Lash was grilled... 'politely' by the Gotham police department about the when, how, and why of his discovery of the bomb. They were being polite because a small elite squad of Lawyers were next to him all with sinister smiles and expression of 'Please fuck with our client see what happens'. Lash finally met with his primary lawyer, Juliana. She was a 5' 9” Brazilian women with long brown hair, clear amber eyes, an infectious smile. Wearing a tailored made business suit, she had a very clear hour glass figure that left very little to the imagination. She filled out her suit rather nicely. Apparently she was actually one of Torloth's daughters. More then once Lash caught her staring at him with coquettish glances. Lash then remembered about dragon sub-breeds mating, and that they may want to use him like a breeding stallion. He tried to be polite by keeping a professional distance between him and his lawyer. But Juliana kept stepping to his side in an attempt to emphasize to the police officers that shield and sword was protecting Lash. Then they said that Lash was part of the Gotham neighborhood community watch program. That GPD should he proud that a civilian watchmen not only found a bomb, but helped to keep it from killing people. After a few more minutes of tense discussion the police finished. Dozens of news stations wanted to interview Lash but he made it clear he was not interested. So the police, and plaza security helped to bring Lash into the office. The Shield and Sword public relations teams stepped up to explain the situation to the camera's with practiced ease.

Lash was now sitting in a conference waiting room. Furnished with all the fine details, coaches made of fine leather, tables of intricate design. A serving staff waiting to full fill any drink or food requests. A artificial created fish pond off to the side with the soothing sound of water bubbling. Of course Lash could hear the fish swimming about, or rather what they were saying. Commenting about how new people were visiting their home, did they have food, would they bring food, when was food coming again. Le sigh. Juliana was sitting in a chair near Lash. Though he could tell she wanted to be closer she was composed. Warden Sam was in the room with Lash. He just had a wide grin on his face as he kept watching Juliana, and how she kept watching Lash. Lash was shooting Sam a glare which only made the smile on his face wider. Then the door opened. Torloth walked in, making Juliana stand up quickly. Lash and Sam soon stood as well. Behind Torloth was Rocksie the Alpha of the Skree Pack. Tonya the Blood-Eye First...Now more then likely the Alpha. Then a pale skinned wiry man with black rimmed glasses, blue eyes, short brown hair and a nervous expression wearing a 'imitation' tailored suit. -Wolf Saurian said softly. Torloth lead everyone including Lash's group into the conference room to take a seat.

Rocksie for the first time since Lash had met her was wearing a serious expression. She had a white silk blouse on with a navy blue suit jacket. Then navy blue pants, and black shiny shoes. She had shaved her entire head this time. The piercings had been removed. She was clearly gritting her teeth, but her expression softened when she caught Lash looking at her. She tried to smile at him but it was clear something happened.

Tonya was wearing a thick leather coat, black cargo pants, black boots. She was pale, and visibly shaken. Her eyes were red from crying. But she was here doing damage control. After all John was dead she was the Alpha now, or soon to be anyways. She kept glancing at her phone. Then looked up at Lash. She looked at him pleading for help but kept it to herself for now.

The man introduced simply as Rob, was the Wolf Were-Breed First. His pack was interested in moving into Gotham but needed to negotiate for living rights. Were-Breed's were territorial by nature. So Shield and Sword was acting as a intermediary, a Warden was suppose to be here. But Lash and Sam got assigned temporarily given their involvement in the situation. Juliana took her seat to Torloth's left. The same side as Lash, and Sam. Sam made a point to sit away so that Juliana and Lash were next to each other. But Juliana seemed to be completely focused on what was in front of her. Her father, and the situation.

“I'm not sure if you know this, but John Woods was attacked and killed during travel time between his work and home. When the bomb threat was called, he along with his Alpha of the Blood-Eye Lion Pride Tonya were traveling. When there transportation was attacked, however thanks to Mr. Lash consideration of extra security Shield and Sword teams reinforced the transports before....More loss of life was sustained.” Torloth said the last part softly.

