Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 22: Drugs! Vampires! Assault Rifles! Oh My!

CRASH! Saurian barreled threw a concrete wall straight into a hide out. Filled with strung out thugs, and tables full of powder. Before the dust settled he had bashed six gangsters into submission. Broken and bleeding on the ground. Small arms fire began to pelt into his body. His Damage Resistance kept sending prompts that its was growing. This was the third base he had cleared out. He sent a text audio to Gotham PD. Of course by the time they showed up the place would be ransacked by The Narrows. But something was better then nothing. Many of the men and a few woman he had beaten had the red taint on them. But not all of them did. He left the latter with all their limbs attached. He was sure he would get an earful from Batman about it some time. But he was starting to not care.

Saurian collected all the money he found, well specifically large bills and stored them in a bag. He had found a up and out of the way place to store the money, why? Legal fee's for the woman he was going to get from the Brothels. Maybe he could buy a storage system from the store. Lash learned the the Spatial Item Transformation didn't work for bags and things. It was only directly cloths and things you could store on them, like a phone or wallet in a pants pocket. Then he got a prompt...

Congratulations User! Your Cosmic Patron is impressed with your good Samaritan work. Understands your woes with what you need and want. They have granted you a storage skill.

Minor Storage: This is Minor! Emphasis on Minor! No you don't have a three by three by three cube in a pocket space. All this is? You can store money, be it cash, or coin. NOT! Gold bars, or gems. Just money. Like all your skills this will grow with time.

Saurian looked around into the night sky above him, and whispered a thank you. Not sure if the great being watching over them would hear it. He then moved back to his stash and sure enough he could store the money. Not the bags or the money clip bands. Just the money. He had collected three hundred thousand six hundred and twenty two dollars. Or so said the system tab. Saurian was happy for the skill, but curious...How does a storage skill grow? He'd figure it out later.

It had been several hours since his first interaction with the gang brawl, at this point miracles do happen! A Gotham PD zeppelin was above the narrows pointing its search light at the place, or what remained of the battle. The place had been stripped for parts, money, clothing, and even some of the bodies were gone. Though the zeppelin was there, Saurian did not see any ground units...Great. He continued on his mission in the Narrows. He had one more hide out, then a drug ring that was here. Before he planned to move to the brothels. Then another prompt appeared.

Congratulations User! You've accidentally completed another quest from your Cosmic Patron, John Woods the Alpha Lion Pride leader was killed recently, and you were rewarded for it. Now, you've indirectly helped Tonya Woods become the new Alpha Lioness of the Blood-Eye Pride. Due to obtaining vengeance threw your efforts and the friendship that you both share Tonya was able to win over the Pride. Your reward will be an evolution of a current skill.

Minor Regeneration, has evolved into Basic Regeneration: Now most small wounds heal at a visible rate, bones snap back into place as much as they are still mostly attached. Basic Regeneration are connected to the skill and racial trait, Damage Resistance, and Adaptation. User Please take note that the world continues to spin with or with out you. Your actions cause ripples that even you don't see.

Saurian gritted his fangs in pain as his entire body shifted and contorted for a moment. Old injuries that didn't properly heal were set and mended. It was both a liberating moment and excruciating. But once it had passed he found he could move quicker, he was more agile. Yay! Moving across the miniature city that was the Narrows. He flicked a few Calm Emotions at raging parents and couples about to break into a fight. It was a band aid for a bleeding gash, but something was better than nothing. He found his next target, he perched on a dilapidated building he spent a moment and used Restoration on a few parts so it wouldn't fall over. People were living it in after all.

“Who's there?” A feline voice said, Saurian looked down and saw a house cat had come outside to see what all the fess about. Instead of hissing at him it walked up and rubbed against him. Saurian cast his two favorite spells on the cat. It purred in pleasure then sat next to him watching him, watch the gangsters.

“They've been like that since as long as I can remember. They are not nice at all! Mean to my human!” The cat said to Saurian. Saurian recovered a hundred dollar bill from his storage folded it up and gave it to the cat.

