
***Alternate Reality. Designation number unknown***

“We are leaving!” Shouted a woman as loudly as possible as she reloaded her crossbow and shot an explosive arrow at a Parademon flying towards her group.

“Just go! I'm right behind you!” Another woman shouted, as she ripped another demon in half at the waist and tossed the upper half at the invading army.

“Open the portal!” The first woman shouted at a man who held a tiny box in his hands. A gaping wound in his left side was gushing blood. The man was pale as death and was having a hard time concentrating.

“Open....portal... Any safe location.” The man asked the box. The box dinged at him quickly, the sound was very sweet and calming.

“What about everyone else?” The second woman shouted as she flew over to them and slammed into the ground. She picked up an old man hole cover and threw it like a frisbee. That decapitated another Parademon, and smashed into one more before it stopped.

“They'll all link up with us as long as we have the box with us!” The first woman said, as she stepped under the man's shoulder and pulled him to his feet.

A golden portal burst into existence with a resounding BOOM! The first woman dragged the man through the portal. The man was barely alive at this point but held the box in his hand in a death grip. The second woman cleared the area one last time, looking for anyone else then flew into the portal. The portal snapped closed just as new Parademons flew towards it. A Parademon with official rank on its chest plate landed and pulled out a dark box with flowing script across it. The box pinged a few times.

“Inform Lord Steppenwolf that they got away.” The Parademon officer told one of its soldiers. It hissed at him in confirmation and flew away to inform their commander.


***Home Reality. North America, Metropolis.***

A golden portal snapped open for a brief moment and a resounding boom shook the whole area! A woman came through the portal carrying an injured man who was dragging his feet. Holding in his free hand was a small box. The portal stayed open for a brief moment until another woman flew out, and the portal shut behind them. The first woman knelt down and started to look over the man but gasped in shock. She covered her mouth, and tears fell from her eyes. The man was dead.

“No, no, no! You can't leave us!” The first woman shouted as she pulled the box from the mans hand and held it over the wound.

“Fix him! Please fix him!” The box dinged a few times at her...But the response she got was not good.

“Huntress...He's gone.” The second woman said, as she came to wrap her arms around her. The woman named huntress curled up into the second woman's arms and sobbed.

They sat there together for a few minutes until the second woman shifted and looked around. She was trying to determine where they were? Their allies were suppose to be around, but she didn't recognize the world they were on. It looked familiar but different at the same time. The box it self was colored with pure earth tones, with white inscriptions on it. Dead center in the box was a red mechanical eye. It dinged several times, each one a different tone. Like it was speaking to them.

“What do you mean we are not where we are suppose to be?” The second woman asked, as Huntress pulled from her arms and looked around.

“Power Girl...This looks like Metropolis.” Huntress said, as she slowly got to her feet. She tried to look anywhere but at their dead friend on the ground.

“It can't be! Metropolis was one of the first cities Apokolips destroyed!” Power Girl said as she floated up into the air a few dozen feet.

Metropolis was meant to be a shining city of modern technology. White, pristine, and full of life. As long as you ignored the shadow areas that is. It took Power Girl many years to learn that every shinning clean city had a dirty spot. You just had to look for it. This Metropolis looked liked it had been through a war? But despite its destruction she saw people moving around. Cars on the streets, and construction crews working to clear the debris. Ding! Ding! Ding!

“Where!?” Huntress shouted as she reloaded her crossbow. Then in a burst of green, and blue lightning a speedster appeared right next to them.

“Hi there! Oh crap! You need medical attention!?” The speedster said to them. Huntress sighed in relief when she saw a JLI badge on the speedsters left shoulder, he was a friendly.

“May I help your friend?” The speedster asked, holding his hands up in a friendly gesture. But his eyes were wholly focused on their dead friend.

“It doesn't matter, he's dead.” Power Girl said as she floated down.

“How long has he been dead?” The speedster asked, that was an odd question.

“A few minutes..” Huntress said, the blood on her costume still wet.

“Plenty of time! If we get him back to the clinic they should be able to revive him! Do I have permission to touch your friend?” The speedster asked again. A flare of hope went through them both.

“Yes, you have permission!” Huntress said, and speedster went over and slapped a device on to their friends chest. The speedster dialed up a wrist mounted holographic computer.

“You two ever been teleported before?” Speedster asked, they both nodded. Then four spring jump rings started to wrap around them. Then with an audible POP! They were gone!


Two hours later Helena Wayne aka Huntress was sitting in a hospital room watching the rise and fall of their friend Fredrick's chest. They had repaired the damage to his body, and resuscitated him. She had never seen anything like it. Huntress had her knees tucked up to her chest, and her chin rested on her knees. To her right was Kara Zor-El aka Power Girl. She was asleep on a guest bed in the room. The room it self wasn't very big. But it was big enough. They had allowed them both a change of clothing but they declined. Something she always learned from her father. Never remove your costume around strangers.

Huntress was approximately 5'11” with long black hair to her shoulders, dark blue eyes, an athletic hour glass figure. Dressed up in skin tight purple, and black unitard that accentuated every curve she had. It made it incredibly easy to move in. She wore a utility belt, two hip quivers, and her crossbow was compressed and linked to her belt. Her domino mask barely hid her face, she claimed it was so she could properly aim down her sights of her bow.

Power Girl was approximately 5'11” with short blond hair above her shoulders, and blue eyes. She had a strong muscular hour glass figure with a burst chest that Huntress was always a little jealous of. She wore what could only be called a white one piece swimsuit that showed off her legs from the thigh down. Though she wore blue boots, and gloves. She had a half red cape on her back, and a boob window on her chest. Never made any sense to Huntress, but Power Girl never changed it.

The air in the room shifted ever so slightly but it was enough for Huntress to know someone had entered the room even though the door hadn't opened. Then a figured appeared a few feet away. They were wrapped in gray, and black cloth that covered them from head, to toe along with a coat. Their body type was unknown given the amount of cloth they wrapped around themselves. Huntress continued staring at Fredrick. Power Girl continued to 'sleep' but Huntress knew she was awake and ready to jump into action.

“My name is Hex, I am the security manager for the station. I need to ask you two some questions.” Hex said, their voice was gender neutral. Huntress turned to look at them, and blinked. She couldn't get a bead on Hex. They were standing next to her, but Huntress felt like they were clear across the room as well.

“Do we have to leave the room?” Power Girl said as she sat up.

“No.” Hex replied, their form shifted from material, to ethereal, then back to material.

“Which Earth designation are you from?” Hex asked, the question stumped Huntress and Power Girl alike.

“What do you mean?” Huntress asked, Hex looked at them both for a bit.

“What do you know about alternate realities?” Hex asked.

“I've been to another dimension before. But another reality?” Power Girl asked, clearly more interested in the question now.

“You are no longer in your home reality. You two have jumped into ours. We normally call this an incursion.” Hex continued, the word 'incursion' had bit of hostility to it. That would explain the armed escort they had when they arrived on the station.

“Less than a year ago our reality was invaded by another. So we take the threat of another reality invading seriously.” Hex said as they moved over towards Fredrick. Power Girl jumped to her feet and was primed to sprint across the room. But Huntress stayed in her seat.

“We are not here to invade, we are running.” Huntress replied, her eyes narrowed as she looked at Hex look Fredrick over.

“That we know, your mother box informed us as much. It appears your companion told the mother box to take you some place safe. So it brought you to us.” Hex said, as they checked a few panels of information then looked back at them.

“I'm not sure anywhere is safe from Apokolips.” Huntress said, as she tried to suppress a shiver.

“So what your mother box said is true? Apokolips invaded your home reality?” Hex asked, as they moved back over to stand next to them, each step was taken with out making a sound.

“Invaded, and claimed.” Power Girl said, clenching her jaw and looking down in shame.

“Did Darkseid show up?” Hex asked, they both snapped their heads up at Hex in shock.

“No, it was his lieutenant Steppenwolf.” Huntress replied, her gears started to work at overdrive.

“So, Darkseid never showed?” Hex asked, they seemed interested in that subject more than others.

“No, Steppenwolf gloated that our Earth wasn't important enough for his Lord, and Master to show up. Steppenwolf's forces were more than capable of ripping us apart. The Justice League was destroyed with in days! The resistance was ruined with in a month.” Huntress said, as she curled up more on her chair. Lost in memory.

“Sorry to hear.” Hex said, and oddly enough Huntress believed them. “Follow up question, how many were in your Justice League?” Hex asked, they tilted their head to look at them both.

“About a hundred of us.” Power Girl replied as she came over to hug Huntress.

“That's it?” Hex said, for the first time their voice showed a bit of emotion. Surprise.

“Ya? How many do you all have?” Huntress asked.

“Currently? We have 3,698 active, 2,358 reserve, 1,306 guard, with 8,129 support, logistical, and auxiliary staff. So a total of 15,491. Plus three more if we include you.” Hex replied, their eyes had turned crescent. Huntress, and Power Girls jaws were open wide in shock.

“Wait, why would you include us?” Power Girl asked.

“Because your home is gone. More than likely Apokolips will follow you here. So we assumed you would want to fight back?” Hex said, and began to leave the room. “Think about it, also your friend is awake. They've been pretending for about five minutes.” Hex finished and left the room.

“You little shit!” Power Girl said with a grin as she jumped across the room and lightly punched the man's shoulder who winced in surprise.

“How much of that did you hear?” Huntress asked as she came over. Fredrick sat up, and the bed moved to aid him. He looked better, his face full of color.

“Enough to know that we should join up.” Fredrick replied as he had an uneasy expression on his face.

“But we can't. What about everyone else? What planet did they go to?” Power Girl asked, then frowned when Fredrick tried to shrink into his bed.

“No one else made it, did they?” Huntress asked, and Fredrick shook his head. Power Girl fell to her knees and tears streamed from her eyes.

“Looks like this is our new home...” Huntress replied as she knelt down and comforted her friend this time.


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Kamar-Taj***

Lash contacted SHIELD and informed Agent liaison Dr Carter of his arrival at Kamar-Taj with Dr Foster, and Ava Starr. They needed a working reason why Dr Foster would be missing his classes at his job for the next little while. Ava was, understandably not settling very well in her new home. It had been little over a day since they arrived and she had been fitted for training garb. She reminded Lash of a grumpy cat with her large frown, and tendency to either glare, or hiss at people.

The only reason she was willing to attempt any of this was that Sorcerer Mordo gave her a talisman that drew in ambient quantum particles. Given that it was a piece of metal inscribed with a language she couldn't read, nor could Dr Foster that did intrigue her a bit. Lash attempted to describe what it was doing but Dr Foster continued to say that was impossible. Ava not understanding either assumed her adoptive father was right. This was going to take a lot of work.

