
***HR. Sol System, Watch Tower Station.***

Another day, another month, another briefing. Contained with in the headquarters module or as it is called by the junior members. The room with the big table. It was filled to the brim with the senior members of the Justice League: International. Along with Warden, and Supernatural Community members. Once a month they would gather up and discuss the issues they were facing. Though not everyone could attend each meeting due to scheduling. The HQ module was built like a modern day amphitheater. Descending stairway, and seating. Focused around a stage and or podium for the current speaker. The current HQ module could hold about 500 people easily enough. Though only about 50 or so showed up.

“Alright, hello everyone! Thank you for coming. I understand we all have a lot going on so we'll try to keep this short.” Superman addressed the whole room as he stood at the podium addressing the senior staff of the JLI.

“The Bat-Family will not be attending the meeting. They are dealing with a family issue. Wraith also not be attending, he is helping the Bat-Family with their issue.” Superman said to the room. A few people mumbled questions but had no real intention of voicing their concerns.

“The King, and Queen of Atlantis regret they can not come to the meeting. Their is a political disagreement happening between some of the high borne.” Former Queen Atlanna said from her position, a few people in the room understood the issue.

“I'm not entirely sure I should even be here!” Fire aka Beatriz da Costa said from her spot on the table. She was representing the JLI branch in Rio de Janeiro. Fire, and her team mate Ice had been recruited by Wraith. (Chapter 79)

“You, and Ice have seniority in your part of the world. Ice nominated you so she could stay and help with the city. Next meeting she'll come, and you can stay behind.” Superman said with a genuine smile and Fire blushed just a bit.

“No te preocupes, te ayudaré.” A man said next to Fire who smiled at him. (Don't worry, I'll help you out.)
The man who spoke was the superhero named Iman (Magnet) aka Diego Irigoyen. He was a Tech-Genius who worked with super powered armor and worked out of Mexico City. Diego stood at approximately 5'10” (177.8 cm) with blue eyes, and short blond hair. With a strong athletic figure. He was born and raised in Mexico and obtained a scholarship through Wayne Tech to an Ivy League. He graduated with robotic engineering. He returned to Mexico to fight crime after his mother was killed during the invasion. (Gang War)

“Oie! I really don't understand why I'm here! Most of you wankers can't stand the sight of me!” Constantine said from his side of the table. He sat close to the supernatural community reps who rolled their eyes at him.

“You are pretty attractive, John. So I can say that I do enjoy looking at you. But the moment you open your mouth and speak is when I want you gone.” Rush aka Monika Celeritas said. (VI Avatar) She flipped him the bird, and John winked at her. But kept his mouth shut.

“If we could please continue? I'm due back in Tokyo in a few hours.” Onna-Bugeisha aka Isha said to the room. (VI Avatar, Chapter 82)

“So a bit of good news. Gotham City has been fully repaired. So all of its construction material will be moved across the globe to cities that need it. The UN has given a list to Wraith of cities that have requested his time to be rebuilt. Here is the list.” Superman said, and pushed the list towards everyone attending.

“Will Wraith even have time to get to these places? The man is a bad luck magnet!” Nightrunner aka Bilal Asselah said from his spot on the table.

Nightrunner was a mundane street vigilante type that worked out of Paris, France. He was well trained in Acrobatics, and Parkour. He stood approximately at 5'10” (177.8 cm) with an athletic figure. He had been discovered by Batman, and Nightwing while they were traveling through Paris during a mission. Since then he had been one of the heroes of the JLI in that part of the world. He was focused, well trained, and understood what it took to be a leader. Though he did have a it of a mouth on him.

“We don't know. We all have a lot on our plate. Just like he does. So if he shows up in your city, try and be helpful. But don't hold your breath expecting him to show up.” Superman continued, and Nightrunner sighed heavily and went back to reviewing the information.

“Actually he may show up in Paris. He has two pack members who live there.” The Warden Councilor said to the room. That was news to a lot of people.

“Oh? Do we know who they are?” Nightrunner asked, suddenly curious.

“They are part of the Wardens. I can't tell you more than that.” The Warden Councilor said.

“The Kingdoms of Atlantis, Xebel, Fishermen, and Brine are providing resources to every coastal city in the world. However, several cities in the more disfranchised sections of the world have asked to come under Atlantean rule. King Arthur has accepted them as vassal states. They are getting a lot of flak from the political portions of that part of the world. Specifically Africa.” Superman said next.

“Most of them are fishing towns, villages, and a few cities that were under corrupt ruler ship. Our King has declared that once they are stable enough to rule themselves they will be released under the guardianship of Atlantis. He assured the United Nations of his actions.” Atlanna said next, and many people frowned at that.

“Are they being attacked?” Supergirl said from her spot. She focused on Atlanna who nodded, yes.

“Can the JLI even show up? Or would that cause more problems? Some of the UN wants Atlantis to leave and return the towns back to their original leadership.” The Flash aka Barry Allen asked.

“It would be safer if the JLI stayed out of it. The towns are attacked by mercenaries, people not officially affiliated with home countries. Deniability, and politics. No one has declared war, because everyone involved isn't a member of the country.” Atlanna said with a grimace.

“We do have other resources.” A gender neutral voice spoke from the far side of the room. Hex, the security manager of the station and current leader of the Shadow Operations of the JLI.

“That may work, but I believe this is not the right setting to discuss it.” Atlanna replied.

“Alright moving on.” Superman said in slightly bitter tone. He didn't approve of the alternate resources that Hex provided. “Watch Tower Station is 30% complete with its current upgrade. Malleus believes as long as we hold this pace we'll be done with in two weeks.” Superman finished, and pushed the information for everyone to look over.

“When are we doing the Lunar operation?” Hawkman asked.

“Once the station has gone through the upgrade we'll start to deploy FOB's on the surface and start the operation.” Hex replied.

“Any word on the possible invasion from Zod?” Hawkwoman asked, as she zeroed in on Superman, and glanced at Supergirl who both looked frustrated.

“With the time table that Wraith's Patron gave us. Zod should be here in a few weeks, or another few months. That is why we are focusing on the stations upgrade.” Superman replied. Martian Manhunter raised his hand and he stood up when called.

“The people of Ma'aleca'andra (Mars) will join in the defense of the Sol System. We have over a thousand star fighters ready to deploy and help.” J'onn said to the room and he was greeted with smiles, and a cheer from Constantine.

“How is Mars doing by the way?” Superman asked, there was no information on them in the brief.

“We are doing well, the atmospheric tower given to us has been repaired, and is under heavy guard. It has not only stopped the rate of decay, it is slowly restoring it.” J'onn replied with a satisfied smile on his face.

“Do we know why the cult is attacking the towers?” Supergirl asked. J'onn shook his head in a clear, no.

“Speaking of our neighbors. Do we know what is going on with the Thanagarian delegation?” Wonder Woman asked.

“A none-aggression pact, with a trade agreement. We are hammering the details out.” Hex replied, much to the surprise of Hawkman, and Hawkwoman who didn't know that. The room glanced at the Hawks in worry.

“I think it is safe to assume that the Thanagarian government doesn't trust Hawkman, and Hawkwoman.” Hex replied softly.

“Then I guess it's a good thing that we do trust them then.” Svadeni aka Dia Nyx said from her spot. (VI Avatar, Chapter 49) Svadeni smiled at them, they both returned the smile.

“On the note of Thanagar.” John Stewart aka Blue Lantern said. “Several Green Lantern Thanagarian's are showing up in the coming weeks to recharge their rings. A few have already arrived. They are good people who just want to help. But... Apparently there was a call for Green Lanterns from the Guardians a for weeks ago. The Guardians are reorganizing, and one of their first missions is arresting Wraith. Then 'correcting' the Sol System.” John finished, and the pin drop silence in the room was deafening.

“Fucking Christ!” Constantine said from his seat.

“John, what do they mean by correcting?” Superman asked.

“They'll bring it to heel. The Guardians have declared the Sol System a rogue or hostile state that needs martial law.” John said in a bitter tone. “We are all under the influence of a corrupting force. They will come to help, organize, and if need be establish rule until we are stable.”

“It's a power play.” Starfire said. The room looked at her. She stuck her chin up and spoke confidently.

“The Sol System made the Guardians of Oa look bad. They have to destroy us in order to reestablish their rule. They will fabricate the proof to get the universe to believe them. Then an army of justice will wash over the system believing themselves in the right. They will lie, they will cheat, and they act the part of benevolent overseers. I've seen it all before.” Starfire said in fury, as green energy danced up and down her body. Supergirl came over and hugged her, attempting to calm her down.

“John can they do that? Isn't there a galactic senate or something we can appeal to?” Superman asked.

