
***HR. Sol System, New York City***

Sara Bradley was the anchor and journalist for the broad cast station of, World Wide News. They had been on the air for little less than a year. She remembered being selected for the position like it was yesterday. She had thought the studio was insane for trying to fill the position at the time. People needed fresh water, not the news. But when her co-anchor Luke Brendon had explained that a sense of normalcy would help bring stability back to the masses. She hadn't believed him, but agreed to try.

Sara had been surprised by the uptick in popularity, and in stability that came with their first broad cast. Yes, not many people could tune in. But the area's that could felt better. Crime went down by 13% in their local area when they did a segment on the increase in police enforcement, and JLI support. Sara received thank you letters from hundreds of people for telling them that help was on the way through the broad cast half way across the globe. Sara hadn't done a thing but report the news, but it made people feel safe knowing about it.

When Sara had confessed on live television that she was a meta-human. A lot of people were unhappy. But the studio stuck to their ideals, and refused to fire Sara. Or maybe it was because 35% of the studio was owned by Ghost Industries the people behind the CSA program. But, a lot of people were also happy to see a meta-human in her position. The idea that their loved ones could lead normal lives helped them feel stable in a world with out control. With out meaning to be one, Sara had become a leader of meta's seeking a normal life.....

Sara was currently sitting in the make up room with Luke as they read through the brief about the news with each other. They had technically read their parts alone hours ago. But it was a good idea to get feed back ahead of time. How to respond, and how to show emotion. As much as Sara wanted to react realistically. There were several segments that required her to keep a schooled expression on her face.

Sara stood at approximately 5'5” (165 cm) with shoulder brown hair tied up in a bun. She had cool blue eyes, tanned skin, and soft pink lips. Recently she had earned an athletic hourglass figure. Why? As a meta-human she was required to maintain a state of healthy physical shape. Better control she had over her body the better control she had over her abilities. Even Partial-Telekinesis can be dangerous if not controlled. She wore a navy blue pin up striped suit. With golden earrings, and a silver necklace. The suit was tailored made, and showed off her figure.

Luke Brendon stood at approximately 5' 8” (172.7 cm) with short shaved black hair. His amber eyes were warm, and full of curiosity. He had sweet chocolate black skin, and a strong power lifter figure. The type of figure with huge arms, and a broad chest. One would think they may be over weight but Sara had seen Luke dead lift 385 pounds. Luke had said that was a moderate amount. Not to Sara it wasn't! He wore a black on gray suit with a smile on his face as he glanced up at Sara.

“What?” Luke asked.

“Just admiring your impressive chest.” Sara said coyly, Luke blinked at her in surprise then chuckled.

“It is an impressive chest.” Steve one of their make up artist said in a snarky voice.

“I like being strong.” Luke said proudly.

“A lot of ladies, and a few gentlemen in the studio like you being strong too!” Steve replied, and finished with Sara by applying lip gloss.

They continued to talk back and forth with one another. Luke pointed out a few portions of today that he knew would bother Sara but she was required to talk about it. Luke said he didn't like it either, oddly hearing him say it made her feel better. More than once Sara glanced at Luke while he was reading and the make up crew glanced at one another and snickered. Then before the call went through for them to get on set their producer raced in with a frantic look on their face. This only happened when a sudden change had occurred. But the producer had a smile.

“Which one of you wants to interview Agent Wraith!?” Their producer shouted at them. Sara, and Luke looked like a pair of deer caught in the headlights of a moving truck.

“Trick question! You are both doing it!” The producer said with a grin, and Sara all but turned him into ash from her glare.

“Not that I am not happy about it, but why is he in New York?” Luke asked, and Sara agreed with him.

“He's going to be rebuilding the city. City Hall asked him to come in for an interview.” The producer said and handed them the brief.

“WAIT!? This is at the end of the broadcast, is he here!?” Sara shouted at the producer who grinned at her.

Sara stood up and smoothed out her suit and gracefully all be it hurriedly scampered from the make up room and went straight to the guest room. It was no secret that Sara had a bit of a fan girl thing for Agent Wraith. It was professional! But she desperately wanted to personally thank him for all his good work. She practically flew across the studio. Reaching the door she took a calming breath and knocked on it and a voice she had always wanted to hear called out.

“Come in Miss Bradley.” Said an animalistic voice. Sara tried to contain her girly squeal then slowly opened the door. There he was sitting in a black throne made out of obsidian or maybe some alien metal?

“Hello Agent Wraith, thank you for coming today.” Sara said softly as she walked in.

“Of course, sorry for dropping in on you with such short notice.” Wraith said, as he stood up to tower over her. He really was as tall as they said he was. Sara swallowed audibly.

“We were just informed about the interview. But I just wanted to say it is a great honor to have you with us.” Sara said, then smiled wide as Wraith bowed to her from his waist. She had heard he had old style manners.

“The honor and privilege is mine. Perhaps in the future you and Mr Brendon will join the journalist crew on the Watch Tower.” Wraith replied, and Sara's mind went blank.

“W..W...Watch Tower?” Sara gibbered out.

“Yes, the United Nations thought it was a good idea to allow select journalist on a tour of the Watch Tower. World Wide News is one of the teams.” Wraith replied.

“....OK...” Sara said with a stupid grin on her face...


***HR. Sol System, Watch Tower Star Base***

(24 hours before the interview)

Erik Lash, and Hunter Saurian currently sat in front of the Warden, and Supernatural council aboard the Watch Tower Star Base. On his immediate left was Vyllith also in her own seat. She kept her mouth shut even though she didn't like the situation. They had replaced her armor, though it needed some size adjustments. There was a divine crimson glow that emanated from her now. Lash quickly learned that Vyllith had obtained Glamorous Perception. He assumed that was one of the reasons why Angels always looked so pretty, and why no one can ever agree on what they exactly look like.

“I didn't do it on purpose.” Lash said softly to the council. He was currently in his default state if he could even call it that anymore.

Lash stood at approximately 6' 6” (198.2 cm) with a hairless bald head. His scalp was decorated in detailed inscribed tribal tattoos of each domain he had, that stretched across his whole body. He had twenty domains. Each mark was stylized to its domain. So nature which was the strongest had the style of crescent moons, gilded suns, tree branches, etc. While his Technomancy had circuit boards, and gears. Then Synthesis was a combination of Nature, and Technomancy. Imagine a leaf with circuits.

Lash had a rectangular body type. Tall, and wide as a door with zero body fat, and sculpted muscles that looked like they were made from stone that came straight out of a comic book. Which made sense! He wore his Daemonic Warden gear and/or JLI medium tier exoskeleton suit. He looked like a science fiction tech-knight. Form fitting vantablack polymer suit, with vantablack compressed stream lined armored plates. (So it absorbs light.) Dozens of little gadgets, and tools placed into the suit. All the while the whole suit could change with his Transformation if he needed to. While Saurian had his own set thanks to Spatial Item Shifting.

“We know that Warden Lash. We have learned a long time ago that your Cosmic Patron does things because they are entertaining, not because they make sense.” The Warden councilor replied softly. Lash wasn't going to correct them on who decided on giving him the upgrade.

“But we also know that your Cosmic Patron has helped solve more problems then they have caused.” The Seelie councilor said next. If they only knew the truth.

Lash, and Vyllith both sat on top of a Rune of Truth. They were compelled to answer any and all questions truthfully. It had been inscribed, and empowered by several master level enchanters. The issue was that his upgrade had come from the Dream Store. Because of that Lash technically didn't have to answer if he didn't want to. The denizens of the Dream were not allowed to know they were in a Dream Engine. 4th wall engine prevented that. Dawn had gone over this with him ages ago.

“So what's the problem?” Vyllith said irritably. The councilors all glanced at her in annoyance but they didn't reprimand her for it. She was technically an angel, or part angel? You don't mouth off to an angel.

“The problem... Lady Vyllith is that Warden Lash is now a minor deity to the Krypton Pantheon. He is part of a branch family, and may not have a single ounce of blood from them since he was technically adopted into it. As a demigod we could allow that to slide. It was a gray area. But as a minor deity? He has essentially joined a faction.” The Twilight councilor said to her simply.

“The demigods that came back from the time fragment on Krypton are ecstatic! You are technically the senior ranking member of the Krypton Pantheon now. Yes, you only have about a dozen or so demigods at your command. And believe me, they are at your command. But you have a small but powerful faction to your name now, Warden Lash.” The UnSeelie councilor said with a bemused expression.

“Why don't I just order them all to join the Wardens?” Lash said simply and the room paused to look at him for that unexpected reply. While the Warden councilor raised a brow and a smile started to grow.

“Yes, they are all demigods, but they are also aliens from another world and time! Ten years in the Wardens, and ten years in the United Nations World Security to obtain world citizenship. Wasn't that the plan? Not only for supernaturals, but aliens as well?” Lash said next, to his credit Saurian was the one that came up with this idea. He really didn't understand the issue.

“By joining the Wardens and serving their time in service to the supernatural communities they will earn protection, and a home on our world. As long as they obey the laws of course. The Krypton demigods are homeless right now. Several of them have joined the JLI, while a few even left the solar system. The rest are with out purpose. I will request that they join the Wardens. I will not force them to.” Lash replied as he looked at each councilor.

“That solves the issue short term, but what about long term?” The Seelie councilor asked.

“In two years Warden Lash will no longer be a Warden. Oh yes, we decided to count your subjective time in the Rifts.” The Warden Councilor said with a smile.

“Woah...Woah... I thought Lash was going to sign up again?” The Twilight councilor said. Everyone turned to look at Lash.

“I was planning on it. To be honest I kinda feel like I skipped out on a lot of Warden responsibilities. I was going to make up the difference.” Lash admitted and the Twilight councilor smiled at him.

'What about the League of Assassins? -Vyllith asked across their shared link.

'I wasn't going to actually take over. I'd wait until Ra's died and/or retired and give it to Talia. Its idiotic that she can't rule the League.' -Lash replied, and Vyllith smiled at him.

“A lot can happen in two years, Warden Lash. Plus I don't think you can sign up as a deity from a pantheon. You are technically part of a faction. Warden's are suppose to be neutral.” The Seelie councilor said next.

“Yes, because everyone follows that rule.” Twilight councilor said with clear disdain.

Wardens were suppose to be a neutral party. They work between the factions to ensure that everyone gets a long. At least that was the idea on paper. Very few Wardens followed that rule. Stereotypes, prejudice, species profiling. The Blood-Kindred were a great example. A lot of Wardens hated the Kindred, and for good reason. Most Blood-Kindred acted like organized crime families. Not all of them did, just most. This was also why there were no Blood-Kindred Wardens....Wait.

“Question; with slight subject change. Can Blood-Mutts become Wardens?” Lash asked completely out of the blue. The room went quiet.

“Technically...” The Warden Councilor said with a stiff expression.

“Yes, they can... They don't have a house. They are only loyal to themselves. It's even happened a few times past, though it is rare.” The UnSeelie councilor admitted, and the Warden councilor winced.

