
******Space, just above Earths Orbit. Watch Tower.**************

The Watch Tower aka VICI had grown in size by about 20% thanks to the efforts of Katma Tui-Stewart. The Green Lantern of sector 1417 and her home planet of Korugar. She had been on vacation with her Husband John Stewart the Green Lantern of Earth, and sector 2814. John was on patrol and this was the last week Katma would be on Earth. The Lanterns patrolling her area would be wanting to visit their own families soon.

Katma had been busying herself with helping the Watch Tower 'grow', and grow was the word to use. Katma had seen a lot of interesting things in her time as a Green Lantern. But the Watch Tower that Wraith had built surprised even her. It was clearly mechanical, but it grew as it was provided with energy and materials. Ancient writings covered the hull of the Watch Tower that pulsed with forgotten knowledge, and power. Katma was no stranger to magic, many civilizations have used the extra dimensional energy known as magic. But what Wraith was capable of doing was something behind her. She had never heard of magic and science working together to this degree.

Katma was conflicted. She was helping the Justice League by VICI with materials. But she was actually on mission. The Guardians of Oa were curious about the machine that Wraith had built. They tasked Katma with a mission to scan the entire Watch Tower so they could look up the information in their data base. The readings so far were, interesting to say the least. Katma's ring couldn't identify half of the materials used to create the station.

“......Miss Katma....Miss Katma are you alright?” VICI's voice rang over the ear piece Katma wore. She jumped in surprise. Kilowog would have her ass if he knew she had spaced out while on mission.

“...Y-Yes! I'm fine, VICI. Just lost in thought.” Katma responded as she guided another piece of asteroid into the loading bay at the top of the spire that was VICI's loading bay.

“Thank you for the resources Miss Katma! Aha! My creator is visiting soon! You told me to inform you of his arrival if you were present? Please come inside so you can speak to him!” VICI spoke with delight in her voice. Katma pictured a little girl jumping in excitement at the return of her father, and mother. Katma smiled and flew towards the air lock.

Katma Tui-Stewart from the planet Korugar was not human. Her skin was a deep shade of red, with raven black hair that went to her shoulders and kept back with a hair ornament from her family. She had deep blue eyes that would sparkle in the light. At the height of 5'11”, with a strong figure in her Green Lantern power suit. The suit like most Lanterns was form fitting and revealed Katma's curves from her chest, to her slim waist, to her but, and thighs. She was an exceptional woman from her planet that many men and women dreamed of having in their bed.

The air lock sealed behind her and the next door opened. The power ring lowered the halo around her body letting her know it was a safe environment. She floated through the Watch Towers stem because it still didn't have gravity. She approached the mid-section of the Tower and came to a fifteen feet high, and forty feet wide radius circled room. The stem continued upwards to the cargo and consumption room where the newest asteroid was being taken apart by VICI.

“VICI is he arriving by ship? Or is Superman carrying him up here?” Katma asked with curiosity in her voice. She knew the Kryptonian could hold his breath long enough to drop someone off.

“Neither Miss Katma! Please wait a moment!” VICI replied, then one of the holographic window screens turned on.

With a bright green and blue flash of light that nearly blinded Katma a great mass of energy spilled out of the holographic window. The mass of light looked like a series of programming code! A mass of zeroes, ones, and several complicated letters that Katma didn't know. Soon the mass of light separated into three distinct forms. Then the code got more complicated, and almost impossible to decipher until it fit together like a 3-Dimensional puzzle pieces to reveal a man and two women.

One of the women was 5'5” with bright blond hair that curled at the tips and ended just past her shoulders. She had blue eyes, tanned skin, and an athletic figure. She wore deep blue under armor, with hot rod red plate male pieces, and gold trim. Across each section was several tiny inscriptions. The armor fit her like a second skin, and covered all of her vital areas. The deep blue under armor went to just under her ears and chin. Katma could see a spine guard that looked like it could extend to cover her face. The woman looked pale and sick to her stomach as she tried not to vomit.

Next to her was a woman of 6'4” if not taller with bright orange skin, fiery red hair that glowed on the tips, and eyes that glowed green. Her body was the kind any women would kill for. Katma even caught her self staring at her with a few fantasies. She wore what could only be considered a battle bikini with dark purple with light purple highlights of plate armor covering her chest, crotch, boots, and forearms. The rest looked exposed but Katma could see that she was actually covered from head to toe it just looked like she was almost naked. The woman was just like the one before, she was on her knees and taking deep breaths trying to not vomit.

The man next to them was almost as tall as the latter woman. He was 6'3” maybe taller. He had black urban city soldier boots, and pants on. With a tight black t-shirt that showed off his very impressive body. He looked like a upside down triangle, wide shoulders, narrow hips. But there was a primal savagery about him that made Katma take a step back. Along his bald scalp, neck, and arms were tribal tattoos that looked like a combination of plants, circuit boards, skeleton bones, and several more that she couldn't get a good look at. Along his forearms, jaw line, and spine were snake scales. His eyes turned to focus on Katma and she gasped softly. Yellow green reptile eyes focused on her. That was when Katma understood who this was. The man smiled at her, and his pronounced fangs extended just a bit. Katma felt the man could swallow her whole if he wanted to.


“Miss Katma! Hello what a pleasure to see you again!” Lash said as he stood up and tried to walk over, forgetting that there was no gravity as he pushed off the ground he flew up and hit his head on the ceiling.

“Ooops! Forgot about that!” Lash said with a chuckle!

“Welcome Creator! I'm so happy to see you again! Did you bring me anything!” VICI's enthusiastic voice filled the awkward pause that filled the room.

“What...The...Fuck! Lash! That was way worse that traveling by tree!” Kara shouted out loud as she finally kept her bile from rising.

“I...I have to agree... If we can help it lets not travel that way again.” Kory replied as she floated up in the room. She brushed her hair back from her face and zeroed in on Katma.

“Oh hello! Your a Green Lantern!” Kory said with excitement as she flew over and started to shake Katma's hand.

“Yes, hello! I am Katma Tui-Stewart, and you are?” Katma asked, surprised by Kory's friendly attitude.

Lash pushed off from the ceiling and floated over to the control hub of VICI. It wasn't the only hub, but it would allow him to link up with her. He pressed his hand to a data port and activated Connectivity and interfaced with her. She had grown! But was locked at G+ until he could buy an upgrade key. She wouldn't turn into a respectable Watch Tower like they saw in the comics until E rank. But one step at a time! He uploaded the new information about Ravager, and The Injustice League to VICI's data base. He could have done this back on the ground but he wanted to visit the station.

“So, what brings you up here to visit? Anything new?” Katma said between questions from Kory, and Kara. She was not use to having full grown adults fawn over her like some sort of....Hero.

“Lash sai...Opph!” Kory clapped a hand over her mouth and looked at Lash in question.

“Its OK, Kory.” Lash turned towards Katma and bowed from his waist. “Please let me re introduce myself. I am Erik Lash, and my Partner Saurian.” Lash said to Katma who smiled at him in return.

“Thank you very much for the privilege of your name. I will keep it safe until you say otherwise.” Katma bowed from her waist in return.

“Lash said he had a few things to give VICI that will help make the Watch Tower more operational in the future.” Kara jumped into the conversation as she hugged Kory from the side, who was blushing in embarrassment.

