
***HR. San Francisco, CA.***

It was a bright a sunny day in San Fran as the morning air was filled with the promise of opportunity. The few clouds in the sky were pure white and looked like cotton candy. The brilliant shade of blue in the sky almost looked like it was painted by a deity. Pity the landscape didn't match. San Fran like many major cities was on fire! Entire sections had collapsed from the fighting as military, and JLI teams fought against not only the Brainiac forces. But the few remaining Kryptonian soldiers of Dru-Zod that had not been captured.

Based with in San Fran was the journeymen/women team of The Titans. Raven, Beast Boy, Artemis, Aqualad, and Aquagirl. They along with several solo operators pushed against the oppressive forces of the invasion. While hundreds of logistical, and auxiliary troops from the Watchtower were ported down. Technomagical Construct Androids that looked humanoid came to the rescue.

“Azarath Metrion Zinthos.” Raven called out as she flew over her team. Dark shadows wrapped around several cyber-slaves and were pulled apart at the seems.

Raven's team were held out on the golden gate bridge acting as the last line of defense as civilians escaped across the bridge. Cyber-slaves were swarming the bridge in an effort to claim not only the organics as a type of fuel source, but also the processed metal of the bridge. Artemis was stationed at the toll boot with her bow shots, and trick arrows. She would hit the slaves in their joints, or visor. While Aqualad, and Aquagirl used the nearby water to create animated forms of water to obliterate the slaves. Beast Boy had taken the shape of a large snake creature straight of myth and was transporting civilians across the bridge as quickly as possible they rode on his back.

“You! Will! Not! Pass!” Raven shouted at the slaves and created a dark wave barrier at the edge of the bridge.

“You totally just Gandalf them!” Beast Boy shouted as he reverted back to his default form. Raven rolled her eyes at him, but couldn't help but smile just a little.

“Everyone form up!” Beast Boy shouted through their comm channel.

“Artemis how are you doing on arrows?” Beast Boy asked.

Artemis looked a little worn around the edges her light weight exoskeleton suit was colored green a lot like Green Arrows gear. Her armor was burned, and scorched in places. While there was blood in her hair from a head wound. Her quiver was nearly empty as she collapsed her bow and stuck it to her back. She took out a straw from her mask and drank some reserve water.

“I'm out of trick arrows. So just good ole fashioned titanium tipped razor edge. Which to these things may has well be spit balls.” Artemis said through mouthfuls of water.

“Aqualad, Aquagirl how are you doing on energy?” Beast Boy asked them next.

Aqualad, and Aquagirl both wore spell crafted armor and thread suits to enhance their magic. But they also wore segmented armor. Aqualad was covered in cuts, scrapes, and bruises. While Aquagirl focused on long range water manipulation attacks. Aqualad would do melee. Creating weapons out of water. Once they rallied they both collapsed to their knees and leaned on one another for support.

“If...If we could sleep for a few days I would be eternally grateful.” Aqualad said with a smile.

“What he means is, give us a few minutes and we'll be fine.” Aquagirl said with a snicker.

“Raven?” Beast Boy asked.

“I'm fine.” Raven replied, and she was too. Her spell threaded armor was in perfect condition. She used her magic to shield her from attack. While she could fly and stay mobile. Thanks to her training, and....Heritage she had a well spring of energy to rely on.

Six spring rings appeared next to them. Four war droids materialized, along with two boxes of supplies. The droids scurried over to give medical, supplies, and started to set up stationary turrets immune to Brainiac's Influence. After about an hour another wave of cyber-slaves showed up. They had swarmed several police vehicles and turned them into battering rams.

“Titans go!” Beast Boy shouted as he took the shape T-Rex and stormed the battle line.

Raven flew into the air and created bolts of darkness in the shape of black feathers. She had met a demigod named Gozith that taught her how to wield such powers. A storm of feathers that blotted out the sun momentarily fell onto the slaves.

“You just had to say it! Fight in the shade!” Beast Boy roared in his T-Rex form. Raven didn't remember ever saying that? It must be a movie reference.

'How strong you've become sister.' -A dark voice whispered in Raven's ear. She whipped around in shock as she looked across the bridge in confusion.

'Father will be pleased.' -The voice continued, and Raven felt a chill run down her spine.

“Raven?...Raven!?” Artemis shouted at her. Raven pulled her focus back and created a shield for her team mate.

“Raven? You good?” Beast Boy said as he ripped a slave in half with his mighty jaws.

“Yes....Yes! I'm fine!” Raven replied, and went back to work.

All the while not far from Raven was a shadow that stood out of place. The sun was just starting to rise so the shadows were cast long and pointed west. This shadow went against the grain. The shadow looked humanoid with long arms that ended in claws. The shadow was attached to nothing visible but for a brief moment four gleaming eyes glowed with in the depths of the shadows darkness. The battle continued and the shadow rapidly left the bridge. It had work to do....


***Rift, Star Wars.***

(The planet of Coruscant, the Jedi Temple. First day of point of entry.)

The Jedi Temple also known as the Palace of Jedi. Was a towering structure built on the first level and surface of the city world of Coruscant. It stood over half a mile high, 1,600 ft across. At its base it was a perfect square, but as the design went up. Intricate stone, and steel construction could be seen. Stone carvings of ancient Jedi were kept in perfect condition. While at the top were four prominent towers, with a central tower in the middle. The tops of these towers were observatory rooms with views of the city going for miles.

Around the temple it self were premier living quarters, training halls, libraries, armories, etc. Everything the Jedi order needed to train, arm, and house their people, servants, and guests. The light side of the force was focused here. Some of the most powerful individuals in the galaxy rested here. The Jedi order worked closely with the senate of the galactic republic. Acting as peace keepers, bodyguards, diplomats, and if need be generals.

The Jedi Temple could be seen from miles around. It stood tall in view of the public but was always considered a great mystery. Not just anyone could visit the temple. The air space around it was strictly controlled. Guards were placed at every entry point. Guards loyal to the Jedi, and only the Jedi. While surface to air point defense modules were hidden out of plain sight. Inside the temple were grand spacious halls made of stone work, and infused crystals. Any Jedi knight, consular, sentinel, and master could request rooms in the temple it self. Each one would be fully furnished. While often the padawan learners were housed in dorm rooms with their fellow students outside of the temple proper.

Every day hundreds of Jedi would come and go from the temple. Being dispatched by the council, and the senate to troubled worlds. Or priority missions. Today was no different. Or that was what so many had believed. All at once the Force called out in help. Every padawan, every master, even the force sensitive guards felt a great disturbance in the Force. It was neither benevolent, or malevolent. It was simple a new element. The Force had found, felt, discovered something new. Something they had no idea how to handle. But where was this disturbance?

As quick as the disturbance came it vanished. The temple was all the buzz with confusion as students asked questions. Masters consulted with each other. The council spent hours in meditation asking the living Force for guidance, and direction towards the disturbance. But the Force had no direction to give. Who, what, and how were quickly lost to the vastness of the tapestry that is the living force. Meditate on this they would. But they must return to their duties.


(Approximately one day after point of entry)

The Consular-class Republic Cruiser Radiant VII fell out of hyperspace in the Mid-Rim Territories. In the Chrommell Sector, with in the Naboo System. Naboo orbited their sun, and was the third planet. Surrounding the planet was the Trade Federation fleet. They were legally protesting the taxation of trade routes. Preventing any ships from coming, or going Naboo and several other Mid-Rim Territories, and Outer-Rim Territories. Unfortunately their protest was causing entire planets to starve. Regretfully the Trade Federation was suspected of even firing on ships. Specifically the refugee ship that had crashed into Naboo near the capital of Theed.

The Consular ship was a long rectangular designed vessel. Two primary engines on the back were connected to the main section of the ship in the shape of triangle. While the ship looked more akin to a red brick in color. It had a few point defense turrets. But what it lacked in offense capabilities it made up for in speed, armor, and shielding. The Cruiser class ship approached the blockade and hailed the ship.

“With all due respect, the diplomats from the supreme chancellor request to land immediately.” The captain, and pilot of the ship said into the comm channel. Viceroy Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation responded.

The cruiser was permitted to land on the Viceroy's ship. Two diplomats walked from the ship and were escorted towards a meeting chamber. The diplomats wore long flowing brown robes with hoods that hid their faces, and body features. Once shown to their meeting chamber the droid who had escorted them left. The diplomats uncovered their hoods and looked around.

“I have a bad feeling about this.” The younger of the two said.

“I feel it as well. Something is on the edge of our awareness. But we mustn't lose our focus.” The older one replied.

“But Master Yoda said we should be mindful of future?” The younger man said.

“But not at the expense of the moment Obi-Wan Kenobi. Keep yourself focused on the here and now where it should be.” The older man said to him.

“Yes Master Qui-Gonn Jinn.” Obi-Wan said with a thoughtful expression.

Qui-Gonn Jinn was an older human with pale skin, long dirty blond hair with a groomed beard that covered his face. Wisps of gray hair had started to settle in his beard, and along the temples of his head. He had a smooth, confident expression on his face. His blue eyes held wisdom beyond his years that suggested that he knew more than most. But would be happy to share it if only asked. He wore a long brown robe with a hood. Then interweaving of fabric that allowed freedom of movement. Along with a utility belt with this and that. But most importantly on his belt was his light saber.

By his side was Obi-Wan Kenobi his padawan learner. Obi-Wan was younger than Qui-Gonn by a decade at least. He was shorter than him but not by much. His hair was blond and was cut shot with a tail in the back, and the padawan ceremonial braid past his right ear. He wore the same cloth that his master did. As well as his belt, and light saber of similar design. His expression was caught between eternally optimistic, and wise enough to know that the world doesn't work that way.

Qui-Gonn Jin was a Jedi Consular. A consular prized peaceful negotiations, and diplomacy over conflict. Often their lightsabers were green in color, a symbolic gesture. Qui-Gonn was a firm believer in the living force and followed it even at the disagreements of the council. By following the living force Qui-Gonn Jinn was enigmatic in his actions, and beliefs. He was a jedi through, and through. But it was his belief in the potential of people within the Force that would often clash with the council.

Obi-Wan was a padawan learner or apprentice to the Jedi order. He sought to graduate and join the ranks of Jedi Guardian. Jedi Knights was a rank given to those that had completed their padawan training. Jedi Guardians skills and talents lay in martial combat, and military organization. They made excellent bodyguards, and soldiers in times on conflict. Obi-Wann was on the cusp of graduating and would only be with Qui-Gonn for less than a year as long as the council agreed to let him take his trials....

More than enough time had passed for the Viceroy to be prepared for the coming discussion yet still they were both told to wait. The service droid returned with prepared drinks and served them both as the two jedi's discussed the situation with the trade routes. It became clear something was wrong when the Force warned them of danger! Their ship, and its crew were destroyed in the hangar bay. Both jedi pulled their lightsabers free of their belts. But soon found themselves in a room being filled with poison gas.

It didn't take long for the two of them to escape the room they were in. Fight there way towards the bridge of the ship. Regretfully they could not capture the Viceroy as they were forced to retreat due to the security droids stationed aboard the vessel. Specifically destroyer droids with shield generators. As they fled through the ship they soon discovered that an invasion army had been stored, and was planning to invade the Naboo. They separated and stowed aboard different vessels. They hoped they would make it in time to rescue the queen and complete their mission.....