Lash used Connectivity and sent a quick message to Vici to inform the Blood-Mutts that worked for the JLI that if they wanted to they could become Wardens. With in seconds his private message box blew up with messages from dozens of JLI Blood-Mutts with questions about joining the Wardens. The Warden councilor's communicator beeped at them, they glanced at the window then slowly pegged an acidic glare at Lash. The Twilight councilor snickered as they own communicator went off.

“Can we please get back on topic?” The UnSeelie councilor requested as they own communicator started to beep at them.

“If the demigods of Krypton request to join the Wardens. The UnSeelie Court will of course agree to sponsor them. They will be a boon to the community. As long as they swear their oath of neutrality such as it is for their term of service.” The UnSeelie councilor declared.

“As does the Seelie Court.”

“The Twilight Court agrees.”

“The Wardens will of course take such talented individuals.”

“I will inform the Warden Council of your desire to sign on again, Warden Lash. With the circumstances as they are it is unlikely. However, what we can do is switch from two years, to seven to match the time you have left with the UNWS. But it will be put to a vote.” The Warden councilor said with a forced smile as their communicator kept beeping at them.

“Before we leave, we understand that you have a lot of work to do, Warden Lash. However the UNWS has requested that you make your way to New York and take an interview from the World Wide News network. Also that you rebuild New York.” The Warden councilor said with a glare.

“I can do that, can someone message City Hall so they have a design or basic idea of what needs repair, and what needs renovation so I don't have to have a pissing contest with mundane or magical business owners about what I am allowed to touch?” Lash asked with a polite smile on his face.

“Yes, if that is everything?” The Warden councilor asked and the other courts didn't say anything.

“Good, please excuse me. Some random jack ass just informed dozens of Blood-Mutts that they could join the Wardens.” The Warden councilor snapped and promptly left the room.

“I'll make sure that the random jack ass gets all the credit for suggesting the idea!” The Twilight councilor called right before the Warden councilor could slam the door.

“Warden Lash you do understand that a lot of Wardens are going to dislike you now.” The UnSeelie councilor said to him.

“Wardens are suppose to be of the people for the people. Having Kindred in the Wardens make sense.” Lash replied as he stood up from his seat.

“As far as I understand it the Wardens are understaffed. Having more bodies on the crew will be helpful in the long run.” Vyllith said as she stood up and stretched, the councilors in the room admired her for a bit. That was interesting.

“Politics...” The Twilight councilor replied.

“Vici, is Gozith aboard the station?” Lash said into his communicator.

“Yes creator, he is actually right outside the chambers waiting to speak with you.” Vici replied, with the upgrade finished her voice had changed to a more mature feminine quality. Lash put her around late twenties, early thirties.

“Wonderful!” Lash said then took a moment to bow to the councilors who bowed back. Vyllith did the same then followed Lash out of the chambers. While she replaced her helmet, he took on Transformation.

Gozith was the decedent of Kryptonian deities of Nightwing, and Flamebird. He was a demigod that would mature into a minor deity in a few thousand years, hopefully. Lash had met him in the Time-Fragment Rift of Krypton when he was a War-Priest of Rao. Gozith stood approximately at 6' (182 cm) with midnight black skin. He had long silver white hair that was swept back and half tied on his shoulders. He had an athletic rectangular figure. His eyes were pitch black, with no sclera to be found. Despite all that he gave off a very warm aura. He was also a member of the JLI Shadow Operations. This allowed him to wear full JLI kit.

“Brother!” Gozith shouted at Lash as they came from the councilor chambers. Then Gozith dropped to his knees in respect.

“Please stand up, Gozith.” Lash said softly as he pulled the man to his feet. Gozith jumped to obey and smiled at him. He also took a moment to give a genuine bow from his waist towards Vyllith.

“We need to talk.” Lash said gently and Gozith looked like he would follow Lash into oblivion if he asked.....

Several minutes they walked in silence side by side with Vyllith right behind them. Lash glanced at her and gestured for her to join them but she shook her head. Rules, for what ever reason the moment Vyllith become his divine subordinate dozens of little rules, and etiquette was poured into her mind. Just like Lash when he gained an skill. They hadn't had a chance to discuss it yet. Vyllith could feel Lash's irritation across the link and she begrudgingly came to his side.

“Gozith how is everyone else doing?” Lash asked, as he created a baffle field around them as they walked to no place particular.

“They are wonderful, brother! Very happy for you, and for themselves! Being on this world was a blessing from our crumbling home. But with out a deity to support us we've been become vagabonds.” Gozith replied with a bounce to his step, and stuck out his chest proudly.

“Gozith you understand that we still have a lot of work to do?” Lash asked, and he nodded enthusiastically.

“Oh yes, brother! It is not like you can snap your claws and make a celestial home for us. We don't expect that from you. It would be centuries before you can. But the hope and dream for a better future is there all because of you.” Gozith replied and Lash winced. Wow he is laying it on thick, the problem was Gozith meant every word.

Then Lash stopped mid step and came to a realization. Gozith, and Vyllith paused and looked at him. Both keeping quiet. Vyllith had seen Lash do this before, and Gozith wouldn't speak with out being spoken too. Something Lash would fix in the future. But he stopped because technically Lash had his own hell dimension, he still needed to drop by and organize it. But, could he make a heavenly dimension as well? He quickly snagged Gozith, and Vyllith's hands and pulled them to a secluded spot. Well kinda, most of the station was being retrofitted. So secluded ish.

“Dawn please come out here a moment.” Lash said softly as he ran a claw along his dragon necklace.

Ages ago Lash had obtained a mystic dragon familiar from completing the mission from Tartarus, the first time. Dawn the VI Rep used it as a way to come play with him from time to time. He wore a necklace made from a dark green metal in the design of the mystic dragon that became animated. Mystic dragons are a lot like the eastern style of dragon. No wings, serpent body, four arms, with five clawed hands. With stag like horns that grew over time, etc etc.

“Yes Master?” Dawn spoke softly as it flew around him. Gozith's eyes went wide but he kept his peace.

“OK stop that! Gozith I know you are being polite but when its just us please speak freely.” Lash said to him. Gozith blinked at him then looked like he wanted to argue but relented.

“I understand that dragons are rare on Gaia, and you have one as a familiar. Incredibly good fortune brother!” Gozith replied, then smiled wide as Dawn flew over and rubbed her cheeks across his own.

“Yes, because they are rare please keep that he has one as a familiar a secret.” Vyllith said next, and Lash nodded in agreement. Gozith bowed his head in understanding then grinned as Dawn licked his nose.

“Dawn, is it possible to create a heavenly realm? I have a hell realm already.” Lash asked, and Gozith's eyes went wide.

“Yes Master, though it would take a create deal of divine power.” Dawn replied.

'Or you could use Dream Points.' -Dawn replied across a private link not shared with Vyllith.

“May I assume you have sent your enemies to this hell realm, brother?” Gozith asked, and Lash nodded. Gozith smiled wide at that as if it was to be expected.

“Gozith, can you pass a message to the rest of our kin?” Lash asked, and Gozith stood at attention ready to hear the message.

“This is a request, not an order. I request that all of the demigods from Krypton consider joining for a term of service in the Wardens on Gaia. Doing so will provide resources, and improved reputation among the denizens of the planet.” Lash said to him, and Gozith committed the message to memory.

“Ask your questions, Gozith. You know our siblings best. What will they ask.” Lash prompted him and Gozith gave it some thought.

“Are siblings are not use to taking orders from mortals.” Gozith replied simply, and they would have to.

“Several of them have joined the JLI, I've not heard any complaints from Vigil about them.” Lash asked, confused about that.

“That is because the Watch Tower is yours, brother. The JLI may work here, but the Tower is yours. Vigil is yours. She is your granddaughter. Your creation, of course we will not be disrespectful of her or any of them.” Gozith replied and that stumped Lash.

“He's got a point.” Vyllith said next.

“Like I said, its a request not an order. Now, is there anything that our siblings would like?” Lash asked, and Gozith's reply was automatic.

“I understand it will be hard but can you make us a home? Doesn't have to be large, maybe one of the moons in the system. Just a place to call our own.” Gozith asked, a pleading look in his eye.

“Eeeehh....Maybe... Vici! Can you prep a shuttle team. I need to head to the moon. It's time to establish some forward operating bases.” Lash said as he rubbed his face. He clapped Gozith on the shoulder.

“Deliver the message, again its a request. Do you understand why I am asking?” Lash asked, and Gozith nodded.

“We are guests in someones house. By helping to keep it clean, and in service, it helps us as much as them. I understand, its a good idea. I'll deliver the message.” Gozith replied with a smile and bowed from his waist. Lash returned it, and Dawn licked Gozith's nose.

“I need to get going, sorry about this. Tell our siblings I'll work on the home thing. I'll have an answer with in a few days.” Lash said, and Gozith visibly brightened.

Dawn quickly wrapped around his neck and went back to being a necklace. Vyllith hugged Gozith who went stiff but returned the gesture quickly he had a smile on his face. Vyllith returned it and quickly caught up with Lash. Once again she walked behind him until one of his tentacles snagged her and brought her up front with him. She gave him a bemused expression.

“Do I need to order you, or can you just adapt normally?” Lash asked, and Vyllith smiled at him.

“Maybe you need to punish me....” Vyllish said coyly, Lash stumbled over his foot and looked back at her in surprise. She laughed at him and covered her mouth with her hand.

“No, Lord Wraith you don't have to order me. But it was all worth it just for that.” Vyllith replied and Lash grumbled softly as they continued towards the shuttle bay.

“Wraith!” A man's voice called from above as Hawkman, and Hawkwoman flew down from a different section. The deck plating was still being installed.

“Yes? What's wrong?” Lash asked, completely ready to jump into action.

“Vici said you are setting up the F.O.B.s on the moon?” Hawkwoman asked with a stunning smile.

“Yes, just three bases with a shield. They'll be placed around the surface city. I don't expect much reaction, but we have several JLI members who prefer a good fight and have nothing to fight.” Lash replied, and gestured for them to follow.

“Wraith we have 22 hours until we are suppose to be in New York.” Vyllith reminded him about the interview. Lash winced but did some rough calculations.

“As long as nothing happens we'll have time.” Lash replied.

“Right, cause nothing ever happens around you.” Hawkman said with a grin. Lash hated to admit it but that was true.

“Come with us on the shuttle trip we can use your tactical awareness in the construction plots.” Lash suggested and they both agreed easily enough.

Vici and Vigil sent out a volunteer mission operation. They were setting up the FOB's on the moon and would start the campaign to take over Luna. Hundreds of people responded and started to make their way towards the ship bays that were still under construction. Thankfully the shuttles were intact. Lash of course was not staying on the moon. He had work on the Earth. But as he said before they had plenty of people looking for a fight with no fight to be had.

Most of the fighting on Earth was law keeping, or considered a high grade mission operation. The JLI had the same mission grade system as well the Dream Engine. Lash was sure that was game mechanics at work. So obviously grade D couldn't tackle a grade B mission. They could provide logistical support, but a vanguard position? Nope!

