Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 18: Bad Luck? Black Cat!

Lash was half asleep in the back of the car. He was surprised to see Booraku at the mansion to drive him home. But thankful, his driving skills were amazing even in a snow storm. Even when a fire ball turns the car in front of them into scrap metal, even when hundreds of bullets impact the outside of the car. Booraku still didn't crash the car but simply weaved through the obstruction of cars then came to a stop. Lash was not in a good mood right now. Especially when an deafening explosion flipped the car they were in. But of course Lash and Booraku had there seat belts on, so they were hanging upside down their arms dangling. Lash heard screams from the nearby civilian populace trying to take cover. Lash had made it back into city limits, they had just left the bridge that is connected to Gotham. Then the intense sound of a miniature jet engine attached to car showed up. A sleek black car with what looked like bat wings flew onto the scene. Automatic rifles popped from the hood of the car and began to pacify the area. The bullets seem to be made of rubber, so they fucking hurt but don't kill.

“Sir....Sir are you hurt!?” Booraku called from the front seat of the car. Lash heard a crash and looked over seeing that the man/troll had unhooked himself.

“Yes I'm fine Booraku, are you injured? I smell blood?” Lash checked himself, he had some bruises but no broken bones or cuts.

“I'll be fine sir. My kind heals quickly. I don't recognize that other car. But who ever it is its buying us time to move.” Booraku reached over and helped Lash down from the ceiling that was of course the floor.

Lash slowly oriented himself inside the tight compartment that was the ruined SUV, Booraku put his shoulder against the passenger side door that was jammed during the crash. After a few nudges from his massive body the door opened up. The fight was still going on outside. The Bat-mobile was dipping in and out of the action, looked like it was set to auto pilot. Thanks to Lash's Dark Vision he saw a glimmering shadow fly down from the rooftops right on top of the attackers. A smile tugged on his lips. Not the way he hopped to meet him, but beggars can't be choosers. Lash looked over to see that Booraku was setting his shoulder back into place. A bone was sticking out of his bicep. Lash walked over and helped him put it into place. With a SNAP! Booraku clenched his jaw and looked like he wanted to bite some ones head off, but the bone was set. Lash cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement. Lash watched as Booraku's gaping wound visibly closed all be it slowly. He healed faster then Lash did.

Automatic fire fell onto their position. Then a flash bang went off, blinding everyone near by. Something hard was tossed into their upturned car that let out a loud groan. Lash carefully but quickly walked around their upturned car. Saw the Dark Knight in all his glory. Light weight but strong fabric for his cape. A rubber or leather cowl wrapped around his face in the shape of a bat. Exposing his chiseled jaw. Adorned in a studded leather suit. Affixed with armored plates. His utility belt full of pockets and tools, and....No tights! Hazah! He looked like a Tech-Ninja with a bat style. He had blood coming out of his mouth as he tried to stand. Lash reached out and grabbed him, pulling him back into cover around the car as the gunmen started firing again. The Batman had just started his Crusade, still had a lot to learn. A dozen or so gunmen came from both sides of the intersection to flank them. We were cut off as the intersection we came from had a few dozen cars piled up. The way forward was a pile of flaming scrap.

“I don't suppose you have any reinforcements coming, Batman?” Lash said with a smile as gun fire rang out. Lash then used his two favorite Nature spells on the Dark Knight, Batman's mask hide all emotion on his face, but Lash felt that he was surprised before he sat up feeling better. He looked at Lash for moment trying to read him, then shook his head.

“No, its just me.” Batman's voice was cold, dark, and gravely. Lash felt that he might a voice modulator in to keep it deep like that. Then he got to his feet. His suit shrouding him in a cloak of darkness. Then a spotlight came from above us. It was one Gotham PD's floating zeppelin things. Lash was so confused on why GPD used them. But they were in the comics so...

“This is the Gotham City Police Department! Lay down your...” The announcement was cut off as a light machine gun (SAW) began to fire onto the blimp was shot. Oddly enough the thing didn't burst into flames, and crash into the street below. Lash had to give credit to the pilot, they were able to slowly bring it down over river before crashing into the water.

