Lash and Selina were led to a private box. Lizzy and Isabella were in their own nearby. Lash would occasionally feel a searing glare. Selina was still very much enjoying the show. The auction took place in a grand auditorium that was normally used for symphonies. The main audiences was full of people in attendance in the party that didn't mean to buy anything. The private boxes were full of the buyers, and the people who made the art. With their respective companies. Bruce Wayne's box was centered and in the upper floor. Lash was in a side viewing area.

“So, I don't get 'that' kind of vibe from you. So how did you figure me out?” Selina said into Lash's ear. Lash sat in his chair, and Selina was leaning over the theater seats didn't have arm dividers. Practically gluing herself onto him. But realized that he didn't seem to react to her. Lash smiled at her when she realized her seduction methods were not working. She seem to have a question but was hesitant to ask.

“One: I do prefer women, I just find it amusing that since I don't react to your clear attempts it throws you off your game. Two: I am not that 'kind', but I have met plenty in my line of work. Three: I figured you out based on your invitation, and that every time we moved through out the hall you counted guards, windows, exits. As well as rings, necklaces, earrings. Including the B-day necklace I gave to Lizzy. Plus the fact that you tried to steal my cuff links not just once, but five different times.” Lash said confidently. Selina's nails dug into his arm, but she continued to wear a smile on her face. The lights began to dim. She looked towards the stage.

“I...see.... By the way how are they locked in place. I can't figure them out.” Selina said, as her hand was indeed attempting a sixth time for his cuff links.

“Magic.” Lash whispered to her. He didn't so much see her eyes roll, but felt it.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Charity Auction. We have several exquisite pieces for your viewing pleasure.” An auctioneer women stood in the spot light on the stage.

She had her blond hair pinned up. She had a sleek glimmering black dress covering her from neck, to knee, sleeveless. She looked charming, not seductive. She moved to a podium and began to introduce a piece. The first piece was from a respected artist on the East Coast. It was a painting of tidal waves crashing into a beach. It was well crafted, and as tall as the women. The bid started at thirty thousand. Lash watched Selina, she looked like a cat watching something shiny dangle in front of her.

Erik theorized that Selina was not here to steal something but to see what was what, and to see where it went. Time passed, Lash had reached up and was dancing his finger nails across Selina's neck and back. She froze the first moment he did it. But soon relaxed, flashing him a smile of 'Aha!' But soon she wasn't paying attention to the stage. Soon she was leaning against Lash so much that she was practically laying in his lap. Lash cast his favorite spells on the sly, and let his nimble hands move along her skin. More then once Selina had to bite back a moan of pleasure.

“Finally we have an excellent piece for everyone's pleasure. Made by one of Gotham's newest heroes. Erik Lash, of Shaw Art industries. A statue that was specifically prepared for Mr. Wayne. Its called, The Dark Knight.” The women on the stage revealed the tall obsidian bat-knight.

A collective gasp rang through the auction hall. The clear black stone seem to absorb the light near by, but even as dark as it was. Everyone in the room could see the fine crafted detail on the suit of armor. The shield, and sword. The statue it self almost looked like it would come alive. More then once Lash heard people say that they saw the head move towards them. Lash sneaked a glance up at Wayne's box only to see Bruce was standing in his viewing box, a look of clear shock expressed on his face.

“We'll start the bidding at one hundred thousand dolla...” Before the women could even finish her words.

“One million dollars!” Bruce Wayne called down from his box. This made everyone in the room shocked. Many eyes searched for Bruce in his box, as well as turning to Lash. Lash used a glamour to hide the very cat like Selina practically in his lap. So the room just saw him sitting there with a smile of confidence.

“One million dollars from Mr. Wayne. Any other bids?.... Going once.....twice...Sold! To Mr. Wayne the wonderful piece of 'The Dark Knight'” The women on the stage was clearly smiling. As the statue was taken off stage. “Now we have the last piece that Mr. Lash as prepared for this charity. If I must say it is also breath taking.

The great horned howl came out next and was revealed. More then a few people were shocked and clearly asked if that really was a statue. The statue was beautiful in the light on the stage, and thanks to the natural magic in it. It truly looked like it would come alive.

“Mr. Lash said the piece is called. The owl watches its court. We'll start the bidding at one hundred thousand dollars.” The women finished speaking.

