Normally when you include another woman into the mix in most stories and events they come with a load of luggage. But given that Megan was a talented shape shifter all of her clothes, make up, jewelry, etc were just part of her body. So Megan came back to the hotel with us, the only thing she brought with her was her wallet that contained her ID. Something that she had obtained with her Uncle J'onn's help. Lash snagged the ID and double checked it, and sent a request to Shield and Sword for a remake. They said it would be finished by morning. That way Megan Morse would be a real person at least in the mundane world!

Megan nearly fainted at the sight of our hotel rooms, and squealed in delight at the size of her own room. It was nearly four in the morning by the time they made it to their rooms so they all jumped into pj's and into bed for some sleep. Lash like the acting parent and guardian that he was picked up after them, and put away their cloths. Once everything was settled he went to retrieve the mobile Enchanting tool kit and started his work on the fertility charms.

While he created, or pulled the materials from his storage. (Orichalcum is a form of currency) he activated Parallel Minds, Virtual Intelligence, and Connectivity. He checked his email, his Warden page, and sent IM's to his friends, 'family', and pack mates telling them of his adventures. Li'Ana, Soluna, and Jessabell asked about the Fertility Charm job. Of course as his envoys for their respective courts they would know about it. But Lash was confused why he hadn't been asked to make one for the Under Fae? He told Soluna that he was capable making one for them and she said she would get back to him about it.

Lash looked through the world news and wanted to hide under his bed at the devastation that the tidal wave had caused. It had only been a few weeks since the attack and he was caught asking himself the same question he had been asking before. Why wasn't he traveling from coastal city to coastal city helping with the relief effort? Because the Warden, and Super-Natural council asked him not to. Right after the peace conference with Atlantis the UN wanted to arrest Wraith and blame him for the act of War. He was later cleared, but his public appearance was at a all time low right now. Starling City still liked him! But that was about it, even his home town Gotham didn't like him right now.

Atlantis needed to help patch things up before Wraith would be allowed to publicly participate in missions, and cities openly. Things were going well on that front, in some sort of sense. Atlantis was the target and subject of a lot of hate. But they were already working on their public image by providing relief aid to the coastal cities affected. Especially when it came to coastal, and tropical storms. Atlantis had a tide/storm engine they could place in the water next to areas of effect. Imagine a category four hurricane about to hit the coast then the engine activates and turns the category four into category two. Pretty nifty!

On the mundane side of things, Lizzy had requested that once Lash returned to Gotham he should do some of his commissions, and art exhibits. He was still a well known artist for making the siren statues that were still placed in the Wayne art museum. The Shaw art industry site, and Shaw family were also hoping to steal him for dinner. The Shaw family as a whole still didn't know that he was Wraith. Neither Lizzy, or Lash intended on telling them. Especially since the Warden council had declined the idea. At least for now. Lash said he would love to have dinner with the family, and promised to make a few things, and do a few commissions. He had to make the statues for Selina's wedding after all.

The sun was rising by the time Lash had finished the basic structure of the three charms. Yes three, Soluna had gotten back to him and the Under Fae court was delighted to hear that he could make a third charm! They were in a trade bargain to borrow the charms from the Seelie, and UnSeelie courts. But now that wasn't necessary. Lash felt like he may have just made a mistake, or at least stepped into an active mind field. But he told Soluna that he would have the charm ready for the Under Fae. He tucked the three unfinished charms back into his storage, they were still un enchanted so they counted as currency. But Lash decided that he really needed to upgrade his storage device. Maybe it would be cheaper since he had the Space Domain now.

Lash packed up the enchanting tool kit and walked towards the kitchen to start making breakfast. Like always Lash had learned that making the food straight granted him no experience towards his Cooking skill. So he created the ingredients than cooked it. He sent a telepathic wake up call to his three companions, it was a gentle pulse but Megan let out a surprise squeal from her bed room.

Good morning, Lash! -M'gann said through telepathy.

Good morning, take your time washing up breakfast is almost ready. -Lash replied, he got a confirmation from M'gann.

With Lash's superior senses he was able to hear all three of his companions slowly get into their respective showers. Though Kory continued to stay in the master bedroom that belong to Lash. It wasn't like he had used it since they had arrived. Megan was the first to arrive wearing a hotel bath robe tight around her body. She flew into the main room and squealed in delight at the full spread of breakfast foods, fruits, and drinks.

“Oh my gosh! This looks amazing! Uncle J'onn is a good cook, but this is more then even he could make! Thank you, Lash!” Megan flew over and kissed Lash on the cheek and took a seat then stopped as she looked up at the rooms where Kara, and Kory still were.

“Go ahead and start eating, no need to wait.” Lash said as he poured her a glass of orange juice. She happily complied and started to butter up some waffles.

Kara, and Kory soon arrived both wearing hotel bath robes. They sat down at the full course meal that Lash had prepared. Lash sat at the head of the table with nothing but a cup of hot chai as he started to create holographic windows and fly them above the table to do the morning brief with them all. After filling Megan in on the situation they all decided on heading to STAR labs to see if they can meet Victor. If he was injured and in need of help then Lash's abilities could help him through the process. Megan received a call from her uncle John who wanted to ensure she was settling in nicely. Megan with her holographic showed the massive breakfast table along with Lash, Kory, and Kara who all waved.

“I have to say I am a bit jealous of your good fortune my niece. Maybe one day Lash will cook for our family back home.” John said across the holographic. Megan got a little quiet at the mention of home until..

“Of course! I would love to visit Mars, maybe I can help restore your planets dying atmosphere while I am there.” Lash said to John.

The declaration to visit Mars to feed their family, and help restore Mars startled them both. It had been on the back of their minds for some time but they didn't know how to approach Lash about helping their home world. Now that Lash had just purposed the idea took a huge weight off their shoulders. But it also raised another question. How did Lash know that Mars world was dying?

“Mars? Is Megan's world dying?” Kory asked between spoon fulls of eggs.

“Yes, I mean sort of. It will still maintain for another five hundred years or so. But if we don't fix the problem eventually we will have to leave the planet. We were hoping of discovering a way to restore our planet hear on Earth. When Lash helped restore Northern Africa we had wanted to ask him about maybe helping Mars.” Megan informed Kory, and Lash created a holographic image of Mars and what little information Earth had on the planet.

In The Dream Engine Earth had sent several probes to Mars but most of the Martian population was either underground, or used advanced technology to hide their civilization away from the primitive and prying eyes of humanity. It wasn't until recently, as in last ten or so years that they sent emissaries to Earth in hopes of creating peaceful relations. In example, J'onn J'onzz. The DC comic origins for Mars came in all sorts of versions. Lash much preferred this version over J'onn being the 'last' of his kind.

“Are you capable of restoring Mars, Lash?” Kara asked, her eyes had a bit of hope in them. She had lost Krypton, she understood the idea of Megan losing her home.