Then the Ancient One did the typical initiation ritual where she sent Ava, and Foster through the collection of dimensional ripples. Including, but not limited to the Quantum Realm, along with the realm of many hands. Yes, it wasn't called that. But when you see hands, upon hands growing out of hands. People tend to call it that. When Ava, and Foster stopped screaming after their return. Ava, and Dr Foster were inclined to learn. Lash hadn't intended for Foster to learn magic. But the Ancient One didn't mind.


Lash was wondering around Kamar-Taj repairing sections of the complex with his magic. A lot desperately needed some maintenance done. But it was one of those things that was always placed on the back burner and were only ever done as a form of punishment for the new recruits. So when it was done, it was done poorly. A temple dog statue was cracked at its base and had split up its middle. Lash repaired the damage and recombined the runes. The statue came to life for a brief moment and looked around.

“Welcome back.” Lash said to the golem. The creature yawned, and stretched out. Front paws forward, back arched, tail in the air. Then it shook its head to loosen up. It settled back down on its dais. Its stone tongue hung out as it smiled at Lash.

“I have not seen that creation move in some time, you are a talented master in the arts of creation, Master Lash.” A cold voice called out. Cold, but not unfriendly. Lash turned and bowed from his waist.

“Respectful greetings to you, Master Kaecilius.” Lash said softly and Erik the gamer freaked out a bit.

Kaecilius was approximately 6' even with brown eyes, and long but kept black to silver hair. It was tied into a tail, while the sides were shaved. He wore the traditional robes of a mystic arts master. Long bright colored fabrics woven over one another and tied at the waist with a sash. Loose, pants made from natural material, and leather boots. Several charms, and an amulet around his neck. He had a strong body with an inverted triangle physique. He had a small smile on his face.

“You used the coin?” Lash asked, as he can smell the Grave Domain on Kaecilius.

“Yes I did...Thank you for that.” Kaecilius replied.

“Did it help?” Lash asked, full of genuine concern. Kaecilius had a look of regret, but also a sense of peace on his face.

“A little...” he replied.

“Walk with me...” Lash offered, and Kaecilius agreed coming to walk with him side by side.

Lash was in his default human form with a black tailored suit, with dark green silk shirt, and combat boots. His tribal tattoos were in full display and his Synthesis Domain marks glowed softly as he cast Renew around the place rebuilding what needed help. Neither of them spoke for a while.

“Is it possible to bring them back?” Kaecilius asked at last. There was the question Lash was expecting.

Kaecilius had lost his son when he was a child. It was heart breaking but he and his wife did their best to move on and live their lives. But a few short years later he lost his wife Adria. Kaecilius had shown up in Kamar-Taj a broken man. Looking towards the mystic arts to find some sort of hope for the future. But in reality, he had come to see if he could bring them back. The Ancient One hoped to restore his faith in the world. But never once promised that she could bring his family back. It took him years to realize the truth and it had made him bitter.

Erik had whispered words into Lash's ear when they had first met. So it was one of the few times Lash used Cosmic Awareness. He then informed The Ancient One of the inevitable betrayal of Kaecilius, with the fact that The Ancient One drew on the dark dimension maintain their youth. That had been a fun conversation! However, Lash found an...Alternative.

Lash used his Grave Domain, and enchanted a Orichalcum coin with Spiritual Guardian on it. The Guardian took Kaecilius to meet his wife. But not his child. Why? His child had moved on to the wheel and started a new life. The next issue was, Kaecilius hadn't actually met his wife. He had met her echo. Adria had moved on in the afterlife. She was a good person that deserved her rest. Pulling a spirit from the afterlife that had been at rest for several years was beyond Lash. Thankfully Death keeps excellent records and when ever the living come calling. They meet their loved ones echo.

“Master Kaecilius...Your wife has moved on. She is in a good place. She has been for years. Would you really rip her away from all that?” Lash replied to his question. Kaecilius clenched his jaw, and white knuckled his hands.

“What is the point of life if it ends so tragically!?” Kaecilius shouts at Lash, he turns towards him fury in his eyes.

“Do you regret the life Adria lived?” Lash asked, not backing down. Kaecilius's eyes sparked with defiance.

“But what if she didn't have to die? What if no one had to die?” Kaecilius said, and started to place in front him.

“What if....What if time could stop? Death would have-” Kaecilius began, but stopped when Lash smacked his head with a chopping motion.

“What the fuck is wrong with you!?” Lash shouted at him, Kaecilius jumped back into a defensive position. It was reflex on his part, but this was also the first time Lash had ever raised his voice before.

“Kaecilius, if time stops yes there is no death. But there is also no life. You can't have one with out the other. If time stops, children stop being born. If time stops no one dies. No, some part of you may think that is a good idea. But what about the people that need to die?” Lash asked, as he glared at the man.

“There would be no reason for anyone to die if time stopped!” Kaecilius shouted at Lash still not understanding the point.

“Kaecilius let me as you this? If time stops, do you stop feeling pain?” Lash asked, Kaecilius blinked startled into thinking about something he hadn't considered.

“Well...would it?” Kaecilius asked, so Lash picked up a bit of dirt from a nearby garden and threw it into the air. Then he cast Personnel Time, with Kaecilius included. The world around them ground to a halt.

“What...What is this?” Kaecilius asked, he looked around confused. Then he saw that the specks of dirt outside of the sphere were frozen. A bird was in mid flight.

“I stopped time.” Lash said to him, and Kaecilius eyes nearly popped out his skull. Then Lash slugged him in his solar plexus. Kaecilius dropped like a rock, he coughed several times trying to control his breathing.

“Can you still feel pain?” Lash asked him, and he nodded several times. Then Lash canceled his spell. The world began to move again.

“If you suddenly just stopped time, but allowed everyone in the world to continue existing how many people would be stuck in torture? The old barely clinging to life. The young who have been shot, stabbed, run over, etc. Suffering for untold amount of...Well nothing since time stopped.” Lash continued as he walked around Kaecilius as he struggled to stand.

“Now of course one could argue that a few million people is well worth the ability to be immortal for the rest. Who cares if children will never be born again, who cares if children are tortured and suffer for the next...” Lash began but was stopped.

“ENOUGH!” Kaecilius shouts at him and falls to his knees. Tears fall before him as he cradles his face in his hands.

“I understand you miss them... But your son has moved on. Literally he has chosen the wheel of reincarnation. Your wife is at peace. Yet you plan to do something incredibly foolish because you are still grieving. Tell me Kaecilius if a man came to you with the dead body of his wife and claimed he would bring her back as a vampire. Would you let him?” Lash asked, and Kaecilius looked up in horror.

“Those creatures!? Never! That would be...” He began.

“Insane? Like talking about creating a world with out time?” Lash asked him, and for a brief moment a sense of realization fell over Kaecilius.

“Where did you even get this idea?” Lash asked, and Kaecilius seemed to be at war with himself. Part of him wanted to say, another part of him didnt.

“Was it from a book in The Ancient Ones personal library?” Lash asked, and Kaecilius's eyes snapped up to meet his. “Did you read it all? Or just the part that concerns you?” Lash asked, and Kaecilius eyes flicker away.

“You do understand that a majority of those books have the warning written after the spells, right?” Lash asked, “Did you read that part too?” The fact that Kaecilius kept his eyes down told Lash enough.

“Alright lets go.” Lash said, as he offered Kaecilius his hand to help him up.

“Where?” Kaecilius asked, and Lash yanked him to his feet anyways.

“Where do you think?” Lash said, and pulled him along.


Lash put the Book of Cagliostro down on the table and sat on the opposite end of it. He gestured for Kaecilius to take a seat. The man swallowed audibly as he did as he was told and slowly opened the book. He looked up Lash, and then looked back through the library. The library master was off to the side keeping an eye on them both but held his tongue. Kaecilius was confused why they were letting them read it.

“Go on, front to back.” Lash said, as he watched him carefully. Kaecilius treated the tomb of magic like it was his own son. He carefully pulled open the front and began to read.

Lash hated this room, not for what was store in it. But how it was stored. They were in the library of Kamar-Taj. It was a large room with thousands of ancient texts into true magic. Every thing you could possibly wish to learn about spell craft open for anyone! Fucking stupid! Asgard has a library! It was in sections. From basic, to advance, all the way to forbidden. You had to have certain permission to access certain information. The entire archive was under guard. The sections had magically created gates to keep them separate.

What did the library of Kamar-Taj have? A single wooden door, and one librarian. The forbidden texts of ancient, and dark magic? Those were kept on display in the exact same room! They were clearly marked as The Ancient Ones personal collection. But that was it! No charms, no wards, no gates, no walls. Lash could literally unmake reality with some of these books! He had tried desperately to get The Ancient One to increase security but she simply scoffed at him! Like the idea of anyone getting in, and getting away was impossible. That was until Lash sneaked in one night, and took ALL of the forbidden texts, then left with out a single person knowing!

It took them four days to realize they were missing! Lash had simply created duplicates. Even copied the ancient languages they were in. The only difference was, each book had turned into a cook book! The Ancient One stormed into the Avengers Compound with an army of elite Mystics and demanded he return the books. Because obviously he was the only one who could have done it. He agreed to return them on the one condition that The Ancient One stop being so stupid and actually hide them!

So, now the forbidden texts that are on display are intricate, spell crafted, cook books! While the real ones are in a pocket dimension attached to the library through an intricate puzzle that you have solve. Unless you know the combination, which currently only Lash and The Ancient One knew. Fail to solve the puzzle the first time and a silent alarm goes off. Fail to solve it a second time, and a very loud alarm goes off. If the thief hasn't been caught by then, and fails for a third time. Magical constructs that are part of the puzzle burst out of the walls and start to attack....

Lash looked back at Kaecilius the man looked like he had just lost his wife, and son all over again. He had gotten to the ritual of Dormammu, and the dark dimension. Yes, the dark dimension can essentially make someone immortal. However, if you don't know what your doing. You'll slowly become a mindless one, a servant of Dormammu. The dark dimension is not a paradise, its a realm of eternal torment. Because with out time, you can't die. So that means Dormammu has an enteral source of food! If Dormammu takes over Earth, then everyone living is digested over an eternity.

“Read it all.” Lash said, rebuking no argument, Kaecilius continued.

This was naturally a risk, of course. Kaecilius could take the knowledge from the book and use it to his own ends. The spells were complex rituals that would take days, or even weeks of study to fully solve. It is not so easy as 2+2=4. But more like 2+6=10. Yes, that doesn't make sense. But magic doesn't necessarily have to make sense. There was a brief moment when Kaecilius was reading that Lash could feel an energy current running into him. He was briefly empowered, Lash could feel that Kaecilius stopped aging for a brief moment. Then...He stopped channeling the energy. He had read a passage about the 'mindless ones' slaves to Dormammu that did his bidding. But little more than puppets. With the right spells in place one could channel the dark dimension with out becoming one. But it was a slippery slope.

