Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 140: Tiyulong Rum, Year 369


***HR. Justice League/Legion Star Base***

The Star Base contained within the Sol System was fully repaired and in the process of constructing its defense platforms that would reside over the planets of Earth/Gaia, and Mars. Along with the refinery of the planet of Jupiter. The Galactic Sheriffs had arrived to reinforce their original position within the system. While every day war ships from neighboring civilizations arrived to help fight off the machine intelligence known as Brainiac. On the edge of the solar system floated the Thanagarian war fleet as they played the role of pirate hunter. Not the role they wanted, but given by the rulers of the system.

Despite the invasion of the system one by one merchant vessels started to show back up in the system to visit the Star Base to use the facilities. Including but not limited to the recycling plant, and the slingshot. Several people enjoyed watching the rainbow bridge shoot ships into the vastness of space from the observation level. The overall mood in the area was...tense. Brainiac was around, but they couldn't find them. Today the Justice League/Legion would meet in the 'Head Quarters' to discuss the issues that have grown since the invasion began.

The Head Quarters module was designed in an amphitheater style seating. A speaker stand with several seats behind it. With layered seating in front of it of multiple layers. Over time the senior members of the League/Legion had grown so the room had to grow. They had come a long way since the days where it was just Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Aqua Man, Aqua Woman, The Green Lanterns (now Blue), The Hawks, Martian Man Hunter. Just to name a few. Now the senior members was well over a hundred people.

One by one the different senior staff came into the room. They greeted each other and discussed social niceties. While the tense mood only grew. Many were clearly agitated as they had places to be but understood the need for the meeting. Then several prominent albeit none JLI members showed up. The Seelie, UnSeelie, Twilight fae Courts, Wardens, and the emissary of the planetary deities. Like Ares/Kyle though he was technically a member at this point. Or Gozith the demi-god of Krypton.

A holographic image of Vici's avatar appeared in the modules space above the seats and called everyone to order. Everyone found their arranged seats. It wasn't mandatory of course, but it tend to place people at least in the same countries together. Or in many cases the same planet. As Martian Man Hunter, Miss Martian, and one of the members of the royal family of Mars was in attendance. J'emm J'axx who was invited to attend.

J'emm J'axx was a red martian who stood at at approximately 6' even or 10' if he stood up straight. As all Martians he was a talented shape shifter and took on a human like appearance though he had red skin instead of green. He wore a ceremonial garb befitting of his station. He sat next to J'onn, and M'gann and shifted uneasily. Though he was in his forties by human standards. To Mars he was around 16 maybe 18 of equivalent age.

“Everyone, thank you for attending the meeting. I understand we all have places to be. But it is important that we take the time to be in the same room together.” Vici's holographic projection showed her to be a near-human adult female. Her voice carried a firm, and confident tone.

“First and foremost I would like to take the time to thank the royal martian representative for joining us. His highness Prince J'emm J'axx.” Vici pointed a holographic finger at J'emm who stood a little straighter and waved at everyone.

-The Martian people have agreed to come together in these trying times to share resources with our neighbors of Gaia, and the Justice Legion. Once the machine intelligence known has Brainiac has been defeated. We plan to come together as a united front so we may be one as a people.- J'emm said through telepathic speech. A few people winced at his voice inside their heads. While a few others looked around confused. They had blocked the communication by habit. J'onn sent a message to J'emm through a though speech and the prince blushed in embarrassment and once again said what he said out loud then sat down looking at his hands more than anyone else.

“Did the atmospheric tower get hit during the initial attack?” John Stewart Blue Lantern asked.

“Oddly enough, no. It was spared. We had it under heavy guard and the death cults have understandably been preoccupied with other matters.” J'emm was quick to jump on the topic making sure he spoke out loud.

“Also thank you for dispensing the JLI member, Ash. He was prominent reason the capital is no longer on fire.” J'emm continued and sent a thankful glance at everyone in the room.

“Well they always say, when you have to. Fight fire with fire!” Hal Jordan the Blue Lantern said with a wry grin on his face. However J'emm looked at him in confusion.

“But he didn't use fire, he snuffed it out?” J'emm asked then had it explained to him by J'onn. “Oh Gaian sarcasm. I understand, it's funny.” J'emm said then smiled at Hal. Of course it was a giant gaping grimace of a smile that showed off all of his teeth which made half the room bust up laughing while the other cringed.

“Did I do it wrong? I thought smiling conveys understanding?” J'emm asked, not sure what he had done.

“No, you did it right! Sorry kid, I think the room needed that. Thank you.” Hal said with a big smile to show J'emm how it was done. The kid quickly adjusted his facial expression with a bit of shifting. The mood in the room lifted just a bit.

“Lanterns, where are we with the Guardians?” Batman asked suddenly, and the room went back to a tense environment.

“The Guardians have agreed to leave us alone. The entire space sector of 2814 is no longer under their rule of law. That is approximately twenty five different systems. Systems that we are now responsible for.” Katma reported, and adjusted a holographic projection for the room. Several people groaned in dismay at that report.

“The Sling Shot can reach each system. The Galactic Sheriff corporation has offered to patrol each one. But we do have to pay them for it.” Katma continued.

“Will the sheriffs actually do their job? Or will they just flee at the first sign of trouble?” A rogue Green Lantern asked.

“Brainiac is an unfair example. Most advanced militaries would run in the face of the machine. The fact that Commander Bhol'uns stuck around says a lot about his character.” Said another JLI member.

“It doesn't matter... Mr. Xags won't sign off on any large payments without Wraith's authorization. And it will be a large payment. Thankfully most of these systems have their own security. It's just larger threats we have to worry about. We are setting up Lantern communication buoys now. In many ways we are better equipped to respond than the original Green Lanterns.” John Stewart replied.

“The Guardians are no longer doing a smear campaign to ruin our reputation?” Hawkman asked.

“No, given we have done something they could not. Fight off Brainiac.” John replied with a bemused expression.

“Speaking of the great purple cue ball. Do we have any idea where the big ass ship flew off to?” Another JLI member asked.

“It was last seen moving towards the galactic edge. It has been theorized that Brainiac may have a wondering planet, or station between galaxies where he keeps his main force. I wish I could say that this was the last we've seen of that ship. But we may see it tomorrow, or a century from now. Unfortunately as a machine intelligence it has the ability to wait.” Another rogue GL replied.

“How about the more immediate forces contained within our system?”

“That is more troubling. As far as we can tell the...Virus that Wraith implanted them with has caused every cyber-slave, skull, and shard to think independently. Even to the point that they openly attack one another. Each proclaiming themselves to be the true Brainiac. However, they are doing their best to remain hidden. A majority of Earth, and Mars cities and infrastructure is in working order.” Cyborg said next, and produced several holographic documentations, and videos.

“One of our teams in the mid west of North America received reports of an abandoned auto parts factory with power, and assembly parts being shipped to the installation. The only reason it even came up on our radar was because the driver of the deliveries jumped on our hot line and filled out a report. We sent our team and found a single cyber-slave making rudimentary robot soldiers with basic software.” Cyborg continued his line of thought.

“So it wasn't making more cyber-slaves? Just walking death machines like skynet?” Nightwing asked from his place at the meeting.

“Essentially... We were able to destroy the specific cyber-slave and shut down its operation. But this is just one out...thousands on Earth? Each one has the collected knowledge of Brainiac hard wired into it. As far as we can tell it is in their best interest that our society forgets they are around. From what we've obtained from the bottled cities in our possession. Brainiac is normally a brute force persona. But its more than capable of subterfuge.” Cyborg concluded his thoughts.

“Speaking of the bottled cities. Do we have any plans for them? Some of the cities we have belong to civilizations that still exist to this day?” Superman asked next, though many understood he meant the Kryptonian city of Kandor.

“We've contacted those civilizations and they are sending delegations to retrieve their lost cities. The issue we have is... We have no idea how to unshrink them. It's based on spatial compression technology that we don't understand.” Vici replied.

“How is the moral in the cities?” Hawkwoman asked.

“Ecstatic. They all know they are not prisoners anymore. Some of those cities have been captives for centuries. Some of them... Are the last living members of their race.” Vici replied, her holographic facial expression was conflicted.

“What are we doing with our Kryptonian prisoners?” Supergirl asked from her seat. The room paused as they looked around at each other.

“Potentially they are innocent? They were manipulated by the Guardians to attack us. However, it is clear to see that Dru-Zod would have attacked us either way. During our questioning he had planned to enslave the people of Earth and turn it into a new Krypton. With the humans as the new labor guild.” The android Naya'il spoke from her position as warden of the prison module.

“However, more than half of the surviving Kryptons are open to the idea of being moved to the system known as alpha centauri. We have the capabilities of terraforming a planet there.” Naya'il began to say but was interrupted by another.

“Oh bit of good news! Sorry sister!” Samanthei the head scientist on the station called out. “We have an approximate location of the celestial body that contains the city of Argo!” Samanthei said brightly, Superman, Supergirl, Jor-El, and Lara Lor-Von who were in attendance sat up straight. “Gozith made contact with them oddly enough through their prayers.” Samanthei smiled brightly.

“Indeed. It seems the people of Argo still pray to the original pantheon of Krypton. I'm sure if our brother was here he would hear them as well. With the Justice Legion's permission I would like to take one of the corvettes we have and mark the city on our maps. This way we can make plans to steer them towards the Sol System.” Gozith asked the room and the room agreed.

“Speaking of Wraith, how long has he been gone? Also, why isn't Hell Knight here?” Wonder Woman asked the room as they noticed the seat for Vyllith was noticeably empty.

“Hell Knight is visiting our brothers hellish dimension. It is apparently chaotic and in need of guidance. Several of our kin are there now as well aiding her.” Gozith replied to the question.

