
***HR. Sol System, Galactic Sheriff Frigate***

The Sheriff security frigate jumped into the system and did a broad wave scan of the whole area. With in minutes of entering the system they were linked up with the FTL lock of the new Watchtower Star Base. It gave them a basic layout of the whole system, best routes, where obstacles were, etc. System security would be sending star fighters to escort them in, along with the systems scheduled resident sheriff and automated drones. But even still the frigate refused to move until the rest of its convoy showed up.

In a flash of light 2 corvettes appeared several miles from the first frigate. Then 2....5.....10 Galactic star fighters jumped into the system next. Each one spread out as if expecting another entry. Then two cargo haulers appeared between the star fighters, and frigates. The Sheriff star fighters, and frigates looked like birds of prey. While the haulers were little more than large boxes with engines attached to them. They didn't need to be pretty to carry their cargo. But even still the convoy didn't move out until.

One final burst of light revealed the Galactic Sheriff destroyer class star ship. The destroyers were long rectangular pieces of machinery. With a large forward cannon that stretched from the midsection of the ship to the forward section. Capable of firing a kinetic mass, or energy beam. While along both sides of the ship were several additional turrets, and docked in the interior of the destroyer were 2 automated interceptor class star fighters. The whole ship was painted a deep cosmic purple. With eerie green lights along its hull. On the side of the ship was the standard Sheriff shield insignia, along with a four fingered fist holding a wrench. The crews battle standard.

Once they had all receive the solar map of the system they started to move towards the star base. However, with in a few minutes of moving on ahead another flash of light revealed a sleek ship with a silver mercury armor plating. The entire ship had no visible means of propulsion but simply glided through space. After a few minutes of silent running the outer armor of the 'ship' pulled down and windows became exposed. Along with a holographic mark of a coins being counted. This was a pleasure yacht.


Commander Bhol'uns was the security chief assigned to escorting, and delivering the new level 20 security package to the client, and owner of the Watchtower Star Base, Wraith. He stood at approximately 7'0” (213 cm) with four muscular arms, with midnight fur, and cat like features. This included a long tail, claws on his hands, and feet. With pointed ears, and feline purple eyes. Purple eyes that were currently twitching in irritation as he attempted to not scream at the individual he was speaking to.

The ship that had jumped in behind them was a pleasure yacht full of rich, spoiled brats! These were the type of children that had never worked a day in their lives. Their parents had made trillions on the galactic market. Normally Bhol'uns wouldn't give them the time of day. But one of the kids was the son of one of the major stock holders in the Galactic Sheriff security firm. So the commander held his tongue as the rich jack ass went on and on about visiting the universe, expanding their cultural education, and visiting places with people that had less than them. They had heard about the client Wraith spending so many solar coins and just had to come visit.

Their ship was a Duro Herald speed vessel. It has basic point defense weapons but its primary weapon was its speed. It could jump between solar systems with only a single day between jumps. While their sub-light speeds were so rapid they could outpace every pirate ship and most military star fighters. It also had a full crew compliment of 30 well trained professionals that would do nearly anything to protect and serve their guests. The ship was nearly impossible to track thanks to the zero emissions armor plating they had. If commander Bhol'uns was not directly looking at the ship from his observation window he would have no idea it was even there.

“So there is no tourist resort here?” The rich jackass asked.

“No sir. Several of the planets have primitive civilizations on them. But each civilization is pre-FTL. As far as we know our client, Wraith. Is attempting a technological upliftment of the system.” Bhol'uns replied as he clenched his jaw.

“Oh wonderful! So this, this...Wraith thing is trying to do right by the poor folk! The Universe needs more of the charitable. Don't you agree commander.” The rich jackass said.

“Yes, if the rich and powerful could give back to the universe that help make them what they are I think we would all be in a better place.” Bhol'uns replied and wanted to scream at the kid for being a fucking hypocrite.

“So tell me commander. Is there anything of note with in the system? Something to draw the eye?” The jackass asked, as several people walked past the view screen. Bhol'uns saw a few rich kids wearing practically nothing and drinking like it was the end of the world.

“The star base has an experimental FTL Sling Shot. I've been informed that it came online just yesterday. They've already shot a single automated probe successfully.” Bhol'uns replied, and the rich jackass smiled in wonder.

“They have opened the sling shot to the public!? My word! That is something we will have to see.” The rich jackass said then closed the line with out even saying goodbye.

“Why do I feel like I just made a mistake?” Bhol'uns said softly, as he watched the ship power up its engines and take off. Slipping away into dark ocean of space, and out of sight......

With in the hour the system security star fighters showed up to escort them the rest of the way. Bhol'uns informed them of the pleasure yacht and who was on board. Then the star fighters did that weird thing when they surrounded the whole convoy and covered them in blueish energy and propelled through through the system at a rapid pace. What should have been a several hour trip turned into a few quick time minutes. Then the convoy saw their destination and Bhol'uns went slack jawed.

It hadn't even been a single solar year and the station had gone from mid tier to large. He fully understood why it was given the designation of a star base. The thing was a mobile fortress! It was a perfect sphere, except for around the equator of the base where the docking ring sat. Bhol'uns was delighted to here that the trade hub had grown large enough to accommodate his entire frigate so he didn't need to do an umbilical cord like he did last time. By the stars even the destroyer they were escorting could link up to the docking ring and have sealed hatch.

