Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 127: Second Invasion.


***HR. Sol System, One hour before the battle.***

(Dru-Zod / General Zod of Krypton's Armies)

Dru-Zod was ready, his people were ready. Their time in the previous system had nourished them in a way they had never thought possible. Each Kryptonian in their armada was stronger, faster, resistant to damage. They could fly for Rao's sake! Step into the vacuum of space and survive. This of course only supplemented their existing power. Krypton had been a power nation in the galaxy. Their technology centuries ahead of the primitive people found in the Sol System.

“General, the Green Lanterns have requested that we move into the system with them.” One of Dru's bridge officers called out.

“Make it so.” Dru replied, he typed into his command pad and the main view screen on the command ship snapped into focus.

Hundreds star fighters flew in formation next to the battleships and destroyers. Alongside them were the Green Lanterns. Dru ground his molars as he watched these different aliens wield great cosmic power. Such power shouldn't be held in the hands of those lesser then himself. But there was neither here nor there. There will come a time when Dru would take the rings from them. But for now they were means to an end.

“General we are with in visual range of the station.” The tactical officer called out.

“Magnify.” Dru called out and the view screen selected a quadrant and zoomed in. The smug look of satisfaction melted from Dru's face.

The station was far larger than they had been lead to believe. It was larger than their capital ship by far. While even more disturbing were several Green Lanterns appeared to be on the side of the defenders. Dru's eyes narrowed at the sight them. So this wasn't just a political maneuver. It was a clean up job. This had not been part of the bargain.

“Contact one of the tiny blue ones.” Dru said with disgust and the communication officer relayed the message with in moments a translucent image of one of the Maltusians appeared. The strange blue alien with white hair narrowed its eyes at Dru.

“What is it?” The Maltusian said in cold condescending manner.

“The information you gave was wrong. You said it was a small to medium sized station with very little defenses. You also neglected to inform us that other Green Lanterns would be fighting against us.” Dru said to the image.

“The information was not wrong, just out of date. And you won't be fighting the Green Lanterns leave that to us.” The Maltusian said with disdain and his image flickered.

Dru looked like he wanted to rip the blue alien in half with his new found strength. But unfortunately even Dru had seen the power of the wielders of the green light. He took a deep calming breath and once more became the cold, indifferent general of Krypton's armies. His people needed to see him in control at all times.

“Alert Commander Non, once we engage he'll have full authority to lead the landing party.” Dru told a bridge officer who sent the communication.

That hadn't been the plan. They were meant to take out the stations defenses then strike from the shadows. But instead Non and a small group of landing craft had broken off the moment they entered the system. They were taking the long way around to strike on this pathetic planet of dirt. Earth! What a stupid name for a planet that was 70% water! But that would change, it would all change under the rule of Dru. This planet would become the next Krypton. The humans their labor guild. Dru would make it a Utopia even if he had to beat the lowly humans into submission...

Several minutes passed and Dru watched the progress of Non's forces traveling as they went high on the Y axis of the solar scale. They would dive directly down to the northern pole of the planet once the fighting began. A minor alert went off the bridge and the view screen magnified a strange creature that appeared from a pin point of darkness. The creature was quickly identified as the one known as Wraith.

“Eh, he's far larger than reported. No matter he will fall to our might.” Dru said confidently and several bridge officers smiled in reply.

“I'm looking forward to ripping you apart.” A voice crashed across the entire fleet. It echoes after it left reverberating inside their skulls.

“OPEN FIRE!” Dru called out...


***HR. Sol System, Ten minutes before the battle.***

(John Stewart / Blue Lantern, former Green Lantern)

John floated in the vacuum of space floating side by side with the other Blue Lanterns. His wife Katma, and his friend Hal. While the other Blue Lanterns were either stationed on Earth, or Mars currently. They'd come to assist if needed but they were too inexperienced for this kind of battle. All the while the Thanagarian Green Lanterns floated near by. They were having a stare off against the hostile Green Lanterns.

“John, Katma, Hall, it's nice to see you!” Arisia Rrab called out to them.

“Hello Arisia, I wish it was under better circumstances.” Katma replied to her old friend.

Arisia Rrab was a Graxosian Green Lantern with youthful enthusiasm and positive outlook on life. She stood approximately at 5'9” with blond pixie cut hair, golden eyes, and yellow skin. She had an hourglass figure and her Green Lantern suit gave her white heart shaped top with long cut for her bouncing cleavage, a short green skirt, calf high green boots, white gloves, and a green choker necklace. Her expression was said, and told a sad story.

“You three look good.” Arisia said to them, her power ring sending the simple if not awkward message across the space that separated them.

John, Katma, and Hal all had medium tier exoskeleton suits on, on top of their Blue Lantern uniforms. They were covered from head to toe though their face masks/ helmets had been retracted so they could speak to Arisia. The exoskeleton suits had a polymer weave, flex plate armor that would passively absorb blue light for emergencies. It was also enchanted to give them resistance to the other color spectrum's making them highly durable.

“I forgot how short your skirt is, Arisia. Please do everyone a favor and never change!” Hal said with a smile and Arisia pouted at him and squared her shoulders.

“It's not that short!” Arisia replied and all but turned a bright pink. She had always had a bit of thing for Hal. A pregnant pause took place between the four.

“You know...it's not to late.” Arisia began...

“No, Arisia it is to late. The Guardians lied, they let my people die.” Katma said, her tone turned bitter.

“No! That was just a lie that Wraith told everyone!” Arisia said in reply.

“That wasn't a lie! Arisia! That happened. My people died while the Guardians stood around and did nothing! They had the cure!” Katma shouted at Arisia who shrunk under her voice.

“They said this would happen... That you are to far gone. But they can help! We can save you!” Arisia said with a hopeful smile.

“Were not broken Arisia.” Hal replied...

“People of the Sol System you have been lied to. Lied to by the one known has Wraith. But fear not we the Guardians of the Universe have come to free you from the tyranny of this mind manipulator. We swear to the Universe it self that you will be free from this monster and its master. We are here to save you!” The Maltusians said together.

John, Katma, and Hal snapped their helmets on as their power rings started to glow. All of their allied Green Lanterns grew in power. While all of the hostile Green Lanterns lost their luster. There was a moment of shock and confusion. How was that possible? John wasn't going to explain it. None of them would.

“Light em up!” John shouted and all of the allied Green Lanterns fired concentrated beams of green energy towards their once friend, and allies...


***HR. Sol System, First salvo of the battle.***

(Clark Kent/ Kal of the house of El / Superman)

Superman watched in abstract horror as thousands of beams of light rushed from the hostile forces towards the JLI, and the Watchtower. Then he watched in vivid fascination as all of the energy beams bent at a strange angle and were drawn to a swirling vortex created by his friend and ally Wraith. Vast quantities of energy capable of destroying a moon were sucked into the vortex then redirected back towards the hostile forces through that same portal.

“Light em up!” John shouted his power ring sending the signal across the battle field.

The JLI fired back, as the thousands of energy beams from the hostile forces were sent back. An opening salvo redirected and moved straight back at them. The Kryptonian fleet slowly moved to the sides but the damage was done as the capital ship was blasted across its bow. While whole destroyers were decimated.

“Vanguard team go!” Vigil's voice called through the communication line.

Superman propelled himself through space under his own power. His cousin Supergirl by his side, along with several others including his father, and mother. While a few Cadmus clones lagged behind but no less important. They acted like a spear point barreling through the defensive line of hostile Green Lanterns, and Kryptonian ships.

Superman used his solar vision to cut off, and slice through the armor of the ships disabling them but never killing any of the pilots, or crews of the ships. They were his people. They had simply been manipulated into a fight they didn't need to fight. Or at least that is what Superman had told himself. Several Green Lanterns flew to interfere with the vanguard unit. Like playing volleyball Superman reached out with one hand and smacked them away with ease.

