Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 122: The More Things Change.


***HR. Sol System, Watch Tower Station. Simulation Hall***

Training day! Of course everyday was training day on the station. Even with half of the station under construction that didn't change. The training hall was packed full of JLI members. Ranging from full fledged heroes, to sidekicks. Though the word sidekick was hardly ever used since it was believed to be politically incorrect. Apprentice? Journeymen/women? Etc, etc. The training hall was expansive with a host of different rooms, and space. It was also linked up with the simulation hall, school, and library for obvious reasons.

Currently in the simulation hall was a team of young heroes. These heroes were taking a journeymen/women exam to be assigned to their own city, under the supervision of a single instructor or as they were lovingly called, 'Den Mother.' The testers were Martian Manhunter, and Black Lightning.

Manhunter aka J'onn J'onzz stood next to the monitor while Black Lightning sat at the computer interface doing random insertion points for the test. The simulation hall normally did that on its own, but the data base was going through a overall thanks to the upgrades. On the screen showed a familiar hot headed individual that made J'onn, and Black Lightning frown together.

Kon-El, Connor Kent aka Superboy was raging across the simulation hall with reckless abandonment. Superboy rarely ever had a chance to let loose and he loved the simulation hall for that very reason. Even if it was the determent of the exam. Superboy stood at approximately 6' (182 cm) with short black hair stylized with hair gel. His blue eyes looked cold, and distant. While he had an inverted triangle figure. He wore a black polymer shirt with a crimson S on it. Along with black JLI cargo pants, and boots.

Superboy was in the process of tackling a meta-human with similar powers to his own. The problem was that Superboy was losing. Just like his 'blood' relative, Superman. Superboy was a brawler with little to no skill in close quarters combat. He used his Superhuman Strength and had very little finesse for anything else. So when he face an individual with the same power set that actually had training he would lose. Badly.

His opponent was a giant man wearing a black tank top, and black pants, with boots. He had a shit eating grin on his face and kept trashing talking Superboy who get letting his anger get the better of him and kept falling for the trap, over, and over again. It was one of his common problems, and Black Lightning made sure the computer knew that. Their fight had destroyed the neighborhood they were in. 62 simulated civilians were injured, while 15 had been indirectly killed. All because of Superboy's fight.

The background was a city center in the middle of down town. A meta-human gang had attacked a bank and were in the process of loading up the money when the team showed up to stop them. Aside from Superboy there was... Raven, Beast Boy, Artemis, Aqualad, and Aquagirl. Each one faced an opponent with similar powers, and or skills. Essentially fighting mirror versions of themselves. However, the rest of the team reacted accordingly. They traded dance partners and grouped up to help. The only one that went off books was Superboy. When Superboy's fight killed another 15 people the simulation paused and reset. Sending each of them back to their own rooms.

“What are we going to do with him?” Jefferson Pierce said. (Black Lightning) As he rubbed his face, he began to type up the report and compile it into a review for the team.

“If he can't take training seriously then he has no place in the JLI. But the issue is if we release him then he'll just go off on his own with no support, and no training. He's a danger to himself, and others.” J'onn said, as he turned around to look at Jefferson.

“We could give him to Kimiko, she'd beat it out of him real quick.” Jefferson said with a grimace. That was mirrored by J'onn.

Kimiko the android in charge of the training hall was a terror to the JLI trainees. She was a harsh task master that did her best to teach, and educate everyone in the skills they needed to survive. She did not suffer fools. But she also wasn't a bully. However, when it came to people with inflated ego's she made sure to put them in their place real quick. When you get your ass handed to you by someone that was 5'5” and barely weighed 125 pounds it made a lot of men, and women really bitter, really quick.

“Come on...” J'onn said to Jefferson. They both stood up and left the room together. Before they even reached the debrief room they heard a shouting match.

“You are a fucking idiot, Connor!” Artemis shouted at the man.

Artemis Lian Crock aka Artemis the huntress. Was a beautiful young woman of about 18 maybe 19. She had rich blond hair tied back into a tail that was secured to her uniform. She wore a form fitting JLI light weight green exoskeleton suit with polymer weave under armor. The uniform like all JLI suits was form fitting and showed off her curves nicely. She had an athletic hour glass figure, and stood at approximately 5'8” (176 cm). Her half face mask was pulled down to reveal tanned skin, and her blue eyes blazed in fury. On her back was a tech-bow, with a quiver of arrows. She was an archer.

Before Connor could give his retort the door opened up and J'onn, and Jefferson walked in. J'onn glanced at Connor and the boy shut his mouth. J'onn was the strongest person in the room. If there was one thing Connor respected it was strength, plus J'onn could put him down with a thought. All of the trainees took their seat, Connor took the back...Or tried to until Jefferson pointed at him, then at the front. Connor looked like he would rather eat glass but did it anyways.

“How many people died?” Beast Boy aka Garfield Logan asked.

Beast Boy stood at approximately 5'8” (176 cm) with short stylized green hair, green eyes, and green skin. He had an athletic rectangular figure that was slowly turning into an inverted rectangle. He wore a light green, dark green tiger stripped polymer weave under armor suit that shifted with his change. (Spatial Item Shifting). He currently sat in his seat with a note pad out. Garfield had taken a 180 on his attitude lately and was quickly turning into a model team mate, and possible leader. However, when he was out of uniform he was still the party animal that so many loved him for.

“82 injured, 42 of them critically, and 30 dead from Superboy's fight.” Jefferson said with a glare at Connor who shrugged like it wasn't a big a deal.

“6 guards, and 3 police officers were injured on your end. But each of them would have made a full recovery if this had been a real mission.” J'onn said to the rest of the team.

“Will we be running it again?” Raven asked.

Raven was off to the side sitting cross legged and floating a few feet off the ground holding a position of meditation. Her eyes were closed but she kept complete attention on the debrief. She stood approximately 5”10” (177 cm) with shoulder length purple hair, with red under tones. Her skin was pale, and she had an hour glass figure. She wore a black form fitting polymer weave under armor suit. With flex armor plates across her vitals. An assortment of enchanted pieces of jewelry was around her neck, and waist. While she also had a midnight black cloak, and hood on.

“No you wont, Connor will be. As of this moment, Connor is off the team and is grounded to the station until he can prove he is not a danger to others.” Jefferson said.

“What the fuck! You can't do that!” Connor screamed at him, jumped to his feet and tossed the chair he was in at the wall. He then took two steps forward and promptly fell straight to sleep as J'onn simply looked at him.

“Damn it, I really thought being on a team would help him.” Aqualad aka Kaldur'ahm Jackson Hyde said.

Kaldur as he was often called by his friends stood approximately at 5'8” (176 cm) with a swimmers body. Lean, tight, compact muscle. He had chocolate skin, shaved platinum blond hair, and ocean blue eyes. He wore a combination of JLI light weight exoskeleton suit, and spell crafted gear. It had a fish scale style of ocean green. On his back was a hard water generator backpack given his ability set. He stood up and came to Connor's side and flipped him over. Connor had fell face first, but his head, and more specifically his nose was to durable to break from a simple fall.

“It was a good try, Kaldur.” Aquagirl aka Tula Marius said to him as she stood up from her seat and came to her friends side.

Tula stood at approximately 5'5” (165 cm), she had a swimmers body type that bordered on hourglass. (So much hourglass!) Short brown hair kept free from her eyes, pale skin, and a JLI light weight exoskeleton suit with spell crafted gear. A lot like Kaldur, the armor was stylized with fish scale but she had deep ocean blue for her color scheme. Like Raven, Tula had several enchanted pieces of jewelry to strengthen her spell craft.

“It was a good idea, Kaldur. But Connor has... Deep seeded issues that he has to resolve before he will be allowed to leave the station. I hate to have to do it, but Connor as he is. He is a danger not only to others, but to himself.” J'onn said as he keyed onto his communicator and a spring jump spell script started to envelope Connor.

“Aside from Connors fight, you all passed the exercise with flying colors. So, with that now you get to go to your chosen city you wanted to be stationed in. Yes, you are all still on active duty. But this is where you will be on your off time.” Jefferson said next with a proud smile on his face.

“San Francisco, California!” Beast Boy shouted in glee, breaking out of his professional demeanor.

“Have you given any thought to the name of the team?” J'onn asked, an amused expression on his face.

“The Titans.” Raven said softly from her spot.

“We are currently running through possible supervisors. However we already have a home for all of you if you want to start packing and head over.” Jefferson said with a smile has he brought up a holographic display of a tower in the middle of the city.

“Living space above ground, the rest of the building or bunker is underground. Same standard package that every JLI bunker has in ever city. There are separate teams, and solo operators in the city that have their own smaller bunkers. But the tower will be the main HQ for the JLI in the city. Keep that in mind.” J'onn said to the new team.

“Woooooo!” Beast Boy shouted and danced around the room. Everyone had a similar reaction, even Raven cracked a rare smile.

And thus, the Titans were born...


***HR. Sol System. Watch Tower Station***

Jason Todd aka Robin was 17 years old, and would be 18 in little over a year. Despite his short life one could argue that Jason had lived a harsh and long life. His birth parents had been... Well they tried their best with what they had. But it wasn't long before Jason was on his own. A kid growing up in Gotham, outside the system? Life expectancy had been a few weeks. But Jason had proved the statistics wrong. Not only had he lived, he had thrived!

