Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 138: The Little Things.


***HR. Central City.***

“The West family had always been a family of pure values, and a type of warmth rarely found in the world.” Henry Allen spoke clearly as he stood next to the two caskets holding Iris West-Allen, and Joe West.

“I remember when I was falsely convicted for the murder of my wife that Joe welcomed my son into his home, and into his family without question. Because of that my son grew up in a loving home that we all wish we could have.” Henry continued as he tried to keep a straight face as he looked over the crowd that had come to the funeral.

“When Barry asked Iris to marry him, I remember holding onto Joe. It was an odd moment of pride, and worry. Because Joe looked so happy, but he also so badly wanted to shoot Barry too.” Henry cracked a bit and tear rolled down his cheek. The crowd, and extended family laughed a bit.

“I... ahh...” Henry cleared his throat as he tried to keep his tears from running down his face. Several people in the crowd nodded in acceptance and Henry let the tears fall.

“I remember Joe sat Barry down the night before the wedding gave him the typical future father-in-law talk. I had never seen my boy so terrified before in his life.” Henry continued as he tried so hard to keep some resemblance of a smile on his face.

“But just as Joe was never a typical father. The 'talk' wasn't typical either. He gave Barry the list, the warning every man should hear before he marries. Your wife is always right, even if you are wrong.” Henry said, and the crowd busted up laughing. While a few others sobbed a little harder.

“Little things matter, because eventually they add up to big things. You always have time to give your wife a foot massage. Always, always ask them how their day was first.” Henry smiled as he looked across the crowd. But he didn't see his son, Barry, among the crowd.

“Find time to date, even as your lives get busy. Always schedule at the very least a single day a month for a date. Keep the romance alive.” Henry continued....

“Then as any good father would say. He told Barry that if he hurt Iris... Not to worry about him, because Iris would break her foot up in his ass.” Henry finished and the crowd busted up laughing.

Henry looked like he wanted to say more, and looked towards to the two coffins that contained Joe, and Iris. He opened, and closed his mouth several times. But eventually he stepped to the side. A few more people came up to speak but eventually they ran out of people. Joe being a policemen had a firing squad shoot out. While a flag was given to Joe's mother. All the while the crowd looked around for Barry. Only a few saw him standing up on the hill of the cemetery away from the crowd as he tried so desperately not to wail in despair.


Barry Allen aka The Flash sat on the hill side bench of the cemetery as he watched as one by one the crowd left. He trembled as tears fell down his face. His father, Henry slowly walked up the hill towards him and took a seat next to him. Barry cracked under the pressure as Henry pulled him into his arms and Barry sobbed into his father's arms. Henry rubbed his son's back, but didn't say a word. When all of the civilians had left. One by one the Justice League showed up. Then...Then Barry stood up and walked down.

Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Harrison Wells, and Monika Celeritas for Team Flash came in uniform. While Oliver Queen, and Sara Lance came to say hello but soon had to leave. A few other friends quickly said sorry and had to leave. The world was at war and they needed to get back to their own cities. Barry thank them for coming, but said little else.

Barry was hollow as his families coffins were buried. He stood in silent vigil as one by one his friends, his brothers and sisters in arms came and went. Until it was just his dad and him once more. They stood side by side. It wasn't the first time either of them had buried a loved one. Barry had lost his mother when he was young, and lost his father to a crime he didn't commit. But, this was different. Barry something to put his sorrow into. His rage...

“You should go dad.” Barry said softly.

“I'm good son...” Henry replied.

“Aren't you working with the medical unit?” Barry asked, his voice hollow.

“I can spend a few more minutes.” Henry said, as he watched his son.

“I'm going to fix it...” Barry said next, as speed force sparks danced up across his body. Henry cleaned his eyes and laughed lightly.

“What do you mean, Barry?” Henry asked, as he really looked at his son and saw the sparks of the speed force vibrating off of him.

“I can fix it... I'll go back and save them. Then none of this will happen.” Barry said with conviction.

“Barry... That isn't how time works. Dr. Wells was very clear about it. You don't actually travel through time you just jump to an alternate time line.” Henry said, as he tried to get his son to turn to him.

“Then it will still work! I'll grab them there, and bring them back here! No one has to die!” Barry shouted at him, his eyes began to spark with energy.

“Barry this is not the way!” Henry tried to hug his son but Barry pulled from his grasp and zipped dozens of feet away in a blink of an eye.

“You'll see... Once their back... You'll see...” Barry said with smile. Then with a blur of motion was in his uniform. “I'll be back before you know it!”

“Barry stop!” Henry shouted at him but it was too late. He activated his holographic.

“Vici! We have a problem...” Henry said.


***Rift. Ryloth***

Cham Syndulla, nicknamed The Hammer of Ryloth. Was a Twi'lek male with orange skin, orange eyes, and an athletic albeit malnourished figure. Who stood at approximately 6'3', clad in his scrapyard militia garb. Despite his poor upbringing, Cham had always strode for greatness in his youth. He worked hard in everything he did. Learned quick that life will never give you an easy way out, and if it does it is often a trick. But despite that he never lost his heart, and tried to do good when ever he got a chance.

It was because of these qualities that he quickly sought to free Ryloth from the corruption of Orn Free Taa, and the oppressive oversight of the Republic. He had learned quick that Republic ideals, and convictions were built out of sand. Ryloth had been a part of the Republic for over 10,000 standard cycles. To this day it was still a backwater world that received minimal domestic aid. There had even been a moment when Cham had considered joining the CIS. But he quickly learned they were just as brutal if not more so than the Republic.

The Republic slowly choked the life of Ryloth with neglect. While the Confederacy sought to garrote us in our sleep. Then from moment of wailing defeat as we flailed like tired old men, and women. Came the Republic with their clones, and their Jedi. Or... So he had believed. Jensaarai, how were they any different from the Jedi? For one, they brought gifts.