The Lunar campaign was different, from the information they were able to gather anyone from E-A grade could participate in the Lunar campaign. It reminded Erik of that destiny FPS shooter game from way back when. Teams of elite commandos sent to fight the aliens on the moon. Lash even spent a reincarnated life as a guardian. He understood the comparison and had to admit they were similar. The entire surface of the moon had been scouted out ages ago. They had several plots of land that would be ideal for a military bunker.

Lash and his team walked through a door and stepped into the still under construction ship bay. A clear blue membrane of light held in the atmosphere as they walked across the deck towards the awaiting shuttle that was to take them to the moon. Nearly a hundred worker droids, JLI crews, and Saurus soldiers worked to get it everything up to date. While dozens of volunteers waited by the shuttles, and star fighters waiting to get a ride for the first incursion into the moon.

“Alright listen up!” Lash shouted, his crocodile voice sending shivers down their spines as Partial Telepathy ensured they all understood him.

“We are building three installations around the surface city, approximately thirty or so miles from the area of operation. From the information we have it takes the revenants three days before they respond to any surface interaction. We will be doing primarily recon for the time being until we understand what we are fighting. Do we have any intelligent questions before we depart?” Lash said to the JLI volunteers.

“Are we getting hazard pay for this?” One of the JLI members asked, and a few people chuckled.

“Technically, yes. I'll be blunt with you. This is a dangerous campaign. I am going to make it a requirement that you all read up on what revenants are. How, and why they are made. Strengths, and weaknesses, and you will have to pass a test on them before you are allowed to freely interact with the AO.” Lash shouted at the JLI, and many people groaned.

“Are we receiving consecrated rounds? Or some kind of weapon specifically to fight the spirits?” Another JLI asked.

“Yes, in fact most of you will be obtaining Nth metal cold weapons at the bare minimum. While some of you will even be shooting Nth metal.” Lash replied, and the Hawks looked at him in surprise.

“Is there a time table to the campaign?”

“Till its done, pending a natural disaster or another invasion. Once the campaign is finished we'll terraform the moon and establish a colony. Then move on to Mars.” Lash said, and made a point to say Mars as there were two Martians in the volunteer group who brightened up considerably.

“Sir, can the Ma'aleca'andrans people participate in the Lunar campaign?” One of the martians asked.

“As long as they understand the dangerous, yes of course they can.” Lash replied. Several JLI members smiled at the Martians who positively vibrated with excitement.

“I understand this briefing is bare bones. We'll have more information as we continue. Yes, I did mean what I said about the test before your allowed to participate in recon missions.” Lash emphasized his point and many people sighed in disappointment.

“Alright, get to your transport. If we don't have enough don't worry the shuttles will be coming back as soon as they drop us off.” Lash said and everyone jumped towards their stations.

'When did the Martians join the JLI' -Lash asked as he boarded his shuttle with Vyllith, the Hawks, and a crew.

'Awhile ago, the JLI doesn't just work on Earth anymore. They also work on Mars.' -Hawkwoman replied when Lash linked them up.

'We may have to give us a new name.' -Lash replied.

'Justice Legion could work' -Hawkman said next.

'I'm sure Kyoko and Mezo have it well in hand.' -Vyllith suggested, and showed Lash a holographic message board for possible Sol System team names....

One by one the different shuttles, and star fighters took off from the ship bay and departed from the Watch Tower Star Base. The relatively huge station quickly shrunk into the distance within the vastness of space. Lash noticed that all of the ships moved an a phenomenally quick pace and realized that each ship had a mini singularity drive core. Just like the Älfeneel from the MCU. They partially bent space as they moved. In simple terms other ships had to move 100 feet, while they only had to move 50.

Lash glanced around the shuttle, it was actually the first time he had ever been in one. His Science Intuition, Magic Intuition, and Science abilities prompted him with experience as he found flaws in the design and ways to improve it. Lash pulled up his holographic and with Technomancy quickly scribbled some notes down and sent them off to Malleus. He got a quick reply with a simple thumbs up emoji.

The shuttles were approximately 15 feet tall, about 20 feet wide, and 100 feet long. They use to be smaller, but Lash preferred quality of quantity any day. The front portion had seating for the pilot, and co-pilot, along with engineering, science, and operations. Then slightly behind the front was a two station portal hub. Then behind that was a long corridor where additional modules could be stored. So depending on the operation they could store medical units, extra bedding for soldiers or refugees, etc. Then behind all that was the galley, and sleeping area. With a single wash closet. (Toilet, sink, shower.) The engine was actually along the spine of the ship. While additional module anchor points were on the top, and sides of the shuttle. This allowed it to multi functional as long as they had time to swap the modules out.

The star fighters traveling with them looked a lot like a great white shark with scales on it. 4 dorsal fins that would extend when in atmosphere. While the tail ended into four engines that left an energy trail. Magnetic coils on the underside of the fins for extra mobility planet side. On the top, and bottom of the fighter were twin guns that a gunner could fire from. Or the could be synced to the pilot and add to the already existing guns under the wings. Thanks to Martian science the star fighters could adapt and change inside the station. Growing larger, or smaller depending on the need. So if they needed bombers they could grow and change in the station.

Now, both shuttle, and star fighter had vibranium and Nth metal weave through them. The unfortunate weakness of Martian tech is that bio-ships have low armor. That however was no longer a threat. True the Star Bases navy were not true bio-ships. But they could change as long as they were in port. That reminded Lash that he had selected the heavy corvette class in the ship bay. He was curious what the ship would look like once all the different Arcane Science types were added in. Hopefully they would be finished before the invasion showed up.

“Area of Operation within sight.” The android pilot called out and Lash was pulled from his musings. The view screen went through several full visual spectrum shifts, and Magical Perceptions until they found the right one.

The revenant city was housed in a giant canyon along the surface of the moon. Which was odd because a crack this large would be visible from Earth at least through a telescope. But Lash never remembered this thing on any history books back in school. The entire city was under a veil, or a baffle field depending on their method. The shuttle, and star fighters kept well away from the shield that covered it. They had quickly learned it deflected anything that touched it. Plus the whole city came to life and poured across the moon like an angry hill of fire ants.

The city itself was oddly reminiscent of Aztec design? More to the point that most of the structures had a ziggurat design. Only the edges were pointed up like a blade. So not Aztec specifically, but just ancient Earth. Layered building designs, each layer had installations, facilities, and homes built into the structure. Then it would go up a tier and begin again. Defensible.

Most of the buildings were dull gray, and black colors. But a few of them were vibrant silver, white, and red. These buildings had giant crystals floating above them. The crystals fed energy into the veil above it. Most of these buildings were along the outer edge of the city outside of the canyon. While a few larger ones were inside the city. Each one would have to be taken down for the entire shield to fall. Then they would have to continue inside the moon. This was the only city visible on the moon, it was not the only city in the moon.

The city was also very active! Hundreds of thousands of citizens went about their lives. They would repeat the last year of their life, over, and over again. The culmination of the year was Halloween which was only few months, weeks away? Lash would have to check, since Selina was getting married a week after Halloween. Once Halloween was over the whole city would reset, including the population. Which was why this was recon only.

If they pushed into the moon now, and couldn't stop what ever was causing the repeat to happen. They'd get half way down and suddenly be surrounded by ten million revenants. Ten million specifically because that was how many were on Lash's quest from his Cosmic Patron. So far no one had got a good look at the revenants they were always cloaked in a sort of field while in the city. They looked like ghosts that were out of phase. Like a white spot on a camera. They'd have to fix that somehow.

“So in our last scouting mission we found a few spots that are relatively close by. One of them is on a plateau that overlooks the canyon.” Hawkman said as the shuttle flew over the location.

“Another location is inside a set of caves we believe may lead to the inner sections of the moon. But if not we can always dig our way down.” Hawkwoman stepped in next, as the display showed what she meant.

“Then the last place we can suggest, and this is a bold statement. Place it with in a mile of the gates to the city.” Hawkman suggested to him.

“We'd have to go inside the shield to do that.” Lash commented, and he nodded in agreement.

“We don't have to build all three today. Once we take the city having a base right at the gates would be useful.” Vyllith suggested, and the Hawks agreed.

“Alright, pilot take us to the plateau please.” Lash asked and the android nodded and maneuvered the shuttle back to 'Alpha'.

The plateau was approximately 20 miles across (32 km) with a jagged edge, and a natural rock tower along the south west. Great place for an airfield, as they could literally see the canyon in the distance and the veil that covered it. The shuttle landed and the airlock doors slide to the side, a soft blue shield membrane kept the atmosphere inside. Lash stepped outside with out a vac-suit as always. This was normally when he would get experience from Self-Sustenance but it was maxed now.

“Eh, funny that.” Lash said softly and balked as he actually heard himself talk. It was a combination of Partial-Telepathy and Self-Sustenance.

Hawkman, and Hawkwoman stepped outside in their standard Thanagarian gear. Their Nth metal allowing them to survive in the vacuum. Though their face masks came down to allow them to talk over the communication line. The other shuttles landed, while the star fighters kept circling in a wide perimeter around the plateau. Vyllith skipped out of the shuttle and bounced across the ground towards Lash. Her helmet was up, he wasn't sure if she could survive out here with out. They'd have to test that later in a safe, controlled environment.

Lash looked up into space and saw the ocean of stars looking back at him. The moons atmosphere was nearly none existent due it low gravity, and chemical gasses. There were a lot of issues they would have to look into once the revenants were gone. He knew a C grade planetary shield could cover the moon. But if the shield ever failed then everyone on the moon would die. They'd have to stabilize its gravitational field then...

“Wraith! We only have 20 hours!” Vyllith shouted at him through the comms. Lash jumped in surprise while Hawkwoman laughed at him. He did that thing again where he dazed out while he was thinking about projects.

“Right! Right, just keep an eye out.” Lash said as he walked to the dead center of the plateau.

Lash began to build the G grade planetary shield (Chapter 90). A ritual circle was cast into the moons surface through Elemental Manipulation and magical energy. Geometric shapes, and ghost lines of the structure began to take shape as Lash used Essence Imbuement, Chameleon, Nature's Passage, Growth, Gravitas, Weather Control, Earthquake Control, Quality Enhancement, Enchanting Word, Repair, Connectivity, Alteration, Compression Transformation, Virtual Intelligence, Technomagical Construct, Renew, Immaculate, Re:Implant, Source Code, Infinite Supply, Deflection, Blink, Unburden, Soul Heal, Consecrate, Spiritual Guardian, Fabrication, Enlarge/Reduce, Matter Transmutation, (Haven't used that in a long time) Phantasm, Invisibility, Anonymity, Compulsion, Pain, Reality Warping, and Bending.

The planetary shield quickly grew up from its foundations, yes grew is the right word. Like a tree it spread out metallic roots for support, while its branches reached for the stars above. At the core of the planetary shield tree was a single tear drop size singularity that Lash had created through Reality Warping. Once the trunk, and branches reached 300 hundred feet. (91 meters) The first layer of hexagon shield grids started to form. Once ten shield pieces formed, the second layer started. The shield had phasing tech built into it. So it would pass through the ground to prevent anything from getting through. They weren't sure if the revenants could pass through stone but it was a good safety feature.

“Woah...” Hawkman said in astonishment.

“How long did that take? I lost track of time.” Lash asked.