“Maybe... The Lunar Academy we plan to build is suppose to be on Earths Moon. I plan to use it as a testing ground because I want air, water, plant life, and wild life on the moon. Earth's moon is a barren rock, if I can restore that to livable conditions then I should be able to help fix Mars. At least in practice. I hope to call on the Justice League to help with both projects.” Lash replied, he was reasonably sure he could pull it off, or he could just buy something from the store. But he wanted to at least try.

Kara, Megan, and the holographic image of John both looked hopeful and full of smiles. Kory looked satisfied at Lash's answer and continued to eat breakfast. Lash was starting to worry that Kory may think he is capable of doing anything he puts his mind to. The four of them continued to talk about this and that, Lash did ask questions about Mars current condition for a bit. Then they switched subjects to Victor. John had pulled a file at the police precinct he worked at and said that Victor was not reported missing, and had taken a leave of absence from school. Though the leave was made by his father, not himself. No one had seen, or spoken to Victor in nearly three weeks. Just like the previous information they had.

Today they needed to look official more then civilian. So Kory, Kara, and now Megan dressed in government agent black shoes, black dress pants, suit jacket, white buttoned up shirt. Megan simply changed her skin to adapt to the shape. She was still 5'10” but now had green eyes, short red hair, and continued to have a new hour glass curvy figure. Determined not to fall behind Kory, and Kara's super model figures. But Lash did notice that she continued to wear the talisman he had crafted for her during the Gotham Siege. Kara, and Kory both activated their illusion charm necklaces. Lash wore much the same as his companions, he adjust his skin color to be light caramel, with brown eyes, and a shaved head. No tribal marks visible.

When they exited their room and went down stairs to the lobby a nice luxury SUV awaited them for their convenience by the hotel's rental care. It was magically reinforced and even had a Tech-City rune inside of it. But could only be used in emergencies. Lash linked up with the car, as Kory took shotgun, Kara, and Megan sat in the back. The SUV was the current year model with a lot of bells and whistles. Including an onboard GPS.

Lash linked up with the car through Connectivity and they were off. The car could practically drive itself, and mostly did. Lash was purely there as cosmetics so they didn't get pulled over for not having a driver. Detroit was a fascinating city full of towering high rises, and historical markers. It had over three hundred years of history. Lash of course saw a lot more then his companions, his Magical Perception was active and he saw hundreds of thousands of different creatures wondering around interacting with the mundane world on a different level.

If you have ever had that feeling while you walk through a city like you are being watched by a predator? You assume another human is watching you and you just square your shoulders and walk it off. But more than likely you do have a predator looking at you, just not one you can see. Creatures who feed on emotions run rampant in nearly any city. Some induce the emotion, some feed, but like anything its an ecosystem. Like bees pollinating flowers, creatures stir up emotions and creatures feed on that emotion. Leaving the pollinating creatures alone.

What do the creatures look like? That depends on their type. But they come in all shapes, sizes, and breeds. Multi limb hounds, with gaping mouths, and several eyes peering in every which way direction. Giant moth like creatures that have wing spans as wide as cars from end to end flutter from wall to wall. Giant whale amoeba creatures with see through skin float above the city cleaning it of ambient energy. Monstrous trees with black oil bark spread their roots across the ground, with branches that snag creatures stupid enough to get close to them. The phrase concrete jungle is more literal than people realize.

“Lash, what are you looking at?” Kara asked from the back seat. Lash raised his hand and waved it in a complex pattern. Then all three of his companions saw what he saw. He had to snag Kory's hand to stop her from shooting a Photophagus (Fear Eater) who was sitting on their car hood.

“Relax, they wont harm you. They are just absorbing the ambient fear energy in the air.” Lash told her. The Photophagus looked like a slathering slug with dozens of tentacles, eye balls, and gaping mouths slipping along the car, onto the street, and up a wall.

“What are they?” Megan said, a shiver of fear was in her voice. Which of course attracted more of them as they began to suckle the fear out of the air. Lash created a plum of Nature Domain energy for them to feed on as the traffic light turned green.

“They are phagus types, they feed on emotion. Every city has them. Think of them as extra dimensional beings. They exist side by side with us at all times, they are just on a different vibration frequency then us. So most can't see them.” Lash replied, trying to explain in a scientific way for them to understand. Lash waved his hand around and they stopped seeing them.

“Do you see them all the time?” Kara asked, she was looking left and right as they faded from sight.

“Yes, I've gotten use to them.” Lash replied, as he ran his thumb up and down Kory's hand for a bit before he let go. She had slowed her breathing, but continued to watch the area like a hawk. Looking for something she couldn't see anymore.

Most people would think they had been invaded by H.P. Love craft if they ever saw them. Maybe the mad author had the right idea. Lash continued to pump out a bit of Nature Domain energy for the different phagus types that came up the car. They never begged or whined for more, they simply treated him like a random source of food that could stop at any moment.

“Generally any city over 150-200 years has an entire ecosystem of them. They help keep the psychic energy stable. But sometimes they need a bit of help. That is one of my jobs. If the system falls out of balance they call me or some one like me to come help fix it.” Lash explained to them. They continued to drive to STAR labs where Silas, and Victor Stone were. But in that moment Lash had stepped back into the days when he was a brand new Warden. Sometimes he had forgotten the marvel that was his world.

They soon arrived at the Detroit STAR labs building. It was a massive complex with several wings dedicated to different fields of science, medicine, and engineering. The building itself was guarded by a fifteen foot solid concrete wall with barbed wire around the top. Two different access points, one for the front, and one in the back. The back was heavily guarded with two watch towers that had guards with long range rifles in hand. The front had two guard towers that governed in and out of traffic. The lanes were not straight shots, they had traffic walls lined up forcing cars to snake through them. The building it self was stark white, with angular architecture design. Like the rings around a planet, and the main building had a lot of exposed glass that gave off a bit of light. Playing into the name STAR. But Lash could tell that with a flip of a switch metal shutters would fall over the glass, and hidden guns would pop out and attack anything needed. This was a well guarded fortress.

“Hello, welcome to STAR labs. What can I help you with?” The security guard at the front entrance was well built, with a cold eyes despite his polite question. He had full SWAT gear on, and a automatic rifle slung on his back. Lash took out his UNWS/Warden badge and held it up.

“Hello! We are with the United Nations World Security. These are my companions, Agent K, Agent Andr, and Agent M. We are here to see Silas Stone.” Lash said, as Kory, Kara, and Megan took out their own ID's that had been crafted by Lash. The guard looked at Lash as he took the badge and scanned it.

“You didn't say who you are.” The guard asked, as the badge came back positive. Lash smiled as his skin momentarily peeled back to reveal scales, and his eyes changed shape.

“I'm Agent Wraith. Please keep up the good work!” Lash said, smiling as his teeth grew slightly. The guard jumped back a bit, and the watch tower guard had pointed his rifle at the car but kept the safety on, waiting.

“Y-Yes Sir! Thank you, Sir! Its an honor to have you, Sir!” The guard saluted, and Lash saluted back in a quick and clean fashion. The guard gave the all clear sign to his companion who lowered his rifle. Lash pulled his window up after he got his ID back and started to drive the car through.