Though more than once it had been on the charity of others. Though charity is not the right word to describe the people he ended up with. It was a business exchange. Jason had seen what drugs could to do people first hand thanks to his birth parents own experience. So Jason stayed well away from it. As he did from alcohol. This made him rather unique when it came to living on the streets of Gotham. But it kept his head clear. Though getting into fights didn't help his developing mind much.

It was high IQ that saved him. Or ruined him depending on who you asked. Jason was bright, brave, and or foolish. For his age when he was 16 he found the Bat-Mobile parked in an alleyway. He had seen the Batman race off. More than likely to break up the drug cartel in the neighborhood. So Jason knew the Bat would be gone for a while. So what did Jason do? He stole the tires from the Bat-Mobile!

He had learned from some of his fellow street rats how to lift a car with cinder blocks, and a pipe in the use of a fulcrum. Soon Jason had three tires off, and he was working on the fourth. He got the last nut off and stood up with a smile. Only to see the Batman standing next to him with an amused look on his face. Jason looked at Batman, then looked lug wrench in his hands. Jason knew better than try to deny anything. So he took off on a run. Batman of course chased him!

Jason knew the neighborhood like the back of his hand. He easily outpaced, and outmaneuvered Batman... Or so he thought. It was only a few minutes after he got back to his home in the abandoned apartment building that Jason realized he didn't lose Batman. The Bat simply let Jason guide him back to his hide out. Batman easily subdued Jason. But instead of arresting him, Batman offered him something else. A chance.... A chance at a better life.

It wasn't long before Jason was living at Wayne Manor. That had floored him! Billionaire playboy orphan Bruce Wayne was Batman!? Of course once Jason sat down at thought about it. It did make sense. He had near unlimited resources, owned most of Gotham. So building, and keeping secret installations across the city would be easy. Plenty of military contracts, so his company could build all the toys he used. What he didn't understand was why? Until Bat...Bruce told him.

Bruce had lost his mother, and father. To a stupid mistake. Jason understood that better than most. Muggers didn't kill people, it was a great way to end up in prison. Especially mugging people were well off. Which is exactly what happened to the man who supposedly killed the Wayne's. Jason had learned from Alfred that it was never confirmed if the man was the true killer, or if he just took the fall for it. Bruce was younger than Jason when he lost his parents. Jason knew that feeling all to well.

So, Jason joined up. Who wouldn't!? Join a hero vigilante type in his huge mansion and train to fight the criminals in the city. At least that was why Jason originally joined. Then Jason saved someone. He saved a little girl, and her parents. Bruce made sure they ended up safe, and sound with Wayne Industries footing the bill. Then the fight stop being fun and games to Jason. It started to turn into the war. The change in Jason couldn't have come sooner. Because the metaphorical table got flipped with an alternate reality of Earth invaded their own.

Jason had people to protect. People he cared about. Friends...Family. Bruce, Richard, Barbara, Alfred...Selina. Selina most of all. Jason would never admit it out loud, but Selina was like a mother to him. She had grown up on the street just like he did. They were both broken in their own way. They had both been saved. Though Selina's savior was a giant reptile, Jason didn't hold that against Lash. If anything a monster who acted more human actually made Jason like him more.

The war... The invasion had been an eye opener to Jason. The world was so much bigger than he thought. A whole world hidden behind a tear in reality. Maybe a reality where Jason and his parents were happy? No, that was dangerous thinking. Also wrong! The reality was a hell hole with a brain washing tyrant that enslaved his world. The invasion had been hard on Bruce, it had been hard on all of them.

Batman doesn't kill. That wasn't to say that people didn't die around him. Accidents happen, but Batman always tried his best to save everyone. Something that he enforced with brutal efficiency on his own people. But the invasion? Jason saw Batman kill them. Specifically the meat puppets. The hollow men, and women with out souls. Jason had argued with Bruce that they weren't alive. That he hadn't broken his rule. Until later in the invasion Lash...Wraith had developed a treatment for them. It had crushed Bruce. He had taken a life that could have been saved.

The only reason Bruce didn't completely fall into despair was Selina. She gradually helped him out of his own depression. It was a long, and hard fight. But Selina knew better than most how to handle the big bad Bat. But to Jason? It was a moment when he realized that Batman wasn't as strong as he thought he was. It was a war! People die in a war. Yes they fought against their will but Wraith had killed thousands of them and he didn't bat an eye at it.

When the invasion was over they started to clean up the world. They started to clean up Gotham. Jason had believed he had seen the worst of humanity while growing up in the streets of Gotham. How wrong he was. Humanity could do horrible things to each other. It would have been so much better if they all came together to help. But no, they fought and killed over a can of soup! Jason hated it! Hated them! So much that he beat a man to death. He felt nothing but satisfaction that the human piece of waste was dead and would never hurt anyone again.

Jason never told anyone about that. He had gotten away with it, as it were. Then he did it again. Stopped a man from raping a woman. Then killed a thug was was stealing medicine from a clinic. Then...An then.... Then.... Jason felt satisfied with every kill. He was helping damn it! Crime in the area dropped dramatically. It made a difference, the criminals in the area were terrified that they would be next. Then Dick caught Jason beating a man to a pulp and pulled him off.

“What are you doing!? You nearly killed him!” Richard shouted at Jason.

“He just killed those people! I was teaching a lesson he wouldn't forget!” Jason shouted at him.

“Killing isn't the answer!” Richard shouted.

“Maybe it should be!” Jason yelled back.

Jason was benched after that. Richard had told Bruce what had happened. It didn't help that someone from the JLI came down and read his 'aura' what ever the fuck that meant. They had learned that Jason had killed several people. That Jason didn't feel any remorse for his actions. That he felt justified. It had helped. But the moment that Jason was gone from his patrol route in the city. Crime went sky high, and the fatality rate climbed higher than ever.

It was months later that Jason was allowed back on patrol. He had kept busy by training in the Watch Tower, and helping new trainees through training. Despite his short term as a street hero, he had more experience than most. Kimiko, the training hall instructor advised Bruce that it would be good for him to remain active. Bruce agreed, and Jason thanked Kimiko by running the trainees into the ground. First day back on the job in Gotham. What did Jason do? He visited the joker gang territory. That proved to be a mistake.

Torture is not something that one normally goes through when training in the JLI. Maybe it should be? Jason had thought he knew pain, but how naive he had been. The jokers took their time, they were careful. Even had a doctor/medic come in and check on Jason. Fed him some dark liquid, tasted like blood. Jason felt amazing afterwards and that was when they went back at him. Again, and again, and again.

Why was he thinking about that... He didn't want to revisit that time. It was odd, what was happening to him? Jason felt like he was watching his life on fast forward. From start to finish. He had read about this. It happened sometimes when people are about to die. Their whole life flashed before their eyes. But Jason didn't feel dead... He remembered a roar... He knew that roar. It was Wraith in his primal form. He heard the screams of horror, and pain from the jokers. It had made Jason smile.

“I've got you...” Wraith, with his primal voice made Jason so happy. He was safe...


Jason opened his eyes and saw a familiar sight. It had been a while since he woke up in the JLI medical wing. The celestial white ceiling was eerie as ever. It was too white, to clean, to perfect. Next to his bed was a wall/window? That showed a video recording of a river pushing through a mountain grassed area. It was soothing, and made Jason's eyes close. But when he moved the window paused and a nurse came in to check on him.

“Good evening, Robin. Are you feeling?” The feminine synthetic voice asked. The medical droid looked like a robot. A skeleton frame, covered in a plastic film, with a LED screen with highlighted eyes, and mouth. Wearing a nurse gown.

“I'm....OK. Actually, I'm always impressed with the medical services here.” Jason said, and meant it. He had seen the chief medical examiner, Ethan rebuild a destroyed body and brought them back to life.

“Good! Are you thirsty?” The nurse asked and provided a drink bag with a dark liquid in it. A straw was placed and Jason was beside himself when he snatched it from their hands and drained it dry in under ten seconds.

“God!? What is this? That tastes amazing!” Jason asked, as he tried to look for another bag.

“It's blood.” The nurse said, and Jason paused.

“What?” Jason asked, looking at the nurse.


***HR. Sol System, Earth, Gotham City Harbor***

Lash was in lost in a moment. A single breath, a heart beat to make a decision. He stood face to face with Talia al Ghul. He was in his Transformation state, in his daemonic/warden armor. He could easily escape the ship he was on. Vyllith would back him up with out a word. They could take the whole ship, capture Talia and go to the Watch Tower. Or... Or he could talk to her and figure out why she was in Gotham. In Gotham to specifically see him it seemed.

She had said his name, Lash. Though that wasn't a terribly big surprise to him. Ra's al Ghul was connected in the mundane, and even the supernatural world. If he wanted to dig up information he would get it eventually. No, Talia hadn't said his name to threaten him. It was a simple courtesy, to let him know she was aware of him. Talia breathed softly when Lash gestured for her to continue with his clawed hands. The tense moment passed.

“Would you like something to drink?” Talia said, gesturing towards the bar filled with exotic brands.

“I don't think you have anything that would work on me.” Lash said softly as he turned on his heel and went towards the bar. He looked over the different brands, and bottles. Sure enough there was nothing that could effect him.

“Apologies, we hadn't thought of that.” Talia said, and bowed her head again.