The sun began to rise in the distance. Lash, and Kaecilius had been sitting at the library for over twenty hours. But at last, Kaceilius shut the book and pushed it back to Lash. A look of utter defeat on his face. Lash took the book and with a flick of his hand it was sent back to the private collection. Standing behind Kaecilius was The Ancient One. A conflicted expression on her face. She could feel the turmoil in Kaecilius's heart. Despite handing the book back, she felt he wouldn't stop.

“I'm not sure if this will work. But I am willing to try if you are?” Lash said, as he stood up and walked around the table. Kaecilius came to his feet, only now noticing The Ancient One. He realized he was in a precarious position. Lash reached out and hugged the man. The move was...Surprising to say the least.

“This is going to feel weird.” Lash said, and pushed his Illusion Domain through Kaecilius.

Congratulations User! You've obtained a new Spell for the Illusion Domain.

Empathic Healing: The Caster heals emotional wounds and/or burdens. This spell offers a comfortable touch and a healing that is otherwise beyond a typical means of healing physical, or spiritual wounds.

Comment: Memories are a tricky thing, we can twist even the happiest moment into a nightmare.

All of Kaecilius memories of torment, of frustration, and rage were washed over with the spell of Empathic Healing. Over time his burdens were lessened, his heart mended, he was...Lighter. Then...he began to cry, he sobbed into Lash's arms and broke down. All of the resentment built up over the years flooded out like a broken damn. He collapsed to his knees but Lash continued to hold him. Eventually The Ancient One came to him and they held him as he wailed. They were gone...His wife, and child...They were not coming back. He had to accept that.


Tears streamed down Lash's face. When he had cast the spell he had felt all of Kaecilius's anguish. As the spell washed over his wounds, his burdens Lash felt them all. Kaecilius was a broken man that refused to believe he could be fixed. Even hours later when Kaecilius was carried to his room to sleep from his emotional exhaustion. Lash continued to feel the effects of the spell on himself. The Illusion Domain was weird!

“Thank you for that.” The Ancient One walked over and took a seat next to him. They were currently sitting outside. The stars above them, bright and clear with out the threat of pollution.

“I haven't seen him sleep so peacefully in...Well ever.” She said, smiling at Lash.

The Ancient One was a beautiful woman with pale skin, brilliant green eyes, who stood at approximately 5'11” with a clean bald head. (Baldies unite!) She wore a ceremonial yellow, and orange garb that was woven with spell craft. It was wrapped around her to allow freedom of movement. While she also wore a martial art Gi top, and bottom. She held a wooden fan in her hand that she would often flip back and forth when ever she was thinking.

“So, what do you think about the registration act?” Lash asked, and she laughed! A smile full of mirth.

“We'll stay out of it of course. The world doesn't need to know about us. You and Thor already threw them for a loop. What if they found out that Merlin was real?” She replied, and nudged him a bit. He smiled at her, then went back to staring at the stars.

“How are such events handled on other worlds?” She asked after a few minutes.

“Not well...” Lash said with a grimace. Thanks to his World Point background he had a lot of experience with different worlds sending different/super powered individuals interment camps, reservations, or just plain killing them.

“All because of the Inhuman radicals?” The Ancient One asked, and Lash winced a bit at the memory. It was something that happened between events that Lash wasn't specifically around to stop.

Thanks to the meta/Inhuman program Lash had made for Daisy, and Jiaying. (Daisy's mother and leader of the Inhumans) They were able to find many more Inhumans. No, unless one goes through Terrigenesis Inhumans remain...Human. Except for a single DNA marker that says they are more. However, most Inhumans that have not gone through the process feel like there is something missing in their lives. Most try and fill it, and succeed. Others don't and find less productive things to fill the void.

So, imagine one day you are sitting in a crack house and a team of super power individuals come in. Pick you up, tell you that you are not alone. That you are special! Bring you back to a community full of people just like you. Better yet! People with powers! You are told that you have the ability to have powers!? Then....You are told you can't obtain these powers. Why? Because you are emotionally, and mentally unstable. Shitty right?

So, a group of radical Inhumans steal dozens of Terrigenesis crystals. The objects needed to go through the transformation. Then they not only transform themselves. But dump the rest in the ocean! The crystals melt? Evaporate? Mingle with the local wild life. Soon all of the fish in the ocean have a tiny bit of Terrigenesis in them. So, people around the world take a multi vitamin, fish oil pills, eat a certain kind of fish? If they are Inhuman? They change.

“I have a few days before I am suppose to go to the United Nations and offer my advice. Thor is off world touring the 9 realms, with Lady Foster. Director Hill has stated that my point of view would be invaluable to the discussion simply because I've lived through such events. Which is true.” Lash continued and rubbed his face. He jumped to his feet and started to pace back and forth.

“The registration is a violation of basic rights. They intend to make any, and every superhuman individual register. Now, that normally wouldn't be an issue. SHIELD has an extensive list of people who have been empowered. Either through alien genetic manipulation like the Inhumans. Human genetic manipulation like the gamma enhanced. Hulk, and Abomination. Or those that have been advanced through technology. Technically Tony Stark is superhuman.” Lash said out loud, as he continued to pace. He was mostly just thinking out loud at this point but The Ancient One continued to listen.

“The reason why it violates basic rights. Is that any, and all have to register, and go onto a public record! Now, that doesn't mean any average person can just type in a name and get results. But as long as you have basic level one security at the UN. You can look up their full name, birth date, place of residence, along with powers, and any known weakness!” Lash said as he practically spat the last few words out with venom.

“OH! They also will be tagged with a GPS chip sewn into their skin.” Lash finished, and growled a bit. That last bit made The Ancient One raise a brow.

“SHIELD has their list hidden behind some of the most advanced Midgardian technology available. As well as some help from myself, and Lord Stark. You have to be level eight and above to even have access to the list. But you have to go to a secure site to gain entry to the data base.” Lash continued on as he looked through his memories on the matter.

“The United Nations doesn't have that. Not only do they not have it. They claim that their security is just as good! The public is scared. They believe that if you have powers you should be registered and tagged like a wild animal.” Lash said, biting back another snarl.

“My friend Hawkeye, who is retired. Technically would have to be placed on the list not only because I optimized him. But just because of his skill set. If he goes up on that list, it will also tell anyone with basic security about his family. Hawkeye has a lot of enemies out there. None of which know he has a family.” Lash said, then stopped as he looked at The Ancient One who had stopped flipping her fan. A look of concern on her face.

“What happens if they don't register?” She asked.

“You go to prison.” Lash said, as he took a calming breath and came to sit back down next to her.

“This is very bad.” The Ancient One says, and Lash can only agree. Simply because they both know it wont end there.

“If it does go through what do you believe will happen.” She continued the train of thought.

“Well, I for one will help any and everyone who don't want to register escape. I'll take them to a different world. Or if need be create a place on Earth where they can be safe.” Lash said resolutely. He meant every word of it...Maybe he'll go to the moon....Wait.

“Oh I've been so stupid!” Lash said as he face palmed. The Ancient One looked at him with mild concern, and a bit of a smile.

“Figure something out?” She asked.

“I need to go talk to their king.” Lash said simply and stood up. The Ancient One looked up at him for a moment. Then a smile spread across her face.

“I've read about that place... Do you need a ride?” She asked, standing up with a look of mischief in her eyes.

“You've been there before?” Lash asked, and she shook her head.

“But I can make a door in the neighborhood.” She replied and pulled out her sling ring.

“Sure...” Lash said, as he activated Transformation. Becoming the 8' tall reptilian hunter with magitek armor.


The Marvel Cinematic Universe version of, The Moon. Was kinda the same as his home reality. No, that wasn't true. Lash's home realities moon had a long dead civilization on it that would kill anything on the moon that stayed longer than three days. But...There was an ancient civilization that lived on Marvel's moon. The city of Attilan, the city of Inhumans and their Royal Family.

Thanks to Lash's WP background with Intermediate Lore Asgard was fully aware of them. So, Lash knew about them. Well the basics anyways. A small group of Inhumans fearing for their safety used the technology left behind by the Kree to establish a city on the moon. Named, Attilan. However, they were effectively trapped with in the city. Both a refuge, and a prison rolled into one. In order to survive the coming centuries they enforced strict birth regulations, and a cast system. No more than two children per family.

When they came of age they would go through Terrigensis and if they obtained a useful power they were allowed to acquire a useful rank, and resources in the city. If they obtain a useless power, they became essentially an indentured servant that worked in the mines of the moon. Carving out a the moons inner resources to fuel the city. Despite being up here for centuries. They've done very little to expand the city. They have ancient Kree technology, but no real idea on how to use it. They are also pompous assholes who believe they are better than everyone.

Lash stepped onto the desolate surface of the moon. He looked back through the sling ring portal and waved at The Ancient One who wished him luck and closed the portal. Why the sling portal didn't suck everything through it into the vacuum of space was beyond Lash. Well no, he was sure he could figure it out. Just he would save it for another time. There in the distance just across the horizon was a blue marble, Earth!

Self-Sustenance, Adaptation, and Transformation kept prompting with experience. Even gained a few levels. It became easier to breath!...However that worked. Lash activated Gravity Stride increasing his overall control over his body. Along with his spell Gravitas (Chapter 70) which he can not remember the last time he used. Soon he was walking across the moon as if it was normal Earth gravity.

Lash took a moment to kneel down and press his clawed hands into the moons surface. He sent a Nature Domain pulse through the moon and felt....Nothing. It was dead. So he used the Grave Domain, that got something. The moon was in the process of renewal. In the process of Rebirth. Lash remembered that he had the spell, Life and Death Manipulation (Chapter 80). Maybe he could terraform the moon? What was the plan?

Talk to the the royal family? Convince the United Nations not to persecute a sub-species of human? Technically the Inhumans were still human. It wasn't their fault that the Kree did experiments on them. But humans were legendary across the known galaxy (Not Universe) for being ridiculously intolerant and attacking anything remotely different from them. They see something different, and their first instinct is to attack it.

Either way, Lash wanted to Terraform the moon. Why? Practice. It was a Story Rift after all. Once Lash left the Story Rift everything he did here would essentially reset. This wasn't a real reality as far as he knew? But knowing his Cosmic Patron, they would make it real just for giggles. Crap, that made Lash think about the time fragment of Krypton. He could just imagine his Cosmic Patron laughing sadistically when Zod showed up to invade Earth and he recognized Lash. Ding... Ding... Ding... Lash used Connectivity to access his holographic phone. New from Stark Technologies!

“Lash! Where are you?” Natasha's sweet voice comes over the communication line.

“I am currently on the moon in the process of terraforming.” Lash replied through a synthetic voice that mostly matched his own. Though he can 'breath' in space that doesn't mean he can talk. He has no idea how Thor does it! Maybe the ability evolution will allow it.

“....I can't tell if your joking or not.” Natasha replied, her voice was conflicted between laughing, or confusion. “Will you be back for the UN meeting?” She asked.

“I believe I will... I will do my best to arrive on a timely manner.” Lash replied, as he started to draw a ritual circle on the surface of the moon.

