
***Rift. Star Wars.***

(Planet of Tatooine, Mos Espa)

Mos Espa was a spaceport settlement located on the desert world of Tatooine. The settlement, which was controlled by the Hutt Clan, included a number of commercial and workspace settings, as well as entertainment establishments such as the Mos Espa Grand Arena. It was on the outskirts of the settlement that the Queens royal startship had landed. Qui-Gonn Jinn, R2-D2, Jar Jar, and the 'handmaiden' Padme traveled across the sands towards the settlement. Master Jinn spent time informing the handmaiden about living in the outer rim.

As they traveled Jinn was looking, searching... For a young human boy, blond, blue eyes, maybe ten years old. He wasn't sure how, or why Master Lash knew how it would happen. But Jinn was sure that the living Force was guiding their actions now. The four of them traveled to one of the smaller junk dealers to find Watto the male Toydarian.

Toydarians were a sentient, winged species from the planet Toydaria. In addition to their ability to fly, Toydarians were physically defined by their long trunk like snouts and webbed feet, and could resist mental manipulation from the Force. Watto had 4'4” (1.3 m) tall with blue skin, vibrant orange eyes, and wore a leather jerkin, and pants. With a data pad pack on his side. Jinn and Watto spoke at length about the need for a Nabooian hyperspace engine. But the moment Watto's servant and slave walked in Jinn focused on him. The slave was a young human boy maybe ten years old with blue eyes, blond shaggy hair.

“Don't mind him. He's one of my workers.” Watto said, and tried to get Jinn's attention. “By the way before we go any further how are you going to pay for any of this?” Watto asked Jinn as he fluttered about the store.

“I have 20,000 republic dataries.” Jinn replied, but he continued to glance at the servant boy as he spoke to the handmaiden Padme.

“Republic credits? That won't work out here I need something more real.” Watto replied and noticed how Jinn kept glancing at his worker. “He's not for sale.” Watto said and Jinn snapped his focus back at to him.

“I'm sure republic credits will be fine.” Jinn said and made a hand gesture calling of the Force to help compel the slaver.

“No, it wont.” Watto replied.

“Republic credits will be fine.” Jinn tried again.

“No, it wont. What you think you are, a Jedi? Waving your hand around like that. I'm a Toydarian mind tricks don't work on me! No money, no parts! And I guarantee that I am the only one in Mos Espa with parts for a Nabooian ship.” Watto said as he crossed his arms and sneered at Jinn.

Jinn took a moment to consider his options then smiled at Watto and turned to leave. He took one more glance at the child. Then gathered his companions. Turned out what Watto said was true, they spent the rest of the day checking the other shops. No one else had Nabooian parts, it would be cheaper to buy a new ship. Just as they were about to head back to the ship to rethink their approach. Jar Jar got his hand, or rather his tongue caught in the cookie jar by trying to eat a food stand stock without paying.

Jar Jar in his wisdom not to swallow let go of his catch with his tongue and spit it out. Which resulted in it splashing across another native and his group. However when the ring leader jumped to attack Jar Jar the gungan in a surprising move of agility jumped, and dodged out of the way. Jinn blinked at Jar Jar in confusion and a smile tugged on his lips. Training with Kenobi had paid off earlier then expected.

“Leave them alone slimo!” A young boy's voice called out. The ring leader who's species name was called Dug sneered at the boy.

“This doesn't concern you, slave!” The dug called out but glanced at Jinn and retreated.

“Your friend picked a fight with a dug, a particular nasty dug named Sebulba.” The young boy who was the slave of Watto said.

“Thank you for your assistance.” Jinn smiled at the young boy.

“Of course, did you find your missing part?” The young boy asked.

“We didn't, it seems Watto was correct.” Jinn replied.

“There are a few private dealers that only the natives know about, I could show you if you like?” The young boy said.

“That would be most appreciated, I'm Qui-Gon Jinn.” Jinn introduced himself with a bow.

“Anakin Skywalker, pleased to meet you!” Anakin said, and smiled at Jinn. But he also glanced at Padme who he had spoken to earlier. She smiled back at him.

Jinn had found the boy that Lash had spoken about. Jinn could feel the Living Force surround Anikan. An opportunity presented itself just as it always did. Anikan led them around to the private dealers but unfortunately they also didn't have the part. They were about to leave for their ship only for a sandstorm to arrive. Tatooine being a desert planet was prone to some of the most brutal storms. Sand storms could grow so large, and move so fast they could strip the flesh off of people within moments if they were not careful. Anakin offered to lead them to his home for the night.

Upon arrival in Anakin's home they met his mother Shmi. Who was warm, and welcoming despite the fact they were strangers.The accommodations were modest but more than satisfactory. After a simple meal that night they all retired to their granted space to sleep. Jinn used the time at night to meditate and calm his mind to listen to the Force. Where was his path after this? Nothing aboard the Queen's ship would be of useful in their situation. Unless they wanted to sell the ship.

'Buy him...' Jinn jumped to his feet in the small room given to him. He pulled his lightsaber out and looked around. What little light provided by his saber gave him no comfort. The voice, it had been Lash's. Then on the cot Jinn had been given, a vortex of green and blue energy coalescent. Thousands of peggat's materialized, the currency used on Tatooine by the Hutt's.

'Buy him, his mother, and the part you need.' Jinn once more heard Lash's voice and slowly put his lightsaber away. He turned the rooms light on and what he had seen had not been an illusion. Thousands of peggat's lay on his cot. More than enough for what they needed. Jinn had heard stories of Jedi masters capable of sending objects through the Force. But he had never seen it himself.

The very next day Anikan, and Shmi Skywalker were given an unexpected, yet delightful surprise when they were not only freed. But taken away from Tatooine by the very people they had helped. Thanks to the medical services aboard the Queen's royal starship Jinn, and Kenobi soon learned about Anikan, more specifically about his 20,000 midi-chlorian count. How Anikan had no father according to Shmi his mother. She carried him, gave birth to him, but was never with a man.

Qui-Gon Jinn had always been a follower of the Living Force. Part of following this path was reading, and memorizing the ancient prophecies of the Force. How one day a child would be born, and conceived by the Force itself. Jinn believed he had found that child. But time would tell if that were true. For now they sped as quickly to Coruscant as possible. Then Jinn promised he would return to Naboo to speak to Lash on how he knew so much.


(Tatooine, Watto's Junkshop)

Watto was having a very good day. One of the best he's had in years. Though he did look around his little shop and feel a little bit lonely now that Anikan was gone. He would miss the boy. But profit, was profit! He had made away like a Hutt by that foolish offworlder. Ding! Ding! His shop bell sounded off. Watto called out for... Oh right he's gone. Watto shook of his melancholy and flutter to the front room.

“Welcome! Welcome to Watto's Junkshop! We-Eeeeh!” Watto said, then abruptly was pushed against a wall by an invisible force. A red energy blade an inch from his neck. A man dressed in black garb, and a look of fury on his face.

“WHERE ARE THEY!?” The man screamed at him.

“I-I... who!?” Watto asked, his body petrified in terror.

The earsplitting wail of an energy blade passing through flesh, bone, and stone sounded out as the two parts of Watto fell to the floor. Then the man dressed in black roared in fury as he destroyed the shop, and everything in it. No! Nooo! He had failed! No, he didn't fail! This was their fault, not his! Not a soul could be found outside of Watto's shop. No living soul that is, as the dark figure known as Darth Maul left a wake of destruction and death as he moved through Mos Espa. He had missed them by a single day.

“Master will not be pleased...” Darth Maul said with a snarl and made his way back to his ship...


(Naboo, The Force Temple.)

Lash finished using Cosmic Awareness, and Message. Though he had spent some DP to send the money it expedited the whole process on Tatooine. Now Anikan, and his mother both were off planet and traveling to Coruscant. Anikan's mothers fate had play a large role in Anikan's downfall. Hopefully this time she would have a better story. Or, Anikan would be that much easier to manipulate. Who knew anymore. With every action taken the butterfly effect would change the story into something else entirely.

It had been a few days since his meeting with Rugor Nass. Where he had offered to change Yane, and Sache into Force Users. Both had taken him up on the offer. That was when Lash used Source Code and did what he had done in the MCU Rift with the Avengers. He had granted Yane, and Sache Superhuman Strength, Speed, Durability, Agility, Reflexes, Stamina, Regeneration, Healing, Intellect, Senses, and Age Reduction. Then used Re:Implant to install a bio-mechanical implant to help them slowly adapt to their changes.

That was when Lash learned something interesting. When he made the changes in them. The midi-chlorians who had bonded with them since their conception grew in size, and number. Most of the resistance fighters Lash knew in the camp had anywhere between 2,000 – 3,000 midi-chlorians. When they reached a threshold of 5,000 midi's. That was when the Force took an active interest in them. Lash also learned that the midi's inside of their hosts stop multiplying after reaching the threshold. Any excess energy absorbed was to make the existing midi's stronger. Or they simply flushed it from their host's system.

Yane, and Sache were both now in the 8,000 midi count range. On top of being optimized. Lash watched in mild amusement as they both jumped through an obstacle Lash had made on the fly like children playing on a jungle gym. They had adapted to the changes in their bodies quickly. When the resistance saw the the Queen's handmaidens had clearly obtained the power of the Force it was seen as a sign.

The resistance base was coming along. Scavenged supplies had been acquired from raided TF camps (Trade Federation). Lash had built an underground shooting range for the resistance fighters. Not many of them had any practice fighting droids. Lash built a simple holographic emitter that created targets for them. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. The issue they were having now was the need for aircraft.

They had obtained several land speeders, STAPS, Heavy-STAPS. Land transports that were being retrofitted for combat. But no real space force. The TF droid control ships in orbit were mobile factories. They could pump battle droids out faster than the resistance could put them down. They needed to get back to the capital of Theed and acquire the N-1 Naboo starfighters that had been left there. But Theed was completely under TF's control now.

Lash could technically just make one. But he was trying to downplay what he could do, and what he could not do. Which now that he thought about it was rather silly. He had done many outrageous things already. However, everything he had done could technically be traced back to known powers of the Force. It was just he was like a super version of it. A Force-Super? But the root of the ability was there. The Force had been known to be able to create small, simple things. Which Lash had done when he made the uniforms for Yane, and Sache. But something as large as a spacecraft? Nope.

“Master!” Yane called out, and Lash's attention returned to the here and now.

Yane did a front flip, with a half twist in mid air then did a three point landing. Then did several front hand springs and bounced to land right in front of him with her hands out in a perfect-T. A huge smile was across her face. Yane now stood at approximately 5'8” with vibrant brown eyes, her shoulder length brown hair was tied back into a french braid. Her pale light skin almost glowed with energy. Her svelte body type and turned into a martial arts figure. Dense, compact muscle. But that did not subtract from her beauty. If any thing she cut a killer figure now.

Sache leapt through the air then landed on the ground with a forward roll to off set the force of the impact. She sprung up from the ground and landed next to Yane without a sound. She glanced at Yane, her eyes danced up and down the young woman. Yane smiled back, a bit of blush creeping into her cheeks. Sache now stood at 5'6”, with vibrant amber eyes, short brown hair tied into a tail. Her fair skin glowed much akin to Yane's. Sache always had a martial arts figure. But now her body almost exploded with energy with each step she took.

They both wore gray under armor polymer weave vibranium, and nth metal thread suits. Covered them from neck, to foot, and wrist. The suit was form fitting and accentuated their curves nicely. But that was not all they had. A light weight flex plate suit of armor covered them. Boots, greaves, kneeguards, tasset open metal skirt. Guantlets, vamprace, pauldrons, with chest, and back guard specifically in the shape of spinal protection.

The flex plate meant that every section was a different piece, tailored to the wearer. This allowed maximum mobility. But it left them open to piercing weapons. Though their under armor weave would help with that. The armor was made from vibranium, and nth metal as well. Given they could block Lash's Psionic dagger with their guards it should block a lightsaber. Or at least be resistant to it. They both had full head gear with masks. But they had them collapsed into their collar.

“Finish the obstacle course already? Or should I make it harder?” Lash asked, though his mask was always up they had started to watch his body language so they smiled at him.

“Harder please, give us a challenge!” Sache said with a grin as she cocked her hip to one side and settled all her weight there. Ever since the optimization she'd been a bit more playful. That, or it was the fact that Sache, and Yane had admitted they had feelings for each other.

“No! That is not why we came over. You said you had our swords ready today?” Yane asked, as he smiled at Lash.

“Oh? Did I say that?” Lash asked, as he play innocent. He wondered over to the machine shop of the resistance base.

“Yesss... Are your memories getting foggy old man?” Sache asked, and Lash placed a hand to his chest in exaggerated pain.

“I am only a few hundred years old, thank you!” Lash said with a snooty voice. Yane mouthed the words, 'few hundred' and smiled.

“But yes, I have completed your swords.” Lash said as he led them towards a table and revealed two whip vibroblades.

The whip vibroblade was approximately three feet in length when solid. It had a cross guard, and a hand and half shaft. With a flick of a switch the blade would extend into a nine foot long whip. It was made with a monomolecular edge. Both the blade, and the whip. Vibroblades were very dangerous weapons in the Star Wars universe for their ability to heat up and cut through most things. Several tempered blades could even stand up to lightsabers. Lash had made these out of Nth metal, Vibranium, and Uru metal.