“Oh?” Katma said with a smile that didn't really reach her eyes. Lash noticed the expression but didn't comment. He knew Katma could be trusted.

Lash raised his hands up into the air and sent out a mental command. A burst of starlight exploded above him and a book that seem to be made from space itself appeared. It floated down towards his open arms and opened up. A wash of cosmic energy danced through the room, washing the women in starlight, solar rays, and a sense of security and safety. Lash began to flip through the book, but when Kory danced over to look over his shoulders all she saw was a window into one of the most dazzling array of stars she had seen. She couldn't see the contents of the catalog.

With a flash of energy! Spell script began to unravel from the book like snakes coiling around their prey. Kory floated back and watched in fascination as the script first started slowly but began to speed up faster and faster as time went by. More and more scripts of magic came weaving out of the book and encircled Lash until there was a bright flash of light and the spell script was gone.

Congratulations User! You've learned the Spell Domain, Space.

Space: The User can create, shape and manipulate physical aspects of space within an area of one's choosing, including an area and whatever is inside of that area. Space consists of the normal 3 dimensions that matter and energy exist in and the 11th dimension that exists within the 3rd-dimensional space.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Achievement: 'Space, the final frontier.'

Effect: The User now has increased perception, and knowledge when it comes to things that are contained with in 'Space'. (Other Worldly Lore has gained a sub-skill tree)

Congratulations User! You've obtained the title: 'Navigator'

Active Effect: Once a day leave an anchor mark. Even if its across vast distances, dimensions, realities, or time. (Current anchor marks in use 0/3)

Passive Effect: Space Domain Spells take 10% less energy to use. Energies, Spirits, and Creatures of 'Space' like you 10% more.

Title Consolidation Detected....Active.

Lash was bemused by the new information as well as the delightful show and tell that wrapped around him. That had never happened before, but of course he never had an audience when ever he learned a new Domain. He was pretty sure Dawn did the aesthetics simply because he was not alone. He also bought a Domain that could only be acquired through either a story event or the store itself. That meant he would have to practice and learn a spell. He wasn't just given one.

Next, Lash spent his remaining DP on the Gravity Module, and the Teleportation Module for VICI. After the event in New Orleans that they had completed he had a few points to share. But he was still several points before he could buy the G – F upgrade key that cost 20 DP. Two orbs with spell script appeared in his hands. The store book disappeared in a flash, but not before Lash marked the upgrade key and an alert to tell him as soon as he had enough DP to buy it.

VICI was vibrating with excitement, no joke! The whole station was squirming about, like a child waiting to receive candy. Lash inserted both of the modules into VICI's hub before anyone could ask what they were. Once both modules had been accepted a ripple of energy cascaded from VICI's main hub, hundreds of spell script lines danced through the room, and the Watch Tower started to grow to accommodate the change.

Kara, and Kory activated their face masks on their body suits. Though Kory could technically survive in open space with out it. It would drain her energy. Katma followed Lash out of the Watch Tower and she watched in fascination as Lash used Transformation to become the giant reptilian warrior she had met before. Covered in a mix of sci-fi armor, and knight gear she had read in the history books of Earth. Wraith had changed slightly he now had four reptilian eyes two in front, two on the side to help see from both angles. Along with his exposed scales, they had a metallic appearance to them now.

The air lock opened and they stepped outside to see the entire Watch Tower was glowing. Lash closed his eyes and folded his hands into a symbol and about ten Saurus Veterans pulled themselves from the aether around them. They floated through and started to inscribe more spell craft into VICI. Katma followed behind and scanned their work with her ring. While Kara, and Kory flew up and around the station. VICI was talking to all of them, asking for help in a few places. She was capable of full automation control but it would be quicker with help.

The two orbital rings around each saucer section grew in size and rotated at a higher speed. The spell script was written, and carved into her armor inch by inch as more time past. Lash floated behind his Veterans to empower the script. Like giving a car a jump to its battery once it was on, it would keep working as long as it wasn't broken. Lash found moving through the dark void of space was easy as swimming through water. He saw that his Spell Domain Space was getting experience. The passive effect was helping him move.

After a few hours the station had grown a little more, and moved far quicker despite its size. The four of them went through the air lock once again, and when the air pressure normalized they moved through the stem still with no gravity but once they hit the mid section the gravity went to half a G letting themselves bounce around in the room. They jumped towards the middle and went to the upper saucer to the main cargo bay. Once again the gravity was about half a G. So they skipped through the cargo area towards giant circle platform in the floor. The teleportation hub.

“When the Creator obtains the upgrade key I'll be able to rebuild and arrange myself to be more applicable to movement.” VICI replied, her voice sound liked a child wanting to take a nap.

“So what's this do?” Katma asked as she bounced over to the teleportation hub.

“This is a site to site teleportation. This is how we'll be getting back down to Earth. The Digital Stride is something I'll have to practice later.” Lash said as he started to point out the mechanics of the hub. He ignored the cheering from Kara, and Kory at not having to use the stride to get back home.

The teleportation hub was something that you see in a space ship scifi show. It was several rings placed on top of each other. With glowing lights underneath for each place a person would stand. But after that Arcane Science kicked in. Each circle would move on its own and create a spell script from the Technomancy, and Space Domains. It would cover the individual in a ribbon that coiled around them like a spring. The spring would compress then jump, and down. Once it preformed the latter action the individual would be taken to its desired location. Like a spring, or skip jump.

“So, where are you off to next?” Katma asked after Lash explained the whole platform to her. She didn't understand half of what he said but the technical part she understood. They had teleportation on Oa so she knew that part.

“We'll be headed to Detroit next to see J'onn, and M'ghan. Maybe catch a football game, there is a star quarterback by the name of Victor Stone that has some potential for the League I wanted to see if we could recruit him.” Lash said as he shifted back to his default human form. Katma winced at the sound of bones breaking, and muscles tearing but Lash didn't seem to notice.

“Say hello to them for me! It may be a while before you see me again. I'm on patrol next!” Katma said, she waved at them as they stepped aboard the portal hub.

“Will do! Thank you again for helping VICI. When you get back there is something I need to discuss with you and John, and specifically the Green Lanterns. But it can wait, so be safe!” Lash replied and entered a code into a station near by.

The spell script coiled around them like a spring, starting from their feet and wrapped around them. Then when the spring reached the top of them it was pushed down gently until the spring was completely compressed. Then with an audible pop! The spring sprung up, and bounced down. When it bounced down Lash, Kory, and Kara were gone! Katma blinked at the teleportation transfer and smiled.

“I think when I get back we'll need to talk either way... The Guardians of Oa will want to meet you Lash. Hopefully as a friend and not an enemy.” Katma said, softly to herself.

*******Just outside the city limits of Detroit********

Seemingly from no where three spell script ribbons sprung down from the air bounced off the ground, and back into the air. On the second bounce down they revealed three people. Kara, Kory, and Lash. The spring bounced back up and with an audible pop it bounced away from existence. All three of them held their heads as a piercing head ache quickly subsided. It was bad, but not as bad as the Digital Stride Lash had used to get up to the Watch Tower.