“Wraith has been gone approximately two weeks for us. Last time he was gone this long it was several years for him, subjectively.” Vici replied to the rest of the question. Wonder Woman grimaced at that information.

“Woah! Woah! Hold up! Are we just going to ignore the fact that Wraith has his own personal hell?” Constantine asked the room.

“Constantine, Wraith is a deity it makes sense that he has one.” Gozith replied as if it was plain as day.

“No, it doesn't!” Constantine shouted at him.

“Is Wraith collecting souls?” Bat Girl asked from her seat.

“Yes, he has several hundred thousands souls there currently. Any that carry the taint of hell will be sent there as long as they are directly, or indirectly killed by him.” Gozith replied to the matter as a simple fact. He was clearly pleased.

“We can discuss the fine details of Wraith's dimensional holdings at another time.” Giovanni Zatara said with a pointed glare at his son-in-law Constantine who tried his best to smile. As Zatanna elbowed him in the ribs.

“Speaking of dimensions and alternate realities. Our neighbors had offered to come help. AR-Superman, and AR-Supergirl will be here in two days to help clear our Brainiac. Apparently Rolf Dex had several anti-Brainiac weapons. We'll be using them to root out the machine intelligence.” Aqua Man said from his seat.

“Do we have any word on Flash?” Caitlin Snow aka Frost asked from her seat.

“Flash has jumped realities in an attempt to find another copy of his wife, who died in the initial attack.” Zatanna spoke from her seat.

“We have no idea where he is. He removed his spatial beacon after the first jump. Our reality neighbors said they saw him for about an hour. Long enough to determine if Iris was there. Then ran jumped through a reality tear. Unfortunately, we have an infinite amount of realities to go through to find him. We... We just don't know how to find him.” Zatanna continued to say, and gave an apologetic look towards Team Flash.

“Alright, lets discuss the next rotation between nations. We need to ensure we don't burn ourselves out. Who's first?” Superman asked...

It didn't take long before another subject pulled their attention. But all in all the discussion helped a lot of people decompress. Eventually the meeting was called to an end with getting very little done. But it did help. Different teams rotated out, while others were on site. More of the same, just on a different day. Who knew how long it would last before the next crisis would happen....


***Star Wars Rift. Naboo***

The planet of Naboo had gone through a lot of changes over the recent decade. Nearly every man, woman, child, and senior on the planet practiced the new Force Martial Art. It had been adopted culturally through out dozens of systems. Especially when it was discovered that unique individuals could bend elemental energy. Compared to the Jedi, Sith, and Jensaarai they may as well as appeared as children playing with finger paint. But unlike the the other Force Users. Elemental bending didn't risk the corruption of the user.

Since Naboo was considered the birthplace of the martial art, statistically it had the greatest number of practitioners. In the central square of Theed several students of the art were putting on a show. A Gungan used their water bending to create extravagant animal shapes that chased around a flaming bird. While another bender created the entire city of Theed out of sand. All the while an air bender propelled long strips of ribbons through the air. All of this tied to music by the orchestra and it created a marvelous scene.

The performance went on for several hours. Each set of students put on a specific event, or action. Showing off their various talents. While even several small younglings had grown disciplined enough to create basic shapes. While one particular youngling had even learned to bend lightning. All the while off to the side the instructors watched with pride. One instructor in particular was Shmi Skywalker.

After the performance was the wine and dine phase of the party. Though most of the attendee's were not old enough to drink. They still danced around the upper echelons of Naboo society. Several of the students had been born into humble beginnings but were now part of the upper crust of the world. Being able to manipulate an element when no one else could tends to do that. The Supreme Chancellor Palpatine couldn't attend the festival. But he did leave a holographic message for his people.

As the Supreme Chancellor he was meant to be impartial, and be the leader of the Republic. But no one would besmirch him for holding a special place for his home planet in his heart. He was most delighted by the different elemental benders on his home world. He told the crowd through a recorded video that he had big plans for each and every one of them. Many of the younglings went to bed that night filled with dreams of grand ambitions to serve Palpatine in the future. However they could.

Later that night after excessive drinking. Shmi Skywalker danced through the wind on her way home. She'd jump from rooftop to rooftop stepping across the wind. She had grown strong in her chosen element. She eventually arrived at her estate much to the relief of C-3PO. His golden metallic shell glimmering in the porch light. She landed on the path and his synthetic voice brought a smile to her face.

“Lady Skywalker, welcome home! How was the festivities?” C-3PO asked? As he shuffled over to her and fussed about her ruffled clothing.

“They were good, 3PO. They all performed wonderfully and are looking forward to the next year to our perform themselves. Some of the planetary security petitioned to have a martial combat tournament next year as well. I'm not sure how well that is going to go over.” Shmi replied and allowed 3PO to fuss over her.

They both walked into her home and she made her way to the master bedroom. C-3PO had drawn a bath for her. She slipped out of her ceremonial garb and took a dip. She wrapped her hair up into a bun to keep it dry and simply enjoyed the wonderful sensation of water on her skin. She had lived on Naboo for many years. But she still remembered her life back on Tatooine where bathing in water was considered a luxury.

After her bath she put on a silk bath robe and stepped into her bedroom. She took a moment to admire her muscle toned body in the full length mirror. Her skin was golden and flawless. All her scars, and burns from her time as slave were now gone. Her gray hair was golden brown once more. While only her eyes told the true story of her life. Only a few of her fellow instructors, and students knew about her life as a slave before. It was not a pleasant story to share. But she looked back at it fondly in many respects simply because it was through this life that she obtained her new life. Her son Anakin was a Jedi Knight, and General in the Grand Army of the Republic, Force watch over him. She was seeing a nice man here in Theed. Though she was secretly terrified to introduce him to Anakin, or even Master Lash.

She would never tell a soul. But she always had a bit of crush on Master Lash. She knew she was not the only on on Naboo that did. Shmi pulled on a pair of sleeping pants, and top and sat down to brush her hair. Or rather, C-3PO would brush her hair. He would come in and untangle any knots, and brush each side of her head at least one hundred times. He would go on, and on about his day. Who knew one could discuss the intricate details of dusting into thousands of words? Well C-3PO was a master of it. But half way into the art of dust motes a holographic message went through the communication system in her home.

Jensaarai Master Lash, Grand Admiral of the Republic Militia, Chieftain of the Mandalorian clan Ghost Claw had a new holographic video. Shmi opened the message and nearly fell out her chair in laughter as she watched Lash dance on a video with several other women, and one Obi-Wan Kenobi. But unfortunately the smile soon wilted on her face as she saw a follow up message from Pre Vizsla challenging him to a duel. Only to be completely stumped at the announcement of the new Mand'alor the Renewer.

“Lash... What are you doing?” Shmi said to her self softly.

“Well I must say. Those words about Master Lash were uncalled for. I thought he did a delightful job dancing on stage.” C-3PO said, and continued to brush Shmi's hair. That brought a smile to Shmi's face and she rewound the video to watch the dance portion over again.

Two o'clock in the morning rolled around and Shmi was just getting to bed. C-3PO left her room silent as a droid can be and returned to his own room that he was given by Shmi. Far better than most droids would receive. Shmi laid in bed and listened to the wind coming in through her window. The rustle of her balconies curtains softly. Lulling her to sleep. Then she opened her eyes and pulled her feet out from the covers. She went to an assuming wall and slid her finger tips along a hidden seem. A hidden compartment pulled out. Containing a long rectangular case.

Shmi pulled the case out and placed it gently on her bed. She typed in a key code and the box unsealed to reveal a long ziloni boa staff. Intricately carved with Force Scriptures. Shmi held her hand over the case and the staff floated up and into her waiting hand. She felt like a circuit snapped into place and she was complete. Lash had given this to her many years ago. Three drops of her blood went into the staff. Since then she had always known where it was, how far it was, and it in turn would warn her of danger. Like right now.

Shmi whirled the staff around towards her balcony and channeled the element of wind. A near hurricane force propelled through the air and slammed into an invisible figure into the door frame. “Alarm! Code zero three zeta beta!” Shmi called out and emergency response activated.

The Force cloak of invisibility pulled back on the assassin and a humanoid figure in a black body glove pulled out two shoto red sabers. Then sprinted across the room towards Shmi. As fast as a Sith Assassin could go. Shmi's eyes went wide in shock and her staff pulled around almost on it's own and slammed the Sith through a wall. Shmi was pulled out her shock and she jumped after her assailant. The Sith rolled to their feet and struck with their blades. Surprise clear in the body language as the boa staff deflected and blocked the light sabers with ease.

Shmi twisted the boa staff and pulled it apart into two separate weapons. Then channeled her chosen element and shot another hurricane force wind into the assassin who was once again shot through the outer wall of the estate. Shmi raced after them and brought her weapons down onto the street with a thundering crack! Then blocked the next six saber strikes towards her. Shmi now out of her house jumped through the air and out of reach.

The whole time the Sith Assassin never said a single word. They moved like a shadow and jumped from roof to roof only to come up short. As Shmi Skywalker, walked through the sky. Shmi stepped into the wind and flew in the air like an elemental being. The Sith Assassin looked on in disbelief.

“Your very good. But Master Lash always told me to keep a trump card hidden.” Shmi said with a smile as a high caliber blaster bolt shot from out of no where. The Sith Assassin jumped to the side with centimeters to spare.

“Most regrettable! Not to worry, I'll keep trying!” C-3PO said from the door way. His outer shell was gone and in its place was a fully functional Sentinel Force Droid. With a high powered rifle pointed right at the Sith.

