
(Coruscant, Jedi Temple Archives)

There is more knowledge here than anywhere else in the galaxy.

The Jedi Archives was a vast hidden treasure trove of knowledge going back thousands of years. They held records on some of the most historic, and benign events within the known galaxy. The archives records themselves were holographic data-pads. Entire volumes of books contained within in a single slip of crystal. Each shelf contained hundreds, while each column contained hundreds of thousands. While some of the more sacred texts were Jedi Holocrons. Square shaped devices made, and designed by Force-Users. One must be a student of the light side of the Force to even open them. Each one contained an almost living echo of the author.

Within the Archive was the rotunda, a giant nexus point with a holographic round table of sorts. The ceiling stretched to very heavens of the Jedi Temple as natural light filtered in from the windows above. While the distant sounds of people whispering, reading, and moving quietly through the library could be heard here. The doorways in and out of the archive were towering archways. Allowing those within the rotunda to see the entire archive from this point. On the holographic round table was an interface allowing seekers of knowledge to narrow down their search between the different halls.

The First Hall, often referred to as the main entrance to the archive. Was kept behind hand carved wooden doors depicting the history of the Jedi Order. Contained on the shelves of the hall were the diaries, journals, philosophical manuscripts, and personal holographic viewings of over a billion recorded Jedi. Entire holo-theatre projections and viewing booths could be found here. With the right credentials, and permission from the head archivist. One could watch entire missions from the first person perspective of the Jedi tasked with the mission.

The Second Hall which ran perpendicular to the first, and third halls. The entire construction of the archive was like the criss cross pattern of a compass. This hall contained data pertaining to the mathematical, and engineering sciences. How to understand, and construct engines capable of hyperspace travel. Along with a full list, and designs of government buildings. Every building within Coruscant could be found in that library. At least the legal ones. While those with higher clearance would find every legal manufactures design of weapons.

The Third Hall which ran directly opposite of the First Hall. The hall was filled with information on the geography and culture of every known planet in the Galactic Republic. It included star maps of interstellar and planetary regions, and detailed analyses on specific civilizations. The Exploration Corps of the Jedi often contributed to this section, adding new planetary details as worlds were discovered beyond the Republic's reach. Though recently the Jensaarai had added to it as well. Regretfully this area was under inspection due the realization that a Jedi Master may or may not have erased information from it. (The Kamino System.)

The Fourth Hall, running on the same plane as the second, was also split into two smaller wings; each dedicated to zoological research relating information on every known species of flora and fauna in the galaxy. Despite its lackluster description one could find all sorts of interesting creatures in these records. Several species had even been discovered that could naturally control the Force, or repel it. Genetic splicers across the galaxy would salivate to be in this hall.

The Chief librarian quarters housed the staff of the archive hall. They held a twenty four hour crew that supported the archive. While this room also supported briefing chambers for Jedi who were traveling to known star systems. What cultures, people, floral, and fauna they would discover there. Along with possible diplomatic situations one may encounter.

Then placed between each hall were study sections. Entire tables, desks, and even private rooms contained within. Allowed researches to stay there in private company. While many Jedi of the Knowledge Corp would spend entire days without food, or sleep to find the answer to the archive they were looking for. All in all the Jedi Archive was a technological marvel. But, there was actually another hall that only a few knew of.

The Fifth Hall, which was hidden behind Chief Librarian quarters. A holographic library shelf was kept full of records. If one pulled out a certain set of data-pads in the right order. Then pushed them all in at the same time with multiple people or with Force Push. That section would slide back, then to off to the side to reveal a hallway. The door would only stay open for less than a minute before it would close again. Down the hallway one would eventually enter a hall filled with Sith Holocrons, and Sith artifacts.

The Sith Holocrons were designed the shape of a pyramid. Each etched with Sith ancient script, and oozing dark side energy. One must use the dark side of the Force to even open one. Just like the Jedi Holocrons, the Sith retained an echo of the original Sith that crafted it. They came in a variety of sizes, color schemes, and made from many different materials. But all of them were infused with the dark side of the Force.

While other items contained within transparisteel cases. Each of these items were light-sabers, holocrons of Sith Lords. Items of power, history, and Sith Sorcery. Each and every item was carefully tended to by a Beskar alloy general purpose droid who was permanently stationed in the Fifth Sith Hall. Programmed to take expert care of the items, as well as protecting them from outside influence. This droid had an important job, especially now. As the Sith Hall was filled with Jedi Masters.

“I can't believe we were never told of this place, until now.” Jedi Master Pong Krell said with irritation as he ran one of his four hands along a Sith Holocron that hummed at his attention.

“We know now, Krell. That is what matters.” Jedi Master Even Piell said in a rough voice. As he pulled a data pad down and took a seat at a table to start reading.

Jedi Master Pong Krell was a male Besalisk who stood at approximately 7'7” tall, with three black feathered scaled ridges across his head, yellow eyes, and brown pale skin. As a male Besalisk he was born with four arms. He wielded two double bladed light-sabers, one blue, and one green. That could fold in half for easier carrying capacity. He wore a traditional earth tone color pallet Jedi robes. His mastery of the martial path marked him as a Jedi Guardian.

Jedi Master Even Piell was a long-lived male Lannik who stood at approximately 3'9”, with black top knot pony tail. With pink to ruddy brown skin, one good blue eye while the other was scarred over, and big droopy pointed ears to the side. He wore the typical Jedi Master robes with the standard earth tone color scheme. His green standard light-saber marked him as a Jedi Consular. Even Piell had served on the Jedi Council for decades, and had been one of the few survivors on the initial battle of Geonosis.

“Each of us was chosen by the council because of our unique talents. Having access to this archive will help us in our task.” Jedi Master Adi Gallia spoke softly as she pulled down a data pad of her own.

“Unique talents? I think you mean unique history.” Jedi Master Quinlan Vos said with a smirk when Gallia sent him a mild glare.

Jedi Master / Guardian Adi Gallia was a female Tholothian with dark skin, blue eyes, and wore a Tholoth head dress that many species often confused with their hair. She wore the traditional robes of the Jedi. Though she also wore a few cultural pieces from her people. Tholothians were seemingly ageless, near-human like in appearance. She kept a standard light-saber in design with a Guardian blue blade.

Jedi Master / Consular Quinlan Vos, nicknamed Quin by those closest to him, was a Kiffar male who stood at approximately 6'1” with shoulder length black dreaded hair. With brown eyes, tanned skin color, and a yellow cultural stripe mark across his face. Cheek, to cheek, across his nose. He wielded a standard green light-saber. While thanks to his races heritage as a Kiffar. He was able to use a rare ability called Psychometry which allowed him to read the impressions and trace read of information from an item. Because of this ability Vos would often wear clean, non fabric material in hopes that he didn't set off his ability by accident.

“Quin, please be nice.” Jedi Master Aalya Secura said to her old master, who sent her a wink. Aalya rolled her eyes at him and sent an apologetic wave at Gallia who accepted it gracefully.

“I'm very happy to be a part of this new task force, and pleased to be with you all.” Jedi Master Kit Fisto said with a wide smile on his face that was shared with Secura.

Jedi Master / Consular Kit Fisto was a renowned male Nautolan who stood at approximately 6'4” with pure black eyes with no sclera, green skin, and long head tails that went past his shoulders. As a Nautolan he was amphibious with gills along his neck. His extra-sensory head tails gave him a heightened awareness and thanks to the Force that only grew. It made him an excellent martial fighter. Because his peoples unique physiology the Jedi Council would often dispatch him to aquatic worlds. He wore robes that were easily removed so he could dive into water if necessary.

“The feeling is mutual, Master Fisto.” Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn said to his fellow Jedi. Fisto gave Qui-Gon an infectious smile that he could only return.

“So, should the first meeting of the dark side hunters convene?” Qui-Gon asked the room, they all agreed and took a seat.

“Why are there no Jensaarai here? I would think they would be better suited for this task that most?” Krell asked with a curious glance around the table. He folded his lower arms across his chest. While his upper steepled their fingers together.

“The Jensaarai don't have dark side hunters. Plus the Council doesn't wish to advertise this new Jedi Corp or rather old?” Piell replied in his rough voice.

“I know for a fact that the Jensaarai do hunt the Sith. I have spoken to Master Lash about it.” Secura said next, as she sat next to her old master Vos, and her friend Fisto.

“Is this a new Corp? I was under the impression that in the past it was every Jedi's duty to hunt down, and bring dark side users back to the temple?” Gallia asked, she swept her head dress back to free her sight line of everyone.

“It use to be. But times are different, with the Jensaarai in the galaxy as a whole. We can't just arrest any old dark side users. Especially since they use both sides of the Force. Personally I think we should all go train at Venura.” Vos said with a smug grin on his face that was shared by Krell.

“I agree. Unlike the Jedi they wont demand we take up any oath to learn about their ways.” Krell said with a sneer.

“The Jedi do not demand any oath on its practitioners, Krell.” Gallia replied with narrowed eyes.

“No, they just brain wash children. Which is so much better!” Vos said as he leaned back in his chair awaiting reprisal.

“That is not how it works!” Priell shouted as he slammed his fist into the table.

“Masters please, take a breath.” Qui-Gon said in a soothing voice that pulled the attention of the room.

“We are here to discuss how we can make use of the tools, and information contained within this room. Not the philosophies, and traditions of the Jedi.” Qui-Gon suggested towards them all, hoping to steer the conversation back on topic.

“Fair enough, I'll withdraw my comment until later.” Vos said amicably, while Krell did the same. Secura, and Fisto both glanced at their fellow masters in worry.

“Guardian, where are the texts on how to hunt Sith?” Gallia asked as she turned towards the general purpose droid in the room.

“One moment please, Master Adi Gallia.” The droid responded and walked through the hall. Then pulled down one Sith Holocron, and several data pads. The droid carefully placed them down on the table for the Jedi to sort themselves.

“The Holocron presented is of a Sith Lord that used the dark side to hunt other Sith Lords. While the data pads are known practices of dark side powers that can be used against, or used in along side light.” The droid responded, then stood off to the side in wait.

“How are we suppose to open it?” Secura asked as she tried to use the Force to open the holocron. It glowed a crimson light but refused to respond.

“Here let me...” Vos said, then pulled it over and opened it up with ease. A red glow swallowed the room briefly. Then dimmed to a candle light illumination.

“How did you do that?” Secura asked in honest curiosity.

“You have to use the dark side of the Force to open Sith Holocrons, Secura.” Vos replied with a grim face, which only earned him a wide eye surprise from his former pupil.