Tonya curled up on herself clearly sh....Then felt a wave of energy flow across her body, her breathing slowed. She stopped shaking, then looked up at Lash who's eyes had turn reptilian. Saurian's control over Calm Emotions had become more skilled. He could now target specific people instead of a room. Tonya mouthed the words thank you. Then gestured for Torloth to continue. The dragon looked at the room then continued in an neutral voice.

“Additionally, I personally attended to Rocksie's transportation. Though many of her pack were injured in the attack. No one lost their lives. Except for the attackers. The attackers were mundanes using specialized weapons for killing Were-Breed's. We believe they were not aware of who they were attacking just that they were paid to use certain weapons. Mr. Robert's pack though small are all experienced warriors. They were able to hold their own from the people that attacked them until helped arrived. We cant question any of the humans involved because a death curse was used to kill them the moment the plan failed. Our investigation teams are looking into the type of curse magic used. But its a wide spread...” Torloth stopped when Lash raised his hand in question.

“Sorry, I'm still learning a few things about Were-Breeds and the different types of skills. Can't the were-breed just smell the magic residue and track it down...Like a blood hound?” Lash asked clearly confused. Why was this an issue. The looks of clear confusion, and mild insult showed on all the were-breed's faces.

“Lash, its true that were-breed's have superior senses. But we can't track magic back to its wielder. Yes, each spell caster may have a certain energy reading. But we don't have the abili....” Rocksie was explaining before Lash raised his hand again.

“Oh, so that's just me then?” The entire room looked at him in shock before he continued. “Get me to a point when the curse first took effect. As long as the energy hasn't faded my partner Saurian can smell it out. I'll have to do this in my partner's shape. But if we leave right now, I should be able to track down the caster.” Lash said. This was an ability that he noticed with Saurian before. It wasn't a 'skill' per say but he was hoping that if he actively used it. Then his Cosmic Patron may give it to him..... Then a prompt appeared...

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Magic Tracking: Just like a hunter who follows the tracks of an animal. Or a predator following the smell of food. You can now track the 'scent' of a spell caster. As long as the scent is strong enough, and the distance is not to far you can track it. You can also record the smell into a smell database so in the future you'll recall the smell of the caster. Whats that lassie? A witch has cursed Timmy but you know how to find the Witch? Lets go!

Tonya was the first to stand up, the Calm emotions washed off her as righteous anger rose up. Her whole body was trembling with eager vengeance. Rocksie, and Robert soon stood as well. All three of them were incredibly pissed at the situation but didn't have any where to put it. Torloth got out his phone and called for transportation via helicopter. Before Sam jumped to his feet and took out his phone, snagged Lash then asked Juliana to lead to the chopper. With in five minutes Lash along with Sam were on the way to one of the assault points.

Lash was busy watching the city from the helicopter window. Sam was inside the cabin with him, he was contacting the Warden's along with HQ asking for assistance. If Lash could pull this off they were about to bring hell upon the organizers. Juliana was in the chopper with them, coordinating with the Shield and Sword teams still at the assault locations. Soon the chopper dipped and headed to ground level. After a few more minutes Lash and the crew stepped from the helicopter. Standing around the location must been well over a hundred people. Many of them were-breed's, from the different packs. Lash saw Skaleg among the Warden's, Sam clapped Lash on the back before he headed over to the Warden's he was going to put on his Tech-Knight suit. Lash rolled his eyes...No Pressure.

Soon Lash stood in what he was told was the central area of the attack also where several of the attackers suddenly died due to curse magic. He then closed his eyes breathed deep, then in front of over a hundred people shifted. His cloths were absorbed into his body. Saurian hadn't changed much since last time. Well height wise, his overall appearance did change. Especially how a tribal mark was etched into his scales now. Lash had made a few simple decoration's made from stone and metal that Saurian now wore, arm, and leg guards with pants! Since clothing Lash wore was absorbed into the shift, so did Saurian's. But on top of all this, Lash completed the shift in less then three minutes.

