
***HR. Sahara Jungle Norther Africa***

The newly named Sahara Jungle was to this day still considered a marvel to anyone who laid eyes upon it. What was once a giant ocean of sands and turned into verdant jungle. Full of flora, and fauna. Animals, creatures, and even monsters that had not been seen on the Earth before stalked through the jungle. Animals with the Meta-Gene given new purpose. Hidden away in the very depths of the jungle, by spell craft were the oasis first crafted by Wraith during this journey with the now current King Arthur, and Queen Y'Mera.

To this day the only ones to ever find the oasis were the were-breeds that Wraith had first help establish a home. They, and their kin became the soul protectors of the oasis. But unfortunately even were-breeds are weak to the concept of money. Next to one of the oasis stood a half finished castle built from one of the many mountains near the magical waters. The castle was worked on around the clock by fanatics of the League of Assassins. Their master, Ra's al Ghul.

Despite the extreme difficulty of transporting building materials from outside the jungle to one of the new locations. Ra's refused to chop down the forest. As if he could! The jungle had retaliated to any and all attempts at deforestation. While the creatures with in the jungle became more violent the deeper one got inside the jungle. Despite all the dangers. Ra's loved the new Sahara Jungle. For centuries he had attempted to restore mother Gaea to its once fertile self. Wraith did it all in a few days. For that, Ra's would forever be in debt to the lizard.

Ra's stood at one of the unfinished ramparts of the castle. He watched in fascination as dozens of planes, helicopters, and spy drones from different countries tried to pierce the veil that concealed the jungle oasis. But none of them would ever succeed. Indeed, their time should be spent rebuilding their homes. The world was barely functioning, and these men of power spent more time chasing more of it then helping their own people.

“Father...” A feminine voice called out, a smile tugged on Ra's mouth before he schooled his expression. He turned to give his daughter Talia a side long look.

“Daughter?” Ra's replied.

Talia al Ghul stood at approximately 5'8” (172 cm) with a hourglass figure. Rich brown hair that bordered on black that reached the middle of her back. Part of her face was covered by her hair adding the temptation and confusion of others. She had deep brown eyes, just like her mothers. She strode towards Ra's wearing a jump suit that covered her from neck to toe. Though the front zipper was pulled half way down to reveal just a bit of her chest. Ra's knew it was ploy for simple men to stare at his daughters chest. A ploy that unfortunately always worked. So he never reprimanded his daughter for it. Talia walked with the grace, and lethality of a trained killer.

“Our reports with in the Seelie Court suggest that Wraith will be returning to Gotham in the next few days to help rebuild his city. He's just finished meeting with the Thanagarian Empire.” Talia said with a bemused expression. Though her eyes were distant as she looked through her memories.

“Good, please leave right away.” Ra's said next, and Talia in a brief moment of vulnerability crossed her arms over her chest and looked unsure. Ra's stepped forward and raised his daughters chin to look him in the eye.

“What if he says no?” Talia simply asked, after a moment of hesitation. Hesitation did not suit Talia, it did not look good on her.

“He won't, unlike the detective.... Lash see's the bigger picture.” Ra's replied, a smile tugging on his lips. “Though you may have to share him.” Ra's finished up with a shrug.

“My ego is not so fragile that I would break over something so simple.” Talia said with a smirk. There! That was his daughter.

“Go, travel quickly, and safely. Return with a favorable reply.” Ra's said simply, Talia saluted him with a fist over her heart and turned on her heel and left him to his musings.

So much was changing in the world. So much will change. Then he looked past the walls still under construction to see a pack of giant hyena's raging against his men. A smile spread across his face as he pulled a scimitar from his belt. Good, he needed the exercise. He jumped down from rampart, to rampart and soon joined his men at defending their new home. The hyena's were the size of lions, and twice as deadly. Their hideous laughter caused weaker men to lose their minds. Good thing none of his men were weak.


***HR. Watch Tower Station, Thanagarian Delegation Ship***

Delegate Douma was beside herself with excitement as she ran the ingot of Vibranium through the computers analysis system. The ship had access to the entire Empires worth of information. The machine had been scanning the ingot for six standard Earth hours and had yet to find a single comparison. While on another computer terminal, another system was running the possible applications to what Vibranium could be used for. Then the computer room door opened up and a haggard looking Mahanaim came in and collapsed into a chair. Douma frowned, Mahanaim always kept himself looking meticulous even during a battle.

“What happened?” Douma asked, as she went to the food dispenser in the room and retrieved a type dark tea from Thanagar and gave it to Mahanaim. He took it carefully, eyes glazed over as he sipped the drink.

“They put it to a vote, 51% to open negotiations, 49% to conquer the system and enslave the populace.” Mahanaim said with a grimace and Douma winced at the numbers.

“Do they really think he got the list from our old deities?” Douma asked the obvious question. When they sent the entire conversation back to the HQ it caused an uproar. Because several of the abilities of Nth metal were only possible with extra-planar help. Thanagarian's didn't like that, not at all.

“Some do... From the spies we have on Earth, Wraith isn't even considered one of the top magic smiths of his age. There are hundreds more capable then him. The science council want's to try and use the time travel method to send our entire empires worth of information back a few centuries and completely rewrite our history.” Mahanaim said with a soulless gaze. Douma sucked in her breath in shock.

The door to the computer room opened for a second time and Ramiel came with a conflicted expression. He gave wiry grin towards Mahanaim and took an offered seat from Douma. He sat down after his wings adjusted on his back. He looked like he was sorting out his thoughts so they gave him some time to think. Then he opened his mouth and...

“....System analysis complete. No known chemical composition found.” The computer beeped at Douma who jumped to her feet and ran over to check the information.

“It's a Rift metal, at least that is what our spies believe. Wraith walked into a Rift and came out with the ability to craft the ingots. So, a completely different reality.” Ramiel supplied the obvious answer but it needed to be said either way.

“Yes, I was afraid of that. From the samples I've taken there is no way to synthesize a duplicate. At least for now, the only supply we have is from Watch Tower Station.” Douma said with both excitement, and dismay.

“Kasdeja is being demoted and removed from the inquisitors spy network. She has always been a talented interrogator. So she'll go back to doing that, and only that. Maybe in a few decades she'll re earn her rank.” Ramiel said next, and Douma barked out a short laugh. Mahanaim winced, but didn't add anything.

“Central Intelligence has no idea how Wraith got the information on Kasdeja, or her sister. Who's been dead for nearly fifteen years. The fact that it was a sore spot for Kasdeja is only known by her direct superiors. It was described as an act extreme pride and jealously in her personnel file. Which takes a security level of 8 or above to read.” Ramiel said next, and Mahanaim sat up straight and set his tea cup aside.

“That would mean we have a mole in inner security?” Mahanaim asked, horrified in the revelation. Ramiel shrugged his shoulders and deflated just a bit.

“Every Green Lantern in the Thanagar is headed straight to the hub to get their rings recharged. With out the military installation in the system we will have to rely on espionage. Another convoy is on the way with a Nth metallurgy manual for Wraith. The military council has ordered us to be....Polite, and amiable towards any future negotiations with Wraith, and his Justice League.” Ramiel said, then stood up to get a drink from the dispenser.

What was not being said between the two delegates and military officer is why the Empire wouldn't just conquer the system and enslave the race. Thanks to UE, and the denizens of the planet it is completely possible that the deities of the planet it self would retaliate. Yes, Thanagar had killed and or defeated deities before. But what is not known to the galactic public is that it nearly destroyed their entire empire to do so. On top of all that, a majority of the deities they fought simply went back to their home dimension.

Additionally, nothing could stop Wraith and every magic forge smith from simply jumping to another dimension. Their entire world could be on fire, they could open up a gate. Gather up everyone they cared about and leave. Thanagar would have no way of tracking what dimension they jumped to. Maybe they could track the first one. But if the smiths were smart they would jump to one, then jump to another. Then they would be truly lost. All of these things were taken into consideration. Which was why the vote was so close. The Empire as a whole has decided to take the stance of. Wait, and see.

“.....Apologies for the interruption, but Wraith has left the station. He has work on the surface of the planet.” The intercom sounded off, and their communication officer relayed the message. Mahanaim grimaced at that.

“I think he knows we are in the palm of his hand.” Mahanaim said softly to two of them. Ramiel shook his head, and Douma nudged him to continue his thought.

“Apparently his home city on the planet is in ruins. He's heading home to rebuild the city. If we asked for a meeting, he would return promptly. He knows how powerful the Empire is. He wouldn't stiff us like that.” Ramiel replied to them, and Mahanaim felt a little better.

“Well! I'm going to the pleasure palace onboard. Apparently the owner is one of Wraith's granddaughters. I'll see about getting some information.” Douma said with a lascivious grin.

Ramiel, and Mahanaim both rolled their eyes. Sure, that is what she would be doing. Douma put the ingot of Vibranium in a secure storage locker and moved to her private cabin to get changed out of her diplomatic robes. She left the two men to their miss givings. Despite what they may think, she would be working while she played. Unlike most men, she could multitask.

She had to take a shuttle over to the trade hub due to the construction of the station. But that was fine. Dozens of little automated ships flew around, ferrying people back and forth. Douma was impressed with the shuttle design and comfort that came with it. Not often a chair had the design feature for wings in them. When the station shuttle docked, Douma stepped out and made her way through the trade hub. She stopped at an eatery and was shocked that they had Thanagarian food for sale.

Douma was enjoying a kliack meat stick when she felt a shiver roll up her spine. She glanced up to see a individual wrapped in shadow and smoke staring down at her. Douma tried to get an idea of who, or what they are. But they seem to shimmer in and out of sight. Like a mirage! The figure knocked on the table she sat at and spoke. Their voice was gender less.

“Apologies for disturbing your meal, Delegate Douma. I am Hex, head of security for the station.” Hex said to her. Douma's heart rate spiked but her face remained pleasant.

“Hello Hex, have I done something wrong?” Douma asked, as she cleaned her hands of grease.

“No, I wanted to speak to you. One spy to another.” Hex said simply, their lack of tact was a bit surprising but not unwelcome.