“No, the Sol System is too young. We have no political clout, no influence, and no real military power. The Galactic Sheriff's are giving us basic protection. But we are too new. On top of it, Earth is divided. Anyone who has any interest in the Sol System knows that Earth is a pre-FTL civilization without a unified government.” Hawkwoman said next, and jumped ahead of John. But he gestured for her to continue.

“It would be easy to send spies to Earth, then have those spies convince the leaders of different nations to not only declare the JLI enemies of Earth. But declare Wraith a corrupting force. Then the Guardians could use this cry for help as a reason to invade. As for a galactic senate? There is no such thing. You want a voice in the galaxy you have to back it up with military might.” Hawkwoman continued, and finished in a bitter tone.

“Wraith is an alien spy that has come to corrupt, and subvert the natural evolution of the Sol System. He is planting seeds, and preparing for his peoples arrival to enslave the system. The Guardians will move into to free, and protect the innocent people from the invading force.” Hawkman said next.

“That's a lie though!” Supergirl shouted.

“Doesn't matter, that is what the galactic public will believe.” John said at last.


***HR. Alpha Centauri System***

Dru-Zod general of the people of the military guild of the last surviving people of Krypton had a smile on his face. Dru currently floated in the vacuum of space wearing nothing but his polymer under armor suit. He held his breath of course, there was no air in space. But he grinned as he soaked in the solar radiation from the sun in the system. He like the rest of his kin had experienced a euphoria since entering the system. The yellow sun radiation of the system bathed his people in power! Power, that could reshape the face of any planet they visited.

Dru glanced behind him and saw dozens of his people pushing asteroids the size of ships, and even cities towards their awaiting armada. This system had been a boon to them. Rich in resources, and in aid. The aid in the form of a peculiar individual. They called themselves a Green Lantern! They had arrived only a few weeks ago. But they had been invaluable in repairing Dru's fleet. As well as giving them information about the...Sol System.

Dru took a moment to glance back at the sun, then flew back to the main command ship. The airlock scanned him and opened up. He floated in and allowed the rush of air, and warmth brush against his skin. He took his first breath of fresh air in hours. A smile grew across his face as he saw his friend, and comrade Non waiting for him. The effects of the radiation in this system not only made them strong. But they healed Non, he had returned to the brilliant, and fiercely loyal soldier Dru had known him to be.

“Welcome back General.” Non said, and saluted him. Dru returned the salute and floated into the corridor.

“Nearly every ship has finished being retrofitted for the jump to the Sol System. Fuel has been provided by our ally the Green Lantern. However, food is still being transported. We should be ready to leave in approximately a month. However, the Lantern believes they can speed that up. But they'd have to leave the system to get the resources.” Non said as he handed a data pad to Dru who accepted it.

Despite the fact that their ship was now fully repaired and provided gravity. They both floated through the ship under their own power. They relished the feeling of being in complete control of their bodies. Especially Non who had lived many years, or months with out that feeling. (Phantom Zone time is odd) They flew by a few soldiers who saluted Dru, and Non. Each one floating threw the ship as well.

“Good, tell our ally to head out and recover the supplies. The sooner we leave, the sooner we recover our people.” Dru said, and handed the data pad back to Non.

“Some of the captains are upset about the arrangement.” Non said softly, as they entered a gravity lift and went through the ship.

“They help us, while we help them. These people...The Justice League hold our people prisoner. The Guardians of Oa will use us, as much as we use them.” Dru replied, but he had to agree he didn't like taking orders from anyone.

Non frowned but kept what ever comment he had to himself. Dru noticed it but didn't prod his companion any more. Dru appreciated Non, but he missed Ursa's discipline, and companionship. He also hoped their child was alive and well. The Lantern didn't provide any information on that. All they knew was that Fort Rozz had ejected its prisoners onto the planet, Earth. Ursa alone with her immediate unite escaped and were eventually captured after several weeks on the planet. It filled Dru with pride that his people evaded capture for so long.

Dru, and Non stepped onto the bridge of their command ship and saw the Lantern on the command deck speaking to one of the bridge officers. The man turned to look that them when they entered. The Green Lantern was a tall individual. He was easily 6'7” (200.6 cm) with vibrant red skin, short but slicked back black hair. He had elongated limbs that didn't fit his body. Though he was covered in dense athletic muscles. He also had a trimmed black mustache. His people were called Korugaran. The man had a form fitting green, and black suit on.

“Sinestro.” Dru said to the Green Lantern.

“General, I assume your adjutant has briefed you.” Sinestro asked as he looked at Non.

“He has, please move to gather the food we need. The sooner we are ready, the sooner we can complete our deal with the Guardians.” Dru said with a smile on his face.

“Wonderful! I'll leave right away. I'll be back in two weeks, maybe less.” Sinestro said, and performed a bow from his waist that was genuine.

Sinestro soon left the bridge and after a few minutes an officer reported that he had left the ship. Dru watched in fascination as Sinestro created a ship out of energy and jumped to another star system while still in their system. Obviously the Guardians of Oa were an advanced species to have an entire corp. of individuals who policed the whole universe. But, with this new power his people had discovered. He wasn't as impressed as he was before.....


***A dozen or so light years away***

Sinestro popped out from FTL and flew into a vacant system. Well vacant enough as he came to what looked like an old abandoned green lantern hub. He soon landed on docking port and walked into the hub. When the airlock sealed behind him and the front doors opened he was bathed in yellow light. He outstretched his hand and a yellow ring flew towards him. He pulled off an old green lantern ring with disgust and replaced it with his yellow.

“How far they have fallen, if the rings don't even resist former users anymore.” Sinestro said as he retrieved a box on a shelf and placed his old green lantern ring in it. He placed it back on the shelf and secured the lock.

Sinestro strode through the station and came to the central hub where a sub-green lantern battery core was in the process of being converted into yellow. Several yellow lanterns were in place pouring their energy of fear into the core. While several others stood off to the side chatting, and taking a break. A humanoid male floated over to Sinestro. They came to stop before him and bowed his head in respect, and fear towards Sinestro's power.

“How did it go?” The creature asked in a garble of clicks, and growls.

Sinestro smiled at his companion....


***HR. Gotham City, Bat Cave.***

“Oh fuck!” Lash said...

Lash pulled his Transformation off and returned to his default look while in his daemonic/Warden tech armor. He came to stand in the middle of the cave along with Vyllith who retracted her helmet. Her expression was schooled to indifferent. But her eyes looked everyone carefully. Jason stood in the middle of everyone and was trying to not hyperventilate.

“I didn't notice... When I picked you up in the tent there was so much going on. I didn't notice the smell. When the joker gang tortured you did you ingest anything? A liquid perhaps? Maybe a pill?” Lash asked.

“Yes... I think I nearly died. Then some people came in and fed me a dark liquid. I thought it was blood. But after I felt great! Then the jokers continued. Once I got to far, the people came back in and fed me. Over, and over.” Jason tried to keep his voice level, but it cracked several times.

“Lash, what is he?” Bruce asked softly. His fists were clenched and he was trying his best not to kill someone.

“Blood-Kindred, new born. He's a vampire.” Lash replied.

“Can you reverse it!?” Jason shouted at Lash.

“....Technically I can.... I'm not allowed to though.” Lash replied, and before he knew it Bruce was in front of him.

“Explain.” Bruce said in a deadly serious voice. Then Selina came up behind him and pulled him back.

“Bruce, he's here to help.” Selina said softly and Bruce let her pull him away.

“Jason is a supernatural entity at this point. He is protected under Warden Law. It would be illegal for me to reverse the transformation with out Jason's sire's permission.” Lash replied, then held up a hand to prevent questions.

“It is clear that Jason did not give his consent to being transformed. To be perfectly honest Jason, you should be dead. The transformation from mortal to Blood-Kindred is incredibly dangerous. I don't believe the Kindred expected you to survive.” Lash said, as he reached out through Connectivity and accessed the Warden information page.

“Since you were transformed against your will it would be incredibly easy to petition to have it reversed. Which can be done in the first year of transformation. But we would need your sire's permission. This isn't about signing a document. There is magic infused into the transformation. However, your sire is clearly one of the Blood-Kindred involved in the Dark Venom trade and will not come forward to declare you theirs.” Lash said to Jason, then to everyone as well.

“So, we have one year to find who your master is. Then get them to rescind their binding on you. Once that is done it's a relatively easy process to turn you back. But if we don't find them and have you imbibe your sires, or another masters blood it will kill you.” Lash said.

“Wait, I thought if Blood-Kindred didn't drink their masters blood they became Blood-Mutts.” Selina said next in clear confusion.

“After the first year, yes. That is why the first year is so important. Because it is the deciding factor. Do they turn the new born back into a human? Or do they allow the transformation to continue. However, we can find him a different master. That is allowed.” Lash replied.