Then surprise surprise! Shmi sent a wind blade at the Sith that cut through sixteen inches of duracrete. Then another, and another. Sith jumped from side to side avoiding blaster fire, and wind blades only to hiss in frustration as they saw over a dozen Jensaarai Defenders sprinting towards their location. A land transport shot overhead and opened up to reveal Mandalorian warriors who shot out with their jet packs. In an action of true loyalty the Sith Assassin called out in ancient Sith and cut off their own head. The action surprised everyone present.

Happily there was no trap/self destruct bomb on the assassin. The Mandalorian warrior called the all clear and Shmi landed in the street outside of her now ruined home. The Sentinel armor of C-3PO folded back and he returned to the delightful albeit annoying protocol droid who was fussing over the ruined front garden. Within the hour the entire city of Theed was locked down as the royal security force did a city wide search. How did a Sith Assassin sneak into the capital of Theed?

Every Jensaarai that completed stage one was on a register. If you carried a light saber you were registered. So that stood to reason that the saber was constructed on site. Carrying a kyber crystal didn't essentially mean you were a Force User. Every refugee ship, and transport that came onto Naboo was checked thoroughly by Jensaarai Defenders. That knew the Force Blank technique. So how...How? Did a Sith Assassin get into Theed? It never occurred to anyone to check the diplomatic transport ship of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Who at this moment received word that his assassin had failed to kill Shmi Skywalker. Pity...


***Star Wars Rift. Ryloth***

Cosmic Awareness: A Sith Assassin has failed to kill Shmi Skywalker.

Lash obtained that little message along with almost a mini video of the event as he was in the process of helping the people of Ryloth, and the militia engineers build a mantle tapper on the planets surface between two tectonic plates on the planet. He had paused mid instruction and rage boiled off of him like throwing a match onto a gas fire. The physical sensation of standing next to a burst fire made everyone within a hundred feet of him step back as they looked at him.

“Mand'alore?” A mandalorian warrior called to him. Lash turned around towards him as a visible hear aura boiled off of his armor.

“A Sith Assassin attempted to assassinate Shmi Skywalker on Naboo at her home in Theed.” Lash replied, then took a moment to settle his emotions. There was no reason to take his anger out on the people around him.

“Attempted?” The warrior asked.

“She fought them off... Apologies everyone! As you were, I need to check something.” Lash replied, and called out to everyone at the work site.

Palpatine had made no mention to Lash about attacking Shmi. Lash assumed it was going to happen at one point or another. He had believed Palpatine would of asked him to do it. At which point Lash would have made it look like she had died. Despite Lash's best attempts and keeping everyone in this Rift at arms reach certain people had gotten past his barriers. Shmi was one of them. Perhaps Palpatine knew that about him? Or maybe Palpatine wanted Lash angry? Or maybe? Who knew with that man. A master manipulator he was.

Lash excused himself and made a beeline to the last Acclamator assault carrier star ship that was granted to the militia while they remained on Ryloth. The renovation of Ryloth was going well. They had finished the expansion and upgrade of the star port and brought it to 'Stellar Class'. With the inclusion of the mineral mantle tapper Ryloth would at last have mineral export that wasn't the spice Ryll. He had one more trip to make to one of the newly terraformed moons before he was going to leave the system and travel to Concordia in Mandalore space.

A transport brought him towards the spaceport of Kala'uun looked great. They had split the city up into districts and each district was fully furnished with duracrete, durasteele, and transparisteel structures. With renewable energy generators. Lash had been surprised when he found out that most people didn't even use solar energy, or wind turbines. Oh no! If you didn't have plasma energy then you went without power. It made him roll his eyes. How advanced civilizations like the republic still required limited fuels in one form or another.

The Acclamator ship named the Reliant was sitting at the one and only cruiser sized space pad within the shield wall. The giant sand storm they had been waiting for had come and gone and thanks to the shield wall, and atmospheric shield the city got at most a light dusting. It had been the best storm ever in the cities creation. Though the control tower of the ship had been painted sand colored brown. It had stuck out of the shield by just the tip.

Before the transport even landed Lash jumped out and sprinted into the ship. Anyone who saw him got out of his way as he made his way the primary communication room. Before he got half way the Admiral and commander of the ship Ronti Jedree called him on his holographic. The older human male looked at him in confusion as Lash wasn't expected back for another day. Lash requested a private room to a direct line to General Skywalker. Admiral Ronti made a quick order off screen and told Lash to head to terminal three.

Blissfully the room was empty, with two clone guards at the door to ensure it was kept that way. They saluted Lash as he arrived and he returned it. He made his way inside and the locked the door. He sat down at the private holographic terminal and made the call through the holographic net across a secure Jedi channels. After a thirty minute wait the terminal connected at Coruscant at the Jedi Temple. A youngling appeared on the screen who looked attentive and ready to relay a message. Who snapped to attention at the sight of Lash in full armor.

“Master Lash! How may I help you?” The apprentice asked.

“I need to connect to Jedi Knight Skywalker. I have some information for him.” Lash replied in an easy going voice that he hoped put the child at ease.

“Understood please wait, I'll notify the resident master of your request.” The youngling stepped off screen and made a call. Lash started to pace in the room as he went through the future conversation. Within a minute the youngling came back on the holo.

“Master Lash, Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi will be here shortly. May I be of anymore help?” The youngling asked.
“No, thank you.” Lash replied and kept pacing in the room. The youngling stayed in the holo and fidgeted for a bit. Lash glanced at him and stopped. “Did you need something?” Lash asked, as he tried to measure his voice softly.

“I... Is it true that the Jensaarai take anyone who uses the Force? Even if they... They aren't as sensitive as others?” The youngling asked.

Lash stopped and looked at the youngling. He was a human male of maybe thirteen if he followed standard human. He was in good shape as most apprentices were. He wore the traditional martial gi of an apprentice. One that hadn't been chosen to be a padawan yet. It was not widely known outside of the Jedi. But most Jedi Knights, and Masters chose their padawans, or the council would assign them. However, not every apprentice reached the required level to be accepted. This happened more often than one would think. If they didn't reach the required sensitivity in the Force. They would either be shuffled off to one of the Jedi corps like agriculture! Or, be sent home.

“Whats your name?” Lash asked.

“Kanan Jarrus.” Kannan replied with a hesitant smile. Erik the gamer sent a recognition towards Lash. Kann Jarrus aka Caleb Dume was the Jedi Knight who teaches Ezra Bridger in the Rebels animated series.

“Yes, Kanan if you fail to earn the notice of a Jedi Knight or Master and are given a choice to join a Jedi Corp or return home. You can ask to join the Jensaarai on Venura. However, I don't think you need to worry about that.” Lash replied with a soft chuckle, the young Kanan's eyes grew bright.

“Why's that?” Kanan asked. But before Lash could answer Master Ki-Adi-Mundi arrived.

“Thank you, apprentice Kanan.” Master Mundi said to the youngling who looked like he would have given anything for another thirty seconds with Lash.

Ki-Adi-Mundi was a Cerean male who stood at approximately at 6'6” though most of that was due to his elongated head. He wore the traditional martial garb of a Jedi Master. Warm earth tones of brown, and sand colored vestments. He had long sweeping white hair, yellow eyes, and light skin. With an athletic martial art fighting figure. He reminded Lash of some of the ancient myths in Asia with masters with long beards trimmed, and cut to give a safe appearance.

Cereans were known for having a large coned craniums. Which contained what many referred to as a binary brain. Cereans were capable of incredible multi tasking, and critical thinking skills. They had two hearts, one in their chest, and one in their skulls to provide extra circulation due to their expansive brains. Because of their evolution they were known for being calm, rational, almost computer like. But only by those that miss understood them. At their core they were just as capable of emotion as any other. Unfortunately they had an abysmal reproductive rate. Master Mundi was one of the few Jedi Masters that was given leave to have a family. Simply so he could do his part to extend the lively hood of his race.

“Master Lash thank you for calling us. May I assume you are inquiring about the missing star ships in the outer rim?” Mundi asked in a soft, and eloquent tone. Lash tilted his head to one side much like a dog does when they hear a peculiar sound.

“The what now?” Lash asked out of confusion. Mundi narrowed his eyes as he processed this information.

“We've lost dozens of ships of late in the outer rim. No survivors, or records of any kind. All we ever find are the wreckage of civilian ships, and military vessels of the navy. Master Plo Koon has been recently assigned the task of investigation. While Master Skywalker has a campaign in the area.” Mundi supplied more information.

“Oh! That thing. It's a giant subjugator class heavy cruiser called the Malevolence. It has two giant iron cannons on its side. Which shoot out wide spectrum energy waves that all but slags electrical systems. Then scavenge droids are deployed to kill any survivors. General Grievous is in charge of the project I believe. But that is not why I'm calling. I need a priority message towards Skywalker.” Lash said and quickly went over a piece of information that he hardly realized was critical. The Malevolence had only been in action for a few weeks.

“That... Explains a lot. Thank you, Master Lash. I'll send a request towards Master Skywalker and get you connected. One moment.” Mundi said as he quickly worked the problem while he entered in the appropriate codes.

After an additional ten minutes a holographic projection was linked to Lash's viewer. Master Mundi was still in the room and was minimized. Anakin appeared with his padawan learner Ahsoka Tano by his side. Ahsoka bounced into view and waved at Lash. Anakin looked pleased as Master Plo Koon stepped into view as well. This is not what Lash had wanted. He just wanted Anakin, but Mundi must have assumed it was about the Malevolence. That was Lash's mistake he should have specified.

“Master Lash! How are you? Or should we be calling you Mand'alor the Renewer now?” Anakin asked.

“Lash is fine, Anakin.” Lash said in a somber tone that made the smile on Anakin's face wilt. Ahsoka's bouncy optimism evaporated.

“Master Skywalker, Master Plo, Padawan Tano. Master Lash has informed me that a subjugator class cruiser named the Malevolence is responsible for the disappearing ships on the outer rim. Two giant ion cannons are on either side of the ship. They dispense scavenge bots are deployed to hunt and kill any survivors.” Mundi gently steered the conversation on point.