“It's why the council chose us. Each of us have had a taste of the dark side. We all turned away from it. But it lingers.” Piell replied with a grumble, and Secura looked crestfallen.

This brought another round of questions and answers from the group. Not all of them had tasted the dark side, yet the council assigned them to the group. It was believed that half of the group had touched the dark side while the others were well known for their discipline, and empathy. Everyone would watch everyone. But needless to say this was uncharted territory for most of them. It had been centuries since the last time the Jedi had needed a dedicated team to hunt down Sith practitioners. They could fall back on recorded history. But reading about something, and living it were often two very different things.

They spent several hours that soon stretched into night at the temple. They continued to pour over the available information. Taking turns to move through the known artifacts found in the room. Vos used his psychometry to read the history of each piece and threw up more than once. The Guardian droid didn't say a word, just cleaned up the mess. Then retrieved some refreshments for the Jedi. The longer they stayed in the room the more depressed they felt. Eventually Vos declined reading, or rather touching anything more in the room.

“So what is this?” Krell asked as he held up a mask in his hands.

“That is the mask of Lord Momin, Master Krell.” The Guardian said in its synthesized voice.

Krell looked the mask over in his hands. The mask itself was made for a near-human skull so it wouldn't fit him. He tossed it towards Qui-Gon who caught easily. The mask itself was made from a combination of durasteel, and other rare metals. It had a simple T-shaped visor, and covered the head, jaw, and neck. But kept a space open for the wearers ears. Qui-Gon could hear the faintest whisper coming from the helmet. He pressed it up to his head to listen. But it almost seemed to far away to hear. Qui-Gon looked around the room and noticed everyone was looking at something else. All but Krell who was watching him with interest.

“Put it on. How often do we get a chance to see what it's like on the inside of a Sith Lord's head.” Krell encouraged Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon hesitated for a brief moment. A migraine had come to visit and it pushed up against his eyes. He tried to focus on the mask and found it almost inviting. It's cold touch seem to sooth his mind. He flipped his hair back as he reached up to place the helmet on. Some part of his mind warned him not to. But what would it hurt? The Guardian had said of nothing of note about the mask before. Then right as he was about to place it.

'PUT IT DOWN!' -A scream of Force energy crashed into the whole room. A shock wave rippled and shot everyone out of their seats. Especially Qui-Gon who was propelled across the room, the mask dropped onto the floor with a resounding clang.

“What was that!?” Krell shouted as he pulled out his light-sabers, the twin doubled sabers ignited and washed the room in a green and blue glow.

The Guardian droid started to buzz around the room. Replacing the data pads, holocrons, and artifacts into their correct place. Saving the mask for last. Qui-Gon slowly got to his feet as he felt the migraine grow worse by the second. He looked at the mask with almost a yearning that he didn't recognize. But the voice, he knew that voice. But before he could say anything, Archivist Jocasta Nu came running into the room.

“What happened!? The sensors in the Archivist Hall detected an energy surge in this hall.” Jocasta shouted, being one of the head librarians she had full access to this room.

“I need to speak to Lash...” Qui-Gon said as he stumbled out of the room. He was quickly followed by his fellow masters.

“Lash? Why do you need to speak to him?” Gallia asked.

“Because that was his voice that shouted.” Secura replied.

Qui-Gon rushed into the main archive and found the resounding ripple of energy washed across the entire library. Data pads had fallen from shelves, several students looked around in confusion. While the archivist started to restore order. The hidden door slid shut behind the group once they left. Half way through the hall a padawan raced towards Qui-Gon.

“Master Qui-Gon! Master Lash is on the holo-net he demands you contact him immediately.” The padawan said.

It was sight seeing seven Jedi Masters, and one Master Archivist rush through the temple towards the holo communication center. Upon arrival they found Master Yoda speaking to Lash who stood on the holographic table as a projection. The entire room was filled with a pressure found by those familiar with the Force. Lash zeroed in on Qui-Gon, then counted the rest of the group.

“No one put it on, right!?” Lash shot a question at them the moment the door closed behind them.

“No, you stopped me before I placed it on my head.” Qui-Gon replied, and watched in confusion as Lash looked like he wanted to scream at the heavens.

“Why do you even have that thing!?” Lash shouted at the whole room.

“You speak of what item?” Master Yoda asked from his repulsion chair.

“The Mask of Lord Momin. If it wasn't for my connection to Qui-Gon he would have placed the helmet on and Momin would have taken over his body.” Lash shouted at them, and that struck everyone with a shock.

“Life after death is impossible, Master Lash.” Piell replied, though he sounded unsure of himself.

“Wrong! The Sith, and the Jedi figured out how to preserve their minds after death a long time ago. The Sith attached their minds to objects, or places of power. That is why Sith tombs are so elaborate. They act as housing units to the Sith's spirit. While the Jedi can retain their minds after death to become Force Ghosts.” Lash replied in an almost teacher like tone.

“Impossible! I've visited dozens of Sith Temples before, I'm not possessed by a spirit of a Sith Lord.” Vos replied though he looked particularly green with sickness.

“That is because your minds are guarded against intrusion. Momin took a risk and placed his spirit in a mask. Something for more fragile. But once it's placed on an individual they become Momin. My old masters wrote this down before they left the temple centuries ago. Why is there not a warning label on that mask.” Lash said next.

“No such records exist, Master Lash. I assure you I would have recorded it.” Jocasta Nu replied, though she looked like she was fretting about what else was not properly labeled in the Sith Hall. Though she didn't even blink at the fact that Lash knew about it.

“How did your masters know about the mask?” Krell asked, as he walked towards the holographic projection.

“Because one of them put it on! Once on, it fused to their skin. They had to decapitate their friend to prevent Momin from escaping.” Lash replied in a near growl. “It's crap like this that makes me so aggravated with the Jedi Council. More than likely you all completely dismissed the idea of immortality has a complete lie. Then kept a completely dangerous item in the open. Believing it completely safe.”

“Master Lash please, it was contained within the Sith Hall. Only Masters with the permission of the council have access to that room. It was hardly in the open. While I do agree a warning should have been placed on it. There was no record of any former Master placing it on his head and becoming possessed.” Fisto replied as he tried to ease the tension in the room.

“That doesn't make it better. That just means the council ignored the warning. We should destroy the mask.” Vos said next.

“I agree!” Krell stated.

“Would destroying the mask, also destroy the spirit? Or would it simply roam free?” Qui-Gon asked his friend.

“Not sure, thankfully you have Sith Rituals at your finger tips that will destroy the soul as well. In the Sith Hall at the outer most edge is a Sith Holocron of Darth Nutalion. Nutalion spent half his life as a Sith Lord of a fearsome reputation. Until one day he tried to turn away from the dark. Though he never found his way back. He used the rest of his life destroying the Sith. Find the holocron, learn the ritual, destroy the mask, and Momin's soul.” Lash supplied an answer for the Jedi who breathed a sigh of relief. But once again Lash showed them that he knew far more about the Jedi than many of them were comfortable with.

“We are about to fall off the grid in the next star system. We'll be out of contact. But please, please! Destroy the mask.” Lash implored the group.

“To it personally, I'll see, Master Lash.” Yoda declared, and Lash bowed his head in acceptance.

“Qui-Gon, next time I see you I'm going to make you some armor. So stop putting strange things on your head!” Lash said with a bit of mirth, Qui-Gon gave him an easy smile and nodded reluctantly.

Once the holographic communication close down the invisible pressure in the room let up. Master Yoda sighed softly as he rubbed his head in a stress filled twitch. He glanced around the room at the selected Jedi to create the dark side hunters. Jocasta Nu excused herself as she raced off to find the selected Sith Holocron. While the rest of the group stayed in the room. Eventually Master Mace Windu showed up in the sealed room.

“Master Qui-Gon, how long as Lash had a connection with you?” Windu asked as he zeroed in on the breach of security.

“More than likely he's had the connection with me since we met on Naboo so long ago. He's called out to me more than once, saved me from making a mistake. Or helping with a problem. Its been beneficial.” Qui-Gon admitted and realized that Lash just saved his life, again.

“A positive development most assuredly. But able to see what you were doing, odd that is.” Master Yoda said next, and a few nodded in agreement.

“From what I understand about Master Lash. His mastery over the Force is without question.” Secura said as she crossed her arms in a guarded expression.

“All the more reason we should invite the Jensaarai to aid us in the hunt of the Sith!” Krell said with a triumphant grin. Though he kept his eyes on the holographic projector his mind clearly elsewhere.

“The Jensaarai have no place in Jedi business.” Windu replied with a firm expression.

“But maybe they should.” Vos said. “Think of all we could learn? Master Qui-Gon has reported that the Sith use the Force ability – Force Blank. Not only do none of us know this ability. We can't even start to track it. Lash uses it every single day.”

“I believe we should at least vote on it.” Piell commented, and the rest of the hunters agreed. Windu didn't look happy but swallowed that down.

“Move to destroy the mask first, we must.” Yoda said next.

One by one they left the room until Krell was the last one. He continued to stare at the projector, but it was clear his mind was else where. Krell like so many other Jedi had grown frustrated with the Council, and its archaic dogma. Krell had known Dooku before he left the Order. They had agreed on many things. Perhaps Krell was on the wrong side of this war? Or maybe there was a third option.


A day later after extensive albeit quick research they found the Sith Holocron of Darth Lord Nutalion. More than half of the holocron was a journal about Nutalion's brutal life as a Sith Lord. But something had happened and he had tried to return to the light side of the Force. The holocron did not go into detail as to why there was a change. But unfortunately the Nutalion never found his way back. So he used what he had learned to hunt other Sith.

One such method was consecration, and destruction of Sith artifacts, and tombs that housed a Sith Lord's spirit. It required several Force infused items, and reagents. But the Jedi Temple had all of these in stock. The mask was taken to a secluded ritual chamber under heavy temple guard. The dark side hunters, and several Jedi Council members were present. They placed the mask in a ritual circle and poured light side energy into the plasma flames created by kyber crystal. A kyber crystal pure in the light side. This would destroy the crystal, but it would destroy the soul as well.

The soul of Sith Lord Momin screamed in agony as the flames consumed him. The Jedi were struck with shock at the sight of the Sith ghost as it lashed out in fear, and anguish as it went on and on about not completing its great work. Until nothing remained of the mask, or soul but ash. Which was supposed be disposed of in the vacuum of space. The eerie silence that persisted well after was at last broken.

“This is as good a time as any. I've decided that I'm leaving the Order.” Pong Krell declared to the whole room.

