
***HR. Sol System, Earth***

Justice League International, or simply known as JLI was becoming a named discussed in every house hold, business, government, and nation. They had been instrumental in the organization, and defense of the world against the alternate reality invaders. They had been a huge help in rebuilding, and reorganizing the world after the invasion was over. Now that the dust had settled, and more than half of the Earth had returned to some sense of normalcy. The few individuals in power, the top 10% of the world asked a simple question, with a complicated answer. Who are the JLI, truly?

Supposedly the organization are made up of unique individuals with abilities, skills, powers, and extraterrestrial origins. A haven for the different that wanted to use their abilities to help protect the world from the many dangers it was exposed to both foreign and domestic. But what the top 10% really wanted to know was who controlled them? Who paid them? What oversight did they have, if any? A few of the more lose lip members of the JLI had been recorded on record that they get paid a large sum of money every month for their work. Given that most of them are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Of course some could argue that making 60k a year was a small sum for people who saved cities, nations, and the world on a weekly basis.

But none of the JLI that spoke up could tell the top leaders of the world who paid them? Who owned the Watch Tower Station? A piece of machinery like that couldn't be cheap to build, let alone be maintained. At least.... To them it would seem expensive. The idea of 100 billion dollars seemed like a lot to the top 10%. But when they were politely informed that a single individual owned the station, and supplied the JLI. The idea that this individual may have enough wealth to buy a technological advanced space station!? Made them all stop and think.

Who are the JLI? An organization; an army of super powered individuals strong enough to completely rule the planet Earth if they wanted to. Many people on the internet argued that maybe the JLI should be in charge? This horrified the leaders in power across the globe. So nations, governments, businesses started to find and draft powered individuals. They of course stumbled at first. Coercing, blackmailing, or even kidnapping many of them, and their families. That didn't work out, especially when the JLI found out.

Then like a sign from the heavens a business that cropped up right before the invasion decided to foot the bill for a new program. The CSA: Certified Supers Association. This business was building facilities across the globe with the help of the UN. They would find any powered individual by law. Then train, and educate them. After the individuals were fully trained. They could be certified to use their powers. In a matter of a few short weeks many of them could be licensed to work for corporations, private security, government work. Hell there was already talk about doing super sports! In another few years it wouldn't matter who the JLI were. Because everyone would one day have their own army of supers.


(William “Billy” Batson aka Shazam)

Billy was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He stood as Shazam in the middle of a large room the size of a warehouse. In front of him stood about three dozen different people. Each of them a new Meta-Human waiting to be trained. They were all currently in the CSA building in Detroit and he had been asked to come speak to them. Which Shazam was now currently regretting when he had said it was not a problem.

Billy was nearly 17 years old, but he looked like a full grown adult while he looked like Shazam. Magic was weird! Anyone who spent enough time with Shazam could tell he was immature for his 'age'. Only a few people in the JLI knew that Shazam was actually a 17 year old kid who was still in high school. Yes, it was magical high school. But still school. Thankfully Shazam hadn't come to the CSA alone. Black Canary had come with him, along with Green Arrow.

Shazam found himself nodding several times when ever Canary, and Arrow spoke about different things they had learned in the field. But also how you didn't need powers to be dangerous. Though Canary had her Meta-Human shriek. She hardly used it during battle given it could kill most people. While Arrow was a pure mundane. Which of course Shazam didn't believe for a second! He had seen Arrow shoot his bow in rapid succession. He was way faster than a normal man.

“That is why you should never under estimate your opponents. Thanks to the Meta-Gene many people could have abilities that can over power others. While they still look completely average.” Canary finished.

“Like me?” A girl said as she raised her hand. She was fifteen with bright blue eyes, and brown hair. She wore track suit that covered her still developing body. She had been recorded with Superhuman Strength.

“That's right!” Canary said with a smile that made the young girl blush.

Canary and Arrow both wore a JLI light exoskeleton suit that was tailored in their colors, and design features. Each of them had half masks, so the top half was covered in a helmet. Shazam though Arrows suit was really cool because he could reach his arm up and the bow would automatically come out of his back and be handed to him. Billy's inner geek squealed in delight. Shazam didn't wear a suit. Thanks to the spell craft transformation from The Wizard it didn't go over well. The Wizard had been upset that the JLI claimed Shazam's magical suit didn't protect him enough.

So Shazam continued to wear his full body, form fitting red suit. With a lightning symbol on his chest, and half white cape on his back. The suit showed off nearly every muscle on the mans body, and left very little the imagination. Shazam received a lot of attention from women, and men while he was in uniform. Billy hated it! Because it wasn't him. But the magical projection of him. Though Billy in his default shape was definitely putting on muscle.

“Now, Shazam will run those of you will advanced strength through some exercises.” Arrow stepped forward, his voice synthesized to obscure his identity.

“Yep! I totally got this!” Shazam said, and Canary rolled her eyes at him. Shazam looked at her in confusion...What?

“Now punch my palm, right here. Canary, and Arrow will look at you, and help correct your position if you do it wrong.” Shazam said, as he tried to be professional.

Shazam spread his feet, and put his hand up in front of the young girl. She squared her shoulders and took up a simple boxing stance then took a deep breath and threw her first punch. Just her arm shooting straight out, no body movement, or hip movement. Even Billy understood she did it wrong. That didn't stop her from impacting his hand so hard that it left an audible CLAP in the large room. Shazam was pushed back a few inches across the floor mat with wide eyes. It didn't hurt! It was just a surprise.

“Good hit! Now let's fix your form.” Canary said and came over to correct the girl.

“Alright do it again!” Shazam said as he slapped his own palm with his other hand. He grinned at the girl who smiled back at him. Then she threw her body weight into the punch and Shazam flew across the room straight into a wall and bounced off it. He hit the ground with a large smack, and his cape fell over his face.

“OH NO!” The girl screamed in horror.

“Shazam! You alright?” Arrow called over.

“YA!” Shazam said as he flipped his cape up, and back. A huge smile was on his face as he floated up, and back over. “Good hit!” He said to her with a thumbs up.

“You kept your form pretty well. You also saw what it was like when you put your full body weight into it. Now, who can tell me why she hit harder even though she barely weighs 90 pounds?” Arrow asked the crowd of people. A man in his twenties raised his hand, Arrow pointed at him.

“Samuel sir!” The man said in an almost military reply, Arrow smiled at him. “Though the exact reason is still being debated. It is believed those with a strength Meta-Gene are actually channeling a kinetic energy, or burst effect. Or it could be a tactile telekinesis. Or....Well you get the point.” Samuel said at the end.