“By popular vote, and quick time succession. Cham Syndulla you have been selected to be the leader of Ryloth.” The armored Jensaarai said to him.

“What?” Cham said momentarily frozen in disbelief. “That's not possible... I-I there...When did we vote? We've been under attack.” Cham said almost furious that the Republic would care about such things during an invasion.

“Sub-section D page 356, paragraph 4, of the reclamation of assets. Articulates that during a war time clear line of succession is necessary to prevent a convoluted miss understandings. At the last requisition of senator election. It was Orn Free Taa at 87% of total vote, and 13% Cham Syndulla. No one else ran. You continued to claim your legitimacy. No one else stepped in. With the death of Orn Free Taa, and the fact that you are on the ground. You win by default.” The armored man said.

“I'm the senator of Ryloth?” Cham said as it started to set in. His people next to him started to gather smiles on their faces.

“For now, until such a time is available for a clear election to be granted on Ryloth with being under duress. At which point you, and any other member of the Ryloth elective council may run for senator. Do you accept this role.” The man asked, Cham blinked and nodded with confirmation.

“I, Cham Syndulla accept this position.” Cham replied.

“Wonderful! Senator Syndulla the Republic Militia, and Grand Army of the Republic is securing the city. We need to get you to the forward operations camp. Please this way.” The armored man said.

Cham was quick to clear his mind as he organized his remaining team for evacuation. The armored man known as Grand Admiral, and Jensaarai Master Lash created an update map of the battlefield and they moved with purpose through the city like clock work. They arrived at operations, and the medical center in good time.

Cham saw the Republics clones, but he also saw men, and women of the different species in militia uniform. Dispensing aid, and fighting against the droids. Along with dozens of armored soldiers wielding the jedi weapons, Light-Sabers. But these were not Jedi. Watching as Master Lash rushed towards a spider walker and destroyed its shields like a child squashing a bug was...humbling.

Cham, and his people could help but remark how the Jensaarai were despite their fierce appearance were friendly. The Jedi had always had a quiet arrogance. They never truly looked down on others. But they felt like they did. Cham hated it when ever Jedi arrived on Ryloth. Because more often than not they came at the behest of Taa, and put down the rebellions on Ryloth. Cham feared Master Lash was here to do the same. Time would tell. How long until Cham was fighting the Republic and its Militia? They needed to be ready.


(Ryloth, Kala'uun Spaceport.)

Lash listened to Omen's report about the situation. They had been here less then an hour and the droid army had pulled back. Normally this would be a call for a celebration. But Omen believed it was a trick. Lash agreed with him. According to Senator Syndulla they had spent days fighting over every inch of that city. They would not give it up lightly.

“We'll send out scouts, and skirmish attacks but our priority is securing the city. Senator may we ask your scouts to help fill in for guides among our soldiers?” Lash turned to look at Sydulla who looked over the map.

“It would be better if I lead the scouts myself.” Syndulla said, while Commander Omen looked confused.

“Senator, apologies but I'm afraid that is ill advised.” Lash said he tried to adjust his body language to be...amiable.

“Why is that?” Syndulla said, he stuck his chin forward in challenge.

“Because you are the leader of Ryloth. I respect your desire to lead from the front. But if something happens to you. Then who will the people look to?” Lash asked, as he glanced behind Syndulla to his people who seem to understand the problem. Even if Syndulla didn't.

“I will never ask my people to do anything that I myself would be afraid to do.” Syndulla said with a bit of flare. His people smiled at him, and Lash bit back a sigh.

“Then I suppose we won't need your scouts after all.” Commander Omen said with a bit finality. Syndulla blinked in surprise as he suddenly sidelined.

“I am not some fragile piece of glass to be protected!” Syndulla shouted at him. As his soldiers stood and started to reach for their blasters.

“We are not suggesting that! But you have to look at it from our point of view. If you rush off into combat we have to prioritize your safety first. Even at the cost of our own lives.” Lash said to the man, as he tried to quell his desire to manipulate the idiots mind.

“Then I will take a team and scout out the area! If you try and stop us, we'll fight you too!” Syndulla shouted at Lash.

Lash stopped and just stared at the man. His Deductive Reasoning, and Insight giving a peak at the man's mind. Syndulla for some idiotic reason believed that they were trying to separate him from his people so we could imprison him. A puppet leader of some sort. If Lash wanted to do that he would have just executed Syndulla's soldiers and detained him.

“Very well... Good luck.” Lash said, as he reached out and cast Calm Emotions on the sly. Everyone took a breath, but the decision was made. Syndulla walked out of the tent in victory, as his men clapped him on the back. While others glared acidly at Lash, and Omen.

“I hate politics.” Omen said softly.

“The Republic doesn't have a good reputation on this world.” Lash replied.

“Oh really? Just figure that out, Grand Admiral?” Omen said, Lash turned to look at him but their was a bit of a smile tugging on Omen's lips. Sarcasm?

“I'm going to go flatten an area for the Acclamator. Can you please contact Admiral Ronti Jedree. Tell him to prepare to move the ship?” Lash asked, with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

“Yes, Grand Admiral Lash. Can you give the ship a wash while your at it?” Omen asked, now a clear smile on his face.

“I don't know... Sounds like a lot of work. How about I just break out the bar, and we'll have happy hour instead?” Lash said as started to leave operations.

“Sound's like a plan, Grand Admiral.” Omen said with a laugh.

Omen's change in attitude was a welcome surprise to Lash. Very few clones died in this attack. Which showed Omen that Lash was no fool. At least for now. Lash had plenty of time to screw up later, but if he could help it he wouldn't. He sent Mil'Gix with Syndulla who welcomed her. The Mandalorian clan Rahl was welcome with Syndulla's people. While Vi'Lon stayed with the Kom'rk ship to do a perimeter sweep that gradually got larger, and larger.