“OK, if you can come back a little early... I'd like to talk to you.” She said, her voice was level and indifferent. Never a good sign with her.

“I can come back now if its important?” Lash asked, as he stopped midway through his inscription.

“No, I assume you are terraforming the moon for a good reason. Just... It's nothing special.” She continued, her voice continued to be... Well not her.

“Beloved, what's wrong?” Lash asked, and he heard her sigh softly.

“Just...Try and come home early ok?” She asked again, then hung up before Lash could respond. This filled Lash with worry.

Lash looked down at his half finished circle and decided to scrub it out. He'd go talk to the Inhumans first before he terraformed the moon. Lash used Animancy, False Life, and Darkness Manipulation to create shadow creatures. They flew off in ever direction across the moon looking for the city. Attilan was on the surface of the moon. Currently concealed under a technological cloaking field. Lash didn't have to wait long as he got a response from one of his constructs. The rest flew back to him and faded into his form. While Lash moved in the direction of the one that found it.

The city was found inside one of the massive craters of the moon. About 3,000 square miles around. So a little larger than Sitka, Alaska. So a pretty sizable piece of land. Contained with a massive biodome, a self contained environment. The cloaking field was nearly perfect for most modern day sensors. Lash was reasonably sure that if Wakanda looked in their general direction they would see the dome. But, Wakanda had no reason to check the moon for life.

The animated shadow creature called out to Lash across their magical bond. He moved quickly towards what looked like an airlock. The outside of the dome was in desperate need of maintenance, and repair. As he got closer he could see several sections of the dome were flickering. Lash arrived at the door the shadow creature flew down and merged with him. He walked up to the lock and with Machine Control popped the door open. He walked inside, sealed it. Pressurization started up.

Lash took his first breath of...stale, recycled oxygen in hours? If the arcology section of the city was running correctly the air shouldn't be stale. The airlock popped open and Lash saw a ruined hallways with wires sticking out and sparking. Wall panels pried off. Along with several smashed monitors. He was starting wonder if the Inhumans were even still up here. He walked into the hallway looking for a data port.

A Technomancy pulse went through and most of the area was in complete ruin. Another Nature pulse reported no signs of life. But that was actually a good sign since a portion of the air was slowly being sucked out of a miniature hull breach. Lash was able to find the hole and plug it easily enough. Then he at last found a working data port. He linked up manually, or more specifically one of his tentacles jacked into it.

Processing.....Processing......Admin entry confirmed, welcome Kree Commander! -The system responded to him in Ancient Kree. Thankfully Loki knew the language so Lash was quick to learn the language for his own. The security was a mess and easily bypassed. Language Smith sent him several prompts as the language was recorded.

Biodome functionality at 45.3%. Fuel reserves empty.... Adopted fuel reserves working at 13% efficiency. Cloaking field at 85% availability...Experiments have broken containment! Current number of experiments out of containment are approximately 1.2 million. Error, security breach! Security breach! Experiments have hacked into basic systems. Security breach recorded for 365,000 days, 13 hours, 12 minutes, 38 seconds...... -Lash did some quick math, that was about a thousand years or so.

Kree Research and Development Genetic Experimentation Station has been overrun. Suggest self destruct immediately! Confirm? [Yes]....[No]....[No]. Confirmed! Kree Commander will attempt to retake control of station, confirm? [Yes]....[No]....[Yes]. Confirmed. Stations basic AI has been damaged, and in need of repair. Warning, basic AI is missing from database..... Please stand still has interface records Kree Commanders face. -Lash stood perfectly still as a red scanning beam washed over him.

Kree Commander confirmed, any and all systems will respond at best optimal capabilities. For the good of all Kree! “For the good of all Kree.” Lash replied, and the system recorded his voice.

Lash pulled his tentacle out and moved down the hallway. The Kree empire is made up of, well Kree. But it also has dozens of other races included in their empire. Once a civilization was conquered, and assimilated they essentially became Kree. The Midgardian's had an ancient empires like that. Romans? Catholics? Convert or die belief systems? Either way, the fact that computer didn't hesitate to recognize Lash's odd look wasn't well...Odd. He had the codes, though he hacked into the computer to get them. Now, if the AI was active that would be a different matter entirely.

Lash walked through the intricate hallways, and ruined tunnels of the installation. According to his map he had acquired from the computer. Little more than half of the installation was actually in use. While the outer edges of the station were in ruin. The Inhumans stayed in the center mostly. They stopped trying to fix the station ages ago, mostly because anytime they fixed something the system would scream at them! Abominations! Failures! You will die by the Kree accusers! Etc, etc, etc.

Eventually Lash found his way into the inner dome and stepped into artificial sunlight. It was about mid day it looked like. He looked up and saw a vast blue sky, with white to gray clouds. Perfectly simulated, a small portion of the city was currently being rained on. Looked like the farming area. While the city was a strange combination of geometric shapes, more specifically right angles. Tall rectangular buildings with square grids printed on.

However, the Inhumans had done their best to adapt, and change the station. This was a R&D station. They tried to convert it into a city. Several buildings had been taken apart, their insides showings. While the walls had been used to reinforce another structure. A poorly constructed castle? Blue circuit lines up and down the walls. In the center of the dome was a tall spire that linked up to the ceiling. Lash recognized its basic concept it was a weather, atmospheric tower. All in all, the Inhumans didn't really understand how to work the tech. They were just using its passive life support.

No, that wasn't fair to say. It's completely possible they fully understand the tech. But they don't have the security clearance to do anything with it. Erik the gamer kept telling Lash that the Inhumans in Attilan are incredibly intelligent. They are also incredibly dangerous! Lash cast Anonymity on himself and starts to walk into the city. It takes about an hour before he walks out of the ruined section of the station towards a few places that look like people scrapped together a few pieces of something, something to make a hovel. Great, a hyper advanced society and they still have slums.

Lash walked over to the hovel. It was several pieces of metal placed on top of one another like a house of cards. It was a single floor, with multiple rooms. A piece of fabric was all that was used for the door. He peeked inside and pulled back as he smelled rot. Thankfully nothing like rotting flesh, just produce, and the smell of unwashed bodies. Thanks to his Sensory Awareness he turned around to see a small child about four or six years old. She had pale skin, brown eyes, and blond hair tied back into a pony tail. She wore a dirty fabric that was fashioned into a dress. She was looking up at Lash with curiosity.

“Hello...” Lash said as he took a knee. He was 8' tall in his Transformation state. The only reason he didn't return to his default shape is because he knew there were Inhumans who looked like him. He had met one on Earth. Though they guy was a giant bear.

“Are you from the city?” She asked, softly. She was holding what looked like a plush stuffed butterfly? About the same size as her. It was hugged against her chest.

“No, I am from outside the dome.” Lash replied, seeing no reason to lie. The girl looked at him in confusion.

“There isn't anything outside the dome.” She replied, she was surprisingly articulate for her age.

“Most of the moon is barren this is true. I come from another world, called Asgard.” Lash said, he kept his hands in plain sight. His tentacles, and tail twitched behind him like a cats would. Well the tail anyways.

“Do you have anything to eat!” She asked, hope lighting up in her eyes.

“Yes, I have many things to eat.” Lash replied and pulled out a chocolate bar from no where. The girls eyes went wide and she stepped forward. Then stopped hesitation clear on her face.

“What do you want for it?” She asked, Lash smiled wide at her.

“Very smart! Always assume something comes with a price. I'll give it to you if you give me some information. Does the city have leaders for each section? Or is it a central government?” Lash asked, and the girl looked at him funny. Her face scrunched up in confusion.

“Sorry, let me try again. Is there an elder in this area of the city? Or should I go further in?” Lash asked, the girl's smile returned and she pointed at a slightly less dilapidated home down the way.

“Grammy Maimy lives there. She knows a lot! She teaches school for us!” She replied, then turned around. Lash offered her the chocolate bar, she snatched out from his hand and peeled it open. The look of pure bliss was adorable on her face. Chocolate! So goooood!

Lash asked a few more questions. Offering a water bottle, and a nutrition bar. Then he excused himself, though the little girl kept following him. He just smiled and kept going towards the building. Unlike the house he just left this building had at least two floors. The first floor was just one big room. Lots of seats, and benches. With what looked like a partially broken holographic computer screen up front that had several math equations, chemistry formulas, and a language Lash didn't recognize. Language Smith activated, but he would need to see more of it to get the complete amount.

“Grammy Maimy! Someone is here to see you!” The little girl called out.

“Is that you, Lanil? Who has come to see me?” An older woman's called down from the second floor. The stairs were made out of scrap metal.

“A nice man from outside the dome! He has food!” Lanil said, and scurried past Lash to run up the stairs.

“Outside the dome? Is he a soldier?” Maimy called, eventually she came down the steps.

Maimy was approximately 5'6” with short brown hair, blue eyes, brown skin, and brown cat ears at the top of her head, with a long cat tail. Lash looked her up and down. She stood up right and walked like a human. Her hands, and feet were human. He didn't see any other fur. So it was just that as far as he could tell. Maimy was older, Lash would put her around early sixties. But he could be wrong, hard living tends to make people age faster.

“Well hello sir! I hope Lanil didn't bother you to much. She is just a curious child.” Maimy said, a bit of worry in her voice as she pulled Lanil behind her. Lanil for her credit seem to understand something was going on and grew quiet.

“You have nothing to fear from me, Grandmother. I mean you no harm, nore little Lanil.” Lash said, and bowed from his waist. He pushed just a bit of Commanding Presence into his words so she would believe him.

“Where are you from? I can't remember the last time I met a soldier with manners. I mean... I don't mean they are not nice...I-” Maimy started to back pedal until Lash smiled at her.

“Be calm Grandmother Maimy. I am not offended.” Lash replied, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

“Oh my name is Maimanity, Linel doesn't like to say it.” Maimanity says, and Lanil sticks her tongue out slyly. Lash smiles at her.

“A beautiful name, Lady Maimanity. I am Lash Jormungandson.” Lash replies and bows from his waist once more. Maimanity's eyes grow a little wide.

“Where are you from?” She asks.

“I am from Asgard.” He replies...A pregnant silence stretches for several moments.

“Did you really come from outside the dome?” She asks, her voice silent as a mouse.

“I did, I need to speak to the current head of the Inhumans. I assume they are in the central buildings but a name would help. Food seems to be the currency out this far, this I have. Would you like some, for the information.” Lash asked, as he produced another bottle of water, and several nutritional bars.

“What is outside the dome?” Maimanity asks, curiosity bubbling up from her. That was odd, he understood why Lanil may not know. But an elder of the town didn't?

“Its a vacuum. -298 degrees fahrenheit at night, 224 degrees fahrenheit during the day. You also don't know what fahrenheit is...Sorry. Its is cold, and hot enough to kill you.” Lash responded, and grimaced at his mistake. That was also when Lash realized they were speaking an obscure dialect of Kree. Not english!