“Krell you don't have to leave the order. The Jensaarai won't make you take an oath.” Vos replied quickly before anyone else could.

“But the council will forbid me going, isn't that right Master Windu?” Krell asked Windu who looked like he bit into something sour.

“We haven't even voted on allowing the Jensaarai to share their knowledge yet.” Piell said next as looked at Krell in surprise.

“If you leave, don't expect the Order to be waiting here with open arms upon your return.” Windu declared as he took a step forward, his hand hovering above his light-saber to emphasize his point.

“What makes you think I'll be coming back? I'm so tired of all the useless rules, and archaic traditions. We are practicing the same methods today that we did a thousand years ago. We haven't moved on! So convinced we are that this is the height of knowledge. But here! Right now! We just did something that was known to the Jedi thousands of years ago, but was removed from record because it required the knowledge of the Sith. That is moronic!” Krell shouted in fury.

“The Sith is that not answer!” Secura shouted at him.

“I'm not talking about the Sith! I'm talking about knowledge! How can we practice the way of the Jedi and blatantly ignore knowledge that could help us understand the Force better? Because we are terrified we might fail? Fear is the gateway to the dark side. So that means every Jedi in existence are on the knifes edge!” Krell shouted at them all.

“That's enough!” Windu shouted in return and the temple guard came into the room.

“I'm leaving as well.” Qui-Gon said softly, and the whole room froze in shock even Krell.

“I've given it a great deal of thought. I promised I would train Anakin to become a Jedi Knight. I've done that. Then the war started, and I told myself I would stay and fight until it was over. But... I don't have to be a part of the Order to help in the war.” Qui-Gon continued as he looked up at the surprised, and hurt faces of the Jedi around him.

“Qui-Gon, don't do this. We can figure this out...” Gallia replied as she stepped forward to...to do something.

“Been made the choice has, in peace our friends go.” Master Yoda said softly, much to the surprise of the room.

Qui-Gon bowed his head towards Yoda who looked both happy, and sad at the same time. Qui-Gon, Krell, and surprisingly Vos left. As per tradition they handed over their light-sabers as they were Jedi weapons. Each of them went to their rooms and packed up their belongings. Then together met at the front entrance. Aalya Secura was practically latched on to Quinlan Vos in attempt to get him to stay. But eventually Kit Fisto pulled her off. Vos gave one last wink at his old apprentice then left.

The three former Jedi walked down the temple steps and with each step they felt a weight lift from their shoulders. Until their heads were held high, shoulders back, and with their chests sticking out. Then a surprise waited for them. A group of Jensaarai defenders in full kit stood by a transport. One of them stepped forward.

“Master Qui-Gon, Master Vos, Master Krell.” The Jensaarai said with a bow. “We've come to take you to the temple on Venura.”

“How did you know were coming?” Vos asked in confusion. It's not as if the Jedi would publicly announce their departure.

“Master Lash informed us. Shall we?” The Jensaarai replied...

“Oh this is going to be fun...” Krell said.

“Yes, please lead the way.” Qui-Gon replied to the Jensaarai defender.


(New Hyperspace Route)

Twelve Venator 1st class star destroyer of the Galactic Republic Navy jumped into existence at the tail end of a star system. While another six Acclamator 1st class assault troop carriers jumped in behind them. Then a few dozen corvettes, frigates, freighters, and Gozanti-Class cruisers jumped in next. The fleet heading to Ryloth had taken their first unexpected jump into a new system.

The system in question had approximately three planets in it with one asteroid belt on the outer edge. Each planet was a standard 1g gravity in size. While only one was kept within the golden ratio limit of the sun. Unfortunately the sun was a red star and was slowly dying. Of course it would be another million or so years before that happened. This left the one planet in a sort of tundra state. With basic plant, and animal life along the equator and ice everywhere else. While the other two planets were barren rock.

One by one the different ships activated a light show thanks to their navigational shields that had been slightly modified before leaving. The shields gave off a blue-green light that shimmered as they moved. This was done as none aggressive action seen by the one true hazard in the system. The Purrgil semi-sentient space creatures in the system. Long range scanners counted nearly fifty different Purrgil here with them. One large male, several female, and the rest where all calfs.

The alpha, buck, or male of the group was almost as large as one of their Acclamator transport ships. While the smallest calf was approximately twenty feet long, and ten feet tall. The fleet gradually flew past the asteroid belt and pushed into the system. One by one the Purggil heard took notice of the new arrivals. Each of them glowed a bio-luminescent blue to green color. Then a song that could be felt more than heard pushed out from the alpha.

A Venator cruiser pulled forward ahead of the others. Along the top spine of the ship its ship bay pulled back and a single individual in a vacuum sealed suit floated into space. It flew towards the alpha who came to a gradual stop to look at the tiny figure. The whole fleet came to a gradual stop, as they continued to show the none aggression lights of their shields....

“Hello!” Lash called out through Telepathy/Beast Speak. The alpha blinked at him as his iris was larger than Lash.

“What are you?” The Alpha called, but as before it resonated through the Living Force. Gradually the females, and the calfs started for fly over, naturally curious about the new arrivals.

“I am a Navigator, I speak for this group.” Lash responded lightly in a submissive tone. The alpha looked past him at the fleet.

“No food for you here... Our place.” The Alpha responded, and Lash took notice that several of the females were guiding the calfs through the asteroid belt. There must be a deposit of Clouzon-36 in the belt. It was a type of gas that the Purrgil fed on.

“We are not staying. I must ask that your group be careful around mine. They are unhealthy, and weak.” Lash said next, and spoke into his communication line. Several of the cruisers cut the colored shields off and showed off their gray hull.

“We see...” The Alpha responded and said a soft song to its group. The females pulled the curious calfs away.

“May we pass in peace?” Lash asked the giant eye that had settled within touching distance.

“Yes you may...” The Alpha responded easily as it gradually pulled away.

One by one until the only the alpha remained did the Purrgil glide away through space. A few danced around in the asteroid belt away from the fleet. But more or less they would leave the fleet alone. Lash used Telekinesis to propel himself through space back to the Venator Cruiser. The loading bay opened partially to allow him to pass through then sealed behind him. Waiting for him on the deck with atmospheric shields in place was Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and the admiral Wullf Yularen who worked with Anakin as his vice-commander.

“Admiral Yularen please give the go ahead. We should leave the system rapidly.” Lash asked after he bowed to the man.

“Of course Grand Admiral!” Yularen saluted and did a swift about face and left for the bridge and relayed the orders to his bridge officer next to him.

“That was amazing!” Ahsoka said with a wild grin on her face.

“I must say, I have to agree with Padawan Ahsoka's assessment. That was rather impressive, Lash.” Obi-Wan said with a smile as he gestured for everyone to walk and talk.

“So you said that was just a form of animal bond right?” Anakin asked as they all walked in step.

“In combination with the navigational shields. Purrgils are naturally curious, and will often help one another more often than not. When they see a ship they often mistake it for another Purrgil that doesn't produce the same colors they tend think the ships are in trouble. So they brush against them in what they believe to be a modest hello. But to the ships it destroys their hull.” Lash replied as they left the hangar.

“I'll say! I remember stories back on Tatooine of smugglers losing their whole fleet of ships to Purrgils who just came over and brushed across them.” Anakin said as he suppressed a shudder from memories long gone.

“Do you think that's why no one has found this route?” Ahsoka asked, she skipped along trying to accommodate for her short legs.

“I'm sure plenty of found the route, just very few lived to tell the tale.” Obi-Wan said with a sly grin. While Ahsoka went a little stiff at the idea.

“So even without a Force-User. Ships could modify their shields to emulate the Purrgil. It's not a perfect solution but it would improve their life expectancy.” Anakin suggested another course of action.

“It would, now this is when many would suggest you create a algorithm of the different sounds Purrgil make to create a language template. But without the Force to create that link between them. It's just noise to them. That's not to say they still wont respond to it. Just not in the way one would hope.” Lash continued the subject.

Cosmic Awareness: Qui-Gon, Quilan Vos, and Pong Krell have left the Jedi Order to join the Jensaarai.

Lash paused mid step much to the surprise of the rest of them. He held up a hand to ask them to wait a moment. As he sent a holographic communication through...Oh crap they weren't in a registered system. No communication satellite was available. Lash then used Message to Nazvo to arrange transport. He wanted Qui-Gon and his crew to reach the temple of Venura.

“Master Lash, is everything alright?” Ahsoka asked.

“Qui-Gon just left the Jedi Order.” Lash replied to her.

“WHAT!?” Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka shouted. A few clones poked their heads around the corridors.

“Along with Quilan Vos, and Pong Krell.” Lash said next.

“WHAT!?” All three shouted again. A bridge office came to their side in a hurry. But before he could open his mouth Lash held up a hand for him to stop. He shut his mouth and waited.

“What? Why would they do that? How do you know this?” Obi-Wan asked, while Anakin started to pace in the hallway. While Ahsoka stood off to the side watching Lash intently.

“I have a Force-Bond with Qui-Gon. When important events happen that tend to jog his serenity I get a bit of feed back. I don't know much more than that. We have one more system to jump into before we hit the hyperlane route again. Once there we can figure it out.” Lash replied, he wasn't sure if Obi-Wan knew about the dark side hunters. But to stay on the sly for now.

“Why would Master Qui-Gon leave the order?” Ahsoka asked, both Anakin and Obi-Wan turned to her and didn't know what to say. Lash stepped over to the officer and spoke in hushed tones.

“Attention! This Admiral Yularen. We've reached the edge of the system and are preparing to jump to the next coordinates. All teams to your stations.” The Admiral's voice came over the ships intercom system.

“We can discuss this further once we get back to hyperlane route.” Lash said to them, and they agreed with uneasy expression on their faces...

The next system the fleet jumped into blissfully didn't have any Purrgils in it. It was a six planet system, with two planets in the golden ratio. Oddly enough both of them were barren worlds. Lash made a note of their location. Though he was sure the Republic fleet did the same. From this Map he knew that one of the planets was rich with minerals. He'd have to see if they could sell the rights to the planet to the Republic. Technically since the Jensaarai were the ones that found the route it was their find.

One of the Galactic Republic Militia ships drop a com buoy before they left the system. After that it was smooth sailing. They reconnected with the Corellian Run then made best possible speed towards Ryloth. Along the way Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka contacted Qui-Gon who was Ghost Industries HQ of all places as he waited for transport to Venura. After a long heated discussion it was proven that Qui-Gon would not be dissuaded from his choice.