Lash dropped by and checked on Padawan Barriss, and Padawan Ahsoka. Ahsoka was a little shaken but was taking to her job as triage rather well. Thanks to Shatter Point, Ahsoka was able to quickly determine who was lost, and who was not. While Barriss spent her time giving minimal healing. Bringing the fatality wounded to just above that. So she could conserve her energy. Lash granted them both a refill of magical energy. Which their midi-chlorians ate up greedily. Which in turned granted them more energy. If Lash wasn't careful they would both reach 15,000/Jedi Master rank before they even left Ryloth.

Lash left operations and moved towards the open hills, and grass. He reached out with Elemental Manipulation – Earth. Then started to flatten the ground in front of him. The Acclamator was a little over 2,500 feet long. The abrupt change of landscape did seem to disturb the local wild life as several sleeping Lylek insect creatures the size of city buses came popping out of the ground. Just in time for the landing Accalamator to shoot them full of turbo lasers.

Lash cast Decomposition on the bodies, and oddly he received the designs for the creatures in his Divine Domain – Monster Creation spell. That was new. Lash cleared it from his mind for now and reformed the landing pad so the ship could land. Then he moved to create several auxiliary landing pads for the militia ships. One by one they were able to land just outside the city. Once the last ship left the calcified forest. Lash released the delayed spell and the forest returned to normal.

Despite the cleared landing field the arrival of the different ships kicked up a lot of sand into the air. But all in all it was nothing compared to the fierce windstorms that the planet would have. According to the weather report they had little less then a week before the next windstorm would hit. In that time they would have to tell their ships to go back into orbit. Or Lash could cheat and carve out a huge underground city. Decisions, decisions.

The Lylek had been a surprise. He had assumed they wouldn't be this close to the city. But as he reached out through his Divine spell craft he discovered that the Lylek in questions were hunters. They would grab Twi'lek, or anything really within reach and sprint back to the hive. Which meant there was one nearby. Then he facepalmed and realized he could just ask the planet itself for directions. Despite not having a background, Lash still felt like this universe was effecting him.

He turned around on his heel and went back to operations to check in. He would the ritual later. For now he would help Ahsoka, and Barriss with the medical center. He sent a warning to the Clones, and the Militia about the Lylek hive, and the hunters on the perimeter. A sensor net was moved to the top of the list for base installations. Apparently the Twi'lek knew about the hunters, but simply accepted them as a part of life. They never had the resources to burn them out.

Clearing the landing field at taken little over an hour but when he came into the hospital he found Barriss struggling to stand on her feet. She was covered in blood, and viscera and was a fair bit more green then what would be healthy for a Mirialan. Ahsoka was next to her as the leaned on each other for support. Without a word Lash pulled them out of the hospital and sat them down.

“Sergeant, please arrange transport for the Padawan's back to the ship.” Lash called for a transport and the clone jumped to obey. Ahsoka hearing the order looked up at him in confusion.

“Master Lash were fine, we can keep going.” Ahsoka said, but Barriss hadn't even registered that Lash had spoken.

“And if we were in the thick of battle I would expect nothing less. But we are in a brief period of calm. Both of you will go back to the ship, you will eat, you will bath, and you will sleep. I don't want to see either of you out here for at least ten hours. I will confine you to quarters if I have to.” Lash said to her, and Ahsoka looked like she wanted to fight but accepted it nonetheless.

Lash had to pick Barriss up and put her into the transport that arrived. The Clone medic who saw her understood the situation. She was in battle shock and assured Lash she'd be taken care of. Ahsoka gave Lash a hug then jumped into the transport and they took off towards the ship. Fighting droids is one thing. Tending to the wounded as they screamed for help, and died in your arms was another. Barriss, and Ahsoka did a lot of good. But in the end they were both still younglings.

Lash returned to the makeshift hospital and cast a wide area of effect. Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. Bright green, and blue light swallowed the whole hospital. His magical energy took a nose dive, but as always refilled quickly. Every individual in the hospital was nearly fully healed. Healed enough to get out of the hospital anyway. He also 'accidentally' made a few Twi'lek, Clones, and Militia soldiers obtain a slight Force-awareness. (5k / Just barely)

“Any more wounded go straight towards the ship!” Lash ordered the soldiers and they followed his command.

Not for the first time Lash considered going to Coruscant and bathing the whole planet in magical energy. Just to see what would happen if trillions of people suddenly became Force-Sensitive. What would the Star Wars Galaxy be like if every Sapient species in the galaxy was capable of wielding the Force? Would it dry out? Become stronger? Food for thought for later. In the end Lash wasn't really here to save anyone. He was here to obtain tech to help his home reality. Maybe he was becoming jaded?

“Alright, let's go build a city.” Lash said, as he clapped his hands together.


(Lessu, Capital City of Ryloth)

Wat Tambor was a male Skakoan who was the foreman of the Techno Union and an executive of Baktoid Armor Workshop. The Skakoanian people came in several colors like blue, green, and purple. They had grown on a alternate atmospheric condition world and required pressure suits to survive off of it. Due to their culture and firm belief in mathematics it was believed they were actually machines.

The cold hard logic of the Skakoanian people gave them an advantage when it came to creating corporations, and leading the charge in research and development. Especially when they cared little for the concept of morality. In this regard, Wat Tambor was a model citizen of. Tambor had dark green skin, beady black eyes, and wore a pressure suit with a blue under cloth. The suit exposed his head, and neck save for the front portion of his face. Where a silver metallic mask protected his body.