Flying behind them were the new heavy corvettes fresh from the station and this was their maiden voyage. Hopefully the ships, and their crews would make it back in one piece. No! They would make it back home. Superman would make sure of it. His family would make sure of it. Superman catapulted himself through a star fighter and ripped the pilot out of the ship. Only to be taken by complete surprise as the pilot not only punched Superman in the face. But Superman actually felt it!

“Owe.” Superman said as he reached up and tried to massage his jaw but his vac-suit prevented him. The damage from the strike was quickly being repaired.

“Traitor!” The pilot shouted across open comms in perfect Kryptonian. But before they could strike Superman again one of the Cadmus clones tackled them mid flight and blasted them with a charged Kryptonite shot.

“Thanks for the save!” Superman said and the Cadmus clone saluted him and got back to the fight. Superman flew over and placed a beacon on the knocked out pilot. A teleportation ring collected them and Superman rejoined the fight.


***HR. Sol System, One minute after first Salvo.***

Behind the vanguard were eight newly made heavy corvettes fresh from the ship bay aboard the Watchtower. Each ship earned its heavy design. Unlike the Watchtowers shuttles, and star fighters that had been modeled after animals. The heavy corvettes looked like a gauss rifle with out a trigger, or an ammo clip.

Down the spine of the ship was a mass kinetic barrel. While on the port and starboard side of the ships were weapon ports. The ship was sleek, and in modular design like most of the JLI ships were. Capable of attaching, or carrying additional loads to accommodate the mission at hand. The ship was approximately 300' (91 meters) long, and 100' (30 meters) across. With a central engine on the back with several auxiliary engines. Along with magnetic coils while in the atmosphere.

Thanks to its module design along the bottom of the ship was an available space for several large containers. In this specific instance the as the corvettes flew behind the vanguard the module opened up to reveal hundreds of self guiding swarm missiles that flew out and bombarded the battleships, destroyers, and even the capital ship. While its weapon ports shot as many of the star fighters as it could.

Half way through the attack run the corvettes lost their escorts but they pushed on. The closed their weapon ports, and main gun. Slowly becoming a flying shield, each one breaking off with a separate return vector. With a lot of skill, and luck they should return to the star base with out any trouble. Until one of the Maltusians shot a concentrated beam of green energy and nearly cut one of the ships in half. The attack was a clear surprise, but the fact that it survived was clearly a surprise to the Maltusian.

But before they could fire another beam of concentrated energy a giant scaled hand bashed down on top of them. This shattered the green energy shield and liquefied the Maltusian. Wraith sent out a spell of Repair and the ship restored half its systems before it started to fly back to the base. Wraith was struck in the side by several angry Green Lanterns but he was soon out of sight of the corvette. As the ship approached the star base an odd sight was beheld. The FTL Sling Shot rings were active and currently fully charged up?


***HR. Sol System, Kryptonian Capital ship. 5 minutes after first Salvo.***

“General! We have a massive energy reading coming from the star base!” An officer shouted across the deck.

Dru all but bit back a scream of frustration! This was not going according to plan. This was suppose to be a one sided slaughter! Kryptonian technology was meant to be the best in the galaxy. But this pathetic little system was not only putting up a fight but they were winning as well. The only reprieve they had was that Non had successfully landed on the planet. But they had lost communications with them since then.

“On screen!” Dru called out and the view screen changed. A giant ring had moved away from the star base and was currently spinning as complex energy circles grew from around it. The energy readings grew higher and higher.

“General! All enemy forces are breaking away from the capital ship! It's almost as if!” The officer couldn't continue as a rainbow energy shot out from the star base and blasted straight into the capital ship.


5 star systems away suddenly several pieces of some kind of ship appeared out of a beam of rainbow light! The ship appeared to be some kind of capital ship as entire decks full of crew were now floating in the vacuum of space. Escape pods were launched as the crew attempted to find what solace they could. Then with out warning another beam of rainbow light appeared not even a mile away from the first. This pushed out what appeared to be another portion of the ships engines. How odd!


***HR. Sol System, 30 minutes after the first Salvo***

(Warden Erik Lash, Hunter-Saurian / Agent Wraith)

Saurian's reptilian eyes went wide as he watched the FTL Sling Shot lance across the capital ship and it sent what ever it touched to another star system. Well that was certainly a surprise. This surprise was shared as every Kryptonian ship, Green Lantern, and Maltusian now made a bee line straight towards the FTL Sling Shot. The cosmic ring was gradually being pulled back into the station but it would need time.

“All teams! All teams! Protect the Sling Shot!” Vigils commanding voice rang over the communication line.

Saurian twisted and turned his massive form and started to fly towards the station but he wasn't fast enough. Thankfully he was not alone as dozens of Martian bio-ships arrived and flew past him to take the fight to the enemy. Approximately 50 bio-ships flew past Saurian each one in an array of colors, and strange appearances. But all the same each one was fast, agile, and capable of maneuvering in ways that others ships could not. Then a blast of green energy bashed straight into him from the side.

The bio-ships scattered to get clear as Saurian was sent across the battlefield. The beam did little damage other then pushing him aside. They had of course cast Reality Armor before the battle began. While True Body made them immune to critical damage. That may have been the only reason they were alive. Saurian whipped his massive bladed tail through space and spring jumped a hostile Green Lantern across the star system.

“You will be punished for your transgressions today, monster!” A Maltusian shouted at him as another beam of green energy collided with his armor.

“My transgressions! Says the butcher of entire planets. Billions of souls died in agony because you couldn't get off your ass and clean up your own mess!” Saurian shouted his Telepathy washing across the field.

“You know nothing! With out us the universe itself would have died centuries ago! We've held the line!” The Maltusian shouted and created a giant asteroid as a construct and slammed it straight into Saurian. A simple yet effective method of attack.

“I'm not arguing that the Green Lanterns have been a force for good! That was never in debate. I am arguing that the Maltusians are fallible! That they can make mistakes! You've enforced the law for so long that you think you are above it. You look at peoples lives like they are a statistic. You stopped seeing people and just started to see numbers to be calculated, and subtracted when they were not deemed important!” Saurian called back then used on his tentacles to shoot out a Eldritch Blast.

A perfect red line bisected the Maltusian he had been speaking to. There was a momentary pause as the other Maltusians, and Green Lanterns stared in shock. Then they screamed into rage and raced towards Saurian. In hindsight maybe Saurian should have simply knocked them unconscious. But if he was being honest he was kinda surprised they were so fragile.

Dozens of hostile GL's focused their power rings together and crafted a giant battleship. Its starboard cannons targeted Saurian and opened fire as hundreds of beams of light, missile pods, and kinetic masses were sent straight towards him. The mass wave of death was upon him and he used Deflection to turn them all away, or even back at their wielders. His magical energy took a massive nose dive. But it quickly filled back up.

“Yes by all means continue firing on me! That worked so well the first time.” Saurian said, and his six eyes grew into crescents.

“Take him!” Another Maltusian shouted and the entire GL force next to Saurian dove straight at him while the Maltusian's started to channel a larger energy blast.

Saurian blinked in surprise as the GL's forced him into melee. He was currently 200' tall, and 400' long. Sometimes being big wasn't for the best. So he cast Enlarge/Reduce and Size Alteration. He shrunk down to a more manageable size 10' tall, and 20' long. Just in time for a green energy blast to shoot past his previous size location. Then he used Reality Manipulation and Blink and appeared behind one of the Maltusians. He drove a red Psionic Blade straight through him, severing his spine.