“This is paper money the humans use. Its worth a lot, give it to your human. Should please them.” Saurian said gently. The cat purred and took the one hundred dollar bill, then left inside the house once more.

Saurian continued to watch, looking at the thugs. They were on high alert. They must have heard how all the gangs in the narrows were being targeted. He faintly heard a women groan in protest inside the house. The cat must have woke its human up. Then a shout for joy, the human found the money. Feeling a tug of compassion, Saurian spent another few minutes fixing up the roof of the broken house. The once fallen cat door to the roof was fixed, the roof didn't have a long visible crack in it anymore. Finishing up Saurian saw the cat came back up, visibly happy. Once he had finished, the cat came up and pawed at him.

“Thank you! She was very happy!” The cat licked Saurians face when he leaned over before going back through the cat door.

Saurian made sure his Chameleon, and Nature's Passage was re applied. During the night they had both ranked up. Taking less energy and lasting longer. Saurian braced himself, finding good footing before he leaped across the street. CRASHING! Through a wall!

“What the fuck! Shit its him! Its the fucking wraith! Fuck him up!” A well dressed thug screamed as bullets began to fly towards him.

Saurian leaped across the room and dug his claws into men left and right. The well dressed man fled through the door leaving his companions behind. Saurian pursued barreling through the door and sprinting down the hallway. Several doors opened up and people came streaming out all shooting the guns down the hall way. Even shooting their fellow members, not coordinated at all. At this point the kevlar shirt he had on was torn to shreds as was his pants. But his scales continued to be peppered with bullets. Soon his Damage Resistance to small arm fire made the damage negligible. Like air pellets from air soft guns. But this was dangerous, Saurian was getting over confident and he knew it. He berated himself for his recklessness. He soon began to dissemble the gang loosing track of the leader. After about ten or so minutes the hide out was silent. Well it was filled with groans and screams of pain. But no one was firing a gun any more.

Saurian collected the money he found in the open, large bills only. He used Decomposition on the drugs. Making them effectively worthless. He stepped out of the hide out, the street was empty save for a few heads peaking around the corner. Saurian dropped down and began to sniff out the leaders scent, traveling....East. He moved keeping the scent with him.

“Yo Wraith! You the fucking man! Fuck those guys up!” Saurian paused and looked over and saw a young man freeze, not expecting him to stop. Saurian just looked at him, the kid was pure for the most part no taint. Saurian wasn't sure why but he waved, then continued on. The kid laughed and waved back.

Moving through the town on the streets was dangerous so he cast another invisible bubble glamour. Soon people got out of his way, not seeing why, but not caring. Then he saw the man sprinting down the street pushing people out of the way. It was a stupid move, but he did it anyway. Saurian used Intimidating Shout the sound stormed down the street and across a city block. Everyone just froze in place stunned for a moment. Saurian leaped onto a wall and...

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Parkour: Ever heard of street running? Roof hopping? Free Running? Well now you have! This is an excellent skill for any one who spends a lot of time moving through the cities rooftops! You naturally see hand holds, beams that can carry your weight, as if the city it self was a jungle gym to you.

Saurians movements became like a fish in water. His speed increased exponentially across the rooftops having a near sixth sense on what could hold his weight and what couldn't. Eventually the whole street came out of their frozen in fear moment. People shouted, moved for cover expecting a shoot out to happen. But one man in particular was terrified.

“HELP ME! SOME ONE HELP ME! HE'S GOING TO KILL ME! HELP!” The thug sprinted down the street, every one made a wide berth for him. Several people cheered! Shouting he was getting what he deserved! Then chanting started. Saurian had only been operating for one night, but already his 'persona' had reached the whole narrows.

“Wraith! Wraith! Wraith!....” The people started to chant.

Saurian caught up to the man and pounced from a building right on top of him. The man collapsed his legs broke under the pressure. He screamed in agony and was crawling away.