“I don't want another master! I want this gone!” Jason screamed at Lash.

“Lash do you need the masters permission to change him back? Or can you just do it? Not the Warden's, or the Supernatural Community. Can you do it?” Selina asked, coming right up to him and staring him in the eye.

“I...don't know. I've never done it before. It could kill him, permanently.” Lash replied.

“Last resort.” Batwoman said from the side.

“Can we track down his master?” Nightwing said next.

“I don't know. The blood with in Jason is to thin so I can't track the scent. We would need an item of the master to use Clairvoyance. And....hmmm..” Lash said, then stopped midway through his words. The whole room turned towards him.

“Can I use your family graveyard? I just need the energy of death that's all.” Lash said, and quickly followed up before Bruce would punch him.


The Wayne family plot was pretty big. Every generation of Wayne was buried in the plot since the first Wayne family came to the new world. Lash could feel the history oozing from the plot. The first few graves were very simple. It was essentially a stone. Then as the family gained influence, power, and most of all money. They gained mausoleums, some of them were simple. Some of them extravagant. The family plot was also well maintained, and even consecrated! Alfred admitted to coming out once a month and using a simple cleanse that he had learned in seminary years ago for blessing a ground. Lash applauded him! He did an excellent job.

“Alright, how many of you want to come talk to the guardian?” Lash asked as he turned around. Vyllith would stay out of it to protect them while they discussed the issue.

“I am.” Bruce said resolutely, he hand his hand on Jason's shoulder. Jason was of course going to talk the guardian.

“Of course I'm going.” Selina said next and stood next to Jason who smiled weakly at her.

“Me too” “Ya, I'm not missing this.” “I'm not going anywhere.” Nightwing, Batgirl, and Batwoman said next.

“I'll stay with Vyllith and ensure your not disturbed.” Alfred said, he looked at his family with a resolute expression. Then cocked his shotgun, he strode over to Vyllith who nodded at him.

“Alright, I am about to call a Grim Reaper. They have an incredibly busy schedule so they are pressed for time. Please be respectful, I will remind you that they are capable of reaping your life with a thought. Understood?” Lash said as he made a point to look at them all.

Everyone nodded in understanding. So Lash raised his arms up towards the sky and created a ritual circle to empower the spell he was about to cast. An eerie hollow call rolled through the family plot. The night sky above pushed the clouds away in their immediate area and the crescent moon came out. Ribbons of silver light bathed the whole area. A complex spell circle grew into being. Dozens of circles, geometric shapes, and ancient writing inscribed into the air. Lash used Spiritual Guardian.

Lash felt his heart beat slow down. The whole world slowed down. But despite that he was fully aware of the world around him. Inside the circle was the Bat-family excluding Alfred. Then time stopped and the sound of fabric being pulled across a stone surface was heard above them. Lash glanced above and saw a grim reaper standing on one of the Wayne family graves. Specifically Thomas Wayne, Bruce's father.

The Grim Reaper was easily 10' (304.8 cm) tall. Wrapped in a black tattered robe, that billowed around their form. All they could see were its skeleton feet, skeleton hands, and nothing else. The hood completely covered their face, a void was all their was. The reaper wore a belt, with a lantern attached to it. The lantern was old gothic style with a blue light emanating from it. The reaper held the typical reapers scythe in hand. It let out an eerie wail that was piercing to hear.

“EEEEeeeeeeeee.....Gah! Gah! Bleh! Excuse me!” The reaper said softly as he clapped his chest with his bony hand to clear his throat.

“Warden Lash, how can I help you?” Skippy the reaper said. (Chapter 28) Despite Skippy's appearance his voice that of a young man of maybe early twenties. His voice was warm, and welcoming.

“Respectful greetings unto you Grim Reaper, Skippy.” Lash said, as he paid his Warden etiquette to full. He dropped to his knees, and bowed his head. Adjusting his hands into a complicated position for symbolism.

“See...That...That is important. To many people forget common courtesy these days. You tell them to relax once and they assume they should be that way every time after. But you...No, you always give courtesy every time.” Skippy said in delight then pulled back his hood to reveal....A skeleton face.

“Eh, I don't know why but I was expecting something more terrifying.” Nightwing said as he watched Skippy pull his hood back.

“Oh its the magic on the robe. Most people fear death so we inscribe it onto the cloth.” Skippy said in delight. Despite his skeleton features the Bat-Family could tell he was smiling. Skippy turned to look at Bruce.

“Ohhhhh.... Batman, I have to say you've evaded our people several times. There is a betting pool on when you'll die.” Skippy said with a grin.

“Hopefully not for many more years.” Selina said, and a divine spark grew in her eyes.

“Of course! Of course! Bast's chosen, we would never cheat the system.” Skippy said as he bowed towards Selina.

“Can you please get off my father's grave.” Bruce asked as politely as possible. Skippy obliged by simply shifting out of existence then reappearing in front of them all.

“Master Skippy, this is Jason Todd. He is a newly transformed Blood-Kindred. However, he was changed against his will.” Lash said, as he bowed once more and gestured towards Jason who looked at Skippy in fascination.

“Ya, that's to bad.” Skippy said simply.

“We are looking for his Master. Is there a way you can trace his lineage?” Lash asked next, everyone held their breath.


“Can you tell us?”


“Do we need to bring an offering, or complete a task for you to tell us?” Lash asked as he held up a hand to prevent them from shouting at him.

“Nope! I'm sorry to say Warden Lash. But this was suppose to happen.” Skippy said, as he pointed at Jason.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT WAS SUPPOSE TO HAPPEN!?” Jason shouted at Skippy, and broke from Bruce's arms the immediately dropped to the ground clutching his chest.

“Jason!” Selina shouted as she rushed to grab him.

“Watch your tone, child.” Skippy said, and his warm boyish voice dipped into a sinister old as time voice.

“Please stop.” Bruce asked as he came to kneel next to Jason. Then with out moving a single digit Skippy removed what ever he had done, which left Jason gasping for air, but he wasn't struggling anymore.

“I can reap Jason right now. I can tell you that if I do. Jason will go to a relatively nice place for his afterlife. Or, he can continue on this path that was set for him.” Skippy said as he pulled up his hood and looked at Lash.

“Thank you for taking the time to speak with us.” Lash replied, and bowed once more.

“Nothing but a moment between heartbeats. But I like how you are polite about it. Keep up the good work.” Skippy said, then with the sound of flapping wings he was gone. The moment was over, and the world continued to move.

“Master Bruce! What happened!?” Alfred rushed over to them to provide aid. They'd been gone for exactly 3.5 seconds.


They had returned to Wayne Manor and Lash was sitting in the library. He liked the feel of the books. The gift of knowledge was normally a pleasant thing to feel. Lash had received a large amount of experience for using Spiritual Guardian. So much so that it had evolved. So he decided to take this moment to look through his long overdue evolution notes.

Congratulations User! Dungeon Delver has evolved into Minor Dungeon Delver.

Congratulations User! Sherogoth's Punishment has evolved into Minor Sherogoth's Punishment.

Congratulations User! Language Smith has evolved into Minor Language Smith.

Congratulations User! Observant Learner has evolved into Minor Observant Learner.

Congratulations User! Operator has evolved into Minor Operator.

Congratulations User! Animal Riding has evolved into Minor Animal Riding.

Congratulations User! Superhuman Intellect has evolved into Minor Superhuman Intellect.

Congratulations User! Domination has evolved into Minor Domination. (Chapter 77)

Effect: The User can now control 0/4.

Effect: The User can now control F grade or lower.

Congratulations User! Sports has evolved into Minor Sports.

Congratulations User! Psionic Magic has evolved into Minor Psionic Magic.

Congratulations User! Science Intuition has evolved into Minor Science Intuition.

Congratulations User! Magic Intuition has evolved into Minor Magic Intuition.

Congratulations User! Superhuman Reflexes has evolved into Minor Superhuman Reflexes.

Congratulations User! Superhuman Healing has evolved into Minor Superhuman Healing.

Congratulations User! Superhuman Speed has evolved into Minor Superhuman Speed.

Congratulations User! Superhuman Agility has evolved into Minor Superhuman Agility.

Congratulations User! Daylight has evolved into Minor Daylight.

Congratulations User! Root of Information has evolved into Minor Root of Information.

Congratulations User! Essence Imbuement has evolved into Minor Essence Imbuement.

Congratulations User! Burning has evolved into Minor Burning.

Congratulations User! Decomposition has evolved into Minor Decomposition.

Congratulations User! Entanglement has evolved into Minor Entanglement.

Congratulations User! Restoration has evolved into Minor Restoration.

Congratulations User! Curse Break has evolved into Minor Curse Break.