Lash looked back to see that Batman had disappeared. Booraku was firing his Sub-Machine gun at the gunmen. Lash came to his side then moved over to a car. Bullet rounds were flying every which way and that. Several Gotham Police cars had showed up and were attempting to get civilians out of the fighting. Lash reached out, turning his fingers into claws he ripped the car door off, set it aside, then ripped another door off. Then combined the doors together with his skills Material Shaping. Even the glass merged together, They dripped like candle wax. Then Lash lifted it up his improvised shield. Told Booraku to stay behind him and the shield then keep shooting. The troll wanted to hold the shield but Lash said it was his idea so he gets to risk his life. Popping out behind the car a hail of bullets slammed into the 'shield' and...it held?

Congratulations User! You've used your skills to create pieces of art, to test your skills. But, you have never used them to save your life! You've obtained the skill.

Basic Crafting: Its essentially as it sounds, you can now craft basic items. Typically used in the ancient days. Be it shields, swords, spears, even bows! Keep practicing and one day you'll be crafting inter dimensional gateways, space ships, or even a spatula!

Great! Lash saw glimpses of Batman moving back forth between the different groups of gunmen. Soon the flanks were filled with unconscious people. Looks like luck was on their side, the gunmen were human. Until the original car they riding in was pushed aside. There stood a carbon copy of Balmok, only he was wearing full spartan stylized armor wielding a giant ax, and a shield. He roared and sprinted towards us.

“Oh Fuck me!” But before the Minotaur could get close a god saving bat-mobile rammed straight into the giant warrior. The Minotaur was completely consumed as the car ran completely over him. Lash vaguely remembered that the Batman's no kill rule didn't always apply to 'Monster' races. Though he did try. Maybe the Bats that it was a machine? Oh! Its not dead!

The Minotaur warrior slowly stood up, only as the bat-mobile reared ended into him. This happened several more times in a near comical fashion until the giant warrior stopped trying to get back up. Soon the repeated firings of machine guns puttered out, the Bat-mobile took off down the street and out of sight. Soon another GPD zeppelin showed up. Followed by swat, and emergency response. Booraku put his weapon away, and took out his phone which did not work during the fire fight but was working now, fucking magic. He got on the line to Shield and Sword telling them the situation.

Lash stood in the wrecked street, looking at the champion of Ares. He was alive but unconscious. Then up to the top of a nearby building. There Batman was standing doing his mysterious night watcher mystique. Lash raised an arm up in a wave for a moment before putting it down. He wasn't sure how much Batman saw, or understood. As long as the world doesn't go to complete shit they may end up meeting at the Charity ball this Friday. A GPD zeppelin waved its spotlight on Lash for a bit, when it moved Batman was gone from the rooftop. Booraku came to Lash's side.

“Sir, do you know who that was?” Booraku asked. Looking up at the rooftop then back at Lash. Booraku's tailored suit was in tatters, showing off his impressive muscles under neath. He had what looked like a gash above his eye, but Lash assumed it may have been cosmetic for the Mundanes. Overall Booraku 'looked' beat to hell.

“I'm not sure. But if I do find out maybe I'll ask him to be a Warden. It appears he can handle himself.” Lash smiled at Booraku. Lash's suit was ripped to shreds as well. But, he still had that gift to Samantha he never had a chance to give her. He took it out and handed it to Booraku. Telling him who it was for and why. The troll smiled and said he would deliver it.

“Never a dull moment with you, sir. I think I might ask for a raise.” Booraku said. Despite the very dangerous situation they were in he had a smile on his face.

“I swear I am not doing it on purpose!” Lash raised his arms up in defeat. Before looking at the Police coming to them. A few had guns out, but most of them came over to check on them.

The snow storm persisted for the rest of the night. Lash and Booraku refused to answer any questions with out a lawyer present. The GPD were shocked to see that though their cloths were torn to shreds. They hardly had a scratch on them. Then as if by magic! Shield and Sword cars showed up and flooded to Booraku's and Lash side. There was another jurisdiction pissing match that came to a complete halt when Torloth showed up. Eighty seven civilian casualties were confirmed, one hundred and twelve were reported injured. The Champion of Ares was taken away under extreme scrutiny. Torloth asked about Batman. Lash and Booraku told them exactly what happened. Even that if Lash found out who it was they should recruit them to be a Warden. Torloth agreed. He promised Booraku his weight in gold as a raise. Then arranged for transportation for both of them. Booraku went home, as did Lash.