“Please join me.” Douma offered, and Hex took the offered seat. For a few minutes none of them said a word. Douma finished her meal and had a bit of black ichor, a station favorite.

“Why are you so interested in my grandfather?” Hex asked once Douma was finished. Again, Douma's heart rate went up but she kept her face indifferent.

“Who?” Douma asked in mock confusion. Hex's face was completely obscured by some means of camouflage but Douma had the distinct impression that they smirked at her.

“Wraith poses a danger to the Empire-...” Douma began to say but was interrupted.

“I asked, why YOU are interested in my grandfather. Not the Empire.” Hex said, a bit of snark in their voice. Douma narrowed her eyes this time, not liking that Hex seem to pick something up.

“I don't know what you mean.” Douma replied simply, as she crossed her arms and glared at Hex.

“My grandfather has heightened senses. It is something he passed on to all of his grandchildren. So when a female grows aroused, like you did in the meeting. It raises questions.” Hex said next, and Douma felt a blush crawl up her neck, into her cheeks, and into her ears. She hadn't blushed like this since she was in school.

“W..Wha....I....What?” Douma squeaked.

“Ah, I see you weren't even aware of it. Then this is all a miss understanding on my part. Please accept my apologies.” Hex said, then in one fluid motion stood up and pushed their chair in. Douma jumped to her feet and snarled out a reply.

“Wait just a damn minute!” Douma's embarrassment switched to rage quickly. Rage she could use, but before she could even reach out to grab Hex. Hex, was gone! It was at that moment a small baffle field dropped from around them. Letting Douma know that their entire conversation had been private.


Hex reappeared on an upper level where several engineer crews were working on the super structure. Her brother Malleus the chief engineer of the station was standing there. Malleus stood at approximately 6' (182 cm) with chocolate brown skin, long black dread locks that went past his shoulders. His golden eyes glanced at his kin with a smirk and he pulled out a cigar before Hex took it out of his mouth before he could lite it up. Malleus growled softly, but let it go.

“Dat was mean, Hex.” Malleus said, his Jamaican accent soft on Hex.

“It was meant to throw her off balance. Honnestly, I'm surprised she didn't consider it.” Hex replied to their brother.

“What? nuh Mi mean di cigar mi so-so hab suh bai ah dem.” Malleus said, and Hex gave him a withered look. Malleus only grinned in reply then leaned up against a guard rail watching Hex, watch Douma who stalked their way towards the pleasure palace.

“Yuh gwine warn Shylisa?” Malleus asked.

“She already knows...” Hex replied almost robotically.

“Mi did a worry bout Grandfather he seems frayed roun di edges. Dat a nuh lakka him.” Malleus said with a sad tone, and the professional nature of Hex seem to melt out of them.

“All we can do is help pick up the slack. You know him, he's not afraid to ask for help when he needs it.” Hex replied, Malleus shrugged helplessly. Yes, Lash did ask for help. But normally after he was half dead.

“Wah deh di verdict wid di Empire? War Ar Peace?” Malleus asked the question that was on every ones mind.

“Peace, for now. Wraith has something they want. They know they can't get it, if they force him. So until otherwise they will play nice. But we are dancing on a knifes edge. At our current strength the Empire could destroy us easily.” Hex replied and leaned their head to one side, a common occurrence when listening to a communication.

“Excuse me brother, I have to go.” Hex said, then gave Malleus a one armed hug that the big man returned. Then Hex walked away, with every step fading out of sight.

“Bi well!” Malleus said to them before they completely faded.

“Right! bac tuh work!” Malleus said, pulling out another cigar and lighting it up. A grin plastered across his face.


***HR. Watch Tower Station. Thirty minutes after the delegation meeting***

“That could have gone better.” Lash said, as he massaged his face with his clawed hands.

“You shouldn't have given so much away.” Bruce said next to him.

Lash, and the delegation crew sat in the main head quarters room. (The room with the big table.) Lash, Vyllith, Bruce, Diana, Clark, Karter, Shayera, and John. But Ryul had returned to his sheriff module to send a report to corporate headquarters. Lash had slumped into his chair and groaned in frustration the moment the doors closed. What was wrong with him!? Why didn't he cast Calm Emotions on himself. It would have made the whole situation different. He really didn't like seeing an inquisitor at his station.

“Declaring, and keeping a position of strength is a good thing to have in Thanagar politics. But I have to say I am curious. I didn't know you had spies on Thanagar, Wraith.” Karter said next to him and before Lash could reply.

“The information we talk about in this room doesn't leave this room, is that clear?” Bruce said, his voice went to everyone. But his eyes never left Karter, and Shayera who looked insulted he even had to ask.

Lash reached out with one clawed hand, and another tentacle to softly comfort Karter, and Shayera. He gave a look at them both, well as best a look as a six eyed reptile can give. “He's just being practical. How many times have you said, both of you have said how you like how pragmatic Batman is?” Lash asked, while Karter glared at Bruce, while Shayera grunted. But she did reach out to gently pat the tentacle that had reached out to comfort her.

“Yes, you have my word.” Karter said next.

“And you have mine.” Shayera said at last.

“I don't have any spies on Thanagar. My Cosmic Patron sent me the information.” Lash admitted, and both Thanagarian's stiffened at that.

“Nor does my Patron have any relation to the former deities of Thanagar. I won't dismiss that they may be in contact. Extra-dimensional, and planar beings tend to talk to one another.” Lash said next.

“It's true, the deities of Olympus hold parties for the other pantheons every decade. Each pantheon has a specific year. They mingle.” Diana supplied next, and they all had to agree.

“I thought you said that the information you got came from an ability you got from a Rift?” Clark asked, as he took a seat next to everyone.

“Oh that? I've had that before the Rifts even started to appear. It's called Insight, it shows me basic information about anyone I use it on. There are exceptions, but it works on most people. Where the information comes from exactly is unknown. I assume from my Patron, but it could come from the threads of fate it self.” Lash said in explanation as he pulled back in his seat but realized that Shayera had a hand on his tentacle and refused to let go, she smirked at him.

“Refugees.” Clark began but the whole room groaned at him.

“Superman I understand your willingness to help others. I applauded it, I really do. But we don't have anyplace to put them.” Lash said to the boy scout who scowled at him.

“I can't just snap my claws and terraform a planet, or a moon. It will take months of time to complete.” Lash said next, and Clark crossed his arms not happy about the answer.

“I think we've all been a bit spoiled with you around, Wraith. Terraforming normally takes decades to complete and billions of solar coins in resources to restore a planet. The mere fact that you can do that in months is astounding!” John said, and Clark looked at him in surprise.

“Your one to talk, John. Didn't you and your wife restore a star just the other day?” Shayera asked, and John looked embarrassed.

A star, several systems away was about to go supernova and kill billions of lives on a pre-FTL world. John, and Katma used the fabled ability of the Blue Lantern Rings to use the Hope of the planet's populace to infuse the sun, and turn it back into a healthy star with hundreds millions of years left on its lifespan. Not only did they save the solar system. But the planets in the system were infused with energy. Yes, it would take decades but many of those planets would soon have plant life, and the primordial soup required to make life. Several millions of years later and new civilizations would be born. All in a days work for a Blue Lantern.

“But, you promise we will make a home for those that have none?” Clark asked, and Lash smiled at him.

“Yes, Kal-El. I plan on making every planet, and moon livable. It may take a few years, but I'm not going any where.” Lash admitted to his friend, and Clark let it drop after that.

“Wraith, where did you get the list from?” Karter asked, and the whole room grew still. Vyllith who had been silent the whole time came to stand by his side and placed a gloved on on his shoulder.

“My Cosmic Patron assigns me tasks. When I complete the tasks I am granted rewards. They come in a variety of different uses. Some are new abilities, some are items of power. If I complete a task with stellar achievements I get more. My Patron keeps a point total for me. I can use this point total to get things they have. Like a complete manual for Nth metallurgy.” Lash replied, honestly surprised he didn't break the 4th wall from saying that out loud.

“Are your tasks dangerous?” Vyllith asked, Lash glanced up at her and shrugged.

“My Cosmic Patron doesn't look at them that way. They look at it more akin to is it entertaining.” Lash said, and Vyllith growled softly. Her helmet was still up so her voice was emphasized by the mechanical synthesizer.

“Do you have to complete the tasks given?” Shayera asked, stroking his tentacle in a comforting way.

“A majority of them are optional. A few are mandatory. My Patron is very big on free will. Its more entertaining that way. Because they never know what I am about to do.” Lash said with a helpless shrug.

“What if you become boring?” Bruce asked.

“Then one of two things will happen. They'll find some one new to empower. While I'll get to keep everything I have but grow no more. Or, they'll throw something at me. To get me to....Be fun again.” Lash said next.

“The Rifts.” John said softly.

“I do believe the Rifts are a natural phenomenon caused by the speedsters breaking the fabric of reality. But the Rifts that are stories, time fragments, scenarios? Those, are designed.” Lash admitted, and the whole room groaned.

Lash looked at his notifications on saw that Cosmic Awareness had gained several levels in experience from the conversation. Ah! So that was why he could talk about it. He also saw that he still needed to review six or more abilities that had evolved. He placed them under his secondary messages and would get to them when he had spare moment. Maybe next month? Simply put, Lash had to much to do.

Attention User! Your reality has completed 1,000 G grade Rifts.

Reward: G grade Rifts spawn rate has greatly diminished.

Reward: All G grade Rifts now completed will have x 2 the rewards given.

Note: F grade Rifts to be completed 892/1,000.

“Well that is good news.” Lash said in surprise, when they all looked at him he explained when the message was.

“Well looks like your Patron is throwing you a bone, at least.” Karter said with a smirk.

“How long will it take the Empire to deliberate on what to do with us?” Lash asked, and Shayera answered.

“4-6 Earth standard hours. If it takes longer than that, it's not good news.” Shayera replied, with a half smile as she let go of Lash's tentacle.

“I'm going back to Gotham...” Lash said, as he stood up in a fluid motion.

“Woah! You are not suppose to be in the field, remember?” Diana said next as she stood up with him.