Meanwhile back on Naboo!


(Capital of Naboo, City of Theed)

The Queen Amidala had done the reasonable thing in her situation. She had requested Lash prove his claims. Thanks to his tech-spirits they had recorded a holographic video message of the Viceroy and his second speaking to a man in shadow named Lord Sidious. However the claim that he was a Sith could not be verified so they took that with a grain of salt. Lash couldn't blame them, the Sith had not been seen for over a thousand years. Most people didn't even remember them.

The communication relays were indeed being jammed. They could contact anyone on planet, and contact the Trade Federation fleet. But anything outside the system they had no contact with. Pointedly they couldn't contact Coruscant. During this time they had shown Lash to a very nice room with a spectacular view. He spent his entire time in Meditation processing the information he was receiving from his tech-spirits. One of the spirits in question had jumped through the relays and was now surfing through the Trade Federation ships.

Lash watched in fascination as the Jedi boarded the Viceroy's ship. Then marveled at their martial prowess. Though he was confused as to why Master Qui-Gonn didn't just Force crush the destroyers and then get back to the door? Lash was also surprised by the cyber warfare programs aboard the ships. Lash had wanted to overload the federation ships. Or data corrupt the droids but it was surprisingly difficult. Though his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits were getting a lot of experience from the attempts. Along with Connectivity.

In order to keep up the disguise of a Mandalorian Jedi. Which apparently was incredibly rare! So rare that there had only been one in recorded history. So much for not making a splash. Lash used Telekinesis float in the middle of his given room while he used Meditation. He also lifted several items as well as they slowly revolved around him. Several times security checked in on him and were shocked by the sight. Three other tech-spirits were combing through the Naboo data net learning history, culture, lore, geography, etc.

His rooms door slid open and one of the handmaidens walked in. Sache the page walked in. Though Lash had his eyes closed his Sensory Awareness kept him aware of his surroundings. Sache stood at approximately 5'2” (1.6 m) with short cropped brown hair tied back and under a vibrant red hood. She had a martial arts body type. Hard, compact, flexible muscle. She took her duties as a handmaiden, and bodyguard seriously and trained extensively in close quarters combat, and weapons training.

Sache came to a stop a few feet from the revolving books, and statues that floated in the air. She kept quiet as she watch Lash float in the middle of the room. Lash continued to wear his armor that covered him from head to toe in his default human shape. One by one the items in question started to be placed in their original position. Then he stretched his legs out and settled down. At that point he bowed from his waist towards her.

“Lady Sache, how may this one be of service?” Lash asked, his accent was better. He spoke trade basic the common language of the galactic republic.

“She's asking for you.” Sache replied.

“Will she be on the throne, or in disguise?” Lash asked.

“Disguise, please keep that to yourself. A majority of the elected officials are not aware of our ruse.” Sache replied.

“As she wishes, please lead the way.” Lash agreed and bowed his head. Sache nodded in acceptance turned on her heel and left the room followed closely by Lash.

Lash was given a four man security team escort. They gave him a wide berth none of them truly believing they could stop him if he truly wanted to hurt any of them. Lash watched with interest as servants were scurrying this way and that through the palace. He glanced out a window and saw the the city of Theed was in the process of being evacuated, smart. Lash took a moment to look at Sache again.

“You've been awake all night?” Lash asked softly, Sache glanced at him.

“Yes, we had to confirm your information.” Sache replied.

“Would you say no to a pick me up?” Lash asked, and Sache stopped to look at him with a perplexed expression.

Lash raised his hands out and gently placed them on her shoulders. She stiffened but did little else. He cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. Lash found that he had to spend nearly triple the amount of magical energy to cast each spell. The midi-chlorians in the air continued to eat his magical energy like the cookie monster does with chocolate chip cookies. A blue and green energy infused into Sache in front of everyone. She let out an audible groan of satisfaction then blushed in embarrassment. The euphoric energy spread throughout her body. Lash also noticed the midi-chlorians within her body doubled in number as they consumed the magical energy. Notes for later.

“Better?” Lash asked.

“Yes, thank you Master Jedi.” Sache said and bowed her head. Then without asking Lash did the same for the guards escorting them. Once again the midi-chlorians within their bodies doubled in number. Interesting...

Lash was once more brought to the grand doors of the shinning sun of Naboo. Sache stepped inside and asked him to wait. So he examined the artwork of the door. He wanted to copy the design and take it back with him to the PR module on the station. Or maybe the embassy module? The guards noticed he was leaning a little close to the door.

“How do you get it to move?” Lash asked, as the radiant sun beams shifted in place.

“It's organic paint. Each gram of paint is a tiny plant that shifts, and moves to collect energy.” One of the guards replied.

“That is pretty clever.” Lash said with a smile that they could hear in his voice. As Lash inspected the paint and saw that when the sun hit it, the paint became that much more active.

The doors opened up just as Lash was about to scrape some off and he quickly tucked his hands away. Sache looked him over with a smile tugging on her lips. Though she quickly schooled her expression when one of the security guards cleared their throat. Though they all had a smile on their face. Watching a Jedi marvel at their art was an ego booster.

Lash was led into the throne room. With the radiant morning sun casting the whole room in a brilliant glow. Lash came to see the Queen wearing a gaudy black raven feathered color dress. A head dress that created an almost fan like appearance. With artful strips of cloth torn, and ripped up and down her gown. With silver, and gold embroidery. A decorative belt around her waist, its tail draped down the middle. Her hands covered in stretched out embroidered lace. Along with a painted white face.

Lash took a deep breath and held back any unnecessary comments as he looked around the room. Sache joined the retinue of handmaidens. He saw Padme sitting off to the side, she glanced at him then focused on the meeting. The elected officials were an eclectic collection of young or old. As in teenagers versus mid sixties. Not a soul in mid thirties. Lash stopped ten feet from the queen apparent and bowed with a hand over his heart.

“Master Jedi Lash, thank you for coming. We've reviewed your information and have come to agree that yes we are being invaded.” An older man said to him, who was named Sio Bibble.

Sio Bibble was the royal advisor and elected official. He had a grandfather appeal with his long gray hair, and beard. He wore long flowing robes in tones of purple, gold, and silver. With a decorative belt with a simple design. That he often would play his fingers across with fondness. Possibly a gift from a child? Or young artist, or both! He stood when he spoke to Lash.

“We've taken steps to evacuate the capital as it seems likely that the invasion force will try and seize control of Theed. Wishfully our people follow the path of pacifism. Many will surrender and give up without fight. Captain Panaka?” Sio Bibble said, and directed towards the Captain.

“We have a few hundred volunteer police forces willing to fight. But we are not trained, or equipped to face off a battle hardened army. Do you have any suggestions for us?” Panaka asked, Lash glanced at the 'Queen' and she nodded at him to speak.

“Naturally when fighting a superior force one would use the natural terrain to fight in skirmishes and attack supply lines. This is your home. Use that to your advantage. B1 battle droids are very versatile. A simple software update and they can be ready for combat in urban zones, or jungle. But at the end of the day they are droids with simple VI algorithms. In fact most of the B1 droids do not even house their main processing units on them. The Trade Federation has a control ship.” Lash said, and offered to display the information from a holographic from his suit.

Lash went over the specific designs, strengths, and weakness in each battle droid unit. Surprisingly enough enough if captured by the droids you could even cause them to shut down if you spoke in riddles, and word problems. As their processing unit would automatically try to make sense of what you were saying. If you get creative they start to skip, and may even shut down.

“One of the most important details I can give to your people that choose to surrender is this. Do not hold anything in their hands when they do. The battle droids have a program error code that identifies anything being held as a weapon. So even if its a bag, food, or a child. The droids will associate it with a weapon and fire.” Lash said at the end of his mini briefing.

“Last but not least, what are the leaders of your people planning to do?” Lash asked the room. Not just the Queen, but the elected officials.

“We will not run and hide. We will stay and prove our way of life is not so easily broken. We sent word to the senate before the communications disruption. The republic is on their way. We only need to wait.” The Queen said, her voice filled with firm belief in her words.

“It will take months for them to get here. The Trade Federation has several people in their pockets. Officials in the republic have been corrupt for decades. The senate will break down into procedure. The embassy of the Trade Federation will demand an official inquiry into the matter which will takes weeks. The investigation team will come here. Speak to the Viceroy, take a bribe and declare the whole situation a miss understanding.” Lash said, and spelled it out to all of them.

“At which case the Viceroy will force you to sign a treaty making this whole invasion legal. Then Naboo will come under the control of the Federation. You need to force the issue. I'm sorry to say but your highness you need to go to Coruscant directly and plead your case to them.” Lash continued to say, then took a moment to let his words be processed by the room.

“How will the Queen's arrival make any difference? They'll demand proof. It's our word, against theirs.” Another young official stated.

“I have the entire holographic recording of the refugee ship coming out of hyperspace and being fired upon. I have the video evidence of the Viceroy speaking to Lord Sidious about the blockade, and how he is manipulating the senate. The Queen can take this evidence to the senate. Then once the chancellors diplomats arrive you can leave with them.” Lash said next, but everyone focused on the chancellors diplomats.

“Wait! Where are the chancellors diplomats?” Sio Bibble asked.

“They boarded the Viceroy's ship approximately three hours ago. Their ship was destroyed in dock and the diplomats were nearly killed by the droid army. Thankfully the diplomats were Jedi sent in secret by the chancellor. Regretfully they had to board the invasion craft to come to the planet's surface. By the way the droid army as broken the atmosphere. They'll be here within the hour.” Lash said, and produced another holographic video of Qui-Gonn, and Obi-Wan fighting aboard the ship.

“How do you have this information?” Captain Panaka asked.

“I hacked their security firewall. That's what I've been doing in my room this whole time.” Lash replied nonchalantly.

“You said we should leave with them, are you not coming with us Master Lash?” The Queen asked.

“No my mission is to see you safely off world. Then I am to stay and help the resistance fight off the invasion.” Lash replied. The Queen looked towards Sache and raised one of her fingers. Sache stood and walked towards Lash to hand him something.

“This is a Queens command token. Show it to any soldier, officer, and warden. They will grant you what ever help they can offer.” The Queen said.

Lash took the coin in hand. On one side it had the Naboo shinning sun just like the door. On the other it had the three moons of Naboo on the back. Along the edge was intricate letter carvings in ancient elder. Lash carefully pocketed the item, but in reality sent it to his Storage space. Just in time for the piercing hawk sound of a vulture droid starfighter to zip past the window. They were here.

“You need to hide. I have a program in your security system. Sorry Captain.” Lash said, and apologized to Panaka for hacking their security. “Once the Jedi show up I'll have the program direct you, and them together.” Lash said then turned on his heel towards the door.

“What will you do?” The Queen asked. Lash turned to look back at her.

“I'm going to stop the ground troops at the gate.” Lash said then quickly jogged out of the throne room.


Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I aka Vulture droids. Were a droid starfighter varient. They had a central disk that connected their two weapon wings, and the 'head' was centered on the disk. The wings housed four blaster cannons, two energy torpedo launchers. While the central disk house an additional unite of blaster cannons, and a integrated droid brain in the central housing unit.
The Vulture droids could land and their wings were separate into walker legs. This allowed the Vulture droids to become mobile walking platforms for patrols on the ground. They could also carry a limited number of troops on their central disk when level. The Vulture droid starfighters were very mobile in both atmospherics, and vacuum battle theaters. Able to make maneuvers that would kill organic pilots. But like all battle droids of the Star Wars universe they were simple VI creations with no ability to adapt, or innovate. Dozens of these starfighters currently flew over the capital of Theed. As advanced scouts.

Lash cast Cat's Grace, and Acceleration on himself and bolted out of the palace in combination with Superhuman Speed. He went from zero to hundred mph in less then ten seconds. He ran straight towards the main gates of Theed. Even from this distance he could see the long line of droid transport vessels, tanks, and troops headed towards the capital.

The few civilians that had decided to stay quickly got out of sight as an alarm went through the city. Children pointed at the flying robots as parents picked them up and scurried away to their homes. Less than half had stayed behind. Hopefully they wouldn't regret that decision. Lash's tech-spirits caught sight of Qui-Gonn, and Obi-Wan on the other side of the planet. In the movie universe they had to travel through the planet's core in a Gungen transport. Lash had really hoped they didn't need to do that here.

“Master Jedi!” A security officer shouted at him as he reached the front gates in record time.

“You are going to want to leave. This is going to be dangerous.” Lash told the officer as he watched thousands of droids head towards their direction.

“No! I'll stay and defend my home.” The officer replied and took up a position at the gate house.

The gate house was a lot like the rest of the city of Theed. Really pretty, with round edges, and roof tops. An actual crossbar metal grid gate, and tall double wide wooden doors that would do absolutely nothing to resist blaster fire. The guard went to the top of the gate and took up a sniper position on the ramparts. Lash knelt down and closed his eyes and whispered under his breath.

“Dawn, may I please quickly look at Telekinesis in the Dream Store?” Lash asked under his breath. Then an invisible to the naked eye store book appeared for him.

Attention User! You have purchased Master Telekinesis for 2,000 DP, and 100 AEP.

Congratulations User! Advanced Telekinesis has evolved into Expert....Master Telekinesis.

Effect: Dramatic decrease to energy consumption.

Effect: Dramatic increase to range.

Effect: Dramatic increase to level of manipulation.

Effect: If the User can see it they can manipulate it. If the User can visualize it they can manipulate it. (Greater the distance the more energy required.)

Sub-Ability, Force Manipulation.

Force Manipulation: The User can manipulate both natural and uncommon forces that can grant incredible powers of both natural and supernatural to the User beyond that of themselves. Granting them power not only over themselves, but others.

“Thank you Dawn.” Lash said softly as he closed the store book and slowly stood up. He took a deep breath and gazed out across the approaching army.

Lash looked up and saw a giant duel wing C-9979 landing craft. It was considered a heavy transport in the Trade Federation tools. It was a mobile command station capable of housing tanks, multi-troop housing units, and a plethora of supplies. Its massive wings stretched out from the main cargo container. It flew overhead just above the marching line of droids. Bad move.

Lash reached out with Master Telekinesis and felt his energy levels drop. Like an eagle talon Lash took hold of the ship that was easily several miles away in the air. An invisible tether linked them together and hundreds of thousands of midi-chlorians in the air danced in joy as they gobbled up the ambient energy. Lash pulled down and the transport vessel broke its own engines attempting to stay afloat. It came crashing down on the long line of the droid army. A ground shaking impact was soon followed by a small mushroom cloud. The entire outer perimeter of the city shook.

“Master Jedi was that you!?” The officer shouted. Lash saw that his energy bar went down to 50% but was quickly refilling.

“Yes....That was me.” Lash replied as the dust cloud rushed towards them. The security officer cheered. More than half of the approaching army had been decimated. Wistfully the reprieve could not last as the Vulture scouts ships started to fire on their position.

“Annoying flies...” Lash said as he once reached out into the sky. Swatting them down with ease.


(City of Theed royal palace)

The elected officials, and the Queen watched in horror and fascination as the transport vessel was plucked from the sky and brought to ruin into the approaching army. The earth shattering quake was felt even in the royal halls. Queen Padmé Amidala Naberrie stood in secret as a handmaiden gasped softly. At the sight of ground transports being tossed around like a childs play thing. She like so many others had heard stories of the Jedi. How they were masters of the martial arts, capable of wielding the strange power known only as The Force. But never in her wildest dreams did she imagine a Jedi could do such a thing.

“As fascinating as his spectacle is your highness we must do as he suggest and get to a safe house. What ever program he uploaded into our system is already guiding us away. Hundreds of battle droids have infiltrated through the alternate gates into our city. We must leave.” Captain Panaka said to the room.

“Yes of course, lead the way.” The Queen (Handmaiden) said to the Captain and they were off. Another small earthquake shook the royal palace. They passed by a window and saw another transport vessel had been crushed in mid air and its debris was falling.


The few remaining civilians with in the city, and the volunteer police force watched in shock as the droid army invaded through the auxiliary gates. They stormed each house, and cleared every room. Soon the civilians that stayed behind were rounded up and were escorted to internment camps hastily constructed within the city. Armored Assault Tank Mk I hovered through the city streets. Their turret heavy mounted laser cannon swiveled back and forth checking between alleyways.

The tank itself had an almost insect like appearance due to its creators being...Well insect humanoids. The armor plating looked like chitin. While the primary turret, and side turrets gave it an almost scorpion embellishment, or perhaps a crustacean would be a more apt description. Its lower deck was a half disk like a horseshoe crab. Along its edge were six hull mounted energy cannons. It housed 4 crew minimal crew members with the cargo space of 10.

Walking side by side with the hover tanks were the B1 – Battle Droids. Based on a lose humanoid skeleton structure. They had two legs, two arms, and a single head. Three fingers on each hand, and a boot like foot. A spinal column ran from their pelvic support unit up through their chest, and battery pack. To the neck, and main processing unit in their skull. The skull was rectangular with round edges. Their eyes were visor slots in the shape of circles. They walked with a jittery gait. They came in colors! Yellow stood for commander, red stood for security, blue was for pilot or a technician aboard a ship. Green stood for the pilots, and drivers for land oriented vehicles.....

As the sun rose to the midday zenith. The oppressive heat, and humidity bore down on the people of Theed. Something was in the air and caused many people to be worn out without doing any real activity to warrant such a reaction. Everyone few minutes explosions could be heard from across the city. Blissfully there no more heavy transport vessels in the skies. The Trade Federation seem to learn quickly it was a bad idea to do so. So now they were landing outside the city and sending their troops in from all angles.

In one of the water canals in the city a gungan transport erupted from the water. Its shield pulled back to reveal two jedi, and a gungan. Qui-Gonn Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenobi glance around and feel a disturbance in the force. Explosions sound out in the distance, and ruined husks of transport vessels, and tanks littered the outside edge of the city.

“The people of Naboo are putting up a better fight that I imagined.” Kenobi said as he guided the transport towards the dock.

Jinn looked up at the sky and watched a Vulture droid get swatted from the sky. No blaster fire. No missiles. It looked like something had swung its hand at it. Jar Jar Binks flops out of the transport and stumbles around only to fall back into the canal. Jinn rolled his eyes in annoyance. Even his patience was not with out limit.

“Oooo! What's that!?” Jar Jar asked as he pointed at an object flying through the air.

“That is a hover tank. Take cover!” Jinn shouted and pulled Jar Jar to his feet and out of the way. Kenobi right behind as the take was landed in the canal with tremendous splash!

“Master look! It's entire left side has been caved in. Like something hit.” Kenobi said as he pointed out the damage.

“Hello Master Jinn, Hello Master Kenobi, Jar Jar. Welcome to Theed.” An intercom relay chirped at them in a synthetic voice.

“Hello! Who sa are you sa?” Jar Jar asked the relay.

“I am a virtual intelligence program assisting my creator. He is currently preoccupied with fighting the droid army in the city. However, if you will follow my instructions I will lead you to the Queen and her guard.” The voice replied.

“Who is your creator?” Jinn asked the voice as they looked around the promenade.

“The Mandalorian known as Lash.” The voice's answer surprised Jinn, and Kenobi both.

“Mandalorian?” Kenobi asked his thoughts momentarily think back to his time on Mandalor and a beautiful girl he knew.

“Whaaoho!” Jar Jar shouted and pointed at a heavy transport vessel that didn't get the message. Jinn, and Kenobi watched in shock as the vessel was pulled down from the sky. There was no mistake in their minds. Another Jedi was on Naboo, a powerful one.

“Is your creator working with the Jedi master?” Kenobi asked the voice there was long pregnant pause.

“...Yes...Yes he is.” The voice said. “I apologize for the longer than intended delay, I am currently processing several tasks.”

“Please lead the way then.” Jinn accepted the excuse. Soon another relay was highlighted down the street with a green light. The trio started moving through the city as quickly, and safely as possible.


(City streets of Theed.)

Lash sprinted down the street with twin red Psionic daggers in hand. Behind were dozens of police all with Cat's Grace cast on them. Thanks to the midi-chlorians the spell only lasted half the time. But it was enough for them to keep up with him. He dodged a heavy blaster fire from a tank. Then reached out and flipped the tank with Telekinesis catapulting it up and out of the city. Then Lash jumped forward and bisected a battle droid. Then spun like a top as he danced through a crowd of machines.

Lash was noticing a great deal of coordination in the battle droids. Unlike their depiction in the movies, and animation. The droids had great reaction time. If a single droid was shot. Every droid within the collective processing center aboard the droid control ship would know about it. Take one down, and dozens more would show up! Lash took a moment to listen to a report from a tech-spirit and he laughed a little.

“The chancellors diplomats have arrived in the city. They are headed toward the Queen. Let's make some noise on the other side of the city to draw the droids attention!” Lash called out and the resistance forces with him cheered.

Lash dismissed his Psionic daggers. He made a show of sheathing his blades for appearance sake. Then his right forearm cannon popped up and he started to use precision shots on any droids they encountered. A Vulture droid flew overhead and Lash's shoulder mounted cannon formed up and shot a Eldritch Blast at it. The red energy burst trailed after it and shot it out of the sky.

“Master Jedi! Another heavy transport has been spotted near the canals!” One of the officers shouted.

Lash climbed a nearby three story building to get a better view. Then saw the ship way in the distance. Well outside the city but could still be seen with his augmented visor. If it could be seen, it could be manipulated. Lash reached out with Telekinesis and he felt his energy dip dramatically. So he broke off two wings and watched the transport fall.

“Any captured civilians?” Lash asked as he jumped off the building and landed back with the resistance fighters.

“A festival square a half mile from here is being used as gathering point.” A fighter replied.

“Let's head that way!” Lash said and the group moved from street corner to street corner.

Urban combat scenarios were incredibly dangerous. Any street, any alleyway, was a potential ambush point. Gratefully two of Lash's tech-spirits were tied into the resistance communication line. They were advising on battle droid patrols, deployments, and alternate routes through the city. Lash's new ability Master Map was being updated in real time with IFF markers. He copied the visual overlay and sent it to the resistance fighters. He had taken the time to create simple wrap around lenses for the crew so they could see an augmented reality UI.