Oddly enough he watched in fascination as the Maltusian's soul went towards his hell domain. Saurian couldn't stop to ponder the metaphysical ramifications of having his own Guardian in his own hell as he was quickly beset by the Gls. He propelled himself through space towards the Kryptonian fleet. Every energy blast was sent away from him as Deflection was still active.

The Kryptonians only had 5 battleships, and 15 destroyers left. While only approximately 150 star fighters were flying around. The capital ship was dead in the water and was only able to provide simply support for the star fighters that would dock at the ship to resupply. Saurian kicked his Telekinesis into overdrive and shot ahead of the GL's for a few brief seconds before their rings compensated. They could technically travel at FTL with their rings.

Saurian dove straight into the capital ship and ripped a hole through the outer armor. Several GL's shot straight into the ship and tore it apart in an effort to get to him. When they opened up a bulkhead that hadn't been sealed several Kryptonian crew got sucked out. The GL's ignored them completely. That wasn't a good sign. Normally GL's would go out of their way to help their allies.

Of course the reason why became clear as the crew members quickly flew through space and attempt to attack Saurian. Oh right. They flew past the GL's and met a scaled fist that caved in a skull. That was clearly a surprise as the rest of the crew stopped and gaped at Saurian. Which he used the moment to snag them all with Telekinesis and introduced their faces to the wall. Of course the wall behind the current wall wanted to say hello as well. So Saurian obliged them. Soon the crew went flying through the ship.

Saurian activated Gravity Stride and sprinted through the now ruined ship. The hostile GL's hot on his heels. He placed Proximity Release- Call Lightning. As he ran through the ship as the GL's flew over the spell marks a giant bolt of energy bypassed their shields and electrified them but didn't kill them. The power of will saved their lives.

Before he even got half way through the ship giant green shaped clawed hands started to tear the ship apart. The Maltusians had arrived and had made a celestial space creature. It was massive in size nearly a mile in length, it had several four finger clawed hands, and tentacles behind it. With one massive eye, and razor beak. It ripped open the ship and at that point a Kryptonian voice came over the speakers.

“This is General Dru-Zod! Abandon ship! I repeat abandon ship!” Dru's voice no longer carried any smug satisfaction, or over confidence it once did. It was now filled with pure fury.

“Wraith! The Watchtower is within weapon proximity range get the hell out of there!” Vigils commanding voice came over the communication network.

Saurian cast Acceleration on himself and tore his way out of the ship and bolted as fast as he could. While he saw the hundreds of turrets, and at least two of the omni turrets start to fire a hell storm straight onto the enemy ships. The Watchtower star base lit up like a winter celebration tree. While the entire Kryptonian fleet was obliterated. Hundreds of Kryptonians lost their lives. Clark wasn't going to be happy about this.

Unfortunately one would think that would be the end of the battle with a bit of a clean up afterward. But that was not what happened. The last few hundred star fighters that were to nimble to destroyed made a bee line straight towards Earth. They were attempting to take away the JLI's big guns. The pilots knew that they would never fire at, or near Earth in fear of collateral damage. But before they could half way there a flurry of yellow energy beams shot down from the y axis of space.

Hundreds of yellow lanterns had show up. While dozens more split off from the main attack group and attack the hostile Green Lanterns. A yellow construct taking the shape of a giant whale like creature was created and began to fight the celestial squid creature. As far as Saurian could tell the Yellow Lanterns had come to help. Only attacking the hostile forces.

'Technically the Sinestro Corps are new in this Universe they haven't had time to create their infamous reputation.' -Erik informed them across their shared link.

Thaal Sinestro of Korugar flew down to meet Saurian in the heat of battle. The man stood at approximately 6'7” with pink to red skin, short stylized black hair swept back, with a form fitting yellow, and black Yellow Lantern power suit. He had a lanky, all be it strong and firm figure. He carried himself with absolute confidence, and a smug smile. As he met Saurian face to face.

“It is a pleasure, and privilege to meet you for the first time, Wraith. I have heard wonderful things about you. I am Sinestro.” Sinestro bowed from his waist. As several Yellow Lanterns shot past them both to attack the Maltusians, and Green Lanterns.

“Respectful greetings unto you, Lord Sinestro. We are happy for the help but I have to wonder, why?” Saurian asked.

“I was blind before you told the truth. The truth of the Guardians. I had been their loyal dog for decades. But no more! Now I follow my own path. Something I never would have obtained with out your help. I have come to repay the favor.” Sinestro said with a genuine smile on his face. Then shot off to attack one of the Maltusians.

'Erik, can we trust him?' -Saurian asked.

'No, he is a master manipulator and will do what ever it takes for power, and for revenge.' -Erik replied.

'An ally today, an enemy tomorrow.' -Lash prompted across the link.

“Vigil! The Yellow Lanterns are temporary allies. But they have ulterior motives for being here. Be careful.” Saurian said across the communication line. He got a confirmation the message went through and rejoined the fight.


***HR. Sol System, Earth. Las Vegas***

The people of Las Vegas had suffered just as much as anyone else had during the invasion. But unlike the rest of the world they had been on of the first cities that had been stabilized due to no small part to the Justice League: International and Agent Wraith of the United Nations World Security. Two days into the invasion Agent Wraith had shown up to reestablish order in the city.

Officer Stanley or Big Stan as he was called by his fellow police officers had been around when the giant dinosaur had shown up with the JLI and had helped get the city back into order. He swore to himself that seeing a living breathing dinosaur was going to be the weirdest thing he would ever see. Yes, technically Wraith was not a dinosaur. But it looked like a duck, quacked like a duck, and flew like a duck. Well then it was a fucking duck!

But now. Now this was something else. Big Stan stood on the rooftop of the Major Crimes Unite in Las Vegas and stared in horror as a god to honest alien invasion was taking place in the space above the Earth. It was night time which made it abundantly clear when all of Vegas could see brilliant blooms of light explode in the night sky above. No, they couldn't see any ships. But the explosions were straight out of...

“Attention! Attention!” A feminine synthetic voice came over the radio. No not just the radio but every cell phone, computer, and television. Big Stan turned his radio on higher as he told everyone around him to shut up.

“The Justice League: International is currently repelling a hostile alien force in the space above planet Earth. Please be aware dozens of star fighters, and landing craft have broken through and have arrived on Earth. Cities that may encounter the alien force are as follows... Las Vegas.” The feminine voice spoke and Big Stan didn't hear the rest of the report as his fellow officers screamed in panic.

Big Stan bolted from the roof top and took the stairs three at a time he practically took the door off its frame when he barreled into the top floor. He ran to his office and pulled out the big red phone he was told to never take out. He pulled it off the receiver and got a ring tone. Then a smooth, indifferent, and slightly cold male voice.

“ARGUS office speaking what is the problem Officer Stanley?” The operator said to them.

“We just got an alert from JLI that an alien invasion force is hitting Earth. One of the cities in their area of operation is Las Vegas! We need-” Stanley screamed into the receiver but couldn't finish the call as an explosion rocked outside the MCU's building and every window shattered.


***HR. Sol System. Earth, Death Valley***

Bobby Williams aka Gear Head (VI Avatar) had been a part of the JLI since before the invasion. Though it had only been a few weeks of experience it had paid off in the long run. He had helped Wraith take back Las Vegas during the first few weeks. Since then he had worked together with Doctor Fate, Zatanna, and several other solo operators in Las Vegas. He had also taken time out of each month to visit Fantasma's mother. They had lost Fantasma during the first few days during the invasion.

The invasion had been an eye opener to Gear Head. He had thrown himself into his training and been one of the select few that had been cleared on heavy exoskeleton suits. Unfortunately he had not been cleared to operate it in space. But a few more weeks and he could obtain his training license. But now that he had thought about. He was glad he had not been cleared. Not because he was afraid to fight the alien invasion. Oh no! It was because otherwise he would have been here to fight hundreds of Kryptonian soldiers that were terrorizing Las Vegas!