Many astonished gasps, and a whistle from Skaleg was all Saurian needed to know that he did something amazing. The giant lizard stood confidently for a moment basking in the glow of adoration before dropping to all fours and began to try and track the scent of magic. Saurian's body was designed to be bipedal or quadrupedal something they had learned that most Were-Breed's had. After walking back and forth for over twenty minutes. Saurian let out a eerie howl into the air. Despite it being two in the afternoon it was almost completely dark. Storm clouds had been present all day long and were now just beginning to snow. The giant lizards howl excited all the Were-Breed's nearby as they gave inhuman howls. Saurian then sprinted east towards Gotham's factory district, soon followed by the Were-Breed's, Fae mages casting a glamour illusion on the whole proceedings. Black SUV's, sedans, and motorcycles created a long train. Soon the Were-Breed's capable of Partial Transformation were keeping up with Saurian. Everyone else was in a vehicle trying to keep up with a giant reptile that was quickly going from ten.....thirty.... and topping out at fifty miles per hour. Soon the partial transformed got into cars. A illusion charm was tagged onto Saurian as the mages couldn't keep up. But Saurian just ran, and ran following the scent.

Saurian moved across the city. Breathing quickly, but with an invigorating sense of purpose it had been many days since he could just go for a run. Lash had been careful about his adventures and for good reason. So, Saurian had kept it to himself. But this felt amazing, to be going for a hunt! A hunt against those that would harm those under his charge. Batman can handle the crimes of the Mundanes, Saurian will handle the mystical, he and his Warden brothers and sisters. Under a bridge, over a river separating the islands of Gotham! Saurian leaped straight into the river water. His Adaptation taking effect as fins grew between his hands and feet, gills appeared along his neck, and his body grew dorsal fins to help him navigate. The helicopter that dropped his Partner-Lash off was still following him from above. As Saurian unintentionally lost his convoy but he didn't stop he moved to the other side climbed out and continued to move eastward. Soon his body adapted to moving on land and lost his water traits. His body adjusted for speed more then power. Soon, Saurian reached seventy five miles per hour. Keeping up with traffic, and leaping over intersections so not to interfere with the cross walk. Soon he had a small swarm of Super-Natural wild life flying next to him. Not sure what was going on, but they were excited. Several Griak's cheered for they knew what this was.

“Its a great hunt! The Warden promised that we would go hunting! And Hunting we are going!” The Griak's all cheered, as did several of the other mystical creatures. Even a few Pixies looked excited.

Soon, a bullet bike caught up with the lively atmosphere. There on the bike was a Tech-Knight. Wearing an assortment of Tactical gear and warrior plate. Lighting energy danced across clear blue engraved lines of the armor. Sam brought the bike right up to the pack, turning with extreme accuracy when ever Saurian changed course. Soon they bypassed the factory district and moved straight into the harbor. Saurian leaped over the fence, and Sam's bullet bike seem to phase through it. Saurian began to slow down, adapting his body to his original appearance. Sam watched in awe and fascination as Saurian shifted his body. The big lizard still looked like a lizard just that his structure shifted. Saurian sniffed the ground, moved up and about, then stopped moving forward as he was high enough to see target. He saw a large metal ship at a pier not far from here. The scent of the spell caster was coming from there. Saurian jumped down in front of Sam.

“Hunter-Sam. This one found the prey. They are in an iron ship, with the name White Cougar on it.” Saurian spoke to him. Sam sat up on his motorcycles seat, and opened a communication tab on his armor typing the information in. Sam stored his bike to the side, then Sam and Saurian began to move in quietly. Many of the mystical beings spread out as well, taking the hunt seriously.