“I'm going to use my Manifestations to help rebuild the city. I'll stay up and out of the way. You are welcome to join me. Your company is always welcome.” Lash said with a bow towards her. “But, I want to see my pack, it will do me some good.” Lash finished, and Diana couldn't argue with seeing family.

“Yihune want's to speak to you before we leave.” Vyllith said next to him, and Lash's shoulders drooped.

“Very well...” Lash replied.

So the after meeting was dismissed. Lash received hugs from everyone, and Bruce asked to talk to him privately when he came to Gotham. Lash sat back down in his selected chair, and Vyllith went to collect Yihune who came in after a brief moment. She looked worried, but her uniform was clean and pressed. She pulled out a data pad and handed it to Lash who looked it over with a frown. The United Nations, not the Supernatural Community. But the actual UN wanted Agent Wraith to rebuild cities. However, Gotham was not on the list.

“They want me to do what?” Lash asked, as he read through the third information packet. Yihune worried look grew.

“They want you to agree to altering several dozen selected military soldiers from the different nations. Many of the temporary JLI during the invasion admitted that you are capable of creating Meta's, manipulating genetics, etc. So they are ordering you to do it for them.” Yihune said, and winced as dark purple electrical energy danced across Lash's scales.

“Tell them to fuck off.” Lash replied, and pushed into the next section.

“They said if you refuse they will declare you an enemy of the UN, and issue a general warrant for your arrest.” Yihune said, and Lash turned to look at her.

“What do the Warden's say.” Lash asked, curious about their position.

“Technically the mundane UN can't force you to do anything. They also don't have the ability to issue a general warrant. So, your public identity as Agent Wraith is secure. But that just means that you have to be careful when you visit different nations. They may try and arrest you.” Yihune said with a grimace as Vyllith barked out a laugh, this earned a glare from Yihune.

“Do they not understand how insane that is? Wraith would take them apart.” Vyllith said in contempt.

“Tell the mundanes that, 'I will interview their selected and decide for myself if they are capable of surviving the transformation.' Use those exact words.” Lash said and surprised them both. A bit of tension melted off of Yihune and she nodded in acceptance.

“There are hundreds of major hospitals across the globe that have requested your presence. Very few Meta-Gene holders have healing capabilities. While the Supernatural Communities are looking after their own. Only a few have volunteered to step up and help in controlled circumstances. Ghost Industries is still in the process of producing the first medical bed. Shield and Sword say the business licenses to sell them across the globe will take time.” Yihune pointed out the next section.

“Director Waller would like you to visit the super max Belle Reve. She want's your input on security.”

“Inform her I'll drop by when I can.”

“She may not be available but the prison warden is aware of the meeting and will be prepared for you.”

“Torloth has sent a reminder that his other daughters are still waiting for some...Personal time with you...” Yihune said next, with a bit of a blush that crawled up her neck. Lash all but deflated while Vyllith laughed.

“Really!? That's in the data packet?” Lash asked, and pushed through it. Sure enough there was a message from Torloth. “Fuck!” Lash planted his face into the table in front of him. Vyllith gently patted him on the back.

“On a side note, Mr Wolf West has been recruited. He is now a weapon instructor aboard the station. He works with Kimiko in the training hall.” Yihune said, and Lash perked up a bit at that. (Chapter 44) “Also Mrs Victor Fries, and Mrs Nora Fries work in the science modules with Samanthei.” (Chapter 55)

“There is also a new drug on the market known as, 'Dark Venom' Its a combination of neo-steroid venom, and Dark Matter. It temporarily grants Meta powers. It's also incredibly addictive, and has a 1 out of 10 chance of killing the individual that uses it.” Yihune said, and Lash growled in irritation.

“I was under the impression the only ones who had access to venom were Blood-Kindred.” Lash asked.

“They were, until some blood-mutts contracted a blight druid and got it off the island.” Vyllith said next as she pushed through the packet with him.

“Queen Mera want's you to visit Atlantis so you can finalize consort ritual.” Yihune said next, then Lash vaguely remembered that Mera wanted Lash as a consort so he could freely visit Atlantis and help out. (Chapter 76)

“I'll drop by when I can.” Lash said, making no promises on when that will be. “Did they even get married?”

“Technically yes, they got married months ago. It was an official wedding ceremony between Atlantis, and Xebel. I believe you were in the alternate reality at the time.” Yihune said, prompting Lash to be even more confused. “Politics.” Yihune offered a reason why...

“The information on, Villains for Hire is sparse at best. The only information we have is that they have the ability to create Meta's artificially. As for locations, personnel, and resources. Our time is better spent on restoring the world for now.” (Chapter 80)

“Oh, and Lex Luthor became President of the United States. While Lena Luthor was temporarily declared the new CEO of the newly named, L-Corp. Lillian Luthor is the director of special projects. That should cover everything of note.” Yihune finished up with a smile.

“Thank you, Yihune. If you can please take some time off and spend it with your family.” Lash said as he stood up and swallowed the poor women in a hug. She squeaked in surprise but didn't pull away. After a moment she stepped back and tried to clear the air with a cough.

“I intend too! With your permission I'll take at least a week off?”

“Take two weeks off.” Lash replied, and sent the confirmation letter to Vici who recognized it and sent it to Yihune who beamed at him.

“Good luck!” Yihune said, and turned on her heel to scamper off to enjoy her vacation.

“Let's go visit some people.” Lash offered one of four of his clawed arms to Vyllith who took it gratefully.


Lash visited the training hall and found Wolf West running several trainees through the use of small arms. Specifically at the shooting range. A majority of the trainees were mundanes with unique skills, but a few had powers. Everyone went through weapons training at one time or another. Even if they had powers that could rival a tank. They still had to be certified. Wolf glanced at Lash but soon returned to his lesson. Lash stood off to the side with Vyllith while only a few trainees noticed him everyone kept their eyes on Wolf.

Wolf West aka Dead Shot. Stood at approximately 6'1” (185 cm) with chocolate brown skin, cold brown eyes, and short brown hair that was cut short. He had a stylized and well groomed beard. Along with an inverted triangle figure. He wore a JLI polymer jumps suit with out the exoskeleton to show that you didn't need to be super strong to fire a high caliber rifle. Just well trained. While he was teaching the trainees he was cold, spoke very few words, and zeroed in on the smallest details.

Wolf took up a firing position and shot with a gauss rifle and put three shots into three different heads at 100 meters. Kinda. It was a training weapon, and they were in the training hall. So an optical illusion made through magical technology created a realistic environment. While the weapon did everything it should, except it wasn't really loaded. Still realistically loud too! Wolf then started to instruct each trainee on how to handle the rifle before he stepped away to speak to Lash.

“Hey boss! How's life.” Wolf said as he walked over with a small smile and shook Lash's hand, and nodded towards Vyllith.

“Busy, sorry it took me so long to come visit you.” Lash replied, and Wolf shrugged his shoulders with an easy smile on his face.

“What you've saved the whole planet like 8 times? Working on your ninth now? I'm surprised you have time to sleep!” Wolf replied.

“He barely does that.” Vyllith said, and Lash grumbled naturally at his hell Knight.

“I only saved the planet once, and it was a team effort.” Lash replied to Wolf who smirked.

“One is all you need. So, when is that Lunar academy going to happen? Supposedly the teaching staff can live on the colony with their family, that true?” Wolf asked, a hopeful lite in his eyes.

“Yes, that is true. However the Lunar academy is on hold until we can clear out the hostile force on the moon. Approximately 10,000,000 hostiles.” Lash replied, and Wolf winced at the number.

“But once they are cleared out, we'll terraform the moon and build a colony on it. Shouldn't take that long.” Lash said, Wolf looked at him like he had lost his mind. Maybe he did.

Before Wolf could say anything else, all the trainees had finished going through their drills and Wolf went back to being the instructor. Lash excused himself with a small wave and Wolf nodded back. Lash, and Vyllith went to visit Victor, and Nora up at the science modules. But when they reached that level in the station they found an avalanche of blue berry bubbles had swallowed the whole level and the tiny pink bunny like creatures attached to the ceiling. Lash didn't have the time, or the mood to deal with that. So he decided to just head to the portal hub.

With a soft pop, and the ambient glow of magical energy. Lash, and Vyllith found themselves on the garden balcony of his home. The gargoyles shifted in place, took notice of him then went back to their jobs. Before Lash could take two steps he was swarmed by griaks who smothered him in glee. The tiny monsters landed on him, poked and prodded him. While Vyllith sat back in amusement. She retracted her helmet revealing her red skin, lilac eyes, and rich black hair tied back into a braid.

“Hello! Hello! Its you!”

“Welcome back Warden!”

“Hey! Hey! Do you have any treats for us!”

“Can you make the tree bigger, its getting crowded?”


“CANDY! CANDY! CANDY!” They all started to shout!

“Hello! Yes, I can make the tree bigger. Yes, I can make you all some food. Let me get to the kitchen.” Lash replied, and a smile spread across his snout. He worked his Nature Domain and cast the spell Growth, the metallic tree grew in size.

Lash then used Fabrication, and Alteration to build another wing to the tiny mansion of the griaks home that he had on his balcony. But of course they only flooded into his house when Vyllith opened the door. Lash stepped inside and pulled off his Transformation. He looked around and noticed that his home while spotless thanks to brownie spirits that clean his home. There was no one around. He vaguely remembered that Lizzy, and Isabella lived in the building now. They must have moved out into their own space.

“Just you and me, then?” Lash asked, as Vyllith grinned at him.

“Yes, for now. The moment they learn your home they will come flooding here.” She replied and started to pull cheese and crackers out of the cupboards for the griaks who cheered.

Lash enjoyed a moment of simple pleasure and fed the griaks, he created cotton candy for them which with the benefit of hindsight turned out to be a mistake. As a living horde of griaks came fluttering in from across the city. So much cotton candy! So many griaks.... Six hours of candy making until they were all satisfied. The last of them was sent scurrying away with chocolate. Then Vyllith shut the door behind them and relaxed. The sun was starting to rise and she hit the security shutters to block out the light. She prowled over to Lash and pulled him to his feet.

“Hmmm?” Lash looked at her in confusion and she tugged him towards his bedroom.