Congratulations User! Growth has evolved into Minor Growth.

Congratulations User! Proximity Release has evolved into Minor Proximity Release.

Congratulations User! Soul Heal has evolved into Minor Soul Heal.

Congratulations User! Animal Eye has evolved into Minor Animal Eye.

Congratulations User! Tree Stride has evolved into Minor Tree Stride.

Congratulations User! Regrowth has evolved into Minor Regrowth.

Congratulations User! Druid Grove has evolved into Minor Druid Grove.

Congratulations User! Gravitas has evolved into Minor Gravitas.

Effect: 10% to 20% to either increased, or decreased in weight.

Congratulations User! Earthquake Control has evolved into Minor Earthquake Control.

Congratulations User! Repair has evolved into Minor Repair.

Congratulations User! Technomagical Constructs has evolved into Minor Technomagical Constructs.

Congratulations User! Renew has evolved into Minor Renew.

Congratulations User! Immaculate has evolved into Minor Immaculate.

Congratulations User! Lingering has evolved into Minor Lingering.

Congratulations User! Consecrate has evolved into Minor Consecrate.

Congratulations User! Death Ward has evolved into Minor Death Ward.

Congratulations User! Spiritual Guardian has evolved into Minor Spiritual Guardian.

Congratulations User! Corpse Repair has evolved into Minor Corpse Repair.

Congratulations User! Grasp Heart has evolved into Minor Grasp Heart.

Congratulations User! Falling Glide has evolved into Minor Falling Glide.

Congratulations User! Panacea has evolved into Minor Panacea.

Congratulations User! Reincarnation has evolved into Minor Reincarnation.

Congratulations User! Enlarge/Reduce has evolved into Minor Enlarge/Reduce.

Congratulations User! Water Walk has evolved into Minor Water Walk.

Congratulations User! Water Breathing has evolved into Minor Water Breathing.

Congratulations User! Phantasm has evolved into Minor Phantasm.

Congratulations User! False Life has evolved into Minor False Life.

Congratulations User! Silence has evolved into Minor Silence.

Congratulations User! Invisibility has evolved into Minor Invisibility.

Congratulations User! Disillusion has evolved into Minor Disillusion.

Congratulations User! Compulsion has evolved into Minor Compulsion.

Congratulations User! Pain has evolved into Minor Pain.

Congratulations User! Empathic Healing has evolved into Minor Empathic Healing.

Congratulations User! Bending has evolved into Minor Bending.

Congratulations User! Infinite Supply has evolved into Minor Infinite Supply.

Congratulations User! Life and Death Manipulation has evolved into Minor Life and Death Manipulation.

Congratulations User! Supernatural Gambling has evolved into Minor Supernatural Gambling.

Congratulations User! Eldritch Mind has evolved into Minor Eldritch Mind.

Congratulations User! Clairvoyance has evolved into Minor Clairvoyance.

Congratulations User! Monster Creation has evolved into Minor Monster Creation.

Effect: Cool down from 31 days to 29 days.

Congratulations User! Battle Call has evolved into Minor Battle Call.

Effect: Cool down from 31 days to 29 days.

Congratulations User! Dream Walking has evolved into Minor Dream Walking.

Congratulations User! Enchanting Word has evolved into Minor Enchanting Word.

Congratulations User! Quality Enhancement has evolved into Minor Quality Enhancement.

“Attention User, I simplified the evolution prompts. As you know, a minor evolution is... well minor. Slight increase to power, slight decrease to energy consumption, etc, etc. Any important bits of information were still included. When another ability goes through an evolution I'll do the same again, unless important information has changed.” Dawn whispered into his ear.

“Thank you...” Lash said softly in reply.

Lash felt a hand slide idly across his shoulder. Selina had walked into the library in search of him. She went to a lounge chair that was next to him and collapsed into the chair. She looked heart broken. She cared a lot about Jason. But, she was never one to stop moving forward. Lash could see the gears working in her mind. More than once her eyes lit up with divine light. But in the end she gave a frustrated scream.

“So, what's next?” Bruce said from the door way. He walked into the library wearing a casual suit and took a seat next to Selina. He kept his eyes on Lash the whole time.

“We'll need to inform the Warden's and the Supernatural Council. They will start to dig into the different House Masters. They can also arrange for another Master to become a surrogate. There are several legitimate masters in Gotham. Isabella belongs to House Kuldr.” Lash said, as he started to count off on his hand. He was also in the Warden page registering Jason as he spoke.

“The first year is a dangerous and eventful time for a new born Kindred. Jason as he is right now is about 2.5 times stronger than the average man. That is strength, speed, durability, agility, reflexes, stamina, regeneration, healing, intellect, senses, and age reduction. He will be sensitive to light, but can still walk into sunlight. He'll have a desire to drink blood. Preferably human blood, but he can make due with animal. However, it won't be so bad that he is a danger to anyone.” Lash continued, as he produced a two holographic windows for Bruce, and Selina to scroll through the information themselves.

“But, if he ends up becoming a Blood-Mutt. That will change. Specifically the sensitivity to sun light. Sunlight burns and kills Blood-Mutts. He'll have to feed on human blood every 2-3 days. I'd say about a galleon. He will be a danger to others, and may be driven to attack even his family in that state. Thankfully we have a year to figure this out.” Lash said, and waited for them to read the rest of the info.

“If he joins a house. Then he only needs to drink blood once a year?” Selina asked, looking up from the window.

“Yes, once a year from his master. After that he can live a normal life. Eat food, spend time in the sun, etc, etc. At the 100 year mark he would finish his transformation and become a full Blood-Kindred with out a need for a master. I can even make an item to speed up the transformation process from 100 to 50 years.” Lash replied, and filled in a few more blanks.

“House Kuldr would accept him?” Bruce asked next in a bitter tone.

“I can not give a 100% guarantee. But we have good odds. The main issue with the house is that Jason would have to work for the house. There are no free meals in Blood-Kindred society. Everyone works for the betterment of the house. Jason can't just show up once a year for a sip then leave.” Lash said next and Bruce's face contorted.

“Could you craft him something? Make him immune or at least resistant to sunlight?” Selina asked next, as she was speed reading through the information on Blood-Kindred.

“Yes, if Jason decides to be a Blood-Mutt all we would have to do is pay a house master to help him survive the first year. Which I believe Kuldr may do for free. Then I can inscribe enchantment into Jason's body. Resistant to sunlight, and resistant to the thirst. We have Blood-Mutts in the JLI. Several of them have bio-mechanical implants that Ethan, and Samanthei have developed.” Lash continued, the Blood-Mutts in the JLI were all VI Avatars. Erik assumed that the Users wanted to play a vampire.

“Or we can find his original master and get them to give up Jason.” Bruce replied, as he pushed the holographic window away and sat in his chair. “Or we can run the risk of you removing it and maybe killing him.”

“Yes, normally in this situation I would like to practice. But that would require me to experiment on Blood-Mutts which is against Warden Law.” Lash said, and it would be immoral.

For all of Lash's brutality he still tried to maintain his oath as a Warden. He wasn't always successful. But he continued to try. This was a difficult moment for Erik because he was conflicted. This was perfect back story for a future hero. A street wise hero changed into a monster against their will. Conquers their inner demons and masters their abilities to become something more. How many stories had started out like that?

But from the perspective of the Dream. Erik's heart broke for Jason. Jason was and is a victim. He's been abused, and changed into something he doesn't recognize. Erik desperately wanted to help him. No one had been around to help Erik when he was hurt.... Lash and Saurian both reached across the link and held Erik in comfort. Maybe that was all they could do in the moment. Just be there for Jason?


The manor's front door chimed. Lash glanced at his Clock and saw it was 11:00 pm. Though it wasn't unusual for the Bat-Family to be out and about at this time. Receiving visitors was a little odd. Then Lash felt through his Pack Bond that Lizzy was nearby. He established the connection, still in sync with Selina who looked up from the holographic window.

Sister? -Lash asked across the link.

I'm with Isabella. She's here to talk to Jason. -Lizzy replied.

Selina jumped from her seat and sprinted towards the door. Bruce was out of his eat and following after her at a quick pace. Lash stood up in a fluid motion and moved towards the front door. He had wanted to spend time with them both. But this was not what he had in mind. As he made his way towards them Lash used Connectivity, along with Pack Bond to locate his pack.

Booraku was not even in the dimension. He was in the Fae Wilds visiting family so Lash wouldn't be seeing him. Unless he wanted to visit the wilds. Which would be an adventure in itself. Peyton, and Mikhail were in Paris. Paris, France was one of the cities that the UN had requested that Wraith rebuild. So he was going to make a point of visiting them. Li'Ana, Jessabell, and Soluna were available if he wanted to visit. But there was no pressure. All of them were incredibly busy just like he was. He also wanted to visit Juliana.

