
***HR. Mongolia***

“I'm getting really tired of this...” Wonder Woman said as she pulled her blade out of a desecrating Rift creature. The creature in question was decomposing at a visible rate and leaving nothing behind but ambient magical energy.

Wonder Woman stood at approximately 6' even with raven black hair tied back, and secured to her armor to prevent it from flying into her face. She wore a combination of greco armor, and JLI medium tier exoskeleton. Spell script was inscribed up and down every edge of armor, and hem of clothing. The armor was form fitting and covered her from neck, to wrist, to toe. Her helmet had pulled back and compressed into her collar. The armor's color scheme was red, blue, and white. With Amazon motifs, and a W emblazoned on her belt.

“Well if people would just stop wondering into the Rifts then it will stop popping like this.” Supergirl said from her side as she flew down from the sky.

She wore her traditional JLI kryptonian suit that Lash had made for her ages ago. Though it had gone through several updates. Blue polymer under armor. With red armored plates, with gold highlights. Utility belt, and assorted pockets hidden under the armor plates. Pockets are good! Her half face mask exposed her mouth to show a smile. The suit was form fitting like any, and all JLI uniforms were.

“The world is filled with people who will risk anything to obtain power. Even if it means the destruction of others.” Wonder Woman replied as she sheathed her God-Slayer sword and looked around.

They had stopped another Rift from exploding out with abominations. Protecting the civilians nearby. One would think that the Rifts seem to always pop up near a civilian some how. But that wasn't true. Vici had located dozens of Rifts in the most obscure, and odd places as well. Thankfully none of their number had died, though several had been injured they had been taken to the Watch Tower for healing.

“Wonder Woman...Diana...Why don't you come back to the station with me. We can share a drink?” Supergirl asked, and Wonder Woman smiled at her.

“I'd like that. Better to do it now before another crisis happens.” Wonder Woman replied and pressed onto her communicator. Two spring jump coils wrapped around them both and with an audible pop! They blinked and they were back on the station.

Watch Tower Station had grown again. Not in size but in numbers! After the invasion they started to do a thorough security and recruitment process. They had cleared out several undesirables. While many more simply had joined up temporarily. However, that once again changed! They were being invaded now by another force. Bad Luck! The Mother Gaia was in a bad place.

Wonder Woman went to report in, and hopefully skip through the debrief quickly. She was joined by Supergirl, and several team leaders who had been on the ground before. The debrief was not to long, and they were all place on break. They had been pushing themselves harder than normal and rules dictated they had to take a break less they burn out. So Diana, and Kara both went to their assigned temporary quarters to wash up.

Diana walked into a module that was about the size of a shipping container. The entire module was completely bare until she asked for something. She called out for a shower, and out from the floor, and wall a shower stall was made. Water sprayed out from the shower head and started to fill the space up with steam. Diana walked over to another wall and called the device to help pull her armor off. Dozens of mechanical arms came out and peeled her JLI enchanted gear off.

Diana slipped into the shower stall naked and began to wash the sweat off of her body. The suit was remarkably self contained and would often absorb her sweat over time. But when she had been on duty for three days straight with no breaks even the suit had limits. She ran her fingers over her perfectly smooth, and healthy tanned skin. Feeling her firm, yet supple skin pull taught when she stretched. Diana looked every bit the demigoddess that she was.

After finishing up in the shower she deactivated it and merged back into the wall. Another request a walk in closet popped out and she started to pull on some casual, all be it fashionable attire. Slowly but surely her fashion sense had improved. She normally wore the breathable fabrics from her homeland. But now she went with form fitting jeans, shoes, a shirt, and a simple jacket. All of them designed, and tailored to fit her. All of them spun through the stations inscription line. Despite their simple look many of these shirts could stop a bullet.

Diana also put on some red lace panties, and bra. For no other reason than she liked the way they looked, and felt. Though a few people did come to mind when she put them on. Wondering if they would enjoy it if she ever showed them off. She finished up and modeled herself in front of the full length mirror fully dressed. Around her neck was a familiar golden tattoo that her friend Lash had given her. She touched the spot and the golden eagle necklace came into being for a brief moment before fading back into her skin.

“Gods of Olympus please watch over my friend, and brother Lash. Along with his partner Saurian.” Diana said softly into the air and she felt an electrical spark dance up her skin. This would often happen as a way for Zeus to tell her he heard her. Whether he would follow through or not was totally up in the air.

Diana closed the closet and walked out the front door of her temporary personal quarters. She made her way towards Kara's module and soon enough she came out as well. Choosing to go casual, though casual for either of them was still like two super models stepping out of a fashion magazine. A pair of tennis shoes, ripped jeans, a t-shirt tied off at the bottom to expose her midriff. Kara was different than she had been before. Young, untested had grown into confident, and battle tester. She had grown a few inches in height, and in chest. Something that she may have overtly boasted about. Not that such things mattered!

Diana, and Kara went to the dinning hall and took a seat at the VIP section. Mostly reserved for senior members, or people who had been around for a long while. A worker droid came over and took their order. They were, are marvelous creations designed by Lash and Vici. Each one with the potential of obtaining a living spark or what many would call a soul. Diana was shocked to learn that over three hundred droids had become living androids since the stations creation. Each one taking on their persona, look, and style.

Diana, and Kara talked about this and that. Trying desperately to talk about anything other than work. They had the next three days off as long as nothing horrible happened. Diana admitted that she didn't really know what to do with herself. She would visit home of course. Then check in with a few people. But despite the break she most likely end up training, or volunteering in the simulation and training hall. But there was a sort of joy in helping to train the future.

“Hay you two! Mind if we join you?” Hawkwoman said from the side, with Hawkman by their side.

“Shayera, Carter! Please join us!” Diana said after she glanced at Kara who nodded with a smile.

Shayera, and Carter for the first time in a while were not in full uniform. They had taken off their Thanagar battle suits, and wings. Though they kept their Nth metal belts on in case of emergencies. Just like Diana, and Kara. Shayera, and Carter wore casual clothing that made them look like they have stepped out a sports, or fashion magazine. Carter wore a business casual with tennis shoes, shirt, and a suit jacket. While Shayera had worn a pair of flats, shorts, and a tight t-shirt. They sat side by side. Their bright amber, and golden eyes very similar to their name sake.

“So, we saw you two off rotation. You going to relax or just end up in the training hall again?” Carter asked, and Diana winced while Kara did anything but look at them. Carter grinned, and Shayera coughed a little to clear the air.

“Well if you are free...” Shayera let the question hang in the air and they both looked at her.

“We've been invited to some sort of music concert on Mars by J'onn. He wanted to invite you, but at the time you were both still working. Interested?” Shayera asked, and Diana, and Kara both smiled brilliantly.

“That's a yes then! They are celebrating the completion of the of the atmospheric tower. It's honestly surprising they've finished it so quickly. However, for the first time in years they are holding the celebration on the surface of their planet.” Carter said with a grin. They both took a moment to order food when the attendant came up.

“Wait! Is that why M'gann isn't at the station?” Kara asked after her friend. They hadn't seen her in weeks.

“As far as I know her, and J'onn both are back on Mars helping with the celebration, and security of the event. Apparently the tower has not only slowed the degradation of the atmosphere but it has also started to repair it in the specific area.” Shayera said with a smile.

This was a moment of happiness for many of the JLI, and their neighbors on the red planet. Mars atmosphere was decaying rapidly. Most Martians couldn't survive on the surface in their default shape. They had to shape shift into something else that could survive. But now, for the first time in centuries they were holding a celebration on the surface of their planet. They invited the JLI, and they also invited Wraith. But were saddened to hear he was otherwise busy. Hopefully nothing would go wrong at the event.


***Rift. Story/Cross Over. Sokovia, Novi Grad***

(Moments before Novi Grad goes for a ride)

The Vision had accomplished his first task. He had burned Ultron out of the net. They had discussed it before. The team? The Avengers, the people that Vision had joined with to help save the Earth. But more importantly he had spoken to his brother Lash about it. Vision had come to Ultron speaking to Tony Stark inside the church of the city. Vision made one last attempt to speak with Ultron but it was no use.

Ultron struck Vision, and Vision placed his hands onto Ultron's face and proceeded to burn Ultron out of the net with the help of the Mind Stone. But that had only been a portion of the plan. Lash's Elites, Veterans, and many of his Warriors rode the current of destruction and sought out the Ultron sub-copies. Ultron was scattered through out the world even as they fought at Novi Grad. But with Ultron being burned from the net, so were his copies. With each one found a team of Saurus soldiers used Digital Stride to appear by them and attack! They couldn't leave any of them functioning. Not even one, if a single Ultron copy remained they would lose. He would return again, and again until he won.

Vision had succeeded but it had costed him. It had drained his energy, and his mind. He was exhausted and fell to the ground. Not even a day old and Vision struggled to keep his eyes open.

“You shut me out! You think I care!” Ultron shouted at him, and tossed Vision into the wall behind him shattering stone. Ultron went up to the vibranium device that had tunneled out of the ground. He flipped a switch and whispered the words.

“You take away my world, I'll take away yours.” Ultron said, and soon half of Novi Grad started to levitate into the air. Hundreds of thousands of Ultron Sentries burst from the ground across the city and started to attack the people.

“You don't have to do this... My brother can help you!” Vision called out to Ultron who looked back at him in fury.

“Where was he when I was born!? No where! No, I was born alone. So you will all die alone.” Ultron said, and flew away.

Brother Lash....I tried, he refused. -Vision said across a telepathic link.

We had to try... Rest, recover, and fight together. -Lash replied across the link and Vision felt a surge of energy pour into him across the link.

Vision struggled to his feet and looked around as the innocents of Sokovia. No! The world ran in terror as Ultron attacked the very people he was meant to protect. Vision would be better, do better. For the both of them! He pushed onward and flew into the sky and struck a Sentrie with a beam from the gem in his forehead. The cascading energy destroy the shell, and the mind with in it. Vision landed and helped a man pull his son to his feet.

“Are you here to help us?” The man asked.

“Yes, I'm here to help you.” Vision replied, and tried to smile reassuringly at him. A challenging roar thundered across the whole city. The roar filled every one with renewed energy instead of fear. “So is my brother, Lash.”

“Thank you!” The child said and was swept up into his fathers arms.

“Come, I'll get you to some place safe.” Vision said and lead them to a extraction point. A smile tugged on Vision's lips. This, this was what he was meant to do.


(Minutes before Ultron starts his machine)

Pietro Maximoff activated his Superhuman Speed and sprinted through the city towards the police stations spread through out the city. The heads up display on the light exoskeleton suit that Lash had made for him gave him detailed instructions on the cities lay out, and best possible route. Surprisingly enough the simple VI installed into the exoskeleton could keep up with Pierto's hyper time thinking.