The pier was quiet, snow had begun to fall. A few inches so far. Hot steam came from the mouths of those working on the pier. The day was almost over, but many of them would not be leaving until much later. On the pier walking up and down pavement was a guard. This guard unlike normal pier security worked for a private company. His gear was expensive and well made. Along with his sub-machine gun tucked in a holster. He had a radio in his ear, and a tactical eye piece feeding information to him. As he walked past a particular bulk head he didn't notice that the bulkhead seem to shift and come alive.

Nature Domain Spell, Chameleon: Ever wondered what it was like to change your color and blend in with your surroundings? Well now you can, but this isn't just color. This is changes everything about you. As long as you don't move, no one will know your there unless they walk right into you. Then even if you do move you still look fucking creepy. The wall is moving man! Game over man! Game over!

Saurian was inches behind the guard but didn't attack until he heard a whisper from an ear piece that Sam had given the reptile. When the confirmation came through, Saurian reached out and put the guard in a choke hold. The man flailed in surprise, not only was someone choking him out. They had also lifted him off the ground so all he was doing was kicking his legs about. Soon his vision clouded over and he was unconscious. Saurian carried this one back and put him with the rest. Sam and Saurian had already removed eight of these people. Sam had used his abilities to make fake ID's on the database to make it think they were still patrolling. Above all the active guards they were subduing was either a pixie or a griak helping with the hunt. Several other mystical creatures sneaked aboard the ship, then came back to tell Saurian who or what was inside. Who then told Sam the information.

Everyone aboard was seemingly a mundane. There was ONE mystical individual. They were covered in stereotypical spell attire. Cloths, rings, wand, even a staff. That was beneath the glamour, to the mundanes they looked like a business man. However they wore mask, be in the glamour or underneath it so the mystical creatures that spotted them couldn't describe them or the mage's actual gender. This information was all sent to the operation team who had now arrived and was preparing to lay siege to the ship. Saurian and Sam took note that the weapons all had Silver Enchanted rounds. So the Were-Breed's were taking precaution by wearing protected Kevlar even in their shifted shape. That is all they were waiting for now. The Were-Breed's couldn't change like Lash they needed time.

Saurian then slipped into the ice cold water that led to the open ocean. His body quickly adapting thanks to his racial trait. There was a speed boat attached to the White Cougar, clearly placed there for a quick get away if needed. A creature that looked like a mix between a cat and a squirrel was sitting on it, waiting for Saurian to show up. Soon his reptilian head appeared on the surface the, the creature then purred in greeting. Saurian lifted himself into the boat, his Chameleon spell still active. Though he could move with it on, it was not as effective. The squirrel/cat creature jumped onto his shoulder. According to Sam these creatures were capable of smelling out magic...Just like Saurian could. But had a very limited range, the creature was pointing out a device on the boat. It said that this was an auto activation and drive spell (Auto Pilot). The moment the Iron Ship was under attack the alarm spell would activate, the boat would then turn itself on and move to the position to retrieve the spell caster. Saurian took his position and let the Chameleon spell take full effect. Soon not even the squirrel/cat could see him. And the thing was perched right on top of him.

Soon a confirmation was sent by Sam. A helicopter with stealth tech was watching the boat, and Saurians position. As soon as the spell caster fled they would track his position. They were going to use the spell caster as means to locate the rest...Hopefully. An alarm sounded across the pier as the attack had begun. After a few minutes sure enough the boat turned on and moved to the position. The squirrel/cat had moved to the top of the boat. Chattering away, relaying what is was seeing to Saurian. With a high intensity explosion, the top deck of the iron ship burst into flames as people dove off the ship to get away from the flames. A body crumbled across the deck of the speed boat.

“Go! Take me to them!” The burnt well dressed mage screamed out.