“That took thirty minutes to do.” Vyllith replied, Lash could hear her smirk through her mask. He glanced at his energy reserves and they were already back to 100%.

“Next comes the bunker.” Lash said as he rubbed his clawed hands together.

The planetary shield tree quickly finished its double layer shield. The two layers were far enough apart that they could open the first layer, let something or someone in. Then close the first layer and open the second layer. Like a gate. It had a plethora of bells and whistles built into it. It would link up with the facilities tied to it. But most importantly Lash could build onto this shield tree. Nothing said he couldn't have more than one planetary shield in place around the moon. In fact it would be beneficial to have more than one.

The bunker was even easier to build. He designed it after the Earth's style of a Bastion Star Fort. The outer walls went to the edge of the plateau. While the inner walls rose above the outer to create a downward slope allowing for attack positions. But each segment or piece had an additional wall or gate house. So if one section was taken it wouldn't spell the doom of any others. He had 20 miles to play with a shield tree in the dead center. The tree only took up about a half a mile of space. So lots of room!

The fort took longer than the shield. Six hours later the super structure was complete and now Lash was working on the insides. Building self contained utilities, amenities, etc. They needed a work and machine shop, a barracks, hangar, medical wing, operations. Essentially everything they had aboard the station, obviously not the pleasure palace. But the idea was the same. Lash didn't use the Dream Store for this. He pulled everything from his memory, or from Vici's data core. That just meant if he wanted to upgrade this place he'd have to do it by hand, or the JLI would have to.

Just as Lash was putting the finishing touches on the portal hub back to the Watch Tower Star Base.... “We've got movement coming from the city.” One of the star fighters reported.

“Already?” Hawkman asked, as Lash finished up on his task and went to the upper floors of the fort.

Lash quickly complied a manual for the whole installation and placed it in operations and flipped on the power. One by one the whole fort came online and the communication hub sent a signal to the Watch Tower. Lash came up and ran across the ramparts of the fort towards the north east corner. A omni turret had been placed there ready to be manually used or linked up to operations. Lash was considering on creating a minor VI, or just linking it to Vici? Decisions, decisions.

Lash watched as six shuttles landed on their designated spots and started to unload JLI volunteers, and logistical staff. There was no atmosphere inside the shield as of yet. He was trying to decide if he should change that or not. When he finally reached the pointed edge of the fort he saw a line of glowing pale dots slowly approaching the fort from their vantage point. Lash used Invoke Animal Spirit-Eagle. His eyes peered through the double layer shield and towards the spirits. But he still couldn't pierce the veil that surrounded them.

“How much time do you have left, Wraith?” Hawkman asked as he pulled out his Nth metal mace. Lash looked at his appointment schedule.

“7 hours, I should leave early and ensure I'm actually in New York.” Lash replied, as Vyllith and Hawkwoman came up both pulling out their weapons.

“Why can't we see what they look like?” Hawkwoman asked in frustration.

“Why are they responding so early?” Vyllith asked a good question.

“Are we 100% sure they are hostile?” Hawkman asked.

“Let me check.” Lash said, and stepped back and knelt down. He closed his eyes and used Cosmic Awareness. Thousands of magical energy points were consumed in a second. But his energy levels quickly rose back to full.

“The denizens of the moon are hostile, User. You can not see what they look like because they use a glamour that is not familiar to you. A different magic system is used on the moon. Though you can of course use your own, as evidence shows. You must take the time to understand theirs.” Dawns sweet voice whispered into his ears.

“They are hostile, they are using a type of Glamour that is foreign to us. Essentially we have to learn thei...” Lash began but was interrupted.

“Wraith we know what a Glamour is.” Hawkwoman said to him abruptly.

“Oh, sorry. I'm so use to explaining things to Flash.” Lash replied, and bowed from his waist in apology. Hawkwoman smiled at him and accepted the apology.

“Well, let's go say hello.” Hawkman said an unfolded his wings.

Lash's lower set of arms pulled, and shifted to his back. They elongated their skeleton structure, tendons, and muscles to accommodate the change. Soon he had an expansive set of bat like wings thanks to his Adaptation. Smoke, and shadow dripped from them. While by his side, Vyllith called her own set of wings she had earned from Angelic Physiology. They were daemonic wings however, not feathered. They burst into being with divine crimson light.

“When did you get wings!?” Hawkman asked, astonished at the look of them both.

“I've had wings for a long time. I just don't use them. Most people think I can't fly, its a good trump card.” Lash replied as he flapped his wings and used Telekinesis to aid in his flight.

“I received mine not that long ago, so please forgive me.” Vyllith replied and she fluttered, and danced around.

The Hawks both grinned and flapped around them. Lash was fine, almost disappointingly to the Hawks. But Vyllith definitely needed some help. Lash ensured they were all linked together with Temporary Pack Bond. Thoughts, emotions, and basic information became that much easier to share. For a few brief moments they forgot the ensuing attack and just flew around one another. One by one they flew from the shield as it opened its door for them.

“Father, may I suggest you design a VI for the fort. I would prefer the help.” Vici asked, across a private line.

“Yes, I can do that.” Lash replied, and made a note to do that before he left.

Flying on the moon was a strange sensation. There was no wind to push against. Vyllith's gear had Nth metal in it and with a simple flip of a switch her overall gravity changed just like the Hawks. While Lash did the same. Lash made note of attaching a drive core to an exoskeleton suit. That way if certain JLI members who could fly wanted to. They could fly through space and act the part of star fighters. Thoughts for the future.

The star fighters flew above them ready to assist at a moments notice. Their targeting computers couldn't get a lock on the revenants. But they could fire at the ground. The stream of spirits from the city looked to be about a mile long. So several hundred were en route to the plateau. The four of them spread apart about 50 or so feet separating them. Lash was in the lead as they reached the last mile marker his Observant ability clicked on.

Lunar Magic Arts, Learning:1%.....2%.....3%

“I've got a reading but it is going to take a while.” Lash replied to them. Then bolts of light shot through the air towards them. The revenants were firing at them with something.

Bolts of silver electric energy exploded when they reached a proximity close to them, like flak shot. A burst of static energy consumed 10 or so feet. Then quickly faded away. Eventually the whole column of revenants fired upon them in the air. The star fighters gunner ports started to unload into the mass of lights. They shot consecrated energy rounds center mass. Thankfully that did something as the whole column exploded and the dancing lights went to take cover.

Lunar Magic Arts, Learning: 15%......16%.....17%

“This is going to take a few minutes!” Lash said as he did a barrel roll in mid flight his wings wrapped around him as a energy bolt exploded next to him. He felt necrotic, and arcane lightning in the shot. His Necromancy Sub-Domain sent him a prompt of experience, as did Damage Resistance.

“Yeaaaah!” Hawkwoman shouted as she flew straight for the attacking force, Nth metal mace out. Quickly followed by Hawkman who had a grin on his face.

Vyllith pulled out her whip blade and bathed it in a divine crimson light. A flare of divine magic bathed the whole area and she dove straight towards the revenants. Lash rolled his eyes and dove down to join his knight, and friends. As soon as he landed his wings grew a scales across the outer membrane and become shields. He covered himself as another shot exploded against him. Then he sprinted towards one of the orbs of light. He extended a silver (Nth) Psionic Blade from one of his four tentacles, bisecting the creature. It shrieked in pain but didn't die, well die again.

A wisp of energy whipped around and barreled into him. Lash was catapulted across the field a few dozen feet. Then he bounced to his feet. He took 1% of damage from that strike, odd. Then Lash gave himself a mental face palm and channeled Judgment into blade and tried again. This time the thing screamed in agony and burst into light.

Lunar Magic Arts, Learning: 75%.....

Ah! He needed to kill another creature. Luckily there were plenty to choose from. He raced forward and saw that his companions were faring better than he. Vyllith was practically butchering the revenants with her divine sword. While the Hawks bashed away with their Nth metal maces with similar effect. Lash jumped into another revenant even as it shot him point blank range. He extended his Psionic Blades from his fists and stabbed straight in. This time the soul of the creature absorbed into him thanks to Soul Absorption from the Rebirth Domain.

Lunar Magic Arts, Complete.

Lash quickly sent the necessary information to Vici through Connectivity then quickly adjusted the Hawks, and Vyllith's vision through a Phantasm spell to allow Magical Perception. Then they could at last see their prey. The revenants were insectoid in appearance. Their skulls were human like in the fact they had human skulls. But zero flesh, just skin pulled across bone. With helmets on that jutted out, and pointed back like tuning fork. Their necks were a bit longer than humans. With thorax insect chest, perhaps it was armor? They did not have an abdomen like an insect would. But their legs, and arms triple jointed. Two pairs of legs, two pairs of arms. All of them wearing armor. They had a ghostly see through appearance. In the center of their skulls were 5 eyes. 4 on the side, and the 5th dead center.

Several of the revenants had hand held devices that looked like a pair of animal claws with a handle. These shot the energy bolts they had been using on them. While the rest carried blades, or just the claws on their hands, and feet. They had four fingered claws on each. Each one was several inches long. Despite their ghostly physical form the claws ripped through stone easily enough.

“Get Clear!” The star fighters above shouted, they had target lock.

Lash, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, and Vyllith all jumped into the air and flew off. As dozens of energy bombs dropped on top of the column of soldiers. Why they didn't do that before? Lash needed to learn the Magic Arts. Any of the soldiers that died with in a few hundred feet of Lash were pulled into him through Soul Absorption while the rest of the will-o-wisps flew back to the city. Unfortunately as soon as the first spirit reached the cities edge. The whole city went into a lock down, and soldiers appeared along the edges of the walls.

“So they don't know automatically. A spirit has to reach home before they fully understand what is going on. Food for thought.” Hawkwoman said softly.

“Come on, we accomplished our mission.” Hawkman said next, and they all flew back to the fort under the protection of the star fighters......

A simple visor interface update on all of the JLI suits would allow anyone to see the spirits clearly. Lash did as he promised Vici and crafted a F grade Minor VI for the fort. Who knows maybe in the future they'll be in charge of the whole colony. Just as Lash was about to leave he received a prompt from Dawn, or rather for the VI Avatars in attendance.

Dynamic Mission, Lunar Campaign.

Objective: Clean our the moon of hostiles.

Objective: Establish Beta fort at marked location. (See tool tip)

Objective: Establish Charlie fort at marked location. (See tool tip)

Objective: Discover how the revenants respawn, and stop it.

Optional Objective: Collect lore, and resources from revenant cities.

Optional Objective: Volunteer for recon in the area of operation.

Optional Objective.....

It continued for several more lines. But essentially every VI Avatar could join up and get experience, JLI reputation, and gear from the missions. Lash was pretty sure even the denizens of the dream got something out of it. Even if they were not fully aware of it. If Lash were in the MMO, this whole place would be a quest hub. A limited time quest hub, as far as Erik explained it. Those were always fan favorites.

Floating above the Lunar Fort was their very own observation satellite. That would also allow them to teleport from the moon to the station. Lash, and Vyllith stepped onto the forts teleportation hub and the spring jump coils wrapped around them. They went up to the satellite as energy, then transferred to the station, then went to a satellite above North America, then went straight down to New York all in the span of about 4 seconds. Vici had created a simple baffle field around the entry point. So Lash, and Vyllith appeared in the middle of Central Park, Manhattan.