“That was exciting! I mean! I.... I have never done anything like that before. Uncle John has taken be on a few night patrols but all we did is stop a few muggings, this is really exciting!” Megan couldn't stop smiling, she almost vibrated out of her seat.

“I'm happy you are having fun, Agent M. But remember don't say your Uncles name while we are inside alright? Even a single name can give people information.” Lash said with a smile, as his skin regrew. Megan clapped her hands over her mouth and blushed.

“It's alright, Lash had to remind Kory and me several times when we first started. Just think before you talk and you'll be fine.” Kara assured Megan, she reached over and squeezed her hand. Megan nodded, and smiled slightly.

“Before we go in I'm going to link us up for easier communication.” Lash said as he activated Temporary Pack Bond. Kory, Kara, and Megan both shivered as the link was established.

When they came up to the front door two security guards in full battle kit waited for them. They both saluted, and Lash returned the salute in perfect military function. Lash had lived multiple lives as a soldier he knew how to salute. The clean precision of the action did not go unnoticed by the guards who both seem to be ex-soldiers. They turned on their heels and walked ahead of their group.

They are about to do a deep thermal scan of us. All of you will have above human readings. Don't fret, the UN is aware that I am training a few visitors above Earth. -Lash said across the telepathic link. He got confirmations back, as a green light scanned over their group as they passed through the glass door.

Beep! Beep! Beep! A soft alarm went off, and the security guards behind the front desk looked up with shocked eyes. With Technomancy Lash could see that the scan had revealed that all four of them were clearly not human. All the security guards on the floor unbuckled their side arms, and few pressed their fingers next to their safeties waiting confirmation.

“Hold it! Hold it please! Agent Wraith is registered, and has his trainee's on file! They are not human we know this!” A man in a lab coat came running from a side door waving his hand to get every ones attention.

Silas Stone the scientist was 6' even, with broad shoulders, a square jaw, black skin, and a healthy build. He had a reasonably groomed medium beard that covered his jaw, and mouth. The blood shot eyes, and shadows under them showed he hadn't been sleeping. He a bit of a stooped posture due to his time leaning over computers, and microscopes, but that didn't seem to stop him from hitting the gym a few days. He had amber brown eyes that held a fire if intelligence and curiosity. He wore black dress shoes, black pants, a navy blue un tucked buttoned shirt, and a crisp clean white lab coat. Silas ran up and extended his hand to Lash.

“Agent Wraith! Welcome to STAR labs Detroit office! I am very happy to meet you! What can I help you with?” Silas said, he took a moment to look at Kara, Kory, and Megan.

“Victor, where is he?” Lash said, as he shook his hand. Silas went rigid like he had been softly tased. He audibly swallowed as he tried to take his hand back from Lash, but Lash refused to let go.

“My son is currently very si....” Silas started to say before Lash let out an audible growl that started from his chest, and shook the whole room with a primal fear. Saurian made a lot people, especially humans freak out. Their hind brain or, primal center of their minds activated their fight or flight response just by being in the same room with him. This was watered down while Lash was in the driver seat, but the effect was still there.

“Please don't lie to us, Dr Stone. Take us to your son....Now.” Lash said, his skin began to peel. The shroud of smoke and shadow began fall off him in writhing waves.

Lash please calm down! Every one in the room is terrified of you, including us! -Kara said across the link. Lash could feel the fear from his companions, as well as the whole room. He let go of Silas at last who practically jumped back several feet. Silas paled as he tried to decide if he could run or not. Then he looked down, and his shoulders fell. He conceded.

“V....Very well... Please follow me.” Silas said, he stiffly turned around and walked towards the doors he had come from. Lash looked around with a smirk as he watched every security guard in the room lower their weapons. They had all raised, and took the safety off when he started to reveal himself.

It is times like these that I am reminded of the gentle predator we travel with! -Kory said across the link, she was still afraid of Lash but under that layer was excitement!

The original two guards that escorted them into the lobby followed along. They noticed that Megan shook like a leaf and was hiding behind Kara. Kara reached out and took her hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze. The group didn't portray the cool, indifferent, government types that they dressed like. While Kory was doing her best not to smile at the situation. Silas led them through several different halls, and passed by several labs. A few meta-humans were in those labs testing their abilities under controlled circumstances. One lab contained a very large sixteen foot pure white snake with red ruby eyes, that was currently playing chess with a scientist. Though the scientist was behind a six inch pane of glass. The snake looked up and watched Lash move, who returned the gaze. It was a garter snake, the ones you commonly come across in your garden.

Relative of yours? -Megan said softly across the link, trying to ease the tension. Lash kept his face stoic, but sent a bit of humor across the link. Megan stopped shivering when she felt it, and smiled slightly at the giant snake. Who went back to playing chess, and put the scientist into check.

Lash had to admit that the security at STAR labs was impressive. Much better than the particle accelerator in Central City. But of course Lash did remember that before the explosion the accelerator had impressive security as well. He was sure with the new Dark Matter/ Meta-human subjects here security had been improved to both protect, and contain.

They passed one more door and came to what one would think an auxiliary lab with less resources. But Lash through Technomancy could tell the whole room was secure with metal shutters, solid walls, and automatic turrets waiting for the slightest breach. They came to a solid pane of glass to look into an operating room inside the room was a sight to behold. Megan gasped and covered her mouth in shock, as Kory clenched her hands into fists, and Kara gritted her teeth.

Inside the room was Victor Stone, well half of him. From the lower abdomen down he was gone, nothing remained. His entire left hand had been removed, and his right hand extended to just past his elbow. His chest cavity was exposed, and the left side of his face was shaved off to reveal his skull. In the center of his chest where his sternum would be was a rectangular box, with circuit board design, a strange language, and a single glowing red orb in the center. It was a Father Box, a servant of Darkseid.

The Father Box looked like it was attempting to replace Victors skeleton structure with metal. Thread like tendrils extended out from the box and had inserted itself into all of Victors organs to ensure they continued to function. Every few minutes Victor would open his eyes and scream in agony, each time it happened the Box seem to get some sort of energy from Victors pain, and fear. Before Victor passed out from the pain, and the Box continued to consume? Repair? Rebuild, Victor?

“Why is he still awake!?” Kara shouted at anyone who could answer.

“We tried to sedate him but every time we get close to him the machine in his chest attacks us. Last time we stepped inside it created a stabbing weapon from the metal in the room and almost impaled me. We....I don't know what to do.” Silas said, his voice quaking as tears brimmed his eyes.

“Where did you get the device?” Lash said as he pointed at the Father Box.

“We found it, in a cave just outside of town. It was being held by some sort of alien creature. Here we have video.” Silas said as he brought them over to a screen.

It was a cave dozens of miles outside of Detroit, it looked brand new. Or rather to say freshly carved, Lash could see the claw marks on the stone. Inside was the shattered remains of a creature, its legs were mangled and destroyed, its arms twisted in odd angles, its bones protruding out. But its gray molted skin, carapace like armor, and Apokoliptian language sent a shiver down Lash's spine.