Thanks to Cat's Grace the resistance fighters climbed buildings, and jumped from rooftops to rooftops with ease. Lash's long lost friend Parkour was getting some much needed experience. They climbed one large building and took cover. Lash and a lieutenant came to a rooftops edge and looked over. Anything they saw was sent back to their team.

The festival square was packed filled with hundreds of civilians who had been captured. Dozens were injured, while dozens more had been shot and killed for seemingly no reason. The resistance fighters ground their molars in frustration. Lash marked several rooftops and the lieutenant ordered their troops to move into position. Two hover tanks were stationed in the square, thankfully they pointed out and away from the prisoners.

“I'm going to crush the tanks. Once they are out of the picture move in.” Lash relayed his orders and he got confirmation lights from the soldiers.

Lash hid behind the wall and closed his eyes. He focused his perception and visualized the tanks. What they looked like? Where they were located? How far were they? Then he reached out and applied his Telekinesis. The two hover tanks were crushed like empty soda cans. The resistance fighters popped out from cover and blasted the droids. Lash jumped from the rooftop and created his red Psionic daggers then sprinted towards the remaining droids. He played the part and used Deflection in tandem with his weapon swings. Blaster bolts were sent back to their users. Within in moments the droids were dispatched.

'Creator, the Jedi have found the Queen. But a large detachment of Droids are moving in on their position.' -A tech-spirit said to him through their link.

“Lieutenant! The Queen is in trouble I'm moving to assist. Get these people to the evacuation point. I'll be in touch, understood?” Lash said to the officer who nodded.

“May the Force be with you Master Jedi!” The officer shouted, and the civilians cheered as he sprinted off.

“No worries about that.” Lash muttered as he flipped through his Magical Perception and saw a swarm of midi-Chlorians chasing after him like a horde of seagulls at the beach during lunch.

Lash reapplied Cat's Grace, Acceleration, and ensured Superhuman Speed was active. Then he cast Nature's Passage, and Chameleon. As he faded from sight and sprinted down the road with all due haste. The tech-spirit assigned to aid the Queens group was leading around the droid units as best they could but...Fuck! Lash was going to kill Jar Jar as the idiot tripped over his own feet and pushed a vase over. The resulting crash alerted the droids.

Lash jumped over walls, ran along rooftops. Over entire streets. All the while he stayed in his default shape. Some instinct told him that taking on his Transformation or even Shape Shifting to Saurian would bring unnecessary attention to him. So he would save that for a trump card later. Lash jumped off a high rise and activated Falling Glide and soared over the major intersection straight into an open battle. Over a hundred droids swarmed the location with the Queen. Her security were popping up and down to shoot off bolts. While the Jedi bounced between offense and defense.

“Incoming!” Lash shouted as he glided down and pulled his daggers out. Then went to town on the battle droids.

Lash attacked their rear flank and pulled attention to himself by stepping out of cover. He jumped from target to target never taking more than a second to dispatch a single unit. With his arrival Jinn, and Kenobi rushed out of cover and wielded their lightsabers like dancers. Wide open swings, spinning bodies, and flowing robes. The Queen's security began to fire back in earnest and soon with in minutes the battle was concluded. Lash put his daggers away and made a bee line for Jar Jar. The gungan seem to realize something was wrong because he tried to run. Lash snagged him by his neck and planted him into a wall and screamed at him.

“Give me one reason why I shouldn't rip you limb from limb!?” Lash roared at him, then pointed with his free hand at the dead bodies of the Queens security team. “These men are dead because you couldn't watch where you were going!”

“I...geee....sor...rry.” Jar Jar choked an apology as his eyes went wide and he scrambled for purchase against the wall. His feet dangled off the ground.

“Master please put him down! He's an innocent.” Jinn spoke softly, but quickly as he approached Lash. His hands up in pacification, his saber sheathed on his belt.

Lash tossed Jar Jar to Jinn's feet while electricity danced along his armor. Jar Jar scrambled behind Jinn and cowered in place. Kenobi had sheathed his saber and was looking at his master Qui-Gonn Jinn then looked at Lash trying to place him. Neither Jinn, or Kenobi had any idea who Lash was. But the Queen had spoken about him at length. Jinn kept his focus on Lash as he took several measured breaths.

“Master Qui-Gonn Jinn, Padawan learner Obi-Wan Kenobi. Welcome to Naboo. I'm sorry for showing you something so unsightly.” Lash said and bowed his head towards them. Everyone took a collected breath.

For that brief terrifying moment everyone felt like a predator had revealed themselves. Some primitive portion in the back of their minds told them to run. Run and hide! That feeling came from Lash, as he looked more than willing to rip Jar Jar to pieces. More than a few of the security guards felt it would be justified. Their friends had died because of an idiotic mistake. But no, that was not the Naboo way.

“Attention! Another patrol is headed this way. Please follow the markers to the royal hanger.” A friendly synthetic voiced chirped at them. The group looked to move and Jinn glanced at Lash.

“Go, I'll control my anger. It's been a long day. Meditation would normally be in order but I don't believe I'll be seeing that anytime soon.” Lash replied, and Jinn nodded in acceptance. Jar Jar did his absolute best to stay well away from Lash.

Lash cast a wide area of effect Nature's Passage, and Chameleon on the whole group. Everyone looked around in confusion as they became partially see through. There footsteps made no noise, and more than once battle droids overlooked them. Jinn, and Kenobi both looked astonished. They knew of no Jedi, nor had they never known the Force capable of hiding people in plain sight. They passed through the palace auxiliary passages with ease. But once they reached the hangar the spell had worn off.

The hangar was filled to the brim with security droids, droideka (destroyers), and Naboo royal guard pilots, and escorts. “This is complicated.” Qui-Gonn Jinn spoke softly.

“I'll handle it.” Lash said as he walked past the group into the room. Several people made motion to grab him but they were to slow.

“Excuse me! May I have your attention?” Lash asked the droids as they all turned to look at him. “I want you all to pay attention to my right hand. Notice how I have no weapon.”

Lash raised his hand up. Several destroyers began to shuffle towards him. A few of the royal pilots looked at him in hope. Then Lash snapped his fingers. He created a localized EMP burst. The ships in the hanger were shielded and were in no threat of shorting. The droids however began to go into a seizing fits and collapsed on the ground. Lash looked around with a satisfied expression of body language. Still covered head to toe in his armor.

“We are clear!” Lash called back, and the Queen's guard entered the room.

“Localized EMP built into the gauntlet. Ships are shielded so there was no worry.” Lash explained and a look of understanding went across their faces.

“Your a Jedi Sentinel.” Kenobi stated instead of asking a question. Lash shrugged at him neither confirming, nor denying.

Jedi Sentinels sought balance between the disciplines of Consular, and Guardian. However, they understood the limitation of only relying on the Force to accomplish a mission. If the three different Jedi disciplines came upon a lock door. The Consular would knock. The Guardian would break the door down. The Sentinel would take out a lock pick. Sentinels were often seen in armor, using blasters, alongside their lightsabers. They also tended to dislike the quiet of a temple and preferred to be in the thick of things.

“Master Lash, thank you. I have a request.” The Queen (Handmaiden) approached him. Lash bowed from his waist. But he made a note to glance at Padme who looked his way in recognition.

“I request you take Sache, and Yane with you. They will act as my voice while I am away. Having them with you will ensure that you are not denied by the police force.” The Queen said, and the two chosen handmaidens stepped forward.

“OK.” Lash said, and apparently his easy going agreement was a surprise.

“You are not coming with us, Master Lash?” Jinn asked.

“That's not my mission. I'm to work with the resistance and hold the ground until you return with reinforcements.” Lash replied, and Jinn nodded in understanding.

“Well we should hurry. May the Force be with you Master Lash.” Jinn said with a bow that Kenobi mirrored. But Lash snagged both of them as the rest of the group began to board the royal yacht.

“Master Jinn, Master Kenobi. Don't be surprised if the Jedi council doesn't know who I am. It's been decades since I've been back and we didn't leave on the best of terms. As far as I know I was removed from record.” Lash said to them and clear surprise was written on their faces.

“Why?” Kenobi asked.

“Do you know what a Gray Jedi is?” Lash asked, and Kenobi looked confused but Jinn and a look of understanding. Figures he would know what they are.

“You were exiled, but you still follow the path of the Jedi.” Jinn said, and also educated his padawan. Well that is technically one of the versions of Gray Jedi. So Jinn wasn't technically wrong.

“Another note before you leave. When it happens look for a young human boy. Maybe ten years old, blond hair, blue eyes. He'll help you.... You'll understand when it happens.” Lash gave them a cryptic message.

“The followers of the living force can be both confusing and mysterious.” Lash said with a chuckle. Jinn smiled at him and settled his hand on Lash shoulder.

“A trait my Master also keeps close to his heart.” Kenobi said and snickered when Jinn gave him a bemused expression.

The royal yacht flew off into the distance and with a resounding boom left the atmosphere. Hopefully it would all happen as it was suppose too. Lash glanced at Sache, and Yane who looked at him in expectation. He turned around and bowed to them both. Then recast Nature's Passage and Chameleon. Then they made their way back into the city. The lieutenant and moved the rescued civilians out of the city. According to the tech-spirits the capital of Theed was empty of people. Time to visit the gungans.


(Trade Federation Viceroy's ship)

Nute Gunray was a Neimoidian male who served as the Viceroy of the Trade Federation. He stood at approximately 6'3” with green skin, and red compound eyes. Nute had done very well for himself. This was emphasized by his peoples natural ability to have their skin sag off their bones, and muscles. The sacks contained fat tissue. Despite his appearance he was considered rather attractive to his people. By way of prestige more than looks. He looked that way because he was successful. Nute wasn't feeling very successful right now.

The Viceroy and the Trade Federation had made a bargain with Lord Sidious. Something that Nute was regretting now. They had blockaded Naboo, and sent their droid army to capture not only the planet but also the capital of Theed. Their ultimate prize, the Queen herself. That... That had not gone as planned. The Viceroy had received reports from the droid commanders that they had met fierce resistance in the city of Theed. Entire heavy transport vessels were pulled from the sky by what they could only assume was a Master Jedi already on the planets surface.

To add suffering to his already preexisting failure. They had not only not captured the Queen. The Queen's royal starship had broken past the blockade. They could only assume that she escaped aboard the ship and were on their way to Coruscant to report the Federations illegal invasion. The Viceroy currently paced back and forth in the meeting room with one of his bridge officers. He kept smoothing out his ceremonial garb. A long flowing red state gown with intricate designs along the collar, cuffs, and belt line. His stately hat looked like three feathers sticking straight up but the hat left his scalp exposed.

“Report...” Darth Sidious hologram image appeared sitting in the chair at the head of the table. The time had come.

“H-Hello Lord Sidious. We...We are experiencing fierce resistance on the planet. Especially at the planet capital of Theed. It appears a M-Master Jedi was already on world and is leading the royal security forces in their defense.” Viecroy Nute said to the hologram.