“That's right!” Arrow said, and nodded towards Samuel. “There are some Meta's who look the part when they have Superhuman Strength. They are larger than most body builders. While others, like Miss Jennifer here are able to channel a form of kinetic energy to enhance their effects. However, that means that Jennifer technically doesn't have Superhuman Strength. But actually she has Kinetic Energy Generation.” Arrow said as he nodded towards Jennifer who looked thoughtful.

“Samuel why is important to know what ability you have?” Arrow asked the man, Samuel took a moment to think.

“Because it allows you as instructors to properly teach her. But it's important for us as students so we can understand how to help, but also counter someone in the future if the need arises?” Samuel said with a bit of hesitance. Arrow looked at Canary who shrugged her shoulders.

“You are technically right, but there is a bit more we need to discuss.” Arrow replied, and went into teacher mode for another ten minutes.

Shazam being nigh invulnerable to most things was the test dummy for a lot of the trainees. They needed to test their abilities outside a lab. But also work with fellow powered individuals. Samuel had Bullet Manipulation. Simply put he could manipulate any bullet he fired and transform into anything as long as he understood what it was. So, make a kinetic barrier that absorbs kinetic energy? Samuel could craft a bullet as soon as he squeezed the trigger to penetrate said barrier. The more complex the change, the more energy it took. He was terrifying!

As long as Samuel understood the chemical composition, and what he was firing at he could potentially kill anything! Even Superman, or Shazam for that matter. But because Shazam was made up of magic, and Samuel would have to understand the vast knowledge of The Wizard. Shazam was safe. Samuel wanted to do military service once he got done with the CSA. From what Canary told him, the military would be chomping at the bit to get him enlisted.

After several hours Shazam, Canary, and Arrow left the CSA building through the courtyard via teleportation back to the Watch Tower. Technically the public didn't know they had shown up and the trainees had to sign a NDA before they could be instructed by the JLI. They had all signed with out an issue. The JLI were heroes to all of them.

“You did good today, Shazam.” Arrow said to him, and Shazam smiled wide at him.

“Thanks for coming along. I would have been completely lost with out the help.” Shazam replied to him and nodded at them both.

“Thanks for being the test dummy. That girl with Electrokinesis looked like a mini you.” Canary said next, and Shazam had to agree with her.

“I was super happy to tell her she could fly with that ability. She about lost her shit! I mean...She...'Ahem' she was super happy!” Shazam said, as he looked contrite about swearing. Canary grinned at him.

Uncle Dudley didn't like it when Shazam swore, especially around the ladies. He was old fashioned and Billy tried his best to follow the rules. But sometimes he just liked to swear! It emphasized so much. But Billy had to admit that several girls he had met found it endearing that he tried to watch his mouth around them. Arrow chuckled at him and walked out of the portal hub room to find the entire Watch Tower Station was a mess of bodies.

Shazam stopped in his tracks but soon had to fly up in the air to get out of the way. Hundreds of people moved through their section as engineering crews pulled panels off the wall and plugged in cables. While several JLI could fly and lift heavy objects carried supplies around. Shazam looked around confused and had already lost Canary, and Arrow in the crowd. He reached out and grabbed a random flier gently.

“What's going on?” Shazam asked.

“What? Oh Wraith gave the upgrade key to Vici. We are helping to upgrade the station. Apparently it's suppose to be huge. Lots to do! Do you mind?” The flier asked, and Shazam let them go.

Shazam was always beside himself when ever the station went through an upgrade. The whole JLI would pitch in and help. He was even more surprised Wraith could create an upgrade design so quickly. Shazam flew through the station and saw a lot of was hollowed out. He could feel the magical energy being pumped through the whole station. He saw several team leaders of engineers with signs above their heads looking for help with assignments. Shazam shrugged his shoulders and flew over to see if he could help.

Shazam had been given the task to head down to the new power core and help charge it up with his electrical powers. He'd done it before with the old upgrades. So he flew down the tunnel in one of the old elevator shafts that had been dismantled. Dozens of work crews were working on everything. Then Shazam flew into the second saucer and saw hundreds of JLI members sitting around resting while hundreds of others stood around a strange red orb in the middle of the saucer pumping energy into it.

“Grrrzzzzt! Greetings hero Shazam, are you here to help supply energy?” Hastrom called from the size. Shazam winced at the mechanical voice but flew over to the giant robotic tank. Billy always thought the guy looked like a transformer or a gundam.

“Hello Hastrom! Yes, I came down to channel my lightning into it. What is it anyways? The last energy core was green.” Shazam asked as he landed next to the giant robot.

“Grrrzzzzt! Creator Wraith designed it after he came back from the Rift.” Hastrom said, and Shazam winced at the mention of the Rift. He didn't know everything. But he knew it had been five years for Wraith. “He said it was a miniature singularity.” Hastrom finished... It took Shazam about thirty seconds before he figured out what that meant. (Wisdom of Solomon)

“THAT'S A BLACK HOLE!?” Shazam shouted in horror as he pointed at the red orb.

“Grrrzzzttt! That is correct, it is the new energy core for the station.” Hastrom said in his mechanical voice, he gave a heart felt shrug that moved his whole body.

At Shazam's shout several people looked at him, then at the core. While others started to edge away from it. The red energy core was about the size of a basket ball and gave everyone in the room a sense of foreboding. No matter how much energy they fed into the thing the energy readings on the side never went up. But now that they understood what it was that made perfect sense.

Despite the revelation, Hastrom assured all of them that they were helping. The red orb had started out golf ball size. The station also had more power than it knew what to do with it. Which was why the station constantly groaned, and had power practically oozing out of the bulkheads. Shazam was horrified, but all of the vast magical knowledge in his head couldn't explain how the singularity worked. Black holes took energy, they didn't give it out.


***HR. Sol System, Outer Edge***

Several sub-space singularities appeared on the edge of the system. One by one, six star fighters appeared. The star fighters were all similar in design and function. A long arrow head or spear tip ship, with cross x style wings on the sides, and engines in the back. The color was gold, amber, and deep red. Along the side of the ships were the symbol of the Thanagarian Empire. The star fighters stayed in perfect formation the moment they left sub-space. Then ten minutes later five new singularities appeared on the edge. Two destroyers, one star fighter carrier, one battle cruiser, and one delegation ship.

The destroyers looked like a long metal tube with jagged knife points in its armor that jutted out along its sides, and bow of the ship. The reinforced sections of the bow revealed that the destroyers could ram enemy ships and not only survive but cause grievous damage. Thanks to the blade edges along the sides if they passed by ships they would cause lacerations. Hidden in between the wicked blades were gun ports.

The star fighter carrier looked like a giant golden bird. Stylized wings folded out from the center portion of the ship. These wings had dozen of ship bays hidden in the folds of its feathers. While the main body of the ship look rectangular with soft round edge until the bridge of the ship had a eagle like face. Gun turrets were stationed on the upper, and lower portions of the wings. While the star fighters it carrier were primarily interceptors, and a few bombers.