“It isn't in any of my files as far as I know. So it's to be expected. But I'd be more than happy to have some hot chai if you have any?” Lash asked, as he turned to look at her. A spark of enlightenment flashed through her eyes. She nodded and walked towards the door, she cracked it open and said a few words to the servant out front.

“It will be ready in a few minutes.” Talia said as she turned around. She moved with the practice grace of a martial artist. Despite what many believe walking in heels is a skill one had to practice to perfect.

Talia, and Lash stared at one another from across the room. Neither said a word as they waited. Not a word out loud by any means. They were studying one another. Lash was in his hybrid lizard form, wrapped in a fae glamour of a grim reaper outfit. The shroud writhed, and moved about like a living thing all the while shielding Lash's body language. Lash decided to concede and not only pulled off his shroud but returned to his default state.

Scales gave way to skin, claws returned to nails. Six reptilian eyes reverted back two yellow green reptile eyes. Caramel skin tone, tribal marks across his bald head. Standing at 6'6” (198 cm) with a rectangular figure covered in daemonic/warden armor. Tail, tentacles, and another pair of arms merged back into his main body. The suit adjusted so he didn't have holes in his back, or above his ass. Thankfully he wasn't barefoot, he had boots on. The change had been abrupt, and a surprise to Talia. But the smile the grew across her face was reward enough.

“You are being a delightful host, it would be rude of me not to take my 'coat' off.” Lash replied simply.

This was a risk of course. Just because they knew his name, didn't mean they knew what he looked like. It was an olive branch that Talia took gratefully. A gentle knock on the door soon followed by an 'enter' from Talia. A servant walked in with a tea set and poured a hot chai for Lash. When the servant walked in Lash quickly cast a glamour over himself returning to a grim reaper momentarily until the servant left. Talia noticed the change and didn't say a word.

Lash walked to the table but then soon pulled out the other chair and looked at Talia as he pulled it out. Most women in Lash's life may have paused, but Talia didn't she walked over with practice grace and took the offered seat. Then Lash took his own and sat. He reached for the his drink and took a careful sip. No reaction from his different skills, abilities, or racial traits. So it wasn't poisoned, or drugged. It did taste good though.

“I do have a wide variety of drinks, and foods I enjoy. But I make all of them. Chai is one of the few things I let others make for me.” Lash said softly, as he finished half of the drink and reached to pour more for himself. But Talia beat him to it and simply stood up and refilled his glass.

“I'll remember it next time.” Talia said, she had leaned over the table to refill his glass. Once again revealing her bouncing cleavage. She took her seat once the glass was refilled, and crossed her legs.

“Lady Talia why are you in Gotham?” Lash asked, after he finished his second glass.

“To see you.” Talia replied, a smile tugging on her lips. She revealed nothing else.

“Is the Demon's Head enjoying the jungle in Africa?” Lash asked next, a slight head tilt from Talia and she smiled a little more.

“Yes, he finds it fascinating. He's building a new home there.”

“The plants there respond to a specific harmonic frequency. If used on people and vehicles they will become more docile. Should be easier to transport goods through the jungle.” Lash offered up a bit of advice. Talia's eye brows went up just a bit.

“Thank you, I'll inform him after our meeting is over.” Talia said, and glanced at his glass with her eyes. He shook his head in a clear no, he was fine for now.

Talia's back was perfectly straight, her shoulders back, chest out, chin up. Legs crossed knee over knee. The dress fell to the side artfully revealing her long legs. Her hands in her lap. She was perfectly poised, and perfectly still. She breathed through her nose, and she breathed easy. While Lash had his back straight, and shoulders back. He had his feet planted, and spaced out. His hands on his knees. He however was looking at Talia with interest. Deductive Reasoning was trying to read her and it was...Frustrating. So he cast Insight on her.

Name: Talia al Ghul, Daughter of the Demon's Head.

Title: Mother of Demons, Mother of Nails. Assassin. (See tool tip.)

Origin: Mundane. Sub-Origin: Magical.

Rank: C-

Skills: Weapon Master, Martial Artist, Actor, Dancer, (See tool tip.)

Powers: Decelerated Aging, Longevity.

Domains: Occultist.

Traits: Magical Blood (Dormant)

Affiliation: League of Assassins, League of Shadows, L-Corp.

Flaws: Her Father.

Disposition: Friendly.

Description: Talia al Ghul is a strong willed woman that has seen many years. She has survived her fathers training, and the schemes of so many would be manipulators. She is a power unto herself. She is ruthless, cunning, and fiercely loyal. Gaining her trust, let alone her love is nigh impossible for most. But once you have it, you never lose it.

“Tell me, what relation do you have with L-Corp?” Lash asked after he read through the profile. Talia raised a single brow a half an inch.

“That is a very useful ability, Warden Lash.” Talia said softly. “What else does it say about me?” She asked.

“Answer my question, and I'll answer yours.” Lash replied, with an easy smile. Talia's own lips tugged just a bit.

“Lena Luthor and I are friends. We went to school together. I invested in the company, and we have lunch every few months. Though its been a while due to obvious reasons. She talked about you, extensively.” Talia said, and nothing else.

Talia was older than she looked, old enough to be Lena's grandmother. So that meant she went to school either to specifically to befriend Lena. Or on the rare, rare chance their meetings was completely accidental. They were actually friends. Lash noticed that Talia didn't say whether or not Lena knew who she was. It was not her secret to tell. Though it was frustrating, Lash bit back his remark and prepared to answer her own.

“It gives me basic information. The name, and aliases of the target. Titles, origins, rank, skills, powers, domains, traits, affiliations, flaws, disposition, and description. Nothing to invasive, but enough to get a general understanding of who they are. There are several ways to block the information, or even give false info. That is what it does.” Lash replied, and Talia's one eye brow rose another inch.

“That is a very useful ability.” Talia said again.

“You have a dormant magical blood line. Would you like me to activate it for you?” Lash asked, why did he ask that? Technically as a dormant supernatural Talia fell under Warden Law. It was Lash's duty as a Warden to ask.

Talia went perfectly still, even more than she had been before. Her breath was caught and her eyes went a little wide. She looked at Lash, but also beyond him as she processed the information he had just told her. The ramifications, and re precautions of such a thing sped through her mind. The why was paramount. Why would Lash offer this?

“You are a pseudo-mundane, correct?” Lash asked.

“Yes.” Talia replied

“As a dormant supernatural you fall under Warden Law. The offer is simply me doing my job. There are not strings attached to it. Other than me registering you on the Warden information bureau. As a newly awakened supernatural.” Lash replied in a mechanical fashion, as if he was reading from a manual.

“Would I be tied to you in anyway?” Talia asked, her mind working again about different precautions.

“It's a good thing you asked. But no you wouldn't be. This is normally when I would advise you to look up my record. But you don't have access to that information...Yet.” Lash reasoned, and the 'yet' piqued her interest.

“Yet?” Talia asked, a simple question with a complicated answer.

“If you choose to have your dormant blood line activated then you would become a full supernatural community member. Which comes with privileges, and responsibilities. Such as having access to the Warden information page.” Lash replied, a smile tugged on his lips.

“What do you need to awaken my blood line?”

“Nothing, I can do it now. But I must warn you its painful. I'd ask that you warn your servants at the possibility of you screaming in pain. It's fatal if interrupted.”

“May I think about it?”

“Of course! There is no time limit on it. Though if you seek out alternative methods to awaken the blood line I think you'll find me a safer option. As a Warden I am bound by oaths to aid individuals like yourself. While others are more inclined to greed.” Lash replied as he smiled at her. Talia schooled her expression once more.

“You continue to surprise, and impress Warden Lash.” Talia admitted, a smile growing across her face.

Lash did use Connectivity and registered Talia al Ghul about having a dormant magical blood line. He also searched as to why she would have a dormant blood line. The Lazarus pits were the only possible conclusion with such limited information. Ra's al Ghul bathed in the pits often. As did his direct family. Talia's mother had been killed through outside means, not by aging. The pits were tied to...Trigon? The comic origin of the pits changed several times. Tied to magical metals, dimensions, worlds, etc. Lash didn't want to jump to conclusions with out more information.

“Why am I here, Lady Talia?” Lash asked.

“What do you know of the League of Assassins?” Talia asked after a moment of thought.

“The League of Assassins is a secret organization founded by Ra's al Ghul to be "the fang that protects the head".The Members of the League are extremely skilled killers, who have demonstrated willingness to die at a word from their leader, Ra's. They have included some of the most dangerous assassins in the world. For much of its current history, any member to fail in an assassination was in turn targeted by the League. In more recent years, this policy has apparently relaxed somewhat.” Lash replied and shrugged a little. “Sorry, that was more or less a text book answer. Let me rethink my words.” Lash asked, and Talia waited a moment for him to continue.

“The League of Assassins is a cult, or a religion depending on who you ask. Probably both, no offense. Made up of fanatics, as well as lost souls. They provide a service. This service can be called a business, it could also be called a way of life. They have spent centuries killing vile, and evil people across the globe. But, they've also killed innocent people as well. Before you contradict me about what is innocent. If you kill a child that is not even a year old. That would be innocent.” Lash said, his voice turning bitter. Talia for the first time looked contrite and looked away for a bit.