The JLI bunker in Las Vegas blared a warning and Gear Head raced to the machine shop and jumped into his suit. While the others jumped into their own light, and medium tier exoskeleton suits. Gear Head was strapped in and did a pre-flight start up. Everything was green. Then came the cool part. He activated his meta-gene and linked his mind with the suit. Once that was done he and the machine came a single entity.

The machine shop transported the suit onto a launch pad and like that old anime he use to watch he was catapulted through a tunnel to the surface and shot into the air. Magnetic coils activated and his 30' tall exoskeleton suit went into a hover. Then he shot straight out towards the Vegas MCU. He broke the sound barrier and joined a group of jet fighter from Nellis Air Force Base. Then one of the Kryptonian soldiers shot down one of the fighter jets with solar vision.

Gear Head put on the breaks and caught the jet and pulled the pilot out safely before the whole plane blew up. He flew to the ground and place the pilot safely on the ground. Just in time for a tall Kryptonian to slam straight into Gear Heads exoskeleton. However much to the Kryptonian's surprise Gear Head's suit did not crumple like an empty soda can.

“Ah! At last something capable of a fight!” The man said in Kryptonian. Then he abruptly screamed in agony as a thin green shield enveloped Gear Head's suit.

“You are not the first to attack us. You will not be the last. But no matter what comes at us we will remain!” Gear Head's voice shouted through his speakers. Hundreds of civilians nearby cheered.

A gauss rifle barrel extended from Gear Heads shoulder and he shot a magnetically propelled shard of Kryptonite straight at the soldier. The Kryptonians upper half exploded into red slurry. Which drew the attention of the rest of the soldiers. Another rifle barrel appeared on Gear Heads other shoulder and he began to shoot them down like fish in a barrel. Clearly the Kryptonians had not been prepared for such resistance.


Fort Rozz was under attack. A joint task force of ARGUS, DEO, and JLI had worked together to transport the prison ship into an underground bunker and military base that had been built specifically in Death Valley. Despite several hundred feet of reinforced concrete, and steel. The Kryptonian land team broke through it all like tissue paper. That was until the soldiers in the base started to use Kryptonite laced bullets. That stopped the Kryptonian soldiers progress real quick.

Like most meta's, and new super powered beings. Their new found abilities had gone to their heads. Normally the soldiers would have been in full armor, with rifles, explosives, and military tactics. But they had discarded this notion because they believed themselves stronger that the average human. Which technically was true. But they had no idea what Kryptonite was. Or that such a weakness existed for their kind.

It wasn't long before the Kryptonians had been surrounded. Kryptonite green halogen lights installed in the base quickly sapped them of their strength. So the team sent to Fort Rozz to obtain information on their people was quickly turned into a route. While the teams sent to the different neighboring cities met quick, and brutal resistance. The invasion was quickly becoming short lived.


Congratulations User! Your second invasion has arrived! You've been granted 100 bonus Dream Points. (Nightmare)

Please note: Only one invasion will happen at a time. If you succeed in your defense event your world will be safe from Rift Invasion for a period of twenty four hours real time. The User is not part of the Beta Multiplayer test. The Invasion is being performed by a story driven DC character. Good Luck!

Saurian ripped a Maltusian in half and then paused in confusion. The battle was nearly over and he was just now getting a prompt? He tossed the tiny blue body away as he watched another soul enter his hellish domain. He looked around in confusion. There in the distance a ripple of energy cascaded through the whole battlefield. Gradually everyone stopped to look. Fighting stopped, ships pulled back, and everything seem to grow still, silent. (Thought it is space, its naturally silent.)

A distortion tore through space itself. No, it was not a Rift but more like a tear in sub-space. Another form of FTL. A massive tear pulled space apart as a giant mechanical monstrosity gradually pushed through the hole. The mechanical being, ship? Was clearly over a 100 miles in diameter. It was a partial sphere, but its forward portion looked like a skull. While millions of mechanical tentacles writhed, and wiggled behind it. Like a perverse squid, or a spinal column. But that was not the horrifying part. There on the forehead of the giant metal skull was an inverted purple triangle. Three glowing purple dots for each point.


Just as the millions of mechanical tentacles closed the tear in sub-space a tidal wave of purple energy blasted from the mechanical monstrosity. The energy explosion swallowed the entire solar system and every single machine shut down. But unlike the previous invasion the shutdown only lasted a few seconds. As one by one everything turned back on. But that was not technically a good thing. A virus had been downloaded into every computer in the solar system.

“All will submit.” Brainiac's mechanical, and horrifying voice was transmitted through every piece of technology in the Sol System.

From the giant mechanical skull millions of mechanical shards flew out in all directions. These mechanical shards flew past every viable defense as it was either struggling against Brainiac's influence. Or had turned on their previous owners. All except the JLI machines. Sub-Resistance: Brainiac's Influence. (Chapter 99)

Lash and Saurian had obtained a portion of Brainiac's original code in the time fragment of Krypton. The resistance started at 0.1% but it was clearly obtaining vast amounts of experience as the resistance had reached 15% by the time Saurian pushed off from his battle with the Green Lanterns and sent a telepathic message across the system.

“Attention to any that can hear me! The machine intelligence Brainiac as arrived in the Sol System! Please cease all hostile actions and work together to fight this intruder!” Saurian's voice was transmitted through every language, to every available fighting force.

The mechanical shards shot past the defenses and stormed every planet, moon, and star base available. Each shard contained hundreds of Cyber-Slaves. While the shards themselves shot out mechanical tendrils and started to actively turn, and take over any machine it attached too. Fighting the cyber virus was one thing. But fighting a shard was another.

Saurian raced towards the Watchtower as quickly as he could but was struck in the back by another Maltusian. “Have you lost your mind! Our petty squabble means nothing to Brainiac!” Saurian shouted at them.

“This is clearly trap made by your master! We'll see you killed for your crimes Wraith!” The Maltusian shouted but before he could shoot more green energy a purple beam erased him existence.

“You.... I have never seen your species before. You will join my collection.” Brainiac's voice transmitted across the solar system. Saurian felt a very cold chill roll down his spine.

“Well that's not good.” Saurian said softly as he took off towards the Watchtower.


(Dr Silas Stone / Dad)

Silas was running through the Watchtower with a high powered rifle in hand, and wearing a light exoskeleton suit that he had pulled on. He was pushing through the corridors with other junior members of the JLI as the Watchtower was currently under attack. He was a nervous wreck and hadn't been this horrified sense he had seen his son Victor nearly dead and hanging by a thread in STAR labs over a year ago.

“Down!” A junior member shouted as purple energy beams raced past them and the group scattered.

Silas dove to the side and came up next to door frame. The corridors of the Watchtower had an almost rib cage in appearance look which made excellent cover. It also allowed each space to be closed off in a moments notice if depressurization took place. Of course if the defenders could use the walls for cover so could the invaders. Fortunately the invaders seemed to dimwitted to even try as they walked down the middle of the corridor with out a care in the world.

Silas pushed his rifle around the corner and fired wildly as the junior JLI popped up and actually aimed. Others shot energy from their hands. While another turned intangible and sprinted down the corridor and began to slice through the mechanical soldiers like cutting a cake. Silas pulled his rifle back and waited for it to cool down. He tried to slow his breathing, and...

“Doc you good!” One of the members called to him. A young woman who couldn't have been older then eighteen.

“Yes, I'm fine!” Silas shouted back, and the young woman smiled at him.

“Let's keep going!” The young woman called out. Then a purple beam flew past and her head simply stopped existing.

“Noooo!” Silas screamed and shot out from cover and grabbed the poor woman's headless body. Blood gushed from the cavity, her body not realizing she was dead already.