“Wait! I thought killing survivors was against the rules of war agreed on by the Republic, and the Separatist?” Ahsoka asked in confusion.

“It is padawan Tano. Very good of you to notice. I see you have been keeping up with your studies.” Master Plo said in a pleased voice. Ahsoka grinned and looked at her feet, pleased with the compliment. “I however feel that this is not why Master Lash has notified us? He could have easily sent a data link with the information.”

“A Sith Assassin was found on Naboo in the city of Theed.” Lash began to say and panic came over Anakin's face. “The target was instructor Shmi Skywalker. They failed. Shmi was able to fight them off until security forces arrived. The Sith in an odd sense of loyalty severed their own head to keep themselves from being taken prisoner.” Lash finished and Anakin all but deflated into a nearby chair. A whirl wind of emotions had gone through him in a matter of seconds.

“How did a Sith Assassin make it into Theed? Not to mention the Jensaarai in the city, isn't the capital under heavy security as it is the home world and capital for the Supreme Chancellor?” Mundi asked.

“Most distressing. I knew the Sith to be depraved but targeting the families of Jedi is a new low.” Plo said as he tapped his chin in thought. Ahsoka came to stand next to Anakin and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“In light of this information I would encourage all public figures of the Jedi to check in on their relations. I know Jedi are discouraged to have attachments. But knowing the Sith each kill would be paraded in front of the Republic as propaganda.” Lash suggested then continued in a sarcastic voice to emphasize his point. “ 'How can the Jedi protect you, if they can't even protect their families!' Or something antagonistic like that. Public relations isn't my field.”

“No, I believe that is a surprisingly insightful dip into the actions of the Sith, Master Lash. A majority of the Jedi do not have contact with their original families. But some of us are given special dispensation to keep up communications.” Mundi politely informed them all. Like Mundi's family.

“Yes, she was able to set off an alarm. Then spent a portion of the fight simply flying above the Sith. Hard to fight, when you can't reach each other.” Lash informed him, the look of confusion was clear on every ones face. “Oh, Shmi is an elemental bender. Her chosen element is wind. She learned how to fly a few months ago.”

“Really!? Like full on fly? No jet pack? Just in the air?” Ahsoka asked in shock and glee. Stars in her eyes as she imagined being able to fly.

“Intriguing. It seems the entire Skywalker family is talented.” Plo responded, and watched with interest as Anakin's chest puffed up in pride.

“Anyways, I wanted to contact you directly Anakin. As we had just discussed the Sith will twist anything. Distort the truth. The last thing you need is to be on the battle field and have one of the enemy generals spout some none sense about your mother being attacked.” Lash said to him, and he smiled in thanks.

“Ya, that would have been bad.” Anakin wholeheartedly agreed.

“Master Skywalker, May I assume that Obi-Wan has been dispatched to Mandalore already to meet with Duchess Satine?” Lash asked out of the blue.

“Yes, he left a few days ago...Oh crap I wasn't suppose to say that.” Anakin said as he grimaced.

“It seems to not matter as Master Lash is aware of the move. With the subject matter at hand. Do you plan to pull the people of Mandalore into the war, Master Lash?” Plo asked.

“Not if they don't want too. Duchess Satine represents the neutral party and over 1,500 systems. I think its completely insane that they don't even have a standing army. But that is out of my hands. I wouldn't be surprised if the Separatist attempt to interrupt the duel between me and Pre Vizsla. Or attack Mandalore and blame it on the warrior tribes. Or try to assassinate the Duchess... Or... There are so many ways this could go wrong.” Lash said in depression.

“Well if you please, keep us appraised of your situation. Thank you for the information on the Malevolence Master Lash. Good day.” Master Plo Koon said, bowed from his waist and his holographic image faded from sight.

“Thank you, Lash.” Anakin said with his trademarked smirk. Ahsoka waved and their holographic image faded.

“May the Force be with you, Master Lash.” Master Mundi closed his link. Leaving Lash alone in communication room three. Before he had a moment to think on the future he received a communication ping on his comm unit.

“Yes?” Lash asked.

“Grand Admiral! This militia officer Lu'zing. The mantle tapper is pulling and the initial results are promising. Looks like Ryloth is the proud owner of Doonium. Along with scattered common, and uncommon minerals.” The officer reported happily.

“Wonderful, any response from the local hive of Lylek?” Lash asked, pleased about the information. Doonium was the primary metal used in star ship construction. Which means that Ryloth can be used as a ship repair, and ship yard now.

“Yes, Grand Admiral. However the sonic fence line is keeping them at bay for now. Seismic sensors have been placed in case of tunneling. But the defensive installations were online before we activated the tapper.” Lu'zing responded.

“Alright keep up the good work, and keep me posted if any extreme hostile action takes place from the local fauna.” Lash said next.

“Yes Grand Admiral.” Lu'zing replied and closed the link. Lash pulled up a communication line towards Admiral Ronti.

“Yes sir?” The Admiral responded in a crisp response.

“I need a ship to take me to Ryloth's nearest moon.” Lash asked, and left the private terminal and dismissed the guards.

“Right away, sir! Flight bay seven has a transport waiting for you.” Ronti replied, and closed the link at Lash's dismissal.

As Lash made his way through the Reliant clone troopers and militia alike stepped out of his way, and saluted as he went by. He kept a steady fluid movement through the halls. Then entered the primary hanger. As it was a Acclamator class ship, its primary load were land based vehicles, troop transport, and essentially everything an army, not the navy would need. Waiting for him in bay seven was a Kom'rk transport. A mandalorian pilot on standby who saluted Lash on his arrival. They boarded and soon left the planets atmosphere.

Ryloth's nearest moon didn't have a name per say. There were several cultural reference to the moon during the pre FTL civilization era of Ryloth. Now it just had a designation number attached to it. The world engines had been hard at work since they first arrived in the system even when it was under the control of the CIS. The moon was a rocky passable air quality when they had arrived. Now it was standard for humanoid based life forms. It was covered in a fine layer of oxygenation plant life engineered to survive in near vacuum, and produce air. Among other things. It also reminded Lash of a chia pet.

One by one the world engines were pulled out of the moons surface and returned to the cargo spaces aboard the Gozanti haulers. Then once every thing sapient individual was pulled off. Lash, and his transport landed on the surface. He walked out of the ship with a glass canister in hand. Inside was a brilliant green crystal. He released the seal and planted the crystal into the soil. Then stepped back and watched as the crystal oddly took root and started to slowly grow.

“What is that, sir?” The Mandalorian warrior asked.

“Its a rare organic crystal known as Tiberium. Its parasitic and incredibly dangerous to a living environment if you don't know how to handle it. It can be purified into a fuel source for star ships, FTL engines, and city reactors. It can also be melted down to create personal combat armor and star fighters. It's a multi purpose crystal. And as of right now, the one and only source is found right here in the Ryloth system.” Lash replied with a bit of a shudder. Tiberium was incredibly dangerous.

“It grows anywhere?” The warrior asked as he knelt down to watch another crystal start to grow next to the original.

“It grows better in a hot, humid environment. It leeches vitamins, and minerals from the area. Re purposing them into its own structure. This specific crystal has been laced with Doonium, along with a few rare metals. Self replicating under the circumstance. It will also terraform any environment with enough time.” Lash replied, as he pulled up the chemical formula for the crystal. Along with proper bio-hazard treatments. How to manage it if it gets off the moon in its raw state.

“This is a self replicating doonium crystal?” The warrior asked in shock.

“Among other things, yes. I have a smaller cavern in Venura with a Beskar version.” Lash replied, and the warrior whipped around in surprise.

“So you can just grow an organic metal?” The warrior asked.

“Yes...” Lash said.

The warrior continued to ask him questions as they boarded the transport and went back to the Reliant. As they flew back to the surface they passed the still under construction star fighter station that was orbiting the planet. It had a tri hangar bay design. Each hanger capable of housing ten star fighters. This would allow the Rylothian people to train, and dispatch quick response teams across the planet. Pirate hunters. It would be many years of training, and practice till they were up to snuff against a military organization. But something was always better than nothing.

Little by little the work on Ryloth was done in record time. Thought it would be months before the Militia would complete all of their different tasks. Regretfully Lash had appointment on Concordia so he needed to leave. He gathered the various Jensaarai Defenders, students, militia officers, clone troopers, Admiral Ronti, and Mandalorian's on the Reliants primary space pad. To inform them on his travel plans.

“I'll be heading back to Coruscant first to retrieve my ship. Under orders, the militia will remain here to finish the goal of renovating Ryloth. In order to ensure I am not attacked on the trip back the exact method of transportation will be kept a secret save for all of you.” Lash pointed to the general assembly.

“How are you getting back?” Admiral Ronti asked, excepting a Mandalorian ship to be ready for him.

“Oh that's the fun part. I'm going to walk.” Lash said with a laugh, that his Jensaarai shared.

Then Lash stepped away and used his Space/Void Spell Domain. Portal Creation, a pool of pure darkness swirled into being in front of everyone. As pin pricks of light grew into being representing stars in the void of space. The whirlpool expanded out and revealed Lash's manor estate in Ghost Industries Mega Tower back on Coruscant. The look of utter shock on Admiral Ronti's face was priceless. Then Lash walked through the portal and turned back.

“See! I walked home. I'll see you all in a few weeks or months at the most. Goodbye!” Lash said, and closed the portal behind him.


***Star Wars Rift. Mandalore***

The planet of Mandalore had seen a total climate change over the past few years. It went from its war torn toxic desert environment to arid wasteland. Though the latter was far preferred to the former. On the polar caps of the planet were giant lakes that were slowly freezing over. With swaths of forests around them. The further from the polar caps one went the more arid and sand environments one found. That was where the giant cubed, and domed cities of the Madalorian people resided.