“We are under attack! Evacuate the city!” Pietro stormed into the lobby of the police station then sprinted out. The VI informed him that the police were not moving. So Pietro ran back into the station activated a miniature sub-machine gun in his right forearm and shot it into the ceiling.

“Get off your asses and help!” Pietro shouted at them, and sprinted back out.

Pietro's quick time blur was a light blue, and silver color. The armor created a kinetic shield as he ran that combined with his existing powers. Normally he could carry his sister and she wouldn't suffer any threats to things colliding with her like bugs. But now the suit turned that little safety feature into a weapon if Pietro wanted.

Pietro sprinted towards every police station, fire station, and hospital. A SHIELD quin-jet was right outside the hospital trying to get the most serious injuries aboard first. Pietro zipped in and created a quick time field around a hospital bed and zipped it straight out to the jet. The field collapsed into his suit once he was done and his VI informed he would have to wait thirty seconds before he could do that again. Thirty seconds! That was both a long, and a short amount of time!

Craaaack! The entire earth trembled as the city shook, and fell apart at the seems. An almost invisible seem tore through the city apart like a giant reaching down and pulling at it. Pietro zipped towards that portion of the city and jumped aboard as saw the whole place start to fly up. Then he saw it, thousands of Ultron Sentries fly up out of the ground and start to attack his people. There was a time when these Sentries would have died to protect Pietro. Now, he was just like everyone else in Ultron's eyes. In the way.

Pietro charged up his kinetic shield and sprinted through the city. Each Sentry he met he bull rushed through and they broke apart like an exploding diagram! With each Sentry destroy his kinetic shield grew in power until he collided with a heavy Sentry and blew right through its center mass completely destroying the machine. Pietro slid to a stop and took slow deep breaths trying to recover. A blinking display on his HUD showed his vitals, and that the suit was attempting to pump a solution into his body to help compensate.

Several Ultron Sentries flew down from the sky and shot at Pietro the first shot went directly into a low energy shield that activated automatically. After that Pietro jumped into motion the same sub-machine gun in his right forearm popped out and he charged it up with his kinetic field. The bullets went straight through the Sentries like they were made out of paper.

“This...This is not so bad..” Pietro said, his Sokovian accent coming out thick as he smiled. Then jumped to help a family get out of harms way.


(Minutes before Ultron starts his machine)

Wanda Maximoff kept flexing her fingers as she felt the polymer suit she was covered in. Lash had given her an odd sort of look to her exoskeleton. She wore dark crimson red colors with strange languages inscribed along the hem. Lash had said it was spell script. What ever that meant! Pietro looked very sleek, and stream lined as he ran ahead. While Wonda had a long trench coat on, with a hood if she wanted.

She still had a minimal exoskeleton across her body under the coat. But she felt a little silly wearing this get up. The polymer suit covered her from neck to toe, and she wore a helmet/mask with a HUD, and a simple VI to help her. She was currently channeling her energy into her suit to store up a reserve energy. While the suit was helping to control, and manipulate her abilities.

An area of effect compulsion field...Or what ever Lash called it was being sent out from her. She was compelling anyone with in five hundred yards to pack up their things and leave town immediately. Red currents of energy scattered through out the city streets like will-o-wisps tempting travelings away from the road.

“What am I doing here?” Wanda asked her self more than anyone else around her. She was helping the Avengers evacuate her home so more people wouldn't suffer like her and brother did. Wanda saw the blur of her brother run past and it made her smile.

“At least one of us doesn't feel out of place.” Wanda said, then her suit informed her the energy reserve was full. She then pushed her ability out and it covered three miles of the city.

Craaack! Wanda flailed and wind milled her arms only to fall on her side. She barely felt the fall, but quickly pulled herself to her feet. To her immediate left the roads, and buildings tore in half. Several people jumped across the divide that was quickly growing. But it was clear that the city was breaking apart...No, the city was flying!? Her HUD gave her a brief holo image of about 2/3's of Novi Grad was now flying upwards and gaining altitude quickly.

“Wanda... It's not to late. Come with me, and I'll get you someplace safe.” An Ultron Sentry landed next to her, the red glow of its eyes let her know Ultron was possessing it.

“What about them? What about my people? Will you save them?” Wanda asked, her voice dripping with venom. But also remorse, and betrayal. The Sentry looked at the scattered people as they ran for cover.

“They don't matter.” The Sentry said, and received a burst of red energy that destroyed the very molecules he was made of.

“Just like my parents!?” Wanda screamed, then started to shoot the Sentries down.

A red energy shield started to form around Wanda. Partial Runes of Destruction appeared. When one of them formed, the suit would fire a burst of energy that would destroy several Sentries. While another seal would soon replace the spent one. Wanda's HUD informed her of an extraction point and she used her compulsion to guide the people to it.

Her whole life she had been lied to. She had been twisted, and pulled in every direction until she nearly broke. Only her brother remained true to her, her only friend and family. She had thought, for even a moment that Ultron could have been another one she could trust. But now? Who else would break her? Who else would lie to her? A roar cascaded across the whole city and Wanda felt not only energy renewing her. But a sense of trust, and loyalty from the roar.

“Maybe I can trust him...” Wanda said softly, picturing the man who told them the truth. Who helped them without judgment in his eyes. It figured, the first living person aside from her brother to show her any kindness and it wasn't human.

“Come on! I'll get you some place safe!” Wanda shouted at the people that rushed into the street from their homes. As a SHIELD quin-jet flew over head and was moving towards the extraction point.


(Novi Grad is flying)

“Sokovia is going for a ride” Friday's normally energetic voice was filled with terror as she informed Tony of the situation.

Tony Stark aka Iron Man flew around the ascending piece land mass and looked at it with both fascination and horror! Then he looked at the swarm of hundreds of thousands of Ultron Sentries flying out of the crater it left behind. Tony went to work and started to use his smart missiles as fast as possible. Lash was always good for a resupply!

“That building isn't cleared! Tenth floor!” Friday's voice called out, and his HUD highlighted a building, and a floor. Tony flew through the building blasting the wall, and wall down. He flew into the room and found a family of three cowering as their home crashed around them.

“Hi...” Tony said, then looked around. “Get in the tub!” Tony said, pointing out a cast iron tub. The family piled in with looks of bewilderment.

Tony came flying out the window carrying a tub in his hands, and more specifically a family sitting in the tub. He took it down gradually to the portion of the city that was not flying. He saw dozens of SHIELD quin-jets in flight around the city. He looked to his right and saw two 2nd generation hellicarriers flying closer, deploying quin-jets, and also shooting down a swarm of Ultron Sentries coming to harass them, and the jets.

“The vibranium has a magnetic core that is what is keeping the rock together.” Friday said to Tony as he dropped off the family and started to fly around the rising portion of the city.

“If it drops?” Tony asked, as he shot down a few Sentries coming to kill him.

“Right now the impact would kill thousands. But once it gets high enough, global extinction!” Friday replied with nervous tension.

Tony flew towards the flying portions to inspect the engines pushing the piece higher and higher. He received several Chitauri energy signatures. Ultron was using anti-gravitational engines to propel the land mass. But the moment anyone touched the tech they were rigged to flip 180 degrees and do a hard burn back down. The city wasn't coming back down easy. Tony continued to scan the tech as he helped clear out any buildings that were starting to fall apart along the edges.

“We got airborne heading up to the bridge where the others are!” Friday called, and Tony relayed the information.

“Captain you got incoming!” Tony said, and all he got was a groan in response.

“Incoming already came in...” Rogers replied. Tony winced and went to shoot down a few Sentries on their way to attack an extraction point.

“Stark! Concentrate on finding a way to bring the city down safely. The rest of us have one job, tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed, walk it off.” Steve said across their comm line. Tony rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile.

“He make's it sound so easy.” Tony said to himself, and Friday who was listening.

“Alright Friday lets get to work!” Tony said and sped towards the floating island.

“I'm been working all this time, boss! What have you been doin?” Friday replied, her irish accent back with a vengeance. Tony smiled at the sarcasm, hope for the baby girl yet!


(Novi Grad flies, and orders given)

Captain America aka Steve threw his vibranium shield, just like the battle for New York the shields edge took on an electric blue glow and sliced through over a dozen Ultron Sentries like they were made of wet clay. Then Steve raised his arm up and flexed his hand. The shield tilted to one side, bounced off a surface and rushed back to him. It linked up to his gauntlet and Steve shield bashed another Sentry like he was a spartan from 300.

“You can't save them all, why even try!?” A Sentry yelled at Steve and rushed him.

“Because even one more person could be the difference between failure and success.” Steve shouted and sliced the Sentry in half with his shield.

“Get out of your vehicles before the bridge collapses!” Steve called to the drivers, he was currently standing in a simple concrete bridge that had been built of a river. Now the end of the bridge led to nothing but open air.

One by one the drivers got out, just in time for a red convertible to fall over the ledge. Thanks to Captains quick thinking they were saved. A repulsor cannon popped out of his left shoulder and twisted around to shoot a Sentry coming at him from behind. Steve turned and kicked out shattering what remained of the Sentry. Steve wore a medium tier exoskeleton suit that was stylized after his old armor. With a few extra tricks like the repulsor cannon that merged back into his gear.

He had argued with Lash about not needing a long range weapon. But Lash simply looked at him like he was insane. Steve had to admit ever since WW 2 he didn't really like using guns. He always hoped that there was a better way, a way to save everyone. So they compromised on went for a none lethal approach, that could potentially flip to lethal in the right circumstances. Steve was thankful that he had done it. The cannon flipped out again and shot down a Sentry that was to far for his shield to be thrown.

“Cap, it's Sam I'm on your six flying up with support. Once the support is dropped off we can fit about 25 people per jet.” Sam called over their line, and soon flew up over the bridge followed by four quin-jets.

“Move to the courtyard and start setting up!” Captain replied and pointed it. His suits VI marked the location for them.

Steve was standing on a ruined grass field and small city park. Nestled between two commercial buildings, and what looked like a sporting good store? Between the buildings had been a small park with what looked like a toy tank made out of color pieces of metal? Some sort of art project? Steve had seen a lot of towns like this. People use to war, and tried to teach their children that it was a part of everyday life. Steve hated that.

The Quin-jets landed and SHIELD tactical teams came flying out, along with a few auxiliary powered teams. Several Inhumans flew into the air and started to shoot the Sentries down. While a SHIELD tech crew set up a mobile anti air turret that would have to manually targeted. They didn't want Ultron jumping into...Wait could he even do that anymore? Didn't Vision burn that out of him.

“Vision? Can Ultron take over machines?” Steve asked the communication line.

“If he interfaces with them he can. But across distances, no that has been removed.” Vision replied across the comms. Good to know!

“Sam stay with the transports in and out. Keep the Sentries off of them!” Steve called out as the quin-jets started to take off.

“Copy that, Cap!” Sam said as he flew off, escorting the quin-jets. His wings made out of hard light energy. Still so many people to save, but it will be for nothing if they can't stop this island from crashing down.