The battle cruiser looked like a hammer eagle wings on the side. They continued the bird like style along the sides of the ship. But it had a primary gun that ran the entire breath of the ship. From the main core where the wings met the body, along the shaft, and out the front end of the hammer. While gun ports ran along the outer edge of the hammer sides, and up along the shaft. The main bridge sat at the top of the hammer. It was essentially a large gun.

While the delegation ship was a little more decorative. It's front portion of the ship where the pilots would sit was in the shape of an arrow head. Then a long shaft went from the cock bit to a main body. The main body extended outward into a triangle shape with sharp edges. The tips of the triangle folded out into a cross wing style. Twin engines sat on either side of the main shaft, and linked to the wings. The ship had a few gun ports, but its primary source of protection was its speed, maneuverability, and the ability to jump into sub-space at a moments notice. It had two sub-space engines on board for that exact reason.

The ships continued to wait until six more star fighters showed up behind them. Their full escorted had arrived from the previous star system. Each ship began to power up its sub-light engines and prowled into the backwater system. The immediately received a signal from the stations FTL link up. They were given a simple map of the system, and what to avoid. Once they knew what to expect the commander of the fleet pushed the throttle up. No electrical storms, nebula's, stray asteroids, and space creatures to worry about.

Two Earth hours into the journey a single blue dot appeared on their scanners. The blue dot turned out to be a humanoid of some kind. Ah, the Blue Lanterns that they had heard about. The man led a group of star fighters. One was a galactic Sheriff, along with their two advanced automated drones. While the three others were star fighters that belong the station. The Blue Lantern approached the perimeter and announced that they were here to escort them to the Watch Tower Station.

The Thanagarian delegation had arrived.....


(Warden Erik Lash, Hunter-Saurian aka Agent Wraith)

“I thought Themyscira was suppose to be safe!?” A woman shouted inside of Lash's villa. Lash snapped his eyes open as he heard the shout.

Lash currently laid down in his bed and had been asleep? He normally dreamed when he was asleep. But after the fight he had he had been to exhausted to dream. Even with Hera's ability to heal him the whole fight had taken a lot out of him. He vaguely remembered Diana taking him back to his villa. Where he promptly fell asleep in his bed.

“It is safe, Shayera.” Diana replied to her. Ah, that was who had shouted. Why was Hawkwoman here?

Lash slowly sat up and looked around the master bed room. Then he looked down at himself and realized he still had Transformation on. There was a time when if he lost consciousness he would have reverted back to his default form. But now his Transformation was like a switch. He had to turn it off to revert back. He did just that. His body returned to his default shape. However he still had his reptilian eyes, and scaled spine. He wore his Transformation to much, it left residual traces.

His armor shifted, and adapted to his new body. He cast a quick Immaculate on himself to clean up and walked towards the door to see what was what. Thanks to his Clock he knew he had only slept till morning. He also noticed he had several unread prompts. All of them for his abilities evolving. He'd have to scan through them later. He opened the door to his room and peaked out. Then crept towards the stairs and saw Hawkwoman in her armor but with her helmet off.

Shayera stood at approximately 6' with rich brown hair that was highlighted with red the more time she spent in the sun. She wore a Thanagarian hawk-like armor that covered her from neck to toe, and a hawk like helmet that she currently carried in her arms. On her back were two metallic wings that were currently folded in on themselves. The style of armor was minimal with several areas that were exposed. However, thanks to her Nth metal armor, and pure Nth metal belt. Much of her body was resistant to damage, and she could in fact survive in the vacuum of space. Clipped to her belt was the anti-magic Nth metal mace she wielded.

Shayera had a hour glass figure that was the right combination of muscle tone, and slender that most human women would kill for. Apparently she did it with very little effort. Her brown to amber eyes glanced up at the stairs and a brilliant smile spread across her face when she spotted Lash in his default shape. Lash couldn't remember if she had ever seen him like this? He didn't care either way. He came down the stairs to see Diana aka Wonder Woman in her full JLI Amazon armor with her helmet compressed into her color. She smiled in relief at the sight of Lash.

“Themyscira is a safe location, Shayera. It was my big mouth that got me in trouble with the King of Olympus. I don't regret it, I meant every word I said about the asshole.” Lash said to her. Diana gave him a bemused expression. While Shayera rolled her eyes at him.

“I heard you nearly killed another God. If Zeus hadn't of stepped in you would have.” Shayera said with a smirk as she walked over to give him a hug which he returned.

“He did kill him actually.” Diana said, that surprised Lash.

“Wait what?” Lash asked.

“Hercules didn't heal. What ever you did to him stopped his body from reforming. The current incarnation of Hercules bled to death of all things.” Diana said with a shrug. Lash had won? He quickly pulled up his notifications and found a specific one.

Congratulations User! You accidentally kill Hercules!

Reward, Racial Trait: Heroic Luck.

Heroic Luck: The User has luck that is applicable to heroic situations, meaning that heroic figures are always fortunate in heroic circumstances, causing good luck to themselves and their companions because of a shared heroic quest while also bringing bad luck to their enemies at the right and specific circumstances.

Side-Note: At its current level, and evolution the effects are very small. Passively grows with time. Works in tandem with... (See Tool Tip)

“....Oh...” Lash said as he collapsed into a chair and rubbed his face. “So, how many deities am I fighting next?”

“None of them. It was self defense, it technically wasn't even a duel. Hercules sucker punched you. At a party no less. Though you may get several gift baskets from the other pantheons. Hercules was not well liked by some of them. Always a bit too prideful.” Diana said as she walked over and knelt at his side. She looked at him with concern.

“However, that doesn't mean the fanatics of Hercules wont try something. You'll have to be careful from now on, Lash. Well more than you already are.” She said with a smile.

“I'm afraid I have more bad news.” Shayera said next, and Lash groaned and held his face in his hands. “The Thanagarian delegation has arrived in the system. They should be on their way to the station. They want to meet with you.” She said, and Lash all but screamed in frustration.

“If I understand Thanagar well enough. They are not the kind of Empire that you tell the delegation to wait. Unless we are doing something that is urgently taking up my time. Like fighting a war.” Lash said to Shayera through his hands. She placed her hand on his shoulder.

“Yes, I'm sorry this couldn't happen later. But it is not wise to make them wait.” Shayera said softly.

“Do they want to meet with Wraith specifically? Or could the senior members of the JLI stand in for him?” Diana asked, and Lash peeked through his hands at Shayera who shook her head.