“We tried to carbon date the creature, our attempts were hard to specify but as far as we know the creature had died, about a year ago. Maybe more. The box was still humming with power, so we brought it and the body back here. I had been working on the box and.... There was an accident. Victor was caught in an explosion. When the smoke cleared we found Victor, and the box had fused.” Silas said as he quaked with anger, anger directed at himself.

Everyone but Lash stood still in the room as they digested the information. Then the door alarm went off and Silas shot his head up. Lash had opened the door and it was already closing behind him when he stepped in. The door sealed behind Lash locking everyone out, a over ride had activated and Silas beat against the glass screaming at him to get out of there. Stay there! -Lash sent across the link as he walked towards Victor. Kara was about to shatter the glass with a punch but froze at the message.

They weren't suppose to be here yet! Lash was suppose to have more time! The inside of the operation room was nearly pitch black, the only light source came from the core of the Father Box. Its red halo of light washed the room, making it look like the walls were bleeding. Victor briefly woke up and screamed! He shouted for Lash to run before it attacked him...Then the thread tendrils dug into Victors skull and put him back to sleep. The Box hadn't attacked Lash despite his intrusion into the room.

The Father Box let out a loud 'PING' noise as Lash stepped closer. Lash narrowed his eyes at the Apokolipse technology and walked closer to Victor, and the Box. The Box was starving! It used the burst of pain, and fear from Victor to keep it self alive while it tried to repair Victor. Lash could feel the malevolent aura from the Box. Unlike most creatures, beings, etc in the universe they are born with both good and evil inside their soul. Or what ever metaphysical, spiritual belief they held to explain it. Father Box's were designed with malevolence in mind. They were also unique because they were attached to the 'Source'. Something that the Box sensed in Lash...Or rather Saurian.

“!” The box chimed several times as Lash walked around Victor and placed his hand on his head. Victor struggled for a moment then fell into a deep sleep.

“PING!” The Father Box sounded angry that its food source was asleep.

“Relax, I didn't forget about you.” Lash said softly.


Silas was pressed against the pane of glass that separated him from his son as hard as he could. He so desperately wanted to get inside, maybe things had changed!? But the exceptionally tall women, Agent Andr stood by the door to stop him from getting in. The other two..Agent K, and Agent M were trying to comfort him and tried to explain what was going on. How could they know?! They didn't have a radio, or a cell phone. But they seem to be able to know what Agent Wraith was doing!? Silas watched, and sighed softly as he saw Victor was put to sleep. The painful nightmare that his son had been living through the past few weeks ended just like that.

The outer lab door opened and several of Silas's colleagues entered the lab. Silas tore himself away from the window to confer with his fellow Doctors as they started to scan, and read the information in the room. Or they tried until Agent Wraith raised his hand and all the recording devices froze mid scan. They couldn't get a reading on the room, all they had were visuals from their own eyes. Silas went back to the window and saw that Agent Wraith was feeding bluish green energy into the box. The rebuilding process of his son sped up at a visible rate.

“I swear to god if he saves my son I will do what ever he wants forever!” Silas said, as his whole body shook with rage, fear, and...hope.


Through the connection to the Father Box Lash had learned that the Para-Demon had come to Earth by accident. It was a vanguard of some kind on a scouting mission, when the people of New Genesis or the Tomorrow People had attacked its unit. The Demon had to report back to its superiors about the outpost they had found. It had used a Boom Tube, but was shot mid transition...The Father Box, not the Demon. The Boom Tube collapsed on itself and crushed the Demon, and nearly killed the Box. They arrived on a backwards planet with little power. The Box tried its best to heal its user, but in the end the Demon died. The Box had been feeding on the Demon until the humans found it.

It had placed itself in stasis until it could find new source of food, or energy. STAR labs had been very careful with its examination, all the emotion the Box senses was curiosity, confusion, and yearning for answers. Nothing it could feed on! Then this one, Victor Stone. Had begun to yell and scream at his Father for skipping another...Foot...Ball Game? The Box had fed on the anger, caused an explosion with a burst of energy and latched onto Victor. Victor had become the Box's food source, but the explosion had caused more damage then the Box had wanted.

Now the Father Box, and Victor Stone were merging. Once finished they would be one being. Its father Metron would find this merging amusing since no living creature had ever lived through such a joining. Lash worked with the Box to make the merging seamless, with the help of his Synthesis Domain, Re:Implant, and Source Code. Which Father Box freaked out when Lash accessed its Code, only its father Metron had ever done that! One important thing Lash found, the connection, or loyalty to Darkseid was cut off! Lash was insistent on this and wouldn't help, he would rather Victor die then be a slave to Darkseid. Father Box agreed, and Lash checked its Code to ensure it was telling the truth.

Victor was covered in a metallic cocoon and kept asleep as the Box now had all the power it needed. Lash leaned up against the wall and slumped to the floor. He lifted the lock down letting Silas and the girls inside the room. Silas was inside a few seconds and started to check over the cocoon. Kara, and Kory came to Lash's side and helped him stand while Megan looked at the cocoon with wide eyes.

“Is he safe?” Megan asked, she was able to feel the emotional tension coming off of Silas.

“Victor is alive and being rebuilt. But he will be a Cyborg, a combination of organic, and machine. Dr Stone....Stone....SILAS!” Lash shouted at Silas who jumped and looked over.

“You can't be here when he wakes up...Victor blames you for what happened to him. Trust me, when he wakes up he will be a killing machine who reacts on his emotions. The machine part will create weapons and attack automatically.” Lash informed Silas of what will happen.

“But...I...Victor wouldn't do that!? I'm his father!” Silas said, he sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than Lash.

“I'm not telling you to leave the building, Dr Stone. Just don't be in the immediate area when he wakes up. At least until he calms down. We'll stay here until he does to help him adjust. You will get your son back, just be patient.” Lash said, he carefully cast Calm Emotions over Silas. Though in the long run it would do more harm then good. Currently Lash didn't care, he was tired.

Silas became passive and accepted the idea easily. Once emotion was 'removed' he understood what Lash was asking him. He agreed, but asked Lash to turn the sensors back on so he could at least keep an eye out of the lab. Lash agreed, and Silas left the lab but his fellow Doctors stayed behind. Lash walked over to the cocoon and ran his hand over it. The entire thing vibrated, and a soft ping chimed through the metal.

“Sleep, and finish. I'll be here when you wake up.” Lash said to them both. A soft ping replied to his words.

Lash stayed in the room with Victor while everyone stepped out side into the outer lab. The 'metamorphosis' wouldn't take very long Lash assured them. The cocoon stretched, and breathed like a living thing. Like the metal was really a organic polymer instead of hard steel. Slowly it began conform and fit onto Victor. Yes, instead of breaking out of it, the shell would adhere to Victor. It was nearly lunch time when Victor started to scream in panic. He thrashed on the exam table and pulled on a thin film of metal-organic tissue and peeled it off of him. He fell off the table and threw up a collection liquids, tissue, bone, and blood. He screamed in horror as his right organic eye, and left mechanical eye looked around the room and spotted Lash sitting on the floor.