But the bed was not the destination. Vyllith pulled Lash to his master bathroom and he discovered at some point she had drew him a bath with hot water. Thanks to their spell craft pulling their gear off was as easy as pressing a few switches and saying a command word. Lash's daemonic/warden gear folded into his Spatial Item/Storage container.

Vyllith's armor was gone in a flash of crimson golden divine light, true to her daemonic heritage she had obtained from Lash. She had a seductive hourglass figure with bouncing breasts, and a supple ass. Tribal black tattoos were tastefully drawn up and down her body accentuating her curves. The black horns on the crown of her head gleamed like obsidian stone. Her rich black hair was like a curtain of darkness once free of its braid. Her knife pointed ears helped to keep her hair out of her face. Her diamond tipped tail wrapped around Lash's wrist and she tugged on him.

“Step in side, please.” Vyllith said with a smile on her face, as her eyes danced up and down Lash's naked form.

Lash was 6'6” (198 cm) while Vyllith was 6' (182) so he glanced down at her but did as she asked. While his wide as door body type slid into the master tub it was large enough to accommodate him. He had tribal tattoo marks all across his body, 20 different domains, 20 different styles. They came in a variety of colors. But each one was emphasized now with a dark purple glow. From the tear drop power stone that resided on his forehead.

Lash let out a soft groan as he slipped into the near boiling hot water and let his body adjust to the temperature. Technically Lash could bath in lava at this point and find it relaxing. But the point was understood. Vyllith slipped into the bath next to him with a scrub brush in hand and assorted oils, bath salts, and body wash. Her intentions clear as day.

Vyllith had been a servant in a carriage in Tartarus. She knew how to serve, and how to please. It was through Lash's involvement that she was now a Daemonic Knight, serving a Daemon Count. She had so much more freedom then she ever thought possible and reveled in it. Lash hardly ordered her to do anything, so she was always looking for a way to help. Lash loved her initiative and hardly had any reason to order her.

Vyllith gently placed all of the bath items one by one on the side and leaned across the bath water. Giving Lash an eye full of her water covered breasts, and her erect nipples. He made no move to reach her. But Vyllith glanced at his crotch to find his cock fully erect and peaking out of the bath water just barely. She sat back down next to him in the tub and poured a stimulating bath salt into the water. It sent a tickling sensation up an down their skin.

“Now, befo...Eeee!” Vyllith said with a squeak as Lash reached out and snagged her. Placing her sideways across his lap. His erect cock pressed up against her ass. She wiggled a little in delight, as her tail twitched back and forth.

“Sorry, you were saying?” Lash asked, as he played his hands up and down the front, and back of Vyllith. Sex, and Subliminal Seduction activating. Vyllith moaned as he touched all the right places, and her entire body shook like a leaf.

“Las...Lash!” Vyllith entire body shook as she arched her back. She twisted, and wiggled in his lap. Then moved her legs around so she was straddling him. His cock between her legs, but not inside her. She glared down at him, but no hostility was in her stare.

“The other ladies will be jealous if we continue.” Vyllith said softly, a pout on her plump lips. Lash ran a hand along her face, and she leaned into it.

Vyllith wanted to be with Lash. Body, mind, and soul. This was not coercion, or obligation. Yes, she was thankful for what he did. But her feelings for him had grown into genuine interest and love over time. The real question was, would Erik let it happen? Erik had changed, a lot since he started to play....live in the dream. Erik, Lash, and Saurian together made up a brand new person. One who wasn't scarred by the actions of the past. But even then...

“I'm so fucked up...” Lash said more to himself then her. Vyllith still blinked at him in dismay and leaned into hug him.

“It doesn't matter... I still love you all the same.” She said, whispering the words into his ear.

“Vyllith ended up giving Lash a bath that he thoroughly enjoyed. Full of sensual pleasures that bordered on erotic but never crossed a line. Then they both fell into his large bed together. Lash wrapped his arms a round the naked daemon, while she crawled into his embrace.

“One day?” She asked...

“One day... I'm sorry I'm so complicated.” Erik replied.

Erik Lash, and Hunter Saurian had a long list of women that wanted to sleep with him. Erik was the one that kept putting it off. The spirit of Lash had lived dozens of, if not hundreds of different lives. While Saurian was essentially new to the world. Though he did look at the world from a different perspective. So why have sex at all? Honestly, because he wanted to. But other times he didn't. Erik was not ruled by his sex drive.

“It is because you are complicated that I was given a chance at freedom. I love you, and trust me when I say I can wait.” Vyllith said with a smile and leaned up to softly kiss his lips with her own.

Lash leaned into the kiss. They continued with out haste, or overpowering passion. But simple, casual, and slow. Eventually Lash pulled back, then kissed her nose. Vyllith wiggled said nose and gave him a bemused expression. She returned the favor, then snuggled up close and closed her eyes. Lash soon did the same and they both fell asleep in each others arms. He drifted off to sleep, and dreamed for the first time in a long time......


'Hi there! My name is Peter Parker! Or as the city likes to call me. The Amazing Spider Man! I know, I know. Why am narrating my life, well obviously its for you! Or maybe I'm just losing my mind? Who knows.'

Peter thought to himself with a laugh as he shot webbing from his wrist mounted device. The web connected to a skyscraper window and he swung from building to building with the flow of a dancer or an acrobatic genius. Of course he couldn't enjoy his time as he was late! He was running behind and needed to meet MJ at the park. He swore he was not going to be late this time. But unfortunately the city of New York has a tendency to ruin his plans.

Gun shots rang out below as the two NYPD police cars chased a car down the street. Peter turned mid swing and catapulted himself down the street to catch up. He swung ahead of the runaway car just as a gunman hung out from the window and shot at the cops. He shot out a webbing and yanked the gun from the perp. The man looked shocked then cussed up a storm as he pulled himself inside the car.

But right before Peter could swing down and stop the car, the gunman leaned back out with a rocket propelled grenade launcher or as its commonly referenced as an RPG. The man shot it before Peter had any time to react. But obviously the man didn't shoot it at Spider Man, oh no. The man shot it at the L-train that they just passed under. Now, Peter had to choose between chasing the car, or helping the train that was coming around the bend.

Peter chose the train and swung back around to get under the destroyed pillar that should have been supporting the train. He pushed the pillar back into place and webbed up the destroyed pillar to help reinforce the structure. Then he raced up towards the incoming train hoping the driver would see the damage and brake. Fortunately the man did, and proceeded to pull the brakes. But they wouldn't have enough time.

“Sorry, MJ looks like I'll be late.” Peter said, as he swung down and used himself as an anchor.

That is incredibly stupid you know. -A voice said in Peter's mind.

“What!? Who's there!?” Peter shouted out, as he shot web, after web then used himself to slow the train down.

Stop being a dumb ass! Get back on top of the train and shoot webs out and connect them to each train car. Each web would decrease the amount of speed the train collects. Do it...NOW! -The voice shouted at Peter. He wasn't sure why but he listened.

Peter climbed to the top of the train and shot webs out and connected them to each train car. It wasn't as brave, or cool looking. But it got the job done, and with far less hassle. Thanks to the voices advice the train stopped several yards before it ever hit the ruined line. The people cheered, and Peter still had two minutes to get to the park.

Now, stop lying to MJ about who you are and tell her the truth. -The voice said, and Peter nearly collided with a building as he swung towards the park.

“What?! I can't do that. She'll...” Peter began.

She'll what? Completely understand? She'll understand why you are so late all the time? She gushes about Spider Man every time you see her. Just tell her the truth! And would you please get off your ass and get one of your inventions patented already? Just one! The spider silk tensile strength alone could revolutionize construction. Aunt May would never have to worry about bills again. Or you for that matter. Stop being a dumb ass! -The voice shouted in Peter's ear.

“OK! OK!” Christ...

Watch your language, Peter! -The voice shouted at him.

Peter swung into central park and snagged MJ straight off the park bench much to her delight, and fright. She also punched Peter in the face when he took his mask off. Then she kissed him a few minutes later. A few months later he got his spider silk placed in a public-private sector patented. The voice was right his family Aunt May, and his new wife MJ would never need to worry about money again. Peter also never heard the voice again...


Congratulations User, one of your past lives has awarded you with. Superhuman Agility.

Superhuman Agility: The User with this ability can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips, leap across rooftops, and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little to no effort.

Lash opened his eyes after he read the message and he sighed. He vaguely remembered living the life of Peter Parker and hated it. He was such a clueless, dense, and idiotic man-child. It took decades for him to get his own head out of his ass. It was one of the first lives he had ever lived. He was still new to the whole 'game' his Cosmic Patron had set up. He was just excited to live a new life, a life with super powers, and the ability to help people. It wasn't long before he hated living through his different lives with little to no control over anything. Not like this one. Here Lash had far more control of his life then his previous ones.

Lash looked around his dark room and saw that Vyllith had turned around and now had her back pressed tight up against his chest. Like most men, Lash had morning wood even though it was 4:30 pm. So later afternoon wood. The erection was pressed up against her ass. Lash attempted to adjust himself with out disturbing her but soon realized that Vyllith was pressing her ass against him intentionally. She was wiggling just a little bit.

“Vyllith...” Lash said softly.

“Hmmm...” She said sleepily. Lash grinned at her and reached around and played with one of her nipples, Vyllith squeaked in surprise.

“I'm awake! I'm awake!” Vyllith said, and stopped wiggling.

Lash stopped, and just pulled her close to him and hugged her. She soon went back to wiggling accidentally and fell back to sleep. The Lash leaned in and bit the back of her neck like a cat would for another. Vyllith let out a moan that rolled through her chest, all the way down to her toes. Her tail whipped back and forth lightly. One of her hands slipped between her legs and she started to pleasure herself.

“This is your fault you know.” Vyllith said in between pants.

“My fault?” Lash said, as he let go of her neck. She whimpered softly, but continued to wiggle her ass up against him. While her hand continued to play around.

“Hundreds of men, and women want to be with you. But you barely glance at them. But you take your time, and spend it with me! What's a girl to do with such attention?” Vyllith asked, in a mocking pout.