“The League of Assassins is not afraid to kill any, and all that are in their way. To get what they want. Ra's al Ghul is a master combatant, killer, manipulator, visionary, and a text book sociopath. I don't believe he started that way. But when you reach a certain age. The mind starts to look at the mortals like flies. Short, and pointless lives that will be extinguished in a few decades. Happens all the time in the supernatural world. It's why when certain types of leaders reach an age they are retired to advisory positions.” Lash finished, despite insulting Ra's to Talia's face he didn't detect a single spark of anger out of her.

“My father has reached that age, Warden Lash. He has begun to look at 'mortals' with disinterest. He is aware that he has begun to act in such a way and has taken measures to watch himself. But he knows his time is coming to end. So he is looking for an heir. A successor.” Talia replied, and Lash tilted his head.

“Forgive me, but aren't you his heir?” Lash asked, and Talia's perfect mask broke just a bit as a true and honest smile grew across her face. Before it quickly disappeared behind the mask again.

“Despite my fathers ability to adapt to the new world. He still has many flaws that prevent him from moving past his old ways. He is well aware that he would be a fool to not heed the advice of women in this age, or any age for that matter. Any man who ignores the strength of women at their side for believing them the weaker sex is damned to fail. But in the end, he believes a man must be his heir.” Talia said at last, her voice taking on a slight bitter tone. But she pushed past it. They must of had this discussion several times over the past few decades. Ra's and Talia.

“That would explain the different operations I've come across, and heard about. Members of the League of Assassins, and Shadows attempting to accomplish large operations that border on impossible to impress Ra's. Have none of them succeeded?” Lash asked, honestly curious about the answer.

“A few have come close, and many more are still attempting to win his favor. My father may be looking for an heir, but he still has several years, or even decades before he will truly retire.” Talia replied, as she smoothed a hand over her skirt.

“Are you here to ask permission to use Gotham as a testing ground? I have to say, Batman won't like that.” Lash replied, and Talia's eyes took on an edge when he said Batman.

“No...There was a time when my father thought that...Bruce would be an acceptable heir.” Talia began to say... Ah it would make sense that they knew who he was. “But, Bruce said no. He is unwilling to do what is needed for us all.” Talia finished.

Bruce had a no kill rule. He didn't have a perfect record. Accidents did happen, this wasn't the comic book world where bad guys only got a bloody nose when they got into a fight. Erik the gamer and his Dream Engine was a little more 'realistic'. But in the end, Bruce always tried to save everyone. Even a single life to him was too much lose.

“You liked him, didn't you?” Lash asked, and Talia looked away for a bit.

“Yes, he is a good man with a good heart. But hard when he needs to be.” Talia replied then looked back at him.

“Bruce hasn't been Batman for that long. I take it you did all this when Selina and him were dating or even possibly engaged?” Lash asked, a growl as in his voice by the end. Talia's eyes went a little wide but she kept her breathing even.

“This was all before he was Batman. He had come to Nanda Parbat for guidance, and training. That was when I met him. My father saw potential in him and took him under his wing personally. But, in the end. Bruce refused to kill. He was exiled, he left with his life. But kept what we had taught him. I am happy, that he found a use for what we gave him.” Talia confessed that bit of information and Lash was floored with that tidbit.

Despite The League of Assassins reputation. Nanda Parbat had long been rumored to be a place of spiritual healing, growth, and training in the martial arts. People would come from across the globe seeking out the sacred stone halls. Come to learn, to grow, and move past their hurts. Nanda Parbat had two clear sections in it from what Lash understood. One was for the League, the other for students who hadn't passed the trials yet. Not everyone who came, became assassins. They would leave feeling spiritually whole, and the League would have a new ally in the world.

“May I assume that if an heir is chosen, they would also become your husband?” Lash asked, concerned about the answer.

“Of course, it would only make sense that the daughter of the Demon's Head be married to the heir.” Talia replied like it was a simple fact. Lash didn't like that answer, he was a big believer of free will.

“Out of all the competitors, do none of them interest you?”

“Many of them are interesting.” Talia replied in a dry tone.

“Let me rephrase the question. Do you have any romantic feelings for any of them?”

“Romance is not necessary, I can learn to love someone Warden Lash given enough time.”

“If you had a choice, would you be with any of them?” Lash asked, and Talia stayed silent. That was his answer.

“Lady Talia, why did Ra's send you here?” Lash asked, as he suddenly had a sinking feeling in his gut.

“Do you find me attractive, Warden Lash?” Talia asked, she leaned forward just a bit.

“You are physically attractive, you have an amazing mind, and I will not deny that my partner Saurian would like to take you out for a hunt some time.” Lash replied, while Saurian growled in interest as he watched her through Lash's eyes.

“Perhaps you would be happy to know that I find you not only interesting, but I also find you attractive.” Talia replied, and that was when the pieces snapped together.

“Oh crap...” Lash said softly as he leaned back in his chair. That was not the reply Talia expected as her eye brow went up.

“Lady-” Lash began.

“Please, just call me Talia.” She asked.

“Talia, as much fun as it is to dance around each other with words. Maybe you should just say what you came to say.” Lash asked, and Talia...The professional assassin that may have been over a century old and was titled the Mother of Demons pouted just a bit.

“My father would like to discuss the possibility of you becoming his heir.” Talia said. Lash wanted to answer but he was issued a quest prompt and he distinctly heard his Cosmic Patron laughing their ass off.

Congratulations User! You've been issued a quest by your Cosmic Patron.

Objective: Destroy or Take over the League of Assassins.

Optional Objective: Help or Kill Talia al Ghul.

Optional Objective: Help or Kill Ra's al Ghul.

Reward: Based on results of completing objectives.

Comment: Better to grip the blade, then to let it stab you.

“.....Why?.....” Lash asked after about five minutes of silence.

“Because your different, you see the big picture. You are not afraid to kill when its necessary, or to spare a life when they could prove useful. You've helped the Earth recover more of it self in a few weeks worth of work more than my own father has in centuries. Because he believes you will be one of the chosen few to lead this planet into the next century.” Talia said, her voice becoming invigorated as if she was a college student discussing a favorite topic.

“You've created wonders! A space station that grows in size every year. You've discussed trade deals with galactic powers. You conquered a world. You've saved this one. Warden-” Talia said with a smile but Lash held up a hand.

“Please just call me, Lash.” He asked, and Talia smiled at him.

“Lash... The League of Assassins is what you said it is. But think about what it could become under your rule. If not under your rule, then it will be under someone who may not be so controlled as my father.” Talia asked, which was saying something since Ra's was well known for being a mass murderer. Fuck, technically so was Lash! His kill count meter was in the thousands.

“.... I will consider the offer. However, I need more information about The League of Assassins before I say yes.” Lash said next, and the spark that lit in her eyes was dazzling.

“I shouldn't have doubted him...” Talia said softly.

“Oh? Did you think I would say no?” Lash asked, a smile tugging on his lips. Talia looked a bit bashful, it was a little disturbing to be honest. He wasn't sure if it was act, or genuine. Her Acting skill must have been expert or even master level.

“You have an enigmatic personality, Lash.” Talia began to say. “You've done things in the past that had clearly confused many people only for it to make sense months, or even years later. But you've also done things that have gone against your previous morality that have made no sense to anyone.”

“I assumed it had something to do with your Patron. We don't know much, only that you have an extra-dimensional being providing support. But you must do things for them as well. It is a give and take relationship.” Talia confessed when Lash looked at her in confusion.

“Talia if this does happen I assume you and I will be bonded together, yes?” Lash asked, and Talia nodded.

“Do you want to be with me?”

“As I said before, I can learn to love someone Lash. But, yes you do pique my interest. Even if I have to share you.” Talia replied. At least that was out of the way.

“As a Warden I have to maintain a state of neutrality. I'm not always successful in that regard. But I am better than most. I have approximately 7ish years left, or 2 if they decide to count my time in the Rifts. After that I would be free to make my own alliances. Would Ra's and more specifically yourself have any issues with waiting for a specific yes, until such time.” Lash asked, and Talia stood up in one fluid motion. She bowed from her waist towards him, head down.

“Those are perfectly acceptable terms. We can begin to educate you on the ways of the League, but also we can begin to change the League according to your will....Beloved.” Talia said and stood up to look at Lash.

Lash slowly got his feet and cross the short space between them. He reached up and cradled the face of Talia with his gloved hands. Talia leaned into the touch and smiled up at him. Then he leaned down and gave her a chaste kiss that she returned. It lasted a brief moment then Lash leaned back and stared at her as she ran her tongue over her lips. Talia stepped closer, pressing the long line of her body against Lash's armored form. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned up.

They kissed again, and this time they took the time to explore each other. Talia let out a soft moan as Lash plunged his tongue into her mouth. She returned the effort with her own initiative. She raised one of her legs up and wrapped it around Lash's waist. Lash reached down with his hands and grabbed Talia's ass and picked her up. She was quick to wrap her other leg around him. They were locked in place as they continued to kiss one another.

Talia was surprisingly aggressive. Her arousal was clear, as her scent filled the room. Her hips rocked back and forth against his armored form. Lash gradually made his way to one of the comfortable, and open couches in the spacious rooms. He sat down on the edge, with Talia in his lap. With his hands no free, he ran them up along the inside of her dress along her naked skin. Her back arched, and she let out a moan. They broke their kiss, a trail of saliva connecting them before it snapped free. Her eyes were fuzzy.

“I've never been kissed like that before.” Talia said, her eyes fluttered at him. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest. Lash doubted she meant his tongue in her mouth. More than likely it was the energy he was circulating through her.