“Is walking out in a vacuum normal for your people?” Maimanity asked, a glint of hope in her eyes.

“Its uncommon...But there are many Asgardians capable of the feat.” Lash said after he thought about the question.

“Do you have a ship? Something to take you away from the moon?” She asked, stepping closer.

“No, I teleported up here.” Lash replied, a look of understanding on his face. Either she was gathering intelligence for her people. Clarifying if Lash came alone, or maybe she hoped that Lash could take them away.

“Are you capable of going back to Earth?” Maimanity asked, she stepped closer and took up his hands into her own.

“I am more than capable... Is life up here not to your liking?” Lash asked, something was off here.

“Yes! Please, can you take us!? How many can you take?” Maimanity said with joy in her voice. Uh oh....

“I was planning on terraforming the moon so it had an atmosphere. If you had more room up here would you still be interested in leaving?” Lash asked, he didn't flinch away when she grabbed onto his hands. Hers were tiny compared to his own.

“No! Please, even if the moon changed we would still be under their rule! They treat anyone lesser like slaves!” She shouted, bitterness dripping from her voice. Ohhhhhhh.... Well crap, Lash didn't think the cast system was that bad.

“You there! What are you doing here?” A man's voice shouted, and Maimanity jumped! She let go of Lash, snagged Lanil and they dropped to their knees, pressing their heads to the floor in submission. Lash's good mood died then and there.

Lash turned to look at the voice. It was two Inhumans in what looked like Kree security gear repurposed for them. Boots, cargo pants, long sleeves, with a chest plate, and a half mask/ blue visor combination. They held batons with electricity traveling through it. Their body language was aggressive as the stepped through the slums. One of them pushed over a cart full of scraps, right on top of another slum resident. Despite the scrap going everywhere the resident didn't pick their heads up. Lanil, and Maimanity were shivering in fear.

“Sir, what are you doing down here?” The security guards voice took a turn. He was polite, and respectful towards Lash.

“Doing an inspection.” Lash replied and the guards stiffened.

“I...see. We didn't know anyone was inspecting our area today. Of course! Its a surprise inspection! How can we help you?” The guard asked while his partner reached up to speak into his comm unit.

Lash's reptilian eyes bore right into the mans face. He swallowed audibly as his eyes danced behind his visor. He winced when he looked around. The area was a complete mess and the knew it. Lash had started to repair the security camera's in the dome. More specifically the tech-spirits were doing it. This was not the only slum, but it was one of the worst. Electrical sparks danced along Lash's claws and both security guards took a step back.

“So, should I tell the king? Or just your supervisor that you the both of you should be reassigned to the mines?” Lash asked, living flame started to spark from his maw.

“Sir...Please, understand it's not our fault. We tried to get them to clean this place up. But they won-Gah!” The guard started but stopped shortly as one of Lash's tentacles reached out and picked him up. The clawed pincers wrapped around his entire chest and squeezed.

“Lie to me one more time, I dare you!” Lash said, and squeezed harder and the man screamed in pain. He turned to look at his partner who had dropped his baton, he was holding his hands up in surrender.

“It's all his fault! I wanted to report it! But said he would send-Gaaah!” Lash's other tentacle reached out and snagged that guard too.

“I guess I should have clarified that neither of you should lie to me!” Lash snapped out a growl and began to crush them both.

“Wait! If you kill them it will bring them all down here. They'll send us all to the mines innocent or not!” Maimanity said to Lash. Her head popped up to call to him.

“How many people live in this section of the slums?” Lash asked Maimanity.

“About two hundred of us. About half that number work in the mines. They'll be back in about three hours.” She replied.

“Gather up those that are still here. Tell them your leaving the dome, and they are welcome to come along.” Lash said to her, and the guards looked surprised but couldn't speak out.

“You mean it!?” She asked, coming to her feet.

“Yes, there are still Inhumans on Earth. They have a colony there, I'll send you to them. I promise you there is no cast system there.” Lash replied and bright shinning hope glowed brilliantly in her eyes.


Three hours later there was 213 people standing outside of Maimanity's home. The two guards were strung up by their hands, and feet in a X pose thanks to some black chains that Lash created, and anchored with some posts. Kids were throwing pieces of metal at them. Lash blocked the guards communication line. From the camera's in the dome, no one was coming for them. Lash used Connectivity and linked up with the dome's communication network. Then linked up with Earth's satellites. He called Jiaying and said he was sending some foreign Inhumans to afterlife the usual way.

When she asked what foreign meant he explained the Kree science station on the moon. Lash had thought she had a stroke for a moment because she stopped moving. Then she jumped into action and started to prepare room for them. Afterlife was in a secure, and remote location somewhere in the mountains of Asia. A old Kree stealth field disrupted any, and all satellites peering down. No cloaking field. But it did the trick of keeping the place out of sight with any modern satellites. Except Wakandas, and Heimdall of course. But Heimdall was a god, so that made sense.

Lash used Portal Creation and 213 people sprinted through the portal to freedom! Holding the portal open longer than the spell allowed consumed his energy reserves at an alarming rate. But everyone got through and he snapped it shut. Lash looked back at the guards who stared at him in wide eye horror. Then he pulled them down, still bound in chains and dragged them towards the castle. He was going to have words with the royal family. He understood that Black Bolt was incredibly deadly, so he would be polite. To a point.

Like most primitive societies, and yes this place was not considered a primitive society to Lash. The city got more and more livable the further in he went. The two guards were being dragged across the ground behind him by used of Telekinesis, and they were bound in black spiked chains. The more they struggled, the tighter they would pull together. They were leaving behind a trail of blood. Oddly enough, no one tried to stop him.

He passed several other guards who looked at him in surprise. Then looked at the guards he was dragging. They read the badge numbers, and Lash assumed they looked up the info. Once they learned what area they were from. They logically assumed Lash was doing an inspection and was clearly displeased with them. Of course it didn't matter that they had no idea who Lash was! But the city had 1.2 million people. Lash wouldn't expect them to learn every ones faces.

It did make some sense. According the computer there had been no outside entry for, well a long time. A few of the experiments did go outside then come back in. But the ones capable of living in a vacuum were few and far between. So, no one ever considered he would be an intruder. That was horrible security management. The guards he was dragging behind him were gagged. So no matter how much they screamed. No one understood them.

About ten miles into the city Lash saw his first transport. Looked like a cargo holder. Had a cockpit in the front, and a truck bed in the back. Public transit it looked like. Magnetic coils propelled it forward, about thirty or so feet off the ground. It would decrease power and land. People would jump off, and people would get on. Oh, Only those with a tag could ride. The servants of the area were forced to run everywhere. Lash's irritation was rising.

“Excuse me? Who are you?” A security guard asked as she walked up.

She had rank insignia on her chest. Her gear was cleaner. Her black hair was cut short above the shoulder and combed to one side exposing her neck, and ear. Her eyes were bright red, and her skin tone was a healthy tan, with a tint of red. Lash could see flame spirits dancing around her thanks to his Magical Perception. He decided to use Insight.

Name: N/A.

Title: Fire Cracker.

Origin: Meta. Sub-Origin: Alien.

Rank: C-

Skills: Leadership, Martial Arts, Dancing, Team Work, (See Tool Tip)

Powers: Flame Manipulation, Flame Creation, Flame Immunity (Her Own) (See Tool Tip)

Domains: N/A

Traits: Inhuman, Kree genetic manipulation.

Affiliation: Attilan Security Force, Supporter of The Resistance.

Disposition: Neutral.

Description: Lieutenant (insert name) is a confident, strong willed, and intelligent woman who understands her place in the world and as relentless ambition to rise to the top. She is a talented fighter, and a shrewd officer.

“I am Lash Jormungandson of Asgard. I am here to speak to your king.” Lash said, his voice animalistic. Like a crocodile chewing on a chalk board. But despite his voice his Partial Telepathy translates his words perfectly.

“I've never heard the unit, Asgard. What's your serial number?” She asked, as she snapped her finger and a flame appeared in her hand. Only for it to be pulled away from her towards Lash who danced it around his knuckles like a silver dollar coin.

“Your a multi powered aren't you?” She asked, her eyes grew wide. Her escort behind her took a step back as an audible gasp rang through the crowd that had gathered.

“Technically yes, but not in the way you are thinking. I need to see the king.” Lash said, his voice grew softer something that the Lieutenant understood. Her expression softened just a touch in return.

“I'll escort you. We have a transport at the station. Please come this way.” She said, and turned on her heel. Lash did not sense a lie so he turned to follow her.

“Forgive me, I am K'heri Fire Cracker! It is an honor to meet you Lash Jormungandson.” K'heri said, she saluted him and Lash bowed in return. Not the greeting she expected but accepted it all the same. She turned her head to look at the two bleeding, and nearly unconscious officers he was dragging.

“What did they do?” K'heri asked.

“Violated several women, and young girls. Killed any one that stood up to them. Tortured a few for fun. Stole food, and anything shiny.” Lash said honestly, the camera's in this place were oddly accurate despite the amount of time that had passed. K'heri snapped around her eyes turned into molten orbs of fire.

“WHAT!?” She screamed, and her fellow officers stared daggers at the two bound, and gagged guards who began to whimper.

“I was planning on skinning them alive, I'm brutal like that.” Lash said in a sinister tone of voice. He grinned at the bound guards who began to cry and struggle, the spiked chains dug deeper.

“I am sure the King Maximus Boltagon will be more than happy to let you!” K'heri replied, turned on her heel and stalked forward. Lash paused for a brief moment then continued to follow as well.

Maximus Boltagon? Wasn't Blackagar Boltagon suppose to be in...Oh! That explained the Resistance tag in K'heri's Insight file. Erik had very little information on Maximus, supposedly he was an Inhuman with no powers. But that actually wasn't true. He had mild Mind Manipulation he could suggest things to people. Bend people to see his way of thinking. But it was so subtle that no one noticed. It took him years to learn that he did indeed have a power. Once he did learn it, he started to use it...Aggressively. But as for his personality? History? Erik came up blank.

The transport was a bit larger than the public one Lash saw. He lifted the guards just barely above the ground and held them there. K'heri and her officers watched in fascination at his control. All the while he continued to manipulate the flame spark like a silver dollar across his knuckles. The transport took off towards the central city and more than once the bound, and gagged guards took a sign post to the face. Lash had to lift them up so they wouldn't hit pedestrians.

“Can you not do this?” Lash asked K'heri, as he played with the flame coin.

“No, I don't have that fine of control.” She said, she looked down in shame. Having a useful power in the Inhuman society was the basic necessity of importance. The more useful you were the better your rank. The better control you had? Even better.

“Come here.” Lash said, tapping the spot in front of him with his tail. There were seats in the back of the transport. Benches more than anything. K'heri scooted over and sat in front of him.