“Commander Bhol'uns this is Watchtower Star Base VI, Vici. Welcome back. Please stand by for docking procedures.” Vici's sweet synthetic feminine voice greeted them.

“Sir, we have over 200 target locks from the star base.” His tactical officer called out.

“Well I guess we better stand by then.” Bhol'uns said. Then he received a bit of smug satisfaction as his convoy was escorted through the defense line ahead of the rich kids vessel.

Several shuttle craft, and automate drones flew out to each of their ships and pulled them in via tractor beam. Despite the destroyers size it only took two shuttles to pull it towards the docking ring. Mechanical arms came out and magnetically latched on and guided it in the rest of the way. While Bhol'uns frigate was taken into the actual trade hub. They passed through the soft light shield membrane and gradually came to a stop. As their landing struts came out. They had made it! Now to meet the client. But if Bhol'uns was being honest he was hoping the client was busy so he could hang out at the pleasure palace.

“I've said it once, I'll say it again. To all ships, and their crew. The client paid up front for the whole year and even paid for the extra security editions. HQ has already signed on for hazard pay in case things get dicey out hear. So best behavior, best performance, understood!” Bhol'uns said into his communicator, as well as his bridge crew.

“Understood sir!” His bridge crew shouted, and he got confirmations from the rest of the ships.

Bhol'uns and his first officer walked through the frigate towards the cargo bay. Once they stepped through the last door they were greeted with fresh air. None of that recycled crap. Every crew member who came into the cargo bay took a moment to take a deep breath and Bhol'uns was no different. The cargo bay had opened its doors into the station. Waiting for them were security droids. These things were heavy duty, covered in armor, and weapons galore.

Bhol'uns and his first officer stepped off the ramp, and stepped between the units who turned on their heels in perfect sync and escorted them through the trade hub. Bhol'uns glanced up and saw mechanical arms, and drones pass over his ship. Tiny blemishes, scratches, and the occasional asteroid blast were repaired, removed, and cleaned as if they never existed. The cargo haulers began to unload the new and advanced automated drones. Then took back the old ones. The new ones had the latest software, and hardware upgrades money could buy.

“Blue Lantern...” His first officer said, and Bhol'uns bit back a snide remark. He recognized this man.

“Lantern, hello!” Bhol'uns said and put on his best fake smile. While John Stewart walked over, backed by two green lanterns? Both with metallic, and feathered wings? Thanagarians.

Bhol'uns, and his first officer stopped a few feet shy of arm distance. The security droids stopped and turned around to look at the exchange with the mechanical, and impersonal precision that comes from machines. While the lantern John looked like he had bitten into something sour. The green lantern Thanagarians did little to hide their distaste for the Sheriffs. Thankfully that didn't matter! Their client Wraith made it abundantly clear that he hired them.

“Wraith isn't available. He's planet side helping to rebuild the surface cities.” Lantern John said.

“Unfortunately we can't leave with out his signature. But we are prepared to wait up to a month, Sol System time of course.” Bhol'uns replied.

“I'm sure you just so upset about that.” One of the green lanterns said with a sneer. Bhol'uns kept his mouth shut.

“Sit around, collect a paycheck, leave once the danger starts. That is the sheriff way, isn't it?” The other green lantern said. Another tense moment passed them by. Bhol'uns crossed his four arms across his chest as he looked back at them.

“Commander Bhol'uns who is that other ship?” A gender neutral voice spoke as everyone including the lanterns jumped just a bit as the star base security manager Hex appeared out of thin fucking air.

“They are rich kids slumming it in the rural, and back water part of the universe. They came to see the Sol System and maybe see the client. But they are also thrill seekers. I think they want to try your sling shot.” Bhol'uns said, while his voice was filled with resentment for the situation.

“I see... Welcome to the station. I hope you enjoy your stay. John, if you and your people are done with the pissing contest you've been requested on the moon.” Hex said, and before John could say a word in reply Hex faded from sight. Bhol'uns tried to keep a straight face but failed as his first officer barked out a laugh.

John Stewart looked furious but he held his tongue and turned around. The two green lanterns followed behind them. The green, and blue lanterns aboard the station confused Bhol'uns he had heard the same thing everyone else had. That Oa was attempting to smear the good name of Wraith. That they planned to attack the Sol System with a Green Lantern army. So why were there Green Lanterns aboard the station? Rogues? He sent a request for information towards HQ. The security firm tried to stay out political issues...Tried being the word.

“Commander! We just got word that the rich kids are about to use the sling shot!” One of the crew members shouted to him across the way. Oh this he had to see!


The experimental FTL Sling Shot was a brand new feature to the Watchtower Star Base. It only fired once and it sent an automated probe 5 systems away. The probe was already on its way back. But it had survived the ordeal. For the first time in the bases history it was about to send a ship through the sling shot. Who volunteered for this position? Some kids with to much money, and not enough common sense!

