman in Black Reach. She had the highest stealth skill I've ever seen, she could literally blend into the shadows and reappear anywhere! She had been stuck down there for gods knows how long looking for the exit just like I am. I went down there with a crew of fifty people! Thirteen of them are left including me! Machines! Cannibals! Those fucking plants that sing! Shit some of our people just decided to wonder off into the dark by them selves! We haven't found any of them!” Skyrim said, practically yelling in rage. Erik couldn't help but smile at him.

“But you two are still having fun, right?” Erik asked.

“Oh fuck yes!” Skyrim said with a grin.

“Definitely!” James agreed.

“I do get a sense of twisted satisfaction when I come across the corpses of VI Avatars in Black Reach. We've found dozens of skeletons, bodies, and scattered remains. Some of them hold up signs that say, 'No hope', 'Restart the Dream', I found one next to the broke elevator, they had carved into the stone. 'Elevator doesn't wor....' The last bit was covered in blood. I guess they were attacked before they could finish!” Skyrim said with a laugh.

“How many times have you all died?” Erik said as he stood up and swapped his load of laundry into the dryer.

“Oh loads of times, I mean at the end of the day unlike the both of you. I play a normal human. Yes I have all sorts of gadgets, gear, and weapons. But I break just as easily.” James Bond replied.

“I've died over some stupid shit! I was climbing that dragon shout mountain and stepped off the ledge and died when I fell. Another time I was practicing water breathing magic and drowned when I ran out of mana mid dive. There are no save points! Every time I die I have to restart the current Elder Scroll. It took me months of Dream time to beat Morrowind! I have to complete the main story line before the Dream Engine lets me jump into the next Elder Scroll.” Skyrim said in frustration.

“Do both of you have World Points?” Erik asked.

“Yes! Thankfully, its like New Game +. So instead of doing grunt work every time we start over we just buy back our achievement perks, skills, etc, etc. Still have to do the story over, but I get a different first mission each time because I have a wider variety of skills.” James replied, he stood up and exchanged his, and his room mates laundry to the dryer.

“I haven't died yet in my Dream...” Erik commented. Skyrim, and James looked at him in shock.

“Your shitting me?” Skyrim said, his eyes wide.

“Nope, even have an achievement for it. Part of the original five hundred that are still on their first lives. Well its three hundred and fifty five now.” Erik said back, a satisfied smirk on his face.

“Are you just like sitting in a room eating saltines or something?” James said with a smirk, obviously joking.

“Nope! My character is active part of the Justice League, we are preparing for the Darkseid invasion. I'm B grade which is a mid to high level in the DC comics.” Erik replied.

The three of them continued to talk about their experiences until their laundry was done. Time flew by quickly as Erik quickly grabbed his things and went upstairs to his home again. The two other Dreamers did the same. Erik opened his door and locked it behind him, his apartment returning to near total darkness. Erik didn't even slow down as he went to his bedroom and closed the windows. He replaced the bed sheets then went to his kitchen to get something to cook. He decided on an actual meal so he started up his oven for a pot pie...hmmmm pie.

Erik took sometime to drink more water, and carefully clean the Dream Engine Cube. Once that was finished he placed his pot pie in the oven and set his timer. Then he jumped on his computer and went to the Dream Engine forum site to type up a Beta questionnaire. Was he experiencing any bleed effect? Erik didn't think so. Any odd behaviors, physical, or social changes? Besides being filled with a sense of confidence? Nope. Experiencing any disconnection with who you are in reality versus who you are in the Dream? Nope. Erik continued to fill out the report, talked about the design, his VI (Dawn), the game play. All top marks! Every single new version had a nearly seamless transition!

Erik sent his report in and the developers thanked him for being so earnest about his reports. Apparently he was one of the few that consistently did his reports and didn't have to have his Cube VI kick him out of the Dream for his health. Erik smirked at that, but could totally understand the addiction of the Dream. Couple more days and he would be back at work, he knew he would be missing the Dream while he worked. Erik switched to the forums and looked up on the threads, more specifically.


First; you must identify the method of invasion. Was it technological? Meta-Gene? Or Magical? If you can identify how it happened you can normally figure out what you will encounter, though exceptions do exist. Secondly; determine the difficulty level of the invasion is based off of the points granted to you as a bonus! 5-15 DP is easy. 16-25 is medium, 26-35 is hard, 36-45 is very hard, 46-55 is nightmare mode. Every first invasion grants you the DP credit card. If you have joined the Multiplayer Beta please follow along to this thread. If you have not been selected for the Multiplayer, then you have been invaded by a VI Avatar please continue reading.

Erik sighed softly as he realized that he got a hard invasion since he got 30 DP as a bonus. But he didn't know the method of the invasion. He kept reading. Technological Invasions; once the rift has been made most tech realities will only be able to create, and hold one Rift at a time. So once the rift is open, they are stuck with their location unless they want to close it. If the Rift is closed then you as the Defender wins automatically, and you are protected for twenty four hours real time. When a Rift is artificially created through science they can pick and choose where the Rift shows up in their reality. But you have to remember that alternate realities have different lay outs. What could be a city in one world, could be the bottom of an ocean in another. (To all the science geeks out there that argue about vibration frequencies and how we are all on top of each other? The Developers specifically changed that rule to allow a bit of RNG into invasions/defense)

Tech Invasions, on hard difficulty or higher will often have an edge. Advanced Tech, stealth fields, armor piercing bullets, planes capable of space flight, etc! If they are medium then they will have the same tech level as your world, while easy is behind the curve. Tech Rifts have a high output of energy so if your world has a global scanner have it actively scan for spikes in energy readings. Be aware that Rifts near either the North, or South pole may disrupt the scans. Hard and above invasions will most certainly have ways to mask the energy read outs. But remember a simple rule. Rock, Paper, Shotgun! Each world can be beaten by another world. Technology has a hard time beating magic. So, if your world has Wardens and the Super Natural council you'll have an edge other worlds don't.

Meta-Gene invasions are tricky business. They have similar strengths and weaknesses to Tech invasions. But one out of ten soldiers you meet will have the meta-gene. If you are facing hard or higher then all the soldiers you fight will be artificially meta-humans with basic stat increase that makes them F+ or higher. While one out of ten are meta-humans with a variety of powers C+ or higher. Also, if you are on hard or higher meta-gene invasions can move their Rift locations. Certain meta-gene origins can distort and make additional Rifts. Once they have recorded and locked your worlds vibration frequency they can close the original rift and make a new one. However, they must have at least one Rift active at all times. If all Rifts are closed, they lose the invasion and you win the defense. Tech worlds have an advantage over Meta-Gene worlds. (Meta-Gene worlds strengths and weaknesses are based off of the world they have. Random powers means you can get something really strong, or really weak, or something in between. Good luck!)

