
***HR. Earth aka Gaia, Gotham City***

Elizabeth Shaw aka Lizzy, the sister to Warden Erik Lash, and Hunter Saurian. Lizzy stood at approximately 5'10” with vibrant curly red hair normally pulled back into a tail. With a killer partial amazon figure, and piercing green eyes. She held herself with the confidence of someone trained in martial arts. She knew how to handle herself, when to fight, and when to run. Like right now, she was definitely running.

Lizzy ran through an alleyway jumping off of the walls, and rolling behind an empty garbage can. The metal box didn't last long as a searing ball of plasma covered it and melted through. She popped up to her feet and fired her spell inscribed rifle at her assailants. Short controlled bursts to maintain her aim. She nailed one of her attackers dropping them like a sack of potatoes. While two others dove to the side. While another erected a spell shield.

Lizzy sprinted down the way in a half crouch as she swapped out her clips and ran right out into an open street. Blissfully it was the middle of the night near the harbor so traffic was light. Her next clip was filled with anti magic bullets. She pulled around and popped a round off, as it pierced through the spell casters shield and turned their head into a Gallagher photo shoot. She turned her rifle towards her next attacker who stayed behind cover, as did their companion.

“What happened!? I thought you said I would pay for all the trouble I caused you?” Lizzy taunted her attackers. While her eye movement activated an automated message in her UI. She was wearing a standard light weight exoskeleton suit from the JLI.

'Transmission error....Transmission error..... Resetting network connection.' Her suit's VI replied. Lizzy swore under her breath as she continued to wait for her attackers to poke their heads out.

“It's nothing personal, Warden! We just have a job to do.” A man's voice called out. As he conjured another ball of plasma. The light was evident even if Lizzy couldn't see him.

“You were selling Dark Venom to children! That is not a job! That is murder!” Lizzy shouted at them. She'd spent the past three weeks tracking down their operation. After several kids had turned into a puddle at school.

Absolute silence greeted her statement. Another blip across her UI made her smile. She activated the an icon and a Minor Illusion of her was crafted. It mimicked her standing there. While she temporarily become invisible. She turned around and sprinted towards another alley as quiet as possible. Thirty seconds later a light flared behind her, and she felt the connection to the illusion shatter. But that was just long enough.

'Connection established, tight beam communication sent. Wait one moment..... Response inbound.' Lizzy's suit VI said softly with almost a smug satisfaction Lizzy stopped, turned around on her heel and looked at her two pursuers who slowed to a walk at her clear body language.

“Game over...” Lizzy said, as over a dozen spell script jump points coiled into being around them. When an eight foot tall were-wolf clad in mid tier exoskeleton suit arrives in front of you the best option you have is to run.

After a very short altercation. Lizzy led the reinforcements back to the warehouse where the rest of the drug dealers were still in the process of cleaning up. It was quick, efficient, and incredibly brutal after that. Another Dark Venom drug den removed from Gotham. Unfortunately they were like weeds. If you didn't pull them out by the root they just came back again, and again.

Lizzy accepted a site to site transport from her location to the Warden HQ in the manor estate location just outside of Gotham City proper. She filed her report, and got checked out by the medics. She didn't want to track any Dark Venom home. She kept her suit on, of course. She had been caught to many times out of it. She only ever took it off when she was safe and sound at home. Speaking of which she received another transport straight to her personal pad at the building she lived in. It may have been due to the fact that her brother owned the station..... Maybe?

There was a pseudo-Warden / JLI bunker under her building where she came out of. She looked around the little place and found it empty. No surprise there as the only other person who would use it was her brother, who was currently inside of a Rift. Gone for god knows how many years from their perception. Lizzy took a slow breath and cleared her mind of a problem she couldn't do anything about. That was something she and Lash differed on. He would fret over things he couldn't change. While she would push it back, and concentrate on the here and now.

Lizzy went to the armory and stepped into the control ring. The machine guided her into a spread eagle pose and mechanical arms came down and peeled her out of her suit. She could do it manually but that would take close to thirty minutes. She desperately wanted to take a shower. Once the suit was off it would be taken to be cleaned. She walked towards the shower stall and pressed the center stall button. A lukewarm spout of water came out, and she adjusted the center dial and turned it way, way up. Like scalding hot.

“God that feels good!” Lizzy moaned loudly.

Something else she had inherited from her brother, or rather her pack-master. Thanks to their pack bond she was all but immune to simple temps. It could be 105 Fahrenheit (40.5 Cel) or negative below and Lizzy would barely bat an eye. She grabbed a bottle off a shelf and loofah and washed her body from head to toe. Then did a shampoo plus conditioner for her hair. Once she was finished she washed off, and turned the water off.

Lizzy stepped out of the stall without a towel, and walked across the room towards her locker for a pair of scrubs. It took a moment to realize she wasn't alone in the room. She froze and looked over to see her wife, Isabella Kuldr looking at her with a smile. “Hay babe... How long have you been there?”

“About two minutes.” Isabella said.

Isabella Kuldr was a Blood-Kindred, will be once she finishes her conversion rate. She stood at approximately 5'3” with long auburn hair, chocolate caramel skin, and a voluptuous figure. She wore a pair of sandals, daisy dukes that showed a whole lot of leg, and a white crop top. Lizzy drank in the sight of her. She couldn't help but lick her lips in satisfaction. Isabella's smile grew into an impish grin.

“I have dinner upstairs if your ready. Or would you prefer 'desert' first?” Isabella said as she trailed a finger down between her cleavage. Lizzy audibly swallowed.

Lizzy stood up still completely naked and stalked across the locker room. Isabella's eyes went wide and her breath caught. Then she let out a girlish squeal as Lizzy picked her up by her ass and placed her on one of the bathroom sinks for balance. Then she began to fully explore Isabella's caramel skin.

“Desert first I think...” Lizzy said, and bit into Isabella's neck and was rewarded with a breathless moan.


A little over an hour later. Lizzy was sitting at their dinning room table with a positive glow about her. As she ate a wonderful meal, while she glanced at a very satisfied Isabella bounce around the room. Lizzy loved to watch Isabella move around like that after sex. Some primitive part of her being would whisper 'mine' every time she did. After her meal, they shared some tea and snuggled on the couch. Isabella would trail her nails along Lizzy's skin.

“Why don't we go on a vacation?” Isabella asked suddenly. Lizzy blinked at her, as her mind was in a completely different place. But it didn't take long for her to catch up.

“Camping? Tropical? Mountains? I'd love to sit under the sun drinking something covered in salt, and ice.” Lizzy said, as she trailed her own nails along Isabella's skin.

“A bit of all three actually. I've recently heard that the school of magic on the Watchtower is open. They have a bit of everything there.” Isabella said innocently, but Lizzy's gave her a deadpanned expression.

“So it's not a vacation? You want to go study Enchantment at the school.” Lizzy said with a mock growl and nipped Isabella's ear.