“The JLI don't own the station, Wraith does. They understand that Earth is not a unified government. But they don't honestly care about Earth. They want to use the station as a trade hub, and a place to resupply their ships.” Shayera explained to them. Beep....Beep.... Shayera swept her fingers along her bracers and a holographic message appeared. It was from Karter, her husband.

“They've reached the station... They want to speak with me.” Shayera sent a reply then look at Lash who slowly stood up and took a deep breath with his eyes closed.

“Tell them I'll meet with them in a few hours. Tell them the truth, that I am recovering from a battle with a God that I ended up killing. That actually may make an impression.” Lash replied.

“We actually have the battle recorded we could give it to them.” Diana suggested, and sent the video to Shayera who had a grin on her face.

It was true! The Thanagarian delegation would enjoy watching a God get destroyed by a mortal. They could also gain insight on Lash's abilities. It was a double edged sword, but it would do more good then harm. Shayera replaced her helmet and saluted both Lash, and Diana then left the villa. A soft pop, and a ambient glow was all that notified him that she had left. Looked like the portal hubs had been updated with the new upgrade. Or at least one of them did.

“I don't like this, Lash.” Diana said as she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him.

“Technically I am not allowed onto the field. I'm still obeying orders.” Lash lamely replied to her, and leaned into her embrace.

“Anyone who spends any time with politicians will know its just another field of battle. Especially since if things go wrong it could mean war.” She said to him, and ran a hand along his bald head.

Thanagar was the type of Empire you wanted as a friend, and ally. But never as an enemy. The mere fact that they had sent a delegation meant a lot to the galaxy as a whole. (Not the Universe) Wraith had enough influence in the political power of the galaxy to make the Empire rethink just showing up and forcing the issue. But Lash also knew that if he messed this up, and armada would show up to destroy them. Thanagar would have zero issues turning Earth into slag.

Lash and Diana had a quick breakfast. Then he went to say goodbye to the Queen. She wished him luck, and reminded him that he was always welcome back here with his sisters. Rush had zipped over and given him a kiss on his lips. Quick, fast, and a bit of tongue. Diana laughed at the flabbergasted look on Lash's face as Rush had zipped away before he could barely register what had happened. They called for a pick up and he pulled his Transformation, and shroud.

The spell script from the teleportation hub wrapped around them in record time. When they had first got the ability to teleport it had taken 10 solid seconds for the spring jump to activate. While it would also make a pop sound similar to balloon popping from a needle. Now, 4 seconds. With only a soft pop corn pop, and a little ambient light. Then they were back aboard the mad house of a station. Lash had barely any time to register the scene before a body slammed into him and forced him onto his back.

“My Lord!” Vyllith shouted at him and wrapped her arms, and legs around him like a daemonic koala.

“Hello my knight. How are you?” Lash asked, as he slowly pushed off the ground with his tentacles but kept his clawed hands on his one, and only hell knight.

“I understand that I am not allowed on Themyscira but you could have at least said hello when you came back.” Vyllith said with an audible snarl. Her lilac eyes sparkled with intensity.

“Vyllith, I lost my wife. My head was not in the best place.” Lash said simply to her and all the anger deflated out of Vyllith. She had read the full report. She eventually let go of of him, but found that his hands were pinning her to him.

“I didn't say you could let go.” Lash replied, a glimmer of a smile was on his reptilian snout. She grinned at him and leaned up and kissed his nose.

“Ahem....Welcome back, Agent Wraith.” Amaresh Tolla Yihun was standing off to the side of the portal hub, Lash's assistant. An African woman who stood at 5'8” with chocolate skin, warm brown eyes, kinky black hair tied back into a tail. She wore a black pencil skirt, forest green silk blouse, and a black half suit jacket. With naked toe black leather heels. (Lots of black!)

“Yihun, good to see you again.” Lash said as he bowed towards. A little awkward with Vyllith in his arms. So he reluctantly let her go. But she stayed connected to one of his four arms.

“Wonder Woman welcome back.” Yihune greeted Diana who smiled at her.

“So I heard you killed another God?” Vyllith asked with a sweet smile that made Yihun's eyes go a little wide.

“Yes, his name is Hercules.” Lash replied, and Yihun choked on her saliva when she breathed it in shock.

“You...You killed Hercules?” Yihun asked, Yihun was a pseudo-mundane. She knew about the supernatural world but wasn't officially a part of it. She knew the ancient deities were real. But in her mind they were this omnipotent beings.

“Yes, he was upset that I killed his brother Ares. But Ares forgave me in the end.” Lash replied, which made Yihun blank in complete confusion. So Lash had killed the God of War as well? But he forgave Lash?

“Wraith you are going to make her brain explode.” Diana said with a bit of mirth and pulled Lash off the portal hub.

“Oooo! Wraith I've discovered something new on Earths world wide web, its called porn!” Vyllith said in pure delight and Lash cracked up laughing!


The Embassy suites were a set of decorative box pieces in the main trade hub of the station. Essentially just containers stacked on top of one another, or linked together. Like tetris! But what was inside made a difference. Thanks to the Martian technology the entire Embassy guest rooms could shape shift and change according to the guest desires. Especially since the Embassy suites had their own mini pleasure palace design. So servants of any body type, and alien physiology on record be magically created and given False Life.

Lash walked through the trade hub of the station. Unlike the rest of the station only certified engineering crew were in the trade hub doing their best, with minimal interference towards the visitors of the station. He saw several Martian ships in dock, along with a few merchant transport vessels, and garbage haulers for the recycling plant. While floating outside of the blue transparent docking shield was a Thanagarian escort fleet. With docking tubes, and umbilical cords attached.

At his side was John Stewart in his Blue Lantern uniform. Along with Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Vyllith, Hawkman, and Hawkwoman. Unfortunately the rest of the senior members of the JLI could not attend. Technically the Thanagarian delegation came to see Wraith, and only Wraith. But he wasn't about to exclude his friends from events that would effect their home. Half way towards the Embassy suits the current galactic sheriff showed up to attend. Ryul Fajeon was an attractive man from the people of Graxosian. Lash would swear the man was an elf, save for the fact that he didn't have a single trace of magical energy through him.

The front door of the Embassy suits were guarded by Hastrom, and Hex's specialty trained war droids. They were medium to heavy tier exoskeleton combat suits. They reminded Lash of the Hulk Buster suits from his time in the MCU Rift. Mobile tanks with a plethora of weapons, defenses, support, and utilities attached to them. Each one saluted Lash as he approached. He took time to bow to each of them, and thanked them for their service. As did the rest of his crew. They passed through the doors and see the waiting room was filled with Thanagarian soldiers.

