Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 20:A Walk to the…Park?

CRASH! Lash moved his car through the brick wall, as debris flew across the street. There in front of him was his target. A white specter car, Lash flipped the command console onto auto target. The target was locked he jammed the activation button and three missiles primed and shot from his own car. With a deafening BOOM the white specter car was turned into nothing but twisted metal. Lash breathed a sign of relief. Time to move onto the next round....

Lash opened his eyes, the night stand clock read 4:30 am like always. Selina was curled up on the bed sound asleep, still wearing her evening dress. Lash very carefully removed himself from the bed. Tucking Selina in, he could hear a soft audible purr. Wasn't sure if it came from Selina or the spectral cat. Lash went to his closet and carefully took his party suit off. Setting it aside to be cleaned later. He then opened a side drawer that was full of... Women's next morning wear, filled with stretchy soft pants, shirts, socks, and even simple slip on shoes. Lash questioned Dottie's reason for doing this, but now that he thought about it. It made sense. He set the cloths near the bed on the chair he used last night. Left a simple note for Selina to feel free to use the shower when she woke up and to change.

Lash took a quick shower himself, and cleaned up. Putting on his standard casual morning wear. He left the bedroom quietly and headed to his art studio like always. He checked the balcony, no visitors, nothing on his phone a reasonably peace full night. He could see the moon was just barely falling beneath the horizon as if saying good morning to him. He waved, not sure why. Unlocking his art room he set a proximity sensor in the house. Basically if Selina were to exit his bedroom the system would notify him. Paranoid? Totally! Lash then began to take wet clay from a material cabinet, then began to make a working model of the statue he intended to make for Selina.

“Good morning, Dawn. So, I have a question how was I able to say that she was Cat Woman. I learned that you can hint at things, dance around the subject with out actually saying it. But, I just said it. Why?” Lash said softly, he was molding the wet clay with his skill.

“Good morning, User. By collecting personal data due to your most recent skill, Deductive Reasoning you were able to make this connection. However, looking through the User's data we've established that you have no prior knowledge. We believe we have found a system error in the programming. By taking what you knew in the outside world, and then applied to what you knew in The Dream Engine generated world. Deductive Reasoning linked the two separate forms of information. Thus allowing you access, essentially breaking the fourth wall. You are not the first person in The Dream Engine to obtain Deductive Reasoning but you are the first to report the system error.” Dawn said in a neutral tone. Returning to the VI rep for the developers.

“So it was a mistake. Erik knows the information, Lash and Saurian have the skill. But The Dream Engine wouldn't allow us to break the fourth wall. But with Deductive Reasoning we broke the fourth wall.... Let's report the bug! I don't have to rewind my world do I?” Lash suddenly was conflicted.

“No User you will not. We have logged the data and we are sending it now. Please wait a moment.” Dawn said....

Lash continued to mold the clay, it looked like a cat now, with a tail wrapped around it. He went with an Egyptian stylized cat, so long body, emphasized points, especially the ears. Then began to design decorations into the shape. He contemplated carving whiskers or making his own. But that would make them incredibly fragile. He smoothed his thumb down its back, creating the soft features of a spine that you would normally feel if you were petting a cats back. He continue to work on the clay model for about an hour. Then used his skills to mold it into a solid state. Fixing little details, even if it was a model he still wanted it in a complete version.

“I've returned User! Did you miss me!” Dawn's voice was back to being playful and chipper. Which made Lash smile.

“I did Dawn! I understand the need for business but if I have to choose I prefer this version of you. So, what news from the front?” Lash said with smile. He was walking around his clay model.

“The Developers say thank you for the report. A rolling update will be issued immediately. No one will lose their progress, but they will receive a note telling them of the change. The Developers would like to give you an achievement. This achievement can be obtained in many ways through hard work in the generated world but they felt it was a satisfactory reward for you. They have also placed you in the list of 'special thanks' to list in the generated credits.” Dawn said all of this with a voice a proud friend.

“Sure!” Lash stopped his inspection of the model and waited for the prompt...

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Achievement, Integrity: 'Doing the right thing, even when no one else is around to see it'. Generated world populace is 10% less likely to betray you, generated world populace is 10% more likely to trust you, and tell you the truth.

“That is actually pretty nice!” Lash was satisfied with his reward.

“Please take note User, that you can lose the achievement passive effects if you step to far from your compass of integrity, but keep the Achievement in your records. However, with the way you have operated we see no reason why that will happen.” Dawn said in a clear and amused tone.