The Duro Herald speed vessel was top of the line. Supposedly if the pilot was talented enough they could fly into the inner waves of a black hole and ride out the other end. Despite the obvious it was a very safe, and expensive ship. The silver mercury metallic ship floated over towards the upper portions of the star base. A ring with spell script inscribed across every section of the ring glowed brilliantly. The Herald moved into position and waited patiently. The ship passed through the ring as it floated by. As it did so energy ribbons reached out and connected to the ship. Until the ring was ahead of the ship by several hundred feet. Each ribbon connected to different portions of the ship. While the star base had a thick energy cord connected to the back of the ship.

By this point nearly everyone aboard Watchtower Star Base came to watch the show. If not on the docking ring, then through the holographic observation deck. The FTL Sling Shot had its own module, and control station aboard the base. Droids, and androids worked together as they went through each step carefully. Each ribbon of energy gave off the green light and the officer in charge started the windup. The spell ring began to slowly turn clockwise. The bands of light started to braid twist over each other.

“Duro Herald vessel, this is Sling Shot command. We encourage you all to please strap yourselves in.” The officer in charge called out.

“We read you Sling Shot command. We will take it under consideration.” A very boisterous, and youthful voice called back.

As the ring continued to rotate one by one the energy ribbons glowed an assortment of different colors. Every ribbon took on the color of the visual spectrum. The FTL Sling Shot was based on technology that didn't come from this reality. (MCU Bifrost) This was why it was experimental. After a few minutes the ring couldn't rotate anymore. Each ribbon was taut.

“Duro Herald vessel, we are primed and ready to shoot. Are you a go?” The officer called.

“We are ready to gooooo!” A young man's voice called over.

“Launching in 10....9....8.....7.....6.....5....4....” As the officer counted down the space in front of the ring began to distort. Almost as if space itself was a piece of cloth and something was pushing against it. It curved inward.

“3.....2.....JUMP!” The officer shouted.

The star base released the energy cord and the ribbons slung the ship forward straight through the ring once more. An explosion of rainbow colors flared! Then a rainbow bridge shot through the sol system for several hundred thousand miles. Until the bridge shrunk into a pin point prick of light and winked out of existence. The entire FTL Sling Shot module cheered. The ship didn't explode!


Beyond the edge of reality, beyond what many would refer to as the source. Was a place of chaotic energy. Where things beyond reasoning, understanding, or reality dwelled. Where the eldritch resided. In this chaotic space a creature with eyes, mouths, and limbs beyond counting aimlessly floated through the mess of the edge. It hungered, always hungered, but was never satisfied. It would eat its smaller kin, and avoid the kin larger than it self. It searched, it yearned, for anything to devour. Then something that had never happened, happened.

A burst of light! Light so profound, and beyond reason appeared in the edge. Then for 2.5 seconds a beam of energy shot through the edge of reality. Hidden within the beam of energy was a ship? This ship held creatures born of Order. Ah! The eldritch wanted to eat this most of all. Anything of Order is of great consumption for Chaos. But before it could even twitch the light flashed away. Gone from this existence. Gone from beyond the edge. Pity....The eldritch waited for a moment, or was it an eternity? But the light didn't return. How strange.


The Duro Herald appeared in the designated solar system, 15 systems away. From the start of the windup to the end it had taken 35 standard minutes to complete. But from the launch to the destination it was 2.5 standard seconds. That was amazing! FTL Sling Shots are uncommon in the intergalactic trade, and travel routes. If a government figures out how to use one they often reserve it for their own people and only their people. Having a FTL open to the public would be a great boon to any travelers.

Despite the amazing accomplishment the crew of the Duro Herald were stuck to their seats in rapt confusion and mysticism. 2.5 seconds their ships computers told them. But they had felt like a life time had flashed before their eyes. They were both old, and young beyond measure. Many began to weep. While others desperately tried to remember what had happened and began to write it all down. What were they doing with their lives? This entire trip had been completely pointless. They had all seen their parents expressions when they left. Why couldn't they be doing more?

Then as fast, or as slow as it the trip ended the cosmic euphoria faded like a dream. Profound thoughts left their minds. What had happened? Why were they so upset? What did they learn? They didn't know? But each and everyone of them felt as if they had lost something of great worth. Even with out orders the pilot of the ship turned around and headed back to the Sol System. They had to do it again! They had to learn! To see it just one more time!

2.5 seconds to some, an eternity to others....


***HR. Washington DC, hidden military R&D bunker***

Lex Luthor the president of the united states walked down a hallway that looked rather unremarkable. Reinforced concrete floor, and walls. A long sensor strip went down the sides of both walls. A cross intersection every 100'. Halogen lights above that would turn off, and on by motion sensors alone. Every section had one door. Each door was a metal alloy designed to withstand a depleted uranium tank shot. Well the hallway was actually rather remarkable to most. Just not Lex, he had seen better. He had built better. But it was the US government you got what you paid for.

Lex came to a door and pressed his hand onto the reader. Then scanned his eye, and said a pass code. The door unlocked and slowly slid to the side. He stepped in to sterilization, and observation room. The door slowly closed, and locked behind him. He walked to the edge of the observation panel and looked into the room beyond. It was a clean room. As in absolutely no outside stimuli allowed. Lab technicians wore full body suits recently designed by L-Corp. He'd have to applaud his sister on the invention. Gone were the giant yellow hazmat suits of old. These were slick, body forming vac-suits. With soft light shield masks, and compressed oxygen tanks on their belts. No extra weight, or bulky suits.

“Mr President, hello.” An older woman called out. Lex smiled at her.