“Ah, I suppose that is true.” Lash said as he reached around and ran his hand along her clit. Vyllith jumped in surprise and let out a load moan. Lash poured Subliminal Seduction into Vyllith and played her like harp, full of high, and low notes. Until she found release and came all over his hand. He reached up and licked his hand clean.

“That was mean...” Vyllith said, but clearly enjoyed it. She rolled around to face him, and one of her hands reached down between his legs and wrapped her fingers around his cock. He reached down to stop her and she raised a brow at him.

“I'm perfectly fine.” Lash said simply, and Vyllith pouted at him.

“But what if I want more?” She asked.

“You'll have to wait then.” Lash replied with a smirk and she growled at him.

“Your different today...” Vyllith said as she sat up with a snarl and inched to the edge of the bed to get dressed.

“Maybe...” Lash replied, then sat up and came to her side. Then pulled her back into his lap.

He sat cross legged, her legs wrapped around his waist. While she began to rock her hips back and forth. Her labia, and vaginal walls pressing up against his erect cock. They both groaned softly as Lash leaned down to steal a kiss, something that Vyllith freely gave and pushed her tongue into his mouth. Lash reached up and grabbed a fist full of rich black hair and pulled it back. Vyllith moaned loudly as she arched her back.

“Please don't stop...” She whispered.

Lash reached into his being and activated, 'Apostle of Qetesh' and suddenly Vyllith could feel everything that Lash could feel. While he could feel everything Vyllith could feel. It was a circle, and divine ceremony of tantric sex. Vyllith's eyes fluttered, and Lash waited until she opened them fully before he gently adjusted himself and slipped inside of her. They both gasped in absolute bliss. Feeling what each other felt.

“Stars above!” Vyllith all but screamed as her lilac eyes began to glow with crimson light. Then slowly she began to roll her hips, and Lash slowly began intricate symbols along her back. Each complete symbol amplified the connection they shared.

They kissed, embraced, and thrust into one another. But each action was deliberate, and slow. It was a gradual build up. The connection they shared amplified through the teachings of Qetesh. While they both were infused with magical energy. Vyllith screamed in out rapture and she sucked his cock into her body and nearly stole everything from him. He came with her and nearly collapsed onto the bed but they kept each other anchored.

Attention, would the User like to impregnate?


Attention User! You've used Apostle of Qetesh. For the next 24 hrs all abilities will be empowered by 30%, you and your partner.

Vyllith, and Lash both were gasping for air as sweat rolled down their bodies. Their hearts slowly returned to a resting pace, and their bodies stopped shaking in glee. Lash continued to gradually kiss Vyllith along the neck, jaw line, lips, she reciprocated, but she bit into his neck harshly when he gave a teasing thrust into her body. Her nails grew into claws and raked down his back. Thankfully it did very little damage.

“Stop! Just....Wait. Sensitive.” She hissed into his ear. Lash wasn't any better, that one thrust and sent him nearly over the edge again.

So Lash ran his hands up and down her back. His nails delicate across her sensitive skin. Each stroke earned him a shiver, but she didn't bite him this time. Lash could feel the magical energy in their bodies filled to the brim. He practically vibrated with energy, which was saying something with the tear drop power stone in his body. The stone was vibrating in excitement. Apparently no one ever had sex, while holding the power stone before. The sentient stone was giddy.

“So, want to go again?” Lash asked, and Vyllith laughed in delight as she pressed her forehead against his.

“Yes please...” Vyllith replied.


5 hours later, Lash and Vyllith finally left the bedroom. They both walked funny, and had a particular glow about themselves. Erik....Was content. While Saurian was satisfied. Though he hoped they could go hunting in the next few hours. He wanted to get into a fight! Lash elected not to take a shower so he could enjoy the smell of Vyllith all over him, as did his knight for him. He went to the kitchen completely naked and proceeded to make dinner for them.

Vyllith jumped onto the island in the kitchen and kicked her legs back and forth as she watched him work in the kitchen a smile on her face. Her hands were braced on the island, while her chest stuck out, her tail idly twitched back and forth. Her lilac eyes watched him contently like a cat who caught the canary. Lash glanced at her while he was throwing a pair of steaks onto the grill. They needed protein.

They didn't say a word to each other. Just enjoyed the silent companionship that came with what they had just done together. It wasn't weird, it didn't really change anything. She was still his one and only knight. He was still her Lord, and Master. He served rosemary potatoes, and seasons steak. They sat side by side and ate in silence. He did the dishes, then regretfully headed to the shower. Though she tagged along.

As much as he wanted to keep her scent. Traveling into Gotham at night with the smell of sex on them can lead to miss understandings. Especially if they encountered any were-breeds. The shower was large enough that they could both bathe at the same time. Though Lash did take the distinct pleasure in watching Vyllith lather up her body in soap. After the shower Lash put up her hair in a french braid.

Then they both used Calling and summoned their armor. Lash then used Transformation, Vyllith ran a finger along his snout and a look of fascination, and flirtation danced across her eyes. Lash knew that look. Vyllith wanted to see what Lash was like in his hybrid state. Saurian sent a seductive growl through their chest and Vyllith shivered in delight. She pressed a finger along her collar and her helmet snapped over her head. The vacuum seal hissed softly, then she walked away a particular sway to her hips as she did so.

Lash's home came with a hidden elevator that had gotten installed...He wasn't sure when. But it took them underground garage that his building had. Then with Invisibility they went to another stair case that took them to the sewers. Then he used Manifestation and called all 1110 Saurus Warriors, Veterans, and Elites. A portal made from darkness, and starlight appeared. Out poured his army, and they started from his home and worked their way out.


***HR. Earth, Gotham City, MCU***

James Worthington "Jim" Gordon aka the Commissioner of Gotham Police Department. Was having another late night, he sat on top of the MCU next to a flood light with the symbol of the Batman on it. While he waited he worked, he had a laptop out and was drinking some coffee. He practically had an entire office up on the roof. Phone service, WiFi, and an orthopedic office chair. Something his daughter had bought for him with her last paycheck.

Jim was happy for his daughter, Barbara. She had gotten a nice job at Ghost Industries, away from the action. Sure she worked with Meta's all day. But she was helping kids learn to control their abilities. Kids who had been kicked out of their homes because their parents hated them. Jim ground his molars at the idea of kicking his own kids out of the house for something that was out of their control. He wanted to march up to every parent that did that and break their jaws.

Barbara was on staff at the CSA facility just outside of Gotham. She loved the work! Got paid well, and Ghost Industries was paying for her tuition to finish college. That was another bonus. Gotham University was not cheap. But most of all, she was out of town, and away from danger. Jim took a sip of his coffee then glanced up only to practically jump out of his skin at the sight of Batman, Nightwing, and Batgirl standing on the roof top a few feet away from him.

“Gah! Don't do that!” Jim screeched at them. Batgirl winced at his yelling but kept her mouth shut. She always did around Jim, he often wondered if he had offended her somehow.

“Sorry, Commissioner.” Nightwing said with a smile on his half covered face.

“It's alright, kid. Tricks of the trade I understand. Good to see you three, how goes the war?” Jim asked, as he walked over to shake Batman's hand who returned the gesture. Jim did the same for Nightwing, and Batgirl.

“Aren't you missing someone?” Jim asked, as he looked for Robin. The kid was bright, but had a bit of a mouth on him.

“He's patrolling...” Batman said in his usual cold voice. Jim shrugged and didn't pay it any mind.

“So, usual issues. The food, water, and medicine that is coming in from the JLI is getting high jacked. The further it gets from the distribution center the harder it is to keep track of. There are some pushers over in Bludhaven dealing Dark Venom.” Jim said as he handed the files out. Nightwing frowned at hearing his territory was getting nastier. Jim could understand it.

“The next issue is our supply depots are getting robbed blind. I don't have the man power to keep them all guarded by the police so we have to ask for civilians. Civilians, and I'm afraid to say police are taking bribes to look the other way as people make off with the construction materials. Every depot that is pilfered means another few weeks, or even months before this city gets back on its feet.” Jim continued.

“Shouldn't be that big of a deal much longer.” Nightwing said softly, then jumped as Batgirl and elbowed him. Then glanced at Jim who smiled at her in thanks. She quickly looked away.

“I mean, with Wraith back in town.” Nightwing continued, then took a step back in surprise as Jim was right up in his face.

“What did you just say!?” Jim said, his voice dripped with anger.

Jim did not like Wraith. He had grown accustomed to Batman and his team because at the end of the day. They solved more problems then they caused. But Wraith? Wraith was an unstable chemical mixture being poured open vat of toxic sludge just waiting to explode! He was above the law, and Jim hated him for it. He hated that an alien had a badge! Superman was a good guy, Jim had met him several times. But Wraith? Wraith pissed Jim off.

“Commissioner...” A feminine voice said behind him and Jim jumped out of his skin again! There behind him was Batwoman. In her vantablack armor, with cherry red bat symbol on her chest, and crimson wig. She had a hate filled glare pointed straight at him.

“You do realize that the food, water, medicine, and building supplies that come in from the JLI, are all coming from Wraith? Right?” Batwoman said in accusation. Jim looked like he had bitten into something sour.

“...Yes...” Jim replied, that really took the cake. He had found out from Batman that Wraith had created machines to create the supplies. The supplies that was the life blood of the city. Not just the city, the world. But before he could bite back a remark the door to the office floor opened up.

“Commissioner!” The officer shouted, and Jim whirled around to look at him. Then looked around as there was not a single sign of any Bat on the rooftop.

“What?” Jim asked.

“Sir, we hare reports of giant reptiles coming out of the sewer systems across the city. They are repairing buildings, street lights, even ruined cars. I think Agent Wraith is back!” The officer said with a grin that soon melted off his face as Jim looked like he was about to blow a casket.

“That...Tha...That's just great! Thanks for telling me!” Jim shouted at the officer who fled back down stairs. Jim took several calm breaths, flipped out his phone and called his daughter.

“.....Hi dad! Why are you calling so later?” Barbara's voice was like sweet music to his ears. Then he looked at the clock, as it said 11:30 pm. Barbara had early mornings with the kids.