“User, should take note that in the event of your death with in the generated world. All passive effects of the Achievements can be purchased with new world + points. Allowing you to retain them the start, and unlike Achievement passives those that are bought remain regardless.” Dawn said.

“Oh so that's just another reason to collect Achievements. So when you start a new world, you can get what you had before. Part of me is tempted, but I want to ride this as long as I can. I get the feeling they'll be an Achievement for one life, one play. Or something like that.” Lash said to himself in satisfaction. Then the proximity alarm went off, telling Lash Selina had left the bedroom.

“Oh, time to move. Thanks for talking with me! Air-hug!” Lash said, and gave his best impression of an air hug. Dawn laughed, her voice soft and sweet on his ears.

“Any time User!” Dawn's voice faded.

Lash cleaned up a bit and carefully put away the clay model before locking up the art room. Walking to the kitchen he saw Selina with wet shower hair tied up with a hair band. Wearing the soft cotton t-shirt, stretchy cotton bottoms, and he assumed ankle socks. She was looking through his cabinets, plenty of tea. Lots and lots of tea.

“Looking for coffee?” Lash said to her, half way across the room. Selina jumped in surprise before turning around. Looking like a kid who just got caught steeling cookies from the cookie jar. She smiled at him.

“Hay Handsome!” Selina replied then covered her mouth, surprised by her own reaction. Lash paused for half a step before moving forward. He guessed Integrity must be active.

Lash had a smile on his face as he moved into the kitchen, reaching above the refrigerator he pulled a coffee maker out. Thing hadn't been used for a while. But knowing Dottie he was sure...Yep there they were, an assortment of coffee grounds. He plugged it in and started preparing to make the coffee. He didn't need to turn his head around to see Selina was watching him. His Sensory Awareness was active. Selina was biting her lip as she watched how Lash broad shoulders filled out his shirt. Her eyes glanced up and saw the tribal tattoo on his bald head. More then once she wanted to reach up and touch it. Lash turned around then, leaning up against the kitchen counter. Selina was watching him intently. Lash could see a spectral cat tail idly twitching behind her.

“Do you have time for me to make you breakfast? Or...” Lash asked with a smile on his face.

“I can stay for breakfast...As long as I get to ask you questions. Deal?” Selina said softly, sticking her chin out with a bit of confidence.

“Alright...Please set the table.” Lash said as he opened a cupboard for of dishware.

He moved towards the refrigerator and began taking out fixings for omelets. It wasn't terribly difficult, his nutritionist had omelets all prepared he just had to warm up a pan and throw them in. But he still oiled a pan, and got everything ready. The smell of coffee filled the room and Selina practically sprinted towards it. Sugar and cream were ready to be used but she drank it black. Lash laughed and went back to cooking the meal. He made himself some jasmine tea. Then once everything was prepared he brought the food over. Selina perked up at the smell of fresh egg, basil, cut tomato, spinach and a just a bit of cheese. As soon as Lash sat down he got a prompt...

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Basic Cooking: A majority of the time you've had meals made for you, or meals just for you. But this is the first time you've made a meal for some one else. Food is always better with company. You now understand the basics of cooking be it in a fully stocked kitchen, or roughing it out in the middle of no where.

Lash only hesitated for a moment after reading the prompt then began to eat his food. Selina and him had a comfortable set of silence before they finished the meal. Selina then stood up, walked around the table and went to the living room area and curled up along the coach. Stretching out like a cat, she even began to paw at the leather. Her nails extended slightly leaving soft scratches along the seat. Lash stood up and cleaned the table, and set the dishes to the washer. Before joining her, taking a seat opposite of her.

“Are you an alien? Like that guy in Metropolis?” Selina asked, she was looking at Lash sideways. She was rubbing her body against the coach. Her t-shirt was riding up her skin suggestively, she made no move to pull it down.

“I was born on this planet, but I am not a native to it.” Lash spoke the truth.

The body was born here. But neither Lash or Saurian were natives. They came from somewhere else, some one else. Selina seem to accept that, she jumped from her coach to Lash's with a graceful movement that even surprised her. Then curled up, her head on his lap facing up. She took his hand and brought it to her stomach, letting his hands dance across her naked skin. Lash's hands began to move on their own. Making Selina moan in pleasure.

“So, is exchanging friendships something important with you people? Not like the trash on Earth, making a friend is actually worth while?” Selina smiled at Lash, she was holding onto his arm that was petting her.

“You could say that. I have many friends. But not many true friends. A true friend is hard to come by. When you said yes, for what ever reason. Even with all that you've faced in your life. You meant it when you accepted me as one. So the exchange happened.” Lash was spouting mostly bullshit.