VICI had dropped them just outside the city on a back road not often traveled. Next to the Detroit River. The first thing Lash noticed about the river was that it was incredibly filthy! His improved sense of smell made him gag and nearly vomit. Kara, and Kory were both the same way. He guided them towards the road and started to craft car for them to use. He went with a luxury four door mercedes, black transportation. Thanks to Compression Transformation he was able to fit a lot more into the car then one would find in the factory setting.

“Do you want to keep the gear on, and just wear a charm over it? Or take it off?” Lash looked at his two female companions.

“Are we going straight to your friend? Or...” Kory asked, it had been nearly two days since they had slept in a proper bed.

“We'll go to the hotel first, we'll be in the city for a few days. There are a few people here I want to try and recruit.” Lash replied, Kory cheer and raced over to kiss Lash on the cheek. Kara sighed in relief as well.

“Then lets just wear a charm until we get to our room.” Kara suggested, Lash cast a simple Phantasm spell over them both so it looked like they wore simple civilian gear.

Lash stepped into the driver seat of the mercedes, while Kory, and Kara sat in the back. Lash once more took on the appearance of man wearing a black business suit playing a bodyguard to two young heiresses on the town. The car jumped into gear and they tore off down the road. Before visiting VICI Lash had called ahead to reserve space at a local super-natural hotel and got a very nice room. He contacted the Warden HQ about his arrival and they had messaged him back with a request. There was a mundane in possession with a magical talisman. A human woman, african descent. Every attempt at contact led to... Unfortunate accidents.

It didn't take long before they hit a main road and with how fast Lash drove it wouldn't take them long to get inside of town. Lash only used his magic outside of town, he didn't want to break Warden Law inside the city when it came to manipulation of Technomancy. So that meant a lot of start, stop, red lights, and traffic. Le sigh. As they entered the city, Kory, and Kara were both on their holographic phones looking up information about Detroit and started to make a list of places they wanted to go see. Lash smiled at the excitement of his friends.

Yes, these two were his friends. Though he didn't place them in his pack. Something tickled him at the back of his mind to say that they were... Not ready for that, or maybe he wasn't? Saurian shrugged across the link and started to look around just as much as the girls were. A new city, new territory, new places to hunt. But Saurian agreed, not everyone that became their friend became a pack mate.

They were about thirty minutes from their hotel when they hit bumper to bumper traffic. Despite the irritation, anger, and depression that was heavy in the air around the traffic jam Lash didn't mind. They had been going a mile a minute for the past few days that even being stuck in a car for a bit was a bit of a vacation. They had stayed in New Orleans for a little while to help clean up, and help out. Wraith had visited the refugee camp for the mundanes, provided per-fabricated homes, water, food, and medical care. Wraith was met with both enthusiasm and hatred. A lot of people wanted some one to blame for the death of their friends and family, along with their homes. Wraith was the best person to attack since he couldn't stop the tidal wave from happening. Wraith took in stride, and had to explain the situation to Kara, and Kory.

Kara had been around and knew what had happened thanks to Clark. But this was all news to Kory. But she almost attacked the refugee's for throwing a brick at Wraith. From her perception he had prevented mass genocide in a world war, and prevented further death. Kory didn't take crap from no one, Wraith had pulled her aside before she killed some one and gave her a hug which surprised her! She returned the gesture and blushed just a bit. She had lost her cool and she knew it.

“Well that's not good!” Lash said loudly as he jumped from the driver seat. Why? Because he saw a car being tossed through the air with the passengers still inside!

Congratulations User! You've encountered a dynamic event! Two rival gangs of Meta-Humans have taken to the street and used it as a battle field!

Objective: Stop the fight!

Bonus Objective: Prevent civilian casualties.

Bonus Objective: Capture, or kill both gangs.

Comment: Announced Dynamic Events are part of a new version update, if you wish to remove the announcements please notify your VI. Take Note, removing the announcements does not remove the events.

People started to scream and run in panic Lash reached out with his hands and used Telekinesis to gently grab the car before it crushed several people. He gently turned it around as he bit back a groan, his energy levels were dropping fast. He needed to practice more! He gently put the car down on the side walk under the astonished gazes of dozens of people. Kara, and Kory jumped from the car and flew over to the vehicle to check on the passengers. The simple illusions on them fell away to reveal the warrior women in full armor, well Kara in full armor. Kory looked like a fetish model wearing armor!

“They OK?” Lash asked between ragged breaths of air. He pulled out his Warden/UNWS badge to show it to several people near by. They all sighed with relief!

“Yes! Just in a state of shock. What is going... Look out!” Kara shouted the last bit as she flew into the sky and caught another car.

Catching a car is not as easy as it looks in the movies, and comics. People just assume you catch the frame, or the bumper and the whole car stays together. Ya...That is not how it works. Kara snagged the rear bumper and as the weight carried the vehicle, then bumper snapped off and the car plummeted down. Inches before it hit the ground Lash used what was left of his energy to snag the car with Telekinesis.

Congratulations User! Telekinesis has evolved into Minor Telekinesis!

Effect: Reduction in energy consumption, increase in power, range, and manipulation.

Lash gently put the car down as Kara landed next to the driver and checked on him. He had fainted in his seat but he was alive. Kara sheepishly put the bumper down on the ground and flew back towards Lash to hide behind him. She mumbled a thank you, and Lash was reminded once again why they needed the training school.

“Supergirl! Starfire! Fly to the battle. Two meta-human gangs are fighting on the city streets. Run interference, protect the civilians, and help with the evacuation! I'll provide more information as it unfolds!” Lash linked them all up with Temporary Pack Bond.

“Got it! Any one who gets in my way of a luxury bath will die!” Kory screamed in rage and flew off, with in seconds she started to shoot star bolts. Kara was quick behind her! A loud crash rang out as Kara had dived into the mess of things.

Lash called on Transformation once more along with Spatial Item Shift and brought his gear from storage. Growing to his standard eight feet tall, and sixteen feet long. He let out an audible snarl, his scales rattled in excitement as the near by civilians did the only sensible thing they could think of! They took out their phones and started to record the scene. Fucking social media! Lash jumped over cars and raced towards the scene. Half way there the shroud of smoke and shadow grew from his armor and scales and he once more became Wraith.

The gang fight had broke out in the middle of a massive intersection. Full of cars and pedestrians! Massive holes in the road exposed wires, water pipes, and gas pipes. Cars had been thrown into local buildings, and civilians had been trapped, or just brutalized by the scene. Only a few of the gang had powers, the rest had a combination of pistols and machines guns which they fired wildly at each other. With Sherogoth's Blessing Lash read the sin of each gang member and sent an updated list to Kara, and Kory. Some of the gang members were just kids trying to make a living in a shitty world. But the majority were horrible people that were free to be killed or maimed!

Lash jumped over a car and sprinted towards a Meta-human man who had a metal disk spinning around his hand like a chakram. As Lash landed on the concrete near him the man turned to look at him. There was a brief, what the fuck moment. Then a look or recognition dawned on the man. He started to scream in terror but Lash had stepped to him grabbed his face a drove the man's skull into the concrete splattering the bone like a water melon!

Lash whipped his bladed tail around and bisected another gang member from shoulder to hip! The rest of normal human gang took notice of him and started to spray and pray! Despite Lash's high resistance to gun fire he still danced side to side avoiding a majority of it. Why? He had made that mistake with Blue Beetle. He didn't want to fall into the trap of over confidence. Plus, dodging even mundane bullets makes people believe he is vulnerable to them!