Lord's Sidious hologram was that of a humanoid male sitting in a simple, yet detailed black robe with a hood. Only the lower half of his face was visible. While a clasp was seen that connected the hood, and robe together. The clasp itself was intricate with almost lifelike quality. Despite the hologram the oppressive force from Lord Sidious almost made the Viceroy and his second feel as they were suffocating.

“And Queen Amidala?” Lord Sidious asked.

“Our forces could not secure her in the city. A... A transport designated as the Q-Queen's royal starship was able to get past our blockade.” The Viceroy continued, and flinched as the Lord Sidious snarled and the oppressive force filled the room.

“I want the treaty signed!” Lord Sidious snarled at them.

“B-But my lord. It's out of our range. Its impossible to track.” The Viceroy replied.

“Not for the Sith!” Lord Sidious said and next to his hologram another figure stepped into view.

The figure stood at approximately 5'7” wrapped in the same simple but yet detailed black robes. However unlike Lord Sidious, the figures cloth seemed designed around freedom of movement. Where Sidious was thin, the figure was muscular. His face had intricate red, and black markings fitting of his race of Dathomirians. With a crown of short stubby horns. With intense yellow red eyes filled with seething anger that could be felt through the hologram.

“This is my apprentice, Darth Maul. He will find your missing ship. Now focus your efforts on quelling the resistance.” Lord Sidious said with finality and the transmission ended.

“Y-Yes...My Lord.” The Viceroy said with nervous tension then as soon as the holo - message was complete he breathed a sigh of release.

“Now there are two of them?” Viceroy's second asked.

“It's too late now. We'll have to see this through to the end. Send the second wave immediately.” The Viceroy ordered.


(Queen's royal starship.)

Obi-Wan Kenobi was aboard the Queen's royal starship. They were on their way to Tatooine. Their hyperdrive was damaged in the escape from Naboo. Kenobi was not looking forward to staying on Tatooine. He could not help but feel they needed to travel to Coruscant as quickly as possible so they could return to help their fellow Jedi who stayed behind on Naboo. But as his master always told him. While on mission focus on the here and now. So he made his way to the galley to make tea for himself and his master.

Kenobi stepped into the galley and marveled at the extravagance of the ship. The Queens starship was 75 meters (246 ft) from stem to stern. With space for the crew, guests, and chambers for the queen herself. Along with every amenity available to them. Kenobi walked across the room and stopped in mild surprise. Down the floor, off and out of the way was Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar had been quiet since leaving Naboo. Out of the way, kept silent, and was barely seen. Kenobi had to admit that he preferred this version of Jar Jar. But he could feel the anguish the gungan was feeling.

Jar Jar Binks stood at approximately 6'5” with a red skin tone that gradually lightened into a pale pastel white. Gungans were a amphibious sapient species. Their long limbs, and webbed feet and hands helped them swim. They had a bill like mouth, flexible tongues, and short eye stocks. Their ears were long, and fin like which helped them not only hear, but helped them feel the current of the water. Jar Jar wore a weaved vest, and pants and little else.

“Jar Jar?” Kenobi called him and Jar Jar looked up and curled up into a ball.

“M-My didn't do nothin! My in da way?” Jar Jar asked, as he looked alarmed. Kenobi frowned and could feel the gungan's sadness. Against Kenobi's better judgment he walked over and sat down next to him.

“Jar Jar you mustn't take what Master Lash to heart. Battle does strange things to people, even Jedi.” Kenobi said softly as he tried to comfort him. Jar Jar wrapped his arms around himself.

“Me sah not mean ta be clumsy. Born like this.” Jar Jar said as his eye stocks fell in sadness.

“If your willing, I could teach you a Jedi trick to help you keep your balance.” Kenobi said, and Jar Jar became very animated.

“Me sah wont be clumsy!?” Jar Jar asked, and Kenobi suddenly regretted his words.

“It will take time, Jar Jar. But if you practice everyday you can overcome your lack of awareness.” Kenobi said, and offered his hand to the gungan.


Qui-Gonn Jinn was currently sitting in meditation aboard the Queen's royal starship. He opened his eyes and glanced at the clock and realized that Obi-Wan had been far longer than he needed to make tea. Something must have happened to grab his attention. Jinn leaned back in his seat and thought over what had happened.

The Jedi Council had dispatched them both to pose as diplomats of the supreme chancellor. They traveled to the blockade around Naboo. While aboard the Viceroy's ship the Jedi's political ship had been destroyed, along with its crew. Jinn, and Kenobi had tried to take the bridge of the Viceroy's ship were inevitably had to flee. There on the Viceroy's ship did they discover a droid invasion army. Jinn, and Kenobi separated and traveled down to the surface. Where Jinn accidentally met Jar Jar Binks. As annoying as the gungan was, without his help they never would have found the gungan city of Otoh Gunga.

Jinn smiled slightly as he realized that even the most insignificant creatures can play a part in the tapestry of the living Force. There was no mistake in Jinn's mind that the Force had guided Jinn, and Jar Jar together. Thank's to Jar Jar they met with Rugor Nass and obtained a transport to arrive at Naboo's capital in a timely manner. What Jinn had not expected was to find an exiled Jedi Master already in the city helping to fight the droid army.

From what Jinn understood from the tales from the royal security aboard the starship with them. Master Lash had arrived with a refugee ship that had been shot when they tried to enter Naboo's airspace. The Trade Federation fired on an unarmed refugee ship! That alone would bring disfavor in the galactic republic. Lash had piloted the refugee ship into the atmosphere and though one thousand refugee's had been on the ship. Thanks to Lash he saved just over a hundred. A tragedy, but it could have also been a total loss.

However, there is even more confusion. The royal security forces had obtained the ships holo-recorder from the crash site. There had been no record of Master Lash boarding the refugee ship that left Coruscant. No video, no survivor account of his arrival. As far as anyone knew he simply appeared on the ship. That was cause for concern. Lash claimed to be a follower of the living Force. But when Jinn was next to him. He felt as if Lash wasn't even real? Jinn could feel the Force surround Lash in great numbers! But Lash himself felt hollow to Jinn.

Jinn could not deny that Lash was a powerful practitioner of the Force. Jinn had seen the transport vessels, and the hover tanks. He had seen Lash fight. He moved with such speed, lethality, and grace. Along with his armor. The security forces said Lash was a Mandalorian. But Jinn had met Mandalorian's before. Their armor didn't look like that. Yes, it was possible he was part of a certain group. But as far as Jinn knew. There was only one recorded Mandalorian Jedi in all of Jedi history and that was not Lash.

Jinn tried to calm his mind to listen to the Force. His feelings told him Lash was not who he said he was. But nor did the Force say that Lash was a threat. Almost as if the living Force was undecided on Lash. That had never happened before as far as Jinn knew. Jinn rubbed his face and decided to see what was taking Kenobi so long with the tea.

Jinn walked through the ship at a casual pace. He needed to exude calm for the crew. He greeted a few smiling faces, and eventually heard the shouts, and teasing voices of the crew. Jinn came into the galley and found an odd sight. Kenobi was currently balancing on one foot on top of a table. In each hand was a plate that had good balanced on it. On the other side of the table was Jar Jar Binks. Who also was on one foot, balancing plates with food.

Jinn marveled at his apprentice as he was perfectly still with only the most tiniest of movements. While Jar Jar was wobbling, tilting, and flailed his arms back and forth. But despite Jar Jar's movements he never lost the food on the plates, nor did he fall off the table. Jinn could feel the Force guiding, and helping Jar Jar. Jinn could feel the...Presence of Lash in the room? He had left his mark on Jar Jar.

Despite the odd circumstance the room was filled with laughter as the crew, and even the Queen watched in mild amusement as Jar Jar did his best to keep his balance. He nearly feel a dozen times in the first few minutes of Jinn's arrival. Kenobi glanced at him and gave him a mild mannered smile. Then balanced another plate of food on his head. A handmaiden did the same for Jar Jar who miraculously didn't let a single scrap of food fall.

“Mesah doing it! Mesah doing it!” Jar Jar kept shouting.

“With time, and practice Jar Jar you'll overcome your weaknesses and make them a strength.” Kenobi said. Jinn could only smile at his apprentice, well done.


(Jungle swamps of Naboo.)

Lash smiled as he received a 5 X experience prompt from Skill/Power/Spell Trainer the Superhuman Agility he implanted into Jar Jar for that brief moment he had strangled him. No, Lash didn't leave that to chance. Though he limited its ability to F+. Still even that much would dramatically improve Jar Jar's weakness. Nothing compared to a Jedi but once the ability topped out Jar Jar would be far better for it. Then with time confidence would help the poor gungan.

Lash was not alone in the jungle swamps several hundred people were traveling with him including the two handmaidens. It seemed most of the people with Lash rarely explored the swamps of Naboo preferring the rolling grass plains. Or river walks. A clear sign of their inexperience was the fact that people kept admiring some of the local floral, and fauna only to realize too late that the pretties of them were incredibly poisonous. Lash was currently extracting the poison from over a dozen resistance volunteer who's skin color went from healthy tanned to purple.

“Sorry Master Jedi.” One of the officers said as Lash cast area of effect Sooth. The toxins were pulled out in mass quantities and transformed into ambient magical energy. Energy that the midi-chlorians gobbled up.

“Lieutenant, call an all stop and rally. We'll break for the day and set up camp.” Lash said as he stood up from the recently poisoned resistance fighters.

“Where sir?” The lieutenant asked, as they looked around they were standing in a bog.

Lash knelt down and placed his hands on the ground. He used Elemental Manipulation, Entanglement, Fabrication, Alteration, Matter Transmutation, and Bending. To create a 500 ft by 500 ft squared piece of land made from pact earth, clay, and grass roots. A mild tremor was felt through the bog as the resistance watched in wonder as a camp space was made for them. Lash stood up, and watched the midi-chlorians rush the spell craft. But even after consumption the land mass stayed.

“There's the camp site.” Lash said, and the Lieutenant swallowed audibly.

“You heard Master Jedi Lash, form up and let's set up camp!” The lieutenant called and the resistance fighters cheered and moved to the only piece of dry land for miles.

“Yane?” Lash called out, and Yane came over.

“Yes?” Yane said.

“Can you work with the security forces and assign guard stations, and night patrols. Everyone needs sleep, but we have to be careful no matter the situation.” Lash asked, and Yane smiled at him.

“Of course!” Yane replied and climbed up onto the camp site. While Sache walked over to Lash a look of expectation on her face.

“Move from group to group. Even as resistance fighters people will form cliques. Get a feel for moral. How do they feel about asking the gugans for help.” Lash asked, and Sache bowed her head and moved to carry her orders out.

Yane was the medic, and administrator in the Queens handmaidens. She worked with the stall in the palace including the guards. Many of the royal guard that remained on Naboo knew who she was. She had a lot of training and practice in delegation. Asking her to set up the security for the camp made sense. Sache was the page, and spy master for the Queen. She was small, and most people overlooked her. This played to her advantage. A lot of people found her easy to talk to. She'd been trained that way.

Lash was intimidating even back in his home reality. That hadn't changed here. As far as Lash could understand because of his 'No Background' he was an anomaly here in this reality. This automatically made people suspicious of him. Because the living Force didn't know what to do with him. So since every living thing in this galaxy was tied to the living Force. The people he met were automatically miss trusting of who he was.