But once more he couldn't tell Selina that he was trying to upgrade his skills, and collect a beautiful women into his pack. He did intend to see if he could get Bruce into the pack. He believed it would help them both in the long run. Selina had a sad face for a moment before she snuggled closer. Tucking into a ball, she began to purr softly. Lash continued to play his hand up and down her side, belly, and back. Selina loved every minute of it.

“So, were not married or something Alien like that are we?” Selina asked hesitantly. Which made Lash laugh softly.

“No, Selina we are same as we were last night. Friends. We just share a connection now that as you would say 'Not like the trash' but something more.” Lash said to her. Selina then sat up, sitting on her knee's. Then leaned forward and kissed Lash's cheek.

“You were right. If you had sex with me last night things would have been worse between us. Thank you for not taking advantage of me.” Selina said, before jumping up and began to prowl around the room.

The sun was starting to rise now. Selina looked crestfallen at the rising sun. Lash knew that she had to leave. Lash stood up, and gently took her by the hand into the art room. When Selina understood where they were going the spring in her step returned. He showed her the clay model of the cat he was planning on making.

“This is just a model to be used. I'll have the actual one made in a few days. As long as the number you gave me is.....the real one?” Lash said, as Selina look embarrassed walked over to table and wrote down a new number. Mumbling about this and that before handing to him. On it was Selina's number he assumed.

Selina admired the clay model for a bit. Before she walked over and kissed Lash again on the cheek. She wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled into his embrace. Which Lash returned. Thanks to the various types of skill's on top of Deductive Reasoning he could tell that Selina felt safe around him. But knew that once she left she would put her mask back on. While holding her, Lash placed a very simple Glamour mark on her. Signifying she was protected by a Warden. That would come into play in a bit.

Lash helped Selina gather her things, he called down to the front desk and had a car be arranged for Selina. Not a cab driver and actual car. This service was new, mostly due to the Fae Courts owning the building. He went down to the front desk with Selina and saw her off to the car. On the walk down he watched as Selina put her 'mask' back. Returning to the tempting seductress wearing cotton bottoms and top. It looked funny, but also very alluring! And she knew it. Then a car with the buildings symbol on it showed up. He said goodbye, she winked at him and left. On his way back up he called Skaleg.

“Good morning Mentor!” Lash said into the phone, which brought a string of obscenities from the old man. Then after a few minutes Lash was back in his home talking to Skaleg.

“So, why did you call me so early in the morning! You know I'm almost retired!...Hi Lash!” Skaleg said, followed by his daughter Marie calling through the phone.

“Skaleg, I've found a seedling of a gods Chosen. I wanted to put her on a watch and protection list. She's a friend.” Lash said. That woke Skaleg up real fast. Lash heard him shuffle to his office and close the door.

“Which god? And whats her name.” Skaleg became the Warden Mentor that Lash had come to rely on.

“The goddess Bast. The women is Selina Kyle. She has a very...troubled past. She is a talented thief in the mundane world at least here in Gotham. Her seedling has given her cat like agility and above average senses. I've already confirmed that she has a divine spark in her.” Lash said.

“Ok..wait...You...How did you confirm she has a...Wait is that something your partner can smell as well? Jesus Christ, Lash! Your just a Swiss pocket knife of tools aren't you! Do you have an address for Miss Kyle.” Skaleg said across the phone as he typed the information in.

“I do not, however she just left my home and took one of the Fae Court cars. I assume to drop her off at home, or at the very least near it. I left a simple Warden Glamour on her. Same one you taught me. So?” Lash said as he sat down at his office computer.

Lash was suppose to keep an updated file on himself. Including known associates, friends, family, lovers. As well as a semi detailed file of his own skills on The Warden info page. The Warden's didn't expect every thing, good to keep a few trump cards. But he did make a note saying he can smell god-lings, god-kin, and seedlings divine spark. He also put Isabella Kuldr on the associates of his friend and 'Sister' Elizabeth Shaw. Wrote about their pre existing relationship before he was a Warden. The Courts would take that into account if something happened.

“Found her.... Oh, apparently her 'Day job' is prostitution. But she moonlights as a thief, who...dresses up in a full body skin tight leather outfit styled after a cat. She lives in one of Rocksie's neighborhoods. Rocksie's pack helps maintain one of the red-light districts here in Gotham. They treat their people a lot better then the rest. They thought she was a were-breed who hadn't gone through their first change yet. But it was proven that she was a mundane. Well it seems she did have a bit of cat in her after all. I'll let Rocksie know, they'll keep an eye on her.” Skaleg's typing was quick and efficient.