“Good after noon Victor how are you feeling?” Lash said with a smile, then raised his arm as he quickly activated Transformation. BOOM!

Lash was blown through the operation room by an explosion of kinetic energy shot out from one of Victors duel cannons that built from his shoulders. Lash rolled several times then popped up from the ground and stood up. He spread his feet out and let out a snarl as his talons on his feet carved into the floor. Victor came running out of the room and started to shoot everything in sight! Mega raised his hands up and created a telekinetic shield to protect the Doctors and guided them out. Kory shot the missiles that Victor was creating with her star bolts, and Kara tackled Victor to the floor.

“Get off of me! Where is he!? Where is my father! I'm going to fucking kill him!” Victor screamed at Kara who kept him pinned despite the amount of bullets he fired into her.

Lash jumped across the room in a single bound and pounced on top of Victor like a raptor. He placed his clawed hands on Victors head, and on the glowing red dot in his chest. Victor struggled for a brief moment then for the lack of better words, 'shut down'. His entire body went lax, and he went into power saving mode. Kara waited a moment before she released her hold and stood up. Her government disguise held together pretty well. It looked dirty, that was about it.

“Is he ok?” Megan asked as she floated over to them. For a brief moment Lash realized out of the whole group he was the only one who couldn't fly.

“Yes, he just needs time to process what has happened to him. Help me get him back to the operation room. I have to do some updates on him. Megan make sure everyone stays out, most humans are pretty fragile.” Lash replied, as he leaned over and tried to pick Victor up.

Victor or soon to be Cyborg was 6'6”, with wide shoulders, and hard core athletic body. Especially when metal-organic tissue made up his skin. The only organic tissue, or skin left to him was on the right side of his face, right earlobe, part of his neck, and his right shoulder, down to his forearm. The rest of it was metal. Most of his internal organs, muscles, and skeleton had the metal-organic threads through them. His feet had their individual toes, along with his fingers on his hands. They were just metal cybernetic design. In the middle of his chest was a red glowing jewel, what remains of the Father Box. Another red jewel rested in Victors forehead. Blue lines went up and down his body like a circuit board, the bodies idea of veins.

Kara easily picked Victor up and set him on the examination table, Lash did a quick Immaculate on her to help clean her up, and he also cleaned the room, and cast Renew on it to return it to its previous state. One thing that happened in the Comics is that Victor felt like a freak, he couldn't leave STAR labs, he couldn't socialize with any of his friends because he was a walking talking machine. Lash was going to fix that! Lash canceled Transformation and returned to his government suit uniform, he placed his hands on Victors head and cast Re:Implant, Fabrication, Alteration, Compression Transformation, and False Life. Doing an on the spot enchantment. A new liquid metal polymer implant was placed inside of Victors body. Father Box had no need for this implant, so he hadn't made it.

The liquid metal polymer would cover Victor and allow him to change his appearance. Covering his metal-organic tissue so that he looked... Well normal! Technically Victor could use it to disguise himself, but it wouldn't adjust his overall body type, or size, just his appearance. The polymer had full sensation, and feeling in it. Once the implant was installed the polymer bubbled and dripped over Victor, once it covered him completely it used Victors own memory to the shape. Suddenly Victor Stone was good as new! A bit taller, wider, and completely naked on the examination table!

“Ahaaaaa! Wow! That is amazing!” Kory cheered, and examined the naked form of Victor.

“Are all black men on your world so well endowed?” Kory asked, looking at 'Victor' with interest. Kara, covered her eyes, while Megan peeked into the lab in curiosity. Lash spoke with out missing a beat.

“A majority of them are, you should see it when its fully erect! But you'll have to ask Victor when he is awake.” Lash said with a smile. He quickly created some gym shorts, and a baggy shirt and with Kory's help put them on Victor.

The team of scientist soon returned, they peeked inside the lab, then inside the operation room. One of the women screamed in shock at the sight of Victor, aside from being a bit taller, and muscular he looked the same. The polymer did a perfect job of mimicking organic tissue. Lash insisted that Silas stay away until Victor had calmed down. After about an hour, Victor woke up again. This time less screaming, and less shooting.

“Wa...What happened? Why am I like this now?” Victor said, his entire body shook in terror as he looked at his hands, his arms, and chest.

“It wasn't a dream, Victor. You are still a Cyborg. I gave you an implant that will replicate and control the liquid metal polymer that is covering your body. At least this way you can lead a semi normal life. It will take time, and practice but you could even go back to foot ball. Though you'll have to try and return to human normal strength.” Lash said as he showed Victor a holographic video of the before and after.

“How long have I been out?” Victor said as he looked at the video close to a dozen times.

“Nearly three weeks, you'll have to miss the next big game. But you should be able to go back to school in about a month.” Lash said, he kept trying to assure Victor that he could return to his old life. Mostly.

“I...Is my dad.... Alright?” Victor said, he clenched his jaw. He shook with anger, but he also was worried that he had done something to him.

“Yes, you are like an exposed nerve right now Victor. I thought it best he not be in the room when you woke up. So you didn't turn him into meat paste.” Lash said honestly, Victor chuckled a little. A quick dry laugh, that turned into a sob.

The last three weeks had been a living hell for Victor. As much as Lash wished he could take the memories away he didn't dare. Victor had to accept what had happened to him, though the pain was horrifying Lash knew that it would help to define who he was as an individual in the future. Lash tested the waters by creating a Phantasm of Silas walking through the door. Victor's hand shot up, and a duel barrel plasma cannon came out and shot through Silas. Victor screamed at the sight of his fathers illusion turning into dust before Lash snagged him and told him it wasn't him.

Megan wanted to settle Victor with telepathy, but when she tried his mind was...Foreign... Like a machine. Lash cast Calm Emotions on Victor and he settled down, the duel barrel pulled back into Victors hand and the polymer formed into skin again. Victor's mind was fractured, part of him was calm, another part was in turmoil. Has horrible as it was, the part of Victor that was Father Box was feeding on the emotions.

“I don't want to stay here! They'll treat me like a test subject! They'll poke and prod me, and try and see how I work! Please... Please don't leave me!” Victor shot up and rushed Lash, who took in stride. He held up a hand to stop Kory from attacking Victor in surprise.

“OK...Lets take a walk outside. We'll find a place for you.” Lash said as he wrapped his arms around Victor, though he was a bit taller Lash pulled it off as Victor had curled up, turning into the embrace.

This was when things got a little tense. STAR labs didn't want to let Victor go. Silas demanded that Victor stay, but Victor proved he didn't want to see his father when his voice came through a speaker in the lab, and Victor blew it up with another cannon shot. Half way through the meta-human labs a scientist miss spoke and said that Victor, and Box were STAR labs property. As soon as he said those words both of Victors eyes went red, his polymer pulled back, and the war machine built missile pods, and cannons.

“I AM NO ONES PROPERTY!” Victor shouted! He almost leveled the whole room until Lash cast another Calm Emotions on him, which only half worked. But it was enough.