Lash saw more then a few people go rigid when they heard what the piece was called. In less then a minute the price had jumped to five hundred thousand dollars and was still climbing. By the end, the owl had gone for 1.5 million dollars. Several people were disappointed. But the Auctioneer reminded them that Erik Lash does do commissions and to contact Shaw industries. This mollified the art enthusiasts. Most medium to large artists don't do commissions. They simply make, and sell. Lash didn't do this. He liked to make things for people. Lash heard a mumble from next to him, it was Selina.

“I...Don't suppose you'll make something for me?” Selina had the look of a cat that drank a full bowl of cream. She was languid next to Lash. He had stopped massaging her back when his art work came up.

“How about a black statue of the Goddess Bast, seems like you and her would get along.” Lash said softly. He swore if she had cat ears they would have perked up at that. “Give me your number, your actual number. It will take me a few days but I'll make it for you. We can talk price after you see the finished product.” Lash held out his hand to her. Selina hesitated. Clearly confused on how Lash knew so much about her. Before she pulled a card from her dress handing it to him.

The auction was over at that point. They saved Lash's art work for last. Lash stood and offered his hand to Selina, who took it. She stretched when she stood looking amazing doing it. Then went up to Lash still inside the private box, the line of her body tight against his own.

“You have some amazing hands, Lash. I'm sure I can think of all sorts of ways to repay you.”Selina said before she kissed his cheek and walked out of the private box.

Lash followed her soon after only to discover she was no where to be found. No rest for the wicked. Lash moved back to the main party hall, to see that Lizzy was practically drowning in questions about Shaw Industries, as well as asking for a meeting to speak to him about making a new piece of art. Isabella was nearby watching her lover work. Lash walked right up to her and spoke very softly. Soft enough for only a kindred to hear.

“I have a simple question. How long have you and Lizzy been dating. Please don't lie I am more then capable of verifying the information.” Lash tried to keep the threat out of his voice, but he felt he didn't succeed. Isabella went stiff as a board, she rigidly turned to look at Lash with a fake smile on her face.

“We've been dating for nearly two months. I swear I didn't know she was your friend. I'll even take an oath. Please don't make me leave her...I...” Isabella's voice was quivering by the end. -Newborn Kindred is not lying. Saurian confirmed. Lash gently lifted Isabella's chin up with a knuckle. A smile on his face, a smile that he meant.

“Good! I'm a firm believer in giving everyone a chance. Isabella. But trust me when I say this, if your house tells you to hurt her to get to me. You won't have to worry about me. Warden Law will destroy your whole house before I ever get there. But, if you are told to do so. But can get to me first and tell me. Well that will be different.” Lash said softly to her. Isabella visibly relaxed, letting out a breath she had been holding. Then smiled at him.

“They said you don't discriminate, I'm happy the rumors were true.” Isabella said to Lash.

“Now, why don't we go rescue Lizzy. She's white knuckling again. Have you learned that sign about her yet?” Lash motioned towards his friend. Isabella turned around and noticed that Lizzy was clenching her fists. It surprised her, What surprised her even more is when Lash gently took her by the wrist and led her over. The fear that she felt before was gone.

“Hello everyone, I'm very happy to see that you liked my art work. I'd be more then happy to make pieces for all of you. But, Lizzy has yet to properly introduce me to her girlfriend Isabella. Would you all please excuse us.” Lash walked over and cast Calm Emotions on the whole group, excluding Lizzy and Isabella. The crowd seem to relax and easily agreed.

Isabella guided the clear and visibly shaking Lizzy away from the crowd. Lash took some time to take a few cards and shook hands before joining the two. They found a secluded spot, Lizzy was holding it in, Lash was actually worried. Then soon gently laughed. She wasn't angry, she wasn't about to explode in anger. She was white knuckling to hold in her glee.

“As long as you do you, Lash we can easily make ten million dollars from commissions alone! I had no idea you had gotten this good! Those pieces were fucking amazing! Two and half million dollars for those pieces! Yes, its going to charity. Yes, its a great cause! But holy shit! That was fucking awesome!” Lizzy was quietly shouting that last part. Isabella looked bewildered at Lizzy. She thought her girlfriend was angry. Oh no she was excited.

“I fully agree Miss Shaw! That statue was something else!” Bruce Wayne some how arrived behind them. Making the two women jump in surprise. Lash just smiled at him.

“M..M...Mr. Wayne! H..Hello! I'm Elizabeth Shaw...Oh right you know that...T...This is my girlfriend Isabella Kuldr. And this is E..Oh right you know him! Hahaha..hahah!” Lizzy was nearly hyperventilating by the end. Isabella went to rub her back trying to calm her down. Bruce Wayne for his part just smiled at her.