“Thank you... So, did Bruce Wayne call you?” Lash asked with a bit of hesitation.

“OH! Do not get me started on that bull shit! How the fuck did you even approach the subject with him!? Thankfully the info on the Father, Daughter duo Zatara and Zatanna checked out. So we at least know he's encountered magic! If he hadn't you would have been in serious trouble Lash! Course you wouldn't have called me if you knew you had broken the rules! Fuck!” Skaleg went from angry, to happy, to a bit of pride in his voice at the end. Lash had a grimacing smile on his face. His file on the Warden page had been updated.

“Yes, he contacted me. He was so far out of my pay grade that I had him contact the Warden HQ directly. As far as I know they are suppose to talk today. The likely hood that he'll become a Warden is next to zero. But, having a high profile case like him on the up and up will help us out a lot. If things go smoothly you'll get a huge bonus for tying him in with us. Maybe we could ask him to help us with this Ares cult bullshit!” Skaleg had said that last part with regret.

“How are the societies doing? Any updates?” Lash was a little scared to ask, he already guessed what was going to happen.

“A majority of the older generation wants to ride the storm out and keep things the way they are. But a lot of the younger generations don't. With that alien guy in Metropolis, and Diana the Princess of Themysicra running around in broad fucking daylight! The younger ones want to come out of the shadows. Claiming its a new world, people are more educated now. They'll be understanding. Plus we can just say we are aliens from another world. They are fucking idiots is what they are!” Skaleg was yelling by the end of it. But Lash could hear the concern in his voice.

“I'll start doing some nightly patrols. Both with the community watch and on my own as a Warden. Gotham is getting...Active. People are on shorter fuses.” Lash said to Skaleg. Despite his many skills, abilities, and strengths. Lash was still very much a nobody in the world. Wonder Woman could sneeze on him, and it would probably kill him.

“That would be great! Tell you the truth we've actually had an influx of recruit's. Many of them heard about Erik Lash's exploits of finding a bomb and saving the day. I'm sure you showing up will help temper some of the young and stupid.” Skaleg laughed.

They soon finished talking, and hung up. Lash stood up and went to his bedroom for a change of cloths. He put on some athletic casual wear. You know things that look good, but allow you to move in. Black boots, loose but fitting pants, long sleeved muscle shirt, leather jacket that extended to his thigh. Put a nice winter cap on. Standing in front of the mirror he looked like he cos playing as a well dressed thug. He got his important effects including his Warden badge. Double checked his home, then locked up and left his building. He looked around, as the morning sun was still rising, he picked a direction and started walking.

Lash saw the duel imagery of the mundane world over the magical world. He looked and saw how roots were growing over the concrete, connected to towering tree's that people walked through with no effect. He saw a six limped dog creature tear into another denizen. Eating it for breakfast. The dog then chased after a jogger before leaping through them. But for Lash the creatures all moved around him as he was a boat sailing through the seas. Many of them stopped to watch, a few even walked up and sniffed him. Lash stopped more then once, to pet the creatures. Which earned him a few stares from the people, watching him pet nothing. Lash was like a juice box to these things. Thanks to the Nature Domain he naturally gave off energy they could feed on.

“Come on guys! Why are you doing this! I'm just on my way to work!” Lash stopped and heard a voice. He traced a few steps back and saw a man being held up against a wall. Two thugs held him there as another thug was riffling through the mans wallet. Lash rolled his eyes and walked down the way towards them. Thanks to Ares a lot of people, normal common people that would never do things. Were breaking the laws these days. Ares influence made people quick to anger, to rage, to killing.

“You are on your way to work, and this is our work. Making sure idiots you stop walking through our turf thinking a short cut will save you time!” The third thug was pulling out ID's, credit cards, and some cash. Before he stopped and looked towards the street to see Lash standing there. Holding in his hand was a Gotham PD badge. The thug stopped.

“H...Hello officer.” the third thug said. His companions turned around and let the man go from the wall.

“Give him back his wallet, and the items with in it. And I'll just imagine I didn't see anyone today. Alright?” Lash said clearly to all four of them. Several creature denizens were near by watching the show.

“Sure sure!” The third thug put everything back, and shoved it into the mans hand. The man took it back and made a beeline for the street.