Lash was hesitant about the others. From what understood about Quinlan Vos he was a strong supporter of the Jedi Order. He would even go under cover to join Count Dooku's side to relay information back to the republic under the secret orders of Master Windu, and Master Yoda. Lash couldn't help but feel like he was doing the same here. While Pong Krell was just another bag of cats. Half way through the war he betrays the republic and tries to get his clones killed in a suicide mission.

Lash was called to the bridge for the mission briefing. The different fleet admirals, and officers of the militia were present through holographic communications. While the rest of the Jedi were aboard a single cruiser. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka stood side by side. While a few other Jedi that would be assigned in supporting positions. This was a planetary invasion after all. Lash was one of the last to arrive but the briefing started as soon as he did.

“Generals, commanders, admirals, we have long briefing so let's get started.” Yularen said to everyone and started to pull up the available information.

“The planet Ryloth is the second planet in a three planet system. Ryloth is one of the last remaining stops at the end of the Corellian Run. It's primary trade is Ryll Spice, and regretfully Twi'lek slaves.... Yes, Commander Ahsoka?” Admiral Yularen called on the padawan who blushed a bit as the whole room focused on her.

“Isn't slavery banned by republic law?” Ahsoka said after a moment.

“Yes it is. Unfortunately Ryloth is so far from republic, as well as being on the edge of Hutt space that it makes it a prime target for smugglers, pirates, and slavers. Due to its poor economic infrastructure the resources required to maintain stability is... Not within the preview of the republic.” Admiral Yularen replied with a grimace.

“Which is what the militia is hear to fix.” Lash said next, and the militia officers in the holographic projectors nodded. Ahsoka, and several others smiled at that.

“The invasion is set in three stages. From our earlier reports there is a blockade around Ryloth. We will have break the armada around the planet. Then obtain a defensible position on the planets surface. Then push the CIS troops off world, or capture their leadership. Once that is complete we have been ordered to assist the militia in reestablishing order, and infrastructure on the planet until such time we are called away.” Admiral Yularen said simply. Then looked around at the room for questions before he broke each stage down in more detailed description.

“Stage One; will be destroying the blockade unfortunately we unaware of who commands the CIS Navy... Yes, Grand Admiral?” Yularen asked as Lash held up his hand. Lash stepped forward and put a data chip into the interface for the whole fleet to look through.

“Mar Tuuk is a male Neimoidian captain in the Navy of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. A shrewd tactician noted for his study of military history, he was charged by Emir Wat Tambor with overseeing the Separatist blockade. Emir Wat Tambor is the CIS general in charge of the ground assault. I also have information on him.” Lash said as he uploaded another data chip for the leaderships to look through.

“Mar Tuuk is a intelligent, and shrewd commander. But he is also a glory hound. With a bit of pride, and ego sprinkled in there. He'll preform his job as best as he can. But if he see's a moment to drive in a killing stroke on one of the more reputable generals.” Lash said as he gestured towards Anakin, and Obi-Wan who smiled at him. “Then it is likely we could pull him into a trap.

“Do we know their numbers?” Another commander asked, Lash shrugged and Yularen shook his head.

“Our first plan of action is to enter the system and get an idea of what we are facing. There are regretfully only two known hyper space lanes in and out of Ryloth.” Obi-Wan said and glanced at Lash who nodded in agreement. “Thankfully because of their moons we'll have plenty of cover. The Venators will deploy their ships and we'll take a sweep across their own fleet. Recon only.” Obi-Wan said as he looked at Anakin who grinned at him.

“The Militia will be checking the moons. Some of them have atmosphere, while others do not. It's possible that we'll have Twi'lek hiding on those moons. Or we'll encounter enemy camps. Either way it's going to a stress filled day.” Lash followed up, and the militia officers nodded in understanding.

“Do we know why the CIS attacked Ryloth?” One of the other Jedi's asked.

“Greed, they want to pull everything they can out of the planet. Specifically ryll spice, as it would help them supply their war effort. While also coordinate with the Pykes for routes through their space. Though they may as well take the Twi'leks as slaves.” Anakin said as he ground his molars in disgust.

“Stage Two; is finding a suitable landing site for our ships. The local fauna, and floral of the planet are of particularly dangerous to the residents, and us as well.” Yularen continued, and pulled up several examples of the local wild life.

“Most of the Twi'lek people live in either underground caverns, or along mountain passes. There is an environmental irregularity on the planet. Wind and dust storms due the five moons around the planet. They can experience winds up to 300-500 mph. Commanders ensure your troops know what to look for.” Yularen looked at the clone commanders. Specifically Commander Rex, and Commander Cody.

“Yes sir!” They both replied.

“The separatist emptied out several smaller towns and cities and moved the people into work camps. While they destroyed others as a form of fear mongering. The capital of Lessu gave up without firing a shot. Tambor has installed hundreds of artillery, and orbital defense cannons around the capital. So we'll have to land far enough away and proceed on foot.” Anakin jumped into the briefing and pointed out several holographic communications that were shared during the start of the invasion. The republic was only just now receiving them.

“Can the Twi'leks help us take back their planet?” Ahsoka asked.

“There is a freedom fighter on Ryloth named Cham Syndulla. He's been trying to overthrow Senator Taa for many years. But now with the separatist here he's rallied his people together to fight them off. If we can find him he may help us. Or he may think we are no better and attack us. We'll need some diplomats.” Lash supplied the answer, and the Jedi nodded in understanding.

“Why does he want to overthrow Senator Taa?” Ahsoka asked in youthful innocence.

“Taa is a corrupt politician that cares little for his home planet as long he stays in office, and keeps getting paid.” Lash replied before anyone else. Ahsoka gaped at him while the rest of the command council looked anywhere but at Lash.

“Ahem! We can discuss the politics of Ryloth after we have secured planet.” Obi-Wan said gestured for the briefing to continue.

“Stage Three; will be us securing their command, and liberating the capital of Lessu. This is when I must inform everyone that we are alone out here. The Separatist Navy is at our back, and we will not be getting reinforcements for some time. Even with the new hyper space route it would be dangerous for the republic to come to us. So think before you act, and be careful.” Yularen looked at every general, commander, and admiral in the briefing.

“Now... Let's break down duty assignments.” Yularen began again...


The Galactic Republic Navy dropped out of hyperspace on the edge of the Ryloth system. One by one the Venator 1st class cruisers opened their spinal docking bay ports and hundreds of star fighters flew out. Flying behind them were the Galactic Republic Militia ships as they flew towards the five different moons. The nearest moon to the planet was a rock with a partial atmosphere enough for near-humans to breath. While the largest moon was also a rock with a partial atmosphere. The other three moons were rocks with little gravity, or atmosphere to speak of.

Lash was sitting on Mandalorian Clan Rahl's Kom'rk fighter/transport ship. Mil'Gix, and Vi'Lon were in the pilot seat. Lash watched as Anakin engaged in a brush fire with the Separatist blockade. The communication line blew up with information as one of Lash's Virtual Intelligence Tech-Spirits jumped from ship to ship to hide away in the CIS communication line.

The Militia ships took the slow, and safe way towards the moons. Always keeping the large mass of rock between them and the ships before they moved to land. Gozanti-class cruisers flew towards each moon and dropped off world engines. If it had at atmosphere they would start to build a biome. If it was airless they would start to build a new atmosphere. In a few weeks to a few months every moon on Ryloth would be livable.

“General Skywalker, pull your forces back I have an accurate count for their numbers.” Lash called across a secure line.

“Already? We've barely said hello.” Anakin said with a bit of humor.

“Thirty eight pilots are dead, Skywalker. Move back!” Lash said with a bit of a snarl.

“R-Right! All teams fall back to the fleet.” Anakin replied quickly and realized his mistake. Lash was not the right commander to treat the clones lives like nothing.

Vi'Lon piloted their Kom'rk ship to the nearest moon and landed on the far side of it away from prying eyes. Lash turned on his heel and left through the main cargo bay door onto a dreary rock of a moon. A world engine was in the process of drilling into the ground a few hundred feet from his position as militia troops poured out of the Gozanti ships.

Unlike the Clone Army who had nearly full coverage in armored plating. The Militia had more of informal uniform. They still wore full battle uniforms with rock camouflage. Pieces of plastoid plates covered their chests, and backs. While they wore gloves, vampraces, boots, greaves, a utility belt, utility backpack, and helmet. They were never meant to be front line fighters like the clones. But some armor was better than no armor. Lash had wanted to completely cover them, damn the expenses. But Nazvo, and several Mandalorians talked him down. Better to make it something they could earn through years of service.

The world engine finished drilling into the ground and a crystal pylon extended from its primary housing unit and started to vibrate. An almost high pitched keening noise went out before that to went silent. Then the housing unit inflated upwards and slammed down. A shock wave went through the whole moon. As the engine started to increase the magnetic sphere, and increased the overall gravity on the moon to standard 1 g. Millions of micro-droids were deployed from the sides as they began to scatter oxygen, and CO-2 cultivation plants across the surface. (Not actual science)

Lash jogged over to the world engine and poured magical energy into the available batteries. As always the midi-chlorians in the air surged forward to consume the available energy. But the by product created life on the moon. He watched plant life grow across the surface. He waited until the batteries in the engine were full before he pulled his connection from it. Then looked up to see new clouds form above gradually.

“That was quick!” Mil'Gix came to his side, as Vi'Lon stayed with the ship.

“We'll have to fix its rotation, and orbital ring in the future. That way the day and night cycle won't be to long. But that could have large effects on the environment on the planet. We'll have to do it gradually.” Lash replied, as he pulled up a holographic interface.

The star fighters had returned to the Venators. The fleet was making its way towards the very moon they stood on now. They planned to use it as a shield. Made sense. The militia engineering unit started to set up fabricated bunkers, anti-air, and ground turrets. Hopefully they wouldn't need it. Another Gozanti flew a few hundred feet off the surface and was flying towards the next world engine location. Their guns were on a swivel looking for.... The Vulture droids that headed straight towards them.

“Get back to your brother and shoot those down!” Lash said to Mil'Gix who shot into the air via jet pack and went back to the ship.

“Militia teams on first moon, we have vulture, and hyena ships inbound.” Lash called across the line and a yellow preparation alert went through their channel.

The world engine stopped its processing and retracted its crystal pylon. Then it deployed a shield to protect itself. The ground troops ran under the cover of the shield and watched as several automated turrets were deployed and started to take aim. Lash climbed up one particular ledge as the entire moon was rock, sheer cliffs, and canyons as far as they eye could see. He created several Rune – Destruction circles in the air. He continued to channel the energy so the midis wouldn't eat it all.