“Well, it could be both.” Isabella said as she sat up, crossed her legs and sat up straight. Her bouncing breasts in a tight tee shirt right in Lizzy's line of sight. Lizzy blinked and tried to focus, then realized Isabella did that on purpose.

“Bell... You have to be a part of the Warden and/or JLI to use those facilities. Or at the very least sign a NDA. Which you have clearly said no to.” Lizzy said and stood up from the couch preparing for another argument.

“But you could -” Isabella began to say.

“No! I am not going to use my relationship with Lash to get you in. We've talked about this over a dozen times. Just sign the paper work!” Lizzy shouted at her and stalked off towards the bedroom to put some distance between them.

“I can't!” Isabella replied, and chased her down. She stood in the door way, and crossed her arms under her breasts for emphasis. There was something about her. Lizzy stopped to look. Damn she.... A surge of energy poured across her pack bond.

“DID YOU JUST TRY AND BEGUILE ME!?” Lizzy shouted at her. Isabella went pale and stepped back. Her hands up in surrender.

“...N-no...no. I.. I didn't!” Isabella stammered out her answer. Scales started to grow across Lizzy skin, and her eyes went reptilian.

“Your lying! We talked about this!” Lizzy snapped out a snarl.

Over a month ago Lash had helped Isabella obtain the Enchantment Spell Domain. It had been great for her House fame, and standing. The Spell Domain of Enchantment had a lot of wonderful, and useful tricks. One of them being great for information gathering. The problem was, control. One of the passive spell bonuses was that it would almost create a suggestive compulsion. If you wanted something from someone but they said no. You could 'suggest' that they change their mind. However, it could just as easily be turned off as well as on. Which meant that Isabella turned it on to win the argument.

“I can not believe you! You are trying to mind warp me!? Me, your wife!” Lizzy shouted at her, as the scales across her body receded. Now she recognized what was going on she didn't need them anymore.

“It's not that big a deal!” Isabella tried to reason, then regretted her words the moment she said them.

“No! It is a big deal! You and I have both worked with refugees from Dex's world! You absolutely know the horrors the meat puppets went through. There is a reason why beguiling is a illegal! It changes a persons mind. Now, I have to wonder how many times you've done this to me! Did I get you something because I wanted to? Or because you wanted me to!” Lizzy stormed out of their room fully clothed.

“Lizzy please! I'm sorry, I won't do it again.” Isabella tried to console her.

“That is what you said last time! And the time before that! And the....” Lizzy stopped as her mind started to race. Isabella's face went another shade of pale.

“How many times have you done this? How many times have we had this argument?” Lizzy said in sudden realization, and horror.

“No, no, no, this is the first time. I'll never do it again.” Isabella said, and another surge of energy poured from the pack-bond.

“PRIORITY TELEPORT TO WATCHTOWER, MIND BENDING IN PROGRESS!” Lizzy shouted as loud as possible and before Isabella took two steps forward Lizzy was on a secure teleportation pad with a dozen security droids, and their weapons trained on her.

“I surrender... Please take me to isolation.” Lizzy said, as she broke down and started to cry. How many times had this happened?


***AR. Star Wars, Wild Space.***

Wild Space was the frontier of galactic society, separating the known parts of the galaxy from the Unknown Regions of the western half of the galactic disk, as well as the fringes of the Outer Rim Territories and the arms of the galaxy. The term had varied greatly over the years, encompassing all areas of partially explored or charted areas as known throughout various stages of galactic history. (Wookiepedia!)

One of the many troubled areas of the galactic disk where nebula's resided. More often than not, any form of FTL travel was met with disastrous results. Pathways between stars would open up one day, and close the next. Along with spatial anomalies, creatures, alien life, and pirates. Traveling into wild space was dangerous, and full of rewards to those that were in the know.

Hidden away in western section of the galactic disk were the people known as The Chiss Ascendancy, aka just the Ascendancy, was an aristocratic oligarchical nation of the near-human Chiss located inside the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. The Chiss Ascendancy was an interconnection of individual sovereignties and was strictly isolationist to outsiders, preferring a libertarian approach to the wider galaxy and even had a strict policy prohibiting first strikes. The Ascendancy was regarded as mostly a legend even within the Unknown Regions. (Wookiepedia!)

The Chiss were near-humans, meaning their shape, features, and dimensions were greatly similar to those of humans. However, some notable differences being that their skin was blue, their hair a shimmering blue-black, and their eyes a glowing red. Because of those first two characteristics, they were mistaken for Pantorans, blue-skinned humanoids from Pantora, although Pantorans did not have red eyes. Besides their coloration, Chiss eyes were slightly better than those of humans, their visible spectrum edging a little into the infrared range. Additionally, their hearing was sharper. (Wookiepdia!)

Like many races found in the Star Wars Galaxy, the Chiss had access to the Force. But in an almost diluted form. Those gifted with the Force were known as 'Skywalkers'. Because of the intuition granted to them by the Force. They could create temporary pathways through Wild Space. But the older the Skywalker got, the less connection they would feel towards the Force. That would make all natural Skywalkers relatively young.

This connection to the Force allowed the Chiss to locate the hidden passages through certain pockets of space. Additionally, sub-space satellites deployed at certain intervals to notify the travelers if a passage was open or closed. This allowed a sense of normalcy through Chiss space. A normalcy that was now being threatened. Recently an enemy that had remained docile for the past few standard cycles had begun to move aggressively in every direction. Including into Chiss space.

An isolated solar system on the edge of a nebula was under attack. One of the Chiss sovereign houses had poured significant resources into cultivating this system. Making nearly every planet, and moon livable for their kind. It was now for lack of a better word being cannibalized by their hated enemy. Thousands of Chiss civilian ships fled towards the nearest passage with a Skywalker ship at the lead. While hundreds of military vessels battled against their foe.

One of the primary planets in the system was slowly being covered by what could only be described as locust. A swarm of bio-engineered insects that poured from a massive hive ship. The ship was in low orbit and looked like it was made from coral. Organic striations, and pores covered the ship. As more of the swarm poured out. They devoured the entire surface of the planet within minutes. Then the hive ship that rivaled the size of any city on the planet shot a putrid green beam straight down across the planet's surface. An accelerated mutagen covered the planet in seconds. Floral, and fauna were made, transformed, and destroyed. Only to start over, and over. Survival of the fittest.

While an armada of organic ships piloted by creatures that had self mutilated themselves all in the worship of their gods attacked the Chiss military. The Chosen Race, the Yuuzhan Vong were moving. Their high priests declared a holy crusade. Their gods had whispered to them. One of their siblings was already in this galaxy. A being beyond reality, and the task to welcome their god was given to, The Chosen Race.

So they would purify this solar system in his name. Remove the sin that was 'technology', the stain upon the galaxy itself. Then he would bless The Chosen Race with a glorious battle this galaxy had never seen. For Monsters, War, and the Eldritch were their new god's Domains. Something the Yuuzhan Vong knew all to well.