“Yes, Miss Shaw. I'm very happy to meet you. I have to say that this auction has most definitely put your families business on the map. Not just in Gotham but the entire east coast. Be careful or some might try and steal Mr. Lash away.” Bruce said in clear sarcasm.

“No, I'm not going anywhere. Lizzy is the closets thing to family I have. For better or worse she has to put up with me!” Lash said, clearly enjoying watching Lizzy freak out. She shot him both a grateful look as well as a glare. The way only family can.

“So, did you want to have that talk now? Mr. Wayne?” Lash asked. Bruce nodded and gestured for them to walk.

They both bid the embarrassed Lizzy who wanted nothing but to hide in a hole. As well as Isabella goodbye. Soon Bruce led the way to a small room that was guarded. They walked in, then as the door closed and locked behind them. Bruce took a device from his pocket and flipped it on. Lash felt a radio pulse slide over his skin. Jamming device. Bruce then lost all good humor and became a stone faced statue. Much like the one Lash made for him. He looked at Lash with an intense glare, trying to read every little detail Lash made. Lash stayed where he was a few feet from the door. He was reasonably sure he could take Batman...If he let Saurian out. Lash in human form was stronger then the average man. But he would have to Partially Transform to get it all out.

“So, do you like the statue?” Lash tried to start off friendly. Bruce narrowed his eyes. “Have you touched it yet? The feeling you got while we were behind the car should be the same. Though it only activates once every twenty four hours.” Lash said to Bruce. That got him.

“What do you mean?” Bruce seem to be connecting the dots in his mind, Erik knew Bruce was one of the smartest people on the planet. Then Bruce focused eyes. “So, that was magic you did at the fight.” Bruce asked.

“Yes, specifically the Nature Domain. I used it to help recover your injuries. Don't miss understand it isn't a fix all it just helps sooth and recover some one. The statue has a twenty four hour cool down on it. But activates by touch or by proximity. Proximity by name.” Lash said as he took out a simple card with a single word on it. He handed it to Bruce. Who took the card.

“Ever heard of 'The Wardens' Mr. Wayne?” Lash asked, Bruce shook his head. “Do you want to sit? This may take a while.” Lash moved to sit on a chair in the room. Bruce joined him.

Then Lash tried his best to keep it simple and explain what The Wardens were. After a few minutes of talking Bruce fully joined in the conversation. Bruce brought up Zatara, and Zatanna. Lash had never met them but Erik knew who they were. The Dream Engine kept them from meta gaming. But Lash learned awhile ago that you can still hint at things with out breaking the rules. Lash then called Skaleg and with his permission had Bruce call him. Skaleg nearly flipped his shit when he found out Lash was trying to recruit Bruce Wayne to become a Warden. But during the whole conversation did Lash not ever openly call him Batman, so Skaleg just thought he was recruting Bruce. Bruce showed interest in learning the ways of Super-Natural societies but felt that becoming a Warden was to much of a risk. But if it helped him accomplish his job, maybe they could arrange something. They talked for about an hour. Knock, knock....

“Excuse me, Mr. Wayne. Your presence has been requested outside for the check signing.” A mans voice called through the door.

“Be right there.” Bruce said in a business voice once more. He pick up the jamming device and turned it off. He turned to look at Lash. Who was holding out his hand for a shake. Bruce took it.

“See you around Mr. Wayne. Please have Zatara or Zatanna check the statue they can verify it.”Lash said as they both shook and left the room.

Batman gave one his legendary 'Hmmm' Sounds and left Lash alone in the hall. Lash waited until he was alone before he face palmed. OK! That clearly had some protagonist luck glow. That should not have gone as well as it should! Then a prompt appeared.

Congratulations User! You've completed one of the quests given to you by your Cosmic Patron. You've introduced yourself to Batman. As Batman is the worlds greatest detective, your patron has chosen to give you the skill, Deductive Reasoning: Ever heard of Sherlock Holmes? How about Batman? Well now you can reason with the best of them. Connecting dots no one see's but you and your imaginary friends named 'Logic' and 'Paranoia'. Good luck! Because once you turn this skill on, it can't be turned off!