Hundreds of Vulture, and Hyena droid fighters flew in. The Hyenas started to drop energy bombs across the surface. Until Lash, and dozens of automated anti-air started firing at them. The Vulture droids did their job and flew into the line of energy to buy the Hyenas more time. So Lash just made more circles. Then low and behold several C-9979 landing craft appeared along the horizon. Those large four winged transport ships he fought against on Naboo. Lash grinned in malicious glee. As he reached out with Telekinesis.

Lash raked his hands through the link across the ships wings. Saving time, and energy as they couldn't stay aloft with only two wings on one side. The landing craft plummeted towards the surface in a glorious explosion. One by one they dropped until who ever was in command of landing troops on the moon got the message and deployed them further away. Then a little less than a hundred Republic Navy star fighters flew over head.

“Grand Admiral, Lash. This is Red Leader, we here to help out. But doesn't look like you need any, sir!” The Clone said over the communication line.

“All the same, thanks for the support. If you see any droid fighters destroy them, and mark any location with your IFF for land troops, please.” Lash replied.

“Copy that, Grand Admiral!” Red Leader said, then the ships buzzed across the surface.

Lash watched as the few militia star fighters joined in the flight path of the clones. It was a dog fight above the surface. Lash watched with a careful eye and swatted a few ships out of the sky. Eventually the world engines redeployed as the last of the droid fighters retreated. Vulture droids only had approximately 35 minutes worth of fuel. While the rest of the hyenas were destroyed minutes ago. Lash looked around and started to calculate until the moon rotated so that their face was in direct line of fire with the blockade. Time to build a defense platform.


(Ryloth Separatist Blockade, Mar Tuuk's Command Ship)

Mar Tuuk was a male Neimoidian who stood at approximately 6'8” he had vibrant green skin that would change color depending on his mood. Unlike most of his race that held a high level position, Mar Tuuk took great care of his physical health and would actively participate in physical fitness. He had yellow to red compound eyes befitting of his race. But would often keep them behind augmented reality lenses that fed him information on the battle net. Mar Tuuk wore the traditional black, and gray sweeping robes of the Neimoidian people. But it was decorated with ribbons, and rank insignia of the Confederacy Navy.

Mar Tuuk sat on the bridge with his fellow Neimoidian officers, and droid commanders. A tactical droid stood by his side as they watched the battle take place on the nearest moon of Ryloth. Their landing craft and been literally pulled to pieces. It confused Mar Tuuk to no end. There was no strategic value to landing on the moon. Using it as a shield for their Navy made sense. But....

“Captain, we are receiving a message from Count Dooku.” A battle droid reported and Mar Tuuk jumped to his feet.

“Put it on the main view screen.” Mar Tuuk scurried over to a communication mirror that sat on the bridge. The mirror rippled with an almost mercury reflection before it showed Count Dooku sitting at his home world of Serenno.

“Count Dooku, I am most humbled by your communication. How may I be of service?” Mar Tuuk said with a lofty bow from his waist, and moved his hands in a intricate pattern.

“Captain, you've engaged the republic. What is your impression of their forces?” Count Dooku said as he kept a steely gaze on Tuuk.

“Cautious, but also confusing. General Skywalker led an attack of star fighters across the fleet but stayed for only a few minutes. While the rest of the fleet moved behind the nearest moon. They deployed ground troops on the surface. Very puzzling.” Tuuk replied, as he watched the report through his optic lenses.

“Those are not Republic Navy forces, but the Galactic Militia. Grand Admiral Lash is leading them. Captain, you must not take any form of holographic communication from Lash. He is a talented Force-User and can strangle you from afar as long as he can see you.” Count Dooku said, his expression remained unreadable.

“Yes! Of course, Count Dooku. Thank you for the council, I will do so. Are my orders unchanged?” Tuuk asked.

“Yes, remain in control of Ryloth. For now, this was never meant to be a prolonged engagement. But be ready to respond. We are sending forces to perform a pincer move behind them.” Count Dooku responded and a faint smile tugged on his lips.

“Yes, of course! I will be delighted to help crush these pitiful Jedi!” Tuuk responded with a genuine smile of his own.

“Good, carry on captain.” Count Dooku said and closed the transmission.

“TD-02, inform all our commanders in the ships, and on the surface not to take any holographic communications from Grand Admiral Lash. If they see him in a different comm line tell them to break it off immediately. Voice communication only!” Tuuk instructed his tactical droid.

“At once, captain.” TD-02 responded and relayed the information across the CIS battle network.

Mar Tuuk returned to his command chair and read through reports. The landing teams had landed and were surging towards the designated location. The moon's surface would be in sight soon. If he fully charged his ships cannons they could bombard the moons surface. Perhaps this would force the Jedi to come out. Yes, yes that was a workable plan.

“Captain, we are reading an energy surge on the moons surface.” A bridge officer called out.

“On screen.” Tuuk called, and a view screen amplified the moon surface to reveal...An defense platform? When did they build that?

A brilliant green glow bloomed into being for a short moment. As a lance of pure energy shot straight out from the moon and cut straight through a CIS frigate straight down the middle. The beam fizzled out before it hit the planets surface. But the damage was done as the frigate was gutted like a fish.

“All ships return fire immediately! Deploy all fighters, and bombers we have to destroy the platform as soon as possible!” Mar Tuuk shouted as his officers jumped into action.

“Sir! There is another energy surge!” The same officer called as the green beam of light gutted another frigate.

“Sir! We have an incoming communication...It's by passing our security software!” The communication officer shouted. As another beam of energy shot out.

A blue hologram of a humanoid in full armor towered over Mar Tuuk and the command deck. Mar Tuuk recognized the armor from his files and he did the smartest thing possible. He fled the command deck. Never in his life had he sprinted so fast. He thanked Count Dooku to no end as he heard people scream behind him. His jumped through the blast doors and turned around just in time to see his tactical droid become crushed into a ten inch cube of metal.

“Wow, you can move pretty quickly when you want to.” Grand Admiral Lash's voice called through the holographic communication line.

“I was warned about you! You will not break my line!” Mar Tuuk shouted back through he hall as security droids raced to his position. “Shut down all inner holographic relays on the ship, do it now!” Tuuk whispered to his security.

Lash's holographic visage appeared in front of Tuuk who pulled out his side arm and shot the projector. Just in time as he felt a squeeze around his heart. He gasped as he dropped to his knees, but felt the attack leave him. The security droids began to shoot all of the projectors in quick time. As the command and communication link allowed them near instan... Oh no! Tuuk looked up as he saw one of his command droids stutter in place. Then the holo communicator in its hand activated. Tuuk never shot his blaster so fast.

“Shut down all holographic communications to the ship! Do it now!” Tuuk shouted at his droids.


(Ryloth's nearest moon.)

“Tch, so much for an easy win.” Lash complained as he imputed the next target lock.

“Have I ever told you how much I love big guns!?” Vi'Lon the Mandalorian warrior said with glee as he pressed the trigger and a triumphant boom! Cracked like thunder across the moon's surface.

“Once or twice.” Lash replied with a chuckle. Thankfully they were in a control room that blocked a majority of the sound.

With each trigger squeeze a synthetic kyber crystal was shot through the focused lens. Lash had created a mini-death star laser. He had to key down the power levels so the beam wouldn't shoot through the ships and impact the surface of the planet. But the effect was fantastic! Above the surface of the moon was a star fighter battle scene. The republic navy had deployed all of its ships to defend the platform as they took out the blockade. While an Acclamator cruiser landed nearby and deployed clone troops to create a makeshift defense as hordes of battle droids swarmed towards the platforms position.

The Venator cruisers flew into turbo laser range and began to engage the blockade. One by one the Separatist frigates fell to ruin. Another resounding boom from the cannon woke Lash up from his reprieve as he watched the battle unfold. They took one last shot at Mar Tuuk's ship, but in the end they couldn't destroy his subjugator cruiser. As he pulled it out of line of sight. Regretfully the moon's rotation was faster than Lash would have liked, another hour and they would be out of sight.

Dozens of hyena bombers dropped their ordnance onto the platform but a makeshift shield that was plugged into Lash kept them safe. According to his tech-spirit Mar Tuuk was making an emergency hyper space jump. He sent communications down to the surface of the planet informing Tambor of the republics arrival. As his ship pulled away, Lash's tech-spirit overloaded his drive core. Just as he was about to jump into hyper space his core exploded.

Now why didn't Lash do this before? Well the exposed debris and radiation would have negative effects on Ryloth. Even now portions of the CIS frigates were falling into the atmosphere. As far as Lash could tell they wouldn't hit any population centers. But they would need to clean up the mess in hopes the radiation wouldn't poison the environment. Lash received a holographic communication from the fleet. Admiral Yularen holo image showed up.

“Admiral Yularen, how can I help you?” Lash said to the tiny holo man.

“Grand Admiral Lash, the separatist fleet is in full retreat. We are deploying additional forces to mop up the ground forces on the moon. We request your presence back aboard the command ship, sir.” Yularen said with composed smile on his face.

“I'll be here in thirty minutes or less.” Lash replied, maybe he'd bring a pizza.

“Understood, Grand Admiral.” Yularen said and closed the communication.

“Alright Vi'Lon that's enough, please go get the ship.” Lash told the Mandalorian warrior.

“But...But.... The BFG!?” Vi'Lon said in a whinny voice. All the same he stood up and went to the door. Lash pressed the shut down sequence for the platform and head out as well. The whole thing was converted into ambient magical energy that midis ate up like candy.

Several Clone trooper walkers were firing from an optimal position as the incoming battle droids dwindled to remnant forces. It seemed the droids received new orders and they started to scatter across the moon. Great, something for his militia to handle. Lash pulled up the duty assignments and requested some droid hunters to be deployed. Then he watched as the last world engine was anchored to the surface. He gave it a quick magical energy battery booster and moved to the Kom'rk transport.

Clone troopers, and militia cheered as the battle was won. Casualties were at a minimum. Even the star fighter corp loss less then 10% of their total amount. As the Kom'rk transport broke from the moons gravity, Lash caught Anakin chasing a few persistent droids with his own star fighter. While Ahsoka veered away from the battle and played escort for his ship.

“I don't suppose you would be willing to unite the Mandalorian clans and lead us to glory, Chieftain Lash?” Mil'Gix asked him from her pilot seat, a bit of sarcasm laced in her voice. Lash didn't answer right away which made her look around at him.

“Not for this war, but maybe the next one.” Lash replied at last.