***AR. Star Wars, Concordia***

“At last! Something to kill!” The monsters voice roared. That was the moment when Pre Vizsla knew he had miscalculated.

The eight foot tall scaled monstrosity took a single step and propelled themselves forward across the arena. One hundred feet swallowed in a single second. Vizsla swung the dark saber straight down. A swing empowered by the Force Hunter Armor. The monster caught the blade with his bare hand! Then slammed his palm into Vizsla's chest and sent him flying back into the arena's wall.

“Is this all you have!” The monster jeered at him. Vizsla stood up as his whole body quaked in pain, and rage.

“No!” Vizsla shouted and activated his jet pack. He flew up into the air and shot every whistling bird he had. The tiny self guiding darts shot out from both gauntlets.

Lash dropped to all fours? No, this monster had six arms! Then raced across the ground in zig zag patterns so quickly that the whistling birds couldn't react fast enough and impacted the ground. The monster raced up the arena shield like he was in free gravity and chased after Vizsla who sped away in the opposite direction. Lash was gaining on him. Vizsla dove at the last possible moment and flew serpentine between the stone pillars. Then he moved past the last one only to scream in surprise as Lash closed lined him.

“Pathetic!” Lash snarled at him, and one of the tentacles wrapped around his ankle and threw Vizsla through one of the stone pillars. Blissfully the Force Hunter Armor absorbed most of the impact.

'I have to wear him out! He cant possible hold that form forever!' Pre Vizsla desperately thought, as he pulled up his blaster pistols and unloaded into the monster.

Vizsla's eyes went wide as his blaster bolts flew into Lash's monstrous scales. His body absorbed the energy! Strange glyphs across the monsters body glowed. Vizsla dove behind a stone pillar as an energy blast shot back. The Death Watch above accused him of breaking his word. But that wasn't a tool. No, what ever Lash had changed into. That animal could manipulate energy.

“Vizsla.... Why you hiding, Vizsla? I thought you said you were my executioner?” The monster's voice grated on Vizsla's very mind.

Vizsla jumped out from the pillar and sprayed hot flame onto the monster with reckless abandonment. The Death Watch crowd cheered. So sure that the liquid flame would be excruciating. They like Vizsla were shocked when Lash stepped forward and grabbed his arms and crushed the devices. A miniature explosion sent shrapnel across the arena. Vizsla gaped in horror as the four tentacles reached out and ensnared his arms, and legs. Then spread him out like a cross.

“The armor you wear came from metal on Venura. The inscriptions you placed came from the libraries on Venura. If you wanted to be a Jensaarai, Pre Vizsla you could have just asked.” Lash said in a mocking tone. Then tore his Beskar alloy off one piece at a time.

One the first piece was removed,Vizsla felt the supernatural strength of the inscriptions leave him. He was once again just a man. Despite the durable material, Lash peeled the armor off like it was tissue paper. Vizsla struggled for all he was worth. But it made no difference. Why!? How did this happen!? He had trained for a life time! He had made so many sacrifices! Why!?

'Because.' -A voice crawled through Vizsla's mind. 'Every action you took was for yourself. In the end you are nothing but a pathetic selfish waste. You can fool others, but you cant fool me.' -The voice finished and Vizsla's eyes went wide.

“I yield!” Vizsla shouted out. Just as Lash's claws finished peeling his black body glove off. He was naked from the waist up.

“I don't care.” Lash said, as he plunged his clawed hand intoVizsla's chest and ripped his heart out. Vizsla looked on in horror as he watched Lash eat his own heart.

Vizsla felt the darkness wash over his vision. Then he left the pains of life behind. He felt a pull from his physical form. He opened his eyes to see himself translucent. He looked around and saw the arena fading from view. Was this it? Would he join his people at the end. 'I'm not finished with you yet.' -The monsters voice spoke. A hole, no a tear in reality itself opened in front of Pre Vizsla. Held open by demonic hands. Chains whipped out and bound Pre Vizsla's soul.

'NOOOOO!' -Vizsla screamed in agony as he was pulled into the waiting arms of grinning demi-gods, demons, and a angelic Daemon Knight.


With the battle complete Saurian set Pre Vizsla's body to the ground with respect. Though he didn't feel any for the man, appearances were important. He had created a baffle field around Vizsla before he started to peel his armor off. He knew the coward would try and surrender. Better that his people saw him hold on till the end. He took a moment to calm his beating hearts and prepared for what came next. Then he looked around expecting trouble. He was not disappointed.

“Murderer!” Bo-Katan shouted at him. Saurian was in a good mood, so he reached out with his Space/Void Domain and snagged her. Then pulled her through the shield that surrounded the arena.

The young woman came flying through the shield with no ill effect, but was held in prison via a telekinetic field. Saurian then raised his upper right clawed hand and cast an area wide field effect. Any member of the Death Watch that tried to act in violence found themselves restrained, and floating off the ground. Happily no one on Lash / Saurian's side had drew any weapon. As this was suppose to be neutral ground, at least while the ceremonial duel was in place.

“Do you have a complaint, little girl?” Saurian asked in his crocodile voice. He ran his forked tongue along his mandibles, as he stalked closer to her.

“You killed him! You ate his heart!” Bo-Katan all but screeched at him.

“It was to the death, little girl. Plus I was hungry.” Saurian replied with a predatory smile.

“I will never submit to an outsider!” Bo-Katan screamed at him. Saurian created a Psionic Blade of dark energy, remarkably similar to the dark saber. Then pressed it within an inch of Bo-Katan's neck.

“Wait!” Duchess Satine Kryze called out. One of Saurian's six reptilian eyes tracked her position. “Please, let her live. Release her into my custody.” The Duchess pleaded.

“Why? So she can swear vengeance? Inevitably escaping from your custody? Then plan my downfall? I gain nothing from this mercy. Only more trouble.” Saurian replied as he fully turned his body towards the Duchess who went a little pale at having his full attention.

“It's the diplomatic thing to do, Lash.” Padme said, as she came to stand next to Satine. She gave Saurian a pointed look. Padme looked at him with her chin raised, and a spark of stubborn defiance in her eye. No fear.

Saurian recalled the energy blade, and gave a modest bow towards Padme, and The Duchess. He disarmed, and bound Bo-Katan. Then dropped her to the ground unceremoniously. The grunt of surprise from the little girl was sweet on Saurian's ears. He stepped away from her and headed towards the entrance of the arena. The shield wall came down. Within seconds Saurian had restrained another two dozen Death Watch soldiers who tried to shoot him. He pulled every trouble maker up, and out of the crowd and brought them forward. Each one with a holographic video above them detailing their attempt at attacking him.

“This is the heritage, and honor of House Vizsla? You challenge me to a duel. You lost! Instead of acting like Mandalorians, you act like a band of pirates! No, I'm sorry that's insulting to pirates. They at least would wait behind closed doors to attack me.” Saurian snarled at them, and forced the offending warriors to their knees.