Lash's eye twitched in irritation. Oh that's great! I'm sure that will come in handy, and destroy any concept of privacy and friendship he has with any one he meets. Of course the skill was already set to on! Lash begrudgingly made his way back to the party. Frustration clear on his face, as he looked around the party and saw it all. Equations, body language, physical tells that people were lying, acting, begging for attention. He saw Lizzy and made his way towards her. She was talking to another artist that was attending. Jo..Josh...Joshua something. He was a pompous prick who believed he was all that and more. But he always made time for Lizzy. With Lash's skill he could read him. He was clearly flirting with Lizzy, and Isabella. More then happy to have three's company with two beautiful women. Isabella was being polite but clearly saw his attempts. Lash frowned, because from he could see Lizzy was actually in to it, or rather she was naive about it. Yes, naive she just thought he was being friendly. Lizzy saw Lash and waved, a clear smile on her face. She was happy to see him. Isabella was happy as well with an expression of 'Please save her from herself'. Joshua turned around and his smile faded like snow in a hot summer day. The man was clearly angry since his art pieces didn't even sell for no higher then fifty grand. Joshua had very clearly brought his cast offs to the charity. Believing that no one could tell the difference because he was amazing.

“Lash! Did you finish talking to Mr. Wayne?” Isabella called out, emphasizing he had been speaking to Wayne. This made Joshua's eye twitch.

“I did! He was very thankful for the statue. Seem to call to him he said. Even gave me his personal contact info so if I have anything else like that I can call him directly. He promised to be generous!” Lash said, clearly enjoying driving the knife into Joshua. The man didn't even try and hide his displeasure. He smiled at Lizzy and Isabella and left. Ignoring Lash.

“Did you do something to Joshua, Lash?” Lizzy said with a frown.

“Ya, I clearly shooed away a scumbag who was trying to seduce the both of you into bed with him.” Lash with a straight face.

“He was not! Joshua wouldn't do that! He's a gentlemen!” Lizzy glared at Lash. Lash crossed his arms and looked at Isabella. Lizzy turned to look at her girlfriend.

“Lizzy it was clear that he was flirting with you, and me for that matter. More then once he invited us both back to his home for some wine and 'entertainment'” Isabella said, looking at Lizzy. Lizzy wanted to refute but could see that Isabella was uncomfortable. This made her stop and think.

“But.... Joshua always does that. He's invited me back to his home dozens of times!” Lizzy said defensively. But it was clear to Lash she was faltering.

“Yes, and each time you have turned him down. Coming up with a legitimate excuse. Which is why he keeps offering. Because instead of just flat denying him. He thinks you are actually into him and its clearly every one else fault that you two have not slept together. He believes that you are actually flirting with him. Because you are very clear in shooting down other people. But not him.” Lash was gritting his teeth now.

Lash could not understand it. Lizzy was very attractive. She got a lot of attention, she always dressed to impress even her casual wear was nice to see. More then once men and women came to hit on her. First time she would be polite and say no. Second time, third time she was very clear about her refusal. But why did she not do this with Joshua. It made Lash crazy when ever he saw her at a party talking with him. It's almost like she did it on purpose just to ma....make him crazy? Deductive Reasoning was on full drive as he began to look at Lizzy up and down. He read her reaction when he was talking. How she submissively shrugged her shoulders, and looked down as if completely innocent. She bit her lip and hid behind Isabella trying to use her lover as a shield. Bella seem to smile at the attempt since she was smaller then Lizzy.

“Y...your doing it because you know I don't like him. Every time I see you talking to him at a party I always come up and smash his ego apart. You enjoy watching me shatter his pride...Don't you?” Lizzy was now completely hiding behind Isabella now. Bella seem to catch on and actually laughed, covering her mouth with a hand only to squeak in surprise when Lizzy pinched her.

“I..Don't know what you mean! And frankly I'm insulted that you would even insinuate such a thing! I would never do such a thing as enjoy watching you smash that tool apart, oh!” Lizzy clapped her hand over her mouth. Realizing what she just said. Lash's eyes went wide. But before he could point his finger at her. Lizzy scampered away with Isabella heading to the ladies room. Isabella was laughing the whole way, she waved at Lash in defeat.

A sense of satisfaction filled Lash. He had figured it out. That had been bothering him for years! Or, rather months for him. Joshua was a tool, and Lizzy liked watching Lash smash his ego down a peg. A smile spread across his face, he was now in a better mood. The rest of the night passed by nicely. Lizzy always found an excuse to hide from Lash. Isabella played messenger for a while before she told Lash that they were heading home for the night. Lash actually gave Isabella a small hug which surprised her.

“You make Lizzy happy, so until you don't make her happy any more. I'll treat you as kind as I can.” Lash said to her. Soon she smiled at him and hugged him back. Before going to find the fiery red head.