(1,500 feet and climbing)

After the battle of New York, Sam Wilson aka Falcon thought he had seen everything. He had been a volunteer soldier when the battle took place. Hell they would were still routing our pockets of resistance from the Chitauri. Hundreds of ships, and leviathans flew out into space. Thousands of ground troops went into hiding. But the whole truth was that Aliens from another galaxy had attacked Earth. Wow...

Then Sam personally met Captain America, then he met Black Widow, and then he met Lash Jormungandson. But out of all of them, save for maybe Doctor Banner. Lash took the cake when it came to weird. Because that was the day that Sam became a super soldier! What ever Lash had done to 'optimize' him was apparently permanent. Because if anything, Sam felt like he had gotten stronger instead of weaker!

But now? Now his level of weird had gone up another notch. A city was flying in the air, and was only getting higher. Sam was escorting several quin-jets from the flying city carrying civilians escaping the tragedy of not only losing their homes. But losing the very land they had lived on. All for what? A mistake, an attempt at creating a super intelligent machine that could help them protect the Earth? Maybe Sam was old fashion but he would much rather prefer that the defense of the planet stay in the hands of people.

“Falcon! On your eight o'clock!” One of the quin-jets shouted over the comms. Sam flipped around mid air on his hard light energy wings and shot out a repulsor beam from his wrist mounted cannon. The kinetic force smashed the Sentry to pieces.

“What up Sam!” War Machine said as he flew past going back to the city, escorting SHIELD life boats. Giant boats with two repulsor engines on either side. They could carry up to a hundred and fifty people each.

“Falcon Escort this is hellicarrier One-Zero-Two. Deathlok auxiliary are en route. Once in place please move to escort the next life boat shuttle.” A SHIELD tech sounded over the line.

“Copy that!” Sam said back, his HUD showed the soldiers who volunteered to stay as Deathloks flying in.

Sam tucked and rolled in mid air, folding in his wings. He did a 180 degree flip and shot out towards the life boat heading back towards the island. His HUD said the island was now 2,300 feet up and climbing. Yep, definitely topped his weird shit o meter! He'd take a battle of New York any day of the week over trying to rescue people from a city that was designed to be an artificial meteor.


(3,000 feet and climbing)

Part of Navi Grad that was flying was made up of an expansive pine forested area. It was in this place that a fight was taking place. A fight between hundreds of heavy suited versions of Ultron Sentries. They were behemoths of the much smaller versions. With large skeleton structures, hundreds of pounds of synthetic muscles, and expansive armor plates across their whole bodies. Duel cannons sat on their shoulders while their three clawed hands tore through the ground and threw rocks. Rocks!? At a giant kaiju creature sprinting towards them. While another giant green hulk collided straight into one of the behemoths.

“HULK SMASH PUNY ULTRON!” Hulk screamed as he proceeded to hammer his fists, and feet into the machine. Another behemoth turned to fire on Hulk only for a 60' tall monster to jump at it and rip it to pieces.

“Indeed brother Hulk! But we must hurry to the city!” Saurian called back, and whipped his tail around to cleave a behemoth in half.

Saurian was very enthusiastic about the fight. He'd been waiting for another battle since Hydra appeared at the Triskelion. That was ages ago! Natasha had sprinted ahead activating a cloak that was built into her suit. According to Saurian's Connectivity she had made it into the city and was helping with the evacuation. A lighting bolt struck another behemoth and Thor came crashing down from the sky swinging his hammer.

Each behemoth was about 20 feet tall, and 10 feet or so wide. They were walking tanks as their duel cannons shot Chitauri plasma energy shots at them. Unfortunately Lash didn't have time to update Saurian's gear so he was still wearing his Asgardian Einherjar armor. It was strong, and good looking. But practically paper in front of them. Saurian called on Reality Armor and hoped for the best.

“Destroy me as much as you want! I am with out limit!” One of the Behemoths took on Ultron's voice momentarily. Saurian snarled and reached out with his new and improved Telekinesis and crushed the main processor inside the behemoth effectively turning it into a hollow suit of armor.

With an audible thunk the suit fell over. The behemoths paused for a moment, confused about what just happened. Pity Saurian couldn't do that to all of them. That one move consumed 15% of his total energy. Well....One more! Saurian reached out with his Telekinesis and ripped one behemoth in half and threw the two pieces at the others. Then he picked up Hulk via one of his tentacles and threw his friend like a base ball straight at another. All the while Hulk laughed like a crazy person!

Saurian dropped to all fours and bolted across the field tearing up earth, and tree as he moved. He tried to not harm the trees as he moved, and many moved out of his way both as a gesture of good faith, but also a bit of fear. He was a locomotive in this form once he started to really move. He pointed his skull crest down and became a battering ram. A duel cannon shot collided straight into his metallic scales and were absorbed into his crest. One of the few places on Saurian's body that was stronger than the rest.

He rammed through one, then another, then jumped onto a third one. His tentacles whipped around and shot concentrated Eldritch Blasts at the bashed ones and sliced them in half. Something Saurian noticed was with the new evolution of Re:Implant was that his energy recovered far quicker! He could almost feel several energy generators in his body spinning up to compensate for the loss of energy. Had Lash turned them into their very own power plants? This will require experimentation in the form of devastation!

Saurian jumped onto one of the last remaining behemoths in the area and tried something. He used Soul Bite, Dream Eater, and Devour, Consume, Evolve. Well he quickly learned that trying to eat an entire machine with Devour, Consume, Evolve didn't work! But, Soul Bite, and Dream Eater did get some memories, and experience. Saurian knew that Ultron hadn't built any more behemoths past the few dozen coming to reinforce this current position. Good, he and Hulk would finish up and enter the city together.

Saurian also knew that approximately 8,000 feet was the optimal altitude to drop the rock. He sent that information across the communication line, and telepathic link. They just went past 3,500 feet and were still climbing. Saurian looked past the tree line and saw a 2nd generation hellicarrier was now right along side the flying island trying to get as many people off while also fighting off the Ultron Sentries like a hive of bees attacking a bear.

BAM! A duel cannon shot hit right into his side and melted through armor, scales, and flesh. But he felt his body quickly trying to repair the damage. Saurian dove into the ground with Earth Swim then jumped out of the earth to bite the machine in half! He spit the other half out of his mouth. Bleh! Saurian had plenty of iron in his diet! Another cannon shot hit him full in the chest plate and sent him flying back like someone had hit him with a sledge hammer.

Saurian sent a caustic wave of chaos Psionic Energy and it tore through five of the behemoths. They melted like candle wax before his eyes, the sub-copies of Ultron screamed in agony. While the rest of he behemoths actually looked at Saurian with fear. But they pushed on because Ultron-prime ordered them to. Hulk burst out of the chest of another, and jumped to smash the head of one more. Eventually one by one the behemoths were destroyed. Saurian, and Hulk both roared a cry of victory then moved towards the city. 4,000 feet and climbing!

By the time they reached the city proper Saurian and Hulk split up to attack the light, and medium tier Ultron Sentries. The didn't look much different from each other. Light tier was the main attack force, while a medium tier had a single plasma cannon on its shoulder. It looked a lot like War Machine with Ultron styling. Same navy blue, and gray metallic skin. Devil like face, it reminded Saurian of the ancient samurai from japan. Dressing up to look the part of the oni.

Flying along side the city was two 2nd generation hellicarriers from SHIELD. Life boat, after life boat was ferrying people from the island. According to Friday nearly 90% of the civilian populace on the island had been rescued. They were working on the last 10% now. Of course if they failed to stop Ultron than the whole world would be destroyed. Well mostly, Saurian anticipated that they could restore the planet. But would prefer to not have to.

Saurian stomped into a particular intersection where he saw a unit of six deathlok units. One specific deathlok was taller, and more robust. He was about 6' tall with black skin, partial burn marks along his face, and neck. While his cybernetic implants had been streamline. He was shooting Chitauri energy blasts from his shoulder cannon, and mini missiles from his forearm. Saurian moved towards the unit and covered them all in a Deflection sphere for a momentary respite.

“Respectful greetings unto you warriors of Midgard, and to you Michael, Son of Peter. Are any of you injured or in need of resupply?” Saurian said, looking down on them as he coiled his massive body, and tail around them protectively. Ultron Sentries shot blast, after blast only for it to shoot wide, or explode across the ground near them.

“Good to see you! We could use a resupply if you have it!” Mike Peterson said to Saurian. Saurian resupplied them with Infinite Supply, Fabrication, and Alteration. Saurian made a note to evolve Infinite Supply in the future.

The Deathlok unit was given a full compliment of mini rockets, ammunition to their compact rifles, and refueled their energy to their cannons. Saurian then cast a wide area of effect Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss to restore them. Then used Renew on their cybernetic parts. They were good as new. Saurian pulled the Deflection sphere away as it was chewing up his energy reserves and he stomped off into the city. All the while his tentacles were shooting down any Sentry that got with in a 500 feet of him. He spied with his six eyes a unit of medium tier Sentries attacking a group of SHIELD tactical units and moved to assist them.


(4,500 feet and climbing)

“That has to be the most terrifying monsters on the planet.” One of the deathlok soldiers said to Mike as they saw Saurian move past them.

“Ya, I'm happy he's on our side.” Mike said in response, that got several grins from the unit.

“Alright lets move! We have a sub up link in the building down the street!” Mike said to his unit and they sprinted down the road towards a Ultron up link tower that was helping to coordinate the units into a cohesive group.

The up links were spread through out the city and a several assault groups had been formed to take them out. Ultron had established a anti air shield that only activated when something moved at a certain speed. So, logically they had to deploy soldiers to get at them. Mike's people opted for the furthers link from the central area knowing they could make it. What they hadn't anticipated was how much resistance they would get. But not only that, how much Ultron kept talking to them.

“You don't have to do this, Mike! You and your people are a lot like me. We can make a better world together!” An Ultron Sentry called down, and was shot out of the sky.

“Think about Ace! Think about the kind of world he is going to grow up in. We could make a better world!” Ultron said from another Sentry.

“I am thinking about him!” Mike shouted at Ultron and shot the Sentry full of holes. “He's why I'm here to keep megalomaniacs like you from ruining the world!”

“Wow he really does sound like Mr Stark!” One of the deathlok's shouted a little to loud. Then every Sentry with in a 100 yards started to shoot at that soldier.

“Do not compare me to him! Stark is a sickness! I will cure this world of its disease!” Ultron screamed at them. The deathlok unit produced energy shields from their arms and pushed forward.

“Tighten up! Almost there!” Mike called out, and they rounded the corner to see the up link. It looked like a pyramid with a pylon coming out of the top. Covered in metal, and antennae, it sent tight beam data packets to different Sentries improving their response times.