“We should stop.” Lash said softly, and Talia looked at him in confusion.

“Are you allowed to have sex before you are married?” Lash asked, a look of realization dawned on Talia.

“Yes, Lash I am. We may not have children until we are married however. But, you are right. Our relationship is new. I need to bring the good news back to father.” Talia agreed, but in the end neither of them moved.

“Talia, aside from your relationship with Bruce have you been with anyone else, romantically?” Lash asked, Bruce's name seem to act like a cold shower. Until Lash ran his tongue along her throat and she hummed, her eyes became unfocused for a bit.

“The art of seduction is a common practice among assassins. I've had many physical interactions with both men, and women. But... You would be my second relationship. I confess, I am inexperienced to such things.” Talia said, then let out a moan as Lash pulled off his gloves and placed them in his Storage the feel of his nails on her skin sent a shiver through her spine.

“Lena has been a good friend in telling me the various things couples do in this day and age. I've often wondered what it would be like to go on a...date with someone I actually cared about.” Talia said next, and Lash smiled at her.

“So the next time I see you we should go on a date then. Alright, sounds like a plan.” Lash said with a smile, that was mirrored by Talia.

What mask Talia had been wearing had come off as far as Lash could tell. Of course her Acting skill could be phenomenal and Lash fell into a trap. Either way it was nice to have her in his arms. Erik had to confess that he always liked Talia in the comics. She got a bad reputation thanks to her father. She was often in his shadow. Rarely had a chance to step out on her own. There were several comics where she even sacrificed everything and had her mind erased and taken over by Ra's because he refused to let go.

Talia, and Lash continued to kiss one another while his hands explored her body. She traced the tribal marks on his head, and along his hands. They spoke very little. But when they did speak, it was on things like favorite foods, and places to visit. Lash offered to cook her dinner on their first date. The offer had brought a smile to her face. Regretfully they did eventually separate as the sun had risen. Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on Talia and the euphoric pleasure rolled through her.

Lash cast Immaculate on himself, and Talia. Then took on his Transformation state once more. But before they left the room Talia walked up and looked at him. She leaned up and kissed his mouth gently. Saurian growled in satisfaction, and a smile of delight crossed her face. As a shiver went through her spine. They walked side by side towards the preparatory room where Vyllith was waiting for Lash.

Vyllith stood in the middle of the room with the servants standing on the side. She had sensed Lash's arrival had prepared for him. Talia bowed from her waist towards Vyllith, she returned the gesture then looked at Lash who turned to Talia. He leaned down and ran his forked tongue along her neck, just below her left ear. Talia shivered, and a smile grew across her face.

“I'll be seeing you, beloved.” Talia said just loud enough for the servants, and Vyllith to hear. A almost invisible gasp of relief went through the room. The servants were partially aware of what their mission was. Happy that it succeeded.

The moment Lash, and Vyllith stepped off the boat. The entire security team jumped aboard and took off into the morning sun. Lash was stuck in thought as he tried to figure out how to word this in an instant message. Despite not seeing his pack he still stayed in contact with them. Any new additions to his list of lovers needed to be updated. Adding Talia al Ghul the daughter of the Demon's Head to the list would complicate things.

But the day was new, and they still had work to do! The private harbor was in better condition then most but it still needed repair. Lash called his 1110 Saurus warriors, veterans, and elites. They poured out from the portals of darkness, and starlight and started to work on the harbor. Vyllith stood at Lash side, despite her face mask being on Lash could feel her staring at him. A smile was on her face. So he filled her in on everything they spoke about after putting up a baffle field just in case.

“That makes sense. But I think this Ra's al Ghul has a silly name. Isn't he just a human who used magic to keep himself young? Has ever met a real demon? Or a devil? Or a daemon before?” Vyllith asked, and raised an excellent point.

Lash had to lean back and think about that for a moment. Depending on the comic origin that the Dream Engine used. Yes, technically Ra's had at one point in his long life met an actual demon lord. But in the end? Ra's was...Dangerous to mundanes? Maybe Lash was over thinking this. Ra's is a big deal in the Batman comics. But... Compared to intergalactic threats, invasions from alternate realities, and full blown war across the world. The League of Assassins was....Small potatoes.

“Thank you, Vyllith. I believe I was over thinking the possible threat this was.” Lash said, and Vyllith preened under the compliment.

Lash would of course continue to be cautious about Ra's. He would be a fool to assume he was not dangerous. Especially if Trigon is behind the pits, and is essentially Ra's true master. Trigon is a true born threat and despite Lash's brief encounter with his children in Tartarus. Lash took Trigon very seriously.

“Isn't that God-Kin of Sobek's city near here, Wraith?” Vyllith interrupted his thoughts. He paused to look around then a look of enlightenment dawned on him.

“Why yes it is...” Lash said softly, one of the entrances to the sewer canals was in the harbor.

“Didn't you want to visit him?” Vyllith asked, and Lash laughed showing a lot of fang. He gently pushed his snout into her and Vyllith laughed a bit as she hugged him.

“Shall we?” Lash asked, as he offered her his arm which she accepted.

Lash cast Water Walk on them both and they stepped off the pier and walked towards the entrance. The Saurus army followed in their wake, a portion of them stayed behind to repair the harbor, another portion moved in from the harbor. While another group started to repair this section of the sewer system. Lash and Vyllith walked into a drain pipe that was unusually large and made their way to Croc's town.


***HR. Sol System, Earth, a few miles away in the water***

Talia al Ghul stepped out of the shower and dried herself with a towel. She wrapped her hair up, then wrapped her body up in a robe. She stared at herself in the mirror and ran her fingers along her lips. She could still taste Lash on her. She hadn't mean to go that far with him. This was an investigation mission only. Though she was happy he accepted. Talia could learn to love him. Maybe she already did? Talia shook that thought away. No, she was her father's daughter. She would do as he bid. Knock...knock...

“Mistress we have the talisman you requested.” A servant called from outside her room. Talia quickly readjusted her knot on her robe. Tucked a blade under her sleeve. It was not the first time someone had tried to kill her with a servant.

“Enter.” Talia called out.

The servant was an older man who had served under her, and Ra's for many years. He was getting almost to old to serve and needed to be retired soon. Talia had asked her father to let him use the pit but he had denied it. Not everyone could survive the pit. They had tested the old mans blood and it had radically changed and mutated. Pity, Talia liked the old man.

The man set a large brief case down and bowed his head for several seconds before he took three steps back, did an about face then walked to the door in silent practiced steps. He silently took the handle in hand, turned and bowed out of the room closing the door with out a sound. Talia smiled slightly at his etiquette. She carefully ran her fingers along the brief case. Checked for traps. Again it had happened before. Sometimes she wondered if it was truly assassins or just her father testing her.

Inside the brief case were long strips of wooden, stone, and paper communication talismans. Inscribed with ancient spells. Talia paused for a moment when she remembered Lash's words about activating her dormant blood line. Could she make these if she had agreed? Talia had used magic before, she was no novice to it. Though compared to Lash she must have seemed like a naive child. Talia turned bitter at the thought. She carefully picked up a stone talisman.

Talia then began to speak in short, and to the point sentences about everything she and Lash had spoken about. Though she kept the blood line out, as well as what they had done....after. A blush crawled up Talia's face as she remembered what they had done. How much she wished they had continued. Talia was not a virgin by any means. But when it came to love. Experiencing a true lovers touch? She was a virgin when it came to that. She shook her head to clear her thoughts and finished her report. She then broke the talisman in half and let it go.

The two pieces burst into a black flame. Then a fiery creature of unknown origin appeared from the flames. It looked at Talia then fluttered its wings and flew straights towards the wall. It passed through it with ease, and flew off towards her father to deliver her message. Talia was not headed back, no. She was going to Metropolis to visit her friend Lena. She needed her advice on what to do on a...date. What to wear, what to talk about, etc. Talia had been on many dates in her life. But it had always been to extract information. To gain something. She had never just been on a date.

“You are far more dangerous then I was led to believe, Lash.” Talia whispered softly as a smile spread across her face.


***HR. Sol System, Gotham City Sewers***

Movies, and television always lie about sewer systems. Most sewer systems are small, cramped, and full of pipes, and well sewage. The area's you see on TV are in fact the service tunnels. The cities infrastructure works in the service tunnels. Water, power, gas, etc all goes through a modern day city. Most power lines are underground. Keeps the skies clear, but it also makes it extremely difficult to repair and replace. They have to dig up a road, or under a building, or in the sewers to get to them. That is with mundane tools, and resources.

With Lash's magic, as well as his Manifestations. They used their spell craft and fixed the issues with out complaint. Many of the Saurus warriors used Earth Swim to move through the concrete to fix specific issues. All in all it went far faster then if it had been done the normal way. So, Lash and Vyllith walked through the service tunnels. Taking the twisting paths under Gotham towards Croc's town. Gotham had several centuries worth of history. Thanks to the supernatural element, and a dark shaman that feeds on negative emotion and an ancient Bat God. Gotham was filled to the brim with underground towns, structures, hidden passages, and traps!

The Court of Owls specifically had built a majority of Gotham with the aid of the Alan Wayne Trust. In the comic origins, the Court had hidden places scattered through out the city. Lash had encountered many of these locations as they rebuilt, and renovated the city. However, oddly enough most of the hidden places were empty. The Court of Owls had fled Gotham. When that had happened he wasn't sure. So, he took down the hidden rooms and rebuilt the buildings with out them.