Tambor was also one thing above all. He was a petty, conniving, greedy man. Due to his poor home life when growing up. He adored money, and would do anything to obtain more of it. He loved living in luxury, and despised any notion of giving up his wealth. When a political rival among the Confederacy had been found stashing hidden treasures of Ryloth. Tambor moved to lay siege to the planet and was granted permission by Count Dooku.

Now, Tambor brought an entire planet to its knees. Just so he could increase the treasures to hold in his vault. With great anticipation Tambor watched as droids loaded another shipment of artifacts, precious jewels, and metals aboard his shuttle. Once it was full he launched it, using a familiar solar sail that the CIS was known for. Allowing the ship to pass through the lines unnoticed. According to his data he another two shuttles to fill before he could leave the planet. But the Republic had shown up in force, and now he had to decide to stay and finish loading his treasure or leave?

“Wat Tambor, we have an incoming message from Count Dooku.” A tactical droid arrived, holding a holographic projector. Tambor smoothed out his suit, and prepared himself.

The tactical droid activated the holographic and a very young looking Count Dooku looked at Tambor. The Skakoanian had been surprised when he had first seen a youthful Count. But after many discussions with Lord Enfarious he found out why. A form of gene therapy that would extend life had been a exciting prospect. However, the treatment was expensive. One of the many things he planned to buy once he left Ryloth.

“Wat Tambor, I received word that the blockade around Ryloth has been broken?” Count Dooku said with mild concern written on his face.

“I'm afraid so, Count Dooku. We have reports that General Obi-Wan Kenobi, General Skywalker, and Grand Admiral Lash are on the surface of the planet. I've already increased our security to not allow any holographic communication from the Jensaarai. I assure you, I will not fall for the same trick that Mar Tuuk did.” Tambor said self assuredly.

“See that you don't. Once you have finished your...business on Ryloth and want you to leave immediately. Then order your droids to cause as much damage to the surrounding cities as possible. We can still turn the loss of Ryloth into a political victory.” Dooku said, as he smoothed a hand across his trimmed beard.

“My Lord, is the Confederacy not sending reinforcements? Were we not suppose to attack from behind?” Tambor asked in confusion.

“Orders have changed, the fleet will not be arriving. You have two days before General Windu arrives to reinforce the Republic.” Dooku replied, his irritation clear. Though not towards Tambor but elsewhere.

“Very well.” Tambor said in mild depression. Two days was not long enough to secure all the treasure he wanted. He would have to make every minute count.

“See that you are not late, Tambor. I'd hate to loose you like we lost Mar Tuuk. Goodbye.” Dooku said, and the holographic closed.

“How long until the next shipment arrives?” Tambor asked the tactical droid.

“Thirteen standard hours, but I advise we be gone before then.” The Droid responded.

“I will not leave until everything of value is taken from this rock. What we need is a distraction. Prepare a wing of bombers. We'll give the Republic something to chase.” Tambor ordered, and the tactical droid left to carry out his orders.


(Ryloth, Command AT-TE)

The All Terrain Tactical Enforcer walker rumbled along. While the other walkers had room to carry troops, and an artillery cannon on its back. This walker had communication dishes, and receivers across its body. Its main troop bay was converted into an operations room with view screens, terminals, and a holographic projector. Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenbo, and Luminara Unduli stood side by side as they watched the holographic produce Master Yoda, Master Windu, and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.

“As far as we can tell the Separatist fleet has moved into Hutt space and is no where to be found. We'll be arriving on Ryloth in less than forty eight hours.” Master Windu said to them.

“With that many ships we can create a blockade and prevent Tambor from escaping the planet.” Anakin said with a smile.

“Don't be so sure, Master Skywalker. We've had reports of solar sailor shuttles leaving the planet. What assurance do we have that Tambor hasn't left yet?” Unduli asked.

“Greed, Tambor wont leave until everything of value has been stolen. He'll be on the last shuttle I guarantee it.” Obi-Wan replied, as he looked at global map of Ryloth.

“His capture is vital to the war effort. With him in custody we can prove that the Techno Union has joined the CIS. We can seize their corporate head quarters here on Coruscant.” Palpatine said, as he steepled his fingers.

“This war that much quicker another leader of the Separatist in our custody will help end.” Master Yoda confirmed.

“Any word from Master Lash?” Anakin asked the room.

“Master Lash has secured the spaceport of Kala'uun. Regretfully they came under attack by Lyleks. They are... Fighting off a hive.” Unduli replied with a look of worry on her face. “My Padawan Barriss sent me a message personally.”

“I can't imagine Lash being that careless?” Obi-Wan asked.

“From the message, the droids had destroyed the main birthing chamber of the Queen. Which forced the entire hive into a frenzy. They are attacking anything, and everything with a few hundred miles of the hive. Including the city.” Unduli commented.

“Do they need help?” Anakin asked, ready to leave right away.

“...No... Barriss said they were... Having fun.” Unduli said, with a peculiar expression.

“Having fun?” Anakin asked in confusion.

“...Oh, why do I feel like Master Lash has found another way to show off?” Obi-Wan said with a bemused expression on his face.

“I wouldn't worry, for help if they are in need master Lash will call.” Master Yoda said.

“Right, well let's not get left behind. I'd hate for it to get boring around here.” Anakin said with a smile as they continued the briefing.


(Ryloth, Kala'uun underground.)

“FORWARD!” Lash shouted out over the communication line, and across the Temporary Pack Bond.

A unit of flame throwers moved into position and sprayed napalm across the cavern as giant Lylek soldiers, warriors, and stalkers rushed towards them in a mad dash of what could only be called a zerg rush. Lash led a wave of Jensaarai into the flames with little fear as they ignited their light-sabers and cut through the creatures with disgusting ease. Then new tunnel emerged from the wall and a flood of Lylek's swarmed into their choke point.

“Sappers!” Lash called out.