The boat's enchantments responded and drove off down the pier out of Gotham Harbor. The mage pulled off their robes, and the mask to reveal a pale skinned youth of a man. But that's not what caught Saurian's eye, it was what the man was wearing. His skill Other Worldly Lore activated. The Cult of Ares symbol adorned the mans necklace. The cult of Ares were priests of war, warmongers, and merchants of war itself. Arms dealers, Soldiers for hire, tyrannical leaders of armies for the sole reason and purpose. To spread war, the only complex planning they did was to spread more war. You could technically hire them, as long you paid the price of bringing nothing but destruction and death to yourself and those around you. But what was terrifying? Lash knew that these people did actually follow the Old God of War, Ares. It wasn't just a small time group. They had been around since the ancient days. Saurian smelled something he never encountered before on this planet but instinctively knew it. The smell of divine flame. This Warmonger was a priest of Ares, Ares the god of war had his eye on this man.... Great.

The man said what appeared to be a spell, but Saurian felt that it might have been a prayer. For soon all the burns on the mans body healed in a fiery divine light. He stood up with a proud expression on his face. He quickly gathered his things and while the boat was moving began to give homage to his God. Declaring the war between the were-breed's was inevitable, soon the war would spill into the world heralding his release from that cursed island Themyscira. -Oh shit! That means Ares was captured and was being held prisoner on the island. I think I know what version they are using for Diana. Erik said! This meant that Diana was still on the island, Trevor was traveling to the island via an accident. Ares uses the arrival of Trevor to leave the island with his lover and traitor to the Amazons. Shit he couldn't remember her name! This also means that the world is about to go through its own miniature version of a mystical World War! Ares very existence incites war! Hundreds of Thousands of Mystical creatures who are loyal to Ares come out into the open in respect for Ares. OH FUCK! That means the Super-Natural World becomes exposed!

Attention User! Your Cosmic Patron has a grand quest for you! You've gleamed insight into the coming tides of war. Magic for the first time in over one thousand years will be fully exposed to the mundane people of the world. That the Ancient Gods of Greece are in fact real, and still very much alive.

Help with damage control as the Super-Natural world becomes divided between revealing themselves or staying in the shadows.

Help or Defeat the servants of Ares.

Help or Defeat the Amazons.

Rewards will be given based on choices and contributions of the User in the total scale of the conflict. Good luck!

OH FUCK ME! This was a huge fucking problem in the Comics! This brought what could only be called a magic surge in the world. Dozens of magical societies came out of the shadows, opening a new aspect of civilization that no one ever heard of. But with change comes fear! An effective Witch hunt happened across the globe! Diana saving the day, and stepping up to be the public face helps a lot. But that just makes the 'War' go into the shadows. The Super-Natural World was about to get very interesting in the next couple of weeks. Soon the boat that Saurian and the Priest was on slowed down, the boat had brought them to a lonely wooden pier on the edge of Gotham's county limits. The Priest jumped from the boat and tied it off. Striding towards a well deserved name for a mansion. There stood around the perimeter were dozens of well trained, and well armed soldiers. All of them wearing the symbol for the Cult of Ares. Saurian carefully and slowly stepped from the boat. His spell still holding, he looked around but didn't see the helicopter anywhere. They must have been lost in the storm. He wouldn't be surprised if there was a spell ward around the mansion to hide it from eyes. He kept getting static in his ear piece from Sam. Bit and pieces of information. But he did hear one thing, they were coming.

Saurian moved slowly from the pier to the hillside. The fresh snow packed ground laid in wait in front of him. The snow still falling from the skies above. But the snow to seem to fall around him, not on him. Which would give away his spell, so nature was on his side still. He moved forward activating another spell he recently learned.

Nature Domain Spell, Nature's Passage: You pass through the jungles or the concrete jungle with out leaving a trace. No hunter can track you, not unless they also have the domain of nature at their call. No bodies, no blood, not even a boot print. We hit nothing!

Slowly making his way towards the mansions inner grounds. He saw that the priest was waiting outside the main entrance. He was being thoroughly checked for any devices magical or otherwise. But there was some one else talking to him.