“Hello Miss Luthor.” Lex replied to his mother who wore one of the new vac-suits.

“So you have news on our new meta's?” Lex asked. Lillian Luthor gestured towards a display and clicked a remote controller. It showed two strands of DNA, then the highlighted the Meta gene. Then highlighted the other strands Meta gene.

“If I didn't know with 100% certainty that the soldiers were completely mundane before. I would say they were born metas. There is no discernible marker that suggests that their gene is artificial. It is perfect.” Lillian said, and pointed out several strands of DNA.

“We've been able to identify the limiter placed on the markers. They will never go above E+. Not because they can't, but because the limiter wont let them. Every attempt to remove the limiter on DNA samples leads to uncontrolled mutations.” Lillian said next, then clicked the remote and it showed the scientists injecting a rabbit with the meta gene with the limiter removed. The mutation was horrific, to the point that they had to shoot a flame thrower at the now rabid, and large rabbit.

“Every attempt to copy the meta gene and place it into another host fails. Every attempt to create cloned tissue, fails. But that is not why I called you down here. All of this could have been said over the holographic. But this next part is to fantastic to believe with out seeing it for yourself.” Lillian said next and practically skipped over to a microscope and blew up the image on the holographic screen in front of Lex.

“When we first took blood samples in an attempt to create cultures for cloning tissue we noticed something odd. If the blood stayed outside of its primary host for to long the cultures would break down. They would go through rapid decomposition!” Lillian showed off a video of blood sample decaying from retrieval to destruction in under 10 minutes. Lex frowned at that, that was not normal even for a meta.

“As interesting as that is, that is not why I called you. One of our lab technicians came to me and showed me something peculiar. I almost had the nerve to fire him on the spot for what I found. Until I triple checked it.” Lillian said, and a grin was on her face. Such an expression didn't bode well. She only ever looked like that when a puzzle she couldn't solve showed up. She loved puzzles.

Lex watched a video of a culture going through rapid decay. The blood cells died, and fell apart. But then something peculiar happened. The dead cells began to move on their own. They had no reason to do that. They were dead! What was moving them? Why? How? Then the blood cells stopped moving, but it looked like their was a pattern? Lillian held up a finger and her grin grew wider. She zoomed out until Lex saw what she saw.

'Cloning is not allowed. -W'

The dead, and decayed blood samples moved to spell out a message. For a split moment Lex thought his mother was having a laugh at his expense. Until she pulled out another sample. It showed the exact same thing. Then another, then another. She even pulled a recently fresh sample from their new meta soldiers and they watched together as the sample died, decayed, and then the dead cells moved on their own to spell out the message. With a resounding crack, Lex punched at the ballistic plastic in front of him. Lillian Luthor smiled at her son and gave him a look.

“You have no idea how he did that do you?” Lex asked his mother.

“No. They are completely dead. Yet they move and spell out a message. It's fascinating!” Lillian admitted and once more her face took on a almost eerie smile.

“I don't suppose he could come back and talk to me about it?” Lillian asked, and Lex rubbed the bridge of his nose.

“No, he's in Mexico currently rebuilding their capital.” Lex replied, and took out his phone then growled in frustration it didn't work down here.

“That's fine! I've already emailed him. Though from what the UN tells me he gets thousands of messages a day and rarely answers any of them. So we'll see. Are you coming to tomorrows dinner? Your sister is coming.” Lillian asked, and Lex once more admired how his mother could switch topics so easily as if they were not talking about changing the world just a few seconds ago.

“I believe I will be available.” Lex replied, and Lillian smiled at him.

“What do you want to do about the soldiers?” Lillian asked.

“What are the chances of them passing the gene onto their children?” Lex asked.

“I would say the odds are low, but we wont know until we try.” Lillian replied.

“Though it is unlikely lets see if we can artificially fertilize an egg. If that doesn't work lets move onto more mundane methods. Then....” Lex began to say, then got a instant message on his phone that shouldn't work with several hundred feet of rock above him. He flipped his secure network phone open to read the message.

'Cannot be passed to children. -W'

Lex glared at his phone, then looked around the room towards the cameras. Of course there were camera's in the lab. Every lab had cameras. Lex was so furious he snapped his secure phone in half then he closed his eyes took a slow deep breath, smoothed out his tailored suit, then opened his eyes to look at his mother who was reading a message on her holographic display that was fed through her suit.

“Make sure they know their cover story front to back. Then send them to CSA. Once they are certified lets start using them.” Lex said, trying his best to keep his irritation out of his voice.

“Alright! Do you want chocolate cream pie, or banana at the dinner?” Lillian asked, and Lex once again was completely stumped on the change of topics....


***Sol System. Gaea, Mexico – Mexico City***

(Jade Nguyen / Cheshire)

Jade was beside herself in confusion as she sat at a little cafe in Mexico City. The cafe had been one of the first things Wraith had rebuilt after he visited city hall. Then he sat Jade at the cafe and gave her a Saurian Elite bodyguard to ensure her safety, and to make sure she didn't run. Jade's shadow was an impressive and terrifying creature who oozed power much like their master. Dark purple electricity danced across their armor. But despite the situation Jade true confusion was the fact that the Elite answered every question she had.