Lash opened his front door, then locked it behind him. He walked in checking his alarm. No entries. Yay! He slowly walked towards the main area looking to see if he had any visitors on his balcony. None. He understood why, but part of him was hoping a visit from a dark skinned sylvan. He took out his phone and sent a text reminding Sam about the pizza party for the Griak's. Then he went to his bedroom. He peeled off his ruined suit and threw it away, heading to his bathroom for a long hot shower. Washed up, then he came out putting on some comfy slip on pants, t-shirt, and some ankle socks.

He came back to the kitchen and made himself a larger then normal dinner. Since he skipped lunch. It was about 10:00 pm right now. He had a long day. His food was a simple reheat in the oven, and done. Putting it down he ate at the dinning room table, having some tea as he looked out the window. Watching the snow fall.

Could he do this?

Another bite, side of lasagna, steak bites, and some jasmine tea. It's not like he was going to fight Ares himself. Lash's super rank was way to low for that. That was a job for Wonder Women. Maybe even the justice league. Sam texted back, with a smiley emoji saying he would take care of it. He sent another text message to Juliana asking if they had heard back from Themyscira. Lash polished off the last of his food. Then sat in his seat holding his tea cup. He could leave, hell he could log out and reset the whole world. Start again!

Why do this at all?

“No....We'll stay. We'll fight, and we'll die doing what is right.” Lash said softly, finishing his glass. Standing up he went and did his dishes. Then went back to the balcony window. He grabbed a chair and sat down in front watching the snow fall.

In the tiny Tree/Bird house he saw lights in the windows. The Griak's were huddled up together. Most of them sleeping, but some would come and go. A few would wave at him, he'd wave back. -We hunt together, we die together. Partner-Lash. We are not going anywhere. Saurian said softly. Lash's phone buzzed, it was Juliana...Ares had escaped. The illusion ward around Themyscira was broken. Soon the whole world would know about an undiscovered island found in the middle of the ocean. Lash had a feeling that he would not be getting social visits from his pack-mates for a while.

Lash stood up and put his chair back. Going to his computer he started to look up information on The God of War. The world wide web may not be the best place to find actual information. That is unless you have access to a Warden info site. Lash spent the next few hours researching The Cult of Ares. Their policies, methods, and known aliases. A majority of what the Warden's knew were the street level thugs. They have records of the Champions of Ares but no one had seen them in almost a thousand years. Lash filled out a report on who and what he fought. As well as the composition of their armor since he had a close personal interaction with one. The one we fought seem to have a thing for the honor of the field of battle. Wasn't sure if that was just Balmok or if that was normal for all of them.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Web Surfer: Its just like surfing waves of water. Only this is surfing the waves of the information, and is totally not as cool as hanging ten! You now have the ability to find, track, and learn information on the World Wide Web. Think of the possibilities! No seriously, think of some cause we can't!

Lash spent another hour, then closed his computer down. He moved to his bedroom. He set his alarm, activated his shutters. Then crawled into bed. With in a few seconds of touching the pillow he was out. He mumbled something in his sleep. Erik blinked, he was back in the black room. He looked up at Dawn who was standing in front of him. He stood up looking at her confused.

“Whats going on, Dawn?” Erik asked before she walked forward and patted him on the head.

“You did good User. There were several times we thought you would have died.” Dawn said. Her voice was back to being neutral. Erik nodded his head, then looked around the black room. Several tabs were open.

“So, how bad is the war going to be? I know you can't tell me much. But will it be a global problem? Or just a nation thing?” Erik reached up with his hand and tried to take Dawn's hood off. She slapped his hand away. She then reached up and made sure that it was in place before speaking.

“User what you've learned about The Dream engine, and what you've experienced. I think you could discover your own thoughts are true.” Dawn said, as she began to twirl around the room in a showy fashion.

“So, it will be a global problem.” Erik said, then held his chin in thought. He looked at the Time Line App. Raised a brow in surprise. The Quantum accelerator had been activated early? Then he saw that the Meta-Gene rate was starting to increase world wide.