“Please! SOME ONE! Oh god! Why! Please don't kill me!” Blood was gushing out of his legs, where the bones snapped through his flesh. Saurian prowled behind him savoring this moment. He knew it was stupid, he should just finish him but....

This mans bright red tainted aura was screaming at Saurian. This leader had done many horrible things, and the man liked it. He enjoyed causing suffering, torture, ruin, to men, women, children, elders. He didn't care. The red aura lingered in the air, and like a spider web a single strand reached out and attached to Saurian. Earning another prompt...

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Sherogoth's Punishment: You can now force the mind of the hell bound soul through everything they had done back to them. Now they will feel the suffering of what they have done. Though its in briefest of moments with in their mind. You of all people know how much can happen in the blink of an eye!

“AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!” The man began to scream, and scream, and scream.

The thrashed on the ground. Saurian planted his foot onto his back anchoring him still. Soon the punishment was to much for the man as blood vessel popped in his brain. Saurian could tell because blood blossom bloomed from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. The man fell dead on the street. Saurian leaned his head back and howled in victory. This wasn't Intimidating Shout, this was a call of victory. Whether the people knew why or not, didn't matter. People cheered! In a single night Saurian had removed nearly all the gangs in the narrows...

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Rallying Call: This skill can bring courage back to the masses, can bring an army to stand once more from the clutches of defeat. A word, a shout, even a roar filled with glory can make the weakest of people into heroes. For Pony!

Saurian then sprinted back to the roof tops and made his way towards Arkum. The drug ring was oddly near the asylum. The people continued to cheer after he had gone, many chanting the words 'Wraith!' As he moved from roof to roof he saw more GPD zeppelins and helicopters start to show up above the Narrows. But as far as he could see, no ground units. After a few minutes he found the warehouse, it was an old beat up storage facility that read condemned on the chain link fence that did nothing to keep any one out. As he visibly saw people moving the venom product in the open. Then he saw something that made him incredibly angry. He saw two GPD patrol officers, and man wearing casual cloths with a badge on his belt shooting the breeze with a well dressed woman. The grunts were fifteen feet from the cops, and selling venom, and other drugs. Then Saurian whipped around and stared at a man that was moving towards him on the roof. Who froze in place with Saurian saw him.

“Warden Lash, right?” The man whispered. The man swallowed in fear, because Saurian had moved from his position to about five feet in front of him in less then a second but froze when he spoke.

“Warden Lash is my Partner, Who are you?” Saurian growled...

“Hi there! I'm Dominick, I'm part of the Skree pack. Feel free to check me. I'm registered. Been many years since we've seen a Warden come down the Narrows. Let alone a vigilante type righting wrongs and all that. Don't worry I wont say nothin, I'd be more then happy to see you keep being you!” Dominick said, Saurian created a bubble around them which made Dominick confused. Even more so when Saurian took out a phone, took a picture of him, and sent it to Warden HQ for ID.

“Ok wait! You can use glamour? I thought you were a were-breed? Unless you have a pack I don't see?” Dominick began to look around.

Saurian winced under his shroud, he had made a mistake. A majority of the time Lash had a ring on or a bracelet. So when he raised his hand up people thought it was an item. Dominick could see past the Shroud, he saw that he wasn't wearing anything. He just flicked his hand and the bubble formed. Thankfully he didn't have to say anything, Dominick did it for him.

“Oh that's right! I heard that you can take cloths and item you wear into yourself for the shift. Wow! That stuff works even when its inside of you? That's pretty fucking awesome! I hope you can teach us how to do that some time.” The guy smiled wide, his eyes became distant imagining it. Saurian cleaned the none existing sweat that fell down his brow.

Were-Breeds have pack magic. It's a lot like Fae magic but very tamed. They can do simple glamour spells like silence, camouflage, minor memory alteration. All meant to help them stay hidden from the mundanes. But, the 'pack' has to be near by. Imagine each pack member was a glass, you needed at least four glasses of magic to cast a camouflage effect. Some Alpha's are strong enough on their own to cast some pack magic. But it generally takes a lot out of them.