“Hold out your hand, palm up, glove off.” Lash instructed, she did as she was asked. Lash placed the flame above her hand. She immediately caught the flame, but it went from being a disk to just a candle flame.

“Now picture a shape in your head, any shape.” Lash said, as he reached out and placed his hands on either side of K'heri's head. She froze in confusion for a bit but did as instructed. Lash used Power Trainer. He got an experience prompt.

The candle flame in K'heri's hand took on the shape of a cube, then a pyramid, then it turned into a bird of some kind. K'heri's eyes went wide! The flame consumed a sudden burst of energy and K'heri's body turned bright orange. There was a brief moment of panic aboard the transport until Lash used Calm Emotions but continued to train K'heri. The flames had started to burn the transport, and her clothes. But that soon stopped. Her control over her flames grew, and grew. Until she could decide what would burn, and would didn't. Then Lash took his clawed hands away and smiled at her.

“See, that wasn't so hard.” Lash smiled at her. Her eyes were wide as the flames continued to dance around her. She breathed in and they extinguished, but in her hand was that little bird. Fluttering up and about, and around her.

“H...How did you do that?” K'heri asked in a whisper.

“Practice...” Lash said with a shrug, and leaned back in his seat. That was clearly not the answer she wanted. She gave him a petulant look but didn't push. She continued to change the flame into other animals.

One of the officers in the transport could turn their skin into stone. Lash helped them learn to absorb materials like Creel. The other one could create stabbing weapons. Nothing bigger than a knife. Lash helped them to learn to manipulate the weapons they created. Since they created them, they could in practice decided how, and where they would move. By the end of the trip they had two knives dancing around them like fish in a pond.

Unfortunately by the end of the treat the two bound, and gagged guards were dead. Their faces had been smashed in, their bodies broken. The driver may have not been avoiding the signs. To bad, so sad. Lash felt their souls being pulled into his own Hellish Dimension. Good, they would be staying for a while. He looked at his hell experience bar and saw that is was a few levels away from evolving. Yay!

Lash used Decomposition on the guards and they turned to ash. The bodies specifically. The gear dropped in a pile. K'heri look dumbstruck as Lash showed off another power. The transport had landed just outside the largest building in the city, aside from the weather tower that is. It was the castle he saw from the edge of the city. About fifty levels high, with detailed inscriptions up and down the walls. The metal was incredibly shiny, like it was cleaned everyday! Apparently it was as he saw several 'slaves' cleaning it. At least they looked fed.

“Care to escort me the rest of the way?” Lash asked as he turned around to look at K'heri. Lash wasn't sure why, but K'heri blushed just a bit when asked.

“I'm sorry but no. I have to get back to my district. But if you are ever at security station 15 come say hi.” K'heri replied, batting her eyelashes at him. She turned around and sashayed her hips a bit. The other two officers saluted and jumped back into the transport.

Lash watched them leave, a grin on his face as he watched K'heri ride the transport out. She continued to watch him as well until she was out of sight. Lash shook his head, and sighed softly. He started to climb the steps of the palace. There were guards, no soldiers! Soldiers in uniform every fifty or so feet. They had salvaged Kree armor on. Most Kree, though there are exceptions. Most Kree have the same proportions has humans.

The armor color scheme ranges from bright blue, and silver edges. To dark navy blue, and red veins spread through the armor. Each soldier has a side arm that shoots concentrated plasma, with an energy pike. A serrated blade edge like an axe along the side. With a barrel at the top capable of shooting energy beams. A lot like the Chitauri Lash assumed, he'd have to pick one up to be sure. The armor was sleek, compact, and very practical. Nothing bulky, the only real cosmetic attire were ribbons, and sashes around their waists, and shoulders.

Once again, no one stopped him! Lash didn't even have Anonymity up any more! He was an eight foot tall lizard man in high tech armor! His gear didn't even resemble theirs! If Lash didn't know any better he would say he was expected? Give the plethora of Inhuman abilities in the city. It was possible they had a far seer in their ranks. Maybe a clairvoyant?

“Halt! State your business!” A tall, robust man in gleaming blue armor shouted at Lash. He stood in his way as he was about to step inside the castle.

“I am Lash Jormungandson of Asgard. Here to see the king.” Lash replied, as he pressed a hand over his heart and bowed from his waist. He stayed bent over for about ten seconds then slowly stood up. The guard nodded in acceptance at his etiquette.

“I don't recognize that unit name, what is your serial number?” The soldier asked, he pulled up a wrist mounted holographic computer.

“I don't have one. As I said before, I am from Asgard. It is one of the 9 realms under the protection of King Odin, All Father.” Lash continued when it was clear the man had no idea what he was talking about. “I am from outside the dome.” Lash said at last. There was a brief moment of silence than the soldier started to laugh!

“Hahahahahaha! Sure you are... But I still need your serial number.” The soldier said as he smiled at Lash.

Lash rubbed his face then raised up his left hand into the air and snapped his claws. A resounding snap! Echoed through out the area. Then the artificial sky line turned into night! Then the skyline twisted and warped as the Sol System zipped by, then dozens of solar systems. Then hundreds, then thousands. They skipped through a galaxy, and jumped into another one. Then they went through six more. Until the beautiful realm eternal showed brightly in the artificial sky.

“I am from there! I am here to see your king!” Lash said at last. The soldier dropped his energy pike and gaped at the sky.

“Ho..Ho..How did you do that?” The soldier asked.

“The Kree science station is over a thousand years old. The security is pathetic, I have the entire system slaved to me. Now take me to your king!” Lash shouted and used Commanding Presence.


By the stars above, and below this place is so incredibly stupid! Lash muttered under his breath as he was led inside the palace. The artificial night turned back into the regular scheduled time of day. At last they seem to understand that he was not from the dome. Lash also learned that despite the crude construction of the castle a lot of the science station security networks were still connected. There was just a simple firewall separating the two. Once inside he hacked the wall, and his tech-spirits moved in.

Blackagar Boltagon aka Black Bolt the Inhuman King was being contained in a reinforced hollow sphere barrier. It was built to absorb his Hyper Sonic Voice. He looked like he was meditating. Black Bolt was a tall man with black short hair, pale skin, a strong jaw, and a rectangular physique. He wore a form fitting black coat, and pants. With silver style etchings of lighting. Medusalith "Medusa" Amaquelin the Inhuman Queen was pacing in her royal chambers. She was tall, with pale skin, a hour glass figure, and a shaved head...Wait?

Medusa's power let her manipulate her hair into that of a living weapon, Trichokinesis. -Erik said over their link. Lash sent a mental thank you to him.

So, Maximus had her hair shaved removing her ability to fight back? Apparently hand to hand combat was out of the question? The Queen was in a traditional royal garb, it was tailored to show off her curves. But left plenty to the imagination. Her jaw was clenched and a look of determination was in her eyes. Stuff away further into the castle was... Crystalia "Crystal" Amaquelin princess of the Inhumans and sister to Medusa.

Crystal was in her bedroom listening to music. She was late teens, early twenties. With blond hair just past her shoulders. In good natural shape, but no real physical training to be seen. But of course she could have superhuman strength for all Lash knew. She was sitting at her desk reading a book and rhythmically tapping on the window of her bedroom. However the tapping never repeated, it was always... Lash switched camera's and found a servant several windows down hidden from view writing something on a note pad. On there was a code in play.

Lash was brought into the antechambers before the royal audience chamber. This was normal, he would probably be made to wait an hour before he would see anyone. The soldier who escorted him scurried out of the room. The doors sealed shut, and gas started to pour in...Really? Lash rolled his six eyes and turned towards the doors leading to the main room. He reached out with Material Shaping and turned the metal into goop. Then walked through the hole he made.

“Stand down! You are in violation of citizenry rights of King Maximus-” A soldier screamed at him then stopped suddenly. His voice was gone thanks to Silence.

“I AM NOT FROM HERE! I AM FROM OUTSIDE THE DOME! GET THE THROUGH YOUR FUCKING SKULLS!” Lash screamed at them, his voiced carried through the entire castle thanks to the intercom system. Black Bolt, Medusa, and Crystal all looked up in confusion after hearing his voice.

“I AM HERE TO SEE YOUR KING! IF I DON'T SEE HIM IN THE NEXT TEN MINUTES I WILL VENT THE ATMOSPHERE OF THE DOME INTO SPACE!” Lash screamed again, and an alarm went through the whole dome.

“Warning...Warning.... Dome depressurization will commence in T-minus ten minutes....” The Kree computerized voice sounded through the whole science station. That got every ones attention and not in a good way.

Danger Sense, and Foresight activated! Lash used the spell Acceleration and zipped through the main royal audience chamber as the soldiers fired on him. Blue Pisonic Blades burst from knuckles as he danced through the soldiers like a farmer harvesting wheat with a sickle. In less than a minute all the soldiers were convulsing on the ground. The side chamber door opened up to reveal? More soldiers! Lash Blinked right in front of them! He cleaved through the masses with ease, though no one died. It would be a long while before they got back up.

Lash was sprinting down the hall at this point heading straight for Maximus he was done! This place was fucked up! The records he saw showed that Maximus was a fucking tyrant. Things were never very good in Attilan with the cast system in place but at least people were being fed, and not raped and tortured by the security guards.

Lash popped around a corner and jumped onto the wall with Gravity Stride surprising the soldiers in the halls. A man slammed his fists together and molten lava came out of his hands. He reached back preparing to throw then Lash was suddenly in front of him! He bisected the man with his blue energy blades, and carefully put him down so he wouldn't hurt anyone. Then Lash felt a crushing force of energy collide with him. He looked around, confused.

He saw a woman with her hands forced out like she was pushing against something hard. Lash pushed against the energy and walked towards her with little difficulty. She started to sweat, and bite back a scream as she was forcibly pushed back. The Lash reached out with Telekinesis and simply threw her up straight into the ceiling. Much to her surprise! She slammed into the roof, and came back down with an audible smack! Alive, but would be hating life when she woke up again.

Lash came to a door and sliced the lock off with his claws and pried the door open. Inside was the princess Crystal. She was standing up in her room wearing nothing but a short skirt, a yellow tank top, and holding a ball of electricity in her hands. Eh? She shot straight into him. Lash felt his Technomagical Construct portions of his body fill up with energy. Funny that!

“Princess Crystal I assume?” Lash asked, giving her a deadpanned look.

“Why...Why didn't that hurt you?” Crystal asked, her eyes wide in shock.

“Yes, because I'm going to take the time to explain that. I'm about to go free the Queen, want to come?” Lash asked, he didn't wait for an answer he just turned on his heel and jogged down the hall.

T-minus 8 eight minutes until depressurization. -The Kree computer said across the dome. People were really starting to panic now!

“Wait!? Can you stop the countdown?” Crystal asked as she came running out of her room with a pair of pants on and some slip on shoes. She tied her hair back, and kept the tank top.