“Yes User it will be.” Dawn said, she came forward and stood in front of Erik. Then squeaked in surprise as Erik had removed her hood. She had long black hair past her shoulders that was pure void black. Her face was still a combination of ink void black, and starlight. It was both eerie and beautiful at the same time. She swatted at him with her hand, then hid her face recovering her lost hood.

“Screw you!” Dawn said in frustration, but a smile was clear on her face. Erik laughed, then was taken by surprise as Dawn pushed him. Pushed him out of the black room. He was falling towards the Earth. “See if I care if you go splat!” Dawn yelled as Erik plummeted back down.


Tonight was the night of the charity ball. Lash and Saurian felt Erik's arrival and said hello. Lash was looking at his phone, he was in his home on his computer doing research. But every few minutes his phone would buzz with either a text or a phone call. Most of the work recently had been delegating, paper work, and phone calls. Most of the work. Lash had called ahead and said he was attending the Charity ball and auction. But he was coming alone. He had actually called Jessabell, but she was busy with what was going on and couldn't attend. She was clearly happy because he had called her and not any one else. Lash didn't really think to call anyone else.

Over the past two days, a slew of violent crimes have erupted not just in Gotham, but across the world. Countries who have been at peace for years are now at each others throats. Small skirmishes and wars have erupted all over. Lash understood that this is Ares method of operation. But Ares isn't the only God of War in the world. Is this just pent up rage, and energy from being imprisoned for last nine hundred plus years? Probably. The past two nights Lash volunteered to be on neighborhood watch. They had helped a little. But only a little, and even the watch was strung out and filled with anger issues. Except for Lash's groups all of them were calm, and serene. No one could figure out why. Reports of Champions of Ares were popping up as well. None so far in Gotham except for the two taken out already. The second Minotaur had mysteriously disappeared, as did Balmoks body. Lash and Saurian were not happy about that. Lash's alarm went off, it was time to get ready.

Lash moved to his bed room and got dressed. He was wearing a three piece suit. Black outer wear, white long sleeved buttoned shirt. Obsidian and gold cuff links that he made himself. He didn't have a tie but he did have neck cuff. It was obsidian and gold just like his arm cuff links. But the symbol was an artistic style rendering of the Gotham City Wardens symbol. Then he had black dress shoe's that were comfortable to both stand and run in... Just in case. He had this suit specialty made, and even enchanted. A lot of his cloths were becoming that now, even his casual wear. The front desk called up and said that his ride was here.

Stepping into a nice black sedan he closed the door behind himself greeted the driver and they were off towards the Charity ball. Lash counted at least three times when police cars flew by. With everything that is going on, more then likely Mr. Wayne would not be attending the party. Means some one else will buy the Dark Knight statue. Pity. Soon the car joined a long line to enter the venue, security was impressive. Lash counted at least four different snipers keeping watch. Along with dozens of armed guards, not bothering to hide they were packing. Lash's driver along with himself had there invitation checked by three different people before they were allowed to drive up. Rather than be annoyed Lash was impressed. He did direct Calm Emotions at his driver though. Soon his driver was cool as a cucumber. Lash car door opened up when he reached his destination, he wished the driver a good night. Then stepped into a whole new battle field.

Lash stepping out of the car made very little impact. He wasn't super rich, he wasn't a powerful influential member of society. He was just one of the artist invited to sell his work for charity. The venue did have dozens of camera's flashing, he was caught in the lime light simply by default. He moved past the eccentric million and billionaires. Coming towards a greeter with his invitation. The young women was polite and feigned interest until she saw his name. Which surprised Lash.

“Mr. Lash! Welcome! We are so happy that you've decided to join us tonight!” Said the women.

“Mr. Lash! How does it feel to be a hero!” Said a camera man

“Mr. Lash there is a rumor that one of your art pieces tonight was appraised to be over a million dollars!” Said another.

“Is it true you were involved in a shooting on the third bridge into Gotham?!”Said the last.

Lash gave a single glance as at the reporters before looking back at the greeter. She looked apologetic. She hadn't meant to say that so loud. She quickly handed his invitation back and ushered him inside away from the camera's. Taking refuge inside of the charity ball. The commotion had caused a bit of a stir as many eyes fell onto Lash. Lash could feel the laser focus of dozens of eyes fall on him. Curiosity? Jealousy? Envy? Sexual tension? Lash took in stride, as Saurian marked who, where those looks were coming from. He moved deeper into the party, creating an invisible barrier around him intentional or not. It seemed that several people wanted to talk to him but couldn't get the nerve to. Until.