Lash had them both cut their fingers and place three drops of blood into the hilt of their swords. This made the weapons forever bound to them. Capable of changing as they grew in power. Now, why didn't Lash make lightsabers? He didn't have a kyber crystal. He even looked on the Dream Store. They were in the Dream Store, but it was not available for purchase until he found at least one on his own.

Yane, and Sache called their weapons to them. The whip blades flew across the room to their out stretched hands. They could place the blades in a spinal sheath when not in use. Though something told Lash that wouldn't happen for awhile. They both scampered off towards the obstacle course again where training dummies were sure to be destroyed in a few minutes. Lash couldn't help but smile, though that smile wilted when he saw a resistances team come back with wounded.

There were resistance cells spread through out Naboo. Each cell had their own authority, and missions to operate on. So that way if one was captured, it wouldn't spell the end of any other. But that also made it harder to share intel, supplies, or call for help when they needed it. Lash was quickly called by the trained medics. By this point the resistance was well aware of his ability to 'Force' heal someone back to good health.

“What happened, what cell are you all with?” Lash asked, as he mended a broken bone.

“We're part of the eastern province. We were raiding a prison camp when.. When someone new showed up with the droids. He was clad in full black, and wielded a red lightsaber.” The wounded fighter said, and Lash looked at him in surprise.

“Short stubby horns on the crown of his head. Red, and black markings on his face?” Lash asked, and the soldier nodded.

“Dathomirian, Darth Maul. He's a Sith Lord. The fact that any of you are even alive is a miracle in itself.” Lash said, as he contemplated this new arrival.

“I think you had a little more to do with that, Master Lash.” A woman's voice called out and Lash was face to face with Mariek Panaka, Captain Panaka's wife, and Gregar's Aunt.

Mariek Panaka was a human female of the Naboo RSF (Royal Security Force). She like her husband was a Captain. She stood at approximately 5'8” with red eyes, long dark multi-braided hair, light brown skin, and an athletic figure. She wore the typical RSF uniform, however these ones had been modified by Lash. He had woven the uniforms with several metals that could resist energy, and kinetic damage. Several scorch marks on Captain Panaka's uniform informed Lash that it was indeed lightsaber resistant.

“You look a little crispy around the edges. I see the new uniforms worked out.” Lash said, as he walked over to look her over. She was not injured but she was exhausted. Lash cast an AOE of Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. He made a note of a few RSF that reached their midi threshold limit.

“It's the only reason any of us are alive. We still lost people. Repeated blaster shots eventually got through. Plus the dark warrior soon learned that our necks weren't protected.” Captain Panaka pointed out.

“So the resistance base is lost. Did you get everyone out?” Lash asked, and the expression on her face told him enough...


“We were sheltering several elected officials at our base. One among them you should all know. The royal advisor Sio Bibble resided there.” Captain Panaka informed the briefing room that was in their resistance base.

Dozen or so top officers in the resistance were in the make shift room with a holographic projector in the middle of the room. The seats were spread around in a circle so everyone could see equally. Lash sat in the back at an elevated position like that of a amphitheater. Yane, and Sache sat next to him taking notes. Gregar sat next to them as well. He glanced at Lash several times but kept his comments to himself until the end of the briefing.

“Where is the advisor now?” Former-Lieutenant now Captain Kras asked.

“He along with several other elected officials were taken back to the capital of Theed. We know this because of a message that has been transmitting since the attack on open comm channels.” Captain Panaka said, and cued the message. A hologram of a TF leader appeared that they all knew, and loathed.

“People of Naboo, I am Viceroy Nute Gunray leader of the Trade Federation. We came to Naboo to exercise our right for a trade blockade in protest to the unsanctioned taxes placed on us by the Galactic Republic. But it soon became apparent to those of the Trade Federation that Naboo had been neglected like so many worlds on the outer rim, and mid rim. We of the Trade Federation took it upon ourselves to aid the disenfranchised of your world.” The Viceroy was laying it on pretty thick. Instead of the invader, he played himself as the knight in shinning armor.

“However, in our attempt to help those in need. Terrorist, and fear mongers have attacked our relief efforts, commercial work camps, and droid amenities factories. However, thanks to the excellent work of our soldiers, and our supporters we have struck a lethal blow to these insurgents!” The Viceroy continued, his image was replaced by the holographic images of the elected officials captured, and in rags.

“These terrorist will be executed tomorrow at the city capital of Theed at midday in the public square for all to see! The Trade Federation is here to stay. We will ensure the people of Naboo are properly represented, and cared for. Unlike the galactic republic, we of the Trade Federation keep our promises. Thank you.” The Viceroy finished, and then the messaged repeated.

The officers in the room shouted in indignation. How would anyone believe this crap? The TF had clearly invaded. They had raided cities, towns, villages, farmsteads. The Droid army had killed civilians, the casualties were in the thousands. People were staving in the streets. Several people glanced towards Lash to see his reaction but were surprised to see him looking over the message on his personal holographic comm.

“Who do we have in Theed? Is there any way to prove the validation of this message?” Lash asked after a few minutes.

“Yes, several eye witnesses were able to send word via bird messenger.” Gregar supplied the answer.

“What are you thinking, Master Lash?” One of the officers in the room asked.

“Obviously its a trap. They are hoping the resistance shows up to try and rescue the officials. Even if no one does, they will still execute the officials which means a loss for us, and a victory for them. It's a lose, lose situation for us.” Lash replied, and the room begrudgingly agreed.

“We're still going to go, right?” Yane asked Lash who only chuckled at her.

“Of course we will. The Viceroy just made a huge mistake. Not only did he tell us his plans. He also came planet side. Would anyone in this room mind if I ripped Viceroy Nute's spine out?” Lash asked, as he painted a brutal picture for everyone.

“Not that I'm complaining, but would killing him end the invasion?” Captain Kras asked.

“Probably not, Darth Sidious the one behind the invasion would demand they stay. Another sycophant would take Nute's place. But it would cause a lot of damage to their leadership. Of course we could also capture the Viceroy. Hold him hostage and demand a cease fire. Also when the republic showed up we could have him confess his crimes.” Lash said, and offered an alternative to violence. The room took the latter alternative better than the former option. Even when fighting for their freedom the people of Naboo continued to practice their art of none violence.

“Everyone take a break, get some rest and food. I still have my programs in the Theed network. I'll get an accurate account for troops, the Viceroy, and our people. We'll meet back here in three hours. Agreed?” Lash asked everyone and the meeting adjourned.

“Thank you for that Lash.” Sache whispered to him as the officers in the room left.

“Sometimes it's better to solve a problem, then to destroy it. Always try to offer more than one method of action. In my case one way is brutal, and violent. While the other is simple, and peaceful.” Lash replied as he stood and walked towards the center of the room. The holographic display changed to the city of Theed.

“What about this dark warrior...Darth Maul?” Yane asked as she came to stand next to him.

“If we meet him we'll have to kill him. Sith are dangerous no matter the circumstance.” Lash replied.

“Can he not be saved?” Sache asked, as she came to Yane's side and took her hand in her own.

“The only safe method would be to white wash his memories and make him into a new person. Something I refuse to do.” Lash said, both of them winced at the idea.

“How...How do you even know how to do that?” Sache asked, after a few minutes of contemplation.

“The Jedi have done it before in the past. Most notably they did it with Darth Revan. Which was a convoluted mess in the end.” Lash said as he brought up the palace of Theed. Yane, and Sache both looked at him in shock.

“Will we have to join the Jedi?” Yane asked, then looked at Lash as he turned around to give them his undivided attention.

“No... There is no law in the galactic republic that states force users have to join the Jedi. It is simply encouraged. Both of you are far to old to start the training anyways. The problem is... The Jedi may decide you are to much of a threat and will try and seal the Force from you. Or, the Sith will take interest in you.” Lash said to them then took a seat and motioned for them to join him, which they did.

“However, it's not like you'll never see me again once this is all over. Though I don't plan to stay on Naboo. I will stay in contact with you. If you will allow me too that is?” Lash asked, and they both nodded at him with amused smiles as if it was a given.

“So in the long run. Finish your duty as a handmaiden. Continue your lives, start a family, etc, etc. Anyone who tries to make trouble with you... Well, let's just say I don't like it when others threaten my people.” Lash replied, as metallic claws came out of his gloves.

Sache sat behind Yane and pulled the latter back into her embrace. Yane smiled at Sache and blushed just a little when Lash watched them. Lash shrugged at them both and stood back up to finish the mission brief that they would have in a few hours. His tech-spirits danced through the information networked and verified that the Viceroy had taken residence with in the royal palace. More disturbingly Darth Maul was in the palace as well in meditation.

Sio Bibble and the rest of the elected officials were in what was termed camp four. It was an interment camp with in the festival square of Theed. Camp four was designed to hold important political, military, and royal prisoners. However, the camp was mostly empty. Theed had been evacuated before the invasion had shown up. Most of the elected officials had scattered across Naboo under the advisement of the Queen.

Off to the side of the camp was a platform from days of old. They were planning on hanging the officials. Droids went back and forth in the construction of the event. The platform was about ten feet higher than the ground floor. With raised steps for the hanging. This would allow everyone to watch them dangle as they twisted in the wind. Along the rooftops sniper droids that were already in place. Along with dozens of droids hidden in the buildings. The execution was set for tomorrow and they had already placed their assets in the field. Stupid.

“Lash...Why do you feel hollow?” Yane asked him, he turned to look at her and he saw the midi's in the air surrounded her.

“It's called Void in the Force, or also known as Force Blank. It's a rare ability where the User almost seems to be fully nonexistent in the Force. It's what I've used to keep myself hidden all these years not only from the Jedi, but from the Sith. Unless you were looking right at me, you wouldn't even know I was there. Even then, I can focus it to make me nigh invisible. I've used the ability on you, and the resistance several times.” Lash replied and received several experience prompts for Acting and Cosmic Awareness.

“So that's why.” Yane said, and breathed a sigh of relief.

“We were afraid there was something wrong with you, or maybe us?” Sache provided the reason for the questioning.

“I'm going to be blunt with you two for a bit, alright?” Lash asked and they both sat up at attention.

“I need the both of you to understand one simple, yet complicated issue. You two have joined a very elite, and rare group of people. You are both artificially created Force Users. In the twenty five thousand plus years of the Living Force. There has only been a hand full that have been artificially created.” Lash politely informed them so they could fully comprehend their position.

“So, in that regard we are going to have to come up with a feasible means of how you two became Force Users for the mundanes. To simply put when we found the Force Temple I invited you both to come meditate with me in the temple. The Force infused into your bodies and that is that.” Lash said a simple, yet easy to understand explanation.

“Isn't that what the resistance thinks happened?” Yane asked, and Lash nodded. It had never occurred to any of the resistance that Lash had made a Force User. They assumed it had something to do with the temple and that Yane, and Sache simply needed a push in the right direction.

“Lash if artificially created Force Users are so rare. How rare are the people capable of making them?” Sache asked, as she zeroed in on him.

“It's possible to take an already preexisting Force User, and make them stronger by visiting places saturated in the Force. Through use of arcane science one can infuse midi-chlorians into cloned tissue. But the ability to just infuse the Force into just anyone? I believe I am the only in the history of the Force to do so...I think.” Lash replied, and had to lean back in thought. Just in case Lash checked the area and created a baffle field. He should have done it to begin with but he was distracted.

“Wait... You can just do it anywhere? I thought you needed a temple?” Sache asked in surprise.

“Oh that definitely helps! But no, I can do it anywhere I like. Several of the resistance fighters are nearing their threshold now.” Lash replied with a chuckle.

“Lash, do you have any idea how valuable you are? The galaxy would go to war just to obtain you.” Yane asked.

“Yes, I know. That is why I practice the art of Force Blank. To stay hidden.” Lash replied with a simple shrug.

So the truth of the matter was decided to stay hidden. The Force Temple they found held enough ambient midi's to help push several RSF, and the two handmaidens past the threshold to become Force Users. But, Yane was right. The idea that Lash could create Force Users would cause the galaxy as a whole to hunt him down and either dissect him, or demand he make more Force Users. A new age of Jedi, and Sith could be around the corner. Or, or maybe something new?


The execution was scheduled to happen in ten hours. The layout of Theed had been produced and placed in holographic communicators. One of Lash's tech-spirits had already dived into the Theed network and would be quarterbacking the event. While the others would either be in the TF network, or aiding in the RSF resistance network. One hundred of the best RSF resistance fighters were selected for the mission. Lash stood in front of the group with Yane, and Sache at his side.

“We have ten hours to sprint to Theed, and set up. So I expect everyone to be there in four!” Lash called out, and the collected group chuckled at him.

Lash raised his hands and cast an AOE Nature's Passage, Chameleon, Animal Eye, and Cat's Grace. As a greenish blue energy settled over the RSF resistance soldiers. Lash watched as more than half of the group reached their midi threshold. Lash turned on his heel and sprinted off into the jungle that surrounded the resistance base. The fighters hot on his heels.

Theed was several hundred miles away. But that did not deter the group in the slightest. Another team would be traveling behind them with the land speeders, and transports necessary to make a clean get away. But the vanguard would be on foot. Why? The droids had sensors in place to detect any emissions, and energy trails. They were not expecting the resistance to show up on foot. Which was why when Lash and his group showed up out of nowhere they took out the different listening stations without a single casualty.