That was clearly not a sarcastic remark which made both pilots stop in thought. Then Vi'Lon went back to his duties and brought the transport into a landing approach with the command ship. As the transport went through the atmospheric shield and landed in its designated spot. Ahsoka's Jedi fighter landed next to it. Lash stepped out to resounding applause and cheers. As the clone troopers praised him. He looked around at all of them.

“Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur.” Lash shouted in Mando'a, the clone troopers laughed in delight and eventually got back to work. Ahsoka came over to his side.

“What does that mean?” Ahsoka asked.

“Today is a good day for someone else to die.” Lash replied with a chuckle, and Ahsoka grinned up at him.

Lash and Ahsoka walked through the halls and were saluted by every clone they came across. Lash nodded in greeting back, said a few hellos in Mando'a to some of the officers. As a majority of the clones were trained my Mandalorian warriors, and had retained the culture. Which gave them a sense of identity. Which was why so many clone troopers decorated their armor. It was also something that his persona Wraith their instructor at Kamino had encouraged as well.

They reached the bridge just in time to see Obi-Wan talking to a holographic projection of Chancellor Palpatine, and Master Yoda. Both of them glanced up at Lash, and Ahsoka as they came in. Obi-Wan gave them both a smile, as he rolled his eyes. Thankfully he did it away from Palpatine's perception. Obi-Wan was not a fan of politicians. Lash stopped in front of the projector and bowed.

“Welcome back, Grand Admiral Lash. Master Obi-Wan Kenobi was just telling us of the successful strike against the separatist blockade. I have to say I am curious about this platform you built, capable of such destruction from a great range.” Palpatine asked with a smile. Ya, Lash was sure he was interested in a death star laser.

“It's a force sensitive weapon, and still in the experimentation phase. But we can discuss it length next time I'm in the core worlds, Chancellor.” Lash said as he bowed from his waist once more. Palpatine seemed mollified for now.

“The separatist is moving to attack you from behind reports from the front tell. Believe they know that the blockade has failed I do not.” Master Yoda said next.

“Quite right, which will allow us to attack them as well. Master Windu is leading his fleet down the Corellian run as we speak. If all goes well we'll be putting them in the same pincer move they hoped to trap us in.” Palpatine said with a benevolent expression.

“That is wonderful to hear, Supreme Chancellor. Our own forces will be landing shortly once we receive the required intelligence on the ground. Is Senator Taa available? He could give us a lay out of the area.” Obi-Wan asked, and then the chancellor, and Yoda both looked conflicted.

“Senator Taa is missing. We suspect separatist involvement in order to push a treaty onto Ryloth.” Palpatine replied, though his eyes did glance at Lash who shook his head.

“I'll ask Militia HQ to look around. But I believe the Jedi would be better suit for this task.” Lash suggested to them.

“Yes, have an established network in the criminal underworld we do. But may we ask the militia's help all the same?” Master Yoda asked.

“Of course, we are all working together to end this war as safely as possible.” Lash said with genuine emotion... Well mostly... Kinda...

“Agreed.” Obi-Wan said with a look of reassurance towards Lash.


(Coruscant's surface.)

Senator Orn Free Taa scurried from shadow to shadow in the alleyways of the republic capital. He wrapped his corpulent body in a dirty rag so no one would give him a second thought. He was out of breath, sweating profusely, and his eyes were blood shot. He had to get away. They were coming for him. He tripped and fell flat on his face. He scrambled to his feet as the citizens he passed gave him a wide berth. The smell of rot emanated from him.

'this way.... over here....' -a voice called to him. Taa ran towards the voice, but he could never find it.

'He's over there! Hurry! Run him down!' -a voice called out from down the walk way. Taa let out a shriek! They'd found him! He ran at a full sprint through the crowd. He pushed them aside and threatened to push a few people off the railing to the abyss below.

“Out of my way! There coming!” Taa shouted at them, the people made way for him and looked behind him to see absolutely no one. No one was following him.

'This way senator, your ship is ready for you.' -the same voice from before called to him. Taa looked around and saw a republic security transport ready for him.

“Oh thank you! Thank you! I'll make sure the chancellor hears of this! You will be rewarded!” Taa screamed out as he raced towards the transport.

'Stop him! He can't leave here alive!' -the other voice called, and blaster bolts zipped past Taa's head. He screamed in fright, he was almost there.

“Sir! Sir, stop! What are you doing!?” A man called out to Taa right as the senator stepped off the ledge into the city streets below.

“I'm safe! They'll never catch me now!” Taa screamed in glee. As he never saw the pavement rushing to meet him.

The body Senator of Ryloth, Orn Free Taa was identified by Coruscant security several hours later. Witnesses reported that the Senator was scene talking to himself. He seemed to think someone was chasing him. Video cameras captured his 'escape' from his embassy residence, through the city, and finally his mad leap for freedom to the city streets below. An autopsy would later report absolutely nothing wrong with him, aside from his excessive weight he was in perfect health.

All the same the Jedi, and republic security investigated the possibility he was being chased. Perhaps there were alternate methods to his apparent madness. But no trace of Force energy was found, or drugs in his system. They tracked his life going back weeks looking for any irregularities. It was a well known fact that his system was under attack by the CIS. Perhaps they were responsible? But how? His staff, his aids, and personal attendants all said he was perfectly fine. So what compelled him to flee, and meet his death?


(Ryloth system, Republic Navy command ship.)

“There are only four major cities on Ryloth, while the rest of the population is in scattered towns, and villages across the entire surface. Ryll spice is mined from an ore on the planet and often the entire mining company acts as both refinery, and living space for the workers.” Lash informed his militia teams who were taking notes.

It had been a day since the successful blockade break. Arc Clone Troopers had been sent on recon to the surface to scout out possible landing locations. Several Sub-Commander Jedi, and Jensaarai went with them. While orbital scans showed the city of Nabat was empty of its populace. The citizens had been taken prisoner by the local tactical droid and used them as shields against bombardment at their base.

The spaceport, and city of Kala'uun was in ruins. But they saw what appeared to be gorilla fighting tactics between Twi'lek freedom fighters, and the battle droids still taking place in the city streets. Though more than half of the city was underground to hide from the wind storms that plagued Ryloth. The spaceport wasn't large enough to support any Accalamator class cruisers. But it would benefit the militia to take it. That was Lash's first stop.

While the city of Rhovari was more or less in tact, but under separatist rule. Anything of value had been stripped from the city including food, water, and medicine. Along with Ryll spice. All of it was being shipped towards the capital of Lessu. Where Tambor had set up shop. The capital also continued to house its civilian population, once again has shields. So that meant an urban conflict.

“One of the hazards of setting up a mantle tapper on the surface of Ryloth is the fauna. The Gutkurrs are a carnivorous predatory species that hunt in packs. They range from two feet tall as younglings to the size of a all terrain tank as adults. They have scythe like claws. And thick chitin armor. They are resistant to blaster fire, but can be temporarily pacified with a sonic emitter at a set frequency. We have that frequency already so setting up those dishes need to be a priority.” Lash said, and produced another set of holographic pictures.

“Next we have Lyleks who are a species of large insectoid predators native to the equatorial forest of the planet. With their spiked pincers and powerful mandibles with a pair of tentacles near them, the Lyleks are the only Rylothian life form more dangerous than the predatory Gutkurrs. Their ridged, spiked carapaces can deflect blaster bolts. Although the Lyleks lived in hordes, the bigger individuals often dismembered the smaller members of their kind. These hordes were led by a Lylek queen, and their elaborate underground nests could cover up to five square miles. They communicate by hissing, clicking, and chittering. A precisely aimed shot to the head can put one down.” (Wookieepedia!) Lash said next, and showed a detailed image of the creature and a size comparison. Almost dwarfed the AT-TE walker the clone troopers used.

“Any and all attempts to dig through the ground is often met with fierce resistance from the local queens. We will make a mantle tapper before we leave, at least one. But I guarantee we'll come under attack. When we do, we'll track their movements and destroy their queen.” Lash said as he continued the briefing. Behind the militia were several clone troopers were relaying the information about the predators on the planet.

Lash then went over some of the more friendly, and domesticated animals they could find on the planet. Along with common pests, and plant life. A Bibfort was an insect that they could extract an anti-toxin from if needed in a pinch. He went over the language used on Ryloth, and how every militia, and clone trooper should have them in their hand terminals. Type in what you want to say, and the synthesized voice should speak back. While any replies should be translated...Hopefully.

“Sir, are we placing any tappers on the moons?” An officer asked when Lash paused for questions.

“No, most of their cores are dormant. We'll have to jump start them. So we'll be prioritizing food production on the moons. But that is only if we can fix their rotations. If needed we'll plant bio-luminescent plant life, and maybe try and grow power conductive plant life.” Lash replied, as he looked for more questions.

“Biome change on the planet?” Another officer asked.

“Unfortunately no, that is incredibly expensive. I know it may seem like I'm made of credits. But I assure you, I do have a limit.” Lash said with a bit of sarcasm as the room chuckled.

“Space station?” A clone trooper officer asked.

“Good question, and yes. The city of Kala'uun will continue to act as the planets spaceport. But we plan to build a defensive station above the planet. Full array of turbo lasers, long range missiles, and fast response star fighters. Hopefully they'll be piloted by the Rylothian's one day. But for now it will be us.” Lash replied, and nodded towards the clone in thanks as the militia officers made another note.

“Do the people of Ryloth know we are doing this?” One last officer asked.

“It was approved by the Republic, but the planets populace at large has no idea. In an ideal situation we could make these changes gradually. But we need to do a rapid revitalization of this planets infrastructure. In many ways this is a beta test for the militia. The bread basket worlds, and moons for the refugee programs was our alpha test.” Lash answered and they understood.

“Alright break up to your assigned teams. We'll move for the spaceport as soon as we get the all clear. Make all of your people aware that we are moving into an active combat zone.” Lash said, and the officers finished up and made way.

“Grand Admiral?” A clone trooper office came over.

“Yes trooper?” Lash asked, as he closed down the holographic projector in the briefing room.

“A brigade of clone troopers have been assigned under you with the siege of Kala'uun spaceport. CT-0346 will be the commander.” The trooper said much to the surprise of Lash.

“I see, what's the commanders name?” Lash asked, and the trooper's features softened just a bit.

“Commander Omen, sir.” The trooper replied.

“Wonderful! Anything else trooper?” Lash asked.

“No, sir!” The clone trooper said, they saluted one another and they left to prepare.