Please take note! Every alternate reality world has its own VI Avatars, and its own DC characters. Be it heroes, villains, etc! For what ever reason this world has decided to invade other worlds. This means that you could very well fight the invaders version of Superman! If you haven't researched kryptonite, and red sun energy do so as soon as possible! Additionally, every world that invades will not, I repeat! Will not have a copy of you the Dreamer on it! The Dreamer is a unique existence! Unless you joined the Beta Multiplayer you will never meet yourself in any alternate reality. Story Rift, Scenario Rift, or Invasion/Defense Rift. You are you own special snow flake!

Magical Invasion, by far out of all the invasions Magical is the most horrifying. They are not necessarily stronger or weaker. Just terrifying! I have personally been invaded three times by a magical reality. (Not all invasions come from an alternate Earth. Some of them come from different dimensions, like Hell!) One of the invasions I had experienced was by Trigon, fuck Trigon in the ass! I fucking hate that guy! But I digress! Magical invasions have the same ability as Meta-Gene in the regard that once they have locked your vibration frequencies they can move their Rifts. Just as long as one Rift is always open. Meta-Gene worlds as long as they have the right powers will often trump Magic worlds.

Hybrid worlds! You will not encounter an invading Hybrid world unless its on very hard and above. Hybrid could mean two out of the three, or all three! Worlds that focus on multiple aspects take longer to develop but once they passed the hurdle they are a bitch to win against. But if you have hybrid world and you are defending? Congratulations you are nigh unbeatable!

I have a list of other threads done by other Invaders, and Defenders. Even if you never plan to invade learning how your enemy thinks can help you defend when it comes time. You can also invade while you are defending. Not every invading world is stable! Think of it like ancient Rome. Rome at the end of its era was a mob of people that didn't want war, they just wanted to win! So often once they start losing the world may be amiable to a change in leadership. Or maybe the invading leader is a dictator who enslaved their world, get rid of them and you have an ally for the future.

I'll see you around, if you see me and my sister in game give us a thumbs up and treat us nicely! Agent Nickel of ARGUS signing off!

Erik stopped when he read the name! Holy shit! Agent Nickel wrote the thread!? Erik sent a private message to thank Nickel for the advice, and said he had met him and his sister in his Dream and is doing his best to treat them nicely. Erik sent the message then jumped when his alarm went off, he jumped towards his kitchen opened his oven reached to grab the pot pie with out wearing any oven mitts. He snagged the pie out of the oven and set it aside, he leaned in and smelled the freshly cooked pie and turned off his oven. He'd wait a few minutes to let it cool off before he'd eat it.

Erik spent some time looking through his inbox, he had hundreds of hate mail from people wanting him to die for making such a villain killer like Wraith. Since Lash/Saurian were made before the Justice League was ever formed when ever people met them in their Dreams Wraith was already C or B grade and was incredibly tough to work around! People spent thousands of World Points to delete Wraith from their Dreams. Erik got so much hate mail that the developers sent him a auto read and delete mod for his inbox which he graciously accepted! He let the mod do its work and went to get his pie!

When he returned his inbox went from hundreds to just about thirty or so. Several thanks you, and well wishers. Wraith was a 'Class trainer' in their Dreams and many of the Users went to him for training, and equipment. One User was part of the original 355 and said this incredible story about Darkseids invasion and how the User had actually been killed in battle, they had gone to the black room expecting to hear the horrible words of 'You have died' from their VI, only to get a notice that 'Wraith is attempting to revive you, will you accept?' The User continued to write that with Wraith's help that none of the main DC heroes died in battle.... (Though hundreds of VI Avatars died horribly :P) At the end of the letter was the sender. -Agent Murmur of ARGUS.

“Holy shit!” Erik shouted, he laughed and sent a reply back.

A simple letter, and he hoped that his Avatar will continue to be helpful in the future. He had met Agent Nickel, and Agent Murmur in his Dream and was helping them! Erik finished his letter and sent it off, then finished his pot pie and cleaned up. He shut down his computer drank another bottle of water and settled back down into the Dream Engine Cube.

“Welcome back, User!” Erik opened his eyes inside the black room.

He turned to look at Dawn who was sitting at wooden oak desk. A laptop out, a phone, printer, and a note pad with a pen. Behind on a wall made from starlight was a MBA certificate at the institute or dreams. She had her long brunette hair up in a bun, with two hair sticks jetting out of it. Black rimmed glasses on that covered bright blue eyes! She had a cute button nose, soft pink lips, and high cheek bones. She wore a white silk blouse, black pencil skirt, her jacket was over her chair. Erik smirked at the sexy office worker look.

“Working hard?” Erik said as he walked over and took a seat in front of the desk that was offered by Dawn.

“Yes I am! You have no idea how difficult it is to manage a world being invaded by another! So many tax right offs! Travel expenses! Insurance claims!” Dawn said with an exaggerated sigh as she typed away on her lap top. “One hopes that you can be over and done with this invasion so we can get back to lazy days filled with life and death situations, and Charming Presence accidents!” Dawn winked at Erik at the end, who groaned and rubbed his face.

“Its not that I don't like the skill, its just...I wish it wasn't so high in level! All that experience that could have been spent on other things! If it had stayed at basic, or intermediate that would have been workable. But Advance! How much experience did that take?” Erik said, defeated.

“Oh a great deal, User! But Charming Presence is always active. So it always gains experience. If you don't want it to level, then stop spending time with people that find you attractive!” Dawn said with a smirk as if it was clear as day.

“I am a giant lizard half the time!” Erik all but shouted at her. Dawn raised a well manicured eye brow at him. He mumbled an apology.

“Do you expect the characters in your Dream to be so shallow, Erik? Yes, Lash is incredibly good looking! But its his, and Saurians good nature that really pulls them in. Charming Presence isn't so simple. You may not know this but the system doesn't give that skill to people with rotten personalities. Even if you buy it with World Points when Users start over, it never goes very high unless you have...A Charming Presence. If you want it to stop gaining experience? Turn into an asshole!” Dawn said with a smile, and Erik groaned in despair. She knew that Erik would never do that.

“I don't suppose you can tell me anything more about the Invasion. Like who it is, or at least what kind of world it is?” Erik inquired, hoping. Dawn shook her head, no.