Saurian raised a clawed hand up and called the original dark saber to his hand. He activated the blade and looked at Death Watch, at House Vizsla. A majority of the house was properly submissive. They were understandably angry. But they accepted the results. It was glory hound zealots that demanded retribution. Saurian turned his attention towards Obi-Wan who looked at him with a look of confusion. Saurian gestured towards the guilty. A look of understanding crossed Obi-Wan's face.

“Leave them as prisoners within in their own house, Master Lash. It is not the Jedi, nor the Jensaarai way to judge a people by the actions of the few. If anything, their House will watch them better than any prison guard.” Obi-Wan suggested, Saurian nodded in agreement.

“Where is the Forge Smith of this House?” Saurian called out.

A mountain of man stepped out. Unlike other typical Mandalorian warriors, the Forge Smith wore a belt filled with tools of his trade. A hammer, and tongs like blades in a sheath at his sides. He removed his helmet to reveal a strong jaw, broken nose, bald head (Baldies Unite!), and pale blue eyes. He had a singular scar down across his left eye, across his nose, down his lip. But he wore it with pride. He held his helmet in hand and stood before Saurian.

“Jorr-Vizsla, Forge Smith at your service Mand'alor the Renewer.” Jorr said in a clear bass tone of voice.

“Remove their armor, and recycle it. They will have to earn it again.” Saurian told him. To Jorr's credit he didn't flinch. The prisoners did though.

“You can't do that!” One of them screamed, only for a Death Watch member to shock him into silence via security prod.

“As you command.” Jorr replied, with quick and no none sense actions. The prisoners were taken away.

“Forge Smith, who is third in command of House Vizsla?” Saurian asked, and Jorr turned towards a younger man who stepped forward.

“Elzmad-Vizsla at your service Mand'alor the Renewer.” Elzmad said politely. He was a young man of maybe twenty. Intelligent blue eyes, with black hair that was shaved on one side. With other half only going past his ear.

“Elzmad, any clan in service under Vizsla may now leave of their own free will. Debts are paid. Save for convicted criminals which I'll need a detail data pad on each one.” Saurian ordered, Elzmad eyes twitched but he nodded. Clan Wren who stood among the House Vizsla all moved in sync towards Saurian's group.

“Next, House Vizsla will now perform a House/Clan exchange.” Saurian said next, that met some disgruntle murmurs. Saurian stared out across the assembly of House of Vizsla.

“It's either that or I disband your entire house, choose one.” Saurian snapped out. That shut them up.

What was a House/Clan exchange? Well in simple terms. Different clans would exchange their people for a period of time. It allowed different houses, and clans to learn from each other. It also created better relationships. Because friends, and family ties were made. Sometimes people would join, and stay. Or people would follow them back. Mating rituals would happen, etc, etc. House Vizsla didn't do that. Now they would.

“You will cease, and desist any and all terrorist actions towards Mandalore, and stop trying to undermine Duchess Satine. Before you deny these actions please be aware the moment I killed Pre Vizsla I uploaded a VI construct into your computers. I have a lot of evidence to work with.” Saurian said with a predatory grin. Elzmad winced, and quickly nodded.

“Now, those are some of the important bits. But the rest we can speak of at length in a few hours. For now, lets prepare a warrior burial for Pre Vizsla.” Saurian said to the crowd, most of the heads snapped to attention.

Elzmad lived up to his rank and moved his people quickly. However, the Jensaarai collected the armor of Pre Vizsla since it was made from mental from Venura. Jorr admitted where they got the metal and the design. Metal given to Mandalorians who had earned it through merit, or deed. Pre Vizsla betrayed himself by asking for it. He should have done it himself.

Without much fanfare Saurian swapped places with Lash once more. Padme winced as she watched him shift back. The sounds of bones breaking, and flesh tearing was not pleasant. She worried after him even though Saurian and Lash had grown dull to the pain years ago. At last back in his near-human shape. His Jensaarai defenders helped him put his armor back on. With his gear replaced Lash took a moment to groan in frustration.

“This is a problem.” Lash said just loud for the people in his immediate circle to hear.

“It could have gone a lot worse. I think the senate could learn a thing or two from the Mandalorians.” Said Senator Bail Organa, several Mandalorian warriors snickered at him.

“No, Pre Vizsla was supplying the CIS with Beskar.” Lash said, and the entire assembly froze in place.

“How much did he give?” Duchess asked.

“Enough for Lord Enfarious to create a synthetic alloy and use it in battle droid design.” Lash said with a growl, as he received several points in Acting. His Enfarious persona had been very pleased when he made that discovery. As had Darth Sidious, and Darth Tyranus.

“So now we have battle droids who are resistant to blaster fire, lovely.” Obi-Wan said as he rubbed his face. “I must inform the Jedi Council.” Obi-Wan quickly excused himself.

While Obi-Wan ran off to inform the council, the Republic senators scampered off to their respective ships to make preparations. Bo-Katan was all but dragged away by Satine's guards towards her ship. Lash went back to the Basilisk, however he would not be leaving yet. As the victor in the duel he would be expected to attend the funeral of Pre Vizsla. It would help with hostilities between houses. Padme kissed Lash's face plate before she left with Bail Organa. An action that was visibly seen by many.

“Never a dull moment with you.” Padme said with a smirk.

“I do enjoy making your life interesting.” Lash said a bit of snark. Padme rolled her eyes at him and walked away. Organa nodded towards him, and joined Padme along with their guards.

Lash and his retinue returned to the Basilisk. Where he unceremoniously collapsed into a chair and groaned audibly. The Jensaarai Defenders, and Mandalorian warriors chuckled at his apparent dismay. If it was not one thing, it was another. The Basilisk holo network had over two hundred requests for communication. While another ten thousands congratulatory messages. That continued to increase by a few hundred every minute. Maybe he should have lost?


***Republic Senator Bail Prestor Organa's ship***

Organa had been quick to update all of his contacts across the senate of the new development on Mandalore. Though Duchess was adamant that she will remain neutral in the war, along with the 1,500 systems she represented. Her voice was not as strong as it once was. Master Lash political power had grown over the years. Not only as an entrepreneur, but as a military leader, a Force wielder, and now a leader of a people. Whether Master Lash wished it or not, he may one day be the sole ruler of Mandalore.

Organa stood up from his desk and looked out his viewing window aboard his ship as subspace passed him by. He clasped his hands behind himself into the small of his back and tried to appear calm. But he knew he was troubled. The war was only growing worse by the day, not less. Any attempts to start peaceful negotiations were met with hostility. As an Alderaanian they were taught to answer rage with wisdom, fear with imagination. War with hope.

“Why do I feel like I'm playing to the tune of someone else.” Organa whispered to himself. But before he could ruminate any more on the subject his communicator activated.