Padawan Ahsoka, Padawan Barriss, and another Jedi Knight raced forward and threw seismic charges at the tunnel. The Force guiding their throws. With Force-Sprint they were in and out in a moment. Then the bombs went off closing the hole. A Jensaarai rushed up and converted the rock into lava through Elemental Manipulation / Force-Alteration.

“Forward!” Lash shouted again, the Clone, Militia, and Twi'lek fighters moved forward by approximately ten steps then held their new position. Phalanx guard in front ready and waiting.

“Ready!” Commander Omen called over the communication line.

“Defenders! Back!” Lash shouted, and the Jensaarai defenders jumped back behind the lines. As a barrage of blaster fire poured onto the Lylek.

Lash used Call Lightning as several other Jensaarai defenders used Force-Lightning to flash burn the Lylek. Mobile turbo lasers rolled forward and obliterated the Lylek's rushing out. A high pitched screeched shot through out the tunnel systems. But a pre-battle alteration to their helmets protected them from the Queen's Force-Scream. Wasn't that a surprise, the Queen had dark side powers.

“Grand Admiral, team Charlie needs assistance!” Commander Omen called across the line.

“Hold the line! Padawans, with me!” Lash called out.

Ahsoka, and Barrissa raced after Lash has he cast Acceleration on them. They sprinted through the underground tunnels that they had earned inch by bloody inch. Well that wasn't true, they actually hadn't lost a single soldier the entire time. It may have been due to the fact that each team had several Jensaarai defenders with an ambient Force-Heal contentiously going.

Lash jumped up to the ceiling and used Gravity Stride so he could move ahead of the Padawans but not by much. Team Charlie was Syndulla's team. Lash rolled into the next room to see the Lylek's had broken the line but only barely. He jumped forward and slammed a Telekinetic fist straight into one. He used it as a battering ram to force the other insects back into their primary tunnel.

“Reform the line!” Lash called out. “Sappers!” He called out, as two additional tunnels needed to be closed.

“Where's Syndulla!?” Lash called out.

“Here Master Lash!” Syndulla called, as he by the forward mobile turbo laser. Several Twi'lek had been injured and killed. Nope! Lash didn't want to ruin his perfect score.

He reached out and healed the injured, and revived the dead. When they had started their valiant campaign to fight off the Lylek hive watching your friends severed bodies blood reach out. Snag their pieces and pulled back together. Only for your brothers, and sisters to get back up. More than few people screamed in shock. Now? They made sure to keep their severed limbs, and body parts collected.

“How many Lyleks are commonly in a hive?” Lash said as he brought a gunner back to life.

“A few hundred to a few thousand. I would say we are half way through them now. If we keep pushing forward we'll come across the honor guard. They are immune to blaster fire of a smaller caliber.” Syndulla replied, as another Force-Scream went through the room. The Twi'leks were given neural dampeners so they wouldn't lose their minds.

“Why is she making that noise?” Lash asked.

“I don't know! I've never faced a Queen before. The last one to die by our hands was centuries ago. We bombarded their hive from orbit.” Syndulla explained.

Just as he finished speaking a jet black Lylek pushed its way into the choke point. It was covered in spikes, and its pincers were large enough to cut through an assault walker with ease. It let loose a screech that brought their forces to their knees. Lash jumped from his position straight towards it. Right before the creature struck, Lash used Blink. Appearing on it's back. He created a Psionic Blade – Construct of red Chaos energy and bisected the creature. Then its top half swung around and baseball hit Lash deeper into the cavern. That was unexpected!

Now deep into the hive tunnels giant Lylek honor guard went into a killing frenzy to kill Lash. He slammed his fists into the ground and created razor sharp earth spikes through Elemental Manipulation. They stunned the creatures more than pierced. He growled in irritation. Then jumped away and used Earth Swim to pass through the walls like water. Then for the first time since he arrived in this universe he used Manifestation.

From within the earthen walls out poured 1110 Saurian warriors, veterans, and elites. All of them wrapped in shadow, hiding their features. Lash quickly updated the IFF marker for his forces. As the Saurian army sliced through the Lylek forces with ease. Lash pushed through the earth and jumped out of the wall. The Lylek honor guard were in complete surprise as the Saurian army used Size Alteration to grow to the same height if not bigger. Was this over kill, yes. Did Lash care, no.

Lash sprinted down the hall towards the Queen's chambers as another scream rang out. That was when he realized that was how she relayed orders. Lash was in no mood to deal with the small fry and cast Invisibility on himself. Though it didn't completely hide him from the creatures it was enough. As he sprinted past them. Though the honor guard would not be much a problem for much longer. Three Elites kept pace with him. They came to an intersection and Lash posed a question to Cosmic Awareness. His energy reserves dropped but he knew the location of the Queen. They rushed down the upper left most tunnel.

“Master Lash!? Where are you?” Ahsoka called across the communication line.

“I'm heading to the Queen's chamber. Hold the line!” Lash called out across line, and his Invisibility dropped. Fuck! His Elites chuckled as they jumped to his defense. Ya, ya that was stupid of him.

He quickly cast Chameleon, and Nature's Passage. Then continued on with out his own guards. He eventually came to gigantic football stadium grotto. With a Lylek Queen in the middle of the cavern. It's chitin armor was gleaming pure silver, as if she went for a swim in mercury. It reminded Lash of the Xenomorph Queen he was consort to. Though his Queen was far more deadly. The Lylek Queen released a Force-Scream that obliterated anything within a cone in front of her. Rock, flesh, and bone disintegrated.

Lash used Gravity Stride and sprinted up the walls, and to the ceiling just out of range of the scream before it hit him. Sound Manipulation was no joke if used right. Once he reached the top of the ceiling he really took a moment to admire the Lylek Queen. She was easily 40 ft high, and almost 150 ft long. An egg sac was attached to her back, and this thin muscled membrane extended out. Almost like a organic conveyor belt produced egg after egg. While dozens of lower cast Lylek supported her on their backs and moved her around.