Soon, Lash's phone beeped and Dominick was a registered member of the Skree pack. Mostly a scout or vanguard enforcer. Saurian tipped the phone to show Dominick showed up, the man smiled. Saurian tucked the phone away again. Now, Dominick was a 5' 9” Latino man, with cut short black hair. Who was wearing a thick winter coat, gloves, winter pants, and work boots. It was about twenty or so degrees Fahrenheit outside so below freezing. Saurian barely noticed. Saurian turned around and pointed at the where house. The cops and the possible drug leader was sipping coffee now. Still talking and laughing.

“Why is this place operational? Its right next to Arkham, do you know anything about those police officers?” Saurian asked. Dominick came right up next to him looking down. He could sense the glamour dome around them.

“They are paid up to the right people. Crap even some Societies use the stuff, especially that venom. Not all the societies are super strong, most of them are just normal human types. A few special differences. Eyes, skin color, usual stuff. They get bullied by the people who do have powers.... I know right!?” Dominick explained, then had to raise his hands in defeat when Saurian was surprised that not only did super-natural types use the stuff but were bullied by the more powerful types. Then Saurian looked at Dominick tilting his head, his scales rattled. The man for his credit put his hands up in surrender and spoke hurriedly.

“No! No! No! I don't use it and Rocksie would skin me alive if I bullied people! She actually sent me down here to help you. One of those girls you rescued was a mundane family members to one of our pack. She'd been missing for over a year! Shield and Sword contacted us when they recognized her missing info!” Dominick said, and breathed in relief when the blatant danger threat coming off of Saurian stopped.

Saurian watched as the cops seem to get their fill shook the womans hand and began to leave. He turned to look at Dominick then moved into his personal space. Moving into a personal space of a were-breed is a big deal. They are predatory animals, that are use to fighting. Dominick and his partner didn't move recognizing Saurian as the dominant monster on the rooftop.

“Want to help me?” Saurian asked, his snout inches from Dominick's face.

“Su...sure....” Dominick was terrified!

Saurian moved around to encircle him. Then he placed his hands onto the Were-rats back. Then he did something he had never done before but seem to know how to...

Congratulations User! You've obtained a skill, Awaken Trait: Saurian is a creature made from the imaginations of The Dream, from a Cosmic being. A amalgamation of different creatures, races, breeds, spirits, and the essence of time. A true Chimera! Contained with in his genetic code, mind and soul is a story that can not be told unless you have a great deal of time to spare. Using his heritage he can awaken and impart skills and traits that some would think are impossible! But hey! Its magic!

Dominick screamed in horrifying pain, as he fell to his knee's! Saurian watched in fascination, first time he had done this. Then he watched as the were-rat shifted, contorted, as his cloths he wore were sucked into his body. Then the Rat came out, but not in hours but minutes. After ten minutes Dominick the were-rat shuddered before his eyes opened, it stood shakily. Despite being a rat he was just as tall as his human form, covered in sleek black fur, long prehensile tail, with rat hands and feet. Big ears, and amber eyes. His whiskers twitched and looked at Saurian. Then looked around confused.

“Its been a little over ten minutes, your cloths were absorbed into your body. Just like me. Come, we need to follow the cops. They are not leaving here with out answering questions.” Saurian clapped the were-rat on the shoulder casting a glamour on him so he could hide. Yet another 'Wraith' was born. Then Saurian moved to catch up to cops who were still talking by there car.

Saurian cast Telepathy on him and Dominick. There was an audible snap like a radio turning on. Dominick paused for a moment looking around confused.

-Can you hear me? Saurian asked him. The rat looked around even more confused. -Its Telepathy, I have a lot of tools in my bag. Even if you can't talk yet its fine I'll feed you information as we go. Saurian said to Dominick the were-rat look at him from across the rooftops. Saurian could see the rat shiver but nod his head. -I hope I don't have to worry about you using the skill's I've given you to overthrow Rocksie, I like her. Saurian couldn't hear a reply but so much as feel one. Dominick liked Rocksie, he wouldn't betray her.