Men, and women wearing red, and gold phalanx armor on. With silver, and black metallic wings on their back. Nth metal cold weapons on their belts, or backs. While each one held a rifle in hand for medium to long range engagements. If Lash had to compare them to the US Army he would say that Hawkman, and Hawkwoman were Army Rangers, while these soldiers were just standard soldiers. Soldiers who had seen a lot of action.

“Karter! Shayera!” A officer in charge walked out from the gaggle of people with open arms.

“Ramiel!” Karter called out and walked past Lash to hug his friend. Shayera did the same. They exchanged hugs, and a complex hand shake between them. Then the man Ramiel who wore the gold, and red uniform with pride removed his helmet to look at Lash, or up at Lash as Ramiel was 6 foot even (182 cm)

Ramiel had black hair that was cut in a military high and tight style. With bright blue eyes, golden skin, and a groomed beard that went across this jaw line, but was shaved from around his lips. Like a long thin mutton chops? His smile was infections and it drew people in when he spoke. He had the practice movement of a career soldiers. He stood at attention, but then held out his hand to shake Lash's hand. Lash used one of his lower clawed hands to return the gesture.

“Oh! I didn't know you had four arms, that wasn't in the briefing?” Ramiel said as he cast a glance at his friends.

“It's new. Well new for them, not for me.” Lash replied, as he pulled back his shrouded hood to reveal his skull crest, and his reptilian features. A few of the soldiers in the room stiffened a bit at the sight of him.

“When I read the reports on what you looked like I almost assumed you were a Lizarkon. But now that I see you? Not at all, that is a weight off our chest.” Ramiel said with a genuine smile. Lizarkon's are a native to Thanagarian. Another race that grew up next to them. Though they grew up into pirates and scavengers.

“No wings too! So not a Gordanian either. Good, good!” Ramiel continued to say.

“Ramiel we said all this in our report.” Hawkwoman said, gritting her teeth. The man gave an apologetic smile at her.

“Who is with you!” Ramiel said, trying to deflect the situation. That didn't bode well for Karter, and Shayera if HQ didn't trust their word.

“Vyllith, First only Knight of my lord Wraith.” Vyllith said to Ramiel. She was currently in her full daemonic tech armor, helmet up and looked intimidating. But Ramiel only had a smile on his face when he looked at her.

“Hello, I am Kal-El of Krypton. A refugee here on Earth. My code name is Superman.” Clark said as he walked up with a genuine boy scout smile. Ramiel shook his hand and they just seem to click.

“Diana Prince, a native of Earth. My code name is Wonder Woman.” Diana spoke next and greeted Ramiel. Technically Diana was out in the public and didn't need to hide her identity so that was fine.

“Batman, native.” Bruce said next in his cold indifferent voice.

“Aha! Straight to the point with you, Mahanaim will like you. Course he would never say it out loud.” Ramiel said a delegates name. The name made Karter, and Shayera stiffened in surprise.

“John Stewart, native and Blue Lantern.” John was next, and the whole room saluted him. Lanterns had a universal respect quality about them. Though blue was a new color, being a ring was considered a point of pride even to the Thanagarians.

“Good to meet you, Lantern. We were sad to hear about the Guardians lies. Several of our own people worked in the Green Lantern corp. They are not sure if they want to stay now.” Ramiel began to say.

“If the need to recharge their rings they can come here. Blue light can recharge green light.” Lash said suddenly said next and Ramiel's eyes went bright.

“Wonderful! That was one of the very questions the delegates had! But I'll message high command all the same.” Ramiel said, and quickly typed out a message on his communicator. John turned to look at Lash with a small grin.

Lash looked past everyone towards Ryul who made no move to introduce himself. He gently shook his head in a clear no towards Lash. The effort was appreciated, but no one in the room cared who he was. Lash frowned, which looked a little funny on his reptilian features but he held his tongue. At that moment a soldier walked up to Ramiel and whispered into his ear. Ramiel clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention.

“They are ready for you, please follow me!” Ramiel said proudly and turned on his heel in an about face. Which should have been hard since he had a pair of wings on his back. But he did it effortlessly. Lash reached out and used Temporary Pack Bond on Vyllith, John, Clark, Diana, Bruce, Karter, Shayera, and even Ryul.

Link established for easy communication. -Lash said across the link. Ryul was the only who made a miss step and said out loud with a 'what!?' before Bruce came to his side and helped him to his feet.

Partial telepathy Ryul. Think of it like instant messaging for the mind. -Karter said next.

Ramiel didn't even bat an eye at Ryul, though many of the Thanagarian soldiers sneered at him. Ryul was a mall cop to their eyes. Not worth their time, he was lucky to even be in the room with the delegation. Ryul kept his comments to himself but through the Temporary Pack Bond they could all feel his irritation. Lash sent waves of comfort through the link towards him.

The chosen room for the delegation meet and greet was a long room with a black stone table, with long high back chairs that were slim in the middle for those with wings on their back. The walls were windows that projected the capital city of Thanagar. Down to the tiniest detail. Something that several of the soldiers inside were a little disturbed about. How did the station of the capital in their widow features? Thankfully it was not 100% accurate because today it was raining in the capital back home and this one had clear skies.

Three people waited inside to see them. One was a man named Mahanaim, he stood at approximately 6'1” (185.42 cm) with a lithe athletic figure, black skin as in midnight black skin. Pure red eyes, a shaved head, with a cold and to the point attitude. He wore a collection of diplomatic ceremonial garb, with armored plates underneath. A collection of silver, gold, and purple color designs. Once again paying homage to the bird like culture. The designs looked like feathers. The wings on his back were pure black to match his skin tone.

The next was Douma, she stood at approximately 5' 11” (180.33 cm) with an hour glass figure that was showed off by her tailored made diplomatic robes. That unlike Mahanaim she did not have armor underneath. She had golden tan skin, with golden eyes. But oddly enough her hair was platinum silver and done up in dreads. She had a warrior stance that oozed confidence, and sex appeal. Like Mahanaim her garb had bird like style. But a necklace around her neck showed fangs, and claws from defeated beasts she had killed in her past. She had silver wings.

Next was a woman named Kasdeja who stood at approximately 5'5” (165.09 cm) with an athletic figure, yellow tone skin, brown eyes, short red hair that was swept to one side and shaved on the other. Her wings were a auburn red color. She bouncy, friendly, had a broad smile on her face, and she waved at everyone who came into the room. Her garb was earth tone colors with browns, reds, and grays. When she bounced a few could see she had a collection of knives along her belt.

“Respectful greetings to you diplomats Mahanaim, and Douma. But I am confused as to why an inquisitor is here?” Lash said, and asked as he looked at Kasdeja who's fake smile froze on her face. Lash had cast Insight when he stepped into the room.

Name: Kasdeja

Title: The Butcher.

Origin: Alien.