“Next time! Stick to the streets! Don't take a short cut!” Lash said to the man as he passed. Lash put away his glamoured badge and looked at the thugs. “Go on! Like I said I didn't see anything.” Lash watched as the thugs breathed a sigh of relief and took off down the alley.

Lash continued on his walk, by noon he had stopped fifteen muggings, ten purse snatching, and helped a little girl find her missing cat. The last one was actually pretty easy he just asked the denizens for help and the cat was found around the block. The cat said to Lash it went out hunting! Then he, the girl, and the cat home went back to their home. To which the little girls mother was first angry, then suspicious of Lash then when he took out his badge she was mollified. Lash said goodbye to them. Lash stopped at a street vendor that was owned by a were-rat. The man was spooked when he saw Lash. He laughed, paid for his food and gave him a nice tip. The man kept nodding his head again and again. Lash walked into a corner street park. Despite the cities clear attempt and keeping up and up. The place was dying.

It was winter, but this was different. This wasn't one of those huge city parks you could hold parties at. This was a corner park, that was built for little kids to play in. He finished his meal, and threw it away. He then walked further in. The play ground was a mess, the tree's were dying or knocked over. The concrete was smashed. Lash was....Angry. He looked at the tree's, once something was dead it was out of his hands. But if it was dying, that was something he could work with. He walked around the little park and cast Nature's Supplement on the tree's, the frozen plants, the dirt! Which would make great fertilizer. Then cast Decomposition on the dead tree's and plants. He put a simple glamour around himself while he worked. A majority of the people that walked by saw nothing, but a few Super-natural people, and a few human mystics stopped and watched him. Then he used a recently acquired spell...

Nature Domain Spell, Restoration; Something broken? Something old? Well use this spell to restore it to a previous version of it. No! Its not time travel, you just use your magic to fix it and return it to previous condition. As long as it comes from nature, you can use nature to restore it. Unlike other Druids, you firmly believe that a concrete city is just another Jungle. Welcome to the Jungle! We've got fun and games!

Lash spent the next two hours fixing the park up. The kids play ground was restored, the concrete was settled, the park returned to what it should have been. Yes, its winter, yes its cold. But the park looked like a park again. Lash sat down on one of the restored benches. He was breathing heavily he had a smile on his face but was exhausted. This took a lot more energy then he thought. Then in front of him was cup of what smelled like hot chocolate being held by an old man. He had gray hair with flannel hat. Brown skin with wise old eyes. A scarf wrapped around his neck. A big wool coat on, with pants and brown shoes. Wool gloves, the man had a smile on his face. Lash took the offered drink.

“Thanks.” Lash said as he sipped carefully.

“Thank you! May I sit?” The old man asked, before Lash gesture for him. “My grand-daughter use to come down here. But about a week ago some people trashed this place and the city hadn't fixed it. But I can tell her its fixed now! I get to say a Warden did it too!” The old man sipped his drink as well. Almost to emphasize the point some kids came running into the park and started playing. Followed by their parents.

Lash continued to drink, as the illusion around the man peeled away. He had red skin, claws on his hands and feet, and the stereotypical devil tipped tail. But still wore the same cloths. Lash knew this type, it was a humanoid demon type. Imagine thousands of years ago demons bred with humans. Their off spring were the half demons that brought chaos and destruction. But as generation after generation flew by that desire to destroy and sew chaos dwindled out. Now, they are just people. Majority of them only have about 10% demon blood in them. But even that is enough to make them look like that.

“Didn't seem right leaving it like that. I'll probably get an ear full later for using my magic in the view of the public. But....I think it was worth it.” Lash said taking another drink. Lash watched as the older human/demon waved at a little girl with who he assumed was her mother. They waved back, as the little girl ran into the playground to play.

“I think you'll be fine, you set up a glamour before you started. To most people the place still looks wrecked. But as the glamour fades people will see a park and not think much of it. Happens all the time down here.” The man said as he stood. He offered to shake Lash hand which he did.

“See you around Warden Lash. Its nice to have a nice Warden walking around.” The old demon said, giving Lash a wink before joining his grand-daughter. He started pushing her on the swing. The little imp girl laughed!

Lash looked up and saw that there was only a few more hours left until sunset. Then he'll let Saurian out to play. Lash finished his drink and threw it away. Double checking the park one last time. All he could do was fixed, all he couldn't do was properly laid to rest. He watched with a smile as more families showed up. Even a few benevolent denizen creatures showed up to play in the park. The Natural energy the area was full of life thanks to Lash. Then he left, he wanted to find a nice place to eat before he shifted. He knew he wouldn't get back home until late... Hmmm Maybe pizza.

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