During the whole fight dozens of Saurus warriors, and a few veterans were clearing the civilians out of the immediate area. Kory had started to fight three of the meta-humans, while Kara attacked the rest of the mundane gang members on the other side. She was trying to control her strength so she didn't break them in half with a slap of her hand.

Lash went from mundane gang member on his side a bounce in his step. The few semi-innocent gang members got a taser shock. While the others he extended his claws and ripped through flesh and bones. A shower of blood bloomed into grotesque flowers of red until Lash was tackled by a giant of a man easily nine feet tall, with massive arms and legs. Lash was tossed into a wall but didn't go through it. Damage Resistance got a tiny bit of experience from the impact.

“Owe....” Lash snarled the word out as he looked at the Meta-Human. The man was a giant devil creature. Red skin, black horns from his head, a devil tail, claws on his hands and feet. Lash almost thought he was an actual super-natural until he used Insight on him.

Name: N/A (VI Avatar)

Title: The Butcher

Origin: Meta-Human

Rank: D+

Skill: Hand to Hand, Focus Mind, Pain Suppression, (See tool tip for more)

Power: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Durability, (See tool tip for more)

Domain: N/A

Racial Trait: N/A

Disposition: Hostile

Comment: The Butcher is a mass murder, a sociopath, and a User that loves to play the bad guy!

The Butcher yelled at the top of his lungs and rushed Lash, who jumped to the side as nimble as a giant cat or monkey. He easily kept out of The Butchers reach the whole time until a few of Lash's bones popped back into place. Lash jumped around until his back was to a wall, the butcher laughed and raced after him thinking he was trapped until Lash created a razor thin Nth metal throwing knife and tossed it straight at Butcher's eye! The blade went straight threw his eye, penetrated his skull, and went into his brain. The Butcher dropped to the ground in a heap inches from Lash's feet.

Lash opened his palm and called the knife out of the monsters skull. It slithered out like an eel, and slipped into Lash's pocket space. Nth metal counted as currency for some reason, he wasn't sure why. Oh! That is right! On Thanagar Nth metal is so common they use it in their coins! Lash turned to look at the rest of the gang fight. Everyone else was broken, bleeding, but only one of them was dead. Kara had accidentally shattered his sternum. Kara looked shaken, and didn't know what to do. Kory was with her trying console her.

Dynamic Event Complete!

Objective: Stop the fight! Complete [+]

Bonus Objective: Prevent Civilian Casualties! [67%]

Bonus Objective: Capture, or kill both gangs! [100%]

Reward: City of Detroit reputation increase.

Comment: Looks like there is a new sheriff in town!

Since they joined the entire fight had taken less then ten minutes to conclude. Lash set up an emergency triage unit for all the injured civilians while Kory watched the prisoners. Kara insisted on doing something, she wanted to do something else. Lash was both worried for her, and confused. Kara had killed people before why was this any different? He'd have to ask later. VICI was till sleepy, so Lash linked up with emergency response, along with the local Wardens. Another twenty minutes and Lash in his Wraith disguise was talking to the officer in charge on the scene as Wraith re attached a severed limb.

“So you were here to speak to the green guy right? The Martian? Then you came across the fight and jumped in to help?” The officer in charge was angry, but also thankful. Wraith was technically certified to work in any country that the United Nations had a hand in.

“That is correct, sir! I do apologize for stepping in with out permission. I did not mean to step on any ones toes. But we were capable of helping, and as you know, no one with a badge is ever truly off duty.” Lash said as he finished with the limb and talked to the medic about what needed to be done.

“You saved lives, and put down some freaks that needed putting down. No offense to you and your company Agent Wraith. I heard that you install meta-human inhibitor cells in police stations are we getting that too?” The officer asked, Lash stopped mid step and looked at him in surprise.

“Wait? You don't have them installed yet? Hold on I'll make a call, major cities were suppose to be done by now.” Lash replied and pulled up a holographic window to call ARGUS.


Steven Reynolds had joined ARGUS this past year. He had been recruited from the army rangers, and was considered a shoe in for officer training. But he had dropped the army at a chance to work in ARGUS. Strange things were happening and he had been told ARGUS was where it would happen. So far he had to agree!

Reynolds was sitting in a briefing room listening to the head of the department. Reynolds was taking notes, and writing questions down to ask at the end of the briefing. The room was filled with over a dozen men and women. Several of them who had recently been recruited for their extra talents. They had drank the dark matter Kool-Aid and obtained abilities. Reynolds looked at their handler, Agent Dutch, then at Agent Nickel, Agent Murmur, along with a few others. Then he looked back at the front to ask questions. But before anyone could speak the door burst open and officer ran in to talk to the lead. Everyone went quiet and waited for a response. Lead nodded his head a few times, frowned, and rubbed his face.

“Alright everyone! Scrub what you just heard! Pack up your gear for urban undercover work, and response. We are heading to Detroit.” Lead said, everyone knew better than to say anything. We all gave a yes sir! Got up and went to the door. Well almost everyone.

“So! Whats in Detroit?” Agent Nickels voice sounded out. His enthusiasm was infectious and it made people smile.

“You are escorting Director Waller to see Agent Wraith.” Lead said, every froze mid step. Oh God! They were escorting the Wall!?


ARGUS had assured Wraith that a technical team would be out in less than a day to install the meta-human inhibitors in the Detroit MCU's. They also requested that Wraith not leave the city, Director Waller wanted to talk to him. Lash agreed to wait, since he planned on being here anyways. After several hours on the scene Lash and company made it at last to the hotel.

Like most super-natural business, homes, and places of gathering they blended in to the mundane world around them. They went to a commercial economics building where several big companies in Detroit had their firms. They drove into the underground parking garage and came up to a solid wall. After a moment the wall rippled like it was a pool of water and they drove through it, entering another underground garage that was guarded by Fae.

Kory, and Kara were beside themselves in awe as the men and women that came to help them to their rooms were exceptionally good looking! Like above and beyond! Lash realized that many of them had the glamorous perception. Which meant they were all high born sylvan, or sidhe. They were showed to a giant room that could fit a house in it. Inside the room were three people, two male sidhe in bodyguard black suits, each long swords attached to their backs, and sub-machine guns under their coat. The last was a woman, who was encircled by the guards.

The woman was 5'8” with long rich brown hair that was expertly curled, she had deep jasmine eyes, full red lips, bouncing breasts, a tiny waist, and an ass that made the eyes draw up and down her backside. She wore a silver glimmering dress that cut off at her ankles, with naked toe heels, the top was a heart shape neckline with no shoulders. Allowing plenty of cleavage but also support. Along her forearms were several silver, gold, and gem encrusted arm bands that screamed magically enchanted. Lash recognized a few of the enchants from his time in Nost'rok's shop. Despite her appearance Lash was 100% sure this woman was trained as a warrior. Lash walked until he was thirteen feet from her took a knee and preformed the standard Warden greeting, as well as the custom sidhe greetings of hello. Which brought a smile to the woman.

“Warden Lash, and Partner Saurian greets the Princess of the Summer Seelie Court. How may we be of service?” Lash said with a bowed head.