The problem was Lash didn't have enough time! In all honesty Lash should be up at the Watch Tower helping with the upgrade. So they could finally do the mission on the moon. But he was always so tired of having so much to do. As tedious as it was to fix Gotham. It was also oddly calming. Plus it helped a lot of people! He also got a lot of DP, and AEP from doing it. He didn't know what to do.

Lash came around the corner and saw Isabella, and Lizzy walking through the manor. Isabella took a spare moment to give Lash a hug. He returned the gesture and kissed her cheek. She smiled at him then followed Selina, and Bruce to see Jason. Lizzy stayed with Lash. She came up and hugged him. He hugged her back and she tucked her arms in, and snuggled into his embrace.

“Hey you...” Lizzy said softly.

“Hello, I was hoping to see you both before I had to leave again.” Lash replied softly.

Attention User! Your 24 hour real time grace period between invasions has ended.

Your next invader has been located, we'll notify you the moment the invasion begins.

Lash's entire body went perfectly still and a deep bass growl resonated through his whole body. The growl went across their shared link. Lizzy, and Selina both asked what was wrong!? Even those not currently linked could feel his incredible rage. Saurian snarled in irritation and cast Calm Emotions on them both. Lash leveled out, and sent a simple message through the link.

Our grace period is up. My Cosmic Patron had been protecting us from any other invasions for a few months to help us recover. But that's gone now. However, we are not currently being invaded. Just that the possibility is there. -Lash said across the Pack Bond.

“FUCK!” Lizzy shouted, and bashed her head into Lash's chest plate.

“Miss Elizabeth? What is it?” Alfred appeared next to them with a harried expression.

“For the past several months my Cosmic Patron has been protecting our home from another invasion. Either from an alternate reality, alternate dimension, or even an alien invasion. I was just informed that the grace period is over. We are not being invaded as of yet, but it's on the table.” Lash replied to him, and Alfred's face went pale.

“Yes, I have to agree with you Miss Elizabeth. Fuck! Is an apt description of the circumstance.” Alfred said softly.....

Lash went to see Bruce and informed everyone still at Wayne Manor with the bad news. Jason cracked up laughing, and not in a funny way. More like a laugh of despair. He started to sob and broke down in front of everyone. Selina came to his side and tried to console him but Jason screamed at her. He jumped to his feet and ran towards the window and attempted to jump out of it. Until Lash used Telekinesis and yanked him back inside. After that they had to restrain him. Eventually Vici teleported him back to the Watch Tower straight towards a room with Multifarious, the Arch-Fey.

Then Vici very carefully, and very quietly spread the bad news through the JLI. While Lash did the same for the Wardens. Most likely candidate for the invasion would be Zod. But after Lash read a report from Blue Lantern John Stewart about the Guardians of Oa. It was possible that they'd be invaded with an army of Green Lanterns? It was also possible that Trigon may invade. Raven had come to Lash during the last invasion with the possibility of Trigon trying to find her.

So the next course of action was decided for Lash. The Watch Tower Station needed to be finished ASAP. With the station complete they would have access to more resources, and modules that could help against the invasion. Then he'd have to decide if they wanted to clean the moon out? Or finish rebuilding Earth. No, it would be Earth first. If another alternate reality hit right now? They would lose, badly.

“I'm going back to the Watch Tower to finish the upgrades. What do you want to do?” Lash asked Vyllith. They were still at Wayne Manor.

“Normally I would stay with you. But I have no idea how to assist with the upgrade process. I'll return to operations and help with the tasks of the JLI. But the moment you finish upgrading you inform me, yes?” Vyllith said, Lash agreed easily enough.

When Lash and Vyllith returned to the Watch Tower there was a soft silence in the cacophony of noise that went a long with the upgrade. A majority of the JLI didn't know about the message, the impending invasion. But those that new were silent. They were focused, and carried a tension in their bodies. Like a taut bow string ready to fire. Lash wasted little time and used Manifestation and released his 1110 Saurus warriors, veterans, and elites.

Portals made of twisted darkness, and starlight erupted around him and out poured his army. With out a word his reptilian soldiers went straight to work. Linking up with Vici, and the engineering crew. The sudden all be it welcome reinforcements were welcome by most. Though many of the VI Avatars groaned. There went the free experience they would gain from upgrading the station. Then Erik did something he hadn't done in a long time.

“Dawn, please place the dream in soft progression and take me to the black room.” Erik said softly, under the guise of his reaper shroud.

I'll be back, I'm going to look up some information. -Erik said to Lash and Saurian.

We'll be here. -Lash and/or Saurian replied.

When Erik is not directly linked to Lash/Saurian the dynamic event system doesn't activate. Yes, the Dream will pause when they encounter a story driven event. But the little activities that he keeps encountering will not spawn as long as he is in the black room, or logged out completely. Why hasn't Erik used this in the past? Because the more he interacts with the Dream. The better it is in the long term. Lash/Saurian don't gain experience when Erik is logged out. They don't gain DP, or AEP.

Erik's subconscious avatar formed in the black room. He looked at himself and realized he was wearing a tailored made three piece black, on gray suit with no tie. He looked good, he liked the way the suit hugged his body. He took a moment to admire himself in front of a full length mirror in the black room that he could only assume Dawn place in there for him.

“Thank you, Dawn.” Erik said softly.

“Your welcome, Erik.” Dawn said behind him. Erik turned to look at her.

Dawn's current form stood at approximately 5'8” (172.7 cm) with rich brown hair cut into a bob cut. She had warm brown eyes, and chocolate brown skin. She wore a black draw string long sleeve shirt with a v-neck cut, that was tied up front to reveal her midriff. She had a diamond stud in her navel. Along with skin tight blue jeans, and brown leather three inch heels. A nice smile grew across her face as she did a pirouette to show off her hourglass figure for Erik.

“I am learning a lot about fashion because of you, thank you.” Erik said, and performed a practiced bow from his waist. Lash was rubbing off on him. Dawn momentarily bit her lush full lips as she watched him bow.

“So, are you logging out? Or did you come up here to visit with me?” Dawn said as she walked away from him. Sashaying her hips in the process.

The black room changed to the appearance of a fully furnished and lavish looking office. With a high back leather chair, and cherry oak wood desk. Several couches, seats, and a coffee table sat off to the side. While the large bay window behind the desk showed the universe it self. Erik noticed that he could nearly see all of the solar system from the black room now. When he first started in the Dream Engine all he could see was Earth. But now he saw all the way to Jupiter. So not the whole system.

Dawn walked around her desk, and sat down in the high back leather chair. She propped her legs up on the desk and gestured for him to come take a seat. Erik moved through the office with a casual grace he didn't know he had and took a seat. Then he leaned forward and cradled his face in his hands and took a deep calming breath.

“The only way to stop being on Nightmare mode is to restart your Dream, Erik. I'm sorry I don't make the rules. You are still technically a Beta Tester. The developers could even take the Cube away from you if they want to.” Dawn said softly, for all their time together Dawn had reached the point where she could practically read his mind. Maybe she was!

“Oh! On that subject. The developers have informed me to inform you. That if you continue to play on Nightmare mode they will gift you the Cube. The Cube is worth several thousands of dollars. The exact price has yet to be determined.” Dawn said with a slight smile.

“So even if I restart my dream I'd have to keep playing on Nightmare if I want to keep the Cube?” Erik said, and Dawn nodded in agreement.

Erik technically couldn't afford the Dream Engine, Cube. That was why he was so happy he got into the Beta test because the developers gave them the Cube. It was a messed up situation. Erik felt like he was trapped. Playing games was suppose to be fun! Suppose to be a stress reliever from his mundane life. Right now? He felt like he was preparing for a war he had no way of winning. But.... But Erik had to admit. He was a different person now. Both physically, and mentally. The Dream Engine had helped him in a lot of ways.

“Tell the developers I agree.” Erik said.

Congratulations User! You've been awarded the Achievement; 'HARD CORE!'

Effect: Every day (Dream Time) the User is logged in they will be granted 10 DP, and 1 AEP.

Effect: Applies to current dream, and any new dream as long as it is played on Nightmare. (Locked)

“Wow! For a brand new dream that is really over powered. Or maybe it isn't? What is a new dream like on Nightmare?” Erik asked. Dawn visibly shuddered.

“Think of it as a compliment, Erik. The developers seem to believe you are one of the best Users around. There is less then a hundred Users that have opted to join the 'HARD CORE' group, and you are one of them.” Dawn said with a contrite expression.