“What do you mean you don't know how they found you? Are you sure you didn't leave behind any trace? You followed all the procedures we set up?” Another masked man said to the first.

“Yes! Our people did report that the bomb was first discovered by that new Warden in Gotham. He's a Beast Talker! Didn't you say the bomb didn't react to animals, encase it would explode early? Maybe one of those animals that you weren't concerned over saw us plant the bomb and followed us back to the ship!” The young priest said.

The other masked man clearly wanted to deny those accusations. But before they could say more the main door opened revealing to be what looked like a Minotaur with ghostly flames flickering around it. Clad in gladiator armor wielding a giant metal hammer. The symbol of Ares carved into the chest plate. Both the young priest, and other masked man stopped talking and bowed their heads in submission. The Minotaur looked over the young priest, then lifted his head to look out across the landscape. His eyes passed right over Saurian's location but didn't stop.

“Trlargo, swtri tio swlioquto. Qztion bentpiol.” The Minotaur said to them both. Saurian had no fucking clue what it just said. But both of the priests nodded and replied back in the same language. Shit. Then everyone in the area heard the sounds of a chopper flying over head. Several of the guards looked up, as if they could see exactly where the chopper was. The feed back in Saurians ear piece cleared up.

“Saurian, ….d.dsssss..... Saurian. We.....dssssttt.... We can't see you. B.....Sssstttt.... We have your p.......sition. Heeee.....sssssssss on the way.” Sam's voice chirped across the earpiece.

Then the area in front of Saurian exploded in white powder and upturned earth. Saurian leaped backwards. As a wave of kinetic energy rippled out. Pushing the snow in the air and on the ground clear! The upturned grass turned to dirt. The Chameleon spell held. Along with Nature's Passage. Saurian landed, flicking out his ear piece. He knew that what attacked him had either heard or sensed it. The ear piece was Tech-Magic. So if you were sensitive you could feel it out. As the snow cleared the Minotaur was standing there, his hammer in hand as it looked around for its query.

“You were followed! Servants of the Great God of War Ares, prepare for combat! Our enemies come to face us head on!” The Minotaur shouted to those that could hear. The mansion came to life as bunkers rose from the ground. Soldiers clad in both tactical gear, as well as ancient armor flooded from the mansion.

“I know not what you are! Or where you are! But you are near! I will serve my God proudly and fight you to the death. Mine or yours!” The Minotaur took a stance and waited.

The Mansion was coming to life. Soon over a hundred warriors, and soldiers were taking up position around the grounds. Battlements rose from the ground. Saurian heard his ear piece now tossed away crackle with more information. He couldn't hear it, but the Minotaur reacted violently as he swung his hammer in that direction. A wave of kinetic energy rippled through the air crushing the ground, as well as the ear piece. The shock wave blew across the area, even as the snow storm raged on. Its red gleaming eyes looked carefully along the snowy landscape. Then his ears flicked to the side as an explosion rang at the perimeter. He turned his head to the side to look then realized to late what he just did.


Saurian was at his side in a second flat, unlike his monstrous appearance Saurian was a trained fighter. He deftly found a exposed section of the armor and raised his claws to strike that spot. Only to leap backwards as the entire Minotaur burst into flames. A magical aura that rose the temperature in the area exponentially. But it was to late for Saurian, the Minotaur saw him and rushed to meet him with his Hammer. Despite its massive size the warrior wielded the hammer like it weighed nothing! Kinetic energy was already pre charged into the hammer. A swing that nearly decapitated Saurian flew over his head. The air pressure still sent him tumbling back, several guards took aim only for the Minotaur telling them to concentrate on the perimeter. He would deal with this creature.

The nature spells faded now. Saurian stood up at his full height watching the great Warrior. Then he said.

“I am Saurian a hunter. Partner to Lash the Warden.” Then did a half bow, keeping his eyes on the Warrior. The Warrior snorted but did the same half bow in return.