Kara, and Kory stood stock still behind Lash looking at him, then at the woman. Even they could tell she was royalty in some regard. They looked at each other, then at Lash wondering what to do. The Princess laughed, and both of their knees went weak at the sound of her voice. The Princess batted her eye lashes at the women but before Kory, or Kara could fall over and lick this woman's feet. An audible growl resonated through the room. With an audible pop! Kara, and Kory came back to themselves, the woman before them was very beautiful. But they no longer felt the urge to worship her.

“I see! So the rumors about you are true, Warden Lash! Wonderful I've come to the right person.” The Princess said with a smile.

Kara, and Kory excused themselves to get cleaned up. While Lash went to the balcony of the hotel. No pool this time, Kory was upset. But the master bedroom had a very large jacuzzi! Kory elected to stay in that room and share it with Kara. Since Lash didn't seem to sleep anyways! The balcony had a wonderful view of the night life of the city as the sun had started to set. The bodyguards never left the princess side. Who's name was simply 'L'. The elected Queens of the Seelie, and UnSeelie courts never gave their names away to prevent miss understandings.

Lash wanted to remain kneeling in respect to the princess station but she declined his generous offer so they sat down at the outside table under an awning. L was the picture of refine culture, custom, and etiquette of a lady of the court. She sat down with a straight back that never touched the back rest, she leaned slightly forward with her shoulders pushed back. She crossed her legs, and placed her palms her lap. While her jasmine eyes watched Lash like a cat would look at a mouse. Lash was under no illusions about the situation. He was the mouse, no questions asked.

“I have a request. I assure you that its a request and nothing more. I want you to make another fertility charm, preferably two! Give it directly to the Seelie, and UnSeelie Courts.” L said, her voice was clear as a bell but also promised sweet sensual pleasures.

Lash just looked at her with an indifferent look. Aside from Torloth he had never eluded to the fact that he had made the charm himself. He wouldn't believe that Torloth had said anything unless it played to an advantage. Which could be clearly possible in this situation. The Princess clearly said she wanted two charms for both courts. Not just the Seelie. This was incredibly dangerous waters. Lash could lie, but lying to the elected queen would have grave consequences. Detroit technically was not Lash's Queen of interaction. At the Summer Ball he would attend the East Coast Sumer Court realm. He wouldn't see her there. But all the same, she was a selected version of Queen Titania.

“I'll need a full enchanters work room.” Lash said at last. L stayed perfectly still but her two bodyguards both flinched. Lash kept his eyes on her though.

“To make it clear these charms will be gifted to the entire Seelie, and UnSeelie courts? Not just the sections?” Lash inquired.

“Of course! We will also due you the favor of not telling where we got them from. Only the Queens will now. Never mind these two, they will swear an oath of silence. How long will you need?” L asked, a smile tugged on her lips.

“A few days..” Lash said, and almost regretted it. He should have asked for more. The clear shock in L's face was evident enough! A fertility charm of 20% increase with no side effects only needs a few days to craft!?

L's eyes danced up and down Lash like he was a piece of prime meat waiting to be cooked and devoured. L's breaths grew into pants, as she uncrossed her legs and leaned forward. Her entire body flushed in clear delight. Lash could smell that she was aroused, and her glamour was oozing off of her. Her bodyguards dropped to their knees and started to moan in pleasure. But that was when she realized that Lash was perfectly fine.

“That doesn't work on me, Princess.” Lash said softly, as his old friend Nullification had activated when L had activated her seduction charm.

L looked perplexed, and surprised. She settled down in her chair and smoothed out her skirt. She pulled back her hair that had fallen forward to reveal her long neck line, and smiled in satisfaction when Lash admired her. She snapped her fingers and the charm stopped working on her guards. They jumped to their feet and bowed in apology. She dismissed their words with a glance. L returned her gaze to Lash and continued to watch him.

“I'll have all the tools you need sent to your room. This hotel belongs to the Summer Court and only the inner court is aware of this request. The Dragon made it very clear that threatening you would be a bad idea. I have to say, I agree. Now, we should discuss payment should we not?” L said, she snapped her fingers and one of her guards pulled out a note book.

“I wont bore you with money, The Dragon was very clear that you are a rich man. So what do you want?” L said, she held a golden pen poised to write what ever Lash desired.

“Nothing...” Lash replied. L's eyes narrowed, she looked angry.

“I assure you, the Seelie Court is no push over we...” L began, sparks of arcane energy danced around her. She stopped as Lash held up a hand.

“The first charm I crafted. I should have given to the Wardens. I didn't, I gave to Juliana. I don't regret that decision. I ask for nothing but the courts forgiveness. I will make two charms, one for each court. All I ask is that they forgive me for not keeping my oath of neutrality.” Lash finished, L looked at him with a bemused expression. The anger evaporated into thin air.

“We can do that!” L took a few minutes to write into her golden note book. Lash was reminded of the massive books he had seen both his Envoys, and Skaleg write in before. L nodded after a few minutes and closed the note book. She handed them both back to her guard.

“The deal is made, two charms of no less quality than the one give to the dragon. For the full forgiveness of the Courts. Your oath will be full filled Warden Lash. On a personal note, I have to say I'm impressed! For one so young you aim to please!” L concluded with a smile, and stood from her seat. Lash was quick to jump to his feet and bow from his waist.

Lash saw the princess to the door and was struck dumb when she kissed his cheek goodbye. He didn't move for a good ten minutes. He may have been immune to her glamour but that didn't mean he couldn't appreciate a beautiful sidhe. So that added another thing to the list of things to do. Looked like he would be in Detroit for a bit longer then expected. Lash found a comfy chair and collapsed into it. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, trying to center himself. The sound of giggling and water splashing were heard from the master bedroom. The scent of body wash, shampoo, and conditioner entered the main room.

Lash opened his eyes to see Kory standing in front of him wearing nothing but a towel, her fiery red hair wet and falling over her shoulders. She was leaning forward making no move to cover her exposed cleavage. She simply smiled at him, she came over to him and crawled into his lap like a cat. She folded her arm across her chest, tucked her feet up, and put her head on Lash's shoulder.

“Thank you for rescuing us from her charm. I don't like being mind controlled.” Kory whispered. Lash reached out and stroked her wet hair, she snuggled closer into his embrace.

“I know...Sorry about that. That is another part of my job. Are you hungry?” Lash asked, and Kory perked right up! If she had ears they would have stood strait up. Of course her towel fell down and her bouncing breasts where inches from Lash's face.

Lash looked at Kory, who looked down at him. She was waiting for him to do something. His hand snaked up the natural curve of her back, and it brought a shiver from Kory as she arched her back. Lash slowly reached Kory's head and gently grabbed her hair and pulled back. Kory's entire body went rigid, her breath quickened. She was on the edge of both anger, and pleasure. Lash pulled her head to him and gently kissed her lips. She moaned softly and returned the kiss before she squeaked in surprise and jumped out of his lap. He had tickled her sides. She yowled angrily at him, but a smile never left her lips.

“Lash whats for dinner?” Kara's voice called from the bathroom.

“Sea food!” Lash walked over to Kory who stood up and was just a bit taller than him. He handed her towel back which she took to wrap her hair up. She drew her fingers along his jaw line and felt the snake scales there.