Despite the new style of architecture in Gotham. Lash and his Manifestations still met a lot of push back. Be it from the supernatural communities that didn't want, or need renovations. Or, many mundane individuals that owned buildings and didn't want any help. Complaints had poured into city hall with upset business owners, like construction companies who were furious that their construction project was outsourced.

Imagine if you will a thirty story apartment building with people still living it in. They've been with out utilities for months. They learn at last that their building is going to be repaired. But guess what? The original owner sold the building. So they have to vacate their homes, due to the new owner planning on tearing it down. Then comes along a whole bunch of aliens that repair the building in under an hour. Then the people living there are informed by the government that anything rebuilt by Agent Wraith is under a government outreach program. So they no longer have to move out. In fact the building technically is owned by the city!

Of course the people living in the building still pay rent, and the 'owner' of the building gets that money. But they can no longer tear it down. Unless said citizens can be given a new place to live that is equal or greater than they currently live in. Due to the post-invasion act done by President Luthor. There are of course a lot of legal loop holes, and fine print. But in the end. The people who truly need help get help. While the people up top have to stick it out and endure. Oh no, what ever shall we do!?

Along the way Lash encountered a lot of rats, lots, and lots of rats! That was not entirely uncommon in the sewers. But these rats didn't run. They watched with interest as Lash, and Vyllith walked through the tunnels. More than once Lash used his nature spells to heal, and mend several broken rats who were either injured, or diseased. Thanks to Beast Speak it was like a cacophony of white noise. He couldn't pick out a single voice. However, the rats were there to see if he was friendly or hostile. Odd.

Croc's town was located in the main nexus point of service tunnels, pipes, and canals under the Old Gotham, island. Every island in Gotham had a nexus point. The points were about the size of an NFL football stadium. Not just the field, but the seats, the multiple layers of food services, facilities, and parking. The points were very large, and could hold a lot of people if you were economic about space. Old Gotham had three of these points in them. Croc controlled the largest one.

When they reached the one mile mark before they reached the town they encountered a patrol. This patrol consisted of several homeless, and more specifically rat-men. The homeless understandably freaked out when they saw Wraith standing in the dark tunnel. But the rat-men called out in joy and rushed to over to say hello. The rat-men were supernatural community members who couldn't afford glamour charms. Not everyone in the community was rich, as so many liked to believe.

Lash and Vyllith was escorted towards the town. While the rat-men talked about all that had happened in the town. It had not been easy. During the invasion when the EMP went off all of Gotham had lost power. Except for Croc's town. The thousands of feet of concrete had protected them. So for the first time in decades the sewers was the safest, well off place in all of Gotham. So, what happened? War happened...

First it was tiny skirmishes, scouts from gangs. Even the occasional invader who was moving around in the dark. But what really surprised the citizens of Croc's town was that surface dwellers came down and tried to evict them. They claimed this place belong to Gotham and that they had no right to it. That was until Croc pulled out a title to the entire nexus point. Shield and Sword to the rescue. They had done it before the invasion. So when legal methods failed the city sent in cops, swat, and the mafia to push them out. Didn't work. All of this was under the instruction of the former Mayor Adin.

Croc had heard that Lash had ousted the corrupt politician and told the patrol teams that Wraith may be visiting soon. Sure enough, Lash showed up so the patrol team escorted him back to the town. A town was definitely what it had become. They had taken a boat through a canal towards the town and came out into garbage version of Venice? The canals ran through the whole town, and along the edges of the canals were buildings 3-5 stories tall. Built up, and secured in place with scaffolding, and bamboo?

But what was really surprising was that the whole town had a source of light. Months ago, or maybe over a year ago? Lash had come to the town and built air purifying trees that cleansed out toxins, and kept the air clean. The town had cleaner air than Gotham did, and it was in the sewers! The trees could grow with out natural light but at a reduced rate. But alternative means of fuel could provide. These trees were scattered around the town and were maybe 20 feet tall when he had planted them. Now? They towered over the whole town, their branches reached up towards the ceiling of stone, and metal. Their leaves gave off ambient light, bright enough to fill the nexus point with lantern light.

Each canal had electrical water wheels, again something Lash had built. They had stayed in working order thanks the self repair function. Dozens of people sat on pedal powered generators next to the wheels in an effort to store more power. The boat that Lash, and Vyllith were on docked at a pier and they disembarked. Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on the patrol team in thanks. While another team of of were-crocodiles showed up to escort them the rest of the way.

The town had different layers. Each layer was separated by a stair case, and would go up about twenty or so feet. Then that layer would have several hundred feet of space, along with other canals that would move out of the nexus point into the Old Gotham sewer system. Each layer had a gate house, along with a wall along the layer's perimeter. Apparently they had been invaded several times and used the layers as choke points. Lash was angry, specifically at himself. Never once did he ever come to check on the town during the invasion. He had wanted to, but something had always come up.

The town was alive and kicking. Hundreds of people pushed through the crowded streets. Though they made way for the were-breeds, and surprisingly Agent Wraith. Many criminal elements made themselves scarce when they saw him. Given it was Croc's town Lash was obligated to clear it with him before he arrested anyone. Lash saw a few dozen Blood-Kindred, blood-mutts. They glared with clear hostility at Lash but he simply waved at them in recognition.

Croc's home was a three story mansion that Lash had built for him originally. It was covered in spell wards, charms, and talismans. Along with security cameras, an electric fence, and a gate house with what looked like a minotaur wielding a M61 vulcan mini gun sitting in the watch tower. Behind Croc's mansion was a telecommunication tower. Thanks to Technomancy the tower could access radio, telephones, and the internet.

Lash took a glance behind him as they scaled the last stair case up and saw the town behind him. Each home was built out of a combination of scrap metal, drift wood, clay, and bamboo? Lots, and lots of bamboo. He noticed several of the buildings on their rooftops had gardens with growth lamps over the plants. He'd have to see about installing a Daylight item in the ceiling. Something that could simulate the night and day cycle.

They were brought the main doors and soon ushered into main briefing room. Lash could hear Croc's creole accent from the other room and it brought a smile to his face. He heard an older mans voice, along with a young girls. They were discussing territories, and supply lines. When Lash, and Vyllith walked in Croc looked up and a face splitting grin spread across his face. He walked around the grand oak table that was in the middle of the room. His crocodile scaled arms opened wide, and Lash joined him with his own.

“About time you came to visit my scaled brother! Big ole daddy said you'd be coming by!” Croc said in his creole accent, he squeezed Lash in a hug and he returned the gesture.

Waylond Jones aka Killer Croc in the comics. Or so named as King Croc in the Dream Engine stood approximately at 8' (243 cm) tall, with solid muscles, and crocodile scales. A lot like Lash in his Transformation state. He had hard major scales along his bones, and outer portions of his body with little movement. While the inner portions of his body like the joints, and inner arms, and thighs. He had more akin to soft leather, or snake scales. His face was vaguely human like, his nose was flat like a snakes, while his jaw was slightly elongated. His lips could be pulled back to reveal long fangs, and a few molars. When he smiled it was terrifying. He currently wore a tailored made gray suit. Pants, vest, jacket, white buttoned shirt with the top four buttons undone, no shoes. He looked good!

“This is Vyllith my hell knight.” Lash said as he turned and gestured towards her. Vyllith stepped forward and bowed from her waist towards him then stood up straight. Croc looked at her with a divine gleam in his eye.

“Straight out of hell you are. Good, this big man here needs someone watching his back.” Croc said with a grin, and Vyllith's body language softened a bit at the compliment.

“Come, let me introduce you.” Croc said as he turned to gesture towards an older man, and a young girl who stood, and sat at the table respectively.

“This is Otis, and his daughter Cleo. Or as they are often called Ratcatcher, and Ratcatcher 2.” Croc said with a smile as the little girl at the table pouted at him cutely.

“Uncle Croc!” Cleo complained about the name. Croc grinned at her, and Lash could see the adopted love, and familial bond between them.

Otis aka Ratcatcher smiled at them both then nodded at Lash. He stood at approximately 5'10” (177 cm) with a wiry academic frame. Or maybe he just suffered from malnutrition. He had wild, and crazy gray hair that puffed out from his head like Einstein. He wore a leather/hide coat made from animal skins. Along with an assortment of belts, buckles, and gadgets. Boots, pants, shirt, coat, and a mask that looked like a rat mask. His eyes were deep brown, and there was a warmth to them.

Cleo aka Ratcatcher 2 was a young girl who was maybe 10 years old? She had short black hair that was chopped, and layered just above her shoulders. Her amber colored eyes were alight with curiosity, and wonder as she looked at Lash and Vyllith. She wore a set of leathers, and hides like her father. Boots, pants, shirt, jacket, and her own little rat mask. On her shoulder was a rat wearing a gray molted vest. The stitching was basic, and Lash assumed Cleo made it for the rat. The rat waved at them, and Lash nodded in reply.

“So, you here to work? Or just dropping by?” Croc asked as he sat down on a high back chair that could take his weight. Cleo jumped from her seat and climbed into Croc's lap. She kicked her little legs back and forth as she looked at Lash.