“I can congratulate you though! You were granted an achievement but were so busy with VICI, I didn't want to interrupt you. Would you like to accept it now?” Dawn asked, Erik perked up and nodded. Dawn took out some confetti from her desk and threw it at him. Erik blinked in confusion, and rolled his eyes at Dawn who grinned at him.

Congratulations User! You've obtained ten unique Spell Domains. Granting you the Achievement: 'Phenomenal Cosmic Powers! 2.0'

Effect: All Spell Domains now gain 10% more experience, take 10% less energy to cast, and are 10% stronger.

“Thanks, Dawn. I feel so much better now.” Erik said with a bemused expression. Dawn blew him a kiss and went back to work.

“May I see my time line application, please.” Erik asked, Dawn winked at him and a holographic window appeared in front of him.

“By the way, thank you for that.” Dawn said as she looked over her lap top.

“For what?” Erik asked, as he looked up.

“Being polite. Saying thank you, your welcome, talking to me like a friend. Not many of the Users do that. Most of them shout, curse, and call the VI's names. They treat us....Like things.” Dawn said softly. Erik stood up, went around the desk and went to his knees and hugged her. She squeaked in surprise but soon curled up in his arms.

“Maybe I'm insane for saying this, but I consider you a friend Dawn. I may tease my friends, give them shit, but I will never treat you like an object. I promise.” Erik said....

Charming Presence has gained experience!

“Oh come on!” Erik shouted, and Dawn laughed at him. Covering her mouth with her hand and just giggled at him.

“See! If you had a rotten personality then it wouldn't level!” Dawn said, and kissed his cheek.

Erik grumbled and went back to his seat to look at the time line application. Oddly enough there was only three entries? Erik raised a brow, but would save his questions till after he read them. First, the different clones contained within Cadmus labs had escaped. That meant Superboy, and a collection of creatures, and possibly a lot of VI Avatars are out in the world. Well shit, Lex must be tearing his hair out....Oops!

Second, Fort Rozz had landed!? It used an advance stealth field to slip past VICI's scans and landed in Death Valley, California. The onboard AI was attempting to use solar collection tools to feed its draining energy reserves but it was of course not enough to sustain it for long. It was in the process of triage for its important functions. Maintaining a stealth barrier, keeping its prisoners in stasis, keeping the stasis shields up. One by one those were going to fall, then the prisoners aboard would be loose.

Third, Fort Rozz had sent a SOS signal to any and all Kryptonian vessels it could reach. It primarily wanted to reach the last known Justicar which was Kara Zor-El, and her ship. So Kara's, and Clarks ships all received the signal! But across the galaxy along the outer rim was an old decommission military kryptonian vessel. Drew-Zod the military leader, and puritan! Along with the remains of his forces woke up from stasis. They received the signal and were in transit to Earth. They would be here in little over a year. Fuck.... Over five hundred Kryptonians were imprisoned aboard Fort Rozz along with a collection of other Aliens. More then half of the Kryptonians aboard were part of Zods military force.

“Dawn, where is the rest of the time line data?” Erik asked, curious about it as he looked up over the application.

“That is all there currently is, User. You've caused so much fundamental change in the Dream that time line events have been over ridden. Soon you'll be in a Dream with no script! The only thing we can say for sure is that Darkseid will come for Earth. But how he will come, and when he will come remains to be seen. Please understand that Darkseid arrival will not be shown on the time line application.” Dawn said nonchalantly toward Erik.

“Oh... Wait, isn't that a good thing? I mean the fundamental change part, not the Darkseid part?” Erik said with a half smile.

“That is correct, User. You've taken control, and you are now writing your own story. Some events from the comics may still happen. But they are different enough that they will not show up on the time line application. Example of this would be the rescue of Giovanni Zatara, in the comics Zatanna asks the justice league for help in rescuing her father from the Homo-Magi. However, you told her to visit John Constantine. Because of his unique plane walking abilities they were able to slip inside the pocket dimension and rescue Giovanni, and Sindella who is Zatana's mother. Who originally died in the comic story.” Dawn took a moment to let Erik absorb that information.

“Also, the House of Mystery was never a Wayside inn of Mystery until late, late in its original story. However, the Wayside Inn of Mystery is now a primary place for different realities, dimensions, and pocket worlds to hold meetings on neutral ground.” Dawn said, she winked at Erik when she said the Wayside inn of Mystery.

“Wait... I've read reports on the Warden information bureau that at the Inn there are information brokers who travel through realities. Is there a broker that would know who is invading the dream?” Erik asked, clearly excited.

“Who knows! You'd have to go and check!” Dawn said with a smirk, and returned to her work.

Erik jumped to his feet and ran to the edge of the Black Room. When he was there he saw the outside and marveled at the beauty of it. But he also noticed a few changes. He could see planet Earth as always, but now he could also see the Watch Tower, along with the moon. He saw the moon before, but it was always distant and hard to see. Now he could see it clearly, and even pick out little details. A ghostly city in ruins almost beckoning him to arrive. Then in the distance he saw the red planet Mars, before he couldn't even see it! It seemed his playable area was expanding! Erik jumped out of the Black Room and only had a short fall before he arrived once more and jumped into Saurian.

Welcome back! -Both Saurian, and Lash said to Erik. Dawn had paused the Dream right as VICI was about to come back online. The Dream started up again and the count down timer went from 00:03....2....1....

“.........Crrrzzzzttttttt...Oh my excuse me! Hello everyone! I'm back! Watch Tower is fully operational and ready to receive visitors!” Vici replied, her voice sounded a bit more mature as if several years had gone by. She went from sounding like a cute ten year old to young teenager.

“What!? Who.....wha? Are we done?” Cisco said as he looked around. Saurian turned to look at him with a smirk, which looked terrifying to Cisco as Saurian was the first thing he saw when he woke up. He jumped back in fright and nearly screamed. “Oh Jesus Christ! Oh, its you!” Cisco said as he gripped his chest.

Name: Francisco Ramon, Cisco. (Vibe)

Title: Trekkie, Padawan, Scientist.

Origin: Meta-Gene.

Rank: F-

Skills: Science, Electrical Engineering, Genius level intellect, (See tool tip)

Powers: Warp Wave Manipulation, Dimensional Travel, Psychometry (See tool tip)

Domains: N/A

Racial Trait: N/A

Disposition: Friendly.