“I can....Can you tell me why I should?” Lash asked as he pulled his head back from a corner as an array of energy blasts destroyed that section.

“Millions of innocent people will die!” She shouted at him.

“Fair enough...” Lash said in an easy going manner.

Depressurization, aborted. System resetting. -The Kree computer said, Crystal breathed a sigh of relief.

Lash ran up the wall, and across the ceiling then sprinted down the hallway. The sudden change of entry into the hall confused the soldiers long enough for Lash to Blink in the middle of them. He spun in place like a top and six soldiers dropped with agonizing screams. Crystal came running out, horror stretched across her face. She came to one of the guards and reached down only to receive a shock, and the man groaned. She looked up at Lash in confusion.

“I'm not going to kill soldiers following orders. It's not their fault that Maximus bent their mind with his powers.” Lash replied.

“Wait! Maximus has powers!?” Crystal said, astonished. Lash rolled his eyes.

Lash went to several rooms with Crystal following in his wake. He released several high priority targets that Maximus had been slowly chipping away at them. Lash briefly used Compulsion to counter act the effect. Lash' spell power was stronger and they quickly shook off Maximus Mind Manipulation. Then they opened a particular door and a five hundred pound dog jumped onto Lash and began to slobber all over him.

“Lockjaw!” Crystal squealed in delight and pulled the giant dog off of Lash. Lockjaw looked like a pit bull the size of a horse. He had a symbol of some kind on his forehead. Lash didn't realize that the Kree had played with animal DNA as well. Oh joy!

“Hi! Hi! You smell good! Are you a friend? I like you! Are you helping my family?” Lockjaw said to Lash through Beast Speak.

“Yes, I am a friend, yes we are saving your family.” Lash replied and gently pet the big dog. Lockjaw barked several times and licked Lash's face.

Next Lash opened the doors to the royal chamber and received a flower vase to his face. The vase shattered on impact doing absolutely no damage. Lash blinked in mild annoyance and looked at the Queen standing there with a chair in her hands. Then Lockjaw jumped past Lash and barked at the Queen. Medusa smiled and hugged the big dog, then Crystal came in as well. The royal guard made a perimeter around the room.

“Thank you for helping us! I don't recognize you, what part of the city are you from?” Medusa asked, Lash hung his head in disappointment.

“Sis, he's not from here. He really did come from outside the dome.” Crystal tried to explain to Medusa. Who looked confused, as if that was impossible.

“Wow, you people have been in this city for way to long!” Lash replied, he cast Regrowth and grew Medusa's hair back in triple time. Long, thick, curly red hair came flowing out of Medusa's head. She jumped in surprise, and then smiled as her hair whipped around her at her command.

“On to the king!” Lash said as he raced past everyone.

“Wait! Maximus place bombs on the chamber. If we try to open them!” Medusa called but stopped mid sentence as Lash had pulled the meditation chamber door open already. It was only a few dozen feet from the royal chamber. The bombs were already turned off.

“King Black Bolt. I am Lash Jormungandson of Asgard. We need to talk, though we can do that after we deal with your brother.” Lash said to the true king. Who stood up with out saying a word. Which from what Erik says is a good thing. He nodded his head once. Then a smile grew as Medusa came in to hug him.


Maximus was currently at the central control hub for the whole dome. He was attempting to access the main computer and set the whole station to self destruct. If he couldn't have Attilan, no one would! But the computer refused his access code. The royal family had acquired the pass code to the main computer centuries ago when they took the city from the Kree. But now the code didn't work.

Access denied....Access denied....Access denied. Warning! Entry point locked, notifying Kree Commander to your location. Please stand by for punishment. -The Kree compute said. Maximus slammed his hands into the console.

“No fucking machine! There is no commander here! The Kree are all dead!” Maximus shouted.

“Found you.” An animalistic voice said behind him. Maximus whipped around and saw Lash standing behind him at the door to the main computer.

Maximus was a scrawny guy. 5'5” with shaggy black hair just above his eyes. Very little muscle on his body, he had a pale color to his skin, with a shaggy beard in desperate need of a trim. He wore the royal garb of the king. Specifically Bolts garb, which meant it didn't fit him. The only thing remarkable was his eyes. They were pure onyx, and were filled with a fierce intelligence. Lash could actually feel the Mind Manipulation testing the waters against Lash. It was pathetic, but he could feel it.

“All I wanted to do was speak to the king. Whether that was you, or the your brother. It didn't matter. But then you decided to try and kill me. So, it's your brother I will talk to.” Lash said as he stepped into the room, a red Psionic Blade burst from his left hand.

“I know who you are! Unlike my simpleton brother I keep my eye on Earth. You will bring ruin to our people!” Maximus shouted, and Lash feels the push from his power against him. “I am the only one could lead-!” Lash stabbed the energy blade center mass. Maximus looks clearly shocked!

“I...I'm not...suppose to ...to die here....” Maximus says, as he drops to his knees. Lash didn't remove the blade so it bisected him. Thankfully Decomposition kicked in and Maximus whole body, blood included started to turn into ash.

“Ya, sorry I don't do the cliché let the villain get away until next time thing.” Lash said, as he pushed past him and went to the computer. Another security wall, and his tech-spirits jumped in. Oh hay! The city can move? Cool!

“Where is he?” Medusa came running in looking frantic. At that point all the remained of Maximus was a pile of ash in the room. Black Bolt walked in, then looked at the pile of ash. He knelt down next to it and ran his fingers through the pile a look of heart break on his face.

“You...You....You had no right to take his life!” Medusa screamed at Lash. He turned to look at her.

“Tell me, Queen Medusa. How many lives have been lost during Maximus reign? Do you know?” Lash asked, as he bowed from his waist towards. But his voice dripped with sarcasm. Black Bolt looked up, his eyes narrowing.

“I... I am sure our people have suffered greatly. But that doesn't give you the right to execute Maximus!” Medusa started to say as she stepped forward her hair turning into dozens of blade like points.

“5,678 people died in the coup. Then an additional 16,357 died while he ruled. I passed a city section on the way in. Two of your security forces violated, and tortured 29 people. Then they killed an additional 16 people. That was just one section. Would you like me to give you the numbers for the others? Or, are the slums beneath your notice?” Lash asked.

“HOW DARE YOU!” Medusa screamed at him but Bolt stopped her and shook his head.

We can't fight here. Bolt said through his Partial Telepathy that he assumed Lash couldn't hear.

“That is absolutely right, fighting in this room would be detrimental to the stations well being.” Lash said in response and Bolt looked at him in surprise.

Can you? -Bolt asked.

“Yes, I can hear you.” Lash replied with a smug grin. Medusa was fuming! Her hair danced around ready to slice Lash apart.

We need to notify the people that we are safe, and that Maximus has been dealt with. We'll save this until later. Agreed? -Bolt asked, them both. Lash nodded in acceptance and Medusa of course agreed. But she continued to glare at Lash so intently he may burst into flames!

Lash was granted an armed escort for his safety....right. The city was not doing well. Combined with the threat of depressurization, and the fact that Maximus had activated some order to his mind controlled officers to immolate the station. The city was quite literally on fire. Lash was forbidden from helping. He would only make it worse so said the Queen! So Lash slipped his guards and went into the city to set up a medical triage center. Turns out a red cross with a snake wrapped around it was also a sign they used for medicine. Neat!

Also apparently there was not a single Inhuman in their entire fucking history with a healing ability. That was just stupid! Lash found several Energy Manipulation Inhumans and taught them Medicine. Suddenly they could suture a wound with their energy powers. Wow, really! None of them ever thought of that? It took Lash's guards six hours to find him. By that point he had saved over five hundred lives. A huge line was outside the center. They would prefer going to Lash, then a hospital.

Then the station started to rain. Well the weather tower had been overridden. Rain started to fall and helped douse the flames. It was odd the rain was heavier in certain places where the fire was most consistent. Some dumb mind controlled fool set an explosive on the doom and for a brief terrifying moment the dome shattered! The cloaking field collapsed and before everyone could get sucked out into a space! Emergency shields activated. For the first, aside from Lash previous light show. The Inhumans in Attilan saw the Earth in the distance.

“So let me get this straight?” Lash asked, K'heri who had come to his medical center to help with security. A thousand Saurus Warriors were clearing the city out, while a hundred Saurus Veterans were helping in the medical center.

“You were all told that centuries ago Earth was decimated by a war and was unlivable?” Lash asked her. She nodded several times, glancing up at the Earth in the distance.

“Ya that didn't happen. Yes, the Inhumans did fight the Kree and force them off Earth. Yes the direct area was devastated. But the entire planet? Oh no, that was just fine. So who told you that pile of lies?” Lash asked, clearly irritated.

“The royal family.” K'heri said, an unhappy expression on her face.

“Ah, it was a method of control. If people assumed that there was no where else to go. They would be more accepting of their new life. The royal family were the only ones with access to the main computer. So any and all attempts to rebel were met with catastrophic death.” Lash said, understanding the situation.

“Aside from the Kree genetic engineering, Inhumans, and Humans are exactly alike. Capable of great acts of nobility, compassion, genius, and creative design. Or brutal, blood thirsty, manipulation, and destruction. Exactly alike.” Lash said, as he reattached a man's leg and brought him back to about 80% health.

“Inhumans are the strongest race on Earth!” K'heri said with determination. Lash turned to look at her with a hint of pity.

“Yes, a thousand years ago maybe. Wait not even that! Asgard has been visiting Midgard for thousands of years. We don't need to go through a transformation process to be strong.” Lash replied, shaking his head and going back to work.

“Asgardian! The King will see you now.” A soldier called out, and Lash turned to them.

“When I'm done I'll come and see him then.” Lash replied, and K'heri looked at him in shock. The soldier was clearly surprised as well. But he gritted his teeth and stepped forward.

“You will see him now! He calls for you!” The soldier replied with a shout. Lash points at the very long line.

“So the King believes my time should be spent talking to him instead of tending to his citizens? Wow, I can see what kind of king he is. A desperate one!” Lash snarled back, then gestured to another injured.

There was a tense moment then the soldier stormed off to deliver Lash's message. K'heri looked conflicted. She was happy Lash was prioritizing the injured. But that was a call from the king. About ten hours or so roll by. The last of the injured have been tended too. The Saurus Warriors have put out the fires, and have begun to repair what they can. The Veterans are refreshing their spells on the injured that still need basic care. At last Lash cleans himself up and casts Immaculate. He nudges K'heri who fell asleep next to him. She mumbles something and turns over to sleep. Lash rolls his eyes at her.

Lash's tech-spirits were in the process of repairing the science station. They were siphoning off his magical energy to do it. But he always made sure he had at least 40% or more energy in his tank. He cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on himself and felt renewed! His Healing Aura pulsed and he obtained just a bit more. Spend energy to gain energy. He made it back to the castle and was stopped at the front gate. A soldier guided him through the palace towards the private chambers of the royal family. A servant with proper training came to receive him and guided him towards Black Bolts private study.