“Lets make this very clear! You can either let us walk out, or Agent K will break down the walls and make a door. Your choice!” Lash said, his skin started to peel back to reveal his scales. Kory started to channel star bolt energy and glared at the guards.

After a minute passed a man in a tailored suit appeared at the end of the hallway and shouted at the guards and scientist to let them leave. Lash didn't recognize the man, but a quick search pegged him as the director of the lab. The security guards stepped aside, as did the scientists. Victor pulled his polymer back over him, and recreated cloths as well since he tore the last ones. Not even a few hours and he is already getting cloths down. Nice....

Lash, Victor, Kara, Kory, and Megan stepped out of the main lab. Lash linked with their car and the SUV started up and drove over to meet them. They all squeezed into the car, and Lash drove them through the guarded entrance. The gate opened for them after they received a call and they pulled out front where the car stopped. They all got out and closed their doors, the SUV drove off by itself then five spell script ribbons coiled around them and they spring jumped out of sight with an audible pop!


Victor Stone felt numb to his core, he felt like a stranger in his own skin. Was this even skin!? He didn't know, he felt like he was more aware of his own body than ever before. There was another voice in his mind, synthetic, mechanical. It fed him a bunch of information that he didn't understand but understood it all the same.

Energy readings climbing....Unknown energy source..... Spacial anomaly detected...

The voice spoke as Victor blinked and looked around a giant room. For a brief moment he thought he was back in STAR labs, that they had tricked him and his....Friends? Victor wasn't sure what these people were to him. But for what ever reason he felt like he could trust the man that was next to him. Victor looked around the room, it looked like a gear, and supply room. Several giant rocks floated, and were lead through a machine that processed the rock and metals contained with in. Agent Wraith... Who Victor thought was suppose to be a giant lizard from all the video he had seen led him to a window....

OH MY GOD! ARE WE IN SPACE!?” Victor shouted at the top of his lungs. There in the window was the planet Earth. Victor had seen photos of the Earth from Orbit, but the actual view was way better.

“Yes you are! Welcome aboard Victor Stone! I am VICI, the keeper of the 'Watch Tower'.” The synthetic female voice tried to imitate a sense of drama when it said the words Watch Tower. Victor despite himself laughed a little.

“Ever heard of the Justice League Victor?” Agent Wraith said as he turned to him.

“Ummm... Isn't that a group of vigilantes that fight crime, and help people in need?” Victor said, he had talked to a couple of friends about them.

“That's mostly correct.... Would you like to join?” Wraith asked with a smile.


Megan danced and bounced through the Watch Tower. She hadn't been up here in a while. VICI was more than happy to play tour guide by way of disembodied voice. Megan's enthusiasm was infections as she pulled Victor by the hand and tugged him along. VICI had re arranged, and moved a few things but her main structure was the same until Lash obtained a upgrade key. Lash bounced his way towards the main control hub with Kory, and Kara following him.

“Are we going to take him with us as we go?” Kara asked as she followed Lash down the main stem of the station.

“That would be a no, Victor is dancing on the edge. Though we are equipped to handle him, he needs a place that is peaceful, and away from people for a bit.

“Does the League have any other places like that?” Kory asked, as she danced through the air. Her fiery red hair aglow at the edges. She had turned off her illusion charm.

“Technically...No. We have a lot of places like STAR labs. But I think Victor would just assume we left him to the dogs if we did that. So, we are going to make a temporary home for him in the mountains.” Lash came to the control hub and floated over to the input station.

“VICI do we have eyes on the rocky mountains?” Lash asked, a holographic screen showed the entire North America continent.

“Right, dumb question. Scan the entire range for a isolated place where we can build a cabin.” Lash requested.

“Processing.....” VICI replied...

Lash called the store catalog again,and starlight burst into view with in the control room. Kara, and Kory both gasped and watched in wonder as Lash seem to hold the universe in his hand. He had earned two DP already by interacting with Victor, and the Father Box. He used it to buy a medical module for VICI. A orb with dancing spell script covering the entire surface appeared in place of the store catalog. He gently inserted the module into VICI control hub. Now the League will soon have a medical wing for their members.

“Location found, thank you for the new module Creator! I will do my best to have a working medical room shortly!” VICI chipper voice sounded off.

“Thank you VICI, please call Victor and Megan back to the portal area.” Lash asked, and floated back up to the larger saucer.

“Lash! VICI said we are leaving! Where are we going?” Megan bounced towards them, followed by the curious Victor.

“Rocky Mountains, specifically an isolated area. We are going to build Victor a cabin there.” Lash said with a smile. Victor perked up surprised at the words. They all stood on the portal pad and watched as the spell script ribbons wrapped around them.


*****Gotham City****

The cacophony of guns firing shot in all directions as the gun men shot into the darkness around them. A living nightmare danced from shadow to shadow. As one by one the lights in the ware house were destroyed until the last one shattered with an pop! The men screamed, yelled, and started to run for the light outside but never made it far as a creature or maybe a man flew down from the ceiling and grabbed a man and flew back up into the rafters.

“No! No! Gaaaaaaaa!” The man screamed as his face was beaten to a pulp. The gang scattered in all directions but more than one shadow was in the rafters.

A man with a dark blue bird icon across his chest and shoulders glided down with boa staff in hand. He whipped it around with expert ease and cracked several gang members into dream land. A smaller figure wearing red, green, and black came down and tackled another man behind the first one.

“Watch your back, Night Wing!” Robin shouted, as he moved to hand cuff the gangster. Behind Robin another shadow landed on other gangster.

This shadow put the gangster into a sleeper hold and dropped him soon after. This one had a bat symbol on her chest, with long red hair sticking out of her cowl she smiled at the dynamic duo. The first, and second boy wonders. Then with the last crack a giant looming shadow glided to the ground, there in the middle of the ware house stood batman. He looked around with a careful eye, looking for something.

“Look out!” Robin screamed as he pushed Batgirl out of the way, a gangster had thrown a grenade onto the ground. Batman flung a bat-a-rang at the gangster, while Robin tried to kick the grenade away but it was to late!


The grenade went off and shrapnel scattered through out the room. Batman, Batgirl hide behind their capes, Night Wing jumped away, but Robin was caught in the chest. Robin collapsed onto the ground with a scream, blood oozing out of his ears, his eyes, and several holes in his chest. Night Wing raced towards him and shouted for help. Batman, and Batgirl were there in a moments notice...This was to much! They needed a hospital, now! Batman took Robin in his arms and raced out side.

“Hold on, Jason!” Batman said, as he clenched his jaw. He pressed his ear and called out to Lucius Fox but his call was interrupted.

“Batman! I am reading internal injuries in Robin! Please let me transfer him to the Watch Tower. We have a full medical room standing by!” VICI chimed across the link. Batman didn't even pause.

“Two to medical in the Watch Tower, NOW!” Batman yelled. Two spell script ribbons began coil around them, then with a pop! They were gone!

*****Thirty minutes later aboard the Watch Tower*****

Two ribbons around the portal room began to curl into existence. Less then ten seconds later a pop rang out and Night Wing, and Batgirl were standing there. A strip of light appeared to guide them to the medical wing. They bounced across the room and down the tunnel towards the medical wing. They came to a stop to see Batman standing by a glass window, all of his concentration on what was going on on the other side. Dick Grayson, and Barbara Gordon came to the window.