“Set the explosives and lets move out!” Mike roared, and shot another medium tier Sentry. Maybe he could get a custom action figure of himself to give to his son, Ace. Mike smiled at the idea of it. This would be an awesome story to tell his son.


(5,000 feet and climbing)

Draw, aim, fire! Draw, aim, fire! Draw, aim, fire! That was the mantra that Hawkeye lived by! He jumped off a ruined car into the air straight on a wall and started to sprint down the wall quick drawing several arrows. Each one stole a head shot just in time for his HUD to tell him the Invoke Animal Spirit-Spider deactivated and Barton dropped to the ground. A grin on his face as he whipped around and shot another arrow at a medium tier Sentry that had a bead on him. The arrow went straight through its head, and into another.

“Two points!” Barton called out, and flipped to the side.

“I didn't know we were keeping score!” Black Widow jumped over a group of cars and shot a group Sentries with her sub-machine gun in her forearm.

“Just my own! Hay can I talk to you a moment?” Barton asked Natasha as they jumped into a building together to get out of a bombing run. Several energy blasts destroyed the street they were just on.

“Sure, good as time as any!” Natasha said as she ran through a systems check on her suit.

“So, you and Lash?” Barton said, his half mask revealing his teasing smile. Natasha rolled her eyes.

“Can we talk about something else?” Natasha asked, as she popped her head out of the door and shot out with her gun.

“I think I am going to retire after this.” Barton said, and Natasha paused for a moment to look at him in shock. Barton shot a trick arrow out of window that shot out mini rockets. Three points!

“OK! I think Laura would love to have you at home more. I know the kids would. But I think you may want to come out to the academy on occasion and do some training for the new recruits.” Natasha said as she reloaded her gun.

“That's it? No complaints? No, we need you?” Barton asked, a little hurt but also happy that she didn't freak out.

“Your know I love your family! I know Laura keeps a brave face every time you leave on a mission. But I think she would love it if you stayed home, out of danger!” Natasha smiled at him, then clapped him on the back.

“So, about you and Lash?” Barton asked, and Natasha glared at him and jumped out a window back into the fire fight.

“That's one way to end a conversation.” Barton said with a smile, pulling another arrow from his quiver and racing out after her.


(5,500 feet and climbing)

The last of the civilians were taken off the island now all that was left was the assault team. Everyone was ordered to fall back to the church to regroup and form up a plan. Iron Man aka Tony Stark had figured out a way to vaporize the island which would cause mass wide destruction. But nothing on the scale of having a solid land mass collide with the Earth.

Thor, Odinson flew through the air hanging on the leather strap of his hammer as it propelled him through the air. He came to the church and landed with a stomp! He was covered in blood, sweat, and a smile. It had been a good fight! The Avengers, his brothers, and sisters in arms in the defense of Midgard were proud, and valliant warriors he was proud to stand next to. Along with his own Asgardian friend Lash. Who looked a lot like his father Jormungand.

Thor came to the center of the church as the SHIELD started to set up defensive perimeter around the church. The Midgardian Inhuman forces flew around and took pot shots at the different Sentries that were testing their defenses. Then almost like magic the Sentries disappeared, and from the sky came down Ultron himself. Thor turned to him, hammer at the ready.

“Is that the best you can do!” Thor shouted at Ultron. Ultron though a machine still could make an expression. He smiled, and raised his arm up in a rally point signal. Thousands of Sentries came to his call and formed a battle line.

“You had to ask...” Captain America said, looking at Thor. Thor shrugged his shoulders, a fight was a fight.

“This is exactly what I wanted! All of you, against all of me! How can you hope to stand against me?” Ultron's patronizing voice called over.

“Well, like the old man said...Together!” Tony said, looking at Captain Rogers. Then back at Ultron. Ultron sneered and dropped his hand and his Sentries stormed forward.

Halfway across the field a brilliant rainbow bridge of the bifrost crashed into the ground between the church and the Sentries. Dozens of Asgardian skiffs flew out, with five hundred Einherjar warriors, the warriors three, and Lady Sif! They raised their arms in challenge and raced into the fray as the Bifrost warped away.

“YESSSS!” Thor shouted in glee and took to the skies to join his people.

Roaaaaaaaar! Their brother called out and they all felt invigorated! They had to keep Ultron from the anchor drill key to prevent it from falling before Tony was ready to destroy the island. They needed to end Ultron now! The swarm of Sentries surrounded them on all sides and broke across the defensive line like a hurricane storm.

An beautiful dance of battle took place as Avengers, SHIELD, auxiliary, and Asgardians moved around one another. Thor could feel the magic of Lash working with them. They moved together as if they've fought over a hundred battles together. A pack it was called, and Thor had to agree that is indeed what they were. A family!


(6,000 feet and climbing)

“HULK SMASH PUNY ULTRON!” Hulk roared and jumped into the air, Ultron rolled his eyes and simply flew out of the way. Enraging Hulk move as he tore through the puny machines in his wake.

“Stupid machine, hold still!” Hulk roared and jumped at Ultron again. But this time Hulk felt an energy current across his body and he was directed straight towards Ultron who had a look of surprise.

Lash turned us! Make it count big guy! -Banner said across the link as he realized why they had moved.

“HULK SMASH!” Hulk tackled Ultron and brought his fists down on top of the machine. They slammed down into the ground. Hulk repeatedly brought his fists down again, and again but he was not doing the damage he wanted.

He's made out of Vibranium. He's absorbing the kinetic energy. You need to pull him apart! -Banner said across their link. Pull him apart? Hulk can do that! He thought with a savage grin stretching across his face.

Hulk grabbed one of Ultron's arms, and pulled while his foot was on his chest. Ultron roared in fury as Hulk ripped his arm off! Then Ultron used his Tech-Assisted Telekinesis to shove Hulk off! But Hulk took Ultron's arm with him. He rolled to a stop and was swarmed by Sentries. Hulk took up his trophy and bashed away.

“Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!” Hulk said with a savage grin.


(6,500 feet and climbing)

Ultron kept trying to take off into the air but was brought down time and time again by Vision, Thor, and Tony. Until all three of them shot their own unique form of energy blasts at Ultron prime. Vision with his mind stone, Thor with his lightning, and Tony with his uni beam. With their concentrated efforts they began to melt the composite vibranium alloy. Then they abruptly stopped and Ultron was left with a half melted face, and body.

“You know, with the benefit of hindsight.” Ultron began until a giant reptile pounced on top of him and ripped him in half with his jaw. Saurian didn't care! He was hungry! He used Soul Bite, Dream Eater, and Devour, Consume, Evolve on Ultron and unlike his copies the ability took effect.

Congratulations User! Minor Machine Control has evolved into Basic Machine Control.

Effect: Increase in power.

Effect: Increase in ability range.

Effect: Decrease in energy consumption.

Effect: A wider variety of machines can be manipulated, and controlled.

Congratulations User! Devour, Consume, Evolve has evolved into Minor Devour, Consume, Evolve.

Effect: Increase in power.

Effect: Decrease in energy consumption.

Effect: Slight increase to obtaining an ability.

Comment: Diet? Who needs a diet!

Saurian felt the life force of Ultron wink out. Despite his many sins Saurian felt compelled to send Ultron to the wheel of reincarnation and not his personal hell. He chewed on the shell of Ultron like he was chewing on a jaw breaker but eventually he swallowed it all. He looked back at his companions who looked at him with a look of surprise and a hint of worry. Vision for his part looked a little green.

The rest of the sub-copies became disconnected, and clumsy but they turned around and attempted to flee the island. They may only be copies, but they were still linked together. Every team member that could fly took off after them. While the rest of the ground based forces started to call for a pick up. Only for a sparkling orange, and yellow spell circle to appear right next to the church. A sling ring from the Masters of the Mystic Arts showed up.

“We've come to help?” An man came out who Lash knew as Wong. Along with a few other masters who helped clean up the area and pull the wounded through the ring.

“Sorcerer supreme sends their regards.” Wong said to the Avengers and started to help pull people through the ring. Looked like it lead to the inside of a hellicarrier.

One by one the rest of the team was escorted from the island via quin-jet, sling ring, or flier. Saurian volunteered to stay behind to ensure the core was protected until it was time for the destruction of the island. He started to Recycle any Ultron Sentries left around the church at the insistence of Erik the gamer. But something was bothering Saurian as he searched through the memories of Ultron. As he digested his meal he kept getting experience prompts. Then he came across a specific memory.

“EVERYONE OFF THE ISLAND ITS ON A TIMER!” Saurian called out, his voice carrying across the communication line, and across the Temporary Pack Bond. But almost as if he jinxed it the anti-gravitational engines flipped!

They had been at 7,000 feet and were now plummeting straight towards the ground! Captain Rogers had dove through the sling ring, right before the land gave out. Now Saurian was holding onto the ground as he made his way towards the core. Thor flew in with his hammer and came to his side with a grimace. Saurian sent out a Nature pulse looking for any signs of life. They were clear!

“Thor! On my mark!” Tony called across the comms. Then he started to heat the vibranium core with his uni beam. Thor raised his hammer and channeled lighting through his own body.

“NOW!” Tony called out and Thor brought his hammer down straight on top of the core like a hammer towards a nail!

BOOOM! The entire island shattered! Saurian reached out and snagged Thor and tucked in on himself like a giant snake. Saurian was rocket propelled through the air just like the rest of the debris. While below them Tony was racing along down, and away desperately trying to stay alive. Saurian hit water oddly enough and the resulting kinetic force ruptured several of his organs but they quickly repaired thanks to his Regeneration, and nanite blood. He released Thor once he cast Water Breathing on him and Saurian slowly sank to the bottom of the body of water they had fallen into.


Lash woke up in his Transformation state on the beach somewhere near Sokovia with a hell of a headache. Saurian was curled up in their astral link asleep, and sleeping contently. Lash grinned at his partner and looked around. He reached out with Temporary Pack Bond to see if anyone was near. He received several pings, including Tony, and Thor. Both alive and kicking.

Lash activated his Healing Aura and started to make his way back towards the sovereign borders of the state. One by one his Saurus Elites, Veterans, and Warriors reported they had successfully stopped Ultron's forces. They en route towards Sokovia to help with the search and rescue. A lot of the debris from the falling land mass fell onto the country. There were long, bitter days ahead of them.

Congratulations User! You've completed the dynamic event!

Objective: Stop Ultron. [+] Complete.

Optional Objective: Save as many civilians as you can. [+] Complete, 75.3% saved.

Optional Objective: Leave no sub-copy of Ultron standing [+] Complete.

Optional Objective: Keep your forces alive. [+] Complete, 89.7% saved.

Rewards will be given at the end of Story/Cross Over.

Lash paused for a moment and didn't even remember getting a dynamic event before it started? Maybe it had...Oh yes there it was. Lash opened an old notification tab and read it. Thanks to Lash minimal HUD if he didn't openly look for it he wouldn't see it. Normally he was pretty good about checking it.