“I am Balmok, Champion to the God of War.” That was all that was said. Then they ran at each other!

Balmok took an aggressive move and swung his hammer, if it connected it would kill Saurian. But the Minotaur lost his footing momentarily, disrupting his balance. He looked down and saw that the grass had actually reached out to wrap around his legs.

Nature Domain Spell, Entanglement: The plants, the vines, the roots all reach up to lend you a helping hand. Be it trapping, tripping, or ensnaring your enemies. Or, giving a hand as a ladder, rope, or even a home! Magic Garden in your FACE!

Saurian stuck close to the ground as he sprinted forward, activating his Material Shaping, as well as the spell Burning. His claws passed through the Minotaur's armor like a hot knife through butter. He tore out a large chunk of the warriors armor, flesh, and even bone. The Minotaur roared in anger and swung his hammer in a reverse grip that Saurian easily dodged. He pulled his feet from the roots of the grass, then glared daggers at Saurian.

“Guardian of the Green.” The Minotaur huffed angrily. He raised his hammer to the sky calling.

“Great God of Wa....Gah!” The Minotaur yelled in surprise as Saurian was on top of him before he could finish his prayer. Erik was so not falling for that story book monologue bad guy crap where the good guy watches them power up for a fight.

Using the same trick as before Saurian clawed through armor, flesh, and bone. Soon the Minotaur's armor was in tatters. The Warrior swung his hammer down in a great effort to force Saurian away in which he succeeded. Then the he collapsed to his knee's. Blood spilling out, hot in the cold winter air. The Minotaur looked up to watch as Saurian was already pacing in a semi wide circle around him waiting for an opening.

“I have served my Master for years beyond measure. But this is my first time fighting a creature like you. Thank you for giving this old bull one last fight.” The Minotaur stood up one last time, ready his hammer and took a stance. Then sprinted towards Saurian.

Saurian...Laughed and simply stayed out of his reach. Much to the infuriating Minotaur. Soon the warrior did the most sensible thing. He bled out. He collapsed, cursing Saurian's ancestors for not giving him a warriors death. Then his body grew cold. Saurian is a hunter, not a warrior. Though he respects the discipline. Why attack when you can simply wait for them to die? Saurian stayed near the body. He watched how the mansion's forces soon fall apart. As if the Minotaur was some puppet master. A few priests fled to the speed boat only to discover that Saurian had clawed through the engine block with his claws. Soon aquatic fae came from the water in tact gear. They shot a few, and captured the rest. The sound of what could be described as glass breaking was heard over the entire estate. Then the spell ward that hid the manor was removed. Several helicopters flew down from the sky. Followed by a roar as Torloth in full dragon form landed on the grounds. After that the fight soon ended.

Saurian stayed near his kill. Protecting his trophy but also the evidence. He had turned the Minotaur over. His armor was ripped apart as it was but still clearly showed that he was a Champion of Ares. Though all the cultist wore the symbol. The Societies could simply say that it was a rogue faction. But the Champion of Ares would mean something else entirely. That the god of War was active once again. More then once Saurian attacked several silent assassins cast with invisibility in an attempt to retrieve the body. Soon, several bodies joined the silent corpse of the Minotaur. Then Skaleg showed up. He was covered in blood, his axe looked like meat was still attached to it. But he had a huge grin on his face. Skaleg was a viking so any chance he had to stick it to the Greek gods followers was a good time for him.

“Laaash! or....Should I call you Saurian? Sam said you were particular about that?” Skaleg said to the giant reptile.

“Partner-Lash and I share the same flesh, mind, and soul. But while we are in our shapes we prefer each others names. Please call me Saurian. Warden Skaleg.” Saurian did a half bow towards Skaleg. Who nodded in understanding.