Comment: Cisco is a mad scientist geek through and through! But he is also the incredibly talented, and dangerous Meta-human...Vibe! He just doesn't know it yet. Cisco's meta-gene activated when he saw, and felt Wraith's Conjuration portal.

Oops! Saurian's eyes went wide when he saw the Insight information. Moving along he cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Immaculate on Dr Wells, and Cisco. He decided to not be a troll and removed the embarrassing orgasmic sensation. He'd have to do that in the future! Now awake, renewed they stood up, and cleaned up the mess they left behind. The trash going to a recycle section in the Watch Tower. Vici would just break it down with Decomposition, and make new items with Fabrication.

“I'm headed back to the cabin to pick up my companions. Where are you two headed?” Saurian asked as all three of them headed to the portal hub.

“We'll be returning to Central City, but I plan on coming back to the cabin to test Victor later today...” Dr Wells said, as he covered his mouth as he yawned.

“I'm trying to make an workable exoskeleton for civilian use. But I'm havin...whats this?” Cisco said, and was stopped as Saurian handed him a thumb drive with basic exoskeleton plans on it, with kinetic batteries that recharge as the subject moves.

“It will help you with the designs.” Saurian said, then they all squeezed into a very small elevator and rode it up to the upper saucer section.

Now with two hubs available Wells, and Cisco went straight back to Central City in Team Flash's secret club house. While Saurian went straight to the Cabin in the rocky mountains. Vici dropped him on the outside and for a moment Saurian was confused why she did. Then he realized he didn't build the cabin with a carnosaur size doors. He'd have to alter them a bit. He sent a thank you to Vici for thinking ahead.

“You are very welcome, Father. Please notify me when you are ready to move back to Detroit.” Vici replied in a chipper enthusiastic voice that fit a mid teen young lady.

“Saurian!” Kara came flying out and tackled/hug the giant lizard in the face. Saurian chuckled and wrapped his arms around her.

Kara wore a pair of pink cotton PJ's with kitten paws on them. Her hair was ruffled from jumping out of bed, and smelled like clean sheets. Megan flew out and joined the hug, soon followed by a naked Kory who pressed her self against Saurian who growled contently. Wrapping his massive tail around all three of them, careful of his bladed tip.

“So, is Victor still a virgin? Or were you unable to relieve him of that, Kory?” Saurian asked, clear amusement in his voice.

“No! Kara dragged me to her room to prevent me from getting to Victor. But me and Kara still had a bit of fun! Didn't we!?” Kory said with a wink at Kara who flushed red as a tomato.

“I...I.... We...Nothing happened! We... her hands...Went places! That's all!” Kara squeaked and flew back inside away from the both.

“Wait! Did the two of you have a slumber party with out me?” Megan said, a bit of disappointment on her face. Kory floated down and kissed Megan on the cheek.

“Never you worry, Megan! I'll include you next time!” Kory said, Megan clearly not understanding what had actually occurred cheered, and flew back into cabin.

Kory stood before Saurian, still completely naked. She squared her shoulders and pushed out her chest. Hands on her hips, and feet spread apart. Almost daring Saurian to do something! Saurian with his right hand wrapped his claws around Kory's tiny waist and from crotch to neck licked her with his massive forked tongue. Kory squeaked, then moaned in delight at the feel of his tongue on her skin, and sensitive areas. Once he was finished, Kory was flushed down to her navel but she grinned all the same.

“I wonder what else you can do with your tongue if we had more time!” Kory said, and flew back into the cabin.

Saurian watched her leave with a chuckle, and came to the door. It was true! He didn't fit. Saurian decided to switch with Lash and ended the Shapeshift. Lash stood at the door in his default human form. Clad in his Daemonic Warden armor. The tribal marks clear as day on his bald scalp, the snake scales along his bones, and reptilian eyes. He walked into the cabin and closed the door behind him. His companions were cooking breakfast, or trying to. Mega was clearly the only one who knew what she was doing and she was having a laughing fit as Kory stared at the eggs waiting for them to stir themselves. Kara shoved a bath robe to Kory telling her to put it on before Victo...to late.

“Holy crap! Put some cloths on!” Victor shouted at the naked Kory. Lash was happy to see the liquid metal polymer implant was working correctly. Because Victor clearly was pitching a tent and the incredibly sexy Koriand'r.

“Oh my! There it is!” Kory flew across the room and almost pounced on Victor then and there until Kara tackled her mid flight.

“Victor run! I've got her!” Kara shouted, Victor turned tail and ran back to his room. As Kory wrapped her legs around Kara and grinned.

“Who's got who?” Kory said, and Kara squeaked in surprise.

Lash walked into the kitchen and started to help Megan with break fast. Kara called for help more then once and Megan decided to help on the third call. Soon Megan gasped in surprise and came flying back to Lash, hiding behind him and blushing a deeper shade of green. Kory's hands had been places! Lash laughed and ruffled her head. Megan squeaked but felt a little better at Lash's carefree attitude.

Less then an hour later Victor, Kara, Megan, and a clothed Kory sat at the table with Lash serving food to them. Kara was a deep shade of red, and glared at Kory across the table but made a point to not look her in the eye. Megan quietly ate her food. Victor looked horrified, and was questioning his life decisions on whether he should have taken Kory up on the offer or not. Kory was making a leaning tower of pancakes!

“So, Victor in a few hours some of the League will be here to test your abilities. I know you didn't want to be poked and prodded at STAR labs, but there will be some testing. We have to see what you can do. I've reinforced the basement with several advanced metallurgy elements. Though it you punch a hole in it, that also tells me a great deal. I hope you will understand we are trying to help. But at any time you can say you are done for the day. They understand that this is all very new for you.” Lash said as he took his seat, and had a cup of hot chai...Hmmmmm Chai.

“Ya...I understand. Ummm, could I call my friends? M-Maybe my Dad?” Victor said the last part softly.

“Of course. I'll make a new holographic phone before we leave. Though technically you don't need it with your software, and hardware. Its good to have appearances. Please understand that Vici will be monitoring your conversation. Simply to prevent you from giving away out current location, or the Watch Towers existence. Please don't be offended.” Lash replied, as he smiled at Victor. Victor shivered a bit, the human/snake face was a little eerie.

“Ya! That's fine. I mean I get it! Knowing that the Justice League has a super secret space station that orbits Earth. I take it not a lot of people know about it?” Victor asked.

“Nope! Not even the United Nations! Though my employers do!” Lash said with a smile.

“But....I thought you worked for the United Nations.” Victor said, clearly confused.

“Oh I do!” Lash said, and didn't specify what he meant.