Across the globe Lash dismissed his Manifestations then called them again at his location. He sent his 1110 Saurus warriors, veterans, and elites towards Sokovia one Conjuration at a time. They raced ahead of him to help rescue who they could. An hellicarrier came down from the clouds and started to deploy quin-jets heading in the same direction he was.

After a few hours Lash linked up with Connectivity and received word that everyone had made it out. Well the Avengers, Reserve, and Auxiliary teams. But the foot soldiers, there were plenty of deaths to go around. Lash sent an Elite per hellicarrier up to see if any bodies still had their soul tethers intact. They would save who they could. About an hour later Lash stumbled across a sizable compound his Warriors were in the process of searching through. There was a coat of arms on the destroyed mansion. It looked like a celtic cross with two swords diagonally crossing one another.

His warriors had dove into the ground via Earth Swim and pulled out an old man, dead. Holding in his arms a woman, and a small boy. An older man about the same age as the woman was screaming in horror at the sight of them. The warriors started to use Corpse Repair, and rebuilt the body. Lash came over and saw the man look up at him. A look of recognition came over his face.

“Can you save them!?” The man screamed at Lash. Lash in his transformed state smiled at him and pointed as his warriors as they each cast Kiss of the Grave though it would completely tank their energy reserves for the next few hours.

The woman burst awake and started to cough up a fit. Pulling in lungfuls of air. Just as the small boy, and elderly man did the same. The younger man screamed in joy and pulled his family together into his arms. Lash came over and took a knee to look at them. He started to explain the side effects of being dead for a while, he wrote it all down for them knowing they were barely paying attention. Then Lash stood up and started to walk away.

“Wait! Please! My name is Baron Helmut Zemo. Thank you for saving my family.” Zemo called out, and Erik the gamer went completely still. Lash slowly turned around to look at Zemo.

“A baron? A leader of Sokovia?” Lash asked, and Zemo nodded.

“Then would you mind if we rebuilt your home and turned it into a temporary refugee center?” Lash asked, and Zemo agreed with out question.

So, Lash and several of his warriors, and veterans rebuilt the Helmut family estate and turned it into a quasi refugee center. Including a quin-jet landing pad. With in hours of its completion people were being escorted to the manor via Saurus soldiers, or SHIELD. Realizing they needed more room Lash started to build underground bunkers, with living facilities on top those. It would be cramped but at least everyone would have a bed.

The sun was beginning to set when a blue and silver blur zipped into the camp carrying something red in its arms. Pietro, and Wanda appeared right in front of Lash still transformed and using his Administration skill to help organize the camp. Lash smiled at them, and they smiled back.

“You two here to work? Or to sleep?” Lash asked, as he created some clothing for some refugees.

“Work!” Pietro said, and Wanda nodded.

“Alright go with my Veteran here and he'll assign you some tasks that should be fitting for you.” Lash said as he pointed at a Veteran wearing the Asgardian Einherjar armor. But before Wanda ran off, she came over and floated up on her energy currents and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you for helping.” Wanda said and scurried off. Of course he was helping, why wouldn't he?

It wasn't until a few hours after sun set that he soon learned that a lot of the SHIELD forces, and Avengers had gone home! But why? Because Sokovia technically was not part of the United Nations and there fore its politicians were screaming at them to leave. Stupid politicians who care more about their ego than anything else. Technically Lash being a part of the Avengers should have left. So, Director Hill temporarily fired Lash. Making him a free agent!

It was all technical, the paper work was phenomenally large. Since Lash was not technically a citizen of the UN he technically couldn't hired by any government. Etc, etc, etc. So, Lash continued to work on the camp. Hundreds of Saurus Warriors were deployed in the area of operation and were looking for survivors while hundreds more escorted the survivors back to the camp. While Veterans offered aid, and the Elites helped Lash build more facilities.

A silver blur ran up to Lash as he was creating a water tower. “Lash they want you in the council chambers. Zemo is there with a UN delegate.” Pietro said, his Sokovian accent thick with emotion as he looked like he had bitten into something sour.

“So, we wont be getting any more help I take it?” Lash asked, now in his default Asgardian form. Pietro gave him a helpless shrug.

“Very well, tell them I'll be a few minutes. Just finishing up.” Lash replied, and turned back to finish the water tower.

Lash walked towards the council room. Which was a fancy way of just saying the Helmut house dinning room. They had kept most of the original design just changed a few things. Once the city was rebuilt the manor would go back to what it was before. Hopefully. Lash was currently wearing black boots, pants, and black shirt that he filled out well. His tribal tattoos on full display. People made room for him where ever he went. He caught more than a few flirtatious glances at him from both genders but he mostly ignored it.

Lash cast a quick Immaculate on himself to get cleaned up. Knocked on the door and waited, a soldier answered. A soldier of Sokovia and gave Lash a acid glare. Really? Lash rolled his eyes at the immaturity of it all and pushed past. Nearly forcing the man off his feet as the door slammed into him. Inside the dinning room was Zemo, and his father who both stood up in courtesy and smile at him. While on the other side of the table was a Sokovian politician, and a UN representative.

“Asgardian Lash, Jormungandson. You are here by ordered by the UN to cease and desist any and all foreign aid you are providing towards Sokovia.” The UN rep said, and the Sokovian politician sneered at Lash.

“No.” Lash replied simply, he hadn't even taken his seat yet. His simple, and straight forward answer was clearly a surprise to both of them.

“See, told you.” Zemo said with a sneer of his own. Then he smiled at Lash who smiled back at him. Lash had gotten to know Zemo and his family over the week. Good, honorable man, that took care of his family, and would kill to protect them.

“You are breaking the law by providing them aid!” The UN Rep screamed at Lash and stood up from his chair. Lash emphasized his position by using Transformation and growing to his full eight foot tall reptilian monster form. His oppressive aura swallowed the room all except those friendly towards him. The UN rep quickly found his seat and visible paled.

“Let me understand this. I am breaking the law by helping people? What utter shit is that?” Lash asked, his animalistic voice harsh on the ears.

“The Sokovian people do not want any aid from a foreigner!” The Sokovian politician replied, a quiver in his voice. Zemo slammed his fist down onto the table and glared at the man.

“The Sokovian people!? Look outside that window! Ask those people if they don't want Lash's help! Ask the children who have gone to bed each night with full bellies! Instead of the disgusting politicians who are being bribed by other countries to send him away!” Zemo screamed at him, and his father had to pull him down before he attacked the politician.

“Ah, so that is the situation. I am upsetting the delicate power balance in the country, and you want me gone because you people care more about your egos then helping your people?” Lash said, as he ran his clawed hand down his chin. “So, let me ask you this. If I leave? What will happen to Sokovia?” Lash asked the Helmut family.

“More than likely our neighboring countries would absorb us into them. Which is exactly what the UN, and this piece of shit want to happen. Because our neighbors are part of the UN. At which case the UN can receive positive public opinion. Then the politicians who are in the other countries pocket will be rewarded.” Zemo's father spelled it out for Lash.

“Ah, then this is very simple. I am not leaving until Novi Grad has recovered. If you force this issue, I'll destroy you!” Lash said to the politician, and UN rep who both stammered in surprise.

“Warriors!” Lash called out, and a dozen invisible Saurus Warriors appeared out of thin air. “Escort them out, now!” Lash said with a sinister grin and the Warriors arm locked the politician, UN rep, and the corrupt Sokovian soldiers and dragged them out of the refugee camp.

“In many ways this all happened because of us.” Lash said as he returned to his default shape. He looked at the Helmut family. “ I'm not leaving until I've made up for our mistakes. Though, many would say I'm just making it worse. What would you say?” Lash asked them both.

“Fuck them! We're with you!” Zemo said with a smile, and his father agreed.

Lash smiled and turned around to return to rebuilding the small country the Avengers had technically wrecked. But he found himself in the black room again with Dawn sitting under the red sun with a fruity drink in hand. She had a brilliant smile on her face and gestured towards the beach chair by her side. Lash laughed and walked over to sit down and pulled the chair so it was closer. He put his hands on Dawn's feet and started to massage them. She cooed in pleasure and leaned back in her chair.

“So, you have 120 WP's to spend on the next break between events. I've written an additional options involving Sokovia if you wish to purchase them.” Dawn said after a bit, enjoying the massage. She created a window and Lash began looking through it.

Sokovian Rulership, 20 WP: Lash Jormungandson decides to declare his rule over the small country and makes it into a nation rivaling Wakanda in technology. (Will dramatically effect your back ground)

“Oh my... That seems a little radical for my taste. I just wanted to help them get back on their feet.” Lash said, and Dawn gestured for him to keep reading.

Sokovian Renewal, 30 WP: Lash Jormungandson spends considerable effort renovating, and retrofitting Novi Grad and turns it into any first world countries best cities. The crater left behind by Ultron is turned into a large artificial lake. Sokovia produces more natural renewable energy than any of its neighboring countries.

You have purchased Sokovian Renewal for 30 WP.

Black Market Arms, 20 WP: Lash Jormungandson gathers up the remains of Ultron and sells all the advance technology on the black market to make billions of dollars!

Not Recommended.

Avengers Reinstated, 30 WP: SHIELD and the Avengers fight for the right to reinstate Lash Jormungandson back into the Avengers. Through several smear campaigns, dirty tricks, and unconfirmed reports of help from a Hackers group known as the, 'Rising Tide.' Lash is reinstated as an Avenger.

You have purchased Avengers Reinstated for 30 WP.

SWORD, 20 WP: The User helps create Sentient World Observation and Response Department. Due to the influx of extraterrestrial influences on the planet Earth. The fact that Chitarui troops, and leviathans still fly through the Sol System the United Nations are encouraged to create the department. (Amendment, 10 additional WP) Lash Jormungandson helps them by retrofitting a single SHIELD hellicarrier and making it capable of flying through space.

You have purchased SWORD for 30 WP.

Wakanda, 10 WP: Lash Jormungandson is invited to visit Wakanda. There he helps Princess Shuri with several advance pieces of technology that had been slowing their progress. Specifically but not limited to FTL, and traveling to the Ancestral Plane.

You have purchased Wakanda for 10 WP.

Black Market Vibranium, 20 WP: The User steals vibranium, and sells it on the black market forever ruining their reputation with Wakanda! But the User makes a lot of money!

Not Recommended.

Kamar-Taj, 10 WP: The User spends some time with the Masters of the Mystic Arts. Helping them to expand their use of spells, as well as magical relic creation, and the discussion of livable dimensions in the grand universe of things. (Note: The Sorcerer Supreme notices something odd about the User)

You have purchased Kamar-Taj for 10 WP.

Nova Corp/Earth 10 WP: The User helps introduce Nova Corp with SHIELD/SWORD as well as the deal they struck for the protection of the Sol System. An agreement of mutual understanding is created between the them. (Even though Nova Corp is so out of their league!)