“Oh I'm sorry sweet girl! I just...Long day at the office. I'm calling your mother next, but I just wanted to hear your voice. Sorry, go back to sleep.” Jim said apologetically.

“Are you sure? I can talk...” Barbara yawned across the line and Jim grinned.

“No, its ok sweet heart. I'll talk to you tomorrow.” Jim replied.

“OK, if your sure. Love you dad.” Barbara said and promptly hung up. Jim laughed and dialed his wife next.


***HR. Earth, Gotham City. A few roof tops over***

“I'm still surprised he hasn't figure out your secret.” Batwoman said with a dismissive gesture towards Jim.

“He wouldn't understand, he doesn't look at me that way. And do you have to give him such a hard time?” Batgirl said in reply as she tucked the phone away into her belt.

“Does he have to be such a jerk about Wraith?” Batwoman replied, and Batgirl had nothing to rebuke with.

“Enough, we have work to do. Nightwing check in at Bludhaven and track down any leads you have about the Dark Venom. Batgirl go with him. Batwoman and I will head off to find Wraith. Then we'll move over to joker territory.” Batman said next, they all agreed with out question and moved off.

Nightwing, and Batgirl climbed down from the rooftops and jumped onto the motorcycles. While Batwoman rode her own motorcycle while Batman rode in his Bat-mobile. As they drove off in opposite directions one by one they each saw man hole covers being lifted and giant lizardmen stepping out and fixing the area. Each one noticed the Bat family and nodded towards them.

With in two hours all of Gotham City had access to clean water again. Soon followed by sewer access. Then one by one buildings with out power started to turn back on. Decrepit buildings became brand new. Solar panels, wind turbines, water towers, photokinetic windows, etc, etc. Months worth of work done in a few hours.

Batman, and Batwoman eventually found their query. Wraith was walking down main street with a woman in full tech armor at his side. Vyllith, his knight. Batman pulled to a stop and jumped out of his car, while Batwoman pulled up and stepped off her motorcycle. Wraith was in the middle of repairing a major crack in the road. He finished his job and looked up with a bright smile that sent a shiver down Batwoman's spine. He was terrifying to look at. But she smiled back, and walked over with a skip in her step.

“Batman, Batwoman, a pleasure and a privilege to see you both. How can I help?” Wraith said to them. There, there was one of the reasons Batwoman liked him so much. Always willing to help.


***HR. Earth, Gotham City***

Lash bowed from his waist as he greeted them both. Vyllith did the same. Batman nodded simply, while Batwoman smiled back at him. All the while his tentacles were shooting out spells of Repair, or Renew. Dozens of Saurus Warriors lined the streets, or climbed the buildings to rebuild the city. Lash's energy kept dropping dramatically, and the tear drop power stone would recover the energy in seconds.

“Robin is missing...” Batman said, and Lash stopped casting his magic so he could focus on the conversation.

“How long?” Lash asked

“24 hours, he went missing in joker territory.” Batman said next and Lash activated Criminal Underworld Lore. Along with his Gotham Sub-Ability.

Joker territory exploded during the recession of Gotham City. A gang made up of the ideals, and anarchy that was the joker. A majority of them are sociopaths with little to no real connection to anything. They worship the ideals of chaos. They seem to react at random, and have no set goal. But oddly enough they have very complex plans, ploys, and pull off some of the most elaborate pranks. It is a 50/50 chance the pranks are either lethal, or none lethal.

Joker territory is made up of the old carnival grounds that never recovered after the original Joker warped reality, then died from Lash ripping the idol of Loki out of his chest. There is still a lot of magical residue there. While the territory has also spread to Arkham island, and the surrounding Narrows that never recovered after the tidal wave caused by Prince Orm during the Atlantis reveal. Due to the invasion, and the lack of resources. Gotham has left the entire area to rot. The rot has seemingly grown with each passing day.

Joker territory is oddly ruled over by a council of jokers. Each one chaotic as the next. They rarely work together, and often fight one another. Each side has a large army of thugs, and psychopaths. That follow their rules like holy writ. They are also one of the few manufactures of Dark Venom on the East Coast. This is their primary source of income. Which allows them to buy weapons, ammunition, supplies, and enough cannon fodder that enjoys the addiction of power that comes with Dark Venom.

Lash took a moment to organize his thoughts and gave an edited version of Criminal Underworld Lore to them both. Batman was aware of all of it, besides the Dark Venom production. He never found any evidence of it. But it did make sense. Lash was not pleased that the jokers were even around. He went through a lot of crap to ensure that the original Joker died. He didn't want to see a repeat of it.

“Do you have something of Robins? A memento?” Lash asked, Batman pulled a pocket knife from his utility belt. It had the initials JT inscribed in gold calligraphy on the side.

Lash carefully took the pocket knife from Batman with Telekinesis Lash didn't want to touch it. He could feel Jason's soul residue on it. Lash gestured for them to follow him. They worked their way down the street to a now fully restored corner park and Lash walked towards the sand box. Then began to inscribe a temporary ritual circle into the sand. He placed the pocket knife dead center, floating above the circle. Then he used Clairvoyance.

Lash's vision was pulled from himself and was flung across the city, then was driven through concrete, wood, and fabric to find himself inside a circus tent. Jason Todd aka Robin was tied up, spread eagle in the middle of a room. His uniform stripped from him until he was naked. He was covered in whip marks, branded with hot irons, and several needle thin pokers were carefully pushed through his body. Avoiding all the vital organs, but still extremely painful. Jason was blissfully unconscious.

Lash's vision rebound and he was back at the sand box and an inhuman snarl crawled up his throat. Every Saurus Warrior, Veteran, and Elite in the whole city stopped what they were doing. Turned and started to sprint towards the carnival grounds. Then with out warning Lash bolted from his position and started to sprint across the ground on all six limbs. Batman, Batwoman, and Vyllith hard on his tail.


*** - Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries from "Die Walküre"***

Though they did not fly, they did run rather quickly. A horde of Saurian creatures galloped at a fast pace straight towards the carnival grounds. They swarmed up buildings, and down through the streets. So fast, and fast many of them that the constant push, and pull of their clawed hands, and feet sounded like drums of war. For the civilians still living in the area they believed an earth quake had arrived to at last blow the last bit of the homes they had left.

The few of them came running out of their homes only to see the ocean of scaled creatures racing past them. They stared, jaws open in horrified fascination as the creatures rushed past. They at last crested the last of the still in tact buildings and rushed through the ruins straight towards the carnival. What few joker thugs present and accounted for looked on in fright. Many of them looked down at the varies drugs they had been snorting, or injecting and making mental notes to buy that stuff again. Then they realized to late it was not a hallucination, or a bad trip as a warrior pounced forward with claws extended.

“Were under attack!” A joker shouted!

Was the last shout before the outer perimeter fell like grain to the scythe. Booom!.....Booom!.....BOOM!.....BOOOM! The gradual stomp of foot steps brought a new nightmare to the jokers as a 80 foot tall kaiju dinosaur creature came around the corner and roared at them. The roar was so powerful it left ripples in the air, and sent a shock wave of indescribable fear through them all.

“Surrender! Or suffer!” The kaiju roared, a few dozen clearly believed they were tripping balls and promptly feinted. While the rest started to cackle in mad glee. They each pulled out a sticker from their pockets. About the size of a nicotine patch and slapped it onto their arms.

1 out of ten of them died on the spot. They puked blood, and melted into a puddle of black goop. While the other 9 all took on a plethora of meta powers. One particular man grew large, so large he nearly rivaled the size of the kaiju. His clothing tore apart, and he clapped his hands in glee. Only for the dinosaur to Blink from where he was to right on top of the man. Despite his massive size, he still screamed like a stuck pig as the monsters claws raked through his body.


Saurian was giddy! Though he was also upset. He did not like the jokers hurting his people. Though Jason was a part of the Bat family. Selina cared about him, and Selina was part of his pack. So that made Jason one of Saurian's. He did not like what the jokers had done to him. He ripped the mutated Meta apart and ate the mans heart. Devour, Consume, Evolve was used and....

Congratulations User, Basic Size Alteration has evolved into Intermediate Size Alteration.

Effect: Slight increase to abilities power.

Effect: Slight decrease to abilities energy consumption.

Effect: The User may include their available gear in the alteration. Works in tandem with... (See tool tip.)

Saurian quickly pushed the other notifications back from days ago. Yes, he would have to sit down and look through them. Or rather Lash would have to.

Thanks buddy, your wonderful. -Lash grumbled across their link. Saurian chuckled then grew to 100 feet tall, and 200 feet long. (30 m / 60 m) With his new found Intermediate Size Alteration.

Godzilla was stood at approximately 400 feet or 119.8 meters tall. Saurian was only at 100 ft currently. So he still had a long way to go. But every step was in the right direction. Saurian carefully stepped forward, he didn't want to smoosh any of his people. The Saurus horde washed over the carnival grounds like a tide. Several jokers flew up into the air and shot fire, red lasers from their eyes, or were lifting heavy objects at the Saurus. One decided to try their luck against Saurian. Saurian noted he was spicy! He licked his fangs in delight.

Saurian used Blink several times to push deeper into the carnival until he could feel the chaotic magic that remained from the Siege of Gotham so long ago...No, it wasn't that long ago he did admit to himself. Saurian shook his head clear of unneeded thoughts then used reverse Size Alteration he needed to be smaller for this. His body, and armor shrunk down to about 20 ft tall, and 40 ft long. (6 m / 12 m) Just in time for a strong man Venom Meta to fly into his face. The resounding slam cracked like thunder and the man screamed in agony as his arm collapsed like a accordion.

“That was idiotic of you.” Saurian's animalistic voice called out, as he raised his foot and crushed the man under it.

A swarm of joker thugs, drug addicts, and clowns came rushing out of the tents and slapped on the Dark Venom. Then Saurian huffed in irritation and cast a wide area of effect Sooth and ripped the Dark Venom out of their systems. They dropped like puppets with out strings and began to scream in horrible pain. Saurian cared little as he jumped towards the carnival tent and pushed the tent flaps aside. He wondered into what looked like a house of mirrors. Though he stood over it by about 10 feet.