“Silas! Silas! STONE!” The team leader shouted at him until Silas responded.

“We can get her to medical! I've seen Ethan do some crazy shit! Can you carry her?” The team leader asked.

“Ye...yes! Yes I can!” Silas shouted and then slung his rifle over his shoulder and started to drag the headless corpse towards medical.

Silas concentrated on his breathing as he took one step after another. He saw dozens of junior members, and full fledged members sprint past. A speedster arrived and used their powers to momentarily transport him and the headless corpse to medical. Where Silas found a very long line of people trying to get in. Many of them carried dead bodies. Truly believing in Ethan's capabilities.

“Everyone listen up! We have word of the mechanical soldiers are inbound to medical. Drop what you have and get into a defensive positions. NOW!” Green Arrow shouted at the top of his lungs.

Several JLI ran through the corridor and started to place defensive barriers up. Several of them pulled out of the walls. Then suddenly the lights turned back on. They had been on emergency lighting this whole time. This was good news! As several automated turrets popped out of the ground and swiveled towards the JLI. Wait what?

“Take cover!” Green Arrow shouted and started to fire on the turrets.

“Vici! What is going on! Why are the turrets firing on us!” Silas shouted.

“ERROR! ERROR! Cyber warfare compromised. Attempting...A...a....atempting to compensate... PLEASE....Please sta.....stand.... by!” Vici's synthetic feminine voice sounded like a horror movies greatest hits.

Silas popped out from his cover and started to fire his rifle at the automated turrets. He his aim was horrible but he drew fire and that was enough for the more experienced members to get off a shot. Silas dove behind a corridor wall and waited for his rifle to cool down. He still had over 600 rounds left. He took a moment to marvel at the piece of technology in his hands. But then he realized he was sitting in a pool of blood...His blood! A huge chunk was missing in his right side.

“Victor... I'm sorry I wont be able to see your next game....” Silas said softly as his vision grew dark. “I'm coming Elinore....I'm coming.”


The people Ma'aleca'andra aka Mars were horrified as they watched hundreds of mechanical shards swarm towards their home planet. The bio-ships had not been effected by the pulse like the other pieces of technology had. However their home planet had plenty of technology that had shut down, then started to be corrupted by the virus that was Brainiac.

Entire sections of their cities had their atmospheres vented. While others had the fuel and energy reserves ignited! With in a single moment 1.5 million Martians died in an instant as an entire city was set ablaze. Such an explosion could be seen from space. Thankfully, and oddly enough their capitol city was intact. Every mechanical shard landed just outside the cities borders. While the mechanical soldiers simply kept them from leaving. The Martian council took that as an ill omen and started to organize an attack.

While the forces around the primary atmospheric tower continued to do their duty and protect their planets lively hood. The mechanical soldiers were in the millions but clearly they did not understand the complexity of the Martian species as their people shape shifted into creatures capable of resisting the energy beam weapons. While they adapted claws that could rend metal. Once they had secured their home they would move to help their allies. Hopefully they would still be there when it was over.


Thousands of mechanical shards entered Earth's atmosphere as alarms across the surface of the planet and underwater sounded off. People watched in fascination as hundreds of shooting stars entered their line of sight only to realize to late that the enemy was at their door step. It had been less than a year since the last invasion. The world was still rebuilding. But unlike last invasion where it was localized to a small portion of the world. This invasion was clearly a world wide invasion.

Shards slammed into the ground and shot plums of dust, and debris into the air. Huge impact craters turned the landscape into the likeness of the moon. While hundred more shards blasted straight into the water traveling to the depths. More than a few found their ways to the Atlantean peoples borders. Millions of mechanical cyber-slavers poured from the shards. Once again the world was at war. A war they may not survive this time.


Saurian landed on the armored surface of the Watchtower and retook his 200' tall, and 400' long form. He stomped across the surface and collided with the mechanical shard sticking out of it. The shard was easily 300' tall, with a diamond like shape. A 100' diameter at its center mass. It looked like a scale or a living organ as roots spread out from it and latched onto the star base. Saurian had seen this in the time fragment. Brainaic's technology was bio-mechanical in nature.

Saurian latched onto the shard and activated Source Code his magical energy took a dramatic nose dive! He went from 100% to 15% but it was quickly recharging. He searched through the code until he found the origin and pulled that out and fed it into Sub-Resistance: Brainiac's Influence. It jumped from 15% to 45%. Then the mechanical shard abruptly self destructed!

Saurian was blasted off the surface of the Watchtower in shock and surprise. But he soon realized that Brainiac's sub-programs had read a corruption in their files and cut their losses. Just in time for another wave of mechanical shards to fly out from Brainiac's ship. Saurian hung his head in dismay but flew towards the next shard as quickly as he could.

Along the way the turrets, weapon ports, and even an omni turret swiveled around to target him. That wasn't good! He quickly shrunk himself down and turned Invisible but that only bought him a few seconds as the turrets compensated and started to fire at him again. He really didn't want to destroy any of them. So he flew through space as fast as possible and collided with another shard. He used Source Code again and nearly got the next portion of the code but the shard exploded before he could copy it. He flew off in surprise.

He started to fly towards the nearest shard but once he got with in a few hundred feet that shard exploded as well. Fuck! Brainiacs sub-programs were learning. They understood he was getting something from the exchange and were destroying the source. While dozens more shards actually flew away from him and anchored themselves in the Watchtower as far from him as possible.

Saurian paused for a brief moment a reprieve to the constant fighting. He looked out across the vast expanse of space. The battlefield for the survival of their home. Brainiac had deployed mini skulls with tentacles his version of a star fighter. They raced through the battlefield chasing down what ships they had left in the field. Several galactic sheriff star fighters were dead in the water. They didn't have Sub-Resistance. If anything Brainiacs sub-programs vented their atmospheres with their people still inside.

He did see a single sheriff frigate still active though it was limping along. It was attempting to rescue the other sheriffs floating in space. Saurian shot across the field and headed straight towards them. Why was the frigate still active? Several mini skulls attempted to intercept Saurian mid flight. But he latched onto the nearest one and activated Source Code. He was able to pull out an additional 1% before the ship self-destructed. After that the mini skulls left him alone. Saurian glanced over at Brainiac primes ship. A purple energy barrier and grown around the massive ship preventing anything from getting close to it.

'Creator, we are securing the drive core to the Watchtower now. We should have main power back momentarily.' -An Elite spoke over their Telepathic bond.

Saurian had used Manifestation at the start of the battle and his servants had been spread out across the area of operation since the beginning. Once Brainiac showed up they focused on reclaiming the Watchtower. Little by little the resistance to Brainiac climbed. They had reached 55% and the weapon ports on the Watchtower stopped targeting its allies and started to fire on the cyber-slaves. Of course that only drew the attention of Brainiac as more of the mini-skulls started to do attack runs on the Watchtower.

After a few minutes of flight time Saurian came upon the galactic sheriff frigate. It was Commander Bhol'uns ship. Saurian navigated over to the port side of the ship as he watched an umbilical cord reach out to attach to one of the dormant star fighters. Two sheriffs quickly went through the cord and left their star fighter behind. Right as the umbilical cord detached Saurian dove into the tunnel and flew straight into the air lock much to the surprise of the sheriffs inside.

“What the!” A sheriff screamed.

“Shoot it!” Another one shouted.

“No don't you'll pop the airlock!”

“Stand the fuck down all of you!” A commanding voice came over the communication network. Bhol'uns voice.

“Client Wraith it's good to see you.” Bhol'uns voice said next and the sheriffs breathed a sigh of relief.