Just as Lash had asked the vanguard reached Theed in four hours. Lash was quick to recast his spell buffs over the team one last time then they moved into the city like specters. Theed had seen better days. The statues, mosaics, and works of art that were so treasured by the people lay in ruins. Every living soul with in the city not part of the TF had been rounded up in camps outside the city. Save for the specialized prisoners in camp four. How odd it was then that a crowd had gathered to watch the execution.

They were still hours away from the execution but a group of civilians had been placed around the hangman's platform. They wore gaudy robes, and concealed their faces. Lash sent a Nature Domain pulse through the area and received nothing in return. So he sent Technomancy and found that every gawker was a droid in disguise. The TF had done an excellent job. They really did look like civilians. Lash sent the update to his tech-spirit who informed the resistance.

'Creator, Darth Maul is moving.' -One of Lash's tech-spirits informed him.

Lash stopped and activated his HUD (Heads up display). The tech-spirit identified Maul, it showed him moving at great speed through the city towards them? Lash gave himself a mental face palm. The Force-Users! They created a disturbance in the Force that Maul could feel. Lash may as well had put up a sign with their location.

“Change in plans everyone. The Sith is moving early. Commander get the prisoners out of the Theed. Yane, and Sache move to the palace to secure and move the Viceroy. I'll intercept the Sith.” Lash said off their communication line. He received confirmations and they moved out.

Before Yane, and Sache could sprint off Lash snagged them and pulled them into a hug. The unexpected move was a surprise to them both but they soon returned the embrace. Then they were off. The resistance teams started their attack and the sound of explosions went through the city. Maul's signal moved in quickly towards the camps. Lash ran parallel with him until he jumped off a roof and landed in front of Maul.

Darth Maul came slowly came to a halt and stared at Lash as he stood and looked at him. Lash rolled his shoulders, and rotated his neck. Maul eyed him carefully, then glanced behind him as he saw Yane, and Sache jump from roof to roof towards the palace. Maul then looked back at Lash and sneered.

“Jedi.” Maul said the word with disgust.

“Sith.” Lash said as he placed his right fist into his left palm and bowed from his waist but kept his eye on Maul.

Maul peeled off his upper robes and pulled his lightsaber off his belt. He twisted the handle and pressed a mechanism. The handle of the saber extended by a sizable margin. Then his double-bladed lightsaber activated. Twin beams of crimson light burst into being. Then he waited, how polite of him. Lash reached to his belt and 'pulled' two red Psionic Daggers. The blades extended a foot and a half. The red color was a clear surprise to Maul.

Lash spread his feet, and lowered the center of his gravity. Then with out any further delay Maul jumped forward and swung his saber in a spinning arc. Lash jumped forward and caught Maul's blade with his own. Then Lash's pivoted his body and struck out with a kick. Maul handspringed to the side and spun his blade to deter a follow up attack. Lash stomped his foot and cracked the stone tiles beneath his feet. He swept his hands forward and used Telekinesis to catapult the stones towards Maul at high speeds.

Maul spun his double-bladed lightsaber and deflected the stone with ease. Lash rushed him and attacked low, and high with his daggers. He stepped into Maul's long reach with his daggers. Arguably Maul could defend and attack at the same time with his weapon. Something he did very well. Maul struck with his blade in an opening in Lash's defenses. Lash brought his arm down, and locked the red saber blade between his vamprace, and chest guard. Maul was clearly surprised but quickly deactivated the saber so he could pull away just as Lash brought his other dagger to slash.

“That was a good move, so many fighters forget that they could deactivate the blade while fighting.” Lash complimented Maul who glared at him.

“As you can see my armor is lightsaber resistant. I never understood why the Jedi, and the Sith never wore armor. They make the excuse that armor slows them down. But if you get gear tailored fit for you. Then that excuse no longer applies.” Lash continued to speak as he rushed towards Maul and struck with his daggers.

Maul stayed silent but he began to snarl, and hiss at him. Lash could feel the dark side of the Force empowering Maul. Though Maul was able to get past Lash's quick attacks to score a hit. It ultimately did nothing. Lash's armor protected him. But something odd was happening. Lash was slowing down. He felt like he was wading through water to attack Maul. He quickly switched through Magical Perception and found that the Living Force was latched on to Lash and was trying to impede the fight.

Maul snarled as he doubled his efforts, scoring hit after hit on Lash. But still Lash's armor kept him at bay. Then to add injury to insult battle droids showed up and proceeded to shoot at Lash between strikes from Maul. Stone tiles shifted under Lash's feet and made him drop down. He rolled away just in time as Maul struck a blow that would have shifted past his armored plates.

'Commander, the prisoners are secure we are falling back.' -Captain Krash called through the communication line.

'Yane, Sache?' -Lash called across the line.

'The Viceroy isn't here! They had a man dressed up as him, it was his second.' -Sache responded with blaster fire in the background.

'Bring him then.' -Lash replied.

Lash activated Deflection and no longer worried about the blasters. As they were deflected, or repelled. He rushed towards Maul and cast Acceleration on himself. The quick response was a surprise to Maul as he concentrated only on defense against Lash. The Living Force was like a tsunami as it crashed into Lash over, and over. Maul's hatred grew, and grew. The dark side of the Force made him stronger. They locked sabers once again. Lash's right hand dagger locked in place held close to Maul's chest, and neck.

“Another benefit of armor.” Lash said to Maul. “Hidden weapons!”

A two foot long red Psionic Blade shot out of Lash's vamprace right through Maul's neck, and spinal cord. Maul's eyes went wide in shock. Lash pulled his blade out from him with a twist and a pull nearly decapitating the Sith. Maul dropped like a puppet without strings. Above Lash was a tornado of midi-chlorians that slammed into the ground with such force it cracked the capital Theeds very foundation!

Nullification activated and shielded Lash. Hundreds of gathered battle droids were scattered in all directions. While Lash was left in a crater of his own making. The ruined body of Maul was found, little more than a husk. The midi-chlorians in the air swam around in pure shock, and anger. They formed a fist and struck down on Lash which forced him to his knees. But he held under the onslaught.

Before another strike could be made Lash used Nullification once again and force the midi-chlorians away. Lash momentarily created a dead zone. Lash stood up and nearly toppled over. His energy levels had dropped to 2% but were quickly refilling. He dragged himself over to Maul's now shattered corpse. He looted the body, and used Decomposition on the corpse. The midi-chlorians within his body swam out. Above the city of Theed was a storm of the Living Force. Lash watched in confusion. Why was the Force reacting in such a hostile manner? This wasn't about slowing his progress. No, the Living Force tried to kill him.

This would be something better to contemplate in a safer location. Lash climbed out of the crater and quickly moved through the city towards the rendavue point. Carefully tucked away was Darth Maul's lightsaber. Lash would copy the blueprint, and most importantly obtained the chemical formula for a kyber crystal. By the time Lash reached the edge of the city the storm of Living Force exploded and sent ripples of energy across the skies, and even more likely across the galaxy...


(Coruscant. Senate and Embassy Housing.)

Coruscant, also known as the center of rule of the Galactic Republic, was an ecumenopolis a city-covered planet, collectively known as Republic City in the Coruscant system of the Core Worlds. Though debated by historians, it was generally believed that Coruscant was the original home world of humanity. Coruscant was made up of multiple layers. Each layer was a planet wide city. The layers went down for miles until one reached the surface of the planet. Many who lived on the lower levels had never seen the sky. Coruscant despite being the capital of the Republic, and Jedi Order had a rich criminal underworld.

Queen Amidala and reached Coruscant and now sat in council with Senator Sheeve Palpatine. The embassy housing was filled with extravagance and detailed artwork meant to impress anyone who chose to visit the Naboo embassies. Grand crystal windows adorned the outside walls allowing sunlight through creating an almost rainbow colored backdrop of the room where discussions would take place. The Queen herself sat at a red cushioned throne wearing a gray ornate gown, with a large waist sash, a intricate head dress with a sideways black mohawke, and a crown of white beads. Her face was painted pale with two red dots on either cheek, and a single red brush stroke on her bottom lip.

Pacing back and forth in front of the Queen was the Senator Palpatine. Who wore a blue ornate coat with furled sleeves. The coat was wrapped around his frame, but allowed his legs to be exposed to show his long robe like pants. Naboo golden calligraphy was sewn into his collar, coat edge, and belt. Palpatine stood at approximately 5'5” (1.7 m) with short curly red hair that was fading gray. He was an older human male with a scholar's figure. Thin with very little muscle, but also no fat. He had a grand father feel to him. But his wit, and his sharp tongue was evident to any who had spoken to him.

“..the Republic is not what it once was. The Senate is full of greedy, squabbling delegates who are only looking out for themselves and their home sytems. There is no interest in the common good...no civility, only politics...its disgusting. I must be frank, Your Majesty, there is little chance the Senate will act on the invasion.” Senator Palpatine said as he paced. Though he glanced at the Queen as he spoke. He also glanced at Anakin, Shmi, and Jar Jar who sat in the waiting room outside the room. Captain Panaka walked in at that moment and took his side by the Queen as they spoke.

“Chancellor Valorum seems to think there is hope.” Queen Amidala responded as she tracked Palpatine back and forth. But her eyes glanced to Anakin when the door opened. He smiled and waved at her. Shmi pulled on her son and mouthed apologizes.

“If I may say so, Your Majesty, the Chancellor has little real power...he is mired down by baseless accusations of corruption. A manufactured scandal surrounds him. The bureaucrats are in charge now.” Senator Palpatine replied, and tried to explain the reason behind the situation.

“Just as he said...” The Queen said, and Palpatine looked at her. “What options do we have?” She continued her thought.

“Our best choice would be to push for the election of a stronger Supreme Chancellor. One who will take control of the bureaucrats, enforces the laws, and give us justice. You could call for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum.” Senator Palpatine replied, but took note of what she said before. He came to stand before the Queen, looking at her with concern over the situation.

“He's been our strongest supporter. Are you sure there is no other way?” The Queen asked, her voice laced with confusion even if her face did not show it.

“Our only other choice would to submit a plea to the courts...” Senator Palpatine replied then went back to pacing.

“There's no time for that. The courts take even longer to decide things than the Senate. Our people are dying, Senator...more and more each day. Master Lash can not hold the line forever. We need to send help immediately.” The Queen replied with a bit force in her voice.

“Yes, the Master Jedi you spoke of. To be realistic, your highness, I'd say we're going to have to

accept Federation control for the time being.” Senator Palpatine replied as he looked at her sideways.

“That is something I can not do...Senator Palpatine?” The Queen said then swiftly stood up as Palpatine reached up to his chest and a look of shock fell across his face. He grew pale as Captain Panaka rushed to his side.

“I-I'm alright. I... I just, I think I need to sit down.” Senator Palpatine said. His facial expressions went from shock, to anger, then back to calm. His eyes look off into the distance as if he could see miles away.

“Are you well, shall we call for a doctor?” Captain Panaka asked.

“No, no I'm fine. I'll get everything ready for our hearing with the senate. Your highness.” Senator Palpatine said, then stood up and bowed towards the Queen then swiftly left.

“I had hoped Master Lash had been wrong about the senate.” Captain Panaka said softly once the door closed behind the senator.

“As did we all. But we must take swift action so we can return with the reinforcements he expects.” The Queen replied, and began the agonizing task of picking a new outfit for the senate hearing.


Senator Sheev Palpatine moved through the embassy halls with vigor that betrayed his age. He was quick to get out of sight and into his dedicated offices. With a quick command code at the door the windows shuttered, and a sound dampening field was erected around his entire office. Then he screamed in fury! He picked up a table and threw it across the room shattering it on impact. The action clearly behind his physical bodies strength yet he made it look easy. The table was not the last thing to be tossed aside.

Eventually after several minutes Palpatine smoothed out his clothing, and slowed his breathing. Then called for a droid to come clean up the mess. He went to his personal console that he did not destroy and began to prepare of the senate hearing. As well has his follow up commands, and orders to his assistants in the senate. But the boiling rage was barely satisfied. Palpatine was angry, and he would ensure someone would suffer his wrath one way or another.


(Coruscant. The Jedi Temple.)

Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenobi had returned to the Jedi Temple to make their full report to the Jedi Council. Contained within the fifth and central tower of the temple. They could see the long line of land transports traveling through the skies of Coruscant. The went for miles in neat orderly lines. While the sun was past midday, the warm glow filtered into room. The Jedi council sat in a circle while Master Jinn, and Padawan Kenobi gave their report.

The Jedi council was made up entirely of Jedi Masters who wielded the Light Side of the Force. Consulars, Guardians, oddly no Sentinals. But none the less they were considered the best, and most capable of the Jedi order within the galactic republic. The more notable figures sat upfront in the room. When speakers would attend they would often speak to them directly. Jedi Master Yoda, and Jedi Master Mace Windu.

Master Yoda stood at approximately 1'9” (0.6 m) tall. He had a green skin tone, with green-gold eye color, a face and body full of wrinkles, and a mane of gray hair that was thinning. He had long pointed ears that went out sideways. Ears so long that if Yoda pressed them down they could cover his eyes on his face. He had three fingered hands, and three toes per feet. He wore a traditional Jedi robe with earth and white tones. That covered his stout body figure. He carried a short stick in hand to help him walk. Yoda had a grandfather glow to him. He loved to teach, help his fellow Jedi, and would protect his people with his life.