As Lash walked across the room towards the door. It opened before he got to it to reveal Ahsoka, along with another Jedi Padawan learner. The Padawan was a female Mirialan with olive green skin, black hair tied back into a tail, and wrapped with a leather string. Like most Mirialan she had geometric tattoos, specifically under her blue eyes, and along the bridge of her nose. She wore a form fitting set of Jedi robes in gray, and black tones. With the traditional hooded coat. She stood at approximately 4'8', with an athletic figure that a majority of trained Jedi tend to have. This was Barriss Offee.

“Padawan Ahsoka, Padawan Barriss, how may I help you?” Lash asked them both. Barriss looked up, and up at Lash.

“Hello Master Lash! We've been assigned to help with the liberation of Kala'uun.” Ahsoka said with a brilliant smile.

“Wonderful! You must missed the briefing however, I assume your assignment was last minute?” Lash asked, as he gently stepped around them to head towards the hanger bay.

“Ah! Yes, sorry Master Lash that was my fault. I had specifically asked Master Luminara Unduli if I could attend.” Barriss said as she jogged to catch up with him. Lash adjusted his stride for their shorter legs.

“Once she did, I couldn't let her go alone. So Master Skywalker told me to tag along.” Ahsoka said with a bit of mischief in her eyes.

“Padawan Barriss if I remember correctly you are training to be a Force-Healer?” Lash asked, Barriss perked up.

“Yes, Master Lash. Master Luminara spoke highly of your talents in the art of healing at the battle of Geonosis.” Barriss said softly, but clearly now that she didn't have to run.

“Wonderful, if we have some time we'll talk shop. Since Ahsoka has access to Shatterpoint you can help one another.” Lash replied next, as he retrieved two data pads with the briefing and handed it to them both.

“Yes, Master Windu told me Shatterpoint has medical applications. Just takes practice.” Ahsoka said in a chipper mood.

“How many types of healing do you know, Master Lash?” Barriss asked, her eyes zeroed in on him.

“Basic revitalization, healing, regeneration, limb attachment, limb and organ regrowth. Along with corpse repair, and resurrection within an hour after death.” Lash listed off a few of his spell abilities that could easily be explained through the Force.

“Y...You can bring the dead back to life!?” Barriss asked in shock.

“Depends on how long they've been dead, the condition of their body. How strong they were in the Force. The stronger the Force-User the longer their spirit sticks around. I can even recreate a Force-Ghost's body and pull them in.” Lash replied like it wasn't that big a deal. The Living Force grew agitated around him when he said that out loud.

Ahsoka had an almost smug look on her face when Barriss started to have follow up questions. Lash indulged her as they walked towards the Venator's hangar bay. The Kom'rk ship was waiting for him, and the two additional Padawans. That was when Lash met Commander Omen, a clone trooper like the rest of his brothers. But his left eye had been replaced with a cybernetic implant. It was pretty streamlined, only slight scarring around the cheek, and temple. While the eye itself had tiny gears, and widgets in the iris.

“Commander Omen, good to meet you.” Lash said as he came over to shake the commanders hand. Omen saluted first, then shook his hand.

“Grand Admiral Lash, good to finally meet you. I've looked over the briefing. Me and the boys will get your people down easily enough. I'm told we are watching our fire, people still live in the city.” Omen asked.

“That's correct. Oh, where are my manners. This is sub-commander Ahsoka Tano, and sub-commander Barriss Offee.” Lash introduced his two companions.

“Hello!” Ahsoka said with a wave.

“Commander Omen.” Barriss said with a bow.

“Ladies...” Omen said with a slight forced smiled. Lash tilted his head slightly at that expression. Lash quickly pulled up Omen's records. Turned out he was part of the initial battle of Geonosis. Hundreds of his brothers were killed due a bad call made by a Jedi.

“Admiral Yularen, has given us a single Acclamator use as a mobile base. We'll be landing right outside of Kala'uun and moving in on foot. We'll have minimal aerial support as the rest of the ground force works to establish a foothold near the capital of Lessu.” Omen turned his attention back to Lash. But Ashoka, and Barriss both noticed how Omen subtly dismissed them.

“I understand, I am landing ahead of the ship. There is a forest near the city we'll be landing the Acclamator in. I'm going to be making room for it.” Lash said, and brought up a holographic display of the map.

“That's dense forest, sir. We won't be able to fit a Acclamator in there.” Omen said.

“Leave that to me.” Lash said.

“Yes sir.” Omen said, as he ground his molars.

“Your dismissed Commander. Be safe and good luck.” Lash said, and saluted Omen who saluted back and left briskly.

“Master Lash did we do something wrong?” Ahsoka asked, as she watched the commander walk away.

“Not either of you specifically. A jedi made a bad call on Geonosis and got hundreds of his brothers killed. In a normal military the jedi in question would have been brought up on charges for dereliction of duty. Instead absolutely nothing happened.” Lash replied to her, and Ahsoka looked sad to hear the news.

“A lot of clones died that day. Surely he can't hold the jedi responsible for it?” Barriss asked, as she bit her lip softly.

“In a way he can. On Kamino the Jedi were considered tactical geniuses that would lead the clones with brilliant precision, and grace. When it came to their first mission, the jedi were unprepared for what it was like to fight in a real battle.” Lash replied, then gently nudged them towards the transport.

“Master Luminara doesn't speak about Geonosis very much. All she would say about it was that it was a mistake on the Jedi's part.” Barriss said softly.

“We are ready to leave, Chieftain” Mil'Gix asked when they loaded up into the transport. Several recon militia soldiers were sitting on the loading crane sitting. They looked up at Lash when he entered with the two Padawans.

“Alright, let's go liberate a city.” Lash replied and moved to the cockpit. He had Ahsoka, and Barriss stay in the back and have them go over the briefing they missed with an officer....


One by one the different Acclamator 1st class cruisers broke off from the fleet and started their approach towards their designated objectives. The spaceport of Kala'uun, and Lessu were on the same continent just on different parts. Dozens of Militia ships flew down ahead towards a specific forest that surrounded the spaceport which was situated inside a mountain/cliff side canyon. Lagging behind them was one Acclamator cruiser. Hundreds of republic clone trooper gunships flew side by side with the militia.

Ryloth was an arid, savanna planet. Hot days, bone chilling cold nights. What few forests on the planet were giant behemoths not found on other planets. They had an almost calcified look to them, as their varies branches would collect sediment from the wind storms. While their roots reached, deep, deep into the ground to drink the available water in the earth. The people of Ryloth had figured out a way to spike the trees for water without killing them. While most Lylek hordes dug deep enough to find their own source of water.

Lash's Kom'rk vessel was one of the first to make planet fall. The separatist armies were either busy with the spaceport. Or fending off the main invasion force. What few anti-air emplacements by the droids were focused on clear ground. Not the forest, which was the point. The transport's cargo/crew seating opened up and lowered its crane down. A little over twenty militia recon soldiers propelled down. While Lash, Ahsoka, and Barriss just jumped out.

Lash landed on a solid branch of a tree. Then jumped to another one. Each one lower and lower as he moved to its roots. Ahsoka, and Barriss waited with the militia recon. While the Kom'rk transport retracted its crane and moved to escort the more vulnerable ships inbound. Lash eventually reached the ground and marveled at the giant trees covered in sand, dirt, and stone. He placed his hand to one and felt it humming with life.

“Alright, let's begin.” Lash said as he knelt down and created a ritual circle that spread out from his as the focus point. Celtic knots were etched into the ground, and crawled up the different trees within the circle.

First he used Nature's Supplement, Growth, Druid Grove, and Elemental Manipulation as a form of payment to the trees. Each tree within the circle glowed and brilliant green then washed the rest of the forest in light. With the morning sun rising it creature a combination of rich orange, reds, pinks, and green. Then he used Fabrication, and Alteration. Along with Animancy. Each designated tree's branches grew up, and up into the air. Then furled them out to create a platform. Each tree was a support beam.

By the time the Acclamator ship came into sight there was a sizable land spot for it. Along with several other auxiliary spots for the militia. Then several other trees moved to the side to clear a road. As each platform had a main loading ramp that connected to it. Once Lash was finished the midi-chlorians fed on the access energy and all the living plant matter in the area grew stronger for it. Little less than an hour he was done. They had their beach head.

“This is Grand Admiral Lash, you have your landing site.” Lash said over their communication line.

“Grand Admiral, this Admiral Ronti Jedree. We see it, and will be down momentarily.” Jedree's voice hid a bit of astonishment. But was quick to respond.

Spotlights came down from the ship and Lash gave him a mental facepalm. He forgot to add lights to the platforms. An easy fix, and altered it accordingly. Solar powered lights, with a temporary charge from himself. Now each platform was glowing for the ships to land. The trees let out an audible groan as the cruiser land, but held. Lash spent sometime reinforcing them. Just as he finished the padawans found him.

“So, what do you think?” Lash asked them both, as he let them pick their jaws up off the floor.

“Y-you... You... I-I.” Barriss tried to speak but eventually just stuttered.

“Alright, while we let Barriss restart her mind. Ahsoka?” Lash asked, Ahsoka was running her hands along the trees.

“So their still alive? You just adjusted their structure?” Ahsoka asked.

“Yes, the platform is just another extension of the tree. I'll have to return it after retake the spaceport. This is a temporary platform.” Lash said as he walked up to the same tree. The celtic knots were still glowing softly.

“There not in pain?” Barriss asked, as she came up with them and touched the tree.

“No, I fed them additional energy as a form of payment. Then adjusted them. I know the Jedi frown on altering living things into other things. But these effects are temporary as I said.” Lash replied, then noticed Mil'Gix and a militia soldier run up.

“Chieftain, we are ready to move out.” Mil'Gix said, and the soldier confirmed.

“We are approximately fifteen miles from the spaceport. So, let's practice some battle meditation.” Lash said with a chuckle as he reached out to anyone within twenty five miles with Temporary Pack Bond.

Approximately 80% of the militia, clone army, and staff aboard the ship all linked up with him which considered him friendly. Then a cacophony of voices were slowly hushed into white noise. As everyone had an instinctual awareness of where everyone was. Their sensory awareness expanded to everyone. They all shared a bond between them. All of this was considered a Force ability called Battle Meditation.

'Attention. This is Jensaarai Master Lash. I am using a form of Battle Meditation. However, this only as an approximate range of twenty five miles at my point of origin. But unlike other forms of Battle Meditation, I am capable of moving. All of you will feel an increase in your overall abilities, this is normal.' -Lash said across the link and got a chorus of confused voices in return.

“All forces, advance.” Lash said across the normal communication channel.