Rank: C-

Skills: Acting, Manipulation, Body Control, Interrogation... (See tool tip)

Powers: Pain Inducement.

Domains: N/A

Traits: Nth metal symbiosis.

Affiliation: Thanagar government. Thanagarian High Inquisition.

Flaws: Pride, always wanted to be better than her sister but never could.

Disposition: Hostile.

Description: Kasdeja is a talented spy, and inquisitor for Thanagar. She loves her job, and loves watching people brought low by their own mistakes. She takes great joy in ripping information out of people. But oddly enough she herself is afraid of pain done to her. Sadistic not masochistic.

Kasdeja's friend, and bouncy attitude melted from her face and she glared at Karter, and Shayera who visibly took a step back. Lash/Saurian growled and the deep primal fear that all creatures with a mortal brain went up everyone's spine, but more specifically the hostile inquisitor who took a step back. Which only made her more furious when she realized what she had just done.

“They didn't say a single word to me. Thanagar is not the only ones who have spies.” Lash said next and Mahanaim narrowed his eyes, but Douma actually smiled at Lash.

“Then you know Thanagarian culture better than we had believed. At least now we don't have to put up with Kadeja's fake personality anymore.” Douma said next with a look of relief.

Lash did your patron tell you about Kasdeja? -Karter asked through the link.

No, I'll give you the details later. -Lash replied.

Rift? -Bruce asked.

Rift. -Lash answered.

Many people had received material rewards from the Rifts for completing the objectives. While others obtained powers, and abilities they didn't have before. Technically Lash obtained a lot from the different Rifts he went through. But he gained Insight has a reward from getting the Justice League together. (Chapter 49) There was a tense moment when a few people in the room thought Kasdeja may attack Lash for revealing her. Lash just had to needle her a bit more, he was in a bad mood.

“Now now, what would your sister say?” Lash said, and Kasdeja went completely still.

“STOP!” Mahanaim shouted in horror as Kasdeja vaulted over the black marble table towards Lash who was forced to immediately stop as Lash wrapped her in a Telekinetic bubble. She could scream, she could thrash, but she couldn't really move. Of course she went completely still as a sword blade was pressed to her neck by Vyllith.

“Spy craft, political backstabbing, and and murder is normal on your world from what I understand. But never out in the open, and never on the first day with a possible ally. Is this what I should expect from Thanagar in the future?” Lash said, as he looked at Mahanaim, and Douma with a smile on his face. Both of them had a look like they had swallowed something bitter.

“Ramiel! Take Kasdeja back to the brig on the battle cruiser. Break her if you have to.” Mahanaim said to the officer who jumped to obey the command. Ramiel on the other hand had a huge smile on his face as he looked at Lash.

As soon as Lash released Kasdeja she jumped from the table and attempted to attack Lash again but Ramiel was ready and shot a none lethal but apparently painful energy shot into her with his rifle which made her scream in agony and go into a sort of electrical seizure. Vyllith then punched her square in the solar plexus just for good measure. Two soldiers came over and bound her wings, and arms with manacles and dragged her out of the room. Mahanaim rubbed his forehead as he tried to collect his thoughts.

“I told High Command it was a mistake to bring her. I told them not to under estimate you.” Douma said, her smile returned. But now her eyes were dancing up and down Lash's reptilian shape and Lash could smell her arousal from across the room. Clark stiffened a bit, so could he. A small blush crawled up his neck into his cheeks. While Vyllith simply shrugged her shoulders as if it was a given.

Thanagar's culture was up to debate depending on the comic origin they came from. Different realities, dimensions, etc. Best example of it would be, think of a technological advanced version of Ancient Rome. But unlike Ancient Rome, Thanagar defeated, and killed their deities. They took stock after they conquered their hundred world and decided to invest time inwards to ensure they didn't collapse from expanding to fast. A lot of civil war, intrigue, and spy craft became the normal on their planet. It was normal, it was brutal, but it also made their Empire strong. At least this comic origin version it did.

What Lash just did to Kasdeja would destroy her career. The Thanagarian's had shown up with strength behind them. Now they were on uneven terrain with Lash on the high ground. Yes, technically their military might was greater. But Lash had just proven he had his own information network that could infiltrate and acquire information. While no one in the counter intelligence agencies were the wiser.

“Now that little moment of entertainment is out of the way, shall we take our seats and talk.” Lash offered, and they did so. Everyone sat at the table except Ryul who had a seat off to the side. He could listen, and give advice to Lash but not speak at the table. Vyllith refused a seat and simply stood off to the side next to Lash.

“Before we start into treaties, spy craft, and information about this and that. I informed Ramiel outside and I'll do the same here. Blue Lantern Rings can recharge Green Rings. I know several Thanagarians are Green Lanterns and don't wish to remain under the Guardians thumb. They can come here to recharge their rings.” Lash said to them, and Mahanaim for the first actually smiled slightly.

“We'll send the message once we finish for today.” Mahanaim said, which meant that this may take several days or even weeks to conclude. Fuck! Lash didn't want to be here for that.

Before they continued forward the JLI introduced themselves to the delegation. Since they had only done it before with Ramiel. Technically the delegation knew who they were but it was still polite. Rameil was right, Batman, and Mahanaim did get along or at least their personalities meshed. They were both short, to the point, and always planned contingencies.... After introductions they started to talk about the station.

“So when the new upgrade for your station is complete you will be able to comfortably repair, resupply, and provide basic comfort for the crews of star fighters, corvettes, frigates, civilian ships, transports, and cargo haulers inside the station? While the docking ring will allow larger ships to anchor?” Douma asked, as she was taking notes on a data pad.

“How long will the upgrade take?” Mahanaim asked, as he carefully watched the attendees reactions. Lash leaned back into his seat and closed his eyes as he reached out to Vici. It was suppose to be a private meeting so he had to use Connectivity.

At our current speed, approximately one month time. Less if you join us, Father. -Vici replied.

“Approximately one month, less if I join in the efforts.” Lash replied, and everyone at the table looked at him in clear shock. Then Diana started to laugh lightly, Batman looked back at Vyllith who made a so-so gesture with her hand.

“Ahem...” Ryul cleared his throat and the entire room looked at him. While the Thanagarian delegation narrowed their eyes. Vyllith walked over and leaned down to listen. Ryul didn't know how to speak Telepathically so...

“Ah... Sling shot.” Vyllith said as she turned around to look at Lash, his six eyes went a little wide and he made an O face.

“Right, once the station is complete we'll have an FTL Sling Shot available for heavy frigate ships and smaller to shoot across 10-15 star systems.” Lash said next, and the pin drop silence was broken by John who started to crack up laughing.

“This station has, or will have a working FTL Sling Shot?” Douma said, as she licked her now dry lips.