“Well I see we have a visit from the big man himself!” A sadistic male voice said over an intercom. Saurian looked up at the contraption then followed the line through Connectivity. He then simply walked through the mirrors because they were in the way. Traps sprung from different mirrors, saws, spikes, flame throwers, and acid. All of which simply broke against his scales.

“No! No! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” The voice screamed in frustration.

Saurian walked towards the location of the voice. Pulled the curtain aside and saw a fat pale man with clown makeup on. He smelled....mundane. Pity, Saurian used his Elemental Manipulation and set the clown on fire. The man tried to laugh at his own death, but soon only screamed, and screamed. Saurian turned and moved towards Jason's location.

One by one the council of jokers came out. Each one with an elaborate trap, puzzle, or game to play. Saurian simply pushed it all side tracked them down and ended each one. As he moved through the carnival grounds he absorbed the chaotic magical energy. His Chaos/Order Domain spells gained a lot of experience. Yay! Though Saurian could almost hear the regretful sigh of his Cosmic Patron. Not exactly what he expected when this had been brought to Lash's attention.

Until at last, Saurian found Jason. He carefully stepped up close and left a spell mark on Jason body and called to Vici to send him straight to medical module. With a soft glow, and a pop! Jason was gone from the tent. Saurian puzzled over the idea of why Jason was even lost? Maybe the chaos magic interfered with their GPS? Locator magic? Could be any number of reasons. He would have to think on this.

“Batman... Robin has been found and sent to the Watch Tower for medical aid. I am moving to find, and destroy the Dark Venom factory.” Saurian said softly over their shared communication link.

“Thank you...” Batman replied, he didn't need to say anything more.

Saurian soon found the manufacture of the Dark Venom. But the chemical compounds, lab equipment, etc had been moved in a hurry. He could smell Kindred in the air. But the scent was muted, or obscured. No, it was....Impure? Blood-Mutts, that made sense in their own way. They must have packed up everything the moment Saurian had shown up at the carnival. No, from the smell of things they left the moment Lash started to repair the city. Concluding that they would end up here eventually.

“Alright partner lets swap out... This was disappointing.” Saurian said, and deactivated Shape Shift and Lash took control still in his Transformation state.

“Sorry big guy. There are not that many mundanes in the world capable of fighting you. But Zod is suppose to show up soon. He should be a good fight.” Lash said, as he tried to comfort his partner. Saurian grumbled, then promptly fell asleep across the link.

Lash casually moved through the ruined carnival grounds, he was trying to decide if he should tear it all down? Or rebuild it? Decisions, decisions.


***HR. Earth, Gotham City Carnival Grounds***

Two hours...Two hours was all it took to track down Jason, and obliterate the joker gang. Kate was horrified by the blood bath around her. She was no stranger to war. But she understood why Batman had waited to ask for help from Wraith. The joker gang was dead. Literally! The reptilian soldiers around her impaled the bodies with red energy blades and turned them into ash. While a few others found, and set free the prisoners that had been found.

This wasn't a battle, it was a one sided slaughter. Kate had followed in the wake of the giant dinosaur that Wraith had turned into. He had been...Angry. She didn't realize Jason was so important to him. Made her wonder if he would be so enthusiastic if she went missing. Kate walked side by side with Wraith's, hell knight Vyllith. For a moment Kate forgot where she was and just admired the sexy curve of the knights armor.

Vyllith paused mid step and glanced back at Kate, even though she had a full face mask on Kate could tell Vyllith was grinning her. Kate turned away and tried not to blush. Then she heard Vyllith take off in a soft jog and Kate looked up to see Wraith stepping out of a collapsed tent. He bowed to Vyllith who returned it with a salute and she proceeded to tell him the report she had collected. Kate walked up gradually, once again watching a soldier cremate a joker thug.

“Batwoman, are you feeling alright?” Wraith asked, and his voice was like a crocodile chewing on a chalk board. But she still felt his voice in her head. She knew it was Partial Telepathy didn't unnerve any less.

“Just... I think I understand why the JLI doesn't ask for your help more often.” Kate said bluntly. She expected to be rebuked but instead he just laughed.

“I promise I'm not always this brutal. I didn't like the joker when he was alive. I don't like that he has a gang after his death. Robin is also important.” Lash said at last. Kate was quick with the follow up.

“Why? I mean...Robin is important. But you looked furious when you found out.” Kate asked, and noticed an obstruction encircled them. It was called a baffle field, they could talk freely.

“Selina is part of my pack...Family.” Lash began to explain, and had to simplify it so Kate could understand. “Whether Bruce is willing to admit it or not. He thinks Richard, and Jason as his own children. As does Selina, especially Jason. Jason being hurt, would hurt them. Hurt her. Jason being safe makes them both happy. Their happiness is important to me.” Lash said simply as it was a simple fact and nothing more.

“Would you do the same for me?” Kate asked, as she looked him in the eye all six of them. Lash walked over to her, which made her crane her neck back to look at him.

“Yes, Kate I would. Do you think I make armor for just any one?” Lash replied with a smile that sent a shiver down Kate's spine. She quickly looked away and bit her lip.

Damn it, that was true! She had asked around the JLI when she joined and nearly no one had armor made directly by Wraith. There was a competition and six amazons adored their custom gear. Past that, it was Batgirl and nearly no one else. Save for a man who had died during the invasion. Kate's heart warmed at the idea of it. She couldn't focus around Wraith. He terrified her, he excited her. She didn't know why!

“You should go, the police are arriving.” Wraith said and walked past her, Vyllith following in his shadow. She did however hip check Kate as she walked past. Kate stumbled and glared at Vyllith who sashayed her hips back and forth seductively. Kate hated that she stopped to stare.


Lash got the distinct feeling that if Charming Presence could still gain experience. It would have several times while he was speaking to Kate. Which was odd since she was a confirmed lesbian. He assumed Kate stuck around to talk to Vyllith. His knight had laid it on thick with the seduction. Then Lash remembered what Master Charming Presence did.

Master Charming Presence: User radiates an aura of attractiveness, naturally inducing titillating pleasure and carnal desire while subtly lifting inhibitions. The affected targets remain fully themselves, but can't help but long for the User's favor and affection. It should be noted the User does not need to do anything, their mere presence; brings pleasure, attracts attention and admiration, and seduces others.

Crap... Kate aka Batwoman took a teleport away and went directly to her motorcycle which had been hidden during the raid on the carnival grounds. Despite helping the MCU, technically the entire Bat family had a warrant out for their arrest. Even with the flood light on the MCU's roof. Blah, Blah public deniability. If caught on camera attempted arrest, etc, etc.

Got on camera was right as several news vans showed up along with the patrol cars, and SWAT vehicles. Lash even saw a few CSA Meta's with the SWAT. Good, already working for the better. Until one of them jumped into the air and tried to tackle Lash shouting something about, 'you have the right to remain silent.' Lash held up clawed hand and snagged the meta with Telekinesis then flipped them upside down and stared at them.

“Excuse me officer, I am Agent Wraith with the United Nations World Security. And you are, who?” Lash asked the officer who looked pale with fright.

“God damn it, Wraith!” A familiar shout made Lash put the meta down as Jim Gordon came storming up with hell fire blazing in his eyes.

“Commissioner Gordon, good to see you again. Hows the family?” Lash asked, a polite smile on his face.

“You have zero jurisdiction here in Gotham! You can't just act as you please and start a god damn war!” Jim shouted, spittle splattering across Lash's chest plate.

“Commissioner before you continue to tell me where I can go, and where I can't. Why don't you tell the medics to follow my Veteran here. They can take you to the dozens of prisoners we've found that need medical aid?” Lash asked politely. Jim to his credit snapped out orders and the SWAT team moved in, and helped the medics secure the prisoners.

“No one asked for your help, Wraith!” Jim shouted at him.

“The Mayor, and the Governor both did. They've been asking for weeks for my return to help rebuild the city. Or do you mean with the joker gang? One of the JLI was being held hostage here. As the liaison between the UN, and the JLI it is my job to help. Or did you forget that, Commissioner.” Lash emphasized his title and Jim looked like he was about to pop a blood vessel.

“Or would you rather had I come to you and request help? Because I already know the answer I would have received. You would have told me to fuck off. At which point I would have gone to the city Mayor who would have given me permission. Then ordered you to help me. Then by that point, the JLI member would have died. It would have been your fault. Because you ego, and petty pride got in the way. So, I skipped those steps. Its not my fault you are a fucking speciesist!” Lash shouted at Jim in clear view of the news camera's recording the whole confrontation.

“Now despite our clear dislike for one another, Commissioner. I have a lot of respect for you! You are a good man, and a good cop and both are exceptionally rare in Gotham. This city needs you. So stop being a fucking idiot and except my help!” Lash shouted, and his voice carried across the entire carnival grounds. Jim was about to shoot his mouth off before a Lieutenant came to his side and whispered a few words. Jim looked like he didn't care, but he did glance at the cameras.

“....Thank...You....For....Your....Help....Agent....Wraith.” Jim said each word like it physically hurt him to say it. Then he reached out, and Lash shook his hand in front of the cameras.

“You are welcome, Commissioner Gordon. Now if you will excuse me. I am going to continue repairing the city. Hopefully in the next two days the entire city will be operational again. Good day!” Lash said with a smug grin of satisfaction on his face. Then promptly left.

True to his word every Saurus Warrior, Veteran, and Elite that was not helping the medics with the prisoners turned in perfect sync and started to rebuild Gotham from the Carnival inwards. Lash cleared the entire carnival out and simply returned it to a simple boardwalk as it was located on the pier. A few veterans showed the GCPD the Dark Venom factory floor. Along with a list of names, the names of every Joker that lost their life in the rescue operation. Where were the bodies? They were stepping in the cremation ashes. Lash was worried for Jim for a moment, it looked like the man was about to have a seizure.

Lash meant what he said, he liked Jim. He wished they could get along. But aliens in general had a bad reputation on the planet Earth. Jim hated when people took the law into their own hands. So Lash was a bad combination. It didn't matter that he was a certified agent. It didn't matter that technically he had the law behind him. Lash was an alien, and he was acting above the law. So, Jim hated him for it.