“Senator, we are receiving a priority message from Concordia. Its the new Mand'alor.” The communication officer replied.

“Put it through please.” Organa said with a bemused expression on his face. A holographic image of Lash appeared in his full armor as always.

“Mand'alor, how can I help you?” Bail said with a smile.

“Organa...How do you... Diplomatically of course.... Deal with... Stupid people?” Lash asked, he struggled several times to find the right words and just settled. Organa couldn't help it, he burst out laughing.

“It's not funny, Organa! I've been the official leader of the Warrior clans for less than an hour. The amount of bantha shit I'm getting from people is enough to drown an army!” Lash roared at him, and Organa only doubled over in laughter falling into his chair.

“Please....Please no more, your killing me.” Organa pleaded, as tears came to his eyes.

“Your just like Padme, she couldn't stop laughing either.” Lash all but wailed in dismay, and Organa fell out of his chair. After another five minutes of laughter Organa righted himself and continued to chuckle when ever he glanced at Lash.

“Honnestly, Lash just do what you've always done. You and your reputation are well known. Anyone who expects a difference statues hopes to manipulate you. You are in a unique position. Money is no object to you. If anyone wants a change of leadership they have to beat you in combat. Just continue to be you. Just don't leave any bodies behind where they can be discovered.” Organa said with a grin.

“No help at all! That is what you are! No. Help. At. All!” Lash roared and closed the communication. It took Organa another ten minutes to get his laughter under control.

“Maybe's there's hope for the galaxy yet.”


***Planet: Mandalore. Capital City, Sundari***

Bo-Katan Kryze sat in a holding cell wearing a prison uniform. They had taken her armor, her weapons, and did a full bio-metric scan. Revealing several sub dermal lock picks, a knife, and a communicator. They had been thorough. It had been three days since the duel and she felt like it was yesterday when she watched her Mand'alor killed by that monster!

Bo-Katan felt completely alone after that day. Her people, the Death Watch stood by and did nothing! They accepted the duel like... Like Lash wasn't an outsider! They had no way to prove he was a Mandalorian. All but his word. Pre Vizsla should be leading their people. He had done the work. He had made the sacrifices that others couldn't. He had seen the future of Mandalore. It was beautiful. Now? Now there were people celebrating in the streets. The impostor had promised to restore Mandalore for free. Free!

“If you glare at that view screen any harder it may implode.” Said one of the guards towards her. Bo-Katan glared at them. She had attempted to escape three times. So they doubled her guard each time. Now, one was stationed outside her cell at all times.

“I'd hate to inconvenience you like that.” Bo-Katan said in an acidic tone.

“I wouldn't worry about that. Another few minutes and you'll someone else's problem.” The guard replied, but that made Bo-Katan blink. Shift change wasn't for another hour. Then the entire security wing lost power.

It was pitch black in the prison wing, not even the emergency lights came on. A crimson saber burst from her lock. Then the door was yanked open. A man, and a woman stood there. Wrapped in gray clothing, and living shadow. The guard took a payment of credits then for his responsibilities he was shocked into unconsciousness by his own security prod.

“Bo-Katan Kryze, would you like to have your revenge?” The woman said in voice that was smooth as silk.

“Yes!” Bo-Katan said in defiance as she stood up and met the woman's question with an intense loathing and just a dash of hope.

“Then come with us.” Said the man, and stepped away from the cell door. Bo-Katan didn't hesitate for a second.


Duchess Satine Kryze sat in her personal office with her head in her hands. She had just received the report that the prison had been sabotaged and her sister was now missing. Sixteen guards had been killed in the escape. They all had light-saber wounds, and a single droid camera showed Dark Acolytes had played the part of saboteur. Almost as if they were seen on purpose. Now, she had to explain to Master Lash that the very thing he said would happen, happened.

“I wish Obi-Wan was here...” Satine said softly to no one. “Today was suppose to be a good day.”

Satine looked at the holographic video of the world engines landing on Mandalore. Every year Ghost Industries made improvements to the engines. Now, compared to when they first came to her peoples home. They could restore the environment within days. By months end there would be grass across their whole world. Oceans, expansive water across their wide deserts. There was already talks of creating a new capital on the planet. Their people had put their heart, and souls into the domed and cubed cities. But now...Now they weren't needed.

Ding...Ding... Her communication unit on her desk chimed at her. Satine took a moment to smooth out her clothing, and checked her appearance in the mirror before she answered. A holographic image of the prison warden showed up. “Duchess Satine... Mand'alor the Renewer is here in the prison. He knows about the escape.” The Prison Warden informed her.

“I see... I'm on my way.” Satine said, and closed the call. She stood up a little to quickly and knocked her chair over.

“Damn it!” Satine said in fury.

Satine left her office without uprighting her chair. Her guards snapped to attention in the hall and followed behind her. While another pair traveled ahead of her. She swept past several ministers, and civil servants... Most of them stopped in respectful fashion. But a few, just a few snickered at her. Word had gotten out about how her estranged sister was one of the terrorists that had been attacking her administration. Not only that, now her sister who had been a prisoner, was now free. It spoke ill of her.

Satine did her best to ignore them. Maintaining a composed, stoic exterior was something she had practiced for years. She would not break now. Once she left the city hall she was met with overall celebration and approval of her people. Streamers were in the air. Confetti, and flower petals fell like rain. People danced in the streets. Any that saw her cheered, and chanted her name. It almost made up for her bad day, almost. She politely waved, and gave a smile to the people she passed as she boarded her official transport.

The trip was both agonizingly slow, and almost too fast for her liking. When her transport landed she saw several Jensaarai defenders speaking with the prison guards. While a few others performed some kind of ritual? It took her breath away when she saw ghostly apparitions of the Dark Acolytes rush in through the main door. The scene replayed several times. As the Jensaarai noted key differences. One male, one female. Wearing optical camouflage suits, expensive to say the least.

Any Jensaarai that noticed her stepped aside and either bowed, or saluted. They did it in full formal etiquette. Nothing condescending in the action. It helped Satines mood just a bit. Several prison guards she passed either saluted, or glared at her. They blamed her for this, their friends had been killed because she was to much of a coward to let the Mand'alor kill her sister. Satine would personally make sure the guards families were taken care of, for their sacrifices. Though it would mean too little too late.

The Prison Warden arrived before to long and looked a few shades paler than what was healthy. “Duchess, the Mand'alor has found several prison guards were part of the escape. He's... Extracting information from them.” The Warden said, he looked like he was about to feint.

“Extracting information? Extracting how?” Satine asked, then a bone chilling scream howled from the next room. Her elite guard shifted almost by instinct to run away, while only one stepped forward to protect her. Satine made note of his name and decided to give him a raise.

Satine controlled her breathing and took an unsteady step forward, then two, then three. By her fourth her walk was once again confident. Though the only elite guard with her at the moment was the one who didn't flee. The others tried to reform. But another bone chilling scream rang out. They were frozen stiff. While her sole guard who's name was Sa'vor. Pressed on ahead. The Prison Warden was by her side and they came into the maximum security wing.