The capital of Sundari stood as a testament of Mandalorian architecture. A giant dome city which contained a bio-dome within. Once past the initial checkpoints at the various docking ring, and entrances. One would find a vast cavern of cubes built along the wall, floor, and ceiling. Huge portions of the city itself hung freely. Creating a open environment that despite the closed off dome. Made many believe it was open. Especially at night when the city lights looked like stars.

Contained within the cubed city was one of the few active Beskar mines on the planet. Hidden away from public view there was vast underground tunnels that served as the mine. Beskar remained one of the most sought after metals in the galaxy. By Mandalorian tradition Beskar was to only be used in the defense of its people. No weapon was to ever be made from it. So armor, shields, buildings, and rarely even ships. However, due to the new pacifism culture of the solar system. Beskar was now being sold and sent off world. It was in fact one of the major exports of the planet.

Protests of selling Beskar off world were common among the people. As it was considered not only a strategic resource, but also a cultural heritage. These protests were more common these days with the war. As the younger generation pushed for a more active role in the war. While the older generation wished to continue their pacifist ways. The former had only grown more bolder as the duel between Pre Vizsla and Jensaarai Master Lash was announced.

Duchess Satine Kryze the elected ruler of Mandalore was seen watching the protest from a window as she waited patiently for word about her old friend Obi-Wan Kenobi. Satine stood at approximately 5'10” tall with pale light skin, blue eyes, and a bob cut blond hair. She had a refined, elegant hour glass form that she worked hard to keep. She had chosen a blue svelte floral pattern to her garb today. With crystal blue gems that highlighted her cheeks. She on more then one occasion smoothed her hands down her garb. Checking and rechecking to ensure nothing was out of place.

It had been many years since she had seen Obi-Wan. More than once she had secretly obtained a holographic recording of his exploits across the years. He had grown into a handsome man with a trimmed beard, and thick auburn hair. But he still had that cheeky smile. No matter how old he got, that smile never left him. She fondly remembered their different conversations, arguments, and flirtatious teasing. Wistfully she remembered the night before she had last seen him. Why hadn't she asked him to stay? Would he have left the Jedi Order if she had asked?

“Duchess, you have a visitor. He said he was called old man obi?” A royal guard declared. That had been a pet name she had given him. Much to his loathing when they were younger as he often reminded her of an old man.

“Please send him in.” Satine said to the guard and then rechecked her garb. She gracefully walked across the room and sat in her throne to receive her guest.

Obi-Wan Kenobi wore a disguise. He looked like any rough neck spacer. But his smooth confident stride was something he chose not to hide. The space suit covered him from head to toe, and the helmet he wore shielded his face. He stepped forward until he was approximately twenty or steps away from the throne. Despite her feelings for the man, Satine stayed seated. Instead of running into his arms. She was sure the guards in the room would be surprised by that, as Satine had always been a bit of an ice queen to most.

“Old man Obi, how have you been?” Satine asked with a polite neutral expression.

“Oh you know, just busy, busy, busy.” Obi-Wan said, his mask hid his voice behind a synthesizer.

“What brings you to my home?” Satine asked, as she idly stroked her throne with a finger. Trying her best to seem aloof.

“I believe I was summoned at the behest of your grace, Duchess.” Obi-Wan replied as he reached up to stroke his face mask or rather where his beard would be. But stopped mid stroke and put his hands down.

It took a bit of struggle to keep her face straight as she looked at her old friend before she cracked up laughing. Then she covered her mouth, but her laughter continued to pour out. Her guards looked at her, then at the spacer as he began to laugh as well. Until he removed his mask to reveal the dashing Obi-Wan that she had seen in her dreams.

“Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, thank you for coming at such short notice.” Satine said at last, after she got her laughter under control. Her guards went back to standing at rigid attention.

“Of course, when a friend calls what else was I to do but answer.” Obi-Wan replied as he performed a large sweeping bow that bordered on mockery. But the sly grin on his face only made Satine giggle.

“So, how can I help?” Obi-Wan asked.

“What can you tell me about the political mind set of Lash?” Satine asked, as her good cheer slowly melted away.

“Only that he hates politics. That he would prefer that everyone got along. A peaceful galaxy is preferred over a war torn one. But I also know that he will fight to protect what is his. To be perfectly honest Duchess. He's the type of individual that speaks his mind if you ask him the right questions.” Obi-Wan replied as he steepled his fingers in front of himself.

“I only spent a little time with him when he came here years ago to restore Mandalore's atmosphere, and environment. He had been polite, and forthright. But how can I be sure that hasn't changed? This... Duel that is taking place on Concordia. Will he demand that I abdicate the throne to him?” Satine expressed her worry, though she maintained a picturesque persona on the throne. She had to keep up her appearances for her guards.

“Master Lash is a true believer of free will, Duchess. He would never force anyone to follow him. Tell me, are you permitted to attend the duel?” Obi-Wan asked.

“I have been invited by the governor of Concordia, Pre Vizsla. I had no idea that he was a practitioner of the warrior traditions. It appears I am more out of touch with my people than I presumed. I had hoped you would come with me. As my bodyguard.” Satine informed, and requested.

“I would be more than happy too. But I must ask, Duchess. I mean this is the best way possible. Have you given any more thought on joining the war effort on the side of the Republic?” Obi-Wan asked, and the amiable mood in the room died then and there.

“No, we will not join the Republic. Nor do we plan to join the Confederacy. As far as I am concerned both sides are corrupt. What the galaxy needs right now is peaceful resolutions, and above all else change. Please Obi-Wan, don't make this more complicated than it already is.” Satine said, with a cold exterior.

“Of course, I am sorry for bringing it up. I was said I would ask, and I have.” Obi-Wan said with a gentle smile.

“Why don't we take a walk and cool our heads?” Satine said as she stood up in a one fluid motion.

“My word, Duchess! Are you asking me to be alone with you?” Obi-Wan asked, and grinned at the surprised look from Satine.

“What!? I... I mean... No. No, I am going for walk. I would like my new bodyguard to accompany me.” Satine said as she narrowed her eyes into slits at him. The royal guards in the room shivered at the look. But Obi-Wan only had a smug grin on his face.

“Oh? Well that is to bad. I did have a gift for you all planned out.” Obi-Wan said as he pulled out a small box. “But I suppose I can wait for a better time.”

“A gift?” Satine squeaked...


(Moon of Concordia, House Vizsla estate.)

Pre Vizsla of House Vizsla was the governor of the moon Concordia, and the leader of the Mandalorian group known as Death Watch. For years he had played the part of governor with no one the wiser of his true intentions. But the time for hiding had come and gone. It had happened far sooner than he would have liked. It had also happened completely without his input. An outsider claiming to be a Mandalorian had usurped House Vizsla's given right to be the leader of New Mandalore.

But soon that would all change! The challenge had been sent, and accepted. Soon he would be the victor and he would obtain all that was this imposters resources in the name of House Vizsla! Pre Vizsla moved with purpose through the sacred halls of his forebears. He watched with pride as his many brothers and sisters fought, and trained in the lost warrior arts of Mandalore. Beskar newly mined from their home world was forged into armor once again. Warriors would jump to attention as he passed. Soon all of Mandalore would call his name.

“Your ears must have been burning.” The strong feminine voice of his second in command called to him as he stepped into the officers forge of the House.

“Bo-Katan Kryze, welcome back. Report!” Pre Vizsla said to her with a smile.

Bo-Katan Kryze was a human female who stood at approximately 5'11” with vibrant red hair, cut into a sharp angular bob cut. A metallic hair band kept her face clear. Her focused green eyes were always moving, always watching no matter the situation. It reminded Pre Vizsla of a shriek-hawk while it hunted. She had a warrior figure that was clad in the very best beskar forged armor one could achieve. With the color scheme of blue (Reliability) and gray (Mourning a lost love). Though that gray would soon turn something else. As the mourning of their warrior culture was soon at an end.

“The imposter is on his way. Last confirmed reports showed him on Coruscant making final preparations. The Republic Navy, Army, and Militia wanted to give him a full escort.” Bo-Katan said with a smirk.

“Of course they would, he's their poster boy. A way to tame the rapid dog that is the Mandalorian people.” Pre Vizsla with a scoff. As he walked towards the open window of the forge. As the forge smith continued to work.

“He declined their offer.” Bo-Katan continued, Pre Vizsla looked back at her in mild surprise.

“A surprise, but not unexpected.” Pre Vizsla commented as he turned to look back out the window. He watched as younglings were being drilled.

“Our people on Venura were able to obtain the required texts for the forge. The Master Armorer is working on it now.” Bo-Katan gestured towards the master of their craft. A large near human Mandalorian warrior clad in full armor, and helmet. Working on a suit of armor.

“The fact that he would leave such things out in the open is beyond idiotic.” Pre Vizsla said with a sneer.

“Knowledge isn't forbidden to the Jensaarai. You just need the proper rank, or merit to obtain it.” Bo-Katan said, and Pre Vizsla conceded that point. After all the Mandalorian warriors were based on a meritocracy.

“The beskar iron is not from Mandalore. We don't know where but it is mined out of Venura.” Bo-Katan reported and showed Pre Vizsla an ingot she was able to obtain. It had an odd green shine to it. Not commonly found in the metal from their world.

“So it's not beskar.” Pre Vizsla said with a smug grin. That little tidbit was something he could use to the cultural puritans of his people.

“No... It's better.” The Master Armorer's voice called out. Pre Vizsla, and Bo-Katan both looked over at him in surprise.