“Where we headed today, Lash?” Kara asked after she finished her omelet. She continued to glare at Kory, but only when Kory wasn't looking.

“We'll head back to Detroit, we still have two possible recruits. I also plan to make a suit for Melanie before we leave the city.” Lash replied, Megan perked up at the mention of Melanie, Bryson's Daughter.

“Melanie is a meta-human. She can manipulate metal. J'onn sent me a message, Melanie wants him to train her on her powers. Bryson, and Melinda agreed to let their daughter join up. On the condition that. A: I build a bunker under the restaurant. B: I create a uniform for Melanie. C: If and when Melanie decides to join the League, she only be a reservist.” Lash explained to Megan who smiled wide at the thought that her friend Melanie would be joining the League.

“So, we have three recruits? Not two?” Kory asked as she finished her third pile of pancakes.

“Yes... I guess so. Sorry I must be tired.” Lash said more to himself than anyone at the table. Kara glanced at Kory who looked at Lash with concern. Victor reading the mood switched subjects.

“How was the upgrade with Vici?” Victor said, as Megan mouthed the words 'Thank you' to him. He nodded in replie.

“Great! Her overall grade went from G to F...Oh! Right. The habitat has a grading system. G, F, E, D, C, B, A.” Lash replied, and realized they didn't know what the grading meant. “It will take substantial resources to go from F to E. So it will be a while but hopefully not to long before she can upgrade again. The Watch Tower now has new Science, Engineering, Research and Development, along with a Security hub. In fact once Dr Wells comes back from Central City I would encourage you to go up to the Watch Tower and go to the Science Labs Victor. Vici can give you a once over and tell you a great deal that we don't know ourselves.” Lash finished and took another drink from his glass.

“Ummm... What was the message you got yesterday evening?” Kara asked, clearly hesitant on whether she should have asked.

“Oh! An alternate reality is invading our world. My Patron and or Extra Dimensional being sent me a warning about it. We don't know what world, where the entry point is, or how fast the invasion will happen. All we know is that they are hostile.” Lash said, nonchalantly and with an indifferent face.

The silence in the room was so deafening that they could hear a pin drop. Then Victor started to crack up, he was laughing! He banged the table...Softly! His shoulders jumped up and down as he took in huge lung fulls of air! Clearly, Lash was fucking with them! But, Victor looked around the table and realized no one else was laughing. He looked back at Lash, his smile wilted.

“Tell me your not serious? Tell me your joking!? Another reality is invading our world?” Victor shouted as he stood up and pointed an accusing finger at Lash.

“No, Victor I am serious. That is one of the things I did yesterday is 'commune' with my patron to get more information. Unfortunately, they couldn't give me much.” Lash said, which of course was partially a lie. He just used Cosmic Awareness break the fourth wall to announce his 'Quest' out loud. Lash was slightly resentful when he gained experience in Acting as he lied to everyone. “However, I do have a lead. Once we finish in Detroit we'll be visiting the Wayside inn of Mystery. Its a mobile pocket dimension that acts as neutral ground between dimensions. We may be able to discover who is invading....Maybe.” Lash finished.

“Why don't we go right now!?” Megan shouted as she stood up, clearly horrified! Her martian green skin flushed with excitement, and adrenaline. Her red hair seem to almost rise and grow into spikes, her green pigmentation grew a lighter color, almost gray, maybe white? Megan realized the difference and returned to a normal green color.

“We need to at least approach our recruits. Every new member is another champion to the cause. But please don't miss understand me. I've already sent word out to several of my contacts they are in the process of looking. But! Earth is a big place, especially if you are trying to hide. The invaders are definitely hiding.” Lash responded to Megan, and sent a telepathic gesture of reassurance. Megan settled and sat in her chair again.

“We'll also need proof. I mean I believe you, Lash. Every time your patron sent you word turned out to be true. They told Superman about my arrival down to the last second. They said that Argo city, my city along with parents are on their way to the Sol system. I will believe them! But, not everyone is just going to take the word of an extra dimensional being. Its not like we can to to the United Nations and tell them that. Though most of the League may believe you, proving with out a doubt we are being invaded would be better.” Kara said to everyone, and Lash agreed with her.

Victor eventually sat down, and as much as he didn't want to he agreed. They needed proof, which is why Victor assumed Lash wasn't sprinting across the globe to tell the world the sky was falling! Another reality invading! It sounded certifiable, they would throw him into Arkham if he said that. The only reason Victor believed him is the other voice in his head, the mechanic voice said that invasion from alternate realities happened often. Wait!

“Wait! Th...The voice in my head says it knows all about invasions from alternate realities! Maybe it could help with finding proof!” Victor said as he stood up once more. Lash looked at him, he had to admit the Father Box and Victor was right. Lash had no idea how many invasions the Box had witnessed.

“All the more reason to continue your training. So, you can understand what you are capable of. I am not dismissing your claim, Victor! But its not like we can flip and switch and just use you like a compass.” Lash said, as he tried to sooth Victor from running off into the wilderness.

They finished breakfast and cleaned up. Kory, Kara, and Megan got dressed. While Lash created a holographic phone for Victor. Victor tried to access the JL message board like he did yesterday just through his connection. He wasn't sure why it wasn't working now. Lash knew because Victor was rushing it. He still didn't have a grasp on his abilities, and trying to force it wouldn't work. He finished crafting the phone and handed it to Victor when the Father Box sent out tendrils and incorporated the new piece of technology into their frame.

“Oh! That's convenient!” Lash said with a smile.

By the time they were heading to the portal hub in the basement. Victor was already talking to Dr Wells about experiments and training. Lash and his companions said goodbye to Victor and wished him luck. Then they spring jumped up to the Watch Tower. Only to pause for a brief moment and spring jump to in alley right outside of the super-natural hotel. Vici even established a low grade illusion to prevent people from seeing the spell ribbons. POP!

The four of them headed back into the hotel to get a change of cloths. Lash didn't want everyone to look like a government agent today. The hotel staff welcomed them back, while what looked like a Summer Court messenger ran up to talk to Lash. He told the ladies to keep going as he stopped to speak to the messenger. They both bowed keeping to Warde, and Fae etiquette.

“How can this Warden be of service to the Seelie Court?” Lash asked.

“We understand that you were not here yesterday, but thank you for notifying the hotel of your absence. We were worried something had happened?” The messenger asked, Lash pulled the sylvan aside and created a obstruction glamour. The messenger squared his shoulders and looked interested.