“Master Lash! There are....Shadows fighting the Lylek!” Ahsoka called across the line. The Queen whipped its head around right towards Lash's location. That was when he realized she was blind. But had excellent hearing.

“Their with me!” Lash called out as another Force-Scream shot straight up at him, into the ceiling. The very collapsible ceiling.

Rock stalactites on the cavern roof dropped down in pieces. Several of them stabbing straight into the Queen's egg sac. Her high pitched wail of agony called dozens of high guard into the chamber. They unlike the Queen could see him perfectly. As he had jumped across the room to sit on the wall. They rushed to his location but he already climbed back up to the ceiling.

He prepared another Chaos red Psionic Blade and threw it straight at the Queen's center mass. The blade pierced her body, and impaled her. She released a scream so piercing that Lash momentarily let go of the ceiling and dropped to the ground with a resounding smack! Thankfully he was not the only one as the honor guard's looked like they had been liquefied.

“You know I'm a little disappointed in you!” Lash said as he stood up and pointed at the dying Queen. “I honestly expected a bit more of a fight. But then again, I did give myself a handicap.” He finished, and cast a focus target Decomposition and he learned the Lylek Queen's design for his Monster Creation spell.

Thankfully once the Queen was dead some sort of scatter command went through. The Lylek remaining in the hive went off in every direction. Though the honor guard fought to their last. Lash made sure to dust a few of them to learn the design for them. Though he couldn't imagine a reason to make the Lylek species in his own reality. Maybe he could splice with something?

'Once the hive is secure return to aether.' -Lash said to his Manifestations they confirmed his order and one by one he felt them disperse.

Another honor guard raced into the birthing room and Lash impaled with an energy spike. Tenacious creature, it continued to writhe, and wiggle about. Reminded Lash of the roaches of Gaia. How some breeds could survive days without a head. He dusted the creature, though it screamed in pain as the Decomposition worked through its living portion.

Slowly but surely Lash walked through the halls and soon came upon Jensaarai defenders who cheered upon his arrival. The last of the insects had fled, or were killed. Then without warning he was tackled by an Ahsoka who all but latched herself to him. Barriss was no better and hugged one of his arms. He looked at them confused, then looked at one of the defenders.

“Ummm... Hi?” Lash asked in confusion.

“Don't do that!” Ahsoka shouted, as she climbed down and punched him in the arm. She winced as she hit a metal alloy plate.

“Rush in and defeat the Queen? There by cutting off the command structure? Doesn't Master Skywalker do that all the time?” Lash asked.

“YES! Which is why you shouldn't do that!” Ahsoka stamped her foot and glared at him. It was adorable.

“I have to agree with Ahsoka, Master Lash. That was incredibly dangerous.” Barriss said as she released his arm. Though she was a bit more calm about it, at least on the surface.

“What were the shadows? You said they were with you?” Ahsoka asked, as Commander Omen jogged over to them closely followed by Syndulla.

“They are, it's called Force-Phantom. You create apparitional clones of yourself. It requires life energy to create. It's commonly not suited for most battlefields. But mid battle? Against large biological life like the Lyleks? Perfect fuel.” Lash replied, though Force-Phantom was primarily used by the Dark Side. One could do the same on the Light if you were careful.

“Grand Admiral, is it dead? The Queen.” Omen asked as he came over and saluted. Lash returned the salute before he answered.

“Yes, the Queen is dead. Senator Syndulla do Lylek parts have any cultural value?” Lash asked.

“In ancient times we used their chitin as armor, and their claws as weapons. However, the royal jelly from the Queen's egg sac is said to have high medicinal purposes. But it has been centuries since we've had access to them. Please, which way to the chamber?” Syndulla asked, and Lash updated the holographic map of the hive.

“Thank you, Master Lash!” Syndulla said, and called his people deeper into the chamber.

“Well, that only took....Eight hours. I should check in with the other generals.” Lash said as he started to walk off. Only to have both his hands taken by Ahsoka, and Barriss.

“...Yessss?” Lash asked with a bit of mirth.

“I have to make sure you don't go running off again.” Ahsoka said, and squeezed his hand.

“Agreed, you do tend to forget to tell people where you are going.” Barriss continued.

“Do I?” Lash asked a Jensaarai defender.

“Not really, of course we can feel you through the Force. So we always have some idea of where you are.” The defender replied.

“See... All you two need is to learn to make a connection. That way you'll always know where I am.” Lash said as he started to walk again.

“But I don't know how to do that!” Ahsoka said, as she pouted at him.

“Nor do I.” Barriss said next.

“Well then! I'll just have to teach you!” Lash replied, and both Padawans smiled.

It was several miles back to the surface, or more specifically the spaceport of Kala'uun. The whole way Lash spoke about the academics of creating a Force-Connection. It was often done when a Master chose a Padawan/Apprentice depending on your discipline. The Jensaarai learned to create the bond to keep track of their people. Especially during operations. That way if someone was ever taken, or worse killed. Every Jensaarai near by would know it.

By the time they reached the Acclamator that was being used as a mobile HQ. Lash had given both Padawans a suggested reading list. Unfortunately due to the intimate nature of the connection they would need their Masters permission before Lash would forge one. Lash was reasonably sure the answer would be no. But maybe Anakin, and Unduli would surprise Lash. They had dinner...or was it breakfast together? Lunch maybe? It had been eight hours. Then Lash went to his private quarters. It was on the command deck so it was rather spacious.