Master Mace Windu stood at approximately 6'2” (1.9 m) tall. He had chocolate black skin, with brown eyes. He was middle aged for a human male, though the Force slowed his aging considerably. He was bald. (Baldies unite!) He had an athletic martial arts body type. Dense, compact muscles. He wore the traditional Jedi garb with earth, and white clothing along with brown leather boots. He had an almost predatory grace about him. Though he looked relaxed anyone who knew him would know he could jump into action without a second thought.

“Master Lash said that his name was removed from the record, and that he would not be surprised if no one knew him.” Qui-Gon Jinn said to the council.

“This... Lash, strong with the force he was? Hmm.” Yoda asked, as he watched them carefully. Jinn, and Kenobi looked at one another and nodded.

“I watched him pull down a C-9979 landing craft from the air.” Kenobi replied, and a burst of murmurs filled the room.

“Without a doubt he is one of the most powerful Force Users I've seen outside of this council.” Jinn continued, while Yoda thought on the matter.

“This Lash believes a Sith Lord named Darth Sidious is behind the Trade Federations aggressive actions?” Master Windu asked.

Qui-Gon Jinn took out a holographic emitter and played the video of the Viceroy speaking to figure about the invasion. Aside from the recording there was little evidence to support Lash's claim. The Viceroy does call the man Lord Sidious, but that could just be his name. So someone is behind the Trade Federation's aggressive actions. But it doesn't prove that Sidious is a Sith.

“It is impossible for the Sith to return. They've been extinct for a millennia.” Another Jedi Master claimed.

“I do not believe they could return without us knowing.” Master Windu said dismissively.

“Hard to see, the dark side is. Look into these claims we must.” Master Yoda declared and the room agreed. Better to be sure, than proven wrong later.

“What about this Master Lash. His claims of being a Mandalorian?” Another master asked.

“Been a mandalorian jedi there has not, since Tarre Vizsla. No records of a mandalorian jedi we have, or a padawan. Others off his scent a disguise perhaps to throw?” Master Yoda spoke and a few masters agreed.

“If at all possible this Lash should be brought back to the council so we may question him.” Master Windu suggested and the council agreed.

“You have more to say, master Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Hmmm?” Master Yoda asked.

“With your permission Masters, we have discovered a vergence in the Force.” Master Jinn replied, the room of masters looked at them in confusion.

“Located around a person?” Master Windu asked.

“A boy... his cells have the highest concentration of midi-chlorians I have seen in a life form. It is possible he was conceived by the midi-chlorians.” Master Jinn said, while Kenobi looked conflicted.

“You're referring to the prophesy of the one who will bring balance to the Force...you believe it's this boy?” Master Windu asked.

“I don't presume, but Master Lash is the one that told us about it.” Master Jinn replied.

“Lash spoke of the boy to you? When?” Master Windu asked.

“Right before left aboard the Queens starship. He pulled master Jinn, and myself aside an said. 'When it happens look for a young human boy. Maybe ten years old, blond hair, blue eyes. He'll help you.... You'll understand when it happens.' At the time we didn't understand. But in the escape from Naboo our ship was damaged and we had to make repairs on the planet of Tatooine. Where Master Qui-Gon found the boy in question.” Obi-Wan Kenobi replied to them.

“So Lash knew you would have problems leaving the blockade. He knew you would travel to Tatooine. Then in your travels stumble across the boy?” Another Master of the council asked, and new murmurs spread throughout the chamber. While Jinn, and Kenobi both looked at each other.

“More to say, you have? Yes, hmmm?” Master Yoda asked.

“During our travels through Mos Espa where I met the boy. A sandstorm impeded our travels back to the ship. The boy, Anakin offered to shelter us in his home. A truly selfless act. That night in the room granted to me.... I, heard Master Lash's voice. He told me to buy the boy and his mother. As they were both slaves of Watto the owner of the junk shop who had our part. Then the Force coalescent onto my cot and thousands of peggats appeared. More than enough to buy the part, along with Anikan and his mother Shmi from Watto.” Master Jinn said to the council.

“Lash spoke to you through the Force. Across star systems no less. Then materialized currency in your room?” Master Windu asked, astonishment clear on his face.

“Been seen in a force user for centuries such abilities, have not.” Master Yoda commented, as he smoothed a hand over his head.

“Bring this boy to us, and his mother. We would speak to them.” Master Windu ordered.

“As you wish Masters.” Master Jinn replied and bowed from his waist, as did Kenobi. They then left the council chambers.

“In strange times we live.” Master Yoda commented, and the council agreed.

“Could Lash be a padawan to one of the Lost Twenty?” A Master asked.

The Lost Twenty was a group of twenty Jedi Masters who renounced their allegiance to the Jedi Order at various times in its history. Every member of the Lost Twenty had forsaken the Order after becoming disillusioned about its principles, indeed the Order's very way of life. They along with several padawans left the Order behind to learn the ways of the Force through alternate means.

“If the words of Master Qui-Gon Jinn, and padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi are to believed. Then this Lash has not fallen to the dark side as we had feared of the Twenty. If anything it seems he continues to do his duty as a Jedi to help those in need, and bring peace to all he finds.” A master offered, and a few agreed.

“If Master Qui-Gon, and padawan Kenobi can't convince him to come, to seek him out ourselves we may have.” Master Yoda said and the council agreed...


(Coruscant, Senate Chamber)

The Senate Chamber his huge! A truly breathtaking assembly, and design. Thousands of senators in their appointed position sat in circular pods that allowed for seating for selected individuals. When called upon by the Supreme Chancellor and his aids. The pods would detach from the wall and float into the open space. In the center of vast room was a seating tower for the Chancellor.

The Queen was recognized by the Supreme Chancellor and she declared her plight to the senate where she was pushed aside by the Trade Federation representative, and their supporters. Queen Amidala presented the evidence collected by Lash, and their own video recordings of the TF firing on their ship as they tried to escape the blockade. However this was met with refusal. These recordings could have easily been fabricated, or even altered.

When asked by the Chancellor if the Queen would agree to submit to a committee of investigation she refused. Then did as Senator Palpatine suggested and called for a vote of no confidence in Supreme Chancellor Valorum. As disappointed as she was in the situation. The Queen needed swift action as soon as possible. Her vote of no confidence was met with hundreds of senators rallying to her for support. While hundreds more denied such a vote.

The emergency senate hearing was postponed until a new Supreme Chancellor could voted on. The Queen went back to her royal chambers and was lost in thought as she gazed out her window. She jumped in surprise when Jar Jar almost seem to materialize next to her. He had grown far more capable than he had been before. Gone was the clumsy gungan, but his naive, innocent outlook on life remained. Jar Jar watched the Queen for a moment then spoke.

“Mesa wonder why da guds invent pain?” Jar Jar mused next to the Queen.

“To motivate us, I imagine...” The Queen replied, as she continued to stare out her window.

“Yousa tinken yousa people ganna die?” Jar Jar asked.

“I don't know.” The Queen replied, and thought back to the man who said he would help until reinforcements arrived.

“Gungans ganna get pasted too, eh?” Jar Jar asked, as he glanced at the Queen.

“I hope not...” The Queen replied.

“Gungans do die'n without a fight.... wesa warriors. Wesa gotta grand army. Dat why you no liken us, metinks.” Jar Jar said, a look of surprise came over The Queen's face. An idea began to form.

“Your highness!” Captain Palpatine rushed into the room, followed by senator Palpatine. Both had smiles on their faces. “Your Highness, Senator Palpatine has been nominated to succeed Valorum as Supreme Chancellor.”

“A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. I promise, Your Majesty, if I am elected, I will bring democracy back to the Republic. I will put an end to corruption. The Trade Fedreation will lose its influence over the bureaucrats, and our people will be freed.” Senator Palaptine said with a broad smile, filled with confidence.

“Who else can be nominated?” The Queen asked as she paced through the room, gears turning. As the idea has now taken root.

“Bail Antilles of Alderaan and Ainlee Teem of Malastare.” Captain Panaka replied to the Queen.

“I feel confident...our "situation" will create a strong sympaphy vote for us... I will be Chancellor, I promise you.” Senator Palpatine took a seat in the meeting room a smug look of satisfaction on his face.

“I fear by the time you have control of the bureaucrats, Senator, there will be nothing left of our cities, our people, our way of life...” The Queen replied.

“I understand your concern, Your Majesty; unfortunately, the Federation has possession of our planet. The law is in their favor.” Senator Palpatine said, his eye twitched slightly but he quickly schooled his expression.

'Come home, you've done all you can.' -Lash's voice spoke to Queen Amidala. She stumbled and looked around the room in alarm. Senator Palpatine was up and out of his chair in a moment. He stood by her side. But his face showed a look of concentration.

“Your highness, are you alright?” Senator Palpatine asked.

The Queen was perfectly fine. But she knew she had heard Lash's voice. She quickly assured her trusted advisor and declared that she planned to return to Naboo. She had done all she could and this arena belonged to Palpatine not her. Palpatine tried to dissuade her but nothing worked. Soon she called her guards, and handmaidens they were to make ready to return home.

Palpatine stood in the meeting room with a look of confusion on his face. He had...Felt something surround Queen Amidala for a brief moment. He couldn't be sure, but he knew someone or something had spoken to her. He pushed such thoughts aside and remained focus on the here and now. He had to do all he could to ensure he won the election. One step closer to his goal.


(Coruscant, Jedi Temple)

Anakin Skywalker was beside himself in excitement. His mother Shmi walked by his side and she was practically vibrating with nervous tension. She walked through the halls of the Jedi with her son. Here in this place would decide her son's future. A life without her. But a remarkable life all the same. The Queen had offered to make Shmi a citizen of Naboo once the TF had been removed. An opportunity Shmi planned to take her up on. She prayed for her sons good fortune. But she was confused as to why the Jedi Council call her as well.

“Anakin, remember these are Master Jedi. Please treat them with the same respect you have shown Master Qui-Gon, and Master Obi-Wan.” Shmi told her son who nodded his head enthusiastically.

“Not to worry, we'll be right by your side.” Qui-Gon said, while Obi-Wan nodded in agrement.

They were brought to the Jedi Council chamber and the Masters present all took them in with a glance. Shmi wished she didn't have such drab clothing on. She should have taken the Queen up on replacing her clothes. Anakin walked in with the naivete of a child and bowed to them all. Shmi smiled slightly at her son. Then came to stand before them all. She folded her hands to her chest and bowed. The small green man smiled and laughed lightly. It put Shmi at ease.

“Welcome, welcome, at ease please be. Questions for you we have.. Hmm.” Master Yoda said to them.

“Yes... I mean, yes you have my permission to take Anikan to be trained as a Jedi.” Shmi squeaked out, and coughed a few times and tried to clear her throat. Apparently her permission had surprised the room.

“Trained in the jedi arts you wish that young Anikan be?” Master Yoda asked.

“Yes, please Master.” Anikan asked, and bow again. The Jedi council whispered to each other.

“Who was the boys father?” Master Windu asked. Shmi looked at Qui-Gon who nodded.

“He didn't have a father. I've never known the touch of a man.” Shmi said, and shrunk under the scrutiny of the Jedi Council.

“Stop being mean to my mom!” Anakin said to them loudly, almost as if he pushed the feeling of his discontent in his voice. Every Force User in the room felt him do it. Though it was minuscule, it was there.

“Anikan...” Shmi said as Anikan came to her side and took her hand in his own.

“Sorry youngling we are. Ourselves we old ones do from time to time forget.. Yes, hrrrm.” Master Yoda replied and the rest of the council gave their apologizes.

Anikan was angry but accepted the apologizes. He looked at Qui-Gon who nodded at him. The council asked a few sensitive questions. Shmi was let to a medical wing to be tested to ascertain her claims. While Anikan was tested to be a Force User. Which he passed with flying colors. By the time they were finished Shmi came back with her test results. Her claims were true. But despite all that.

“No, he will not be trained.” Master Windu said.

“No!?” Qui-Gon said in astonishment, as tears begin to brim in Anakin's eyes. Shmi came to his side and held him.

“He is to old. There is already to much anger in him.” Master Windu replied.

“He is the chosen one! You must see it, as Master Lash does. The Living Force brought us together.” Qui-Gon said to the council.

“Clouded, this boy's future is. Masked by his youth.” Master Yoda declared.

“Maybe Master Lash can teach him?” Shmi said softly, and a look of surprise came over Qui-Gon's face then a smile grew. Obi-Wan's brows rose as he stopped to think on the matter as well.

“Now is not the time for this...the Senate is voting for a new Supreme Chancellor. Queen Amidala is returning home, which will put pressure on the Federation, and could widen the confrontation.” Master Windu said, Qui-Gon turned his focus on Windu but a smile tugged on his lips.

“Go with the Queen to Naboo, look into the possibilities of Sith involvement. If you can try and convince Lash to return with you to Coruscant. Or at the very least have him wait until we arrive.” Master Windu ordered.

“Decided later young Skywalker's fate will be.” Master Yoda declared.

Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anikan, and Shmi all bowed and left the room promptly. Anakin looked back at the Jedi council, and Yoda waved at him. Anakin couldn't help himself but wave back. Then he hurried after his mother. Once they had left Yoda rubbed his face in disappointment. That had not gone as planned.

“Perhaps we should allow Qui-Gon to take the boy as his Padawan? Obi-Wan appears to be ready for the trials to become a Knight.” A master suggested.

“We do not know enough about Lash. Qui-Gon may end up teaching the boy even without our permission. If we push him not to he may end up leaving the council. Always a follower of the Living Force Master Qui-Gon is.” Another master declared.

“With your permission masters, I'm going to search the archives, and records for Lash. Maybe under a different name. It may be fruitless but I feel like an answer may be there.” A Master by the name of Plo Koon.

“Yes, I agree. Discover the truth about this exiled jedi we must.” Master Yoda replied, and with that the council adjourned.....


(Coruscant. Naboo Embassy Landing Pad.)

As land transports, and speeders raced through the skyline. A landing pad with the Queens royal starship awaited its crew, and guests. The landing pad floated in mid air thanks to repulsorlift supports. A Jedi transport landed on one part of the pad. While another senate transport deposited the Queen and her people. Anakin, Shmi, R2-D2, C-3PO who was made by Anakin waited for the Queen. Jar Jar scampered over and hugged Anakin who hugged him in return.

“I have a bad feeling about Master Lash. I can't shake that he is not telling us everything.” Obi-Wan said to Qui-Gon as they walked across the platform and a leisurely pace.

“I fear you may be right. Though we had only known him briefly he felt genuine in his declaration that he was there to help the people of Naboo. But the Living Force can be an odd task master. There have been times it has asked me to do things that I did not know the results of until years later.” Qui-Gon replied, as he watched the Queen stride across the pad with purpose.

“Come master, keep your focus on the here and now.” Obi-Wan said with a sly grin on his face. Qui-Gon looked at him with a raised brow and a smile.

“You're highness it is our privilege, and pleasure to continue to serve and protect you in these dire times.” Qui-Gon said to the Queen when they met her on the landing pad. Obi-Wan mirrored his master in etiquette.

“I welcome your help. I fear the Trade Federation makes a plea to destroy me. We also did not bring back the reinforcements that Master Lash requested of us.” The Queen replied, and strode past them towards the ship.

“We promise we'll do all we can to help you reclaim your world.” Obi-Wan said to the Queen.

“Wesa goen home!” Jar Jar shouted as he trailed after the rest. It was time to return to Naboo...


(Naboo Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray's Ship.)

“The Queen is on her way to you. I regret she is of no further use to us. When she gets there, destroy her.” Darth Sidious hologram informed Viceroy Nute Gunray. The Viceroy looked pale as he refused to look at Darth Sidious.

“Viceroy, look at me!” Darth Sidious said, and the Viceroy felt compelled to look at him.

“What is wrong with you?” Darth Sidious snarled at him.

“M-My lord. The resistance on the planet is... We are losing ground.” The Viceroy replied.

“You are telling me the planet is not secured!?” Darth Sidious hissed at him.

“N-No my lord. In fact every time I've journeyed to the surface my shuttle has been attacked. The resistance has made a clear attempt to capture me. Every droid commander sent to the surface is promptly assassinated. Dozens of Jedi have appeared.” The Viceroy replied as a look of surprise fell across Darth Sidious shrouded face.

“Dozens of Jedi?” Darth Sidious asked, The Viceroy sent a holographic recording.

The recording showed Lash jumping across a field and impacting a hover tank. He crushed it like a tin can. While several figures clad in armor and wielding lightsabers rushed in to destroy the battle droids present. As the video continued hundreds of battle droids were destroyed. Along with transports, tanks, droid starfighters, etc, etc... Then the resistance faded from view almost as if nature itself obscured their view.

“Where are they hiding!?” Darth Sidious asked enraged!

“We believe they are hiding within the jungles of Naboo.” The Viceroy replied. More than half of Naboo was covered in jungle.

“Take your fleet and bombard them from space. Every inch of the jungle turned to ruin! Do it quickly!” Darth Sidious shouted at him and ended the transmission.

“Y-Yes... My Lord.” The Viceroy said in dismay. This was not going according to plan.


(Naboo. Force Temple, Resistance Base.)

Lash was sitting in front of a material energy forge as he was in the process of creating another synthetic kyber crystal. Turned out the Kyber crystal was organic in nature. That allowed Lash to use the spell Essence Imbuement so that the crystal grew naturally in the forge. Then by casting his magic on the crystal the midi-chlorians in the air rushed to feed on the energy and by attract were absorbed into the synthetic Kyber crystal. Lash knew that the Sith figured out a way to make synthetic crystals without magic. He'd have to tinker with it at another time. But for now?

Lash was in trouble. No matter what he did, what had happened made him look suspicious. Over a hundred resistance fighters of the RSF were know Force-Supers. Lash optimized them, and they had all reached their threshold of 5,000 + midi-chlorians. On top of it all as Yane, and Sache's bodies grew to accommodate the changes from optimization their midi-chlorian count grew as well. They could take more sustained energy. No one had reached 10,000 as of yet. But the two of them were getting closer.

With every new Force-Super Lash created armor, and a lightsaber for them. Yane, and Sache kept their Nth metal weapon. But had merged a Kyber crystal into it creating an interesting mix of blade, and saber. Lash started to mold their suits of armor after animals found in the galaxies. Why? That was what the Jensaarai did. The people in the recommended background Dawn had written for Lash. He had combed through the Dream Store catalog and found a Star Wars history, lore, and myth information download he could buy. Now a whole lot of information was jumbled around in his head.

Now he understood why the Living Force had tried to not only stop him from winning against Darth Maul, but why it was so upset that he had killed him. Darth Maul played a huge role in the Star Wars story. The movies, the animated series, the comics, the novels. He effected so much. Now, he was dead. Far, far to soon. The 4th wall engine and/or the Living Force had fought back when Lash changed the story in such a drastic way. Now, the Living Force almost seemed confused, and no longer tried to stop him. At least for now.

“Master Lash, I believe we have a situation.” Gregar Typho came to him. Gregar was clad in an animalistic suit of armor, and a purple lightsaber was on his belt.

Lash reached into the boiling hot forge and plucked out the crystal. He looked it over and set it down to be cooled. Another lightsaber casing waiting to be filled. Another Jensaarai to be made. One of the resistance fighters waited for the crystal to cool before his weapon was ready. Lash went over the instruction one last time with the new recruit who was listened carefully then bowed in respect.

Lash followed Gregar as he was led towards the briefing room. Inside were a few officers all clad in Jensaarai armor, lightsabers on their belts. They all bowed reverently towards Lash as he entered. The holographic projector came to life and Captain Kras was on the line. He saluted Lash and gave his report.

“Master Lash it appears the TF have had enough of us. They have begun to bombard the planet from orbit. It is slow going but miles of jungle have been blasted to glass. The resistance is in the process of leaving the area, along with any civilians and wild life we can find. But with enough time they will weed us out. Battalions of battle droids have been spotted on the jungles edge. They shoot anything living that comes rushing out of the jungles edge.” Captain Kras replied.

“I'm coming to you, I'll be there in little over an hour. Continue the evacuation.” Lash ordered and the holographic powered down.

“Darth Sidious must be getting frustrated if he is willing to destroy the planet just to get to us.” Lash said as he left the briefing room, Gregar followed in his wake.

“What should we do?” Gregar asked.

“Ask for volunteers to hit the TF's outposts, and bases. With the droids waiting for us to come out the depots will be guarded with nothing but a skeleton crew. Inform the command structure of the RSF that the Queen is coming back in a few hours. Hopefully we wont be fighting for much longer.” Lash informed him and Gregar saluted then sprinted off to carry out his commands. Cool and focused Gregar was thanks to the implant.

Lash had implanted a bio-mechanical device in all of the Force-Supers. One it was to help them get use to their new bodies quicker. But it also helped keep them level, emotionally. Being tied to the force meant that they felt emotions far more than others. The Dark Side would try and twist that into power, and corruption. The implanted device which was inserted into their brain stem would modify their chemical formula to tone down the emotions. It was training wheels for the Force.

The bio-mechanical implant would degrade overtime. Once it was gone it was up to the Force-User to keep their own balance. Some would succeed, others wouldn't. Either way the future of this Rift story event chain was going to be interesting. A land speeder arrived to take Lash to his requested designation and they were off. Along the way Lash created a holographic design for a defensive platform that he built on Xandar not that long ago. He'd have to modify it of course. But it should do.

They passed by a large lake and Lash saw the beach in ruins. The battle droids had bombarded the area once they had learned about the gungans. They had deployed aquatic droids to root them out. The gungans had not fared very well. Hundreds had sought aid from the resistance and under the command of Lash they gave it. While the rest of the race was no where to be seen. The few gungans Lash had spoken too spoke of a sacred place. But they refused to take them to it. Lash didn't push. Especially since he saw the midi's surround the gungans protectively.

Thirty minutes into their travels they saw it. Though the canopy was thick they still saw flashes of light through the leaves. The cacophony of blaster fire. Entire herds of animals big, and small were rushing through the jungle to get away. Dozens of Force-Supers were trying to calm the animals and get them to travel away from the jungles edge. They all saluted Lash as he drove by. At last they reached their destination.

The resistance base was in the process of being pulled down as Force-Supers, and regular RSF moved around quickly. Lash jumped from the land speeder and the driver along with the vehicle were quickly asked to help with the evacuation. Captain Kras arrived and saluted Lash who returned it. Then he was brought up a small cliff face above the canopy where they could see it. Thousands of blaster bolts rained down from the skies. There in the distance in the upper atmosphere were several TF ships.

“How nice of them to show themselves.” Lash said with a grin. Though he wore his mask Captain Kras couldn't help but shiver. When ever Lash grinned something chaotic was about to happen.

Captain Kras was dismissed so he returned to help with the evacuation. Lash went to an isolated place then created a baffle field. Time to build a platform. Geometric shapes, with long lines made from green, and blue energy formed into being. He created a 100 ft squared piece of metal that was nailed into the ground via drill points at each point. Then another 100 ft triangle piece, with the cannon as the pointed portion that drew back to the middle of the triangle. The triangle was elevated into a rotating turret.

The cannon was several smaller rotating circles with complex spell inscriptions. Stabilizers were built, along with sound dampening. Despite the custom job once this thing fired it would still be incredibly loud. Lash created a control center and enclosed himself into a box. A targeting reticle focused and zeroed in on the first visible TF cruiser. Lash sat in a constructed seat and dozens of data jacks went into his spine, and skull.

The rough exterior of the defensive platform were smoothed out with soft edges. Artist received several prompts of experience. So much so that it level several times. Lash rarely used it anymore. But if he could make something look good, and still functioned perfectly he wouldn't complain. Then one by one the circles started to glow as they rotated faster, and faster. Lash's magical energy levels were being used to power the magnetic accelerated cannon (MAC). Then Lash placed a Kyber crystal shard into the cannons matrix.


For a brief moment on the surface of Naboo a green star was born. Then a beam of green light shot straight from the surface and sliced through a Trade Federation cruiser. The world itself seem to take a breath. As the cruiser was shattered. What ever the green light touched was incinerated. The explosion of energy jumped to the two TF cruisers nearby. They suffered catastrophic damage to their ships.

The Viceroy who stood on his flagship's observation deck stared in horror as one by one the ships that had focused on one portion of Naboo's jungle were shot down by some kind of defensive platform that the people of Naboo had? There had been no report about any platforms. Why had they waited so long to use it? Clearly they had waited for the right time. The Viceroy ordered all his ships to avoid that section of the planet.

The orbital bombardment of Naboo was momentarily halted as the TF repositioned themselves. But the Viceroy was terrified to continue the attack. What if they had other platforms they didn't know about? This was all spinning out of control. So the Viceroy order all his ships to return to the blockade of the planet, hopefully out of range of what ever had shot at them. But as the moved their ships they failed to notice a small Nabooian starship fly past them and reach the surface.


Regretfully Lash had to deconstruct the MAC. But it had done its job. Also Dawn did not confiscate the weapon either. So that was win. Apparently Lash was not the first person to make a MAC that used kyber crystals as ammunition. Well drat! By the time Lash had finished up and went back to the resistance base a single speeder bike had been left for him. He jumped on and rode it back to central HQ. That was something Lash had copied. The speeder bikes, he couldn't wait to get it back to his home reality.

The TF had blasted about six hundred miles of jungle. Lash made a not to himself so he could come back and restore the jungle before he left the planet. From the tech-spirit in their systems it appeared that they had chosen to return to their blockade method and were now out of range of any defensive platform from the surface. Lash was tempted to try, but the last thing he wanted was an accelerated piece of kyber just zipping across the vacuum of space to arrive at some distant world and cause massive destruction if he missed.

When Lash returned he found the resistance teams were all cheering. He had not informed anyone about the destruction of the cruisers so something else must have occurred. He also noticed Yane, and Sache had returned. He felt their presence in the camp. Lash moved to their position and found the reason for the good mood. A royal starship was parked off to the side and there stood the Queen, or rather a handmaiden. While Padme stood off to the side in handmaiden disguise. With her were a collection of individuals.