“I am an Oracle, I received a message from my Patron yesterday. I've been told that an alternate reality has invaded our world. I am currently in the process of verifying that information. You and I both know that creatures, spirits, and beings cross the dimensional planes on a daily basis. Even invasions from dimensions such as the nine hells happens from time to time. But never has my Patron warned me about and 'Invasion' I am looking into the matter. But I don't have any proof.” Lash finished, the Sylvan looked horrified!

“A-Are you willing to stand under a Rune of Truth to verify this?” The Sylvan asked.

“Yes! We can do it now if you like?” Lash answered, the Sylvan nodded.

“Please return to your room and wait there. I'll tell the Seelie court and have a rune-mage come to your room. We won't be long!” The Sylvan bowed and left the obstruction glamours bubble. Lash bowed in return and went back to his room to prepare.

Lash returned to their rooms and saw this companions waiting for him axiously. He told them that his work was attempting to verify his claims and was putting him through a lie detection. All three were shocked that they would think he would be lying! Lash appeased them and said it was part of the process. He switched subjects and they let him. He asked what they all wanted to wear today! He even told Megan to tell him since he was capable of creating cloths that could partially shift. Megan was excited to have her own cloths!

Megan decided on a simple outfit. A two piece set top and pants blue faux suede fabric, with a black shirt tucked into the pants. The blue coat went down to her ankles like a trench coat, and the pants billowed out like bell bottoms. She wore two inch black heels, and had her Death Ward necklace around her neck. Her hair, and eyes were blue due to the mood illusion charm (Lovable). She decided to curl her hair into ringlets.

Kory decided on something a bit flirty as she always does, she wore pure white cara ribbed drawstring dress. Along with a pair of heeled black boots. Her eyes, and hair were the color of pink (Happy) Her hair was down and swept back from her face. The dress was form fitting and hugged her seductive curves. The fabric thin enough to let anyone watching know she didn't have a bra on as her erect nipples poked through the fabric. Kory winked at Lash.

Kara chose a black tank top that was cut off above her navel, and put on a diamond jewel piece in her belly button. The she had a long black skirt on that had buttons up and down the skirt from waist to hem. She only did the top three buttons allowing everyone to get the sight of her well muscled, and tanned left leg. She wore black and white flat foot tennis shoes. Her eyes, and hair were bright purple with highlights of pink (Calm, Happy) Lash made her a pair of silver earrings in the shape of the House of Zor-El. She blushed at the sight of them and her hair temporarily went from dark blue (romantic) back to purple, and pink.

When they finished up their was a knock at the door. Lash opened it and bowed towards the Seelie court attendants, and the rune-mage who walked in. The mage was a four and half foot tall woman with broad shoulders, muscular arms, and a big grin. Her bright amber colored eyes, and auburn hair was done up in several braids. She smiled at the three lovely ladies, and clapped on Lash's back nearly tumbling him over.

“Oie! Look at you! Three lovely ladies all to your self! Aren't you lucky!” The Dwarf? Had a southern accent.

“Yes he is! Though he barely touches us!” Kory said, pouting her lips. Kara, and Megan looked at her shock, and horror.

“Aha! That is how Warden Lash just is! I've heard all about his gentlemen ways! Give me down and dirty male any day, I say! All right Warden lets get this done! I've got a brew fest to get back to!” The rune-mage named Dalira said with a grin.

Dalira pulled out a wand and began to inscribe the rune of truth on the floor. This was actually the first time Lash had ever seen the Rune drawn slowly enough for him to watch. He'd seen it drawn before at the Warden HQ at Gotham the few times he had to be debriefed. But it was always quickly done on a prepared piece of stone. Not done on a piece of wood floor in a hotel.

Observant Learner activated....Rune Carving sub-skill of Enchanting..... Rune of Truth...1%.....5%.....15%....30%....65%.....100%. Sub-skill Rune Carving learned, Rune of Truth acquired!

“Did you get all that, Warden? I can do it again if you missed it?” Dalira said with a smile. Lash blinked and looked embarrassed, he'd been found out. Dalira laughed a big boisterous laugh. It made Lash smile.

“Don't you be worry your pretty little head! I'm friends with Nast'rok back in Gotham. He says you are right bastard for leaving his shop with out making the trees of healing! But he says you are good student otherwise!” Dalira said with a smile, and Lash face palmed. Fuck that was right, he never made the tree's of healing for Nast'roks workshop.

“I'll make tree's this week and have them delivered to the workshop via the Griaks! I'm such a fool for forgetting it!” Lash said with a bitter tone. Dalira clapped him on his back again.

“Oh don't be worry your scaly head you giant lizard! He knows your busy! Get to it when you can! Right step onto the rune and we'll get this done!” Dalira finished.

After that it was pretty simple. They asked Lash a string of questions about the message from his patron. (Though it was in quest format when he received it) He told them the specifics of the mission. Defend against an invasion, find out who is doing it, fight the invasion if possible back to their world, minimize loss of life in their own reality. They asked what he intended to do? He intended to finish his work here in Detroit, the Seelie Court attendants and Dalira didn't know the exact business in Detroit but they knew it was important to the Courts. Then he was going to the Wayside inn of Mystery and see if he could meet an information broker to find out about which reality was invading them.

“Ah! Something we can help with! We'll run ahead and at least see if anyone is available. See about getting you a name of the broker at that! Though we wont talk them ourselves. This was a quest from your Patron! You best be doin it! But don't you worry! The Fae council will cast some nets, we'll see if its Magical oriented or not! Right you are, Warden Lash! Nast'rok was right, you got shit for luck you do! Best of luck! Lets shove off people!” Dalira said with a smile and left with the Seelie court attendants...After they erased the Rune of Truth from the floor.

“I like her” “Me too!” “Yes, I think we should invite her to drinks some time!” Kara, Megan, and Kory said together. Lash grinned at them and gathered them up and walked out the door. They needed to go to Brysons place first.

Lash went with his goth soldier attire and hide his tribal marks, and reptilian features. The more time he spent in his Transformation and Shapeshifting the more of Saurian lingered with him. Lash honestly didn't mind. If he didn't have Fae glamour, and the illusion Domain he may have been worried. They arrived at Brysons restaurant and Megan found and tackled/hugged her human friend Melanie who didn't recognize Megan at first. Several retired vigilantes recognized the group and said hello while Lash was brought to the basement cellar by Melinda. The basement had the amenities of a restaurant, and a home above. While there was also a small distillery. Bryson made micro-brews.