There were hundreds of reinforced glass cells in this wing. Stacked on top of one another in long hallways, that towered up, and up. Several repulsion lift pods would move to their designated positions when the guards would escort prisoners out. Normally the prisoners contained within the cell doors would cause a lot of ruckus, jeering, hooting, and cawing at her if she ever visited. Now? The prisoners were pressed into the corners of their cells doing their best to be as small as possible. Playing very much to the idea of, 'If I don't move, and don't breath. Maybe the monster wont find us.'

The prison guards in question were floating in the air above a walk way. Spread eagle, and held a loft by bands of energy around their ankles, and wrists. While Master Lash stood in front of one and carefully etched what looked like some sort of glyph or rune into the man's chest. The initial inscription was careful and delicate. But once it was complete, Master Lash would focused his attention on the rune and it would flare to life with crimson light. Then the man would scream. A scream that would haunt Satine for the rest of her life.

“...Duchess...” Lash called out. His voice made her jump in fright. He hadn't snapped, roared, or hissed at her. Just a very normal, cordial voice stating her title. But that terrified her even more.

“...M-Mand'alor...” Satine said his name, and only stammered once. She was proud of herself for that. A loud clang behind her made her jump in shock. The Warden had feinted on the spot. While Sa'vor looked ready to join him.

“I don't blame you. This was outside of your control.” Lash informed her as he turned to look at her. Even though he had a full face mask on. She still felt his eyes on her. “I don't know why the Sith wanted Bo-Katan. But there was little you could do to prevent their acquisition of your sister.”

Satine felt like she had just avoided the executioners axe. “So we know for certain it was the Sith?” Lash pointed at one of the guards who recoiled.

“....They paid us! They paid us! Said their Master wanted Bo-Katan! I don't know why! I just let them in! I swear! That's all!” The man begged, and soiled himself.

“Normally pain is not a adequate motivator for information. Because people will say anything to make the pain stop. But tied with Telepathy, and Empathic abilities. One can find the truth in many things.” Lash said, as he waved his hand and a colorful dance of blue, and green energy cleaned the soiled guard from head to toe.

“Every guard here was paid for their efforts. They were specifically contacted over the other guards because they are... Morally gray. For the lack of a better term. However, now that I have done an in depth analysis. I've been able to determine that these six were actually under a Force compulsion to accept the deal. Their minds were warped.” Lash said, as he gestured and those specific guards were freed from their bindings and gently placed on the ground. These six had been unconscious when she had arrived.

“They are not necessarily good people. But they don't deserve what happens next.” Lash said, and before Satine could ask what happens next she leaned over the railing and bile came flying out.

The remaining guards screamed in agony as Lash peeled their skin from their bodies, slowly. All the while the blood red run on their chests continued to glow. Even when the skin was removed the rune remained on their flesh. They endured a pain that would have sent most men into shock. Then a true horror came to Satine's eyes. Their skin regrew within seconds, and Lash did it again, and again, and again. Then Satine blacked out......

Satine awoke in her private residence. The soft sound of the wind brushing past her gardens soothed her mind. Until she glanced to the side and saw an armored figure from her nightmares sitting in a chair next to her, still like a statue. Satine did the most sensible thing she could think of. She screamed! She scrambled out her bed, and fell to the floor and crawled backwards on all fours until she came up brushed up against the wall. Then before she could inhale to scream again a wash of energy fell across her and she felt her emotions become muted, and numb.

“You done?” Lash asked her.

“Yes... How may I help you, Mand'alor?” Satine asked, as she stood up in a fluid motion and brushed her clothes free of dust. She couldn't imagine why she acted like such a emotional wreck in front of him like that.


Lash watched Satine closely, and glanced at the notification for Calm Emotions gaining experience. He stood up slowly, and deliberately to see how she would react. Satine had an involuntarily twitch but looked ready to talk. Lash would have to check back with her and see if he accidentally gave he a trauma or not. He had been reasonably been angry when he been informed of Bo-Katan's escape. But it wasn't her fault. Dark Acolytes truly did come to break, Bo-Katan out of prison.

Lash watched as a bit of Satine's emotions started to flicker across her face. He reached out once more and used Calm Emotions. Satine was now truly terrified of him. This was going to be a problem in the future. He walked over towards her garden door and opened it up. He walked out, with Satine gradually behind him. Staying at least twenty steps out of reach. He could see his ability was raging a losing battle against her emotions. But he needed her focused for this next part.

“Duchess... I need you to understand that if I see Bo-Katan again. I wont spare her a second time. She disregarded the duel that Pre Vizsla challenged me to. Continues to call me the impostor, the outsider. The troubling issue is. Several puritan Mandalorian warriors, and clans believe as she does. They will rally behind her.” Lash said, as he again recast Calm Emotions on Satine as she looked like a deer in the forest ready to bolt at the sight of a hunter.

“I understand... I had believed I could get through to her. But in the end, I now understand that was a childish notion. Family is...” Satine said.

“Complicated...” Lash offered, and Satine nodded.

“I've already gone on public record that I do not hold you responsible for the escape of Bo-Katan. It was a Separatist plot meant to undermine our new partnership. I have also stated that I have no intention of taking leadership from you, and encouraging the neutral systems to remain neutral. However, I have encouraged a vote to take place. The neutral systems need a security branch. I know you are all pacifists. But if you want peace, you should always be prepared for a war.” Lash said, and up until that last part Satine looked pleased. Then a expression of displeasure crossed her face.

“We won't join the war, Lash.” Satine said, and her focus was drawn into the discussion. As she prepared a plethora of counter points.

“I'm not asking you too. If I am being perfectly honest. The Republic needs to go through a complete reformation. They need to learn from their mistakes, and encourage growth in new areas. Everything the neutral systems are doing. But you need a military. There are other things in the galaxy besides people that pose a danger to you.” Lash said with a bit of flare, and Satine stopped to look at him.

“Like what?” Satine asked as she raised a brow in curiosity at him. But before he could speak of the many different cosmic threats he had available to speak of. His communicator beeped at him.

“What?” Lash asked into his comms unit.

“Mand'alor, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine requests the presence of Grand Admiral Lash on Coruscant. There is a mission.” An officer said to him.

“I wear too many hats.” Lash said in annoyance. “The security branch is a vote, Duchess Satine. Think about it.” Lash said to her, then bowed from his waist towards her.

“I will... Now please leave before I start screaming again.” Satine said, as she tried to smile at him.

So Lash left Satine's private residence with the sounds of her horrified sobs resonating in his ears. Stars above what is going on with him!? Some part of him felt justified in the brutal torture of those guards. Another part of him felt like he was a complete sociopath. Once again he checked through his Perceptions. The Force Midi-Chlorians were in the air but not manipulating him. There were no other supernatural elements in the area. But he still felt like something was pulling his strings. He didn't have a background here so the 4th wall engine wouldn't effect him. So what was it?