“So he doesn't plan to kill me?” Jade asked as she looked up at her guard. The six reptilian eyes focused on her.

“No Cheshire.” The Elite replied. Then hailed a waitress to refill Cheshire's coffee glass. Jade smiled at the waitress who came over and nearly spilled the coffee because she was horrified of the Elite.

“Interrogation?” Jade asked next. The Elite lifted its upper most hand and waved it back and forth in a iffy 50/50 manner it was very human.

“If he wanted direct information he could rip it out of your skull and leave you brain dead. But he has other plans for you.” The Elite said nonchalantly as if he was speaking about the weather and not Jade's life.

“What do you look for in romantic partner?” Jade asked in an attempt to trip up the Elite. She would often flirt with her targets it tend to push them off balance but with out missing a beat the Elite replied.

“Strong, intelligent, confident, with a warrior background. Someone who can fight by our side, or someone we can support. We want a team.” The Elite replied with its stoic expression.

Jade blinked at the answer and played her finger tips around the coffee mugs edge. For a moment she stopped to admire the Elite. Wraith was 8' solid while the Elite was 7'6” they both had a similar rectangular form. With six eyes, skull crest that curved back and up. Covered in armor from head to toe or in their case tail. The Elite had its mask off so they could talk to her. They had four arms crossed over their chest plate, with four tentacles that twitched back and forth behind them like a cat's tail. Along with a long muscular and serrated blade tipped tail.

While Jade was a little more subdued. She had black tennis shoes on, with blue jeans on that hugged her form. She wore a blue t-shirt with the Superman logo on the front, and a leather jacket. Along with a base ball cap over her head. She stood at approximately 5'9” with thick black hair cut just above her shoulders just long enough to tie back. Her green eyes had a shade of gray to them along the edges, and her olive complexion to her skin gave her an exotic look. She had a slender, but firm body that generally caught the eye of people. But she could easily hide it with a bit of fineness on her part.

Around Jade's neck was a black leather choker with an emerald dangling from it. The choker had intricate spell designs on it. She had seen Wraith make it and attach it to her. Unlike other chokers this one did not have a clasp it simply molded to fit Jade's neck and prevent her from removing it. Jade belonged to Wraith now. Her life was literally in his clawed hands. She considered pulling the League of Assassins card on him. But she wasn't entirely sure her masters would bargain for her release. She had been... Off mission when she went to pick up her bastard of a father. Jade reached up to scratch her neck, and not for the first time freaked out just a little as the choker seem to merged into her skin.

“Stand up.” The Elite called and Jade felt a buzz of power compelling her to stand whether she wanted to or not. The Elite bowed towards the door and Jade's fears walked through the front door.

An 8 foot tall reptile made from tech-armor and a grim reaper outfit stepped into the cafe. Looked at them both and gestured for them to follow. Her 'collar' hummed with power and Jade stiffly walked towards him with the Elite behind her. Wraith payed with a one hundred dollar bill and let them keep the change. Even when the manage of the cafe said it was on the house. Jade stepped out side to see that the area of the city they were in was completely repaired, renovated, and upgraded.

“Let's take a walk.” Wraith said, his animalistic voice was hard on Jade's ears but despite the sound she understood him perfectly.

“Awww but me and the Elite were really getting to know one another. Can't you come back in a few hours?” Jade said with a bit of snark, and winked at the Elite who didn't even bat an eye at her. Wraith looked back at her and for a moment Jade believed she made a mistake until she saw the smile grow across the aliens face.

“I don't think your his type.” Wraith replied, and Jade playing along pouted at him.

“I'm every ones type, or I could be.” Jade winked at him, Wraith rolled all six eyes with great exaggeration.

“Despite what you may think Jade I have every intention of letting you go. So please indulge me and let's take a walk.” Wraith said next which surprised Jade just a bit. Then went stiff when Wraith offered his arm towards her.

Jade looked at the offered arm, then glanced around to see hundreds of people with phones, and cameras out that took photos, and recordings. Jade's shoulders sagged and realized that her anonymity was more or less over. There was a chance...A good chance that not even the League of Assassins would take her back now. So she took the offered arm and walked arm in arm with the Alien Wraith through the newly restored Mexico City...


***Sol System. Gaea, Mexico – Mexico City***

(Erik Lash, Hunter-Saurian. / Agent Wraith)

Mexico City was intact far better than other cities that he had seen, or read about through his holographic. Though it was true that the city had received damage. A lot of history in the city! The people of city actually requested that Lash not repair the historical sites. They wanted to do that themselves. Lash could sympathize, and respected their decision. So he concentrated on the important parts. Hospitals, police and fire departments, airports, and shipping ports. Just like he did in New York he kept the overall design just gave everything a face lift and made some 'simple' updates.

Solar roadways! Ahem.... Just like before the streets in Mexico City now had panels that could absorb sunlight, adjust their own coloration, etc. Along with street trees up and down the city. City Hall had requested an eclectic choice when it came to different trees. Apples, oranges, peach, banana, and a few others. Of course they were placed in certain neighborhoods to prevent clutter. When international trade had stopped during the EMP black out food had been an issue. So having the trees was a preventive measure of the future.