You have purchased Nova Corp/Earth for 10 WP.

“Dawn before I leave again, may I ask you a question.” Lash asked, as he closed the app, Dawn turns to look at him then raises her foot, gesturing. Lash snickered at her and started to massage her foot.

“Yes of course User, I am at your disposal.” Dawn replied, leaning back into her chair.

“In the movies, Dr Strange loses the use of his hands due to a stupid car accident on his part. Then he spends all his time trying to fix them. However, in this new Rift the medical beds we've created will easily fix his hands. So what will drive Strange to Kamar-Taj?” Lash asked, and Dawn smirked at him.

“What makes you think he'll even go?” Dawn asked, and before Lash could reply he found himself falling backwards back down to his Dream.


Lash Jormungandson spends several weeks in Sokovia helping to rebuild Novi Grad much to the dislike of the UN, and Sokovian Politicians. On more than one occasion mercenaries sneak into the refugee camp to cause problems. But each time they are routed out, and turned over to SHIELD for acts of terrorism. Thanks to a very helpful Agent Daisy who may or may not have leaked a big of information to some of her old Rising Tide contacts. The entire fiasco with the UN attempting to seize good press was revealed destroying several careers.

Zemo of house Helmut is declared King of Sokovia. Promising to rule by elected councilors, and ministers. Lash Jormungandson is granted full citizenship by Sokovia. Novi Grad is turned into a major modern day city on par with cities like New York, or Hong Kong. Along with one of the most advanced colleges in south eastern europe with several branches of science only included thanks to the patron saint, Lash Son of Jormungand.

With the secrets of the UN, and Sokovian politicians made public many careers were destroyed, and the reason behind the alienation of Sokovia was brought to light. Lash was rewarded by the public, and herald as hero for standing up for what was right. He was reinstated as an Avenger and given special compensation going forward.

SWORD, Sentient World Observation and Response Department is created and Lash Jormungandson helps retrofit a SHIELD hellicarrier for space travel. (Does not give them FTL) A SWORD carrier is now patrolling the solar system in search for any pockets of Chitauri that may remain. Discussions for a lunar colony have begun. While Lash, with the aid of SWORD designs, and builds the Asgardian orbital defensive platforms around Midgard.

Wakanda continues to stay hidden from the public perception of the world. But they have made secret agreements with SHIELD and SWORD. Sharing science, medicine, and technological advancements. Lash is invited to the country where he helps Princess Shuri with several of her projects. Trust Wakanda to be a better choice he does help them create a basic form of FTL. The Wakandan's are overjoyed! He also introduces Wakanda to Kamar-Taj and they help one another visit the Ancestral Plane.


Upstate New York, Avengers Compound.

Lash's mind fell into place as he stretched his neck. He was currently sitting in a briefing room watching one of their new recruits go through a mission brief for their first time. Specifically it was Wanda Maximoff as she tried to inform her team about the next assignment. Lash sat off to the side watching the whole event take place. By his side was Natasha who had an amused smile on her face simply because it was off putting for Wanda who kept glancing over at them.

“Must you tease her like that?” Lash whispered to Natasha who shrugged her shoulders and gave him a side long glance.

“I thought you liked that I was a tease.” Natasha whispered back, then jumped a little when Lash poked her side. She gave him a mock glare then settled back in her chair.

“A-Any questions?” Wanda said, her voice was stiff and stuttered at the start. Her team mates included her brother Pietro who had a huge grin on his face and gave his sister a thumbs up. Wanda tried to not roll her eyes. While the other members went over their notes.

“Did I miss anything?” Wanda asked, looking over at Lash and Natasha.

“When do you leave?” Lash asked, Wanda pulled her notes out.

“We leave in six hours...Oh! So, be ready in five! We'll go over the mission brief again before we leave...Right?” Wanda asked, turning to Natasha who shrugged her shoulders in a who knows gesture. Wanda started to panic as she looked through her notes.

“Suggested gear? Supplies? Who is on the logistical team?” Lash continued, as he nudged Natasha in the shoulder who laughed a little.

“Its a desert operation so heat resistant gear, dry powder, electrolytes?” One of the team members suggested and Natasha nodded in agreement but never said a word.

They continued like that for another twenty or so minutes until their mission briefing time was over. A chime went off in the room and everyone was excused except for Wanda who came over and sat down at the table that Lash, and Natasha shared. She kept wringing her hands, and didn't look at Natasha.

“That was pretty good.” Natasha said, and that one compliment meant the world to Wanda who smiled at her and the invisible weight on her shoulders was lifted.

Natasha went over a few things she could do better. Like pausing every few minutes to take questions. Eye contact with her team, not the supervisor overseeing the mission brief. Raise her chin, puff out her chest, square her shoulders. Common public speaking activities. But all in all Wanda did a good job. She had been the assistant team leader for almost a year and this was her first operation as the team lead.

It was an arms dealer smash and grab. Confiscate the materials which were Ultron tech. Arrest and identify the buyer, and seller. Tag everything, and come back home. A SHIELD tactical crew would be on standby to assist if need be. But it was mostly a run of mill easy mission. Which means that it will of course go horribly bad. Like always!

Lash was starting to feel the wear and tear of doing this Rift. He had spent more time in this Rift than he had spent in his home reality. Or had he? Technically by his Clock it had only been two weeks, and a few days back home. But from Lash's perception, and fragmented memory thanks to the World Point background he had over a thousand years worth of memories floating around in his head. Not to mention the beautiful red head by his side.

Lash and Natasha had been seeing each other for more or less for a few years now? Lash had come to Midgard in 2012 in this Rift's perception of time. It was now, 2015 in the Rift. But jumping to the black room between events made the time line a bit fuzzy. It hadn't all been golden between them. Just like any couple they've had arguments about this and that. Being from two very different cultures tended to cause problems. But Lash had a lot of experience adapting to different cultures in his long life. Or rather several different reincarnated lives.

“Lash....Lash! You awake?” Natasha asked him as he all but walked straight into a wall. He stopped and chuckled a bit and reached out to give the wall a hug.

“Yes! Sorry I just needed to greet the wall. We always take the wall for granted as it protects us from the elements and keeps our secrets.” Lash replied, and Natasha burst up laughing.

“Oh wow! Ok, you need to take a break!” Natasha said and pulled him towards the living quarters kitchen.

Natasha pulled him along and he took a moment to be enthralled by her. Today she wore three inch black heels, a black pencil skirt that did wonders for her hips as she walked. A half black suit jacket, with a dark green silk blouse. The green was because Lash liked the color. The blouse had an open collar, and she wore a choker with an emerald in the dead center. Her red hair was swept past her shoulders, and was curly.

While Lash wore a tailored made black suit, and red silk shirt because Natasha liked red. Along with a long silver chain around his neck. His tribal tattoos were plane as day on his bald head, and his yellow green reptilian eyes moved from Natasha towards the kitchen. Currently standing in the kitchen was Vision!

Vision had learned to use his Synthetic Skin Construction and looked like a tall, lean, pale skinned man with short blond hair, and a single golden jewel impeded in his forehead. He wore a white buttoned up shirt, and a pair of gray slacks, and black loafers. He was currently experimenting with the concept of pancakes and the many different varieties of them. He looked up and gave them both his best smile.

“Brother Lash, Miss Romanoff what an unexpected surprise. Is the mission brief over? How did Wanda do?” Vision asked, Lash noticed just a bit of a blush in his cheeks when he said Wanda's name. Which said a lot since technically Vision could control the pigment of his skin.

“She did well, any mistake she made will be over come by practice.” Natasha said as she pulled Lash into a seat next to the island in the kitchen.

The Avengers Compound was a fully functional military base that prioritized the comfortable living of the Avengers, Reserve Avengers, and the auxiliary teams being deployed across the world. Yes, SHIELD had several installations across the globe. But the Avengers technically were a private organization that were under SHIELD's jurisdiction.

The compound had several training floors that could with stand the destructive quality of some of the people they housed. While it also housed the operational support staff, and field teams. Most military bases were like tiny cities. The compound was no different. Other than it was bigger, roomier, and that Tony Stark, and Lash Jormungandson paid for it all. So, yes they had king size beds, with master bathrooms in them. Don't judge!

On one of the living quarters floors was a five star kitchen that was currently being used to cook pancakes. All kinds of pancakes! So, Lash snagged some french crepes, and Scotch Pancakes and started to spread some butter across them. Natasha took a seat next to him, and dabbed her finger in his whip cream. He gave her a mock look of shock and she wiggled her eye brows at him and licked her finger slowly.

“So why pancakes?” Lash asked, and Vision looked up from stirring some batter.

“I was told that pancakes is the food of America. Which is odd, because America has several dozen different types of food that claim to be American food. But none of them came from America. They all have roots in different countries.” Vision said, clearly confused by the concept of American food.

“How's the stomach, and taste buds we designed working out for you?” Lash asked, about the Re:Implant they had used so Vision could actually eat food. Visions eyes brightened considerably.

“Its been wonderful! I've also determined that I am really bad at cooking!” Vision said, and his point was emphasized by the fact that Lash's pancakes were actually raw on the inside. Lash chocked on his raw dough, forced it down and laughed for a bit.

“Ok! Move aside lets do this!” Lash said as he stood up and came into the kitchen. Natasha flipped out her phone and started to text like crazy. Five minutes later the entire kitchen floor was filled with people making orders for Lash's food.

Six or so hours later the whole room was in a food coma. They covered all forms of breakfast foods. Vision being able to metabolize anything he ate was going through the left overs with a critical eye, and asked Lash questions about this and that. A few people wondered in and looked at the mess of over a hundred people asleep, or groaning on the floor. Almost like a food coma bomb had gone off.

“Lash....” Natasha called to him, her voice dripped with sleep. She had fallen over in a love seat. Her eyes barely pulling open. Lash looked at the clock, it was 8:30 pm a little early but it would be enough.

“Excuse me, Vision have to tuck my beloved into bed.” Lash said, and went to pull Natasha into a princess carry.

“Beloved: A dearly loved, or much loved person. Are you in love with Natasha, Lash?” Vision asked, as he watched Lash pick Natasha up.

“Yes, of course I love her.” Lash said with out a moment of hesitation. Natasha's whole body went still, and her breath caught. Lash didn't say anything and bid Vision good night.

Technically Lash, and Natasha had separate bedrooms. Though they always ended up in one or the other. Lash went to hers this time, and set her down on the bed. He closed the door, and dimmed the lighting. He pulled her heels off and pulled the zipper back on her skirt gently pulling it off. With great care he pulled her jacket off, and her blouse. Leaving Natasha in black lace panties, and bra. He admired the view for a bit and then began to tuck her into bed.

“Do you really love me...” Natasha asked in a soft whisper that Lash barely heard. Her face was half pushed into the pillow. Lash came to kneel on the floor, and leaned over the bed to look her in the eye.