“Dawn...” Lash called out softly under his breath.

“Yes User?” Dawn's sweet voice was music to his ears.

“What is going on with me?” Lash asked.

“I'm sorry User, I'm unable to say.” Dawn replied. That stopped Lash.

“Story event?” Lash asked....

“Story event.” Dawn confirmed.

Lash met his retinue outside of Satine's private residence and took a transport towards the spaceport of the cubed city. He was given a private escort of Mandalorian warriors on jet pack through town. Peopled cheered as they flew past. Once they arrived at the designated gate Lash walked outside to a pleasant sight. Rain fell from the sky. It was putrid, and acidic. But rain none the less. He watched in mild fascination as school children stood under overhangs watching something none of them had seen, but read about.

“I should really go back to Tatooine and restore their environment.” Lash said more to himself than anyone.

“I believe Jabba the Hutt may be amiable to that notion, Mand'alor.” Said a man as he walked over with a atmospheric repulsion shield. A high tech umbrella.

“Prime Minister Almec, hello.” Lash greeted the man.

Almec was a pale skinned, blond haired Mandalorian male with vibrant lilac eyes that set him apart from others. He stood at approximately 6'2” with an athletic, albeit scholar figure. He stood in the traditional white stone colored civil official clothing. Along with two guards who flinched when Lash glanced at them. Apparently his brutality of torture was known to the guards. It definitely served as a deterrent.

“Yes, my reports say that the Confederacy now controls over half of Hutt space. Including Nal Hutta.” Lash continued the discussion as he gestured for Almec to follow him to the Basilisk.

Ever since Lord Enfarious had given the slave control device to Grievous, and the CIS. Hutt space had fallen like dominoes. It would be incredibly difficult to maintain your battle line when your slave soldiers turned on their masters. It was so bad that Jabba was actually petitioning the Republic for aid. The Republic was happy to help, as long as Jabba gave up his slaves.

“So, what can I help you with. Prime Minister?” Lash asked.

“Nothing actually, I just wanted to say thank you. I'm looking forward to taking a nice long walk on my planets surface without fear of dehydration in the first time...Since ever.” Almec said with a smile. Almec stopped and held out his hand towards Lash to shake his hand.

“Of course, I'm sorry it took this long in the first place.” Lash replied, and shook the offered hand. Then carefully pocketed an item he'd retrieved.

Once that was over and done with, the reached the Basilisk. Lash and his team jumped aboard and Almec stayed to watch the ship leave. A pilot went towards the cockpit, while Lash pushed the data chip into the center console in the main communication room. In full view of the rest of the crew. A holographic recording revealed Prime Minister Almec.

“Mand'alor, I wish to congratulate you on your victory over Pre Vizsla. I've always been a proud supporter of the warrior traditions.” The recording of Almec said. Which was a blatant lie.

“In this data chip you will find dozens of like minded individuals that believe the in the warrior traditions of our ancient heritage. They'll support you if you push for control of Mandalore. Please make use of our support Mand'alor. I'll be awaiting your favorable reply.” The recording finished, and a long....long list of civil officials, ministers, city mayors, etc showed up. Each one with their own private message.

“Correct me if I'm wrong, but Mandalorian traditions do not look kindly on back stabbing, right?” Lash asked one of his Mandalorian honor guard.

“No, Mand'alor they do not.” His guard replied.

“Such things are clearly dictated in the creed, are they not?” Lash asked.

“Yes, Mand'alor.” His guard continued.

“Yes, I thought so.” Lash said.

Lash then copied the entire recording, and the list. Then sent it all directly to Duchess Satine. With the advice of apprehending these people, and getting new officials. Within minutes of sending the message he received a reply from Satine. Short and to the point all it said was. 'Thank you, I'll handle it.' With that done his ship jumped into hyperspace. They were on their way to Coruscant.


***Naboo System. Moon: Venura. ***

Empty..... Empty.... There is nothing. There is the void. The darkness between points of space. Find the connection between points. Understand that darkness exists in balance with the light. They both sides of the same universal coin. Empty.... There is....nothing? Ding...Ding...

Qui-Gon Jinn opened his eyes as the communicator in the deprivation room chimed at him. This would only happen when there was an emergency. As light slowly returned so did gravity. He had been weightless in the dark. His feet touched the ground as he walked over to the comm unit. A very loud, all though everything was loud right now, came through.

“Qui-Gon! Its Quinlan, Krell just exited the ritual chambers. You wanted to be notified when he did?” Quinlan Vos's voice came through.

“Yes, thank you! I'll be right out.” Qui-Gon said with a smile.

As the rest of the room normalized a shelving unit pulled out of the wall with all of Qui-Gon's items. He was currently standing in a pair of pants and nothing else. Qui-Gon had been an older man when he first arrived on the moon. Now, his physical body was young. While his mind felt like he had experienced a century. The two unique comparisons still unsettled him to this day. Though the looks of appreciations from the young females on the moon were appreciated. Even if he was old enough to be their grandfather.

Qui-Gon stood at approximately 6'4” with long brown hair past his shoulders now tied back in a lose tail by a hair band. He had a inverted triangle build that was covered by a pure black tunic. As he had been predominately a light side user the temple gave him black to help him balance out. His beard was trimmed, and cut close to his face. Which hid his twenty something face. He had blue eyes that would sparkle with electricity. As he awakened a lighting bending ability during training.

Qui-Gon stepped from the room and came face to face with a very young looking Quinlan Vos. Quinlan hand left the Jedi Order with Qui-Gon, and Krell. Quinlan's wild mane of black hair was pulled back with a leather strip. Keeping his clean shaven face free. To show off his predominate yellow strip tattoo across his in clear view. He looked like he was in his twenties just like Qui-Gon. He stood at approximately 6'1” with an athletic build wearing a gray ensemble.

“Can you hear me? Or are you still dazed?” Quinlan asked with a patronizing expression.

“I can hear you just fine, my friend.” Qui-Gon said with a roll of his eyes. As they fell into step with one another towards the medical wing. “So how does Krell look?”

“Well he was practically skin and bones when they took him out of the chamber. Which is a little unusual since there is food in the ritual chamber. Unless that was part of the test.” Quinlan replied with an easy going attitude as he winked a few people when they walked past.

“It still surprised me when he decided to perform the ritual instead of starting over.” Qui-Gon said softly as he remembered that day.

“Are we talking about the same Krell?” Quinlan asked?

When the three of them had arrived on the temple. They were welcomed with open arms by the other Jedi who had opted to join the Jensaarai. They had been properly informed that there were two ways to properly join. One; they could have the Force hollowed out of them and they could relearn everything again from the very beginning. Now there was a benefit to do thing this.