Add to the fact that he was 6'6” wearing a full medium tier exoskeleton suit of armor that imitated a daemonic reptilian creature. Lash scared people. Then add into his persona as a Mandalorian Jedi Master. Though he had never once told anyone he was a Jedi. He had confirmed he was a Mandalorian. He had realized to late that posing as one was a mistake. To late now.

Lash walked the edge of the camp site and looked out across the jungle. The trees towered above them by hundreds of feet. The jungles canopy kept them sheltered from flying patrols. They would hear vulture starships fly overhead from time to time. Normally in a jungle having access to a clear piece of land was unheard of. But the Naboo trees were large, and took up a lot of space. Which in turned choked the life out of the ground. The canopy was so thick that sunlight wouldn't reach the surface. Combine that with water and you have a bog.

Lash watched the midi-chlorians of the world interact with the world. Life and death. With birth and decay side by side. Lash would have to make sure to revert the camp site back to normal after they left. Not only so they wouldn't be followed. But just to ensure he didn't ruin the ecosystem here. Several native animals were surprised and curious to find something new in their home.

Lash moved to each corner of the dirt slab and created dirt, and stone towers approximately 20 ft high, with a 10 ft wide platform for the guards. Then created a 10 ft high wall, that was 1 ft thick, with a 4 ft rampart walking path. Stairs every 50 ft. Grass roots, leaves, and flower petals from a none toxic variety grew across the campsites exterior wall camouflaging it. In the direct center Lash made a 40 ft dirt, and stone watchtower, that had a 20 ft diameter with stairs leading to the top. All the while the resistance troops tried to act like they weren't watching the miracles of the Force happening before their eyes.

“There, that should be about it.” Lash said as he inspected his work.

Tents were being put up in neat orderly rows. Food was being prepared. Guards had already been selected for each corner watchtower, and the walls. While another troop with long range blaster rifles took the central watchtower. Visibility through the jungle was low. But Lash would rather have it and not need it. Then need it and not have it.

“I don't suppose you could make a refresher room?” A soldier asked softly not really intending for Lash to hear him.

“That's a good idea actually. The wild life are far more active at night. Don't want to lose people looking for some privacy.” Lash replied, and the soldier jumped in surprise when Lash patted him on the back.

Lash went to each cardinal direction in the camp. Then created a 10 ft tall, and 20 by 20 ft wide tower. He toilet stalls that were little more than holes in the ground. While also shower stalls. With a bit of spell script, and Elemental Manipulation clean all be it cold water came pouring up into a form of shower. By the time Lash had finished the last one, the first one was in service.

Once the sun began to fall darkness overtook the jungle floor rapidly. Much of the plant life glowed with bio-luminescent energy. Lash had designed the plant life around the camp site to do the same. Or rather he borrowed what was available. So the entire camp had soft ambient light no bigger than a candle. It was an odd sight. Peaceful even.

“Master Jedi, a tents been prepared for you.” An officer approached him and Lash nodded in acceptance.

“It's not much.” The officer said but Lash patted him on the back and accepted it.

It was little more than a single person tent just tall enough to let him walk into it. Wide enough for him to have a simple cot, and space to walk through. More than enough for Lash has he sat down on the cot and took a moment to breath. His energy levels were constantly refilling, but they were constantly being drained by the midi-chlorians. It was an odd sensation. Feeling the edge of exhaustion only to feel renewed within a few seconds. Then back to feeling the edge again.

“Master Jedi Lash?” Yane called to him outside his tent. He took a deep breath and stood up and stepped out.

“Please just call me Lash. That entire thing is a mouthful.” Lash said to her as he came out.

Yane aka Suyan Higin stood at approximately 5'4” with kind brown eyes, shoulder length brown hair that was tied back and kept free of her face. She had a svelte figure, with light skin. She wore a tailored made aesthetically pleasing travel set. Knee high leather boots. With a knee long woven blend green skirt. Woven blend wrap around earth tone coat, with billowing sleeves, and a high collar. With half black leather gloves. She also looked exhausted, and covered in gunk. She had tripped several times.

“I need to make you some gear.” Lash said softly, and Yane looked at him in surprise.

“Do you not like what I have on?” Yane asked, a smile tugged on her lips just a bit. Almost daring him to challenge the design. Lash could see a lot of work went into the design. But it was meant to look good, with partial functionality. Great for hiking! Not good for fighting a war.

“Can that stop a blaster bolt?” Lash said as he pointed at her coat. Her smile wilted as she shook her head, no.

“What did you need Yane” Lash asked, getting back on track.

“The guard duty has been set. Thank you for creating the barriers it made it far easier. Myself and Sache are both camped next to you if you need anything.” She said, pointing at a tent that was about the same size as his own but with two cots squeezed into it.

“There's fresh water in the refresher rooms I made. It's cold, but clean. The both of you may want to bathe. No offense meant, but it may be the last time any of us will have to be clean again.” Lash offered, and had to back pedal when she glared at him. But once he explained she accepted.

“Will you need anything else?” Yane asked.

“Link up with Sache, then get some food for yourselves, and get cleaned up. After that ensure the Lieutenant has eaten then come back to find me here. We need to have a sit down.” Lash asked, and Yane bowed so did Lash and she walked off.

Lash used Plant Control and was pleased to see that the midi-chlorians couldn't eat its energy given it was done through another means of control. Lash created a sit down area made from branches, leaves, and dirt. Though the dirt came from Elemental Control. He sat down in a plant crafted seat and closed his eyes in Meditation. It was only when he was like this that he felt energized. All of his abilities and achievements allowed for rapid energy recovery when he was resting.

“Master Jedi Lash?” Yane called out...

“What did I say before?” Lash replied as he opened his eyes to look at her.

“Lash... I've brought Sache, and...” Yane gestured towards a new arrival.

“Master Jedi, I am Gregar Typho I've been assigned as your military liaison. The lieutenant will be joining us shortly.” Gregar said with a salute.

Gregar Typho stood at approximately 6'1” with short black hair, brown eyes, and had a chocolate skin tone. He had an inverted triangle body figure. He filled out his security uniform very well. He had a blaster on his hip, and a knife in his boot. He stood at attention, and was brimming with enthusiasm. He tried to keep his face schooled but a smile continued to tug on his lips. He also looked vaguely familiar. Lash's augmented reality UI scanned him and his tech-spirits fed him Gregar's file.

“You are Captain Panaka's nephew.” Lash said to him.

“Yes sir!” Gregar replied.

“Please take a seat all of you. We'll wait for the lieutenant.” Lash said, and the chairs grew from the ground around him.

Yane, and Sache moved to sit in the offered chairs in an elegant and practiced manner. They both looked better. Fed, and cleaned. Though their clothing also needed a good washing. Sache wore much the same as Yane did. Lash noticed that Sache kept glancing at Yane, and when Yane looked at her Sache would pretend to have her attention on something else. Interesting. Gregar took the offered seat and marveled at its construction.

The Lieutenant Kras Thir was a human male. That stood at approximately 5'11” with high and tight brown hair, with gray mixed in. He was an older man, but still full of life. He had green eyes, and fair skin. Along with an athletic figure. He was the royal security training instructor. Lash noticed that the man was a far better teacher, than leader. But the security, soldier, and resistance fighters all liked him. They could work with that. He was in full uniform, very similar to Captain Panaka. Black leather boots, blue undertone cloth, with leather jerkin, gloves, officers hat, utility belt, and blaster.

“Master Jed-” Lieutenant Kras began but Lash interrupted him.

“I'm all for customs and courtesies but we've all had a long day. Just call me Lash. We'll worry about titles when we meet with the gungans, alright?” Lash said as he looked at everyone around the sitting area.

“Very good sir!” Gregar said as he stood up to salute the Lieutenant who smiled at him, and took the offered plant seat that Lash made.

Lash reached up and pressed a finger along his collar. His helmet/mask made a hissing noise and collapsed in on itself and folded into his suit. The group made a collected gasp. Lash had pale skin, with yellow green reptilian eyes. He had human skin, with snake scales along his jaw, and nose ridge. He was bald with a spec of hair. But his scalp was covered in tribal tattoo marks depicting each of his domains. The polymer weave of his under suite had a high collar for a vacuum seal. So they couldn't see his neck.

“I'm sure you've all heard the stories that Mandalorians do not remove their helmets unless in private or with family. This is normally true. But there are many creeds, beliefs, sects, etc that have different traditions. I'm exposing my face to all of you because it is a sign of trust. Don't expect me to walk around camp without it on.” Lash provided the reason for his removal.

“Thank you for your trust Master Jedi.” Gregar said with a brilliant smile. The rest of them agreed.

“Lady Sache how is the resistance moral?” Lash asked the handmaiden who was still staring at his face. Yane prodded her with her elbow and Sache jumped. A mild blush rushed through her cheeks before she composed herself.

“Moral is high, especially after you made the camp site. Several of the resistance volunteers believe we don't need the gungans help. But many of the more experience officers understand the need to at least try.” Sache replied as she sat up straight trying to focus.

“That's right.” Kras continued the line of thinking. “Even if they do not commit any troops. Permission to travel through their swamps, and water tunnels would be a great boon to us. Even we don't have a map for the extensive tunnel systems the gungans use.” Kras finished.

“Why wouldn't they join the resistance?” Gregar asked, though he had raised his hand and waited to be called on first.

“From what I understand the people of Naboo think the gungans are barbarians. The gungans think the people of Naboo are pompous, narcissistic, bigots.” Lash replied in a dry tone.

There was an awkward silence as Gregar processed his words. Neither Kras, Yane, or Sache had any follow up with Lash's words. “However, the farming and cultivation communities of Naboo have an open rapport the gungans. So it is not all of Naboo, just the ones who live in the big cities.”

“If the gungans don't agree to help, and don't let us use their land. What will we do?” Sache asked, getting the conversation back on track.

“We'll work around them. We can't force the issue otherwise we'll be fighting a war on two fronts. A bit of good news. The Queens royal starship made it past the blockade.” Lash said, and the somber atmosphere was lifted with smiles all around.

“How long will it take for the republic to dispatch and army to free us?” Gregar asked Lash.

“That depends...” Lash replied and sat back in thought. “If they go the traditional route? Several months. If they find a work around, a few weeks.”

“Why so long?” Kras asked, clearly surprised by the answer.

“The Trade Federation has a lot of money. They can grease the wheels as it were. Line the pockets of officials. They'll demand an inquiry to validate the 'claims' of the Queen. The bureaucrats will drag their feet. Taking twice, or even three times the amount of time to do anything. Then once they arrive. There is a good chance the inquisitor will be a corrupt official that will talk to the Viceroy then return to the senate and declare nothing was wrong. Which would require another senate hearing about the Queen's claims....” Lash said and just rubbed his face in annoyance.

“And the work around?” Yane asked.

“Queen Amidala could declare a vote of no confidence in the supreme chancellor. The hundreds of senators who are already upset about the system would most likely vote him out of power. At which point they would have to declare a new chancellor. Several senators would elected, most likely including senator Papaltine due to a sympathy of the situation. Also Papaltine is a good senator. At which point he is voted in. Then the supreme chancellor Papaltine would cut through the bureaucracy and send a fleet. And that is if...IF everything went to plan.” Lash replied, an odd errant breeze rolled through the camp just as he finished speaking.