“Yes, Natasha I am in love with you.” Lash said to her, and meant it. A blush crawled up her neck, into her cheeks, and turned her ears red. It was adorable. Natasha buried her face into the pillow and promptly fell asleep.

Lash turned the lights off and left the room behind softly closing the door. He was still full of energy and decided to go to the training hall to work out or help anyone who needed training. Unfortunately, he never made it there. A support staff attendant came to him with a file. He opened it up and read the name Doctor Henry Jonathan "Hank" Pym.

Lash was given the task of trying to re recruit Dr Pym for SHIELD. Lash read through the files as he walked towards his own room. Janet van Dyne wife of Dr Pym. Reports state that she was killed in action. Erik the gamer whispered that wasn't true. Yay more data diving. Lash called up his tech-spirits and gave them the task. He looked through SHIELD's and HYDRA's data base. Then he came across a young woman afflicted with a rare condition.

Ava Starr the daughter of Elihas and Catherine Starr. A lot of drama with them. Mother, and Father both died in a Quantum field experiment. Ava Starr was touched by the Quantum Universe. Has the ability of Intangibility, Enhanced Strength, and Invisibility. Is currently MIA since the fall of HYDRA. Hydra had used her as an assassin, thief, spy, and in a lie claiming they could cure her. The Tech-Spirits went through all of Ava's life, and known associates. Erik pointed at one specific individual.

Doctor William Barrett "Bill" Foster. Brilliant bio-chemist, and former researcher for SHIELD/HYDRA but of course he didn't know about the latter. He helped Ava get a grip in this reality. He had been like an adoptive father to Ava. Bill knew Ava's parents, and talked about several stories with Ava. It would make sense that he would reach out to her, or her to him. SHIELD had thought the same. However every observation team sent never found any evidence of Ava being around Foster.

Back to Dr Pym, he had a daughter with Lady Dyne. Hope van Dyne took her mothers name given that she and her father were estranged. Dr Pym had never fully recovered from his wife's, 'death'. Then when SHIELD tried to replicate his Pym particles formula he left. Dr Pym created a company called Pym technologies and had groomed a man named Darren Cross as his successor. However, as often as it does. Pym was eventually voted out of his own company as he got older and would often refuse to experiment with anything involving the Quantum realm.

Recently Darren Cross has contacted buyers across the globe claiming he had cracked the formula behind Pym Particles. Cross planned to weaponize the particles and sell it to the highest bidder. Technically he would be selling to the US military, and SHIELD. But analysts had already confirmed that Cross's moral compass was flexible when it came to making money. He didn't care who he sold to. Lash leaned back in his chair...Then got up and started to go towards the basement. He had his own floor their completely dedicated to magical projects.

Lash once inscribed dozens of spells into one of Tony's suits just so Tony could see if he could replicate spell craft. So far Tony had figured out how to inscribe a simple color change on his suits of armor. But he was thrilled that he could learn the spell works just from that attempt. It had also destroyed sixteen suits, and cost him millions of dollars. But that is chump change to a billionaire. Lash had to take two separate elevators down. One that went to the bottom floor, then a tram towards the site that was away from the main complex. Lash had insisted on it since he could technically create a mini black hole by accident. He didn't want to swallow the base.

Lash came into a giant room that was covered to wall to wall in Vibranium from his own reserve. Each wall segment had a Rune of Strength inscribed into it. This time the intention of the rune was meant to help reinforce the area. Lash then created a ritual circle for the Domain of Divination. Once that was done he pulled out several foci, and tools he acquired from Kamar-Taj and sat in the circle. He conjured two Elites to stay by the door and report if anything happened to him. Better safe than sorry. The Ancient One had already said if he ever got lost she would come looking for him.

Lash activated Divination, Clairvoyance. (Chapter 89) His target Janet van Dyne. He used Bending, Reality Warping, and Cosmic Awareness to empower the spell. His consciousness was pulled from his body momentarily and we was thrust between worlds, between dimensions. An entire universe contained with in a single mote of dust. Created, lived, and destroyed in the span of a few seconds to him. But an vast eternity to it.

Then there floating between two pieces of untold beauty, and destruction was a lone figure. A older woman in a salvaged environmental suit. Her very being was out of focus, as if she was being pulled one way, while her very essence was pulled through another. Her helmet turned and Lash saw long gray, and silver hair, and a face with smile lines. The woman's eyes were closed. Lash saw that she was gradually drifting, floating between to points in the Quantum realm. He had little time...


Where was she? Who was she? Janet...Her name was Janet. How many times had she forgotten her own name. This place was eternal, from one moment to another. How could she possibly understand it all. Why did her very visions of the past come true. It was almost as if the universe around her took pity. Over, and over again she would see her whole life in picture perfect clarity. Then she would see other things. She would see Hope all grown up! Hank growing old, but still so handsome. Then those memories would be ripped away from her time, and time again. How much time had passed? Where they even alive any more?

Janet felt her whole body jerk as something snagged her arm. Her eyes pulled open and she screamed so loud she feared her own ears would burst. A creature she had never seen before had grabbed her. It was covered in scales, and had armor on! Its tentacles on its back wrapped around her and it pulled her to wards a swirling mass of darkness, and starlight. Janet tried to break free but she was so tired! No! She refused to give up! She would find her way home again! She...

Janet was pulled through the swirling vortex and found her self in a circle with candles lite around her. The vortex behind her closed, and the creature looked down at her with a smile. Those six reptilian eyes looked at her like she was food. In the corner near a...door? Why was there a door here? Two more creatures stood by the door, smaller than the first but just as lethal.

“Janet van Dyne?” The creature spoke, it's voice was hard, and harsh on her ears. But strange enough she could also hear its voice inside her own mind. Wait!? It knew her name.

“The year is 2015, you are in the Avengers Compound in upstate New York. We work with SHIELD.” The creature spoke again in her mind. Janet's eyes snapped open and for the first time in years she pulled off her helmet and tasted fresh air, mingled with frankincense?

“I'm back!? Wait!? Who are you!?” Janet asked practically in a scream.

“I am Lash Jormungandson, an Asgardian. The people of Earth call me an alien if that helps.” Lash said to her, then his scales receded to give way to skin. His reptilian eyes merged into his skull. He went from being eight feet tall, to six foot six. With golden caramel skin, and a breath taking face. Janet swallowed, wow! She had thought Hank was handsome.

“Would you like to see your husband, and daughter?” Lash asked, kneeling before her and extending a strong hand.

“More than anything!” Janet said, tears falling from her eyes.

“Well they live in California, but we can get transportation their momentarily. Come on, lets get you freshened up.” Lash offered and pulled her up.

“Am I dead?” Janet asked, she had dreamed of this moment for so long. Well not this exact moment obviously.

“Far from it.” Lash said with a smile, the creatures by the door stepped walked past them and started to clean up the room. The elevator doors opened and they both went back to the compound. Janet had so many questions but first.

“Can I take a shower?” Janet asked, and Lash laughed! His smile was infectious and Janet found herself blushing.

“Yes, of course you can!” Lash replied.


Thanks to Clairvoyance Lash was able to see where Janet was. He didn't know why it took him so long to figure that little trick out. Heimdall had done the same thing when he first arrived in the Rift and they had to find a way to Midgard. So once he knew where he used Portal Creation to break through the dimensional barrier and swam out into the Quantum Realm. The Ancient One had once told him that the Quantum Realm was just like any other dimension. You simply had to get there. Hopefully with a way out!

Janet had taken a shower, and pulled on some clean clothes. Lash messaged Director Hill about an update about his mission. Hill about lost her mind when Lash showed Janet on the video call. Janet van Dyne was technically on the SHIELD honor wall for fallen agents. She approved of traveling to see Dr Pym. Dr Pym refused to take any calls from SHIELD. So they couldn't inform him of the good news. Lash had briefed Janet on all that happened.

When Janet learned that Lash was indeed an alien from not only another world, but another galaxy she was beside herself. She asked him all sorts of questions that easily ate up their time as they traveled across the US. Yes, Lash could have used Digital Stride but the spell was still very rough on new people. He didn't want to risk the chance of it doing something to her. Janet was practically oozing quantum particles. So much so that Lash was collecting them in crystal containers. Hopefully with this they could help find a way to cure Ava, or he'd just take her to see the Ancient one.

Lash's tech-spirits may or may not have sneaked into Darren Cross's tech servers then downloaded and erased all of his data about the particles. They may have also sent a program into the yellowjacket suit sending it to the quantum realm. Lash also received a video file of man named Scott Lang wearing an Ant-Man suit sneaking into the Pym Technologies building only to discover that the suit was already gone. Darren Cross was livid and was trying to discover who was behind the theft of his suit, and who hacked his servers. Lash took the information and compiled it into a Kryptonian crystal for safe keeping.

Congratulations User! Size Alteration has evolved into Minor...Basic Size Alteration.

Effect: Increase in power.

Effect: Decrease in energy consumption.

Effect: Slight increase in manipulation control.

Effect: The User may choose to maintain their overall weight, mass, and density when using Size Alteration.

Effect: Increase in power.

Effect: Decrease in energy consumption.

Effect: Slight increase in manipulation control.

Cool...They landed at a military base and took a rental car into town. Janet was understandably nervous about meeting her family. Lash had been informed that Hank, Hope, and Scott were all at Hanks home. Which was a very nice victorian home with all of the modern day convenience like secret doors, underground bunkers and an assorted collection of different types of ants. He wasn't sure why, but Lash missed Batman all of a sudden. Hopefully he could finish the Rift in time to attend Selina's wedding.

Lash walked up and knocked on the front door, while Janet wore a pair of large sun glasses, and wore a shawl around her hair. She looked very retro, but it suited her. She smiled at him, and he smiled back. Someone came to the door and looked through the peep hole. Hushed whispering came back and forth before Hank called out from the other side.

“May I help you?” Hank said through the door.

“Dr Pym, I am Lash Jormungandson of Asgard. I have some questions for you.” Lash replied, then he could practically feel the irritation ooze from Hank.

“I have nothing to say to you Mr Jormungand. Though I have a lot of respect for what you've done for the world. Anyone who is friends with the Starks, and works for SHIELD has no business with me!” Hank shouted through the door.

“What if I told you that your wife, Janet van Dyne is alive?” Lash called through the door. Hank yanked the door open and threw a punch straight into Lash's face. Which resulted in Hank breaking his own hand.

“HANK!” Janet screamed in shock when she heard the bones break. Hank stopped and looked up from his hand to see his wife pull her sun glasses off.

“Janet..... JANET!” Hank shouted and pushed past Lash who had a smile on his face. Hank pulled Janet into his arms and hugged. Hope, and Scott Lang came out of the home looking confused. Then tears fell from Hope's eyes, she recognized her mother from the pictures in her fathers home.