“Next time you log out there will be an email for you. A few legal papers, and the receipt for the Cube. But as I said before, you are now locked into Nightmare even if you start a new dream. But... The Cube which is worth about 10 grand or more is now yours.” Dawn said with a brilliant smile on her face.

“Plus you... You are not going anywhere, right?” Erik asked, suddenly looking worried. Dawn looked at him and a twinkle sparked in her eye.

“Yes, Erik. I'm saved onto your account now. Even by some chance you got a different Cube. I'd still be your VI Representative.” Dawn replied.

“Good...That's good.” Erik said, and felt the blush crawl up his neck into his face. Dawn grinned at him, but didn't say a word.

“Alright, so I know you can't directly help me. But you can guide me to my answers. Can you bring the store catalog up right here?” Erik said as he stood up and pointed at one of the black room walls. A holographic screen appeared and showed the Dream Point store.

“I have...Wow! I have 30,000 DP again. Along with 1,000 AEP. I've been saving my AEP for a rainy day but I think this counts as a rainy day.” Erik said.

“I would agree with your assessment, Erik. So how can I help? You can always ask, worst that can happen is I'll say I can't answer that question.” Dawn replied as she stood up from her desk and walked around to face the same screen with Erik.

“Can I buy an anti propaganda campaign?” Erik asked with a short laugh.

“You could spend a 1,000 DP to increase your overall reputation with several civilizations contained with in the galactic community. However, this is actually a trap.” Dawn said, and paused at the end. Erik turned to look at her and saw that she was trying to open her mouth but the system wouldn't let her. So he would have to figure it out.

“OK!” Erik said as he ran his hands up and down her arms to reassure her. She stopped trying but watched him with an appraising eye.

“If the civilizations suddenly started hearing good things about the Sol System, and about Lash with no clear evidence to prove it. They would wonder where it came from. If people had only good things to say about us. But had no clear idea why. People would assume brain washing. Even if it was soft brain washing. Which is why its a trap.” Erik said, and Dawn smiled at him but did not confirm, or deny his words.

“So short term it would help, long term it would prove disastrous.” Erik said and started to pace around the room. Dawn sat down on the edge of her desk to watch him think. A cheshire cat grin on her face.

“So we need good PR. We need.... Wait a minute.” Erik said, then started to type into the keyboard interface. Dawn's smile grew.

“We need a media module on the Watch Tower. We have communications but that is between us and our neighbors. There has to be a galactic wide news network, along with entertainment.” Erik said more to himself than Dawn. He typed it into the search engine and sure enough.

Media Hub: This hub acts as a communication outlet and/or tool used to store and deliver information. This will allow the station to link up with the galactic wide network for broadcasting, receiving, entertainment, information, and trade. Works in tandem with several other modules. (See tool tip) C grade module, 30 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased the Media Hub for 30 DP.

“Do I need to go back down and get this input into Vici?”

“No, Lash and Saurian will do it as soon as possible.”

“Why wasn't the media hub on the recommended list of modules?”

“Because it's not often used. Remember the recommendation list is from other Users. Yes, there is a recommendation list I provide. But that is clearly edited so not to give to much away. I am here to provide hints, not clear answers.”

“How did we link up to the galactic market with out a media hub?”

“You can call your bank with out access to the internet. You do have a communications module”

“So it's the difference between having a phone, and having a television.”

“Alright, what about the Galactic Sheriffs? Are they capable of helping?” Erik asked as he sat back down in the seat next to Dawn. She kicked her legs back and forth as she watched him.

“The Galactic Sheriffs are a security company certified, and registered to be law keepers in the community. At the end of the day they are a business. If you sign a contract, and pay them enough they'll say what ever you want them to say.” Dawn said to him. It technically wasn't anything new.

“Do their security packages go above level 10?”

“They do, at the time you purchased the package you had a smaller station. Now you have a larger station. You also have a good reputation with them.”

“Can you bring their contracts here, or do I have to go down?” Erik asked, and Dawn gestured at the holographic screen and the new and improved security packages appeared.

Level 11: Eight advanced automated drones will be stationed in your system. Two veteran sheriff star fighters will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another two veteran sheriff star fighters. A single corvette class sheriff star ship will show up in your designated system once every three weeks. 60,000 Solar Coins a year.

Level 12: Eight advanced automated drones will be stationed in your system. Two veteran sheriff star fighters will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another two veteran sheriff star fighters. A single corvette class sheriff star ship will show up in your designated system once every two weeks. 70,000 Solar Coins a year.

Level 13: Eight advanced automated drones will be stationed in your system. Two veteran sheriff star fighters will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another two veteran sheriff star fighters. A single corvette class sheriff star ship will show up in your designated system once a week. 80,000 Solar Coins a year.

Level 14: Eight advanced automated drones will be stationed in your system. Two veteran sheriff star fighters will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another two veteran sheriff star fighters. A single corvette class sheriff star ship will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another single corvette class sheriff star ship. 90,000 Solar Coins a year.

Level 15: Ten advanced automated drones will be stationed in your system. Three veteran sheriff star fighters will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another three veteran sheriff star fighters. A single corvette class sheriff star ship will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another single corvette class sheriff star ship. A single destroyer class sheriff star ship will show up in your designated system once a month. 100,000 Solar Coins a year.

Level 16: Ten advanced automated drones will be stationed in your system. Three veteran sheriff star fighters will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another three veteran sheriff star fighters. A single corvette class sheriff star ship will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another single corvette class sheriff star ship. A single destroyer class sheriff star ship will show up in your designated system once every three weeks. 110,000 Solar Coins a year.

Level 17: Ten advanced automated drones will be stationed in your system. Three veteran sheriff star fighters will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another three veteran sheriff star fighters. A single corvette class sheriff star ship will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another single corvette class sheriff star ship. A single destroyer class sheriff star ship will show up in your designated system once every two weeks. 120,000 Solar Coins a year.

Level 18: Twelve advanced automated drones will be stationed in your system. Four veteran sheriff star fighters will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another four veteran sheriff star fighters. Two corvette class sheriff star ships will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another two corvette class sheriff star ships. A single destroyer class sheriff star ship will show up in your designated system once a week. 130,000 Solar Coins a year.

Level 19: Twelve advanced automated drones will be stationed in your system. Four veteran sheriff star fighters will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another four veteran sheriff star fighters. Two corvette class sheriff star ships will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another two corvette class sheriff star ships. A single destroyer class sheriff star ship will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another single destroyer class sheriff star ship. 140,000 Solar Coins a year.

Level 20: Twelve advanced automated drones will be stationed in your system. Four veteran sheriff star fighters will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another four veteran sheriff star fighters. Two corvette class sheriff star ships will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another two corvette class sheriff star ships. A single destroyer class sheriff star ship will remain in your designated star system on rotation. They will rotate every week with another single destroyer class sheriff star ship. A single cruiser class sheriff star ship will show up in your designated system once a month. 150,000 Solar Coins a year.

Level 20, additional options: The Galactic Sheriffs will routinely patrol shipping lanes between your station, and other merchant trade hubs. Works in tandem with refuel, repair, and resupply sheriff hub aboard station. Merchant groups will pay a 5-20% toll depending on merchant grade.

Level 20, additional options: The Galactic Sheriffs can request support from station, and/or solar system security to help them when in need as long as its with in 5-10 systems of the station. Danger grade will only be D grade or lower in difficulty. Security will be granted a reward bonus, and bounty if applicable.

You have purchased level 20 with additional benefits.

Routine Patrol. [X]

Request Support. [X]

“Dawn how many Solar Coins can I get with a 1,000 DP?” Erik asked, as he did some quick math in his head.

“One million Solar Coins.” Dawn replied, and Erik blinked at her in astonishment.

“Remember Erik, Dream Points can essentially rewrite the rules of reality with in the Dream. If I am being honest I think they should be worth more. But the developers didn't want to break the bank as it were.” Dawn said with a grin.

“Alright, please convert 1,000 DP into Solar Coins and give them to Lash so he can purchase the next security upgrade.

“It's done.”


***HR. Galactic Sheriff Corporate Head Quarters***

Commander Bhol'uns sat at his desk as he worked on some paper work. He hated paper work, he desperately wished he had purchased the VI assistant that his friend suggested to him but he just had to blow his bonus away at the pleasure palace at that station. Bhol'uns stretched out, his upper arms rising above him while his lower arms continued to type onto his data pad interface. He scratched behind his cat like ears and groaned in satisfaction at the pleasant stretch. Bing....Bing! He received a notification from the upper echelons.

“What's this?” Bhol'uns wondered as he opened up the packet. Then his eyes went wide as he read through the information.

“STARS ABOVE!” Bhol'uns shouted in glee.