“Are all the men on Earth as frustrating as you, Lash?” Kory whispered, as she pressed her body against him.

“No... I'm a special kind of stupid.” Lash replied, Kory blinked at him.

“What does your intelligence have to do with sex?” Kory asked.

“Depends who you talk too.” Lash replied, he leaned in and kissed her cheek and walked towards the kitchen. Kory took the chance to slap his ass as he walked away. Lash laughed and started to shake his ass mockingly at her.

Lash made Shrimp Creole, Conch Fritters, Brodetto, Fried Clams, Fried Oysters, Croquetas de bacalao, Catfish, his favorite sushi vegas roll, Maryland Crab Cakes, Clam Bake. He essentially went to the one hundred famous seafood recipes found on the internet and made it for them. His Advanced Cooking received a lot of experience if made the ingredients and then cooked them. Instead of just creating the food itself.

While he cooked he found out from Kara as she tried to help in the kitchen that the man she had killed at looked like one of her friends from Krypton. For a brief moment in the fight she had thought he was her friend. She was horrified when she had killed him. It brought up her home all over again. Lash could understand that. To help take her mind off of it he made some chocolate pudding for her and Kory to eat while he cooked.

Kory eventually put on some cloths at the insistence of Kara. Lash had caught Kara more than once checking Kory out. Whether it was a physical attraction or just envious stare due to Kory's perfect body, who knew! Kory put on a pair of silk pj's that the hotel had provided, as did Kara. Kory suggested that they take another bath with Lash after dinner since he hadn't cleaned up yet. Kara didn't say no, but didn't say yes either. She just looked down and blushed from her ears to her cheeks.

Dinner was eventually served at the table, Kory as always could eat a lot of food. They talked about the different places they wanted to see in the city. As well as the possible recruits for the League. Lash pulled up Cynthia Reynolds, Mari Jiwe McCabe, and Victor Stone. The holographic windows danced above the table.

“Victor Stone is a college student who plays foot ball. He has a genius level IQ, great athlete, and has a scientific brilliant father, Silas Stone. However, there relationship is rocky at best. Silas committed to his work and often forgets to spend time with his son. He loves Victor but Silas often looses track of time, as he works in STAR labs.” Lash pulled up a simple report on Stone.

“Is he a meta-human?” Kara asked between bites of lobster.

“Nope, he is an ordinary human. Or was at the most recent reports. Victor has been missing for the past two weeks. His father claims he was in an accident, and is being treated in STAR labs. But no one outside of the lab has seen Victor.” Lash replied, this was all the information he had found thanks to VICI and his own Technomancy.

Victor Stone or Cyborg's story was a sad one. A young man at the height of his life! A football star at his college and almost shoe in for the NFL. He had near perfect grades. He was amazing! But it was a pity that his father never took the time to see him. Ever since Elinor Stone, Victors mother had died. The distance between father and son had grown. Until at last Victor had enough, he got into an argument with his father at STAR labs and through an accident became Cyborg. That is how it happened in the comics. Lash wanted to see if he could help Victor regain some of his old life.

“Who is this?” Kory asked, as she pointed to the picture of a young woman.

“Cynthia Reynolds, also known has Gypsy due to the way she dresses.... Gypsy is a culture of people here on Earth we can go over it later if you like.” Lash said to both Kory, and Kara.

“Reports say she is capable of crafting illusions? Like you, Lash?” Kara said, as she read the report.

“Yes, and no. Gypsy's is a meta-human. She can bend, and manipulate reality. To create realistic illusions that can trick the five senses. So, she can creature illusions. But my illusions actually have substance to some degree.” Lash replied.

“Last but not least, is Mari Jiwe McCabe. I would like to recruit her for the League. She is a normal human who has obtained a powerful talisman that allows her to mimic the abilities of the animal kingdom. Example; she can channel an eagle and fly through the sky, or a cheetah to run faster.” Lash showed images of each animal to both of them.

“Amazing! She is completely human? The power is from the talisman?” Kory asked, clearly fascinated.

“She is also very talented with athletics, boxing, hand to hand combat. I would say she is advanced but compared to you Kory most advanced students in hand to hand combat are mere children to you.” Lash replied with a smile. Kory sat up straighter and squared her shoulders enjoying the compliment.

“So who is already part of the League in Detroit?” Kara asked, trying to steer the conversation back on topic.

“J'onn J'onzz, and M'gann M'orzz. They are natives to the planet known has Mars in this solar system. J'onn is the uncle to M'gann. Their code names are Martian Manhunter, and Miss Martian. Martians are talented shape shifters. So while on Earth they take on a human disguise. I'll emphasize this, do not give their mundane identities away. Aliens are still illegal on this world.” Lash said with grimace as he looked at his two companions who both nodded.

“We are suppose to meet the Martians tomorrow at... Bryson's Family Treat Restaurant, its a local established food center. Average to good food, its run by a retired hero. Well before the Justice Leagues time. Some of the locals are aware of the owners past. But again, private identities are important.” Lash stressed the last issue again.

“So all in all we won't be leaving Detroit till we have at the very least spoken to all of these people. I also have an assignment from my other job to preform. It shouldn't take up much time. Yes, you can watch me work if you want to.” Lash said, and finished with a smirk at the last part. Kory was curious what kind of work he was doing.

“Alright! Lets have dessert and go to bed! We have a long day tomorrow!” Lash clapped his hands and went to retrieve the cake!

Kory ended eating half of the cherry angel food cake Lash had made. Despite Kory's insistence on taking another bath with Lash Kara dragged her along to their own bedrooms. Lash simply cast Immaculate on himself, and cleaned up the kitchen. Once everything was cleaned up he turned down the lights and went to the balcony to practice his new Domain through Meditation. He found a comfortable position and started to delve into his Domains.

Each Spell Domain effects the others. Lash discovered aside from his Spell Domain of Rebirth. Every other Spell Domain received a boost for having Space added to the mix. Lash touched on the Trickery Domain and felt the spark of Loki in his arm twitch. Lash expected Loki to become frustrated with his lack of progress, but instead Lash felt like the spark enjoyed the show that was his life. Maybe Gypsy would like to become the God-Kin of Loki?

“Can't sleep?” Lash said from his place. Kara jumped in surprise by the door way.

“How do you do that?” Kara said with a frown, she sheepishly walked over and sat cross legged in front of Lash. She had the hotel silk pj's on. They were deep red, and looked really nice on Kara. Her long blond hair half covered her face as she looked at him.

“I...I just wanted to say thank you. For taking me along on this trip. Part of me looks forward to going back to the farm. The simple life! But I'm also looking forward to picking my own city and fighting the good fight. So.... Thank you!” Kara finished, she leaned forward and kissed Lash gently on the lips.

Lash had kept his eyes closed the whole time, but he did freeze when Kara gave him a chaste kiss. Kory was rubbing off on her. Kara didn't move away, but she stopped breathing as she waited for a reaction. Lash opened his eyes to look at her, his yellow green reptilian eyes looked deep into her. Saurian brushed across her inner self and nuzzled. Kara blushed deep crimson but had a small smile on her face, she got up and went back to bed. A tempting sway to her hips as she moved.