“Work, I'm currently repairing Gotham on the surface. I've done renovations and repair on most of the utilities in Gotham. Approximately 51% of Gotham's surface is repaired. But I wanted to come here and check on the town. I've been meaning to come by for a while now, but...” Lash said, and didn't finish his sentence.

“But what?” Cleo asked, and her father came to her side and ruffled her head hair. She smiled up at him.

“He's been busy, my love. Do you remember the bad men that came from another world? Agent Wraith here put a stop to them.” Otis said to his daughter who grinned at Lash.

“Thank you!” Cleo said, and Lash felt his heart turn to mush just a bit.

“Well if you are taking requests. Can you update the water wheels? Otis here is responsible for the pedal generators but they only go so far. We also need at least two more water towers, preferably four.” Croc began as he stood up, but carried Cleo in his arms. He brought down a town map to point out the preferred areas.

“I can do that, I can also create a simulated night and day cycle through the trees. The light they give off could be used to help grow the gardens in the town. I can also create garden soil.” Lash began, to say...

“Bath house!” Cleo shouted, with her arms raised into the air. Lash glanced at her, then at Otis.

“We get the discovery channel down here.” Otis replied with a smile as he winked at Cleo.

“Yes, we can build a bath house. With King Croc's permission.” Lash asked, and Cleo turned her bright amber eyes at Croc who visibly deflated under her gaze.

“Ya, sure kid.” Croc mumbled and Cleo cheered.

“Now for the buildings in the town. Do you want building supplies, or do you just want me to do what I did before?” Lash asked, and Croc had to think about it.

“I think supplies would be better. The people in the town have taken great pride in building this place into a home. Though I am sure many would love to have a smart house contained with in a sewer. I believe it would cause more problems than anything.” Otis said softly.

“Why papa?” Cleo asked.

“People always want more, kid. Rules of the world.” Croc answered, and Otis nodded in agreement.

“You should let Wraith update your security as well. There are a lot of gaps in your defenses.” Vyllith suggested by Lash's side.

“Also we'll need a bit of money, if that is still on the list?” Croc asked with a grin. Lash shrugged his shoulders and stepped off to the side.

When Lash had come to Croc's town to help build it up he had donated $500,000 US dollars to the contribution to the town. Despite the fact the Croc ended bathing in the money for a few minutes. It went to a good cause. Lash walked over to the side of the room and raised his hands up. He accessed his Money Storage and his Achievement: Damn, I've got 99 problems but money isn't one of them! Once a day, every day 1% of your total liquid assets worth will spawn in your Money Storage. (Chapter 38)

Stacks of cash materialized from thin air and slammed into the floor with a resounding boom! The whole mansion shook lightly, and a were-croc peaked into the room and stood frozen at the pile of money in the corner. Approximately 5 million US dollars in cash. From twenties, fifties, and hundred dollar bills. Lash glanced back to see Croc's, and Otis's jaws hanging open at the sight of it. Cleo on the other hand ran over and started to climb the pile of money. Then stood at the top with hands on her hips, standing proudly.

“5 millions should be fine, right?” Lash asked, in a dry tone of voice. While Vyllith's shoulders shook up and down. She was trying not to laugh.

“I've missed you...” Croc said with a smile as he walked over and proceeded to wash himself in cash. Lash wasn't sure if Croc meant that for him, or for the money?


Lash updated the water wheels they produced, and stored 100% more power, ran silent aside from the churning of the water. They kept their self repair function. Along several additional sockets, and USB ports for charging. Oddly enough he saw several people living there with tablets, and laptops. They may not have been the original owners! But they did have them. Each canal had at least 1 water wheel, while others had 4. Anymore and they would disrupt the natural flow.

4 more water towers were put into place. Nature Domain spell scrip were inscribed along the lids of the towers to naturally collect water over the course of time from the ambient magical energy in the air, as well as moisture. The towers of course had self repair, and self filtration included. One such towers was placed directly over the new bath house! It was designed like a modern day Roman bath house. White stone, red clay tiles on the roof. Changing rooms with Renew, and Immaculate on the laundry boxes. Two separate baths for both genders, then one large bath for mixed. The whole place had Renew, and Immaculate on the whole building.

Lash altered the design of the air purification trees. Tied them to a day and night cycle. During daylight hours the tree's give off enough light to visible see the town, while also bathing the gardens thanks to Daylight, and Growth. Then at night the light takes on a muted silver glow to simulate the moon. Thanks to the money donated by Lash they could buy garden soil, and also increase the security. He did however use Fabrication, and Alteration to create building supplies. Nails, screws, planks of wood, metal, copper wire, etc, etc. Along with a plethora of tools.

Last but certainly not least Lash built a school house! Each room could hold about 25 people, 4 rooms per floor. 5 floors each. Each room came with a holographic projector and the whole school had a very minor VI instructor. The core of the VI was located in Croc's mansion, secreted away. Lash also linked the town up with Vici in case of emergencies. Despite the instructor VI being basic it still had a wealth of knowledge from preschool, to an Ivy League education. The only issue was it wasn't affiliated, or certified to give out diplomas.

Otis absolutely lost his mind with the school and was overjoyed that Cleo could get an education. It is the hope, and dream of every good parent that their children will have a brighter future then their own. Cleo loved to learn. Before the school was even done she was already in the class room talking to the VI about the neural pathways of animals brains. Smart kid! Turned out Otis, and Cleo were both Meta-Humans. They had Animal Empathy, and Animal Telepathy. Specifically vermin, and or small animals. Like rats, squirrels, raccoons, lizards, and bats! Among others of course.

It was midday when Lash finished, and it was time for him to get back to the surface. Approximately 70% of Gotham had been rebuilt. At least the area's that had accepted help. After that he needed to visit Selina, Lizzy, and Isabella before he left for Metropolis. He said goodbye to Croc, Otis, and Cleo who called him Uncle Wraith when he said goodbye. Gah...Heart strings!

Lash, and Vyllith reached the surface with ease. He cast Earth Swim and carried her up. They emerged on a city street much to the surprise of the citizens walking the cross walk. Then surprise, surprise someone threw a brick at him. The brick bounced off of Lash's skull crest and his head tilted slightly to the side. Vyllith pushed her thumb against her chain sword at her side and prepared to cut the individual in half. But Lash raised a clawed hand towards her, then looked towards the man who threw the brick.

The man looked to be in his thirties, stood about approximately 5'8” (172 cm). He had thinning hair that bordered on the common horseshoe bald pattern. A dirty flannel shirt, and white tank top. Along with faded blue jeans, and work boots. He had a bit of a gut, but thick strong arms. He looked exhausted, with his blood shot eyes, and dirty clothes Lash could tell he was a working man. A construction worker? Oh....That would explain the hostility.

“You and your fucking monsters stole my job, asshole!” The man shouted.

“I am sorry for the inconvenience, citizen. However, if you are looking for work the CSA or Ghost Industries is hiring. They will even pay for the technical school as long as you sign a contract with them.” Lash said, as he adjusted his animalistic voice to be softer.

“I am not working with a bunch of freaks!” The man shouted, and all good will towards the situation evaporated with that sentence. Lash's amiable attitude left him, and a sort of pressure started to swallow the area.

“That...Was fucking stupid.” Another man said, pointing towards the construction worker.

“What the fuck is wrong with you man! Agent Wraith was throwing you a bone! I bet he was this close from writing you a recommendation. And you throw it all back into his face!” Another citizen called out. It was clear that the construction worker was out numbered. That was a pleasant surprise.

“Wraith! Don't listen to him man! You keep being you. The city needs more people like you.” A woman called out, and several people cheered. The construction worker was swallowed in the crowd and Lash lost track of him.

Lash and Vyllith spent a few minutes speaking to the people. A lot of them had homes recently restored thanks to Lash, and his Manifestations. A few did ask about CSA, and Ghost Industries. It was true about the technical school. As long as they signed a work contract to work for them once finished they would pay for training. Even full tuition in they were in school. Then someone asked if Lash intended to fix Gotham University. That...Was an excellent question.

Gotham University was a state college located in Gotham...Obviously. It had a self contained campus. Traditionally 0-1st year students were required to live on campus. (If they could afford it) While everyone 2nd and above could choose to live on campus, they were of course a lot of cheap student housing around. Gotham University had a wide variety of academic scholarships. But was primarily a football college. Facilities were top notch as the Wayne family often donated to the school. It was clean, up to date, and a sense of pride came with those that attended the college.

Not anymore! The University was a wreck. Lash and his Manifestations had actually ignored the entire campus because it was not considered a vital system that needed to be repaired. Yes, they did repair schools! But the university, not so much. The college dorm rooms were either jam packed full of students and or people. While others were in ruins, or currently on fire? The olympic size pool was putrid green and had a body floating in it. The library had been pillaged for insulation, and kindling. While the class rooms had been converted into living spaces.

“Attention! To any and all currently living on campus! This is Agent Wraith with the United Nations World Security. I am currently in the process of repairing, and renovating Gotham University. None of you are required to move from your current location. But be aware that tiny machines often referred to as nanomachines will be deconstructing, and reconstructing the environment around you. Attacking them would be ill advised.” Lash said, enhancing his voice through Reality Warping.

“Vyllith please guard my location. I am going to go into Meditation while I do this.” Lash asked her as he began to draw a ritual circle on the ground.

“As you wish, but I should inform you that Selina asked that we meet her at nightfall.” Vyllith said to him, he paused. When did that happen?