Lash's Manifestations were still running around the city as he and Jade took a walk through a newly restored park. There had been a shanty town built up in the park which was currently being pulled down and put away. People were being notified that their homes had been restored. Better than new. More then a few people came over to thank Lash, and even thanked Jade assuming she was someone important to Wraith. Jade took in stride smiling at them and nodded in acceptance. But Lash could feel the tension in her shoulders building.

“Jade if you are worried about how you look the collar has a soft glamour on it. It's changed your eye color, skin tone, and hair color. You just don't see the difference but they do.” Lash said softly, and produced a holographic screen to show a camera angle of them walking.

“Oh! I wasn't worried.” Jade said with a brilliant smile but Lash saw the tension in her body melt away.

The holographic image showed Jade with auburn hair, rich caramel skin, and cold blue eyes. It wasn't much, but it would do the job of hiding her identity. Lash gave himself a mental facepalm when he forgot to adjust the self glamour enchantment. He brushed his claws along her collar and now Jade could see herself differently. He had been in a rush when he crafted the item for her.

“So, what happened to your friend?” Jade asked after Vyllith.

“There was a meta gang causing problems. She wanted the exercise and asked to be excused.” Lash replied, adjusting his crocodile voice to be a bit softer.

“Wanted me all alone with you?” Jade wiggled her eye brows at him. Lash reached out and placed his massive clawed hand on top of her head and ruffled her hat and hair a bit. Jade went still when he did it but apparently not expecting an affectionate head pat.

“Jade you don't need to do that with me. We are not enemies.” Lash said softly as he took his hand back.

“We play on different sides.” Jade replied, she stepped away from him and did a pirouette. It was a beautiful dance more showing off her talent as a martial artist. For all Lash knew maybe they taught dancing in the League of Assassins.

“Well if negotiations happen correctly I'll he Ra's al Ghul's heir in a few years.” Lash said to her and watched in amusement as Jade lost her balance and nearly fell over. She whipped around and stared at him with wide eyes.

“I'm sorry could you repeat that?” Jade asked in a hushed whisper.

“Talia al Ghul approached me not that long ago with an offer. Ra's wants me to take over as his heir. I more or less agreed. Though due to my connection with the UNWS we'll have to wait 7 or so years until I finish my tour but after such time the League of Assassins will be mine to control.” Lash replied with a grin.

“I don't believe it.” Jade said as she stepped back to reappraise Lash.

“Unfortunately I don't really have a way to prove it. So your skepticism is understandable. Why don't I stop dancing around the subject and talk about why you are still here?” Lash asked.

“Skipping the foreplay and moving straight in for the main event? Can't say I'm not looking forward to that.” Jade said with a smirk, and a sultry voice. Until Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on her.

The three nature spells purified, reinvigorated, and healed Jade from to to bottom. A euphoric energy poured through her whole body. She nearly fell over until Lash reached out to steady her. A blush crawled up through her neck, into her cheeks, and finished into her ears. She took an unsteady breath and glared at Lash like he had kicked her favorite dog. Then abruptly pushed his hands away and crossed her arms. All the playful nature she showed was gone now.

Despite the public venue Lash had created a baffle field a few minutes ago before they started to speak freely. “Why did you pick up your father after he broke out of Belle Reve?” Lash asked, honestly curious.

“Black mail.” Jade said through gritted teeth. Lash raised a scaled eye crest in confusion.

“I hate that man. But when your dad is a top rate killer, and thug for hire you tend to run in the same circles. If I don't want certain secrets to get out I have to do a few favors for him. Like pick him up straight out of prison.” Jade said, her expression looked like she would rather chew glass then talk about this.

“Any secrets involving your sister?” Lash asked, Jade pulled back as if she been slapped.

“What do you know about my baby sister!” Jade all but growled at him. Her reaction was both a surprise and a pleasure to see. She genuinely loved her sister.

“That she is in the JLI?” Lash asked with mild amusement. Jade blinked at him then leaned back and gave him a relaxed smile that didn't reach her eyes.

“Oh that! That's old news.” Jade said, but it clearly wasn't. Which was odd because Jade was a talented Actor and Manipulator. Either Lash was getting better at reading people or Jade was allowing him to see it. He hated talking to spies so, so much.

“When was the last time you went home? I'm sure you mother would love to kick your ass after we repaired her spine.” Lash said next and the wide eyed look he got from her was worth it.

“What do you know about Villains for Hire?” Lash asked after a moment to allow Jade to collect her thoughts.

“Sounds like a cliché boy band.” Jade replied, as she attempted to fall back into her role of seductive assassin. Thanks to the variety of blessings, and abilities Lash had he knew she was lying about that.

“Jade, please just tell me the truth.” Lash asked, Jade walked up close and leaned her head back to look up at him.

“What do I get out of this?” Jade asked.

“What do you want?” Lash replied as he stared at her in mild amusement.

“10 million dollars!” Jade said with a smirk.

“OK.” Lash said and produced a stack of money right next to them out of thin air. Jade gaped at the stack of money.

“I was joking, just put that away before someone tries to take it.” Jade said as she looked around at the more than a few people gaping at the stack of money. Lash waved a hand in a complicated set of gestures and the stack of money turned to dust before their eyes.

“Supposedly the Villains for Hire have a powerful alien backer. I've only worked with them a few times. But one of them had a strange mechanical device that created six red disks that could both defend, and attack.” Jade replied after she watched the money fade from sight.