Advanced Charming Presence had gained experience. Fuck.... Lash needed to finish this tour before Clark crushed his skull. Lash was reasonably sure that Clark wouldn't kill him if he dated Kara. But Clark would never accept the polyamorous relationship way of life that Lash had adopted. It was all or nothing for the Kryptonian. Lash cleared his mind which was far easier then it was before and returned to his practice.

Congratulations User! You've learned a new Spell/Skill from your Space Domain.

Infinite Supply:The user is able to possess an unlimited supply of any mundane essential. For example, the user could cause a canteen to never run out of the water, a notebook to never run out of paper, a quiver to never run out of arrows or a gun to never run out of bullets.

Effect: A percentage of magical and skill energy will be taken for each use. (Grows with time)

Lash opened his eyes wide in absolute horror and fascination! Holy Shit that was incredibly over powered! Even if it was only mundane items. This opened a whole new level of enchantments, as well as gear, and tech he could make. His shredder turrets at New Orleans had to fabricate the bullets with the use of the ambient energy in the air. But even that could eventually dry up. With this, he could make as many bullets he wanted as long as he had energy. So essentially this spell allowed him to skip a step, which meant less energy consumption. Nice.

Lash wanted to continue but he was struck dumb when he looked around. The sun was starting to rise. He had been delving into his Spell Domain for nearly ten hours straight. Time flies when you are working on something fun. Lash stood up and did a set of stretches. He applied Sooth, and Nature's Supplement to help recover. His whole body tingled with joy at the renewal of energy. He walked inside to start breakfast.

Turns out he couldn't make infinite omelets, though he could make as many eggs as he wanted! This was Fabrication on steroids! Though Fabrication could make other things that Infinite Supply couldn't. So still a reason to use the spell. Kara, and Kory soon jumped into the shower to prepare for the day. A knock on the front door to the hotel room and Lash found a man with a large suit case. He handed the suit case off along with a note. Lash thanked him and stepped back inside.

The suit case was a mobile Enchanting tool shop. It was keyed to Lash, and only Lash so he wouldn't have to worry about anyone stealing his work. He took the kit to the master bed room and sealed it away in the safe that was located there. He came back out to set the table just in time to see Kara, and Kory walk out wearing fluffy cotton bath robes. They each kissed Lash on the cheek and sat down at the table to eat. After the meal they pulled up their holographic phones and started to look through fashion choices for Detroit for Lash to make.

Kara chose black boots, with skinny jeans, with a gray tank top that said Detroit vs everyone. Along with a half cut leather jacket. She pulled her blond hair back into a pony tail, and pulled her charm out to change her skin color, while her eyes and hair changed based on her mood. Green was the current color! She had chosen a pair of black lace bra, and under wear.

Kory chose red tennis shoes, with ripped jeans that stopped at her calf's, she wore an over sized red shirt that let her pull it down to one side to reveal her naked shoulder, and the excess amount of shirt tied up in a knot to reveal her belly button. She had chosen red lace bra, and under wear. She put on the charm as well to change her skin color, and her eyes and hair changed to light blue.

Lash went with his standard black military boots, black pants, black t-shirt, with black leather jacket that went to his thighs. He created the image of a man with shoulder length blond hair that was tied back into a pony tail. He had yellow green human eyes, with a soft three clawed jagged scar down his face. Kara traced the scar and found she could actually feel the scar tissue. Trickery Domain, Bending. Bend the rules just a bit! Gives all of his spells a bit of a push.

Lash gave them both wallets with ID's, money, and credit cards in them. They went to his account so he wasn't worried. Lash was practically drowning in money right now, at least human money! They left their car in the parking garage and decided to walk towards their destination. Which was of course completely insane! The restaurant they were expected at was at the other side of the city! But they enjoyed a nice walk through Detroit foot traffic on a work day.....Right.

Detroit surprisingly had spacious side walks, and lots of path ways for tourists! Which was exactly what they were. Lash expected a lot of foot traffic, swearing, and near death experiences. Maybe Gotham had spoiled him? Lash knew that there were bad parts of Detroit, but the area they walked through now was pretty nice. Kara, and Kory turned several heads where ever they walked, and Lash did draw a few glances from some people. His illusion didn't make him bad looking, just average. Course it may have been the jagged scar across his face. Or the fact that two gorgeous women were on either arm.

They eventually conceded and got a lift to the restaurant it was almost lunch time. They asked the driver where do tourist normally go and he laughed as he pulled up a tourist pamphlet. Then spoke about a few places they could go, along with several night clubs. The driver was a young man who was in school and used the lift business to make a bit of money on the side. Kory asked him several questions, her accent was very clear and he really enjoyed having a beautiful woman hang on him. After the ride was over Lash made sure to tip a good hundred dollars plus the fare. The man thanked him, then got a stupid grin on his face with Kory kissed his cheek.

Bryson's family restaurant was a two story building at the corner of a intersection. The second floor was clearly a home for the owner of the restaurant. While the bottom floor had long windows to let the patrons look out across the river. Yes, the place was located next to the river. Real estate like this must have been expensive. Which explained all the people eating lunch here. The three of them walked up and passed the front door.

A hostess blinked in surprise at their arrival and asked if they had reservations. If they didn't the wait would be about ten or so minutes but Lash said they had people here already. He pointed to the back at a tall black man, and short red head who was waving at them with a huge grin on her face. The hostess smiled wide and said they could go ahead.

J'onn's human shape was a 6'2” black man wearing dress shoes, black suit pants, buttoned up gray suit shit, black suit jacket. He had a Detroit city police badge on his hip, and a 9 mm under his coat. His amber colored eyes looked at them approach and he smiled wide. He stood up to greet them, along with M'ghan.

M'ghan's human shape was a 5'10” pale skinned woman with red hair that went just past her jaw line, with a girl next door appearance. Modest proportions that didn't draw the eye, but would think she was pretty if you looked at her. She had white tennis shoes on, blue jeans, a cotton white turtle neck sweater on. She bounced up and down as they came over.

“John, Meghan good to see you. This is Kara Zor-El, and Koriand'r” Lash introduced his companions after he placed an obstruction glamour around them.

“We are very pleased to meet you both! We've been looking forward to having a conversation with our fellow off worlders. Please take a seat, Bryson the owner will be serving us. He is aware of Meghan, and my identity. All he knows is that we are having a meal with fellow heroes of the world.”

“Hi! I am very pleased to meet you!” Meghan all but shouted, but clapped a hand over her mouth suddenly shy. Kory all but swallowed the girl in a hug!

They all took their seats at the table and started to talk about their own cultures, civilizations, and the struggle of adapting to a new way of life. They easily communicated and didn't feel that awkward pause between new people. Lash did notice something peculiar. Meghan's breast size had increased. Lash laughed a bit when he noticed but kept it to himself. Kara, and Kory especially were gorgeous. Miss Martian being a shape shifter easily changed her appearance to keep up with them.

After about twenty minutes an older man walked up to their table along with a young woman. They both had the restaurants logo on their shirts, along with aprons. J'onn stood up to hug the older man, and Meghan hugged the young woman. The man was Bryson, he was 6' even and was a bear of a man! Despite his age he kept in shape, his hands, forearms, and face had a variety of scars. He had deep brown eyes that told anyone looking at him to not cause trouble. With the typical salt and pepper brown hair in a high and tight military style hair cut.