The airlock was a small compartment that could barely hold all of them. But it quickly went through its cycle and opened up. The few sheriffs in the lock stumbled out. While Saurian at his current 10' tall, and 20' long form stepped out with some dignity to the awaiting line of rifles pointed straight at him. While commander Bhol'uns stood with his own rifle. The commander was a four armed, purple furred cat man, with a combat suit on and an energy rifle in hand.

“I take it your leaving?” Saurian said in his animalistic voice.

“Afraid so. We know who Brainiac is. I'm sorry this happened to you. But I am taking me and mine and we are leaving.” Bhol'uns said.

In truth Saurian understood why. Kryptonians, and Green Lanterns were one thing. But Brainiac was a whole other can of worms. Brainiac destroyed civilizations. He could rip a planet apart, or miniaturize something for his collection. The sheriffs had done their part and now they would leave. But not before Saurian found out why they could still move.

“Why is your ship functioning?” Saurian asked, and no one moved to answer him.

“You can leave, I won't stop you. If by some miracle we live through this I'll even write a stellar review and recommendation that you all went above and behind. But I want to know why your ship is still moving!?” Saurian shouted and took a step forward. His four tentacles came to life and whipped back and forth.

“That is not my secret to tell, Client Wraith.” Bhol'uns said softly.

“My people are dying! I do not fucking care if its your secret or not! I rip this ship apart to find the answer!” Saurian shouted at them.

“Stop! It's because of me!” A young woman's voice spoke from the side of the ship. She stepped into the light to reveal a green skinned woman with mechanical jack ports falling across her shoulders like hair.

Before anyone could blink Saurian was in front of the woman. He had wrapped his claws around her neck and all but snapped in her two. She was Coluan, the original race of Brainiac before he became what he was now. The young woman stood at approximately 6' even with an attractive figure. Nice curves, but still strong and firm in her flight suit. Her eyes were pure black with no sclera in them. Her face was vaguely human like in that she had two eyes, a nose, a mouth, and two ears. Her jack ports curled and writhed like a medusa's hair.

“Wraith! Do not hurt her!” Bhol'uns shouted but no one shot.

“What's your name?” Saurian asked, as chaotic energy danced across his scales.

“Iyuoid.” She said softly, her entire body shaking in fright.

“You have the original code don't you?” Saurian asked, she nodded stiffly.

“Please allow me to make a copy.” Saurian said.

“If I refuse?” Iyuoid asked.

“Then regretfully I would let you go.” Saurian replied, and the woman's eyes went a little wide in surprise.

“Could you let me go now?” Iyuoid asked a smile tugging on her lips.

“Commander I am going to step away from Iyuoid please do not shoot me, it will not end well for anyone.” Saurian said and let go of the young woman who breathed a sigh of relief and massaged her neck.

Saurian stepped back and saw that half the deck was filled with soldiers, and even an automated turret had extended from the ceiling and was pointed at him. Saurian switched through his Magical Perceptions and flipped to Technomancy. He could see Iyuoids code flowing through the ship like a body fighting an infection. Saurian turned to look at Iyuoid and tilted his head to one side.

“It will take several hours to make a copy of the original code.” Iyuoid said softly as she came to Commander Bhol'uns side who slowly told everyone to stand down.

“Not for me it wont.” Saurian replied and activated Source Code and created a duel image for everyone on the deck to see what he saw.

“WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!?” Iyuoid shouted at him as she sprinted across the room and stopped in front of the code. Her eyes danced through the code.

“I can copy your original code with out causing you any harm. Please let me do it now, we are running out of time!” Saurian shouted at her and she jumped out of curious state.

“I... Yes, I guess that will be fine.” She said, and Saurian pulled up her code for her to see. He isolated the specific code and made a copy of it.

Congratulations User! Sub-Resistance: Brainiac's Influence; has reached 100% granting immunity.


(Koriand'r Princess of Tamaran / Starfire / Kory)

Starfire flew through the battlefield like a dancer as she blasted her conserved energy out to destroy mini skulls after mini skulls. The enemy had changed but the battlefield was the same. She was protecting her new home. She was protecting her friends, and her family. She would not see another world destroyed while she had anything to say about it!

Starfire picked up her speed and like a missile shot through one of the mechanical shards that had dug itself into the Watchtower like a blood tick. She blew out the other end and shot the shard full of holes so much that the shard exploded sending debris and cyber soldiers alike into the vastness of space. The weapon ports across the whole star base had recently returned to their side and started to obliterate the enemy. Another victory for their side.

Despite the spectacular destruction of a shard. There was always more. So many more as they flew through space and collided with the Watchtowers shell. So on, and on she went. Starfire went to the next shard, then the next, and the next. Her energy levels were running dry. She turned around and escaped the field for a brief moment until she was once more bathed in the ultraviolet light of the sun. There she found many more of her allies in the battle doing the same.

“Starfire!” Supergirl shouted at her. Kory's smile could have lit up a dark night as she flew over and wrapped her friends up in her arms. Kara's squeak of surprise was always a delight.

“Any word from the others?” A super clone asked. His named escaped Kory's memories but he was a good fighter.

“I'm afraid not. Communications are still down. It's all I can do but fight off the shards attached to the Watchtower. We must take it back before we can do anything else.” Kory replied and the clone nodded in agreement. Thankfully short range communication was still viable. One by one their systems had started to turn back on. It seemed their technology was fighting off the infection that was Brainiac.

“There!” Another clone said as they pointed at several approaching flying individuals.

Superman, Jor-El, Lara Lor-Van, Hal Jordan and several Thanagarian Green Lanterns. Supergirl flew to meet her family and hugged them both. For a brief moment Kory was jealous of her friend. But quickly put that aside. She wouldn't wish to see her family in such a battlefield where they may face death in the next moment. But she did wish she could see his face. Lash's playful smirk would have done wonders to her sanity at the moment.

“Brainiac was on Krypton for a few weeks as his machines pulled Kandor out of the surface. However his attacks were local. He didn't attack the whole planet. He simply moved in, took what he wanted and left. I have no idea why he is attacking the entire system on such a grand scale.” Jor-El said to the group.

“Do you have any idea why are systems are slowly coming back online?” A JLI member asked.

“Yes! When Wraith visited our altered time line he collected a fragment of the Brainiac's original code. It should help us fight off his influence a lot like a vaccine.” Lara Lor-Van said next.

“As anyone seen Wraith?” Kara asked, her voice filled with concern, a concern shared by many.

“No, I lost track of him.” Superman admitted and a look of guilt fell over his face.

“....CCCRRRRZZZZZttttttt!” A static burst went through their comms channel and everyone winced.

“Attention! We have gained a 100% current immunity to Brainiac's influence. Watchtower star base is back online! All teams report!” Vigil's voice barked across the line like a drill sergeant.

One by one like a landslide reports from hundreds of teams in the area of operation all the way down on Earth, all the way to Mars communications poured in. But it was short lived as another tidal wave of purple energy from Brainiac prime washed over the entire solar system. Every piece of machinery shut down for a few seconds then booted back up. All with a new virus.

But this time the Sub-Resistance Brainiac's Influence experience spike dramatically and with in a few minutes they were back to 100% immunity. This was not according to plan. Evident by the simple fact that Brainiac's prime ship started to gradually move towards the Watchtower. Every weapon port, turret, mass driver, and missile pod shot straight at the prime ship. Its energy shield remained intact none the less.

“Spin up the FTL Sling Shot! We have to punch through the shield and get a team aboard!” Wraiths reptilian voice shouted across the communication line.

“I'm requesting volunteers to join me in boarding Brainiac's ship! Meet me at these coordinates!” Wraith continued. Their was a brief pause before.

“On the way!” Starfire shouted over her comms and shot off like a shooting star towards her friend, and family.