“Did the device have anything like this?” Lash asked as he produced a holographic image of Apokolips written language on it.

“Yes, just like that! You know them?” Jade said next and Lash all but screamed in frustration.

Congratulations User! One of your grand quests have been updated.

Scelerati Causas Oravissent aka Villains for Hire are being supported by Apokolips.

Jade had taken a step back as she watched Lash's shroud take on a dangerous edge. The entire living piece of smoke and shadow had serrated edges. For a brief moment she was afraid that Wraith may attack her. But he soon regained his calm and began to rub his face. However, anything that unsettled the big reptile was sure not to be anything good. Of course the next few words out of his mouth completely stumped her.

“Would you like to join the JLI?” Lash asked.

“I have other obligations. Plus I wouldn't fit in with them. Goody good people are not my style.” Jade replied honestly.

“Report back to the League of Assassins, or the Shadows and get their take on it. I think you'll be surprised.” Lash reached out and pulled the choker off her neck. Then handed her a simple holographic wrist phone.

“The glamour will last a few hours before it fades. Can you make it on your own or should I send you someplace?” Lash asked next as Jade blinked in confusion.

“Your really just going to let me go?” Jade asked, as she rubbed her neck. Lash shrugged at her as if it wasn't a big deal.

“Starling City.” Jade asked, that was where her mother lived. Lash used Portal Creation and a swirling vortex of darkness and starlight grew into being next to them. Lash bowed from his waist towards her and gestured towards the portal.

“See you around, heir apparent.” Jade said with a smirk then stepped through the portal. It winked out of existence once the spell timer was up.

'That explains where Intergang' -Erik the gamer said across their shared link.

'Intergang?' -Lash asked.

'Intergang are a group of mundane organized crime families that are supported by Apokolips. But that doesn't necessarily mean Darkseid knows about Earth. Or even cares about Earth. He has hundreds of thousands of agents working angles across the universe. We need more information. -Erik replied.

'We should speak to Victor and his Father-Box. Any insight would help.' -Saurian suggested.


***Detroit, Michigan.***

(Victor Stone / Cyborg)

Victor Stone was sitting in class. His university specifically. His liquid polymer implant allowed him to fit in among the more mundane members of his college. It was good to be back. Back to a sense of normalcy. Though Victor had soon realized he didn't need to pay attention to what the professor was talking about. He just jumped online and downloaded the entire course work onto his quantum computer. He knew the subject better than his professor did at this point. Still he paid attention and when ever the professor asked a question he was one of the first to answer.

After class he had practice. He'd have to adjust this mechanical body to fit what his physical body was use to being able to do. Though that only did so much. Victor could still process information at incredible speeds. Everyone around him seem to move in slow motion. He could predict wind speeds, muscle tension, and move around the defense line like they weren't even there. Several times he had to purposely mess up so not to draw attention. A few people even asked if he was a new born meta but thanks to the CSA/JLI his blood tests came back negative.

“...Stone....Stone!.... STONE!” His professor shouted at him. Victor jumped in his seat he hadn't realized he had zoned out.

“Yes, professor!” Victor said loudly as he jumped to his feet. The class laughed softly at his reaction while the professor gave him a bemused expression.

“Care to join us back down on Earth and solve this problem for the class?” His professor asked as Victor looked at the white board with the long equation.

“Yes professor.” Victor said as he moved with the grace of a pro athlete. He had an easy confident smile on his face and started to finish the equation. He even fixed a few mistakes that the professor made. It was a trick question.

“Well done.” The professor said as he gave him a slow clap. Then went into the reason why the equation was a trap from the beginning. But he stopped when Victor's holographic wrist phone beeped at him.

“Stone what have I said about phones in my class?” The professor said with a glare.

“I'm sorry, sir. It only activates during emergencies.” Victor said with a contrite look but answered it either way. The professor's glare softened as he saw the color drain out of Victor's face.

“I...I have to go.” Victor said, and quickly grabbed his stuff and fled the class room.

Victor ran to an isolated location in the college and sent a quick message to his coach about an emergency with his father. He wouldn't be able to make practice. Victor didn't wait for a reply as he called for transport back to the Watchtower. With a soft glow of ambient light and a pop! Victor found himself back aboard the station. His liquid polymer skin pulled back and his sub-dermal armor folded out. He grew to be 6'6” and covered in metal exoskeleton armor with a red jewel in his center chest, and on his forehead.

Anti-gravity engines activated on his body armor and he took off through the air towards operations. The whole station was in a yellow alert as JLI ran to their designated positions. Why? The message that had been sent to every JLI member had went out.

[Kryptonian armada spotted at the edge of the solar system.]

Victor reached operations and saw dozens of teams flowing in and out of the different sub-rooms as they were briefed and sent out to their designated positions. A security droid waved at Victor and informed him to go to the main deck. He passed through several security doors to find several senior members already inside. Off to the side Superman, and Supergirl spoke softly to Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van. Supergirl glanced at Victor and nodded to him. He returned the simple hello then went to listen to Vigil as she ran through a list of priorities.

“What did I miss?” Victor asked as he walked right up to Hal Jordan, Blue Lantern.

“They popped out of light speed a few minutes ago. They destroyed the satellite we had in place. But before it was destroyed it sent back a video.” Hal whispered to him and pointed at one of the screens.