Two droids known has R2-D2, and C-3PO. R2 was a astromech droid. Astromech droids, also referred to as astro droids or mechs, were a type of repair droid that served as an automated mechanic on starships. These compact droids used tool-tipped appendages stored in recessed compartments. Many starfighters relied on astromech copilots to control flight and power distribution systems. Sitting in an astromech socket exposed to space, the droid, in addition to its piloting duties, could calculate hyperspace jumps and perform simple repairs. R2 had a blue and white color scheme.

C-3PO was a protocol droid a droid whose job was to aid sentients with their etiquette and relations with each other in the galaxy. They often dealt with event planning, etiquette, translation, and problem solving. Typically 5'5” (1.7 m) tall, protocol droids came in many shapes and sizes, although most were humanoid in form. C-3PO was no different. However he looked...Naked? It appeared Anikan hadn't created skin plating for C-3PO yet so all of his wires were exposed.

Next was Shmi Skywalker human woman who stood at approximately 5'3” (1.6 m). She had long brown hair tied up into a bun, with warm brown eyes, and tanned skin that had seen far to many days in the sun. Strays of gray hair could be seen. She clearly had lived a hard live and it had aged her prematurely. Despite that she had a strong, and firm figure. Earned from hard work day to day. She wore leather boots, black pants, a over coat made of fine Naboo silk, and a ornate belt. Something from the Queen's wardrobe maybe.

Next to Shmi was Anikan Skywalker a young human boy who stood approximately 4'5” (1.3 m) with golden shaggy hair to his ears. Clear, innocent, and curious blue eyes. His skin tone was tanned like his mothers. He wore baggy sand wool shit, pants, leather boots, with a leather belt adorned with all sorts of tools. He watched every speaking about this and that with a keen interest. However with Lash started to walk over Anikan zeroed in on him. He instinctively moved in front of his mother as Lash approached. The midi-chlorians in the air surrounded Anikan like a protective blanket, or a guard dog.

'I'm not going to hurt him.' Lash sent out across the waves of energy around them. The midi-chlorians seemingly understood him and relaxed by a few inches.

Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenobi stood close to the 'Queen' as they spoke to Yane, and Sache who were in full Jensaarai armor. Jinn, and Kenobi's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets when they saw over a hundred RSF resistance fighters in full kit. Each one of them a Force User. Then they looked at Lash. Shock, confusion, and most importantly...Fear. Were the expression they had. Padme turned to look at Lash, then glanced at Yane, and Sache who bounced over to Lash and bowed to him. He returned the gesture then went to the 'Queen' and bowed to her as well.

“Welcome back your highness. I'm happy you got my message. So what's the plan?” Lash asked as he tucked his hands behind his back.

“I had hoped to enlist Jar Jar Binks help to contact the gungans.” The Queen replied, then she glanced around looking for the gungan. Ah! That was who was missing.

“Jar Jar what are you doing?” Anakin asked, as he found the gungan hiding behind Master Jinn.

“Mesa hiding! Quietly Ani or he'll find me.” Jar Jar said to him. Jinn rolled his eyes and moved out of the way. Jar Jar bounced away in fright but found himself floating in the air. He tried to run but his feet found no purchase. Lash used Telekinesis to bring him over.

“Tell me Jar Jar have you been practicing what Master Kenobi taught you?” Lash asked, a look of confusion fell over Kenobi's face. How did Lash know about that?

“Yaha! Mesa not clumsy anymore!” Jar Jar said, as he continued to try and run away.

“Good. Then you have nothing more to fear from me.” Lash said, and Jar Jar froze in mid stride.

“Nosa pain?” Jar Jar asked.

“No, now please listen to the Queen's request.” Lash politely asked, and Jar Jar nodded enthusiastically.

“Jar Jar can you contact your people in the city of Utoh Gunga?” The Queen asked but before Jar Jar could agree...

“Your highness they are not there.” Yane said, and everyone present looked at her. Then they looked at Lash.

“Several days ago the TF started to bomb every lake, and piece of ocean that had a gungan settlement in it. Hundreds of gungans came to us for protection and we gave it. While the majority of them have retreated to a 'sacred place' as the gungans have called it. They refuse to tell us where it is, and we haven't pushed them on it.” Lash politely informed them.

“Aha! Yes, When in trouble, go to sacred place. Mackineeks no find them dare. Mesa kno deway!” Jar Jar said and started to walk into the jungle.

“Jar Jar!” Lash called out and he froze in place.

“I think it would be faster if we use speeders, don't you?” Lash asked with a bit of mirth in his voice.

“Yesa! You da boss!” Jar Jar said and gradually walked back towards them.

As speeders were prepared for them, and guards were selected to act as their escorts. Qui-Gon, and Kenobi came to Lash. Their shoulders back, chests out, and chins up. They clearly wanted a place to talk. Lash motioned for them to follow him. Almost as if called by some 'invisible' force Anikan came along with them. Shmi by his side. She looked hesitant but Lash said it was fine. That was when Lash showed the Jedi the Force Temple. Even after a week of exposure the place was still saturated with midi-chlorians. Lash noticed that Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan's midi count rose by about one hundred each.

“What is this place?” Anikan asked as he looked around.

“It's a Force temple. Long ago before the Jedi, and the Sith were in power. Before the discovery of the light, and dark side of the Force. There was...Just the Force. Entire temples were dedicated to the research and focus of the cosmic energy. This was one such place.” Lash said as he pointed out a newly restored mosaic which covered the history of the temple. Lash had been repairing the temple slowly.

“It is said that places strong with the Force can take those that are sensitive to it and empower them. Take a Force User and make them stronger. Or take a group of royal security forces who camp above it to become Force Users.” Lash said and glanced at Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan who clearly didn't fully believe him. But had no evidence to contradict him.

“You were the reason Master Qui-Gon had the money to buy us?” Shmi asked suddenly. Lash looked towards her and nodded his head in agreement. “Thank you.” Shmi said.

“Your welcome.” Lash replied.

“Let me guess the council declined to train Anakin because he was to old?” Lash asked, as he looked to Qui-Gon who looked irritated about the situation.

“Are you Sith?” Obi-Wan asked.

“No.” Lash replied as he crossed his arms across his chest.

“Are you a Jedi?” Anakin asked.

“No. Turns out you don't need to pick either to use the Force.” Lash replied with a chuckle.

“Can you train my son to use the Force?” Shmi asked, and Lash was a little taken back.

“I was under the impression that Qui-Gon was going to train Anikan after Obi-Wan finished his knight trials. Did that not happen when you visited the council?” Lash asked about the events that had happened in the movies.

“No...Was that suppose to happen?” Qui-Gon asked, Lash snapped his fingers in a aw shucks moment.

“The tapestry of the Living Force has changed again. You were suppose to offer to train Anakin. Master Yoda points out that you already have a padawan. Then Qui-Gon admits that he has little left to teach Obi-Wan and that he is ready to take the trials to become a Jedi knight. Your telling me that didn't happen?” Lash asked, they both shook their heads.

“Wonderful.... I have no idea what is about to happen.” Lash said in exasperation.

“You can see the future?” Shmi asked.

“Kinda, I see the tapestry of the Living Force. But the possibilities of the future are without number. The Living Force will often show me the most probable future. Then it will inform me if I am needed. Once that has been confirmed I am fed the possible future. At which point I move to ensure that future either happens, or doesn't happen. For example... In one future The Queen was meant to die when she tried to move past the blockade. That didn't happen.” Lash informed them of an absolute lie.

“In another Qui-Gon Jinn dies fighting Darth Maul in the battle for Naboo. While Obi-Wan Kenobi cuts Darth Maul in half. Unfortunately that doesn't kill Maul. But it is years later that Obi-Wan learns that truth.” Lash said next brought more and more confusion to the group.

“Who's Darth Maul?” Obi-Wan asked, and Lash showed them a holographic recording of the fight. Lash had camera's built into his suit. The recording showed everything that happened to the naked eye. So no midi-chlorian interference.

“Is your armor made of Beskar?” Qui-Gon asked.

“No, its made up of Vibranium, Uru, and Nth metal.” Lash replied, when they looked at him in confusion he motioned for them to keep watching the recording. When it showed Lash cutting Maul's neck Shmi sheltered Anakin's face who wiggled out of her arms.

“Where did you get the lightsabers to supply the RSF?” Kenobi asked.

“I can make synthetic kyber crystals as long as I have a forge.” Lash said and pulled out several tiny thumb nail size crystals. Kenobi picked one up and felt the Force contained within it.

“How long ago were you at the temple?” Jinn asked.

“Several hundred years ago.” Lash replied and Anakin looked at him in shock.

“Are you really a Mandalorian?” Kenobi asked.

“I am not from Madalore, nor am I genetically related to the species. But as for the warrior martial tradition in the belief that anyone can become a Mandalorian as long as they follow the creed. Then yes.” Lash replied, and filled in some paces with another lie. Yay more lies!

“Are you willing to return with us to Coruscant to the Jedi Council?” Qui-Gon asked.

“Nope, at some point I have to travel to Coruscant but you won't find me at the Jedi Temple. I don't mind seeing the council outside of the temple. But I refuse to step inside of that place. Not for the reasons you think. Places with high concentration of Force energy are connected to the tapestry. If I step foot in that place I will see hundreds, if not thousands of threads. I may lose my mind.” Lash informed them and a look of moderate understanding appeared on Qui-Gon's face.

“To answer your question Lady Shmi. If Qui-Gon is unable to train Anikan then yes I will. But as I said before, Qui-Gon was suppose to be his master. We'll see if that still happens or not.” Lash said to her who nodded in understanding.

“Master Lash!” Sache came into the Force Temple and bowed to everyone.

“The Queen is ready to depart.” Sache continued, Lash glanced at everyone. They were ready.

There was some debate on whether Anakin, and Shmi should come with them. The resistance base was a safe enough location. But Anakin seemed almost compelled to follow the Queen...Or more specifically Padme. So eventually they all piled into several speeders and under Jar Jar's guidance that had them going in circles for several hours they reached their destination. The sacred place for the gungans resembled the ruins where the Force Temple was. Archaic statues of gungans, and naboo people were cracked, or destroyed. Plant growth had swallowed what had looked like a aztec ziggurat grant temple.

“Dissen it!” Jar Jar said for the fifth time. Then made several chattering noises from his mouth. Several Kaadu's burst from the treeline with their gungan riders.

“Heyo-dalee, Captain Tarpals.” Jar Jar said and waved happily at the gungan who rolled his eyes in annoyance.

“Binks! Noah again!” Captain Tarpals replied. Captain Tarpals was a gungan officer clearly with a purple to pink skin hue. He was clad a leather jerkin, pants, and a scaled hide tunic. He wielded an electric pike. As did the other guards.

“We comen to see da boss!” Jar Jar announced, but Captain Tarpals looked past Jar Jar and saw Lash.

“Mado Lash! Da boss said if yusa showed to bring yous.” Captain Tarpals said next.

“Greetings to you valiant, and honorable gungan. May I bring Queen Amidala of the Naboo and her team along as well?” Lash asked as he bowed deeply from his waist and stayed that way until he heard an answer.

“Yasa! Dis way!” Captain Tarpals said and pulled his mount around.

“You've spoken to them before?” The Queen asked.

“When you left we tried to get them join the resistance. They refused, but allowed us to use their swamps, lakes, and rivers. That way we wouldn't have to fight them and the TF.” Lash replied.

Captain Tarpals led through the rest of the ruins until the reached a community center. There on a half submerged stone gungan head resided several of the gungan council and Rugor Nass the big boss of the gungan people. He looked over the group with a look of disinterest until he spotted Lash. A huge grin spread across his face from ear to ear. He shook his face, as his jawls flapped about sending saliva this way and that. The gungans smiled at the response, the shaking was a good thing then?

“Mando Lash! Welcome... Who's da uss-en others” Rugor Nass asked.

“Great, and powerful Rugor Nass, Boss of all the gungans thank you again for the privilege of your wise council.” Lash said as he dropped to a knee and bowed his head. “With me is the Queen of the Naboo. She wishes to place herself beneath as it should be and ask for assistance from the mighty gungan.”

“Ntch! Ntch! Ntch! Who's da Queen?” Rugor asked, Lash stood up and looked back behind him. He gestured not towards the 'Queen' but towards Padme the handmaiden who looked at him with wide eyes. The handmaiden Queen looked at Lash, then at Padme.

“How can they be expected to trust you if you don't trust them?” Lash asked Padme who stepped forward.

“Your honor... I am Queen Amidala.” Padme said, then pointed at the Queen. “This is my decoy. . . My protection. . . My loyal bodyguard.” The look of utter surprise on Qui-Gon's, Obi-Wan's, Anakin's, Jar Jar's, and Shmi's face was priceless. Lash photographed it for good measure so he could tease them later.

“...I am sorry for my deception, but under the circumstances it has become necessary to protect myself. Although we do not always agree, Your Honor, our two great societies have always lived in peace...until now. The Trade Federation has destroyed all that we have worked so hard to build. You are in hiding, my people are in camps. If we do not act quickly, all will be lost forever...I ask you to help us...no, I beg you to help us.” Padme said to Rugor Nass then dropped to her knees before him.

“We are your humble servants...our fate is in your hands.” Padme declared, then the rest of the group from Captain Panaka, to the handmaidens, then finally the Jedi.