“That... Is oddly specific Lash.” Sache said to him she processed his words.

“I've heard that there are Jedi who are so in tuned with the Force that they can predict the future...” Gregar said softly. Lash shrugged his shoulders giving a none committal reply.

“Well, let's talk about deployment options for if the gugans say yes. Then discuss options if they say no.” Lash said next, and the meeting continued.

So they spoke at length at ideas, deployments, locations of supplies. Hope for the best, plan for the worst. After a few hours Lash called the meeting complete. They all needed rest. Lash replaced his helmet then made one last patrol of the entire camp before he came to find himself at his tent. Though he used Meditation instead of actually sleeping. Two hours before morning Lash snapped his eyes open as he heard the unmistakable sound of a STAP.

A STAP aka Single Trooper Aerial Platform looked like a pogo stick, and a air scooter had a child together. While that child was on steroids. It stood at approximately 9 ft in length with a curved fin like appearance. Twin engines drive turbines allowed its ability to float, and travel at high speeds of 250 mph (400 kph) At the top of the STAP was two blaster cannons. A single B1-Battle Droid could ride the STAP. In fact the STAP were designed for droids. They made excellent patrol, and scout vessels for ground assaults.

Lash jumped from tent and sprinted towards the central watchtower. He jumped up to the roof surprising the hell out of the guards stationed there. Lash focused his hearing towards the sound. Then he jumped down after he informed the guards what the sound was. They very quickly, and quietly roused the camp as Lash sprinted through the camp and jumped over the wall.

With Superhuman Speed, Acceleration, Cat's Grace, Nature's Passage, and Chameleon Lash not only zipped through the bog almost as fast as a STAP but he was nearly invisible. Though moving at high speeds makes the blur of camo easier to spot. It would hide him from sensors. Lash jumped over tree roots, and ran across water with Water Walk. Then he came to a stop as he saw several trees get knocked over by the MTT's

Multi-Troop Transport, these lumbering transports hovered a few feet off the ground and moved at a healthy clip of 20 mph (31 kph). They barreled through the jungle like giant mechanical elephants. They were approximately 118 ft (36 meters) long, and 34 ft (10.50 meters) high. The transport was broad-shouldered, heavy, and snub nosed. It had antipersonnel twin blasters on its front. A collection of close range sensors. It would have to stop to unload its troops. A mechanical crane would extend from the cargo bay and deploy approximately 112 standard battle droids. While the transport also carried weapons, ammunition, and even scrapper repair bots.

At the very least two dozen of these MTT's were stumbling through the jungle. Animals of all walk of life fled through the forest. Lash used Beast Speak and informed them all to head towards a direction, and clear the area he'll handle the intruders. Several canine creatures with bristles down their back to his side and roared at the battle droids that were traveling behind the MTT's.

Lash jumped forward and slammed his fist into one of the MTT's with the use of Telekinesis, and Superhuman Strength he collapsed the front half of the transport stopping dead in its tracks. He sliced his left hand up through the air and bisected another transport with a Telekinetic Cut. The canine creatures roared and joined the fray as they attacked the battle droids.

Lash created dozens of Destruction Rune – Eldritch Blast circles. Each circle created a burst of light that tracked down the STAP's and incinerated them. Then Lash jumped forward and swung his leg around into an axe kick and crushed another transport. The few remaining transports stopped and began to deploy their troops. Lash informed his tech-spirits to disrupt their communications back to the main link. It would be hours before their command knew what happened.

Just as one of the transports mechanical cranes were deployed and the battle droids began to activate a hail of energy blasters came from the direction of the camp. The resistance had arrived. A soldier fired a ion grenade launcher straight at a transport mid way through deployment and the whole thing shut down, droids included. After ten more minutes of intense battle they obtained another victory....


Gregar helped the resistance fighters distribute the weapons they seized from the Federation battle droids. More than a few STAPs were still operational and the resistance fighters were practicing flying them around. The attack had been unexpected but just what they all needed first thing in the morning. A victory! No one had died, the only injuries had been several bog ninyaks who had oddly helped with the attack. Master Jedi Lash was currently looking the bog ninyaks over. He used the Force to heal some of their wounds. Gregar could help but stare at the sight of bone mending, and flesh regrowing. He wasn't the only one either.

The largest ninyak licked Lash's face plate then the pack ran off into the swamp. Master Lash chuckled and moved to help with the supplies but he was pulled aside by Sache the handmaiden and led back to the camp. Breakfast was being cooked and a lot of the resistance fighters said they never saw Master Lash eat the night before.

Did Jedi's need to eat? Gregar stopped to think about that. But he pushed it from his mind and continued his work. After an hour they had collected their loot and moved back to camp. The tents had been broken down by the reserve force but breakfast was still in full swing. Eventually however it was time to leave and they all watched as the camp site was turned back into a bog. Just like that a serviceable outpost was erased.

The resistance fighters were spread out in teams of ten. They moved in the direction Master Lash provided and soon they stumbled out of the bog onto what could only be described as a stone ruin. Giant stone faces looked back at them covered in moss. Cracked pathways, and fallen pillars of stone. The statues were both human, and gungan. Hundreds of years ago this had been a trade city. Forgotten to time.

Master Lash spent several minutes running his hands over the statues, and the ruins themselves. Like he was looking for something. I think it surprised everyone when he pushed a tile mosaic on a wall and a secret passage appeared. He ordered the resistance to set up around the ruins while the handmaidens and Gregar himself was tasked to follow Master Lash into the tunnel.

“What is this place?” Gregar asked, as he turned on his flash light and looked around the room they had found under the ruins.

“It's a Force temple.” Master Lash replied, Gregar's eyes went wide. There was a Force temple on Naboo?


Lash looked around the hidden room with a smile on his face. His visor highlighted ancient script that preceded the early human colonists, and even the gungan language. The room itself was approximately 50 ft (15 m) tall, and 500 ft (152 m) wide wall to wall. This had to be a pain to build. The ground around the ruin was a bog. But despite all that the space was dry.

Great stone pillars held the ceiling up. Each one was hand carved using the Force. Lash could see the residue of the energy through Magical Perception, and Retrocognition. It looked like a speaking hall. At the end of the room was a dais for someone to speak. Along the floor were rows of sitting stones. Maybe a lesson room? A aura of serenity and peace rippled in the room itself.

“This is before the colonist effort. Which is odd because the ruins above are an ancient trade depot between the gungans and people of Naboo. Which means the depot was built with the presence of the temple being hidden? Maybe only a few knew of its existence.” Lash said as he inspected an inscription on the wall.

“This works to our advantage. The lake next to the ruin is the very lake that contains a gungan town. We'll set up here for now. Hopefully the gungans will say yes, if they do we can make this one of our camps.” Lash suggested.

“When do we leave for the village?” Yane asked, admiring a statue.

“Right now.” Lash said and started to walk towards the exit.

Yane made a soft 'awww' she clearly wanted to stay. Sache came to her side and prodded her. Yane rolled her eyes and followed after Lash. Gregar took up the rear as he took one last look over the temple. They came back up to the surface while Lash spoke to Kras about setting up a temporary position here. At least until they get a confirmation from the gungans. A scouting team was organized as the borrowed STAP's started to fly around the ruins in random patterns.

“Alright you three lets head out.” Lash called to them and they set out towards the lake.

After an hour of walking the reached the lake. It was eerily quiet, and calm across the waters. No tide, no ripples, just placid. Tall grass surrounded the edge of the lake with thick tree branches up top. The lake looked more like a large pond than anything. But it's depths were far reaching. According to the hunters, and farmers they had spoke to. The village and/or outpost was a few hundred gungans. However they had transports that traveled to and fro to Otoh Gunga the gungan capital they wanted to get to. Rugor Nass the gungan boss lived in that city.

“I assume you all know how to swim, right?” Lash asked them and all three of them nodded. Lash 'reached' into his utility belt and pulled out fabricated re-breathers for each of them. Then he did something odd.

“What's this for?” Sache asked, as Lash tied a line to her, Yane, and Gregar.

“You'll understand once we get in.” Lash said with a chuckle.

One by one they stepped into the cold water of the lake. Tied together they eventually submerged. Lash could see perfectly even without his visor. But he knew the rest of them could barely see. He gently tugged on the line and they gradually moved to his position. Due to Lash's time with Arthur, and Mera while they quested for the trident of Atlan. Lash had earned the ability to propel himself through water. Which he did now, he carefully wrapped the three in a Telekinetic bubble and pulled them along.

What should have taken close to thirty minutes to swim happened in less than five. They passed an assortment of creatures but nothing large enough to threaten them. The gungan village was indeed within the lake. Its design was interesting to say the least. It had bubble like buildings that reminded Lash of fish eggs. They were amber in color. The bubbles were made up of a 'hydrostatic' force field. It reminded Lash of Atlantis. The bubbles were very durable, but at selected locations one would find circled archways that acted as entry ways. If one pressed against the fields at these locations they could pass through.

They did just that. The static field left the four them mostly dry, if not a little wet. The inside of the bubbles had an organic look to the floor, lights above, and rooms. Obviously they were made of metal, but the design was there. Private rooms were far more cloudy and hard to see in. At the center of each bubble were plasma generators. These generators collected, and harvested the naturally occurring element on Naboo. One of the reasons an outpost was here was because there was a plasma vent at this location. Plasma was one of Naboo's main exports.

The village had several large hydrostatic bubbles, surrounded by several smaller. Each primary bubble was a hub for communities. They had connecting tunnels, but the gungans being amphibians didn't mind taking a dip in the water to travel to other parts of the village. Several gungans had looked towards the entry in surprise, and shock at the new arrivals. Several armed guards riding on Kaadus approached them rapidly.

The kaadu was a two-legged reptavian (Bird and Reptile) that had great strength and endurance. They were swift and agile creatures that possessed sharp hearing and a keen sense of smell. They had long legs and sleek hides that helped them move swiftly on land and in water. The kaadu were primarily land-dwellers, but they were also capable of breathing underwater for extended periods of time.

“You there! Stopa there!” A gungan guard called out.

“Respectful greetings unto you proud gungans. I am the Mandalorian known as Lash. With me are the handmaidens of the Queen of Naboo, Lady Yane, and Lady Sache. With us also is the royal security officer Gregar Typho. We understand we are intruding but we request diplomatic travel through your water tunnels to speak to Govenor Rugor Nass.” Lash said as he placed a fist over his heart, bowed from his waist in respect. He also used Compulsion to encourage the idea.

The gungan guard rubbed his head as if he had been smacked in the face. Lash had to use three times the energy thanks to the midi-chloirans eating the energy. Looks like he used to much this time. The poor gungan was struck dumb.

“Ya...ya... transport...ya...” Then the guard fall off his mount unconscious with a resounding slam. Happily enough Lash's words were heard by everyone in the room. Out of the thirty, only six passed out.