The Master Armorer didn't say another word. Just pulled up a holographic display of the chemical composition of the material. Once forged through the traditional smelting techniques it had a higher melting point. It could absorb both kinetic, and energy based attacks. It could also under the right circumstances, self repair! Allowing for common wear and tear over the generations to be mended as long as its under the right techniques. Which were in the information they had obtained.

Pre Vizsla stopped to consider the ramifications of this. Yes, he could play the cultural puritan card that the beskar that the people acquired from the imposter was not real beskar. But when the pro's out weighed the con's was it really worth it? “Continue your report.”

“The Duchess Satine was seen speaking to who we believe to be, as Obi-Wan Kenobi. A Jedi Knight, and General of the Republic. As of thirty minutes ago, she has confirmed that she will be attending the duel, and supporting the imposter.” Bo-Katan said as she ground her molars in disgust.

“Don't worry, her time will come.” Pre Vizsla said to his second.

“...Finished...” The Master Armorer pulled the last piece from his work station.

“Wonderful! Let's put it on.” Pre Vizsla said, as he came over to the fitting station. The Armorer began to take off Pre Vizsla's original armor to replace it with another.

Pre Vizsla was a human male who stood at approximately 6' even. With a bald head. (Baldies unite!) He had pale skin, blue eyes, and a square jaw. With a rectangular warrior figure, he filled his armor out well. Like most warriors trained in the old ways. He had a collection of scars riddle through out his body. He pulled on a new beskar weave body glove. Then piece by piece a new Death Watch, House Vizsla armor. Each piece was inscribed with arcane Force script. Found in the original holocron of his ancestor Tarre Vizsla.

Once the armor was set in place and each piece of armor was linked together. A soft snap clicked into place and a resonating ring went through the room. As Pre Vizsla stood in his new armor that had sharp elegant angles. With the colors black (Justice) for the main armor, and gold (Vengeance) for the script. A power he had never felt flowed into his body. He walked over to a prepared piece of durasteel and punched with all his might. The sheet of metal screeched in protest as Pre Vizsla left a clear indent where his fist had struck.

“Impressive, you are truly a master of your craft.” Pre Vizsla said in humility as he bowed to the Master Armorer.

“According to the manual you'll be resistant or even immune to most Force powers that directly effect you. As well has a partial Force empowerment. Unfortunately, each script takes a substantial amount of beskar to make. So unless we find more, I wont be able to outfit the elites of our people.” The Master Armorer politely informed before he went back to work.

Bo-Katan had a savage grin on her face as she came over to look at the armor. Then she looked towards her own armor that was starting to be made. “Force-Hunter armor. With this our people will at last defeat our hated enemy.”


***Star Wars Rift, Coruscant***

“You want to what?” Lash asked in confusion as he looked at Padme who had come to visit him at Ghost Industries HQ.

“Come with you. To ensure that a diplomatic incident doesn't take place. Like it or not, Lash. What happens to you will effect the people of Naboo. As its elected Senator it is my obligation to secure their interest.” Padme said, as she crossed her arms over her chest, planted her feet, and pointed her chin up in challenge.

“Wow... You really remind me of my sister right now.” Lash blurted out. Padme's eyes went wide at that. Lash had never once spoke about his family. She didn't even know he had one.

“What? I... I didn't know you had a sister.” Padme said as a bit of a blush went into her cheeks. A smile tugged on her lips.

“Ya, she would use logic to get around the fact that she was worried about me too. Yes, of course you can come Padme.” Lash said with a laugh.

“That is not what I was doing!” Padme said as she stamped her foot and glared at him.

“Padme, Force Users have empathic abilities. What do you think I am getting off of you right now. Aside from annoyance?” Lash asked. Padme glare intensified.

“Yes, Senator Padmé Amidala Naberrie please accompany me to a duel on the Mandalorian moon of Concordia. I will be delighted to have you. As your company, and friendship are always welcome.” Lash said as he placed his right hand over his heart, his left hand to the small of his back. He bowed from his waist, but kept his eyes turned towards her.

Then just like that her glare turned into a triumphant smile. She placed her hands on her hips, and strutted through his corporate manor. “Great! When do we leave?”

“Well first I need to get drunk with Nazvo, please join us.” Lash said as he walked towards the bar where Nazvo, several militia officers, Mandalorian warriors, and Jensaarai waited.

“Tiyulong rum, Year 369. They only had ten bottles. So these ten are for Nazvo, the rest of the bar is open to you all.” Lash happily announced to the room as he pulled the bottles out of a bag and placed them in front of his assistant, and practically second in command. Nazvo who happily clapped in glee.

Nazvo reached up and tapped Lash's visor with her finger nail. “Take that off.” Nazvo said, it was not a request. The others looked up in mild surprise. Lash traced a finger along his collar and his helmet/mask retracted and compressed into his suit.

Lash was of course bald, that had never changed. His scalp, neck, and part of his face was covered in tribal tattoo's and marks specifying his different domains. While along his jaw line, nose ridge, and eye brows were scales. Along with his yellow green reptilian eyes. But aside from that he looked near-human. He smiled at her, some of his teeth were sharper than what would be considered normal for a human.

“Good?” Lash asked, and Nazvo nodded.

“Awwww, no towel this time?” Mil'Gix asked from her side of the bar.

“Towel?” Padme asked as she walked over to take a seat next to her guard Grego Typho who was caught staring at Lash until Padme poked his side.

“Oh have you not heard this story, senator!? Gather around and listen to the story where the Chieftain revealed all!” Mil'Gix shouted in glee, a savage grin on her face.

Nazvo snickered and popped the top off the first bottle. In typical Nazvo fashion she drank straight from the bottle and had drank half the bottle before she came up for air. She gave out a triumphant cheer that the other attendance shared. Heat rose to her face as the alcohol content from the rum hit her fast. Lash gave her a bemused expression and fixed himself a drink. Though to him it was nothing more than different flavored water.

“So, there I was walking through the chieftain's giant tower. Being escorted by the warrior Nazvo herself to the master quarters. What was a fair maiden like myself to think!?” Mil'Gix asked in mock horror as she crossed her legs, placed her hands on her knees, and played the part of damsel.

“Here we go!” Vi'Lon her brother and fellow Falleen said in contrast. “You have never been, nor will you ever be a fair maiden!”

“Who's story is this! Mine, shush!” Mil'Gix said with a glare, then flicked her braid back into his face. He chuckled, as he went back to his drink. Padme giggled and covered her mouth politely.

“I was filled with trepidation. For as far as I know no one had ever been to the chieftain's personal bed chamber. At least as far as anyone knew. Whispers have said that he eats maidens whole. Never to be seen again.” Mil'Gix said in what could only be a stage whisper. Hushed words, but loud enough for all to hear. Several of the militia officers looked confused. Had anyone seen his private bedroom before?

“I am a fan of eating out, though I prefer to give more than receive.” Lash commented from the side. Nazvo choked on some of her rum and started to cough. As Padme went bright red, and Mil'Gix only gave a knowing smile.

“Nazvo leads me to the door and knocks. Not once, not twice, but thrice! No answer was heard. How odd it was. Perhaps he was sharpening his teeth? I remember my palms were sweaty, my knees weak, and my mouth dry. Then Nazvo without a word opened the door. What did we find beyond?” Mil'Gix asked Padme who was at the edge of her seat now.

“...what?” Padme asked, a blush still in her face.

“The beast wearing not but a towel!” Mil'Gix said with smug grin as she glanced at Lash with a wicked look.

“Wait! You saw...Saw...” Padme's voice grew small as her eyes grew distant.

“Then without warning, he dropped the towel!” Mil'Gix shouted suddenly.

“WHAT!?” Padme shouted back.

“In my defense I normally take cold showers.” Lash called out.

“Not from where I was standing.” Nazvo said, probably a little louder than intended. Probably.

“There he was in all of his primal glory! Then before any one had taken a single step. Nazvo pulled me aside to protect my purity!” Mil'Gix said in shock, as Vi'Lon chocked on his drink.

“You haven't been pure since the second hunting trial with what's his n-Gah!” Vi'Lon shouted in pain as Mil'Gix punched him square in the jaw.

“Shut up! That didn't happen!” Mil'Gix glared at her brother, then sat back down in a huff. She glared at her fellow warriors who raised their hands in surrender. Then she went a little pale as she looked at her father, and chieftain Til'Nix.

“Wait, what boy?” His voice had a venom like tone, as in who touched my daughter?

“So, after they turned around I put on my armor. That is essentially the end of the story.” Lash continued for Padme's benefit who sat back down in her seat with an almost relieved, and disappointed look on her face?

“This was right after your horde mode challenge, right? Your armor was melted in several places, wasn't it?” A Jensaarai defender asked.

“Correct, so the suit came off. I had several replacement pieces ready. Decided to take a shower. I didn't have my communication device sitting in my ear like I normally do. So Nazvo couldn't get a hold of me. So, with basic practicality, and the fact that she has never seen me not in armor. She walked in.” Lash said with a shrug.

“I've...hic! I've worked for you for nearly ten standard years...hic! The number of times...hic! I've seen your face can be counted on my two hands...hic!” Nazvo began to say, Lash looked at her in surprise. She had drank four out of the ten bottles he got her in under thirty minutes.

“Then out of no where! Towel!” Nazvo said, as she swung her half drank bottle around.

“Shower... Wet...” Lash told her, and she fell into a giggle fit.

“...So...Sister?” Padme asked softly. The room went quiet as they looked at her, then back at Lash.

“Her names Lizzy, short for Elizabeth. Near-human with long curly fiery red hair, and a temper to match. Big believer in personal responsibility, and beating her brothers thick skull when he forgets things. Which is often.” Lash knocked on his own head.

“Where is she?” Padme asked, as the room was still silent. It was like watching a tennis match. The people swiveled back and forth.