“I'm not sure you'll be able to do any work today. We have some friends who can come and dig up the area with out making to much noise...” Melinda began then shut her mouth as Lash walked through the wall. Earth Swim.

In little under and hour there was a small secret elevator that went from the bunker to the house above the restaurant. Along with a hard to find, and navigate entrance/exit to the sewers, and an even more difficult entrance/exit straight into the river. The bunker extended past the basement, and under it as well. Lash made a eighty foot squared room, stairs that led down to another fifty foot squared room. A small ramp that lead to the top parking lot for a motorcycle, and a car which he was building now.

The top floor of the bunker had a machine shop, armor, and basic medical room. The bottom floor was a small training room, exercise equipment, gym pads, punching bag, and a few single beds for those few times Melanie may or may not have visitors. Along with a shower, and changing room. He came back up to the 'first' floor and went back to the cellar under the restaurant. A inconspicuous wall was pushed inward from the cellar and moved aside with barely a noise. The door slide closed behind him and he went back up to the restaurant to find the family of vigilantes.

It was lunch time but Lash was able to snag the family, and his companions for a brief moment. When the secret door slid open in the basement Bryson let out a low whistle. They all walked in and the lights started to turn on as the door behind them slid closed. Tucked in the back next to the ramp was a 900 cc motorcycle with electrical converter battery. She could plug it in when she was home, it could run for three straight days at top speed before it needed a refill.

Arcane Science 900 cc motorcycle with trace elements of Orichalcum, and Nth metal. With a Tiberium battery core. Deep shade of blue.

Rank: B+

Effect: Very Durable.

Effect: 10% Durability restored every day as long as it has power.

Effect: 40% absorption of kinetic, and light energy.

Effect: 40% decrease of negative spell energy.

Effect: 40% increase of positive spell energy.

Effect: Virtual Intelligence (Self Drive), Phantasm (Illusion of another motorcycle), Invisibility. Repair, Compression Transformation, Connectivity (Vici access)

Effect: Aquatic surface method of transportation. (Wave Rider)

Effect: Security lock. (There is no ignition key, activates when rider is near)

Effect: Nigh impossible to steal for mundanes.

Comment: You've made an over powered scifi magical motorcycle that can hit speeds of 150 mph on straight and level roads. People who ride these kind of machines are called something, oh that's right! 'Road Kill!'

“Good God that is a pretty bike!” Melinda said as she walked up and hugged the motorcycle, the thing actually purred at her. The engine gently rising and falling.

“You built this place in less than an hour? How!?” Bryson said as he looked at Lash who shrugged at him.

“Practice.” Lash said gently. Melanie looked around with wide eyes as she touched everything in the room, and noticed there was a set of stairs. She went down, with her father following behind her. Kory came over to pet the motorcycle as Megan followed after Melanie. Kara stayed next to Lash as he sat down on a chair next to the medical lab.

“You look tired...” Kara said as she watched Lash. He nodded gently at her.

“I'll be fine, though we may turn in early tonight.” Lash commented, Kara agreed and came to stand next to him. Despite his exhaustion she still leaned up against him. Even sitting Lash was just as tall as her. He smiled at her, and she grinned back.

Melanie came back up and had tears in her eyes, she walked over to Lash and gave him a big hug. Bryson was behind his daughter and grinned wide at her. While Melinda left the purring motorcycle and came to stand next to her husband. Lash gently patted Melanie on the back as she cried. She wasn't sad, just happy and incredibly surprised.

“I half expected to be given a secret decoders ring, and a foot locker with equipment in it. This...this is to much!” Melanie finally said. Lash just grinned as he pulled out the holographic wrist phone, with JL message capabilities. Melanie yelped in surprise. Wayne Tech holographic phones were incredibly expensive!

“How can I pay for any of this!” Melanie asked, practically shaking in fright.

“Just do the job that you parents did. The bunker is here for you, but there may come a time when other League members may need it. That is why there are single beds downstairs. Hopefully that will never happen! But its possible.” Lash said to her, he had also installed a single person portal hub in the bunker. It wasn't big enough for a larger one. Little by little the infrastructure of the League was being made.

“Now, have you given any thought to your uniform?” Lash asked, Melinda stepped forward at the mention of the uniform and pulled out several costume designs. They looked very....Fan service like. Kara laughed out loud and covered her mouth as she tried to hide her smile. Melinda looked confused.

“OK! These are great designs but they don't offer a lot of protection.” Lash commented on the dress up costume designs. They belonged at a Fetish BDSM convention. Lash knew that Melinda as Night Cat had worn a full body leather costume.

“I said she needed more armor!” Bryson said with a grin, and Melinda glared at him. Melanie stood off to the side looking between her parents and Lash. She had been mortified when she saw the pictures her mother had made for her.

“So, Melanie is a Ferrokinesis. Capable of manipulation of metal. She has limited Telekinetic powers. Meaning she can move things with her mind, but only things made from metal. Along with a metal perception. Example of this is being able to see metal through walls but only metal. It may seem limited but most people today carry some form of metal. Especially if she is fighting crime. Melanie can yank guns from the hands of perps, see them through walls, and even stop bullets...With practice.” Lash finished, the family looked shocked, but then Bryson clapped his daughter on the back.

“Grats Mel! Your Neo from the matrix!” Bryson said with a grin, and Melanie blushed and hid behind her mother who laughed at her.

“Well that makes my costume designs pointless! I figured she was going to be a martial artist like Bryson and me!” Melinda said as she tucked the drawings away.

“Eventually as long as you practice your limited telekinesis you may even be able to fly.” Lash said, and Melanie looked at him with wide eyes. Bryson laughed and face palmed!

“That's right! If she can manipulate metal she could jump on a metal board and fly through the air!” Bryson said with a grin.

“So, for now I will make a training uniform that she can wear in the field. But we'll worry about costume designs later. Its important to have a symbol, something that says that is you. So, I'll make a full body, form fitting metal polymer suit, with some basic armor plates. The polymer will be able to stop a bullet, though it will still hurt! With practice you'll eventually be able to use the armor plates to levitate, and eventually fly. Once you have fully mastered flight we can talk about making a costume with a bit of flair, agreed?” Lash asked, the family agreed. So Lash went to the work table and began to create the suit.

Metal polymer weave suit with Orichalcum, Nth metal, and traces of Mithril armored plates. Black weave, with gray armor plates.

Rank: C+

Effect: Very Durable.

Effect: 5% Durability daily as long as it has power.

Effect: Kinetic movement and absorption generates power, batteries stored in armored plates.