Lash was out front waiting for his car. When an arm entwined around his own. He looked over and saw Selina with a smile, and a new pearl necklace, and gold earrings on. He remembered these being worn on another women just under an hour ago. Lash rolled his eyes at her and nodded. She snuggled closer having retrieved her coat. Lash car showed up, he opened the door for Selina then got in after her. He directed the driver to take him home, Selina looked at him but only smiled. The driver didn't say a word but a twinkle was in his eye. On the drive home Selina continued to play with Lash's cuff links. Still couldn't figure out how to get them off. Soon they arrived at his building, she joined him as they walked into the main floor. Thompson the Cheshire cat person waved at them both. Soon Lash and Selina Kyle were in his home.

For where Lash lived, and for how much space he had since the entire top floor was his. He was doing pretty well. Selina seemed impressed and began to walk around, she did head straight to the art studio room only to find it locked. She visibly pouted at Lash gesturing towards the door but only got a firm shake of the head, no. She stuck her bottom lip out, but clearly saw it wasn't working before she returned to her playful nature. She moved around his house, peeking into his bedroom. Lash came from his kitchen area with a bottle of wine. Personally he hated the stuff but he got gifts from some of his clients. He poured a very fine white wine for Selina. Well as fine as he knew.

“So, do you plan to keep those. Or are you going to ensure they find there way back to the open market for the right price?” Lash said, gesturing towards the stolen jewelry.

Selina made a show of looking into his bedroom with a mischievous smile on her face before she walked into his dark room. Soon a purr rumbled from the room. Lash walked in with the bottle and glass of wine. Selina had ditched her coat and was fully spread across his king sized bed. She rolled around for a bit, letting her hair down. Then took a seductive pose looking at Lash with bedroom eyes. Only to see him looking at her unimpressed.

“Gurrrr! Yes! I plan to sell them! Happy! Christ why don't my charms work on you!”Selina sat up straight. Clearly upset at Lash, but more for herself. She took the glass of white wine and had a sip. Letting out a happy sound at the taste.

“I'm sure if you had done that to any one else, including Bruce Wayne they would have been on top of you in under a minute, Selina. So tell me, why was Cat Woman at the auction.” Both Erik and Lash were surprised they said that. They thought The Dream Engine would have stopped them. Selina froze, as the glass were inches from her lips. Her eyes wide staring at him.

“Cat Woman? Ahahhahah” Selina chuckled nervously. Taking another drink, almost finishing the whole glass. “That sounds like a playful name. Should I know who that is?” Selina let her hair fall over her face. Then slowly looked up at Lash who was not buying the act.

“Would you like more wine?” Lash asked, offering the bottle. Selina took the whole bottle instead of filling her glass. She took a mouthful. This Selina, this one Lash liked. He grabbed a chair and sat down near his bed looking at her.

“Bast. Soon as I mentioned the Goddess of cats your reaction told me everything I needed.” What Lash said was of course complete and utter bullshit. But she didn't know that. Selina made a fist and punched the bed several times.

“That wouldn't of happened if your magic fingers hadn't worked there way through me! Damn it Lash how did you even do that! You barely touched me! I felt the same way when we first shook hands. Then you practically melted me in my chair by simply caressing and massaging my body and you didn't even touch any of the fun places either!” Selina was angry at herself.

“Can you imagine what would be like if I did touch the fun places?” Lash asked with a smile. That made Selina shiver, in a good way. She took another pull from the wine bottle. Losing a lot of the grace that a lady like her tried to keep. Just made Lash smile more.

“What do you want? A cut? You cant have it higher then 10% I wo...wont..” Selina said before she stopped. Because Lash had a clear expression of confusion.

“Selina, I just sold two of my pieces for two and half million dollars. Yes, it was for charity. But I can make pieces like that again. Do I look like I want a cut of your profits? I even offered to make a piece for you my self. I meant what I said, Selina I plan to make a statue of Bast for you. I think you'll like it.” Lash said to her with a confident smile on his face now.

“So.... You don't wont money, you even offer to make me something. You are not attracted to me?” Selina said that last part with a bit of wounded pride.

“Oh I never said I wasn't attracted to you Selina. I just act this way to throw you off your game. Like I said before.” Lash said, earning himself a glare from her. But he saw that piece of pride returning. Selina then tucked her hair behind her ear. Showing off the long line of her neck.

“So, how am I to ask you to keep this secret. As well as make me something.” Selina bit her lip, and drew her fingers down the long v-neck of her dress. She fluttered her eye lashes only to pause when Lash held his hand out to her.