(Black Canary / Sara Lance)

Black Canary activated her meta-gene and a sonic scream tore through the Watchtower corridor. Hundreds of cyber-slaves burst apart at the seams while their inner synthetic organs ruptured and exploded. The corridor itself rippled and buckled under the intense stress of the scream. But as quickly as it came it stopped. Canary jumped to the side just in time as dozens of beams of energy boiled and melted the deck plating she had been on a moment ago.

Black Canary stood at approximately 5'10” with out her exoskeleton on but easily cleared 6'2” with it on. She went with the mid-tier set this time for extra protection. She was especially thankful for that decision because no less then ten minutes ago she had been shot out into space because of a ruptured bulkhead. Her suit honestly looked like a tech-advanced version of the League of Assassins gear. Not exactly what she was going for. But she would make the sacrifice for today.

A cyber-slave turned around the corner and Canary jumped to her feet and drove her fist straight through the soldiers midsection. Then pivoted and whipped her leg out kicking the slave away. Her left arm wrist rifle shot up and burst out HE rounds straight into another cyber-slaves chest. The thing burst apart like tin foil. Then jumped to the side as several energy beams scored her position. She activated her magnetic coils and flew down the corridor.

“Cccrrttttzzzzzzt! All teams! Report in! Communications is back online!” Green Arrow's voice called across the communication line and Canary had never been so happy to hear her fiancee's voice.

“This is Black Canary I'm in sub-section T making my way back to choke point!” Canary called.

“Negative! Choke point was compromised. Find auxiliary tunnel C-23 Beta. Be careful its a long drop!” Arrows cool confident voice was sweet music to her ears.

Canary found the available tunnel it was a transportation pod shaft. She pulled the entry panel off and flew in. Then enter the tunnel that went up a long, long ways. This station was huge! Hard to believe it was little more than a one bedroom apartment a few years ago. She flew up and reached the required level and kicked the panel off. Only to face dozens of rifles, and meta powers pointing right at her.

“Hi there!” Canary said with a grin. A sigh of tension melted through the room.

Canary pushed her way through their troops. Hundreds of JLI members, and auxiliary troops were on the deck. A temporary medical center had been set up. While manual turrets were prepared. The cyber-slaves had a tendency to hack anything else. Even with the immunity any local hacking was still hard to prevent. Several explosions rocked the whole level they were on and Canary got to watch the walking tank Hastrom from the armory slowly make his way down the hall while all of his cannons fired at the approaching.

“Grrrzzzzt! I've bought us a few minutes but they will be here soon.” Hastrom reported in his obnoxiously loud voice.

Canary eventually found her lover among the crowd as he was resupplying his quiver. She pulled him into a hug and he flailed for a brief moment before he returned it. They took a moment, removing their masks and pressed their foreheads together. Once the moment was over their masks went back up and Canary looked around the room.

“Team Delta! Move to FTL Sling Shot control! We are going to punch through Brainiac's shields and send a team aboard.” Vigil's voice went over the comms.

Dozens of heads looked up. FTL Sling Shot was several decks above them. They had no idea how many cyber-slaves were along the way. But before anyone could volunteer or throw a fit sounds of battle echoed down the corridor that Hastrom had just come from. It sounded like a huge fight took place. Then several cyber-slaves raced into their corridor. But they were not attacking. They were running? Then with a muted pop and a flash of light one of Wraith's Saurus Elites appeared in light. Two red energy blades bisected of the slaves. While another Saurus Warrior burst from shadow and pulled the spinal column out of another.

“Team Delta! We are here to escort you to FTL control!” The Elite shouted, as hundreds more Saurus soldiers came into the room.

“Let's move out!” Arrow shouted a smile on his face.


(William 'Billy' Batson / Shazam)

“That's right! Smile for me fuckers!” Shazam shouted as he shot down the corridor channeling lightning through his hands. Hundreds of cyber-slaves went into a seizure as they exploded into parts. The gruesome skin crafted faces frozen in an odd smile like expression.

Shazam was a wrecking ball as he shot magical lightning at anything that moved. He had told the JLI members down at the choke point to leave this corridor to him so he could let loose. Metallic mercury like blood covered him head to toe. As he pulled arms, and legs off. Tore a spinal column out then whipped around like a blade taking another slave in half through brute force alone. A vicious grin on his face.

He charged up a ball of lightning and through it down the corridor. An explosion rocked the whole level and filled the hallway with bodies. The cyber-slaves figured it was just more effective to go around him. So eventually Shazam had nothing to take his frustrations out on. So he eventually came back to the choke point to see a dwindling crew of JLI members and a lot of dead bodies.

Lying off to the side was Roy Harper aka Arsenal. Billy and Roy had hit off pretty well. Roy was older but had taken a liking to Billy like an older brother would. They would joke around, and spend time together when ever they could. Regrettably Roy Harper was at death's door. His right arm was missing at the shoulder. While both his legs were missing. If the Watchtower was in working order then he'd be in bed for a few days getting his limbs regrown. But they were cut off from the medical wing.

“How's it looking?” Roy's voice was barely loud enough to be a whisper but Billy heard him all the same in his magical Shazam shape.

“My corridor is cleared. I think the soldiers are cutting their losses and staying away.” Billy said as he came over with a water canteen in hand. He helped Roy take a drink with his one remaining hand.

“I look that bad, eh?” Roy asked as he watched the crestfallen expression on Billy's face.

“What? No! Your fine...I just got something in my eye.” Billy said as he rubbed his face and tried to smile at his friend...His brother.

“Billy... Can you take care of Thea for me?” Roy asked, his breathing was getting slower.

“I think she's to old for me.” Billy said as he knelt down by his friend side. Roy chuckled softly and began to cough a bit. Eventually he calmed down.

“You...you know what I mean.” Roy said.

“Roy you're going to be fine.” Billy said softly and took his remaining hand into his own.

“I know I will....J..Just promise you'll take care of Thea ok? Promise me!” Roy said as his eyes started to fall.

“I....I promise...” Billy said as tears fell from his eyes.

“Good.... Make your big brother proud alright?” Roy said and squeezed Billy's hand one last time.

The sound of metal feet echoed down the hall and Billy Batson looked up from his dead older brother and lightning danced in his eyes. He ground his molars and slowly stood up walking carefully around his fallen brother. The few remaining JLI members at the choke point prepared for another battle. But had little to worry about as Shazam tore off down the corridor and soon the whole deck shook violently as the sound of lightning and thunder roared.


(James Worthington "Jim" Gordon / Police Commissioner of GCPD)

Gordon was having a bad day. Of course most of the world as far as he could tell was having a bad day. First some bullshit alien shouted a Telepathic message into every ones heads claiming that Wraith was a liar. Preaching to the choir my friend! Then an alarm goes off as the entire North America sees explosions in space above them. Then hundreds of shooting stars fall across the sky. Except they are not debris burning up in the atmosphere. Oh no! Those are ships. Ships that have come to invade the planet.

Then not even an hour later! Not even an hour! Giant metal shards fell from the skies! Hundreds of feet high these things are. But here is the real kicker! The moment one of those shards almost crashed into Gotham City, what happened? This big blue barrier with weird looking inscriptions popped up over the city and the shard exploded across the shield. Where was the shield coming from you would ask? Well the beams of light came out of the respective buildings that Agent Wraith had made. So all of Gotham is protected with an energy barrier from atmospheric bombardment! The nerve! The nerve that the bastard would just do this with out asking anyone!

Gordon was so pissed off he may even buy that alien bastard a drink next time he saw him. Pigs must be flying for Gordon to admit that! Because the shards seem to understand how far the shield went so they crashed into the harbor. Now mechanical soldiers were walking out of the coast. Gordon and the entire MCU along with the special powers and tactics (SPAT) were fighting a loosing battle. While what reserve force of JLI in the city were trying to evacuate the city.