“She called while you were building Croc's town, you were busy.” Vyllith supplied the answer.

That left Lash with about four hours to rebuild the whole campus. That could work! He finished drawing the ritual circle and stood in the center. He started to float above it with Telekinesis and created the Phantasm illusion of tiny green, and blue machines flying from his body. Then he used his Archmage title effect (Chapter 105)

Congratulations User! Minor Reality Warping has evolved into Basic Reality Warping.

Effect: Slight increase to spell power.

Effect: Slight decrease to spell energy consumption.

Effect: Slight increase to spell manipulation control.

Effect: Slight increase to spell range.

Effect: The User can now change minor things, and the change remains even after the spell wears off.

Lash winced, and had hoped for something a little more substantial. But it was Basic after all. First the water, power, and sewer lines were repaired. The areas that were on fire on the campus were put out thanks to Elemental Manipulation. The pool was cleaned, and the body identified and Decomposition was used on the bloated corpse. The college campus dorms, staff, and faculty homes were repaired, and renovated. The buildings were taller, and each room was given a Compression Transformation. Each dorm room became a mini studio apartment. Beds would come out of the walls, or floors. Mini kitchens, tables and or desks. Closets, dressers, and bathrooms with showers. Way better than having to share a community bathroom. While the staff, and faculty homes were so much better.

The library was rebuilt. Thankfully the college had an accurate list of all its books. Lash easily replicated the entire collection with Fabrication, Alteration, and since he was on a role he used Technomagical Construct to make another minor VI. Just like he did in Croc's town. The VI would be tied to the school and holographic projection strips would be placed around the entire campus. Lash of course hid the VI core away from prying eyes, and linked the whole place to Vici for emergencies.

The main facilities were repaired of course. Class rooms, labs, etc, etc. The buildings were taller and could accommodate more students. The overall design and art style remained at least cosmetically. While Compression Transformation saved a lot of space in every building. Then of course, solar panels, wind turbines, and photokinetic glass was built into the whole university. Once Lash was finished with Gotham it would produce more renewable energy that it consumed. Eco-friendly for the win!

Lash finished up and opened his eyes. He was surrounded by hundreds of young men, and women who began to cheer the moment he stirred from his Meditation. Vyllith had her sword out, but it wasn't raised. She shrugged at him and sheathed her sword now that he was awake. Lash set his feet down and canceled Telekinesis. A holographic image appeared in front of him. The VI had taken the appearance of a old man college professor from the 1970's. They had on a suede jacket, bell bottom pants, mutton chops, with a grin on their face. Ghostly blue, and calm soothing voice.

“Thanks for the update, creator. Just call me professor! Alright boys and girls get your asses to bed! We start school tomorrow!” Professor shouted and the students jumped into action despite taking orders from a holographic ghost.

The sun began to set on the second day of reconstruction and 90% of Gotham had been repaired. The rest of the city either didn't want help. Or didn't really need it. Gotham had been redone with Lash's help. Garden tree streets, with clean wide roads. Grid pattern set up, with out the towering insanity buildings with weird architecture. Yes, Lash would miss the exotic architecture. But it was far more stable this way. Subways, and L-trains had all been repaired. Harbors redone, and ready to receive, and send. Gotham was open for business!

Congratulations User! You've completed a hidden objective.

Hidden Objective: Rebuild and renovate over 80% of Gotham City. Help bring it into the next century.

Reward: Increased reputation with the people of Gotham.

Reward: The spirit of Gotham will be more inclined to help you if you are in trouble.

Reward: 500 Dream Points.

Reward: 100 Ability Evolution Points.

Reward: Increase reputation with the people of Croc's Town.

Reward: The User has gained 10% better understanding of how to build, and manage a city.

“I'm....tired...” Lash confessed, which was odd because his tear drop power stone was constantly recharging his energy. But it was more of a mental exhaustion.

“Should we just head home? We can see her tomorrow.” Vyllith suggested, but Lash shook his head. But he also smiled when Vyllith said head home. Yes, that was right it was their home.

Lash cast Invisibility on himself, and Vyllith. Then wrapped them both in a Telekinesis flight field. They lifted off the ground and started to fly towards Wayne Manor. He also cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, and Immaculate on them both. The euphoric energy from the nature spells poured over them both. While they were also cleaned. Lash then reached out through Connectivity to the Gotham City JLI message board.

[We finished up, heading to the Bat cave. Unless something happened while we were busy?] -Wraith.

[Wooooo! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! My building has power again. I was rocking two generators before.] -Shadow Spy.

[Robin is back... We need to talk.] -Cat Woman.

Lash didn't like that one bit. So he tightened the Telekinesis flight field around them both and sped up. The acceleration increased the draw of energy. But the power stone was quick to replenish him. The Wayne estate is a massive piece of land located on the section of Gotham known as Bristol. It is where most of the 10% of Gotham live in their huge manors. It is also the same area where the Warden HQ is, as well as Kali's home....Kali, there was someone he hadn't seen in a while. Lash pulled up the Warden information page... She was still registered as the Blood-Kindred city master but was currently visiting Washington DC. Hmmm, maybe Lash could see her when he went to see Lex.

Lash landed them both at the front door. He pulled the Invisibility off but placed a baffle field glamour around them and the door. To anyone watching it would look like Alfred was responding to a group of well dressed individuals who came over for dinner. Yes, two individuals who didn't drive, and simply appeared. Lash was tired, OK! At least they wouldn't see Agent Wraith visiting Bruce Wayne.

Alfred Pennyworth is the British butler and valet to the Wayne Family. He took up the role of legal guardian of Bruce Wayne, after the murders of Bruce's parents, Dr. Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha. Alfred has acted the part of grandfather to the Bat family since its creation. Richard Grayson loved him, as did Barbara, and in his own way Jason. Selina, and Alfred got along very well. Not once did Alfred ever judge Selina for her background. He especially took a liking to her when Selina helped Bruce some resemblance of peace after so many years of torture.

Alfred stood at approximately 6' 0” (182 cm), he had a healthy pale skinned complexion. (Don't get a lot of sun when your the butler of Batman) He deep ocean blue eyes that held fierce intelligence, and loyalty. He had been balding, but recently his hair had returned to a rich black with a bit of silver through its roots. Lash had used Restore Youth on him and given him 10 more years. He had a athletic figure fitting of a sword master. (Fencer) He was impeccably dressed in his british butler uniform, tails included.

Alfred answered the door and smiled at both Lash, and Vyllith. Vyllith and Alfred hit it off last time they were in town visiting. They swapped tips, and tricks of serving each others masters. Lash, and Vyllith bowed from their waist, and the etiquette was returned by Alfred. He stepped to the side with out a word and gestured them inside. He softly closed the door behind them and let out a sigh. That was never a good sign. Alfred didn't sigh, it believed it was disrespectful.

“What happened?” Lash asked softly, even with his Transformation state he tried his best to keep it level.

“Master Jason is... Come.” Alfred said, and refused to answer.

Lash could feel Selina was in the house so he reached out with his Pack Bond and established the link between them. The link snapped into place and they both gained a 30% increase to their overall abilities. But Lash could also feel the turmoil, and depression across the link. Selina desperately wanted Lash to fix the problem, but she knew he couldn't. Lash tried to ask what the problem was, but Selina refused to answer. He would find out soon enough.

Alfred led them both to the cave. Passed the grandfather clock and down the winding stair well through the pitch black. With soft ambient light from the stairwell lighting their way. Lash could hear shouting coming from the cave. It was Jason. He was angry, clearly! But it was the type of anger that he didn't want. He was angry because he was afraid.

Coming around the bend of the carved rock of the bat cave Lash saw Bruce in his uniform but his mask was down. Selina who stood off to the side with tears streaming down her face. Richard was trying to calm Jason down but was being held back by Barbara. They were both in uniform but had their masks off as well. While Kate stood off to the side in full uniform, mask on. She glanced up at Lash as he came down. Jason whipped around to stare at him and....

Blood-Kindred....New born. -Saurian said across the link they shared. Lash stopped mid step so suddenly that Vyllith nearly walked into him. She stepped off to the side just in time and looked at him, then at Jason not understanding the situation.

Jason looked....Amazing! He stood approximately at 6' 0” (182 cm). Short black hair, with blue eyes that had a shallow red ring around them. He had a good solid muscle structure on him in the shape of an inverted triangle. He moved with grace, and a almost predatory presence. He wore black boots, black pants, a black t-shirt that was tight on him. His hands were stretched out like claws, and his nails were extending ever so slightly. Lash cast Insight on him.

Name: Jason Peter Todd, aka Robin.

Title: Street Rat, Boy Wonder, Blood-Kindred.

Origin: Mundane. Sub-Origin: Magical.

Rank: C+

Skills: Martial Arts, Investigation, Intimidation, Genius Level Intellect, (See tool tip)

Powers: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Durability, (See tool tip)

Domains: N/A

Sub-Domain: Grave.

Affiliations: Bat family, Justice League: International.

Flaws: Blood Thirst Addiction, Sunlight Sensitivity.

Disposition: Friendly.

Description: Jason is a despite what he may believe a good man, a good friend, and a steadfast ally to have at your back. He is slow to trust others, but once he does it is hard for him to give up on them. He is also terrified, he has changed, and he doesn't want to be what he is now.

“Oh fuck!” Lash said...


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