Saurian had moved to above the corrupt cops cars. Both were in un-marked vehicles. Saurian and Dominick perched just above them on opposite sides of the street.

“Do you know why so many of the Zeppelins are down here?” Officer one said.

“Ya, apparently some psycho was tearing up the Narrow's gangs. Sounds like a power move. Cause all the drugs and money in the hide outs were taken...” Casual cop...

“Oh great! You know what the commissioner will say! 'No body with out a badge fights crime in my town' Fucking twat! The man barely leaves city hall, and when he does he always stays up in the high rise. He's never been down to the narrows in the entire time he's been in office!”Officer two...

“Should we be worried about the warehouse?” Officer one...

“Nope! They pay us to keep the area cleared of cops! The Desk Sergeant always gets his cut. The Narrows hasn't seen any on duty cops in nearly four years! Despite what the precinct tells the Mayor” Casual cop...

“I can't believe Sergeant Ramirez is on the take, the guy coaches the little league base ball team!” Officer two...

“It's always the nice ones you have to watc...GAAHHHH!” Officer one screamed in agony!

Saurian was behind them at this point. He had cut the officers Achilles tendon, he was flopping around like a fish out of water on the ground. Before the officer two could get his gun out Saurian rushed his shoulder into him. Which cracked his sternum and sent him flying backwards into their car. The casual cop took out his gun only to scream in panic as Dominick came up from behind him, crushing his hand and the gun at the same time. Saurian had taken his phone out and recorded the whole conversation on a video. Saved it and put it away then went in to attack.

“Oh god! Oh God! You fucking morons messed up big time now! We are all cops! You fucking bitches are screwed! You! Gppeeeehhhhwwwww...” Dominick slugged the casual cop in the stomach. The man folded in half, vomited out his dinner and fell unconsciousness, Dominick dropped him to the ground.

“Your lucky we don't rip you all in half!” Dominick's guttural voice was barely heard over his rage.

Saurian liquefied their guns, destroyed their car engines, radios, and cellphones. He took their ID's as well as their badges. Putting them in Lash's pockets. He then sent the recording to Shield and Sword, and told them they had their badges and ID's to identify them. Standing up he pointed at the warehouse. Looking at Dominick.

“I'm going to bring that place down, I need you to catch, knock, or break any of them that leave. Your safety is important so if you get to deep in, move to cover. Try to remember where they run, we'll hunt them down together. 'IF' any of them escape. Alright?” Saurian articulated his words carefully. As more time seem to pass the primal disconnected creature Lash first knew was fading.

Dominick nodded his head, then they both climbed back up to the roofs towards the warehouse. The poorly trained guards didn't seem to react when they heard someone scream, thinking 'its the Narrows' Dominick sent a 'feeling' through the Telepathy he was ready. Saurian jumped from a rooftop over the poorly maintained chain link fence. Then slipped into the warehouse through a broken window. He climbed through the rafters gritting his teeth in disgust. Venom, Meth, Heroin, Vertigo. He crawled his way down from the rafters towards the barrels with the symbol flammable written on them. Over time his spell Burning has increased its range. He use to have to touch things, but he had room to maneuver. He channeled the spell and soon a delightful effect took place. BOOM! The barrels exploded in fiery dance of destruction and death as the entire room was swallowed in flame. Yes, Saurian included he was blasted through a wall by the percussion.

That was fucking stupid! He dug himself out of the wall, people were screaming. Many of them were on fire. Some one poked there head into the hole to see who went through it. They panicked when a six foot tall wraith stepped out of the crater. Then the shooting began! Saurian took a moment to pop his shoulder back into place or maybe it was a bone? His blood dripped from his wounds but oddly enough the blood turn to ash with in a few seconds of being out of him. He moved through the drug lab as more explosions occurred. Moving towards the back he saw people shouting as they were carrying stacks of money. Saurian sprinted over and bashed the half opened door down.