Lash reached out through Connectivity to the Wardens that he had arrived in New York, and would be available for the interview at WWN. He was currently in Central Park. Before Lash even started to channel his Nature Domain to restore the park because it badly needed it he received an emergency message from the Wardens not to do anything! Simply meet them at the street, they would send a vehicle for him, and Vyllith.

Lash shrugged and cast Anonymity onto himself, and Vyllith and they walked through Central Park. Anyone who looked at them would see who ever they were suppose to see walking through a ruined park. The park it self was filled with garbage, tents, lots and lots of tents. A few ruined shacks made from boards, and scrap metal. Along with a few rotting bodies hidden under shrubs, and trees. Lash did use Unburden on the echoes, and Decomposition on the bodies after he received an ID on them.

After about thirty or so minutes they reached the edge of the park and saw the ruined city line around them. It was about eleven in the morning and the streets were packed with bumper to bumper...Oh no, those cars were parked. The whole street was filled with parked cars except for two lanes that had bumper to bumper traffic. Several buildings in sight were hollow, and their insides could be visibly seen. While even one building had fallen over and collapsed onto an intersection. Lash just stared at it.

“This is worse than Gotham.” Vyllith commented, and she was correct. The streets were at least working in Gotham. There were several sections of Gotham that didn't have streets! But at least the streets were cleared.

Then an explosion shook the area and several parked cars went flying into the air. A few landed in the park, a few landed in the ruined buildings, while the rest landed on the other cars. People screamed, and ran the opposite direction. No one stopped to record the scene on their phones. At last common sense! They both watched as two groups of people fought one another. Traffic was in a stand still.

Dynamic Event; Gang fight.

Objective: Defeat or kill the gangs. 0/30

Objective: Save the civilians. (%)

Optional Objective: Reduce property damage. (%)

Optional Objective: Discover why the gang is fighting, and who they belong to.

Lash reached over and cast Acceleration, and Cat's Grace on Vyllith who understood. With a mental command her gauntlets charged up with electricity for none lethal unless Lash said otherwise. She sprinted towards the fight and jump over the ruined cars with grace and agility. While Lash casually made his way towards the confrontation. A few more cars went flying and he reached out to snag them with Telekinesis breaking his Anonymity spell. Lash walked past a man who was huddled behind a car who gaped at him.

“Good morning.” Lash said to him.

“Good...Good morning.” The man said, as he rubbed his face and watched Lash walk towards the fight.

“Who the fuck is this bitch!” A man shouted, then he started to scream in agony soon after.

“Shoot her! Shoot her!” Another man shouted. Short but explosive bursts of blue light popped into being every few seconds.

Once he was close enough Sherogoth's Blessing informed Lash of their sins. He updated Vyllith who whipped our her blade and started to disassemble the sinful. A majority of the gang on both sides where horrible people who would be spending the next foreseeable future in Lash's hell dimension. As one by one the souls were pulled into Lash. While the few others were lucky to get away with only one of their limbs removed and cauterized before they bled out. The last few members were all meta-humans.

“Fuck! Fuck! We got to go! She's to...Oh god.” One of the meta's was a young woman with blue skin, and ice covered hair. She wore ripped jeans, boots, and a tank top. She dropped to her knees in utter horror because she saw Lash in his lizard grim reaper shroud walking towards her.

Name: Jennifer Wilkins aka Killer Ice, VI Avatar.

Title: Frost Princess. Ice Bitch. Drug Addict.

Origin: Meta

Rank: D+

Skills: Acting, Criminal Underworld Lore, Sports, (See tool tip)

Powers: Cryokinesis, Thermoregulator, Superhuman Durability, (See tool tip)

Domains: N/A

Traits: N/A

Affiliation: Vortex Gang.

Flaws: Drug Abuse.

Disposition: Hostile bordering on terrified.

Description: Killer Ice's User created her and eventually found her build to be sub-optimal. So her User turned to drugs as a way to obtain a new World Point modifier for her death. She wasn't a bad soul originally, but thanks to a new VI administration tool given to the Users they can suggest what happens to their former Avatars. Killer Ice's User wanted a drugged out villain.

“Dawn?” Lash said under his breath. “Users can dictate what happens to their avatars now?” Lash asked.

“Yes, User! If a User ever stops wanting to play their current avatar. They can set their behavior in the other Dreams. It was meant to allow the VI Avatars to not have a suicidal tendency. Like Fantasma did at the end of his life.” Dawn replied softly.

It was quickly learned by the Users of the Dream Engine that you obtained more World Points by going out in blaze of glory, or odd suicidal methods then straight up deleting an avatar. So the Users would find weird and interesting ways to die. Unfortunately these suicidal tendencies would get copied onto the VI Avatars. So, the copies in other User Dreams could find exceptional people that suddenly killed themselves for stupid reasons.

Fantasma had died during the invasion fighting a meta gang. However, after looking through the available information Lash learned that Fantasma could have easily survived that fight. He died pushing an ally out of the way and then stood perfectly still waiting to die. Self sacrifice World Point allocation. Lash was sure the User got a lot of points for it in their own Dream. But Lash was furious that he had lost Fantasma. He really liked the guy! Fantasma had also left behind his mother, to which Lash was taking care out of respect for his friend.

Now it seemed that the Users can alter the behavior of their former Avatars. Killer Ice's former User decided to turn her into a drug addict? Lash came to a gradual stop and crouched down so he could look at Jennifer. She was pale as possible with her blue skin. Vyllith finished up with the rest and walked over casually as she flicked her sword clean of blood and sheathed it behind her back where her suit caught it and compressed it.

“Miss Wilkins, what are you doing here?” Lash asked softly, his animalistic voice made the young woman jump.

“I...I...I don't know....I.” Jennifer said as tears rolled down her cheeks. They were as cold as liquid nitrogen when they hit the pavement.

“I... I don't know! I just, I...” Jennifer curled up into a ball and started to cry.

Then Lash saw something he had never seen with in the Dream. She glitched out. Her avatar rubber banded from the middle of the fight scene to back to where she was. Lash knew he wasn't the only one who saw it because Vyllith took a step back in shock. Jennifer continued to sob as she muttered over and over again that she didn't know why. Jennifer's soul was gray so she hadn't been doing this long. Lash saw several good things she had done in the past. Killer Ice use to be a hero. Then her User turned her into this?

“Pause the world, Dawn.” Lash said, his voice boiling in rage. The world came to stuttering stop.

“Is she like this in every Dream?” Lash asked.

“Yes, User. She is essentially cannon fodder for new heroes, and new villains.” She said.

“Can I use Dream Points to change her?” Lash asked, as he continued to look at her.

“You don't need Dream Points to change her, User. You have an assortment of spells and abilities that can help her.” Dawn replied.

“I mean all of them.” Lash asked.... Obviously that was so out far out of left field because Dawn went silent.

“One moment, User.” Dawn said, her voice took on a more artificial tone. Like she was back when he first met her.

“User #00,012 please explain your request.” A bass tone of voice came down from the heavens itself. Lash looked up and a new sun was born in the sky, the administration VI had shown up.

“Can I use my Dream Points to alter the VI Avatars behavior?” Lash asked.

“To what kind of behavior?” The Admin replied.

“I read her history, she was a hero before. A good person, until her former User changed her personality on a whim! She doesn't deserve this!” Lash shouted up at them.

“The VI Avatar is made up of complex software, and subconscious thought format. They are not alive.” The Admin replied.

“Then it shouldn't matter if I want to change them!” Lash replied.

“I have read your profile, User #00,012. You have an impressive kill score. Direct kills, and indirect kills. You have slaughtered thousands of Dream denizens, and VI Avatars why is this one different?” The Admin asked.

“Because she didn't have a choice! It was taken from her!” Erik / Lash shouted at them.

“You wish to change them all? You understand it will take a large amount of Dream Points to accomplish?” The Admin asked.

“How much?” Lash asked...

“10,000 Dream Points to change them all. To return them to the hero they were.” The Admin said.

“Done!” Lash shouted, and he felt his DP total drop.

The whole Dream state rolled with a digital wave that Erik had seen before in different games. A tidal wave of pixels swallowed the whole area then when it was done, Jennifer was gone. The world slowly unfroze and Lash stood up to look around. Vyllith jumped in surprise and looked around in confusion.

“Where is she?” Vyllith asked, Lash raised a scaled eye crest at that. Then as if to answer her question a bridge of ice, and snow arrived on the battle scene. A woman wearing a JLI uniform showed up with a brilliant smile on her face.

“Hello! Wow, you two are brutal in person!” The woman said.

“Hello, apologies we didn't mean to step into your territory.” Lash said as he bowed from his waist.

“Oh don't sweat big guy! As far as I'm concerned the whole solar system is your territory.” The woman replied.

“May I ask your name?” Lash inquired.

“Jackie Frost!” The woman said with a smile. Lash's interface activated with her ID and he found Jennifer Wilkins reborn again as a hero of the world.

'What did you just do?' -Vyllith asked through their shared link. She was both terrified, and filled with admiration.

'I cut a deal with my Cosmic Patron.' -Lash replied.


Jackie Frost was very enthusiastic about helping. Lash spent sometime regrowing or attaching the limbs of the still living people. Then Jackie wrapped them up in a tether line from her suit and made an ice sled then pulled them away to the nearest police precinct. While Lash cast Decomposition on the remaining bodies after he retrieved their ID's. Jackie was one of the solo operators her in New York. She had a great record, and was a team player. The senior staff of the JLI were thinking of nominating her the leader of her own team. Lash gave his recommendation as well.

Another hour passed and their ride still wasn't here. Lash rolled his eyes and started to walk towards the WWN studio under the guise of Anonymity along with Vyllith. Along the way they stopped a bank robbery, two more gang fights, put out a fire, and stopped a simple mugging. The Dynamic Event reward from the first fight with Killer Ice, and the rest all awarded him reputation with New York City. Several hours later they arrived at the WWN studio and then they received word from the Wardens as they had recently arrived, at the park. Lash informed them that they took too long so they went directly to the studio.

The WWN studio building was one of the buildings still standing with minimal damage. A few floors windows had been shattered and they saw several people slowly putting it back together. They also saw that the elevators were out in the lobby. So they used the stairs. Still under the guise of spell craft no one paid them any mind. All the while the Wardens of New York requested that they stay put they were on the way. In dead lock traffic? City Runes only work if traffic is flowing.

“AGENT WRAITH!?” A voice called down from the first floor. Dozens or so people froze in the middle of the stair way as they looked down, and up depending on where they were.

“Yes?” Lash called down to them and the spell guise fell off.

“AAAAAAAAA!” A man shouted as a grim reaper appeared next to him, then Lash cast Calm Emotions on him. A string of sharp pointed shoes, and boots raced up the stair case.