Instead of taking a shower he cast Immaculate on himself. Though he did miss the feel of water. He had to much to do. He settled at his desk and pulled up the militia reports. Along with the progress on the siege of Ryloth. All in all it was going well. One by one the CIS strongholds on Ryloth were being taken. The last stronghold was the capital of Lessu. Their advanced scouts revealed that Wat Tambor had not left yet. They were awaiting one last shipment of treasure.

Master Windu was due in the system in less then twelve hours. Palpatine wanted Wat Tambor captured, and brought before the Senate. If Lash left right now he could sneak into the capital, capture Tambor. He sent a message to generals. They needed to discuss this. Once the message was away he turned his attention to the revitalization efforts of Ryloth. But before he could really get into it his intercom chirped at him.

“Apologies Grand Admiral. You are wanted in the briefing room. General Skywalker is on the line.” Admiral Jedree said.

“I'm on my way, thank you Admiral.” Lash replied.

“Of course, sir!” Jedree said.

Lash sent a notification to Ahsoka, and Barriss so they would know what he was doing. He rolled his eyes as he saw Ahsoka tumble out her quarters with a blanket wrapped around her. Barriss at least was fully dressed. But the bags under their eyes was evident. He stopped to admire them both as Ahsoka threw her blankets back into her room.

“You can go back to bed.” Lash told them both.

“Are you going to leave?” Ahsoka asked.

“Depends on the response I'll get.” Lash replied.

“Then we'll go back to bed after we hear the answer.” Barriss said with a defiant eye brow.

Lash snapped his fingers and cast Immaculate on them both. The spell script wrapped around them and cleaned them from head to toe, even brushing their teeth. While the magical energy fed their midi-chlorian count. They both received a rush of energy but they were still exhausted. They were practically dragging their feet after they had eaten. That was all of... Less then an hour ago.

The three of them walked onto the command deck of the ship. Admiral Jedree was on standby. An olden human male with short cropped gray hair, and a trimmed beard. He cut a handsome figure in his gray uniform. He nodded towards Lash who returned the gesture with a slight bow. Jedree noticed how Ahsoka, and Barriss were dragging their feet. He raised a single brow in question. Lash used a hand sign for 'exhausted'. Jedree understood and dialed up the holographic emitter.

The holographic image of Anakin, Unduli, and Obi-Wan appeared. They both looked to be in good spirits. Though each of them had powder burns, dirt, and mud prints on their robes. As Ahsoka, and Barriss stepped into view of the holographic emitter. Anakin, and Unduli looked concerned, while Obi-Wan had a smug grin on his face. As he kept his piece for now.

“Before we begin Masters. I humbly request that Master Skywalker, and Master Unduli order their Padawans to get some sleep after this.” Lash asked, but before they could respond.

“That's not fair!” Ahsoka shouted at him.

“I agree, Barriss unless we need you. I order you to get at least six hours of sleep after the briefing.” Unduli went first, Barriss was glaring daggers at Lash but eventually bowed her head towards Unduli.

“As you wish, Master.” Though the youngling clearly had more to say.

“I think he's right, Ahsoka. You look like your about to fall over. Clearing out the Lylek nest was no joke if the reports are to be believed. Six hours of sleep after the briefing. That's an order.” Anakin said to Ahsoka who crossed her arms and looked away furious. It would be more effective if she wasn't wobbling on her feet.

“Ahsoka?” Anakin asked.

“Fine....” Ahsoka replied.

“Right... Master Lash, you are purposing that you head towards Lessu alone. To infiltrate, and secure Tambor before he leaves? How will you get inside the city? Lessu is placed inside of a canyon. A sheer drop of hundreds of feet surround it. With only a plasma bridge connecting the two points of entry. They have aerial, and orbital cannons in place.” Obi-Wan asked, he didn't sound doubtful just curious.

Lash stepped forward and typed into the database the coordinates he wanted. The holographic figures of the three Jedi minimized and a map of the surrounding area was created. Lessu stood precariously on lone piece of land inside of a gorge. This had been a natural defense against the hostile predators of Ryloth. Over the centuries the gigantic pillar that supported the city had been reinforced with duraconcrete, and durasteel. The city had limited about of space so they built up.

Approximately fifty or so miles away was a sheer cliff that overlooked the city from afar. It had once been a park that families would visit. They could have picnics and watch the city. Go camping at night in a secure preserve. The droids had destroyed it as a way to destroy moral. Lash pointed it out on the map. The Jedi masters were confused.

“I'm going to wing-suit from this location. Glide into the city. They have sensor nets up that would detect any energy reading so I'll be going in silent. The range is enough to get me to the pillar, but not the city proper. Then I'll just climb up.” Lash said, as the demonstration would show he'd have to climb at least one vertical mile.

“Master Lash there are no hand holds. It's a flat surface, it was designed that way to prevent this very thing.” Unduli said.

“It won't be an issue for me.” Lash replied.

“Putting that aside. Once you are... In the city, how will you find Tambor?” Obi-Wan asked. Lash once again updated the holographic map and it showed Tambor's exact location.

“How do you have that?” Admiral Jedree asked.

“When we first arrived in the system I slipped one of my VI programs into the CIS battle-net. It's been feeding us intel this whole time. That is where half of my intelligence comes from.” Lash pointed out several pointers that he had relayed to the Republic forces.

“Well that answers why Rex received information about the back door into the stronghold we took. We barely lost a soldier.” Anakin said with a laugh.

“I'll agree to this on one condition. You let me come with you, Master Lash?” Unduli asked.

“OK.” Lash said with out complaint.

“I wish to come!” Barriss said.

“Me too!” Ahsoka asked.

“No, you both have been ordered to sleep.” Lash told them with a bit of force.

“He's right, you are both dead on your feet.” Obi-Wan said.

“It will be easier with two. We can secure Tambor, and activate the plasma bridge.” Lash said as he nodded towards Unduli who gave him a slight smile.