By choosing to have the Force hollowed out of you. It would return twice as strong. At which point you could then divide the Force into two parts. Finding that balance between light and dark. However, being cut off from a feeling that you've had your entire life was...Unsettling to say the least. Krell had opted for option two. Which was to go into a ritual chamber inscribed with Force Script. Where the Living, and Cosmic Force gave you a crash course on balance.

The Jensaarai had said simply. That you would live through the process. But you would be surprised what you could live through. Krell had volunteered for the ritual. While Qui-Gon, and Quinlan had volunteered to be hollowed out. Krell had always enjoyed a challenge. Especially when it came to the unknown. Apparently each ritual is unique to the individual.

Qui-Gon, and Quinlan made it to the medical wing and were showed towards Krells room. He was sitting up right on a bed as a Jensaarai master spoke to him. Krell glanced over at them and a large smile grew across his famished face. He was drinking something in one of his four hands, while an IV solution dripped into his body. Another Jensaarai was pouring healing Force energy into his body. The Jensaarai master motioned for the two of them to enter.

“We can continue after. Get some rest.” The master said to Krell, and bowed to all of them slightly. Qui-Gon, and Quinlan both both deeply towards the master from their waist. Krell did his best to show respect but he winced with the movement. The healer tsk tsk at him and left as well.

“How are you, Krell?” Quinlan asked as he moved into the room.

Pong Krell was a Besalisk with four arms, and a massive body. Krell looked like he'd been starved for months on end. But despite his haggard appearance he was smiling, and he looked younger. Qui-Gon still didn't know why the Jensaarai became younger when they trained. It was apparently something he could learn when he obtained the rank of master. But that would be many years yet.

Krell opened one of his palms and created a ball of plasma. It was blue in color and floated above his hand by a few inches. It was brilliantly bright, and gave off a sort of warm that one received when standing under the sun...Qui-Gon's eyes went wide, as did Quinlan's when they realized what Krell had just done. Then before they could blink Krell dispersed the miniature sun.

“I am great...” Krell said, his eyes alight with knowledge. “While I was within the ritual chambers I relived the lives of dozen of Jedi, Sith, and Lash's former masters. I've seen a different galaxy. It was....Amazing. But now I learn I've been gone a little over a month? Ahahahaha! How... How is Master Lash not the ruler of our galaxy?” Krell asked in a near fanatic voice.

“... I'm pretty sure...Master Lash doesn't want to.” Quinlan said with a bit of unease. Krell cracked up laughing and cradled his face in his hands.

“No...No, he wouldn't. Sorry my friends, please forgive me. I'm experiencing memory distortion. I haven't been me for centuries. When one of the lives you experienced was a Sith Emperor you tend to act like a megalomaniac. The instructor told me that would pass.” Krell said, as he laughed again and sat back in his bed. He took a drink from his glass.

“You lived a life as a Sith Emperor!?” Qui-Gon asked in horror.

“I did! I was then betrayed by my apprentice. My next life I was a Jedi Knight attempting to over throw the Sith Empire. Then after that I was a Dark Jedi. I.... I had a family! I...Lost my family?” Krell said, as tears fell from his eyes. Then he dabbed at them in confusion.

“We can talk about this later...” Quinlan suggested, and gently patted Krell on his shoulder.

“Good idea...” Qui-Gon said, and Krell didn't agrue. He sat back in his bed and closed his eyes and he was asleep before his second breath. Quinlan carefully pulled Krell's drink from his hand and set it on the table. Qui-Gon pressed a switch and Krell's bed leaned back. Then they both quietly left the room.

When they left his room the Jensaarai master was waiting for them. Her name was Master Nilwezi. Qui-Gon didn't recognize her species but she had light pink skin. Golden eyes with out sclera, and longer than normal arms. Apparently her people normally lived in trees. She could climb, and swing from branches with great precision. But aside from her arms, she had a very near-human physical shape. Her armor looked like some kind of aquatic mammal. Her helmet/mask was compressed into her collar so they could look at her.

“He'll be fine. He's not the first person to go through a reincarnated life span. Give him time, and his original memories were find their way back. He'll be wiser for it.” Nilwezi said to them both.

“I didn't realize that was possible.” Quinlan said in shock.

“The ritual is different for everyone. Krell needed to see what the Force was like from different angles. Not all of his lives were the same. He experienced lives of peace, and lives of war. He experienced different genders, ages, and species. Don't be surprised if he talks about events that haven't happened for centuries.” Nilwezi said.

“Did they happen? His memories? Where they fact or....” Qui-Gon asked, as he thought about the ramifications.

“I don't know, Master Lash was the one who designed the ritual chamber. He said, and this is a quote. 'It is as real as it needs to be.'” Nilwezi replied, then her communicator chimed at her. A holo message appeared and she read through it. “It appears that Master Lash has officially become the leader of the Mandalorian Warrior faction. Mand'alor the Renewer.”

“A Mandalorian capable of taking on an entire army? But prefers peace over war? I think he'll be great at it.” Quinlan said with a big ole grin.

“Master Nilwezi, I'd like to take the test for stage one training as soon as possible.” Qui-Gon asked, Quinlan balked at him.

“Very well... I'll put you in the schedule.” Nilwezi replied, and moved off to carry on with her duties.

“What was that about?” Quinlan asked.

“I just think Lash could use a friend...” Qui-Gon said simply, and Quinlan nodded in understanding.

“Well I can't have you go alone!” Quinlan said, and chased after Master Nilwezi. Qui-Gon rolled his eyes at Quinlan's behavior.

“I wonder how Obi-Wan, and Anakin are doing?”


***Planet: Coruscant. Jedi Temple Lower Levels.***

At the center of the Jedi Temple was a secret that not many knew of. Save for the eldest of Sith, and the eldest of Jedi. The Temple housed an ancient relic of Coruscant's past. A rock, or rather the tip of a mountain. Coruscant is a ecumenopolis, a planet or a moon covered completely by cityscape. But despite that there are places on the planet that still reach for the sky. The tallest mountain peak from Coruscant's surface sat in the middle of the Jedi Temple.

This piece of Coruscant's ancient past was one of the many reasons that the Jedi built their temple here. It allowed a perfect focus for the Force. Over the many thousands of years, and dozens of wars. Coruscant had traded hands several times. This foci had been twisted, cleansed, and twisted again by wielders of the Force. For the past few thousand years it has received the attention of the Jedi. It had been widely believed that every trace of the dark side of the Force had been removed from the mountain. So it was believed.

All at once across the entire planet of Coruscant something that had not happened in thousands of years took place. A tectonic shift brought the entire world to its knees! The great city planet had over five thousand floors. This mild quake cracked support beams, and brought ruin to entire sections of the planets under-city. The center piece of the Jedi Temple jutted up by several feet. Cracking the temple in half at its foundation. Black obsidian stone jutted out, and oozed dark force energy. The supposed center of the galaxy for the Republic stopped for a brief moment. Then called out for help....


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