Bhol'uns was quick to volunteer to escort the automated drones. The frigate he was captain of filled in one of the few available slots. Then he received another piece of info about what was going on in the surrounding area so he could make plans for the trip. What to bring, what they may encounter. Etc. He read about the possible propaganda of the Guardians of Oa. A snarl escaped his mouth as he ran his tongue along his fangs.

“That's why...The client things Oa is going to attack them. Wait a minute, the client is a native to the system.” Bhol'uns tagged the information and sent it up to public relations. He received a message back by the VI assistant. Of course PR has the VI's, Bhol'uns grumbled.

Bhol'uns read through the information sent back. Corporate was aware of the circumstance but still believed the client was worth it. It may have something to do with the fact the they had paid up front for the not only level 10, but also level 20 for the whole year. Bhol'uns eyes went wide. Then he read the routine patrol package and grinned. That was a lot of money. Merchant groups get free protection? They would jump at the chance to use those shipping lanes.

“FTL SLING SHOT!” Bhol'uns shouted when he read through the list of upgrades the station was implementing. Bhol'uns was glad his office was sound proof.

Yes the sling shot had a size limit but even then. Skipping through 10-15 star systems. Plus the station had gone through an upgrade not that long ago. Their client must have deep pockets to afford another upgrade so soon. If they can do it again then the sling shot would increase in power. Bhol'uns leaned back in his chair as he thought about the possibilities. That entire system was about to become a major trade, and travel hub.

Bhol'uns rubbed his face and got back to work. He sent a notification to his crew that they would be leaving in a few days. Anyone who couldn't make it needed to reply ASAP so they could fill the crew list. Then they needed fuel, ammo, supplies, etc. Bhol'uns had a lot of work to do and not a lot of time to do it in. HQ wanted them gone, and en route by the end of the week. That was...Three days!?Fuck it! Bhol'uns pulled out his credit chit and bought the VI assistant. He'd pay off the debt with his bonus he promised himself he wouldn't spend.


***The Black Room***

“Dawn, why did I just gain 100 DP?” Erik asked, as he looked at his Dream Point counter.

“You just spent more Solar Coins in a minute then most solar systems make in a year Erik. Why do you think you got DP?” Dawn said with an amused expression on her face.

“True, alright do you have any recommendations?” Erik asked, and the store changed to show some station modules that he already had but could use more of.

“With a station of this size I would encourage you to have at least 8 Life Support hubs. You currently only have 1. Because you have a C grade station they will cost 30 DP, so a total of . But it's worth it in the long term. Also you really should purchase the life boats. With the increase in size it would be approximately 2,000 DP for the minimum amount.” Dawn said, and showed a diagram of the soon to be finished Watch Tower.

The Watch Tower wouldn't be a tower anymore. It would be a sphere! Approximately 5 miles from pole to pole. So north to south, 5 miles. West to east, 5 miles. With a radius of 2.5 miles if Erik's math was right? At the core of the station would be the dark elf singularity black hole drive core. Along the equator of the station would be the docking ring. The commercial and/or trade hub would be in 1/8 hemispheres. Maybe 2/8? They'd have to decide later.

The Life Support hubs would be spread out through the different sections. While the Life Boats would be split up among each. Technically the station didn't need it. But again it was a moment of, 'I'd rather have it and not need it. Then need it and not have it. So he pulled up the store and purchased the Life Support, and the Life Boats.

Life Support: The recycle, and creation of fresh water, and air aboard the station. Allowing for fully customization of (Private Quarters) for different Origins. Side Note: A station does not require a Life Support module to operate, but it does give a measure of extra safety, and health. C grade module is 30 DP. (R&D module applied)

You have purchased 7 Life Support, for 210 DP.

Life Boats: Though every station has escape pods. Life Boats are designed to hold more people for longer periods of time. They can accommodate a wide range of alien body types, many of them have basic engines, and quality versions even have FTL. Each boat for a C grade station is 10 DP.

You have purchased 200 Life Boats, for 2,000 DP.

Erik looked towards his favorites tab and found another thing he wanted to buy but had put it off because he wanted to save his points. The Nth metal metallurgy manual. He reached out and tabbed the icon and purchased it. Erik saw a wealth of information pour from the holographic interface and wash through the black room and went straight towards Lash and Saurian who were aboard a nearly completed station. Erik glanced at the timeline app and saw that approximately a week had passed already. It had only been a few minutes for him, and Dawn up here in the black room.

Attention User, the Arcane Science of Nth metal metallurgy has been learned.




Other Worldly Lore.

Spell Craft.

Hidden Technique.

“Alright, what else?” Erik said to himself as he sat back down in the office chair. But when he did he found himself on a beach chair, with a yellow sun glowing down on top of him. He looked to his left and found Dawn laid out across another chair.

Dawn swapped out for floral pattern string bikini. While she kept her body type. Her rich brown hair bob cut was swept back. While her brown eyes were concealed behind a pair of sun glasses. She held a fruity drink in hand and sipped it lightly. She made exaggerated movements to show off her impressive athletic form. She glanced at Erik who was now wearing a pair of swim trunks and nothing else. He didn't have wash board abs, but he did have a slim all be it strong figure. He stopped for a moment and leaned back.

“You have 1,000 AEP, Erik. Spend some of it.” Dawn suggested, and Erik looked back at the holographic window. A keyboard appeared in front of him and he looked up recommended abilities. As well as his own.

Attention User! You have used 100 AEP to force Minor Self Sustenance to evolve into Basic...Intermediate...Advanced....Expert....Master Self Sustenance.

Master Self Sustenance: The User's physical, mental, and spiritual needs are full filled in any environment. These needs include but are not limited too. Air/breathing, sleep/rest, food, drink, and bodily evacuations. The User has everything they need to survive, always.

Sub-Ability, Endless Energy: The User possesses an unlimited energy source that will never run out, allowing them to use attacks and accomplish other feats that require energy indefinitely. However, energy levels will still drop as it is used, but will quickly refill. (You never hit zero.)

Sub-Ability, Elemental Immunity: The User is immune to all mundane elements, and all mundane elemental energies. Being completely invulnerable to direct and indirect mundane effects. -Care to take a swim in a lake of lava, anyone?

“Holy crap!” Erik shouted, and Dawn jumped a little at his shout. But a smile was on her face.

“Yes, its pretty powerful now isn't it? Hence the price.” Dawn replied.

“The other two sub-abilities seem a little over powered.” Erik said as he looked them over.

“Oh that's because you evolved it so rapidly. As we've said before each ability as changes depending on the User, their own understanding of the ability, and how you got them. Since you used AEP, the sub-abilities are top of the line. The use of AEP is the equivalent of getting an evolution from a A+ reward from a story event.” Dawn replied, and Erik's eyes went wide.

“If you had leveled the ability naturally just from using it repeatedly I can tell you now that the sub-abilities would not be as powerful.” Dawn said, and leaned back down against her beach chair.

Erik looked through the list of things he could change and stopped at his Demigod Physiology. He could spend the remaining 900 AEP to get the racial trait to master. If what Dawn said was true, then it would be the best version of it. What would happen? Erik looked at Dawn who glanced at him. A small smile teased her lips but she eventually went back to sun bathing as Erik didn't ask a question. Fuck it! Erik pressed the purchase option. Dawn shot straight up and stared at him in shock!

“Oh no....” Dawn said, as a shit eating grin grew across her face. “I'm sorry, Erik but you need to log back in to get that evolution done.” Dawn said, and it looked like she was struggling not to laugh.

“That bad?” Erik asked, suddenly regretting his decision. He just spent 900 AEP on a single racial trait.

Before Erik knew it he was falling out of the black room and flying towards the nearly complete Watch Tower Station. Lash/Saurian were outside merging a piece of the outside deck to another piece. Erik rushed in and quickly informed them of what he just purchased.

I used all of our AEP to evolve Demigod Physiology to Master! -Erik said.

Wait what? -Lash asked.

For a brief moment a new star was born in the solar system! Then as quick as it came, it dimmed. But every divine being in the entire system whipped their heads towards where Lash was floating in zero-g. A brilliant crimson divine light swallowed him. Soon replaced by the darkness of the void. Space itself warped around him, so much in fact that Vici pulled the nearly complete station away from him fearing the structural integrity of the station.

Attention User! You've used 900 AEP to force Demigod Physiology to evolve into Minor....Basic...Intermediate....Advanced....Expert....Master Demigod Physiology.

Sub-Ability, Minor Deity: The User becomes a Minor Deity these are the weakest in the hierarchy of divine beings, also called "Physical Gods" due to the fact that they are usually limited to physical form.

Congratulations User! You've increased your rank grade: (S-)

Congratulations User! You've obtained the title, 'New God'.

Active Effect: Once a year (Dream Time) declare one of your faithful followers into a divine being, and subordinate of your divinity.