“I'll swing in with our fighters, if Obi-Wan takes over the ground forces?” Anakin suggested, as Obi-Wan smoothed a hand over his beard.

“Agreed... When do you believe you can start?” Obi-Wan asked.

“I can get out to the starting position inside of three hours. It will be night on that side of the planet.” Lash replied.

“I'll meet you there.” Unduli said.

“I'd love to see Master Windu's face when he learns we've secured Ryloth before he even arrives. May the Force be with us all.” Obi-Wan said, and signed off.

“Six hours Ahsoka. With any luck you can join me in the air when we attack take the city.” Anakin said with a smug smile and signed off. Ahsoka stomped out of the briefing room and marched back to her room.

“Be safe, Master Unduli.” Barriss said and left the room. Though she did smile at Lash when she passed.

“I'll keep him out of trouble.” Unduli replied with an easy smile. Lash placed a hand to his chest in mock offense. Unduli smiled at him and signed off. Once Barriss left the room Lash turned to Jedree.

“Thank you, Admiral Jedree. But before I leave... I need a small favor.” Lash said with a chuckle, and Jedree raised an eyebrow at him.


(Ryloth, Acclamator Militia command ship. Officer crew quarters.)

Ahsoka Tano tossed and turned in her bed. She had tried meditating to calm her mind. But she was so frustrated. She wanted to be out there. She wanted to be doing...something! Ahsoka pulled her covers off and went to the refresher room. She disrobed and took a nice long hot shower. She reached for the scrubber and realized she wasn't dirty. Master Lash had used his Force-Clean? Or maybe it was just tech from his armor. She wasn't sure.

She bounced her forehead off the wall as she tried to think. Six hours? The battle for Ryloth could be over by then...... Ahsoka jerked awake as she had nearly fallen asleep while standing up. What ever Lash had done seem to be wearing off. She turned off the water and toweled off. She pulled on a fresh set of clothes and crawled into bed. Asleep before her head even hit the pillow.

Ahsoka dreamed....She dreamed of being back at the temple. Walking through the gardens. Attending a lesson with one of the visiting masters. All before the war and the rush, and anxiety that came with it. She walked through the memory and saw an initiate that hadn't been picked to be a Padawan. Not everyone was picked. If you didn't achieve the required...Focus? Level of mastery? You were placed in one of the corps. Explorers? Agriculture? Diplomats?

But this initiate refused to be shuffled to one of the corps and quit the order. It had been a surprise to Ahsoka. She didn't know you could quit being a Jedi. She had thought it was for life. Tommin, that was his name. He had been a year ahead of her. He was a human from Alderaan. He had been so sure he would be chosen to be a Padawan. But he had always been to quick to anger. He couldn't handle his emotions. So he left.

Ahsoka remember being sad about it. She had asked one of her masters about it. She was led through a meditation exercise to clear her mind, and keep her focus. Try to find the balance between fear of loss, and acceptance of life. It was six months later that she received a holo-message of Tommin. He had reached Veruna. He was training to become a Jensaarai. Ahsoka had been shocked.

Tommin had talked about the trials he had taken. They had stripped him of the Force. Hollowed him out. It had shocked Ahsoka! The Jensaarai could do that? But Tommin had said he understand true balance between the light and dark. They taught him the way. He was still learning, but the Force was coming back to him quicker then ever. He already obtained a light-saber. He chose orange, to remember her by. She had never blushed so hard in her life. Jedi weren't meant to have romantic relationships. But Jensaarai could. For a brief moment, Ahsoka had considered leaving the order to go be with Tommin...

Ahsoka's eyes snapped open. She looked around and saw the darkened interior of her quarters. She pressed a hand to her chest and felt her heart beating fast. She took deep slow breaths. Balance, serenity, peace. Little by little her heart grew still. She reached over to her console and saw she still had two hours left. Maybe she could take a walk to clear her head? She pulled herself out of bed and went to the door. But froze at the sight of two clone troopers who snapped to attention.

“Hello?” Ahsoka asked in confusion.

“Apologizes commander, Tano. We've been ordered to ensure you get at least six hours of rest.” The trooper sounded off. Ahsoka's eye twitched in irritation.

“Who ordered you to?” Ahsoka asked.

“Grand Admiral Lash, Commander Tano.” The trooper replied.

“...I...See....” Ahsoka replied. “Carry on.” Ahsoka stepped back into her room and closed the door.

Ahsoka clenched her jaw and tried to remember. Balance.... Serenity.... Peace. Then she looked up at the ventilation shaft. She pulled the chair out from the desk and used her Jedi training to balance on the backrest. She carefully pulled the cover off and set it down. Then jumped up and shimmied back and forth. Then she turned around to start heading towards...... There sitting in the ventilation shaft was a mouser droid who beeped at her. Her crew quarters door opened up below her.

“Ummm... Commander Tano. He also ordered us to place sensor sweeps in the ventilation shaft.” The clone trooper said, as Ahsoka could hear a soft beep coming from the troopers arm guard.

“So I see... Carry on trooper.” Ahsoka said, as she dropped down into her quarters. The trooper saluted then did an about face and left. She could tell he was struggling to hold in his laughter.

Once the door closed. She walked towards her bed. Buried her head into her pillow and screamed! The nerve! Who does he think he is? Yes, of course he was right to. Because she tried to leave. Wait!? Barriss quarters are right next to hers. She can crawl through the vent that joins theirs together. Ahsoka jumped to her feet and raced to the refresher room. She pried the vent covering off and crawled towards freedom. She popped the cover off to Barriss's refresher room. Then tip toed into her room. She looked around to see Barriss reading a data pad.

“There are guards outside my room too, and a mouser in the ventilation.” Barriss said. Ahsoka's eye twitched. Who does Master Lash think he is!?


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