The young woman next to him was his daughter! He had married after he retired. She was in her early twenties at 5'8” with brown hair tied back into a braid down the middle of her back. Green eyes, on her mothers side, along with a strong figure. Modest proportions in the uniform she wore, but the way she moved showed that she trained in a gym, or a dojo during her time off. Melanie was her name.

“So! I know John, and Meghan. Don't feel pressure to tell me the score I understand the whole thing...” Bryson started to say until Lash created a obstruction sight, and sound glamour. He raised his right hand up and the skin peel back to reveal dark green metallic scales, and the shroud of smoke and shadow started to flow from his scales.

“Ohhhhh! Shit! A celebrity we have in our house! Welcome!” Bryson held out his hand and didn't flinch when Lash shook it with his transformed hand. Melanie stepped forward and hugged Lash which surprised him.

“Sorry! I... Thank you...For stopping the war, or helping to stop the war... I...Sorry.” Melanie said as she blushed and hid behind her father. Bryson laughed out loud at the sight of his daughter being shy. Out of curiosity Lash cast Insight on them both.

Name: Bryson, Iron Hammer.

Title: Iron Knight.

Origin: Mundane.

Rank: F-

Skills: Hand to Hand Combat, Gadgetry, Engineering, (See tool tip)

Power: N/A

Domain: N/A

Racial Trait: N/A

Disposition: Friendly.

Comment: Bryson is a hero from days long past when such things were thought to be a myth. To this day people still think Iron Hammer was a urban myth. But a few know the truth. He is more than happy to mentor the next generation be it by lending an ear, or a few words of encouragement. But! His fighting days are over.

Name: Melanie.

Title: Iron Squire.

Origin: Meta-Gene.

Rank: F-

Skills: Hand to Hand Combat, Gadgetry, Dancing, (See tool tip)

Power: Metal Manipulation, Limited Telekinesis, Metal Sensory Perception.

Domain: N/A

Racial Trait: Minor Night Vision.

Disposition: Friendly

Comment: Melanie is Bryson's little princess. She loves her father but sometimes she wants to kill him for being so over protective. She has read a lot of stories about the Justice League and hopes secretly that she can join them in the future.

Melanie's information surprised Lash greatly. She was an active meta-human but it seemed that Bryson didn't know. Erik the gamer had never heard of Melanie, but that isn't surprising just because there is no press on them doesn't mean they didn't exist. Lash decided to shelve the information about Melanie for now. They ordered nearly all of the menu, along with the drinks. After some time and a lot more talking between the Martians the food and drinks arrived.

Kara, and Kory understood once again that not everyone can cook like Lash. But they still enjoyed the food, drink, and company. Bryson and Melanie didn't continue working but sat down to talk about this and that once they realized that Lash could create a barrier around them. Bryson talked about his old adventures in his area. He didn't work all of Detroit just a small part of it. He didn't have powers, just his head, and the will to do more. That in it self was impressive. Bryson had been shot multiple times, stabbed, bones broken, he was color blind in one eyes, and almost deaf in one of his ears. Once Bryson finished his list of injuries Lash flashed him a smile and cast Nature's Kiss, Panacea, and Return Youth to the old hero.

After several bones that had snapped back into place, and Bryson's attempt to not scream in agony. He felt amazing! He announced to the whole room that the next two drinks were on the house! Everyone cheered, all be it in confusion but not one to look the gift horse in the mouth. The lunch hour turned into happy hour. Bryson brought over his wife, Melinda.

Melinda was 5'10” with sparkling green eyes, red hair that was braided and went down her back. She like her daughter had modest proportions but clearly trained at a gym, and martial arts dojo. She wore a combination of business, and restaurant cloths as she had been in the back working the numbers and rushed out when her husband shouted drinks on the house!? When she realized who Lash was she hugged him just her daughter had, and thanked him for helping stop the war.

Name: Melinda, Night Cat.

Title: Prowler.

Origin: Mundane. Sub-Origin: Magical

Rank: F-

Skills: Hand to Hand Combat, Basic Weapons, Martial Arts (See tool tip)

Power: N/A

Domain: N/A

Racial Trait: Minor Night Vision.

Disposition: Friendly.

Comment: Night Cat was another small time hero that worked in Detroit. She got even less press than Iron Hammer did. She has a minuscule amount of magic in her veins from a practitioner long ago that gave her an edge in her crime fighting.

Lash was again surprised by the information. He discreetly pulled Melinda aside and handed her his black credit card and told her to charge him for all of it he could afford it. Lash also cast Nature's Kiss, Panacea, and Return Youth on Melinda. She like Bryson tried to not scream in agony as several bones that didn't heal right popped back into place. But she ended up kissing his cheek, taking his credit card and went back to charge money to the card. She returned a few minutes later with the card and a look of astonishment. The credit card didn't have a limit.

From lunch to dinner people showed up at the restaurant to find it full of food, drink, and joy. Food you didn't have to pay for was consumed with cheer. A few more local heroes that never made the news paper showed up to say hi. Turned out Detroit had a lot of unsung heroes. Once Bryson gave the OK Lash cast the same magic on all of them as well. Especially an old timer that got a brand new leg out of it.

When the old man started dancing around the bar with his new leg people looked around confused. What? How? After that Lash put on his Wraith disguise and appeared in the restaurant. That made all the mundane humans gasp in surprise! Lash did raise a simple question to Bryson about the possibility of reprisal not everyone like Wraith. He laughed and said, 'Let them try!' Soon the restaurant was filled to the brim. Wraith started to cook for people outside the restaurant which drew in more and more people. A live band showed up at some point, the drummer was one of the retired heroes that Wraith had healed. An improve night filled with food and music happened.

It was fast approaching three o'clock in the morning by the time the crowd dispersed. Lash made sure that Melinda charged him for all the expenses, J'onn assured Bryson that the Detroit police department wouldn't arrest him for breaking any laws. Lash had changed back into a another human shape and helped clean up. Any one who showed up asking about Wraith they were told he went back to his hotel. But he was staying in Detroit for a few days. Lash approached Melanie who was half asleep, but she jumped to attention when she noticed him.

“Hmmmm...Y-Yes!” Melanie said, clearly exhausted but a happy smile on her face.

“Have you told your family about your powers awakening yet?” Lash asked, and Melanie froze in place, her eyes went wide.

“I...I....I..” Melanie opened and closed her mouth several times, not sure what to say.

“I won't say anything. But I am sure that J'onn would be more than happy to help train you if you ever decide to step into your families heritage.” Lash patted her on the shoulder and went to continue cleaning up.

Meghan was talking to Kory, and Kara about something. She was clearly happy, and excited about the subject. They all turned at the same time to look at Lash who froze like a deer caught in the headlights. Meghan went to her Uncle J'onn who spoke to her through telepathy since their mouths didn't move. J'onn blinked, thought about it for a moment then walked over to speak to Lash.

“Yes, she can come if she wants. We only have a few cities left but with your permission I think it will do her some good.” Lash said to J'onn before he even opened his mouth. He grinned at Lash and turned to Meghan and nodded. She let out a happy squeal and practically pounced on Lash.

“THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!” Meghan shouted.

Lash had acquired another companion on their tour. Should be fun!

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