Inside was two muscle bound steroid flunkies strung up on Venom, as the stuff was pumping making them look unusually large. Then what made Saurian snarl in anger....Blood-Kindred. The pale skinned women behind the desk visibly paled further her mouth forming the word. 'Warden' The two flunkies sprinted at him as the women dropped everything she had then moved to the door and ran faster then an average human could run. Saurian hugged close to the ground then shifted immediately left. A bone spike on his tail slashed through one of the flunkies legs. He tripped and barreled into the wall. They were really top heavy! The other used his friend as leverage and tackled Saurian. Saurian using his body as a conduit cast Burning on the man. He held his grip for about two seconds before he screamed in pain and dropped him. Saurian then used Sooth, and Nature's Supplement. Then man dramatically shrunk as the Venom was pulled from his body, the burns were third degree or worse but thanks to the supplement they would heal. Saurian reached out and pulled the venom from the other man who was still trying to pull himself from the wall. He then moved to the door and went after the Kindred.

Saurian sprinted past several people who were running. -Dominick! There is a Blood-Kindred coming your way! She is the priority! If you can't stop her, slow her down! Saurian used the Telepathic link. Dominick sent a confirmation. Saurian then bashed down a wall, it was quicker to go straight then around. He saw the Kindred fighting Dominick, she was wielding a silver dagger. Dominick was staying out of her reach but kept her from leaving. Saurian used Intimidating Shout, his roar cascaded through the area. All the gangsters and thugs that were running either fell face first, or to their knees in shock! The Kindred included, Dominick was not effected. He leaped forward and wretched the dagger from her. She quickly woke up and punched him in the face, which did very little damage. She then turned in horror as Saurian was leaping through the air about to pounce on her. Dominick twisted out of the way as the kindred came down hard! Bones snapped! Her head nearly caved in as it hit the pavement. But she'd live. Saurian took the offered dagger from Dominick and nailed her to the ground with it. Straight through her shoulder.

Another explosion rang from the warehouse, it was burning now! A little over two dozen gangsters ran but neither Saurian nor Dominick moved to catch them. They only had eyes for the Kindred. Saurian took a picture of her face and sent it to Warden HQ. Then sent a message of what had happened. They needed a Shield and Sword response team along with the Wardens. He also sent a message to Rocksie. Dominick asked. Saurian changed their glamour from two wraiths to two FBI agents wearing tact gear, with FBI clearly on their vests.

“I don't know where you get your glamour charms, but I really want one! Never heard of The Warden's having items like that.” Dominick's throaty growl said to Saurian.

Saurian kept his face neutral as a GPD zeppelin showed up and shined a spotlight on them. Saurian held up a 'FBI badge' Not that they could see it. Saurian reached down and pulled the silver dagger out of the kindred. Then pulled her up right, she pulled another dagger from no where and stabbed it into his forearm, the thing barely went in an inch. Saurian didn't even flinch. Both Dominick and kindred were wide eyed. She tried again and again but nothing happened. Soon Saurian yanked it out of her hand. He handed both daggers to Dominick who took them carefully.

The women stayed on her knee's. Saurians clawed hand had dug into her flesh, and was holding on to her collar bone. She'd have to rip her own arm off to get away. She kept begging them to let her go. She offered to pay them, give them drugs, women, all the standard stuff. Soon a black custom helicopter landed near them, then another. -Dominick get behind me. Saurian called and re positioned himself so the girl was on her knees in front of him. He was shielding Dom as the men and women from the choppers came filing out and raised assault rifles and pointed them down range at them. They wore full tactical gear and masks. Kindred team.

“Good Morning Warden Lash! You've been busy!” One of the tact team members walked up, weapon still pointed at them. The voice had a modulation on it to keep them from recognizing them.