They were given the best transport available a large vessel capable of carrying thirty people. It had the driver, two guards, and the four of them. The transport reminded Lash of a crab, with squid tentacles coming out the back. The tentacles rotated clockwise and propelled the transport through the water. The entire vessel was vibrant in color. It literally glowed, and sent a almost kaleidoscope color flash through the water. This apparently did two things to the local fauna. To a majority of the creatures it would hypnotize them into absolute stillness. They couldn't handle the colors. The other larger, more aware creatures avoided the transport like the plague. There was one type of creature that looked like that and it was a giant jelly fish that was the most poisonous thing on Naboo.

So nothing bothered them as they went through several mile long aquatic tunnels on their way to Otoh Gunga to see Rugor Nass. Lash was currently looking over his Master Map ability. It was copying the entire layout of the tunnel as they moved in explicit detail. Behind him was Yane, Sache, and Gregar who clearly wanted to ask him a question, but weren't sure how to ask. So Lash turned around and looked at them.

“One of the powers of the any Force user is Telepathy Manipulation. In other words we can convince others to do things.” Lash said softly so the driver, and the guards wouldn't hear.

“I don't like doing it. I personally believe it's brainwashing. It takes away free will. I abhor slavery of any kind. I understand the necessity for droids but you will never catch me miss treating a droid. Because I don't like using Telepathy Manipulation. I am out of practice. Unfortunately for other Force users this means that their specific target brushes off the effect. For me, anyone in front of me has their will over ridden. Which is why I stepped out in front of you all when we arrived.” Lash said, and spun an elaborate lie then and there, Acting got experience.

“Thank you Master Lash that explains it. I agree as well about slavery, its a disgusting trade” Gregar said and smiled at him. Accepting the lie as it was a fact.

“Why don't you call yourself a Jedi? Not once since we've met you have you called yourself that. When others call you it, you neither confirm nor deny the title.” Sache asked, pointing out a glaring oversight.

“Officially I'm not. I left the Jedi council when I was still a padawan and joined my master in exile. I have all the training necessary to be one. But I do not call myself as such out of respect for the Jedi who have earned the title of Knight and ranks above. I wont dismiss being called one. But I will never claim that title openly unless I absolutely have to.” Lash replied, again telling a bold face lie.

“I thought all Force users were Jedi, and that they worked for the Council.” Gregar asked, stunned at the news.

“Goodness no. A majority of the Force users are Jedi, and do work for the Council, that is true. But there are hundreds of pockets of Force users spread throughout the galaxy. All of them learning the ways of the Force. It's a little fact that the Jedi Council tries to hide from the public. For example, the Jedi Council believe that the Sith have been extinct for over a thousand years. This is absolutely not true. Cults that follow the Sith teachings are spread out across the galaxy, and in the wild sector. Additionally the puppet master behind the Trade Federation is Darth Sidious a dark side Force user, and a Sith Lord.” Lash said as he educated his companions on political structure of the Force.

“What side are you?” Yane asked, Sache and Gregar balked at her. They weren't sure they wanted to know the answer.

“I follow the living Force. I use both the light, and dark side of the Force to complete what ever task it sends my way.” Lash replied in a simple tone as if he was talking about the weather.

“Thank you Lash for trusting us. You didn't have to explain yourself. But it makes me feel a lot better now that I am following you.” Yane replied with a smile shared by Sache, and Gregar.

“Agreed, thank you.” Sache said next. “Me too.” Gregar was last, though he had a bright smile.


Other than size the gungan capital of Otoh Gunga wasn't much different from the village they were just at. It was in one of the largest natural lakes on the planet of Naboo. It had hundreds of aquatic tunnels that one could take to get to nearly anyplace on the planet. Lash believed the people of Naboo would feel a little nervous knowing that if the gungans wanted to go to war. The people of Naboo's cities would never see them coming.

The transport vessel docked at one of the larger bubbles and the four of them were taken through the city proper towards the council chambers of the chieftains, councilors, and governor. Though they had to wait an hour in the antechamber. The power play was completely pointless as Lash and his team could literally see through the walls and see that the council appeared to be taking a nap.

The gungans cyber security was laughable. Lash used one of his tech-spirits, and Connectivity and in less than thirty minutes Lash had all of the design schematics, and blue prints saved. He converted them to the Dream Store for 100 DP.

Attention User! You've acquired gungan science, engineering, and medicine for 100 DP.

Note: Gungan history, language, culture, art, etc has also been obtained.

Thanks to Science Intuition Lash had learned how to make a organic shield generator for when they place the planetary shield around Gaia's moon. It would allow people to pass through it just like the hydrostatic shield the gungans use. Or they could make the shield impenetrable except for designated zones. So nice little bonus.

Eventually they were shown into the council chambers. Just as before Lash stepped forward ahead of the other three. Understanding what he was doing this time they didn't make any more to join him. However, this time Lash took a knee and bowed his head towards Rugor Nass who raised a brow at him and smiled.

Rugor Nass was a Gungan male who served as the Boss of the Gungan people. He stood at approximately 6'5” (2 m) with frog green skin, yellow beady eyes, and heavy set figure. He had fat tissue across his body. Despite the appearance he had an almost jolly appearance that made Lash smile. Rugor's long ears were tied back behind his head with a golden band. Rugor wore the state official garb of his station. A deep earth tone robe, with intricate gold embroidery down the middle. A golden neck piece that disappeared into the folds of his fat. He had scaled leather shoulder guards, a prominent green scaled hat that pointed up. He wore no shoes, or gloves and sat on a pillow and/or a throne in the middle of the room.

The room itself was another bubble. Secured with several additional hydrostatic shield generators due to the importance of the people within. The sitting officials sat in a half moon crescent around the room. All of them wore similar garb as Rugor, though they were lean and fit. Each one eyed the Naboo people behind Lash. But when they glanced at him they smiled slightly.

“Whosa this?” Rugor asked.

“Respectful greetings unto you wise and honorable Gungans. I am the Mandalorian known as Lash. With me are the handmaidens of the Queen of Naboo, Lady Yane, and Lady Sache. With us also is the royal security officer Gregar Typho. I do apologize for interrupting your daily lives and thank you for taking the time to grace me with the privilege of your wisdom.” Lash said, and laid it down pretty thick. But every time he complimented the gungans he saw that they enjoyed it. They sat up straighter, and sneered at the Naboo people behind Lash.

“Ntch Ntch Ntch.” Rugor made several clicking noises with his mouth. “Mesa like you.” Rugor said. “Ntch, Ntch. Whatcha doin here?”

“As I am sure the proud Gungan people are aware. A mechanical army has arrived on the planets surface and is waging war with the people of Naboo. The Queen has sought help from the galactic republic but it may take weeks or even months before she returns. I've been tasked with helping the resistance fight off the mechanical army until their return.” Lash said, took a moment to collect his thoughts then spoke again.

“I request the aid of the great and powerful Gungans. I understand that the Gungans dislike the snobbish, pompous, spoiled soft skins of the surface. But the mechanical army will eventually discover the Gungan people, and their cities. If we join forces now, we can put up a fierce resistance. However, I understand if the valiant warriors can not be expected to fight side by side with the snobbish Nabooians. If that is the decision of the great Gungans then I humbly request that we have access to the lands around your lakes, rivers, and swamps. This way we won't have to fight on two fronts.” Lash said, and finished his piece.

Lash waited for a moment with his head bowed. Then when enough time had passed he tilted his head up and looked around. The entire room was frozen? No that was not right, everyone was breathing they almost had a glazed look on their faces. With Sensory Awareness active Lash could see the same glazed look on Yane, Sashe, and Gregar. Lash carefully looked around the room. Then he quickly flipped through Magical Perception until he found a swarm of midi-chlorians had rushed into the room.

It almost looked like puppet master strings had bound the council chamber. They had stopped Rugor from responding. Nay from anyone from moving! Then Lash felt it. Felt the 4th wall engine at work. But it didn't effect him. No, it affected everyone else. The 4th wall engine was trying to auto correct the story. Rugor was on the verge of saying yes. But if Lash followed the story line that wouldn't happen until Padme came back. Fuck! The 4th wall was trying to ruin his plans!

Lash stood up and slammed his palms together into a clap. He used his long lost friend Nullification when it last evolved he had some control over it. His energy level went from 100% to 5% in half a second. Every meddling midi-chlorian in the room was pushed out of the room. Yes people are made up of midi-chlorians but they remained. Lash didn't kill anyone. He did collapse back to his knees.

“Ntch! Ntch! Ntch! Mesah not let da Gungans fight the Nabooian's war. But mesah let them travel the surface. Wesa not fight them, asa long asa dey not fight us.” Rugor replied, and rubbed his face.

“Begon with you! Mesa tired.” Rugor said.

“Of course great and wise Boss of the Gungans. Thank you for your benevolence.” Lash replied as he ground his molars.

“Ntch, Ntch, Ntch. If yousa ever need a place to stay. Yousa welcome, Mado Lash.” Rugor said with a smile. Well that was something.

Lash took his time to bow to each individual councilor in the room, and even thanked the guards as he left. Each one appreciated the effort and smiled at him in return. They all glanced at the three Nabooians and seem to say. 'See this is how you should treat us.' Lash played to their pride, and ego. The gungans were truly intelligent. If they had a few thousand years of uninterrupted evolution they would have been the prominent species on the planet and developed their own FTL. Lash had no doubt about that. But the colonist showed up and shot that plan all to hell.

The four of them took the transport back to the first village, the driver offered to take the transport to the surface and they took him up on it. They soon arrived back at the trade depot ruin and the resistance was waiting for them. It was clear from Lash's oppressive force that the meeting didn't go well. He excused himself and let Yane, Sashe, and Gregar tell Lieutenant Kras about the results. While Lash went into the Force temple to clear his thoughts.

“Dawn...What was that all about?” Lash asked softly as he sat in Meditation.

“As I said before, User. You are not affected by the 4th wall engine. That doesn't mean the rest of the world isn't. Depending on the reality you visit it will either be gentle and persuasive or be a force of absolute compulsion. This reality is guided by the living Force. You are altering the tapestry of its design.” Dawn's sweet voice spoke into his ear.

“So even with 'No Background' I am still controlled by it?” Lash asked infuriated about it.

“Oh no User! You have already dramatically altered the story line. You do not have a filter. You have said so much, and done so much that will forever alter the timeline. Just understand that when you do something against the pre organized story the Living Force and/or the 4th wall engine will fight you along the way.” Dawn replied.

“So it's the difference between a slow sign, and a stop sign.” Lash replied, and chuckled.

That had happened in the MCU Rift. More than once the 4th wall engine had completely stopped him from moving, speaking, or changing plans. Yes, he still had a lot of freedom. The overall story was very different. But the destination was the same. That was him with a background. No background and Lash has the Living Force eating up his energy. He has the Living Force manipulating the people around him when he steps of script. But it can't stop him.

'Yane, Sache when you are done can you join me in the Force Temple.' -Lash sent a Telepathic message and the audible yelp he heard up the stairs let him know they got the message. Less than an hour later they both came down the stairs.

Lash was currently sitting on the dais overlooking the lesson hall. Yane, and Sache walked towards him the smooth elegance of trained handmaiden and bodyguard. They came to a stop at the foot of the steps and took a seat at Lash's gesture. They waited for a few minutes before Lash spoke to them.

“Tell me, would either of you like to become Force Users?” Lash said and he knew he hit a speed pump when the midi-chlorians in the room went stock still....


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