Inside the operation room Jason Todd aka the new Robin was floating inside a blue beam of light as several mechanic arms operated on him. His vitals were strong, and all of the shrapnel, and internal injuries were fixed. They were finishing him up now. Dick breathed a sigh of relief, as did Barbara.

“When did the Watch Tower get a medical wing?” Barbara asked.

“About fifteen minutes ago, Batgirl! My Creator, Wraith installed it.” VICI replied.

Batman's indifferent and stoic face betrayed him for a brief moment, his lips tugged into a smile. But he quickly covered it up. No one noticed it but VICI who decided to not say anything. What should have been major surgery, and several weeks in bed turned into a few hours, and lots of bed rest by Doctor VICI. She teleported them to right outside of Wayne Manor in one of the side entrances. Jason was asleep in Bruce's arms, he was sedated but alive and well.

Alfred, and Selina made sure Jason was comfortable in his room before they came to ask what had happened. Bruce was angry at himself, for not reacting correctly. He should have saw last gang member, he should have acted faster. But Selina was having none of it, having grown to understand Bruce she came to his rescue and convinced him it was no bodies fault but the gangster. After Night Wing, and Barbara went home. Selina and Bruce curled up on the bed together.

“Do you think Lash knew something would happen and prepared for it? I don't mean to say he knew Jason would get hurt. But...” Selina asked.

“I don't know.... But he has good timing.” Bruce said with a smile.


Lash was a bit confused. He just got another Dream Point for something. It couldn't be because of the cabin he had built. Could it? He shrugged his shoulders and continued to built the cabin straight into the rock face. They had found a wonderful spot, or rather VICI did. It sat perfectly on a ledge, with a five hundred foot drop. The balcony hung over the ledge, while the front door extended outwards into a partial landing pad for helicopters, jets, or people in flight. The rest of the cabin was built straight into the mountain side.

Lash had used natural rock to cover the entire cabin and gave it natural camouflage. It had three stories, with a basement. The main floor had a massive living room, with a kitchen, and dinning area. The inside was all made of fresh cherry wood furnish. The second floor was a simple stair way up, with a banister around the edge so you could see, and talk to the people in the first floor. The second floor led to the balcony that wrapped around the cabin, and the ledge of the cliff. Than the third floor held the bedrooms, carved inside of the mountain. Ten bedrooms in all, all of them large with carved stone bath tubs, working water, and power. The basement, and garage sense the landing pad could go underground was a machine shop, and training area.

Lash made sure the food storage was fully equipped, each bedroom had a television, and computer. The living room had a huge television, and inside the basement Lash created a portal access point. This let VICI directly portal here, instead of needing a clear view of her point. This was the Justice League first retreat, and home away from home. Lash spent several hours making it, and by the time he was finished...

“HOW THE FUCK IS THIS A CABIN!? THIS IS A FUCKING MANSION!” Victor screamed, his voiced carried down the mountain with an echo. Kory, and Kara both laughed, as Megan was just as surprised as Victor.

“Everyone head in, I'll get dinner started.” Lash said with a smirk.

Everyone walked in and explored the new home, Lash sent word to the hotel in Detroit that they were staying out of city tonight but would be returning in the morning. Normally he wouldn't bother, but he didn't want the Seelie court thinking he had bailed. The entire cabin was fully furnished, thousand thread count sheets, etc, etc. Victor came down a few minutes into Lash's cooking dinner, he watched him cook.

“So, I'll be staying here?” Victor asked.

“Yes, unfortunately we can't stay with you. We'll be working. But this is a nice secluded place, and if and when you ever want to go back home just ask VICI for a ride. How do you like your steaks? Yes, you can eat food.” Lash asked with a smile. Victor looked surprised then smiled.

“Medium rare please.” Victor said, as he ran a hand over his stomach.

Megan floated in next super excited about her assigned room. Technically all the rooms were the same, just color difference. Sheets, curtains, towels, etc. She bounced into the kitchen and kissed Lash on the cheek then bounced around the kitchen and started to make cookies! Kara flew in next and sat down next to Victor and started to make small talk. Kory flew in next and dropped a bombshell like she always does.

“So, Victor are all black men well endowed like you?” Kory asked, Victor who had been drinking spit it all out and began to choke.

“Kory! We talked about this!” Kara turned bright red, and tried to pat Victors back.

“What? Lash doesn't seem to mind?” Kory said, a confused expression on her face. During the cabins construction they had all shared their names with Victor.

“Of course with his polymer he could grow even bigger if he wanted to.” Megan said, clueless about the sensitivity of the subject.

“WHAAAT!?” Victor shouted, then looked at his crotch then back at Kory, and Megan.

“Ooooo! I want to see that! Victor take your shorts off!” Kory said with a smile on her face.

Despite Kara's clear request for aid Lash pretended not to see and concentrated on cooking dinner. Victor began to run away from Kory as she tried to strip him so she could see him fully erect. Megan asked Kara why it was such a weird thing to ask, and soon blushed when Kara explained what the humans penis was used for. Waste disposal, and recreation tool rolled into one! Megan blushed, and secretly glanced at Lash who pretended to not notice the look.

Dinner was delightful, for Lash. Who laughed every few minutes. Victor was incredibly traumatized but Lash congratulated him on not turning into a war machine during the whole ordeal. Kory had her question answered and was now picturing Victor in action. Thankfully Lash had placed locks on the doors to every ones rooms in case no one wanted any mid night visitors. Megan insisted on cleaning up after dinner while they turned on the television and found the video of Victors teams latest game. Victor then explained what foot ball was to Kory, Kara, and Megan.

Lash excused himself to the balcony and sat down on one of the chairs there. It was cold outside but thanks to his Winter Blessing, or just his Adaptation he hardly noticed. He heard the door open behind him, and Kara walked out to join him on the chair he sat on. It was wide enough for two. She did settled right next to him, he opened his arm and wrapped it around her and she snuggled into his embrace. They could see a massive sea of stars above them, and saw a small town with twinkling lights.

“So, I explained the difference to Victor. He agreed to be a reservist Justice League in Detroit. But doesn't want to jump around until he has control over his abilities.” Kara said softly, Lash nodded his head and linked to the JL message board and created an account for Victor aka Cyborg.

“What the hell! Whats the JL message board!” Victor shouted from the living room. With his mechanical and computer system he can talk to machines just like Lash can.

'Ummm, Hi everyone this is Cyborg. Newly joined.' -Cyborg.

'Hello! Hello! Welcome to the League Cyborg. Where you stationed?' -Fantasma.

'Detroit, but Wraith has been out in the mountains till I get a handle on my abilities.' -Cyborg.

'Mountains? We have a place in the mountains?' -Fantasma

'Yes, Fantasma. Newly created by Creator Wraith. If you would like to see it please find an open spot and I'll transport you.' -VICI

'Wait....Transp................. OH MY GOD! WHERE THE HELL AM I!?' -Fantasma.