“Back home... I miss her.” Lash said his last part softly, and shot back a glass.

“Can you not go see her?” Padme asked.

“I could, but its a one way trip. So if I leave, I can't come back here. My mission isn't complete. So here I will remain.” Lash replied, much to the confusion of the room. “Thankfully my race is long lived. So couple of decades, name a successor, then head back home.”

“Where is she that it would be a one way trip?” Vi'Lon asked. Lash stepped away from the bar and activated the holographic planetarium in his home. He expanded the viewer to show off the Star Wars Galaxy.

“This is where we are.” Lash pointed at the galaxy. Then pulled back the astrometric view then pointed at another galaxy. “That's where she is.” Then the estimated time to get there by hyper space FTL was one thousand plus years.

The room was quiet. This was all new information to everyone present. Lash had never spoken about his origins. Yes, they knew about him being a former padawan three hundred years ago. But there was a huge span of time between then and now. He would always avoid talking directly about it. Many assumed he, and the collection of Force Master went to wild space. This was so far away from wild space. This was intergalactic in terms distance.

“I don't talk about it. Because I can't go back. Until I finish my mission. How I am getting back is a secret I wont share, so don't ask. When will I go back? Not for many, more years.” Lash replied, as he smiled at the group then picked up one of Nazvo's bottles took the cap off and had a drink.

“So, who said you could drink one of my bottles?” Nazvo asked with a petulant look on her face. Lash just grinned at her and set the bottle down. She swiped it off of the bar and held it close to her chest. “...Mine.”

A collection of chuckles rang out through the room and the mood started to lighten up. Despite the sensitive subject people still asked questions about his group travels to do different galaxies. Places, people, and the why. Once again Lash avoided specifics. But still had plenty of stories to share. He talked about an entire galaxy that had a thing called Meta's. Individuals who were even more outlandish then Jedi, and Sith. Aliens capable of space flight, FTL travel, and could produce enough internal energy to rival even a frigate in fire power?

Eventually the sun came back up, and the few warriors who were still awake were finding a place to pass out. Padme was curled up in one of the large love seats. Mil'Gix was half in and half out and out on a raft in the middle of the indoor pool with several other Jensaarai. Nazvo was curled up on the floor with the last bottle of rum. She'd save it for a special occasion.

The last two awake were Lash, and Chieftain Til'Nix who was a near-human male. He stood at approximate 6'2” even. With pale white skin, completely black eyes with no sclera. He had purple veins running along his face. A bald head save for a long braid that came out from back of his head. He like Lash could filter alcohol out like it was water. He had a genuine smile of contentment on his face. As he and Lash shared a bottle of something.

“I noticed you said you would name a successor.” Til'Nix asked.

“I suppose you could say I am not a true Mandalorian in that regard. In order to bond with anyone here, I'd have to introduce them to my other partners first. If they approve, then, and only then could I be bonded.” Lash said, as he refilled their glasses.

“....Ahahaha... You're a braver man than I, Mand'alor the Renewer. Just one partner is scary enough.” Til'Nix said as he raised his glass in a salute which Lash returned.

“That is also why I will not be demanding you bond with my daughter after you showed all of yourself to her.” Til'Nix continued to say as he gave a mild glare at Lash who shrugged at him.

“If I bond to anyone it is out of love, not obligation.” Lash replied.

“Like I said, I won't demand.” Til'Nix said, then swirled the liquid in his glass around. He was working through something so Lash just waited.

“Your going to have to kill him, Pre Vizsla.” Til'Nix said at last as he swallowed the rest of his glass and tipped it over to show he was done drinking.

“House Vizsla considers me an outsider, and an imposter for Mand'alor. If he dies the entire House will go into a rage. Which I find odd, since they claim I have no right to call myself Mandalorian. Only for them to disregard their own traditions when its convenient for them.” Lash said and capped the bottle and strode towards the bar to put it away.

“The smart thing to do would be to execute any that don't submit. But I have no doubt that the other clans will ask for a dissolvent of the house. House Vizsla will be unmade, and the different people will be adopted into other clans, or face exile.” Til'Nix continued to offer council as he followed Lash.

“Dissolving House Vizsla wont happen, to much history there. Even if it stabs us in the back. The House must remain after his defeat, his death. If it naturally dissolves over time. That is one thing. But if the Mandalorian people are known for anything, its their resilience.” Lash replied, and began to clean up his home. But his arm was snagged by Til'Nix.

“House Vizsla are puritans, Lash. All of them are human or near-human. They sneer, and mock the other clans that allow the other species to join them. Believing it dilutes the purity of the old ways.” Til'Nix said in a bitter tone.

Lash raised a scaled brow at him. That was new information. “That doesn't make sense. The original Mandalorians were the Taung's.” Lash said, and that made him stop as he thought about it.

That had always bothered him when he visited the toxic – desert world of Mandalore. Humans, or near-humans as far as he could see. It was only the Mandalorian clans that were outside of the home system that had incorporated other species into their creed. Why was that? Why hadn't he noticed that before? That seemed like a glaring oversight on his part. He winced as a sharp migraine started up and then his long lost friend Nullification activated. The migraine cleared up quickly. But now he had more questions than answers. Was he being manipulated? By who, or by what?

Lash took a moment to shift his Perceptions through the different filters. The Force / Midi-Chlorians were in the room as always. They had not tried to kill, attack, or obstruct him in a long while. They did protect certain people. But that just showed Lash not to mess with them as much. He and the Force had come to almost form of armistice for now at the very least. So, what was pushing him?

“Chieftain?” Til'Nix asked.

“Sorry, something just clicked into place and I'm working a problem. We could do a House exchange. One member of every clan would be selected and placed in Vizsla, and they do the same.” Lash suggested, and Til'Nix stood silent in thought.

“That could work, but you'd have to name a Chieftain if you don't plan to take the position yourself.” Nazvo said with a groan as she slowly stood up, and wobbled over to the bar. Lash smiled at her, and she glared at him as she held close her last bottle of rum.

“I'm not giving up my clan name.” Lash said simply.

“We wouldn't expect you too, especially since I now know you have family out there. We had always assumed you were the last of your clan.” Til'Nix said, and agreed.

“Isn't there a Mandalorian Chieftain trial, or something they can do to name a new successor?” Nazvo said as she curled up by the bar, her head resting across its cool surface. Lash started to make some black tar... Kinda like coffee.

“Yes, also technically the new Mand'alor could pick one. If Bo-Katan doesn't swear vengeance I may end up naming her the successor.” Lash said as he poured a glass of tar and placed it in front of Nazvo who grimaced and downed the whole thing in a single swallow then gagged at the taste.

“Why does he have to die?” Padme's voice called out from her impromptu bed.

“This is the way.” Lash said softly.

“This is the way.” Til'Nix replied like that was all need be said.

“It's archaic is what it is.” Padme said, as she curled back up in her 'bed'.

“So are a lot of Jedi traditions. But they still practice them.” Lash said with a smirk. While Til'Nix snickered a little at the playful jab.

“Traditionally Mandalorians don't just issue challenges because one fights better than the other. They understand that by issuing the challenge especially to that of Chieftain they are accepting the responsibility of leading their clan. If the winner proves to be ill prepared for the task ahead. The clan will actually remove them.” Lash politely informed Padme who mumbled something in her sleep.

“We don't suffer fools.” Til'Nix continued the subject.

“So what does that say about Vizsla? Who's more foolish, the fool? Or the one who follows the fool?” Nazvo asked, as she slowly stood up and made her way towards the door. “I need a shower, and some sleep. GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!” Nazvo said, then suddenly yelled that last part. Half the party jumped to their feet. While others held their head in their hands with a groan.


Three days later Lash on his personal ship the Basilisk arrived in the Manadalore sector. Right behind him were over fifty ships of different wondering clans here for the duel. From star fighters, gunships, and cruisers. While there were additionally several diplomatic ships from the Republic. Specifically Nabooian for Senator Amidala, and oddly Senator Organa. They were met by the security force of Mandalore. Who accepted their security codes and escorted them towards the moon of Concordia.

The moon itself was surrounded by hundreds of different ships all here to see the duel. A pretty big turn out for a challenge that shouldn't last longer than five minutes. Of course they would also be here for what came after. Either a battle between houses. Or a diplomatic cluster fuck. Maybe both!

Concordia was a verdant moon that at one time possessed dense forest. During the most recent war between the Mandalorians and the Republic. They had turned the entire moon into a mining pit for beskar. When Lash had visited the system to restore Mandalore, he also visited the moon. So the forests were growing strong. But still had a long way to go.

Lash received landing coordinates and input them into his navigational computer. A marker was set on the transparisteel of his ship. While a host of ships behind him flew in formation. Several sensor sweeps went over his ship. Then several more. He knew they could scan it all day long and get absolutely nothing back. If he didn't have his transponder on. They would think he was a phantom signal in the void. They broke through the atmosphere and Lash was surprised to find a greeting party waiting for him.

Lash disconnected from his ship, as the data jacks retracted. He walked through his ship as several Jensaarai Defenders were checking over their armor, weapons, and sabers. One by one they gave a green light. Once everyone was finished they moved to the loading ramp. Lash was back in full armor, helmet/mask included. A 6'6” armored monster. As soon as he stepped off the ramp he let out his aura of power that he normally restricted. His Jensaarai had been expecting it and took it in stride. But the Duchess, her guards, and Obi-Wan Kenobi nearly fell to their knees in surprise.

“Ah, Apologies!” Lash called out and pulled back his aura from them specifically. “That was meant for someone else.”

“Not to worry my friend. No harm done!” Obi-Wan said with an amiable smile as he strode over to hug Lash, who returned the gesture. Then Lash came over to the Duchess who hadn't moved from her spot. He bowed to her as was custom to the leading ruler of the system.