“So, you are the renowned Erik Lash. Well respected in the art world in Gotham, said to only use hand tools in his creations.” A smooth sultry voice greeted his ears.

Lash turned around and saw a beautiful 5' 5” women wearing a black silk form fitting dress. The dress was long enough that the edges pooled around her feet, a single slit went up her leg to about her knee, she had three inch heels on. The dress had shoulder straps but revealed her back, and a very long v-neck cut that nearly went to her navel. Her black hair was done up in a bun allowing her bangs that were curled to fall around her face. No earrings, no necklace, as if to flaunt to the world around her that she didn't need them. Her near yellow eyes surprised Lash. She extended a hand out towards him.

“Selina Kyle” The women said. -Oh shit! Erik commented across the link. Lash reached out and gently took her hand. Selina shivered at the contact, but didn't pull her hand away, in fact she stepped closer.

“Oh my! Been a long time since a man made me shiver just by touching me.” Selina bit her lip seductively. Lash was sure that would work on most men. But with the kind other worldly beauties he spends time around. To him it was just cute. He gave her a smirk.

“Sorry Miss Kyle wasn't intentional. You just caught me by surprise, aside from my fellow artists I thought no one here would recognize me.” Lash said. Selina was startled by his voice. He made a clear gesture of tracing his jagged scar across his neck. She nodded, understanding.

“Don't sell yourself short, Mr. Lash. Not only are the two pieces you donated worth a fortune. You are also the savior of Shield and Sword Plaza. The Law Firm made it abundantly clear that if it wasn't for you that bomb would have gone off and killed hundreds of people.” Selina said, finally letting go of Lash hand.

“Ah, so that's why the reporters outside were so excited to see me. I'm happy that my art pieces are appreciated as well. So Miss Kyle, have you come to watch? To play? Or to catch?” Lash said. He wasn't carrying a drink so he just placed his hands behind his back. Which spread his shoulders and chest out. Almost as if he was flaunting. Selina noticed the movement and laughed, her teeth sparkling.

“Ohhhh! I'm not sure, can't a woman do all three?” Selina stepped closer, now with in three feet of Lash she looked up at him. A twinkle in her eye. Lash then leaned down whisper into her ear, Selina had a smile on her face.

“Careful, I think security may have figured out that your invitation is fake.” Lash said softly. Making her smile freeze, she reached out and traced her fingers along his chest. A spark of interest in her voice.

“What makes you say that?” Selina did her best to give off the charming seductive young woman that she clearly was. As her eyes began to dance around the room, to the public this would be a sign of a young women showing off and wanting to see if any one is noticing. But she was using it to look around. Sure enough at least six guards were gradually moving to her position.

“May I see your invitation?” Lash said softly to her. She swallowed the saliva in her mouth and produced the invite from the inside of her dress very seductively. Lash quickly looked it over. Then took out his own.

“See how the letters are different, there is also a magnetic strip along the border here in mine that yours does not have.” Lash pointed out the differences. His active title effect Shaper had started to grow, or maybe he was growing but he was starting to learn the subtle differences between things. Even with out touching them. Lash then carefully put his invitation back into his coat and handed Selina's hers. Lash could clearly see she was gritting her teeth. Then just like that..

“Excuse us Mr. Lash, and Miss. Can we see your invitations? Just a formality.” A guard walked up, trying to be polite but would not allow any discussion. Lash gave his over, and Selina did the same. She was clearly angry at the situation. The guard took out a magnetic reader and scanned them both. He looked confused, then back at them. Then did the reading again. Then handed both back. “Sorry for the mix up Mr. Lash, Miss Kyle enjoy the party.”

“Th...Thank you.” Selina said to the guard as she took her invitation then looked at it. Noticing that the letters had changed, and there was a magnetic strip in hers. She tried to look at Lash's, but he had put his away already. He was smiling at her. Selina was clearly confused. Both invitations had passed the reader so it was not like Lash exchanged them.