“It is experimental. I've tested it myself and survived the journey.” Lash replied, it was kinda based off of Asgardian Bifrost, and Dark Elf tech.

“Why the discrepancy between systems?” Karter asked, for the first time speaking since they entered the room.

“Ship size, and energy required. Star fighter would be 15, a frigate would be 10.” Lash replied simply, a whole lot of math would go into the whole explanation but Lash didn't want to spend ten hours explaining the magitech behind it.

“Would you be willing to sell the designs for the FTL Sling Shot?” Mahanaim asked, Lash shook his head in a clear no. Of course Lash wouldn't but the man had to ask.

“In about a year I'll have the next upgrade key available. We'll enlarge the station again, and we will be able to shoot larger ships. While the range will be between 20-30 systems.” Lash dropped another bomb.

“Then another year later...” Lash began to say but...

Stop talking, Wraith. -Batman said across the link and Lash promptly shut up. Leaving the two delegates curious what he was talking about.

When it became clear he wasn't going to continue Douma made a note in her data pad and they moved on to fuel, repair, supplies, etc for Thanagarian ships military, or civilian. Along with any of their allies. As long as they obeyed the system rules which were standard to any system. Follow the shipping lanes. Don't poach the local floral, or fauna.

“There is no slave trade hub on your station?” Mahanaim asked clearly confused. The conflicted, and upset look on everyone's face told the story.

“I had considered ordering one simply for the ability to free slaves. But I understand that slavery comes in many different forms, and practices. Also, we don't have a place to put them.” Lash said, and held up a hand before Clark could speak.

We don't, Kal-El. Earth's people are at a tipping point. Mars is barely getting by. I am more than happy to spend time terraforming planets, and moons in our system. But we don't have the time right now. -Lash spoke across the link and Clark bit back his remark and crossed his arms across his chest. Douma snapped her fingers and came to a realization.

“Telepathy...” She simply said, and Mahanaim leaned back and looked at Lash with new found fear.

“Which is also why we don't have a refugee and settlers hub aboard the station as of late. We don't have the space to put them. I'm sure your information network has informed you that Earth's natives are generally xenophobic at this current time. While a small margin are accepting.” Lash continued and the delegates both nodded. Not at all denying that they have spies on Earth.

“However, once the station is upgraded a travel hub will be installed. Allowing everyone with in the galactic civil government. (No pirates) To use the FTL Sling Shot.” Lash said, and held up a claw to stop them from speaking. “I understand that Thanagar would like to keep that little tidbit a secret. But we've already informed the sheriff security firm of the FTL Sling Shot and they are excited to use it.” Lash finished and Mahanaim glared at Ryul who grinned at him. Ryul wasn't going to apologize for that. He got a huge bonus for telling corporate about it.

“I am more than happy to give Thanagar a discount on using the Sling Shot. Yes, a discount. We still have bills to pay around here.” Lash replied and they both shrugged as if it was expected. Though the discount was nice.

“Then we will be more than happy to send a Thanagarian security patrol through your system. This way you don't have to pay the Sheriff security firm anymore.” Douma said with a smile towards Ryul who smiled back at her. That was not the expression she expected.

“We will of course welcome extra security. But I plan to continue our contract with the Galactic Sheriffs.” Lash replied, and Ryul winked at Douma who made a disgusted expression.

“Why?” Mahanaim asked his expression holding indifference.

“I gave my word, keeping promises is important to me. The Galactic Sheriffs may not have the best reputations. Especially when it comes to conflicts. As the rumors go they do the bare minimum and then leave. But despite all that, they are still trusted by the low, and middle economic class. Because they see themselves, in them.” Lash said, as he gestured towards Ryul who sat up a bit straighter, he squared his shoulders and stuck out his chest.

Ryul was just that. He wasn't a soldier, he wouldn't die for the contract. He was a '9-5' working man who did his job, got paid, and lived his life. Lanterns bring peace to war torn areas of space. The military enforces law to the letter. While the sheriffs are just like the civilians they protect. As odd as it may sound the working men, and women of the Galactic Sheriffs are respected by their peers.

“So, as I said before we will welcome Thangarian security patrols. But they need to be willing to work with Lanterns, our own security forces such as they are. Along with Galactic Sheriffs.” Lash finished up, and Mahanaim had a look of respect on his face. Not for Ryul, but for Lash. Keeping his word was important, also something to exploit in the future.

Next they discussed the security of the planets in the Sol System. Specifically how Earth was experiencing Rifts in large numbers. Also apparently Rifts had started to show up on Mars as well. Lash didn't know that, but kept it off his face. The Sol System at large was not under any security control. Watch Tower Station was still building sub-satellites to keep the system under their viewing. But in the end they needed more. Otherwise pirates, and slavers would show up to hide on planets, moons, and asteroids.

“With the travel hub, and sling shot in the future this system will become a major travel route. Skipping through over a dozen systems in a few seconds. Weeks or even months of travel time gone in the time it takes to snap your fingers. Pirates will show up. If you will allow us we can build a military installation in the system.” Douma began but Bruce stepped in this time.

“No.” He simply said, and Douma glanced at him. Then looked at Lash for confirmation who only nodded in agreement with the Batman. No discussion, no argument, no pro's and con's just a simple no. Lash sent a wave of thanks towards Bruce over their link.

Hmmm... -Bruce replied across the link. So cool...

“Once we are done with upgrading the station we'll start to build a defensive grid. At the bare minimum each planet in the system will get a general automated defensive platform. Preferably more at a later date. While we will also build a mining station above the gas giant we call Jupiter. For those that don't like using UE fuel reserves.” Lash said next and Ryul's appreciation for Lash was felt over the link. He had obtained another bonus when corporate had heard from Mr Xags that Lash would build the station because of his advice.

“Additionally once the station is complete our recycle and reprocessing center will be able to handle larger amounts, as well as more exotic materials. For example!” Lash reached into his Storage and pulled a 10 pound ingot of Vibranium. Then slid across the table towards them.

“What's this?” Mahanaim said as he picked up the metal and looked at it. The Vibranium sang softly when he tapped it with a claw from his gloved hand.

“Your information network on Earth should let you know how strong Superman is correct?” Lash asked as he gestured towards Clark who perked up at that. They delegates all nodded. Lash stepped up and and used Material Shaping to shape the ingot into a buckler.

“Superman, punch the shield.” Lash said as he spread his feet and held the buckler up. “Vici! Reinforce this room with shielding please.” Lash called out, everyone in the room looked confused.