However Lash, Yane, and Sache stayed standing. Padme looked at them imploring them to kneel. Eventually Yane, and Sache joined her on the ground. Lash did not, he crossed his arms and looked at Rugor Nass and shrugged. Rugor laughed at him, then at the Queen.

“Yousa no tinken yousa greater den da Gungans?” Rugor asked and Amidala shook her head. “Mesa like dis. Maybe wesa bein friends.” Then Rugor shook his jawls once again and the gungans all cheered....


“If they had listened to you in the first place this all could have been avoided.” Sache said softly to Lash who had stepped to the side. Queen Amidala the real one was in discussion with Boss Nass.

“The benefit of hindsight. The true accomplishment is that once the TF is gone the people of the Naboo, and the Gungans will now share leadership of the planet. A good course of action as a whole.” Lash replied, Sache nudged him with her shoulder and he looked at her.

“But you knew that would happen already, didn't you?” Sache asked.

“Nothing is certain, but the odds were good.” Lash replied with a shrug.

“Almost over...” Sache said softly as she glanced over to Yane who was speaking to the other handmaidens including the body double.

“You asked her to marry you yet?” Lash asked, and Sache turned a lovely shade of red and sputtered.

“W-wha... what!? No..I mean...We...What!?” Sache asked, clearly taken back by the question. She turned a deeper shade of crimson barked out a laugh that shook his whole body.

“What's so funny?” Anakin asked as he walked over, Shmi was behind him as she glanced at Sache who tried to rub her face clean.

“I'm just teasing my apprentice about getting married.” Lash replied and Sache all but fled from Lash. Which resulted in Lash laughing out loud again.

“Are Jedi allowed to get married?” Anakin asked, Lash knelt down so he was eye level with him.

“No, attachments of the romantic sense is not allowed as a Jedi. Love is a complex emotion that the dark side will often manipulate to twist the Force User into a monster. However, Sache is not a Jedi and is free to make such attachments. As long as she is careful and does not let the emotion consume her she'll be fine.” Lash replied to Anakin who didn't look like he understood.

“Do you have to pick a side? Why can't we just use the light, and dark side together?” Anakin asked and Lash smiled at him.

“Oh but you can! That is exactly what I do. Jedi believe the only way to be in balance with the Force is to use the light side and only the light side. They are not necessarily wrong. The light side is far better for the stability of the galaxy than the dark. While the dark side Force Users are so consumed by their all consuming rush for power and control that the dark side of the Force gives them that they see little reason to use anything else. But in the end, those who choose true balance between dark and light obtain a strength beyond both.” Lash instructed his possible student.

“It's that easy?” Anakin asked.

“No, not at all. Walking the path of true balance between both is a path few can take. Because you must always be in balance. A little to far to either side will send you spiraling off the path. When that happens you lose the abilities of the other side that you lost. But, just like anything else. You are free to try again. Any Jedi who claims they have never been tempted by the dark side is lying. Any Sith who claim that they have never felt the pull of the light, is lying.” Lash replied, and gently ruffled Anakin's hair who wiggled out from his hand.

“So if Qui-Gon does end up teaching you. I'll be there to ensure you are properly trained to resist the dark. The Jedi have this insane idea that if they ignore it long enough it will go away. That won't happen with you Anakin. You'll understand the pull of the dark side and be smart, and strong enough to work past it.” Lash said to him as he stood back up.

“Or, you can ask to be trained by me. Then you can marry Padme!” Lash said, and Anakin turned bright red and shrunk his neck in. Lash cracked up laughing again, while Shmi had a bemused expression on her face.

“Master Lash!” Padme called, he was still laughing when he came over. “Is it true the resistance has tried to capture the Viceroy when ever he lands on Naboo?”

“Yes, we have his second, third, and fourth in command at the resistance base. They have all confessed to working with a man named Darth Sidious. They have also reported that Darth Sidious is... Upset with the progress Viceroy Nute Gunray has made with the planet. I still have a program in the defense net of the TF. The Viceroy is on his flagship and refuses to move to the surface.

“Who attacked the TF cruisers?” Captain Panaka asked.

“We did, we built a defensive platform that could fire on the cruisers from the surface. It caused them all to spread out and return to their blockade position. They are now out of range.” Lash replied.

“If we can get a boarding party up to the Viceroy's ship can your program shut down the shields so we can land?” Padme asked.

“Easily.” Lash replied.

“If that is the case. Then we'll have the army of the Gungans attack the droid army outside of Theed. Then we'll move in through the secret passages in the waterfalls behind the palace. We'll then move into the palace hanger-” Padme continued but was interrupted by Yane.

“Your highness we cleared out the royal hanger a few days ago. All of the N-1's are back at the resistance camp.” Yane politely informed Padme who stopped short.

“Oh... I must say Master Lash it is almost as if you can see the future.” Padme said with a slight twitch of her lips.

“Yes, almost.” Yane said as she smiled at Lash who shrugged.

Regardless of the situation the Gungan army was deployed across Naboo to assist the RSF and Force-Supers in attacking the droid army. While Lash, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Yane, Sache, Padme, Captain Panaka, and several Force-Supers would fly up in the Queen's royal starship and board the Viceroy's flagship. They would be escorted by the few pilots they had left. Regrettably the attack would take place in the morning. As they need to have a look over the N-1 starfighters, and located the pilots to crew them.

The Boss Nass informed the grand army of the Gungans they would start in the morning and their armies were mobilized across the jungles, swamps, and rivers of Naboo. It was one final push to reclaim their world and the entire RSF resistance would be there. The mood in the air around the camp was overwhelmingly positive. The nervous tension that so many had carried at the start of the resistance was no more. Though a new comers had pre battle jitters.

“No Anakin you are not flying a N-1 fighter to the capital ship.” Lash replied as he pulled an engine apart, looked it over and replaced it.

“Why not!?” Anakin shouted at him, the boy crossed his arms and had a petulant look on his face.

“Because you have no training on the starfighter, a racing pod does not compare, you are underage, your mother would tan your hide if you did.” Lash replied and while Anakin had an excuse for all of those points save for the last one.

“So if I got mom to agree...” Anakin began.

“No, Anakin. Master Lash is right you will not be coming with us tomorrow.” Qui-Gon said as he arrived right on time.

“But I want to do something!” Anakin stamped his foot.

“That M-1B speeder is being use tomorrow. Take it apart and look it over then replace the bad parts.” Lash pointed it out and the look of pure joy on Anakin's face brought a smile to Lash's face. Anakin ran over, stopped half way to go get a tool kit then went back.

“I remember being that stubborn when I was with my Master. Oh how I drove him crazy.” Lash replied in good humor as Qui-Gon watched Anakin pop the hood to the speeder a fond smile on his face as he watched the boy.

“Who was your master?” Qui-Gon asked as he came to take a seat next to Lash as he worked.

“Layar Kuhl was my first master, the one I left the temple with. Though I ended up jumping around to a few others, he was the most consistent. Or rather he was the one that could put up with me the most.” Lash said as he chuckled softly.

“How so?” Qui-Gon asked, as he leaned forward. He placed his elbows on his knees and cradled his face. As he studied Lash.

“As we were no longer under the Jedi Councils strict rules of conduct I was curious about anything and everything. I asked all sorts of questions a Padawan had no right to ask. But we were all in uncharted territory. Pioneers as it were, so they were not sure if me knowing was good or bad. To ensure the other masters didn't kill me out of frustration I was limited twenty questions a day. It ended up being a idea because it made me stop and think about what I wanted to ask.” Lash said as he replaced the parts he needed and went over the rest of the starfighter.

“We have those rules in place to ensure that the padawans don't seek answers to questions they are not ready for.” Qui-Gon supplied an answer and Lash nodded.

“Yes, that is very true...For the Jedi. But several of my masters soon learned that I asked questions that not even they knew the answers to. Like, where did the Force originate from?” Lash said, and looked at Qui-Gon to see if he knew the answer.

“The Force has always been a part of our lives. The universe could not exist without it.” Qui-Gon said in a tone of a teacher. Lash shook his head, no.

“We found out that wasn't true. The Force didn't make the universe. In fact the Force doesn't exist outside of this galaxy. I know that because we've been outside of it.” Lash replied and enjoyed the astonished look on Qui-Gon's face.

“You've been beyond the outer rim?” Qui-Gon asked as he sat up. His attention, and almost child like curiosity on his face.

“We have... It was a long, and complicated journey.” Lash replied and replaced a bad control stick in a cockpit.

As far as Lash knew there had never been a successful expedition to any of the other galaxies in the star wars universe. Things had come to their galaxy from other places. But they themselves had never left their home galaxy. From the star wars novels some sort of alien armada had tried to conquere the natives. An alien species that the Force didn't work on because they were outside of its scope. Lash didn't remember it all, neither did Erik.

“Master Lash?” Yane had walked up on them as Qui-Gon was asking about the other galaxy Lash had seen.

“Yes, Yane how may I help you?” Lash asked as he finished on the N-1 fighter.

“The Queen wishes to speak with you, alone.” Yane replied as she glanced at Qui-Gon who schooled his expression back to the look of serenity he normally carried.

“Very well, apologizes unto you Master Qui-Gon. We'll continue this later.” Lash said as he bowed to Qui-Gon, he also place his right fist into his left palm in a salute.

“Of course Master Lash, I look forward to it.” Qui-Gon replied with a smile.

Lash walked side by side with Yane through the camp as Qui-Gon went to join Anakin with repairs to the speeder. As always as Lash walked through the camp he was saluted to by the RSF resistance, and bowed to by the Force-Supers. Once the invasion was over their lives would get increasingly more complicated. More than likely the Jedi Council would move to seize them. Lash still didn't know enough about the Force. He knew the Super Optimization could not be removed with out Source Code but he wasn't sure if the Jedi still knew the ritual to seal the Force from someone or not.

What do you do with a standard human who could now flip a hover tank? Lash cleared his thoughts when he realized that Yane was leading him towards the Force Temple. They walked down the freshly repaired stone stairs into the grand sitting chamber. Sache was there with the Queen, the real Queen Amidala. Once Lash arrived, Yane, and Sache excused themselves.

Padmé Amidala Naberrie the Queen of Naboo stood at approximately 5'5” (1.6m). She had long brown hair tied back into a braid that was wrapped up into a bun. Warm brown eyes that were currently filled with sorrow, as she struggled with a decision that would result in the deaths of many. She had a healthy light skin tone, maybe a little pale. Along with a firm athletic figure that bordered on being a scholar. Some muscle mass, but to many days of sitting on a throne maintaining perfect posture.

Padme wore much the same that Yane, and Sache did when they had first come to the jungles of Naboo. Knee high leather boots. Navy blue form fitting pants, with a form fitting gray under cloth. Then she had a maroon silk weave coat that went past her knees, with open sleeves. Very nice looking, incredibly impractical. Padme noticed Lash eyeing her clothing and a smile tugged on her lips.

“Yane says you are rather talented with a needle. Captain Panaka's wife...Captain Mariek Panaka said you threaded metal into their RSF suits. Saved their lives. You also made Yane, Sache, and the RSF armor. Thank you for that...” Padme said, and her expression wilted.

“Your highness what is wrong?” Lash asked, he folded his arms behind him and stood up straight almost at attention.

“Please be at ease, Master Lash. I... I wanted to talk to you about the future.” Padme asked and took a seat at the raised dais at the end of the Force Temple seating room. Lash walked closer and sat cross legged beneath her.

“Yane, and Sache are Force Users now. I am told, including them we have 354 new Force Users. All of them adorned in armor, and wielding lightsabers you have crafted for them. Many of them have found the art in the martial traditions. I am... I feel that if Naboo had chosen to train their people in a martial form many of this would not have happened.” Padme said, as she bit her lip in thought. Her eyes were moist with soon to be tears.

“Your highness...” Lash began but Padme held up a hand.

“Naboo's culture fosters the artist in every citizen, encouraging children to become musicians, performers, painters, and similar professions. There are several schools on the planet where students could advance their knowledge of various art subjects. Serving our people in the civil government is also encouraged, and sought after. Violence is not our way. We prefer to talk, to resolve our issues with words. But there are times when words are not enough.” Padme said, as she blinked back her tears. She pulled her shoulders back, stuck out her chest, and looked at Lash.

“Yane, and Sache have informed me that you have been training the RSF in a Martial Art form that is designed to defeat, and take down foes with out killing or permanently harming them. I understand you don't plan to stay on Naboo. But before you leave, could you... Could you help the people of Naboo recognize another form of art?” Padme said at last.

“Sure.” Lash replied simply and a huge weight seem to settle on Padme's shoulders. This would change the fundamental way of life for the people of Naboo.

When the TF had invaded Naboo they had blissfully used battle droids. Blissfully for the fact that the RSF and the civilian resistance didn't have to feel bad about destroying them. There was no moral question of taking a life. A few did feel bad about destroying droids doing what they were programmed to do. Lash sympathized those people and said as much.

Padme and Lash spent several hours in the Force Temple discussing the future. Naboo had three moons, one of them was a barren rock. Lash asked if he could make the moon into a training center for the martial arts form. They discussed logistics of building a base on a moon with out an atmosphere. Lash said he had a way to fix that and that only confused Padme. As they spoke Lash used a Source Code on the sly and optimized Padme. Oddly enough the midi's in the air didn't stop him, they only showed interest in the changes. Sure enough Padme reached her threshold of 5,789 midi-chlorian count.