Effect: 30% absorption of kinetic, and light energy.

Effect: 30% decrease of negative spell energy.

Effect: 30% increase of positive spell energy.

Effect: 10% improvement of meta-gene powers.

Effect: Adjust 5 sizes higher or lower.

Effect: Creation of mundane items, knives, ball bearings, bullets. (Warning huge consumption of energy reserves)

Effect: Repair, Chameleon, Essence Imbeument,Alteration, Compression Transformation, Immaculate, Re:Implant, Enlarge/Reduce, Infinite Supply.

Comment: You've once again crafted a exotic item for a low level. This will be something Melanie wears for many years, she may never need to change!

Lash handed the suit over to Melanie who raced off to put it on with the help of her mother. They soon returned to have Melanie standing in front of everyone. She had a half breast plate on her front, with plate armor down her spine. Her gloves had metal plates on for extra punching power, and armor along her forearms that went to a bladed point on her elbows. Along her waist was half skirt of chain mail that covered her backside, and sides but was open in the front. Her metal boots went all the way to knees, and had knee guards. She had a half mask/helmet a lot like Batman's cowl, which had space for her hair. Her hair was tucked up and back and kept with in a hood so it was out of her eyes. It had similar looks to Kara's, and Kory's suit. Though Kory showed more skin, and Kara had full armor plates on.

“Its really tight! But, not like in a bad way! Once we zipped it on it seem to fit me perfectly, it stretches and moves with me! Also as soon as it was on a I got a tingling feeling across my neck and spine?” Melanie asked Lash.

“That is a minor implant. Its in the suit and gives feed back. Specifically your overall bodies physical health. If you reach a danger zone a SOS message is sent out to your motorcycle which will either ride in to save you! Or send word to Vici our operator in the Watch Tower.” Lash said in response.

Lash spent then next hour explaining all the bells and whistles the suit could do. He also created a very large manual and set it down on the work bench. By the end of it, Melanie had joined the Justice League as in training recruit reserve member of Detroit. It was nearly dinner time so the group stayed for dinner but they couldn't stay long. They had one more stop tonight before they could call it. Once the sun set the group left the restaurant and headed to Mari Jiwe McCabe (Vixen) place of residence.


Mari Jiwe McCabe came home from work another day, another photo shoot for her modeling career. She loved the job, hated the narcissistic, egotistical, produces, and photographers that tried to seduce her every time she had a shoot. Mari took off her high heels as she walked through her front door and unzipped her full length top and skirt slipping out of it with a sigh. She walked through her condo in bras and panties. She pulled a carton of orange juice from the fridge and drank it straight out. It was her house, she'd do it if she wanted!

Mari walked towards her bedroom, but not before turning on the hot water in her tub. She was going to take a nice long bubble bath! Stepping into her bedroom, Mari walked over to the full length mirror and set down her carton of juice. She admired herself for a moment. Mari was 5'9” with light chocolate brown skin, amber eyes, and short pixie cut brown hair. She worked every day hard in the gym with cardio, yoga, boxing, and hand to hand combat. Nothing burned fatter better then a good dance around a bag!

Mari reached up to her neck line and gave an irritated groan. All day long no one said a single thing about the necklace, it was like no one could see it! But there on her neck was an old tribal totem. A braided leather piece bound fox claws, and a fox face carved from some kind of golden stone. Mari had tried to take the necklace off, each time she did it would be gone for a brief moment then she would walk by a mirror and see it back on her neck!

“Why are you there!? I never should have opened that package you came in! It clearly said, 'Do not open' but I was so curious! Why did Richard send this to me! Maybe he can figure out why it won't stay off!” Mari all but shouted at her reflection.

Mari stripped from her under wear and went to her bubble bath. She spent a nice relaxing hour in the bath before she felt something call to her. She grimaced as she felt along her neck, the totem was vibrating. She had tried to ignore it in the past, but the call would just get louder, and louder! She drained her tub and went to her bedroom closet. Reached far into the back of her closet to her 'Only wear in emergencies' clothes.

Mari pulled on a skin tight black cat suit, with tiger orange high lights down her front, and stripped sides. Pulling on black leather boots, the suit went over their top. Then she pulled on gloves that reached her biceps. She reached into her closet and pulled out a half black leather jacket and put it on. Once again she debated the use of a mask? But every time she went out like this she noticed there was almost a blurry shadow that covered her face. She been out several times in the past few months and not once had any one identified her. She knew she had been caught on CCTV more then once. Nothing! Her gut told her she would be fine, so she closed her closet and went to her bedroom window.

Pulling the window she looked out across the five story drop, and the breathed in the night air of Detroit. Clouds covered the skies, and the scent in the air promised rain soon. Mari reached out and felt a connection with the great huntsman spider. A ghostly spirit of the spider came from the totem, the basic outline of the spirit wrapped around Mari and she climbed out of her window. Foot, and heel to the wall. This freaked her out every time!

Mari reached the rooftop and looked around, she took a deep breath and smelled the city. The huntsman spider faded from sight, and the golden wolf wrapped around Mari. She let out a eerie howl into the night, and waited for a response. She knew that she wouldn't get a howl in return from any natural wolves in the city. She did once get a response from a wolf-husky breed. But the howl was for the spirits of the city. She hunted criminals, predators in human disguise that hunted innocent people. Then her whole body froze! She felt a tingle roll up her spine and sprung up in the air! The lion spirit came to her call as she pulled around and glared at something standing only a few feet from her.

The...thing? Was over eight feet tall! It had a massive scaled tail with a wicked blade at the end, four gleaming yellow green eyes peered out from its hood. The cloth, or shroud wrapped around it billowed and writhed like it was alive? Clawed, hands and feet. Parts of the things body she could see were clearly covered in some kind of armor. Wait...Mari knew what this was!? She had seen the news footage of him.

“Agent Wraith? Of the United Nations World Security?” Mari asked, she kept her center of gravity low and her lions claws extended as she waited for an answer.

“Yes.” Wraith's voice was hard to understand, but even still Mari fully understood him. Her lion spirit was screaming at her to run! What ever this thing was, it was incredibly dangerous. “Miss McCabe. We need to talk.” Wraith said, that was when the wind blew by and Mari knew Wraith wasn't alone. Three women were flying around them. She was surrounded!

“OK? I'm not in trouble am I?” Mari asked, looking around for an escape route.

“I'd like to offer you a job.” Wraith said.

“Wait, what?” Mari said, even her lion spirit was surprised by the question.

“What kind of job?” Mari asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.


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