Lash then offered his arm to her, which surprised her. But only a moment of hesitation passed before she laced her arm entwine with his own. Lash and his new friend then walked the party grounds. The guests were still arriving. Lash noticed that there were many, many single women in attendance. It wasn't until Selina pointed out that Bruce Wayne the playboy billionaire was suppose to attend. So obviously a majority of the women came for him. Herself included.

“But don't worry, I wont forget the favor of my knight in armor coming to my rescue. You'll have to tell me how you did that by the way.” Selina said, she was now hugging Lash's arm, sticking close to him.

“Magic.” Lash replied. Which earned him an eye roll from Selina.

“Lash?” A familiar voice called out to him. He turned and saw his friend Lizzy with...

Lizzy was wearing a very sexy red styled prom dress, with a cut up one side of the dress that reached mid thigh, with three inch red heels. Lots of red. The dress covered all of over except she had a very long v-cut that had lace back and forth that was enticing to the eyes. Her hair was loose and fell over her shoulders. In the v-neck was the necklace he had given her for her birthday, her pale skin was a good contrast for the dress. Next to Lizzy was a 5'3” Latino women with long auburn hair tied back. She was wearing a skin tight black flight skin dress with a zipper that came from the bottom to top in the front. Long wrap around three inch high heels. She was frozen, looking at Lash. -Kindred, new born. Saurian growled softly in Lash's ear. Lash's eyes stared at the Kindred which made her swallow audibly.

“Lizzy! Hello! This is my new friend Selina Kyle. Selina this is my long time friend and business partner Elizabeth Shaw. This is Lizzy's girlfriend Isabella. Lizzy has been all sorts of nervous about introducing her new girlfriend to me!” Lash said, his last comment earning him a glare from Lizzy. Which made Selina laugh at the clear friendship.

“Hello Miss Shaw. I've heard of your families business. You have a great reputation! And hello to you as well Miss Isabella.” Selina offered her hand to them both. Lizzy took the offered hand, then had to nudge Isabella before she took her eyes off of Lash. She shook Selina's hand before returning to Lizzy. Isabella almost seemed like she was hiding behind her.

Lizzy noticed the strange behavior before looking at Lash. He shrugged his shoulders not sure what she was doing either. Before she could speak someone called out.

“He's here! Mr. Wayne showed up!” A voice called out. This caught the entire party for a loop. Bruce Wayne was famous for not showing up to parties, even parties he himself is hosting. Isabella took Lizzy's hand in her own.

“Lets go see what all the commotion is about!” Isabella's voice was clearly shaking in fright as she practically dragged Lizzy towards the front. Lizzy almost fell over but caught herself. She looked at Lash and Selina in apology before catching up.

“Is it just me, or is that girl afraid of you? I'm not sure why she would be. I think your rather dashing.. and..” Selina turned to Lash before he smiled at her and said.

“Go on and see if you can grab his attention! Just don't steal anything, ok?” Lash said, Selina smiled wide at him for reading her mind. Before her smile froze when he said the last part.

She took a step back looking at Lash in a whole new light. Lash winked at her, and gestured towards the crowd. That seem to break her out of her flight or fight mode. A half smile spread across her face before she walked away. Doing her best to swing her hips back and forth in front of him. She looked back to see if he was watching, which he was. He had a bemused expression and shooed her away. She laughed and joined the crowd.

Lash didn't need to see Bruce to know what he looked like. He was wearing black on black three piece suit just like Lash. Only he had a red crimson tie on. He had deep black obsidian eyes, short and clean cut hair, a very masculine. The tailored suit did well to emphasize his clear well muscled physique. He stood in the middle of the party basking in the attention as if this was an every day thing. Which for him? It was. Dozens of single ladies flocked towards, and even several married women. He greeted, dodged, and weaved through the crowd like a pro. Being polite, but not overly to invite more attention. Each women he exchanged words with blew it way out proportion flaunting it in front of their companions. Then something shocking happened. Bruce was heading straight towards Lash. Lash didn't move, didn't embarrass himself by waving, or looking behind him. He fully assumed Bruce would walk right by him, treating him like air. Until Bruce walked right up to him and held out his hand.