A group of men, and women in expensive tailored suits showed up. Each one with reinforced kevlar sewn in and enchanted with spell wards placed carefully across the suits. They all held compact assault rifles, and swords strapped across their backs. Several of them were Sylvan, two of them were Orcs, and one was a full blood Sidhe. Each one was under a Glamour to hide their supernatural nature. A woman with golden caramel skin, long auburn hair, and a hourglass figure was between them. She wore an expensive dress suit, with a skirt, and high heels.

'Dragon, Torloth's daughter.' -Saurian replied across the link.

“Miss Shi'Word, hello.” Lash said as he performed his Warden etiquette in a bow and a hand gesture. The woman balked at the gesture.

“Please don't! I... I mean, thank you! I... I'm sorry for being late.” The woman said with nervous tension. Lash tilted his head at her in utter confusion.

'She is weaker than you.' -Saurian said helpfully. Which completely stupefied Lash.

Juliana Shi'Word Lash's liaison in Gotham, and the mother of his first born is the youngest of Torloth's daughters. If this woman was one of Torloth's kin that either meant she was weaker then Juliana. Or Lash had grown so powerful that Juliana was beneath him in power. He honestly couldn't believe that, so he just assumed this woman didn't spend enough time practicing as a good dragon should.

“My name is Andreia, I'll be helping you today with the interview and with city hall later.” She said as she walked over and held out her hand. Lash stepped forward and took the offered hand gently. She shook like a leaf.

“Miss Andreia did something happen? Are you being chased by someone?” Lash asked, as he looked down the flight of stairs then back at her bodyguards who both flinched under his gaze.

“What? Oh no! Everything is fine, we...were just late. That's all.” Andreia said, as she rubbed her palms on her suit.

Vyllith thankfully had her helmet up so they couldn't see her snickering. She stepped around Andreia and introduced herself to the bodyguards, they would be working together for the next little while. The Sylvans, Orcs, and Sidhe all bowed to her in respect and a bit of fear. While Lash offered his hand to Andreia who looked at him in confusion before she shook herself awake and took the offered hand. A deep blush crawled up her neck, onto her face, and it reached her ears.

“Excuse me?” The man who screamed earlier called out, Lash stopped to look at him.

“There is a little coffee shop down the road, I know the owner. Could you rebuild it sometime today?” The man asked, and Lash laughed in delight.

“Do they lease, or do they own the complex?” Lash asked.

“Doesn't matter! Anything you rebuild is returned to the owner or to the city. You can work freely.” Andreia said quickly, the man brightened at that.

“Then yes I will.” Lash replied, and got the name of the place before the continued up the stairs.

They eventually reached the WWN studio, Andreia produced the necessary paper work and proved Lash was Agent Wraith. They were shown to a make up room where Lash created an obsidian stone throne and took a seat. The artists didn't know what to do so Lash simply spoke to them for a few minutes. Eventually Sara Bradley arrived and he informed her about the future visit to the Watch Tower. After the news segment finished with a prompt from Sara, and Luke that Agent Wraith was in the studio for an interview and told the viewers in an hour they would be doing it live. All the while Lash used Connectivity to message Juliana and asked her why her sister Andreia was so terrified? He received a prompt response.

[Your a god! Why do you think she's so terrified!?] -Juliana.

[Are you afraid of me?] -Lash.

[Of course not! By the way our child has a divine spark in it. I thought you should know.] -Juliana.

[That's wonderful!] -Lash.

[When are you going to come visit me? I miss you.] -Juliana.

[I miss you as well. I'm not sure, with the pending invasion I have a lot to do.] -Lash.

[Love, let me tell you a little secret. If you don't make the time, you will never find the time.] -Juliana.

[I love you.] -Lash.

[Love you too. Be nice to my sister.] -Juliana.

“Miss Andreia?” Lash said as he turned to look at her.

“YES!...Ahem....Yes?” Andreia practically yelped in surprise.

“Your sister says I am suppose to be nice to you. So can you please calm down?” Lash asked, and tried to give his best smile which of course in his Transformation state revealed a collection of sharp fangs. But she was a dragon she'd understand.

“She did!” Andreia squeaked and grew visibly pale. Lash rolled his eyes and cast Calm Emotions on her. Casting it on a dragon took a lot of energy, and he got a load of experience for it. But her breathing slowed down.

“OK, enough of that. Why are you so afraid of me?” Lash asked as he caste a baffle field around them.

“Because your a god, yes you are a minor deity but you can easily overpower me. If I insult you in any way you could do anything to me.” Andreia replied in a monotone voice.

“OK first off, I am still a Warden. Second off I consider the family Shi'Word a friend, and ally. Why would I ever hurt you? Third and most importantly I understand most deities are assholes drunk on their own power. But I'm not like that.” Lash told her simply.

Then before Andreia could reply her phone went off. Lash could tell Calm Emotions was wearing off but Andreia seemed more in control now. She took out her phone and frowned in dismay. She stood up and walked out of the baffle field and answered the phone with a, 'Yes, dad?' Lash raised a brow at that then watched as she made her own baffle field around herself. Lash collapsed his, and Vyllith came over to his side. She looked at her, then at him and shrugged.

'All the bodyguards are terrified of you. They assume you will do the whole, you've slighted a god now feel my wrath persona. I have informed them that you are not like that.' -Vyllith said across their link, which made Lash frown in dismay. Then Andreia finished her phone call and walked over. She took a deep calming breath and stuck out her hand.

“Let's try this again. Hello I am Andreia Shi'Word. I'll be in your care for the next few days, please take care of me.” Andreia said with a hesitant smile. Lash stood up and took her hand in his, then he bowed from his waist and barely kissed her knuckles.

“It is a privilege, and a honor to meet you Andreia Shi'Word. I'll do my best to take care of you while in your company. May I assume that Torloth threatened to crush my skull if I was rude to you?” Lash asked, and Andreia's lips tugged up just a bit.

“Something like that.” She replied.

“Could you tell the bodyguards to calm down?” Lash asked, and she nodded.

Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on the whole group. A euphoric pleasure rolled through them, but nothing so unsightly as an orgasm. Lash stopped doing that a while ago. It was fun while it lasted but he was better about it now...Mostly. Then when all else failed he made pieces of jewelry out of Orichalcum for them all. Each one with a Death Ward spell on it with a three month cool down.

“I CANT EXCEPT THIS!” Andreia shouted.

“Yes you can, and you will. You all will.” Lash said with a glare that he didn't need because all the bodyguards made no move to return the gifts. Andreia for all her bluster also didn't give it back, she was just being polite...loudly.

“Agent Wraith, we are ready for you.” One of the technicians came to the room to collect him.

Lash was shown to a very nice, and very large leather seat that had no hope of holding him. So he pushed it aside and crafted his obsidian throne that he deconstructed from the make up room and placed here. He explained why, and the technicians rolled the seat out. Vyllith, and the rest of the bodyguards filtered across the room, out of the way but still visible. A lot of the crew were nervous to see a six foot tall military trained bodyguard in armani with an assault rifle slung on their back. Or a woman in daemonic looking armor that oozed killing intent.

Sara Bradley, and Luke Brendon stepped onto the studio floor. Sara looked nervous, but excited. While Luke had a broad and genuine smile on his face. Lash stood up for them both, and shook both their hands. They took their seats with a coffee table between them and a pitcher of water with glasses. In casual tradition Lash cast his three favorite nature spells on the whole studio, and his hosts. Luke enjoyed it most of all.

“Your a power lifter?” Lash asked and smiled at him.

“I am! I feel amazing! Thank you!” Luke said as he was now stretching on stage. Sara looked embarrassed but kept stealing glances at Luke.

“What is your maximum weight?”

“400 pounds, did it last week. It felt amazing to meet my goal.” Luke said proudly as he took his seat again.

“Congratulations...” Lash said then reached out and linked Sara, and Luke both into his Temporary Pack Bond. They both shivered and looked around in confusion.

'Hello, please don't mind. This is basic Telepathy.' -Lash said to them and they both jumped.

Luke looked surprised then he stared intently at Lash as if he was trying to communicate. But all he did was earn a giggle from Sara. Then Luke felt the admiration, and affection that came from Sara. Then Sara felt the burning torch that Luke carried for her. They both realized too late that feelings were transmitted. Then Lash started to cackle!

It was a peculiar sight for the tech crew, and the producers as they watched their two anchors grow incredibly embarrassed with out saying a word. Then Agent Wraith started to cackle like a crazy person that sent shivers down everyone spine. Vyllith who shared the link but didn't speak drooped her shoulders and just shook her head.

“I like you two, I think we should be friends.” Lash said as he continued to laugh at their expense. Luke cleared his throat and took a glass of water.

“Ahaha..hahaha...”Sara gave a nervous laugh and started to check her notes, trying her best to look anywhere but at Luke.

What the both of them didn't know was they were being optimized with a 10% increase to all their stats. Sara went from being a Partial-Telekinetic to a G grade Telekinetic then and there. While Luke was granted Superhuman Durability G grade. Neither would grow, but even G grade was awesome to have compared to being completely mundane. Luke then started to go through the questions they had prepared, and given the go ahead by Andreia. Then a few minutes later it was time to start.

“We are live in 5....4....3....2....” The technician called, and the WWN theme music played. The camera's turned on. Sara, and Luke both put on an amiable smile and looked towards a point on set. Not directly at the camera.

“Hello everyone! I'm Sara Bradley!” “And I am Luke Brendon!” “And this is World Wide News!” They said together.

“Tonight we have a very special guest, Agent Wraith with the United Nations World Security.” Sara said as she glanced at Lash.

“Hello everyone.” Lash said, his crocodile voice harsh on the ears.

“That is right! I have to say it is a great honor to have you here with us, Agent Wraith. Also in our fair city. We've been informed that once you finish with our interview you intend to start rebuilding all of New York City and the surrounding areas. Is this true?” Luke asked.

“Yes, that is the plan. I rebuilt Gotham City in just under three days. I hope to do the same here in New York.” Lash replied.

“After New York where are you headed.” Sara asked next.

“I've been given a list from the UN to visit several cities as long as I have time. Concentrating on cities with shipping lanes, or international airports. Preferably both. Every city that is complete will ensure more resources are divided up among the other places that need the help. But either way we have a long road ahead of us.” Lash replied, a while list of the cities went through the viewing window at the bottom of the screen. They also had the list on the WWN website.

“Why wouldn't you have time?” Luke asked next, as he checked off a mark on his note book.

“The world is a big place. But not only that the solar system is a big place. There are a lot of issues that needed to be handled and the UN has requested my presence at many of them. I am also the liaison between the JLI, and the UNWS. Some of the viewers may be surprised but we have an open dialogue with Mars and its people.” Lash said next, and the viewing chat exploded with questions.

“I knew we had several Martians in the JLI that have come to help here at Earth. But I'll be honest, I don't know much about Mars.” Luke replied.

“There people are called Ma'aleca'andrans if spoken in english.” Then Lash used Connectivity to repeat the name in several other languages. The technicians freaked out for a moment but quickly calmed down when Vyllith explained what happened.

“They come in three different types. Green, White, and the very rare Red. Most of who you have seen are Green. But I do know there is at least one White Martian in the JLI.” Lash said, no it wasn't M'gann another white martian signed up.