Passive Effect: Gain 0.1% of your overall stat the more followers you have.

Title consolidation active.

Congratulations User! You've obtained a new Divine Domain, Eldritch.

Eldritch Divine Spell, Void Call: Call Saurian's bothers, and sisters from beyond the edge of reality to assist the User. Warning, they do come hungry.

What did you do!? -Lash shouted at Erik.

I'm sorry... -Erik replied in a quiet tone.

I don't see the problem. Wont this help us in the long run? -Saurian asked, sounding very pleased about the prospect of seeing his brothers, and sisters. He didn't know he had family beyond the edge.

Attention User! Your Cosmic Patron is ecstatic! They can not wait to see what happens next!

“Creator are you alright?” Vici asked through his telecommunication channel thanks in due to his Re:Implant.

“Yes, just an unexpected reward that may or may not be a good thing in the end. Call a team to finish up at my last location on the station. I need to head in.” Lash replied and began to fly through space towards the nearest air lock.

“Creator, your...vital signs are...Erratic? I believe you should head to medical.” Vici asked, her tone of voice filled with worry.

“Agreed, don't teleport me. We don't know if my physiology is even set for it yet. Just inform medical of my arrival.” Lash said back and made all due haste towards medical.

The Watch Tower Station was nearly complete. Once it was complete they had to update all of the modules, hubs, and facilities with in the station. But that would take even less time than the entire station. Erik had been gone for two and half weeks. For two and half weeks absolutely nothing happened. It was a nice little break for Lash and Saurian. They worked, they visited a few people, and worked some more.

Erik, I am happy you came back. But I think we should have discussed this a little more. -Lash said across their shared link.

Did you get the new security level package for the sheriffs? -Erik asked.

We did yes. Mr Xags was very happy to receive one million solar coins. He says we should be set for a while. The new media hub is educational. The JLI are learning about what is outside of the sol system. We also learned that the Guardians of Oa are indeed doing a smear campaign against us. -Lash said back as he entered the air lock and let the pressurization begin.

Thanks to the Nth metallurgy manual, Vici can now create Nth metal alloy in the energy forge. 30% of the station is made from Nth metal alloy. -Saurian said next.

The air lock door opened and there waiting for him were a team of medical droids with a transport bed. Lash waved off the bed but did allow the team to scan him as he walked towards the medical wing. Yes, wing is the right name for it now. They had the space for it. Lash didn't want to risk the teleporter until his readings were uploaded through medical so he had 3 miles to walk. Given that the transportation lifts were not operational yet.

Watch Tower Station had changed into what is commonly referred to as a Star Base. Star Bases are considered military structures even if its used for civilian use. That made sense given the amount of fire power they had on the station now. That reminded Lash that he wanted to purchased C grade engines, and turrets. He set a marker on his favorites and kept moving. They had plenty of points left.

Lash digressed from the point. Star Bases had to be registered in the galactic community. However because of the new security level that Erik purchased with the Sheriff Corp. They did that for them, for free! The Sol System had the only Star Base for nearly 30 systems in any direction. But what really terrified the entire galactic community was they found out the Star Base was capable of FTL. That was right, the Watch Tower Station could technically leave the Sol System if it wanted to.

However, because of its size it would take months between each jump. They also had to move it away from Earth. Technically they are still in the same orbital path as Earth. They are just now out of its gravitational field. Earth's moon is approximately size of 1,079.6 miles (1737.4 km). While the Star Base was only 5 miles. Not that big a deal. But if the station ever lost its ability to move freely they could cause mass destruction on a global scale if they fell into Earth. Better safe than sorry.

A team of engineering teams, Saurus Warriors, and JLI came racing by. That was also when Lash noticed that his Manifestations had a divine spark in them. Each and every single one of them. No, they were not God-Kin. But they did carry divinity in them. Great.... Lash eventually reached the medical wing and Ethan was waiting for him and practically dragged him to a private space.

“So, how bad is it?” Ethan asked, as he pulled his hair back into a pony tail. He keyed up a few commands on a holographic screen and dozens of instruments came down to start scanning Lash.

“I went from being a Demigod to a Minor Deity.” Lash replied in a deflated tone.

I'm sorry! -Erik shouted, then curled up across the link.

Nothing to apologized for, Partner Erik. This will only make us stronger. -Saurian replied.

Ethan stopped what he was doing and slowly stared back at Lash. The readings he was getting were inconsistent. As if Lash was there, and also not there at the same time. Ethan attempted to take a blood sample. Last time it didn't work so well the blood turned to ash with in moments of leaving Lash. This time however the sample was glowing before it turned to ash. Ethan shook his head then pressed a direct line into Lash to check his blood.

“That is....Odd.” Ethan said, as he pulled the line out. He took a moment to scan the tear drop power stone in Lash's forehead. Lash was in his default state and the stone had chose to stay on his forehead this time. It moved sometimes of its own free will.

“You've always had an abundant of energy thanks to the stone.” Ethan said, and the stone pulsed softly as if thanking him for the compliment.

“But when ever you were drained of energy the source could always be recorded. It came from the stone. Now? Your entire body is the power source.” Ethan remarked, as he took out a device and plugged it into the wall and hand Lash hold the end.

Lash noticed that his energy levels were dropping but they would always rapidly replenish. His tear drop power stone helped a great deal with that. But now his natural energy replenishment was almost as fast as the power stone. Then he also noticed on the diagram that his energy meter didn't have a 0%. He essentially had infinite energy.

“Lay down and get comfortable this is going to take a bit.” Ethan suggested, Lash took him up on it and laid across the medical bed. He started to use Meditation and only spoke when Ethan asked him a question. All the while he continued to hold the device that Ethan had gave him.


Six hours went by, while Ethan only asked a question every few minutes. Lash soon discovered that he didn't feel tired. More specifically he didn't need to sleep. Unless he was rendered unconscious the closes thing he could get to sleep now was Meditation. He was both happy, and upset about that. Sometimes he just wanted to fall asleep and not worry about things. It was like a mini vacation. At the top of the seventh hour Vyllith walked into the room.

“He's fine, you can sit with him if you like.” Ethan said to her. Vyllith came to Lash's side with out a word and waved her hand. A chair formed from the ground and she sat next to him.

“How's it going?” Lash asked her.

Vyllith had vibrant red skin, lilac eyes, long black hair tied back into a braid. Her ears were knife points and went a few inches. Two black horns were on the crown of her head and they curved back naturally. She stood approximately at 6' even (182.8 cm). Despite the medium tier exoskeleton suit she wore. The armor accentuated her curves, and feminine quality. She had a hourglass athletic figure. Her tail which was wrapped in armor at the base, and a polymer had a heart shaped spear point. Vyllith was Lash's one and only Daemonic Hell Knight. Which may change in a moment, because he planned to use his title effect on her.

“Can you please stop scaring me?” Vyllith asked, as she brushed a single tear from her eye. Lash felt his heart clench at the sight of it.

“I didn't do it on purpose.” Lash said.

“You never do. Which is why I can always forgive you. So, what happened?” Vyllith asked, she took a deep breath then focused on him.

“I became a god, little g.” Lash said with a smile, and held up his fingers an inch apart from each other.

“OK....Did you hit your head on the way here?” Vyllith asked with a smile.

“He's not joking, Vyllith. His divine spark has become a flame. As a demigod he had a candle flame of divine energy. As a Minor Deity he now has lantern? Torch? Fire? Metaphors escape me for this kind of thing.” Ethan said from his station.

“Your serious!?” Vyllith asked, turning to Ethan. Then back to Lash.

“Hey....Want to become my first divine subordinate?” Lash asked, taking a hold of her hand. Vyllith swallowed audibly and sat up straight to look at him head on.

“Do you even need to ask?” Vyllith replied.

“Rules.” Lash replied.

“Then I Vyllith, Daemonic Hell Knight of Daemonic Count Erik Lash, and Hunter Saurian accept you body, mind, and soul.” Vyllith said, her voice clear, and her meaning perfectly understood.

A brilliant beacon of divine energy erupted from Lash and poured straight into Vyllith. The Divine Domains of Monsters, War, and Eldritch enriched every part of her. Her armor was discarded and her body was transformed. She grew several inches, gained muscle mass, and shape. Her preexisting tribal marks grew with intricate designs and power. Her black hair began to sparkle with starlight, while the crown of her head grew more elaborate horns. Then last but not least two bat like wings grew from her back. Then as soon as it started it faded.

Congratulations User! Vyllith has become your first divine subordinate and has been granted Angelic Physiology.

Angelic Physiology: The User and/or target possess the traits, attributes and abilities of an angel, a being connected to and serving Higher Powers. (You)

“Well! Looks like we are going to be here for a little while longer.” Ethan said.


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