“Hello Selina Kyle, My name is Erik Lash. I would like to be your friend.” Lash said with a wide smile on his face. Selina was frozen in place. She slowly blinked, then began to giggle. Then laughed! Falling over onto the bed. Her chest rising and falling with each breath. Lash enjoyed the sight, given how she was nearly falling out of her top like that.

“Y...You want to be my friend? That's it!” Selina said breathlessly “Nothing else?” She turned on her side looking at Lash. A blush creeping up her face either from the wine or the laughter.

“Well if we become friends with benefits, or something more in the future I wont say no. But for now. Yes, just friends. The statue I'll make for you will be a gift of our friendship. Selina, tell me. How many people can you be real with? How many know all of you? And accept it?” Lash said to her. That last part caught her attention. He could clearly see the hesitation, the confusion, but also the feeling of regret. Something must of happened in the past. Didn't end well. Selina then came to the edge of the bed. Held out her hand to him. Which he took.

“Hello Erik Lash, I would very much like to be your friend!” As soon as Selina said the words, a burst of energy linked them together. Causing them both to shiver, Selina let go and fell across the bed. Audibly moaning in pleasure as the energy rolled its way through her body. Lash got a prompt...

Congratulations User! You've obtained the friendship of Selina Kyle / Cat Women. Though just as surprised as she is hopeful. Selina is risking her life by opening herself to you. She hopes it wont be in vain. Your Cosmic Patron is pleased. Though its not really a harem, its a start!

Your skill, Pack Bond has evolved: Range has increased to four miles, and increases overall stats by 20%. Please note that at least one member of your pack must be in range for the stat increase to be effective.

Your skill, Telepathy has evolved: Range has increased to four miles. Line of sight no longer obstructs you as long as you know who you are talking to, will obstruct if you do not. You can now auto translate any language using your skill. You can now create a full communication link between individuals of your choice as long as you are in range.

Saurian did not greet the new pack member because she was still a Mundane, for now. Cat Woman was finicky in the comics. In some she was just a normal human with a cat fetish. Others she had a meta-gene giving her cat like agility, senses, etc. Other times she was the chosen one of the Cat Goddess Bast. Saurian believes its the last one, he smells just the faintest whiff of divinity on her. Selina was still moaning in a mixture of pain and pleasure. -Her body is changing to accommodate the power we are giving her. Even when she leaves our range she will be different. The spark of divinity in her is growing. We've changed her, made her a better vessel. Saurian's voice spoke softly, not speaking across the link with Selina. Lash came to the bed he propped up several pillows and sat back. Pulling Selina partially into his lap. She took his hands and squeezed. Groaning...Moaning, panting as sweat began to glisten across her skin.

“W..What...What is this?!” Selina screamed out. Flush with an orgasmic feeling. Lash could smell the scent of sex coming off of Selina now. She had crawled on top of one his legs, and was dry humping him. Her hands reached out and scratched up and down, her nails had extended and were actually cutting through the fabric of his enchanted shirt. Impressive.

“It will pass, I promise. Then you'll feel better then ever.” Lash reached out and hugged Selina to his chest. She desperately wanted to lose her cloths but couldn't escape Lash grip. She bit into his neck, hard enough to draw blood. But he kept her still. She re-positioned herself to be straddling him, her hips rocked back and forth but not finding the release she desperately wanted.

“W..Why wont you!” Selina cried as she tried to kiss him. She knew he was aroused she could feel his cock pressing up against her. But he wouldn't move, he wouldn't give in.

“Same reason why I wouldn't if you were drunk. Yes, Selina I wont lie to you. I would very much like to have sex with you. But only when you are in the right mind. I will not have you wake up in the morning filled with regret.” Lash's tone rebuked no argument.

As he continued to hold her. Selina cried, tears fell down her cheeks. How long had it been since a man treated her like that? Never! That has never happened. She continued to lose control of herself. But Lash never gave in, even after she tried again and again rubbing against him. Till she fell unconscious in his arms. Lash gently laid her down across the bed. He got comfortable as well and just held her. She constantly twitched, groaning and moaning in her sleep. A spectral image of a cat came down from the ceiling. This cat was pure black, with golden eyes, and Egyptian decorations. It rubbed its head against Lash and Saurian then prowled around the bed, before falling asleep merging into Selina...

“Good night Selina. I hope you won't hate me in the morning.” Lash said softly, He saw the spectral cat's ears twitch, its head reared up then softly licked Lash's nose before going to sleep.

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