Clark got up and walked over to Lash with confusion written on his face. A triple layer shield wrapped around them both. Vici knew what this metal was. She had been slowly producing it in her material energy forge. She had similar abilities to Lash when it came to creating foreign metals. Clark had no intention of going all out so he simply threw his fist straight out with...BOOM! Clark bounced away from the buckler into the energy shield and back into Lash's waiting arms which caused them both to bounce into the shields behind them. The buckler landed on the floor with a metallic song.

“WHAT IS THAT!?” Douma said in an excited shout as soldiers swarmed into the meeting room.

“This is Vibranium. It absorbs kinetic, and sonic energy. If a strong enough force is applied it bounces it back. Now if Superman threw all of his strength into his punch I would have become a liquid on the shield behind me. But it also would have shot Superman through the shield and out of the walls of the station.” Lash replied, he was reasonably sure he would have died if Superman had gone all out. But he knew he wouldn't. Clark looked at the simple buckler with curiosity, and a bit of fear.

Lash shaped the shield back into an ingot and placed it on the table. “A gift, to our new friends.” Lash offered, and Douma all but snatched it off the table before Mahanaim could say a single word.

“All of you out, Wraith was just demonstrating something for us. But send Ramiel back in if he has returned.” Mahanaim said, and the soldiers saluted and left. Though the security inside the room stayed, though they had ringing in their ears. Ramiel came back in after a minute with a smile on his face but stayed silent.

By the way the next generation of the JLI exoskeleton suits will be made with a Vibranium weave in it. -Lash informed everyone in the link, even Ryul who looked horrified at the potential for that metal.

“How hard is it to make that?” Mahanaim asked a vital question.

“We can make a single ingot once a month and no more than that.” Lash replied, which was a clear lie. He could make one a day! But he'd be willing to sell a single ingot once a month.

“Our records show that you have the ability to transmute material into Nth metal. Though in its pure form with out all the extra metallurgy abilities. Would you be willing to sell this...Vibranium exclusively to Thanagar and in trade we'll give you Nth metallurgy?” Mahanaim asked, Karter, and Shayera gasped. Those were state secrets!

That....That was tempting. Technically Lash could buy it on the Dream Store for a 1,000 Dream Points. He could afford it right now. But he had so much to buy already. Lash continued to think about the proposal and even silently brought up the Nth Metal arts on the Dream Store with out all the flash, and flare he normally did for everyone who watched him. He scanned the interface, usually this would impossible. You'd have to buy something first before you got all the information. But Lash had played with Nth a lot over his time, and he had Cosmic Awareness with several sub-abilities. There was even a note on the page that identified why he could see things.

“Before I answer, I need some clarification. You said all of the metallurgy. I am going to go down a list and you are going to tell me if that is what you are giving me.” Lash asked, and Mahanaim for his part looked a little confused. Lash brought up a holographic interface with a list and highlighted each effect.

Gravity Negation: Grants the ability to modulate gravimetric fields and adjacent effects for various purposes. Such as allowing the wearer to carry objects 20-70 times heavier than what they normally could.

Flight: It's anti-gravity properties also enable it's user to fly unaided.

Heat Generation: The metal generates a heat aura, sufficient to keep an average human alive under Arctic conditions.

Self Sustenance: Allows the User to survive in all but truly inhospitable enviroments, from the near limitless cold of the sunless side of a planetoid to the lifeless recess of deep space.

Symbiosis: The metal bonds to and vastly augments the physical dexterity of the host wearer, even restoring lost physical attributes which recede over time.

Metamorphosis: Pure Nth Metal bonded to a host can shape and form into weapons or armor with adaptive features at their command. It will even move to protect the wearer from oncoming assaults against their person.

Regeneration: Its restorative powers are such that Nth Metal allows its user to regrow missing body parts.

Reincarnation: A unique property of Nth Metal is its ability to habitually revive it's prominent wielders across the ages repeatedly. The user also remembers everything from their past lives up to the point of their rebirth.

Resurrection: The metal can also restore the host after total biophysical desiccation, restoring life to a dead body, or even physically reintegrate its user at a bio-molecular level.

Recall: Weapons forged through Nth Metal have the capacity to function without the need of physical handling.

Magic Negation: In recent continuity users can physically interact with as well as disrupt the presence of ghostly entities, magic creatures, and even break enchantments.

Energy Transference: Nth metal has the power to absorb and store vast quantities of energy for later redistribution.

Power Augmentation: The metal has the effect of greatly enhancing a user's powers.

Emotion Control: Nth Metal has the capacity to effect psionic influence on those who venture near it.

Adaptation: The symbiotic metal has the capacity to adjust and augment itself in order to better aid its wearer with new abilities.

Healing Nullification: Can weaken the recovery abilities of its user's foes, allowing the user to deliver killing blows.

Cosmic Awareness: The dark metal variant has the quality of sharpening a users senses to the point that they can see beyond the membrane of reality. The metal also has the capacity to view a persons truest self and secret desires to those whom wield it.

Reality Alteration: Nth Metal has the potential property of manipulating reality on a quantum level. While in the light of the prime multiverse, it has the capacity to change the nature of existence however the user wishes too.

Dimensional Travel: Dark/Nth metal can be used to breech inter-dimensional barriers to traverse across the multiverse and beyond.

Portal Creation: The metal can also trigger portals to and from other dimensions across the multiverse and the world forge.

Chronokinesis: Cross temporal space time abilities. Allowing for thoughts from one life to be sent to another life hundreds of years in the future, or the past.

Time Travel: Exactly as it sounds.

Summoning: The ability to summon the physical manifestations of every individual that had ever wielded the specific Nth metal enchanted weapon.

“Are you giving me the manual to all that? Because if you are, I'll sign right now.” Lash asked, while Mahanaim, Douma, Karter, Shayera, and Ramiel all looked at the list with wide eyes.

Wraith, Thanagar doesn't have half of that list! Where did you get it from!? -Shayera practically screamed across the link at him.

“Where did you get this list...” Douma asked.

“Are you giving me this manual, or not?” Lash asked, ignoring the question.

“No, Wraith we don't have half of that. Tell me.... Could you get a manual with all that information?” Mahanaim asked, as he slowly titled his head to one side like an owl would. It looked a little painful to watch.

“If I want to, yes I can.” Lash admitted, it was true.

“Would you be willing to teach the forge smiths of Thanagar if you did?” Mahanaim asked next. Lash had to think about it for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

“Do you still want the Vibranium?” Lash asked next.

“We'll buy it from you if its available but I think we would much rather have this manual can you get a copy for us?” Douma asked next.

“It would be possible, it may take a few years.” Lash admitted.

“We need to contact HQ...” Ramiel said next, still staring at the list.

“Lets break for the day!” Lash said and stood up, and closed the holographic list which snapped them out of their daze. Lash had the distinct impression that his Cosmic Patron was cackling like a mad man right now...


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