Almost in perfect sync every available soldier linked to the bond moved together towards their appointed destination. Lash reached out across the link and cast Cat's Grace, and Nature's Passage. Every soldier militia, and clone faded from sight. Like apparitions they sprinted through the forest straight towards the spaceport. Lash having greater speed than others moved to the front. He broke the tree line first and sprinted across a clear cut area around the town.

In front of the city was a forward operating base of the droids. Dug out sandbags, and prefabricated buildings erected. As machine shops, droid maintenance bays, communication arrays, airfields, and command structures were made. B1 battle droids were on stationed on the wall leading to the forest. Nothing but a shimmer in the air was seen as a near invisible army rushed towards them. Until two red energy blades popped into being that revealed Lash on the wall. The droids spotted him and now the whole army knew he was here.

'Move into the city. If you take an aggressive action the camouflage wears off.' -Lash said across the link. He didn't use the communication channel in fear the droids were pick up on it.

Lash bisected the two droids on the walls and let his shoulder mounted cannon take out the rest. The wash of clones, and militia flowed around the FOB like a river. While he jumped into the camp and made a bee line towards the enemy commanders tent. The tactical droid seem to call for security as destroyer droids rushed to its position. Lash sent a caustic wave of chaos energy towards them. Their machinery turned to brittle melted pieces of scrap.

He burst through a fabricated wall into a control room. The tactical droid didn't say a word as it pulled out its side arm and started to shoot him. While every droid in the room did the same. Telekinesis lifted them off the ground and crushed them into recyclable cubes. Lash then had one of his tech-spirits jump into the separatist battle net. Regretfully, the tactical droid thought ahead and closed their connection to the rest of the planet. They were learning about his abilities.

He used the spell Recycle and scrapped the whole camp. Anything and everything fell to pieces and could be used again in the future. He rushed out of the collapsing building and sprinted into town as it seemed the droids had a berserk command code. Instead of capturing the natives, they started to shoot them on sight. Prisoners already captured were either trying to escape, or used their own bodies to shield their loved ones.

But right on time clone troopers appeared from the shadows and poured the blaster fire onto the droids saving the prisoners. The Twi'lek people shouted in both hope and fear as new soldiers appeared. Lash landed in front of the cages and tore the locks easily enough. The sight up caused many of the people to scream in fright until a few level heads raced outside the cages without fear of him.

“We are with the Grand Army of the Republic, and the Galactic Militia. Are any of you fighters?” Lash called out in perfect Rylothian.

A dozen or so hands shot up. He pointed towards a crate of blaster rifles, while the clones moved in to secure the rest of the FOB. The main force poured into the city. Several Twi'lek males, and females picked up the rifles and raced over to Lash. They looked him up and down until one male stepped forward and asked.

“Sir! What's next?”

“Let's go take your city back.” Lash replied, and ignited his red energy blades.

Dozens of clone trooper gunships flew overhead at that moment. They landed on rooftops and deployed their soldiers. Enemy fire poured from the city and many ships didn't make it. The few he could see Lash snagged with his Telekinesis and set them down gently. Behind Lash a Jensaarai defender arrived from shadow and started to tend to the wounded with the help of Barriss who was in tow. An emergency triage station was erected in the former FOB of the separatist.

“Master!” Ahsoka called out as she appeared from the shadows, Mil'Gix by her side.

“Mil'Gix find a rooftop and do your work.” Lash said to the Mandalorian who shot into the sky via jet pack. While her brother flew overhead with the Kom'rk ship.

“Ahsoka move in and retrieve any wounded you can find and bring them back here. Do you know how to use Shatterpoint to detect the bad from worst?” Lash asked, and Ahsoka paled when she realized what he wanted her to do.

“Y-Yes Master!” Ahsoka said.

“You five, this is Ahsoka Tano. Please work with her to bring both clone, and Rylothian back to this camp for treatment.” Lash said to the volunteer soldiers who nodded.

“M-Master!...I...I don't know if I can do this!” Ahsoka said with a stutter. Running triage was never a fun thing for combat medic. Determining who would die, and who would live. Lash walked over and settled his hands on her shoulders.

“Take a breath, and live in the moment.” Lash said to her softly, and cast Calm Emotions on her. She took one slow breath and felt the trembling stop. When she was finished Lash let her go, then moved over to a crate. He reached in and retrieved a convenient set medical bags for the little team.

“Take these, move together. Ahsoka, do you know how to speak Rylothian?” Lash asked, and she nodded calmly. “Get to it! May the Force be with you.”

Ahsoka and escort raced into the city. The city of Kala'uun was made out of duracrete, and durasteel. In the color of sandstone, and dirt brown. The design were mundane boxes, or cubes. They had a step layout to the city. Every few hundred feet another step, then another step after that. Several long winding roads that almost seem to serpentine up the path. The roads were only three lanes. While the rest of the port was inside the mountain. Lash could see several doors that had been blown open, while others were closed. Each one was just large enough to accommodate a trade freighter.

“How much of your city is underground?” Lash asked one of the remaining civilians that were helping with the new triage center. She jumped in surprise at being called on.

“Ummm... Sir, about half of it is underground.” She said, and Lash nodded in understanding. She ran off to continue working as wounded were already filtering in. A stretcher between two Rylothian's under the guard of Ahsoka.

Lash cursed Orn Free Taa's name more than once. The pig hadn't updated the republic government listings in decades. Lash needed a map, but most of Kala'uun didn't even have a holo-net connection. If he was being honest, the outside of the city was like a third world country from back home. He could only assume the actual port was more modernized. Lash decided to sit down and commune with nature. Just as he started to Meditate he received a call for help across the bond. He received flashes of a black robed warrior with a red light-saber.

“Crap!” Lash said as he recast Cat's Grace, then used Acceleration, and Superhuman Speed. Zero to five hundred mph in under ten seconds. He used Gravity Stride to jump across walls.

Lash arrived into what looked like a festival square with the remains of a stone fountain. He saw a dark acolyte using two red light-sabers. They were cut through the clones like paper. Lash jumped from a nearby wall and landed with a thundering crack! Then brought out his red energy blades from his vampraces. With his vastly superior speed he attacked and was deflected? Lash felt a Force-Push shove him away. He rolled with it and popped up. Off to the side he saw another acolyte appear from the shadows.

“Pathetic! I expected more from the Master of the Jensaarai!” The second dark Acolyte called out. But the first one looked like they nearly died of shock. Lash rolled his eyes and reached out with Call Lightning.

Brilliant blue, and purple colored lightning jumped to the first one, then the second. Took less then two seconds to flash cook them. Then Lash cut off the source of the spell and chuckled softly. He admitted to himself he rushed in. He shouldn't have done that. He was getting sloppy. Then he did a quick assessment of the dead. He used Corpse Repair, Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, and Kiss of the Grave. Just like that he resurrected eighty seven clones. He watched his energy levels drop by 46% but it quickly recovered like always. Then he watched as thirty seven clone troopers reached five thousand midi-chlorians and became Force-Sensitive, oops.

“You boys alright?” Lash asked the newly revived clones as they linked once more with the Temporary Pack Bond.

“Grand Admiral, Lash when did you get here?” A Sergeant asked, he had been cut in half.

“Just got here, cooked the dark acolytes well done. You were injured so I do a Force-Heal and you and your men.” Lash said, as he pointed out the obvious damage to their armor. But not a single trace of injury on their bodies.

“Copy that, sir! Thank you! Alright boy's back to work!” The Sergeant called out as the unit picked themselves up.

Lash reached out across the Temporary Pack Bond and then tested a theory.... Yes, his Master Map ability counted those attached as extensions of him. So he sent an updated map to his people. Then once again gave himself a facepalm of idiocy. Why didn't he use just his Map to begin with. He brought up Ryloth and zoomed into to Kala'uun and brought the whole city up. He updated the battle network map. Then drooped his shoulders in depression. He really needed to sit down and catalog all of his available abilities. He had to many to count.

Enemies were in red, allies in green, others in yellow. He saw a group of yellows hiding in what looked like a reinforced building inside the mountain. With a swarm of red dots attempting to get in. Lash linked up on the battle network, and across the bond and informed everyone where he was headed. Then recast Acceleration and sprinted off. He was sure it was confusing for his people. As a blur of color flashed by and droids would fall apart.

He raced up a street that led into the cavern and found an interesting sight. Giant pillars of duracrete with ornate carvings. Each one over a hundred feet in diameter that went from top to bottom. Mass networks of pipes, cranes, and rail lines were in the air. He assumed cargo would travel through this complex set of structures. He ran up a pillar and found that each door he saw on the outside led to a single landing platform. So that would mean Kala'uun only had a few dozen ports? For the one and only spaceport on the entire planet that was not a lot.

He cleared his mind of unnecessary things and moved to his destination. Which was the air traffic control tower. He saw a few Rylothian fighters firing down at the droids. While the droids shot back at them. A ruined tank which was tilted to one side had it's barrel pointing at the door. The droids had jury rigged the tank to fire on the door. A energy blast shot out and the whole tower shook under the force. Lash arrived between shots and cast Recycle on the tank. It flew apart like an exploding diagram. The B2 battle droids, and B1 all turned around and unloaded onto his position. Two mounted cannons on his shoulders, and repeating blasters in his vampraces made quick work of them. Then he received a stray shot from up top.

“Hello! I'm with the republic!” Lash called out in Rylothian.

“Who are you?” A woman's voice called down.

“Grand Admiral of the Galactic Militia, and Jensaarai Master Lash at your service.” Lash called up.

“We'd come out to greet you, but the door is jammed!” The woman called out.

“Just a moment!” Lash said and went to the door and used Repair. The melted door flash with blue light then worked correctly. Lash opened the door to receive a hail of blaster fire.

“Cease fire! Cease Fire!” A man shouted over the shower of energy. With strict discipline the Rylothian fighters stopped.

“Wow! That was impressive!” Lash said as he stepped from the cloud of smoke that had filled the entry way. The fighters raised their blasters but didn't shoot.

“I apologize for my people, Grand Admiral Lash. I am Cham Syndulla.” The male Twi'lek said as he came out from behind cover.

“What a serendipitous turn of events. I've been looking for you.” Lash said as he came over to him.

“Oh? Why is that?” Syndulla asked.

“Senator Orn Free Taa is dead. You are the new leader of Ryloth.” Lash replied.

“What?” Syndulla said...


Sorry for such a long delay on an update everyone. I will often place an update on my profile page if I am late. So check that out if you don't see me post anything. Anyways, thank you for reading.

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