The video was quickly absorbed, and run through his Father-Box computer. It showed a major capital ship. At least three miles long, and a half a mile wide with hundreds of weapon ports and interceptors being deployed. While it had 20 battleships, 30 destroyers, and hundreds of fighters. The exact specifics were different from their info that was obtained from Superman's parents. But it was close. But that wasn't the biggest problem. Floating next to the armada were hundreds of Green Lanterns. Not only Green Lanterns, but several dozen Maltusians aka Guardians of the Universe were counted among their number.

“That's not good.” Victor said softly.

“Understatement of the year.” Hal replied with a downcast look.

Despite everything that happened, Hal never truly believed that the Guardians of the Universe would stoop so low as to attack the Sol System out of petty spite. He had said as much in several briefings they had. Victor wasn't sure how to comfort the man or if he even should. Victor looked over at Vigil and saw several holographic windows that displayed the docking ring. Merchant vessels were pulling away as quickly as possible.

“The Maltusians sent out a broad wave message for all none combatants to stand aside. They would be allowed to leave the system unharmed. We've also been informed to hand over Agent Wraith. Along with orders to stand down and submit to Guardian martial law until such time as they can ensure that Wraith's mind manipulation has been removed from the population.” Vigil said with clear disgust on her face.

“Wait? So now Wraith his a mind controller?” Hawkman asked.

“The smear campaign didn't go as well as they had hoped.” Katma Tui-Stewart said from the side. “Nobody believed them. But its fairly possible that Wraith could have bent the minds of others. That is nearly impossible to prove, or disprove.”

“Their grasping at straws. They are desperate to get a handle on this. This isn't about Wraith anymore. It's about the fact the Sol System stood up to the Guardians and met zero reprisal. If anything the Sol System is stronger for it.” John Stewart said as he continued on the line of thinking from his wife.

“The Martians are mustering their forces but it will be 12 hours before all of their star fighters are available. The last merchant vessel is due to leave in 45 minutes. From the information we have it would take less than an hour for the armada to reach weapons range with the station. While the Green Lanterns can be here in a few minutes.” Vigil said next.

“Have we tried reaching out to the armada. I mean this Dru-Zod guy's people are aboard the station. Would he really endanger his people like that?” Flash asked next.

The operations room main door opened and several Thanagarian Green Lanterns walked in. They paused briefly and saluted everyone in the room. These were the Green Lanterns that had joined up with them.

“We were able to link into their communication network for a few minutes. From we can tell the Kryptonians believe their people are still on Earth. Contained within Fort Rozz.” The Thanagarian GL said to the room.

“They've shut off all forms of communication. Normally we could at least do a broad wave communication like they did. But they know our abilities. They're afraid some of our people will ride the communication wave and hack their ships so they've shut down all forms of communication.” Vigil said next to shut down that line of inquiry.

“Can we ask Thanagar for help?” Victor asked next. Hawkman, Hawkwoman, and the GL Thanagar's all looked a little pained.

“It would take several weeks for them to get here. But if I'm being honest they'll probably wait until we are on the last thread before they show up. So we'll owe them.” Hawkwoman replied, none of the Thanagarian's disagreed.

A proximity alert went through the station as holographic windows revealed the armada was starting to move. They were moving at a casual pace and it would be a few hours before they arrived. But the intent was clear. They truly believed this would be a one sided slaughter. How wrong they were.

“Everyone suit up!” Vigil shouted and the rooms attendance jumped into action.


The Watchtower Star Base started to activate its blast shields as one by one the different merchant vessels left the docking ring. The galactic Sheriff automated drones, star fighters, corvettes, and a single destroyer deployed and took up a holding pattern around the station. As the JLI shuttles, star fighters and their new heavy corvettes were deployed. Along with hundreds JLI members wearing medium to heavy exoskeleton vac-suits.

Hundreds of turrets, weapon ports, and thousands of attack drones were deployed. While only five massive omni turrets started to charge up. (Something Lash forgot to buy.) From Mars one by one bio-ships left the surface from the red planet and held position behind one of their moons waiting for the rest of their people before they moved into help defend their home.

Eventually the armada of ships, and Green Lanterns paused in the solar system just outside of weapons range and waited for the last merchant vessel to leave who was taking an exaggerated amount of time to leave. Finally the ship disembarked and the blast shield came down on the last portion of the docking ring. As the vessel gradually flew away a distortion vortex of darkness and starlight appeared next to the station. No more then a simple dot compared to the massive Star Base and ships. But soon everyone saw what grew from the vortex a 200' tall, and 400' long kaiju wearing magitech armor appeared.

Several of the Maltusians flew forward through the vastness of space and joined hands together. They will their voices be heard not only by every individual in the battle field. But every being capable of sapient thought in the solar system.

“People of the Sol System you have been lied to. Lied to by the one known has Wraith. But fear not we the Guardians of the Universe have come to free you from the tyranny of this mind manipulator. We swear to the Universe it self that you will be free from this monster and its master. We are here to save you!” The Maltusians said.

“I'm looking forward to ripping you apart.” Saurian replied...


Hello everyone I took a one-month break to rest my brain. I'm back! Bit of a short chapter this one is only 9k. But the next chapter will be a huge battle!

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