“Duchess Satine, it is good to see you again.” Lash said, his Jensaarai saluted behind him.

Satine had chosen to wear a couture blue royal dress from neck to toe. She cut an impressive figure. It had a floral pattern, the planet design was from the former jungles on their home world. Her blonde hair was done up, and curled into ringlets around her crown. With adorn feathers behind it. She wore a necklace of precious stones, with matching earrings. Along with a decorative belt that cinched her waist with buckled on her left hip. It was very nice looking, and incredibly impractical. Satine raised a single manicured eye brow at him, and kept her stoic expression.

“You as well, Master Lash.” Satine said in a distant tone. Then her eyes shifted to arrival of Padme, and Organa. A smile tugged on her lips at their approach.

“Senator Amidala, Senator Organa I was not expecting you. But I have to say this is a pleasant surprise.” Satine said with a bit of warmth. Obi-Wan glanced at Lash as Satine all but brushed past Lash to receive them. Lash shrugged, he wasn't offended.

“Of course we came! These are trying times and it would benefit both the Republic, and the Neutral party if we could be here. Hopefully this transition will be as smooth as possible.” Padme said with a genuine smile.

“I agree. I couldn't stand by as your way of life was threatened. Thankfully Master Lash has agreed to respect your neutrality.” Organa stated, and Satine came up short as she glanced back at Lash.

“Did you not tell her my political mindset, Obi-Wan?” Lash asked his friend who smiled at him.

“Oh I did. But it's always better to confirm it.” Obi-Wan replied.

“No, Duchess. I have no intention of pushing for control over the Mandalore sector. I will respect your wish for neutrality.” Lash said, and the cold exterior from the Duchess thawed just a bit. The stiff expression from her guards relaxed as well.

“That... Is most agreeable, Master Lash.” Satine replied with a slight smile.

“You make it sound like you've already won!” A female Mandalorian Death Watch member flew down from the skies. Despite her helmet, Lash could feel her glare.

“Not at all! Master Lash is simply confident in his own abilities.” Obi-Wan said with his arms raised up, then he gracefully bowed from his waist at the new arrival.

“Hello Bo-Katan, it's nice to see you.” Lash said to the new arrival. The warrior stiffened at her name being called. Duchess Satine Kryze shifted towards her long lost, and estranged sister. Bo-Katan Kryze.

“...Bo?” Satine asked, as she reached out a hand.

“Dont! That is not who I am anymore.” Bo-Katan snapped at Satine. For a brief moment Satine's mask slipped and she looked hurt. Then like flipping a switch she went back to being indifferent.

“Are you here to escort Champion Lash to the duel?” Satine asked with cool confidence.

“....Yes... Right this way, Champion.” Bo-Katan said in disgust. She turned on her heel and walked away fully expecting him to follow. He did not. He stood there looking at her back. No one else moved either. It was a good two minutes before she noticed.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” Bo-Katan shouted back at them. Lash just stood there looking at her. Lash reached up to his wrist mounted computer and tapped into the enclave speakers.

“I am Chieftain Lash, of Clan Ghost Claw. I am here at the request of a duel in solo combat. House Vizsla's petty disregard for tradition shames their House, and their warriors. I am allowed a full diplomatic escort by warriors of the House. Instead I see one petulant child, with family issues. House Vizsla has two minutes to correct this mistake. Or I will call for am unjust representation of the traditions of Tarre Vizsla.” Lash said through the communication array.

Before Bo-Katan could take more than two steps. She stopped pressed a hand to her helmets ear. Then squared her shoulders and strode over at a reasonable pace. Several honor guards of the House flew out from the enclave, and joined her. Bo-Katan then saluted him. As did the others.

“Welcome, Chieftain of Clan Ghost Claw to House Vizsla's enclave. We are pleased that you accepted the duel of solo combat. Please come this way.” Bo-Katan all but snarled at him.

“If this is the best I can expect from House Vizsla it's not wonder no one will follow you.” Lash replied and the warriors of the House stiffened. “Please lead on, little girl.”

Bo-Katan clenched her fist, and ground her molars so hard he swore he heard them crack. But she kept her mouth shut, turned on her heel and walked away at a reasonable place. Now, Lash followed as did everyone else. Padme came up to his side and whispered to him. “You could have handled that differently.”

“If you didn't like that, you definitely wont like the next part.” Lash said loud enough for all to hear.

“Master Lash, please remember you represent not only yourself. But the Republic.” Senator Organa came to his other side.

“I personally don't mind if you put Pre Vizsla in his place.” Satine said from her position. Obi-Wan looked at her surprise. She stuck her chin out in challenge. “What?”

“Nothing, just pleasantly surprised.” Obi-Wan replied with a smile.

The rest of the walk was in mild silence as they went through House Vizsla's enclave and estate. Like most Mandalorian cities they had sharp angles, and pointed edges. The Death Watch coat of arms was scattered through out the House. A shriek-hawk symbolism. Death Watch or Kyr'tsad in Mando'a. Had been a terrorist group in the original time line. This time line / Rift Reality was different. The training camps were out in the open. Hundreds of youngling humans trained in the way of warriors. With almost a zealot like enthusiasm.

A soft alarm rang out in the compound and every class was dismissed. The main hallway was left deserted. As one by one different Mandalorian clans arrived and joined with Lash's group. These were all the different clans that chose to support Lash's claim. While the others were soon to be seen in a grand arena that had been made by Death Watch.

It reminded Lash of a roman coliseum. With a few additions. Such a shield pylons along the edge to keep the battle contained to the sand pit. Stone pillars were placed around the outside edge of the arena about five feet around, and twenty feet high. The pillars looked jagged and had obvious chips, and blaster holes in them. The smell of blood in the arena was fresh. As were the blood stains he saw. Standing in the center of the arena was Pre Vizsla wearing a peculiar set of armor.

“Welcome! Chieftain of Clan Ghost Claw. To our home, I am Pre Vizsla the successor of Tarre Vizsla, and your executioner.” Pre Vizsla called out, and raised his arms up as his people who numbered little over a thousand cheered. Most the blue and gray armor of Death Watch. But a few other visiting clans.

“Thank you, Little Girl. You can go now.” Lash dimissed Bo-Katan and turned his back on her. Which clearly pissed her off. Because this meant that Lash considered her a none threat.

“I'm assuming the empty seats are for us?” Padme asked, as she gestured towards their part of the arena which looked presentable. The friendly clans went to their given seating.

“You could just stand. It won't take long.” Lash said, as he went to his Jensaarai and started to remove his armor. The resulting whisper, and confusion rang out through the crowd.

One by one Lash activated a sequence in his armor. His helmet, arms, and legs all compressed into his main cuirass. Then with careful precision with the help of his Jensaarai he had that removed as well. Then he unzipped his body glove and went down to a pair of form fitting briefs. The arena went deathly silent as he stepped clear of his people. Lash did a series of stretches and looked around in mock confusion.

“I was challenged because I removed my armor and danced for a newly liberated people. It was an action that was meant to put them at ease. It worked, for the most part. But my actions had an undesired effect. Pre Vizsla of House Vizsla used my dance routine as a way to challenge me. He insulted me, my clan, and my people. So, I thought it would be justifiable to teach him a lesson. I will refuse to wear any armor, or use any weapon in this duel. But I fully encourage my challenger to remain in gear. Verd ori'shya beskar'gam.” Lash said to the crowd, and those that came to support him cheered, and repeated his words. (A warrior is more than their armor.)

“You will wear no armor, or use any weapon what so ever?” Pre Vizsla called out.

“Well, I do have one surprise up my metaphorical sleeve. It takes a minute, are you in a hurry?” Lash asked with a smile.

“By all means.” Pre Vizsla called out, as he pulled out a blade handle from his back. He then activated it and a black light saber appeared. His supporters cheered, and chanted 'Dark Saber! Dark Saber! Dark Saber!'

Lash took one last look at Padme, Obi-Wan, Satine, his Jensaarai, and his supporters who looked at him in confusion. But a peculiar smile tugged on Padme's lips as she walked over and gestured with her finger for him to lean down. He did so and she kissed his cheek. “Good luck.”

“Thanks.” Lash said with a wink. Then walked to the edge of the arena and jumped in. As the pit was lower than the seats.

“A minor lesson in the ways of the Jensaarai!” Lash called out to the crowd. He amplified his voice through the Illusion Spell Domain. The crowd grew silent.

“When a Jensaarai finish stage one training they are granted a light saber. To the Jedi, obtaining your own light saber is a right of passage. For us, its a simple step to take. No, what really defines a Jensaarai is stage two. Where they feel through the Force and find animal spirit that has chosen them. It is at this point that we begin to design our armor after that spirit.” Lash said, as he raised his hands up into the air and the tribal marks across his body started to glow. A spectral image of a giant reptilian kaiju creature rose above him. Lash's aura pressed everyone nearly to their knees. Then the spectral image dove into Lash.

Lash's bones broke, his flesh ripped, and his skin peeled away to reveal dark forest green metallic scales. Claws grew from his hands, and feet. A long muscular tail grew from his spine. As four tentacles grew from his back. He grew in height, up, and up. To 8' tall even. His skull elongated, with a diamond shape skull crest that angled up as it pointed. Six yellow green reptilian eyes formed symmetrically along his head. He opened his maw which showed an impressive array of fangs, and his mandibles pulled apart. Partial Transformation activated.

“At last! Something to kill!” Saurian's voice roared from their body.


Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay. As always if I am behind on my chapters I normally post something on my profile page. Life dealt me a serious personal blow. I lost my inspiration to write. However, I assure you will continue writing. I do plan to return to my normal schedule, which is once a week. Just need to get back into things.

Thank you!

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