“Erik Lash? Bruce Wayne, nice to meet you.” Bruce said, with a half smile on his face. Lash was only frozen for about three seconds....maybe five. Before he reached out and shook his hand.

“I'm flattered you know who I am sir.” Lash was proud of himself for keeping his voice level.

“Of course I know who you are. Not only are you one of the artist here, you are also the savior of Shield and Sword Plaza, and you are also a part of the Gotham Neighborhood Watch. I was very happy to hear that the community watch I help fund had someone like you in it. I heard you made an art piece directly for me tonight.” Bruce said, he had a very firm grip and shook Lash's hand three times before letting go.

The entire hall was silent, listening to every word that was exchanged. Lash knew his heart rate was jack hammering. He kept wanting to activate Calm Emotions, but Saurian kept it inactive enjoying the show. Bruce seem to enjoy what was happening. Gone was the cool exposed fighter that didn't even panic when hundreds of bullets were flying over heard. Lash was trying so hard to keep a neutral face.

“I did sir. I have no doubt you'll recognize it when you see it. I hope you buy it tonight in the auction. But even if you don't, I'd be more then happy to make you one if your interested.” Lash said trying to not sweat in nervousness.

“Oh I wouldn't worry about that, when I see something I like I buy it no matter the cost. I'll look forward to seeing what you have. Mr Lash. I'd like to talk to you after the auction if that's alright? See you later then.” Bruce asked, Lash nodded and the prince of Gotham walked away. Followed by a large entourage. Before any interested parties came flying over. Selina had glued herself to Lash's arm again with a brilliant smile. Lizzy and Isabella were there as well.

“Look at you, Lash! Getting all buddy buddy with Bruce Wayne!” Selina said with a glint in her eyes.

“What did he mean by Savior of Shield and Sword Plaza?” Lizzy asked, confused. Good god! Lizzy didn't know? This made both Isabella and Selina look at her in shock. Lizzy clearly looked embarrassed. “I've been working! For this very party. I......What!?”

Isabella very carefully whispered into Lizzy's ear. Isabella had her eye on Lash who made a simple gesture towards her and mouthed. We'll talk later. Lizzy's outburst earned a few inquisitive glances but a majority of the party followed Bruce. Lizzy was in front of Lash glaring at him.

“Lizzy, it was several days ago. I am perfectly fine. Not only that but thanks to the Gotham PD we saved hundreds of lives. It was a good day. They are making a big deal about nothing. All I did was notice a tree was dead, then noticed the upturned dirt. Feeling curious I dug around the roots with my hands and discovered the device. Then Gotham PD showed up, and defused the bomb. No biggie!” Lash spoke clearly and carefully. Trying to placate the raging inferno that would explode at any minute. Party or no Party. She'd done it before! Selina was clearly trying to contain her laughter. She had stepped away watching the show with Isabella.

Lizzy had began to jam her finger into Lash chest. Each one feeling like a red hot poker searing flesh and bone. Lash winced with every jab, Saurian was spiritually shivering in fear. But before Lizzy could explode, Isabella reached out and squeezed Lizzy's hand. Lizzy whipped around like a cobra ready to strike. Isabella froze, but then slowly walked into Lizzy's space. Lizzy was a few inches taller then her. So she slipped under her arms and held her gaze.

“Baby, remember where we are. Remember how you said you lose your temper in odd places. This is one of those times, one of those times you told me to help calm you down?” Isabella said softly. Lash and Saurian both were zeroing in on her. But she used no magic, or ability that they could see. Isabella was truly just talking her down. Lizzy turned to look back at Lash, who flinched.

“You and I are going to talk about this later.....” Lizzy said, then allowed herself to be led away by Isabella.

Lash was like a stone. Before cracks began to appear as he heard a fit of giggles beside him. He turned his head to see Selina barely containing herself. She was leaning against a wall trying to stay up right. The form fitting dress showed off her impressive body. But all Lash saw was some one to murder. But before he could reach out and wring the Cat Woman's neck an announcement rang out.

“Ladies and Gentlemen the auction will be starting soon. Every one please make way to your assigned seats.” A soft spoke voice called over head.

“Selina, care to join me in my private box? Where I can keep an eye on you?” Lash said through gritted teeth. Selina was still laughing, she nodded her head and followed Lash...

It was going to be a long night.

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