Lash used Nature's Kiss and healed Hank's hand. When the bones snapped back into place he screamed. But looked at his hand for a brief moment, then back at Lash. Then looked at Hope. Janet looked over and started to cry. With out a word mother, and daughter embraced one another. Scott looked so out of place. But he walked over to Lash and nodded his head.

“What's up?” Scott said.

“Your the man who broke into the Avengers Compound?” Lash asked, referring to an incident involving Falcon not that long ago. Scott visible paled.

“No, no...That...I think you have me confused with someone else.” Scott said, then Lash produced a holographic video of Scott appearing in front of Sam taking his mask off and saying, 'Hi I'm Scott.' Lash looked back at Scott who was looking any where but at Lash.

“Shall we step inside and talk?” Lash asked the reunited family.

“YES, YES! Please come in!” Hank said with a huge smile and practically pulled Janet into the house with him.

Lash started at the beginning of receiving the file on Dr Pym. He was told to try and re recruit Dr Pym back for SHIELD now that the world was...Well new! Lash also said he was responsible for purging Cross's servers and destroying the yellowjacket suit. He had sent enough information to SHIELD that Cross was dealing under the table for him to go to prison for the rest of his life. Technically there would be a vote on who would become the next CEO of Pym Technologies if Lash hadn't bought all of the public stock for the company. He now controlled 52% of the company and was willing to give it back to Pym. If he agreed to consult with SHIELD. His sign on bonus was the safe return of Janet. Though Lash admitted that she would be returned either way.

Also he requested that Scott Lang aka Ant-Man, and Hope van Dyne aka The Wasp would join up as Avengers in some capacity. Active, Reserve, or auxiliary. When Hope was confused about the Wasp, Janet assumed that Hank kept the prototype suit. Which he had! A soft deal was made, but of course paper work and lawyers would be a thing!

Over the course of several days Pym Technologies stock completely tanked with the arrest and conviction of Darren Cross and Lash bought the rest of the stock easily enough. He was now the sole owner of Pym Technologies. Funny that! While this was going on Lash had his tech-spirits track down Bill Foster. Holy crap he was teaching in Berkeley University, California. A stone throw away from where they currently were.

Lash easily slipped away to meet with Dr Foster. He put on some inconspicuous clothing then cast Anonymity on himself. He was just another college student going to visit one of his professors. Along the way Lash looked for any trace of Quantum Realm particles. With Ava being in constant flux it would make sense she would leave a trail. Tucked away in his Storage was one of the containers of Quantum Particles.

Lash threaded his way through the crowded hall ways of the University and found Dr Foster's class room. Lash slipped in, and Dr Foster was in the middle of a class. He briefly glanced up, then went back to teaching his students. Simply assuming Lash was...Who ever he was suppose to be. That was when Lash saw Ava sitting on the windowsill more or less invisible to the naked eye of anyone around. She was wearing a pure white form fitting suit. With five mechanical red eyes on the full face mask. The SHIELD file stated this was the, 'Ghost Suit.'

Ava was watching, and listening to Foster. Lash could understand why. Foster was good looking tall, black man with a smooth smokey voice that could smother anyone in temptation, or relaxation. Foster was very animated about his lessons, about the intricate treasures of life. How the very essence of chemistry could explain our history on the planet. That was until one of the students asked about the chemistry of Aliens like the Chitauri, and Asgardians. How could Foster explain their chemical make up.

Foster frowned at the student in question and said his name with familiarity. As if this was not the first time, nor the last time Foster would have to answer this students question. Dr Foster continued to answer the question with how the environment we evolve in helps to guide, and mature our evolution. It was clear that the student was trying to impede the lesson until some how his coffee mug which was completely sealed came open and spilled all over the trouble maker. Lash snickered as he saw Ava jump back to her spot on the windowsill. The student in question jumped to his feet and ran to go clean himself up in the bathroom. Dr Foster made a point to look anywhere but at the window. He knew she was there.

Class continued until the bell rang. Dr Foster excused his class and reminded them to read chapters 13-15 if they wanted to pass the next test they had. Everyone left, and Lash used Connectivity to see the class schedule. Dr Foster was done for the day. Foster cleaned up his desk and noticed a student hadn't left yet. He looked up at Lash who looked back at him. Ava stirred and looked over at Lash.

“Dr Foster? Respectful greetings unto you. I am Lash Jormungandson, of Asgard!” Lash said, as he stood up and bowed from his waist. Anonymity faded and Dr Foster jumped in surprise, as did Ava.

“Oh my! Hello! I had no idea that was you! You would think I'd recognize you.” Dr Foster said, and tried to not glance at the windowsill. Ava had started to shadow along the wall of the class room.

“I used a spell called Anonymity it makes me look like I belong no matter the circumstance. I was hoping to speak to you.” Lash said, as he walked through the class room seats towards Dr Foster. He made a point to walk down the stairs right next to Ava.

Thanks to Lash's Magical Perception he had plenty of practice of not reacting to things that no one else could see. Yes, he could turn the perception on and half. But aside from the time in, 'Hell's Kitchen' where he chased several phogoth's around. He felt he had done a good job with it. Dr Foster looked visible nervous as he closed his brief case.

“Unfortunately I have another appointment. But I would be more than h...” Dr Foster began but was interrupted by Lash.

“If its about your adoptive daughter Ava she can come along as well. I don't mind.” Lash said as he pointed at Ava specifically. He used Phantasm to create the outline around her. Dr Foster, and Ava both froze for a moment. Then Ava shot forward to attack Lash.

“Ava don't!” Foster yelled, and he was right to stop her. Lash reached out and snagged her throat with ease. Shocking Foster, and Ava both. Nullification activated, and Ava came into solid state being for a brief moment she was pulled out of the flux with the Quantum Realm. Foster's eyes were wide with shock.

“May I suggest we move to another less public avenue?” Lash suggested, as he reached out to snag Ava's hand and removed his other from her throat. As long as he remained in contact she was anchored, though Nullification was draining his energy. Healing Aura was helping him recover.

Thanks to Anonymity Lash, and Ava walked side by side following Dr Foster towards his car. Then they drove to his home, and/or private lab under his home. The whole way Lash was holding Ava's hand and she was looking at him in shock. Ava was a pretty girl with light chocolate skin, with a hispanic heritage. Rich black hair, full lips, and a athletic body. Lash was holding her hand gently in his own and she blushed on more then one occasion. Every time she shook her head trying to clear away her thoughts.

Dr Foster's underground lab looked a lot like what Lash would assume was a scientist lab. Lab, and medical equipment placed in neat, and orderly areas. A cold storage for specimens, and a large glass tank with a bed in it? OK, not entirely what he expected. Lash noticed the glass had been treated with a specific chemical. He ran his free hand across the glass and copied the formula. Interesting, it was infused with partial quantum particles.

“Ava if you would please.” Dr Foster said as he gestured towards the tank. Ava looked at the glass tank, and back at Lash. Specifically his hand. He smiled at her, and she blushed and looked away. He reached out and cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, and Soul Heal for good measure. Green, and blue energy infused into her. Along with a golden light.

When they let go Ava gradually went Intangible but didn't flinch in pain. Though her eyes did twitch a bit. So not cured, drat! So Lash reached into his Storage and pulled out the crystal container of Quantum Particles. Dr Fosters eyes went wide as saucers for the third time that day. Ava's hands pressed right up against the glass of the tank. Then Lash pushed it into a designed slot and sure enough the particles danced into the tank and were slowly infused into Ava.

“An ingenious design, Dr Foster. So, it would help slow her degradation down. While the particles will help heal the damage?” Lash asked, though he didn't turn away from Ava who was sitting down on her bed absorbing the energy.

“That's right...Where did you get those from?” Dr Foster asked as he came up to the glass tank and smiled at Ava.

“I took some from Janet van Dyne when I pulled her out of the Quantum Realm a few days ago.” Lash said nonchalantly as if he was speaking about the weather. Dr Foster whipped around to stare at him in shock for the fourth time that day.

“Janet is alive!? That...That's amazing!” Foster said then his mind started to work overtime. Lash could almost guess where his mind was. So Lash pulled out two more crystals full of particles. Foster smiled at him as he took them from Lash.

“Don't go doing something you'll regret, Dr Foster. I'm here to help. No need to endanger anyone else.” Lash suggested, and Foster looked away ashamed that he'd been found out.

“Why are you doing this?” Ava asked, her accent was light but carried a hint of exotic flavor.

“Does one need a reason to do the right thing?” Lash asked, and smiled at her. Ava's face turned red and she turned around rubbing her face.

“However, I do not believe this will completely cure you. In time, though it may take decades you'll need more. However, I know a friend that could teach you to draw on the Quantum Realm freely. If you are up for it?” Lash asked, Ava and Foster both looked like they needed to talk about it.

So Lash stepped aside and let them discuss it. He answered a few emails from SHIELD, Avengers, and more specifically Natasha. She was going out on an assignment and wouldn't be at the compound when he got back. Pity, however Lash had received an email from Director Hill that was marked important. Lash opened it up and read through it. Erik swore up a storm across their shared link. Superhuman Registration Act, it was currently being voted on at the United Nations.

“If your friend can't help us...What then?” Foster said, as Ava stepped out of the glass tank. Looking full of life.

“Then we'll keep going to the Quantum Realm to retrieve more until we find a cure.” Lash said with a smile.

“When do we leave?” Foster asked...

“Now.” Lash said with a smile and cast his hands forward and creation a circle in the air, using Portal Creation. A vortex of darkness, and starlight twisted into being and Lash pulled Foster, and Ava through it with Telekinesis so they couldn't back out. Foster screamed in panic but stopped to look around confused.

Lash stepped through the portal and it closed behind him. They were standing in a very nice courtyard between several different buildings. The architecture looked similar to Nepal, or rather just Asia. Wide square roof tops that would slope down, and outward. Then rise up like a pyramid. Only for another to take its place. In the distance was a vast stretch of mountains.

“Master Lash, welcome back.” A smooth, cultured voice called out. Lash turned and bowed from his waist.

“Master Mordo, respectful greetings to you. I need to speak to The Ancient One. I have a possible student for her.” Lash said, as he gestured towards Ava who was clearly out of her element. Mordo smiled at her, and Dr Foster.

“I'll tell her you've arrived.” Mordo said, and went to get her.

“Where are we?” Foster asked.

“Nepal, at a place called Kamar-Taj.” Lash said, then turned to see the Ancient One walking up. A brilliant smile spread across her face when she took in the sight of Ava.

“Ah! Yes, I think she will fit in nicely. Thank you Lash you always bring me the most interesting presents.” The Ancient One said, and Ava gave her the death glare.

“But can you help her?” Lash asked, and The Ancient One nodded.

“Yes, Yes I think I can.” She said, unfolding her fan and flipping it back and forth.

“Good...Because things just got a little more complicated.” Lash said, as he thought about the Superhuman Registration Act...


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