“Talon help me!” The woman kindred on her knees screamed. Saurian crushed more of her shoulder. Which made her yelp in pain, the men and women in tact gear all jostled to open fire. -Dominick I'm going to toss the women to you, use her as a shield. It may not help, they could be here to silence her or to bring her in. But its better then nothing. Dominic gave a confirmation as he slowly braced.

“Now! Now! Nat. Lets not give away all our names to the nice Warden! Look, we are here to retrieve her. She's important to some one. We don't have any desire to kill a Endless Chosen. But we will if you make us.” The man pointed at the GPD Zeppelin, and one of the team shot something with a...wand? The zeppelin then stopped circling us and left the scene. We were alone.

With one swift motion Saurian threw the woman to Dominick. Who caught her and used her as a kindred shield from enemy fire. Then Saurian reached out with his hand and used his Nature Domain to call something. This wasn't a spell per say! He created fog of war! Really, really thick fog! A WALL of fog consumed him and the surrounding area. You couldn't see five feet in front of you. Near a hundred rounds of Silver Enchanted bullets fired to his position. He hugged the ground and moved away from Dominick. Thankfully the fire was concentrated on him, looks like they needed Nat.

With a snap of his claws Saurian and Dominick returned to being Wraiths. Appearances were important! Saurian circled around the group as they continued to fire towards his position they must have him zeroed in, but they couldn't lock down his position. The fog was his creation as well as part of Nature he could see through it. He moved to the choppers and ripped out their tail rotors. They were grounded now. Behind the cover of the chopper he sent a quick SOS to The Wardens. Under attack! Kindred team! Believe it or not this was actually a speed dial option. Telling him how often that happened! The thing beeped and sent out both magical and technological signal. Talon shouted a curse!

“Fuck! He got a signal out! We got ten minutes to wrap this up!” Talon shouted. Saurian smiled, ten minutes was plenty!

Saurian sprinted from the choppers cover and barreled his way towards them. They reacted like a well trained group of soldiers and unloaded over a hundred rounds of Enchanted bullets at him. He made the same fucking mistake again! Over Confidence! They ripped through his body like butter but didn't slow him down. Damage Resistance, Adaption, Basic Regeneration were all giving prompts that they were ranking up. Then he was upon one of them, he carved through one using his claws and bone blades nearly bisecting the kindred. Then moved on! Tore the arm off another, ripped the lower abdomen out of the third. They all had to stop and reload at this point. Several of them drew their side arms which would do nothing to Saurian. He disassembled them and cauterized the wounds with Burning. Screams of pain rang out, because if its cauterized they will have to cut off the burnt area's before they can properly heal. Five minutes into the fight, Saurian must have over a hundred holes in him. But he was still moving, he was curious what his rank was. He'd check it when this was over. The pilots of the choppers at some point came out, and tried to run. They screamed that the tail rotors were gone! They lost a leg each.

“What the fuck! What the fuck! WHAT THE FUCK!” Talon was shouting over and over.

His assault rifle was empty now, he kept pulling the trigger as Saurian was casually walking towards him. The fog slowly faded, and the carnage was seen for all. Over two dozen kindred soldiers were in pieces on the ground groaning in pain. Calling for help. Talon was shaking in horror. He dropped his gun reached to his side and pulled out a silver long sword from no where and rushed Saurian. He swung wide and idiotically or because it was cool. Saurian reached out and gripped the blade. It dug in! Simply from the force of the swing, but didn't cut through. Before Talon could react Saurian ripped his arm off and cauterized the stump. Talon fell to the ground screaming before having his faced bashed in by a pissed off reptile!

The rumble of a new chopper was inbound. This one Saurian recognized as a Warden chopper. Followed closely by a Shield and Sword chopper. Saurian walked over to Dominick who was standing out in the open, shaking in fear, his tail was in his hands possessively. The female kindred named 'Nat' was on her knee's unrestrained looking at him in horror. Saurian walked right up to her, she was frozen stiff.

“I guess your not leaving now....”Saurian said with a smile.

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