“Is there a difference between them aside from color?” Sara asked.

“Overall no. Some are bigger. Much like humanity who have several different types of people who are naturally stronger than others.” Lash replied simply, trying to word it correctly.

“Do they all have the shape shifting ability?” Luke asked, Martian Manhunter had been recorded turning into a pseudo-dragon. The whole video was on social media as he fought against a group of meta-humans causing trouble.

“Yes, they all do. Some are better at it than others. But its a natural gift.” Lash replied.

“Agent Wraith you have repeatedly said there are hundreds of thousands of different alien cultures, and species in the known universe. Do they all have powers like this?” Sara asked.

“No, many alien species are mundane is the best word to describe them. The meta-gene is a common factor in the universe and tends to happen naturally. While other times it can be encouraged ahead of time through science, or an accident with cosmic radiation. Not all meta's civilizations survive the culture shock and soon die out.” Lash replied, and Luke blinked in confusion he looked at his note book then went off script.

“What do you mean, die out?” Luke asked, Sara glanced at him.

“The mundanes of the civilization believe the metas are monsters and they kill them off.” Lash replied simply and Luke's eyes went wide. Sara audibly swallowed and went a little pale.

“Would you say that any species that doesn't have powers have either not gone through the transition yet, or killed off their metas?” Luke asked.

“More the likely, yes.” Lash said.

“I want to make something clear here and now. That will not happen on this planet, or this solar system.” Lash said as he emphasized his point by tapping one of his clawed fingers into the table. Sara gradually smiled, as did Luke.

The chat window was full of speciest individuals, haters, and death mongers. Lash called his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits to assist the studio with cleaning out, and banning them from the chat log. Hundreds of thousands of people were quickly cleaned out, while thousands more replaced them. It was like trying to clean a beach with an oil tanker spilled over next to it. With each tide it just kept getting dirty again.

“On the subject of Meta's.” Luke tried to steer the conversation back on track. “The CSA program is growing strong. Here in New York we have several certified Meta police officers, fire fighters, construction workers, and news anchors!” Luke said, and Sara flashed a smile at him.

“Yes, Ghost Industries is doing its best to build facilities across the globe. The United Nations hopes that every nation will have at least one CSA facility in it bare minimum, but hopefully there will be a CSA facility in every major city.” Lash said with a smile that terrified the chat window when they saw it.

“However, we have learned that the certified meta's have been taking employment from other people. Does the UN plan to assist the people with this issue?” Sara asked next.

“The employment issue is not something new. All nations had issues with unemployment even before the meta event took place. Yes, technically a Terrakinetic can do the job of dozens of construction workers, and machines. This is why the UN has permitted Ghost Industries and hundreds of other companies across the globe to help with technical training in schools, by paying off tuition fees. They are even giving housing allowance to people.” Lash replied, and across the view screen was information for their local government info, and the website.

“What about the people who believe that meta's shouldn't be allowed to take the jobs of, 'Normal' people?” Luke asked, and clearly didn't like the question as his tone became bitter.

“Meta's are people too. They have every right got work as any one else. No one asked to become a meta. You are born with the gene, and it activates at random depending on several circumstances. I'll also inform the viewers here and now. The meta gene is not new. It didn't come from some dark matter explosion. The meta gene has been a part of the human race since you all first crawled out of the primordial ooze. This is also why we have meta animals, and plant life. It is a part of evolution.” Lash said with a bit of passion in his voice.

“How many of the viewers remember stories about exceptional people with powers? From folk lore? Myth? Religion? How many of you would be surprised to know that a majority of those stories were based on fact and were distorted over the course of history. Achilles from the Trojan wars? He was a meta with Superhuman Durability.” Lash said. That of course was a complete lie! Achilles was a mundane blessed with supernatural abilities due to magic.

“Now, how do I know this you may ask?” Lash smiled as he leaned back into his seat.

“My people have kept records far longer than humanity as. As a whole the humans of Earth are a relatively young race. This blows up that idiotic theory that the Earth is only 5,000 years old. News flash, it isn't. Nor is the Earth flat.” Lash said with a smug grin on his face.

Luke barked out a laugh and then tried to compose himself. While Sara was scratching out questions on her notebook. The piece of information about Achilles was definitely an eye opener. Sara, and Luke both were listening to their earbuds that were out of view of the camera as the director was trying to steer the conversation back on point.

“So you are saying that the meta gene doesn't require dark matter to activate?” Luke said next.

“No, it is certainly a catalyst. But you don't need it to activate the meta gene.” Lash replied simply....

The rest of the interview was practical and simple. They touched base on what Agent Wraith planned to do with the city. Clean renewable energy, a majority of the restored buildings would have bunkers installed. Bunkers were quickly becoming a standard part of most buildings. Commercial or homes either way they got some sort of shelter. He'd restore the subways, and L-trains. He informed the viewers that he would be calling in help. His Manifestations would arrive. Then he politely informed the viewers that the Manifestations were all copies of him. It was a power of his.....

“And we are out!” The technician called.

“Great job everyone! Thank you Agent Wraith for the interview.” The producer said with a huge smile then left to speak to Andreia. Vyllith simply appeared by Lash side so suddenly that Sara, and Luke jumped in their seats.

“This is Hell Knight.” Lash introduced Vyllith to them. It was a simple all be it apt description. Vyllith did wear a JLI badge, though it was small on hidden away on her belt.

“Hello, thank you for your service!” Sara said with a big smile.

“Yes, thank you!” Luke added.

“You're welcome.” Vyllith said in a gentle tone, but even then her voice for mundanes sounded like velvet across the skin. Both Sara, and Luke blushed just a bit.

“Agent Wraith a follow up question, its not part of the interview. Off the record.” Sara said, and Lash turned to her as he deconstructed his seat.

“Will the CSA get a hero program? I mean how do people join the JLI?” Sara asked, and Luke glanced up in curiosity. Lash made a complex and purely aesthetic gesture and created a baffle field around them. From the outside it would look like a crystal glass dome had been erected between them and everyone else.

“Off the record?” Lash asked, and they both nodded after they marveled at the field for a moment.

“Anyone who signs into the CSA is reviewed by the JLI. If they pass a large amount of tests they are approached and asked if they wish to join.” Lash replied.

“However, there is a 'hero' program in the works. Though it may not be what you think.” Lash said with a frustrated groan.

“In the future, corporations plan to create their own hero teams. They will be trained, and certified in search and rescue, disasters, etc, etc. But not combat against others. They can of course defend themselves. But they can't go looking for trouble. All the while they will have advertisements sewn into their clothing.” Lash said in mild disgust.

“Why?” Sara asked in astonishment.

“I don't wish to admonish anyone who goes that route. But not everyone is entirely stable to be a part of the JLI. There is a lot of stress to the job. The fatality rate is also exceptionally high. Most people, at least the public see the JLI has heroes fighting the good fight and don't see the trauma, and break downs that happen off scene.” Lash continued.

“A lot of people have PTSD from the invasion. Now ask yourself about the people who fought on the front lines. About the people who came with me during the incursion.” Lash replied, they hadn't asked about the counter incursion in the interview it was one of the questions they weren't allowed to ask.

“I'm getting off topic. Officially there is no hero program in the CSA. In the future there will be disaster heroes sponsored by corporations. It is not the same, but people who don't make the cut in the JLI can look for something there. Again, this is all off the record.” Lash said, and emphasized his point.

“Yes, yes of course. Thank you for answering.” Sara, and Luke both said.

“Now if you will excuse me, I promised to rebuild a coffee shop down the street.” Lash said.

“Martin's place!?” Luke, and Sara shouted.


Martin's place was the actual name of the coffee spot. It was built into an apartment, condo, and town homes building. First floor front and center was a large cafe shop with the owner sitting out in front with the man that Lash had terrified at first glance in the stair well. The entire building was wrecked, but unsurprisingly people still lived in it. Under the protection of Vyllith, and Andreia's bodyguards Lash used the glamour of tiny green, and blue machines to rebuild all of it.

With in minutes the whole building had utilities back. The structural damage repaired, windows fixed. Then came the upgrades with photokinetic windows, solar panels, wind turbines, a garden rooftop. A bunker under the building. Every home was updated with a smart house format. Despite the clear upgrades everyone would pay the exact same rent thanks to the outreach program. Some people would even pay less. Then finally Martin's place was rebuilt. Lash ordered a hot chai that was on the house and sat down to review with Andreia where he was needed most in the city.

“International Airport first?” Lash asked as he looked at the 'Wayne Tech' holographic interface as he sipped on his chai. Vyllith had hot chocolate with whip cream and was slowly licking it. A lot of men, and women were distracted. She only had her mouth exposed but it was enough.

“Yes, that's right. Several weeks ago it was attacked by a group of metas, and para-military trained personal. We don't know who they belong to, or why they hit the airport. But its bogged down a lot of resources.” Andreia said as she drank her coffee.

“Is the airport clear of people?” Lash asked.

“Construction workers, but they'll leave to other projects the moment you show up. City Hall understands you have a long list of cities to visit. They want you to prioritize specific parts of the city before anything else. This way if you have to leave early, they are set.” Andreia explained, as she leaned back and fiddled with the ori bracelet he made for her.

“So airport, train station, and commercial harbors first?” Lash doubled checked and she nodded.

“Then bridges, subways, L-trains, and streets. After that if you need to leave they'll be ok with it.” She finished with a smile.

“Are you done teasing everyone?” Lash asked as he turned to Vyllith who hummed in confirmation she drank her chocolate and closed her mask.

“Let's step outside.” Lash said to his group.

He bid goodbye to the owner of Martin's place, and said goodbye to Sara, and Luke who had come for the reopening. Then they stepped outside, and Lash cast Anonymity then wrapped them all into a Telekinesis field and they took off into the sky. The bodyguards had a momentary heart attack, but Andreia only squeaked in surprise. She could fly after all.

“There is nothing in your Warden profile about this.” She remarked.

“Oh that thing? I need to update that.” Lash admitted, and pulled up his Warden information page.

It had been months since he last did and he quickly went through it. He didn't update everything. But it was enough. He did ask the Warden administration if he should put minor deity down. They said he may as well since most of the community already knew. Along with his Divine Domains. Monsters, War, and Eldritch. The Wardens didn't know that part. He suddenly got a huge influx in mail and private messages. While Andreia's phone beeped at her. She pulled it out and read through it. Then she went pale.

“No, no! We already went through this.” Lash said to her. She tried to calm her beating heart.

Eldritch is what freaked most people out. The Monsters domain was already pretty unnerving but they could handle it. War was a fairly common divine domain that most deities had access to. But Eldritch was very rare to say the least. Most deities with Eldritch were bat shit insane! They were chaos incarnate, that spread disaster everywhere they went. Most deities and cosmic beings of order seek to destroy, or banish an Eldritch deity before they can truly enter the dimensional plane. The problem was, Lash and Saurian were already here.

“What's the big deal?” Vyllith asked, she clearly didn't understand the problem. She was his first angel after all.

“They're afraid I'll go insane and unmake reality.” Lash replied nonchalantly.

“Oh, well we both know that won't happen. Your Cosmic Patron won't allow it. You'd ruin all their fun.” Vyllith replied and that simple statement made Andreia stop and think.