A few hours before sunrise Padme was falling asleep and Lash pulled her into his arms and carried her out of the temple towards her chambers aboard her starship. Along the way he used Re:Implant to install the bio-mechanical tool. Lash had successfully made Queen Amidala, future senator of Naboo a Force-Super. Hazah! Made Lash wonder what Luke, and Leia were going to be like? As Lash was leaving the ship he found Yane, and Sache waiting for him. Both still in their armor, but helmets/masks down.

“We felt her...” Sache said softly.

“Tomorrow's going to be dangerous.” Lash replied, and that was enough for them....


As the sun rose across the central continent of Naboo where a majority of its cities were located an electrostatic virus went through every TF cruiser, and control ship. For nearly ten minutes nothing worked. Thankfully the control ships were properly shielded so every battle droid in the armada, and surface continued to work. Hundreds of Vulture droid starfighters took flight just in time to see dozens of N-1 Naboo starfighters fly straight towards the Viceroy's ship. Dead center of their formation was the Queen's royal starship.

On the surface of the planet along the jungles tree line a horde of Gungan warriors raced out. Hundreds of Kaadu riders sprinted towards the battle droids. With resistance fighters by their sides on speeders, and police fighters. Along side them in separate teams were the Force-Supers rushing towards the tanks, and transports. Lightsabers of varied colors, and designs burst to life as they cut through the droids with ease. It was a match between quantity and quality. But no matter what blood would be left on the ground by days end.

The N-1 starfighters engaged the vulture droids as the royal starship sped towards the Viceroy's ship. A secret program aboard deactivated the docking shields and the royal starship rushed in before the auxiliary shields locked it off. Then inner communications aboard the ship was shut down. No one had any idea of what was going on. Security droids rushed the royal ship just as their door opened and out came Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Lash. Who waded into the storm of battle droids. Lightsabers moved through the crowds with ease, as the RSF and Force-Supers escorted the Queen through the docks.


“They look surprised to see us!” Obi-Wan shouted with a smile as he cut a droid in half.

“Anyone should be happy to see two Jedi Knights, let alone your smiling face Obi-Wan.” Lash replied as he bisected droid.

“Come on you two!” Qui-Gon said as he rushed towards the Queen's escort as they had reached the main door of the cargo bay door to the main ship.

Lash reached out and collected the remaining security droids and crushed them into balls with Telekinesis. Then he cast Acceleration and sprinted to catch up with the two Jedi. Several Force-Supers were slowly moving through an exterior hallway causing as much a distraction as possible. While several destroyer droidekas unfolded and deployed shield generators. The Queen's escort pushed against the interior walls and made a stand off. Until Yane, and Sache made their move.

They both jumped from cover and rushed the droidekas. Their viroblade-lightsabers flared to life and they cut through the destroyers like two blade dancers. The security droids who fired on them had their blaster bolts shot back at them. The two dancers looked amazing in action and the Queen's escort gaped at them. Soon the hallway was clear. Lash raced past the Queen towards to the two women.

“Good job you two!” Lash praised them and they bowed to him then soon returned to the Queen.

Blast doors after blast doors were sealed across the ship once word got back to the control deck. As Viceroy Nute Gunray was a coward he insured all his ships had triple blast doors. When the Queen's escort met their first door Lash used Material Shaping to rapidly melt the door. While his tech-spirits hacked the door controls to the future intersections. One blast door down, a few dozen more to go.

Eventually through dozens of melted, or hacked doors they reached the control deck. Which was the most fortified location in the whole ship. The control deck door was at a T intersection, each hallway was filled with security droids, destroyers, and even a mobile defense platform. Lash's tech-spirits showed a holographic projection of the droids for the Queen's escort team.

“Well this should be fun!” Lash said, and Obi-Wan looked at him like he was insane.

“Does your EMP have that kind of rang?” Qui-Gon asked.

“I'll have to get in the middle. Just be ready to move.” Lash replied, and before anyone could speak he jumped into the hallway and sprinted towards the droids who opened fire.

The security droids were so packed in that they destroyed each other as they fired. Lash pulled out his Psionic Daggers and cast Deflection, recast Acceleration, then created Rune – Destruction through his vampraces. Two circles of eldritch chaos script form. Then he swept his arms in a forward swoop. Unfortunately Lash did not anticipate how powerful his Runes of Destruction were. The red laser cut through the security droids, the interior walls, the blast doors, and most likely the control deck's crew.

“Uh oh...” Lash said, and he swore he heard the click, clack, clatter of a D20 being rolled by his Cosmic Patron.

“Master Lash?” Qui-Gon said softly as he came to this side. All of the droids had been bisected so it was safe to come out.

“I didn't think they would be that effective.” Lash said as he 'ejected' a cartridge from his gauntlets.

“What did you use for the focus?” Obi-Wan asked as the Queen's escort moved through the droid bodies.

“Kyber crystals...” Lash said softly.

“How do you have the power to generate the necessary energy to cut through several layers of starship armor on your suit?” Obi-Wan asked, as he looked Lash's gear over.

“Uhhhh, we'll discuss that later.” Lash deflected and bounced over to the blast door.

They eventually got the door opened and came into a room with dozen of monitors in place with a view mirror to the side for communication. An entire wall dedicated to observation that thankfully had not been cut open. The command crew sat in a lower pit floor which regretfully meant that when the beam went through the room they all got decapitated. While the Viceroy who had been cowering in the back had been cut in half from the waist down. Who was oddly still alive, and had gone into shock. They were working on him now. Maybe he could get spider legs like Maul?

With the Viceroy's bio-metrics they sent the shut down code to the droids on the surface. With him in custody the rest of the TF around Naboo fled the system. As if they could run away from their problems. They invasion of Naboo was over! The Trade Federations capital ship that belong to the Viceroy was captured. Communications lock down was lifted. They contacted the republic and were informed that Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine was en route with a fleet of ships. To force the Trade Federation into a settlement....


Three days later a fleet of ships showed up to late to help the people of Naboo. But all the same the ships were filled with relief supplies for the starving populace. Naboo's neighbor's who were powerless to step in and fight the TF sent supplies as well. For the first time in weeks the people of Naboo could eat full meals, and sleep without worry of being attacked. The Supreme Chancellors ship showed up on the fourth day and soon came to the captial of Theed.

Queen Amidala and her escort showed up at the designated landing strip in the central portion of the city. Most of the Theed was still empty as people slowly migrated back in from the countryside. The Chancellors ship was a long ship with three massive engines on the back in the design of a three point triangle. The landing struts came out from the cylinder looking ship in the color of maroon. The front section of the ship dropped the boarding ramp. The elite guard stepped out first and took up position. Then out came Supreme Chancellor Palpatine with a look of genuine joy to see Queen Amidala safe and sound. Behind the Chancellor were the Jedi Council.

“Congratulations on your election, Chancellor. It is so good to see you again.” Queen Amidala said to Chancellor Palpatine when he walked forward to meet her. When he reached her a look of surprise passed over his face... He was dumbstruck. Several of the Jedi Council felt the Force from Padme.

“It's good to be home. Your boldness has saved our people, Your Majesty. It is you who should be congratulated. Together we shall bring peace and prosperity to the Republic.” Chancellor Palpatine said to the Queen. He then glanced past her to see Lash standing off to the side.

“Please let me introduce you to Master Lash the Mandalorian, and Jensaarai.” Queen Amidala said and gestured. Lash stepped forward and bowed from his waist towards the Chancellor. The Jedi Council took notice. More to the fact that they couldn't feel even an ounce of Force energy coming from Lash.

“A pleasure, and a privilege Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.” Lash said and meant it.

“The pleasure is all mine I assure you. It is you we must thank for safeguarding our people. I will forever be in your debt.” Chancellor Palpatine said.

“With your permission, Chancellor. I would very much like to speak to you privately sometime before you return to Coruscant?” Lash asked.

“I look forward to it!” Chancellor Palpatine said, then moved past Lash with the Queen to discuss the future.

Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Shmi went to greet the Jedi Council. Lash watched the Queen, and the Chancellor walk off with her handmaidens, and his elite guard. Yane, and Sache glanced back at him and he nodded towards them. The Chancellor took notice of the two of them as well and looked back at Lash. He was clearly confused, but he took it in stride. Then Lash heard a familiar tip, tap of a walking stick. He turned to see Master Yoda walking towards him followed by the rest of the Jedi. Lash took a knee, crossed his arms over his chest in a salute and bowed his head.

“It warms my heart to see you again, Master Yoda.” Lash said to the little green man who's eyes looked him over.

“Met before we have? Hrmmm.” Master Yoda asked.

“Several centuries ago I was a Padawan at the temple. I looked much different back then.” Lash lied carefully. “I would be greatly surprised if you remembered me. But I think the council would agree you are hard to forget.”

“Definitely...” Anakin said softly but since they were all Force Users they all heard him. When Anakin realized this he muttered an apology. But Master Yoda being Yoda, he just laughed in his adorable muppet voice.

“You never finished your training to a full Jedi Knight?” Master Windu stepped forward. Lash took one last look at Yoda then stood back up.

“By the Council standards, no. By the standards of my masters own path, yes.” Lash replied, as he looked over each Jedi present.

“We'll decide that...” Master Windu said.

“Excuse me, Master Windu but I think you misunderstand the situation. I am not here to rejoin the Jedi. The Council has no control over me. I refuse to submit to Council leadership. There is no law in the galactic republic that states Force Users have to join the Jedi. So step back!” Lash said, and all but snarled the last bit at him.

Master Windu's face went cold. Several of the Council members spaced themselves out. Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan stepped in front of Anakin, and Shmi. But before anyone could move Gregar Typho in full armor did a three point landing behind Lash. Soon followed by another Force-Super, and another... Eventually all the Force-Supers who had survived the battle showed up. They surrounded the landing area and for the lack of a better word, flexed. The Jedi council was severally outnumbered.

“History teaches us that the Jedi, and the Sith are the only ones in the galaxy capable of mastering the Force. Well, Masters of the Jedi Council I am here to inform you that there is another way. While the Jedi only uses the light side, and the Sith only use the dark side. We of the Jensaarai use both. We practice the art of balance. So I'll be clear... I am not a Jedi, nor am I a Sith. Get use to it!” Lash said then turned on his heel and left.


Later that evening after the dramatic exit from the Jedi Council that was all the buzz in the capital of Theed. Lash went to a private meeting with Chancellor Palpatine. He was shown to Palpatine's private residence which made sense, since the man had been born on Naboo and had served as its senator. Lash was shown in by a protocol droid and found the Chancellor sitting in front of a roaring fire. The dark side of the midi-chlorians swam around him with interest. Many more swam through the air towards Lash and brushed up against him like friendly animals would.

“Master Lash! Welcome, I was sorry to hear about your confrontation with the Jedi Council. I want to ensure you. There is no law that states that Force Users have to join the Jedi. But I have to ask, will you force your supporters to stay Jensaarai?” Chancellor Palpatine asked, as he motioned for Lash to take a seat next to him.

“No, once they complete their training they can choose their own path.” Lash replied, and took the offered seat. The dark side around the Chancellor vibrated with energy, he was pleased hear that.

“Chancellor... May I be blunt?” Lash asked, and the chancellor took out a device and turned on his security. Security shutters rolled over the windows, the doors locked, and a sound dampening device turned on.

“I would prefer it.” Chancellor Palpatine said, giving Lash his undivided attention.

In the seating area next to them was a tower game board. It was a three dimensional game that required the players to have a full understanding of not just the X axis, but the Y axis as well. Multiple angles of attack, defense, and retreat. Lash pulled the game board over with Telekinesis, then set up the game. However neither he, nor Palpatine were players. Lash set the tower sideways.

“The Jedi are the white pieces.” Lash illustrated as the white pieces floated into place.

“The Sith are the black pieces.” Lash once more placed the pieces in place.

“With Darth Maul out of the way.” Lash continued, and removed a central black piece from the board.

“That would mean Darth Tyranus will be the next face of the Sith.” Lash said, as he moved a black piece forward. Chancellor Palpatine had gone completely still as he focused all of his attention on Lash.

“For over a thousand years the Jedi have been in power. They have grown stagnant, old, decrepit. Full of arrogance in their belief that their way is the only way. The rules, traditions and laws they made a thousand years ago, are still being used today.” Lash said, as he moved the different pieces across the board in a sort of play act, until only two black pieces remained.

“While the Sith had to learn to grow, change, and adapt. The rule of two was implemented. Darth Tyranus is now the apprentice, Darth Sidious is the master.” Lash said, and glanced at Palpatine who had gone through a change. He looked the same, but felt completely different. He felt like a Sith Lord.

“For a thousand years the Force has been out of balance. To long the Jedi have been in control. It is time for the Sith to rule.” Lash said as he brushed his hand across the board and all of the white pieces were scattered. Leaving all but one black piece behind.

“The Living Force has tasked me with aiding the Sith. To bring balance once more.” Lash said as he leaned back in his chair. Palpatine's eyes glowed with the dark side, the midi-chlorians in the air was storm of energy. Then with a crack of power the storm became calm.

“I believe... The Sith... Could make use of such an ally.” Palpatine said as a smile grew across his face....


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