Lash heard an energy hum coming from the basement, he asked Kara to please guide Fantasma to the living room. Kara laughed, she leaned over and kissed Lash on the cheek before getting up. She ran her hands over Lash's shoulders and walked inside to greet Fantasma.

'I have to agree, when did we get a portal system? Does that mean we can visit VICI in space?' -Wells.

“Wraith! Hola mi amiga1” Fantsam said from the balcony door. Lash turned around to look at Fantasma.

Fantasma continued to where the phantam ghost suit that Lash had originally crafted for him. Despite the ammount of time Lash was sure Fantasma had used with it. It still looked clean, and well maintained. Magic is awesome! Fantasma's armored plates gave him a skeleton appearance, against his black leather. The ghost skeleton mask on his face moved with his face to show he was smiling. Lash stood up and hugged the man. Fantasma seem to have grown a few inches and was about 5'11” now, and was a bit wide around the shoudlers as well. Lash cast Insight on him to check on his stats.

Name: Fantasma! /VI Avatar.

Title: Peekaboo Master, Ghost, Robin Hood.

Origin: Meta-Gene.

Rank: D+

Skills: Danger Sense, Hand to Hand Combat, Lock Picking, (See tool tip)

Powers: Teleportation, Equilibrium Orientation, Matter Reconverter (See tool tip)

Domain: N/A

Racial Trait: N/A

Disposition: Friendly

Comment: Fantasma! Despite his best efforts has stayed alive. His original User died ages ago, but your version is still alive solely because of the equpiment you gave him. He is a friend, and ally towards Wraith.

Lash was surprised by the rank increase but most of all about the message that the original User had gotten Fantasma killed. He'd have to ask Dawn later if he got anything special, or the User did? He'd have to see later. Lash patted down the uniform and added a few little tricks easily with his new skills.

“I fucking love this thing, Wraith! Its saved my life more than once, and it self cleans!” Fantasma said with a laugh. He pulled his mask off to reveal his dark curly hair, brown eyes, and handsome good looks.

“I'm happy that its kept you alive, come on lets go talk to Victor. He needs help adapting to the new change.” Lash said, Fantasma smiled and walked in with him.

They walked inside to find that Oliver, and Sara (Green Arrow, Black Canary) Talking to Victor, Kory, Kara, and Megan. Lash perked up at the sight of them, and Sara turned to look at Lash with a smile on her face. Oliver noticed as well and grinned. After a few hugs, and hellos Lash noticed that Sara had a ring on her left hand, as did Oliver.

“Just an engagment! We'll be sure to invite you to the actual wedding.” Sara said with a smile as Lash pointed at her ring.

Lash got drinks for everyone and put it in simple terms. He and the ladies were in Detroit scouting members, along with some work of his own. They found Victor and recruited him, but can't stick around to train him. Oliver, and Sara agreed to help out, along with Fantasma who was currently flirting with Kory. A few more people on the JL message board agreed to stop by and help Victor with his new found abilities. Victor was surprised, and a bit happy that he joined such a friendly community of vigilantes. Lash also told the whole JL that the cabin was open to anyone, though there were technically only ten bedrooms as long as people didn't mind sharing. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

Not long after Cisco, and Dr Wells showed up at the Cabin. Cisco completely geeked out with Cyborg and promised to attach warp engins to him in no time. Victor who had grown up a jock was totally lost on what warp engins were. Cisco looked like he had been slapped in the face, and asked VICI to bring up Star Trek movies. Pop corn, and drinks were served while Lash once again excused himself to the balcony.

“Mind if I join you? I wont be insulted if you would rather be alone.” Dr Wells asked from the door. Lash gestured for him to join him at the hand rail. Dr Wells came over and breathed a sigh as he look out over the valley, and the very far drop down.

“Wow! That is an amazing view. Ah! No roads up or down I see. So we have to teleport in, or fly in? Good for privacy.” Dr Wells said with a smile. Wells was standing tall at his 5'10” height with a bit of added muscle since he was released from his wheel chair. He still wore his glasses, though it seemed more a habit that actuall need since Lash had fixed his eyes when he fixed his spine.

“You heading back to the Watch Tower to have a peek at VICI later?” Lash asked with a smirk. Dr Wells laughed and smiled wide.

“Ahh...Ya! Ya, I plan to! VICI had some questions about designs she wanted to go over. I didn't realize she could grow the station like a body. Fascinating technology I admit!” Wells said as he leaned up against the hand rail to look back at the living room.

“But I'll make sure to help Victor settle in his new abilities. Its all alien Tech right? No dark matter meta gene?” Wells asked, Lash nodded. Wells let out a whistle.

“Sounds like a story is there, but I wont push for it. Lash, I got to ask.... Why are you doing all this? You almost seem driven to get us all set up. I can't shake the feeling like you are desperate to get the League up and running.” Wells asked, Lash looked at the Doctor with an appraising eye and smiled.

“There is a war coming to Earth. I know we have a few years before it arrives. But the more secure we are the better.” Lash said, Wells looked at him as all humor drained from his face. He swallowed and looked back at Victor.

“Alright... I'll keep it to myself for a while. Do you plan to tell the League?” Wells asked.

“Yes, I plan to sit down with the senior members once the Green Lanterns get back. I don't have all the information. But something is always better than nothing.” Lash said, Wells agreed and excused himself back inside.


****In the Canadian Forests of Alberta*****

An electical disturbance danced static energy up and down in a small clearing between several trees. With with a flicker, a flash, and a lighting crack a hole of smoke, and lighting ripped open in the very center of the clearing. The edges bubbled and frothed with energy, and in the center was a glimmering pool of energy. It was a Rift.

A black armored boot stepped out of the Rift, followed by the black armored soldier in full black plate armor, with red electronic lights. A skull like visor with red gleaming eyes looked around the area. The soldier turned around and reached into the Rift and pulled out a hand held spike and stabbed it into the ground approximately ten feet from the Rifts edge. The spike extended into the ground, and in to the air and the Rift stablized. The soldier did this four more times until the Rift was stable door. Several more soldiers in black armor stepped out and started to secure the area.

Then a larger soldier stepped from the Rift and pulled off his helmet. He was human looking with pale skin, blue eyes, and black hair. He took a deep breath and smiled as he looked around. He had several bars across his left chest piece designating his rank. He turned to the first soldier and clapped him on the shoulder.

“Well done, to volunteer for the unknown I'll be sure to tell the Emperor of your valor! You and your family will be rewarded!” The commander said, the soldier took a knee and bowed his head.

“For the glory of our great Emperor!” The soldiers securing the field all saluted and said the same thing.

“Yes! For the glory of Rofl Dex, our Emperor!” The commander said loudly.


Congratulations User! Your world is being invaded by a rival world!

Objective: Defend your world from invasion.

Bonus Objective: Discover who invades.

Bonus Objective: Fight the invasion back into their world.

Bonus Objective: Prevent loss of life. (Percentage based)

“What the fuck!?” Lash shouted.

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