“Where the fuck is the alien bastard!?” Gordon screamed as he reloaded his assault rifle then popped up and did another head shot in the baby faced monstrosity that called for his mother in wailing agony.

“Fuck that! Where the hell is Atlantis!” One of his officer shouted back and unloaded his entire clip into the tide of mechanical flesh.

“The shards are dropping all over the world. Even Atlantis is being hit.” A JLI member ran over with the red cross symbol on their shoulders. They were checking for wounded.

“What is going on!?” Gordon screamed at the JLI member as they flipped administered an injection to a wounder officer.

“An alien calamity known as Brainiac showed up in the solar system. Aside from the fact that he is sending his robotic armies to attack us I don't know much else.” The JLI medic responded then moved down the firing line to offer aid.

Gordon's unit was held up on a commercial district street that was connected to the harbor. Thankfully the streets were holding up nicely. Hell even the buildings seem to absorb the energy from the mechanical soldiers shots. But the never ending tide of purple mechanical lemmings was just to much. A jet engine screamed past and the Bat-Plane flew past and dropped several freeze missiles. Causing the entire street to freeze.

Then a meta jumped off the Bat-Plane and burst into flames and collided with the ice. Gordon's eyes went wide in horror as he pulled everyone down behind the firing line as the chemical combustion rocked the whole area. A minor earth quake rocked them back and forth. While the whole mechanical army shattered into a million pieces. Several officers poke their heads up and whistled. Sadly the victory was short lived as another group of shards crashed into the bay. This brought a new threat as hundreds of mechanical aerial drones flew through the air.

“Fall back! Fall back to the second barricade!” Gordon shouted at his people and they all pulled away. As the aerial drones started to fire on their position.

Gordon snagged one of his fallen officers who got shot in the leg. The energy beam vaporized the man's leg. Mercifully the energy burns cauterized the wound so he wouldn't bleed out. Ghost Industries was pushing a new medical bed out that could slowly rebuild limbs. Give it a year or so and the officer would be fine. Gordon dragged the man towards the barricade as the officer in question shot wildly into the air.


A large terrifying roar went across the whole city. For a moment the world grew still as a creature came down from the sky. Everyone looked up in shock, and maybe a little hope. As a fucking dragon showed up! This was not Wraith. No Wraith looked a lot different. This was a 500' long red dragon with a crown of fire. An energy circle with weird script surrounded it's maw as it opened up. Its fangs the size of spears.

A burst of high intensity energy shot out from the dragons mouth, through the circle. The lance of energy shot across the bay in a near perfect line. While eighteen different explosions erupted from the waters depths. Millions of mechanical soldiers, and drones flew up into the sky. Many of them half melted or barely functioning. The dragon looked out across the harbor and nodded its massive head once as if it was assured of its smug satisfaction. Then it turned back around and disappeared into the clouds.

“Oh great! Wraith has an older brother.” Gordon said, a smile tugging on his lips.


“FTL Sling Shot is operational. Targeting Brainiac primes ship!” Green Arrow's voice called over the communication line.

Saurian was flying through space straight towards the very large ship. Hundreds of people were flying towards the ship waiting for the shield to burst. Well that was plan anyways. Saurian returned to his 400' long shape. While his tentacles shot out Eldritch Blast after blast. Cutting through mini skulls, mechanical shards, and doing absolutely nothing to the shield around the primary ship.

“I'll run interference! Everyone get inside and find Brainiac. He should be at the center.” Saurian called out across the line.

Saurian had no illusions about what would happen. None of the millions of mechanical tentacles were attacking them. They were contained within the shield. The moment it fell they would strike. They would optimistically attack Saurian as he was the biggest target. With a bit of luck that is exactly what would happen.

“Cyber-Slaves are right outside the door. We are only going to get one shot at this!” Arrows voice said over the lines.

“Firing in 5....4.....3......2.....Mark!” Arrow's voice called and a beam of rainbow light shot out from the Watchtower. Like a water balloon bursting the shield broke apart. While a portion of Brainiac's ship forward face was teleported to another system.

“All teams make for the breach!” Saurian called out and watched as the millions of tentacles rushed towards them like a striking cobra.

The few working heavy corvettes, and star fighters fired everything they had as they flew straight towards the breach. Saurian opened his maw and shot out a red Psionic energy burst. For a brief moment a Psionic storm burst into being and destroyed the very fabric of order and reality around Brainiac's ship. The tentacles paused for half a second. As one of the eyes on the ship concentrated a beam of purple light and crashed straight into Saurian.

Blessing of Bast, Child of the Moon. Activated, block a single life threatening blow. Cool down 24 hours.

Saurian's life pool drop to 5% as Lingering activated. He automatically swapped back to Lash and he shrunk down to their 8' tall shape. But before he could be taken, or killed by the another attack. The big blue boy scout appeared by his side. Superman caught him and flew straight towards the breach. While dozens more reached their destination. The breach in the ship was quickly being repaired at a visible rate.

“Thanks boy scout.” Lash said softly in response.

“Anytime!” Superman shouted as he flew past, over, and through the millions of tentacles blocking his way. Then with one more wild flourish they arrived in the breach just as the living metal sealed up.

Superman flew down and placed Lash on the ground a few others were with them. Lash took a moment to check his prompts and saw that Heroic Luck had gained several levels in experience. Was it because he almost died? Or because the FTL thing worked? Who knew but he was happy to have it. He suddenly tackled by a fiery woman named Koriand'r.

“Are you alright!?” She said to him as she hugged him close to her.

“I'm alive Kory that's all that matters.” Lash said as he patted her on the back.

But just as Kory released him she was replaced by Kara who nearly squeezed him until candy came out. It wasn't until Clark stepped in that Kara realized how strong she squeezed. Several of his bones snapped back into place and Lash let out a groan but had a smile on his face for her. Kara blushed a little but grinned from ear to ear.

“So, I don't suppose you know which way to go?” Clark asked.

Their team stood in a massive collection of wires, gears, tubes, and metal walls. Energy currents passed up, and through the walls as they transported a green liquid. They had an almost heartbeat rhythm to them. Lash knelt and placed one of his clawed hands on the ground and sent a Synthesis pulse through the ship. This ship was alive. Just like the Watchtower was. Techno-organic or bio-mechanical. Take your pick. Just like a living organism the ship reacted to them. As cyber aerial drones flew into their room to meet them. Each one with a organic face crying for help in their native tongue.

“Please help us!” “We are still alive, don't hurt us!” I want to go home!” “I want my mommy!” One by one the drones shouted out. Kara, Kory, and Clark all winced and looked at Lash in confusion.

“There is nothing to save. It is meant to garner sympathy from those they attack. This isn't like the meat puppets from the previous invasion. There is nothing to save.” Lash told them twice just to be sure.

“Let's finish this and go home!” Clark shouted and went from zero to breaking the sound barrier in under a second. He tore through the drones and bolted through the walls. Cascading explosions there after marked his path of destruction.

“Ladies first.” Lash said as he gestured towards them. Kory gave him a smile, and Kara rolled her eyes.

“Such a gentleman.” Kara replied and shot after her cousin. Kory blew him a kiss and flew after Kara. This left Lash alone in their entry point.

Lash reached into his spell craft and cast Reality Manipulation to empower a specific spell, Decomposition. His magical energy took a dive but quickly recovered. As Decomposition started to cause a magical rot in the ship. A rot it could not repair. Lash took a step, then another, then another. One by one he would cause this ship to rot from the inside. He walked past an artery and turned it putrid. That did something as alarms started to flash as the tube suddenly stopped pumping but the magical effect had already bypassed the tube.

“You made a mistake coming to my home.” Lash said out loud as he looked up into the dark corners of the room he stood in. Where a tiny aerial drone the size of a spider sat, spying on him.


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