Skaleg looked over the body of Balmok. He whistled and took out his radio and called an investigation team over. With in a few minutes several Warden's along with their logistics team showed up. They documented the body, took measurements, and carefully pulled the armor, clothing, weapons, and divine focuses from Balmok. They confirmed he was an ordained Paladin of Ares. Which made Skaleg smile, the viking spirit in his shadow was clearly pleased with that out come. But Saurian was depressed, he knew he just made an enemy out of an Ancient and powerful God of War.

“Saurian, are you cold? We can get you a thermal blanket if you like. Its got to be freezing for you!” Skaleg called over to him.

“Despite Saurian's appearance he is actually endothermic. Saurian can live in such temperatures easily.” As if to emphasize his point his body was beginning to steam up in the cold winter night. The storm was still going strong.

Some of the Warden's looked up in confusion. Having thought he was a reptile were-breed. But they had seen the giant lizard do a lot of crazy things tonight. Soon a tall were-breed Lioness walked over through the snow towards the group of Wardens...Or more specifically towards Saurian. Saurian turned and saw what Lash usually saw but in reverse. Instead of a lion ghost he saw a Tonya ghost in the shadow of the were-Lioness. Saurian moved to meet her, but stayed near his kill. Instinctively protecting it. Tonya seem to recognize what he was doing and raised her paws up in surrender.

Tonya in Were-Lion form was a typical were-breed. Golden fur color, no mane given she was female. Golden honey colored eyes, lion ears. With a human shaped figure. A bit curvy but not so much it would ruin her ability to move. The Were-Lioness had some simple Kevlar body armor on. The soldiers of Ares were using silver bullets. She opened her mouth and out came a guttural growl of a voice.

“Saurian...My Partner and I would like to thank you. You have brought justice to our Pride, as well as to our Former Alpha. Our taste for vengeance as been sated thanks to you. Though the repercussions of tonight will have a long lasting effect. Know that we, as well as the Blood-Eye pride are your friends! And will come if you call for us.” The lioness Tonya bowed her head, breaking eye contact in a show of respectful submission.

“You are welcome Partner to Tonya. Partner-Lash, and I will think on you words. Friends are only friends if they help each other many times over. Friendship like anything worthy while takes work to maintain. We will endeavor to keep said friendship alive, and hope you will do the same.” Saurian took a moment shake his body free of snow. It no longer ignored him. Tonya the Lioness smiled wide at him.

“We will, Saurian. We will.” The Lioness then left joining her pride that were near by. They all bowed in submission to Saurian. He bowed his head slightly in return keep his eyes up. He turned to look back at the Warden's. They all wore smiles, watching him.

“What?” Saurian asked.

They all shrugged then went back to work. They were able to put Balmok in a body bag that fit his size. With Saurian's help they got him onto a stretcher. Several support vehicles showed up. Torloth had taken a human shape again and he was coordinating with with everyone. Saurian stayed with Balmok until he was placed next to Torloth. The dragon took an appraising gaze at Saurian. Saurian felt a pulse of draconian heritage trying to suppress him. He didn't think Torloth was doing it on purpose. But when ever the energy touched against Saurian it simply disappeared. His skill Nullification activating automatically. Torloth had a small smile on his face before he went to the body bag of Balmok. He spoke to Skaleg and he also firmly believed that Balmok was a Champion of Ares. He said they needed to talk to the Amazonian envoy's to see if Ares was still in his prison. But Saurian and Lash both knew the truth. He was gone. Soon the hunt for his capture or execution would be on. Soon the war would start. The storm was getting worse, but Torloth made sure that Saurian had a ride back to his home inside the city. The giant lizard hunter shifted back to Lash, the change taking less then two minutes. There stood Lash with his winkled suit, and a tired expression. Torloth who hadn't been there to see the change the first time whistled just like Skaleg did. Then with a tired wave, Lash bid his fellow Wardens goodbye. Got into a car with his favorite body guard Booraku. Leaned his head back and nearly fell asleep on the long car ride back home...

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