“She's right...” Andreia said, and a smile tugged on her lips. She sent a thank you towards Vyllith and started to type into her phone.

Lash heard the distinct sound of a clitter, clatter, and clack of a dice being rolled. Then he heard the unmistakable grumble of disappointment from his Cosmic Patron. Vyllith was right, his Patron would never allow Lash to unmake reality. It would ruin their fun. By this point most of the supernatural community understood the base personality of Lash's Patron. They had spoken to several deities from different pantheons. Loki was a great example. Despite all evidence to the contrary, Lash and Saurian were safe Eldritch beings.

“Thank you, Vyllith. What a great perspective you have.” Lash complimented his first angelic being who preened under his gaze.


Thirty or so minutes later they arrived at JFK International Airport. It was a ghost town, or a ghost port? Tomb airport? Ghost planes? What ever! Dozens of commercial, and cargo airlines were wrecked and a strewn across the landing strips. The control tower had fallen over, the expansive passenger and luggage terminal was destroyed. There were even places that were still on fire. While demolition crews were hard at work clearing the debris. Then in the dead center was a huge crater.

“What did that?” Lash asked, as he pointed at the huge hole.

“A meta who could self explode, then reconstitute their body and do it again. Thankfully they died after so many explosions. However, the largest explosion is what killed them.” Andreia replied, she was far more relaxed now around Lash.

“Wonderful.” Lash replied sarcastically.

Lash dropped everyone off at the front and Andreia spoke to the foreman. Soon the entire construction crew packed up and went to another site, they had a long list of places they needed to work on. No one complained, a few even said thank you to Lash. Lash raised all four of his arms, and tentacles up into the air and created a portal made from darkness, and starlight. 1110 Saurus Warriors, Veterans, and Elites stepped out of the portal and promptly got to work.

Lash pulled up the original design of the JFK Airport and decided to keep it. He'd just do some simple upgrades. Like....SOLAR ROAD WAYS! Ahem.... So every piece of concrete was replaced with a durable plasteel (Plastic and steel) with solar absorption. Technically this wasn't new. Earth had figured out how to do this ages ago. Lash was just giving it a face lift. They came in sections, and could easily be replaced when damaged. This would allow the entire surface of the airport to be a renewable source of energy.

The control tower could even program a light display into the road ways. Helping the planes land, as well as heating the road ways allowing snow to melt instead of having to shovel it. One by one the ruined and destroyed airlines were Recycled for parts. Millions of dollars in salvage gone in minutes! While the rest of the airport was redone in a few short hours. Turns out that the Saurus warriors, veterans, and elites all had access to the sub-ability: Endless Energy. So they zipped through construction with ease.

“Alright we are done, where to next?” Lash asked as his Manifestations walked back through their portals.

“That only took three hours!?” Andreia shouted in surprise, but eventually pulled the itinerary.

“To Grand Central Terminal!” Lash declared, and everyone hopped onto the Telekinesis bus.

Thanks to Anonymity everyone down below just assumed they were a plane, or a helicopter flying through the city. That oddly didn't reply to any radio signals, or communications. So not full proof but close enough! The station was located on Manhattan next to central park, and the empire state building. Lash, and Vyllith had actually walked past it. The empire state building was in ruins and had fallen over. While the train station was collapsed inward and had been used as a sort of fort during the invasion. Construction crews welcomed them and began to inform Lash of all the different rail ways that needed work.

This...Was going to take a while. Because once the station was rebuilt they had to go through every line, every rail, and ensure everything worked correctly. Lash created a ritual circle and planted himself in the middle under the protection of Vyllith, Andreia's bodyguards, and a single Elite that was invisible to the naked eye. While the rest of his forces pushed through the station to rebuild it. Lash channeled Renew, Repair, and called his tech-spirits to run across the lines to help him channel his spell craft. Normally this would be incredibly draining! Then Lash realized he wasn't even strained after thirty minutes. His energy levels never went below 90%, well wasn't that interesting....


The people of New York City were confused to say the least. Most people who live in the city, and all its different burrows, and hidden away places believe they've seen everything under the sun, and the moon. Nothing can surprise a New Yorker, nothing. But watching entire rail lines snap back into place, bridges bounce back, and cavernous cracks in the roads meld back together like wet clay. That was a bit odd. Along with the small army of iguanas wearing science fiction armor racing through the city at eighty miles per hour. But then...Then this really took the cake.

A 200 foot tall kaiju godzilla wannabe carefully climbing the different buildings and pushing the empire state building back up onto it self? That...That was not something any of them had ever seen before. Then they watched the army of iguanas change size and became mini kaijus? T-Rex's from Jurassic Park jogged through the city streets. What were they suppose to do then? So no one was surprised when someone took out a gun and fired on them. Which caused a chain reaction. Soon people with assault rifles fired on the invading army! People were shouting, running, trying to hide in buildings that were magically repairing themselves? All the while the giant reptiles continued to work. None of them paying any mind to the people, or the bullets they fired.

What a weird day....


Saurian perched on top of the newly repaired empire state building. He was basking in his own glory. He had grown! He was 200 feet tall, and 400 feet long! If he cast Enlarge/Reduce and used Size Alteration he could easily grow as large as the supposed Godzilla! But he wanted to do it naturally. Soon, soon he would be tall enough. His tentacles casually writhed and slithered across his back, and the building. While his tail wrapped gently around the frame of the building. He had been careful and reinforced the structure so it wouldn't collapse under his new found weight.

'Saurian, the people are shooting your soldiers.' -Vyllith sent across their link.

'Nothing they do will hurt them, let them carry on.' -Saurian replied as he continued to bask.

A fighter jet flew by then, its screaming engines roared past Saurian who looked up at them in mild annoyance. Then it fired a single missile that did absolutely no damage to Saurian. He blinked his six reptilian eyes at the jet. Then before the jet could do another pass a sonic boom went over the city. A young woman with a light weight exoskeleton JLI uniform flew into the city. She looked ready for a fight but stopped mid way and pressed a finger to ear. She completely deflated at the news she received, just as the fighter jet also received news and flew back to base.

“Wraith?” The woman called as she flew over to his snout. Saurian turned his head side ways so he could look at her.

“Ah, Power Girl...Nice to see you. Is Huntress around?” Saurian said in soft tone. Which at his current size sounded like two mountains crashing against each other. But Partial-Telepathy still worked.

“Yes, she was on the street attempting to fight the reptilian soldiers you have until she was informed by operations that they were rebuilding the city.” Power girl replied.

“She was? I didn't hear of any attacks.” Saurian replied, and Power Girl winced because it was true. Huntress had done absolutely zero damage to them.

“So, how long are you in town?” Power Girl asked, as she glanced at the hundreds of people shooting at his soldiers.

“We are almost done.” Saurian replied and smiled at her which made her grow pale. Why is everyone so afraid of them all of a sudden?

“That's good...Good.” Power Girl said.

“How you and huntress adjusting to the new reality?” Saurian asked, and Power Girl was startled.

“You... You know about that?” She asked, and Saurian reached out to link with her, and Huntress who he found was trying to calm down a group of shooters.

'Kara Zor-El, and Helena Wayne. Both are from an alternate reality that fell to Darkseid and the forces of Apokolips. You also came here with a man named Fredrick. Oh is here too?' -Saurian said across the link.

'WHAT THE FUCK!?' -Helena shouted across the link.

'Calm yourself, Helena. I am Saurian you know me as Agent Wraith. I have created a Temporary Pack Bond with you, and Kara. This way we may speak privately.' -Saurian called across the link.

'Wow...OK. That was just very sudden. Reminds me of M'gann from back home. She didn't ask either she just plugged us in.' -Kara replied.

'This is such a weird day.' -Helena said across the link.

'How do you know about us?' -Kara asked.

'My partner and I made the Watch Tower, there is very little that happens aboard the station that we don't know about. Save for doctor, patient confidentiality. That is safe and sound.' -Saurian replied.

'What is there to say, our home is gone. Everyone we knew is dead or enslaved. We had to start completely over.' -Helena replied and her emotions poured across the link. She was angry, depressed, and tormented by surviving when others did not.

'Oh fuck!' -Kara shouted and flew down to intercept a man with an RPG that was attempting to shoot Saurian. The rocket propelled grenade blasted off her chest. Which sent shrapnel in every direction, dozens of people were hurt.

One of Saurian's tentacles sent a wave of Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, and Calm Emotions in a wide area of effect. Which was about twenty or so miles around him. Green and blueish energy fell across the city streets, and buildings like a tidal wave. Everyone targeted experienced a dramatic euphoric high better than any drug. All the while Saurian used the passive ability of his Divine Domain, War. He slowly influenced the area to not be so hostile.

'Kara, I just want to say I love you so much. You are my sister, and you always will be.' -Helena said across the link, and meant every word. Clearly she was under the effects of spell craft.

'I love you too! We are family through thick and thin, you and Fredrick are my family' -Kara replied, and soon found and hugged Helena on the street. As was Kara apparently.

'Saurian we should leave, the repairs are finished.' -Vyllith said across the line.

Congratulations User! You've completed a hidden objective.

Hidden Objective, Rebuild, and/or renovate 80% or more of New York City. Help bring it into the next century, and prepare for the inevitable invasion that is to come. Complete [X]

Reward: Increased reputation with the people of New York City.

Reward: The spirit of New York City will be more inclined to help you in the future.

Reward: 500 Dream Points.

Reward: 100 Ability Evolution Points.

Reward: User has gained 10% better understanding of how to build, and manage a city.

Comment: Keep up the good work, you monster!

“People of New York City, thank you for your lovely hospitality. But it is time for me to go!” Saurian said to the city as one by one his Manifestations faded from sight.

Vyllith flew up to land on his shoulders, and Saurian lightly jumped off the empire state building. Few a brief moment people were terrified. Then that terror bore fruit as Saurian gradually floated away through the air. He activated Nature's Passage, and Chameleon and faded from sight. A 400 foot long kaiju simply shimmered out of existence. His destination, Washington DC, he was off to see the President of the United States, Lex Luthor.


(The White House)

“Mr President why did you call back the fighter jets! That thing is obviously hostile!” A military general shouted at Lex.

“That thing, General. Is Agent Wraith, he works with the United Nations.” One of Lex's aids informed him.

“I have seen the same reports you have! Agent Wraith is a giant lizard for sure, but he is not that large!” The general shouted back.

“General...” Lex said from his desk as the room turned to look at him.

“I assure you, that is Agent Wraith. And for the record we could drop a dozen nuclear warheads on him and it wouldn't do a thing. All we'd do is irritate him.” Lex said with a smile.

“Now, please inform the guard that we'll have company soon.” Lex said as he stood up, and everyone stood up as well.

“Company, sir?” Another aid asked.

“Yes, Agent Wraith is coming here. He has several soldiers he wants to interview. He's going to make them into metas.” Lex said with a smirk as the eyes of the military generals brightened.

“Is he...Coming as Godzilla sir?” The aid asked.

“Let's hope not, I don't think we have enough to feed him otherwise.” Lex said, with a smile.


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