Maybe it was more complicated than that, or maybe it was simpler. But Lash honestly didn't care. He was rebuilding his city, and then he had to leave for Metropolis. He also had to visit new President of the United States. He was sure that would be a fun meeting with Lex Luthor. Then maybe, just maybe he could visit Atlantis and check in with Arthur and Mera. Maybe.

When his Clock said it was 8:30 am a car showed up, and asked if he could come to city hall and speak with the new Mayor. Apparently the old one was killed during the invasion. That was disappointing he liked the other Mayor. Lash declined, and continued rebuilding the city. About an hour later several black SUV's and a very nice Cadillac showed followed by news crews. A portly man stepped out of the Cadillac with a very nice suit, and a stain of hell on him. Fuck.

“Agent Wraith! I am Mathias Adin, newly elected Mayor of the city of Gotham!” Mayor Adin said loudly as he came over towards Lash with an amiable smile on his face. Lash used Virtual Intelligence, Connectivity, and Parallel Minds to do a quick search on several topics.

“Thank you for the quick work you did with the joker gangs. Reports said you had it over and done with in under three hours. Now more than 20% of the city has been rebuilt. Water, power, and soon heat is being provided for our people. Thank you! Thank you!” Mayor Adin walked over and offered his hand to Lash so he could smile in front of the camera's. Lash however stood there.

“Do you really expect me to touch you?” Lash said, his animalistic voice grating on the ear. A sinister undertone made the security guards with the Mayor swallow audibly. The Mayor looked pale, but kept his smile on his face.

“Oh no! Of course not, you've been working! So thoughtful of you not to want to get grease on me. But I assure I am no stranger to hard work.” Mayor Adin said, and kept his hand out.

“I have no desire to touch a man that used his wife, and son in such disgusting way. I mean your first marriage. Not your current one. Though from the medical reports I have on file they are clearly in a bad way just like your first one.” Lash said with a snarl as the Mayor took back his hand and nearly fell over as Lash shroud started to billow out.

Holographic windows appeared in front of every news crew camera's of Mayor Adin's former family and the long, long medical records of his beating them over, and over again. Until they died! He of course was out of town at the time. A perfect alibi. But how odd that the man who was his alibi was now dead. While new medical records of his current wife, and daughter were revealed on camera. He was an abusive sadistic fuck who took great pleasure in hurting others.

“All the rumors of me being able to see the sin of others are not rumors you fucking idiot!” Lash roared at him and the Mayor fell to his knees and wet himself.

“I have destroyed Senators, businessmen, and women of great power, and leaders of nations. Now I'll do the same today! If you are not sitting in a cell by the end of the day then I am going to use all of my available power to skin you alive!” Lash shouted at the man and sent every available piece of evidence to Shield and Sword who sent a simple reply back. 'We'll handle it.'

Six hours later the Deputy Mayor was sworn in, while former Mayor Adin was promptly escorted to county. His current wife, and daughter were placed in protective custody and swore to testify in public court. Newly appointed James Noe or rather Mayor Noe was average man who had MBA in Civil engineering. Lash did shake his hand, and congratulated him on his new position. They spoke for several hours about what the city needed most and Mayor Noe promptly left to start running the city.

By midnight of the day that Gotham lost its Mayor, and gained a new one 45% of Gotham City had been rebuilt. The towering, chaotic structures of Gotham that earned its nickname the city of madness were stripped down for a more orderly look. Lash didn't care if it upset the old bloods of the city. Gotham worked far better with a grid pattern. If they wanted to summon the gate keeper, and the key master to call forth Zhuul they could do it on their own dime.

Lash also built a lot of tree streets with specific tree types that only grew so large with in a confined space. It would help with noise pollution, and just normal pollution. Nearly ever street in the rebuilt 45% had trees along the side. He debated planting fruits trees but decided it wasn't worth it. He also made a mental note to visit Croc's town before left Gotham. Midway through the renovation of an old hotel one of his veterans approached him with a woman in toe.

The woman wore a combination of western, and eastern style of a business suit. However, her face was covered in a silk cloth mask, and she had a blade sheathed across her back. She bowed towards him in perfect edict and Lash reciprocated. She didn't say a single word but presented a bound scroll. Lash gestured towards Vyllith who stepped forward and accepted the scroll from the woman. Lash then took the scroll from Vyllith. He looked at the seal and saw, 'The Demon's Head.'

Lash broke the seal and unfurled the scroll. It was an invitation. At the docks tonight would be a yacht with an envoy of Ra's al Ghul. They wished to speak with Wraith about the future. He was invited and could bring one attendant. No others were invited. Lash showed the scroll to Vyllith who looked at him, then at the messenger who stood at perfect attention. It wouldn't be Ra's, Batman would track him down and try and arrest him. So its either Nyssa, or Talia. Lash checked his Clock.

“Inform the envoy that I'll attend at 2:00 am. As soon as I finished up here.” Lash said to the messenger who bowed, then sprinted away disappearing into an alleyway. Lash used Connectivity and linked up on the JLI message board, sub-forum Gotham.

[Does anyone know why the League of Assassins is in Gotham?] -Wraith

[Oh shit...] -Nightwing

[I have no idea, but I would like it very much if you came and visited me.] -Cat Woman

[Robin is going to be, OK. They are keeping him overnight but he should be able to come home tomorrow.] -Batgirl

[Wraith, what did they want?] -Batman

[An envoy is waiting at the docks tonight to speak to me about the future. I am allowed one attendant, Vyllith is coming with me.] -Wraith

[Ra's wouldn't come to Gotham.] -Nightwing

[It's either Nyssa, or Talia. Ra's would think it an insult to Wraith if he sent anyone else.] -Cat Woman

[Hello, not sure if this helps. But I have eyes on thanks to my babies. Five floor yacht in the private portion of the Gotham Harbor. Security is pretty tight, as in with in a hundred meters my drones got shot down.] -Shadow Spy

Lash pulled up the profile of Shadow Spy, she was a tech genius that helped with over watch in Gotham for the JLI in the city. Bat-family, and a few others. Good record, tends to poke her nose into things but in this job that tends to help. Very poor CQC, but off the charts technical skills.

[Shadow Spy is one of your drones on site?] -Wraith

[Yep, oh! Are you going to do your computer tech thing? Totally!] -Shadow Spy

Lash chuckled and used Connectivity to jump through the mainframe and through Shadow Spy's data base. Shadow Spy was a young woman who stood at approximately 5'6” with short chopped brown hair, brown eyes hidden behind a pair of thin rimmed glasses. She currently sat on a computer desk typing away with program code, and watched several monitors. She had a thin figure that was slowly gaining muscle mass. He knew this because all she had on was a pair of black laced bra, and panties. As Lash passed through her data base he cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on her.

[Woah! What..the....Oh! Ya, thanks for the pick me up....Can you see me?] -Shadow Spy

-private message- [Maybe...] -Wraith

Shadow Spy blushed from head to toe and scampered out of her chair to find some clothes. She came back a minute later with a pair of sleeping shorts on, and a white cotton t. Though the blushed remained. She jumped back into her seat and panned the nearest drone for recording.

[Wearing bra, and panties again are you, Shadow?] -Batwoman

[...No! Why would you even ask that!?] -Shadow Spy

Lash looked through the drone and saw the yacht, it had one floor below, one main floor, and three floors above. It was pure black, and had a lot of security hardware all over it. Dozens of men, and women stood guard around the yacht, and the surrounding pier. Each guard wore form fitting tactical gear with side arms, rifles, and specialized melee weapons. Ranging from swords, spears, daggers, and even cat claws.

[Got it, thank you Shadow Spy.] -Wraith

[Welcome.] -Shadow Spy

Lash signed off the message board. He finished up with the street and recalled his forces. He pulled on a glamour over himself, and Vyllith and made his way towards the harbor. He of course cast Immaculate on himself, and Vyllith for good measure. He then wrapped them both in a Telekinesis flight field and flew towards the harbor to save time. Lash landed about a half mile from the boat and pulled the glamour off. They walked the rest of the way to be polite.

With in moments they had a tail. The trained bodyguards were exceptional but unfortunately they were all mundanes and couldn't mask their scent. That was rather odd, Lash knew Ra's was an occultist. He assumed Ra's would have outfitted his envoy guards with magical amulets, and enchanted gear. Or, that was the whole point. To be seen. They reached the pier with out incident.

“Warden Wraith, and Knight Vyllith welcome.” A servant said to them at the pier. “Lady Talia al Ghul awaits the privilege of your company.” The servant bowed, turned and guided them onto the ship.

They were escorted into the ship and taken to a preparatory room food, and drink were served. But then the servant came forward. “Lady Talia asks that she meet with you alone, Warden Wraith. You may of course refuse. But it is a request.” The servant said.

Go, I'll be fine. -Vyllith shared over their link.

“Very well, please lead the way.” Lash accepted the condition and the servant smiled. While several men, and women in very risque clothing appeared to entertain Vyllith.

Lash was shown into a nice, and reasonably large room. The yacht may have only had five floors but it was still a large, and long boat. He kept his Transformation active, most for safety even if he believed there was little that could hurt him. He re cast Reality Armor on himself. Thanks to the power stone he had little fear of running out of magical energy. A side door opened and Talia al Ghul stepped out.

She wore a once piece red silk dress that wrapped around her neck into a choker, and left her entire back exposed. The dress had a deep v neck cut exposing her chest, and Lash understood she didn't wear a bra as her nipples pressed up against the thin fabric. The dress fell to her ankles, but slit went up both legs all the way to her hips. She wore three inch spaghetti strap heels, and walked into the room with a seductive sway. Her rich brown hair was swept back from her face, with several deadly looking hair clips that could be used as stabbing weapons. Her warm, and sultry brown eyes looked at Lash in delight despite his appearance. Her pink lips looked incredibly soft, and had lip gloss applied. She bowed from her waist giving Lash a bit of a show.

“Thank you for coming, Warden Lash.” Talia said softly and Lash went perfectly still.

“I see we have a lot to talk about...” Lash said.

“Yes, yes we do.” Talia agreed.


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