Thirty foot wide, thirty foot deep, and fifteen feet high. A large wooden desk sat in the middle. Wow that must have been hard to make. Lash could feel the history oozing off that thing. There were beautiful silks adorning the walls. With oil paintings of past kings, and queens. Sitting at the desk is Black Bolt, at his right side is Medusa who continues to glare at Lash. Crystal is to Bolts left. Lockjaw barks softly at Lash when he enters. Lash bows from his waist then looks at them waiting to be allowed to sit.

“Oh now you have manners.” Medusa says with an acidic tone. Lash looks at her and the shadows in the room grow, and the light fades.

Stop...Please. -Bolt says through Telepathy.

“My sister aside, thank you for helping.” Crystal say with a tight smile. Medusa balks at her.

Thank you for helping our people. Our healers say you, and your creations saved over ten thousand. It is a debt that not easily repaid, along with helping us retake the throne. You said you wanted to talk, so lets talk. Please sit. -Bolt said across the link and gestured towards the chair that clearly wasn't meant for Lash's unique body type. So he used Fabrication, and Alteration to craft his own. Room for his tail, the scaled spines down his back, space for his tentacles.

“How many powers do you have?” Crystal asked.

“I'm not an Inhuman, I am not limited by the genetic design of the Kree. I can have as many as I like, as long as I understand how they work.” Lash replied, and Crystal sat up in interest.

Later....Please speak. -Bolt says, gesturing with his hand. Crystal stamps out her curiousity for now. Lockjaw wonders over to Lash and flops on the ground next to him. The big dog nearly knocks him over but Lash laughs and begins to brush his claws through his fur. The dog leans into it, in heaven!

“Several weeks ago a group of radical Inhumans on the planet Earth took several Terragensis crystals and dumped them into the ocean. The crystals thankfully did not poison the ecosystem, nor anyone who eats a fish. But, if they have the Inhuman gene. They go through Terragensis.” Lash said, and he illustrated his point with a Phantasm image.

“Wait, there are Inhumans on Earth?” Crystal asked, Both Bolt, and Medusa look conflicted when Lash stares at Crystal.

“Wow....The royal family has completely distorted the truth.” Lash says in astonishment.

“Hard choices were made. It was what was best for us all.” Medusa said, and turned away when Crystal stared at her.

“That is a lie through and through. You could have stayed on Earth! The city could have cloaked and stuck to one of the islands in the ocean. Instead you've all been stuck in this dome letting the universe pass you by. You barely understand the Kree tech in the station. Your people honestly believe they are a superior race.” Lash said.

“We are superior! Humans are beneath us!” Medusa said with a snarl.

“You are a human! He is a human! She is a human! You are genetically altered humans! You are not a separate race! I am an alien! I come a completely different galaxy! You all originate from Earth! Get that through your thick skull!” Lash shouted at Medusa who jumped to her feet.

A single tsk was said from Bolt and the entire room shook! No, the entire castle shook! However, Lash and Lockjaw for that matter were perfectly fine as Blessing of Bast activated and the Aegis popped up to block the blow. Lockjaw was however biting into Lash's left leg attempting to pull him back. Because Lash had a red Psionic Blade inches from Bolts neck. The whole room was frozen save for Lockjaw who couldn't for the life of him pull Lash away, or teleport.

“Let me make something very clear, your highness. I don't need you alive to accomplish my goal. I would like too. I have heard many nice stories about you. About your family. Specifically your Queen, and Princess Crystal. Along with your royal guard. But you need to understand something. Inhumans are not, and have never been the top of the food chain. Nor are they superior to humans. I know a man on Earth that is 100% human with out any genetic tampering and could crack this Kree compute system in under an hour. Something your entire family line couldn't do in over a thousand years.” Lash snarled at him.

“You!” Lash said, as one of his tentacles pointed at Medusa. “Get off your sanctimonious ass and think for a fucking moment. I have all the camera records of the station at my disposal. Your city is a wreck! If you live on the outside rings. Your life is hell! People are beaten, tortured, and raped on a daily basis. You treat the workers like slaves simply because they were not given a useful power. Yet you act like you are superior to humans? Wake up! You are just like them! You have abilities, so fucking what!” Lash glared at her, and she bit back a scream of frustration as bands of pure darkness had wrapped around her. A serrated blade pointed at her throat.

“You...I don't really have anything to say to you except sorry for the bodily harm I am threatening your family with.” Lash said as he glanced at Crystal who was holding a ball of fire and was deciding on throwing it or not.

“Will this do anything to you?” She asked, glancing at her fireball. Only, her and Lockjaw are free to move.

“No, it wont.” Lash replied... So they stayed that way for a bit. Until a servant knocked on the door and showed in one of the royal guard who froze at the scene.

Gorgon Petragon was technically part of the royal family that became a royal guard. He was a seven foot tall man with black skin, short black hair, amber eyes, a strong muscular build, and he had goat legs. Superhuman Strength, Shockwave Generation, Enhanced Smell, and was had Advanced Martial Arts. He came to ask about the situation and stood perfectly still.

“My King...Did I come at a bad time?” Gorgon asked, watching Lash with a piercing gaze.

“I'm going to step back, and we are all going to take a breath. If you wish to continue this little argument we can. But I promise you, you will lose.” Lash said, as he pulled his energy blade back and the shadow blades faded into the light. He stepped back, forcibly dragging Lockjaw with him who yelped in surprise.

Karnak Mander-Azur stepped into the room next. Cousin to Gorgon and once again technically a member of the Royal family. Karnak had been trained as the royal advisor, especially due to his unique power set. Weakness Detection, Superhuman Durability, Master Martial Arts, Master Tactician, and Master Medicine. His Weakness Detection went so much further than that. Allowing to see all possible scenarios, and means of attack or defense. Karnak had yellow tone skin, sharp intelligent eyes, a athletic figure that came with being a keeper Master Martial Arts.

“Alright everyone calm down now. My King unless you are willing to destroy the whole city you cant defeat him.” Karnak said in an indifferent tone. But his voice carried a simple promise...What ever he said was true.

So, everyone took a breath. Chairs were provided, the room was little more crowded. Now everyone sat on one side, while Lash sat alone on the other. Everyone in the room noticed that the shadows were not in the correct place with the lighting. They slithered, and writhed across the floor encircling Lash, and slithered across the floor towards them. Lockjaw kept growling at them, and bat his paw on top of them to no avail.

“What exactly do you want us to do?” Medusa asked, trying to not flinch when ever one of the shadow snakes slithered by her foot.

“I am going to repair Attilan. Then the city will leave the moon and return to Earth. Where the Inhumans of Attilan will create a new nation that will be recognized by the United Nations of Earth.” Lash raised a claw before Karnak was about to speak. “I understand it will not be that easy. But you need to understand. Attilan is failing, this city will last many another decade before it stops functioning. That was before I got here, and before what happened with Maximus's mind controlled people. Now, I'd say you have about a year.” Lash continued, as he created another Phantasm image.

“Now, before you ask. Why don't I just repair it and leave you be? Or just bring all the Inhumans to Attilan. First off, this city is a mess and I have the video logs to prove it. If you return to earth you will no longer be stuck inside a dome. You can remove the cast system because its fucking awful. I'll help you secure an island in the middle of the ocean bigger than the city. You can grow farms, and expand. But you must understand this is going to happen.” Lash said simply.

“So you are not giving us a choice?” Gorgon asked, he looked like he wanted to rip Lash in half.

“Yes, he is giving us a choice. He gave several choices, and several chances. But simply put we no longer impress him. Compared to him, and his people we are nothing but primitive insects.” Karnak said simply, he looked...Bored. The whole room looked at him.

“We should go... Return to Earth. Protect our lost brothers, and sisters. It will not be easy, but it will be better than staying up here waiting to die.” Karnak said, and he looked towards Bolt.

You will help us establish a nation? -Bolt asked.

“You have my word, you will have your nation. Even if I have to beat the United Nations into submission to get it for you.” Lash said simply. Karnak grinned at Lash.

“He means it...” Karnak replied.

How long do you need before the city is ready? -Bolt continued.

Forty eight hours or so.” Lash said with a smug grin on his face. The whole room blinked at him.

“To fix the whole station?” Crystal asked, Lash continued to grin.


***SWORD Space Carrier, Orbit around the Earth***

The renovated, and retrofitted helicarrier was a work of art to many, and a complete bafflement to so many others. Most of the engineers aboard the ship barely understood what anything did! They knew how to do basic maintenance and that was about it. The Asgardian had installed a basic ship VI that was helping the crew adjust to being in space.

Unlike normal hellicarriers there was no command island off the side of the ship. That had been removed. The entire ship was about three thousand feet long, runway included. The runway was completely sealed and ran along the spine of the ship. Star Fighters would fly out the mouth, and return through the back. Soft light shields kept the atmosphere in place. Another thing no one understood. Normally the flight deck was sealed with several dozen feet of reinforces steel, vibranium alloy.

The Captain of the ship was under the impression that Wakanda didn't give out vibranium. That a single pound of the stuff was worth about hundred grand a pop. Yet the entire ship was made out of an alloy that the Asgardian gave them. The operations deck was smack dab in the middle of the ship. While a secondary bridge was further down. The ship had all the amenities of a standard carrier from Earth. Medical, machine shop, gym, living spaces, etc, etc. Then came the engine room. Now, that took the cake.

A giant red orb sat in the middle of the main engineering deck and it put out enough power to light up a continent! Gravity got weird in main engineering. Everyone had to wear magnetic boots. Oh, that was the other thing. The ship had gravity! All along the floor, were these words that glowed and no one knew what they said. When an engineering team had to pry panel off the floor to fix some wiring the whole hallway lost gravity. It's like the words are a circuit. Break the line and you lose it.

Despite the weird ship...The Captain of the space carrier absolutely loved it! They had triple the repulsion engines on the side of their ship, with four main engine cores on the back. They could pull out of orbit, or make reentry and they barely felt it! It just took about an hour, but that was just fine! It took only three days from to travel from the Earth to the moon. SHIELD, and SWORD were thinking about establishing a lunar colony.

Then the Captain of the ship was called to the operations deck and they saw a holographic image of something they couldn't explain. A flying...city? Lifted off of the moon and was in transit towards the Earth. Their IFF tagged it friendly. The SWORD space carrier was tasked with escorting the city towards the Earth. It was apparently touching down in the North Atlantic Ocean somewhere? But then the Captain saw it...Or rather him. A 60 foot tall, and 120 foot long Kaiju creature flying through space next to the floating city. Son of Jormungand, Lash of Asgard.

“Alright people, match course and speed. Let's get this done!” The Captain ordered and the ship jumped into action.


https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Inhumans_(TV_series) Technically they are part of the MCU. Remember the Cinematic Universe is not the Comic Universe. They are two separate Universes with their own cannon.

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